I ; I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. TWELFTH YEAR. OMAHA" NEB SATURDAY MORNING APML 2 , lass 10 ? THE And Its Name is "Tim National League of America. " The Robust Infant Baptized By Two Thousand Cheer ing Stalwarts. The Trumpets of New Ireland Heard in the Land and Over the Waters. An Eloquent and Thrilling Sketch of British Rule in the Fatherland. "Five Centuries of Brute Force Fail to Destroy the Pride of Race " "Every Patre of History a Rec ord of Treachery , Duplicity and Judicial Murder. " Wordo of Cheer and Support Cabled bo the Gallant Band in Parliament. Hon. Alexander Sullivan Chosen President of the New Organization. A Grand Gathering at the Acad emy of Music to Ratify the Union. Twt of the New Comtltmtlon ad th Method of Prooeedoret Full Details of the Philadelphia Con vention. 8p dit Difpitch to Tni liii. TUB PROCEEDINGS. PniDADELrniA , April 27. It was nearly 11 o'clock before the Irish National convention assembled this morning and reading of the mlnutoa dispensed with. Dr. O'Rlolly in- nouncrod that the committee on resold- tlona had prepared the report , bat was not yet ready to present It. The chairman of the committee on organ ization Bald the committee on organ ization would not bo ready to report nntil after the committee on resolu tions had reported , as after a long debate the committee on organization had not boon able to agree on the number of officers for a nation al league or its exact scheme of gov ernment. The tccretarv by nnanitjmn. consent a communication from 8. S. Oox , of New York , congratulating the convention on what It had achiev ed , declaring that It was impossible for Ireland to remain under the British government. A vote of thanks was then paasei to Oox. Father Baylan , f Ireland - land , and Father Agnew fddressed the convention congratulating it upon lea temperate action and dorlaring that England and Scotland w > nld be the the first to feel the effectof / any In temperate action. At 20 minutes to 12 i recess was taken for two hours tq'awalt the re port of the committee./ / AFTEE BE/B83. / PHILADELPHIA l 27. The chairman of the oormlttee on resolu tions submitted hiseport at 2:40 : this afternoon. / THE REWOTIONS. The report tf the committee on resolution' y that the Irish-American people assembled In conventionat Philadelphia to submit to ie intelligence and right reason rtnelr fellow-men that the duty of/goTorament / ia to pre serve the llv ° * the governed , to de fend thelrlbertF , > to protect their property , { maintain peace and or der to ajv OB ° h portion of the puo- ple an enBD' ' ° * nd efEslont voice in the leff 'ur ° i and to P' ° - mote t ) gen < " welfare by wise , just an * nmane 1WB > We solemnly declare1 * * ° 'to ' * ne unquestioned his tory ' 'universal knowledge of liv ing tf'mony thereof ; first , the Eng- jlau Comment has existed in Ire- kmjot to preserve the lives of the gOVnod but to destroy them/ The ref ution then pictures ut length the i ] wed barbarities of the English gernmont and how the "blazing jroh has been applied to asylums of jrrified women , how the deadly bomb ias been discharged into helpless towns , and adds : As if the sword , cannon , torch , scaffold , dagger and explosive Is not enough , it enjoys the unique infamy of being the ouly gov ernment known to ancient or modern times which employed the famine for the destruction of those from whom It claimed alle giance , forcibly robbing the Irish people of the fruits of their own toll , produced by their own labor. It has burled not a hundred , not n thousand , but more than a million of the Irish race , unshrouded , unooffined In the grave of hunger. It has mercilessly compelled other millions In compul sory poverty to seek in alien lands the bread they were entitled in their own. There Is no form of cruelty known to the lowest savage which It has not practiced on the Irish people in the name of the highest civilization. The last paragraph of this plank refers to dynamite as it is. There Is no former or relation to which despair or mad ness may resort for which the English cruelty In Ireland la not exclusively responsible. Second We declare that the Eng lish government In Ireland has not de fended the liberty of the people bat A IUM annihilated ta statute * .enacted slnca the invasion to amount to a series of coercion laws framed to deprive the citizsns of all vestiges of personal freedom and reduce thtra to outlawry In order to confiscate their property and compel them to floe to foreign lands. Without a warrant a citizen may be thrown into prisoner ; without counsel ho may bo pat on the _ dook and tried before a prejudiced judge and packed jury. On lying averments of purchased wretches his llbarty maybe bo sacrificed , or his life taken in the name of the law. Third Instead of protecting the property of