Of OnAh % , Nab. np Capital , $2COOOO DinEOTORSl . JOHNSON , President , ol BtetU , Johnton ft Oo. Oo.E. E. TOUZALIN , Tlc Preddtnl , ol 0. , B ft Q B , R. , Cotton. V , MORSE , ol W. V. lion * A Oo. OHN S. COLLINS , ol 0. II , ft J. 8. Oolllni. 1 , U. WOOLWOUTH , Oountelloi and Attorr.tr. L. B. REKD , ol Byron Reed & Oo. B. W. YATE3 , Cuhter , lite Cwhler ol Iht rtrtl Rational Bank ol Omaha , tail connected with ot actlvs management ol ht Bulk line * til arfpnluUoo In 1863. OrMiD lor butln M AptU 27,1883 , with Iht get ! caplUl ol jtuu * la hobrwk * . OOU.BOTIOKI receive ipeclkl attention and thai KM lowott obt ln le here or cltewber * . biiKtsr allowed on time dcpoelU upon f ror- kbit termi nd upon accounts ol bankt ted bank. II. II.rosJBai rosJBai Einuxai , Government Bondi , and Ooantr Mid City Etctlos bought and told. It It prtpired to do a general banking buitnesi all Iti details , and In the treatment ol cuitom- * rt In will pursue the tnoat liberal pollcr conili * lint wlth'safo banking. J. W. KODEFER. Broker. Stocks , Bonds , Commercial Paper and all other Good Securities dealt In Iloom 4 , No. 28 Pearl St , , Council Bluffs , la. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL Bpedal Dispatch to TUB Uti. NKW YORK , April 30. Money Loaned at 41@10 per cent , doting offered at 4 per cent. Prime Mercantile Paper 5@Q per cent. Sterling Exchange Bankers' bills dull nnd steady at 4 82J ; sterling exchange de mand , 4 851. Governments were strong and advanced i@i per cent. On the stock market to-day the prlcet on nearly all the shares show a considera ble improvement upop the prices ruling Saturday. Reading and Jersey Central wore firm on the reports that money has been provided for taking the latter out of the hands of the receiver. A telegram to Drezel , Morgan & Co. announces the Bile to a London syndicate of 83,000,000 of first mortgages bonds of the Oregon and California railroad , This secures its com' pletion to a point of Junction with the California & Oregon branch of the Central Pacific. OOVB&NMBNTS. S turd y. To-dty. 8' ' 103i 103i 6'a 102 * 113 tVt Coupons 113 * 113J A , 119 ? H9i Petfio S's of ' 95 127 127 BONDS. Cettral Pacific firsts - . . . 114J 114 Erie seconds 97 ? OS Lehigh & Wilkesbarre 10Jl 104 Louisiana coneols C4j 64 j Missouri 6's 112 112 St. Joseph 110 IIOJ St , Paul & Sioux City firsts. . 1101 110J Tennessee 6'u 41J 41 $ do new . .40 41 $ Tesaa & Pacific land grants. . 044 G45 do K. G. div. . . . 81 > 4 83g Union Paclfio 1st mortgage..114J 114 do land grants . .1074 10,4 do tlnking fund..llt51 116 $ Virginia 6'a 33 35 do consols G's 57i 37 i do deferred 10 11 STOOKU. Adams Express 129 127 Allegheny Central 115 Alton & Terre Haute 68 ! C8 do pfd. . . . 92 92 > American Express 90 91 j Burl. , Oedar fiaplda & North. 811 81 Canada Southern 664 Co } 0. , St. L , &P 120 $ 201 do pfd 153 53j ; Central Pacific 70J 77f Chesapeake & Ohio 21 do 1st pfd 31 } do 3d pfd V3 4 Chicago & Alton 133 133) ) do pfd 135 13G Ghl. , Bail. & Qnincy 125 12G- 1 ChL , 8t L. & New Orleans. . 80 80J Cin. , Sand. & Cleveland 45 Clove. , Col. & Cincinnati 74j Delaware & Hudnon canal 109i Del. , Lack. & Western 128 ] Denver & Uio Grande 48j 50. Erie 37 37 ; do pfd. . . 78 78 East Tennessee 1C do preferred 214 Fort Wayne & Chicago 133 133 Hannibal & Bt. Joseph 39 39 do pfd. OH 93 Harlem 190 197 Houston & Texas Central 73 Illinois Central 144 144f Ind. , Bloom. & Western 31 30. Kaunas & Texas 301 * 0 > Lake Erie & Western 30 Lake Shore & Michigan So. . .111 j 111 Louisville & Nashville 51 Loulsv. , New Alb. & Chicago . . . 55 M. &L. 1st ofd M do do 2d pfd . . . 5 Memphis & Charleston 42 Michigan Control 94J 01 Memphis & St. Louis 23 do pfd. . . . ' C3 Missouri Pacific 1031 101 Mobile & Ohio 17 Morris & Essex 124 NoahvlUe & Chattanooga 6(3 ( New Jersey Central 76 | 70 Norfolk & W 45 Northern Pacific 504 51 do pfd 87 § 69 Northwestern 1341 135 do pfd. 150J 151 . . .New York Central 125 125 ihlo Central 1 Jhlo & Mississippi. 34 34 f do pfd..105g 105 Ontario & Western 28 Oregon Transcontinental 85 Pacific Mail 4 Panama. ICi Peoria , Decatar& Evansv. . . 20J 20 Flttsburg & Cleveland 1341 ] 31 Pullman Palace Oar 12 ! Heading 5 ! Rock Island 123 12 Bt. Louis & San Fran 32 3 do pfd 5 do 1st pfd . . . 9 St , Paul & Milwaukee 10. 10 do pfd. . . 119J 11 Bt Paul , Minn. & Manitoba. 1294 13 Bt. Paul & Omaha 89 I da pfd 1008 10 Texia & Paclfio 391 3 Union Paclfio 07 § 9 United States Express 5a W&bwh , St. L. & Pacific. . . . 291 29J do pfd. 47 471 Wells , Fargo & Co. Express. . . . 124 Western Union Telegraph. . . 