Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1883, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE DAILY BEE \VJIDN \ liSJJAi' MAY 2 i860
Olimpsra of L'lo ' from tlio Dppor
Deck of a Sleeping Oar ,
The Prnlrlo Billovri by Mounllfiht
Corro | Kimlcnco of Tlio Ucc.
CiuoAdo , April 80. Tlio firat n ! ht
In n Pullman glcopar on ronto for Now
York , tf or ihailng the dear old dust
of Oaiaha oil of our foot , H apt to bo
onu of the exporloiicds cf hf. . He-
loused from the conventionalities nt
homo r.nd the anticipation of nil the
P.I pleasures cf R ouuitrier's vacation only
will ovurcamo the daring and danger
of our rash no' , ontruittnn ourtolvcs to
the ho.iv Ing deck of a palaos car. Wo
haven't got our Boa-lego on yet , and
are not ( { tilt i accustomed to tlio nes-
minllko roll , nod juetnufliclenUy tired
to nuke a Bad aoa dog before wo got
through Wo started on a bright ,
tunny afternoon , with occcalonal blows
only , whirling up the dust nnu remind.
Ing us of the homo wo loft behind ua ,
A railroad oar la never particu
larly cheery , and too butineea-like
to bo platarciquo , tut by the
time you gut jour bundles
and latchela dliposcd of on the varloua
aeata to the Borrow-of the porter ;
and the II iwers which loving hands
have brought to breathe fragrant re-
tnotnbrauco , laid away to the best
advantage , your particular section
puts on a hotneliko appearance. Wo
are yet too near homo to entrust cur-
nolves to a dining car , and do not ac
cept cf the invitation cf the waiter
announcing sapper. Wo are satit
lied with oar carefully aoleotod lunch ,
and hope for a bettor atato of our ap
petite for tha raorroir. Wo nro flying
through the dark , and do not know
which la uppermost In our excltomont ,
the longing for homo or reaching our
destination , Occasional glnuoea out of
our section show how the rest are
getting along , until nothing Is loft but
the narrow empty walk iu the
middle , and wo compose our
own nlgh'oip to sloop. Erery
time through the long night that
the oar gives a jeik , wo ponder Its
meaning , and every tlmo we hoar the
shrill whletle of the ougtno wo draw
our curtain to know w.hat It means.
A soneo of roepounbtlity remains with
us and wo oiunot diiinUi the Idea
that the engineer tieode watching and
guidance.Vo are not at all norvom ,
perfectly cool , but prefer to get up
every now and then to BOO that things
are proparly attended to. Farther up
a commercial traveler sleopj soundly
and loudly ; oculd habit over make us
no selfish I Bat our sleeplessness pays
In the end. We cet so much rcore
for our money. Why here laat night
these scenes wore like the eldo nhow
to a circus thrown In gratis , while
vra were passing through the
darkness at the late of thirty-five
ni'os ' an hour over the well-picked
and levelled road-bud c f the Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St Paul Hure aa
Illuminated village and its dreary
lights shining low like the oil lamps
of a hundred yeara ace , then a row of
tall trees , looking like soldierly ghosts
In the white moonlight , and again the
shadow of a town quietly tuileep on the
hillside A sympathising ftiend who
hoaid all thla the Lezt morning wanted
od to console us by saying that we
would M ( op llice a t'p to-morrow , I
think that lo sleep like a top one
should stay at home ; but that1 ! ) not
what wo are I'olng east for. A better
consolation was a splendid breakfast
In the cialug car , Jack snipe an toaat ,
\ etc. , and strawberries with cream ti
start with. Thanks to experienced
consideration of the atowart and the
obliging attention of the Chicago , Mil
wankeo & St. Paul managers. A fun
hours moro and wo ahull bo in Chicago
five minutes agead cf the roat.
A. M.
Quarterly Convention Hold at Lin
coin April 20th.
