Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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The Largest h'tock and Choicest Patterns of
Broadway and fourth St. , Conncll Bluffs , Iowa.
Depart. Arrive.
Atlantic Ext..B20pm Pacific Ext..9:15am :
Ex and Mall".925 am
D. Molnea ao.7l& : a m DCS Molnoinc.4:40 : p m
Depart. Arrive.
Atlantic Ext..5:30 p m I Paclflo Ext..920 a m
Hall and Ex * . .920 am Mall and Ei'.7:00pm :
N. Y. Ex 4:00 : p m | Neb & Ku Ex..8:20 : a m
Depart. Arrlvo.
Atlantic Ext..B:18pm : I Paclflo Ext..9lSam :
Mall and Ex * . .930 am Mall and Ex.6lSpm :
Accom ( Sat..6:50 p m | Accom. ( Mon..l:46 : p m
KASBAB cnr , ST. ; os AND coracn. BLorra.
Depart. Arrive.
Mall and Ex. . . . 0:55 : am I Express 6:60 : pm
XxxurfioB. * vi.ftlO p tA \ Uul aJ Kc. .3'45 p M
union lAcmo.
Deput ArrtTo.
OvetUnd 2X11SO a. to. OTcrlaniEt..4 0 p.i ;
Llnooln Ex..llWa. . UenverKx..6ooa.m : ,
Denver Ex..7K p. m. Local Ex ejOa. Q.
Xxcal Ex 7:29 : a. m. " Ex 9:08 : a. m.
Emigrant..B20 p. m. ' Ex P.-OOa-m.
Depart Arrive.
MaJUnd Ex. . 9:45 : am I Mall and Ex. . 4 0 pin
Cannon Ball. . 4:50 : p m | Cannon Ball..11:05 : a m
Bioui onr AND rAnrio.
Depart. Arrive ,
or Sioux Clty.725 a m Frm Sioux G'y.eiCO p m
orFortNlobrara. Frm Fort Nlobrara ,
Neb * 75am Neb * 6:60pm :
For St. Paul..7:40pm : From St. Paul..8 0 a m
Leave Council Bluffs. Arrives Council Blufls.
Mill and Ex.920 a m I Mall and Ex.6 5 pm
Atlantic Ex.5:15 | : p m | Atlantic Kx..19:10 : a m
Loaves Omaha. Arrives at Omaha.
Uall and Ex. . 7:15 a m I Pacific Ex | 9:45 : a m
Atlantic Et. . | 3:40 : pra | Mall and Ex.7-25 pm
Except Sundays , f Except Saturdays. ( Except
Mondays. ( Dolly.
Council Blufts Si Omaha Street B. B.
Leave Council Uluffs. Leave Omaha.
8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , 8 a m , 0 ft m , 10 m ,
11 a m , 1 m , 2 p m , 3 p 11am , 1pm , 2pm , 3 p
m 4 m 6 m 0 m. m 4 m 5 m 6 m.
u , p ur p * * * f v p - , p , p f p
Street cars run half hourly to the Union Pacific
Depot. On Sunday the care begin their trips at
9 o clock a. in. , and run regu'arly during the day
at 9,11 , 2 4 , 6 and 6 o'clock , and run to city time ;
MBS , B , J , HILTON , M , J } . ,
Western Agents , Lafayette , Indiana.
Rubber Boots and
Boots and Shoes
50PERC17V ? : . "
The center pieces are Interchangeable and re
versible. It prevents the counter from running
eve > , requiring no heel stlffeners.
The Agency for these goods In this town ha
been pltirr
Others cinnot procure them.
Call ind xamine a full line of Leather and
. .Candeo" Rubber Boots awl Shots with the He
ersible Ileel. MhS. M I'KTEHSOM ,
31.3rn Leulsvllle , Neb.
STAUUSUtCU 186 ! ) .
1(09 and 1111 Dodge Street ,
ang 7-mo 6m OMAHA , NIB.
OINTMENT .7.77YY.7. . . 25
. .
Fever aud Acne Tonlo Unrdial. . .1 00
ZCXIia'O-'S 10o
( Wmaated cr money refunded. )
Maiiufactur d by W. J Whltchouso , 605 North
16th St. Omaha Neb. ap H-m&t-Cin
Genius Rewarded ,
OB ,
The Story oftbe Sewing Machine
A [ handiome little pimphlet , blue and gold
co\er with numeroui engravings , will be
to any adult parson calling for It. at any branch
or BUb-orllce of the Sloger Manufacturing Com
pany , or will be Mnt by mall , poit-patJ. to any
person living at a d stance from our office.
The Singer Manufacturing do. ,
Principal Office , ; 84 Union Square ]
Nebraska Loan & Trust Company
Capital Stock , - - $100,000
JAS. B. . .
f * U U UIW lkA. If CtLJlJ. A JUOlUQUt .
