Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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The Oldest Wholesale and
in Omaha. Visitors can here
find all novelties in SIL
Rich and Stylish Jewelry ,
the Latest , Most Artistic ,
and Choicest Selections in
all descriptions of FINE
WATCHES at as Low Pri
ces as is compatible with
honorable dealers. Call
and see our Elegant New
Store , Tower Building ,
corner llth and Farnham
General Agents for the
Finest and Best Pianos and
Organs manufactures.
Our prices are as Low as
any MeiternManufaoburer
and D ( alor ,
Pianos and O'qans sold
for cash or installment at
BoVtoin Pr.ces.
A SPLENDID t ck of
Steiaw .y , Chickarins : ,
Enabe , Vose & Son's Pi
anos , and otbt r makes.
Also Ciough & War' en
Sterling Imperial , Smith
American Orians , &c. Do
not fail to see us [ before
A Large Stock always on Hand.
The only Coal mined west of the Mississippi River that is equal
in quality to the ROCK SPRING COAL.
That will stock for a year without slacking or ahtinklog.
Pronounced by all the leading brick men la Western Iowa aa the very bent
ooal for burning brick ever used in the West.
Frederic. Monroe Co , Iowa.
On Long Time Small Payments
A. 1WSPE. JR. . 1519 Eolir ) < > . ttmalia.
No Floods in the Missouri. And Every one Buys oi
Tin Glassware , Carpets and Household Supplies ,
Have now been finished in our store , ma ! *
Ing it the largest and most complete
In the West. An additional story has beer
built and the five floors all connected
with two
One Exclusively for the use of Passengers. These immense ware
rooms three stores , are 66 leet wide are filled with the Grand
est display of all kinds of Household and Office Furniture eve
AH are invited to call , take the Elevator on the first floe
and go through the building and inspect the stock *
206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha
The Wonderful Things Acoom
plisliofl by the Electro
Photographs to bo Token by
Moans of Electric Wires
with the Camera
And th Snfcjoot Many Hundreds
tf Mile * Apart-
w Yoik Stir ,
"Slay I BOO the inventor of the
olootrotcoprl' ' The roportrr who
asked this cpcstlou stood ot the door
of a dingy , 111 ventilated workshop In
the fifth a lory of a building ocinpiod
exclusively by maehluea nnd model *
"Cortnluly , ttr ; look at him , " was
the reaponso to the reporlor'a ques
tion. "What la your pleasure ? "
"Well , I Am como to got aomopolntn
about your wonderful machine. I
should like to knoir how big U IB , how
looka aud what It is oxpeoted to no *
ooinpllsh , " aald the reporter , looking
about for a Beat.
"H'tnl" ejaculated the Inventor ;
"that's asking a great deal , and ccon-
olderably moro than it would bo poll *
t y for mo to toll. Too olootroncopo IB
not I\B big BB Juinby by aay meant.
As to how It looks , I oonld best an-
SWOT that by giving a detailed descrip
tion of my magnum opss. "
"So much the better , " aild the re
porter , whipping out his uoto book and
"Bui to do that1 continued the In
ventor , aoatlng himself upon the
bench nnd awlnplnghls legs pensively ,
"would bo to give some ouo else a
ohanca to steal my neorot , nnd thus
deprive mo of the fruits of my yearn
of labor. But noticing a moan of
disappointment from his companion ]
I have no objection to tolling yon
what I expect to accomplish. "
' The electroscope , " went .on the
father of that marvelous instrument ,
thoughtfully bending and twisting a
piece of slender copper wlro , "la nn
apparatus for tbo transmission of
light. You knew that when yon
came. Wo hope , " pursued the In
ventor , "to bo able to produce in Now
York Instantaneous photographs of
scones which are being enacted In
San Francisco , for instanoo That
may appear a little surprising , " aald
tha electrician.
"Just trlfla " observed the
a , re
"Yet it is far from impossible. Wo
set up our Instrument In San Fran
cisco and attach it ry ordinary tele
graph wires to a sensitive pinto hero.
The image ia transmitted over the line
to the plate , which ia dovolopad as in
common photography. As a result ,
we have a clear , beautiful picture. "
"That is all very fine , of course , "
said the reporter , picking up his book ;
"but of what practical good is ll ? "
"I will show you. Snppoao n Sun
day school ( superintendent in Omaha
robs the bank'of which ho is cashier
and decani pa. His pho cgraphs arc
Immediately oont to all the principal
cities of the Union by the electro
scope , and his chances of detection
greatly increased. In the same way
fac-almilea of documents may bo
transmitted. You will tea how valua
ble this will bo in cases of forgery. "
"Then the electroscope is to bo
naed chiefly in frustrating crime ? "
"If It would do no m re than that , its
claim to a high plaoo among useful
inventions would , I think , bo fully
established. But that is not all.
