Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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    rfllfi DAILY BBE-FKIUAtf MAY 4.
nbrasfca- National Bank ,
Of Onuth * , N b.
Up Capital , - $ aBOOOO
. JOHNSON , President , ot Bt lt , Johnson A
K. TOUZALIN , VIM IWiUiil , c ! 0. , B 4 Q
R. IU , Boston.
V. IfOnSK , ol V. T. Morw * Oo.
OHN 8. OOLLIN8 , of 0. II. & J. 8. Oolllni.
; . M. WOOLWOKTU , OoanMlloi lad Attorns/-
L. B. BRED , ot Bjron ReeJ 4 Oo.
H. W. YATKS , Oublet , Ut Cuhler ot tbs Firs !
Rational Bulk of Onuha , ad connecttd with
at Ktlre nunkgtmint ol lull Btnk sine * It *
orttnlutlon In 1863.
OruiD lor btulneM April 27 , 1832 , with Iht
( tit ciylU ! cl Jb u la Mebruka
Ooixicnont recclre special attention and chat
let lowMt obUlntMt here or tlxwhert.
ImaiuT allowed on time ilepoelU upon l vot.
kbit tctmi and upon account ! ol banks and bank-
roiiian EioiURHi , Government Bondi , and
Count * and City Cectloa bought and gold ,
It li prepirrd to do a general tanking biulnetl
all Iti detail ! , and In the treatment ol custom-
ri In will puriuo the mc t liberal policy conill-
lent trlth'u.'o banking.
Btocki , IkmJi , Commercial I'apor and all other
Good securltUs ( U-a't In
Koom 4 , No , ! 28 1'earl St , , Council DluTs ( , la.
pedal Dispatch to Tin tin
Money Loaned at 34@5 per cent
closing offered at 3 per cent.
Prime Mercantile Paper -G@64 per
Sterling Exchange Bankers' bills dull
and heavy at 4 82J ; sterling exchange de
mand , -1 85J.
Governments J per cent lower for 3's
and 4's ; unchanged for 4 4's and extend
ed 5's ,
The stock market was stronger and
higher to-day up till the last hour , when
there was a reaction of J per cent In Mew
York Central to 1234 ; 1 Per cent on Like
Shore ; 2 per cent In Lackawanna ; j per
oint In Denver , but in the last quarter
thorn wai a recovery of J@4 per cant in
these. The changes left the market l@t
per cent higher than at the close.
Sttur-Uv. To-day.
8' 1034 103J
6' 103 103
44'i Coupons 1181 113 $
4's llOg 119J
PUfifi' of ' 95 127 127
Cittral Pacific Brats 114J
Lrie seconds 981
Lehlgh & Wilkesbarre 100
Louisiana consols 64V
Missouri G'a 112
Bt. Joseph 110J
St , Paul & Sioux City firsts. .IIOJ
Tennessee G'n 40
do now 414
Texa * & Pacific land grants. . G4 ?
do R. Cl. div. . . . 83J (
Union P.icifio 1st mortgage. . 114j
do land grants . .1074
do sinking fuud..HG
Virginia 6'i 3 :
i'o ' consols G's 374
do deferred 11
Adams Express 127
Allegheny Central 1104
Alton ft Terre Haute G8
do pfd. . . . 92
American Kinross 91
Burl. , Oodar Rapids & North. 81
Canada Southern G74
O. , St. L. & P 201
do pfd 53 ?
Central Pacific 773
Chesapeake & Ohio 21
do 1st pfd. . . 31J
\ do 2d pfd. . . 23
Chicago & Alton 1334
do pfd 13G
Chi. , Burl. & Quincy 127J
Obi. , St. L. & Now Orleans. . ' "
Oln. , Smd. & Cleveland. . . 4. )
GloveCol. . & Cincinnati. . 74 }
Delaware it Hudson canal , , .109 ?
Del. , Lack. & Western 128 ; .
Denver & Rio Grande 51 +
Erie 37j
do pfd. . . 78
East Tennessee 10J
do preferred 2U
Fort Wayne * Chicago 133
Hannibal & St. Joseph 39
do pfd. 93
Harlem 194
Houston A Texas Central. . . . 73
Illinois Central 145J
Ind. , Bloom. & Western 30.
Kansas & Texas ! 0 ,
Lake Erie & Western 30
Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . 1121
Louisville & Nashville 51
Louisv. , Now Alb , & Chicago 55
M. &L. 1st nfj . . lido
do do 2d pfd 5
Memphis & Charleston 42
Michigan Central 951
Memphis & St. Louis 281
do pfd 58
Missouri Pacific 105
Mobile Ohio 174
Morris A Kesex 121
Nashville & Chattanooga 56
New Jersey Central 763
Norfolk & \V 45
Northern Pacific 61&
do pfd M )
Northwestern 186 J
no pfd 161 *
New York Central 1251
Ohio Central 12 }
Ohio & Mississippi 344
do pfd..105
Ontarli A Western 2tij
Oregon Transcontinental 851
Pacific Mail 42
Peoria , Decatur & Evansr. . . 20 201
Pittsburgh Cleveland 131
Pullman Palace Oar 129.
Reading 50
Rook Island 12
Bt. Louis & San Fran 32
do pfd 524
do 1st pfd 98
3t. Paul * Milwaukee 1041
do pd..ll9 ( ?
Bt Paul , Minn. A Manitoba.13W
Bt. Paul * Omaha 50 ?
A3 pfd 1071
Texas t Pacific 39
Union Pacific 9t > 4
United States Expres 58
Wabftsh , St. L. & Pacific. . . . 30J
do pfd. 4111
Wells , Fargo & Co. Express.124
Western Union Telegraph. . . 82J
Homeatake 15
Ontario 20
Quicksilver S
do ufd 421
South Pacific b
Batro 20
Ipec ! l DlspttchM to Tui Dsi.
, OHKKQO , May 3. Flour Markel
dull and unchanged.
