f THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA MONDAV Al tllL 29 BROWN'S r IRON BITTERS vrillcure dyspcpsla.heartbum , mala ria , kidney disease , liver complaint , and other waiting diseases , { BROWN'S ' IRON BITTERS enriches the blood and purifies the system ; cures weakness , lack of energy , etc. TO * a bottle. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS ' is the only Iron preparation that - 'does not color the teeth , and will not cause headache or constipation , as other Iron preparations will. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Ladies and all sufferers from neu- ralcia , hysteria , and kindred com plaints , will find it without an cquaL Viw'l W , H. EiliaKDv , . ' . : . m'J TIOM.Viw'l MASUAOTUKjmn OF 'Corn Pie uVora Harro\vu.i''nrin ' Halty liny Uatteij , Buaaet Ml WtnatnlUe , tia Wo &re yrcf nr i to dn JOB wcit na ni n' ' Itulig for itbee ( itrtlt . Addriftfc * 1 J/Jiro t5 thr HkHRtKKJt MAMJFACTUSIIO COI -coin Neb BALL'S ' CORSETS Every Corset la warranted aatls feotoiy tolls wearer in every way , or tbo money will bo refunded by tbeperconfromwbomltwaabought. .k only Oorwt unced by our Ifadlnf ui < trader db portce * Ottloc Com ! m * PRICES , * T wtlk PmcrrlBK tl.BO. aal ( extra IIMTJ ) ft.OO. Nnnla * , Sl.Bf .00. 9ft M ! by iMtdU * UntoU OraUn r rj CHICAGO COttflBT CO. , Chicago , Ilk Send 81 , , 93 , or 5 for n imple re- tall box U * ' Kxpreaa i mm of the belt candies In America put up In elecnnf boxes , rtnd HtrfctTy pure , Sultn- ble for prcucntB. Kx. pros * olinrir.es llttlit. Uejers to nil Chica- g Try It onco. DANDT Ail dre MM , J. P. OUNTHEB , Confectioner , Clilcaxo. S 't APUrittY VESETADIE REMEDY POKCRODT. PKICKLV STIMULANT ITIHXICHdTHIIlCDI SYSUH RtKOYATOR ITAIOIBICIITICNJTIM DKtITIVI fOOCU nrt * ND . ntlEST KKOWM lM [ THI K i KIDNCYS.CPtNf CVWA ftBK'ftfl ' ? LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. What Chicago Building Societies Have Acoomplisheflt Ov r Five Millions Invested in Ooe.Oity. How Tlity ATO Operated. Chicago Tribune. , Daring the last nine years more han a score of building societies have wen organized in Chicago. Financial llsaster has not overtaken ono of hoinand , to marked hai been thesuo- ess of each corporation that now oclotlos are constantly being formed. Johcmlan residents were the first to lemonstrate in Chicago * he practical utility of thiafbrm ] of prjvldont bo- > porallon. From William Kaspar , an ntolllgont and wealthy Bohemian who has lived in Chicago for twenty years , a Tribune reporter yesterday obtained ome statistics concerning the fifteen iiohomlan building societies in Chicago cage The first was organized nine ears ngo , and Is still in existence. Its n mu is "Tho Chicago Bohe mian Building and Loan As- lociation , No , 1. " Its capital itnck was 8250,000 , but only about 1160,000 worth cf shares was taken. TntBo were all paid up and the first series was dissolved some four years ago. The teoond scries Is now run- ring , and U represents $250,000 Tnls will be paid up In abont eighteen months. The next society of this character was also organized by Bo hemians , and Is known us No. 2. Its thares nro limited to $250,000 , and of this aura $230,000 hns boon paid In. Following came No. 3 , and then No , 4. The latter Is probably the wealthi est of all the Bohemian societies , The societies subsequently organized dropped - pod figcTM as distinguishing their identity , and adopted familiar Bohe mian namfB The society list organ ized Is called "Tabor , " which Is u name familiar to all Bohemians. It is four months old. Its limit Is 8500,000 , nnd