A. L. CLAI1KE. VIce-Prosldent.
K. 0. WKBSTER , Treasurer
Samuel Alexander Oswald'OHver ,
A. L. Clarke , E. 0. Webster1
Qeo. Q Pratt , JM. C. Heartwell ,
D. M.McElUlnney.
First Mortgage Loans a Specialty
This Company furnishes a permanent , homt
Institution where School Bond sand other legally
Issued Municipal socuritle to Nebraska can be
bo negotiated on the most favorable terms
Loans made on Improved farm In all well settled
counties of the state through lr wponslblej local
correspondent ) .
Milwaukee 1 & St , Paul
! s now running Its FAST EXPRESS TRAINS
Pullman's Magnificent Sleepers
Finest Dining Oars in the World.
Or to anv point beyond ; or
Take the BEST KOUTE , th *
Chicago , MilwaukQB&StPaulR'y
Ticket oftlco located In Paxtoi Hotel , at corner
Farnam ancFourtcenth streets and at U. P. De
pot and at Mlllard Hotel , Omaha.
tySco Time Table In another column.
F. A. NASH , General Acrent.
0. n. FOOTE , Ticket Agent , Omaha. '
Oenoral Manager. Oenoral Pass. Agent ,
General Sup't. Au't OOP."us. Agtal
Cor , Water and Congreis Streets.
CAPITAL , - - 8400.OOO
Transacts a'genoral Banking business. He *
celvea the accounts of Banks , Bankers and
others , Draws Foreign Exchange and
maKes Cable Transfers in Europe and Tel-
efrraphlo Transfers of Money throughout
the United States , Buys and sells Gov
ernment and other Investment Securities ,
and executes any business for its Corre
spondents in the line of Banking.
ASA P. POTTER , Preslden' .
J. J. EDDY , Cashier.
J. W. WORK , Ass't Cashier.
A 8kln of Beauty la Joy Forever.
Oriental Dream or Magical Beau-
tifler ,
11 Tan , Pimples ,
Freckles ,
beauty and
defies de
tection. deIt
has stood
the tout , ol
SOyoarian *
Is co harm-
leas rrawe
taste It to
be sure the
pro pa ra
tion Id pro
perly made
Accent no
counterfeit (
similar name. The dUtlnguIohcd Dr. L. oilA.
Sayro , Bald to r .ady of the IUUT ON ( a patient ) :
"As you ladles will use them , I recommend
< U uriud Cream1 as the least harmful of all the
Skin preparations. " One bottle will last six
months , using It e\ cry day. Also 1'oudro Jub-
tile removes superfluous hair without Injury ubto
the skin.
11 MB. M. n. T. OOURAUD , Sole prop. , 4S Bond
For sile by all Drujrgtsts and Fancy Goods
Dealers throughout the United States , Canada
and Europe.
jCTBeware of base Imitations. { 1,000 reward
or arrest and proof of anyone tolling the same.
14-weow-me 2t ewm
Omaha National Bank Building ,
Wsihlopton Ciiilla' .
It WAS on the last singe of I ho long
and todlom lido from Fort Craig to
Santa Fo. Wo hnd taken up the last
relay of frisky mustangs , Raid good *
night to the last sleepy hostler , and
wcro dashing away Into the darkness
with the noses of the loaders pointed
square toward the city of Iloly Faith ,
Yo had had boon under way nn hour
before any attention was attracted
toward the drlvor. Ho might have
boon fifteen and ho may have beou
seventy-five. Ho was cocked nud
primed with all the slang of the fron
tier , whloh ho intorlardcred with bits
of lingo from the mluca , qu tint quota
tions from the fntnillnr poets and
humorists , and when nt a loss for a
word or so to point n sentence slung In
i > Latin or Spanish phrase with an In
imitable pronunciation and a graceful
wave of tho'hand that njnlliod hla
ultor disgust with a mother tongue
thai was BO paltry of fitting words In
an emergency.
"Now , lot mo toll you , " ho would
remark oloso on the heels of seine long
aud astonishing yarn ; "now lot mo
toll yon what occurred to me ono night
on the Yellowstone , " or the Brazes , or
the South Fork of the Canadian , or
the Sea of Galileo , or ether equally
distant locality , and off ho would gallop
at at a break neok pace , keeping tlmo
with the scampering team In front of
us. I was In the midst of thla astound
ing adventures by field and flood that
ho spun the quaint little yarn that Is
excuse for these paragraphs ;
"One night out from Los Ananas , "
ho * began , after carefully lighting a
preferred cigar , and shying the burning
match at the off-wheeler , "a beautiful
moonlight night , I remember , ono of
these nights , yon know , Gap , when the
prairies ' scorn all aglow with tnollow *
P'ni , I found when I had mounted
the box and fastened the lines from
the handle of the brake , the strangest
ontsldo < passenger in my experience.
It was a woman that is , I
thought her a woman when she drew
herself up with dignity , s I bade her
a hearty 'good evening , ' and turned
up bur little nose at the Idea of being
accosted so familiarly by a drlvor , but
when I said something about the night
being filled wjth music , and the cores
that Infest the day , otootora , etcetera ,
etcetera , you savez ? she turned a clear
ont , thoroughbred profile toward mo
and opened a pair of the biggest ,
blackest oyca I over looked Into with a
most wondering expression , It was
only a moment , however , for then she
opened her lips to show twi rows of
the smallest , whitest tooth as she sent
ont a peal of childish laughter that
rippled and rang over the prairie.