thn people the English government in Ireland has been con- splonoui for its Injury and ruin. Out of 20,000,000 acres of producing land , 0,000,000 has been allowed to lie waste. The ownership ot the re mainder , generally acquired by foroo or fraud , hai boon retained In the hands of monopolists , who drained the country of this money In the form of rents , no portion of which goes back to the Irish people. In addition to this an Iniquitous system of taxa- tlyn imposes on the people a gigantic harden for the sustenance cf a foreign army , for an oppressing constabnlary. for ea'arlod to onpornnmary officials and place men , for pensions to En glish favorites , for blood money for the Informer , and for a vulgar ooart whoso extravagance ia equalled only by tha shame of its pretensions. Tao naturally created capital of the country Is sent to England on ono pretext - text or another , and brings In ox- ohango nothing except articles of Eng lish manufacture , which the Irish ) un der self government would produce for ihomsolves or purchase In Amer ica. Irish manufactures , delib erately destroyed by England in the last. century , are still dormant. Her Immense water power turns no wheels , her canals are all but impas sible , her rivers are obstructed , her nsofal clays and valuable minerals are untouched ; in her beautiful harbors are but few now ships except those of her enemy. English law for protec tion in Ireland has boon the lanoo to make Ireland bleed at every pore for the benefit of heartless landlords and English manufacturers. The English government in Ireland has not main tained peace and order , but has for 700 years broken her peace and de stroyed her order ; the English gov ernment in Ireland does not allow them an equitable and efficient voice in the legislature. In England one-twelfth of tha popu lation votes for members of parlia ment ; in Ireland ono twenty-fifth of the population votes for members of parliament. In England registration laws are favorable to the voter ; in Ireland they are inimical to the voter. In England all classes of the popula tion are fairly represented ; in Ireland the poor law la employed to secure to landlords and place huuters a pre ponderance in the national delegation , In England the judiciary ia Independ ent of the executive and sympathizes with the people ; in Ireland the judiciary is the creature and part of the executive , and is appointed exclu sively from the enemies of the people. In England the magistracy is chosen jTlthnntjegardto.creed.In Ireland 0 ? per cent of-tho magistrates having jurisdiction over the people's liberty are selected from a creed' rejected by 78 per cent of the people , and the detestable spirit of religions bigotry is thus legalized and perpetuated. In England laws creating civil disabili ties on account of religion have long been dead. In Ireland the laws made under Edward III. , Qaeen Elizabeth , Earl Stratford , Charles ll , Qaeen Anne and their successors are still vital to torment the people for whoso oppression no statute Is found too heavy by venal and trnonleut judges. Every measure of legislation pro posed by an English member re ceives conrteocs consideration ; any measure , however just , necessary or humane , proposed by a patriotic Irish member , ia certain of contemptuous rejection by the combined majority of both great English parties. Thus , the educational system of Ireland is notoriously inadequate ; thus it is that evictions unknown in England and de clared by Gladstone to be almost equivalent to death sentences , are of dully occurrence In Ireland and have nearly doubled In five years in s.pitb of the boasted benefit of the Glad stone land laws ( thus it is that , although aocoidlug to government returns criminals are 27 in 10,000 of the eHnh population and only 16 in 10,000 of the Irish population , in spite of the exasperation to which they are subject , yet England enjoys constitutional liberty and Ireland is under woree than martial law. The intrepid and persistent attempts of patriot Iriih deputation to obtain In the EoglU-i parliament just and humane lawn for Ireland , have aliraya been , are and in our belief , mast con- tlnno to bo a failure. Now , therefore , in view of these facts , be it RESOLVED , By Irish-Amarlo n pee ole in convention assembled , that the English government In Ireland , origi nating In usurpation and perpetuated by force , havlrg falied to discharge any of thoduiuftof government and never having acquired thn content of the governed , hxu no moral tight what ever to exist In Ireland and tint it is the duty of the Irish rase throughout the world to sustain the Irish people In the employment of all legitimate moans to substitute for It national self government. RKSOLVED , That we pledge our nn- quatiflud and constant support , moral and material , to our countrymen in Ireland In their efforts to recover their national self government , and , in or der to more effectually promote this object , by consolidation of all our resources and creation of one responsible and authoritative body to speak for Ireland in America , that all societies represented In this convention , and all that may hereafter comply with the conditions of admis sion , be organized into the Irish Na tional league of America , for the pur pose of gupportlng the Iriih National league of Ireland , of which Charles Stewart Farnell if president. RXSOLYCD , That we heartily endorse the noble sentiment of Bishop Butler , of Llatriok , that ever/ stroke of Fos ter's savage lash was for Irishmen , giving now proof ot Parnoll's worth and sn additional title for him to the confidence and grati tude of his countrymen. RKIOIVKD , That wo sympathize with the laborers of Ireland in their efforts to improve their condition , and as wo have sustained the farmers in their assaults upon the landlord garrison , wo now urge upon the farmers justice and humane consideration for the la borers ; wo demand that the farmers allow laborers a fair day's wages for a fair day's work. RESOLVED , That as the manufac turers of Great Britain are the chief source of her material greatness , already declining under the influence of American competition , wo earnest ly counsel our countrymen in Ireland to buy nothlng'in England which they can produce in Ireland or France , and we pledge ourselves to promote 'Iriih ' manufacturers by encouraging their Import Into Amorlcr. , and to use onr nlmost endeavors by plain ( state ments of facts and discrimination in patronage , to porsnadn American tradesmen from koeplngEaglish goods on sale. RESOLVED , That an English minis try , ostentatiously " liberal , " * has earned the contempt and detestation of fair-minded man throughout the world by Imurlsoning more than 1,000 citizens of Ireland without accusation or trial , a number of whom were noble-hearted women engaged In works of mercy among tbo evicted victims of landlord rapacity and En glish laws. RESOLVED , That this convection thanks Rt. llav. John Ireland , bishop of St. Paul ; Rt. Rov. John O'Oou- nor , bishop , Omaha ; Rt. Rov. John Lancaster Spaulding , bishop , 1'poria ; Most Rev. John Williamo , archbish op , Boston ; Rt. Rev , S V. Ryan , bishop , Buffalo ; Host Rov. Patrick A. Foohan , archbishop , Ohlcigo , and Rt. Rev. Edward Fitzgerald , bishop , Little Rook , and their co-laborers , for their efficient efforts in providing homes for Irish immigrants in the United States. The people of Ireland are by the law of God and nature en titled to live by their labor in their native land , but sinon the British government compels large numbers to emigrate , it la the duty of their coun trymen to warn them against the snares of poverty in the large cities and assist them to the agricultural regions RESOLVED , That the policy ofthe English government in first reducing Irish peasantry to abject poverty , and then sending them penniless to the United Slates , dependent upon Am erican charity , is unnatural , Inhuman and an outrage upon the American government and people ; wo respect fully direct the attention of the United States government to this iniquity ; wo protest against Us continuance , and wo Instruct the officials who shall bo chosen by this convention to present onr protest to the president of the United States , and respectfully but firmly urge upon the president that it Is the dnty of the government of tbo United States to decline to support paupers whoso pauperism began under and is the result of English govern ment , ana to demand of England that she send no more of her paupers to those shores to become a harden upon the American people. H RESOLVED , That this conventlor welcomes the sturdy and undauntr * patriot and prudent custodian , Ptr ° k Etran.i who toj protect the nd League funds from the rribo hands of the English government volun tarily abandoned his , j lt le bnalnesa and accepted a lonjj exile in foreign lands , the Integrity of wh ao guardian ship has been certified after minute examination of his booki by the dis tinguished and Independent patriots , John Dillon , Rev. Eutpno Sheeby and Mathew Harris , ( tratefnl for these invaluable servloesjhia countrymen - men rejoice that they poisoss on this Important ooaaslon the advantage of " his" wise and experiencediounsol , and are proud to welcome im to their heartland homes. HOW IT TOOti The reading of the ropit was punc tuated by hearty applajue. At the arraignment of the Eagj sh govern- monfln the first resolution the" entire convention rose and oboe ed. Ohadwlck moved the resolutions be discniacd and disposed c { sorlatnm. Brown , if St. Louis , oved a sub- stltato that they be adop d as read. Ficerty , cf Chicago , he led the gentleman tloman who moved th s aba tit n to would have the decency ; ; o withdraw his motion , He was oppsod to pat ting a court plaster on carbuncle , He appealed to Brown te withdraw his substitute for the sakl of Ireland , and , cald he , ( Flnerty ) - Would move to lay it down on the ta'bliif not with drawn. Brown should not be actuated by a desire fr partisan tdumpb. Brown declined to withdraw the motion. L Flnerty moved to Ufj It on the table. Lost amid cheers and hisses. An exciting debate waa interrupted by Di > horty , of Boston , moving the previous question an the Adoption of the resolutions , which Salllran , of Boston , seconded. Fifty rnfn were now on their f eef , and Flcorty. of Chicago cage , said , "Aro wogolnt ; t J bag gged here ? " Ho than asked It a nmlon to lay the motion for the previous ques tion nn the table was not In order. The chairman said no. ' Then I duoldedly differ with the chair , " said 0 ingreasraan Floerty , and ejaculating "We have no chance , It lane no uio to try , " ho sat down. The resolutions were then adopted. The report of the committee on or ganization was then road ai follows : THE I'LAN OF UNION. WIIEUEAS , In the opinion of cit izens of America and Oinada , Irish and of Irish descent , it is need ful for the purposes hereinafter sot forth , that , sinking all private prejudice and creed distinctions , they do unite to secure this common end , do band themselves together under the name and title of Toe Irish Na tional League of America. ABTIOLI 1. The objects of the Irish National League of America are : (1) ( ) Earnestly and actively to luitaln the Irhh Nttional League la Ireland with moral and material aid in achieving self government for Ireland ; (2) ( ) to procure a clearer and more accurate understanding by the Amor- loan people of the political , industrial and social condition of Ireland , that they may see for themselves that her poverty Is the result of contarioi of brute force and destructive legislation ; and if per mitted to make her own laws on nor own soil , she will demonstrate the pos session of all tno elements , natural and Ideal , for ( political | automony , beneficial alike to Ireland and the United States ; (3) ( ) to promote the development of Irish manufactures by encouraging their Import Into the United States , to promote the study of Irish history , past and present , and to circulate carefully prepared literature In schools and toolotlra that the justice of the oauso may bo thoroughly defended against Igno rance , malice and misrepresentation ; to encourage the study of the Irish language , cultivation of Irish mail r , end our enlightened lovn of rt characteristic ! which made the put of onr r&co bright amid darkness , ami have ulnr.ro secured for the Colt suc cess and renown In every country In which baa had an equal opportunity with his follows : to hurt the juomy whore ho will feel it moat , by re fusing to purchase any artlclo of En gllnh manufactuao and by using all legitimate Influences tri discourage tradesmen from keeping EnglUh man ufactures on sale ; to abolish sectional fueling ; to destroy thoao baleful ani mosities of province and creed which have boon inddloualy handed down by the enemy ; to weave a closer band of racial pride and affection and to keep allvo the holy fl.itno oi Irleh nation ality whllo performing faithfully the duties of American oltlzonehlp. ART. 2. The officers of the league shall bo president , vice-president , treasurer and secretary. Anr. 3 The president 'shall ' prealdo at all meetings of the league and per form such other duties as may hereafter after in those articles be imposed upon him. him.ART. ART. 4i In the absence or Inability to serve of the president , hta dutioa shall be discharged by the vice presi dent. dent.ART. ART. , 5 The treasurer shall prop erly account for all money paid to him by the secretary on behalf of the league , and make explicit reports thereof annually to the convention of this league. ART. G. The secretary shall keep correct records of all meetings of the league , receive all moneys for Its use from subordinate branches , and affiliating organize tlons.ln . states and counties , and pay the lame over to the treasurer , taking his , receipt ther < - for , and all mouoys so , paid to ( he secretary shall bo by * draft of post- office order in favor of ( the treasurer. ART. 7. The governing bpJy of the league shall consist of JtFio'prosIdont , vlcu president and n Vancil which shall bo composed of ono member from each state , territory , District of Columbia and -Ztautlnion | of Canada , and which sVtiU be elected , by the na tional ooD'ontlon , and ohall meet at least o ° 8 anunally , yt time and plaOB/or"vhlcs JiiJlbS cc-'grftUd by /ART. 8 The governing body shall 'most ' at least once annually