Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1883, Image 2

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    TKE DAILY BEE -SAriT > .Ri > Ay AT EIL 2tf 1383
New Life
is given by using BROWN'S
Winter it strengthens and
warms the system ; in the
Spring it enriches the blood
and conquers disease ; in the
Summer it gives tone to the
nerves and.digestive organs ;
in the Fall it enables the
system to stand the shock
of sudden changes.
In no way can disease be
so surely prevented as by
keeping the system in per
fect condition. BROWN'S
IRON BITTERS ensures per
fect health through the
changing seasons , it disarms
the danger from impure
water and miasmatic air ,
and it prevents Consump
tion , Kidney and Liver Dis
ease , &c.
H. S. Berlin , Esq. , of the
well-known firm of H. S.
Berlin & Co. , Attorneys , Lc
Droit Building , Washing
ton , D. C , writes , Dec. 5th ,
1881 :
Gentlemen : I take pleas
ure In stating that I have used
Brown's Iron Bitters for malaria -
' laria and nervous troubles ,
* caused by overwork , with
excellent results.
Beware of imitations.
W2RS , and insist on having
it Don't be imposed on
with something recom
mended as "just as good"
The genuine is made only
by the Brown Chemical Co.
Baltimore , Md ,
COO Head ol Yearling Stoeri and Iltifen ,
SCO Uetd ol Two-year-old 8t ri , and
100 Head ot Two-year-old Heifers ,
Their cattle are all good , straight , thrifty cattle ,
mostly graded cattle , For sal * all tcgttner or In
lots to salt the purchiMts. For further purtlc
alars call on or address MF , Potter , Wmcrl
Brown coutty , Iowa. At-lm
Electric AppHincei are tent on 30 Dayi' Trial.
TTTJIO are suffering from Nnnvocu PSDIUTT ,
VI } 0ft , WlSTIXO WXIKKEMU. Mid nil thoiu lliVulHOi.
ot A rKRioxu , MITCKI roiultlnit from Anciua CM
OTIIIU Oirsu. Bpccdr relict nnrt eamploto icti
rMloiioninLTTt.Viooii mil summon
The BTMdoit dtx-orery ot IheMnetemtti Cininr ]
Jcndatoocatorllluttritctll'asipblotrroc. Ail lion
ecu laoxi BCIUU ?
W. B , Diisnu , ito. and Treat ,
Lincoln , Neb
Corn Plnntero HarrowB.Parra Rollers
Balky Hay Hakee , Onottot Blevatlnu
Windmills , &o.
W ars pnpai * d lo do Job work and tnanolat
turUf ( or other parti * * .
tlicoln Neb.
Send 81 , , 93 , or
iS for n ample re-
( nil box by KxprcMH ,
of the b 8t cundlcH lu
America , put up In
olPjtnut boxen , nnd
Ntrlrtly purct. Sultn-
lo Tor iirruentN. Kx-
| iri > HH clinrecH lljjlit.
llcttors to nil Chlca-
'JANDY ; o. Try it once.
. AUdrcHM ,
Confectioner ,
A Cloor OABO.
Auburn hair , Inclined to curl ,
Honest eyes and winning smile ;
Form to sot the brain awlri ;
Lips that might a saint beguile
That's ' the girl.
Taller than the maiden coy ,
Truthful , fearless , handsome , strong ,
Ilenrt of gold without alloy ,
Halting ne'er twlxt right and wrong ;
That's the boy.
Window panes festooned with rime ,
Leaflets trees and hillside bare ;
Town clock sounding midnight chime ,
Street lamps gleaming here and there
That's the tlmo.
NentliQg at the mountain's base ,
With its ono lens , quiet st oet
Clasped In winter's whlto embrace ;
Quaint old village , prim and neat
That's the place.
Truant arm and shy embrace ,
Tender vows in willing ear ,
Klisos on an upturned face ,
Whispered , "Yes , t love you , dear.1
That's the case.
Buffalo Courier ,
What the Qlrla Need ,
Father and mother sorrowing sat ,
Their faces puckered with care.
Pon'drlng what they should do with their
Their girls with the "auburn" hair.