Wheat Market dull and nnchangeJ ;
rwnlar excited and higher ; 1 13 } for May
115i@l 154 for June ; 1 171ol ( ) 173 foi
July ; 1163 for August and September
1 124 for the year ; No. 2 Chicago sprinif ,
1131 ; No. 3 Chicago spring , 9d@97c ; No !
1 red winter , 114.
Corn Market quiet and firmer ; 55J ( §
Jnne ; 5D3@591o for Jnly ; 69jo for An
gust ; 53 1 fr the year , '
Oats Market qultt but firm ; 42Jc foi
and MAT ; -l.lia for June ; 43o for
ul ? : 35-j@3 j ) ( or AiiRUit ; 3'j33j ( or
> c r.
Uyo-Mn'hctfirmt.t G2iJ.
llirtey MarVet dull tul nominal at
Flax Sco.l-Scarce nnd firm at 145. '
Pork-Market active , but hither : 19 't ,
319 60 ( or cash ; 19 6) for May ; 19 G'2@
9 ( for June ; 19 fcO@19 824 for Julv ;
9874GS199.1 tar Augmt ; 19 95@19 974
or September ; 17 20 lor the year ,
Irtrd Demand native and prlcoi ba > e
dvanced ; 11 G/J@11 / 70 ( or c h and May ;
I 824 for June : 11 92KSU 95 ( or Ju'\ ' ;
I 85@11 874 for August ; 11 70@ll 75
or September ; 10 80 ® 1U 85 ( or the
Bulk Meats In fair demand ; shoulders ,
CO ; short rib , 10 00@1065 ; short clear ,
Butter -Market quiet and unchanged.
EKKS Mirkct qnlit and unchinged.
Whisky Market quiet and unchanged
Freights Rates on corn to Buffalo , S4c
er bnihel.
CALL BOARD. Wheat Active , but
owerl ; 12)J ) for May ; 1 15J for June ; 1 17 |
or July ; 1 16J for August.
Corn In Ulr demtrd but at lower
te ; r)5Jc ) ( r May : 67l@57jj | for June ;
8I@MlJ fnr July ; 59 0 lor August.
Oats Firmer ; advsncad j ] for Miy ; ad-
0 for July ,
Pork Demand fair und prices higher ;
dvanced 24 ? for May , June and An-
ut.Luil Demind fal- and prices 5s higher
> r May ; 2tc higher for July auJ An
ns' .
ST. Louia , Miy 3 , Flour Firm and
Wheaf Matket active ; very unsettled ;
rrfpular ; higher ; No. 2 red fall , 1 14@
114 for cash ; 1144 f'r ' May ; 1 lf > M
Uj , cloaisR at 1159 ( or June ; 11 t )
U closing at 1 153 for July ; 1 l'S@
IB-j , closing at 1 lei for August ; 1 IGJfl
174 , closing at 1 16 | for September ; 113) ) )
@ 1 14 , clottnc at 1134 for the year , No. 3
ed full , 109
Corn Higher ; very slow ; f > 3@54o tor
neb ; 52M fiUc : for May ; 63Jia)5tj ( ) for
fuue ; GlJitOoJ. ) for Julj ; 4/Jia)471o ( ) for
he ytar
O ls-432@lla for ouh ; 43J@433j for
fay ; 45. : tor June ; 43o for July.
Rye Market dull ; SUJohll ,
Barlov Market quiet at 03(2 ( 75o.
Coin Meal Marke1 : firm a' 2GO
Butter Market quiet ; dairy , 20@23c ;
creamery , 'JC(333c. (
Eigi Market steady ; 12@14c.
Pork Marka firm ; jobbing at 19 GO.
Bulk Meats Mkrket dull ; long clear
045@1050 ; khort rib , 1055@1060 ;
hort clear 10 f.0@10 . 60.
Bicon Very slow and unchanged ; only
Hiding trade ; long clear , 11 OJ@11 124 ;
hort rib 11 12J@11 25 ; ihort clear ,
1 424@ll 50
Latd Qiiet ; 1125
. 153 ( or June and July 1 15jj ( or August ;
L liifc for the je r.
Corn Lo er aud Inactive ; 52Js for
day ; 53Jo for Juno , 55Jo for July ; SGjjj
or August ; 47i f Jr the year ,
O.Us Lowe- and slow ; 60Jo bid for
unc ; 42j for July.
KANSAS CITT , May 3. Wheat Higher ;
To. 2 rod f )19Gj.s ) bU for c sh ; 97i@97jc
or May ; 93o bid for June ; 954 bid for
0 rn Hlghei ; 4313 for cash ; 45o bid
or June ; 4GJJ ] bid ( Jr July ,
TOLKDO May 3. Noon Board.
Vheat Market turner ; No. 2 red winter ,
17 for cash and May ; 118i for June ;
194 for July ; 1184 "r Augmt ; 1 20g
, sked for Octo'icr ; 11GJ for the year.
Corn Market dull ; No. 2 , GOlo for
ash ; ( iOo for May ; Glc asked for Juno ;
i2j bid for July.
OitsMurkut dull ; No. 2 , 44Jj for cash ;
51 asked for May.
BoAiti ) CLOSKD Wheit Lower ; No
! red winter , 11C1 for cash : 1 16 bid for
il y ; 1174 for JUDO ; 1 If i for July ;
18 fnr August ; 118 $ for September ;
/O for October ; 11C for the year.
Corn Lower ; No. 2 , 694o bid for cash ;
i91Md for May ; 601 f ° r June.
Oats Dull ; No. 2 , 4l4o bid for My.
NEW YonK , M y 2. Flour Market
irm ; common to good extra , 4 25@4 50 ;
xtra Ohio , 4,25@7 00 ; St. Louis , 4 25 ®
Wheat Cash lots stronsc nnd Jglo
ligher ; options optned 4@13 higher , but
Afterwards lost the advance , declined Jl2 ,
loilng stronger ; ungraded red , 1 07@1 24 ;
teamer N ) 2 rd , 1 19 ; No. 2 red , 1 244 ;
levator. 1 231 ; in store ungraded white.