at the t/mo and place heretofore provided , and shall frame an organization simi lar in character for each stats , terri tory , District of Columbia and the Dominion of Canada ; they shall pro vide for the general welfare of the or ganization and they shall have power necessary to promote the interests and extend the organization and Influence of the league. Mr. Alexander Sullivan , of Chica go , took the floor. Thomas Bracken , of New York , at the same time arose among the so-called dynamite men in the rear of the hall and earnestly pro testing against the proceedings. He was at once surrounded by a clamor ous crowd of delegates , the chair meanwhile pleading for order. Finally the dynamite men quieted down and Sullivan nominated Rev. Dr. Charles O'Reilly , of Detroit , as treasurer of the new league. Col. Boland second ed the motion and Father 0 Rallly was elected by acclamation. Father Oonaty nominated for presi dent J. J. O'Blerne of Cincinnati Col , Boland nominated for president of the National League , Alexander Sullivan , The name was greeted with wild applause. Saillvan received the grant majority of votes and on motion of 0 Blerne , hla principal competitor , the election of Sullivan was made unanimous. Sullivan , coming upon the stage , said ho could not do justice to the po sition and was compelled moat respect fully but firmly to decline the honor. The action of tfca convention would send a thrill efylellght into every Irish hbme and a Viook of terror to the British parliament' and chambers < f Dublin castlo. Sullivan's declina tion was laid on the ui\jlo. John J. A. Hynes was chosen secretary. Alice Gallagher announced thai the Fanny Parnell branch , StNjuQuls , sent throngh her Its check for $800 for the starving people of Irelan\ She know the women of the leaguoNgonld keep the wolf from the door\ho ; looked to the m n to keep off Hon. Hon.Father Father Oonaty 'said Parnell could now point to ten mQllon united Irish men on the Amerloin continent , Recass was taken.iVhat several dele gations might aelotif a rf presentatlvo on the executive -committee , which waa to select a poiqbanont'council of seven for tbo NitlrxUl League , Upon reassembling a retention of esteem for and condolence with Michael Djultt , father of tiJ Land League , Incarcerated for tM9 third time in a British dungeon , ruis unanimously adooted. Ordered Uhat a resolution of confidence and f'leor bo cabled to Charles Stewart Paui U. GROWING WAfaiNOTOM , Mrs. Parnoll was Introdaood and said : LADIES AND GKSIUUKN : I have been asked to crown with a wreath of laurels onr Immortal statesman , leg- lalato/ and president , George Wah- Ingpn. The poiitioti of Ireland Is almost similar to tta * of our ooa&try In the revolutionary war. I have In herited a drop of that old blood ; I have also inherited Irish blood , which gives mo an additional claim on you. My father said , and I sustain him. that the party which secures and maintains position In the enemy's country Is sure to come out fahoad. I deny that my son has not secured that position. v Mrs. Parnell then placed a wreath of laurel on the bust of George Wash ington amid great enthusiasm , the banner of Ireland being waved over her head at the tlmo. Frfthor Conaty , who had nominated O'Bierno for president , solemnly entreated treated Sullivan to Uko the holm. Mrs , Parnnll trusted Sullivan would give the now league the strength of his invaluable services. En-Treasurer Egan added his words to those oi Mrs. Parnoll. llcdpath said the Irish commanded Sullivan to accept the position , add ing that nn long OR the conservatives controlled the pnlioy of the now laayuo O'Douovau Rotsa would have to tf.l'o ibe ok eoat. Ttioman BceniKkii , secretary of the Irich National Laud Laaguo , Implored Srlllvimio make one more sacrllioo lor hla country. Sullivan came to the front of the stage and said ho recognized the votoo of the people was the voloo of Gbd. In obedience to the voiced of Mrs. Parnoll and Moners. Bronnan , Egan , and Hod path and the voioo of the oouvuntlon ho would consent to act temporarily as the servant of the Irlnh In America , not as their leader. Chairman Forcn announced that Mra. Parnoll had boon elected pr0sl dent of the National League of Amor lea. Ho called on Henry T , Sher idan , of Chicago to lead In singing "God Sivo Ireland. " The song was onng , the convention rising and joining in the chorus. The chairman then de clared the convention adjourned. "Star Spangled Banner" and other songs were sung before the delegates abandoned the hall. The national committee , ono from each state , etc , afterwards elected the following exec ntivo council of the National League : Rov. Father McKenna , Massachu setts ; Dr. W. Wallace , New York ; Jas. Reynolds , New Haven ; M. V. Gannon , Iowa ; Judge J. G. Donnelly , Wisconsin ; John