THE DAILY BEE-MONDAY APJRIL 30 National Bank , Of np Capital , 8200,000 DIREOTOMJ . JOHNSON , President , ol Steelt , Johnion ft Co. Co.K. K. TOUZALIN , Vice President , of 0. , D * Q B. R. , Boston. V. MORSE , of W. V. lion * A Oo. ODN B. OOLLIK3 , of 0. H. ft J. S. Oolllni. 1. VI. WOOLWORTU , Counsellor and Attorney- at-Law. U B. REED , of Byron Be d A Oo. D. W. TAXES , Cashier , late Caahtei of the Tint National Bank of Omaha , and connected wltb ne active management of bat Dank lines lt < organization In 18C3. OrraiD for bualnea April 21,1882 , with tbi Kelt capita ! of aj/ but * inhebratka. COLLIOTIOSS receive special attention and char fei lowest obtainable here or elsewhere. IXTIKUT allowed on time dcpoeiti upon favor- kbit terma and upon account ! of banki and bank- II. Toman EXOHIKOI , Oovernmcnt Uondt , and Count" and City ffectlca bought and told. It Is prepued to do a general banking builneti all III detail ) , and In the treatment of custom' en In will pursue the most liberal policy conilt- Itnt wtth'gafo banking. J. W. KUDEFER. Broker. Stocks , Bonds , Commercial Taper and all other Oood securities doait In Hooin 4 , No. 28 Pearl St , , Council BluHs , la. FINANCE AND COMMERCE , FINANCIAL. pedal Dispatch to TiiiBii. NEW YOBK , April 28. Money Loaned at 3i@G per cont.cloaod at 5 per cent. Prime Mercantile Paper-56 per cent. Sterling Exchange Bankers' billssteady at 4 82J ; sterling exchange demand , 4 85. Governments were unchanged. Stocks were dull to-day. The market advanced in the forenoon and declined in the afternoon. Compared with jeatotday'j close prlcej ara a fraction higher for the majority bf the stocks. GOVEBNMSNTH. Ycstcriajr. To-day. a1. 1031 iu3l 6'e 102 * H'-'j iVs Conpona 118J 1131 4 ? . . 119 * 119J Prftlfic S'i of ' 95 127 .127 81004B. Adams Kxprea 130 129 Allegheny 'Central li ! ) . . . Al lun & Terra Haute 08 b8 J do pfd. . . . 92 92 American Expres 90 90 Burl. , Cedar ilapids & North. 81 $ 81 } Canada Southern Grift GGj 0. , St. L , &P 204 1204 da pfd 5i 15.1 Central Pacific 7Cg 7CJ Chesapeake & Ohio 21 do 1st pfd. . . 31 do 2d pfd. . . 5(33 Chicago & Alton 183 133 do pfd 135 135 Ohl. , Burl. & Qulncy 120J 125 Chi. , St. L. & Now Orleanu. . 81 80 Oin. , Band. & Cleveland 45 } Clove. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 74 Delaware tt Hudson canal , . . .109 j Del. , Lack. & Western 1274 Denver & Bio Grande 47i 48j Brio 3GJ S7 do pfd. . . 78 78 East Tennessee 9J . . do preferred 21 ffort Wayne & Chicago 133 133 Hannibal & Ut. Joseph 39 39 do pfd. 9t 94j Harlem 1 7 190 Houston & Texaa Central. . . . 73 Illlnoin Central U4J 144 Ind. , Bloom. & Western 30 $ 31 Kansas & Texas tOj 30J Lake Erie & Weatern 29 Lake Shore & Michigan So. , .lllg lllj Loaisvilla & Nashville , 53& Iiouiav. , New Alb. & Chicago 65 M. &L lat pfi. . , W do do 2d pfd 5 Memphis & Charleston 41J . , , Michigan Central 94 Ul ) Memphis & St , Loiii ; 27 . . . do pfd 67 Missouri Pacific 103 ? 1031 Mobile & Ohio ICj Morris & Essex 124 Nashville & Chattanooga 064 New Jersey Central. . . . ; . . . . 7CJ 7CJ Norfolk &W 43 * Northern Pacific 50 60j do pW W ± 874 Northwestern 134J 184 , cto pfd 150i 150 : New York Central 125J 125 Ohio Central 12& Ontario & Western ! ! ! ! 271 Oregon Transcontinental 83& Pacific Mail 41 Panama. . . . . . . . lo7 . . Peoria , Decatur & Evanav. . . 20 } 20 Pittaburg & Cleveland 134ft 1S4 Pulhnan Palace Oar 128J Reading 55 Rook Island 123 123 Bt. Louis & Ban Fran 32 32 do pfd 51i do lit pfd SO : Bt. Paul & Milwaukee 103J 103 do pfd..1194 119 Bt Paul , Minn , ft Manitoba. 129J 129 Bt. Paul & Omaha 49 89 do pfd 1001 106 TexM & Pacific 391 39 Union Pacific 87j 97 : United States Express 58 Wahosb , St. L. & Pacific. . . . 293 291 do pfd. 46 § 47 Wells , Fargo & Co. Express. 124J Western Union Telegraph. . . 82 | 82 } Homestake 15j Ontario C Quicksilver 8 do pfd 42J Bntro 20 PRODUCE & PROVISIONS. pedal Dispatches to Tni Bn. CHICAGO. CHICAGO. April 28. Wheat Quiet , cloned higher ; regular , 109 | for April ) 1 10g@l 10JJ for May ; 1 13J for June ; 114@114J lor July ; 1101 ® 110 If or Au- guit ; 1 091 for the year ; No , 2 spring , I 09I@l 101 ; No. 3 spring , OGcj No , 2 red winter , 111@112. Corn Unsettled and generally higher ; 65 0 for cash ; 55o for April ; 65J@5DJj for May ; 57i@57o for June ; 68i@59a for July ; 69Jfo for August ; 591 o I the year. Oats Easleronddull ; 40.forcaeh ; 40 2 for cash and April ; 401o for May ; 41g3 for June ; 41i@41gc for July ; 35s for August ; 33Jo for the year. Kye Dull and lower at COlo. Barley Dull and unchanged at 80@S3e. Flax Seed-Lower at 1 44@1 45. Pork Fairly active and a shade higher ; 19 1019 12J ( or cash , April and May ; 19 30@19 324 for June ; 19 50@19 52 } for July : 19 70 for August ; 1715@17174 for the year. Lard Fairly active and a shade higher ; 11CO@1162J for cash , April and May ; II 70@11 72J for June ; 11 82 } ® ! ! 