Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1883, Image 1

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    ' " "Hlju , . , : E OMAHA DAILY BEE
A Mlilnldlit llflUlomoiit of Old
BooiwIiuNoliraikaTown ,
A Noii-Oomlifttnnl KnUlly
Woniidnil by n lit my
Diillnl ,
1'ollln ( Jointly , MlMsourl , Uliltt
11 lull for Tttwltn.
Imry HOMO ,
A Tol'tlo Yolltli Um\w \ it IJnnk
Holland Hlltjiv To.Jftll .
thn I'ltimamt 1'nnntlo ,
rUiin nuil Ar-
for Mttt'dtr.
Ill * WrntiK MUM Hhnt
| - l l | J | * | ' < litfrllia lilt ,
KlitMniir , Nub , May 1
night n ftliixitliiK allray occurred liuro
whltli will imilulily remit fatally to
( lmirn ( 'iri'Jtii A fond IIM milled
for aomn llnin bnlwoon John Uhrlbar ,
s > reiUtiMiil kudpor , Mid the frequent
era nf onn of the aaluona , Hlirlbnr
came lioina on Ilia midnight train , was
inol At tint depot by lorarnl persons
front the nnloon nnd atlor loinu Imrd
word * , fratlnu to go homo alone , took
rofupo In the olty hotel , Tno
oleik I'flnon Warrnn and the
hartoridnr volunteered to too
him homo , On aldo atroot they
Wflto mnt by one of the crowd turned
Karl , who knocked Bhrlbar down.
( lolling tip Hhrlbar drew hU rorolvor
and fir od At Karl , bat the ballot
tnUioil him and hit George Otnon ,
one of the party who h d tikon no
p tt In the iturrol | , The b ll itruok
hU bick near the ihouldor blade And
p uod townwArd , The phyilolani
cannot llnd the bullet. Ho li lying In
A critical ootulltlon with the ohanooa
against rooorory , Kul and Shrlbar
were both Arrcitod , Kxamlnatlon to
morrow ,
( A Itnil Youth' * Brcnlt
( flcUI | IMi | > * lili to Til * Him.
TULKIIO , May 1. A bold altompt
At rubbery waa made tills afternoon
In the Toledo National bnnk. A g n
tlomtn had drnwn $1 ,000whloh , ho had
counted n woini'iil , vrhon n young
man aolzjd thi ) money nnd made oil
with It. Uo WAI quickly overtaken
and the money rooovorod ,
Freeman In ths Dock
lotiltt lrp wb "iTn 4
HAUNKTAIILR , MA H , May 1. Frco.
man , who , a law years ago , In a fit of
Unatlclam , killed his child and hai
ilnoo boon In the Innatlo aiylntn , and
now pronooncod aano , was placed on
trial to-day for the crime. Freeman ,
N In his own behalf , iatd : "Four years
ago ho wai Inianp , When the act wai
committed ho ballovnd ho was doing
( lod'a will. Two yean afterward it
occurred to him It wai an luaano act.
Ho never evaded the law of the land ,
but thought ho should obey 0 : d rather
than man , II o had not In hla own
eallinatlun been Insane for cloven
monthi at loaat. Ho fully believed
hla rollilou ( * experlencei htd done for
him all they could. II granted a dls.
ch r r , ho would accept the first hon-
oroblo niialtlon olhred that would
nnablj mm to inpport his family. "
Freeman WM thou arraigned on the
Indlotment of murder and plead not
guilty , .tttdgo Oulburc authcrlzed hla
rquioral from the aaylum to llarnatablo
J tl to await further action ,
T wkaburjr' Rival
R | * < UI t > l itch to lilt Ilii.
Hr Louia , M y 1 The apparently
wry highly loniatlonal reports regard-
I n ft the oondltbn cf the poor farm In
t'Mlla ootinly , thli itato , which was
recently tint In circulation through the
Hdalla Djtnocrat , aeetna to ba con-
flrm d , and the preaa of thlr city de
mand Mi Invealliatlon and proiecuUon
of whoever la responsible fur the dla-
gMtefut atato of alhlra. A general
uterhautliiK of ilmllar Inatltutlona
throughout the atata U alia demanded.
Th ttooihoaao In question , so far ai
tha building la concerned , li repro-
tented to bo an old tumbled down
twiRtry , ic.trcely lit for housing anl-
tint * , uid Ins treatment of the In-
tittle * , touilitlng of over twenty In
( Atie , Idletla anil diseased peuona ,
many ( them entirely helpless , la aatJ
hot ortly to be dlgrao f al and abim
liUbU In tha higheat dtgree , but
ult rly h artleaa and criminal.
dM Likml t > Una the Olais
M y 1. Many attempti
lately ben mid ? to burn tin
Hot * ! ( llenden. ( tattle Thorton , aget
I ' , d nijhtef ef eno of the occupants
* detected aa the culprit. Shi
admitted the charge and aildchedli
h "Ilkdd U > aee th (
Unttiitft tlnnk i\t Hen.
