TBJE DAlJb'i BEE -OOOJ Ci i , JtJLCEFS IOWA SATURDAY APRIL 28 The Daily Bee. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Saturday Morning , April 28 , UD8CIUPTION BATES ! ayOarrter , . . . . . SO cent * per week. BrJtall - - . - . - 110.00 per Tor. Office : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near roadway. MINOR MENTION. S fl JoMph 11611611 spring styles. Additional local on seventh po < re. Remonyl la to bo hero Monday night. The teachers moot ai the Bloomer aohool building at 0:30 : this evening , The Gaa Light company la relaying raalna at Broadway and Bryant atreota , The outgoing train outward thin afternoon la over the Ohloago & Book laland. The Boys' band gave an enjoyable danoo last evening at St. Franola Ao- adomy. Permit to wed baa boon glvon Ris- nnoa Jensen and Johannah M. Jonaou , both of thla olty. Mr. Bolmator , the aged father of Mrs. Robert Hnntlngton , dlod yea tot- day , old ago bolng the main cause. The Episcopalians Indulged In a social last evening which waa well at tended , and proved a very happy oc casion. Rov. W. H. n. Avery , of Maaon Olty , Iowa , will preach at the First Biptlst , Sunday morning and evening. All cordially Invited. The meek trial to bo hold at the Y. M. 0 , A. rooms last ovonlng was again postponed owing to the gathering at Mrs. Osborno's parlors. Bo anro and patronize the sociable at Spiritual hall to-night. Good music and dancing. Admission , gonta fifty cents , ladles ten conts. The olty council moeta Monday night as a board of equalization , and expects to meet every evening there after until the work la completed. P. T. Mayno while turning Into Broadway yesterday afternoon waa thrown from his buggy with much force , but luckily escaped any serious Injuries. Spiritual olrolo to-morrow afternoon and evening. Rooms Noa. 4 and 5 Bnugart & MoMahon'a block at 2 and 7:30 : o'clock. Honest Investigators invited. Mlaa Nannlo Bothers , a young girl aged about 14 , dlod Thursday at the homo of her parents on lower Broad way. The funeral oooured yesterday afternoon. Mr. William Moore , of the firm of Peregoy & Moore , haa received the aad nowa of the death of his youngest slater , Mrs. George Monlolth , of Tor onto , Oanada , Those Interested in the Oounoil Bluffs & Northern railway enterprise are to meet again this evening in * the office Delected by the company , next to J. T. Hart's office. Frank Scars' confectionery atoro near the Northwestern depot waa bur glarized the ether night , the plunder taken consisting of cigars , tobacco and aomo other small articles. A boy named Julius Newman waa arrested yeaterday by Officer Oaslok on complaint of relatives , who claim that they can do nothing with him , and who want him aent to the reform aohool. The telephone company pnrpciaa after M y 1st to charge ton cent * extra to subscribers every time they talk with Omaha , for every five minutes or fraction tbernof , and fifteen cents tenon non anbscrlbers. Mr. Honlo , of Honle , MoKuno & Co. , while on a fishing excursion , got hu hand wounded by a barbed wire fence , and la now Buffering a good deal Jrom the wound. Wo are Informed that John Ahloa haa prepared a new lecture , entitled "Progressive Psychology , " and that If Dohany's hall can be secured foi the purpose ho will deliver the same for the benefit of the Home for the Friendless. The boya in the printing office ai the Institution for the deaf and dnml have just finished a job of atate print Ing aent them by the auditor. The ] feel quite proud about It , There were SCO Mormona who pass ed through this city yeaterday mornlcf enroute for Utah. They wore froa the old country , and on their lonj journey none have bee sick and noni lost. The company waa about cquallj divided aa to gender , There were no caaea In the polioi court yesterday morning , the only oo cnpant of the calaboose the nlghl before bolng James W , Gardner , whc waa a simple Ioder , lot out In thi morning to give him a chance to gel work. Jacob Ohrlston , a graduate of thi D. and D. Institution at Rlohen Switzerland , waa a caller last week He la at work on a perpetual motloi machine , and on the visitors reglato : Inscribed after his name , "tho nox inventor of P. M. " Donfuruli Hawkeyc. County Treasurer Bennett la