THE DAILY BEB-OMAJtlA MONDAY APRIL 30 he Omaha Bee Published arenr morning , xc pt Bat f. The nly Monday morning d lly , THUMB BYIMAIL- On Year4i.$10.00 I TbrM Months.J3.C Blx Months. . C.OO I One Month. . . . 1.0 CHK WEEKLY DEB , pnbllihod ercr ttstaosdajr. TERMS POST PAID Oao year $3.00 I Thn * Months. f WxMonths , . , * LOO I OnsMonth. . . . S AHIBIQAX Nnre OQVTANT , Bole Agent Newsdealers in the United BUte > .j OORRESPONDENCR Oommun attoni relaMiitf-lte > * Nws Mid Editorii matters should be iddroMod to the EDITO Of To > BIB. BUSINESS LETTERS-AH Bustne Letters and JtenKUnoM ihenld bo ft ireued to Tn B PCBLIBHINQ OOUPAN OMAHA , Drafto , Chock * and Portoffic Jrders to b made payable to the order c the Company. The BEE PUBfaSHINB 00 , , Props E. ROSEWATER Editor. SETEK ooght to confirm all goo nominations and rojoot all bad ones. SULLIVAN oonia tackle Tag Wllso ; and Mitchell , but whisky seems t have knocked him ont of tlmo. JOE DAVIS haa boon appointed pot ! maatoE at Wahoo and the mnslo wil eon be floating in the spring air o Banndors county. ACCORDING to the Rochester Erprti "Got there , " will bo the solo Issuj i 1881 ThU la ozaotly Dana'a Idea I ; little leaa claaical language. WIIILB the croakers are buay I killing off the crops au April inn an April rains ara equally bnay in asaur ing the proapnrity of our farmon. TUB Vermont maple ingar crop is fallnro but aa brown sugar continue cheap , dealers will o jutlnno ( o soil th nantl amount of pure Vermont at th old prices. FBAHK HATTON recently died li England. Mr. Brady will bo ploasoi to learn that it Is not his succooaor li the odltoml chair of the Waahlngtui Rjpnblloan. A STATEMENT published by thi ft bureau of statistics ahovra that our ex ports of broad Bluffs for tha throi ' months of 1883 increased over $14 , 000,000 over the first quarter of th preceding year. i t = = = = = = = = = = t j MAYOK CHASE says ho does no $ 't propose to have any fight vrlth th | * council or police oommittoo over hi > nominations. In > fact ho says th f ; police committee is the safety valve t , his appointment engine. \j \ PAITI trill eiog In America ncx season at f 5,500 a night under MapU son's management and enthusiast ! Now Yorkorn , who scarcely know symphony from a sardine , will hav the privilege of raving over the opor to the tune of $10 a seat. WITHIN twenty minute * after tti Oommisalonor of Internal Ravont Htnm had resigned , twenty ox-ooi grosamcn were hard at work wrltln applications for the offioo. The tie for office onoo contracted Is only cure ' by death or Insanity. < DUBLW ou ht to start -a yolnntoi department. Volunteer firemen ! this country 'are exempt from jni duty. la one panel In that city late there were seventy-fire men who r fused to serve M jurors and they we : all floed | 500 -piece. . It would 1 'r with the machine , BEHATOE AHTHOHY , o f Rhode Islam is lying at the point of death. M Anthony enjoys the distinction < being the oldest member of theUnlU Btate senate. He was sixty-eight yea old on tha first of the present montl and has represented Rhode Island i the capital foe more than twonty-elgl years. AMD now there la walling1 and lai entatlon among the civil service r formers. The commission haa recoi mended , and the president haa kind appointed "as ohle ! examiner , U Kelm , of Pennsylvania , a protege the Oamorons and an active work with the machine In the Keysto ; state. ThU Is civil service reform. < the half shell 'with trimmings. THE New York Tribune says the Is no 'doubt that the revival of t Tildon boom is genuine. But S Dan. who is even nearer to Mr , G don than'Dr. G. L. Miller of Ores fame , saysth" * t the talk of Mr. TUde candidacy is sheer nonsense. I Butler's boom just at present is f lowing closely In the wako of , M'Donald's presidential flat boat. THE pious homo of represontatl in Massachusetts haa rejected , t vote of nearly { wo to one , a bill to ] mlt persons injured In Bunday tra Ing , through the fault of others , recover damages. Traveling on 8 day la a heinous offense In the P tan state , but clubbing Insane