Whllo the electroscope comes into
vogue the Imaginations of the artists
n the illustrated papers will have a
much needed rest. Photographs of
is tan t scenes may ba 'wired * and on-
roved. "
"Bat won't that bo an expansive
recess ? "
"I dcn't know why it should bo os-
echlly so , and what if It is ? That
rill not deter newspapers from uslcg
t. Don't they spend money without
tint to got accurate nowet Why
hould they not be willing to pay well
or correct pictures ? With the eleo-
roecopo there would bo the same com
> otltlon between the papers for plo-
orlals as there now ia for written
U3WS. Then , in case of war , my In-
trnment would bo of great value to
he belligerents. The oflbers in the
rent could send pictures of the
nemy'a works by fijld telegraph to
he general in-chief in the rear. "
"How loop have you boon at work
at this thing ? '
"Many weary years , " replied the
nventor , with a sigh , "The Idea
antedated these of the phonograph
ind tolephono. The success of those
'nvontlona , particularly of the latter ,
tnoonragcd mo greatly. If a sound
conld bo transmitted over the olea-
trio wires , why not light ) Thus 1
reasoned , and I have toiled on , In the
tea of disappointment and the lough'
.or of the few to whom I have cun
ided my plans , until at last I havi
perfected tbe machine. "
"When do you Intend to put it intc
active operation ? "
"In the fall or summer. The dnl
season of the year is BO close at him
that I could do but little now. Whet
September or October comes , though
I shall organlzs a company aud thot
my triumph will come , Ho laugh
boat who laughs last. "
"You anticipate no trouble in per
snadlng capitalists to invest in yon
scheme ? "
"None at all , when they have seoi
the alcotroicope work. I have used 1
with entire success over abort dls
tauces , and am fully eatlsQod that 1
will do equally well at long onea. "
"Could yon make an olcctroscop
to transmit pictures from Eurcps ? '
"Possibly , although an exceeding !
powerful current would bo required
I'll tell you what I conld do. Yo
have read Verne's 'Twenty Thocsan
Leagues Under the Sea1"
The reporter nodded assent.
"I bullove I could reproduce , wit
a submarine electroscope , some of th
scenes which the Frenchman describe !
Export divers conld carry my Inver
tlon under the aea , and the myaterloc
body which covers three-fourths c
the earth's surface would bo forced t
give up Its secrets , or some of thoi
at any rate. Of course , the operate ]
conld only work In comparatively aha
low water , where the light would t
strong enough for those experiment
"Is it not a grand Ideal" exclaimed tb
inventor , leaping from the bench and
waving hhnot of wlro dramatically.
"Tho coral roof * , the hills nnd dales of
the land under the water ; the masses
of straugo , crawling things covering
the firm , white aud ; Ihe monsters of
the deep , looming out of obscurity to
view the Invaders of their domain ,
and occasionally the wrooh of a ship ,
with the skeletons on her deck , grin
ning k horrid welcome , u though
their dull sookota had eyes , to BOO the
beings of their own race among them.
Ah , the very thought repays all my
work and struggles. ' '
Ho bowed his head upon his breast
nd folded his arms. Appirontly he
had forgotten bii visitor. Now and
then his lips moved slightly. In that
attitude , with smiles and frowns chas
ing each other aoroia his face like sun
shine and shadow over the side of a
mountain , the reporter left him ,
Muloa In Ooal Minos.
8boiftndoihr * ) Letter.
In Wadosvlllo shaft there Is a mule
which for five or six yean never ap
preaches the foot of the shaft with a
oar without looking at the little hole
of light GOO foot above him. The
beast Is called "Pooping Tom. " No
matter how long ho remains standing
at the "foot , " ho will not take his eyes
off iho mouth of the shaft. Ho roaches
the "foot" as often as thirty times a
day , and yet hu uovor neglects to look
up , A year or two ago a mule broke
his traces In the Pottsvlllo shaft and
crowded himself into the oogo. When
found ho was looking up , as if expect
ing the cage to bo hoisted. When
driven out of the cage ho watched It
intently aa It ascended , John P
Nicholson , nn old aud well known
miner , who was at the foot of the
shaft , declares that after the cage had
gene up 400 or 600 feet the mule de
liberately plunged in the "snmph" and
drowned himself ,
Tha confinement of mnloa in coal
mines haa no evil effect on their con
stitutions. Tney are always well fed
and cared for , and the coal dust gives
their coats a gloss rarely seen on the
hair of mules living In the open air.
