TBEJMJLT BiS'-OAJLAHAAVEDHESDAV MAST 2 No Whiskey ! I BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is one of the very few tonic medicines that are not com posed mostly of alcohol or whiskey , thus becoming a fruitful source of intemper ance by promoting a desire for rum , BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is guaranteed to be a non- intoxicating stimulant , and it will , in nearly every case , take the place of all liquor , and at the same time abso lutely kill the desire for whiskey and other intoxi I cating beverages. i Rev. G.W. RICE , editor of the American Christian Rc- viciu , says of Brown's Iron Bitters : Cin.,0.Nov. 16,1881. Gents : The foolish wasting - , ing of vital force in business , ( pleasure , and \icious indul gence of our people , makes I , your preparation a necessity ; ' and if applied , \\ill save hun dreds who resort to saloons for temporary recuperation. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS has been thoroughly tested for dyspepsia , indigestion , biliousness , weakness , debil ity , overwork , rheumatism , neuralgia , consumption , liver complaints , kidney troubles , &c. , and it never fails to render speedy and permanent relief. OOIO ) MEHAI , , 1 ARI8 , 1879 BAKER'S CHOCOLATES Ttalrr'jiYfmt'irm Chocolate , th hti rmp > nllon of | > Uln chocoUK for fim ll/ u . yinlrr'i llrralfaa Coroa from which th ciee ol oil hii bcei rtmofed. ( tslljr dl eited tnd ailtnlnbl ] olaptnlforlnTlllill. CaHer'l 1'Millt ( Tiofolatt , ai a drink or et n tt con frUloDery U a dtllcloui article i blent ] rccoinnunJcil bf lourliU. IJaltr' Jlroma , lnT > lu > lil < u a diet for chll dr n. atman Saetl OttxotaU , i moitcxccllent article for famlllci. Sold bf lirocera cierjnhcrc. \V. BA.ICE11 & CO. J > orcftt t r BALL'S ' Every Corset la warranted satis- nctorrtoltswcnror la every way , or the money will bo refunded by Kho IICTBOU from \vlioui It was bought , .hf onlyc.r ftrrona'inc < xl br our leadlne rhj lenin ! n > 1'ijnrliiun tn chovrcon'r. andcndorml by ladlM u > TO-st romfortablo ana prt : t Bttluj Comet T I " * * * ' l'IUtT.8 , by M IU I'o tn e T al.J I Mill' l > rcicr > liiir , * 1.00. Bflr.AdJu.llne. fl.BO AVdomlnul ( cilrn btnvj ) a.IO. Nurllnc , 1.6fl IBwilO l'rcrriliiB ( Hue ooutll ) 2.00 1'arxaa Bklrt-Suppurtlnit. 41.5U. Tfiv * MI by Iradlna Itctall lleHlera everywhere " " - or > CdllSKT CO. . CMCUBO. Ilk Send $1 , 82 , S3 , 01 S5 for u muiiple re- ( nil box by KxprcHM mm of the boat cnndien li America , i > nt up Ir plccnrit boxen , nni Hlrlctly piirp. Sultn bio for iirt-HcntM. Kx Itcfers t nil Chloa so. Try It ouco. mm C. F. GUNTHER Confectioner , Chlcnco THE CROOK CAMPAIGN , Fighting the Redskins in the Heart of tlio Sierra Madros , A Night with Apaoho Bcouta- Their War Dances and Singing The Tombstone - stone Hangera , Sfcclal Cor. Gl bc-Dunocial , WTLCOX , A. T. , April 27. For the ) st two weeks the headquarters of ho department of Arlzonn have been oontod hero , a Bandy , desolate , windswept - swept plain , covered with caotui and ncsqnlto , but without nprlngs or wolls. The town conalsta of a slnqlo row of atory and a hnlf utoroe , most of hum Tilth saloon attachments. I left El Paso ten days fttjo , nrmod irlth a letter of Introduction to Gen. George OrooV , who was to leave that place on the tame train. I walked through the coaches , oloaoly scrutinizing the patieugera , oipcctlug to find the sub- luer of the Apaches a man of war > llko front and fierce presence. Falling to recognize the general , I appealed to ; ho condnotor , and was shown a stout- ah