85 for July ; 1175@11 77 } for August ; 10 C5@ 10 70 for the year , Bulk Meats In fair demand ; shoulders , 8 00 ; short rib , 10 CO ; short clear , 10 95 , BT , LOUIS. BT. Louis , April 28. Flour Qniet and unchanged. Wheat Market higher , with free trad- closing at iniide figures ; 1 05 bid. Corn Market higher and active ; 602 51 So for cash ; 5151o for May ; tSi 63a for June ; 5Cl@5T > } o for July ; 6GJJ ® 66o for August ; 4C46o bid lor the year. year.O U Market better , but flow ; 4'Jl © 42ta for ea h ; 42o for Ma ; ; 433 for June ; 40i < 3 for July , .Hurley Market quiet , at 530750. Whliky-Market steady at 1 14 , Pork Market firmer at 10 40 ® 19 60. B con Market quiet ; sides , 11 00 ® 1137 } . NCW TOBX. N w Yotue , April 28. Wheat-Own grades l(2i ( higher and firm ; options opened l@jo higher , rf\ct d l@o doting steadyi ungraded red 1 OGffll 21 ; iVo.3 red , I 20 delivered ; steamttr , No , 2 red , 1 17) ) No. 2 red 1 21 ! 221 la elevator ; 1 20 } ® 1 20J In store. Corn Oath lots unsettled and ofmler ; nptlons 1 ® Jo higher ; ungraded , 54@CSc ; No. 2 , C8@C8io. Oats } @lo lower ; exports , none ; mixed western , C0@51c ; white , 53@58c. Efgs Western fresh and stronger , at 170. 170.Lud Lud Firm ; prime steam , 11 80 , MILWA-JKKK. MILWAUKEE , April 28. Wheat Inac tive ; No. 2 , 1 00 i ; April , 1 09 } ; May , 1 09J ; June , 1 12 } ; July. 1 13 | . Corn Firmer ; No. 2 , b5o. Onts-Dull and higher ; No , 2 40c. KyeL -er ; No. 2 , 5So. B iley Unsettled and Inactive nt 65c. TOLEDO. TOLSDO , April 28. Noon Board. Wheat Market dull ; No. 2 red winter , for April 1 13. Corn Market dull ; No. 2. cash , 58c. Oils -Market quiet ; No. 2 , 44c. KANSAS CITY , KANSAS Cm , April 28. Wheat- Market weak and lower ; No , 2 rod fall , 94o bid for cash ; 9io bid for May ; 9 < io bid for June. Corn Market steady ; 42 ? for cash ; 43s for May ; 45c , for June ; 47@47o for July. Oils-Slow ; 39a bid. LIVEIU'OOL. LiVEUPOOL. April 28. Wheat Dull and Is lower ; red winter , 9t ; No. 2 spring , 9i 2 J ; No. 3do , 81 3J ; California , s lower. Corn Not much doing ; 5s 7d. Off coa t wheat quiet ; corn qalet and bleaay. To arrive wheatand corn steady and unchanged. Xbero i not much doinsc In whent and corn for the the United Kingdom and the continent. The coun try markets are dull , Weather in Eng land wet. UVB STCC& 8pocla ) Ciipitchcs to Tni B i. OUICAOO. OaiOAOu , April 28The Drovers' Jour nal reprto as follows : Hogs-Flrly active and prices firm ; mixed. 7 00@7 40 ; heavy , 7 40@7 T6 ; light , 7 00@7 65 ; skips , 5 00@6 75. Cattle Fairly active , brisk to extent of supply and firm ; export * , 6 30@G 60 ; good to choice ehloplng , 5 90@G 20 ; com mon to fair , 5 40@5 85 ; mixed butcboring moderately active at 2 7o@4 90 ; stackers and feodere , 3 75@5 SO Sheep Fair , brisk and firm ; common to fair , 4 00@4 75 ; medium to good , 6 00 © t 75 ; choice to extra , C 00 ® C 5U. BT. LOCIB. ST. LODIS , April 28. Hogs Dull and unchanged with little doing ; mixed pack ing to best heavy , 7 OOW7 60. Cattle Supply small and demand light with only retail trade ; prices unchanged. Sheep-Steady with small busloess ; lair to choice clipped , 4 00 ® 5 50. KANSAS OUT. KASHAS CITY , April 28. The Commer cial Indicator this afternoon reports as follows : O.ittlo - Shipping steers , 5 45@G 76 ; stonk CM and feeders , 4 25@4 80 ; cows , 3 25 ® 475. 