At tholr meeting which was hold n
the Social Art rooms April 25'h th
Omnha Auxiliary Society of th
Ilotuo for the Frlendlosj olcotcd tw
delegates to attend the quarterly ee ;
slon at Lincoln. The delegates wor
Lira. A. M Baraey and Mre. R. AI
Oarloton , both members of the exe <
utlvo committee. The delegation lei
on the day of the convention , at 11:4 :
a. m , , oc the U. P. train , and arrive
at Lincoln en time. They were mi
at the depot by Mrs. Slaughter , ma
ran of the Home , and Mr , Toirnlej
proprietor of the "Oriental , " an
whoso wlfo Is president of the "Stal
Home for the Friendless" assoclatiot
Mr. Townley's elegant carriage an ,
fine team conveyed the party to th
church whore the ladies wei
assembled and waiting for them. Th
Omaha delegation was the last I
arrive and the only ono present e :
cept the Lincoln delegation. A
other auxiliary societies entitled I
delegates were represented by tl
state organizer , Mre. Biker , ft
delegates were graciously receivtd I
the ladles of the atato esicclatlo :
and after a general Introduction , tl
meeting was called to order by tl
president. Af > or the usual opunli
exercises the secretary , Mm. Dui
read her report Thla report TV ;
carefully prejsred , urd showed tint
great deal of work h.ul been doi
during the Iwt quarter toward tl
completion of the bsildicg nud tl
fitting np cf the house , to that
inl ht bo comfortable demand. T '
troiianrer , MM. Tofvtham , reid
lengthy end detailed report
the moneys , coal , provisions , clot
Ing , etc. , donated during t ;
paat quarter , giving names of donoi
No ono , while listening to the readl
of thla toport , could fall to bo doej
Impressed with the grand , neblo wo >
that la being done for the friendless
our state , and particularly by the p <
plo of Lincoln. Omaha should tea
a loaaon therefrom and wake np to t
duty in this matter the matter
donating her share toward the aaata
log of this beautiful homo for 1
friendless , as well aa those of the at
at large. Following the treasure
report came the matron's. M
Slaughter ( matron ) gave a very int
eating account of the transactions
the homo alnco It opened , which was
.Irntnry 1,1883 , Stnlo organize , Mm
IVrkor , made a vt > rbil report of her
work throughout the state , nnd repre
sented tW3 or three auxiliary toclotlcs
whoso numbers entitled them to dole-
g tce. Her account of the tirogrcpa
( f her work , and of the pronpeo a of
the auxiliaries of the homo WAS quite
ounntittg ug
Mtf. Uarlton , of the Omaha dolega *
lion , teen road a short uddress. H to
bsgun by Baying the WAI happy to bo
one of the number of ladles who hat !
mot to deliberate upon the grand , and
most humatio subject they were tbou
dltcnaalng , ntidihtt aho wna alao proud
to bo on the first delegation sent to
the atato convention , to represent the
first aocluty over orunulztd In Omaha ,
for the purpo9i ) of helping to suatitln a
homo fur the fileudlcna of our HI a to
of Ncbruika Aor ipoeoh was short
but cjinprtihondcd a good duul , Sio
ihawed , by r buautlfnl tlluMun to the
"woeful faces and tatUrad gar
ments of the frleudloaa poor , "
thnt had bocn , and were about
them , that the true , noble women of
her city had long f lt the nuod of
such an Institution Sio regrets thnt
I hey had beou alow in crginlzltg , but
excused It on the ground of the dlf
ficalty in harmontz'ng thoolemunta cf
n rapidly growing city , mch un Omaha
ia to-day. Qaito a number of lad Ion ,
representing the beat inturea'a of so
ciety In gdtHTftl , bad como to the
front determined to assist In thla no
ble enterprise , Tno society has a
membership of twenty clpht , with n
good proepi'Ot of an r.ddhlon to Its
numbotH. They propose to furnish
the parlors cf the house , end will
send provisions and other uiceesitlos
from 11 in a to time. She closed whh
the aaaertlou that this grand , noble
onterprlro would bo suoceaslul , bii-
ctQBolt was managed by women , All
humane enterprise * that were itr-
cesiful , were largely whnu not wholly
managed by women , $13 waa handed
over to the treasurer , that nraouut
being two thirds of the money col
lected cf the membership fees of tno
Oaiaha auxiliary society. Mrs. 15 r
tiey of the Omaha dulcgatkn gave
several verbal cjminnulcjtiona and
nsked for instruc loin in tha general
management of auxiliary ac cletit a.
The session ac'j mruod to matt again
la July. The ladles of the 0 uaha
delegation were then escorted to the
"Oriental , " where they partook of a
aamptnoua supper , nod after supper
Mr. and Mra. Tonsloy , with their
elegant oonveyanco took them out to
the home , where they renulned over
night and took the 9 o'clock train the
no it mornlog for Omaha. What they
saw at the homo will bo included in
their report to the aoolety at their
next mooting1 which will bo hold May
Oih at the Social Art rooms.
Alnsworth h IB a new barber shop ,
Alnawortli will have a new hotel.
Woik lhas commenced on a nsw brick
yard at Sbeltotx
A number of brick block ) will be built
Kearney tliU year.
Tbe uaw town board of Hebron Lai
fixed fftloon license at $503.
York b s a new roller skating rink just
started byaom ? "professor. "
lnrlog the pnat month 58 1.0 acres ol
echoo ) land have been leased.
The Masons of Norrla are talking about
organizing a lodge ID that town.
Twelve new bulldinga hve been erected
In Alnsworth during the post month.
They ore talking of organizing a heel
nnd ladder company at Tecumteh.
Several frame buildings were blowr
down In Neligh during the recent wmd ,
Thayer county recently paid over 87OC <
to the state for the care cf Insanu per
Tbe Logun valley bauk at Wayne ha
bought a type writer , the first ono trough
to town ,
A Keirncy paper estimates the value o
lust week'it ruin to liulf.ilo county farmer
at 310,000.
