The Omaha Bee. rnbllihed every morning , except Son * jr. The nly Monday morning d lljr. I-BRM8 BYJMA1L- Ona Ye&r..eiO.OO I Three Monthi.t3.00 eix Monthi. . 6.00 I One Month. . . . 1.00 CHB WKEXLY BEE , published every Wilnosday. TERMS POST PAID- DBS Year 82,00 I Throe Month * . M WiMontha. . . . LOO | One Month. . . . SO AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY , Solo Agent * . SCewidealcra in the United SUtei. | CORRESPONDENCE- Oommnnl. fttfoni relating to Now * nd Editorial aatton should be addressed to the KnrrOB or THE BIB. BUSINESS LETTERS-A11 Buslne. Letters and Remlttancea should be ad lres od to THE BEE PCBLISIUNO OOMPANT OMAHA. Drafts , Checks and PostoUloo Jrdera to bo made payable to the order of the Company , the BEE PUBLISHINQ 00 , , Props , E. ROSEWATER Editor THE council will wroatlo with Mayor Ohoao'a appointment's this evening. Nebraska will plant moro corn thli yo r than ever before , and Mltsonri and Kansas will follow suit. IT has boon decided by the United BUtos circuit court at San Francisco that gliding the now nickel la cooutor- foltlng. Tflero la certainly gilt enough In the crime. The champagne Is flowing at Wash ington , and with every pop of a cork another vote la plodded for Sam Ran dall as speaker. Mr. Randall ia no chlckon , and knows how to run an effootlvo campaign. THOMAS JEFFEIUUN did not bollovo anything ho road in the newspapers , mistrusting oven the agrlonltnral household rocofpts. It la evident that revolutionary proas waa not aa reliable aa Ita descendant of to-day. Massachusetts Ia still agitated ever Bon Butler's Iniquity ia stirring up the Tewakbary Investigation , and a Beaten clergyman claims to have dis covered in the Blblo what ho calls a prophotlo indication of hla capacity for muddling things : "And Bonjv mln's mess waa five tlmos aa mnoh aa any of theirs. " TUB rebate on tobacco goes into efidct to-day and manufacturers have mad a great preparations to Oil as rapidly as possible the accumulated orders for goods under the now ached- ulo. It Is estimated that from St. Louis alone goods to the valco of $1,000,0000 will bo shipped to-duy on special trains running on tha railroads tf ( uuppiy cunwTO ° rs wlth 8ood M rapidly as possible. "Fon ways that are dark nnd trlolu that are vain , the heathen OhlllOO is peculiar. " Tom Lie , of Now York , Is n example. Having boon' pjjifntcd deputy sheriff , ho Is'Hald t < } haVdniado a quick fortune by levying h'tox of som'o ' ? 10jOOO a yoaron hla countrymen - men for1 protBotlDg theiropium dona and gambling houses agaiant raids by ( ho police allo same Mollcau man. The grand jury Is Investigating Lc. MB. RotsA and his partners have boon discussed by the cab'lnot and some decided opinions have boon OX' pressed. The president and cabinet hold thtt there Is no present reason why the government should make any declaration against men who arc advocating the nso of dynamite , for thla government does not luter fero with free speech. Bat " if II be discovered that overt acts an being committed , or explosives tnanu faotnred or shipped to foreign coun tries , or oven to bo used hero agalns British cltltons or property , It wll obviously be the duty of the Amerl can government and people to Inter' fore and to punish offenders discov ered In such business. " This Is salt to have boon the unanimous oplnioi of the cabinet. TIIERE are a number of application for the shoes of Oapt. Eads of th river commission , and Col. Flad , o St. Lonla , la said to run a good ohaiio of aeonalng the position. If Oolonc Flad is 'successful It la to bo hope that ho will make a thorough In vestlgatlon of the potty system whlo la being very much criticized along th river. Thla spring overflows hav opened a good many eyes. There at a largo number of papers who do nc ' hesitate to prononnoo the systoi as a disastrous fraud and to nrg the opening of the outloi to the river as the only protection 1 property along the banks. The Oh clnnatl Commercial Gattlle says thi "tho Idea of attempting to force tt Mississippi