gentleman , dressed In a pepper- and-salt salt. This wu Gou. Crook , and occupying seats on the opposite tide cf the car sat two gentlemen In citizen's dresa , resembling professional men from some cantern city , Cer- : ninly the qalot trio wonld never have aeon taken for General Orook and his staff cflioors , Capt , fionrko and Llont. Flobogor. They were rotnrnlng from Chihuahua , whither the general had jjono to cousnlt with the Mexican com manders as to the best course to be ; akeu in order to snbduo THE WILD CIIIHAC1IAU8 , whoso fierce raid through Ariz ina and Now Mexico has left a trail i < r blood from their point of entiy into the United States to their polut of depart ure. From fifty to sevonty.flro tnllea \ day they marched , leaving behind thorn many a ghastly corpse on the cactus-covered plains. They seem to bavo succeeded in obtaining freab horses every few hours from theh luckless victims , and pawing on like a pestilence , they left the whole country In alarm and turmoil. There wore only seventeen in the band whlct killed Judge McComaa , and eighty in the band which committed the mnr dor a near Hermoailla and Nopalla.nnd yet to the frightened ranchmen , pros peotors and freighters It seemed at though the whole of the 1,300 tranlon on the Sau Oarlos reservation mnsl h vo broken loose. They were no1 within the limits of the United Statei over twelve days , arid yet the press o the two territories has only juatbegu : to recover from fright , and to contra diet the wonderful stories of masjacn and desolation which have been pour ing In on them ever since the raid be gan. Surely the truth was bad enough and the false stories wore , to say thi least , moat nnfortunato. The fev troops were marched hltherand thlthei until almcst worn out. Gen. Orool finally got to the truth of the matter The San Cirloa Indians were carefully counted and found to bo all present. A Ohlrachaua deserted from the bane and came into the reservation , givinj himself up , and explaining that howai a Sin Oarlos Indian whoso two wlvoi were of the Ohlrachna tribe , but hac been killed In a fight with the Mexi c ns , and ho was anxious to return tc bis old home , and had taken the firs opportunity of getting away. Th < general questioned him closely , and hi gave IMPORTANT INFORMATION , which baa since been corroborated li all polnta where that was possible , The general then vialtcd llormoslllo and saw the Mexican genorala .there He then wont to Chihuahua for thi B&mo purpose. In the meantime cav airy auppliea and Indiiu scouts wen being maeaed at Wlllcox. Oa thi morning when I arrived at hoadquar tcra BX companies of cavnlry wora ot the ground. This was on April 17 but on the 23i the preparations won all completed , and the army ready tc move. Last night the Apache Bcanta hold a war dance , and to eyes unused to ancl aoenoa the effect waa startling. Around a great fire gathered the lithe formec Indiana , armed with Springfield rifles and clad In all the gay colora obtain able. They kept time to the boatlnj of native dtntua and the ahrill voice of the chanters who Bang : We are the soldiers of the Nan Tan Chav We are not women ! We are not children ! Come , if you dare , ChirachuaM Come , stand before thoaoldlera Of the Nan Tan Chaw ! The "Nan Tan Chaw" ia Gen. Crook and the conglastod till mldmlght , whlli the dancers leaped and yelled In thi glare of the firelight , discharging thol guna at Intervals and calling upon thi Ohlrachuas : They are coyotes ! Their home la In the rocks ! They are like tba wind ! They are like the duat-stormi ! They come and go like devilt ! At 8 o'clock this morning the bugle ; sounded "boots and saddles , " and thi camp waa Instantly in motion. Thi Apache sconte , nnder Lieut. 