821 8-I liomeetake 15 Ontario SO Quicksilver a do pM 42i Botro 21 GROSS KICHAKQH. , BosiOX , April 30.The following is the total grot ! exchanges at twenty-five lead * lag cletrlng bouses of the United States for the week endlnff April 28 , with per MEt t of comparison with the total -on exchanges of the same clearing houtei for the corresponding week of ! l&SJ Total $904,118,442 , A decreate of 17,9 p cent. The mannfM.nrew of oleotrio coi- Ub T6 tried In T ln to iuppl nt the ; old r Utl nulo trm embtaoer , IpecUl DtipitchM Io TBI Dtt. CHICAGO. Onio/koo / , April 30. Flour Market quiet aud unchanged , Wheat Market moderately actir and higher ; 111 | for April ) 11V@1 12i for May ; 1 14Jil 14g for Jnne ; 116 11G for July ; 113@i 131 for Auguit ) 109 for the year ) No. 2 Chicago apilncr , 1113 @l 111 ; No. 3 Chicago tprlog , 95c ; No , S red wiuter. 1121. Corn Market quiet but steady , and generally higher ; o5Jo for oath ) Mo for April ) 65g@654o for May ; 678@57Jo for June ) 69jja for July ) COo for August ; 61io fir the year. Oata Demand active , and prices have abvanced ; 40Jo for c eh and April ; 40ic@ 40j for May ) 42@42jio for June ) 41o for July ; 35 : for August ; 33@3Sio for the year. year.Uye Market steady at GOlo , Barley Market quiet at bO@83o. Flax Seed-Market quiet but ttoady at 1 44@1 45. Pork Market active , firm and higher ; 19 4519 60 for catb , April and May ; 19G2i@19G5 for June ; 19 824@19 85 for July ; 20 00 for August ; 17 SO tor the year Lard Market active and prices have advanced ; 11 07i@ll 70 for cash , April and MAV ; 11 8511 874 for June : 11 95 @ 11 974 IT July ; 11 874@11 90 for Au- gutt ; 10 75@10 80 for the year. Bulk Meats In fair demand ; shoulders , 8 10 ; short rib , 10 75 ; abort clear , 11 00. Butter -Market quiet and unchanged. Egga In fair demand at 15c. Whisky Market steady and un changed. Freights Rates on corn to Buffalo , 84o per bushel. CALL BOARD. Wheat Demand active , but market Irregular ; declined Jo for May ; advanced jo for Auguet. Corn Moderately .active and higher ; advanced Jo fur May ; advanced | o fur June , Oati Demand active and prlcea have advanced ; advanced io for May and July ) | o for June nnd August. Imrd Active but lower ; declined Hjc. Pork Demand active , but market Ir regular ; 19 474 f ° r May ; 19 074 for June ; 19 85 for July ; 19 974 for August. NEW TOBK. NKW YOUK , April 30. Flour Market firmj ; super-state western , 3 80@4 25 ; common to peed extra , 4 15@4 50 ; extra Ohio , 4 15@7 00 ; St. Louis , 4 10@7 25 \Vheat-Caab lots 4@lc , options l higher : ungraded spring , 1 (14 ( ; ungraded red 1 02@l 211 ; No. S red , 1184 ; steamer , No. 2 red , 1174 ; No2 red 1 22J ; ungraded white , 1 09@1 2G ; No. 1 white , 112. Corn Cash lots unsettled and l@jo | lower ; options opened i@ia lower but were afterwards stronger and reacted } © 4c , closing dull ; ungraded , 61 < gG4c ; No. 3 , GGJc ; steamer , 6GJ@GGic ; No. 2 , G7i © G8J.Oats Oats Market i@4 ° higher ; mixed west ern. 60@52c ; white western , 52@57o. Eegs Market heavy and lower ; western fresb , 101@16Jc. P > rk Market quiet but strong ; now mess , 1990@2000 ; options at nominal rates , Cut Meats Market dull and nominal. Lard Market higher ; prime steam , 1190 for Ma1181@1190 ; for June ; llbG@U9G for July ; 1190@1197 for August ; 11 99@11 97 lor October. ST. LOUIS. ST. Louis , April 30. Flour Quiet and unchanged. Wheat Market higher and fairly active ; No. 2 red fall , 112@1 12i for cash ; 112 @ 112J for May ; 114@114J for June ; 1 12 @ 1 131 for July ; IIOJ ® ! 12J for August ; 1 OUV@1 101 for the year , No. 3 red fall , 1 054 bid. Corn Market a shade better ? 554@55jp tor cash and May ; 533@534c for June ; 55jj ( S)55go ) for July ; 5CJa for August ) 464 ® IGfjc for the year. Oats Market firmer ; 424o for cash ; 42c for May ; 431a for June ; 40J@401c for July. Barley Market nominal at 55ffi75c. Corn Meal Market firm at 2 60. Butter Market firm ; dairy , 20@25c ; creimery , 27 ( < | 30o. Eggs Steady at 13. Whisky Market quiet and unchanged at 1 14. Pork Market better ; jobbing 19 GO for cash ; 19 35 bid for May and June. Bulk Meats Market firmly held ; no salea. Bacon Market quiet ; long clear , 11 60 ahnrt clear , 11374 Lard Market slow ; 11 25 bid. AriBKNOON BoAUD. Wheat Firm 1123 for May ; 114 | for Jnne ; 1 18 for July ; 112 for August ; 110J for the year , Corn Hleher ; 51152a for May ; 53i ( for June5Gj2 for Auguat ; 4Cjofor the year , Oats Higher ; 42o Id for May ; 43-jo foi June ; 40c for July ; 32o bid for the year , KANSAS CITY , KANSAS CITY , April 30. Wheat- Market steady : No. 2 red