Whllo a mine is worked the mules
never oomo out. Some months ago
water in the lower workings of iho
largo colliery at St. Olalr caused a
suspension of the work , and all the
mules were brought up , Moro than a
dozen of the animals had boon in the
colliery eleven years. When turned
out to pasture near the village they
did not pay the slightest attention to
the scant herbage about them , but devoted -
voted their whole time to gazing at
the sky , the mountains and
the horizon. They were evidently
lost in open-eyed astonishment and
failed to realize where they woro.
They stood for hours In silent contem
plation of the scenery and appeared so
stupefied that not ono of the lot
offered to make war on hla matoo. The
strangeness of the scene had driven
all the cotnbatlvenoss out of them for
a time. Oa the first day they did not
oven umkc a circuit of then ton aero
finld they wcro in , and the food
offered to them was refused. That
night , however , they devoured the
food , and at daylight again huddled
and remained so until nightfall. Their
astonishment did not wear off until a
week had gone by , nnd hundreds of
people vlaltod the plaoo to see them
Just as they were beginning to in
dulge in kicking matches they were
lowered into the colliery again and ro
uewed work Ii the dark.
The Boston ideal Opera Company
Stirred by the Dismissal of
Mies Beebe ,
Chicago Spccul.
The Boston Ideal Opera company
ban been stirred to its very center by a
scandal. Miss Mary Beobo and 0. D.
Wheeler are the parties. It appears
that during the second season MLso
Beebo married R G Haskoll of But
ton. The marriage was not a happy
ono , aud after a while the lady left
her husband , complaining of his ill-
treatment of her Miss Beobo , nt the
beginning of the present season. ,
joined the company at Now Haven.
She says she was qulto ill , and had to
leave the company at times. The
story goes that she mot 0 D. Wheeler ,
the business manager of the company ,
and was with him a great deal of the
time. Tnls , nf course , led to talk ,
and in Now York a low days ago
Miss Beobe was dismissed. A
week or two after ward Mr , Wheeler
was discharged in Boston , and the
advance agent , Mr. Foster , put in hla
place. One side alleges th&t Mil a
Beebe and Mr. Wheeler wore too inti
mate with one another , while Miss
Beobo states that Mr. Ftator uied
every endeavor to got her in the com
pany , but when ho found ho conldnot
call upon her in her room , as he f x-
pooled to do , ho turned ngalnnt hor.
This Foster denies. Mr. Hatkell has
had a detective In hU wife's track ,
and It is not nn'ikoly ' that a divorce
will bo the result. The whole matter ,
on judged from the stories told by
both alder , looks very much h' < a
jealous quarrel in the company. Mm
Geraldlne Ullmar ar.d Mits M. ry
Beobo are qualified to sing the e&me
parts. Both have friends In the com
pany ; both are interesting and pretty ,
nnd each was jealous of the other. II
the divorce suit oomes to trial it it
quite probable that the Ideals will
wltnotB an upheaval that will ahak (
( oithollo Boston to Its very center ant
place the elegant Ohnrch Oholr arllsti
on a level with the regular professlona
A youngster who lives up In Shasta ,
Jumped onto a car to go faatah ;
IIo fell from the tialn ,
And got such a sprain ,
St. Jacobs Oil could only mastah.
If wo were to engage In a war th
Washington Post says that wo waul
have to send to England for big guc
for our navy , Wo conld not mak
them at homo ,
'Our child had fits. The docto
said death was certain. Samarila
Nervine cured hor. " Henry Kno (
Verlllo , Tenn At drnggleta.
Mr. Tom Oohtltroo Is Buspootod c
being the Texas meteor which th
New York Sun discovered. ButToi
would never demolish a whole vlllag
rs except in a story ,
> e A friend to the rich and poor , .
i , medicine that strengthens and heal
101 is Brown's Iron Bit n
St. Julioii and Suite Oall on Maud
S , at Oliostor Park ,
The Royal Train 1 hat Brought
the Flyers Across the
Clnclnutl Commtrclkl-Oiiotte , April 25.