| , M y 1The atate board o
harMy ami I tin. toy replying to th
tttmRtHMtoatioR nf the Koverner dlaip
ft < vhm ' kh" "e lmt of the board ti
* j. rYki ( ( th attorn/ general for ai
( pttnn * ( aa V" ih 4f datlea , a y the pro
* e.-.Mtig ld Imyly no dtaoourUay b
fi * 4- frt * r , / ' > r h > * h ar < aervnnta c
t * M * , * hl h * u ts from every ofti
t f < b 4i44Hi to IM martdatea , to th
i > ri < l fcat may kava a ) { avernmeut o
ami BI | ef
gni of th T t Trunk Railroad
t * , T t , May 1 The Texa
Yt * ! t Mtlf * ( > < , wlk1 * all Ita ( rauchlati
and relljnx ateek , waaiol
h H W uwdef fareeloaura of th
* wort tot IIM.OOC
loMuaon tud Sertwell , o
I Ion ton | A dam i , of Dalian , nnd 8tep-
tialh and Uhow , of Now York , were
the tiurcliMHta , Thla Iniurei the com-
titfltlon of the road to Biblno paat ,
Tha tmrohamii , with so eral leading
oltlr.etii , will Irapoct the road to
morrow ,
Formal Opening of the Diamond
Field Throughout the
Throe Aoouolatlono In the Fluid
With Twouty-four Olubs.
Hiteltt tl | tchri to Tin Uia.
Olltruiu , May 1 The base ball
araiun waa formerly opened throunh-
uitt tlai country to day with throoln-
dependent profeaaloual aaaoclations In
the flold the National Laaguo , Amor
loan Association and Northweatcrn
Loigun , The Notional Luguo com
pilioa olnba at Giiloago , . New York ,
and Philadelphia , all bearing the
names of their cltloi ; the Amnrlcan
Aiaociatlon Includes St. Liuli , Liula
vlllo , Olnolnnatl , Oolumbut ( U.
Alloghcnya if rittsburg , Baltt
more , Athelotlcs of Phlladelohla ,
and Metropolitans of Now York ,
the Northwestern league embraces
clubs at Qulnoy , Peoria , Spring-
H-ld ( til ) . B y Olty , Grand
Utplda and Eut Bagtuaw , Mich. , and
Toludo , making a total of twenty four
profonlunal clubs In the field , a larger
number than over before in the hia
tory of the game. The playing aea
sun rniiH to October lat. The sched
ule of games provide each club ahal
play fourteen games with each of Ita
opponents In its own organization ,
seven on ita own ground , seven on its
opponent' * grounds.
BALTIMOAK , May 1. B ltlmoroa 4 ,
Metropolitans U
CLEVELAND , 0. , May 1 Baffaloa 4 ,
Olovolanda 7.
CINCINNATI , May 1. Cincinnati 5 ,
Ut. Liula 5.
1'niLABBLrnu , May 1. Provldenoo
4 , 1'hlladolphlfta 3
NEW YOUK , May 1. Now Yorks 7 ,
Boatons 5 Fifteen thouiand people
wltnesaod the game.
A Railroad Rnpturo-
Special Dlipatch to TUB ! ) .
BT Louis , May 1 The recent order
dor by the Missouri Pacific to iti >
agonta to atop honoring tickets or
b RtaKO ; checks of the Gulf , Colorado
it Banta Fa road In Texas , went into
olfect to-day and the probabilities are
that the rupture between the roada
will extend to freight aa well aa pag-
autiRor bualnoss ,
Ollhea of the United States and
Pacific oi preaa companies in this city
.woro merged Into one to-day and will
hereafter bo In charge of Joseph Tom-
pip , of the Pacific company. " *
"Wyoming Ruatlori.
Brwci.l Ittr tcti to Tin Uii.
LIVINOSTON , Mont. , May 1 - It has
boon discovered that an organized
band of rustlers are running oil stock
cowa on the Wyoming border. The
Indians are asking for protection.
Major London , at Fort Elllr , la holdIng -
Ing himself in roadineaa to march. It
Is now believed this gang instead of
the Plegans , mtdo the recent raid
upon the Indians ranges.
The Monopolies.
Sptclia Dltpatch to Tin llii.
I'IIILADELPAIA , May 1. The board
of directors of the Pennsylvania rail
road decided to declare a dividend of
2 per cent In caah and 2 per cant in
acrlp or caah at the option of the
atookholdora , and 4 per coat in stock.
The latter provialon gives the stock
holders the privilege of subscribing to
stock at par In proportion to'Jo per
cent of their earnlcg * .
Nomination * Recalled-
BpecUl Dls ; ch to Till DII.
ST , Louis , May 1. Mayor Ewlng
sent a moaaage to the olty council to
night withdrawing the Hat of appoint
ments sent in a week ago , against
which anch atrong oppoaltlon waa de
The deposition of Jiy Gould waa
taken in the Texaa PclQo suit to-day.