475.Hogs Quiet at 7 30 ; the bulk of sales , 7 10@7 20. Sheep Sold at 4 00. TRAFFIC. Special Dispatches to Tni ] 3 . LIVE BTOOK. CHICAGO , April 28 , Receipts and ship ments of live stock for the past hours hava been as follows : Reo ts. Ohlpm'ts , Hoga 540 Cattle l.OuO Sheep 400 ST. Louis , April 28. Receipts and shipments ot live stock for the past 24 hours have boon as follows : Reo'ts. Bhlptn'ta. Cattle 105 500 Sheep 300 1,600 KANSAS Oirr , April 28. Ueceipta and shipments of live stock for the past 24 hours have been as follow * : Roo'ts. Shlpm'ts. Cattle 1,800 Hugh 4,20) FLOUR AND OBAINB CHICAGO , April 28 , Receipts and ship , moats of flour and grain for the past 24 honra have been as follows : Receipts , Bhip'ts. Flonr bbls 15,000 . . . . Wheat bushels 32,000 . . . . Corn " 49,000 Date " 131,000 Kye " 8,000 Barley " 1LOOO NEW YOBK , April 28 , Receipts and shipments of flour and grain .for the past 24 hours have been as follows : Receipts Sbp'ts ' Flour bbls . . . . Wheat-bushels 7,600 20,000 Corn " 21,000 89,000 Oata- " 22,000 KANSAS CITY , April 28. Receipts and shipments oi grain for the past 21 hours have been as follows : Roo'U. Bhip'ts. Wheat , bushels 1,400 10,000 Com " 9,000 47,000 OMAHA MAUKJolTS. Wholesale Prices. OTTIOB or THU OMAHA B ? , I Saturday Evening , April 28 , ) The following are the only changes re ported in the market to-day : Wheat , cash No. 2 , advanced } c. Rye , cash , declined } o. Eggs declined } o , . HEVIEW or THE WEEK , While some few large transactions on reported the greater number of sales ve been small , buyeru seem to want er time than usual and the general markel bis been aomewhnt inactive. The major rl. ) ty of country merchants claim , however that the prospects for the coming year'i business are good , as the wheat crop so fai promises to be satisfactory and that farm em as a rule are hopeful as to the genera crop. crop.The The grain market has somtwhat unset tied since Monday when wheat , cash No 2 , made n jump of G cents , fram 8)0 to 4o and has had a flight downward tendency since. On the same day No , 3 adyaucec 4c and rejected advanced 3o , barley 2o ad 4c. rye 2c , corn Ic , and oats declined Ic. The following were the changes in Ic.he general market : Navy beans declined hec potatoes declined Co , nails declined 25s and barbed wire declined } c. Tuesday , wheat , cash No. 2 , declined Ic barley , No , 3 declined Ic ; rye , cash ad vanced } c powdered advanced i. ; sugar , } o standard extra C advanced Ic , cut loaf ad v&ncsd Ic , extra 0 advrnced } c ; salt , drj ! advanced 15c.cbeeso advanced } _ . ; . c ; homlnj declined 603 , Thursday , Wheat No , 2 declined } o nd No. 3 advanced } c ; fat steers advanced 25i to COo ; fat cowi advanced 25o to 35o , Only a few change * hava bsen reportec In the produce market * which ! unually dalL The supply of butter and eggs is much greater than the demand and prices low , Grain. WHEAT.- Cash No. 2 , 93o ; cash No. B , 78c ; rejected , 74o. BARLEY. Cash No. 2 , 65o ; No. 8 , 42o. CORN-New mixed , 883. OATS-360 , BEEDS-Bluo RMM seed , 12o@150 ; fmothy toed , 2 10@2 25 ; red clover seed , 9 00 ; whlto clover teed. IS 00 ; millet seed , 100 ; Hungarian seed , 1 10 ; orchard grans iced , 2 CO. Llvo Utootc. CATTLE -Fat steem , & 00@6 CO. FATCO\VS-SIOO@425. HOaS-S62ii@7iO. BHEEP-SJ 60g600. ( Produce. POTATOES 40@4Jo per Bushel ; ONIONS 40@50o per btwbel. BUTTKK-Choice country , 13o. KUGS frwh , 14o. HONEY Oalllorflia. perlb , SI. APPLES Per barrel , * 2 25 3 2.5 OUANGES Messina. 4 00@$5 00. LEMONS-95 OOC 5 cO per box. BEANE Nnvy per bushel , 260&275 Flour and Mlllttuflt , Beit wlnUr wheat-3 00@3 75. Second quality winter wheat 276@325. Be t spring wheat 2 00 @ 2 75 , Second quality * pring wheat 2 4'2 ' 50. Bran , pur tqn 10 00. Chopped Feed , per ton 10 00. Poultry. CHICKENS Llvo per doz. , $100 ® 4 50. Wrested , per Ib , , 15o. DUOKS-DreBaed , per lb. , 15o , TUKKEYS-170. Qrocora List CANNED GOODS Oy.tun , ( Qtand- ard ) , per case , 3 70@390 ; ( itrawbet- rien , 2 fi > , per case , 2 40 , rasp berries , 2 D > , psr case , 3 60. D.\m. sons , 2 It ) , per case , 2 45 , Bartlett peara per oas , 2 40. Whortleberries nor cese,275. Egg plums,2 Ib pcrcu < e,2 90 ; Ureen cage3,2 Ib per ease , 2 90 ; do choice , , tb per case 4 CO , Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per CAHU 4 00@5 75. Peaches , 2 B per o.vo , 8 00 ; do S ID. CORO , 4 00@4 60 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , par cone.2GO ; do pie , 6 Ib , per dozen , 3 50. LAUD Omalia Uefiululn Co. : Tiorcoa , 12o ; 40 and 50-lb cans , l'2o ; 20-lb cans , 123c ; 10-lb palls , screw top , 12Jc ; 5-lb do , 120 ; 3-lb do , 12Jo. iilCE IionUmna prime to choice , 7J3 80 : fair , 7 ( < r7tc ; Patma , Cgs. FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls , 7 60 ; No. 1 mackerel , kits , 1 00 ; family mack , ere ) , half brls , 6 25 ; family mackerel , kits , 85c ; No. 1 wbltu fish , half brls , 7 00 ; No , 1 kits , 1 05. UUifFJiB. : Rio , fair , llo Rio , geol llc ; orlDin