of thii amount $200,000 Is already pledged. "Wbutnavo the Bohemians done with thii r toneys raised in these uncle ties'ask ? d the reporter of Mr. Kaa- par. par."Bnllt homselvos dwelling-bongos. " "H ow lany homes have they erect In "Not 1ms than COO.'i "How Quch money has been In- vested'In ; hcuo i" ' "Not 1 sa than $2,700,000 " " "Arid i as thin gruat fnnd boon hon- estly : "lam ; ) ud and prnnd to say that it is , " re _ llod Mr. Kaapar. "There are at lea t 35,000 Bohemians ( n Ohl- sago , svno all seem to bo anxious to ) oy R lit lo land and build a llttlo louie wh ch they can call homo. In those oocetleo wo aim to help oaoh ithcr ; In not , we loan money only to mumbera "How io yon aooonnt for the sue- ccsn of tl so aociotioe1 and honest manage ment n high salaries , every man a vlgllancooommltteo to sco that no dollar is wasted , nnd thnt ample so- entity iaglvou for nil moneys loaned. Thceo BO.iotloo ara multiplying rapidly thronghut the city. The Gorinnua and Itls are organizing : there are two Poll h doclotlos , and there la at lonst oni English society , called the Harden Olty Equltablo Loau nnd Building ( ttoociutlon. I hope they will bucc od , but they mast bo careful. They rat it watch the Itotua of ex pense ; tloro.ruuot bo no fancy printIng - Ing , no thowy offices , no high sal aries , anl above all the loans moot bu made ouV to men who glvo nn- doubted tconrliy. Bohomtana are economic. ) , and thnso eooletlos hnvo worked mod for their mcmbera became - came of Iho economy praotlood in their management. " p nusn SOCIETY. Erory Monday night , at lower Tor- nor hall , o west Twelfth street , the Gfcloago Bidding , Loan and Homo- k ad Maocjailon meeti. It baa a re markable looord. Incorporated in January last , the association held lit first buslntss meeting February 5. The wholo\ \ number of shares 5.u placed at O.QfK ) , and the subscriptions have been so unmerous that only abont 1,200 nares now remain un sold. By MiV 1st not a share will been on the market Yesterday an officer of the association which moots at Turner Hall , ( explained to a Tribune , reporter the financial workings of the new society. Ho said : "Wo claim it'Is ' safer and'moro pro fitable than a savings bank , Wo have no high salarles\to pay , no steep rents , and there la no risk of dishonest offi cials. " "But yon must pay some salaries. " "Well , we pay our secretary $2 a meeting , and the treasurer receives a nominal foe. The attorney employed Is paid reasonably well , and that la all the expense , save such as Is Incurred for printing , stationery , and the fuel ! and lights required when we meet. The expense divided among the stock : holders is only a trifle. " "What is the value of a share ? " "Tho first payment on a share ( a 25 cents , but a share is not paid up until the aggregate of payments amounts to $100 , By our rules of association wo cannot dissolve nntll oaoh holder of shares receives $100 tor each share. " "Do you lend money to each thor ? " "Yes , and each borrower pays inter est in monthly installments. Every borrower gives as security a mortgage of trust deed on real estate situated In Cook county , which must bo clear of incnmbranco , Erory borrower must have his abstract of title and other necessary papers prepared on the evening when the money is ready for the loan. " "Oan a person secure a loan npon the stocks he owns ? " "Yes bnt not to exceed , two-thirds the amount actually .paid into the assoilatlon npon eald stock. Such a loan may bo repaid at any time with interest and costs of aame. " . "Suppose a stockholder falls to pay duos , fines , or interest ? " "In that c fie when the amonnt of arrears equals the amount of pay ments ho or she forfeits his or her shares and ceases to be a member of the association. In case of the sickness ness of a member wo glvo a reason able extension of time , Members may withdraw upon giving thirty days' notice. Upon the death of bombers the full amonnt they have paid In Is allowed their legal heirs. We do everything rjoselble to throw ja proper , safeguard around our funds , and to protect the interests' of every man , tfomarJj'br child who intrusts us with money. The president , secretary and treasurer give bonds , and wo take no risks , We loan moneys among our selves at R fair rate of interest and eicape usnrera note shavers. " "How much money have yon on hand at preionti" ' "Wo have ' $4,474 , and to-night that mount will'be considerably increased We have alto made lotao loans. Ai a recent meeting wo took In $041 , Wo are proud of our success. " AMONG THE POLES. Pctor Klolbassa , who holds a ro- sponslblo'posltion ' in the custom house , told the reporter of the success of the two Polish' building societies which have boon , formed hero. The older is called the.8obleskl Society. It has a Urge and growing membership , and has loariod soroo $20,000. Three months ago resident Poles organized the Ban Joseph Building and Loan Aisoolfttlon. It has the authority of the Secretary of Stntn to Issue shares to t'ho amonnt of $1.000,000. Mr. Klolbaasa says that 4,000 shares have already breu taken. Members pay 25 cents a week on each share they inb- scribe for. A member who wisnes to borrow $2.000 must bo able to glvo $3,000 of approved [ security. Mem bers can always borrow smaller sums by paying 7 per cent interest and a small premium , and furnishing securi ty. All members who have borrowed money In the Polish societies up to the present time have applied tbo fnnds to the erection of dwellings. Both the Polish societies are prosper ing. THE ( UKDEN C1TT SOCIETY. E. G. Palling , secretary of the Gar den Olty Equitable Loan and Building Association , was fonnd at No. 131 La Salle street. This society , organized In October last , has made some long strides In the direction of assured financial prosperity. Under Its char ter In can raise $1,000,000. The shares are 12J cents each , payable weekly. Tney are Issued in series , oaoh series covering throe months. Up to the present time 4,800 , shares have been taken , and a now series , will be started April 2. The admirable man agement of this association Is evinced by the fact hat all the money thus far paid in some $16,000 haa been loaned on ample security at an inter est of 25 per cent. The reporter asked Secretary Paul ing to point out the advantage of t loan to the borrower , where said borrower pays 25 per cent. Interest , Ho replied : "Tho borrower's advantage Is inbe- lng"pormitfe"d" * fo"pay' 'Iho sum 'in small.veekly installments , lie don' : tool thb burden near as much in tha way , " "What tlmo do yon glvo a borrow er ? " "Eight years. " "Suppose I am a member of this as sociailon and want to borrow $ l,00 ( how shall I proceed ? " "In the first place yon would b required to own ten shares. Or thosa ten shares yonr weekly paymon would bo $1 25. If yon wished $1,000 yon must glvo real estate security fo 81.500. " What about the interest ? " "You would bo expected to pay per cent. Inter/out , which would b ยง 134 a week. Now wo como to th prtmlnm. Suppose the society ha $1,000 to IOMI. Wo announce th fact , and thoao who wish to borro' bid wh&Uvcr premium they thlnl they can afford to pay for th