liver to run through or little pass , and then to build ombanl monts to hold the water not nllowc free access to the gulf , is n foolery i absolute , backing a swindle so sham less , that It Is wonderful It over w tolerated. " Several down river jon nals echo the sentiment. It la a set eras question whether the opening the outlets to the Rulf and contlnui dredging of the channel Is not after i i ihe proper solution of the troublesor problem , how to deal .with the , Ml ; HOWARD AND THE APACHE1. There Is a disposition In some quor tors to belittle General Howard , tbo1 present commander of the department partmont of the Platte , by rep resenting him aa a soldier whenever never fights and a commander wlv always blunders. The editor of n Oauncll Blnfis dully , who never came within a thousand miles of a baUlo field , /meorlngly Intimates that General Howard la a bettor talker than fighter. An Arizona correspondent of the St. Paul Pioneer Prtu , has discovered that General Howard la responsible for the present trouble with the Apaches , bocanslng ho blundered into signing a treaty twelve years ago with the Chlrachaua Apaches at the mo * mont when General Orook was about to administer severe punishment to those Indians , Such reckless misrepresentation can only bo born of Ignorance or Inspired by malice. General Howard's war record ii a matter of history , His patriotic gallantry In the face of dan ger was attested on many battle fields , but nowhere mare conspicuously than at Gettysburg , whore ho commanded an army corps. As ono of tbo five generals whoso meritorious services received public recognition from the nation through a vote of thanks by congress , General Howard occupies a front rank among the heroes that saved the union. His conduct as an army officer slnoo the close of the war cannot justly bo assailed , The treaty ho ooncludod with the Apaches In 1871 may have boon un timely , but If auy blunder was com mitted It cannot ba laid at General Howard's door. General Howard wont to Arizona In 1871 by direction of General Grant and under instruc tions to conclude a treaty if possible. The scheme for this treaty originated with the secretary of the Interior , and upon him and President Grant the blame must rest If there bo any. As a matter of fact the treaty made with Goohlso was faithfully adhered to by that chief during hla llfo time , but It was Ignored and violated by the government mont , and the Apaches have lonq slnoo treated it as a dead lottor. The recent outbreak can therefore hardly bo regarded aa a dlroob or even remote result of Ganoral Howard's mission to Arizona In 1871. The bushwhacking war waged against Gen- Howard all the way from Arizona is in many respects aa dishonorable aa it la contemptible. To an impartial ob server It appears like un effort on the part of certain army oftioors to write ono commander down in order thai they may write another up. Tals h mighty moati business for any one to bo engaged iu. It is none the moro honora ble because Un authors wear shonl * dor straps. A ? public man , of General Howard is open to , and. wh re ho tlnuervcs it ha OQght tt * raeclvn it. But stabbing n man In the ddtk from behind friendly fouco post ta the work of cowards , whether the afeaallunts are "army t fibers from Arizona" or pol itical parasites In Washington. EXETEU , Nob. , April 110 , 1883. To the Editor of The Hoc : SIH : In the DAILY BEE of the 20th Inst. there Is n report of the meeting of the Natlonr ! Lind League of Amor- lea at Philadelphia , In which Father Walsh , trcnsurcr , is reported as saylnp ' "Widow Walsh , the Irish mother , ono of whoso sons had boon hanged and the ether sentenced to penal ser vitude for life. Ho Bald every Irish man believed these boya guiltless , anc what IB moro , whllo their own nobh mother know them to bo icnocent and even know the guilty parties ; shi was too patriotic to tnrn Informer ai "somo ignoble , vllllana" were doing Ho took counsel from Parnell abou the matter and remitted for her benefi $370. If the above la a