"Sho had come from Boston , aho
told me , and waa bonnd for Tucson ,
where aho f xpeotod to meet a friend ,
'the dearest friend In the world , ' she
intimated , with a proud little gesture ,
'and ho loves mo to distraction. lam
not alone , you know. Max is with
me , and with him I wonldn't bo afraid
of anything. Wonld I Max ? ' Now
who the devil la Max I wondered , and
looked 1 up and down and all around ,
expecting to see some fellow , yon
know , that I hadn't noticed e.
And just then I felt a cold , wet some
thing coma against my cheek that
felt for all the world like the barrel
of a derringer , and turned around sud
denly to see the biggest , blackest New
foundland stretched ont on the roof
behind mo.
" 'And now let mo toll yon about
Jack. You see Jack and I always
loved oaoh othor. He was nwfnlly
mischievous , and when ho grow up and
wo were married ho was just aa wild
as over. Ho got Into some foolish
scrape , and the people around tboro
were all BO stupid and intolerant that
ho could never have any poaoo of his
life , and ono day the sheriff oamo
around to see Jack about eomothing ,
and Jack didn't care to have any words
with him , and so ho wont away.
Don't yon know I hadn't the slightest
Idea where he had gene for the long
est time ? But ono day I got a letter
from Chicago , and it was trom Jack ,
and he had been having such a hard
time , poor fellow , and ho said if ho
only had some money ho could go to
the minoo and dig lots of gold , and '
then como homo , and wo wonld bo as
happy aa two bugs In a rut ; . Now ,
wasn't that nlco of Jack ? Well ,
so as I had been saving up over
since he wont away , I just sent
him the money , and then I didn't
hoar from him again nntll about
a week ago. Then a letter came from
Arizona , and It was from Jack , and ho
bad been having more trouble , and
unless ho could have more money
within two weoka they would put him
in jail. I can't understand why o very
ono is BO down on Jack. So yon see I
drew all money from the bank , and aa
I was afraid the mall might miscarry ,
I just thought it wonld be safer to
bring it myself. And BO here I am ,
and- and that's all , Bnt won't ho be
glad to BOO mo , the dour old darling ,
and won't it bo splendid when I got ; gl
there to face these wretches who uro ,
BO down on him , and pay thorn tholr
old , nasty money , and say , "Thoro ,
your old rascals , I'm a llttio woman , ,
aa yon see , but I am Jack Seymour's
wife. " Oh , won't it bo nice , driver ?
"Great God ! ' I thought. 'Jack
Seymour ! the roughest desperado in
the southwest and the biggest rascal
unhung 1' Jack Seymour's wife ! She
had better have been the wlfo of the
old Nick himself. And then I hap
pened to think that auto enough hobo
sheriff had taken him a few weoka before -
fore , and that iC Judge Lynch didn't
try him in the mocntliao ho would
certainly swing by the process of larr ,
and all the wives in the world wouldn't
save him. I am afraid my faoa , even
in the moonlight , mnst have shown
something of my horror at the :
thought , for she peered curiously
into it , and grasped my arm with
a llttio clutch as she said : 'Do yon
know Jack , driver ? May bo you have
Been him , Ho la tall and fair , and
his hair is over so light , and curls all
over his head in the cunnlngost little ,
tight ringlets. ' Oh , yes , I groaned Ito
myself , not the least doubt in the
world , but your man and mine are
ono and the same Infernal aconndrel
Bnt to her I said something her
different , as yon may imagine , d I
did my best to keep up the conversa
tion , and listened to all her queer lit
tle plans and confidences , and am
afraid I forgot all about the troth In
listening to that merry little volca ai
It chatted nil nijht long to plumb day *
| J"A h lf hour nftor sunrise wo drove
Into the llttio ranch where wo were to
ohaugo horses aud breakfast. I noticed
a crowd around the rolsy-htmso long
before wo reached it ; say a dozen 1110:1 :
arraod to the tucth , and limes all
saddled , as thonqh a party had boon
staying there over night and were
about tt start on. Bat you can im *
ogtno how the blood curdled in my
veins when , ns wo drew up In front of
the piaw , two men with drawn re
volvers came out of the door , and bo-
twcou thorn was n tall , fair tunn , with
blue eyes and onrllng hair , and wearing -
ing the most daro-dovll oxprctslou I
ever witnossod. It was the sheriff's
posao takiaij a prisoner to S nta Fo.
And just at that moment , the Now *
fouudland made ono sprlngg from
the root of the coach to thopiazzt ,
and n ringing volco shouted : 'Why ,
that ti my Jack ! ' and my little wonnn
made ono flying leap to the ground ,
with a glad Hko crj that I shall never
forgot to my dying day , and then I
saw Seymour atrngllug with his
guards , heard muffUd oaths , SAW him
wrench a revolver from the bolt of ono
of them. 'Stand offl' ' ho shouted ,
Stand off , mon , or I will have some
one's heart bloodl Stand nll'.Ioav ! '
Then 1 saw the burly sheriff ndvauco
toward him , when , quioV.
as a flash , Soymonr leveled
and fired cqnaro at his head
Bnt the sheriff had dodged ; and as
my little woman had boon trying all
the tlmo to roach his side the cruel
bullet struck her full ia the breast ,
and she foil forward just as Soymonr
sprang and caught her in his arms.