fall. 944o blc' for cash ; 95@95jjc for May ; 97io bid fo June , Com Market weaker ; 42Jo bid for cash 42g@42Jo for May ; 50Jo for June. Oats Market slow ; SSJjbld for cash 3Gobid for May. TOLEDO. TOLEDO , April 30. Noon Board , Wheat Market firm ; No. 2 red winter , 1 13j for cash and May ; 110 } for June 11G1 for July ; 1 15 } for August ; 115J f o : September ; 11GJ lor October ; 1134 for year. Corn Market steady ; high mixed , Gljc No. 2 , 584o for cash and May ; GOc fo : June ; 01 Jo for July. OataMarket dull ; No. 2 , 44o for cash and My. MABKKT GLOBED Wheat Stronger ; No. 2 red winter ; 114J for cash and May ; 110 for Jun and Julj ; 1154 bid for August : 1103 fo Ssptember ; 1 lt < 4 for October ; 113 bid fo : thf year. Corn Dull and unchanged ; 58jc bid fo blzh mixed , No 2 , 57o bid for caab ; 59g@ 694o for June ; 63 o lor July. Oata Quiet and unchanged , LIVERPOOL. LiVEBi'OOL. April SO. Flour 11 © 11 Od. Od.Wheat Wheat Wintes , 8alOd-9j 2d ; Nc. California , 9d9i ( 2d ; No. 1 do , 9s 3d. Corn 5s@5 7d. A special suya in wheat and oorn no mnoh it doing , Ofi the coast wheat am oorn la dull. To arrive wheat and con are dull and neglected. The demand I for the United Kingdom and the conti nent. Mark Lne wheat is dull , Corn It steady. STCG'rf Special CUjntchec to Tut Btl. OHICiQO. OHIOAQO , April 3 } The Drnveru' Jcar- nal rep Tin Sfl lolloivu : iJ.Hoga Slow , aad6@10o lower , nnd uneven - even and weak ; mliecj , 7 00@7 30 ; heavy , 7 30@7 70j light , 7 00@7 45j skips , 4 C0@ 070. 070.Oattle Oattle Market fair , steady and un changed ; exports , demand not veryBtrong at U 20@G 50 ; eood to choice fchiuplufr , 5 80@G 10 ; common to fair , 5 30C ,5 75. Sheep Steady ; common to fvlr wooled , , 375@ i75 ; medium to Kood , 500@j75. LIVEItPnOL The Drovers' Journal Liverpool cable- uram denotes an an Improvement nf J ° In cattle , acd a steady market for sheep. > Best cattle * , ICe per lb , estimated dead weight ; sheep , 19o. HT , LOOia. ST. Louis , April 30. Hogs-Good light shipping , 7 20@7 35 ; mixed to best uacklng , 710(97 ( 40 ; butchers' to extra , 740@7CO Cattle Supply liberal ! and thlpplng grades tlow ; heavy steers , Including ports , 600@050 ; light , 5 40@5 90 ; com mon , 5 00@5 50 ; fair to bet cows , 4 25 ig ( 5 25 ; common , 3 50@4 00 ; good corn fed Texant 4 755 50. Sheep Market qnlet ; clipped range , 400@550 ; there Is no dtmand for tin- - shorn. KAX8AI OITT. Kutiu Orrr , April SO. Th Oommtr- Cattle Market lower nnd weak ) ateom , 1010 to 1275 po nd , 6 0@J76 ; ttockert and fcedtrd , 4 25@4 SO ; cows , 3 50 ® 500MORS MORS Market easy and tlow i\t 7 0 @ 7 35 ; the bulk of tales at 7 107 20. Sheep Market quiet and unchanged ) 400. NI\T IOHK , Nsw YOHK , April 30 , The Drorers Journal liuroatt reports i litaves Market dull and a trifle lower for middle grades ; extretnei , G C0@755 per cwt ; tteers , 5 tO@5 8.1 ; operators uiod 60 carloads , Sheep Market ttcady ) 47t@GOO per cwt for clipped theep ; 5 757 76 for un shorn ; 7 50 9 00 for nnthorn yearllngi ; clipped thoep , 4 005 55. Hogt Market firmer for live hogi ; 7 80 @ 8 12 per owt. MISOBLLANEOUB , Special Dlipatchd to Tni Bn. niUTlHH OIU1N TIUDH. April 30. The Mark Lane Gxpreis in R review of the lirltlsh grain trade for the past week , sayt : the weather early In the week tllghtly damaged the crops. Trade it qenerally better. Fine English wheat closed la better. Foreign wheat Is cheaper. Cargoes In small de mand at weakening rate * ; there were 0 ar rivals and 5 tales. Futures neglected red winter wheat , Is Cd lower. Flour weaker. Foreign Hour dltlteult of Bale on account of large arrivals. Barley nud oats nro un changed. Foreign barley is firtn and < iulet. Foreign oat ) are unchanged Maize Hat and 3d dearer ; round quiet and cheaper. The sttei of Kngllsh wheat for the past week nre 01,022 quarter * at 42 < * g inst 11,702 quarters at 4Gg lid the correspond ing period of last year. nut aooi)3 , NEW YOHK , April 30. The new de mand baa been of an Indltloieut character , and mostly for very moderate solectfanb of spo.laitiesadaptoa tn immediate want. " , the firmer and higher cottcn market at tracting Attention , and not without stend * onlng the eilect on the pricu * . Everett blue denims advanced 6 per cent , and fair sales thereat. TRAFFIC. Special Dlipatchoe to Tut D . LIVK STOCK. CHICAGO , April 30 , tteccipta end ship. monUi of live stock for the post lit hours have been as follows : Keo ts. Shlpm'td. Hogs 15,000 2,000 Cattle C.Oi.0 1,500 Sheep 2oOO L'OO NKW YOBK , April 30. Receipts and shipments of live stock for the past 24 hcura have