Th Dloyolo Race.
B ? UI Dlrpulch to Tni Ilii.
BoaroN , May 1 la the six day
race of ten hours a day between Chaa.
Ljroy , rldins horaes , and John S.
Pflooa and W. M W.odaldo , rldlna
biaoeii ! , the aoore to-night atood HOiJ
miles for the honei and 312 for the
bicycles At the fourth hour to-day
Liroy fell , dliloottlng his ahonldor ,
and Franola M. Ware WAS aubitltutod.
Ooald and Party ,
Special Dlfpttch toTa * Li .
ST Lot'ia , May 1. Jy Gould and
party left for an Inapaothn of the
Iron Mountain railway and south-
weatern'ayatem at noon to-day ia a
apeclal train of five clihlal cira. In
formation waa rofuaed aa to the
route , but iho cars are provisioned
for twenty days. A trip Into Mexico
over the International la probable.
The Indian Removal.
Special IMspitch to Tin tin * .
Sr. PAUL , Jtay I. Information
reached the dep rtment headquarters
here that Sitnrdiy laat the steamer
\V. J Bahun left Fort Randall fo
Standing Hock , having on bonrd 150
nun , women and children , Sitting
Buira bind of Uncjpaps Sioux , tha
old warrior bolpg of the party.
H. Will Serve ,
3p cUI Blpa ch to Ina His
CotcMBi-H , May | t The Supreme
court to-day refnied to grant a motion
for a patltlen In error In the caao ol
J. D. Wataon. convicted of bribing
members of the legislature. Thoaen
t noeof the court to Imprisonment wil !
now be carried out.
A Fatal Fonntala ,
To the Editor ol Tin Bit :
SYBAOUSE , May 1. A aoda watei
IB fountain exploded here
to-day , fatall ]
Injuring one peraon and aerloualj In
juiingtwo othera ,
Pittsbnrg Artiians Quit Work
and Demand a Raise.
Workingmen in New York and
Other Cities Join the
No Serious Results Are Ex
pected From the
Or , Rnthor , Strlnlnsr for heritable
Spo Ul Dltpatch to Till Dm.
I'lTTSiiURd , May 1 Reports from
the railroad coal mlnca are meagre ,
but enough has been received ID Indi
ate that a general strlko was Inangu
atod to-day against the reduction of
alf cout per hnahel in the prlco of
mining on the Panhandle road , Only
'our out of twenty-two pits are reported
bo at work on the Pennsylvania
and ; all the tnlnoa are idle on
hoB. &O. and P. , V. & 0. , and
bom half are out. Ono or two firms
ave acceded to the minors' termi.
'ho. demand of cigarmakora for an
dvanco of $1 per thousand has boon
oncodcd by all manufacturers , conse-
_ uoutly only the employes of four
large establishments were ordered
ut by clgarmakers unions generally.
It la thought the strike will not laat a
week. The plaaterers all quit work
thla morning because < f a refusal of
masters to pay an advance of 50 cents
> er day ,
CINCINNATI , May 1. There will be
10 dlatnrbanoa hero among the clg r-
makers on account of the reduction of
the tax. They struck sometime ago
"or an addition to wagon and succeeded ,
md so did the cigar packers. Strikes
'or ' an advance have been made at New-
, Ohio , and at Portsmouth , Ohio.
Damanda of workman at Wheeling ,
West Virginia , Stenbenvlllo , Ohio ,
nd Urbana , Ohio , have been compiled
PiTTSBono , Pa. , May 1. lleports
rom the railroad coal mhos thla oven-
ng atate that the strike tgiinat the
eduction cf half a cent per bushel in
rlco of mining has extended to all
mines aavo ono or two. The operat
es admit that the strike is general ,
but profess to be indill'jrent whether
"t la of long or short duration. They
say they will eeo tholr mines idle until
next fill rather than pay more than
hreo cents per bushel for mining.
The mining cfibers pronounce this the
createit strike over Inaugurated In
hla district and they sra prepared'to
hold out.
LOUISVILLE , May 1. The olgar
manufacturers have acceded to all ( he
en.ployora , and no strikes' * will occur
hero. Everything is going on as
usual , excapt an increase activity in
ill manufactures and a rneh of goods
'or shipment.
WILKESBAURE , PA , May 1 , The
cigar factories are closed owing to a
triko. The manufacturers are will-
nc to pay an advance of fifty cents a
NEW YORK , May 1. Seven hun
dred cigarette makers struck to-day
' higher weges. The laborers em
ployed in tuo custom house in weigh
ing merchandize struck to-day for an
C..LUMUCS , O. , May 1. At the state
represented mlnera convention a roso-
'ntion waa adopted favorable to a na
tional union and a committee was ap
pointed to report to-morrow on the
restriction measure , especially Ir
bituminous coal. It Is proposed tc
cut the number of hours per day and
work lets days In the week.
Mr. Biles of St. Lioula Addresses the
Special IMipatch to Tils Bis.