"They play , and the sing and they dance , "
she said ,
"And they sketch with pencil and pen
They speak German and French , anc
On , yesl any object but men , "
"And there they all stick , " the old man
growled ,
"With their gabble and Dutch , "
As ho gave the poodle beneath the chair
A prod with the point with his crotch , '
"But what can they do that IB useful1
he yelled ,
With a word that was really shocking ;
"Can they sweep , or cook , or sew , or
clean ,
Or darn the boles in their stockings ? "
"Dam tbo holes ia their stockings ! " she
With a half hysterical shriek ;
"Ah , Indeed ! What the poor trlrls need
Ii a thorough knowledge of Greek , "
Tbo Banging Mania.
0 , see the young girl ,
In beauty rare ,
Sans kink , tans curl-
Banging her hair !
And hear the youug man ,
At the piano there ,
Ilard as he can
A yonng mother stands
Oppressed with oarr ,
With slipper In hands
Banging her hair !
Collegian ,
A Welcome.
Far In the sunny Sonth she lingers.
Yet slowly comes along ,
With fairy garlands In her fingeri ,
With matches of sweet song.
Her eyes with promises are beaming ,
Her smiles will rapture bring.
The sunlight from her hair is streaming
Thrice welcome , lovely spring I
She brings us gifts , the royal maiden ,
Fair flowers to deck the hills ;
With pnmrosts her arms are laden.
Bluebells and dtffodll * .
Pale crocuses have come before her ,
Wild birds her welcome sing :
Ten thousand longing hearts ; adore her
The gray world's darling , spring ,
Jet Is still In high favor.
Fichus of all sorts are very fashionable
A great deal of gold is used f ot trim
White musllo bowa are decidedly out of
fashion ,
Vermont bas two women acting M mnll
carriers ,
The old pine patterns me revived for
rich stuffs ,
Fresh primroses are wain by this year's
Pockets appear on soms of the new
French dresses.
Black gloves and hosiery are stylishly
worn with pink toilets.
The newest chenille fringes are the
eater-pillar and vermicelli.
Strapped shoes and slippers rro worn for
evening and homo dress only.
The combination costume f remains the
marked feature In Spring styles.
Claude Melnotte hats are to be greatly
worn at the seaside thU summer.
Lace and embroidery will be as much
the rage this season as It was last summer.
To have a growing pot of pansies on the
table Is now the aim of New York women.
Pattern dresses In designs of horses and
chariots and Dlble leisons are the newest
The mingling of two or more laces In
one fichu , ruche or collarette for the neck
hai become quite common ,
Black silk stockings with gold thread
clocks and embroidery are among spring
Importations of fancy hosiery ,
Girls who are to be married In June next
wear every day a blush rose on the cor
sage , The Idea li a very pretty one.
Ribbons and lace , bows and ends , gimps
and fringes still reign paramount for trim
ming' , and make the simplest toilet at
Transparent muslins are shown with
strawbeirles , raspberries , laurel , and arbu
tus blcsiorns , carnations , sweet brier roses ,
and mosb buds In groups soatteroaon ) a col
ored groucd.
A fashionable Ibrlcle married In Sing
Sing last Thursday evening had a nightdress
dross of cream white satin duchosse trim-
uiJil with round point lace and made with
long train.
One of the prettysohoolmarms of Dakota
has sued three young men for breach ol
promise , two school trustees for her salary
and now threatens to sue any newipapei
that peaVs disparagingly about her.
There Is a diamond at Tiffany's valued
at (110.000 , and It Is said by those whc
know all about tuch things that it is the
largest In this : country. It weighs one
hundred oni twenty-live karats. Some
tllver rntninj fellow's wife will fprobablj
buy It.
Many of the rich , dark-hued spring
woolens In monocbrsmo are told with bor
dering * . French cashmeres oipeclallvnrc
very handsome , with deep bauds of lien
same ( mibr Meitd Iti bilk in Grecian
Swiat , iloral , or Keuulsianco deiigna eithei
railed or ouen work.
A youug lady was recently naked byhci
calUnt what she considered the height of
Impudence. Looking archly at him , heirs
said : "Spark it girl for three solid houn
and never oiler t ) kiss her. " It is need
lc a to say that ho is not so Impudent now
Beads of all kinds , and sequins , art
almist as profusely used as ever ; pearl , or
mother of pearl sequins , hanging in lattlc
work of silk cords , or pendant from strand
of cbonlllo fringes , .are among the moil
effective ornaments on white or pale-hue :
evening dreisti.