. 13@117 ; steamer No. 2 do , 95c ; No 2
white , 1 09 delivered ; No. 1 white. 9,000
btuhols , I 1541 1C ; No. 2 red , 500,000
'usbols ' , 1 22f@l : 23Je , c'o ' < lnc at 1123 ;
Juno 1,000,000 buthal * , 124J@125 , closing
. ! | ,
Corn Cish l@lo It wer ; options opened
@ 3i better , uj equently lost the advance ,
closing a shade lower ; ungr ded , G0(2674c ( ;
No 3. G5@G5Jo ; steitner , GG@G8c ; No. 2 ,
Oata Unsettled ; i@4(3 ( lower ; mixed
wejtern , 50 52c ; white western , 53@ 8s.
Barley-Quiet but steady ,
E gs Western fresh a shada stronger at
IGlo.P .
P rk New mess , 2000 ; options nomi
Cat Meats - Q jiet but steady.
L'jrd Piime ntoam , 11 ai@ll 874 ; 11 8G
jll 90 for Ma ; 11 90@11 91 for June ;
II 88@U 93 for July ; 11 83@11 92 for
August ; 11 80@11 85 for September ,
Spoclil DtipatchM to Tni B .
OHJOAQO , May 3 , The Drovers' Jour
nal reprtH aa follows :
Hogs Market active and stronc ; ( food
lietvy graHe < 5o higher ; inixeJ , 090@7 25 ;
heavy , 7 20@7 G5 ; light , G 85@7 40 ; ' '
3 75feG tO.
Cattle In active demand ; general trade
uiak and 5@10c higher ; exports. G 35@
G 65 ; coed to cb' ioi shiuplnp , G CO@G 35 ;
common to fttlr , 5 60&5 9 > .
Sheep M.irket fuir ; active and stronger ;
common to fair,3 7ol 50 ; coed to choice- ,
5 50@5 75.
KANSAQ CITT May 3. The Commer
clal Indicator this afternoon reportu 5s
[ ollows :
C ttle Market firm ; yesterday's decline
lecovered ; shipping steers of 1,050 to 1,3 JC
pound ] sold at 6 45@5 85 ; etocker.i and
teener ? , 4 25@4 SO ; cows. 3 50@5 00.
Hogs Ranging at G 90@7 20 ; bulk of
sales at G 95.
Sheep Market steady at 4 10 ; average ,
4 35 ,
Nnw YOHK , May 3. The Drovers'
Journal Bureau reports :
Cattle Nothing doing In beef cuttle ;
dressed beef , steady and a shade firmer ;
choice selling at 10 00@11 CO ; city , 9 50 ®
Sheep-Stronger ; 4 G5@G 00 per cwt.
for clipped ; G00@7 50 ( or unshorn ; 400
@G 50 per head ( or spring Uaba ,
Hogs No tales.
ST. Loms , May 3. Cittle-Market
active and firm ; heavy steers , Including
exports , 6 OOfgG 50 ; light to good , 5 40(4
5 SID ; common to medlum,5 25 ; good cows
and heifers , 4.60tf5 ! 2 , ' . ; common. 3 50 ®
2o ; miockers and feeders , 4 50g523 ( ,
grais Texans , 4 50@5 25.
Sheep -Market steady ; common to fair
sheared , 3 2n@4 23 ; good to choice , '
, ihthlp- ?
. , luVmlied to B ° od P cklnc ,
C 75@715 ! ; butchers'to extra , 7 20@7 35
Mftde from the wild flowers of the
It la the most fragrant ol perfume
Manufactured by II. B. Slavon , Sin
Franclioo. Foriale In Omaha by W
J , Whltehouia ard Kennard Bro
4p ctti t > lj | timi * to Tui list
ClllOAQO , May 3. Heoolpti and ih ! [ > -
incnts of Hour and grain for the past
24 hours have been as follow * :
KeidliU. Shlp'ti
Flonr-bbls . 1300 }
Wheat bushels . 1(000 (
Corn " . 1UO.WX )
OaU " . 100(00
Kyo " . 12,000
Barley- " . ' . ' 6.COO
Niw YOHK , May 3. Receipt * and
thlpmenU of flour and grain for the past
24 bourn hare been M follows :
IlecelpU Bho'ti
Klour-bbls . 10,000 S.rOO
Wheat-bushtls . 31,000 5 ,000
Corn- " . 100,000 10,000
OaU- " . . 33(00
ST , Louis , May 3. - lleoelpti and
shipments of flour and grain for the past
48 hours have been ai follows :
Koceluti. Bblp'ts.
Klonr barrels . 4,000 4,000
Wheat bushel . 10,000 9,000
Corn " . 25,000 100,000
Oata- " . 21,000 34,030
Kyo " . . . . . 3tCO
llarley- " . 2,000
TOLEDO , May 3. 1'ecclpts and ship
ments of tbur and grain for the past 21
hums have been as follows :
Itec'U. Shlpm'ts
Vheat . 33,000 4GrCO
Corn . 10,000 42,000
OaU . 3,500 1,000
KANSAS CITT , May 3. Kecelpts and
hlpmenU of grain for the past 24
tours have been as follows :
Reo'U Shtp'U.
Vheat. bnshela . 5.000 1B.OOO
Corn " . 4,000 3,003
NEW YonK , May 3. Iluceipta and
hlpuienta of live stock for the past 24
icurs have been as follows :
Itec'ta Bhlp'U
Isevec , carloads , . . . . 250 . . . .
Quartern of brof . 1,300
Jarca sas ul mutton . 200
iheep , carloads. . 85
log ? , carloads , . 1,800 . . . .
CHICAGO. May 3 , Receipts aud ship
ments of live stock for the past 2-1
lours have been as follows :
Keo t j. Shipm'ta.