path and skinning corpses at Tewksb alms IIOBM was perfectly legal a expo Vdby , Widow Butler and the Ttstlgatlog committee. ' FRIGHTENED OFF. Combinations , consolidations ant sale * of great properties , wholesale Is sues of new securities , all enqlneorci by great capitalists for their own Int oroats certainly fornlsh the small Investor vostor a subject for sober considora tlon. Every line of Investment 1 now controlled by the great operators and the small financier is oomplotel ; at their mercy. Whether bin Invest went Is to bo a paying one depend entirely upon whether the financls kings bollevo his Interests are idon ttoal with their own. "The InToitlo public bo d d , " is the motto of on railroad stock jobbers who wreck th properties under their control with happy disregard for the interests o the stockholders and a choerfa Indlffaieaco to any other demand than those of their own bank account Within the past month tha Wabasl & Iron Mountain systems have beoi consolidated , the transfer of th Wabaah involving the lasuo of $10 , 000,000 six per cent collateral trui bonds to pay off the fl > ating debt am the cir trust obligations. The Chicago Darlington & Qaiocy has purchase ! the Hannibal & St. Jon and burdonci Itself with several million more of fir per cent bonds ; the Northwestern I abont to create $10,000,000 of addl tlotitl stock to bo hold In the troasur to represent now properties acquired and the Union Pacific has sold a par of Its $5,000,000 collateral trust 5's a a little leas than 00. In addition wi hoar of farther consolidations in whlcl Jay Gould is to link together thi Southern railroads and unite the Erl anger lines to his South western com blnatton , and the Wisconsin loglsla ture , by au act just passed has author Ued the 8 * . Paul road to throw an nn limited amount of securities upon th market. * The result is that the outoldo pabll has baon frlghtanod off. The railroai stock market is fltt , and doilinga an confined to the brokers and large ope ratora , who are playing puaa in th corner with the lambs. There is otll a fair demand for good railroad bond soourod by mortgage on tbo roads. li purchasing these securities the In vestor la protected in the disposal o bio money by tha o Juris and can conn the coat and yrobiblo profits before h ventures his capital. Nothing but at act of Uongroos , as in the case of th Union Pacific , can vitiate a first mart gsgo security , end a small holder c bonde , provided , the bonds are wol secured , is as safe OB a railroad dlrecto with unqualified conttol of a nujorlt ; of the etooV. 03There is o general distrust of Am orhnu railroad management , both a homo and abroad. Englishmen hav uovor recovered from the shock of th Erin developments , and our own people plo have ulnoo learned by bitter experience porionco that all the thlovcs are nc confined iu the panltontiary , and the the worst confidsnco aharka are thos who condnot their oporattoua In maj nlficontpilbos under the protection f onr laws aud with judges and court an tholr most faithful accomplices. IS PUERPERAL FEVER Ef ] DEBUG 7 To thi Editor of the Bia , I deslro to call your attention t the alarming prevalence of puerpera fever in this city aud the fatallt ; which has attended ita course. Bine the 1st of January , aa I am Informe on excellent authority , over flit deaths , have occurred from this on cause. Many of the owe * have bar. pened outside the province of regnls practitioners , whore mothers hav fallen Into the hands of Inoompoten mldwlves , Of this olasi the greatei numbnr of deaths have taken plac among our foreign population. Btl\ \ a large number of cases have ooenrre In the practice of some of our bei known and most reputable phys clans. One doctor has lost four ps tlanta from this disease , two othei three apleoe , while ten or a doze deaths from puerperal fever are dt tiibnted among aa many more regnh practitioners. I am n'ot a physlols myself and do not feel compete ! to criticize those whose education an training presumably "fit them to de with disease. But It does seem to n