'Work on the. foundations of the $20,00
business block has been commenced ii
IloUuud Brown countlea aiothedestinn
tion of man > of tha immigrants now coir
IDK into ttie atato
The Grand Island hospital fund I
utcadily increasing and the prospeotB M
tna for Its being built ,
A 810,000 ( bluing mill will be built o
Fuhertou by a mill company organize
there n abort time ago ,
A Hebron m > tu tm purcha ed a S3 ;
so.In fountainwhib he will use iu his bu
Ineea placa in the town ,
Ch&uncey Wiltze , of the Grand lulu :
eating liouite , will ba prefcdeut.
The uew parsonage fur the Method !
church nt Strouiaburg haa been inclosed ac
will soon be ready for occupancy ,
Ked Cloui lays the claim of being tl
moat important point bet ween Lincoln at
Denver on the 13. & M. railroad.
The Kearnny foucdry In again runnin '
Coating It every day and business f
the enterprise bida fair to be good.
A farmer w i knocked off his horae at
robbed of $75.00 by two men near tl
depot in Aurora one night last week ,
Kent , In Liup county , hai raised $8C
and appointed a committee to raise $5
more to build a bridge across the Lot
d Iriver-
Tbe new horns for the Falrfleld bra
band have arrived , and quiet loving re
re dents of the village have moved into t .
10 country.
toz Tbe cilico bop given by the Freino
z social club last Wednesday evening was
ill fine entertainment. About fifty coupl
to attended ,
ho Tbe Pacific hose company at Gra ,
ho IsUnd \ putting itself in training for t
aUto tourufcineut which will be held
Lincoln utxt fall ,
' ' .ibe i nnual association of the West J
110 bra'ka MisMon cf tbo Methodist Episcoi
ho chuicli will be held at Gibbon , May 151
ICtbr n-llTth ,
The finances of Thaycr county are
J.OD erudition. There yet remains 52,1
a ca h on hand , and the levy i f liS2 h a t
yet been Jrawuoti ,
ho \Vahoj young men RO to church &
ha put their urugnue ou tbo cnthioui. T
haIt pape ate sitting down luthu rustic du :
iu n very revere manner ,
'hen A large amount of young etoclc in co
n log from Mfmouri nud Kansas to Nebnml
of It is firtt shipoed t > i lihir , thence to F '
th- Niobrsrj nnd Valentine ,
ho Since the or-cape of several prisoners fr
is. the liutt county jail , the people of t
Ing county are seriously diicussing the pro ;
Mtlon of building a new baatile ,
Tbe Methodist church in course of c :
rk etruction at ] } lm Creek waa c nslderal
icf injured by a recent wind utorui. 'J
oo- damage waa estimated at § 100 ,
iko A colony of two hundred families hi
bor juit located in Holt county ou wha
known as the "unorganized strin" ly
between the Niobrira and Keyap :
rivers ,
The new 8oCOO elevator luilt at Fi
' bury last fall was totally concumed on
ir'a night of April IStb. Toe whole town ,
trs. the business portion of it narrowly eaca ]
er. destruction.
at I The sptinc meeting of the York Cou
driving park MancUtton toll ) be held at
Yotk , May .1 , 4 and f > , Una tbouinud
dollar * ate ellorcd la premiums for run
ning anil trotting race * .
Several gamblers visited Norfolk latt
week In quest of tuckers. Several cf the
rpeclrH were found Mid robbo 1 of ceveral
hundre 1 dollar * , after which the knights of
fortune left the town ,
On kit Wednesday U M. cllicUl
called t Ked Cloud and paid into the
tr Aiury of Webster county the sum of
$1103150 , the amount of taxes sgklnit
the rovl In that county ,
The tmpuUtlon of Th yer county lulSSU
was 0 'JOS In 1883 , BH shown by the
aajessor'ii enumeration , It Is 7,301 , showing
n i in durinz the year of 1,000 or an Increase -
crease of nearly 17J per cent ,
Klght thousand acres of l iul in i'terco
county waa told nt tlio Nellgh land olfiee
laat wuek to n compiuy of stock raliera
from Klmir.-v , New York. They imrctmed
It for n cattle rtuch and paid $10,000 for
the tract.
A York young blood hired a livery to'im
la t Sunday HUJ drove bothof the anioiala
to death. He settled the matter with the
on tier but such a nun should ba prose
cuted for craslty to nulniala under the
stUe law.
The managing editor of The liulljlo
County Journal of Kenrney had better
oductte hlmielf , Such errors ni spelling
ImmUomo without n d , and a man'a na' o
with n "loner case" initial letter nro not
On arbor day Frank DaoVron , n farmer
of Spring ( "rook precinct , Thayer county ,
did well. He planted 6,000 cottonwooda ,
20,000 citalpta ( seed ) , oud 5,000 white lo
cust ( seed ) and 2CO soft maples making a
total of 32,000 ,
The chief of the Lincoln police hta been
requested ta band In hla resignation. From
all report * it la high time that the cillola
hvl his head cut-off. Ho la accused ,
amoDir other tl'trga , of being n runner for
the disorderly huu.p * nf the town.