to choice , 12 to 12oj Old gov't Java 18o @ 24o. SYRUP Standard Com. , 44o , bbls. ; Standard do , 4 } gallon kegs , 83 05 ; Stan , darl do. 4 gallon kegs , $1 95. SODA In lb papers , fjS.SO per cose ; keg coda. 21c. NEW PIOKLKB Medium , lu barrels 67 09 ; do in half bbls , 4 00 ; smalls , in bbls 903 do , in half bbls , 500 ; gherkins , in Ijbb. 11 00 ; do , in half bbls , 6 00. TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@55 ; Olirlco , 60@75c ; Imperial , good , 4045o ; 0 lee , 60@75c ; Young Hyson , good , B6 < § SOo ; clioico , 65c@81 00 ; Japan Nat Left ! , Japan , choice , 6076o ; Oolong , good , 10 ; Oolong , ohn.ce , 40@5B | Bonofiong , , .ti' ' > 40c ; choice , 354 ! > o. HOPE Sisal , i Inch and .larger , llo ; g Inch , Ilk ; Jjnch. 12a. \VOODENWAltE Two bcop pall , 1 7F ; three hoop pallo , 2 00. Tubs , No. 1 , 8 fiO ; Pioneer washboards , 1 85 Doable ir wn290 ; Wellbuotetn , 350 , liKAD Bar , 81 65 S , > A1'3 Kirk's Savon Imperial , 845 ; Ktrb's natlcot , 8 00 ; Kirk's standntd , 3 75 ; Xik'a ! whlto Kuealiu , 525 : Kirk's Kuloo , SIB Kirk's Prairie Queen , ( UK ) rakoa ) , 40 ; Kirk's mognolia doz. , POTAHH Pennsylvania cans , 4 c < we la , 3 85 ; Babbitt's Ball 2 doz. In case I t'J : Anchor Ball 2 doz In cauo 1 50. PJJANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten ncsseo , lOopor lb ; fnnoy white , 10u porlb rave white Virginia raw , 10c ; zoanted OANDLEB-Boxoti , 40 Ibs.Jfig 15jc ; 8s , Ifjjo ; bcxts 40 ibs. , 1C oz. , fa , 15 o , MATCUKs Per caddlo , _ 96c ; round ca " . fi lOi equare , canes , t5 40 , VINEGAR Puie rpplu extra , IGc pore apple , ISci Prnrane aura acnle , lOc. i-SALT. I > r y loadj , per bbl , 1 85 ; Ath tj. in Bno ka , 3 50.bbls ; dairy CO , As , II W SUGARS Powdered , lOlc : Cut loaf , c ; Granulated. 9o ; Confectioners' A , 9io ; Standard Extrn 0 , 8gc ; Extra O , SJo ; medium yellow , 7o ; dark yellow , 7ic , dTAROH. Pearl. toJ Silver Ulodi 9 } : ; Corn Starch , 9o | KxcelricrBIoss , Ijn t Corn. 80 MEATS Hams per lb. , 131c ; bnooi per lb. , 13c ; clear side bacon per lb. , llSc dry salt sides per lb. , 9c ; dry salt xlaei shou ba ; tierce lard per lb. ; llo. SPICES. Pepper , 21i Allnploo. 18 Java , 260iUol2 Mocha , 28oi Arbncklo 141o , J'HBKSH Full Cream , 14 } ? ) Part Uom , Ilu. LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 8 40 I : Western , 2 75 ; North Star , Z 00 ; Lewis1 lye , 4 65 ; Jewell lye , 2 76. FEED Jobbing prices , Chop feed $1.50 per 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , $1.40 ; bran , 70o per 100 Ibs. HOMINY New 13 50 per bbl. Dry Qoodi. BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A. 8o ; Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 80 ; Boot , FF , 8c ; Buckeye LL. 4 , 7oj Cabot W. 7lo ; Chlttenango A , ejej Ureat Falls B , 8io ; Hoosler , 6o ; Honest Width , 80 , In dian Head A , 8c ; Indian Standard A , " " ; Indian Orchard d. w , , 8Jo ; Lawrence LLlplc ; Mystic river , 7o ; Peqnot A , 8go ; } o ; Utlca 0 , 6o : WachueetfB , 7io ; do A , Bio : do B 48. taio : WalSitt BB. 7 o. FINE BROWN COTTONS AUendale . 1 : 7c ; Alligator M , 8c ; Argyle 4-4 , 7 ? | Atlantio LL , 6o : Badger State X 4-4 , CJo ; Bennlngton 0 4-4 , CJo ; Buckeye B. 4.4,6400 Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 8c : Laoonla O 39 , 8o ; Lebigh E 4-4 , 9c ; Pepperell N 80 , 7pj do O 83 , 7ic ; do R 86 , 7o ; do E 89 , 8Jo , vocauet 0 4-4 , 7Jo | Wamsutta 44 18oBLBAOHED BLBAOHED COTTONS Androscog gin L 4-4,9oBUokstoneAA ; lir.perLU 8Jcj * * do do half bleached 4-4 , 9o ; Cabot 4-4,8 I ; Fidelity 4-4 , 9oFrnlt ; of the Loom. 91 : do OAnubrio4-4,121odoWaterTwist,10cGreat ; ; Falls O , 9c ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , J ; Lonadale. lOo ; do cambrlo 87 , 12o ; Now York Mills. 12o ; Pequot A,10c ; Pepperel N Q Twills , 12o : PocahontM 4-4 , OJo ; Pocasset 4-4 , Blot Utioa , llci Wanuntta O X X , 4o. DUCKS Colored ) Albany B brown , 8c ; do O , drab , llR do X k stripes and plaids , 12o ; do XXX brown and drab , . itrlpea and plaids , 12o ; Arlington fancy , IBHJo : unswlok brown , 8o ; Chariot fancy , 12o ; do extra heavy , 20oj Fall River brown , extra heavy , llc ; Indian * A brnwa IRni Nenonset A brown. 15o , TIOK1AUB Amoskeag A U A 82 19o ; do XX blue 82 , 18c ; Arrowacna , ? 9o ; Claremont B B , 15oi Conestogaxa [ tra , 17ic : Hamilton D , lljo Lewtston a. 30,15o ; Minnehahn 4-4. 