that this epidemic , can be callt nothing else , must bo the result < gross carelessness somewhere. If understand the matter puerperal fov la highly contagions and can be ca : rled by physicians from bedside bedside , communicated by tnsnfllolon ly cleansed Instruments , or Induct gross carelessness on the part & e attendant physician after ooufin ment. The matter is one well won the pnblio attention and I am aato : Ishod no notice has been taken of In the public prints. It la a fal delicacy which suppresses facts bea ng upon life and death when the publication might assist In working reform or eliciting further lnfonnatl < for the public benefit. E. A. W. The tacts aa above stated are ct talnly startling. Every epidemic puerperal fever can bo traced to crli Inal negllgonco and carelessness son where. The dlauaso often orlclnat through a gross disregard of comm sanitary precautions and It spreads contagion or through the m odium attendants or physicians. Early February a prominent physician Omaha called onr attention to 1 death of six women from puorpo r- fever , all patients of a single nn who makes a specialty of labor cas ton The deaths all occurred among < n- foreign population whore the f nri rits charged for attendance by physicli ts are often a bar to their employmo But flnoo that tlmo cases of puorpe til favor have been by no moans confii to Irregular practitioners. Several our best doctors have been nnfor n to In this respect and the families th tt employed them oven more so. tfo physician who loses a case from [ K orperal fever has any right to take i ! urge of another labor case for at lnst six weeks after the death of hU 1'iMt patient , This is what such eml- tit ut professors aa Dr. Thomas In N..W York , are now teaching. The racit thorough use of disinfectants , clrnnilng of Instruments and fumiga tion of the premises promises no cer- ti&n destruction of the poison , It li criminal for a doctor to go from s deathbed whore death has occurred from this cause to the bodaldo of the living and tender his services In as sitting labor. It la criminal because while no bad results are certain to follow whorj every precaution hai boon tftkon , there Is alwaya a possl bllity of communicating the most fatal diaoaao which follows child-birth. The beat preojnlim Is abaonoo. Oni young physicians In the Iarge t medi cal schools are now being tanpht tc hand over their engaged catoa to othen until every danger of communicating the dlaeaio Is paat. If Omaha physl clans value human life moro than the ] do the increase of tholr bank account * they will do the same. One thing moro ought to bo said Of course all argument will bo wastoc on Ignorant charlatans and profes slonal nuraca who nanrp the function ) of dootora without the education 01 experience neceaaary to fit them tc properly perform their duties. A thorough use of disinfectants , groa' ' care that no decomposition of anlma or vegetable matter is in progress neai the sick room , and plenty of sunlight and froah air are precaution ! which can be used with great effect h staying the progress of an epidemic o pnroperal favor. There is a good deal of orltiolan over the mayor's appointments of po licemen and the committee on polici seem to bo In a dilemma how to act li ho matter. The easiest way in thli aso seems to bo the best. If the com mlttoo on police have better sourcei f information regarding the new p ointments lot them take advantagi f them and reject or confirm noml- ,06s , in the light of what they know omo of the present force ought to go f that there is no doubt. A prca eal of the iniflhlenoy of tbo forci as arisen from the Inefficiency of thi marshal but several of our polloemei urlng the past year have boon note onsly lacy and incompotent. Mayo : hnso undoubtedly dnslros a good eady , working body of po co and It is the dnt ] f the committee on police to assls im in securing thorn. If any of thi lomlnatlona are bad they ought to bi iromptly rejected. Those which an nobjoctlonablo ehoald be confirmed There la no u o In the conncl asking ordinances if