been as follows : lloo'ta Bhlp'ta Bsevea 4,900 Quarters of beef Carca-ias of mutton. . . . . . Sheep 7,600 Hogs 10,400 ST. Lows , . April 30. Receipt * and shipments of live stock foi the past 31 hours have been aa follows : Rec'te. Bhlpm'ta. Cattle 2,100 100 Sheep 000 Hogs. 4,700 400 KANSAS CITT , April 30. Receipts and shipments of live stock for the paat 24 houra have been ai follows : Reo'tn. Bhlpm'ta. Cattle 000 Hogs 3,001 Sheep 75 . . . FLOnn ANT ) CHAINS OuiOAQO , April 30 , Rocelpta and ship menU of flour and grain for the paat 24 houra have been an follows : Receipts. Shlp'ta. Flonr-bbls 0.000 Wheat bushels 30,000 Com " 78,000 Oath " 181,000 Rye- " 8,000 Barley- " 10,000 Nsw YOBK , April 30 , Receipt * and shipments of flour and grain for the pis' 24 hours have been as follows : Receipts Bhc'ta " Flour bbls 15,000" G,00 ( Wheat bushels 23,000 249,0K Corn- " 64,000 144.00C Oata- " 67,000 15r ST , LOOTS , April 30 , Receipts am shipments of flour and grain for the paal 48 houra have been as follows : Recelots. Bhip'U Floor barrel 00,000 7.00C Wheat bushels 13,000 5.00C Com " 52,000 184.00C Data " 39,000 18.00C Rye " 1,000 Barley- " 1,000 TOLIDO , April 30. Receipts and ship ments of flour and grain for the post 2 hovire have been as follows : Iloc'ts. Shipm'ta Wheat 28,000 SOO.COf Corn 22,000 63,00 Data \ 5,000 1,00 KANSAS Crrr , April 30. Receipts an ehipments of grain for the past houra have been as follows : Reo'ts. Shlp'fc Wheat , buBhela 10,000 2,00 Corn " 12.000 31,00 OMAHA MAKKldTS. AVbolotala Prlocn. Orrios or THE OMAHA BIT , I Monday Kvoning , April 30 , f No changes reported in the marki at to-day , drain. WHEAT.-Cosh No. 2 , 03oj cwjh N o , 3 , 78Ao ; rejected , 74c. BARLEY. Cash No. 2 , 05cj No. 8 , 42c. 42c.RYE RYE Oa8h4Cc. CORN New mixed , 38o. OATS 3Gc. SEEDS Blue grass seed , 125@150 ; t'motby seed , 2 10@2 25 ; red clover seed , 9 00 ; white clover seed. 13 00 ; millet seed , 1 00 ; Hungarian seed , 1 10 ; orchard grass seed , 2 60. Live Stock. CATTLE-Fat ateers , $500@5 60. FAT COWS-$4 00@4 25. HOOS-$025@7 < 0. SHEEP-$4 50@5 00. Produce. POTATOES 40@45o per onshel. ONIONS 40@50o per bushel. BUTTER -Choice country , lOo. EGGS Kresh , 13jo. HONEY Caltioraia. perlb , 81. APPLES Per barrel , 82 25ra3 25. ORANGES-Meflsin , 4 00@ 5 00. LEMONa-$5 00@5 60 i > er box. BEANS Novy p r huBhel , 2 B0@2 75 Flour and MlllitulTs , Beat winter wheat- 00@3 75. Second quality winter wheat 275@325. le ! t spring wheat 2 0' ' ) @ 2 75. Second quality tpriut ; wheat 2 40@2 50. Bran , per ton 1000. Chopped Feed , per ton 1C 00. Poultry. CHICKENS Live per doz. , $1 4 50. Dressed , per lb. , 15c. , per lb , , loc. ieTUKKKYS170. . Grocers CANNED O < HIH tutors , ( Dtond- ard ) , per case , 3 70@390 ; strawber ries , 2 lb , per case , 2 40 , rasp . , berries , 2 lb , per case , 3 50. Dam- tons , 2 lb , per case , 2 45 , Bartlett pears per case , 2 40. Whortleberries per case , 2 75. Egg plums , 2 lb percwse,2 90 ; Green gages,2 lb per case , 2 90 ; do choice i , , lb per case 1 50. Pine Apnlea , 2 lb , per case 4 00(515 ( 76. Peaches , 2 ft per case , 3 00 ) ; do 3 lb. case , 4 00@4 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , per ca 8.2CO _ ; dojile , 6 lb , per down , S 80. LARD Omaha Hefiainlnt ; Co. : Tiercel , 12o ; 40 and 60-lb cam , 12Jo ; 20-lb cans , 129o ; 10-lb palls , torew top. 12Jo ; 6-lb do , 12ic : 3-lb do , 12io. RICE LouUiana prime to choice , 720 801 fair , 7fi 7tc | Patma , 6Jo. FISH No. 1 macktr * ! , half brl * . 7 60 , r1 1 Mo. 1 mMkenl , kl s , 1 00 ; famllr mack. kits , 1 05. ( JU KU C , Klo , fair , Hoi Illo , good llio ; iJtlras to choice , 13 to lajo ) Old gor't Javal8o@3lo. SYRUP Standard Com. , 44o , bbls. | Standartl do , 44 gallon kogn , $3 05 ; .Stan. . dard do , 4 gallon keg * , 91 95. SODA In lb paper * , $3.80 per case ; keg toda. 2c. NEW PICKLES Medlam , In barrels 87 00 ; do in half bbls , 4 00 ; tmalls , In bblt 900 do , In half bblt , 500 } gherkins , In bblt. 11 00 ; Oo , ! n half bblt , G 00 , TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@55 ; Oboloe , 60@75o ; Imperial , good , 40@46o ; Oboloe , 0075o | Young Hyton , good , 80 ® SOo ; eholoe , 65c@31 OOt Japan Nat Leaf , BCet Japan , choice , 0075o ] [ Oolong , good , 8540 ; Oolong , cho.oe , 40 55 | Souchong , Kood. 85(3403 ( } choice , 3646o. ROPE Sisal. 4 Inch and parser , llo ; B inch , Hit ; 1 Inch. 12o. WOODENWARE Two hoop palli , 1 75 ; three hoop palls , 3 00. Tubs. No. 1. 8 50 ; Pioneer wathboardt , 1 85 Donble Crown 2 90 : Wellbuckcte , B 60 , LEAD-Bar , SI 66 SOAPS Kirk'i Savon Imperial , 345 ; Kirk'i tatltMt , S 60 ; Kirk'i ttandard , S 75 ; Kirk'i white Kunltn. 