"I bear , " uald Mrs. SUveiinlnt , " iate
Mr. Cash ha * bought a picture by Ge !
roine for which he paid 910,000. " "Yoi
donjt say so , " aaid Mr. SHvermlne. lay
Ing aside the morning papar , "which of
the Jeromes painted U Lawrence or
Leonard ! "
Black , gray , [ cream or white parasol
have silk embroidered butterflies icattemc
over , with pearls worked into the wingi 5
Thote near the ferule bavt cloied wings
but the scattered onoi have outspread
ones. Lace will be much used on para
sols , arranged to fonn a double fun In
each division ,
Linen oollan nre still favorites ( or morn ,
ing nnd itteot wear. The straight stand.
Inc band , made td lap , and worn with
fancy button , or with a short space , the
corner ! carved and wrought with a tiny
leaf , are both liked. Another style hai a
tiny edge turned over , this wrought with
a delicate vine of embroidery.
Embroidery on illk gauze continues to
be mod as an elegant trimming to plain
and brocaded illk grenadines or ganzes. A
charming dre of this kind Is composed of
narrow ruHles of sllk'tmbroldered jfau/e of
o pale pink hue , the corsage reaching far
below the hlpi , being of pale pink otto
man ill It , trimmed about the tquaro neck
and npon the cuVcs of the elbow sleeves
with the embroidered gauze.
Home of the new patterns In straw lace
bonnets are almost a * Intricate and deli
cate as Oulpuro lace designs. Those bon
nets are light , any , i > nd very attractive.
Their garnitures are correspondingly light
and ethetet.1 , Soft tinted silk mulls
and gauza are used , ai wells as wreaths
of floe ( hirers mingled with delicate
Tufts , algrettei of ontrlob feat harp , and
tiny birds ate favorite trimmings npon
elegant evening dreisei of silk or ratln ,
At a fashionable evening party in this city
recently a dreis trimmed with birds was
composed of Brunei * lace rklrt and sap
phire-blue velvet train , with a flight of
blue birdi on the lace skirt and one or two
npon the corsage. Another lady wore a
moms-gray velvet , With train depending
from the shoulders. A yellow and gray
bird was placed on the right shoulder , and
another on the left hip , with Its bill fas
toned In the folds of the drapery.
There Is not a school house In Ivsaguena
county , Miss.
All the schools In Germany have decided
to adopt the new method of spelling.
A movement is on foot to extend tbo
course of the law department of the Mlchl
gan state college to two years of nine
months each.
The Jews in Great Britain are said to
have more children who oan read and
write , In proportion to their number than
any other denomination.
William and Mary college , the oldest In
the country , has closed. The one student
who attended last year haa been forced to
pursue a college course elsewhere.
A scheme is being projected in Boston
for the co-operative education of cooks.
One thousand housekeepers are to pay $5
apiece to malntoln a school , pledging
themselves to employ none but graduates.
The free evening ; drawnlng classes re
cently established by the legislature of
Massachusetts In several of the larger
cities of the state have been very success
It is stated that Pint Tnlane , cf New
Jersey , will add $325,000 to his previous
large gift to the city of New Orleans for
educational purposes , on the condition that
his former donation shall bo free from
Archtlshon Spaldtng has secured th
sanction of tbo pope for the erection of a
Catholic nniverslty of the United States ,
for which 82.000,000 has already been sub
scribed , The university niU probably be
erected at Milwaukee.
Baltimore haa a city college , with on
elaborate course of studies and flonrlihlof
business colleges , but no place for tha
preliminary Instruction deemed eoessentla
for others is provided for him who Intends
to follow some useful occupation and to
cam his living by bU hands as well as his
head. In sbort , the monumental city
needs a trade school.
The "educational bureau" of Cleveland
O , , Is doing good work among the workinf
people of that city , Started out two years
ago , and then on a very small scale , I
haa gradually widened Its sphere of use
fulness , and the last report states tha
over 3,000 membership ticket * , at $1 each
have been taken by employes In stores anc
shops , and 65COO books have been distrl
bnted among them. ' '
The overcrowded condition of th
schools In Chicago Is attracting consider
able attention in that city just now , anc \
the local newspapers are loud In their de
mands that adequate accommodations b
provided. According to the last census
there are soventy.six school houses In th
city , with IDS , ICG pupils ; or an average o
2,041 f9r each building. The superintend
ent states that last year there were 1C
"double" divisions , or 0,214 pupils , who
could attend school but half the time o
account of lack of room. Besides this
the schools are not properly distributee
throughout the city , the most populou
districts having the least schools.