WAHHI.NOTON , May 1. The Bllai
argument In the star route trial thit
morning turned upon the petitions
connected with the various routes ,
and Miner was made the object of a
particularly bitter attack. Ho showed
that two routes had been Increased
and expedited at a great expense bj
Brady solely upon the recommends
tton of Dillon and Bllllnga , railroad
prealdonta , yet Brady bad pretended
ho waa fighting the railroad Interest !
In the atar routes. Doraey had pro <
cured railroad puses from those gn <
tlemen for his ogouta , and it was i
clear cast ! of "Scratch rcy biok am !
111 tickle ycur elbow. "
Bllas took up the evidence relatlr ;
to routes and rapidly reviewed It
passing over the minor points witl
vigor , and bringing out in strong con
trast what ho described as the mon
ihgrant offences of an order for OT
Increase on the Alamo-Clifton route
Ho aald it had remained unrevokec
nntll cangreaalonal invoatlgatlor
caused a cleaning up in the dirt ]
house of the same assistant poatmaate
general. The remainder cf the day' :
session wai consumed in a carefu
review of the evidence concerning tin
tonta and elaboration of the point
made by Ker. When the court ad
jonrned Bliss had not concluded hi
Washington Spoclil t ) the CjoracrUl Qi
xett ) .
Tno resignation of Green B Riun
was a complete surprise to everyone
Not oven hta moat Intimate frlondi o
oflica associates had the faintest bin
that anchaconrat ) had been deter
mined upon by the Commissioner
When General Ilium returned t
the treaanry department , after hi
interview with the president , and an
nonucolto hla inbordlnatoa what h
had juat done , there waa exhibited b
all , first Incredulity and then acini
In reply to thoae who Inquired re
gardlng the caaaea which led to hi
resignation , Commissioner Rtnm said
that the resposlbillty of the oflho had
grown too heavy for a man of hia ago ,
and the salary too amalL lie expect
ed to remain in this city and practice
law before the supreme and other
ooorta and the departments.
This Is true , but it does not give
the inside of the matter. It has long
been a aonrco of surprise to those In
Washington , who are used to seeing
important Intoreata ably represented ,
that the whisky dealers should Intrust
their business to mon of such limited
taot that almost every legislative
project undertaken for the past two or
tbroe years has failed. Were n law
yer and aa expert Itko General Rjum
engaged aa counsel or representative
for thoae poopli , there wonld
bo but little likelihood of
a failure on any reasonable
plan for their benefit. While It Is not
known that definite arrangomonta
have boon made with General liaum ,
it ia understood that ho has long boon
considered as n desirable acqualtlon ,
and It wonld not bo surprising to BOO
him acting fur them. The salary ,
mentioned when thla matter was dla-
cnsaed laat winter , as suitable for a
representative like General Rinrr ,
waa $25,000 per annum. The ultimate
business relations which General
Rinm his had with all banks not
national gives him an acquaintance
that will bo of the best benefit
horoafter. There are now pending
ing unaottled and diaputed bank
accounts with tha government
for unpaid taxes , which ho
can bring to A satisfactory sot-lenient
If intrusted with their management.
Ho la alao to act aa counsel for Wm ,
Pitt Kellogg , lately indicted. But ho
has only consented to thla upon the
most earnest solicitation. The two
hundred thousand tobacco , rebate
claims which will ba shortly filed , also
suggest a possible field for onn well
acquainted with department routine.
This class of claims , while covering
but small amounts and needing no
legal preparation or argument , yet re
quire looking after and collection.
Altogether there are BO many bright
possibilities outside of the got eminent
employer Mr. lUum's acknowledged
talents that bis resignation ot this
time Is the moat natural thing tn the
Sptclal DIapatctes to Tni Ilii.
WASHINGTON , May 1. Senator Djr-
aoy ban returned an cnawer to the suit
of Wm. L. Lilly for $10.003 dimagoi
alleged to hive baon sustained by him
from a personal attack by Djraey
The answer ia confined to a simple
and broad dental of L'lly's allegations
and expressions of the respondent's
willingness to Bubicii the c. o to n
The opoclal oammltteo appointed tc
examine the books , accounts nnd
money In the United States treasury
ia connection with the tranafrf th
oftisa of treasurer from Gillillau tc
Wymau , completed their l&bora to-day.
The memoirs of the comraltttee
waited on Secretary Folger and pro
souted their report , the contents ol
which have already been outlined
The only discrepancy discovered wai
an excess of three cents in favor ol
the retiring otliior. This excoaa existed
istod when Gllfillan took posseoalon ol
the office.
The coinage executed at the varloui
mints durlnc April waa $7,811,000 , ol
which $2,350,000 waa atindurd dollars
To-day was devoted solely to con
sideration of the civil nervico regula
lions. The aesalon lasted three hours
Dltcnsalon was general , but no conclu
alou was reached. A special meet i of
of the cabinet will bo hold to-morrow ,
when it Is expected the matter will b <
finally disposed of.