20c ; Omega super extra 4-4 , 2So ; Pearl River 82,16io ; Put nam XX blue stripe , 12oj Shetnoket S < 10c ; do SS 12c ; Yeoman's blno 29 , 9o DENIMS. Amoskeak , blue and bronn 16c ; Andover DD blue , 15c ; ArllngX blue Scotch , 18c ; Concord OOO , blue aw brown. 12i : do AAA , do do 13 } ; do XXto . do do 14 } a Haymaker'n blue and brown , 9o ; Mvstlo River DD stripe , IJHoj 1'ccrl , Itlver , blue and brown , IGc ; UncMviUo , blue and brown , 14r. ' CAMBRICS Barnard , 6io ; Eddyntono lining , 24 Inch double taue , 3o ; Garner A ; glazed , f Jc | Manhattan glove finish , 6 o . Newport do Go : do Klazod. 62o | Pequot do 5c < Lockwood kid fmlsh Co. ' CORSET JEANS-Amory , 801 Andrea - ooggin gatteen 8JoC'larondcu ; , CiojConns oStra satteens , 7ic ; Hallowelt , 80 ; Injdl r . Orchard 7Jo ; NarrJ ansettImproved , 8j ? . Penperlll sattften sla ; Rookport. 7o. PRINTS-Aliens , 6c : American , 6)0 ) ; Arnold , 7c ; Berwick. 4fo ; Oocheco , 7o ; Oonestog * . 6o ) Dunkirk , | Dunnoll , 6J@7c ; Eddyitone , 7o ; Gloncetler , 60 ; mony , CJo ; Knickerbocker , Cjoj Mer D , 7cj Myjtlo , Dc ; Bprayues , 60 ; Bontbbrldge , 6c ; do , Glnghami , 7c | Mail , boro. fijp ! Oriental G&o , GINGHAMS Am keac , 9lo | Argyle , 10l < j | Atlantic , Oo ) Cumberland , 74o ; UfehlAnd , 7Jc ; Kentlworth , Ole ; Pine , kett. 9ioi Bnisex , 8c. COTTONADK3 Abborvlllo 18o Agate , 20o ; American , lie ; Artlnlan , 20ct Cairo D and T , 18oj Clarloa D and T1 174cj Docoan Co , tripe D ndT , 16c ; Keystone - stone , 13o ; Nantucket , 19o : Nonpareil 16o ; Ocean D and T , 18a ; Royal , 16 } i Sussex , 12o ; Tioga , 12Jo ; Wnohusett shirt In ? chocks , ISJo : do , Nankin , 12o ; York , plain Nnkln. 12 } 5 do. ohooks , itrlpea nnd fancy. 12o ; dn. 8 oz 20c. BUBETINGB-AndrosooguIn 10-4,271cl do 9.4,23cdo ; 8-4 , 22c | Continental 0 42 , lie , Fmit of th Loom 10-4 , 274 ; Now York tnills98 , 85o ; do 78 , SOo : do 68. 22c , Pembroke 10-4 , 25o ; Pequot 1P-4 , 28jc , do 74 , lOo do 49 , 16o ; Pepperell 90. 2 ! > ode do 07 , 21odo ; 67 , 18o ; Utlca 90 , 860 ; do 58 , mo ; do 48,17a. Drugs. DRDGS AND OHKM10ALS- , Carbolic , 60o ; Acid , Tartnrla , 65o | Balsam Oopnbla , per lb , 70c ; Bark , Sauafras , per lh , IS ) ) Calomel , per lb , 750) ) Olnchonldis , p-r or , 8110 ; Chloroform , per Ib , 90ai Dover's powders , per lb , 81 25 ; Hpeotc Salt * , i > er Ib , 8c ; Glycerine , pure po' bl , SOc ; Load , Acetate , per lb , 22o OIL Castor , No. 1 , per gut , ' 1 25 ; Oil , Cantor , No. 8 , per gal , $115 , Oil , Olive , per gal. 81 50 ; Oil , Origanum. 60 ; Opium , ftfi 10 ; Oulnlne P. i W. A R. ft 8. , per or , 81 85 ; Potassium , Iodide , per lb II75 ; Salaotn , par ot , 40o ; Bnlphato o Morphine , yet 02 , 83 85 ; Bulpnnr Hoar per lb , 4ai Htrvcbnlne , ucr oz. $1 65. PaliU Oil * and VarrlihM OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon , 12o ; 150 * headlight , per gallon , 14o ; 175 * headlight , per gallon. 19c ; 150' Water White , 18o ; llntoed , raw , per gallon , EC ; linjoed , bollo-1 , per gallon , DOc ; lard , winter str'd , percral , ton , P5 ; No. 1 , 8Sc ; No. 2 , 75c ; castor , XXX. per gallon , 1 30 } No. 3,1 20 ; sweet , per gallon , 9Sot tndtm , W , B. , per gallon. 1 75 ; fish , W. B , , per gallon , 76o ; noatifoot , extra , per ( pllon , < J > > oi No. 1 ; 76o ; lubri cating , toro , per gallon , SOc : summur , 15o , golden machine , No , 1 , per gallon , 3.r > o ; No , 3 SO : sperm , signal , per gallon , 80s : tur- poutino , pur gallon , 05cj n pth , 74 , per gallon , 18ot 64,17o PAINTS IN OIL-Wblto lead , Omaha ? . P. . 60 ; white load , Bt. Louis , pore , 6Jo ; TOareelllca green , 1 to 5 Ib conn , 20o French zinc , gtoon Heal. 12o | French rlnc , red tool , lie ; French zinc , In varnish osst , 20o : French zlnoc , In oil Mat 15c ; Raw nnd burnt umber , 1 Ib c na lOo ; raw and burnt Sienna , 10) : Vandyke brown , . .g refined lampblack. 