Then we all gathered about them as
she lay there with her llttio wli to
arms around his nook , talking to him
In her Bweot little voice , while the an
guish on Soymonr's faoo was terrible
to witness. How he oursod and im
prooatod his captors and petted and
soothed the dying woman , and aworo
by all the heavens that bo would make
all mankind pay dearly for that mo
ment. And eho the dear little angel
ah , a.hall I ever forgot Itsho talked
of nothing but Jack. 'Novor mind ,
my darling , ' she whispered , 'It was
not yonr fault ; yon couldn't help It ,
you wee , and I am BO sorry that yon
are taking it BO hard , Jack , Never
mind , sweetheart , It will soon bo Over.
And , Jack , ' hero aha pulled his head
down to hero and whispered with her
last breath 'alter I am gene look in
my little satchel and you will find the
money. It was to bo nil yonra , any
way , you know ; and I am so glad I
reached you in tlmo , ' and the pure ,
faithful little heart had ceased to
beat. I could stand it no longer , Cap ,
and with tears streaming from my eyes
I sprang back on the box , and drove my
team the next twenty miles at a dead
eallop. What beoamo of Soymonr ?
Oh ! ho swnng inst the same. Ho had
a acoro of murders against him , yon
know , besides this , the last and worst
of all. And speaking of murders , .lot
mo toll yon of lomothlni ; that hap
pened to me In Utah in ' 59. " But
though my driver , galloped away all
night with his everlasting adventures ,
I hoard nothing but the last words.of
Soymonr's little wlfo , and for the next
week I lived ever in the
_ _ . _ . . _ _ _ . memory
1II11I of how she . i. 1.1
thrilling story mot him.
* * * *
A month later , while lunching at
Monger's In SAD Antonio with GOD.
Armstrong , the then efficient obief of
n'ltho stage lines north of the Brazes ,
I happened to think of my quondam
friend , the driver.
"A qnoor character , general , " I re
marked , "that drlvor of yours at
Santa Fo. Johnson , I think , it hii
name , Ben Johnson. A moat remark *
able follow. Seems to have picked up
a deal of information for a man of his
sphere , Uses good language , yon
know ; has many original ideas ; rude
sort of oloquonoe , pathos , and all that
sort of thing , yon know. And be
sides , ho Is a wonderful raconteur. "
"Yes , " said the general mniingly 1
"and the biggest liar this side of the
Rocky mountains , If Johnson ever
told yon yon anything for a fact , yon
can bet $10 to a oont that it Isn't BO.
Why , that unprincipled scamp lays
awake night studying out yarns to be
gone travelers on tbo box , Do yon
know , Oarl , ho onoo told mo a cold
blooded fiction about a woman and a
Pass the wine , general , " ! faltered ;
"never mind the woman and the dog ;
I dare say I have hoard it boforoi
What time do we leave for Ooncho ? "
If yon are sick Hop Bitters will
surely aid Nature 1 making yon well )
when all oleo falls.
If yon are coatlvo or dyspeptic , or
are suffering from any of the numer
ous diseases of the stomach or bowels ,
it Is yonr own fault if you remain ill ,
for Hop Btttora are a sovereign
remedy In all such complaints ,
If you are wasting away with any
form of Kidney disoaao , stop tempting
Death this moment , and turn for a
euro to Hop Bitters. .
If yon are sick with that terrible
slnkncss Nervousness , yon will find a
"Balm in Glload" in the nso of Hop
If yon are a frequenter or a resi
dent of a mlasmatio district , barricade
yonr system against the scourge of all
countries malaria , epidemic , bilious
and intermittent fovora by the nso
of Hop Bitters.
If you have rough , plmplo or oal-
low akin , bad breath , pains and aches ,
and fool miserable generally , Hop
Bitters will glvo yon fair akin , rich
blood , and sweetest breath , health and
In cbort they euro all diseases of
the Btomch , Bowels , Blood , Liver ,
Norvofl , Kidneys , Brlght'a Disoaao ,
? 50Q will bo paid for a caeo they wll
not euro or help.
That poor , bedridden , Invalid wlfo ,
iator mother , or daughter , can bo
made the picture of health , by a few
bottloa of Hop Bitters , costing but a
trifle. Will you lot them auffor ?
Monov lor the Unmarried-
Ono of the most solid and subat t tlaV
institutions In this country U the Mar [
riage Fund and Mutual Trust Association
of Cedar llaplds , Iowa. They are organ ;
i ized under tha laws of Iowa , and heir of
ficers and directors are among the leading
and moat prominent business men o Oedni
Rapid * . Every unmarried person should
have a certificate In this association ,
, It U a splendid investment , M safe aa
government bond. You can Just as well
have a good sum of money to commenct >
married life on an not. A large number of
members have been paid off , receiving nvet
800 per oent on their Investment. WrIU
for circulars tally detailing the plan , whlol .
is the finest known. Do not postpone it
Good agents wanted , Mention where you
law tbU notlce ( fS-8m ,
Donla In Dirt.