t commence at once the erection of i large and elonant residence In Wllloi avenue. Ho haa been thinking aomo- tlmo of making that Improvement and the city having decided to ope ; Bluff street , ho haa concluded to bull at onco. The Deaf Mute Hawkeye notes th following aa among recent visitors t the Institution ; Rev. Peter Bllzor , c Council Bluffs , Miss Emma Henn , c Deu Molnes , Col. George Duffiold , c Bloomfield , Miss Hatllo Wright , c Burlington , Miss M. A. Millar , c Olarlnda , Dr. and Mrs. A. 0. Rogeri of Glenwood. The work of filling up Main atree U progressing rapfdly. There ar now being dumped there about 00 loada of dirt a day. or about one ever , minute. Although repeated notloa having been given that the work wa to b done , yet several of the rest daU and property ownen find them sJveo uaprepar d for any such ralw ad u BOW gnuabUsg boauM the ; .ro being left almost under ground , There have been no such annoy- noos , however , and lively protests as were made when the work was at- empted last year , r.ud It looks now as ( there would be no lot-up until all 1s omploUd. The < nannor in whloh men are at work digging away the binds gives oa.on for btllof that it will not bo eng btforo another of those fatal ao- Idents so common hero will have to o on record. The work In many laoea Is very dangorons , and men get aroloss abent it. Some of the residents of Twelfth troot called at THE BEE office yester day to complain of the presence of rhai they doom a bawdy honso in that iclnlty. They dlsllko the publicity iccessltated by appearing in court , nd wonder why the notoriety of the ilaco is not sufficient to cause the athorltlos to pull the honso , and inp- ) ross the nuisance. Divine services will bo hold at the 'rcsbytorlan ohuroh morning and vonlng on Sunday next , when Rov. I. MoMeekln expects to oloso. his en. araont as stated supply of the con * rogation. Subject of the morning "The Breast Plate of ormon : Rlght- onsnosH " Subject of the evening ecturo : "Tho World's Orator. " The ubllo are cordially invited to attend services. Little Kittle Warner , aged only two .ears , the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Trod. TV * ier , gave a birthday psrly Thun fternoon to cloven of hoi rlend. , aii of whom wore less than wo arri H half years old. It was a oyot < > v Uiering , and llttlo hohrta worn uiuuu happy indeed , while the Idor folks who were privileged with , sight of the novel gathering were made no lois so. Young McPowoll , ono of the car' iors of THE BEE , in making his route n the southern part of the city yes- erday morning , mot with a sad mis- lap. Hia pony become frightened at a turkey gobbler , and jumping to ono sldo of the street , got ono foot in n racont post hole , and tumbled , throw- ng the boy off , and giving him some incomfortablo thumps and bruises. t fared still worse with the pony , fern n the fall it broke its nook , death , of lonrse , bolng Instant. The Young Men's Christian assoola- ion issued a largo number ol Invita- Ions yesterday for a gathering last venlng at the residence of Mrs. Dr. ) sborno , No. 200 First avenue , for ho purpose of a parlor conference with Mr. Robert Weldonsall , western ocretary of the international oxexn- Ive committee of the Y. M. 0. A. ; 3en. 0. 0. Howard , of Omaha , and Irs. Oeo , A. Joplin , general secretary t the Om ha Y. M. 0. A , The mother of one of the prisoners a the county jsli arrived hero yestor- ay from the west to see her son. 'ho boy was quite free to admit that to was guilty of the offense charged , nd saw no particular policy In dory- ny It , as he know there were several yo witnesses to the commission r f ho crime. This seemed tomskot'n mother quite Indignant , and she nj.