12o : coach blaok and ; I'ory black , ICc ; drop black , 16o ; Pnudan blue , 30o ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrv-me groan , L. M. & D. , 10)blind ; and shutter green , L. M. ft D. , 1C : ; PtrU groou. X8o ; Indian red , ICoi Venetian rod. 9o ; Tnacao dre , 22c ; Amorionn Vonnillcn , LAP. , 18o ; chroma yellow , L. , M. , O. & D O. , 18o ; yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 16 ; patent ilryer , 80 ; graining colon i light oak , dark oat. walnut , chestnut and ash 15a. Dry Paints White lead , So ; French zinc , lOct whltoing 2c ; whiting gilders , lc ; v , hi tine com'l , llo ; lampblack Gorman , town , 14cj limpblack , ordinary , 10c ; 1'rnj. slan blue , S5o ; ultramarine , IBc ; vandyke bA > vn , So ; umber , burnt , 43) ) umber , raw 4cstonna ; , burn t , 4o ; slonna , raw , 4o Paris green gonubio , 25c ; ParU green com' 20c ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20o ; chrom green K. , 12o ; vormilllon , Eng. , 70c ; rer million , America , 18c ; Indian red , lOo rene pink , 14o ; Venetian road , Ookosoao 2Jci Venetian red Am. , lie ; rei lead , 7Jo ) chrome yellow , genuine , 20o hromo yel low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle So ; ochre French. 22c ; oohre , American , 2c ; Wiwler's mineraL 2Jo ; lehlgh brown. 2lo ipunixh browit , 2&c | Prince's mineral So , VARNISHES Bwrreln per pUlon Furniture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , So. 1 81 ; coach , extra , SI 40 ; oaoh , No , 1 , $120 ; Damar , extra , 81 75) ) apan , 70o ; & > phaltxun , extra , 65ot sheila $3 50 | hart oil finish. $1 30. 30.Hldet Hldet , Furs , Etc. HIDES Ureen butcher's bides , 5S 7o cured } @ } hides , green salt dry flint , sound , 12lSo ; dry cM and kip , 1214o ; dryenlt bldcu , sound 10@llc ; p-roon calf , wt. 8 o 16 tts. , ll12c green calf , wt , under 8 Ibs , per okin , 50c ( rroenjxilti , 60@81 25 ; crecn lamb okinn 61 250160 ; damaged hidoo , two-third rate cut scored and one grub' , olesiod two- tLlrda rnte , ) branded hides 10 per coot , ofl Coon skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , 80o ) No. 1 50.J No , 4 , lOo. Mini : , No. 1 , SOcj No. 'J 15c ; No. 3,15o ; No. , 5o. For , No.1V , COa ; No. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No , 1 , hSo | 65o ) short stripe , 'iOpj narrow btrlpea Iruad Dlrlpc. lOo. Tallow 7o , Leather. Oak solo , 880 to 42o ; hemlock sole , Z8o to 85c ; hemlock kip , 80o to 100 ; rnnlior , Coo to SOc ; hemlock calf , 86c to 120 ; hem lock upper , 23o to 26a ; oak upper , 24c alligator , 4 00 to 5 50 ; calf kid , 32@3fl * Greisen kid , 3 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , SOo to 1 00 ; oak calf , 120 to 1 30 ; French kip 110 to 1 6C ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 : run- aetts. 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , 6 00 to 10 50 toppings , 9 00 to 10 60 ; B , L. Morocco , SO to 35o ; pehbla O , D , Morocco , 85cj elmon 3 60 to 8 00. HARNESS-No IB-or - oak , 42o No do , SOo ; Nc.l Ohio oak , 8801 No. 2 do 85oj No. 1 Milwaukee , i)7ai ) No , ado 34o. Lumber. WUOLWAU. Wo quote lumber , latn and shingles on cars at Omaha at the following prices i JOIHT AND ROANTLING-16 ft. and under , $22 00 ; 18 ft. , $23 60 , TIMBERS 16 ft. and under. 122 00. TIMBER AND JOIST-18 It , 823 60 20 ft , 823 50 > 22 ft , , 820 60 ; 24 it. 826 60 FENCING No. 1 , 4 fend 8 In. , 824 00) No. 2,822 00. SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common boards ) , 820 00 ; No. 2 , 818 00. LIMB Per barrel , 81 25) ) bulk per ous- S5o ; Cement , bbl , 82 25 IOWA plst r bbl , 82 50 , Hair per bu , COa. Tarred felt 100 Ibs , 83 60. Straw board , 83 60 , Heavy Hardware List. Iron , rates , 82 89 ; plow steel , cpeoU east , 7c ; crucible , 80 ; upeclalorGerman.Gc cast tool do. 15@20 wagon spoke * , set 2 25@3 00) ) hubs , per set , 1 25 : ( elloea , tawed dry. 1 40) ) tongnea , each , 70@85c ; axles each , 75o ; aquare nuti , per Ib , 7llo : washers , per lb. 8@18o : rlvetu , per lb , lie cell chain , per lb , 6@12o ; malleable , LOJOJ ! Iron wedges , 60 ; crowbars , 60 harrow ) teeth , 4c ; spring teel , 7@8o ; Burdon'i horKwiboes. 5 2"i : Burden's muloshoea , 6 25 BARBED WIRE In car lots , 7o @ 71 ? . per , 100. NAILS Rates. 10 to 60tf , 8 60. SHOT. Shot , 81.85) ) Buck shot , 82.10. Oriental Powder , kegs , 30.40 | do. , hal kegs. 83.48 : do. , quarter koga , 81.88 ; Blnst Ing , kegs , 83.85 : Fuse , per 100 feet COo. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , $12 Morris Run Blorabnrg , 012) ) Whltebreasl lump , 14 60) ) Whltebreast nut , 84 oOj Iow Inmp , 84 60 ; Iowa nut 84 60 ; Rook Spring 8700 ; Anthracite , 811 60@12 00 ; Canoe City , 87 00 per ton. Horats and Mule * . Extra draft horses , 8175. to 225 , ) Com. mon draft bones. 8100. to 160. ) Kxtri farm horses , 8110 , to 125 , ; Common ic good farm horses , 030 to 8100. ) Extrt plnga. 9GG. to 76. 1 Common plugs , Q20 to fr'.O. MULE3. ( Extra ) . 