Tno following t run f ITS of es *
, ro reported for Tun BRR as ta *
ken from the county records by J. W.
Squire & On , , abstractors of titles ,
ami real estate and loan agents , Ooun.
ell Blutl i :
F , Groto ot R ! to A , Qrnto , cart of
lotO In awl of nwf in 30 , 75 , 43 ,
? 000.
J. 0 , llusaoll to D l\tlmor. part of
trof : nr | , 12,75 , 40 , $ I80. !
D. Palmer toV. . W. Palmer , part
of nt } of tie } of 12 , 75. 40 , $350.
M. II Parks toY.K. . Durham , nr ]
150 , 7f > , 40 , $3,575
S D bird to Dnlol Palmer , part
PC } of nc j , 12 , 75. 40 , $100.
J. CUlhnun to J. S. , uwl , 23 ,
75 , 40 , 52,100.
T. Kuop to A , Kunp , part a J of s o
i 1 , 74 , 38 , $10.
F. Marshall to J. II. Orummot , Iota
15 mid 1C , block 3 , Walnut , $2 000.
S Splosolborg to J , Oranoy , n A n w
i 2 77 , 28 , $1,007.
H. Dewey to 0. n. Dawoy , B i n w
1 7 , 70 , 39 , $1,000
J. M. Palmer to R A. Riok , lot 10
In block 0 , Williams' first add. , city ,
G W. Hoard to Wm , Klrby , a w i
s w J 24 , 74 , 42 , $920.
A 0. Dates to J. A Baxter , sol
s o 27 , 76 , 40 , J2.000.
A T Elwoll to J. Grason , lot 4 in
block 13 , $200.
W. T. Oallison to T. J. and M. R.
Moore , o A s o and a w | a o 8 , 75 ,
* > , ? * * , .lt\/
M. M. SwansontoN. Swanion , lota
In Crescent Olty , $10.
Why suffer from a state of ill health ?
Why bo troubled with dyspepsia ?
Brown's Iron Blttors will euro you.
How Oakland Has Boon Utlrrod
Afresh by tUo Arroat of Ono
ot them.
The town of Oakland has boon given
thla week fresh cause to keep the
tongues wagging , the details being
thus given by the Acorn cf that place :
Our town is again stirred up with
another sensation , It will bo remem
bered that In the "free and easy" and
alio ' high and lofty" pugilistic ren
counter of two weoka ago , the Boom
boys , Oasa and Lao , about the tlmo
the : marshal oamo around with the
warrants , were fonnd to bo non coma-
tamua ad squatnlatum , or words to
that effect. They , however , In tholr
hurried flight , forgot to don a $17 00
overcoat and a anlt of clothes ,
boaldca various ether thlnga , whloh
tha landlord of the Oakland
houao "fastened onto" to sojnro an
unliquidated board bill. John Biom
a brother , still allowed his beaming
oonntonanco to omit an occasional
gleam of light about the promises ,
"preparing to go to Kansas" ao ho
said. Etrly last week ho "oamo up
misting , " and ao did the clothes which
the Jt landlord failed to secure as firmly
aa ho might had ho given John the
confidence hla subsequent actions
proved I htm to morit. On Thursday
or Friday Mr. Young and Constable
Wall Newton , accompanied by ono
Todd , whom It would aoom
"to a man np a trco" waa moro
of a pal of John's than any as
sistance to them , got onto his
( John's ) track and arrested htm in
Council Bluffs. But being loft in
ohargo of this Todd , ho soon effected
hlo escape and took pannage on the
0 , , B. & Q , but was rearrested on the
way and lodged In the cooler in Ham
burg , and from tboro was brought to ;
Oakland , where ho is at proaont , an-
Bwerlug to the ohargo of theft. John
stoutly denies all these ohargoa , and >
has procured the ablest counsel the
county affords tn defend htm , lam
sister at Silver Crook la backing him
with money and proposes to BOO fair
play. The trial la sot for to-day
( Friday ) and a lively aot-to may bo
Ask for Wolls' "Hough on Corns. "
ICo. Qulok , complete , parmaneut
cure. Corns , warts , bnnlona.
BAPTIST GHUIICH Northeast comer of
South Sixth and First avenue. Services
every Sundav at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : esP.
m. Sabbath nchool at 12 m , lluv , J. P.G.
Lemen , pastor.
OATHOLIO Ciiunoii Pearl utroot south
of Willow avenue. MasR at 7 , 8 , and 0
m. High mass and preaching at 10EO. :
Sunday school at 2 p. m , ami vespers
3:30. : Itev. B. P. MoMeuomy , pastor.
PniHUYTKiiiAN Ciiunoii-Northeast cor
ner South Seventh street and Willow ave
nue. Morning services , 10:30 : ; evening
7.80. Sunday school at 22 m , Young
people's meeting Sunday evening , 0:30 :
itov. II. MoMeokln , pastor.