5 25i Kirk's Eutoca , 316 Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes ) . 40 ; Kirk'i magnolia dot. , POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , In cose , S 85 ; Babbitt's Ball 2 doz. In case , 1 90 : Anchor Dull 2 dor. In case 1 60. PEANUTS Koasted , choice , rod Tennessee - nessoe , lOoper lb ) fanoy white , 104o porlb ; raw white Virginia raw , lOo ) roasted 12 c. CANDLES Boxet , 40 Ibs.lfs , 15tfc ; flu , 15Jo ; bcion 40 Ibs. , 16 01. , 6s , 15Jn. MATCHES Per caddie , 96o | round , oaten. SS 10 : square , casre , 05 40 , VINEGAH 1'uie ipplo extra , 16ct pnre npple , 13c | Piuteine uuro annlo , IGo. SALT. Driy Ion-is , per bbl , 1 85 ; Ash- MO , in sno ks , 8 60 ; bbls dairy 60 , 61 , tl M SUGARS Powdered , lOlo : Cut loaf , lOlcj Granulated , 91c ; Confectioners' A , 9k ; Standard Extra O , 8gc ; Extra 0 , 840 ; mudlum yellow. 7Jo ; dark yellow , 71c. STAKOH. Pearl. 440 ; Silver Glotm 91c ; Cora Starch , 9isj ExcclslcrGlow , 7)0 t Oorn. 8 a . MEATS Hams per lb. , 131o ; bacon per lb. , 131c ; clear side bacon per lb. , life ; dry salt tides per lb. , 91c ; dry salt slues per lb. , 10c ; bacon shoulders per ) b. 84o ; tierce lard per lb. ; lie , SPICES. Pepper , 31 | Allsplo ) , 18 JRVB , 26iGilc,2 | Mocha , 28ioi Arbnokle's 141o.UHEE3H UHEE3H Full Cream , 14&4) ) Part Slclm , lla. LYE American , S 40 : Greenwich , 3 40 : Western , 2 76 ; North Star , 2 OC | Lewie' ' lye , 4 G' Jowell lye , 2 76. FEED Jobbing prices , Chop food (1.50 per 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , $1.40 ; brnn , 70o per 100 Ibs. HOMINY New 93 50 per bhl. Dry Ooodi. BUOWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 8io ) Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , So ; Boot , FF , 8c ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7o ; Cabot W. 7ioj Chlttenongo A. Olc ; Ureat FnlU E , 8c ; Hooeler , 640 : Honest Width , So , In dian Head A , 80 ; Indian Standard A , 8Jc ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 81o ; Lawrence " * W gjojdoB . . . . . FINE BROWN COTTONS Allendole M : 74o ; AUIgator 8-4 , 8oj Argyln 4-4 , 7J ; Atlantic LL , 6ioi Badger State X 4-4 , Clo ; Bennlngton 0 4-4 , Cjc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , Gfcoo Indian Orchard AA 9-8. Sic ; Laconla O 39 , 8io ; Lehigh E 4-4 , 9lo ; Pepperoll N 80 , 7pj do O 32 , 71o ; do R 86 , 7Jc ; do E 39 , 840 , Yocasset 0 4-4 , 7 c ; Wamsutta 4-4 ISoBLEACHED BLEACHED COTTONS Androsoog gin L 4-4 , Die : Blackstone A A Imperial 8Sc ; do do half bleached 4-4,9c ; Cabot 4-4,8J Fidelity4-4 , 9JcFruit ; of theLoom. 91 ; do can.bric4-4,12JcdoW ; terTwist,10icGroat ; Falls O , 9o ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12c ; I/onsdalo. lOo ; do cambric 37 , 121o ; New York Mills. I24c ; Poquot A,10o ; Pepperol N G Twills , 134c ; Pocnhontaa 4-4 , 91o PocasBet 4-4 , Sic ; Utloa , lie ) Wamsntta O X X , 12)to. ) DUOKS Colored ) Albany K brown 80 ; do O , drab , UK do X < x stripes am plnlds , 121c ; do XXX brown and drab ntrii > ea and plaids , ISJe ; Arlington fancy ! Br9c : unawick brown , 81c ; Chariot fancy 124c ; do extra heavy , 20o ; Fall Rive brown , extra heavy , lllc ; Indiana f brown lRm Neoonsct A brown. 15o TlUKl Ga Amoskeo , ; A ( J A 8 ! 19c ; do XX blue 32 , 1840 ; Arrowacna age " ; Claremont B B , 151o : Gonestogaxo [ tra , 171o ; Hamilton D , Ilia Lewiston < > 30,15o ; Mlnuehaha 4-4. SOo ; Omega supe extra 4-4. 28o ; Pearl River 82. ISJo ; Put nam XX blue stripe , 12o ; Shetuoket lOlo ; do SS 12o : Yeoman's bine 29 , DENIMS. Amotkeak , bluoandbronn IGJc ; Andover DD blue , 161c ; ArllngX blue Scotch , 18lo ; Concord OOO , blue aw brown. 12ic ; do AAA , do do 134 ; do XXfc do do 144o Haymaker1 * blue and brown 94o ; Mystic River DD stripe , 164o ; Pear River , blue and brown , 16o ; Unoatvllle blue and brown , 141c , CAMBRICS Barnard , 64o ; Eddyston lining , 24 inch double taoe , 840 ; Garner glazed , Floj Manhattan glove finish , 6J Newport do 60 ; do glazed , 5Jo | Pequot i 60 : Lockwood kid finish 60. CORSET JEANS Amory , 8oAndro ; coggin sat teen 8Jo ; Clarendon , 62oCone ; oHsa satteens , 71c ; Hallowel > , Bo ; InMI Orchard 74o ; Narr gansett , improved , 84 Pepperill sattoen 04o ; Rockport , 7Jo , PRINTS Aliens , 6io ; American , Bio Arnold , 7o ; Berwick , 4Jc ; Cocheco , To Oonestoga. 