0. B Gatewood , tith Cavalry , 120 strong started at ouco and on foot , separating llko a fl-ck of quails , and each carry lr.fi tholr arrna na they liked. Thoj spread ou : over the Handy waste anc very soon reaarabled DO many data or the plain. Behind them were eight ] pack mulct , bearing nil their camp EQUIPAGE AND SUPPLIES. Then cnmo the air companies of caval ry , mounted on fmo hpraea. Last o all came the waRon train of twenty- one six-mule teams , followed by thir ty wagons , hired from citizens for tht occasion The first objective point li Gaadaloupo canyon , four days' mntcl to the south. Thou comon Oasai Grandes in Mexico ; nnd five days further on la the Ohlrachana strong' ' hold , In the Sierra Madre Mountains , This la Impregnable and Inaccesslbh for horeoa. For generations the rod warriors have hold their own hero , driving oil the Mexican troops with huge stones hurled from the summl cf their fortress , IIere has gathorec the remnant of Victoria's band , Nan a , ' band and Locos. Joining forces wltl each other , they now defy the arrule of the two republics , ' It seoma to bo a hopeless taak , ' 01 which Gan. Orook baa led thla oxpedl tlou , He doea not Intend to taktj hi regular troopers beyond the 'line There ho wilt bo mot by Copt , Euimot Crawford , with 125 Apache scouts , ind after posting his regulars alocg the line and establishing a bnaoof snpollcs 10 will go alone with only fifty rcgn- ats and the Indian ecouts Into the toart of the Sierra Mndrof. "Is It safe to truat yourself with heao Indian11 ? inked. "Sifc , " waa ho reply , "certainly , I wonld go anywhere - whore with tht so follow , " And after ovoral daya of clcao observation I nust say that the Qenoral cortaluly corns to have won the confidence and oapoot of his Apaoho allies. But the ournoy la long , the COUNTRY IS DESOLATE , ho plains arid and the mountains ilgh. It seems almost beyond the > ewer of man to bollovo that success an corno to the campaign , but the general already lias a record in this Ino , and ho aaya ho will subdue the Ohlrochuaa If such a thing ia possible , . have caught Romothlug of the outhu- laam of the oflioora who have folloncd holr loader on this long journey , and will go away from Wileox expecting to tear good roporta from the expedition. When the raid began the territorial tapers flew off the handle , and In iorca editorials demanded the cxllno- Ion of the reacrvatlon Indiana. There tro plenty of men spoiling for a fight ou this frontier , and although the > oasted number of GOO rangers haa not > eon raised , still enough has boon lone to make serious trouble. Sixty- ivo men , under Capt. Joyce , of Tomb- tone , have camped to-day near Fort Grant , They have been nUNTINO INDIANS or ton days , but of course have found lone. The rangers have poralatontly de clared their intention of wiping out Sau Carlos with its 0,000 peaceful Apachea , In retaliation for the Ohlra- chnaa' raid. It la not likely that they will attack the reservation now ; pas- alon haa cooled , want of discipline has oat Oipt. Joyce eomoof hla beat men , and the hoped for relnforcemonta do not arrive. But tholr action haa already done harm enough , and some of the moat truatod officers of the de partment , who wonld othorwlao bs with Orook and hla llttlo army , were ordered back to their poata , In order to be on the ground In caao the In dians were attacked. ALEXANDER