F. Armstrong , Georgia , and l/nlted States Senator James Fair , of Nevada. The council will meet in the morning at Continen tal hall. This council requests every Irish society in the United States and Canada willing to co-operate with the now organization to communicate with the national secretary , John J. Hinoa , ol Buffalo , N. Y. . ALEX SULUVAN , elected president by the convention of the National Leagno , is 35 years of ago , born in Malno. Ho was a re publican until 1872 , nntll when being a strong friend of Greeloy , ho sup ported the liberal movement. Ho hai since been a democrat. Ho studied law with Algernon Sullivan of New York , and has been for a number of years In successful practice in Chi cago. HONORS TO EOAN. Martin Faron presided over the meeting ia honae-of Patrick.Kjjan at the Academy of Music , this evening About 1,2,000 people were present. The stage was filled by notables. Egan was Introduced and spoke earn estly and pleasantly , making no al lusion to the convention. He ex pressed his hope , and was now con fident in his belief that Ireland will again booomo a nation The baud plavod "Wearing of the Green , " after wiaoh Thos. Brennan addressed the audience. His remarks were in the nature of a iketoh of the wrongs of Ireland and the work of the League. Samuel J. Randall said every honeai movement for Irish rights and Irish nationality mot with his moat hearty approval. God would reward Irish men with success. A little girl representing the chil dren's Land League ot Philadelphia presented a floral testimonial to Mrs. Parnell. Col. MoCinre of The Times said the proceedings of to-day's convention would strlko moro terror to English oppressors than a whole continent of menace. The grandest and greatest blow over struck for Irish liberty waa by the convention to day. Alexander Sullivan spoke of Phila delphia as the city beloved by all lib- oriy-lovlng people In the world. The new league meant no danger to Amor- loin institutions. The Irish wore distinct from the English , and would always be , as God had made them so. England had sentenced the Irish to bo a nation of paupers. The Irish need patience and organization. The men who , 3,000 miles avray from danger , are violent and reactionary in the measures they advocate , are more of a help to the British oppressors than If they wore red-coated. Father Bay Ian , of Ireland , made a very umoroas and pathetic speech , Ho oltod ono Instanca were 400 fam ilies or 2,800 persons were evicted In ono day in a county adjoining bis own James Rodpath said the laud league had boon the angel that had moved the waters of the great pool of Slloan.J Shipping News. Bpoctal Dispatch to fti U i. LIVERPOOL April 27. Tne ship BrltUh Merchant , from 8tin Fran cisco , had her decks rwopt , lost a portion tion of her bulwarks and suffered ether serious damaga. NEW YOKK , April 27 Arrived , Demark , from London. LIVERPOOL , April 27. Arrived , Bavarian , from Bjston , ' ' Tha Clear Man Sptclil Dlipttcii to Tui DM. NEW YORK , April 27. The prin cipal cigar inanuf aoturora concede $2 advance per 1,000 asked by workmen , The manufacturers aisert that within a short time the men finding Havana competition rninons to the business , will ' voluntarily relinquish the in crease , Onn Known. Sp cllOlip Vch to TBI Bli. N w YORK , April 27. Ex presi dent BayeiUft to-day for Fremont , Ohio. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. The Noble Rods Wrestling With ' * 1" ' ' ' w and Timber Thlevee. Numerous Appointments An nounced Revenue and Treasury Matters , K r C nolndai th fovaath D jr of Hli SUr Rente A Variety of General New * . CAPITOL KOTEB. Spiclkl EUpntchos lo Tn Itii. 8UINO T1MUKU T1UEVEH. WASHINGTON , April 27. The , secretary rotary of the Interior will ojmorrow hoar the evidence In the ( Joie of the Ohootaw and Ohlckasaw ( Indians versus the Missouri , Kaunas A Texan railway company , The Indians , through their attorneys , maintain that In the construction of-that road timber was takqn from their reserva tion for whlchHhoy rocolvol no com pensation. KOKFKITUllK OF LAND C1HANT8. Counsel for the Central Pacific railway company to-day filed with the secretary of the Interior a brief in which ho appeals from the refusal of the commissioner of the general land ofllco to proceed with patenting of lands to ' the Central Pacific railroad company'as the successor of the Cali fornia & Oregon railroad company of California. The question Involved In this appeal relates to the construction to bo glvon to the act of July 26 , 18GG , Oounsol for the railroad com pany maintain that the forfoltnro sec tion of this action does not differ In Its legal effect from the forfeiture clauses of ether land grant acts which have already boon adjudicated by the departments and the United States ac- promo court , APPOINTMENTS. The president