Rev. Tom Beocher Is preaching in thi
open air in California.
The Universallsts have in the TJnltec
States 741 churches , 707 ministers , am
85,790 communicants.
There are now between throe and foui
hundred Christian schools in China , con
tainlng over 0,000 pupils.
The Mennonltes In this country now
number 410 churches or orgrnlzations , 250
ministers , and about 50,000 commuicants.
The Methodist Union in Canada has
been ratified by the quarterly beards , 528
voting for It , 57 against , and 8 tie votes
being cast. -
The Congregational ministers , of Chicago
have taken an Important step toward re
forming the divorce laws by refusing to
marry those who have been divorced for
other thin Scriptural reasons ,
Sonle people say the missionary spirit In
the churches is dying out. The fact that
the sums contributed by the various Pro
testant churches have Increased in eighty
years from $240,000 to $6,250,000 dcei not
c infirm the assertion.
Bethany Presbyterian church , Philadel
phia , had the remarkable accession on
Sunday before last of 250 new members.
The church basbeenwltbout a pastor for a
- year , and Her. Ilenry MoOook took
- charee of special services In February last ,
with the encouraging result as stated.
It has been decided to close the Presby
terian theological seminary , at Danville ,
Ky. , at least temporarily , because of a
, lack of funds ; Its endowment not being
sufficient to maintain even four professor
ships. 1 he seminary wai opened In 1853 ,
and hai Instructed about SCO students ,
over 100 pursuing the full course ,
The Catholic church Ins trebled Its
churches in Great Britain and Increased
its membership two a half fold in the last
forty yean , The Tablet now claims In
all Kngllsb ipeaklncr countries 195 seat ,
14.-1U priest11.E9G churches , and 15 , *
900,000 persons who are connected more or
- IBM clofoly with the church. One-third
o > the bishops , three-fourths of the priests
nnd 44 per cent of the membership Is in the
, United States.
The Lord may cull a man to preach , bul
he i < oea out lecturing on his own account
. - Sitting Dull , it Is announced from Mil
waukee. is about to join th church , Bit
ting Bull la like a democratic sUtesmnn-
always In favor of reforms when the spoil
seem fur oil ,
One of the best definitions of faith wa
given by a Sunday icbool boy to ill
teacher : "As near tta I an make It out , 1
is feeling perfectly sure of a thing whei
yen have nothing to back It up , "
e- A man rn Vermont broke Into chnrcl
and carrl d away the melodeon. There 1
more than one way to build up the congre
; gation 'ol ' a church , and jet there ire
threats of arresting the man who abdnctw
the mWal aggravation.
"freel bad to think I put that f ara ch tip | |
In the contribution bcx by mbUktf sail
. the Louisville man. "I reckon I do. Tha
. was a 15 chip , and they'll go and get I
embed and g t $5 out of mo when I only
Intended to give them fifty cents , "
A clergyman was Induced to visit a
thentro one night by the report that a re
vival was going on there , but was dis
gusted to find that it was a revival of the
"Black Or ooV , "
An English bishopquerulonsly remarked
to his servant that he waa dying , "Well ,
lord " said the fellow "wo
my , good , are
going to a better place. " "John , " replied
the prelate , with an air of conviction ,
"There is no place like old England. "
' 'Children ' , what must o man do before
ho can eo to heaven ? " asked a teacher In a
Sunday school , A good boy would have
known the proper1 answer at once and re
plied that a man must be at least decently
honest , a condition which would exclude
nearly every office holder In this country
since the declaration of Independence , but
a lltt'e boy , who waa too literal to be sat
isfactory , answered ; "He must dli , sir. "
A Baptist preacher in Northern Texas
made hla congregation lauch for half an
hour without stopping. He Intended to
rebuke the female members for extrava-
ganoo in drcsc , and thinking that garbage
was a more elegant form of the word garb ,
he used it a number of times with great
effect. lie said among other things that
It was displeasing to the Lord for Christian
women to bo carried away with their gar
"What Newton is it that the papers are
talking about ? " asked a gentleman just re
turning from Europe of a friend In one of
our up-town clubs the other evening. "Is
it my ( Id friend General Newton , of the
army ? "
"Noteiaotly , " was the reply , "but 1 am
not surprised at the mistake , for Loth the
Rev , II Heber Newton and Gen. Newton
are engaged In the same business. "
"What's that ? " asked the late arrival ,
"Why , removing obstruction ! from Hell
Gate. "
A certain mlnliter of the Kirk of Scotland -
land , now deceased , bad prepared with
great owe a series of discourses on the
parable of the ten virgins , and had made
use of them rather oftener than some of his
brethren thought he should. On the v n-
ing of a communion Sabbath , when assist
ing a brother clergyman in the same pres
bytery , he delivered one of his series , which
his friend had heard more than once.