Hog . 15,000 5,000
Cattle . 5,0.0 2,400
Sheep . 1,500 | 200
KANSAS OUT , May 3 , Receipts and
hlpments of live stock for the past 21
lours have been as follow * :
Reo'U , Shlpm'ts.
'attle ' . 1,400
Hogs . 6.3',0
Sheep . GOJ . . .
3r. Louis , May 3. Receipts and
shipments of live stock fet the past 24
lours have been as follows :
Reo'U. Bhlpm'ts.
Cattle . 4,300 12,300
Sheep . 1,400 500
Hogs. . GOO 1,000
Wholoualo Price * .
Thursday Evening , May 3. J
The following are the only changes re
jorted In the market to-day :
Wheat , cash , No. 2 advanced Ic ; No.
Ryp , cash , No. 2 advanced Ic ,
Svrup , common , declined 4c ; standard ,
> er keg , 8)c. )
Sugar , confectioners A , declined ic.
Mdtt , ham advanced | : ; salt sides
advanced Js ; ilry do. advanced Jc ; bacon
advanced Ic , and shoulders Jc.
Grain ,
WnKAT.-Oash No. 2 , 9,5c ; cash No.
3 , 78ic ; rejected , 74o.
BAKLKY.-OaabNo. 2 , U5 : ; ITo. E ,
IlYK-Oash , 483.
CORN- New mixed , 38j.
POTATOES 25@60o per tiuahol ,
ONIONS-Old25o per bushel.
BUTTKKChoico country , 10j.
1JUGS Kresh , 134o.
HONEY CaliforjiR. perlb , 31.
APPLES Per barrol. § 2 25@3 25.
ORANCIES-Califoinia , 3 50 ; Messina ,
401@3 * > 00.
LKMONS-35 00@5 cO per box.
HEANb Nnvy per bushel , 2 B0 2 75.
SEKDS-BliiB K SS eeed , 123@150 ;
, 'mothj- reed , 2 10@2 25 ; ted clover seed ,
9 00 ; white clover eeed. 13 00 ; millet seed ,
.00 ; Hungarian seed , 1 10 ; orchard grata
ieod , 2 50.
Live Stock
PATTLEFat steers , $5 00@5 50.
PAT cows-si oo@4 25 ,
Flour and MlllstufTs ,
Best winter wheat- 00@3 75.
Second quality winter wheat 275@32 5.
Best spring wheat-2 G ) @ 2 75.
Second quality spring wheat 2 41@2 50.
Bran , pt-r ton 16 00.
Chopped Feed , per ton 1C 00.
CHICKENS Live per doz. , 81 00 ®
4 50. Dressed , per Ib. , 15c.
DUOKS-Dresiad , per Ib , , loc.
Grocers List
CANNED GOODS Oy ten , ( Stand
ard ) , per caae , 3 70@390 ; utrawber
riea , 2 Ib , per cane , 2 40 ,
berries , 2 Ib , per case , 3 50. Dam
sons , 2 Ib , per case , 2 45. Bartlett
pears par case , 2 40. Whortleberries
per cau3,275. Egg plumn,2 Th , < ! 90 ;
Ltroon gages,2 Ib per cose , 2 90 ; do choice , ,
tb per caeo 4 50 , Pina Applet , 2 Ib , per case
4 00@5 75. Peaches , 2 Ih per ca e , 3 00 ;
do 3 Ib , case , 4 00@4 50 ; do , ( pis ) , S Ib , per
caEO.260 ; do pie , G Ib , per , 'J SO ,
LARD OmahaRefinlnlmtOo , : Tierces ,
12c ; 40 and 50-lb cans , 12c ; 20-lb cans ,
12jjc ; 10-lb pails , screw top , 124c ; 5-lb do ,
U'fc ; 3 Ib do , 121o.
RICE Louisiana prime to choice , 73 ©
ji fair. 7fe7tc ( : Patma , Ggj.
FIdH No. 1 mackerel , half brls , 7 0 ;
No. 1 m&clrerol. kits , 1 00 ; family mack
erel , half brls , 5 25 ; family mackerel , kits ,
8 ! > c ; No. 1 whtto tieb , half brls , 7 00 ; No. 1
kits , 1 05
; Oi'l'\H E. Rio , ( air , lloj Ko ! , good
lljc ; iirlras to choice , 12 to 124o ; Old gov't
Java 18o @ 24c.
SYRU1' Standard Com. , 33j , bbls. ;
Standard do , 44 gallon kegs , SI 95 ; Stan
dard do , 4 gallon kegs , $1 75 ,
SODA In Ib papers , J3.30 per case ; keg
eoda , 2io.
NEW PIOKLE3 Modlum , In barrels
6700 ; do Inlulf bbls , 4 00 ; smalls , In bblu
900 do , in half bbls , 500 ; ghoiklus , In
bbU. 11 00 ; do , In half bbls , G 00.
TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@55 ;
Choice , G0@75c ; Imparlal , good , 40@4Ca ;
Choice , 60@75c ; Young Hysou , ( rood , 3C@
50c ; choice , 65c@l 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf ,
35c ; Japan , choice , 6075o ; Oolong , good ,
35@40 ; Oolong , chn.ce , 40@55 ; Souonong ,
< ood. S5o)40c ( ) ; choice , 35G445c.
ROPE Sisal , i Inch aud larger , lie ;
jjlnch , lljc ; linch,12o.
WOODENWARE-lVo hoop p ll ,
1 75 ; three hoop pails , 3 CO. Tnb * . No.
1 , 8 50 ; Pioneer washboards , 1 85 Doable
Crown 2 \Vellbuckets ; , 3 50.
LEAD Bar , 81 65
SOAPS Iilrk's Savon Imperial , 1)45 ) ;
Kirk's tatlnot , 3 GO ; Kirk'a standard , 3 76 ;
Klrk'i T7hlto Russian , 525 : Kirk's
Entoca , 315 Kirk's Prairie Queen ,
(100 ( cakes ) , 40 ; Klrk'n magnolia doz. ,
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 caw ,
In cace , 3 85 ; Babbitt'a Ball 2 doz. In case ,
1 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in case 1 50.