Broadway and South First street. Ser
vices at 10:30 : a. m , , 7:30 : p. in , Sunday
school , 12 m. Ilev. Armstrong , pastor.
CoNoiiEd ATIONAL Oiiuitcu Southwest
corner Sixth stand | Seventh ave , Services
Sunday morning at 11:30 : ; evening service
at 7:30 : ; Sunday school at 12:00 : ; voting pee
pie's meeting Sabbath evening 0:15. : Itev.
Uyrus Hamfln , pastor.
EriBcoi'Ati Ciiimcu West side Pearl
south of Willow avo. Services at 10:30a. :
tn. anil 7:30 : p. in. ; Sunday nrhool 12Jm.
Ilev , Thomas J , Mackay , pastor.
UNITED BIIISTIIIIKX , Seventh street and
Tenth avenue , J. M. Harper , i > a tor.
Services Sundays , 10:30 : a , m and 8:30 : p.
in. Sabbath school , 3 p , in , 1'rayer meet
ing , Wcdneadays , 7:30 : p. in.
"LiKK m DEATH I DEATH is Burnt I"
Spiritual circle Sunday afternoon and
evening ( Kctoins Noa , 1 nnd 0 , ShuKgart'a
McMftlion'd block ) at 2 o'clock and hall
past 7 o'clock. Distinguished rnodluuii
will bo preeotit.
A friend to the rich and poor , A
medicine that strengthens and heals
la Brown'a Iron Bit ra
A Mad Doff.
The Qrls'/rold / Advocate la rcaponsi
, bio for the following narration of hov
* hydrophobia affects pork , the acoldon
occurring in the eastern end of this
connty :
Mr , A. Jacobs , living east of ' .Wn
some five miles , glvoa ua the followlnj
particulars concerning a little na3
dog excitement that has been going 01
In his neighborhood the past week : o
ten days. Mr , Jaobos says that on the
th 10th of March a mad dog crossed bin
P'ft ' ° ° * nc * 'n ' B0 doing bit his dog and
I & fine hog that would weigh In tbo
neighborhood ) of 250 or 275 pounds.
The dog waa killed before the allotted
nine days were up and the porker was
placed . . in a tight pen and was kept
there until It wns thonght safe to lot
it out. Thla hop ; nto hearty until the
evening of the 3d of April , when
It refused to oat and the next
morning ho showed madness so plain *
ly that It was again lodged safely in
the pon. lu a ahort time ho grorr so
savage that It tried the nerves of monte
to stand by and see his wrath , This
was a warm day , ( the 4th itiat. ) and
ho bolng In good lUsh together with
fighting the pen ha heated himself up
to suoh an extent that ho died nt 2
o'clook , making it juat twenty-two
dnys from the bite until ho dlod. Mr.
Jacobs Infotms us that ho had several
persons stop to BOO the hog , who all
milted In ono opinion that there was
no question as tn madness , During
his ravings ho gnawed at and toro the
pen until ho toro all the front tooth
out of his under JAW but ho wont on
with his biting just the same.
Korgotton Gold that was Hidden Dur
ing the War.
Pram the S | < rlngflcM Leader ,
When the "lato unpleasantness"
aroao between the states , John Wil
liamson , familiarly called Unolo Jack ,
was living In Walnut Grove township ,
this county. Ho WAS on old man , and
anon-combatant ; bnthlsvlown being
dbolded ( southern , early in March ,
1801 , ho had business of pressing Im
portance in the lonth , But before ho
loft , homo ho end his wlfu put away
tholr gold , aa It waa lu great demand
at that tlmo by partloa who' were not
very conscientious aa to how It waa to
bo obtained. A part of this money ,
927 CO , waa put Into a small purse and
yarn wrapped about It , making a rc-
npcoUblo looking yarn ball. Unolo
Jack took hla dopatturo , and In
September , 18G3 , hla wlfo followed
him to Tuxaa. In 18G5 they re
turned to Missouri , and having money
duo thorn hero , the ball of yarn waa
avod for "hard times. " Bnt it ap
pears that the hard times never oirao ,
for ai tlmo passed on the matter was
forgotten. His peed old wife hav
ing passed awny , Unolo Jack is now
living comfortably with ono of bis
This week his nephew's wlfo was
looking through a trunk when she
fonnd a ball of yarn , the weight of
which caused her to Investigate , when
aho fonnd the aforesaid 927 50. Thus
the money waa unearthed after twenty-
ono yoars. Had thla money boon In
vested in greenbacks at the highest
market piho , it would , at 10'per oont
compound interest , have amounted to
$272. To make tbla atory moro en
tertaining , doubtless Unolo Jaok
ought to have boon on the verge of
starvation , when ho just finds the
spoolo In the nlok of tlmo. Batsuih
( unfortunately for the story ) Is not the
Voluntary Tributes of Gratitude for Bene
fits deceived.
DiAtt Sin , Please allow ins the privilege
of giving my testimony regarding tbo won
derful curative properties of yoiir Invalua-
bio medicine , Hunt's Remedy. During the
past six or teven yean I have boon a great
sufferer from Kidney disease , and during ;
great part of the time my sufferings have
been BO Intense aa to be Indescribable.