fair sample of thi vlewa and teachings of Father Walsh Parnoll and the members of thi league , I wish to know how the sam | rule of law and morals would applj here ? For Instance , If I should knov who had committed a murder or otbe crime and innocent parties should b arrested , although not my own chll dron , would It bo my duty legally am ' morally to Inform the proper cfQoeri and should I not bo an accessory If failed to glvo such information ? Please answer in DAILY BEE an oblige , A "A Subscriber" who laoka tbe norv to sign his name to such an inqnir cannot bo possessed of high more courage. Instead of commanding th editor to express his views as to th legal and moral aspect of the relation 10 of the land league to the British go\ PO ornmont ho should have addresso ro himself to Father Walsh and M r ot Parnell. They can toll mnoh bettc m than anybody else what their roi go views and teachings are concornln its the duty of individuals to become it to formers. It Is not likely that Mn : n- Walsh would have remained dumb at aho had boon sure that an oxprosslo ha of her personal bollof In th no Innocouco of her sons would uai k- cleared thorn. Certainly her tout cd mony in tholr behalf would have boo BO regarded as partial , and unless ol to- could have furnished absolute proof < as the guilt of ether parties she woul ir- have made a miserable failure , riBut TUB BEE has no defonco I of make of the conduct of Mrs. Walsl od Its business Is the publication of tt all news , whatever that may bo , and tl me more printing of dispatches convoylt ia- this news dow not make Its editor tl - , I endorser of acts committed or sent monta uttered by others. Wo have In this Instance deviated from our rule to Ignore all anonymous letters and Inquiries merely to show how some people persist In propounding ques tions to the editor when they dare not even avow their authorship confiden tially. Like Artomns Ward , who , at the outbreak of the late war , patrioti cally volunteered to sacrifice his wife's relations , these patriots are always ready to saddle any fight on an editor providing they can keep out of harm's way themselves. THE GOSPEL OF BOLTING. Now York republicans are making a desperate effort to plaster up the party wounds before the next campaign and a committee on republican reorganiza tlon has been appointed to bring back to the fold all'disaffected voters. The loading republican editors have been Invited to counsel to the party managers ors and to lend a helping hand to the good work. Whitolaw Reid , of the Tribune , was unable to be present at the meeting of the aommltteo but sent his suggestions. Hla plan is to glvo every republican a direct voice in the primary and convention ; In ether words to open the district clubs to all ropublioana , making the only quallfi cation for membership that of having voted for the last republican candidate for president. This is a simple plan , but it will not work. Purifying the primaries is a stop towards party harmony , but it is next to Impossible to purify them. A largo number of voters will not enter the dirty pool of politics to grapple with the hired horde that marches like voting cittllo to the prl mary elections. Mr. Reid might learn somothln from the following letter , just pub lished , which was written moro than eleven years ago by the founder ol the Now York Tribune : Now York Tribune. \ NEW YOIIK , Fob. 9 , 1872 / MY DEAII Sin : I greatly donbt the possibility of purifying primary elec tion , and I dread making thorn too Imposing. Now , they are known to bo mainly frauds , and tboy dou't have much weight. The pur ! f | ing principle of our politics la bolting , and I moan to encourage resorts to It. Youra , flout OK GKEELEY. A. A. KKYEB , Eq The gospel of bolting has never boon moro tersely set forth. Bolting Is the safety valve of political parties. It has boon mainly responsible for party purification by holding corrupt and ambitions party leaders in chock and threatening party disintegration In case needed reforms wcro not granted. The