The secretary of the treasury sus
pended Gaien E. Green , special agent
at Jackson , Tenn. , pending luveatlgi
tion of charges preferred against him
for oliio mieoondnot.
The 120th call for bondi ma
tured to-day. Trie redemption undo ;
the call , including prepaid1 bondu , art
$11 500,000. The exchange cf 31 poi
cent bunds into 3 per cents , anependec
during April , waa reanmcd to-day
Amount aurrondnred for txchango to
day 87CO.OCO , which makes the whol <
amount of exchanges $11)1,000,000. )
Talking Teller
Special Dispatch to THE Iii ,
WASHINGTON , May 1. Sjirotar }
Teller says he does not Intend to ninki
any reply to the charges contained h
Senator Hill's letter , cxc > pt In 3 fci
as they relate lo hl.i management o
the flalrsof the interior depar meat
The secretary cpoolfieclly added in re
apjnio to further Inquiry : "Tho per
aonal allnaiona of thia letter I do no
intend to dignify by an oHawer. "
The prcaldent to-day oppolntot
Jefferson P. Kidder associate jnatlci
of the supreme court of Dakota ,
A Blc ; Hnilueaa.
Special Dispatch to Tun Itsi.
RICHMOND , Va. , May 1. The col
lecler of Internal rovenua for this din '
trlct Issued since midnight last nigh
stamps under the now law for noarl ;
two million pounds &f manufacture
tobacco , tour million of cigarettes au <
ono million cigars , the tax aggrcgatln ;
In round numbers ? 1G3OCO.
LYNCHBURO , Va. , May 1. Then
was the gresteat movement in mann
factnrod tobacco here to-day over rt
corded in the hiatory of the city
Nearly $ GO,000 of stamps wore laauei
and thirty-alx car loads of tobacco ag
gregating about 800,000 pounds wen
shipped to various point ; , One Cm
It nhlppod 120,000 pounds. But for tin
da-naglnR strike of opsratlves ahlp
mjnta from thla paint would exceed i
m'lllon pounds. The cigar manufac
torles are all closed to-day on acooun
of the strlko of cigar makers. An in
crease of the schedule prices has boei
submitted to manufacturers and accepted
ceptod but the latter roaout the at
tempt of the cigar makers' union t
regulate the employment of appron
A Quiet Day Among the Revo
lutionists Over tko Water ,
No OoDBplraoies Matured or
Dynamite Discovered.
The Nihilist ! Ready for a General
Special Dlepatch to Tuit Uia.
LONDON , May 1 , A nolle proscqni
was entered In the oaao of Ilimaay
and Foo'.o , proprietor and editor re
spectively of The Free Thinker ,
charged with publishing llbolona state
Theoommons adjourns for Whltsun-
tldo Wednesday nntll the 21st. The
lords adjourned from the 10th to the
24-h Inst.
LONDON , May 1. Thn queen has
abandoned her intention of opening
the fishlerlos exhibition. The prince
end prlnccas of Wales will officiate.
In the choas tonrnamon , English
and Sollman played a drawn game ;
Bird was boato by Tsohlgarin and
Mortimer by Stolutz. Masou and
Wluamor played drawn games with
Rosenthal and Zarkertort , and Black
burn boat Mackeczlo and Sklpwortb.
Many awards have been made to
persona who have Buffered by reason
of violations of the law In Ireland.
Lady Mountmorrlaand Mrs. Blake each
received 3,009 fur the murder of
tholr husbands.
LONDON , May 1 , The first secular
day of May , being ono of the series ol
annual days on which the bank ol
England makes up ita balances , to
day la a holiday In the bank and on the
stock exchange.
LONDON , May 1. The very Rav.
Goo. Homy Connor , M. A. , dean of
Windsor , ia dead.
LONDON , May 1. Arrived out , the
Asayrlan , Olive , Noatorian and State
of Gorgla , from American ports.
A telegram from Pekln states that an
envoy from King Annam baa arrived
thereto obtain the consent of the
Chinese government to the opening of
the Red river to foreign trades and to
Induce China to afford eush diplomatic
material assistance aa may be neces
- sary. The emperor has ordered LI
Hung Chang to return to hla post In
order to effect the request of King
LONDON , May 1 It is understood
that on the occasion of the enthrone
ment cf the archbishop of Canterbury ,
the polloo cf that town closely
watched the movements of certain
Irish Americans , who were acting in
a sueplotous manner , nnd who became -
came alarmed and quitted the town.
, It ia believed that ono of
1 theao mon was Wilson , one of
1 , the dynamite conspirators , In whoao
p csaen the hcarinr ; < ls yweadiot" * t thn
Bow street police court. Tho" Times
a ay a a mooting of the leading owners
of a stoamahlp company will bo held
the 14tb inst. to Uko dtops towards
f ruliing capital for the purpose of buildIng -
, Ing another canal across the Isthmus
of Suez.
Special Dtapatcb to Till Bin.
BEULIN , May 1. The Malagassy
envoys' treaty between Germany and
Madagascar will soon bo concluded.