accommodation. Wo will snppos yon bid 25 per cent , premium , or $25 for the nso of the $1,000 for ol h years. " "Supptso I join the association take ten shares , and for four years pa weekly $1.25 , or $2.60 in the aggregate gate , how much can I borrow on m psid-up Interest ? " "Exactly $260 , Bnt of course yo will be expected to pay interest an premium. " "How many salaried officers hav you ? " "Ono , the secretary ; ho receive 1500 a year. Aside from this outlay wo have whittled the expense acoonn down to the little end of . nothing < The system U meeting with favor ' ! and new members are coming in dallj V- Our new series , beginning April ! V2 , promises to be the largest , for 5X X ) shares have already been taken. " The plan tpvernlng loans outline 3d by Mr. Panlug obtains in nearly a til of the building' associations. In on of the Germai societies on the Nort th side the North Chicago Building id Loan association the whole amoun of the promUm Is deducted when tie loan Is made : , This rule is also enforced - forced in seyaral other associations. The German ! have already ti lated many tiousands in their socie le ties and hav ) made some satisfactory Investments ; Their management ap pears to bo vise and economical. It Is stated tbit other societies of a simi lar character are shortly to bo formed hero. According to a calculation made by th ) veteran Bohemian , Wm. Kupar , cjtleens of Chicago have nearly $5(00,000 invest * * in building - ing assoclitlons. This money , hoer thinks , is all put either intq houses or building ids. Ween habjfau pains at dead of nUht , Uotber la [ fright , father In a plight ) When worm do blt , baby must cry , If ferer s * In , baby must die. If croopypalns kill Leonora , In that hnue there's no OASTORIA ) For motors leain without delay , CASTOUA cures by night and day. Hla Wife Sblocl. Ark niaaTrellc . "I hta do wust lack ob any man I 'or"I ared , " said old Isom. "What's the mjttor now ! " aakod the governor. "Why , eah , my wlfo run away an' ipralrud my shoulder.1 "I don't un derstand how your wlfo'a running away oould sprain yonr ahonldor. ' ' 2 waa < fis way. Some tlmo ago my hoaa dlod. and slnco den I haa been workln' my fife tor dowagon , She's a power- fnl itont 'oman , and could pnll tieo as much as the po * ole hoaa. Wall , do udder day , whllo I waa drivln1 along , wo mot a preacher In do road ; my WHO. shied , turned do wagon over , an * sprained my shoulder , To worry about any Liver , Kidney or Urinary TtonbleeipettallyBright'a Disease or Dlabetea , as Hop Bitten never falls to cure where a cure la pos sible. We know this. LAHDROCK'S LUCK. The Expression of Good Will From His Men. Pleasant Presentation and Birthday Anniversary * Mr. Ohai. Landrock , the well known and popular foreman for 0. H. & J , 8. Collins , celebrated his birthday Friday at his residence on 8t. Mary's avenue , being joined in the evening by the employes of the firm , including : Jacob Schamoll , Jacob Jaoobson , Wm. flaokrell , John Bickel , H. J. Avery , Joseph Lohlino , Harrold Thompson , W. 0. McAllister , A. V. RfcPherson , Will Wilding , W. J. Andrews - rews , A. Kellnar , J. W. Arnold and W , F. McKinley. The gentleman who work with Mr. Landrock testified their appreciation of bin good characteristics by present ing him with a beautiful and costly eaey chair. The presentation soeeoh wan made by Mr. J. W , Arnold , t he head book-keeper , who Bald : BROTHER LANDEOOK : On this forty-third anniversary of the auspi cious morning when you first gszod on the glorious sunrise , a loving motber'o countenance and cheered thy father's