danger of a widespread bolt la a constant incentive to party autocrats to consult the wishes of the minority and to keep the oondnot of the organization and the composition of its platforms abreast of the times. The moro the gotpol of bolting ia preached the less oocaaslon there is likely to b ) for itc oxercl > o. BOMB ever anxious papers ate already beginning to figure out the presidential probabilities , and one finds 154 republican electoral votes , 150 democratic and 07 doubtful. How nearly oorroot the estimate Is can only bo told on November 3 j , 188-1. Where la Be ? , By the way , what haa become of Church Howe and his chapter of acci dents ? It is now six weeks or moro slnoo ho boa reported a broken leg era grandchild. Tue Contract Let. The Hallowell Granite company ol Malno haa taken the contract at $ G6- 752 to complete the Yorktown monument , ment by the 18th of October , 1884 , the anniversary of Cornwall's snr render. It Is to be 07 feet high , crowned with an allegorical figure 1 feet high. If the work is completed according to promise , It will be some thing new In the history of monnmenl building , but as the money la on hanc ' to pay for It , thla will be an Incentive to stimulate the efforts of the oontrac e tors , and we shall therefore expeoi they will redeem their promise. InttereolUem in the Lime Kiln Club. 16 Detroit Fre Prest , "Bruddor Walker , " said Presidon Gardner to member of the Ltmi j Kiln club , charged with agnostic no tlons at the last meeting , "we pla ; id keerds an1 danoo an1 go to do opor an * do circus , but wo doan't want i man In dis olnb who denies who yoi 70 am charged wld donyln' . It am i fool who gits drunk , but it am a ma al Helena Idiot who preaches Infidollsm 10 1'ie'gwlno to keep my eye on you f u a few weeks to come , an you'd betto 10 walk pnrty straight. Go an' sot dowi us an * feel ashamed o' yorsolf dat yoi v- have bin proaohln * do same dootrln fur nufliu' dat Bob Ingorsoll gits pali a dollar a mlnlt for nvrvmnlrvtttlrt' " or Indiana's Uncertain Attitude. al Indl n polls Times ( Rtp ) . The itara In their ooursos Boom t InsUt on making Indiana a plvota atato In the presidential calculations s It was BO In the past , nnd nil prophotl If speculations auom determined to re gard It as anoh In the fnturo. Who > wo wore an October etato wo wore ver hove oaoontlally pivotal. Now wo are JOB vo BO In ono sonBo , bat not lees BO In oil bo tl. ers. Indiana Is otlll a donbtfnl atatc tl.ou of loading and commanding Influence whoso oleotoral vote la of prlmo la uo porianco In all presidential calcnla of UOUB. The atato la just In that gee Id graphical position and politic : relation that It la of the nl moat Importance to both pollt ! to oal partloa to secure Ita olooton h.he voto. Aa long aa thla condition laal he Indiana will continue to bo a plvoti ho state. At proaont no person can sa whether the state ia republican or den ocr&tlo. Both parties may fairly olali ho It , Generally , when any great mori UI I question haa been proaoptod , the re publicans have carried It. When there JIM boon no inch lame , and especially on rainy days , the democracy have carried It. An to which party will succeed In the next election , there ia room for donbt. Porhapa It would bo well enough for both to bo picking their flints and seeing If their anmunl- tlon la dry. Father O'Connor's Legacy to a Dog. IMUdelf hl tleoord. A petition wan yesterday filed In the orphans' oonrt , by Mary Tlornoy , for merly housekeeper for Rev. Richard O'Connor , rector of 8t Bridget's church , Falls of Sohuylklll , who dlod on January 31. 