rm HE OMAHA DAILY BEE. .t TWELFTH YEAR. : NEB SATURDAY MORNING 21 issa 201 THE SHOE PINCHES. England Spealing for the Ex tradition of Irish Con spirators , Sudden Bpasm of Rsform Generated by Recent Explosions , But the History of Bygone Days Meek Her Appeals ) for Protection. Thorough and Conclusive Evi dence Given Against the Dynamiters. The Jury Dliagroo in the Caco ol Kelly , the Alleged Anasiln- Tne Usual Variety of Foreign News. ENGLAND. Special Dispatch to Tin BIE , LONPUN , April 20. The man ar rested for connection with the dyna mlto conspiracy were again brought up this morning for a further hearing The court room was crowded. Among those present was Herbert Gladstone , the boy who was employed by Whitehead - head at Birmingham , and who was yesterday identified by Lynch , was placed in the witness box. He recog nized Thos. Gallagher ( Dr. Gallagher ) as the man who visited Whltoboad , The boy testified that Gallagher when he visited Whitehead gave the name of Fletcher. When ho called to sea Whltohoad he sent him ( the boy ) on an errand and told him he need not hurry back. When ho returned Whltohoad and Gillagher were still engaged in conversation , and Whitehead - head gave him a holiday. Shortlj afterward Wlllson ( another of the prisoners ) arrived in a cab. He said he had come for the "oil ; " that "Fletcher1 had ordered Wlllson was conducted by Whltohoad to an inner room , The next tlmo Lynch came to Whltehead'i place , bringing with him a largo box , The boy was unable to swear as to thi Identity of Wlllson bnt he was , however over , positive as to Gallagher who , hi said , called several times to set Whltohoad. A detootlvo belonging at Blrming ham was sworn and ho confirmed thi testimony given by the other wltnessoi t > as to the tlmo of Yvillsou'a arrival a the house of Whitehoad. Coleman another witness , confirmed thin ac count. He said Gallagher pnrchaaec of him a bag capable of holding 29 ! pounds of nitroglycerine. Gallagho : asked the prloa cf other bags. Thi maker of rubbar bags In Oheapaldi street swore the rubber bag was pur chased of him. It was proven tha the latter oag was ordered by Wilson but found i > y the police in Gallagher' room , Charing Cross hotel. A po liceman testified ho found a legal worl in Gallagher's possession , in whlol the paragraph relative to troasoi felony waa marked. The prisoner wore remanded for further hearing. < LONDON , April 20. It has baoi ascertained that the box found neo The Times office last night did no contain any explosive material. The Standard says it believes tha the day will soon coma when mil ! . : ' croants like O'Donovan Rossa will b l/Xv hurled out of both continents. /r * sf The Pall Mall Gizstto says th evidence ttat the dynamite plot noi under Investigation was hatched 1 Now York is as clear as the proof th foreign oflio possessed twenty-fiv If ) ' years ago , that Mazzlnl's plotto yjl ) against Italy was hatched In Enf | J' land , and it says the oxtradltion c { 7 Rossa from the United States is abac as likely as Mazalnl's waa from Eag land. land.Sir John Rose writes to The Time nrglng that England Invite all civil Ized nations to unite In securing th enactment of laws for the extraditio of any person who shall comml atrocities ender the veil of politlci motives. The Marquis of Queonsberrj brother of Lady Florence Dixie , in letter to The Telegraph says the dej ositlon of the Eton gentleman wh tatoa that ho saw Lidy Florenc ' Dixie at Windsor at the tlmo it alleged she was attacked , which hi been used to discredit that lady statement , merely ahowa that ho pan ed Lady Florence twice before tl tlmo ot the attack Is said to hai occurred. Tha marqnii complalr that the police refuse to. make know the name of the gentleman and 1 appeals to him to come forward. The copy right convention betwee Germany and Franco has been signei Minister Lowell , speaking at tl installation of Sir John Lubbock i president of the Workman's Oollog expressed the conviction that such li stltutlons are extremely fruitful < good work. LIVERPOOL , April 20. Stoame from this port yesterday for Ne York and Canada carried nearly 3,01 emigrants. IRELAND. Special DUpatch to Tui li . DUBLIN , April 20. The trial Timothy Kelly , for complicity in tl murder of Cavendish and Burke , w resumed this morning. After ca ing a few more witnesses the Orov announced that their case was close Eageno Kingston , who was arrested Liverpool last Wednesday on a char of balng