When the services weco over and the two
ministers were on their way to the manse ,
the one said to the other : "Man , John , I
really think you should gle up the virgins ;
e'ro fairly makin' auld maids of them. "
Saturday is the favorite wedding day
with the French people.
The oldest groom in Georgia is Robert
Andersen , of Walker county , who , at the
ago of 87 , has just led to the altar a blush
ing yonng woman of 23.
John Wlnans , the democrat who beal
Charlie Will ams for congress in the First
Winconsln district , was married Thursday
to Mits Fannie Russell of Antwerp , N. V ,
The marriage of Prince Qoorpo of Walei
to a Belgian princess nas long been fore
shadowed , and is highly probable , Tbrougli
her mother , an Austrian , she would bring
an infusion of new blood.
Prince Thomas , of Genoa , cousin and
brother-in-law of the reigning King ol
Italy , was married Monday at Munich to
the Princess Isabella of Bavaria , a first
cousin of King Louis ,
"Never marry for wealth , " says an au
thorlty on life , etc , but remember that II
is just as eauy to love a girl who has agooc
house , with an estate attached , as one who
bas not anything but an auburn head ant
an amiable disposition. "
A Kentucky boy of 14 has j ant mnrrlei
a girl one year younger. They are not ol (
enough to know bitter , but the parents ant
preacher should have been. There is no
occasion for s"ch unieemly baste In orde
to preserve the usual democratic majority
in Kentucky ,
In San Francisco , last week , Mr. John
Waterman Gray , son of Mr. Douglas U
Gray , of Hatrisonbnrg , Va , , andatpresen
clerk cf the surveyor general of Arizona ,
at Tucson , was married to Miss Nina
youngest daughter of Judge Joieph Bald
win , the author of "Flush Times , " and
other productions.
The London Truth says there are rumors
that In process of time Prince Albert Via
tor , eldest son of the Prince of Wales , will
be"ad vised to select as hla wife the i'rlncess
Clementine , of iSaxe-Coburg , daughter of
the King and Queen of the Belgians. The
Prlnsets Is now only thirteen years old ,
and the young Prince six yrars older.
Annie Gninness , [ of New York City , Is
only 10 , but has cot far enough along to
fall in love with Hong Gee , a Chinaman ,
and with feminine perversity declares she
will marry him by and by. She will make
a sweet little bride for Hong , having grad
uated from the penitentiary and taken a
post-graiuato course in a house of correc
By the way , hasn't it occurred to any
one that Adam was Number One ?
Taking care of the baby Is a delightful
occupation to read about In the story
books ,
It is said that the empress of Auitria has
taken to fencing , Perhaps her neighbors
keeps chickens ,
A corner In onions Is a hard thing to
make , They give themselves away when
gathered In any large quantity.
A philosopher says : "Hay emells the
sweetest after it is cut. " In that respect
Llmburger cheese cannot compete with
In view of the fact that Solomon had
seven hundred wives , the minister of the
church which he attended must have bad
a sort of picuio ,
One of the easiest ways to become insane
is to take a gas bill to tue-office of the com
pany and ask the manager to explain why
It is fifty per cent greater than it ought to
The new discovery that kissing cures
freckles may be all right , but the difficulty
with a youth who has the complexion'of
an African leopard is that he can t get any
girl to kiss him.