made the folio wing ap pointments to-day : Wood , Ohio , to be agent for the Indians at Qalnnanlt agency , Washington territory ; B. H. Jehnaon , Minnesota , register of land office at Fergus Falls , Minn. ; John T. Carlln , Ohio , receiver of public moneys , Bozeman , Montana ; Patriot Buckley , agent for the Indians of Tni- allp agency , Washington territory ; Charles Wlllouaby , agent for the In dians of Noah Bay agent , Washington territory. The president to day appointed Isaac Brandt , of Iowa , Wm , B. Dean , of Minnesota , and John Kelly , of Oregon , a commission to examine twenty-five miles of the Northern Pacific railroad on the Mlosonla divis ion of that road In Montana : also Albert Or d way , ol Washington , D. 0. ; G , Pomoroy , of Koos , Now York , and Aaron Oragln , of Now York , a com mission to examine another section of thffeamo rofad on the RooVy Mountain division in Montana territory. * TOE PEACE COIfORIHS. The forthcoming volume of diplo matic correspondence , now nearly ready for. public distribution , shows that the invitation of the United States for a peace congress of all na tions in North and South America was accepted very promptly by nearly every government to which it was sent. There was none of the diplo matic delay usually attending Impor tant propositions. THE CABINET. All members were present at the regular meeting to-day. The session listed about three hours and waa mainly devoted to the consideration of now civil service regulations. No conclusion was reached with regard to them. They will bo taken up again for further consideration at the next cabinet mooting. IK TflF. BTAJl ROUTE CASE Ker finished his review of evidence In the Bismarck-Tongue river route and after thanking the jury for their patient attention began the general summing up the points which in his opinion had been established by the evidence submitted in the case taken as a whole. Adjourned nntil Monday. UNFOUNDED lUPOIUH , Oaptaln Thomas McGregor , First cavalry , reports to the war depart ment that ho has made a thorough in vestigation and finds that the rumors of contemplated outbreak among tbo Indiana at the willows on Columbia river , W. T. , are totally unfounded. F1EDINO TUB HUNGRY , Indian Agent Cramaler , at Fort Tot ton , Montana , telegraphs the commissioner of Indian affairs that ho has notified the Turtle Mountain Indiana to come there to receive sup plies. These are the Indiana recently reported as being In a starving condi tion. Cramslor will distribute among them 3,000 pounds of flour and 2,400 pounds of pork. REVENUE HTAMPH. The commissioner of Internal rev enue says the supply of new tobacco stamps as called for under the now la * will bo sufficient to meet all de mands. Whllo the bureau may not bo able to supply all requisitions for these stamps made by manufacturers and collectors of internal revenue by the first of May when the lew goes Into operation , all applicants will be supplied with a ouffialont number to meet the demands for stamps for cur rent UBO , The largo amount of stamps called for In tbo requisition la ex plained by the fact that collectors and other applicants desire to soonro a stock to keep them supplied for three or four months. The commissioner says those requisitions will bo met during the month of May. TKiAHunr ouutrs. Asaiatant Secretary French resumed the duties of acting secretary of the treasury , which , during his absence , were performed by Assistant Secre tary New. French has a commission from the president to act as secretary la the absence or Illneas of tbe More * Itaryj Now holds a similar commission ' In the absence of both secretary and assistant. Secretary Folgor , whUo not [ ill or indisposed , bos too many im portant questions nndpr consideration to dsvoto the tlmo necessary to sign official mall and pass upon routine matters requiring prompt action. I A COLOBKD CONVENTION. In compliance with the terms of the resolution adopted by the convention of colored' people of the District of Columbia , wnloh mot In this city on emancipation day , a call has been is sued for a national convention of colored men to be hold in Washington on the 24th of September , 1883. The convention Is called for consideration of the present and future condi tion of the colored people of this country and the boat method of securing to them full enjoyment of their social and political rights. PnoSKCUTINO HILL. The attorney general has desig nated John 8. Blair as counsel to prosecute the ohareoa against Super vising Architect Hill now under in vestigation at the treasury depart ment. Scorntary Folgor his suggested to Mr. March , who preferred the charges , the name of D. T. Alexander , fifth auditor of the treasury , as a member of the special Investigating commission In plaoo of Assistant So licitor Robinson. Tha Purchase of tha