0125. to 150. ) good 81 CO. to 140 , ; fair , C75 , to 100 , ) common SCO , to 70. Liquors. ALCOHOL 188 proof. 2 25 per wine gallon ; extra California spirits , 187 proof 1 25 per proof gallon ; triple refined dplritx 187 proof , 1 23 per proof gallon ) re-dlstlUoc whiskies , 1 00@l 60 ; fine blended 150(3 ( 2 60 ; Kentucky bourbons , 2007 00 ; Kea ' tncky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 C0@7 30. BRANDIES-Importod , $8 00 0.Wj demote ! 1 404 00 , GINS Imported , 4 WQ3 OOj domojtlo 140 300 , RUMS Imported , 4 M6 OOj Non EngUnd. 2 00(24 00 ; domeatlo. 1 60S M PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY- 1 7504 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported per e&ae 2800&SI OlAmiiUsa , can , 1200 ( < 1600 , CLARETS 'er case , 4 60@18 00 WINES Rh ne wine , p r caao , 6 0041 2 00) ) Oatawba , per case , 4 007 00. oicrara ana Tobaccos. FINK CUT In palls. Common , 50(2 \ ( C5o ; good , 0@76o , In Un foil Cat Hns O. RM 6 lb boxes , par lb 63c | Lori * Illard'a Tiger , COc ; Diamond Crown , R6a , BMOKINa All Ktndon Common , 25 to 93o. Granulntotl lUackwolli Durham , 10 oz4bt ( Dnkei Durham , 16 or , 4Go | Sent ot North Carolinrs 16 oz , 46 ; Bool of Nebrai. ka , 16 oz , Sto ! ) Lone Jack , 4 oz , linen bags per lb , C1.36) ) Marburps' Puck 2 oz , tin oll,55ci Dwr Toll Oftc. Wool. Merino unwM oil , light. 1416o | baavv * medium nwashed , light , 182 waiihod , choloo , SVc ) fair , SOo ) tub-din and w , , 28o | bnrry , blacknnd oottod wo 2Go Idir _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Munov fur the Cnxoarrled. One of the most solid and substntlal Institutions In this country Is the Mar riage Fund and Mutual Trust Aisociatlou , of Cedar Knptdj , IOWA. They are organ ized under the laws of Iowa , and heir of * ficcrs and directors are among the loading and moat prominent business men o Cedar Raulds , Every unmarried person should have a certificate In this association. It Is n splendid investment , as safe as government bond. You can just as well have a good sum of money to commence married life cm as not. A large number of members bavo boon paid off , receiving over SOO per cent on their investment.Vrlto for cfrc'ilars fully detailing the plan , which Is the hnoet known. Do not postpone It. Good agcntn wnuteit. Mention where you saw this notice. f5-Sm , The Maverick National liiuk of Boston drawn foreign exchange , bays nud solla Government fttid other In- vostnionteucuriHos , and trnnsaots any basluoss for Its oorrospondonts In the lluo of banklnff. mitth-mo The velvet tuny now bo removed from last summer's straw bonnots. If tbo wnaror baa boon careful of her hand gear daring the paat winter abe Trill find the ntm a na enod DO now. Homford'n Aoltl Phosplinto. IN DKSVONDKNOY , BTO. DR W. S. POWELL , Defiance , U , , says : "I have uiod It with satis factory results In dyspoptlo nilmontn ataoolatcd wltb great mental depres sion or despondency. " It la still aa faihlonablo aa over to confess utter Ipnornnco of maalo when rcqucatod to play , and then to jump up , plump doiTU on the piano utool , aud prooood to knock the Instrument ont in three ronnda. CATARRH SANFORO'S RADICAL CURE Hod CcM > , Wat'r ? ( > om the Nose and Fyos. U rulnir No'not ' In toe Moid , Nervous Ho dtcho and Vevor Instantly rfll red. Clicking mucji diilodncd , memliraao cloanieil andhealml , uroith wooi nod mull , Ubtanni cailofr res'ored , and ravages cWVod. Couth , Ilrnnchltli , DiojiplnKS Into the Tbro t , rains lntheCho8tOyfpei > nWMtlw ; olitronuth anil Flesh. Los of Hletp , tto. , cur d. Ono bottle ot I'adlcal ( lure , o > a liox Catarha Solvent arvi one Dr. Sanford c I Inlcr. In out pack Rt , ol all' ruggmti' , ( or $1. Anlc lor RAN TORD'H UACICAL CUHR , a purodUflUtlon ol Witch Hazel , Ant I'mo , ' a. Kir MarlKOld.Clovcr liloe snn * , etc. . 1'orrxn lnuii ANU CIIRMICAL Co , Uoaton. ii iMiiiiii iiiaiMM inm iiiMin Far llio relief and iirmcn- tlon. the Inttant It li applied of llhoumttlsm , Neuralgia Bchtlas Couh ( , . .CollVink Duck , Htonuch and Ron els Shrotlni ! I'alni * , Numbnew HystotU , Fein 'o ' PMns , l' | plUt'on. Ujepcii'ln , Liver Oampl.lrt , lililkua \\\ert Malar U nnd l'.Mrmhn | , uao K fetrlc ' attory combined with a lYnni * 1'laltor ) nnd 25 ] Ir.iTh M O ; ' S , - 0 ; la a lad ; o 3 , . ? , IN T Ei ORtD FOR ; , .DYSPEPSIA , ) ' * : ; ; 'CONSTIPATION , - tiJNC DISEASES , yikV''I3.ISEASES , ! 'J. 