connected with the Phooa Park murders , was arraigned to-d and after a hearing was remanded prjson to answer the charge of co spiracy to murder. DUBLIN , April 20. The Kelly tri was concluded to-day. The jury 6 o'clock retired and remaining o soma little tlmo returned and a nounoad they were unable to agre When tha disagreement of the jn became known crowds around t court cheered Kelly and tha jurors. Featheratone , O'Herllhy , Morg A \ . and C rmody charged with complicity in tha dynamlto conspiracy wore arranged to-day la Cork. The ovi- donca showed that Koathorstono had on several occasions visited the chem ists of Glasgow , and had asked con cerning the strength and density ol certain acids and shortly an crdoi signed O'florllhy was received froni Cork for quantity of nitric acid graded 92 degrees. GfENERAIi FOREIGN NEWS , Special DlipatcbM to Tni li . The International polar commission announces that owing to the decis ion of the American and other gov ernments not to prolong tbo obser vations at different statlocr , all ex peditions except whore Icebound will rotutn next September. The Malagassy envoyd have gone to Berlin as imperial guests , The largest oil warehouse in Ham burg burned. Three buildings and 15.000 cart in oil was destroyed , Advices from Tamatar state that the natives are busily engaged In mnklnf weapons. They deolaro they will noi surrender an inch of territory to thi French Invaders. The report that Helen Mtroovl oh , the wcman who tried to shoot Kin ; Milan in the cathedral at Belgrade , has taken her llfo in prison , Is noi true. She attempted to commit snl clde , but failed , and Is now rocovorlnj from her wounds , DETHI , India , April 20. An ox tonalvo oonll gratlon occurred In thli city. Two thousand houses were do ttroyed and a great number of faml lies are destitute and homeless. BILBAO , April 20 A collision occur red off /icro / between the Eaglinl steamer Thames and the Spanlsl steamer Magdalona. The latter snnl with five persons on board and two o the crow of the Thames wore drowned EXAGGERATED REPORTS. The Indian War aa It Really Exlatc Special Dispatch to Till Bu DENVBII , April 20. A spochl fror General Crook's headquarters at Wll cox , Arizona , says : The torrltotia press exaggerate in order to imfhm an attack on the reservation of th Indians. No raiders have been 1 Arizona for three weeks past. The laa alarming report now two days old i that 80 Apaohos were seen on th Santa Itlta range beyond Camp Grit tendon and over In the Santa Orn valley above Oalabassas , and Is wholl ; untrue The Tombstone Bangers have boei In Wilcox , and they say they are 01 the Indian trail , but they do not a [ pear anxious to roach San Oarloa Crook bos been greatly hampered am annoyed by these inflammatory art ! clea and falsehoods. He will mov into Mexico on Sunday. His fore will consist of 102 Apaches nnde Captain Crawford , of the Unite States Third oivalry , and Aldo N. E Molntosh will also have fifty cavalrj men and the entire Mexican force I northern Sonara and Chihuahua. How * It Iioobs to alReildent Special Dispatch to Tai Bis. FORT SOJTT , April 20. The Mentor tor , of this city , nas received a lettc from Hon. E. F. Ware , father-In.la of Jndga McOomns , who was recentl killed by Indians near Silver Oltj giving an outline of the situation 1 the Indian country , and of the efforl being made to recover Charles MoCi mns , the little son of Judge McOjmc who was captured by the Indlai when they killed the parents. Th good offices of the governors of Ohiht hna and Sonora , Mexico , have bee secured. A largo reward has bee offered and photographs circulate throughout the entire Indian conn try. The whereabouts of the boy : not known , and little hope is entei talnod of hl recovery during tb hostilities. Should a truce occur r may bo obtained , bnt should the par ty In whoso hands ho Is bo attacked t our troops or by the Mexicans , thei Is no doubt bnt that he would t killed at ones. The letter says th feeling against tha Indians among tt people throughout Arizona is vei Intense , and they are strongly oppoa < to allowing any Indians on the resoi vation to remain Arizona. The Trial of Jera Dunn- SpecUl DUpatch to TUK BEE. a OHIOAQO , April 20. The trial of Je Dunn , charged with the murder i James Elliott , the pugilist , was oalle 0 In the criminal court thii mornln The court room was well filled. Tl a pritoner appeared neatly dressed ai with bushy blaok whispers smooth trimmed and parted