SULLIVAN. An Episode In the Career o ! the Ne-ro League's President. AUxinder Sullivan , president of the National Irish league , was born In Watervtlle , Me. , on August 9 , 1847. Both parents were from 0junty Kerry , Ireland. While he very young thoj moved to Detroit , Mich. , taking him with them , and there his boyhood wat spent. About 1873 he moved tc Chicago , and five years later was ad mltted to the bar. During the period of his legal studies the unfortunate nato affair occurred which made hla name known throughout thi northwest , and fnrnlahed Ohlcagc with subject for discussion for nearly i year , A school teacher named Han ford , who had become acquainted v itt Salllvan In some way , caused it to be known that ho was going to publish ai article reflecting on Mrs. Sullivan , and , in spite of remonstrances , got it ready for one cf the newspapers Sullivan heard ot the matter and , taking his wife with him one evening drove towarda Hanford'a houae , The ] met him before his door and with a mat named MoMullen , and angry wordi ensued. MoMnllon , who was a powerful man , grappled Sullivan , and Mra. Sclllvan fearing for his safety , got out of thi carriage to him. Hanford struck hei and Snlllvan , struggling to got him wan soon In a desperate fight whtcl aecmod likely to ba ended by hli tolng overpowered by the two men Ho had only one hand free , but witl that ho reached for hla revolver and dofon ed hlrruolf. At tbo firat she ! Hai'd fell mortally wounded , Snllwun'a trial for murder , which ensued , created more ox cltcment than any similar oven In Ohlcigo for years , and the entire community eoemed divided on the question of whether the shooting wai justifiable or not. The jury failed U agree , eleven votlug for acquittal anc one for conviction , and ho was put un < der bonds for another trial , which finally reauted In a verdict cf "nol guilty. " Rumors wore circulated anc generally believed that Hanford'i ' friends had offered money to Judge McAllister , who prealdod at the trial , to Influence judgment against Sulll van , and a month or two afterwardi the matter was brought Intc politics. McAllister , and Tnomu A. Moran , who had been Snlllvan'a at torney , were elected at the next judl clal election over Oharlea Reed , whc had prosecuted the case. Au Immense change of votes from one party to the other showed the current of populai sympathy. Since that tlmo Mr. Sal llvan has been quietly practicing law with great success , though he haa ap peared little in pub ! ! : posl ion. Ir politics ho waa an abolitionist firal and then a republican , but he lofl the party with Horace Greoley has been a democrat ever since. Ho le a member of the Ancient Order ol Hibernians and occuplea a prominent position In the order. The Now Bridge at Niagara. Slevtlaul Herald , The now bridge for the Oiuadn Southern ever Niagara river , to be built by the Central bridge company of thla city , and to coat Onu million dollars , with it * approacheo , will bo e double track atael ' ul-lovor , " the firat onu erected In thla country and a fw simile of o.io , vhlch the Oinadimi 1'acllic li ccmtruotlng ever Frazjt river la BrllUU Anurlcn. The prlncl pal upon which it will bo constructed la one thar 'will admit of a train paaa. Ing over I1 at n apeed of sixty mllea an hour with perfect oafoty. The maa < slve atcjno abutments or foundation ! will fitat bo built at the water's edge and ( hey will have a height of about forty fact. Frera thssa will riao col umns of iron in the form ol piers to the edge of the cliff above , By means of