Tha Adams wind mill company , an
eastern concern , preferred chargea of em.
bt/zlement recently nguln < t Miller
brother * , Implement dealernat York. At
n hnarlng la t Week one of the firm , H.
H , Miller , was held to answer to the
The Silino Cnuntv Agricultural soletv
n received r otlce f om the 1) , & M. land
department thnt unleaa the association
pays itn indebtedness on the land by May
7th lliohnd would revert to the company.
The indebtednota nmc.untlng to $1,198 53
will be raited if possible. A committee
hai beeii selected to confer with the rail
road company on the matter.
An Ott-Hana Sketch of Bconos and
Incldenta in the Kansas
City Depot.
Fhuoba Oozzcns in St. Loul ] Olobo Democrat.
The western journey begins properly
at the Mississippi rlvor , and the
presale oietjrn eoul gets Its first thrill
and sensation of occidental vastucss
as the pieis of the St. Lints bridge
are passed , and the brilliantly lighted
tunnel and the clang and confusion of
the great depnt bewilders ono. That
small corner of ohaos known aa the
union dopo' , has always an Irresistible
fascination to mo , and the wild and
tipical western man first presents him
self to tbo a ranger at thot point , his
high boots and slouch hat mark
ing oil * the longitude as clearly
as the imaginary lines on a goograpk-
er'a tutp. St. Lnula , rejoicing always
In extremes and auprlaoa , toeeivod mo
with a tuoist warm day that might have been borrowed from Mayor
June , and ita mud worthy of all west-
urn exaggerations and adjectives.
Oroaii a tne great state or Missouri
in ouo night , Kansas Olty , on ita
further border , presented the very
opposite to St. Lonla In external
things. The wind was keen as a two-
edged aword , and Instead of fanrlng
themselves with the morning papers ,
the filonch-hatted gentry gathered
gathered their big overcoats about
them and built a rampart up and
down the waiting room with the rowa
of their unblackud boots. All the
typos of humanity that thla broad
country can oflhjr are daily to bo soon
in the Kansas City depot. Emigrants
from every quarter ot the globe herd
together In grocp ; negroa , Oainest
and Indians represent our own aaaort <
mont of raooa and , from polished and
Inquisitive Yankees to the most plc-
turecquo and unconventional epecl-
mona of the ruflian and frontioreman ,
the range Includes Innumerable carl-
ofli'lea of humau nature. At the iepol
broukftUt-room oddities congregatoc
on ovecy tide. A blenched New Eng
lander aat at my elbow and dohboratol ]
polished off his plato , kulfo , fork am
spoon with a napkin , Everything pa
before him had to undergo a BUB
ptcloUD examination , and ho all but
put his blicnlta to a chemical analyalt
before ho decided lo eat thorn Fac
k. ing him aat the much-evident brlda
couple , the groom au off-hand , swag
gering and harmless youcg cltlzau
1st with a black mustache , a plaid necktl
id and a guady pin. The bride waa
complacent , self-satisfied peacock , o
head not moro than 18 , and In the ding ;
depot aho dished upon the trave
soiled company like a gay toplcu
'fror bird. Her traveling dross waa
bright strawberry cashmere of vo
nd luminous width and draperies , wor
he with a crimson velvet jacket , and
big crimson hat nodding with straw
30 , berry plumes. She dazzled th
iOO company like a meteor who
up aho crossed the room , and excltod th
visible envy of the young women i
calico gowns who were serving bae :
.he steaks and grlddlo-cakes to the trave
Ing public. A fourth specimen at th
mt table waa a Qisby man cf the typ
labeled "gent" by Richard Grar
White , Ho carried ou a strategic fill
tatlon with the water girl , and h
nd divinity was clad in brown calicD an
iu many freckle * , Her coquuttUh nlran
glancoa were paraded to the who !
s'e- table , but the "gout" shaded h glances bya wldoepreadnewspaper , an
th , muttered myateriono thinga to Iu
behind Its friendly curtain. For tt
in twelve hours that I epont at the de
100 pot hotel , a nun stood on the cart
not stouo ccn BJ the ttreot and rang
hand bell furiously and each
mil , as n
rho riving train sent a ntrcam of poop
dea oat of thla thoroughfare , a doz > .
moro boll rlngcrH would join him ai :
rend the air with their combined c
kn , forts . The cause of all the Until
'ort nnbuliUion wna the fierce rivalry b
twoen varloua ticket ecilpors , and tl
the om bell ringing and bawling that ha
made the day hideous Increased
frenzy at nightfall , when the oxpre
on > train from St. Louis and OhTc |
bly came thundering In.