at the ohl Emory A. Storra and Daniel Mm appeared for the defence and ma application for change of venue on tl ground that Judge Jameson was prej diced. After a brief oorsaltatlon wl 0 State's Attorney Mills ho announo : counsel had agreed that the caeo hoard by Judge Smith , The ohan of venue was granted in aooordan with thn agreement. Judge Smith sot the case for heart Monday , May 7th. Maad Granger Serlotuly 111 Special Dlipatcb to Tax His. MEUIDAN , Conn. , April 20. Ma Granger shortly b afore the ttmo appear In the title role of "Tho PI a ter'a ] Wife" this evening , was tak with convulsions , the result of m vons prostration , and became so that the performance could not Riven and the largo audience was d missed. It Is feared she may have . abandon her eastern tour oven If s survives the present terrible series convulsions. From Liverpool. Spec'al DlipatcU to TIIE Biz , Naw YOHK , April 20. Arrived , t Adriatic from Liverpool. NEW YOKK , April 20. Arrive Fulda from Bremen. LONDON , April 20. Arrived , Gel al nnd Soythla from New York , at BOSTON , April 20 , Tha City at Boston arrived out a- ae. . An Ohio Fire. e.T COLUMBUS , April 20. A fire tie Hamilton this afternoon destroj elaven small building. LOBS , $14 , & Insurance , 17,000. AM EAHiu " 9XED. Milwaukee Trembling Over the Arrival of a Oaso of Dynamite. Enough to Blow up a Blook In nocently Bests on the Sidewalk. A Huge Land Swindle Broken up and the Authors Jailed , Soma Other Methodn of "Rating the Wind. " Dynamite in Mllwautoo. Special Dispatch to Tin l ) i. MILWAUKEE , April 20. American express agents of this city to-day dis covered a package of dynamite of the weight of twenty-five pounds , which was shipped from Newark , N. J , by the Adams Express , and turned over to the American company Thurs day at Chicago. It bore no mark to indicate its deadly contents , bnt was directed to the Milwankeo cement company. When delivered by the Amorhah Express driver the offioers in the cement company's employ aaid it was dynamite , and the package was returned to the American office , and lay on the sidewalk till 1 o'clock. The cement company claim It Is only a lot of fuses. Experts say the amount was snffiolent to blow the express train tc atoms or a whole block. Tno package is eighteen inches long , twelve Inohoi wide and eight deep. Goo. H. Paul , president of the cement company , said to-night the box had not yet been opened and II was not known whether It contained fuse or dynamlto. Ho spoke of the matter lightly , saying It was commot to ship all kinds of explosives by ex press though more usually perhaps bj water , and said that the quarry com panics throughout Wisconsin were It dally receipt ol Heola and Hercules powder. The box received to-day wat part of the order and would not hav ( boon shipped unlots safe. The express press agent hero says the case will bi investigated and the responsible par ties brought to justice. A Hngo Swindle. Special Dispatch to Tus Uss. NEW YONK , April 20. The Suydan land swindle , which has just boot broken up was one cf gigantic proper tlone , and might have been succoaafu bnt for an Inqnbitlvo Scotchman. Ic the winter of 1882 , Hanson , of Nevi Scotia , came to this city. Hero he met Jaa. Madison FJagg , of Chicago who represented ho was the owner o 000,000 acres of land , rich in mlncra and lumber in southwestern Virginia , Flagg suggested the formation of i syndicate for the purpose of buying thi land at the price asked , $450,000 The syndicate was formed with 0 p < tain Albert B. Cunningham , o Glasgow , Scotland , and aevcra English noblemen and capitalists Abstracts of title deeds , duly at tested by the proper officers , am sealed , were given to Hanson , and li February ho wont to Edinburgh Hero ho consulted eollcltora as to thi best method of investigating thi property. It was determined to ex amlno the records , and Hanson , hi solicitor , A. Forbes Dollas , and Mar ens Robinson , a timber merchant oamo to this city , arriving Marc ! 