1883 , leaving an estate of about $20,000 , most of which was bequeathed for charitable purposes. Under his will the decedent provided that $10 a week should bo set aside for the maintenance of his "faithful dog Sport" BO long aa ho should livo. The petitioner was designated to have charge of the animal. She accepted the trust and now haa the dog in her possession atRoadIngPa , She averred that although she had requested Pat rick Qjiuu , executor of the estate , to make the weekly payments of $10 , ho had refused and neglected to do ao. She therefore oikod that ho bo ordered pay to the allowances , dating back to the 1st of February. Action upon the petition was deferred. Nolllo Grant's Brtdoemalda. Srecttl to the Fhlladelphlt Times. WASHINGTON , April 21. The matrimonial menial engagement of Mlsa Anna Barnes"tho only daughter of the late Snrgeoa General Barnes , haa boon an nounced. Her fiance ia Hartwell Heath , grandaon of the John Y. Mason of Virginia. It will be romouborcd that she and Miss Edith Fish , who la soon to bo married to Mr. Northooto , were the first conplo among Miss Nolllo Grant's bridesmaids when aho married Mr. Sartorlaln May , 1874. They are the last two to select hus bands for themselves , the other six young ladles having all married. The last wedding among them was that of Mica Oankllnp. Senator Conkllng'a daughter , In 1870 Miss Sherman , General Sherman's eldest daughter , was martlod only a few months after Mra. Sarlorla. Miaa Frollnghnysen , now Mra. John Davis , waa married a year later , and Miss pent and Miaa Drcxel near the same lime. Miaa Porter ter , daughter of the admiral of the navy , waa marrlod to Lieut , Logan in May , 1877. How a .Locomotive was Raised From Blvor. Philadelphia necard. The feat of raising a huge freight engine from the mud in Rush river , on the Philadelphia , Wilmington and Baltimore railroad , below Havre-do- Grace , was su cossfully accomplished yesterday. The engine fell through the draw-bridge some time ago. The dlflionltlea of the feat Imagined when It la nndorttood that the engine was several feet below the water aurfaoo and completely imbedded in the mnd. The wreckers have boon at work a week , the first thing accom plished being the 'placing ' of heavy chains beneath the great muss rf iron. Two divers sent down for this purpose wore compelled to dig several ' foot under the sjft mnd at tho' bottom ot the river. Tbo chains wcro made taut to four heavy BCOWD , which wore filled with water at low tide. Every thing being aatiofaotory , the water wna pumped out of the BCOWB , thus tightnlng the chains about the ongino. When the tldo bsgan to rise the engine wna pnllod a low foot from the mnd. Thsa other EC DIVO were brought , and when the tldo waa again low water waa pumped In and the chulno fastened to them. The tldo wont up again , and BO did the engine , which came to the surface. After this had baen repeated a number ot times the engine was swinging clear of the water , and wna then placed on a large lloa' , only slightly damaged , ana want ing but few repalra to make it aa good aa beioro its tumble into the river. The railroad will now take charge oi ita fished-up property and tow it to the river bank , near.the railroad track. To that point , when the tide la high , a temporary track will be built connecting with the railroad and when the tide haa fallen sufH oiontly to place the wheola of the en- glno ou a level with the tomporarj structure the engine will bo then rue on the wharf and to the matu track It will bo taken to Wilmington anc repaired. It coat $1,000 to fish thi engine out. THE PHlOIil OF LABOU. What la Paid for Different Kinds o A Work In the Large Cities. The prices paid for labor in thi various citlea of this country are a follows : Bricklayers Now York , $4 ; Cln clnnatl , $4.50 ; St. Louis , $4.60 ; Chi capo , $3.50 ; Philadelphia , § 3.50 Boston , $3.25 ; Baltimore , $3.50. Brick Masons ( fronts ) New York $5 ; Cincinnati , ? 