PEANUTS Roaatod , choice , red Ton.
nessee , IOo per Ib ; Ian ay white , lOJo perlb ;
raw white Virginia raw , 10o | rowted
OANDLKB-Boxet , 40 Ibi.lHs. IBjfc ) 8s ,
15Jc ; btxes 40 Ibs. , 16 ot. , 61 , ISJc ,
MATCUEb-Per caddlej 95c | round ,
* * * . 88 10 ; iqnare , caes , 90 40 ,
VINEGAIl I'uie rppU extra , 16oi
ptu * appl * , ISct Pinsslic pure tcnle , IBc ,
SALT. Dry loads , per bbl , 1 85 ; Ann-
em , In sac k , , S CO ; bbli dairy CO , 61 , 11 50
MOGAIW Powdered , lOlo : Cut loaf ,
lOlc ; GrannlhtoH , UJc ; Confectioners' A ,
Do ; Olimifttd Extra C , 8fe ) ; Extra C ,
Sic ; medium yellow , 740) ) dark yellow , 71c.
STARCH. Pearl. 440) ) Stiver Gluts
94ci Corn Starch , 94 ? ) EicolslcrUlosn ,
7(0 l Corn , 81
MEATS Hams per Ib , , 14o ; bacon
per Ib , , 14o ; clear Mo bacon per Ib. , 113c ;
dry ialt side * per Ib , , lOlc ; dry salt skies
per Ib. , 13c ; bacon shoulders per ) b ,
OSes tierce lartl per Ib. ) 114c.
SPICES. Pepper , Sit Allsphs , 18
2i.a > ! , c,2 Mocha , 28(01 Atbnokle'i
niEESB Fall Cream , H4 | Part
Skim , llo.
LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich. 8 40 :
Western , 2 76 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' '
lye. 4 6M Jewell lye , 2 76.
FEED-Jobblng prices , Chop feed
81.50 per 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , 81.40 ; bran ,
70c per 100 lb .
HOMINY New IS 50 per bbl.
Dry ciooat.
BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , BJc ;
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boot ,
FF , 8Je ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7oj Cabot W.
7ic ; Chlttcnaneo A , OJc ; Uroat Falls E ,
Sic ; Hocslor , 640 ; Honest Width 80 , In
dian Head A , 8C | Indian Standard A ,
8ic ; Indian Orchard d , w , , 81o ; Iiawronce
LL , 6k ; Mystic river , 74c ; Pequot A , 8jc ;
4c ; Utlca 0. 6lo ! Wachusett B , 7ic ; do A ,
8jci do K 48. Wo ; WalSitt BB , 7Jj.
.4 : 74o ; Alligator 3-4 , 80 ; Argyle 4-4 , 7Jc ;
Atlantic LL , 6Jc ; Badger State X 4-4 , 64) ;
Bennlngton C 4-4,6Jc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , Gftco
Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 84c ; Laconia O
39 , 84c ; Lohlgh E 4-i , 040 ; Pepperell N
80 , 7c ; do O 32 , 7io ; do R 36. 7Jo ; do E 39 ,
Sic , Vocasset 0 4-4 , 7 c ) Watnsntta 4-4
eta L 4-4,9ioBlackstoneAA Imperial 8c ;
do do hall bleached 4J , 9c ; Cabot 4-4,8J ;
Fidelity4-4 , 94cVnilt ; of thoLoom,91 ; do
falls O , 9c ; fndian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12o ;
jonsdale. lOc ; do cambric 87. 12Jo ; New
York Mills. 12ie ; Pequot A,10o ; Pepporel
N G Twills , 124c ; PocahontM 4-4 , 04c ;
Pocasset 4-4 , Sic ; Utlca , lie ) Wamsutta
O X X , 124c.
DUCKS Colored ) Albany K brown.
8c ; do 0 , drab , llci do XA stripes and
ilalds , 124o ; do XXX brown and drab ,
jtrlpos ana plaids , 12Jc ; Arlington fancy ,
Brllc : unswlck brown , 8Jo ; Chariot fanvy
.24o ; do extra heavy , 20c ) Fall River
irown , oxtrn heavy , HJc ; Indiana A
jrnwu IKni Neoonsot A brown. 15o
T1UK.1JNUB Ainoakeftg A U A 32
L9c ) do XX blue 82 , ISfc ; Arrowanna ,
Ijc ; Claremont B B,154c ! Conestogaza ;
; ra , 174c ; Hamilton D , 114o Lewtston A
! 0,16c ; Minnehaha 4-4 , 20c ; Omega super
extra 4-4. 28c ; Pearl River 82 , IGjo ; Put
nam XX blue strlpo , 12c ; Shetucket S
lOic ; do S3 12c : Yeoman's blno 29 , 9o
DENIM3. Amookeak , blneandbronn
lOlc ; Andover DD blue , 154o ; ArllngX
) luo Scotch , 184c ; Concord OOO , blue aw
Drown. 124c ; do AAA , do do 134 ; doXXto
do do 144o Haymaker's blno and brown ,
" ; c ; Mystic River DD stripe , l 4c ) Pearl
_ Ivor , blue and brown , 16c | Unoasvlllo ,
aluo and , brown , 14 Jr.
CAMBRICS Barnard , 6io | Eddystone
lining , 24 Inch double tauo , 8Jc ; Garner A
jlnzod , 54ci Manhattan clove finish , 6Jo
Newport do Go ; do glazen.SSo ) Pequot ao
6c : Iiockwood kid finish 60.
CORSKT JEANS Amory , Be ; Andrea
coggin satteen 8o ; Clarendon , 6JcCones ;
oHea sattcens , 71c ; Hallowel i , 80 ; Injdl
Orchard 74o ; Narragansett , Improved , 8jjc.