heart ; and , to sketch it a little , commenced to patter on tbia world full of cares , teara and trouble it is meet for na , your friends and co-workers , to pay our warmest respects to yon and show our appreciation , in a alight way , of the esteem In which wo hold you and yon so richly merit at our hands. We cannot allow yonr forty-third birth day to paea without reminding yon that , like the rest of us , yon are grow ing old. Recognizing the fact that comlnc [ < old age brings snowy locks , wrinkles , stiffness of joints and a love of ease and more appliances for com fort , we consider this easy chair fur nished by your friends , admirers and co-workers a most appropriate tribute to your worth and genius. Yonr ex cellent wife , solicitous for yonr care and comfort , is too good of heart , we know , to feel jealous of our solicitude for yonr declining years , and the peaceful rest you should en joy , surrounded by the friendly arms of this throne of domestic happiness In yonr moments of leisure. Fifty years hence , when you and the dear partner of yonr joya and sorrows for the past thirteen years , are calmly sit ting at the foot of a life welt spent , surrounded by the Inxnries that good old ago desires and deserves , we hope yon will look upon that old arm chair It will bo an old arm chair then and that you will rest yonr aged limbs upon its cushioned seat , and let yonr | , memory wander back over the Intervening half century to this yonr forty-third birthday , and the friends who now surround yon , to wish you and yonr admirable wife long life , happiness , prosperity and a bountiful share of the choicest blessings Heaven sheds on the good and merltcrions. Accept this chair , then , In * ho spirit in which it is given , and let us hope that should a cloud of care cross your life's path , that by occupying this chair , yon will become oblivions to trouble , and have a reali zation of the joy , love , friendship and happiness we wish you forever. After the presentation , a fine lunch was served by the kind hostess , in which homo-mado grape wlno and other drinkables wore not forgotten. It ; was a very pleasant affair all around. BRIOHT'S DISEASE of the Kidneys , Diabetes and other Diseases of the Kidneys and Liver , which yon are be ing so frightened abont , Hop Bitters is the only thing that will surely and permanently ptovont and cure. All other pretended cures only relieve for a time and then make yon many Umee worse. Betting Hens. Detroit Pro * Prtw. This U the season when hens run mad and will not be comforted unless they can hide away somewhere and It day and night on a wooden nest egg or an old door knob. Several men were discussing this question in a grocery store one evening recently. A man who owns a large flock of Dorkings remarked , "Not even an act of congress can break up a settln * hen. " "Ever tried jammln' 'em nnder a barrel , and pourin' water on "em ? " demanded the man on the snear barrel. "Yes , " said the Dorking man. "I've poured water on 'em 'till they grew webfooted , like a blamed dnok , and aftowards fonnd 'em In an old coal hod sottin * away on lumps o1 coal. " "TIo a red rag around ono wing , " said a man who was eating cheese and crackers. "That'll fix 'em. " "Might's well offer 'em a ohromo , " said the Dorking man. . "I tied a whole red woolen shirt on ono last spring , and dog my cats If she didn't make a nest of It and set three weeks on the buttons. " Then the grocer said it was tlmo to close up , and each man girded up his loins and slowly filed out Horsford'a Aold PhoipHftte is an appetizer ; it stimulates the stomach ach to renewed activity ; and In many ways tones up and invigorates the whole system. CORNICE WORKS ! Iron and Slate Hoofing , 0. SPEOHT , Proprietor. 