61o ; Dunkirk , J Dunnel 6J@7c ; Eddystone , 7o ; Gloucester , 60 Harmony , SJo ; Knickerbocker , 64o ; Me ri ao D. 7c ; Mystic , Clo ; Sprarues , C < Southbrtdgo , 6c ; do , Ginghams , 7c ; Mar boru , Me ; Oriental 6io. GINGHAMS Am'wikeng , 91cj Argyll "i lOiut Atlantic , 9c ; Cumberland , 7i Highland , 71c ; Konllwortb , OJc | Plun- kett , 9kci Sussex , 8c COTTONADE3 Abbervllle 181o Agate , 20c ; American , lie ; Artlslan , SOc ; Cairo D and T , 134c ; Olarku D and T' 174c ; Deccan Co. stripes D and T , 16o ; Key stone , IHJc ; Nantucket , 19c ; Nonpareil IGc ; Ocean D and T , ISle ; Royal , 1611 Bunsex , 12o ; Tioga , lUlc ; Waohusett shirt In ? checks. 12Jc ; do , Nankin , 131o ; York , plain MAnkln. 12jc ; do , checks , stripea and f anov. 12 o ; do , 8 o 30c. SHEETINGS-AntiroscogsIn 10-4,37iol do 9.4 , 23o ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Oontlnenta'jp ' 42 , lie , Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 271 ; 1 York mllhi98 , 860 ; do 78 , SOc : do 68. 22o | , Pembroke 10-4 , . 35o ; PeqnotlC-4 , 284c , do 74 , 10o do 49 , 16c ; Pepperell 90. Iodo do 67. 31odo ; 67 , 18o ; Utlca 96 , 36o ; do 58 , 3240) ) do 48.17c. Drugs. DRUGS AND CHEMIOA LS - &cld , Carbolic , 60cj Aold , Tartarlo. 65o | Balsam Copabla , per lb , 70o ; Bark. Sasoofras , per lb , IZ'-i OaloroeL per lb , 75o ; Olnchonldi * , per oz , 9110 ; Chloroform , per lb , 90o ; Dover's powden , per lb , 81 25 ; Epsom Salts , per lb , 34c ; Glycorlne , pure pe' bl. SOc ; Lead , Acetate , per lb , 22o Oil , Caator , No. 1 , per gal , * 1 25 ; Oil , Castor , No. S , per gal , $115 , Oil , Olive , per gal. SI 50 ; Oil , Origanum. 50 ; Opium , 85 f 0 ; Quinine P. * W. A R. A S. , per oz , $1 85 ; Potassium , Iodide , per lb 1175 ; Balacin , per oz , 40c ; Sulphate o Morphine , fier oz , 83 85 ; Bnlpnur floor per lb , 4ci Strvchnlne. tier oz , Cl Al , P < lntt Oils nnd V rrlihtt OILS 110 * oarbon , per gallon , 12o ; 150 * headlight , per gallon , 14c ; 175' headlight , per gallon , 19o ) ; 160' Water White , 18c ; llnseod , raw , per fallen , &G ; linseed , boiled , per gallon , 59c ; Urd , winter ttr'd , per gal , Ion , P5 ; No. 1 , 85c ; No. 2 , 75c ; castor , XXX. pf r gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3,1 20 ; sweet , per gallon. 85o : ipenn , W , B. , per gallon , m1 75) ) fish , W. B. , per gallon , 75o ) neatsfoot , extra , per gallon , 90oj No , 1 , 75c ; lubri cating , zero , per gallon , 30o | summer , 15c , golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 35e ; No. 30 : sperm , signal , per gallon , 80c : turpentine - pentine , per gallon , 65c | tiaptha , 71 , per gallon , 18o : 64 % 17o PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaht P , P. . 6or white lead , St. Louti , pun , Gfn | jcanelllei green , 1 to 6 ft cam , 20c French zinc , noen MaL 12o | French zinc , red seal , lie ; Jfrtnch zinc , in vwnUh Mit , 20ot French tInoe , In ol ( Mit 15ej Ban add burnt timber , 1 ft tanj lOt ] raw And burnt Bltnna , 10 i vandyk * brownS ; ' refold lamybhok , 13 i och black and . 1017 black , 1U ) drop bla k , It * PrwlM tiiullor Kreon , L. M , ft D , , Hi ; ; Parlt green , I8c ) Indian rod , 16o ! Venetian red. 9o | Tnttati ( in , 22c | Atuerlcan Vermilion , I. A P , , 18c | chrome yellow , L. , M , , O. A D 0 , , 18o ; yellow ochre , 9c | golden ochre , 18) ) patent dryer , 8c ; graining colon t light oak , dark oak. walnut. * bcttnut and Mb 15o. Dry Palntt White lead , 8c ) French ilno. lOci Par whltetng 24o ) whiting gllden. IJo ) tthltlng com7 ! , lie ) lampblack German , town , 14c ) Itmpblack , ordinary , 10o | Pnu > sian blue , 55o ) ultramarine , 18c ) Vandyke Lrawn , 8c | umber , burnt , 4ai umber , raw 4ctlonna ; , burn t , 4ci sienna , raw , 4o Parli green genuine , 35o ) Parli green com' 20cj chrome green , N. Y. ' 20oj chrom green K. , 12c ) vermilllon , Eng , , 70c ; vermillion million , America , 18c ) Indian red , lOc rose pink , 14o ) Venetian read , Cokntoto 2Joi Venetian red Am. , lie ) rod lead , 7Jo | ohromo yellow , genuine , 20o hrome vol. low , K. , 12o ) ochre , rochelle So ; ochre French. 2Jc | ochre , American , 2cj Winter's mineral. 24o ; lehlga brown. 2Jot tpanith brown , 24c > Trince'i mineral So , VARNISHKS-Barrels per gallon Furniture , extra , 81 10 : furniture , No. 1 81) ) coach , extra , 81 40) ) oaoh. No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , extra , 81 75) ) apan , 70o ; a phalturn , extra , 85o ) ihella IS CO ) hard oil finish. 81 80. 