Pnpporill sattflon 9ia ; Rockport , 7Jc ,
PRINTS Aliens , 64c ; American , SJo ;
Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 4 o ; Cochococ ;
Coneatoga. 64c ; Dunkirk , ; Duunell ,
3J@7c ; Eddystone , 7o ; Gbuceotcr , Go ;
Harmony , SJc ; Knickerbocker , GJc ; Mor
ri ao D. 7c ; Myctlo , 6 0 ; SpraTncs , Go ;
ISoutbhrfdge , 6c ; do. Ginghams , 7c ; Marlboro
bore , 5c ; Oriental 64c.
GINGHAMS Atn-vikeag , 94c ) Argyle ,
lie ; Atlantic , Pcj Cumberland , 74o ;
Highland , 7ic ; Konilwortb , 9Jc ; Pluc-
kett. 9ict ? n8ox , 8c
COTTONADEH Abbervlllo 134o
Agate , 20c ; American , lie ; \Artiolan , 20c ;
Cairo D and T , 134c ; Olorlca D and T1
I74c ; Deccan Co. stripes Band T.lfTc ; Key
stone , 13Jc ; Nantucket , 19c ; Nonpareil
IGo ; Ocean D and T , j.xigu.uyui , " luj " i
Sussex , 12c ; Tiogn , 12lc ; Wachnoett nblrt
in ? chocks , 121c ; do , Nankin , 12ci York ,
plain Nankin. 12lc ; do , chock" , atripsa ana
! ancv. 12&c ; do. 8 oz 20o.
8IIKETING3-Androsco ! ln 10-4a74cf
do 9.4,23c ; do 8-1 , 22c ; Continental O
42 , lie , Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 271 ; New
York mllls98 , 35o : do 78 , 80c ; do 68. 22io ,
Pembroke 10-4 , 25o ; Pequot 1C-4 , 2S4c , do
74 , 19o do 49 , IGo ; Pepperell 90 , 29o
do 67 , 21odo ; 57 , ISoj Utlca 90 , S6o ; do
58 , 22ic ! do 48. 17c.
Carbolic , 50c ; Acid , Tartarlo , 55c | lialinm
opnbia , per Ib , 70c ; Bark. Sanaafras , pez
l > , 12 Jj Calomel , per Ib , 75c | Ciuchonidla ,
jor oz , 8110 ; Chloroform , par Ib , OOj )
Dover's powders , per Ib , 81 25 } Kpeom
3olt9 , per Ib , SJcj Glycotlne , pure pa bl ,
30c ; Lead , Acetnte , per Ib , 22c
Dil , Oaitor , No. 1 , per gal , PI 25 ;
Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , 8115 , Oil ,
Olive , per pal. 81 50 ; Oil. Origanum , 50 ;
Opium , 85 CO ; Quinine P. i W. & K. ft 8. ,
aer oz , 81 85 ; Potassium , Iodide , per It
II75 ; SaUcin , per oz , 40c ; Bnlpnato o
Morphine , per oz , $3 85) ) Hulpnur Hoar
per Ib , 4ci Btrvchnlno. car oz. SI rf5.
Pilnt * Oils end Verrlines
OILS 110' carbon , per gallon ,
12c ; 150 * headlight , per gallon ,
He : 175 * headlight , per gallon , 19o ;
150' Water White , 18c ; linseed ,
raw , per pallon , CG ; linseed , boiled ,
per gallon , 59 ; ; l rd , winter str'd , portal ,
.on , 95 ; No. 1 , 85c ; No. 2 , 75o ; castor ,
XXX. per gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 1 20 ; sweet ,
per gallon , 85c ; sperm , W. H. , per gallon-
1 75 ; fish , W. B. , per gallon , 753 ; noatafoot ,
extra , per gallon , 9Cc ; No. 1 , 75o ; lubri-
cntln , zero , per gallon , 80s ; mummer , 15u ,
golden machine , No , 1 , par gallon , 35c ; No ,
3 SO ; sperm , signal , per gallon , 80c ; tur
pentine , per gallon , 65c ) nnptha , 74 * , per
callon , 18o : 61 , , 17o
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Om ha
P , I' . . 6c ; white load , St. Louis , pure , GJo ;
Wiirseilles groeu , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c
iTronch zinc , gioen seal , I''cj French zinc ,
rod aeal , lie ; French zlua , in vamlsh assc ,
20c ; French zlncc , in oil aat 15c ; Haw
and burnt ( imbor , 1 Ib ctnii lOo ; raw and
burnt Qienna , 10) : Vandyke bror/u , g
refined Umpblack , 12a ; ooach black nnd (
l ory black , IGc ; drop bla < k , IGo ; Pmislar
blue , 30c ; nltramarlnn bice , 18ct chr > .nnc
greea , L , M , & D , , IGtjbllnd and shatter
green , L. M , & U. , 10 : ; 1'nrla green. 1.3c ;
Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red. 9o ; Ttuoac
drt > , 22c ; American Vermilion , I. & P. , 18c ;
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. i ; D O. , 18c ;
yellow ochre , Uoj golden ochre , 11) ) patent
drver , 8c ; graining colors : light oak , dark
oaz. walnut. * hcatnut and aeh 15o.
Dry Pal iti
VThlte lead , 8c ; Fronun line. lOct Par
whltelng 2ic ; whiting gllden , lie ;
v , hi ting coml , lie ; lampblack Germantown -
town , 14c ; limpblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prus
sian blue , 56o ; ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke
b/own , 8c ) amber , burnt , 4 : ; umber , raw
4csionna ; , burn t , 4c ; eienna , raw , 4u
Paris green genuine , 25c ; Paris green com'
20c ; chrome green , N , Y,1 20o ; cliroin
green 1C. , 12c ; vormilllon , Eng. , 70c ; vermillion
million , America , IScj Indlau red , lOc
rose pink , lie ; Venetian read , Ookasoso
21oi Venetian rod Am. , life ) rod lead , 74o ,
cnromo yellow , genuine , 20o hrome yel
low , K. , 12c ; ochre , lochelle 3c ) ochre
French , 2Jc ; ochre , American , 2c
Winter's mineral. 2Jo ; lehign brown. 21o
spanlflh brown , 2)C | I'riuce's ' mineral Sc
VAUNISUEa-Barrols per gallon
Furniture , extra , Cl 10 ; furniture , No. 1
81 ; coach , extra , 8140 ; oacb , No. 1 ,
81 20 ; Damar , extra , 31 76 | onan , 70o | a >
phaltum , extra , BIcj eboUa 33 CO ) bard
oil finish , 31 30.