Hnnnibal- Special DUpatch to TUB Bit. NKW YORK , April 27 The no- gntiitlona which have been pending for nome ttmo between the 0. , B , & Q railroad company and the Gould syndicate controlling the Hannibal & St. Joe , wore concluded today. Pa pers were nlgnod and placed in the hands of L , Amos , in escrow. IVo- thirds of the preferred stock and 75- 000 eharos of common were repre sented In the transaction. The pur chase by the 0. , B. & Q. involved alao a contract with the Western Union telegraph company , extending to all lines of the railroad company. There has boon a question whether the contract with the 0. , B. & Q , ex tended to and embraced the leased and now lines , but this has been met by the execution of a new' contract. Both parties seem to regard the transaction as mutually advantage ous. Cyclone Chips- 8p cUl Ulipttch to Till BII. NEW ORLEANS , April 27. A Wes son special says the total deaths to date In Beanregard and Wesson is 46. The Rod Cross society -Is doing good service , having received so far 94,000. Contributions are being received from ether points ia Mlaslaalsslppl and Louisiana. As showing the force of the storm , a eolld'lron screw of a cotton press , weighing 075 pounds , was carried by the cyclone 300 yards , and a plooo of scantling 3 by 4 Inches and 10 foot long ws driven through a red oak sapling. Much distress is reported in the country not yet reached by tbo relief committee. . Death ea the Rail ; # Bp cU ! Dl * toh to THI Bis. ' DETROIT , April 57. A.terriblo col lision oocancd this morning on. the Ohiotgo & Grand Trunk railroad near' Olivot station , between the regular passenger train moving west and a freight train following It. The air brakes attached to the passenger train did not work successfully , and the train waa stopped at the foot of a slight qrado and a signal sent back to the freight' train , which wasa heavy ono. For some reason it passed the ilgnal and rushed along into the rear of the passenger train , shivering into fragments two Pullman coaches. The conductor of the sleep ing car and two or three passengers were killed by the collision and ten or" a dozen poisons seriously injured. FUIXKR PARTICULARS. DETROIT , April 27. Further par ticulars from the acouu of dlaoater re port the air brakes on the paeaergor did not wor * properly. The train stopped at the foot of a slight grado. A signal waa aunt back to the heavy freight which waa following. For some reason the freight did not pay atten tion to the signal and thundered on into the rear of the ptreon- gor , shivering two Pullmans into fragments. Throe persons worn killed outright- Conductor H. J Wall , of Mnntroal ; 11. Froyer , of Eoglonocd ; N. J. John ; W. Big gins , traveling aprnt of the boot and shoe firm of H. P. Baldwin & Co. , Dotrr it. Ten moro are reported in jured , some , it is feared , fatally. The namn are rot yet ascertained. SCROFULA A remedy that can destroy the germs or scrofula , and when once settled has the pow er to root It out , must bo appreciated by these aflllctcd. The remarkable cures ol young children and the more wonderful cures ol those of middle ago and late In life , as Il lustrated by our printed testimonials , provo Iloon'a SAiisArAiiiLLA to l > o a rellable.rcm- cdy. containing remedial agents ? whlch/do positively euro scrofula and eradicate It from j it , N. n. , Jan. 21 , 1879. MESSRS. C. I. HOOD & Co. , Lowell , Mass. : Gentlemen For ten years previous to I ho early Part of 1877 I had been a constant suN ferer from scrofulous ulcers or sores , ulilcli had finally reduced mo to a helpless condi tion. as described In my letter to you In Sep tember of that year. The continued excel lent health which enables mo to keep Iiuuso for my uccd father and to enjoy life , keeps allvo my intense peisonal Intcicstm Hoou'a bAitSAi-AiiiLLA.aml 1 cannot refrain f lorn ex pressing my eratltudo for the permanent euro tins wonderful medicine effected In my case nearly two years auo. whllo living In Lowell , when all my physicians cavemu up as UclDK In an Incurable * condition. One ) thing before 1 closu , I have recommended your Barsaparllla to hundreds , and I think moro than u thousand cases , and my faith In Us Invincibility In curing scrofula has become - como absolute by the wonderful cures It baa effected aside from my own , I trust you will not bo slow In making the merits ol HOOD'H SAIIHAVARILLA known everywhere. for It Is a duty you owe to mankind. WlUt best wishes iremar HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA Is a skilfully-prepared compound , concen trated extract , l > u a process jxcullarly our OUTI , of iho-best remedies of the vegetable klugdomknowntomedlcal science as altera- Urea , blood-purifiers , diuretics , and tonlci. Sold by all druggists. Price ft , or six toe tt. 0.1. IIOOD * CO. , Lowell , ill * . .