80.Hld&i Hld&i , Fura , Etc HIDES ( .trocn butchor'i hides , CJ@ 7c cured GJ@74 ° I hldoR , green tall , dry flint , lound , 12@13o ) dry oalt and kip , 12@14ot dry salt bidet , Bound , 10@llc ) erocn call. wt. 8 o 16 DM. . ll12c ; green calf , wt , nu < ( or 8 Tba , per tkln , 50o ) Krcoujxiltii , 50381 25 ; green lamb skins , 91 251 Mi ) dnmngod hides , two-third rate , cut poorml otul one grub , classed two- ULIrda ruto , ) lirsuiieci hliloH 10 per cent , off Coon tklu , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 7 , SOo ) No. 1 20 ; No. i , lOo. Mink , No , 1,300) ) No. 2 15c ; No. 8,1 So ; No. 4 , 60. Fox , No.lk , GOp ; No. ? , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , bBo ) CI-ci rhoru Hrlpo , 40nt narrow stripe * broad atrlpa , lOa. Tnllow 7c , Leather. Oak sole , 38o to 42c ! ; liomlock sole , JSo to S5cj hemlock kip. SOo to 100) ) runner , C5c to EOo ; hemlock ci lf , 85o to 1 20 ; hem. lock upper , 23o to 2l"c ; oak upper , 34c ; alligator. 4 ( X ) to 6 50 ; cnlf kid , 3aS.1o' Grotaou kid , 2 50 to 275 ; onk kip , 80o to 1 00 ; oak calf , 110 ! to 1 SO ; French kip , 1 10 to 1 5C ; French cnlf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rus- sotU. 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , 6 00 to 10 50 ; topntngn , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , BOc to 35c ; pobblq O , D. Morocco , 35o ) tluiou ; a ro td a oo. HAUNKSS-Not . ar oak , 42o ) No 3 do , 39cj ft. 1 Ohio oak , 38o ) No. 2 do , S5oi No. 1 Milwaukee , 37o ; No. 3 do 34c. Lumbar. WHOLISALI. We quote lumber , lain and ohlngloi on cars at Omaha at the following price" ! JOIST AND SOANTLINO-16 ft. and under , $22 00) ) 18 ft. , 823 50. TIMBERS 10 ft. and under. 822 00. TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. , 823 60 ; 2C ft ,823 50i 23 ft. , 826 50 ; 34 ft. 826 60. FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 6 In. , 824 00 ; No. 2. 822 00. SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common boards ) , 830 00 ; No. 3 , 818 00. LIME Par barrel , 81 25) ) bulk per out- 35o ; Cement , bbl , 82 36 Iowa platter bbl , 83 60. Hair per bn. COo. Tarred felt 100 Ibs. 83 60. Straw board , 83 60. Heavy Hardware Lltt. Iron , rates , 82 80 ; plow steel , ipeolal east , 7o ; oruolblo,8o ; special or German,6o ) cant tool do. 15g)20 ( ) wagon spokes , sot. 2 253 00 ; hcbt , per set , 125 ; felloes , sawed dry. 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@86c ; axles , each , 76c ; square nut * , per lb , 7@llc ; washen. per lb. 8lHo : rivets , per lb , lie ; cell chain , per lb , 6@12o ; malleable , 80 ; Iron wedges , Co ; crowbars , 60 harrow teeth , 4c ; spring tool , 78c ; Burden's horankhops. R 2i ; Burdon'o mnloshoos , 6 25. BAKBED WIUE In car lots , In © 7io per 100. NAILS llatea. 10 to OOtf. 3 50. SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck shot , 82.10 , Oriental Powder , kogo , 86.40) ) do. , hal kegs , 83.48 ; do. , quarter kftg , $1,88 ; Blast bg , kesB , CA35 : Fuuo , per 100 foot 60o. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812 ; Morris Run Blopaburg , $12 ; WhltobroaBt lump , 34 50 ; WhltobroMt nut , 81 50 ; Iowa lump , 81 60 ; IOWA nut 34 50 ; Rook Spring , 8700 ; Anthracite. 811 5C@12 00 ; Canon City , $7 00 per ton. Hortei and Mules. Extra draft bones , 8175. to 225. ) Com mon dr.tft hornet , 8100. to 150. ) Extra farm horaoa , 8110. to 125. ) Common to good farm home ? . 890 to 8100. ) Extra plugn. 860. to 75 , | Common plugs , 820. to $40. MULES. ( Eitrn ) , 8125 , to 160. } good , 8100. to 140. ; fair , 875 , to 100. ) common , 860. to 75. Llquort ALCOHOL 188 proof , S 25 per wine gallon ) extra California spirltt , 187 proof , 125 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits 187 proof , 133 per proof gallon ; re-dlstllled whiskies , 1 00@1 50 ; fine blended 1 60 ® 3 60) Kentucky bourbons , 200@7 00 ; Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00. BRANDIES-Importod , 16 00 < il6 00) ) domestlo 1 404 00. GINS-Irrported , 4 60 6 00 ] domestic , 1 40@3 00. RUMS Imported , 4 606 00) ) New England. 2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 bO3 50 PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY- 1 75@4 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported per case , 18003i OtAmirlua , ea § , 1200(9 ( 1600. CLARETS -er case , 4 60@10 00 WINES Rh ne wine , per case , 6 00 ® 2 00) ) Oatawba , per case , 4 007 00 , OiKars and Tobaccos. FINE OU1' In palls. Common , 60 © 55c ; good , eO@76c. In tin foil Cat ling O. 8. , 6 lb boxes , per lb G3c | Lotl- Ulard's Tiger , 60c ; Diamond Crown , 60. SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to 33c. Granulated lilackwelh Durham , 16 oz 4Gc ; Dukes Durham , 16 oz , 46c | Seal of North Carolina , 16 oz , 46) ) Seal of Nebrap- ka , 16 oz , 88c ) Lone Jack , 4 oz , linen bags per lb , 81.35 ; Mnrburgt' Pnck 2 oz , tin oil , 5o ; Dog T all 05c. Wool. Merino nnwai ed , light , 14016c ) heay ® 1815o [ medium unwashed , light , 18 © 2 washed , choice , S2o | fair , OOo ; tub- din and w. , 28o | bnrry , blaokand ootted wo 2@6o let _ The drunkard iwllla alcohol. Wise men use Samaritan Nervine , the king of all remndlos WITH FIVE DOLLARS VOU CAN BUY A WHOLE Imperial Austrian lOOfl , Govern- moutBond , ISSUK OF 1801. wblch bonds are Issued und occurixl by the gov ernment , nd are redeemed In drawing ! , FOUR TIMES ANNUALLY , Until each and every bond It drawn with a Urger or H'lall-r premium , Every bond must draw a jirUo , na there are no blank ! 