Only these who have suffered by this dread
disease know of the awful backache , anl
pains of all kinds , accompanied by great !
weakness and nervous prostration , loss ot
force and ambition which Invariably attend
was In such a ba i condition that I could
no got up out of my choir except by put
ting my hands on my knees , and almost
rolling out before I could straighten up ,
tried the best doctors , and many kinds of
medicine , but all failed to help mo , and 11
experimented BO long cidenvoring to get
cured that last spring I was In very poor
shap * , and in i eking far relief ioy atten
tion wa directed bv a friend to the re
markable cures of Kidney diseases , etc.
which w ro being accomplished by Hunt's
Remedy. I was Induced to try it , and be
gan to take It , and very soon "limbered
up" as it were ; my severe backache , and
the Intense pains I had suffeied so long
speedily disappeared , notwithstanding :
ha4 been bothered with this complaint
many years.
When I bccan to take Hunt's llomedy
' was considerably i un down In my general
health , and suffered also from loss of appe
tite. Kvor since I have been taking the
Remedy , however , my Improvement hae
been most marked ; my former complaint"
aches. palns.Joto. , bavo disappeared , and
now ( eel like my former self , hale , hearty
and sound In health. I shall always keer ;
Hunt's Remedy with me , and would most
eirnestly recommend nil those who are
sufferers from Kidney or Liver diseases ,
. diseases of the Bladder or Urinary organi ;
. to use Hunt's Remedy , and take no other
Yours very truly ,
. No , 280 Westm niter St. ,
. Providence , R ,
"In tbo lexicon of vouth. etc , , there
such word as Fall. That "lexicon" Is nov
found In the laboratory of Hunt's Remedy
* It knows no such word a * Fall ,
Aru acknowledge ; ! , to bo the
best by nil \vho h ivo put llior
to a practical test.
, HARD ' & SOFT 6QAi
Buck's Stove Co
or Undertakers
PL' It r j * > i * tmn' ' f It TOO
V rtf fj itnp * , wfAU " M n of If-
nn hy tli r lnor t ritolllri OT _
U * ttntlP * Tolr1 nlirht work to rf -
iMii'iUnHun .1 u err brail utrv rS
Hop Ultt r lifjutto CM HopKJr
| uC cUi < ( .rotru j >
illFcrflloi. or ill. . . . I turn l 1C TOUH.I rc r
rlol 01 rlnnli > , old ir L
: oor h > tl > nr UwiUli I
tan , rtlr oa Ho pi Dlttera.
liiou uia > .
nu&lt ; friira vx >
I form of K lo n
th t n > ! , i
| | i TBbj nrei )
tlroelT linar
On I. J
. illw . Ita * r > tclt > *
I l.i ( n I ,
at til * uoiMioh I nc limltf-
frlrrU. tin Oct. I HOP bl onrr lei
IU rctn < n. II JrarAenntfis.
Vou nil ! b | ,
* ar Jlf joumel joirotlot.
Mop Bltt r >
I ScH 07 tosv
w k ml It'll. RtndfU
awtpl lrllMMrj NEVER llrculM
It I I t ni njF
nvcyour FAIL KIM * CO.
life. It hn ,
hun- lMkMto-.ll r
< tracJt >
"By k thoionsh knowledge of tbo n tar l Uwi
which cavern tha operation ! of digestion and
nutrition , nd by a c.reful application of Iht
Ine properties of Koll-stlected Oocoa , Sir.
Err * nn provided am breikfut tables with
Jollcatelr favored beverage wtflch 111117 * * ve *
ruiny henry doctors' Mill It li by the Jncllcloai
cue of luch irtlclM of diet that a constitution
m y escape many K fatal shaft by keeping out *
telTM w II fortified with pare blood and a prop *
illy nonrlihed frame. " Civil EJerrlce Oasetie.
Wade limply with boiling water or milk Bo'i
o tloi only ( i'lb nj lb ) > by Grocers , labeled
Homoeopathic Chemists ,
London. Bnsrland.
Vi7niit ' il--AfcM'to..lM.J ' and Troaohorowa ! ? " '
DwiMfnti JBBSB James.
? is WIFE. .
he only life authoiliotl by her and which win
not bo a "Dlood and Thunder" story , such aa hM
bceti and will be pul llshcd , but a trua life by UM
onlr person who Is In posowlon of the facta
lalihtul and derotod wife , Truth Is morr nUr-
estlnKthan fiction. A ( rent * should apply or ter
ritory at once. 8 * 76 ctt. for Sample book.
J H.-OhrxmbertiA : OoV
Ditsvitii , COL. , August 20 , 18S2.
OKVIH I cannot find words w th which to ex
press my gratitude to you for tlio cure jour
Swift's Spccflo | has effected In my case. I wet
allllcted with tl > e horrible dltcoso forthrco years ,
and after spending somti time nt the Hot Spring !
I used only ono doion small small bottles of S. S.