1111 Douglas St. - Omaha , Neb MANUFACTURER OF GALVANIZED Iron Cornices I DORMER WINDOWS , FINIALS , Tin , Iron and Slate Roofing , , Bpecht's Pitent MetoUIclSkyllght Patent , Adjusted llatchet Bar and Bracket Bnelvln ? . I am the perteral URont for the above line of goods. IRON FENCING , Crtstlngfl. Balustrades , Verandas , Iron Bank Hailing. Window Blinds , Cel lar Guards ; also GENERAL AGENT FOR PEERSON & KILL PATENT IN SIDE BLIND. Railway Time Table. U. P. n. B. MAIN LINE. ARRTO. allyExpres .1:15 : p m I DallyEitre(3.3:25 : p m ) eovar Exp. . . 7MO p m Denver Kip..7:35 : a m Emigrant , , . . C:00 : p m | Emigrant..5:20 : a m MAHA AND LINCOLN LINE-U- . DEPOT. LEAVE. ARRIVE. ncoln Kx..ll:45am : I Lincoln Ex.l:08T : > m Ixed 8:15 : m | Mired 4:45 : pm DUMMY TRAINS DIUDOE DIVISION. Dummy Jralni leave Omaha at lolltns 8.00 ; P:00 : a ru ; 10co : a m ; 11.00am , l:00pm200 : ; m ; 3.00 p in : 4:00 : p m ; 5 00 p m : 6.00 p m Dummy trains leave Council Blufli H follows ! 25am ; 9:25 : ra ; 10:25 am ; 11:23 am ; 1:25p : : 2:25 : p m ; 3 55 p ra 4:25 : p m ; 0:25 : p m ; 6 : i8 p Sondayr ThsDunrmy trains leave Omaha it 00,11:00 : m ; 2.00,4 00. 5:00 : and 6:00 : p m. L aes Council Bluffs at 025 nd 11:25 : a re , M , 4:25 : , 6:25 : and 6:25 : p m. 11ROUOH AND LOOALPASiiENaER TRAISB imiDGE DITISIOW. LRAVB OMilU. tKm COUTCIL BLCPTS. 'IBS ' No 2. . .1-7:45 : am Po s.No 6. . . 7,25am Nolo Ci5pm : 11 " " 'olS 11:20 : am No 4 3:40pm : 1 No 3. . . 11:30am : Imlertnt No 6.6:15 : a m ' No 18 7-2'kpm ' " No 7.8-00 pm " No 1. . . . 7.00pm IOUX CITY & PACIFIC-DEPOT N , 13th St ova Omaha ( or O'Neill via St Pan ! Lloefor Blair 8SOam : rrlve from Nsllgn 5:50 : p in C. , M. & ST. P. R. K. U. P. DEPOT. LEAVE. ARRIVE. [ all& Ex 7:45am : * JUII& Ex..7:2 : | p m t'antlc > x..3)0p ; iif Pee Bo Ex..9.15 a ji Dally except Suoaay tDaly. WABA8U , ST. LOUIS & PACIMO It. R.-U. P DEcOT. LHAVK. ARttlVB maha 7:15am : I Omaha 11:10 m 3Upru : | " 5:20pro : C. , B. & Q. R. R U. P. DEFOT. ARRIVB. LEAVE. [ all' 7:45am : I Express. . . . . . 9:45am : ixprtsi 3:40pm : I ll * 7.26pm . Y. tx. letves Council Blufls at fl:17 : p mt " " arrives " 8:20a : mf 'Sundays exccpted , fOmabatlme C. , K. I. & P. R. II. U P. DEPOT. ARRIVE. LKAVB Mall 9:45 : am I Expresj 7:45 : a m ipresj 7:20pm Mall. , 3:40pm : * jundayseicepUd. | * Sun > la > 8exctpted. C. & N. W. R. B. U. P. DEPOT. AKK1VK. LEAVE Mall * 7-45 am Expres P45am ; tiprets 3:40 : pm Mail * 7:20 : pm excepied * 3undayi txcepttd S. 0. & P. B. R.-U. P. DEPOT. Mallt 6:00 : am I Express 9:50 : n m Expret 0:00 : p m I Mall t 7:20 p m tSu < days excepted. ! . PAUL & OMAHA , NEBRASKA DIVISION DEPOT N. 15TII ST. > 2 8.00 am I No 1 4:50 : pm No 4 12:45pm : | Nn3 11:45am : Sundays excepted , \ . 0. , ST. JOE , & C. B. K. R B. & M. DEPOT , tail 8:25 : am I Express 6:00 : m Expr'83 7OpmMaU | 6.50pm B AM. R. , IN NEBRASKA. > onver Exp.B:15am : 5:35pm : , lncon ! Exp..035pm 0:10a : m MISSOUPHPACIFIC-U. P. DEPOT. ARRIVE. DBF-ART. Express 6:50 : a m I Express 7:75 : p m Mill , 6:1 : pm I Mall 8:05 : am Trains leaving at 725 p ni and arriving at 6.50 a m will have Pullman iliepen. Opening and closing of Malls. ROUTS. OPEN CL08I. a. m. p. in. a.m. p.m Chicago & Northwestern. . . 11:00 : 9.00 5:302:4 : : Chicago , Rock Island & P..11:00 9.00 6:302.4 : Chicago , Uurllnpton & Q..11UO 9.00 5'30 2.40 Wabath 12:31 : 5.30 Bloux City & Pocinc 5.-00 7tOI : Union PailBc 4.0011:40 : Omaha & Republican Val. . 