2G. In the meantlma Captain Can nlugham had pild FJagg $ GOCO , fo the synciiato , as the first installmen of the purchase money. Search o the records showed that the proport ; belonged to other persons than Flags and that the signatures of the count ; officials had boon forged. Suydat had made abitraota for Flagg , fc which ho received $1 500. Suydars when questioned , said search ha been made by Oorey Glbsot of Virginia , bnt who or what c where ho waa he could not saj As the body of the abstracts were 1 Suydam's hands wtitlng , it was di elded to arrest him , and ho was a < cordlngly taken Into custody. B has been arrested once In Ohlciijo fc perjury and onoo in this city for tb same crime. Flagg disclaims an criminal intention. | { Spanish cigar makers propoio nsl ing an advance of $2 per thooaani Employes are ready to tjlvo $1 ii crease , in Chicago Character * . lo SpecUl DUpatch to TUB BEE. 10 GmcAcn , April 20.Edward Jnmi iith an eccentric artist and caricatnrls th id shot himself this evening , the ba passing entirely through his head. oo cinnotllvo. It is said ho was undi the Influence of liquor , BO Samuel King and wife were a rested by a private detoctlvo agom to-day , charged with shop lifting. ' . Is said that they have baen operatic for several days among the largo me cantile houses cf the city. In the ad room at the Matteson house $1,5 ( to worth of silks , ribbons and laces , tl property of A. 8. Gage & Oo. , wo : found. They were introduced to tl firm by a man named Joe Fonoho ill It Is alleged that they have a crooki bo record. The detectives say th Is.to King and wife are very expert In tl to shop-lifting business and members ho the famous Madame Mcndolcon of gang now operating throughout tl oast. Mott and HU Methoda. 8p cal ! Dispatch to Till Bit. ho April 20. Herr Me arrived to-day and will remain un Tuesday next. Daring his stay will address several meetings and w tic endeavor to effect an organization socialists in this city , of Aa Incendiary Fire. Bp cUl Dtapatch to Till liM. BETHANY , Mo , , April 20. An I at oondiary lire occurred hero last nig ed destroying nearly two blocks , inoln X ) ; In ; two banks and several stores , T loss is 130,000. THE RAILROADS. An Important Decision Rendered in the Kansas Oity Bogus Ticket Oaso. r Jay Gould Outlines His ttohomo to Inflate the Wabaah Debt. Bofr.ni Tiolcct * Not a CrJm . Special Uupatchto Till IJii , ST. . Louis , April 20. Judge Van Wagoner , of the criminal court ren dered a decision to-day of consider able interest to all the railroad com panies. It was on motion to quash three Indictments against George MoKonzlo , formerly a member of the tbkot brokory firm of Mllford & MoKonzlo , who was indicted in con nection with the Rosa ticket frauds at Kansas City some months ago. Judge Van Wagoner holds the ticket ques tion as sot out In the Indictments pos sess no clement of a contract , and the moro printing cf them or having them in possession a ( Tor da no oauso or foundation for criminal prosecution under our statutes. Gonld and tha W on h. BpocUl Dispatch to Tin Um. NEW YOUR , April 20. Jay Gould lo-day Issued a letter to the stock holders of tbo Wobash , St. Lorni & Pacific railway company , of which ho ! ' is president , in which ho says : "loi order to pay off the floating debt , rft this company and provide for Its < r trust payments , the directors , author ized by the stockholders , have de cided to create a collateral trust loan , amounting to $10,000,000 , in coupon bonds bearing G per cent interest and running thirty years. Tbo ob ject of this loan is to relieve the Wabash - bash oompnuy of its floating debt and to provldj for obligations which would otherwise bo an Inonmbrtnoe. These measures , together with the lease of the property of the St. Louis , Iron Mountain & Southern railway company , has been undertaken for thn benefit and advantage of stock holders. " Rallrond Rate * in the South- Special Dispatch to Tni Uu. BALTIMOUE , April 20. A committee - tee of the Southern Railway and Steamship association , for arranging rates between the south and west and the eastern seaboard is in session hero. Representatives are prctout from the associated lines of Virglnlc and the Otrollnas , of the Cincinnati & New Orleans , Texas Pac'iCo , the Central of Georgia , Western & At lantic , the Eist Tenno B3o , Virginia & Georgia , the South Carolina Rail way and the Liulevillo & Nashville , A number of freight agents and , ofli- cots uf other roads in the south and west are also hero. Tbo adjustment of rates in the south and between the west and the southern sea const has boon referred to a sub-corn- mlttco. , The Oanndtan Pacific- Special Dlip&tch to Tui Uu. OTTAWA , April 20 The commoni has granted leave to introduce a bill giving the Canadian Pacific rallwaj cower to Icaso the lines of the Orodll Valley , Qaobeo & Ontarla and Atlan tis & Northwestern railways. Thli step has been taku , as all