A Kansas paper in Its "dramatic per
sonals" makes pleased mention of the fact
that "the donkey which will appear on the
stage at the WhftUy opera house this even
ing is quartered at the Gllchrlst livery
The editor of the Now Orleans Picayune
having been thinking deeply upon the sub
ject conclndta that "one egg a day is about
the best n hen can do , She has no idea
of having anything laid over for the next
day. "
A yonng man in love has as much pa
tience na a cat , and that's saying a good
deal when wo remember that ft cat will sit
upon the back-yard fence and sing "Ma-
rlar" for six weeks at a time wben ho foola
'I should like to have that baud , " said
he critically , as ho looked over the shoulder
of a fair whlslUte. "You may ifyou
Kite , " was the soft reply. And when
next morning , be came a little to himself
he found that ho'd proposed and been ac
cepted ,
A toy of etyht yean , in one of the Mas
sachuietts schools , was aiked by his teach
. er where the zenith was. He replied
- "The spot in the heavens directly ovei
- one's head. " To test his knowledge fur
ther , the teacher aiked : ' 'Can two person
have the same zenith t the same time ? '
"They can. " "How ? " ' -If one shouli
stand on the other's head , "
Yankee Invention bursts out In strangi .
It places , In a single week there were issuei
patents to New Englandera for a uon-hea >
conducting pall , a putting out machln
which no tint-class editorial room shouli
be without , a spark arrester which 1
Is thought to be an improvement noon he
- original spark arrester a pretty girl ; am
a car-starter , which , however. Is not de
signed to supersede the old-fashioned inuU
Why bo weak ? Why not bo
healthy , robust , and strong , by ng
it Brown's Iron Bitten !
\delina Pattl will sail for England Apr 11
Mary Anderson will appeir at the Lon
don Lyceum on September 1 ,
Col. Mapleson ha * scouted the services
of Big. Peruglni for next seaion ,
Henry E. Abbey bas engaged Mme.
Scalchl for a short concert tour.
Three wealthy gentlemen of Padueab ,
Ky. , will build an opera house there this
Miss Sara Jewett has not yet s'cned any
contract for next season , but bas definitely
left the Union Square theatre.
Stgnor Salvlnl says bo has no intention
of ever returning to America , and that all
reporta to the contrary are untrue ,
Remonyl has found a twelve year old girl
in Texas whom ho pronounces the greatest
violinist America ever produced.
J. M , Hill , Margaret Mather's manager -
ger , predicts that his star will have a for
tune of ? 2oOOOJ within six years.
No lets than 1,681 candidates presented
themselves for the fifty scholarships of.
fered by the Kojnl college of music In Lon
don ,
The n < < w music hall to bo built this sea
son in Cleveland is to seat over 4,00. ) per.
sons , and will be fitted for operatic per
Vienna papers announce that Fran
Lucca Is to appear at the Imperial opert
from October to February , and Mapleson
aveis that she will be with him.
It is now said that T heodore Thomas Is
the leading spirit In the project for a large
Music Hell in New York , which has been
quietly pushed for some time.
Col. Mapleson has been negitiatingwlth
the committee of Music Hall , Boston , toE
reduce Italian opera there next teason ,
E istead of at the Boston theatre ,
Fred and Victoria will , It is said , be the
only remaining mem/crsof the Vokes fam
ily upon the stage next season , but
they will head a company beating the old
name ,
A young man recently married an act
rots , and not wishing to let his friends
know all at once , told one to "break the
news gently. "Tell them first that I
am dead , and gently work up to the ell
The Boston Ideal company will bring
out next season a new opera by S , L Stud *
ley , the musical director of the compsny ,
It bas been completed for some time , but
Mr. Stndley will add two numbers ) before
it is produced.
The management of the Cincinnati dra
matlo festival contemplate a change In a
portion of the week's programme , substi
tuting "The Hunchback. " May 1 , In leu
of "Romeo and Juliet , " as hitherto an
nounced , and presenting the latter play at
the matinee on the 5tb , the date originally
assigned for ' 'The Hunchback.1
. The ad
vance sale of season tickets had up to the
Gth Init. aggregated $04,425 20 , $30,283.20
of the amount being for premiums , leaving
only 1,2:7 seats as yet unsold.
Cincinnati boasts that there is a young
lady in that city with a fall beard.
In a Biston shop window is a bridge
trade of 300,000 miles of spool silk ,
A paper pulp chimney fifty feet high has
been put up at Breslau , Germany.
A Paris surgeon advertises that he will
supply people with all the dimples they
may desire at a napoleon apiece.
The wooden model of a revolver , which
the famous Colt made when but sixteen
yeirs of age , la on of the many curiosities
of the immense Colt's armory in Hart
A visitor to Rio Joneiro writes that tb.
burial caskets in that locality are covered
with black , red or violet materlalberdered
with gilt tinne , giving them the sprightly
air of bonbon boxes.