they are not en orced , and.many ordinances will nee o enforced unless the marabal am la police makj it their business ti oo to their enforcement. It Is the < ho Interest of the city council , mesa osa than to the interests of our cltl on , that wo should have aa effiolon > ody of police , and It will bo the fanl f the council If such Is not the case MUKAT HALSTEAD , who always talk ; oed , sound , common sense , has neve eon moro sensible than in the follow ng from the Cincinnati Oommerlcal Gaiotto : "There are a good man ; ery shabby paragraphs abont ex 'resident ' Hayes flying about. Bom oople onght to remember that ex 'resident ' Hayes was a gallant soldier repeatedly wounded In the service , am in more than one occasion dlstln gulshed for personal bravery and use ul leadership. Then'the republican won the great honest money battle li Ohio with him for standard bearei and specie payment * were resume * under hit admlulatratlon. A gres many other things might be said be t la not worth while. WE cheerfully give space to a dl patch from the clerk of Lincoln coui ; y , giving assurance that Mr. Anthon Kola , postmaster of North Platte , hi althfully accounted for all mono ] belonging to Lincoln county handle by him during his term aa count treasurer. Why this was telegraphs by the oouh'ty'clerk wo cannot undo stand , as no charge appeared In th paper reflecting on the conduct of M Rols as treasurer of Lincoln count ; Wo shall moro cheerfully publish at statement from officers of the Nori Platte Building association oxenora Ing Mr. Rela from the alleged dofalc tlon of their funds. In another oolnmo wo present to 01 readers a notice of the celebrate "Kaiser Water , " from Blrresborn , c the Rhino , with an acoompanylt analysis of Its Ingredients. The coi tlnental reputation of this remarkab mineral water haa long boon esta1 lishod. Containing a largo portion < carbonic acid gaa , It is c , moat refrcsl Ing drink , and la especially valuable 1 persona of sedentary habits. It Is p cullarly beneficial In all cases of kldni complaints , owing to the presence of considerable quantity of bicarbonate Llthla , a remedy which la ludorsi generally by the medical profession f complaints of th's nature. The Edmunda OommlBelon. Bprlogflelil Republican. Commissioners nnder the Edmun bill are In Utah at work upon electli machinery again , but Mormons an openly rejoicing over the inbstantla fallnro of tholr last year's work , whlli gentiles seem to consider the men si Incompetent that nothing can b hoped from them. Polygamlsts ye fill the offices and servo assurors , jus as they used to , in apito of the law and If some are prevented from voting It makes little difference , for they manage ago nominating conventions and hav a congressional delegate to do thel bidding. _ _ _ _ _ The Labor Cloucte. 81. Louli OobDunocr ! U The outlook with respect to th agreements aa to what wages employ era shall pay to worklngtnon this sum mer Is far from rcaeturlng. The iroi and coal interests are principally con cerued , but there are also Indication of trouble In other quarters. Brick layers , plasterers , clgarmakort , am even the cowboys of Texas are nndo the impression that the situation jnatl Dos them In standing ont for higho ps > y than Is offered. News cornea fret PitUburg that the iron manufacturer will reduce wagon on June 1 , for th ensuing year , 10 per cent. , nnd tha the Amalgamated association will tin bo conferred with on any other ground It is emphatically claimed by mom bcra of the association that there cat bo no arrangement made on thi baalr. If both these statements ar true , a general strlko among the Ire men Is Inevitable. What la true c the condition of the manufacturers I more or leaa true of several other larg clasaca of employers , so that the disc greoment Is likely to extend widely. Possibly there is no other praotlca bio way to settle the differences be through the modifying Influonso c strikes. It the workingmen conl place entire confidence in what th manufacturers say the diSbnltles c the situation would be greatly