hopes of at amicable worklug arrangement with the Canadian Pacific and Grurl Tranl companies are abandoned. A Railroad ICaiualty. Special Dispitch to Tni BXK. ST. Louu , April 20. A pusher on glno on the Chicago & Alton road or the heavy grade between Pearl ant Rtront stations , about 20 miles east o : the North Road honso in Illinois while backing down the grade at i great speed nn Wednesday evening collided with thn Kansas City expresi wtimleft at 8:30 : p. m. The pushe was dashed to fragments , and Eaginee Smith killed outright , and Jerr ; McCarthy , the fireman , had both fee cut off. No one on the passenger trail was hurt , but It took nlno hours t' ' clear the track. A Myitery Partly Solved- Special Dispatch to Tu Um. o MILWAUKEE , April 20. The myi tory surrounding the disappearance o llttlo Maggie Hennooko was solve this morning by some tugraon findln her body la the river near the lake It in badly decomposed but the cloth ing was intact and she has boon fail identified. Magglo Honnceko dh appeared from her homo last Ootdbai and it was thought at the tlmo sh had boon abducted. She was a re markably pretty and well dovolnpo girl of t trelve years. The case ore ated great excitement. At ono tlm ) ho police thought they had traced he to Nebraska , Lake captains are of the belief tht Maggie , In sinking , got Into ono of th hotas made by the dredges whlo worked at that point In the river lai fall. Some think she may hav clutched something on thn bottom c the river , and remained down , owin to the death grip. Magglo waa ri markably developed for her oge , an it is thought by mothers that the tur of llfo may have caused mental aborn tlon , and while attempting to find h < homo wandered to the dock , porha ] stopped off In'wO the water , or perhaj lost her hat In the strong wind bloi Ing that day. The Parliament Raini. Special Dlipatcb to Tui Ilii. QUEDEO , April 20. The smoklt ruins and the easterly wing mark tl st situation of the old parliament hens tilw The walls are still standing , showlr w how substantially they were bull ill All the offices In the burned hou of will bu transferred. The only lo will be about $25,000 on.the ! brary. C/K / rm kor ' Strike. n- 8pedal Dla ; . HIM to Tui Bu. nht PiTTflBtmo , April 20. The clg ibo makers mot last night and decided bo demand an advance of 60 conU p thousand on May 1st. THE NATIONAL * CAPITAL 3 Western The St. Louia Diamond Smug gler to be Put Through a Ooursj of Lvw. Argument in the Star Route Trial Compromising a C r , Eto. CAPITOL HOTEB- Special Dispatches to Tn Ilii. HAW soLDir.ns WASHINGTON , April 20. About half of the seven hundred roornlti mentioned yesterday as being on ronto for regiments la the Indian country are destined for the depart ment of Columbia , the restoration to the public domain of a part of the reservation occupied by Chief Mososi The band in Washington Territory has created much dissatisfaction among the band , and threatening rumors have reached Washington. Secretary Chandler telegraphed the navy de partment that no will bo in Washing ton on Wednesday next. WASHINGTON , April 20. Iwo hun dred and twenty-five recruits have boon ordered to Fort Snolllng. Minn. , for assignment to tno Fifth , Fifteenth and Seventeenth nnd Eighteenth In finity ; ninety to Fort Douglas , Utah , for the Sixth Infantry , and twenty- five to Fort Wlngato , Now Mexico , for the Thirteenth Infantry. TUK ST. LOUIS suuaaucR. The secretary of the treasury has rejected the offer of compromise in the case of Oaondot , the St. Louis jeweler. Ho has directed that the money already received from Oaendet bo restored pending hearing of the suit against htm. SETTLING A DIFFICULTY. When I. B. Kooph succeeded Rob ert M. Douglass as United States mar shal for the western District of North Ouollna , Douglas refused to turn ovei to his successor certain official records , alleging that they were necessary sary to settlement of his account * with the department of justice , Thereupon the attorney general dl rooted the United States attorney foi that district to make an effort to have Douglas indicted on the ohargo of ob atruoting government property. Tm presiding jadgo of that court Is the father-in-lavr of Douglass and an at tempt In being made to bring about a settlement of the dlflioulty. Aftoi July lit the general land o 111 30 will print Ita decisions sixty or nlnotj dayc. A copy of the civil sorvloi rules , BS adopted by the civil sorvlci commission , yet subject to