A new aide-bar , end spring top be
gy , made by Snyder and took fii
prlto at the state fair laat fall ; nov
used and will bo sold low. Apply
Western Newspaper Union , oor. 12 !
and Dondaa st. feb28m&otf E
Young man or woman , If yon want 1
money for a small amount. Insure in I
Marriage Fund and Mutual Trust Aakc
ation , Cedar Ilaplda , Iowa , (5-9
A M-Catcher Rattles Away
About Eats and Their
How American Hats nnd Dock-
uoy Hntu Exchange Viyito.
Deollno of tha Noble Sport of Rat
Kill t DR.
Itlnlnj J.mnal.
"I've got as high aa $100 for taking
two rats from a ship , " said the riu-
c.ttcher , "Deck rats llvo nt the plora
In colonies of from 500 to 'J.OOO. Llkn
bad tenants they Icnvo tholr old habi
tations for now ouco a month , On
the lat of May they will move by
thousands Constantly uneasy , tbey
go around from dock to dock Booking
where the lowest tldo ir. They have
a navy. It la iiiado up of II mtlng
pieces of wood und floating chips.
They are nil pirates or wreckcra.
When scraps or slops are thrown
overboard from n ship's deck they put
out in their crcf. and solza it ,
"Tourists going to Europe board a
ship in two ways. The passengers go
the gang pliuk. The rats climb up
the anchor chain and enter the ahlp by
the anchor post holo. Dan S Ingaby ,
the great rat catcher , sajs he has aoou
an old rat , carpet bag hi hand , bid hia
family good bye , and then walk npono
nf the ship's cabloa , Dock rata go to
Europe whenever they feel like U , and
usually make four or five trips a year.
They are the third class passenger ? .
The h'rat class ip In the cabin , the
second in the steerage- , the rata in the
holo. Going over they live on Amort ,
can flannels and roalu. Coming bask
their food ia impoited food and dcllca
oloa. They do not gat off the vcaaol
when it touchca Liverpool for fear of
being lolt behind. They are able to
climb the rigging like old aatlera. In
wooden shipa they sometimes oat
through the planks and aot the vessel
"There are English rata in America
and American rats in England. The
Cockney rat is CDaraor than the
American and ia not generally able to
otand np four rounds against an
American rat. Iho 'ban-ton * New
York rata imitate the customs of the
Brltlah rata.
"Hats ruato. Iu a year a uowly
wedded pair of rats will raise an In
teresting family of 120 tffjprlng , not
counting descendants of the third and
fourth generation. This la why at the
moments a pair of rats set up their
household goods on board a ahlp Ita
owners will giro a rat catcher $100 to
serve a writ of ejectment on the pro
llfio rodent * , Some vessel * keep twenty
cats to hunt vermin.
"Tho hotels in Now York are
greatly annoyed with rats , t > nd they
infest private houses. The Windsor
pays $200 a year , the St. Nicholas
and a largo number of others $100
each to a professional rat-catcher , who
hunts rata In them twice a week the
year ronnd. Some private houses piy
$20 a month to bo protected from the
vermin. Harry Jennings , the king
of the New York rat-catchers , ia aald
to have an income of $0,000 a year.
The captured rata are sold at $15 a
hundred "
"How do rata reach private houses ? ' '
"They go from the docks six or
seven miles through the sewers , atop
oppoalto aomo house and mine their
way Into Its cellar. A bai qaet at a
residence will bring a whole colony ol
them. Wo can always tell when there
is a great auppor at the Union Loigut
club by the movement of the rata to
ward the upper part of the city.
are about a dozen kinda o
1rats. . The common rat la a brlndli
gray. Ttiero are white and black ratr
Trhtto nnd gray , and pnro whi'o ono
with pink oyoa , I hava hoard ra
catchers tell of pink ones with whlti
t oyefl I never caw ono. I onci
caught a rat with bnt two f aot. Th
other rata had hold him In a museum
An ordinary rat weighs ono pound
The largest ono I over aar wcighei
two ponndi and alxouncas , and waa a
big an a half grown cat. "
' What ia the beat tlmo ever mad
by a torrlor In a pit ? "
"A llttla black and tan , Treighlu
eleven pounds , abont the beginning o
March in a nlaco not a hundred mile
from Now York , killed 100 rats in 1
minutes and 28 seconds. That ia th
fastest time ever made in Now York
Mr. Foster's lor terrier , Fijioou
weighing six ponnda , pollahod off toi
rata In fifty-eight seconds , which I
the beat tlmo on record In Earopo c
America. In the pit the rata aomc
times ahow fight to the dog. I hav
aeon a torrlor covorad with rate BO thi
you couldn't aoo a hair on his body
They blto the dog BO severely aomi
times that ho la oovorod with blooc
Tno noble sport , I am sorry to say ,
declining In its balmy days I ha-v
aoen 55,000 or $0,000 change ham
around the pit In a f aw minutes. "
"What Is the bast tlmo ever mad
by a rat-cabhel ? '
Prlnco Jennings once picked np (
rat a minute for five hours at
Is of. "
id "Aro rat catchers ever attacked
id bitten ? "
le "Stories of thorn being killed by rn
ils have been printed , bub they are sons
id tlonal , When rat catchers are bill
or thoycautcrlzo | the wound at ones. Ri
bob teem lo know thou : and hardly overt
to hurt them. I have often nut a doz
b- rats Inside my shirt when I had fill
my ba and had no ether place to p
them. "
ilo "Tho rat catcher's guild la hold
an high repute ? "
"Yea , In England the rat catclu
wear bdta on which pictures of cats ai
ruts and dcg * are wrought. Thought
1110 - ought to do BO hero They are t
10ho modeot. "
In Made from the wild flowers of t
SO It ia the moat fragrant of porfuir
Manufactured by II. B. Slavon , S
Francisco , Forsalo In Omaha by 1
J. Whltohouae ai"l Kennard Bn
ret J. E. BERGEN ,
x\ \ .