anchorage In the baul for some distance back upon the lane the spans of atoel will bo built on ever the river 2,000 feet from clthoi side until they moot in the center , anc in thla mannnr the entire structure will balance and aland. The "contl lever" principle la , It la said , thai which renders the structure strongoi by the weight of a train as It advanooi upon the bridge. No false work what ivor la used. The bridge will bo 215 eet above water and have a COO ( oat pan , while Its length ever all will ba 000 feet. It will tnku three months to omploto the masonry , and the iron work It is expected will bo bognn In August. When it is well under w < ty ho operations involved will proiont an Interesting spectacle , The contract eqnlros that the work shall bo com > lotod ou November 30ih of this year. The Lime Kllu Club. ' 'I would Inform do club , " said the > rcatdont , as another starch-box waa Iropped Into the stove to warm up ho back townships , "dut do lion , 'okydomna White , of Grenada , Miss. , am In do only-room. Da gom'lan ar- rove heah las' night ou top of a freight car. His objeck In wlsltln' do norf am to dellbor his celebrated lecktnr' on 'How to Eonomlze. ' Ho has cf- orod to dellbor it bofo' dla club fur do anm of aevonty.fivo cunts , which am chuap 'noff for any sort of n lock- ur ou any sort of a subject. But I lan Informed him dat wu doan't want t. It am plain to dat ho haa bin economlzln' raddor too much , Iti ) laoo of au oborooat ho haa a yard of ) raes watch-chain. In place of three moala per day ho aooma to prefer one meal an * two drinks of whlaky. While do heela of hla bntea am all run obor , ho w'ara a glass dla- nond under hla chin. While bla rousers am patched bofo1 an' behind , 10 sports a tgalvanizod watch dat prob ably coat $0 , Gom'lon , do way to economize am to save seventy-five cents by not 'ooptln' do offer of dla cokturer. What do moas * of usdoan1 { now 'bout economy no stranger wld a stiff knee kin cum along an1 teach as. When a member of dla club keeps V ohlU'n in ekule , pays rent , hai n Sunday suit , oats oysters twice a week an' doan' owe do butcher or grocer , an' all on a salary of $6 per week , 1 reckon he has got do economy blz- ness down to as fine a p'int as le kin be worked. "Do committee on rccepahnn ol statesmen will pnrcoed to the anty room an' remark to do Hoc. Pckydo mna White dat wo haa decided not tc h'ar do leotnr' at any price. Hint tc him dat ho had better leave do city or some of do night trains. Tell him da1 his leotnr1 will probably draw crowdec houses In Toledo an Cleveland. " A Very Ignorant Man Clara Belle said in a recent letter As I have said , not many women havi thus far fallen into thla style of ahap Ing themselves , and those few are generally orally tall and slender , for no one o taste adopts It if she Is plump or little Therefore wo s < ? o the singular apecta cln of seemingly Immonae hips ot otherwise narrow figure an absurdity aa anybody ought to comprehend. Bj the way , a married friend of mini took her husband out shopping. Hi waa green , and gazed upon the warei like a countryman at a fair. In om place hla eyea fell upon a pair of cloth covered , bran-atuffod articles , con uectod by tapes. Ho concluded tha they wore bosom pads. Ho whlsporec his disapproval of such artifices : "Look at the ahapo of them , " hi exclaimed ; "they are eonaro , unaym metrical , angular. No woman 01 earth w s ever developed in that way unleea aho waa deformed. What fool you are. " "And you're another , " replied hi wife. "Thoae are for wearing on th hipa. It's