4 60 ; Chicago , $4 Boston , $3.50 ; Baltimore , $4 ; Phlla delphla , 94 ; St. Louis , $4 25. Carpenters Now York , $3 50 ; Cln olnnatl , $3 ; Chicago , $3 ; St. Louli $425 ; Philadelphia , $275 ; Boston $3 ; Baltimore , $2 50. Cabinetmakers New York , $3.5C Cincinnati , $2 50 ; Chicago , $3.50 ; SI Loois , $3 ; Philadelphia , $2 25 ; Bee ton , $3 ; Baltimore , $2 50. Jtlnlshora New York , $350 ; Olr clnnatl , $3 ; Chicago , $3.50 ; St. Louli $3 50 ; Philadelphia , $1 00 ; Boston , $ [ Baltimore , $2 50. Foundryraon Now York , $3.5 ( to Cincinnati , $2 50 ; Chicago , $2 ; SI 1 Lools , $3 ; Philadelphia , $2 50 ; Bostor B. $2 : Baltimore , $2 50. B.1C Ulaoksmlths-Now Yor * , S3 5 ( 0- Cincinnati , $2 50. Chicago , $2.75 ; Si 0n Loais , SI CO ; Philadelphia , $2 5 ( F Baltimore , $2.50 ; Boston , $2. SB Laborers Now York , $2 ; Clnclt b- nati , $1.50 ; Chicago , $1 85 ; St. Lonli , $2Philadelphia ; , $2.25 ; Boston , $2.6 ( , Baltimore , $250. * Painters New York , $3 ; Cinch a- natl , $2.50 ; Chicago , $3 ; St. Louli o- $2 75 ; Philadelphia , $2 50 ; Baltimore alt $2 25 ; Boston , $2 50. t- Plasterers Now York , $4 ; Cincln 1si t1 natl , $3.50 ; Chicago , $3 ; St. Louis , $ ! si Philadelphia , ? 3 ; Baltimore , $3 5 ( ts Boiton , $3 50. al Stone Masons Now York , $4 ; Oh olnuatl , $3.50 ; Chicago , $3.75 ; S n- Louis. $3 ; Philadelphia , $3.25 ; Bait nal more , $3.50 ; Beaten , $3. al Stonocntterss Now York , 4 ; Oln o- clnuatl , $1.50 ; Chicago , $3.75 ; S V irf < j . t. > . . X" ' Lonla , $3.60 ; Philadelphia , $3.20 ; Beaten , $3.50 ; Baltimore. $3.26. Tin Roofers Now York , $3 ; Cin cinnati , $3 ; Chicago , $2,75 ; St. Lonla , $2.60 ; Philadelphia , $2 50 ; Beaten , $2 75 ; Baltimore , $3 Slaters Now York , $3 ; Cincinnati , $3 50 ; Chicago , $2 75 ; St. LouK$3 60 ; Philadelphia , $3 ; Boston , $2 75 ; Bal timore , $3. Had Hoou It All New York Herald. A melancholy Turk tat puffing a cigarette as ho reclined on what looked liked a bundle of old clothes in the rotunda at Oiatlo Garden yeaterday. lie was very awarthy aa to complexIon - Ion , very gaudy though somewhat faded aa to hla rod fez , baggy blue trousers , and embroidered jacket , de cidedly dirty aa to personal appear ance , but , taken as to general ifTjot , decidedly picturesque. Ilia dame waa Nackar Ilouil , ho waa born on Mount Lebanon , and ho waa thirty- five ycara old. lie came to thla conn- try laat fall , Waa nearly frozen to death by a New York winter , suffered excessive ottacka of bronchitis and pneumonia , waa robbed by an Immi grant swindler , run over by a Broad way stage , and clubbed a member of thu finest police ia the world. Ho had aeon aa much oi thla great country aa ho desired to , and , ai ho c-xplanod to the Her ald reporter In Arabic , all ho wanted now waa to go homo , Ho thought that if he sat on his luggage and kept wide awake and told nobody upon what portion of his person was con cealed hi * passage money ho might possibly escape without being robbed once more. He had been told , ho added , that If ho opened hla month in America the Yunktoa would steal hla front teeth CURES Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache , HeadacheToothache , or * Throat , Bnrlllne , Bpralni , Hruliet , liuroi , Boaldn. ProU Illtct , AND ALL OT11EB BODILY P1USB AHD iCIIIS. Bold bj Drat | UU and Dtatcn CTerywhtr * . Flflj CtnU ft bottU. VlreclloDi la 11 LtDcaigei. THE OllARI.Efl A. VOOELEIt CO. * uip o . > n n. . i. 4 * . NOTED BUT VNTITI.KD WOMAN , [ From tb * Bcxrtoa Olobe. ] 'a > rt.Edltorti The nboTa li good likeness of Mn. LydU E. IU4 im , ot Lynn , ll&is. , who abore all other humtn belnj my b truthf ully caJIed the "Dear Friend ot WonumJ some ot her correspondents love to call her. Sh aealondj deTOtod to her work , which Is the outcoid a Ufetudjr , and la obliged to keep six Udf islstantB , to help her answerthe large correapondend ilch dully pours In upon her , each bearing Its ipecU rdtn of Buffering , or Joy at release from It TH pRotable Compound U a medicine for coed and nd rll purpoKi. I have personally Inrostlffated It ai/ w satisfied of tbo truth of this. On account of Its proven merits , It Is recommend ! id prescribed by the best physicians In the countrj no gaysi "It works like a charm and tares mad Un. ft will cure entirely the worst form ot filling the uterus , Leucorrlicea , Irrecular and patnfd fcnstruatlon , all Ovarian Troubles , Inflammation ad Iteration , Floodlngs , all Displacements and the cot nucnt rplnal weakness , and Is espocU'y ' adapted ie Change of Llfo. " It permeates every