Hides , Furs , Etc.
HIDESreen butcher's hldfs , Bl ®
7o cured GJ@74o | hides , green salt
dry Hint , sonno , 12@13a ; dry oal
and kip , 12@14oi dry salt hides , tound
10@llo ; groeu calf. wt. 8 ol6H > s..ll12c
green calf , wt , under 8 rt > , pet ikln , Me
crreen pelti , S0@l 25 ; green lamb oklm
81 25l&oi damaged hides , two-third rate ,
cut scored and one grab , cluted two
UJrdi r U , ) branded hides 10 per cent , off
Coon skins , No , 1 , 45e ; No , 8. 80e | No. 1
20 < | No. 4 , lOo. kink , No , 1 , S0e | No. a
16c ; No. S , 15o ; No. 4 , 60. Fox , ,
60o ) No. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , bJ5c |
I5e | short stripe , 40oi narrow itrlpea
i road stripe. IOo , Tallow 7o.
Oak o1 , 880 to 43c ; hemlock sole , S8e to
I5c ; hemlock kip. SOc to 100 ; runner ,
660 to SOc | hemlock calf , 85o to 120 ; hem-
ock upper , 23o to 26o ; oak upper , 24c ;
alligator. 4 00 to 6 60 ; calf kid , 83@3r v
Gretsen kid , 2 60 to 2 76 ; oak kip , SOo to
1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 80 ; French kip ,
1 10 to 1 6C ) French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 : ru -
etta. 6 60 to 7 50 ; llnlngi , 6 00 to 10 60 ;
opplngf , 9 00 to 10 60 ; B , L. Morocco , SOo
o 35o | pebble 0 , D. Morocco , 86c ) slmon ;
3 M to 8 00.
HARNESS-No 1 . ar oak , 42c ; No 1
do , 89cj Na. 1 Ohio oak , 880 ; No. 2 do ,
5oi No. 1 Milwaukee , 37o ; No. 3 do 34o.
We qnot lumber , latn and shingles on
: ara at Omaha at the following prices :
under , $22 00 ; 18 ft. , 823 60.
TIMBERS 16 ft. and under , 822 00.
TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. , 823 50 ;
C ft , 823 5Cj 33 ft. , $20 60 ; 34 ft. 826 60.
FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 0 In , , 824 00 ;
No. 2,82200.
SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common
io rd ) , { (20 ( 00 ; No. 3 , 818 00.
LIME Per barrel , 81 251 bulk par ens-
35o ; Cement , bbl , 82 25 Iowa plaster
) bl , 82 50. Hair per bu , 60o. Tarred
elt 100 Ibs , 83 60. Straw board , 83 50.
Heavy Hardware Llit.
Iron , rates , 82 80 ; plow steel , special
east , 7o ; crucible , 80 ; special or Uorman.Gc ;
at tool do. 16@20 wapon spokes , set.
: 253 00 ; hubs , per net , 125 ; follooa , sawed
ry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@86c ; axles ,
acli , 75o ; square nnta , per Ib , 7@llc ;
washers , per Ib. 8@18c ; rlvot * , per Ib , lie ;
Mil chain , per Ib , G@12c ; malleable , 8c ;
ron wedges , Go ; crowbars , Go barrow
ooth , 4c ; spring teel , 7@8c ) Burden's
lornoshooB. fi 25Burden's ; mulcshooa , 6 25 ,
BARBED WIRE In car lots , 7o @
Jo per 100.
NAILS Rates. 10 to 60 J , 3 60.
SHOT , Shot , 81.85 ; Buck shot , 82.10.
Oriental Powder , kegs , 86.40 ; do. , hat
tegs. 83.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , 81.88 ; Blast
Ing , keen , 83.35 : Fuse , per 100 foot 60o.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812) )
Morris Run Blowbnrg , 812 ; Whltebreast
nmp , 84 50 ; Wbltobreait nut. 84 50 ; Iowa
ump , $4 60 ; Iowa nut 84 50 ; Rook Spring ,
700 ; Anthracite. 811 60@13 00 ; Canon
Jlty , 87 00 per ton.
Horiei and Mules.
Extra draft horses , 8176. to 225. ) Com
mon draft horses , 8100. to 150.1 Extra
arm horses , (110. to 125. ) Common to
good farm horser , 890 to 8100. ) Extra
ilngn , 860 , to 76.1 Common plugs , 820.
MULES. lEicra ) , 9125. to 160. ) good ,
1100. to 140 , ; fair , 875. to 100 , ) common ,
860. to 75.
Liquor * .
ALCOHOL 188 proof. 1 25 per wine
; allen ; extra California spirits , 187 proof ,
. 25 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits
187 proof , 123per proof gallon ; re-distilled
whiskies , 100@1 60 ; fine blended 1 50 ®
160 ; Kentucky bourbons , 2 00@7 00 ; Ken-
lUOky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00.
BRANDIES Imported , (8 0091603 ;
domestic 1 404 00.
GINS Imported , 4 506 00) ) domestic ,
RUMS Imported , 4 608 00 ; Now
England. 2 00@4 00 ; domestic. 1 60(23 ( 60
1 7 < 54 00.