Yesterday morning the train which
brought St. Jullon , the great king of
the oold blooda from his California
homo , ariivod at Ohoator park , where
Maud 8 , the queen of the tatf , was
already atablod. In Attendance upon
the mighty son of Volunteer worn it
tulto worthy of being la his train ,
There was J. A. Goldsmith's grey en
tire horse Romeo , of the ttraluof that
getter of trotters , A. W. Rlchwood ,
and who has justified hij race by a
record of 2:1M : Eatlro , also , is
Goldsmith's Dictator , as bUok as
his Illustrious alru , and who
haa como as victor to the
wlro In 2:2ij. : ! With the party
also la lilokok'i famous chest
nut gelding Overman , by Elmo , with
n record of 2:20 : , while Eva , with 2:23 : $
to her credit , and the bright little
mare Ruby , are the ladles of the reti
nae. Four "youngsters" those for
midable California youngsters , who
are always givlnfi the surprises of the
season complete the costly string ;
two of them two yean of age , and two
throe years old , and all with futures
before them.
The visitors wore tali on out of their
padded and comfortable apartments
and atablod at once. To those few
alert horsemen who were expecting
the arrival a glimpse of the flyers was
denied , for the reason that Ohoitor
Park was chilly all the afternoon nnd
and the removal of blankets was for
bidden the ilx grooms who ac
companied Mr. lilckok and Mr.
Goldsmith on any pretext whatever.
Cillers were , however , favored with
the pedigrees , and with the Informa
tion that all the horses were In good
mottle , the King never In any finer
condition In all his life. The "Qaoon
of the Turf , " Maud 8 , also kept
within her elegant now quarters dur
ing the 'afternoon , and nursed her
wraps. She was surrounded by a
train not less In distinction than than
which her royal vi'itor brought with
him from the Golden Ooaat. "Little
Brown Jug , " thn greatest pacer the
world over saw , and "Von Aruim , "
the famous son of Sentinel , and the
prlda of the trotting stnb'.os of Com
modore Kitten , the millionaire lum
berman of the northwest , assisted her
majesty to receive.
The visiting horses will soon make
their first public appearance , and
meanwhile they will remain for near
ly a month at the Chester stables ,
while their owners and controllers re
main the guests of Mr. Bilr , the dis
coverer , trainer and driver of Maud
8 , and his partner , Mr. Phipps. It
la hardly necessary to nay that this is
an extraordinary assembly of celebrat
ed horses , and Is rendered doubly im
portant by the opportunity of seeing
together Maud S , whose record of
2:10 : | has uovor boon equaled by trotter
tor or pacer , and St. Jullon , whose
record of 2:11 : } and splendid qualities
for trotting In company creates hopes
in some of his friends that If ho over
does meet the queen at the starter's
stand ho'll oomo there again before
This is not the occasion to discuss
the chances of a match being made
between the king and queen , and It ii
Impossible just yet to gt an utter
ance from anyone Interested that Is
anything like ofihlal ; bat It would
seem that this mooting upon common
training ground will tend to promote
the possibilities. If the race between
the two over does como cff it will bo
10 trotting event of the century. As
o Ihn chances , no more need now bo
ild than that Mr. Balr firmly believes
lat Vunderbllt's mare has never ye
lown her best , and that ho has 1m-
Holt rol Inn otf- upon her "company *
nannors , and there Is a favorite boliol
n this section that she will show her
manoat least in front of the king on
ny "goodaay and track" whore the ]
tart in equal condition ,
Chester pr.ak la being put In gooc
ondltlon for the Cincinnati mooting
f the Ohio and Kentucky trotting
Ircult , which la to bo held there Maj
2 , and the interest in the track wlli
ndonbtodly be increased by the pres
nco of the celebrities , who will mean
hllo train upon it. It Is safe to say
i t half a million dollars In horeo
roperty is now upon the track ,
epflnnlntj with Maud S. , for whom
100,000 has been refused , and 8t ,
ulian , who is valued at folly thai
A GOOD iNVKbTMENT. - Ono of our
romlnont business men said to ua the
therday : "In the spring my wife
jt all run down and could not oat
nythlng ; pasting your sturo I saw a
llo ( f Hood's Sariaparllla In the wln-
ow and I got a bottle. Aftershohad
akon it a weak she had a rousing ap
atite , and did her everything. She
ook three bottles , and it was the best
hreo dollars I ever Invested , " 0 1.
lood & Co , Lnwdl , Mass
Who want , glossy , luxuriant
and wavy tresses of abundant ,
beautiful Hair must use
decant , cheap article always
iiiaucs thi ) Hair KVOVT freely
and fast , keeps it from falling
out , arrests and cures grayness -
ness , removes daudrufl * and
itching , mak OH the Hair
strong , giving it a curling
tendency and keeping it in
any desired position. Ilcau-
tlful. healthy Hair is the sure
result of using JKatlmiron.