A bill for the relief of the sick and
, poor passed second rending in the
A great strike of carpenters and
mesons for an lucreaao of wages has
, On the proposal of the mlnlatry the
emperor ordered the town council be
dissolved at the beginning of next
year that communal and electoral dis
tricts may be properly rearranged.
The emperor returned to Berlin in
good health.
Admiral Blrger , second In command
In rank of the Germany navy , has
resigned owing to the fact that an
army officer has been placed at the
hoed of the navy
Tha rolohfitag referred to a com-
nilttoo the resolution introduced by
the socialists in regard to criminal
proceedings against the police who
arreated socialist members of the
rolchstag returning from the socialist
congress In Copenhagen.
Special Dlspatchei to Tnn Bia.
PAIUS , May 1. Ia the senate Duo
Do Broglie questioned the government
ai to its position regarding the triple
alliance. The minis or of f jrolgn af
fairs replied ho waa unable to under
stand the unity. The question waa
aurronedod with the greUeat absurdi
ty. France , ho said , purposed to re
main lu accord with all f jrelgn coun
tries so far aa waa compatible with hoi
dignity. The subject waa dropped ,
It Is reported that Gustavo Aomard ,
the French novelist , died ia an insane
asylum at Stanno.
Edward Manet , the French painter ,
Ia dead.
Special Dispatches to TUB Uss.
ST. PETEUSIIUKO , May 1. The aa <
* thoritlcs bollovo the nihilists are pro
paring for simultaneous disturbance
} ' in radons parts cf the empire dorln
. the coronation ceremonies of the cziri
DUBLIN , May 1. Fltzuarrls , or
trial , charged with be iat ; ono of the
principals in the PJ-unlx part mur
ders , liaa bon acquitted.
After the verdict had been rondoroc
Fllzharrls waa taken back to jilt t <
await trial on a charge of conspiracy i <
murder , the penalty of which cileuc <
la ten years of penal aervitudo.
SOFIA , May 1 , A document which
urges a speedy rising at > alnat the op
proaalon of lineal * la being circulated
throughout Bulgaria.
Iirnp to the River-
Special Dispatch to Till lin.
IIUNTtNaTON , W. Va , May 1. Thi
east bound express train on the
Oheaapeako & Ohio railroad , earl ]
thla morning , struck an obatrnctloi
near Qilnnemont , Woat Virginia
The engine and tender plunged dowt
the embankment into the river , ant
were completely wrecked. * The cu-
Inoor waa aorlonaly nnd the fireman
Iphtly Injured. The reat ofniho
rain remained on the track , No
lasicngora wore hurt.
pclal Dlipakl es to Tni Du ,
The Canadian oommoni defeated Shakes-
> o re' anti-chess resolution.
The bill reducing railroad taxei In Con-
octlcut wai defeated by a tie vote , "
McUlll university , Montreal , conferred
IB degree of L.L , D , on the Matquli o !
The coluage of the Fhlladelphla lulnt
or Atnll B rct'ftted $0SJO,000 pieces ,
ahudntl,67C , ( > OS ,
The National LtOrouo team and In *
Ian team of Montreal have started for a
oar of Great lirltnln nnJ Ictlnnd.
Marshfield Plains , Man. , are ablaze ,
'wo ' hundred men are unable to chock the
j > oad of the flames through the forest.
) wolllug ) are Imperiled ,
An excursion party of over 100 from
Hlnols , Indiana , Michigan and Wisoon *
In has atuted fur San r ranclsco over the
iltou and Sjuthcrn 1'acific.
Grnel Wade , who died at Lincoln , Neb.
n tha 28th , aged C8 , was buried at Shel-
yvlllo , II , , yesterday. Ho wont to Cal-
'orola in 1849 with ex-Governor Klcharil
, Ogloaby.
The Indian department of the Doinin-
on has instructed the acting asslstaot In-
Inn commlislonor at Wlnntpoc ; to remove
,000 Indians from Fort Wnlth to Ouap-
> ello reservation.
The "assisted emigrants" from south-
weitern Ireland , airivlug in Philadelphia ,
ra Very poor. They numbered nearly SOO
Vine hundred Scandinavians and Germans
anded yesterday.
Jas , J. Madden , aged 40 , In the lacs
lepartment of the house of Musor &
! ro § , , N. Y , , waa arrested charged with
tealing $23,000 worth of goods. The re-
elvers of goods were also arrested ,
The schedules of the aaelgnment of Iiaao
SIppili , the White street ( New York ) mer
chant , recently arreated on the charge of
windlfn ? , hive been filed. Ltabllltle * .
$230.570 ; nominal assets , $512,633 , actual
taets , $14,768.