CHAMPAGNES Imported per ease ,
38 0031 OtAumtua , cut , 1200 ®
CLARETS 'er case , 4 60@10 00
WINES Rb ne wine , per case , 6 00 ©
00 ; O&tawba , per case , 4 007 00 ,
FINE OUT In palla. Common , 40 ®
i5c ; good , 0@76c. In tin foil Oat-
Ino O. S. , 6 Ib boxes , per Ib 553) ) Lori-
'Unrd'a Tif-er. S7o ; Diamond Crown ,
SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to
3c. Granulated Blackwells Durham , 16
oz 40 : ; Dukes Durham , 16 oz , 4Gc ; Seal of
tforth Carolina , 16 oz , 4G ; Seal of Nobraj.
ca , 16 oz , 880 ; Lone Jack , 4 oz , linen bags
per Ib. 81.0) ; Mnrburpg' Pock 2 oz , tin
II. f2' : Dctr Tall 65c.
PLUG TOBACCO-Ilorseihoe , 48 ;
Bullion , 50 : Ariny& Navy , 45 : Star48 ;
-limix , 50 ; Our Rope , 52 ; Our Rod , 52.
Merino nnwaa ed , light , 14@16a ; hca vy
@ 13l5oj medium unwashed , light , 18 © 2
washed , choice , S2oj fair , SOo ; tnb-d In
and w. , 23o ) bnrry , bUckand catted wo
2@6o less _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
llaliablo help for the weak , norvoua
nnd dobllltatod dyepoptlo Buffjrer
onnd In Brown's Iron Blttora.
Is a Positive Cure
for nil thole I'alnrull'nmplalnU and WeftlrnMM
a common to our bett female population.
\ Medicine for Woman. Intrntedlif aWomai
Prepared by a Woman.
Cr iMt BKlItil El.foitr ; SlnrBtbt Diwo ol Illltr. ,
Ires tha drooplnj spirits , lnrlor tM n
i the oreoiilo function' , elrejclostlcltr aii
Irtnncxito the step , restores the natural lustre > otil
ye , and plants on the iv.ochctknf woman th ttid
ot life's sprlnj and early s-ininicr tiino.
fWPhjtlclans USD It and Prescriba It rrecly.-W
, It removes falntnea * , flatulency , destroys nil crarla
( ir EtlmulAnt , and rtlloTos woaknom o t the itomncl
Tlmt feeling of trearlnj down , causing pain , welgt
nd liackache , Is always porminently curul by Us u l
Tortile core oTKIJncj Complaint ! of cither nt
tklt Compound U uo urpu icd.
'I.TPIAK. ' pixKiiAMr.i.onn rnnrriEi
rill eradicate every ruetiito or liumor * from Ib
Jlood , and Klve tonu and urcnk'tli to the Bjtteiu , 4
lianvioaianorcliUd. Intlituu uatIng 1C.
1 Doth the Compound and Blood Purifier are prepaid
ll833and2M Western Avenue , Lynn , Mas * . Triced
lither , t8U bottle * f or ti Sent by mall In the fort
or otloicnfres , on receipt of price , 81 per M
tur'cltner. Mrs.Plnkham frov , , niuweraalllettcrX
Inquiry. EncloBuJcietAinp. Bendforpatnphkt.
Nn fimlty hould lie without I.YPIA E. ]
UVEft I'lLI.S. They euro con tliiutloii , _ .
uid torpidity octhollv r. 25ctutBpcr buz.
I J83rSold by i
Sli vc rn nM , elrtd by Almout , he lir Alexan
dcr Jlbdillah. Dim , On II me , by War L'ain j
Alia the Ettnilird-bred Sialllon
Three vo rj old , blr.d by Almont Lljtitnln ; , b ;
Alraont dam ,
Fear icits olj , 1:31 : , by I3ez-rlal ! , lljlior'al wa
by Alexander's Atdallah.
Will raake the teuon at my ji'ace on 20th SI ,
two ITccka west ol Oreen Sneet ciri , t ( J ) ( X
each Mtrei not prating In foil can be return
ed nrxltcisin die ot chuge , Ths inorty mm
bo p > U liniiiibly In advance. Kor lutther par
tlculirt , sec or addrttfi
ED. 11KKI ) .
sn J-aJ cat * 1m ) Ointba , Nib.
' ' * ' *
0 Ji2 ) ffc1 S
w ta Of , I 3
| | - a- .
MTJ J ! 1 4 *
Q tjE J O rf
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Q5tBca fc § 3
TJ 8
* o
* (
ill U
> "fll'VJM v fv * v W3i"TaUMiP n iviB"\\i *
The Oldest Wholesale nd
n Omaha. Visitoru can here
find all novelties in SIL
Rich and Stylish Jewelry ,
the Latest , Most. Artistic ,
and Choicest Sslections in
ail descriptions of FINE
WATCHES at as Low Pri-
ceo as is compatible with
honorable dealers. Call
and see our Elegant New
Store , Tower Building ,
corner llth and Farnham
General Agents for the
Finest and Best Pianos and
Organs manufacturer. ' .
Our prices are as Low as
any EastsrnManufacturer
and Beater ,
Pianos aud 0 ga'Snold
for cash or installment at
Bottom Pricps.
A SPLENDID stock of
St inwy , Ghickering ,
Enabe , Vore & Son's Pi
anos , and otbt r makes.
Also Clough & Warren
3terJipg , Imperial , Smith
American Organs , &c. Do
not fail to see us jbefore
A Large Stock always on Hand.
Have now been finished in our store , mat
ing it the largest and most-complete
In the West. An additional story has been
built and the five floors all connected
with two
Ono Exclusively for the use of Passengers Those immense warerooms -
rooms three stores , are 66 ieet wide are filled with the Grand
est display of all kinds of Household and Office Furniture ovei
All are invited to Oiill , take the Elevator on the first floor
and go through the building and inspect the stock.
206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha
, ,
Shingles , Lath , &c.
Oall anfl Bet My Prices Bofora Buying ElsewuBre ,
315 FiftoonthBtroot , bntwpnii ITnniov and F
LocKsmitliing , Bell Hanging , Saw Filing ,
"cr : ,
6h Stmt 2nd Door North of Dodgo. Omaha , Neb ,