Scrouflmi'.llnhtrltoi mJ Hnmrn
xlii u dl ( MO | [ f run In the blood , perspiration
mlcth rflaUi. ThusUeklilncliver , stomach
nd lungkr taturate < l with Impurlllra and blood
aliens , COMO to potljrm their full lunctlonn , anil
ho patient elowly decline ! .
8e > cm'.mtll on 1'oros eject the polion-Udoi per-
plratlon up in the surla'o o ( ( lit ikln anil sclp ,
caudliK Itching , Scnly > ml I'lnifly Humor * ,
vhlch toituno , oliflguro an 1 emlliter lite.
Cutlcurn Itosohcnt , the now blood purlfler
iloitrojs tht dliciuo germs , which ( lout In the
ilocil , urlno and pertplratlon , and expels them
rom therjttom , The vital orRtni are again
nomlihcil with pure lilooil. Iho cams Ii tone -
notil ,
ThoPatsp'rntorr Kuld , robtieilct Its po'ion ,
ce scs to Itrllalo ami InlUmo the skin In ( tiM
sago throuih the I'ouu. MunnwhllothaCulUura
and Cutlcvir * Soup , the great Skin Curoi , cUaixo
ho Skin , rlf r the CompUxlon , atd ro lore the
ikln uid Scalp to perfect hen'th and purl'y.
Thousand * of letters In our poixosilon repeat
hlsstcry : Ihi\\o been a terrible nnHaror for
lOinwIth Ulood and Bkln Huiuon ; ha\ohien
oblUolto shun public ilicffl by reason of m )
disfiguring humors : hi\\o hail the bosl phytlclacs
bavo spent bundrwls otdollin and not no reil
relief until I uied the CUTUURA HKVRDIFH , wli c
iaio cured mo and left my skin md blood an pura
as a chlUl's
Ch&s. Houghton , Kq , law } or , 18 Stftto st. ,
toston , roporUao'fo of Ba't Kheum umlir hli
olncrvatlon for Ion years , which covcnd tin
patl nt's body and limbs , and to which a I known
no'hodscf ' troitmont had been apolleil without
xncflt , which w > s completely cured solily by the
CUTICURA KiuiDiiut , len > lig a clean and healthy
Mr , and Mrs. Kvcrltt S'obblns ' , Itolchortown ,
iln-o.wrltr : Our llttlo lioyuai torilblyallll-
ted with Scrofula , Halt Kheum art ! H y.lpjlai
o\crslnco he uas born , and tolbnuwo could
[ he him helped him until wo tiled Cirncuiu
UMRDIIW , which gradually cured nlri , until ho
snow ail Ir ai an ) * child. Thrte and ono.lult
years at datoofcuro , prov ng thit ihcaa lot-
eiilfs are aJnptul to the joungest child.
II , K. Carpenter , HcniUrson , N. V. , curnl of
i's > ilailier Lcnroiy , of twenty yotrs standing.
iy CVTIOURA UBXKDIM. The most wondoriil
euro en roconl. A ihnt-imu full of scales fell
rom him dally. I'lunlclatu and his friend
houfth ho must dlo. Cur * sworn to bo ore n
us'lco ' ot the pcaio and Henderson's most prom-
nent rltlianii.
t-a.Thoio ln-tlmonl > ls are national bccauiotho
CuiiecRA HxMitmiia are national and told e\ory-
hero Ui the Un ted Blatoi and Canada Price ;
CUTICURA , ( o cti. per box ; largo boxes f lCimcu- ;
RA SOAP , iOctSjCUTIOIR * HllAVIM ) BOAI1 , 10 ctsj
CUTICURA RIHOLV KIT , It pir luttlo.