2.0J 11:10 : Burlington & Mo. In N.b. . . 000 7:40 : 5:3C : Omaha & " > orthweatern. . . . 6,00 ,7tO : Mlwourl Pwlflo 6:30 : 6:30 : Local malli ( or State ct Iowa leave but once a day , viz : 4 30 a. m. A Lincoln mall Is also opened at 10:70 : a. m. . Oince open aundays from 12,00 ui. to 1:00 : p THOS. P. HALL , Postmaitcr. Saturday Evening Trains The following tabli tbows the date and name r ( road a running trains to Chicago from tt Ublon Pacific transfer on Saturday e\enlrjge : RAILROADS. MONTHS. January ,20 IS G-2 February I lo 3-24 18 March ,3-24 , 17 103 April 114 7-1 ' 821 ! May _ 5-16 19 12 June . 16 9-30 2-23 July 7-2321 14 August 18 U . September 8-29 1-22 i October 20 IS 6- : Nuvembei 1) J-24 December 11-22115 8-i TheOblcofi , St Pnl Mfnncapolla aaj Omah trMns learo every Saturday attemoor. The Chlcogo , Milwaukee and St. Paul train leave otcry oaiurdoy afternoon * : * ' , / . | , V X-- ' TTE COMPOUNDED Wl . H MINERAL WATER. BEST REMEDY N "ME VOR'-C ' c- * RHEUMATIS/M / , DYSPEPSIA , . CONSTIPATION , BILLIOUSNhSS. KIDNEY COMPLAINT. LUNG DISEASES , SEDENTARY DISEASES. - ANO - IMPURE BLOOD SOL.E MANUFACTURERS. OMAHA , NEB. aaxrstaa PILE OINTMENT $ 6 Tfl J - Tp ' - fcTC TTsf OINTMENT 2 . Fever and Apuo Tonlo Cordial. . .1 ( K STANDARD LIVER PILLS. . . 2 DIA.RRUOE ( JURE 2 SURE OUREPOR CORNS 2 ( Warranted or money refunded. ) FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS Manufactured by W. J. Whltehouse , 60S Nort 16th St. Omaha Neb. ap 14-m&e 6m NOTICE TO CATTLE MEN. 1,000 , HEAD OF YOUNG CATTLE FOR SALE. COO Head of Tearllng Eteeri and Heifers , SOOIIoadof Two-jear-oU Steers , and 100 Head ol Two-year-old Heifers Thei cattle are all rood , straight , thrifty cattl mostly graded cattle , tor aal all together or U lots ta lult the purchaser ! . For further parti alan call'on or addren Ml F. Potter , Warerlf Brown coucty , Iowa , Al-lm With AH my Customers in Omaha and Vicinity. CEO. HENNINC , AGENT. STEELE , JOHNSON & GO. , AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and Al ! Grocerft' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands oi SIGAES ABB IMPAOTUBED TOBACUO , icants for B1HWOOD HAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER GO. DEALERS IN HALl' Fire and Burglar 1020 Far n ham Street , ra r * r > CTT" E # " \ KV i rERrEGilON AHO BAKtfC la only Attained by using Stoves and Ranges.13 WITH WIRE tfAUZE OY1R DOOES , For snle by 7 mum dOQERS OZHC.4k.33r.gk. . MORGAN & CHAPMAN , WHOLESALE GROCER f23 ! Farnam St. . Qnrtaha. BOLLN & SIEVERS , I H. BOLLN& CO. , 1509 Douglas Street. | Cor. 16th and California St , OMAHA SEED DEPOTS. HENRY BOLLN & 00 Hive brought . to this city from the ( arms of taodredth & Bon's , Philadelphia , and James M. Thru- burn fe Co. , New York , the Urgent stock of Garden n J Field Seeds ever Imported before to this city , allot which are guaranteed to be fresh and true to the nim . Prices will also be as low as any Besponsible Dealer can Make. mar 16-eod-tf HENRY BOLLN & CO. J. A. WAKEFIELD , WnOLQBALt AND BRAIL DEALEB III Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , , BLIHOS , FtlOLDiKiaS , LiW , JSTSTATE AQKHS FOB MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY1 Near Union Pacific DepotOMAHA , HEB MANTJTACTUKEB OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES , Window Caps , Finials , Skylights , &c. THIRTEENTH STREET , OMAHA , NEB OMAHA CORNICE WORKS RUEMPlNG & BOLTE , Proprietors. Tin , Iron and Slate Roofers MANUFACTURERS OFJ Ornamental Galvanized Iron Cornices , Iron Sky Lights , Sto , 310 South Twelfth . Street , OMAHA , NfiB mar 7-mon-wed-f rl-me. ii