S. and there li not a Ign of the dliouo remain
ing. Myfsoros tire nil healed , my throat Is on-
I liao seen so many hundreds of men dosed with
Calomel , Iodide of Mucury and Iodide of Potash ,
ULtll they wore o > mploto wrecks , tbat I shuttdor
tothfnkof the m's-ry which has been brought
on tin human family by the uio ot Mercurials for
Dlood Dlsoixncs. It Is a crylog shame tint physi
cians will not acknowledge the nnrlt of your
OHAND lllooil Medicine. Use my name rxajou
wish. J. II. UAFF.
If you doubt , corao to sco us , and wo will CURB
YOU , or clargo nolhingt Write for particular *
and a copy of the little book , " Message to the
Unfortunate Buffering ' Ask any Druggist M tour
our standing.
ta.ll ,000 Reword will ho paid to any
a Chemist who will find , on analysis of 100 bottlea
of S. S. S. , ono particle of Mercury , lodldo ol
. Potassium , or other Mineral substance. 8WIR
SPECIFIC CO. , Proprietors , Atlanta. Go.
Prtco of Small Size I 1,00
Large Size 1.79
I It Is a sure , prompt and effectual remods or
digestion , Djsnopgla , Intermittent Favors. Waal
of Appetite , Nervous Debility In all Its Stage *
Weak Memory , Loss of Drain Power , Prostration ;
Woakncss and general Lous of Power. It repair *
norrous waste , rejuvenates the faded Intellect ,
strcnghthons the enfeebled brain and restart *
, surprising tone and vigor to the exhausted or
gans. The experience of thousands prove * It to
bo an Invaluable remedy. Price , $1.00 a bottle ,
or six or $5. For solo by all druggists , or eenl
secure from observation on receipt ot price by
Dr. Stolnhar P. O. Box 240O Bt-
I LinnU Mo-
17 Bt OhulaMSt , ST. LOUIS Mo
A BEOULAB ORADUATB of two medloa
" , ooll geshf\s been longer engaged In the treat *
1 DLOOD Diseases than any other physician In Bl.
, Louts as city papers show and all old residents
know. Consultation free and Invited. Wbea II
Is Inconvenient to visit the city for treatment ,
medlclnts can bo sent by mall or express every.
where. Curable cases guaranteed ; where donbl
01 Hist * It Is frankly slated. Call or writ * .
. Nervous prostration , Debility , Mental
and Physical 'Weakness , Mercurial and
other affections of Throat , Skin and Bone *
I Blood Impurities and Blood Pobonlng ,
Is I Bktn Affections , Old Borea and Uloert ,
Impedimenta to Marriage , Rheumatism ,
. Piles. Hpeclal attention to canes from
ovor.worked brnln , 8UUUIOAL OA8EB
reoolve special attention. Diseases arising
from Imprudence. KxoeasoB , Indolgenoea
the who !
HARRME-S told. Many
who may may.
. tjr > * * " my noti wh'
- causes , consoqnenoat
and curs. Sealed for 2So postage or stamps.
a 23dwl
The Great Popular RemoJy for Piles-
Sure euro for Blind , Bleedlng&Itchlugf
And all forms of Ilemorrholdol Tumors.
These SDrrosrroRiiui act directly upon tha
coats of the Blood Vessels , and by their astringent
effects gently force the blood from the swollsn
tumors , anduy making the coaU ot the veins
strong , prevent tholr refilling , and hence a radl.
cal cure Is sura to follow their use. Price , 78
cents a box. For sale by alldrufglsts , or sent by
mall on receipt of price , by En U li Medical
Inatltnto lls Oil s"St
MTTBHTIPPynUr A rwlwr giaduato
i ilflniJliacUrl. inmedUlnao\eria
COO & COS Wyamlott * St. jearu' practice 12
KANSAS C1TV , 110. In Chicago.
Autliorlzod by the tito ta treat
ChronlcNerrou and I'rhato ilia-
coaoa , AM 1mm. Kpllrniy , Hheu-
iimtlsin , Pllai , Tape W irm , Urin
ary aul Skin Dlsoiajs , HSVINAI ,
'WtAKNKsa ' ( night loajss ) SSXUAI.
lUsuiLrrr , ( Itiu ofscxual power ) Etc , Cures guar >
ante d or money rclutded. Courts lov. Thou ,
sands of cues cured. No Injurious meillclnoa
uiud No doteutlon from builneas. All mod ) ,
. clnos lurnlshel e\en to patients at a distance.
, Cotsultatlon free ahd co lUJonttal caller wrlto
Age and experUnceore Importtnt. A UOOK (
both BOXCB Illustrated and circulars of oth
things sent sealed for two So stamp ] . t'H
PERSONAL "Parts of the human body
enlarged , detcOopeU and strengthened , "
sT an Interesting advertisement long run In out
per. In niply to inquiries wa will say thai
the no evidence ( f humbug about this On
the contrary , the advertisers uv very highly In
dorsed Interested persons re ay got sealed cir
, culars giving all particulars , giving all portion *
lars. by addressing Erie Medical Co. , P. 0. 11 Jx
ftl 8 , Buffalo , N. Y. Toledo K Vai ( e.
" 1--