The veterans of the Fifth , Ninth and
L'enth volunteer regiments of New York
declare the retirement of General Warren
by General Sheridan tt Five Forks , "Un
necessary and not warranted by the clr-
cnmstancei. "
The New York board of alcennen unani-
nously request the trustees of the Brooklyn
irldge to chance the date of the formal
op nlng from the 24th innt , ( anniversary
of the birth cf Queen Victoria ) to the
KKb , decoration day ,
The first annual commencement of the
women's medical college of Baltimore took
} | ace yesterday. The matriculates num.
ier ten from Mnry and , one each from
Illinois , Nebraska , West Virginia , Penn
sylvania , Ohio , Canada and Germany.
The New York board of aldorrcon voted
the Western Union Telegraph company
jermls.'lon to ueo the streets of the city to
ay their wlrca underground , at a cost of
one cent per lineil foot of each street
opened , and giving two wires for the city'd
Snlo of Mexi
Bpccl.MDispatch to Ills llss.
turkland , of New York , rep-
reDoutlog Dome Eagllsh capitalists
baa juat returned from Saltlmo , MexIco
Ice , ua route to Europe , where Lt
went for the purpose of getting a cou
tract conQrmod by the authorities ol
Ooahnlta for a largo tract of land
granted by the general government
and sold to Judge Crosby , of London
by Governor Modero. The tracl
oovera about one hundred leagues o
the boot selected lauds in the state.
A Good Statement.
Special Dispatch to Tin U s.
WASHINGTON , May 1. The deb
statement issued to-day shows a do
create of the public debt during Apr !
of $2,851,402 ; oath in treasury , 0319 ,
159 401 ; gold certificates , § 81,343 , 020
silver certificate , $80,771,331 ; cer
tlficatoa of deposit outstand
Ing , $1,105,00 ; refunding cer
tificate * , $368950 ; legal tenden
outstanding , $34GC81G1G. , fractiona
currency outstanding , § 7,008,973 , i
total reduction In ten months of thi
fiscal year of $114,834 675.
A. L. Barber , of Waihington , D , 0.
the asphalt pa\ng ! contractor , ia In thi
S. 0. McKlroy , of Falls City , waa i
guest at the Metropolitan last night ,
J. C , Blackburn , of Arlington , Is rrgis
torad at the Metropolitan.
J , K. Buchanan , nf Missouri Valley
was In the city yesterday.
A. n. Meyers and family , of Howard
are at the Millard.
W. F. McMillan , of Denver , was at th
Paxton yesterday.
n , M. BuhnoU , of Plattemouth , wai ti
town yesterday.
J. G , Corey , of North Lup , in at tb
J.-vinjall. Smith , of Blair , h at th
Frank Phnk , of Meriden , is at th
Metropolitan ,
11 , G. C , Jenkins , of Grace ! Island , is n
the Millard.
leaao Powers , Jr. , of Dakota City , Is n
the MUhul ,
K , O. Backus , of Lincoln , Is at the Mo
J. O , Fisher , of the Lincoln Journal , i
In town ,
J W. Bhck , of Weeping Water , h I
the city.
Dm Hopkins , of Central City , Is at th
F. K Short , of Kansas City , Is at tt
Win. A , Mills , of Lnramie , ia at th
Paxton ,
J. 11/Lott , of Ft. Steeie , ia at tha Mi
< ard.
J. H. Hemzatc , of ISUIr , it at the Mi
lai. '
C. B. Mann , of New York , Is In towi
C. 3. Potter , of Lincoln , ia In the clt ;
J. S. Pratt , of Cheyenne , ia in the cit ;
Jamet Brltton , of Wayne , it la town ,
L. 0. .telly , of Larimle , la in town.
If you , \ro not married , write the Ma
rlage Fui'd and Mutual Trait Auocli
tlon , Oeditr Kaplds , Iowa , for circulai
explaining ' ' .he plan , ft-So
Not a Oroaso Spot of Him Lbft
in the Land of Bismarck ,
Hamburg Importora Bxplala
the Cause nnd Baprgeot
a Rsmedy.
Mlnlator Snreent Roveroly Orltt *
ctacil *
Hpeclil Dlapatchcs to Tni Uii.
NEW YORK , May 1 A oommlttoo
of Importora of pork products at Ham
burg writes the chamber of commerce
hero that the pamphlet by T. Itrotto
of Now York , la mainly responsible
for tho. prohibition of Importation of
American bacon , and aays the chamber
should make it publicly known that
the painplot must bo oontidcrcd n
inoro "atroko of buMncss ontorprlao , "
nt.d that no Importance whatever
must bo attributed to its remarka
about the quality nf goods , The re
marks of The Now York Btaa'o '
XMtung aa well M some other Amer
ican papers to the effect that dead
hogs are used for the manufacture of
lard , and the product of hoga utoi for
mechanical pnrpncea called "Lard ,
AI" have done the great
est harm , and contributed toward
establishing the prejudice against
American hog product , with aomo
members of our government , who ,
without any oxperlonco of matten ,
take a theoretical view of It and seem
to think the public may bo led to bo
llovo this lard is also fit for consump
tion. Everybody acquainted with the
trade knows this is impoiaiblo. Nev
ertheless It would recommend that for
this name bo substituted another , per-
hups , ' "Refuse , AI , " which would
render a misunderstanding of that
kind Impossible. Any term that does
not contain the word "lard" would
suit the purpose. In order to socnro
a repeal of the prohibition It is of the
greatest Importance that your govern
ment should take the trouble of mak
ing the necraeary investigation which
wonld establish the following facts :
1 That no diseased hogs or dead
hoga are used for the export trade.