3m. Cor.S xUenth aa < l Cumlng StKCti.
A ttory.of Inf.inlllo Suffering Truly nt lold
by Hit Parent * .
> MR. FmroB.-Wo fttl U onr Jut ) lo > ou
h t t'ol'ttinm true Inn hoi ilono lor our
1 1 Ic 1 > \ , w.o ihm liton toriit'h ' ntlllctctl lh (
Salt llhcum , tcrofuln , Mul Krj l | > c' cv r slteo
hiiwna botu , iml notlilni ; "e con il nl > o III u
helpvil him until n HIM I'rtin n i , wh cti , alter
uMntf unite a qinntlti , b < i * n lo lulplilm Atiti
Kriulinllcuritl him , unt 1 he i' UOK M fnl an iv J
thllil lll boilr u in tomplctny i'J o nl MU !
h' l cf ami liMiJtiinu * \cr 1 > .OUohil
no rcmlort wlili him. it o so much trk to
Uke t tip 1 1 him , ami ha cudeicJ no \ \ o began
to tirtt him hon ho tl IS 1,1 nlh ohl , civ n
hlniAtllitt lUdropi ol thn Ci tim'iu llr < nun\T
fit a line , lutliliij ; 1 1 n nii w.ttr mlliiuiRA
Sonami a | > | * ' ) Ing Ci Mit'Ak c iifu I ) tillincn
tlroboJy. llot < io 31 sc o\\n \ il II perfect-
l > will. Wcli > onot Miftcnbe'or ' , lii L e
III tuht It tiilult ippuir aciln.lmt It li.xii.ot ,
ml M o aru \ err tl nn ( ul
MU. AMH3. . KKttKtt S1KD11IN9.
llil licrlowu , itx s.
o utrl jotir Ci Tin m ronuillrs Inoutcra
ca'oH ot K zemt , Moist i il 1'rj ' Tetter , ami curotl
then nil. our it'iiu RA HUOLMM , to far miiy
> upp' ) cnitlilos mo to toit It , hiii , In i ) lunJs ,
cxctoJcillii oillcicy unit ctll I nej an ) nltirVHc
comKiiiii 1 ( liloal piiilllof ) I hoe > er m do two
otln u aclhe prut iOf 3u iou < ulutat < on
K N.KOKHI , M. I )
Jft'knoinllle , 1'ft.
To'ir ft TH i HA rcnicdUn outsell all ether mod-
iclnee I keep ( or a\\ \ i ulcanci. My ctiD'onicru '
anil i atljt.ts n > thtt th > have cfTectcil acme In
t\cn lllstanco , litre other rcmoilIcK hare tilled.
II W. 11UOCK\\AY M.I )
Frank lln Fa'ls , N II
The new Mco I purifier , Inttrnally , ami C'lTI
CIRA ii1CinctRASo\i > , the vrtat Siiln curoi ,
oxternallr , il a B the skin aiulacilp incl purity
the bloitl ol every ppcelca ol lulling , Sculj , Plni-
plj , Hcrolu'oin , Intaiitilo Mercurial and ( Jsnccr-
( iis Iluinora mill bVI i Torturcn vhin pluslcUnn ,
hoaf Hals on j all other means till. Sold c\crj-
uhoro. trice : CVTICURA , rO ct and II 00 per
box. CliiiiRRleo KNT , il Ol per bottle Cu
m'Vmsiur , IS ct . CITIUKA SIIAM.VU SOM15
PTf AITTV for l't title iiul Uirth llunoors ,
DlinUH Ko\igh , Cnipp il or Urea ) Skin ,
pimiT lllnek He.1 % I'lnio'cs , miii Skin
Dam Illo'Llthcn mo Cu'lcar.i Soip an
eiiulslto | Sk n IKa'itllkT M 1 ollet Hath nnd
Nuserj San ithc FraRiait nith dtllclousltlower
oiiori nd nutlcura ra'aiins. . \i
Jasper Stone
Th s Company U now prepatoj to rocel\o order i
Building Purposes ,
Andwil' ' make fliuroi on round lot ) lor piompt
do Ix cry. TnoCompanj lakhlpplng
To both Chlcigo and Omnha , and bolicltt Cirrcs-
te and orders from contractir en-
il In paUiu streets in anv ol tto
Wettarn C.tica.