inesonec The latter toll the former in Pittsbui that nnlosa the reduction is accepte the mills will lese money by contlnt Ing In operation and eventually brio on bankruptcy. Honoo they mm close down If the worklngmen ca be convinced that such Is tbo cast they will undoratand that it la not tb manufacturers who are reducing thol wages , but circnmatancca ever wblc they have no control. If the gooc produced will not bring a certain prlc in the market , the manufacture ] are not going to turn thomsolvt into charitable institutions and dli tribute all they poaaosa among th worklnnmon in order to keep wage up. . Workiogmen understand this well as anybody , else. If they strike the reasonable among them will clai ) that they only do so because the bna ness justifies the wages demanded , ] the business will not justify thei there is but one thing tor the wort legman to do , and that is to docid whether be will work for lower wage or turn to some other industry whlc holda forth hotter prospects. Th condition of affiirs indicates that th world haa on hand rather moro of th article ho has been producing than I wants. If such Is the feat , no strik can poaalbly prevail against It nnlesi indeed , it is ono which contemplate idleness until the anrplno in the markc shall have disappeared. If the employer has bean mlsrepn sontlng things tb the employe an claims not to bo making any mone when ho la making it , a strike la prott sure to bo anccosafnl. The strike bi come a teat of his veracity. But it often a very expensive teat for bet parties , and one to bo avoided If po siblo. Therefore it behooves tt workingman to acquaint hlmac thoroughly with the state of the ma kot before ho ventures on a decide course. Ignorance on this point liable to bo very costly to him , ac the harder ho kicks against the prlcl the more it Trill hurt him. If ho is I error ho la not contending against tl manufacturer , but against the inovl able , aud that Is at all times a won than profitless business. Thei la very good reason to b llovo that the Pittaburg an other Iron mannfaotnrorora at truthful when they claim that the must stop tholr mills if the prosoi rate of wages is sustained. A nun ber of establishments have alreac been closed , and there have been i ate many largo and conaplauous fal ores among firms and corparatloi manufacturing and dealing in Iroi All the outward signs that the bus ness In most branchea has been and unprofitable are present , and If tl workingman would carefully at ' 'airly ' compote the cost of produotU and cotcpare It with the market pri he would probably find the employ supported by facta. The main dl oulty in the way Is his Indisposition I make proper allowance for Interest e ipltal Invested. The failures of the strikes of la summer ou ht to exert a salutary 1 fluence em the deliberations of tl worklngmen this year. The closing some of the mills has limited prodn tlon to a certain extent , but the ovc production was BO very much in exec of the demand last year that It la n likely that the rate of supply has bo yet brought down to Ita normal pi portions. It la probable now , tus was then , that many manufacture had rather shut down than not , as would tend to enhance the value stock they now have on bond. Whi ever good may result to werklngm through the creation of organlzitloi It Is beyond tholr power to ausU wages other than temporarily thron them at a higher point than they wet otherwise be unless they are al to keep tholr numbers within a cerU limit and crush ont competition. Is Impracticable tb them to limit th numbers. High wages and poraoi freedom Insure competition , and wh there Is a surplus ot labor In one i rectlon a decline In wages la sure come , strikes 'or no strikes. A when there Is a general depression lowering of wages la inro to come all directions. Strikes may can things to go by Inmbs more than th otherwise vonld , but that Is about f Tholr virtue conalata In securing woi legmen the advantages which bolq to them when things are going their favor. When things are gel the other way they accomplish