your treat , and I'll tak soda wi'fh lemon and cream , quit sweet , THE BAD AND WORTHLESS Are never imitated or counterfeited This la especially trao of n famll ; medicine , nnd It Is poaltlvo proof tha the remedy imitated ia of the hlghca valne. Aa soon aa It hnd been tetitei and proved by the whole world tha Hop Uittorn waa the purest , best am moat valuable family medicine 01 earth many Imitations sprung up am begon to steal the notfcea In whlcl the press and people of the countr had expressed the merits of II. B and in every nay trying to induce sot feting invalids to eg ? their stud In stead , cxfectlng to make money 01 the credit and good name of H. B Many others started nostrums pat u ] In similar style to H. 13. , with vori ously devised names in which thi word "Hop" on "Hops" wore used ii away to induce people to believe the ] were the same on Hop Bitters. AI such pretended remedies or cnrer , in matter what their style or name if and especially those with the won "Hop" or Hops In their name or ii any way connected with thorn or the ! ; name , are Imitations or connterfei Beware of thorn. Touch none < them. Using nothing but genuine Ho ] Bitters with a bnnoh or clutter o green Hops ou the white label. Trun nothing else. Druggists and doaleri are warred ag&inst dealing In Inilta- tons or counterfeits' Ve notice the M arringe Fund , Mutua Truflt Association , of Cedar Rapids. Iowa highly spoken of in tnnny of the leadlnf papers of the state. "Money for the Un married" heads their advertisement Ii another column of this uaper , f5-3a K NATIONAL BANK , Cor , Water and Congress Streets. 3BOSTOKT. OAPITAI. , - - 8oo.oo ( BUllPLUH , - - M OO.OOl Transacts a general Banking buelnei-s. He oelvea tbo accounts of Banks , Bankers anc others , Drawa Foreign Kxchnuge anc makes Cable Transfers in Kurope and Tel etfraphlo Trausfera of Money throughoul the United Statei. Buya and rolls Gov ernmcnt und other Investment Securities , and executes ouy Luxineta f jr Its Corre upor.dents In the line < f IVtnklnp. ASA P. POrTER , Prcslden * . J. d. EDDY , Oathlcr. J. W , WORK , As 't Cashier , rc&ih-rae 1IIIEAKFAST. 1 By a thorunsh knowlodse of the .iktanl U r , cl dlzontlon as. . ! hlch ( jo ert the operation . nntrltlon.anl by a careful application cf th. Sue properties el wcll-eflejted Cocoa , Mi Kl-ps haa proTldud onr breakfast tables with I Jelcately flavored beverage which u > ir mo i many heavr doctors1 bills. It Is by tha Judlcloo. ate of such artlclw of diet that a couititntloi may bo gradually built up until itronz encuiil , llundrod k ) reslit every tendency to disease 31 subtle malidlesare floating around n read ) to attack wherever there U weak polnl. Wi may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping onr itlvMwell forllfled with pure blood and a prop eily nourished frame.-- ! ? ! ! hervlce 0 ie ia. Uade limply with boiling water or rnlik Bo i n tloi only U-lb and Ib ) . by Grocers , labeled JAMBS BPPS & 00. , Homceopathlo Obemleta. niiut-wtr London , Bngland. IB UNFAILINQ AM ) IVMLUIIIK . Con- various , St. Vlt- MS Dance , Alco- lollsm , Opium Eatlne , Seminal Weakness , mpotcuey , Syphilis , Scrofula , nnd nil Nervous nnd Dlood Dlsonscs. , . Merchants , K.mkcrs , Lames nnd nil wlioso edcntary employment cause * Nervous 1'ros- ration , IrrcKularltlcsof the Hlc > otl,8toiMncli , lowcls or Kidneys , or who ri'nutro n nerve nnic , niipetlzer or stimulant , Samaritan y < ine > Is Invaluable. ' " ThoutamlH iroel.tlmltthoinost vomlcrful Invlsor- nnt that over nlned a slnMnjoyaf H E R V E ] tern. fl.OOatDrng- The DR. S. A. RICHMOND MED , CO .SolePropr't , St. JOHOtrtl. , JJO. ( U ) Bailway Time Table. C. V. U. K. MAIN LINK. Limn. AHRIMI. ) allyK | inw'.t:15nm ! ! : Dully Kiinn ,1:25 : p m > et. er Kxp. . . 