- aldod him qnlto bitterly , not became 10 had done wrong , but bcciuao L > waa willing to admit it. She urge a ilm to deny It , no matter what the witnoosns saw , and seemed to bi ihsgrlned that she had brought up i. > oy who had no moro sand as sh < ormed it , than to admit a crime With a mother having such ideas it s not to bo wondered at that the so : , ot down the moral bars , Call at 102 Main street and examin * he jewelry there offered at anotlo ? The great clearance sale of a jobbinu louse. The goods must bo sola , Every article Is guaranteed as repn- tented. The sales are at 2 and.7 o'clock > . m.j 0. J. Beokman , of harness , fan > , will move , May Itt , from his prese. < > laoo on middle Broadway Into J. .1 3rown's block , 510 Main street , 01 ) look south of Kiel's hotel , and jn.l opposite the olty scales. French pattern hats aud bonnou will be Bold cheap to-day at Bliss' . These desiring big bargains In fu nlturo br atovoi.oall at A. J. Mandel'i , 325 Broadway. THE MtJRDER TRIAL. Tnomaa Fay In Court for Btabbl : t Thomas Mahar. What is known as the Fay mnrd > case has already oxolted much intori bere , and Its trial is now in progret-- Fay hss been confined in jail ho * since the affray. The Cowall Hori.ii thus gives the proceedings : Tuesday afternoon the trial i Thomas Fay for the murder > Thomas Mahar was commoner i When the court adjourned for t ) < day the work of procuring a jury w not completed. About half the pi emptory challenges on each side w exhausted. District Attorney Oonm 1s assisted in the prosecution by Mi Haldano of West Side. They wl make a strong tosm. The defense i led by Col. Dalloy , a uotod orlmlt - lawyer from Council Bluffs , ai assisted by E M. Bother and Geo. V Paine , of the Carroll bar. Altogotl , the array of oorininl Is such tha' closely contested trial in wh > : not points for either sldo will ba lo. . may bo anticipated. Fay as he 1 1 poared In court looked as though 1 1 lontc confinement in jail had aitac1 * him but little. Ho sits quietly m appears contented to allow his atti < noya to manage the case without in : goat tons from him. Only onoo did i > sposk to them during the aftornoi ' His wife and thrco beautiful lit 1 children wore also In court , and wlu1 ever thn public opinion may be cm corning the merits of the osse and i . of the accused there Is guilt , only i > sentiment , that of profound pity lu the family of the prisoner. " Parties wishing to dispose of goo furniture , stoves or other houuho1 goods , and wishing to roallte fu value , should leave word at A. J.Mui del's , 325 Broadway. For window shades , wall paper , an Jnts go to P n Minn. , ww tii north Main st. Mrs , W , ' H , Almy will clean M glove * at 15 oenU pair at 21 Broadway , TWO TREASURERS- Au Interostlnff Legnl Question Cornea up From that Part or the Country. Silver Crook township , until a few months ago , In rchool matters was a [ ( strict township. In that month an olcotlon was hold when It was decided o consolidate aa an Independent dls- rlct , under section 1814 of the code if 1873 , On the second Monday In rlaroh a board of directors was legally and duly chosen by the voters of the ndepondont district , and on the third Monday of the same month , the board mot , and elected a president , a score- ary and a tresinrer , the latter , Famei Bummers. On the day ixnd by law in September , 1882 , H. Ouion was elected .reaanrer for ono year ending Septem- ) er , 1883 Ouren claims that while ho board oould elect their president * n March , there was no provision of [ aw authorizing an election of treasur er and secretary , and that they could inly elect the two latter next Septem- aer , and that the seoretsry and treas urer elected last September hold ever. An Injunction proceeding la pending jcforo Jndgo Aylesworth , to test this iroolse question of the validity of the March election , The day of hearing s fixed for May 7th. Sum mers haa also applied for writ of mandsmus directing rlr , Ouron to pay over the public nonoy In his hands , which will also 33 hoard at the same tlmo. Onren is anxious to pay ever the pnblio funds and bo rid of the office but don't want , o pay ever to any unauthorized person. This Is the reason ho asks for an adjudication of the question , Ho is represented by Col. Keatley , and the other side by Baldwin & Wright. A now line of pattern hata and jonnots juit rocolvod at Biles' . Oancor of the stomach lo osnsod by ndlgostlon. Dr. Thomas Jeffries , of Council Blofh , euros every case of lyopopsla. Ho also prepares the only nfalliblo preventitlvo and euro for diphtheria. Send stamp for circular. Jest of references glvon. Dr. West , Dontlst , 14 Pearl street. FHBSONAb. N. L. Krby , sheriff of Eagle county , Colorado , pawed through the city yeater day bound east. He