Owen Lovejoj'a historic press , whlcbtbt
foes of abolition threw Into the Mississipp
river at Alton.IU. , is now in the possession
cf on Iowa editor , who offers to change it
with the Illinois Historical society for
new power press.
In April , 1880 , Miss Anna L. Hoffman ,
of New Albany , Ind. , was run over by
railroad train and had her right arm an
left hand cut off. Through skilled treat
ment her life and left arm were saved. 1
reporter who visited her a few days ag ,
found her in good health , cheerful anc
making herself generally usefulBy ale
of an artificial hand , made by her father ,
she can pump and carry water , bring in
coal , write a good hand.nnd play the plant
almost as dextrouely as an unmaimed per
BODThe birth of an eccentric in Turkish
Kurdisten is announced by the Diarbekl
newspaper. The infant , who is an objec
of Interest not unmlngled with au alarm tt
the neighborhood , was born with a bearc
and moustache , a perfct set of tbirty-tw <
teeth , and with no fewer than forty dis
tlnctly ormod fingers. Its behavior from
the moment of its birth has been far from
satisfactory. It is excetslvely noisy and
violent , owing to the cruel bites it inflicts
on all who come within reach of itsmoutt
It has been found necessary to extract a
Its front teeth.
Said a wUo old doctor at Nerdhoff ,
St. Jacobs Oil la very much bonghtof
It's kept for the sake ,
Of each pain an echo
That any ono hag ever thought of.
Hla Wife Snled.
Arkimas Traveller.
"I has de wnst Inck ob any man I
ebor seed , " aald old Isom. " 'What' *
the matter now ? " asked the governor.
"Why , aah , my wife rnu away an'
sprained my shoulder.1 "I don't un
derstand how yonr wife's running
away could sprain yonr shoulder. "It
was dis way. Some time ago my boas
died , and since den I has been vforkln1
my wife ter dowagon. She's a power
ful stout 'oman , and could pnll t ioe
as much as the po' ole boas. Wall , de
udder day , while I was drlvln * along ,
wo met a preacher In de road ; my wife
shied , turned do wagon over , an *
aprainqd my shoulder.
An Undoubted Blessing-
About thirty years ago , a prominent
Physician by the name of Dr. William
Hall discovered , or produced after long
experimental research , a remedy for dis
eases of the throat , chest and lungs , which
was of tuch wonderful efficacy that it soon
gained a wide reputation In this country.
The name < > f the medicine Is DR WM.
an ! may be safely rolled on as a speedy
and positive cure for ccughe , colds , sore
throat , &o. Bold by all druggists.
Iron and Slate Eoofing ,
- 0. SPKOliT , Proprietor.
, . , 1111 Douglas St. Omaha , Hob
: Iron Cornices !
Tin , Iron and Slate Roofing ,
Specht's Patent MetalltclSkyllgbt Patent ,
Adjusted Hatchet Bar and Bracket
Bbelvlne. I am the ceneral agent
is for the above line of goods.
Crestlngs , Balustrades , Verandas , Iror
. Bank lUlllngs , Window Blinds , Gal-
lar Guards ; also
With All Our Customers in
Omaha and Vicinity.
STEELE , mmm & GO. ,
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Beat Brands of
Fire and Burglar
1020 Farnham Street ,
- - - WT
ia only attained by using
Stoves and Bangss/
For sala by
. lall-rakel
2I3 Farnam St. .
1509 Douglas Street. | Oor. 10th and California St.
Have brought to this city from the firms cf Ludredth& Bon's , Philadelphia , and James M. Xhui-
burn ft Co. , New York , the lartjeit itock of Garden md Field Seeds ever Imported before to this
dty , allot which are guaranteed to be freah and true to the namt.
Prices will also be as low as any EesponsibJe Dealer can Make ,
mar 10-ood-tf HENRY BOLLN & CO.
. A. IJBiJLiD ,
( IMi
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Union Pacific DenotOMAHA ,
Window Caps , Finials.Skylights , &c.
BUEMPING & BOLTE , Proprietors.
Tin , Iron and Slate Roofers
Ornamental Galvanized Iron Doraices , Iron Sky Lights , Eto ,
310 South Twelfth . Street , OMAHA , NBB
muT-mon-wed trl-me.
\ r