7:40 : ji m Dciutr Kjp..7n : : it m Emigrant ( V.oo ) > m 5'A : ) A m OMAHA AND LINCOLN L1NK-U. . 1' . DKFOT. UCAVR. ARRH K Lincoln hx. . ll:15ft : m I Lincoln IX..1:03 t > m Mixed S:15atn : | Mixed _ 4l5pm : DUMMY THAl'S SIUDGR DIVISION. llummy tralmI a\cOma > < iai foil ws 8.00 a in ; MO a ID ; 10.00 am ; 11.00 a in , 1:00 : | i ro ; 2 00 ( > in ; :01 : f m : 4:01 : p HI ; 5 00 p in ; 6.00 | i in Iljminj traini lemo Diun 11 DlnlTj as follons : B'J5am : ; 9:2,1 : nr 10'J5 : am ; 11 25 a m ; 1:25 : p in ; 2.25 pin ; 355 iiinJ25p ; ; m ; 5:2J | 'in ; 0:15 : p in. SunJnjf ho Dummy trft'ns ' leave Onmha at O.-OO , 11:00 : m ; 2:00 : , 4 W 5:00 : and 6:03 : p m. Li avri Council Iliufl * at 9:25 : and 11:25 : i u- , 2:2i : , 4:25 : , 6:25 : an < l CM f m. TIIKOUQII AND LOOALI'ASKNQER TRAINS 1UUUQK U1TISIO.V. LlUVROyAIH. LKiVRCOL'SClU Pass No 2 . . . T:45 in raNo 5. . . 7,23 a in " No 10 6i5im ; | " No 15..11:20 : am "No 4 . . . 3:10pm : No 3 . .11:30am : EmUrtnt No 0.0:15 : a in No 17 7-2ii pm No7.e-C > 0 pm No 1. . . . 7:00 : pin SIOUX CITV A PACIFIC-DEPOT N. 15th St Loire Omaha ( or O'Neill via St Paul Line ( or Illalr 8:30 : am Arrive ( com Ncllgh 6:30 : pm 0. , M. & ST. P. It. K.-U. P. DKPOT. LEW * . ARRIVB. Mall& Ex 7:45am" : M lli Ex..7.-2'pin | % Atlantic hx..8:40p : u ( Pacflc Ex..0:45 : a ai Dally except Sunday WADABU , 8T. LOUIS & PACIFIC U H.-U. P. DEPOT. LKA\K ARH1VI Omaha 7:45 : am I Omaha ll0am : 3:4jpu : | " 5:20pm : C. , n. & Q. It U U. P. DSFOT. ARRIVft. LKAVK. Mall * 7:4 : > > ara I Exprcs 9:45am : Express S:40pinill' : | 725pm N. Y. * x. lencs Council BlufTsat 8:17 : prnt " " anlvus " 8 0 a inf Sundajscxccptcd. ( Oinaha time 0. , K. I. & P. 11. K.-U P. DEPOT. ARR1VH. LKAVK. Mall . 9 : 15 am Express 7:15 : am 7 "JO p m Mall SMOprn : juuuajsocep'.td. Sundajs uptid. C. 4 N. W. It R.-U. P. DEPOT. ARlivK. LKAVK. Mall * 7-45 am I Exprcs :45am : txprois 3:40 : pm Matl * 7:20 : p in jUcilajs exempted | * Sunda ) > txcepUd S. 0. & P. 11. K.-U. P. DEPOT. Mall ) P:00 : am I Express 0Mam ExpreiB O. 0nm | Mallt 7:20pm : tSd ua > a eicopied ST. PAUL & OMAHAi NEBRASKA DIVISION DEPOT N. 15T1I ST. No 2 8.00 ami Nol 4:50 : pm No 4 12:15 : pin I Nn3 11:45 : am aiindajs exctptwl. K. 0. , ST. JOB , & C. D. It K-B. & M. DEPOT. Mil S:25am : I Eipresa 6:00 : a ra Expr B3 7 : ! 0 pin | Hall 0:50 : p m B. A M. R. . IN NEBRASKA. Denser Exp. . . , . :15am : 6:35pm : Lincoln Kxp.0:35p : m 0:40am : MISsOURI.PiCIFIC-rU. P. DEPOT. ARRIVK. DEPART. Express C:50am : | Express 7c5pm : Mail 0:1 : pm | Mall 8:05 : am Trains leav m ; at 7:2.t : p ui and inlvlng at 8.5C a m lli ha\o Puliman tlrep r < . Opening nnd Closing of Vallt. ROUTB. orr.x CLOSI. a m. p. m. a.m. p.m ChicaifO i NorthHcetorn..11:00 : 9.CO 6:30 2:4C : Chicago , Iloc < lilind & P. .11:00 : 9fO : f:30 : 2:4C : Chicago , lliirlioaon & Q..ll0 : 0.03 6:30 : 2:4C : " ' Wabuh" . . . . 12:3' : 5:30 : Sioux City & Pacific 6:00 : 7 : < 0j Union ralc 4:0011:40 : : OmaLaJtteptib Icon Val. . 2.0)11:10 : liurllDKton & Mo. In N b. . . 0:001 : 7:1J : 6:3C : Omaha4. orthwestcrn. . . . 6,00 70 : Mljiouti Punic C:30 : | BSO : Local mllH ( or State cf Iowa lca\o but once a day , viz : 4 30 a. in A Lincoln ui..tl H also opened at 100 : a. m. . OJ.co open tundaju from 1,00 m. to 1CO : p. T1I03. F. HALL , Pottma-ter Saturday Evening Trains The 'ol'o ' lng tabli ( hews the date and namet ft ro.Vg niMiins traliB to Cblcago from tn > Uhlon Paeillc tianiler en Saturday iteuluRt : MONTHS. January : . .tso | l3 C-23 Fc'iruiry. 