- .F DfVT'nOMlCK , Chicago , Wrst Divis
ion IlaiiAiy Colcago , December 5 , 1832. D
ElwoV , Preside t Eloux K.lla Mater Power Coin-
piny. Dear Sir I lm\e recolveil from jour coin-
pinj fince October 1 , 1S32 , atoiit 103 car loids
of gianlto pa\lnp bio ki nnd rmehlil them bo-
tweet * the r.l's ' ol our street lallna ; track ) In the
heart ( I the city. I hao been mink' aIng tna-
tcilaliu thUclt ) form nj juxrs , anil I take plea
sure tn tajlnjj thit in my o liton tin ijr.nltc
[ laving bl cki lumUhed by j our c unpiuj are
themoit regu ar In itnpo a-U pcrfo t In loroi ,
and 10 tar * s I ha > o btcn abl * to juJ 'c , are pos-
ttssed of in durjhlj tiature as any inatorlil that
has tAcr b-cn cQoiol or laid in ho cltj. .
( Copy. )
. &r. Loin March 22 , 1833
Ihls Is to cirlih that 1 tmc exaidncd a p.It.c :
ot granite taken from the Slon\ Falls Gr nlti
Qinrriei , and , 1 > mj opinion , 't ' U the beet atom
lor street piwug I hatoiecn In > m rica
( Signed ) IIKVin FUD ,
I'tei Uoard I'll > lu ! Improvements.
Stone for Paving Purp ses
0 And anpo jn IctcreU'il Insuch In prcvcrr.enti
will tlrd it srta lj to hi ) id\a > UKOto
communicate with \\uliuito
TheKcncni innitmnt and supenlalon o
thacoi pj's bu'lncas Is no-v In the ha da
olm. . Mcliai .
Address jour letters to
Pro Idtnt ol the J spcr Stsne Co
ml rx&ttj
d.IB Imperial Austrian lOOfl , Govern
CO montBontl ,
IBSUK OF 1804 ,
lo ' which bonds are Issued &nd secured by the goi
crnment , aid are redeemsJ In drawings ,
a Until ] each and every bond Is drawn with
iw Itrgeror sncalUr premium. K\cry bond mui
draw a prize , as there are no h'anks
or 200,000 Florins ,
| 20,000 "
Any bonds cot drawnonc ! ol thi above prlz
en mustdra a premium ol not Ics ) than
' I , The next drawing takes p ace on the
i3n i
ed 1st ofJune , 1883
mt ande\cry bomlho uhtol usonor lictora the 1
ot June Is out tied t- > the whole premium thi
tca > be ilrann ticroon on that dttc
Out-ol-tonn orders tent tn > KaistitriiiD In
IKRS , r.nd Incloeiiu- , will sic ire one ol the
nrs I "onus ti r I lie ricx' drawln/
1 For orders , circulars , and any other Informi
nd tlon , addro-if ,
HI International Banking Coinpan ]
No. 207 UrojidwGV.Oor Fulton Stroo
NOVT York City.
the Thoaliivo Ooverumcnt bonds are not to
EY with HDJ lattiry uhats ever , and
not conflict ttlhanoftbo bwa ot the Unit
titatc *
N. 11 In wrltlnf , plcaso state thatjou ti
VV. this In the Ou. ha Doe _ Feb.7-w 1
oa , DeitepL.TliomaB&Bn
Pay Taxes , Ileut , Honsoa , Etc ,
, R001I 8 . _ _ . CKE01ITON DLO
FHtecDth Stic ct , . Oinihe , Neb
Offices and parlors over the now Omaha
National Bank , 13th , between Farnam
and DouglasStreets.
.Ur. Fishblatt can bs Consulted Every Day Exo pt Fridays nnd
and Saturdays , these two Days beinc devoted to fljs Dianousary
at Dos Moines , 1owa. h eo ul attention given to diseases of tbo
Special attention given to Ulnnnwi's of the
AiulFoiralo Disoa os , as well as All Olironic and Korvous Disoasoa
HIM Jlcov rolthe greatest euro In the world for weakness ot the luck nd limbs , ( inoluntary
discharges. lmpolc > icg icrililobldtv , tiervoiisncsi , languor , contusion of Idea * , palpltttlotiof th *
heart , timidity , tro ubllng , illume * * ol night or glddlnctM , dinoiooii ol the head , throat , c e or skin
i ( lections ot tbe liter , lung * , stomach or bowels thosp terrible disorders arlilng Ircm so Itar ) hab.