expects to itop en ill return to see about some matters connected - nected with the case of Manifield , now under chatge of mnrdsr there. It will be remembered thst Manifield , who formerly Ived here , and who married a daughter of Abe Mai field , who also lived here , shot and killed his wife , through jealouiy , and hen tried to kill himself. Ue still has a mllet In his head , but hag about recovered and will soon be tried. Mansfield gave Sheriff Early the name of some party here who was willing to advance money for bit lefense , and the sheriff will try to Bad the rieTnd and Interview him on hi * return. Charles Howard , who for eight years i i been In the employ of the Chicago & Northwestern , hat been appointed dlvhion frelRht agent of the 0. , St. P. M. & 0. , of which Jamis T. Clark , formerly agent of the Northwestern here Is general freight agent. Mr. Howard will continue to make hU headquarters here , Mr. William Callhon , of James town ship , Is hi the city , accompanied by a 'rlend , Mr. Oallison owns the Judge Talbot farm , and I * one of the prominent Farmers of the county. 0. M. Lawler , general superintendent of the BIoux City & Pacific railway , spent yeiterday forenoon In this city , and went over the river about noon , David Dunkle , of Orescent City , wai among yesterday's callers at THE BBI office , he being among Its many constant readers. James Bnyder , of CatasauquB , Perm- ylvanla , a friend of Jobny Myers , has accepted a position with Chai. Bohwenger In this cltv. W. S. Jfiekett , of Chicago , arrived at the Ogden yesterday , still looking sharply out for hi * trade In the agricultural im plement linr. F. E. Brookfield , of Sterling , III. , is In the olty looking over the place with a view of starting a wholesale undertaking eitab. lihment , J , Louis , of New York , was In the city yeiterday Interviewing bis customers in the cloth log line. John M. Klllits , of the Red Oaa MX pieu , waa lu tha city yesterday and dined at the Ogden , L. W. Sherwood , of Rochester , N. Ys was among yesterday' * arrivals at the Ggden. H , W. Slanson , of Cedar Rapids , wai among yesterday's Paolfio houie guests. Alf , Sorronson , the Omaha scribe , wai on thi * side of the muddy river yesterday. Mr , and Mrs. John Heron , of Plum Creek , Neb , , were In the city yeiterday , George F. Wright , of Wright & Bald win , has returned from a weitern trip. A. B. Walker's home I * again mad glad by the arrival of a daughter. N , Wagner , of the Union itock yardi , Cbloigo , was In the city yeiterday. J. A. Hartman , of Woodward , Iowa was at the Pacific yeiterday. Mr. D. Hunt and A. Q. Vinton , Avoca , were In the city yeiterday. Frank Keellnn has left for his cattl ranch beyond Laramle. E. Murtlndale , o ! Denver , arrived at th Pacific yesterday. George J. Law , of Lincoln , was at thn Ogden yeiterday , F. 1 } , Woodrow. of Omaha , was on thi side yeiterday. J , Fred Meyer * , of Uennlion , waa In th city yeaterday. W. 0. Walker , of Boitjn , Ii at th Ogden , Rev , Joseph Knotts b back from Neu Mexico , J , Jacobs , of Milwaukee , Is at the Peel flo , An Extended Fopolaultj. BBOWN'S BOBMOOUL Tuocuxsnave bttn before the public many years They an pronounced superior to al other article * used for similar pur poses , for Rellovfng Doughs. Oojdi and Throat DUsJjw * they have been proved rU * > U * . / / L J. N. OA8ADY. F. H. OROUIT. CASADY & ORGilTT , 502 BROADWAY , - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , EXCLUSIVE CARPET STORE. Only one in the City. Stock now Complete. Mail Orders Solicited. CASADY & ORCUTT , 502 Broadway. NUGENT & SMITH , MERCHANT TAILORS , First-class Goods and the Rest of Workmanship Guaranteed. Nos. 7 and 9 Main Street , . . . . COUNCIL BLUFFS. DIRECTORY. COUNCIlllUFFS , IOWA. I mill RC.Un St. On GENERAL MERCHANDISE. UUnilDCilUOtUU. . IS Main Street and 17 Pearl Street. Ml A If lUI nilll IGRESTON HOUSE /Grocery 215 Main street. Ill ft A IVIUnilj / ' \Hotel,217&219MstnSt. U. Ill BARSTOW. M. DM Cor. Bth St. and 6tb Ave. DP I C UIUITC OFFICE : Oor. Main and 5th , np-stalrs. UfJi Us r if ill I C | Residence , 609 Willow Avenue. N 9PHUR7 .JUSTICEOF THE PEACE , Office after February 15th , over American Express. LIVERY AND FEED. WILL CONTRACT S. S. WACNEB. for funerals at reasonable rates , No. 22 4th St. J. M. ST. JOHN & GO , GASH BUYERS , Who csale butter , cgge , poultry and fruit Ship to us. Draft by return mull. 140 Broadway. NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. S. A. PIERCE , Cor. Main and First avenuo. PETHYBRIDCE& HERBEBTZ. QfUfiTU CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , Oor. 7th and Of O ill I I III Broadway. Plans and specifications furnished WUf Oil IT DM All In FINE HARNESS I have the variety III that brings patronage. 