the pros ! dents approval , was to-day furnished to each member of the cabinet now It the city , to enable them to oxamlni the rules thoroughly in advance o formal consideration at a oablno meeting. A DECISION QUALIFIED. Secretary Teller to-day addressed . communication to thn commissioner o the general land ofli no , in which h says : "My attention has boon re oently called to cartaln expressions o opinion touching a void entry oconi ring In ray opinion of February 12 last In the case of Julia D. Graham vs. th Hastings & Dakota railway company The question nndor consideration li that case related solely to a prim facie valid homestead entry of rooor at the date of the railroad grant , am when the company's right thorounde attached. It was , therefore , nnnecoi sary to discuss or consider the qnes tlon of a void entry. " The seorotar directs that the sonenos , "void o voidable , " in the decision , bo strloke out , in order that it may contort strictly to his intention , which was t deal only with a valid entry. Th sentence thus eliminated has cause the department considerable anne ] anoo. THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OP SCIENC olosod its session this afternoon at jonrning until Nov. 13 next , when session will bo hold for purely soloi tlfio purposes at Yale college. FISH IN THE SEA. The rumor having been circulate that a valuable part of the oomml slon's fishery exhibit , whloh wi recently shipped to London , had bet lost at sea , Prof. Balrd , of the fit commission , said that some of t ] boats and other articles , not of gre value , which had boon stowed on tl deck of the ship , had boou washi overboard In the English channi and that this was the extent of tl loss. 0 IN THE STAR UOUTK THIAL , I * * Ker for the prosecution contlnui t his argument. In explanation of point In his argument Kor ditplayi a map of one of the routes to tl t jury. The foreman protested th as far as ho waa ooncornod they we all photograped upon his mind , ni passed the map to another jarc Ker then proceeded to review Brad ] order upon the routes , taking the up In their order. Before ho h concluded this branch of bii arg ruont court adjourned until Mender Chain GUDK Chief * . Special Dispatch to Tin 1H . MILWAUKEE , April 20. Dr. Whlttomoro , ohlof engineer of t Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul roe In whoso hands was loft the matter preparing for the annual mooting the American association of civil c glneors , reports that the satno will hold at St. Paul and Mlnnoapo Juno 20th. The association oomprli 700 members and over half that nu bor , with thulr famllloa , are expocti Milwaukee' * IFemalo Lawyer Special Dispatch to Tui II . MILWUKBE , April 20 Kate Ka rte Milwaukee's only female lawy to throw a gloss of water in the face er Judge Mallory while in court t morning and wus fined $50. E oWmi the judge * insulted her by word and action , bnt will not say In what particular. She refuses to pay the Ono and will go to jail unless nor friends intercede. A MANIAC INCENDIARY. Tno Work of a Crazy Woman at Atonlson. Special Dlipatch to Tui Dn. ATCHISON , April 20. A sensation has been created hero. A woman named Clara J. Wilson was some weeks ago taken before the grand jury of Harrison county , Missouri , on on the charge ot arson. As she re fused to testify she was sent to jail for contempt of court. She escaped from there and was lost sight of. To-day the chief of police received a letter from the prosecuting attorney of Harrison risen county , whloh inclosed ono from Clara , dated Atchlsou , In which , among other thtngs'sho states , "I have burn ed moro than one building and before Wednesday night some of Atohlsnn will bo In ashes like 8. A. Dilo's homo. Nobody knows my name and I will bum half of Atohlson , kill all I can and then go to some other place and kill and burn moro , I will bo as moan as I can. " An several attempts have boon made during the last two weeks to start in cendiary fires in the business part of this city , this gave a clew and to-day the soauel camo. Dan Weeks , who Is lease of the exposition grounds , oomo to the city on horseback , stating the stalls and barns on the grounds were In fUmes and that ho had ohaiod a woman , who sot the fire , over the and prairie. Officers started to find her , whloh they did , after a long chase , and as she shrank exhausted In the ditch. She was brought to town and placed in the county jail , where she now is , a raving maniac. The