good whatever. Unless intelllgenl ordered they ere worse than unless , Tne Bed Sea's Secret. Philadelphia Frew. Should the project of the At Melgno be carried ont the poaitlv schools , who trend upon skepticls wllhbe obliged to reconstruct Darw ism , ? " -Tha" "abbe's purpose la nothl less that the ocraplng of the Red i and the adjacent Bitter Lake to cover the chariot * and treasures that were ingulfed with Pharaoh when the children of Israel escaped the Egypt Uns by the miracle of the waters. The latest reports show that the abbe has enlisted - listed capital and that a joint stock company with 9150,000 in hand arc seriously beginning the preliminaries. The only details the divers will have to guide them is the history of the fight of the Israelites giyon in the Blblev.lho scientific date In all dlgoiltd and the abbe connti that the dredgers will hard tc break through reefs ofsalt whiol have preserved not only the armj equipments , chariots and golden treasures uros , but even -the bodies of the vie- ran theaiglvos , The recovery of the iiarlols will , It la estimated , compere ate the company. But if in addition 11 the gold with which Pharaoh loaded la train bo recovered , the company ill be enormously enriched. While the credulous projootor cl } is marvelous enterprise enlists in ll "mply to dlnprovo the skeptics , the nde'taking in worthy the qalok wll f a Yankee , for If any coneldorablt nmbor of relics aso found the oxblbl- of them will than ' on mora 'Dampen' ate the stockholders. Fancy the agorness ot the whole world to soothe otrlfiod figures of the dusky myrml ons that followed up the flee * ng Israelites. If the country rent wild over the Cardiff giant , ' whc onld contain himself until ho har eon the ealtod form of tbo Pharaoh after 3,000 , years repose under the sail rystala of the Red Seal Such at normons mass of treasure and sue ! osts aa were ingulfed would bi nough to supply Barnnma iu over ] onntry in tbo known world hile also filling the museums low the sclontiQu folk would rove ver the find ? How soon wo shoulc IAVO sacred htetoiy reconstructed am von profane history modified 1 Gib > on would rise from his grave to dla vow his posltivuncss and disparage nents of the miraculous , and Dirwli ilmielf ualu eend some sign to indl te th u. n.a hypotheses were the men abrio of the brain , spun from donb md routing on error. Not only this , but new fashion onld bo invented , baaed upon thi oal Egyptian habllments , utensils irnamenta and what not. For evei lorodotns was vague in hia desorlp ions of the forty dynasties. His im- ) osalblo chariots , prodigious horse ; > ud other monstrosities would be con rented with the preserved realltle > vor which the world has speculate ! or 2,500 years. It is a mlafortnm tint there are no Americans associate ! with this somi-fiaored mission , u w hould share in the expense if wi Jtj to got any share of thb treasure A Word for the Servant Qlrl. Burdette In Burlington IIawe ) e. Say you are a well to do tradosmai ir mechanic. Yon can afford to em iloy a servant to make life easier foi our wife. Your wife and yoursel iscourago "followers. " Yon don * [ ko her to have company of elthei ex In the kitchen , Your wife oonno ssociate with her. The kitchen is hei Htlrg room the smallest anrl moo emoteQ room in the lonae | Is he : ed room. From G a. m. until p. m. , or earlier and later maybe ari icr houra of work. In all that tlmi ho speaks when eho Is epoken to , ant ihe is apokou to when there are or lera for her , juat as convicts are al owed to speak in a penitentiary Veil now ; the lonely creature in'tbi citohoa la a woman. Da you wonde eho wants to go to the iolly bntohe and tha crcccr'a boy for a llttl gouelp ? Do yon wonder tha ho flirts with the policeman Do yon wonder that whoi he does go to the ball she stays nntl ome tlmo the next day ? She alt down three times a day and eats he meals In eolitudo BO utterly alon > bat she can hear herself awallow. wonder that she doesn't RO mad. Th nan who works nt the lowest ocenps inn has an easier tlmo than that. Th man