124 Main street. I AM EC CDAUCV MERCHANT TAILOR , Artistic Work UHIflCO I If HN Ely and Reasonable Ooargos. 872 Broadway. O G01II FURNITURE , STOVES and ( X OURy Household Supplies , 303 Broadway , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , James Block. LINDT & HART , Practices in state and federal courts. Mann'f Fine FurnitureUpholstery goods E.STOCKERT&CO. , Curtains and Window Shades , 309 BVay- And bath house , 421 and 423 Broadway. L. Sov- erelgn , Prop. , P.J.Montgomery , M. D. , Phy. I AMD BOOT AND SHOE SHOP , No. 808Broadway , opposite A LUnlllU Union Avenue , second door above Metiopolitan , 111 ARC OADV VETERINARY SURQEON , Office if Mil C UsHslI ) Bray's stable , No. 12 Scott street. I Cl AMR BROOKLYN MARKET , . Eighth and Broadway. UCUUCGOV Mannf of HORSE i PI llkslllkOOl | plied , 8th St. , between Gth and7th Avenue. II it 110 C SMITH & NORTON , Broadway , opp. New nUUOCy Oper.a House. Refitted , fl , $1.60 per day. I MA lint I FURNITURE , STOVES , and GENERAL A Us lYInnUlLLj HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES , 325 Broadway. DE GAY & GASSEL , Corner CONTRACTORS Sixth street und and BUILDERS Avenue O AI MV NEW AND SECOND HAND HOUSEHOLD WU nLifl Yy OpODS BOUGHT AND SOLD , 212 Broadway Our New ixxui uuu improvement ( Jo Investigation into the matter con vinces us that one of the most equita ble , reasonable and feasible plans of bullrlfng houses i that proposed'and la operation by the Mercantile Loan , Trust and Improvement company of this city. By In vest leg In shares in thla institution , whloh la backed by some of our best and most reliable business men , it becomes possible and comparatively easy for a man of moderate - orate means to securea * comfortable homo for himself and family. In tak ing a certain number of shares , at a certain monthly payment , In a few years a man can own a house of his own for about the sams at he pays monthly for rent. Wo believe the Mercantile Loan and Trust company , by organizing and opening np for business , having filled a long felt want In Council Bluffs. Their plans and system of loans will bear the most careful scrutiny and exam ination , and wo have no hesitancy in pronouncing them reasonable and equitable , and backed by gentlemen of honor and Integrity. As the com pany otista It becomes at onoo an in stitution of value and credit to our city and those who desire homes. Tuelr president is T. A. * Klrkland , vioe president , Judge Peake ; sec retary , I. 11. Beery ; treasurer , Col. Beebe , and their office U in the base ment of Shugart'a and MoMahon's now block , corner First avenue and Pearl street. jan27ly < Vonotlcw the Marriage Fund. Mutual Trcrt Anootatlon , of CCOM Rapids , lows , highly spoken of la many of tb leading papers of tb stata. ' 'Moaty for the Un- BarrUd" hsads th 4 * advsrtlsOTasnt IB aaotbar luut oj ittb pap * * . . . .j. . . . , COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special advertltoment * , inc Loit , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Bent Wanti , Boarding , etc. , will b Inserted In thU column at the ow rate of TEN CENTS FK1 LINK tor the flnt Insertion and FIVE CENTS PER LINE ( or each subiequent Insertion Lear * adr ertiwmo at our office , No. Pearl Street , near BiJadiny. Wante. Ertrybodr Council Blnfli lo WANTED Tni Bii , SO cenU par week , dc lUered by carrlen. Office , No T Peatl Street near Broadway. For Bale ana Rent "TV ) R BENT Farm se > en rallei from town. Ap U ply to Dr. P. W. 1'ouUon BEES In p&ctagei 01 a hundred at ! Bo a package ai Tni Bu office , No. T Pear meet U 71011 SALE The handsome residence of Wn J } M1 roweri , Ut c ued. on Broa Iway , oppo rite rf. K. church , ground * esteod 315 feet on BroaHwiy , andSOOttwt on Bia'on. TirmicMb Inqui-e ot John Clauien and 1'etcr Well , exoni tori of Wm. M. Power * eitate. T710R BALK Monument * of marble and granlU J } at No. at north Main itreet. W. R. VAUGHAN. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Omaha and Council Bluffs Real Estate & Collection Agency , n Odd Fellow block , over Savtmga' HANAN & REDDISH Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , \TOWA West Side Square , Olarlnda J1UYVAl DUQUETTE , GUIBERI & CO. , ( Successor * to ERB & DUQUETTE ) mlo Fruiters mi Confectioner 16 and 18 Pearl-st. , Council BUuTs , la. M. GALLAGHER , Gh : R O O IB IRIESS Now Store , Fresh Gooda , Low Prices , Polite Attendants. First Door . . East of the Metropolitan Hotel , Lower Broadway teb31y .M tu th. _ _ PETER C. MILLER , WHOLESALE AND KKTAIL I AND WINDOW SHADES. PAINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES , FKESCOINGIN MODERN STYLES , -wos-18 North Main * * .Street 20 DEVOL & WRIGHT , HARDWARE , STOVES , TINWARE 504 Broadway , 12 and 14 Main Street , - ftCOUNCIL BLUFFS STOCK COMPLETE. PKICES LOW. Wo Bollcit your patronace and will mnke it pay you to trade with us. Mall orders a specialty. Prompt attention nnd close prices , TITLE ABSTRACT 0 FFIGE. * Tmt ! K7m f ji C2 "U" 3C Jttf yi - r1 CI C * Lands and Lots Bought and Sold. ' MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS. PUNCH BLUFFS IOWA MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , THE LEADING DEALER IN 337 Broadway , Oounoil Bluffs , Iowa , For Engines , Boilers , Castings , Repairs and MACHINERY. tfi Fend Orders to JOHN GILBERT , Manufacturer , Corner a Street and 8th Avenue , Council Bluffs. Prompt attention to orders. The b WorkmAD'hlp nd Bea onabla charge * teb 1 w. n. u. rtnrr raos. omcu. . . . , OHDM JJTOBI , Council Bluffs , la. Established , - - 1856 Dealen In Foreign and DomMtle Kxchangi nd I. D SDMCKDSOS , 1 , t. DC01ET , A. W. ITBIH President. Vloe-Pron't. Caanler. CITIZENS BANK Of Council Blob. Organlied under the lawi ol the State of Iowa Paid np capital I TB.OM JLathorludcapIUl. _ SOO.OGO Interet paid on time deposit * Draft * toned on the principal cltlei o ! the United States and Europe. Special attention given to collectloni and correspondence wltb prompt retarni , D1UCTOM J. D. EdmandMo , R.L.8hnnrt , . W. Wallace , J. W. Bodter , ' A W Mr ffit MORGAN , KELLER & 00 , , The nnost quality a'id larvost Block weat of Chicago ot Vi ooden and Uetallo Cages. Call , at tended to at all hours. We defv competition n quality of rood , or price. . Our Mr .Morpan ha * aervea a. uuuertaker for forty Joan and thor oughly upoocntAiid hi. nuwnesa. Wareroom. , 311 Brcaaway. UHlIOLaTElirNQ In all 1U branches oromutly attended to ! BO carpetla Ing and tamoroquln. . relographlc auu uia or der. filled without delay. FRESH FISH. WILLIAM RAPP , 1041 Main Strent , Next Block south of P. 0. , Council Bloffs , Iowa. NOTICE TO CATTLE MEN. 1,000 , HEAD OF YOUNQ OATTLE FOR SALE. 600 Head of Yearling Steeri and Heifen , BOO Head of Two-year-old Steer. , and 100 Head of Two-year-old Helfera. Thtt * catU * an all rood , riraltht , thrifty cattle , roottly ended cattle. For sale all twether or U lot * ta nit U * BatebaMn. For farther partle < nlar. call oa or addrws H.t. fetter , Wawlj , Iewa - Ai-lm E , J , HARDING , M , Dv Medical Electrician AND GYNECOLOGIST. OradOJtte ot Blectropathlo Initiation , Fhlla delphla , Fenna. Office Oor , Broadway & Qlenn ATB. COUNCIL BLurrs , lowj. Th treatment ol all dlaoaies and ctlntal lenltlei peculiar to female * a tpeclaUy FOUNDRY. WINTHERLICH BROS. , Are now ready to contract for nnall callings every description In MALLEABLE IRON , GRAY IRON , + And any ALLOT OF BRASS. Special attention U called to the fict that th * \ metal , are melted In CROCIILSS which gives the rery beat castings , , Burning Brands FOB- DISTILLERS , BREWERS , PACK- 4 ERS , OIQAR and TOBACCO 1 FAOTOHIES , Etc. , Etc. , | As well aa Cattle Brands | AUK NICELY EXECUTED. ' Work. : Corner Blith street and Eleventh avenue , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. S. E. MAXON , A.XC.ODEKX'X' SCIV. Offlc * orei KTtngt back. OOPNOIlj BLUFFS. > Iowa. EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice ot the Peace and Notary Public. tlSBroadway. Council Bluffs.