'ANO ' - ; IrylPURE BLOOD . ! , , , oj OJW A CT U R E R S , .t. NEB. . WITH . FIVE DOLLARS YOU CAN BUY A WHOLE Imperial Austrian lOOfl , Govern ( iiiont Bond , , , I8SUK OF 1804. which bondsarolsiuedand aocured by tbo gor ernment , and are rodnemod In drawlDKS , . FOUR TIMES ANNUALLY , Until ] each and every bond Is drawn with Hrgoror iiall.r premium. Kvery bond mm draw a prlie , as there are no blank * , THETHrtEKHianEST IU1S5E8 AMOUNTTI UOO.OOO FJorlns , , " , 20,000 15,000 " /ny bonili cot drawhijonc ot the Above prise must draw a premium o ! not leal than , 200 FLOIUNS. kThc next drawing takei place on the - 1st ofJune , 1883 . and every bond bought of us onor before the lat of June , la entitled to tbo whole premium lat tray bo drawn thereon on that dito. Out-of-town orilera tent In I-JIUIBTKHIID I.BI , TIRS. and Incloiliu J5 , will eoouro ono of thea Donds for the next drawing. For orders , circulars , and any other Inform * tlon , addrew , International Banking Company No. 207 Broadway , Gor Fulton Street Now York Oily. E8TADU8IIKOIN1B74. The above Government bondi are not to I comptrtd with any lottery whatsoever , and d not conflict ltn any of the lawi of tht Unite riUtea. N. D In writing , please state that yon t- this In the Oman * Bee. , I'euJ-w iy 1 A. rotnMnaf Ion of Pro * foxMe of Iron , J'erurtoft Jla rk a nd I'hotplionti in n txtlatable form , for Jttbiniy , Xof / of Am . Httl'rotraHonof Vital f'oicer * it it iiuUtptn * 6(0. UKV. A. 1.01011133 Writxm : 6(0.HE V. J. Xi. TO WNEB , After n thorough trial of the . WRIFIES > , TONIO , I tnko pleasure IndU8try : In BtaUnir that I have b ° on XTP1Y ffl'n I consider it ni cT , , ionofltod by U * / U 1,110 11 , a most excellent remedy for UM. Mlnlntora and PubX JLJJJULJJU > , the debilitated vital forces. llo Speakers will and It of the trrontest vnluo wnero n Tonlo la nooos * ary. I rocotnmond It DM n rollablo romodlal nifcnt , possoiBlnfT un > doubted nutritive and roatomtlvo proportlos. Url. 8 , nimHIB7IE1 PR. HARTER MEDICINE CO. , 813H. MACT CT. , ST. LOJIO , J < f 'i9 . H § " | S | 3 orf Is Illfe 11 SppI | | | | TJ- UlQ 1 ? Q 9U * ) Ip DC. wshfi < 111 Sf ; oca * - In * * * Llr'lA X > 3 * " M Pli SBlS 5u-2gej-SSo | g Jill gjfaj HENRY LEHMANN , JOBBER OF AND I1DOW SHADES IMS FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA - , , ' and THE LEADING , 1'he Oldest Wholesale . Flstail JEWELRYHOUSE MUSIC HOUSE in Omaha , Visitors can hare IN Till ! WUSTt Goueral lor the find all novelties in SILVER Agents Finest and Boat VER WAKE. CLOCKS , Organs manufecfcurao. Kick and Stylifih Jewelry , Our prices are an Low as the Latest , Moat Artistic , any EasternManufactnrer and Dealer , and Choicest Selections in Pianos and Organs sold PEECIOUS STONES and for cash or installment at Bottom Prices. all bf FINE descriptions A SPLENDID fit ck of WATCHES at as Low Pri Steinw y , Chickerin , ces as is compatible with Cnabe , Vose & Son's Pi honorable dealers. Call anos , and otb * r makes , and see our Elegant New Also Oiough & War-en Store , Tower Building , Sterling Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do llth and Farnhara corner not fail to see us .before Streets purchasing.1 MAX MEYER & BRO. . MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW GASES. A. Large Stock always on Hand FREDERIC GOAL The only Coal mined west of the Mississippi River that is equal in quality to the ROCK SPRING COAL. THE ONLY IOWA GOAL That will stock for a year without Blacking orlehrlnklng. Pronounced by all the loading brlok men In Western Iowa as the very beat ooal for burning brick over need in the West. EUREKA COAL AND MININQ CO. , Frederic , Monroe Co. , Iowa. a- * HAS TEE BEST STOOK IN OMAHA AND MAKES THE LOWEST PRIDES a IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENTS Have now been finished in our store , ma ! * ing it the largest and most complete FURHITUREHOUSE In the West , An additional story has been , built and the five floors all connected with two - HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS , , t-t Ono Exclusively for the use of Passengers. These immense warerooms - . rooms throe stores , are 66 feet wide-are filled with the Grand , est display of all kinds of Household and Office Furniture evei shown- ' < shownAll are invited to onfrl , take the Elevator on the first door do be and go through the building and inspect the stock. - n CHAS. SHIVERIOK - - " . , ; , , . , 206 , 1208 and 1210. Famam Street , . Omaha . . ' . \ i' ( ) ( * * ) lilt