'JHKTlUtEKUiailEST I'HI/.ES ' AMOUNTTO 20 000 " 15,000 " Any bonds not drawlnnone of the above prizes muatdr M a premium ol not leg ) than 200 FLOniNS. 1st ofJune , 1883 , and every bond bought ol utonor betoro the 1st of June It entitled to the whole premium th t tray be drawn tlcreon on tnit data. Out-of-town orders tent inBOISIKR D I , T. ISRS , nd Inclotln * J5 , will secure one ol thctc oonds for the next drawing. For ordert , circular ! , and any other Inform * , tlon , addreu , International Banking Company , No. 207 Broadway , Oor Falton Struct , Now York Olty. K8TABLI8UED IN 1871. TbtaboTo Oorernment bondtar * not to Ix comp r d with * ny lottery whaUoerer , and d < not cooUet with anj of Iht Uwi of tbt UnU dUtt * . H. B-In wrIUnr. pltaM tUU Uial yon DM \Mt U Ut OiMka BM. JT.b.T-w 17 i . . . , .ow Jron , JVniclan j Jt < irltnntlJ'tiosf > lioriuin n ; * i/u ( < iM form. Ifor ffrmms JeblHliJain of Arm- tilt , J'roxtraffon of vital JL'owcrt it it < ncIU ; > en a > - > tie. ItKV.A.I. H013B3 Wrltos- : After n thorough trial of the IKON TONIC , I toke pleasure Industry , IU. ' In tating that I have boon ' 'l consider il mat : , tenofitod by 1U ILDDD n moat oicollont remedy for n o. Ministers nnd Pub the debilitated vital forcoa. lia Speakers will find it of the irrnatest vnluo where n Ton to Is neces sary. I recommend It R a reliable remedial rtrent , posBesRlntr un * doubted natrltlvo and restorntivo properties. Lnimllt , Sy.t Urt.J , last. nmun ST TM DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO. . 813)T. UAIK CT. , CT. LQglC. i ssllLl tS .s l5 5 Z-3 2 3 2 OO 5 ftplp ! aisiiiiiiS * M B at.G ci U--.O jc5tilll 13 81 Jl tr M = r uca a < i P yti < 3 ? * 5wO o o w # sgo3 | a a * SIj -Q | * aM llg | | . P . 3 tij. tij.t t ; o ! = S * ; ro fJFirrfcdj - d HENRY LEHMAN.M , JOBBER OF AND WINDOW SHADES EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. 1118 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA The Oldest Wholesale and Retail JBWELRYHQUSE in Omaha. Visitors can hero find all novelties in SIL VER WARE. CLOCKS , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in PRECIOUS STONES and all descriptions of FINE WATCHES at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see onr Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farnham Streets TOE LEADING MUSIC HOUSE IN TI1K WEST I General Agents for the . Finest and Beat Pianos and . ' . j Organs mamiracturec. ' ' Our prices are as Low as any EasternManufacturer , . and Dealer , * Pianos and Of gatis sold ' - ' for cash or installment i at ' ; ' Bottom Prices. . K , > A SPLENDID st-ck of ' | Steinway , Chickerinef , < Knabe , Vo e & Boa's Pi anos , andottur mabes. Also Clough & Warden Sterling Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us [ before purchasing.1 MAX MEYER & BRO. , E AIiOFAOTURERS OF SHOW CftSES. A Tarce Stock always on Hand FREDERIC GOAL The only Coal mined west of the Mississippi River that is equal in quality to the ROCK SPRING COAL. THE ONLY IOWA GOAL That will atook for a year without ilaoklng or > hrlnklng. Pronounced by all the leading brlok men \Vcatorn Iowa M the very beat oal for burning brlok ever used In the West. EUREKA. COAL AND MINING CO. , Frederic , Monroe Co , Iowa , HAS THE UEST STOOK IN OMAHA AND MAKES THE LOWEST PEIOES IMPORTANT IMPROVEiENTS Have now been finished in our store , ma ! * * Jng it the largest and most complete FURNITUEI HOUSE In the West. An additional story has been built and the five floors all connected with two HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS , One Exclusively for the use of Passengers , These immense warerooms - rooms three stores , are 68 ieet wide are filled with the Grand est display of all kinds of Household and Office Furniture evei shown.All All are invited to oil , take the Elevator on the first floor and go through the building and inspect the stock * OHAS. SHIVERICK , 206 , 1208 and 1210 Fatnam Street , Omaha / f d