Fetter Drug and Cliomlcal Oo , ,
Boston ,
Dlsflgurlng Humors , Humiliating Kruptloni
Ilthlnj Tortures , SetotuU , Salt UDeum , Krjslp-
elis , Infantile and Dlrth Humor * , and all Blood ,
Skin and Snip ATitlcni ( InMllbljr cured by tht
CUTICURA HIUOIA'BNT , the now putlfler , clean-
Its Iho blood and perspiration of polsonsuieU-
iticnls and Impurltloi , and tbui rerac > ei the
CUTICI RA , ths eroit Skin Cure.lntUn'l ' ) &ll yi
Itchl g and Ullimttlon , , 'lfars th < Skin and
.Sculp , nwili Ulcois and Sjrts , puilflcs tnd beau-
tlflos tin Ooiiplox on.
CuucuRASoAr at oxruttllo Ski ) Dean Ifler ,
ptcpiroa from CcrtcuRt , In Indlipcniablo In
trcnilngBkln dliouea , and for rough , chapped or
grotiiy kln , black heidi , blotchoa and btby hu
CVrict'iu HvvrpiM are absolutely pure , and
the only lufilllbla blood purlflcn and ikln neau-
I challenge n jy phystclin ( f anr mttllcal school
toporform wltn nv or all the rcinollei of ths
pharmncop ol the cur si f blottl nnd k ti hii-
irort tint 1 w 11 niiko sjlcly with thn Uitlcura
Homedlis. CIIA8 MAIN. M 1) ,
4 ; Union I'll , Boston.
Will McDonM.l , 2512 Dearborn 8t , Chicago ,
gratofuliy > cknol dgoi a airj of 81 1 UVoura one
h d , urck , face , anni aud legs for 17 yetri ; not
ab o to mo\o except on hand am1 kno.s for oao
hotr : not able to help hlns'll for 8 yoiri ; tried
h ujilredsof rimedlcs ; doctors prjuounced hit
laie hwlen | ; rermanebtly cured by CUTICORA
CIns. Btyra Hlnkle , Jersey 0 ty Heights , N.
J , al.d 12 years , wlli , for eight ) ou < , wai ono
mtisof ib and hunmri. and ujxin whom all
known remcd'oi ' and curoi were trl-d In vain ,
wan completely curoJ by CuTicum HKMKUIFS
F , II. Utako , r. i , Uotroll , Mich , "nrtercd tin-
lold tirturosfromn sKlu dlseate , wulch appetr-
cil on his liandi , h ad and face , inJ near y de
stroyed hit eyes. After ilo most careful doc
toring and a omuliatlon of phvslclaii la'ted to
rellt > ohlm , he used the CuriiURA URMKDIES and
wai cured , ami hai rmalnod o to date.
J. W. A ilun i , Kewark , O , iijs : CvricoRA
llKkiKDiM MU thogreitoit ender on earth ; had
the wont cast of Salt Uleum In the county.
My motho > had It 2J yein , ar.d died from It. I
t > tlle\e Ci''iu would lu\a ctncl her. My
arms , breait and h ai were co\ered f'r three
jonri , whlclinolhlngrolloedti till usodtlioea
n medics , which completely cured mo.
Ch > > AWIIIUmi , I'ovidenco. U. I , write * :
Tno h&lf hain < t bo ntoU aito Iho great cura-
tUopiwcrs of Iho CUTICURA Unvinm , I hava
siio it liumlKilsof dollars for meillcln 11 to cura
due sal ot the blxid and skin and luveryet
fjunil mj thing to equal them.
Xdr"Ii AH > H or Tim SKII A\n DLOOD AVDltow
TO CURN Mitii , " a Ct-pagi work , I luntrated with
plates ilraxvi and colored trim actual cased
f Kkln , Scjlp ant Ulood D semes , cared , and
cent lnliR i hiindrel teitlmoalali , mailed for 8
c nts In i tamp i.
Potter Drag and Chemical OeM
Shingles , Lath , &c.
Oall and Dot My PrioosBoforj Buying Elsewhere ,
ingle Broocli Loading Shot Btms , from 85 to 318-
oublo Brooch Loading Shot Guns , from $18 to $75 ,
Muzzle Loading Shot Guns , From 80 to $25 , "
Fishing Tackol , Base Balls and all kinds of Fanoy Goods , i
Full Stock of Show Oases Always on hand ,
Imported and Key West Cigars a large line of
Meerschaum and Wood Pipes and everything re
quired in a first class Cigar , Tobacco and./ / Notion
Store , Cigars from $15 per 1,003 upwards Send ,
or Piice List and Samples
Have the Best Stock in Nebraska.
1416 Douglas Street.
Kalsomining , Glazing ,
E. Cor. IGtb and Douglas Street . OMAHA ,
Particular attention given to Repairing , Satisfaction Guaranteed.