who cleans the etreets has con pany of his own clous. Ho eats hi dinner with his fellow laborers. Th rag-picker meets rival rag-plokei every day. I don't wonder the hens servant stipulates for company an evenings out. ( Sensible Views. w York Journal. The Journal believes In marrlagi irst , last and all the time , for womet provided they get good husbands an make good wives. Wo would rathe see a lady making suits for her chl dren than bringing suits for he illents. In enr eyes a woman lees better dressing a baby than dressing ironnd , or compounding pudding than composing paragraphs. Still , she prefers labor to love , and asls on turning np her nose at a hnsbam we are willing to open np the learne professions and all other callings I her. Oregon Religion. Ban Franalico Cill. In Oregon they are not aa partlouh abont the kind of amusemenU engage In at church featlvals u they are I some of our churches. A Pendloto paper announces : "To-night a soclab will be held at Liberty Hall by tl Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal chnrol for the church's benefit. Admlsslo $2. The amusements will consist i dancing , card-playing in all 1 branches , and other harmful amus ments , followed by a basket supper , Probably the writer of the advertU ment meant to say that those amnai ments were harmless. But the prlc ter or hia diabolical aaaiatant did tl mischief and turned Intended goc Into promised evil. _ _ S * * " ? * ' " ' ' - - ' * * ! ' GERMAN REMED CURES Rteumatlsm.Ncuralgla.ScIatlc ; Lumbigo , Backtche , HeidicneToothieh , S r Throat. Bwelltia * , RpraUi. BraltM Uarmt , B * ld . ro.1 U1U4. AID AU OTUU kODILT FilSS 1 U 1C11IS. M DniiliU u4 Dwlm T rywk t , rlflj C ot tout * . WmttoM li U LU < U < M. THE CHAKLEH A. VOUELEJt CO. ' POWER AND HAND 3JKE IBE ? * IE * 1 Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , dUUHO'UACHIHKRT , BILTINO , nOBK , BKA83 AKI ) IROH niTIMOE . FIF BCTA3 PAOKIHO , AT WOOLESALK AND IlETAIL. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb. ' C. F. GOODMAN , DRUGGIST ' TIC AND DEALER IN PAINTSOILSVABNISHES And Window Glass. MAHA - - . - _ . NEBRASKA , SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR Ground Oil Cake. It la the best and cheapest food for stock of any kind. Ono pound la eqnal to throe pounds of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Cake in the fall and winter - tor , Instead of running down , will Increase in weight and bo in good marketable - able condition In the spring. Dairymen aa well as others who use it can tes tify to its merits. Try it nnd judge for yourselves. Price $25.00 per ton ; no charge for sacks. Address o4-ood-me WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL CO. , Omaha , Nob. M. Hellman & Co. WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS , 1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor. IStfe OMAHA , NEB. McNAMARA & DUNG AN. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN KENTUCKY AND PENNSYLVANIA WhiskieS ! in Bond or Free. Also direct Importers of WINES , BRANDIES AND ALES , Jobbers and Manufacturers of Fine Agents for Jos. Schlitz' Milwaukee Beer , Bottled 'and in Kegs. 214 & 216 S , 14TH STREET , OMAHA , HEB OIT1T PLANINGOIT1T . MANUFACTURERS OT Carpenter's Materials ALSO SASH , DOORS. BLINDS , STAIRS , Stair Railings , Balusters , Window and Door Frames , Etc. Blnt-clM * iMilltiea for the Manufacture of all Undi of Mouldings , Planing < ) matching Specialty. Order * from the country will be promptly executed , addreuall communications to A. MOYER , Prop rl A. M. CLARK Painter&PaperHanger 8IBHWBITEB&DEGOBAIOB. WHOLESALE & BETADL. WALL PAPEB ! Window Shades and Curtains , CORNICES CURTAIN POLES AND- FIXTURES. Faints , Oils & Brushes. 107 South Utk Street OMAHA NEBRASKA I R. E , COPSON & CO , , PROPRIETORS OMAHA BROOM WORKS , DEALERS IN Handles , Wires , Twines and Broom Corn. . 1219 HARNEY CORNER 14th OMAHA. WILLIAM SNYDER , CARRIAGEB BUGGI1S , XtO-AJD tXTJiVO-OXCTEI , , first-class Fainting anfl Trimming. Repairing Promptly Done- 1321 and 1323 Harnoy street , comer , * , ( 4 I