2 , That the examination of goods
when shipped la a strict onn , so much
BO that only fully cured and wholeaomo
meat can paaa it.
Such investigations can only have
a beneficial influence on the whole
trade In American products in general.
At the same time they certainly will
prove the boat menus of removing ex
isting projndlce and eccurlnc ; a repeal
of the prohibition lately leaned.
BERLIN. May 1. The Nerd
Doutch XiilncK commenting on the
. interview with Sirgent , the American
- mlniater , published in the Bocnon
, Courier , in which Sargent denied he
had written any article to the New
Yorker Hondols K UUDR oi > the rub-
jeot of American pork , ca } s the beat
auewer to Sargent's etatemont therein *
h ( imply to reproduce the artl-
, ole which appeared in the Han-
, dels Zeltung with Sargent's-
signature attached. Sargent should
explain how his signature appeared
without his protest or a aubncquont
correction from him. The Nerd
Ddnttcho Xjltung declares it will
never attack a miuisttr of a friendly
! etato when ho is acting in hla cJlhial
capacity. It has now only to
deal with the newspaper ar < i jlo which
contained the statements Injurious
to Germany. It will , it cr.ys , tie glad
to her' that the signature of Sirqent
thereto was a mUtako.
( NOTE There reema to bo soma
coLfaaion In Gormnr y touching the
communication of Snrgt-nt , which was
printed In Handel's Xjitnng over Sir-
gent's signature , and waa hta report to
hla government , Iho report waa
printed in the consular reports , and
waa reproduced in jlandel'a / sltnug.
Big Hani af Gamblers
Special Dlrpatch to TUB Cn
NEW YOHK , May 1. The polios ' .j-
nlqht raided a gumbllng house , No.
49 south Fifth aveuuo , Vpy by a
Spaniard named G-nta ; 224 persona
Including the proprietor were captured.
It required tha entire reserve of the
Fiftounth precinct to lake them In , aa
they fought desperately to osa.o
A Jag Hnnillu Election
Special Dlsjidtcu to Tun t KIT.
ST. PAUL , May 1 In the oily elec
tion tc-day iho entire democratic
ticket was elected Tao republican
convention ocdjra d tuu principal de
mocratic nnmlnepc.
Works through the Mood , regulatlni ; , toning
niul Invigorating all the luuctluus ol the
Ringworm Humor and Salt-Rheum.
ItAYSHAM , MASS. , Aug. 12 , ISTsNtt
C. I. IToon&Co. : Gentlemen
I have hadiiiiKworm luunornuil salt-rheum
so liartly that my body was covered \vlth law
sores ; so , also , my lienil anil lace. 1 have
linil any number of doctors lit the last seven
> ears , and none ol them could euro me. Ono
day my mother was tn tlie city of Tauiilou ,
ami round one of your cook books , anil In
leadiiiKlt I found many people te-4lf\liK to
cures f mm the useuf > our Saisapai ilia nutl
OIUo Ointment. 1 lull forced to tiy It.
although 1 had seen many things nilveiil cil never did HID nny jooil. 1 have now
taken two small bottles niul ono Lugo one ot
Sii-aparllla. nnd used tlneo boxes of Oint
ment. I now call myself , Nothing
eau bo seen of ( lie liumor but the dint out
lines nt tliu soles. I sliall taku tun inoro
bodies , ami then tbo cum vv 111 bo complete , /
Biliousness , Sick Headache.
riTTsriri.K , MASS.
Mnssns.C. I. IlnnnK Co. : tieuts-l'leaso
send mo by rxprfcstunliottlrslluoit'M S.\u-
SAi'Aiui.i.A nml a few i'ook DooKs for dls-
trlliutloii. Your prep.uatlnn lias uorkej
Benders lu tliu ease of my wife , uli < > baa
been troubled \\ltli sick lieadaclio ami bil
iousness for years. Slit'only look oue-lialt
tea poonful at a dose , and lias not been so
well for ll\o jears as now. Mm found lliat
\\ltlilu.i\\eek alter taking It slie felt \ery
much better , ami In now entiiely fieo fiom
tlin eaieiu neiilaclies. : Sbo lias not taken
any of any account since last sprlnc , anil
uliat llttlo sliu bail Is lent tn iV umu otliers
some fc-oud , anilu < nuin have it lu the house.
Yours tiuly.
la sold by all dniRglsta. Price ft , or s/x /
larco bottlei for f5. 1'reparcd only by 0. U
HOO it Ctr , Apotheearles. Ixinell , Maaa.
tv Use lloou'a