woman also fired , early In the day , the main staroasos and apartments of the exposition building , whloh were ex tinguished. She also fired Colonel Brown's granary , whloh , with the fences , was destroyed. Her people have boon communicated with , and it Is expected will take her homo. TELEGRAPH NOTES- Spiclal EUpatcrc * lo Tni lln. Tha Pennsylvania lentto passed to third reidlntr thn bill to prohibit ono person to "treat" another , The Uuitameuto tract of 1,000,000 aoros of land , In X sooteoaa , Mexico , has boon sold for ? I,500OJO to n London syndicate. The city of 1'hllttdclphln waa enjoined from taking possession of tha Mutual Union poles nnd wires or disturbing the budness of the company , The Now Orleau Titnei-DaniocraU Tex. nrkana special reports the burning of 11. S. MuthowB lumber mill a few mlloi Irom that town. Loai estimated at S200.COO. It is reported In Havana that the hard ware firm of lodraj & FlinelU have llei ) , owing to fraud. Tha liabilities are Bald to bo $300,000 In exoeca of the capital of the linn. Tbo second trial of the luit of John Lilly against the Now York Central & Hudson river railroad company ; for thi IOBI of his IORK , resulted In a verdict fnrthc platatlf for $35,000. TJnilMaround. . - Special Dlipatcb to Tni Uu. NEW YORK , April 20. Reprosonta tlvos of the telegraph , telephone one electric lighting companies of this clt ] to-day adopted resolutions in favor o : placing their wires under the ground , but stating no satisfactory system o doing so had yet boon devised , ant deprecating any compulsory logisla tlvo action. A committee will bo ap pointed , Including the governor am mayor , to consider the beit mothoi of securing the desired object. A Lottery Man Laid Oat- Special DUpatch to Tun Una. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , April 20. Ed ward 8. Stewart , owner of the Ken 7r tuoky and Frankfort lotteries dloi 7a suddenly to-day of con jest Ion of th a heart at his homo near the city , a a A MIXED UP CASE o InYWhlcn Everybody la Held to Koo . the Peaoa. The case involving a nolghborhoo quarrel , in which Mrs. Aimbnrg an Miss Staplehorst were the partloscam up yesterday afternoon and the lattc was discharged from custody , th ohargo being that she had tbroatono the life and person of Mrs. Ami burg , Mrs. A. was hold In th anco before the inxt grand jut and to keep the peace moantlmi She also filed a counter complain ogtlnat a married oonplo for throat oulng to do hu : bodily harm and kl her , and $ .103 * ras the amount give by enoh an n security of peace , etc. It is a decidedly mixed up affair. ld MrH Qulnn'd Trlplota. Philadelphia Latter : Charles Quit : a workman employed at the Mldva stool works , Nlootown station , was c Thursday last inado the father of trio of babies two glrla and a bo ; Mr. Qulnn lives with his wlfo and ( i to thin time ) three daughters aged a four and two years , in n neat lltt brick house , on the Old Plank roa between Wayne junction and Nla town. Mrs. Qulnn first gave birth a girl weighing four pounds , and i hour later the first baby was provld with a sister of her own weight ; wh ! scarcely had the two young ladl T given their opening concert before th J > followed Into the world by ho baby brother weighing i d , pounds. The birth of t of boy involved a very dlfllo of operation , known to the medical pr nbo fosslon as "version by the foot , " bo being necessary to administer other 11s the exhausted mother. The soono ies this wholesale addition to the popn oi- tlon was visited yesterday aftcrno id. by a reporter , Afrlondof Mra.Qul was in ohargo of the house , and v ably supported in taking care of t triplets by half a dozen motherly T JO , men , all of whom vied with oaohotl or , In lavishing unstinted praise upon I of tkrao llttlo bits of dimpled hnrainl nil whloh were being exhibited wrapp -he - in little blankets to some neighbors , "YES , WE KISSED. " Hiss McLean's Emphatic Testi mony in Her Own Defense. Progress of the Novel Breach of Promise Case in Btaten Island. ' Quarrel * and Janlouilei-A "Oontla" WM Near. N w York Journal , April 19. The court room in which the Staten Island broach of promlio suit la being hoard was crowded to Ita fullest capacity. Both Baririoh and Miss McLean were tardy in making their appearance. The floral adorn * monte of Miss McLoan were very elaborate. At every movement of the fair defendant n tender vine of stnllax trembled on her ooraago. Birwich , who clalmi $10,000 for her