3-24 18 Maicb 3-21 1031 April 14 21 M y June 10 (9-30 ( 2-23 July 7-28 21 14 August 18 11 1-25 September. K-29 1-22 15 October 20 13 6-27 Ni umbei , . 1) ) S-24 17 Dece liber. . . 1-22 15 8-29 The Chlcag\ . Panl Minneapolis and Omaha trMns leave e\ery Siturdiy altotnoin 'The Chlctgo , Mllwaukro and Si. PAU ! trains tave every raturdar altcrnoon' CB > ir in * laom FrosMenl. Vice Pm'l W. U. Dusuau , ieu.aidlren. THE NEBRASKA lAN'OFACTUSINS Ob Lincoln , Nei ) MANUFACTURERS OF Corn Pluntero UBrrowB.Fnrm Uoller * duiuy Hay Hasea , Uuoeet Klovtulne Wlndmllle , He We are prepMOJ tc do Job woik toil eundl1 turlnj for other pillion. \ddiesixl orJeri to the VKKl ASKA MANUFACTURIN : ! CO LlrcolnKeb Benius liewarfled , on The Sfwy of tic SiTFiuff Kflchii o Atlividonio lltt'o pirophlot , Muo tiiU | ; old cover wltJ numo > uiiK'mlUiB , will bo GIVEN AWAY to H"V adult porwn cillln ( or Ik. at my branch or suu-ollko ol the Slr.jjcr Ma'inticturun' Com- jian > , ur will besont h > man , pojt'pald. to any pirtcu lit lug at a " btauco from our ollko. The Singer Manufaoturing Do. , Principal Oflisc81 Union Square' , NEW YORK. NOTICE TO CATTLE MEN. 1,000 , HEAD OF YOUHB OATTLE FOR SALE , COO Head of Yearllrg Stccri and Heifen , BOO Head ol Tno-car-cl < i Stetrt , and 100 Head of Two-year-old Heilen. The'o cattle are all coed , straight , thrifty cattle , niMtly graded cattle. For sale all together or la lots to tult the r-urchiitrs. For further partic ulars call on or address M. t Potter , \Va\erl ) , lirowu coutty , Iowa. At-lm ANHEUSER-BUSCH Brewing Association , CELEBRATED KEG & BOTTLED BEER , THIS EXOBLLENT BEER SPEAKS -VJT s ss sf w J - < su ° M0 T FOR ITSELF , Orders from any part of the State or the Entire West will be promptly shipped : All Our ( to'ids ' are Made to the Standard of our Guarantee. GEORGE HENNING , Sole Agent for Omaha and the "West. Offloo Coruor 13th and Barney Streets. STEF.LE , JJH SOK & CO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND JOBBERS IN Flour , 8alt , , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of AHD MANUFACTUEED TOBAGOO , agents for BKHWOOD HAILS AND LAFL R fe RAND POWDER GO -DEALERS HALL'S SAFE AND LOCK GO. Fire and Burglar Pr ; > 3 O . 1020 Farnham Street , PERFECTION HEATING "AMD BAKING Is only attained by using CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges.1 WITH WIRE UADZE OVER DOORS , For dale by ROGERS & SBNS MORGAN & CHAPMAN , 2I3 Farnam St. . Omaha. BOLLN & SIEYERS , I H. BOLLN & CO. , 1509 Douglas Street. | Cor. IGth and California St. OMAHA SEED DEPOTS. HENRY BOLLN &GO litre brought to this city dom Hie firms cf lAnlrcdlh & Son's , Philadelphia , and James M. Tbur burn & Co. , New York , the l rRO > t itock ol Garden ind Field Seeds over Imported before toi ) city , allcl which arc guaranteed to be fresh and true to the nami. Prices will also be as low as any Responsible Dealer can Make , mar IC-eod-tf HENRY BOLLN & CO. J. A. WAKEFIELD , WlIOtESALE AND RETAIL DEALKB W Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , D3Q38 , BLINDS , M9LDIHGS , Li E , t.ar.nt ror. UILWAUKKB CKKKNT COUPAXV Union Pacific DepotOMAHA , JIANUFACTrUEK OP Window Caps , Fimal3 , Skylights , & .c. TUIRTEENTII STREET , . - - OMAIJA , NEB OM AHA OORNIOE WORKS RUEMPING & BOLTE , Proprietors. Tin. Iron and Slate Roofers MANUFACTURERS OF ; Ornamental Galvanized Iron Cornices , Iron Sky Lights , Eto , 310 South Twelfth Street , OMAHA , NKB rcarT-mon-wed trl-m