portion of the system , and giro . > w life and vigor. It removes falntness , flatulency pstroys all craving for stimulants , and relieves weak ( MS of the stomach. It euros Bloating , Headache * ferrous Prostration , General Debility , Sleeplessness ] tpresslon and Indigestion. That feeling ot bearlnt iwn , causing pain , weight and backache , Is alwayi , ermanently cured by Its use. It will at all times , an/ ndor all circumstances , act In harmony with the lai tat governs the female system. It costs only $ U per bottle or six for $5. , and Is sold bl Any advice required as to special case * , an ] le names of many who have been restored to perfM talth by tlie UM > of the Vegetable Com pound , can h btalned by addressing Mrs. P. with ( tamp for rsp'J ' \ her homo In Lynn , Mass. For Kidney Complaint of either sex this compoondl nsurpaaicd as abundant testimonial * show. "Mr * . PInkham'sLiverHUs"naysonswrtor , "a n twrld tor the cure of Comrtlpatloj id Torpidity of the liver. Her Bool wonders In Its special line and bid * fat iponnd In Its popularity. ot her as an Angel of Mercy whos sol i Rood to other * . -X CO MM.A.H.P. FRANK D. MEAD , CARPENTER AND CABINET xaet. Repairing of all Kinds Prompt ly Done. 1G05 Douglas Street , Oroshi , Neb , roar 17. McOAETHY&BTJEKE , Undertakers , 818 14TH ST.BET. FARNAM ANI T10UOLAP BexterL.TIioinas&Brfl , WILL BUY AND BELL. AMD AXL TBAHRiOTlOHH OCXmtCTll THEREWITH. Pay Taxes , Rent , Houses , Eto. BOOM 8 . _ _ . .CUEOnTON DLOOI Fifteenth Street , - - Omaha , Neb ALMA E. KEITH , DEALER IN. Fine Millinery HAIR GOODS , WAVEO , BANGS , ETu Stock Entirely Fresh and Hew 109 15th Street , Opp. Poatoffico. H. PHILLIPS THE LEADING NEW YORK * O 0&11 and look over my new store and se my new goods. 1207 Fornam Street. 12O' Under the management of Mr , POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , tflfllflfi UAOnUtKBT , DKLTINQ , ItOSK , BRAflfl AND IRON mTtSHB Mr IIJSAV' PACKING , AT WHOLESALE AND KCTAIU tiALLADAY WIND-MILLS OHURGH AND SCHOOL SELLS Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb , C. R GOODMAN , DRUGGIST AND DEALER IN PAINTSOILSVABNISHES And Window Glass. MAHA NEBRASKA. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR Ground Oil Cake. It la the boat and cheapest food for atook of any kind. Ono ponnd la equal to throe pounds of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Cake in the fall and winter - tor , Instead of running down , will increase in weight and bo in good market able condition in the spring. Dairymen as well aa others who use it can tes tify to its merits. Try it and judge for yourselves. Price $25.00 per ton ; no charge for sacks. Address o4-eod-mo WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL CO. , Omaha , Neb. M. Hellman & Co. WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS , 1301 and 1303 Farnam.St. Cor. OMAHA , NEB. McNAMARA & DUNCAN. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN KENTUCKY AND PENNSYLVANIA Whis.kieS ! in Bond or Free , Also direct Importers of WINES , BRANDIES AND ALES , Jobbers and Manufacturers of Fine Agents for Jos. Schlitz' Milwaukee Beer , Bottled and in Kegs. 214 & 216 S , 14TH STREET , OMAHA , NEB MILLS , MANUFACTURERS Ot Carpenter's Materials ALSO SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , STAIRS , Stair Railings , Balusters , Window and Door Frames , Etc. Flrat-olMb facilities for the Manufacture o ! all kinds of Mouldings , Placing and matching a Specialty , Orders from the country will be promptly executed , addresuu commnnlcatfons to A. MOYER , ProprI A. M. OLARK SIQHWBITHUDKOIlBlTOBlr I WHOLESALE ft RETAIL WALL PAPEK ! Window Shades and Curtains , OORNIOES CURTAIN POLES AND FIXTURES. Paints , Oils & Brushes. 107 South 14th Street OMAHA - NEBRASKA WILLIAM SNYDER , UANOFACTDREB Of 3EC.O.SLJC2 First-Class Painting and Trimming , Repairing Promptly Done , 1321 and 1323 Harnay street , corner _ R. E , COPSON & CO , , PROPRIETORS OMAHA BROOM WORK ! DEALERS IN Handles , Wires , Twines and Broom Cornj 1210 UARNEY CORNER 14th OMAHA.