refusing to marry him , looked some- wliat pale , bnt his oyoa were bright and ho evidently seemed qnlto hopeful. His lawyer , Mr. Hock- stadtor , announced that he lud closed the caio on the direct examination ; and Mr. Killlan. for the young lady , promptly moved that the roforao dismiss the suit on the ground that the plaintiff had not suViolent ( cause for continuing the ac tion , llo also said that after the en gagement had boon broken on San- day , January 28h , It was mutually renewed next day. In reply to this Mr. Hookatadtor Bald the agreement had boon broken again. Discussion on these points wai prolonged at length , and Mr. Killlan insisted that the contract between Barwlch and Mlis McLean had boon renewed on the day following the breach , and the action waa therefore premature. Mr. KUIlan then opened the case for the defense. Ho said ho would show that THE TIME Toil THE MillRUdE had not yet arrived , that after the be trothal It waa agreed to modify the engagement. The plaintiff had not tutibrod in reputation oa health to the , extent of moro than one cent damagoi , and the defendant waa requested to give particulars of snob damages. The defendant waa then called to the stand , and testified as follows : 'Do yon remember mooting the plaint Id on Sunday evening , January 28 , 1883 ? " "Yes ; I had & conversation with him at that tlmo ; ho loft the house to catch the 0 o'clock boat. Wo parted friendly , and ho said If ho missed the boat no would oomo back. There had boou n gentleman visiting the house that afternoon , and I Intro- duood him as my cousin. Ho did not find the boat , and whim ho returned to the house ho asked mo on which side of the finally the gentleman waa related my father's or mother's side , I replied that what I had said about it waa only , n joko. At this JIB QOX EXCITED and aroia from the sofa and .laid twice , 'Oar engagement U broken ! ' * 'Very well , ' I said , hero is your ring. ' Ho took it and put it in hta pocket. At the same tlmo ho took oil'a locket and watch chain that I had given htm , and laid them on the table ; also a pair of gloves I had given him. I then wont into the hall and informed my cousin , Miss Lily Hall , that ho had broken the engage ment. " "Was ho present all this time ? " "Yes , ho waa there and did not say anything just then , but later ho remarked that I had bettor pay my brother's dtbts. " "What did you say ? " "I replied that I was not my I brother's keeper ; that ho ( the plain tiff ) should go to my brother , " "What did Barwlch say when he left ? " "Ho bade good-bye to every one In the room. Ho offered to shake hands with mo , but I refused. I did not touch the locket or chain after ho wont away. My cousin took them. " "What did you do with the ' gloves ? ' "I threw them intp the hall , and told my cousin to remove them and. put them into the kitchen fire. " This portion of Miss MoLoan's tes timony was given with great vigor. UEK EYES FLASHED , her face gleamed with crimson , and she emphasized the words , "I had no use for them. " "Did yon see Mr , Barwiok on Monday - day ? " "Ye ; . About 11 o'clock ho came to the houso. I went down stairs when his name waa announced. Ho spoke first and said , 'Good morning , Rebecca.1 Ho continued , saying that ho wan very sorry for what had oc curred on the night before ; that wo had bettor renew the engagement and turn over a now leaf. I said I would , provided ho would chat ffo his conduct and conversation towards my friends. He objected to 'P ' them , on the pronnd that they mon IX opolized my time , Ho also said ho lo thought wo oauld oome to some sort 1 , of an agreement. Ho admitted he had boon exalted the before a- night , so ate there was a reconciliation between in us. " idle "Did you kiss ? " lo "Wo kissed , but OBey i DON'T UEIIEMDEU oy who kissed first. Ho said that ho oya was jealous. I told him that my ilx frlonda should not trouble him anymore ho moro , Ho loit on the 3 or 4 o'clock lit boat In the afternoon. I asked him i- for the ring , Ho said ho would iIt bring It down on Wednesday. At to first ho offered to give it to mo as a of token of friendship. I said 'I never laon accepted a ring from a gentleman in ' " on friendship. an At this point it waa agreed to ad 'ai journ a further hearing of the o&se here until Friday. ro tor It Hayed tlio Ship ho B ] > ecUl D'ipatch to Tni DM. ; yj SAVANNAII , April 20. The Talla- od poosa did not sail to-day owing to threatening weather off Hattoras.