Its ctou h , andsocrit lirictl e more fatal to the victims than the sours of Hjrens to the marlp
era ol UlS3s , blighting tnolr most ndlant hopoj or ntll | ' tloiu , rendering umrlaio ImpoiMlbie
Those tli.t are suffering from the evil practices which destroy their mental and phyilcul systemi
The of which are a dulldistressed mind , which unfits them from performing their bust *
ncps and uncial duties , makes happy marriage Iruposs blc , dlstrostcs thaact'on oltho heart , causing
flushesot heat , de rcsslonof spin'sev 1 tjrobjdmgi. cowardice , le > r < , droimt , roHllosi night * ,
dluldusi , forget'ulnou , unnatural ditch irges , pain In the back and ) hip * , thort breathing , melan
choly , tire easily ol company and have nrefirtnce to bo alone , fooling ai 11 roil In the morning M
when retiring , simlnil weakncsi , lost manhood , white bone deposit In the urlno , r orvouinom. confusion -
fusion of thousht , trembling , watery and weak ejen , dy ( | > c-BUrconstlpitton | , pnleci'M , inln an < J
woaknoea In the limbs , etc. . should consult mo immottUtoly and be reitoroJ to period health.
\Vhohave become victims ot solitary vice , that dreadful and destructive hab't which annually
sweeps to an untimely gra\e thousands cl joung men of exalted Ulent and brilliant Intellect who
mUhtotherwUo entrance listening senators with the thunders of tholr eloquence or wake toecsta-
cy the llMng Ijrc , may call with full confidence.
Uarrlod persons or young men contemplating marriage be aware of physical weakness , IOMI
prccreatlie power , Impctenci , oran ) othirdloiuallflca Ion speedily relle\eu He who plactihlm
self u dcrtbe caroof Dr. Flshola tmty rolt iouily confide In his houoras a gentleman , and conl-
dently rely uiton his suit ! as a ph ) .Iclan.
Immediately enrol and lull vigor tailored. Ttls dlsjr Ming atlllc lo * which renders life a burden
and marrlago Impors'ble ' , Is the penalty paid by the victim lor Improper Indulgence. Young people
are ap to coniTlt OXCIMJI lion nst being awam of the drcadtui consequoncoi that may 01 lut.
KOW who that ui > dcrs'and tt Is subjtct will deny that procreation Is lost sooner ky those falling
Into Into laipropir hablU than by prudent ! Besides being deprlv d ol the pleasure ol hi allhy oft.
sprlngii , the niMt sorlnn and d < structl\o symptoms ot both body anlmlnJ arlso. The sjstoniDo *
comes dcrangtd , thdphislcal and mental funo'lons weakonj Loasol procrcatUe poners. ncrvoul
Inabllltj , djsptpsla , palpitation ot the heart , Indigestion , ( constitutional debility , wasting of tin
liarao , cough , consumption and death.
Persons ruined In health by unleained pro'endors who keep them trifling month alter raonl
Uklng poUoucusand Injurious compounds , should apply Immediately.
gradmto ot ono of the mctt eminent colleges of the lin'ted ' States , his effected s-mo ol thi molt
astonishing cures that were e\ei known ; many troubled with ringing In the cars and head , wheo
asleep , gnat nor\ousneas being alarmed at certain sounds , with fnquent blushing , attended some
times with derangement of the mind were cured Immediately.
Dr. F. addresses all those wh3 have Injured themselves by Improper Indulgence "andsolitary
habits which ruin bath br > dy acd mind , unfitting them for business , study , society or marriage.
These are some of the melanch lyefficts produced by the oirly habits ot vouth , vli : Weak
ness ol the back and llmbj , pains In the head anl dimness ol sight , lo-w ot muscular power , palpi *
tatlon ol 'he heart , djspepsla , nervous irritability , derangement of digestive functions , debility ,
consumption , etc.
CONSULTATION FUEE. Charges moderate and within the reach of all who nerd s-ltntlHo
Medical treatment. Tho-e who res de at a d.tUnce and cannot call , will receive prompt attention
through mall by simply sending thler symptoms with pottage.
Aiidrriw Lock Hoi 34. Omaha. Neb.
Wholesale and Retail Carpets.
Strnwhorrlce , 3 cans 25o Ulackbcrrlos , I ! c < ns
CionaobsrrlcB , 3 cans 2.)3 Whortleborrlo ? , 3 cans ? 3o
Btirtlett Pe rs , Scans 2."i3 Kino P < are lOa
a. Peau 20 ; ! Sweet Cam 10a
CjillfornlA PlumB , 20o.
All Other Goods Reduced in Proportion at
ted 613 North 6th Street.
iy W. F. OLARK ,
Kalsomining , Glazing ,
E. Oor. IGth and Douglas Streets , . . OMAHA ,
_ . .