T-T1K DAILi BEE-COOA'Oiij JJLUFFS IOWA APKIL 20 The Daily Bee. COUNCIL BLUFFS : Friday Morning. April 20. UBSOBIPTION BATES < / Otnler , - - - - - SO cents per week. Offloe : No. 7 Pearl Street. Near MINOR MENTION , See Joecph Belter1 * prlnR etylet , Addition * ! local on Mventh paqe. The city calaboose WM actually wept out yesterday. Biker and Farron appeared at Dohny'a lost evening In the comedy of Ghrii and Lena. Yon ran no risk in baying goods at auction at 102 Main street. Every article exactly as represented , or money refunded. COLLECTIONS. Promptly attended to by PotUwattamlo County Collec tion Agency. Front oflloo , with N. Schnn , over 410 Broadway. At the Y. M. 0. A. rooms this even * Ing there la to bo a mock trial , at which "Judge" Booth is announced to preside , and much fan li promised. The Juvenile band gave a very enjoyable - joyablo social party and ball at Bloom & Nixon's hall last evening. Those fathering are always happy ones and well conducted. The move to Indnco the railways to give Conncll Bluffs bettor local depots is a good one , The city certainly merits bettor buildings and more ac commodations of that sort. The conCdonco men have not all cleared the town , but they are keep * Ing a little more shady than before notlco was given that they would bo Borostod. Officer Olongh's boy was bitten In several places Wednesday evening , and quite soverly , by a miserable whelp who dashed out at him as ho was walking peacefully along the side- .walk. .walk.Mrs. Mrs. Annie Fredericks , of Mlndon township , was yesterday adjudged In sane , and last evening was taken to Mt. Pleasant by Deputy Sheriff Olat- torbnok. This is the second tlmo that Mrs. Frederick's has had to bo placed under treatment. Attention is especially called to the card of Harknets Bros. , which appears elsewhere. They are showing their nsnal enterprise , and their trade la not only large , out growing. It will pay purchasers in that line to Inspect their took and got their prices. There was a pleasant social given last evening by the Congregational ladies at the residence of Mrs , Samuel Clinton , the entertaining committee being Mrs. Otis , Mrs. Van Brunt and Mrs. Nicholas. The Council Bluffs Driving Park association is bent on having a big Fourth of July celebration hero as well as a showing of speed , H. Else- man , J. T. Stewart , D. F. Erdor , Thos. Bowman , and W. F. Sapp have the project well in hand. . The Boston Tea store is the only one furnished by A , Louie with that choice sugar cured venison , which ho has prepared , and of which mention Is made elsewhere. It Is the nicest thing In that line. The fire department added another laurel and won fresh praise from oltl- ttan by the promptness with which they responded to the alarm caused by the burning of the Wabash carpen ter shop. It was a long , hard ran , but it was well done. A Louie has prepared about 2,000 pound of sugar cured venison , and It certainly is the nicest thing In that line wo ever sampled. He cer tainly has struck it just right , and has already disposed of about all of It that he can spare to dealers. The success which has attended this effort will lead him another season to cure other varieties as well and In still larger quantities , The Home for the Friendless is to receive another benefit Sunday after noon by a lecture , to bo given in Do- hany's hall by Judge Plge , 6n "The Scientific Aspect of Spiritualism. " The lecture is to commence at 3 o'clock , and the admission li to be 25 cents. As Mr , Dohany generally gives the use of the hall , all the pro ceeds will go directly to the worthy cause to be thus advanced. The attempt to get the city to give up Union avenue to the Union Pacific seems to be weakening , and now that the people have got hold of the facts , the opposition to the scheme is almost olid. Many are desirous to have the Union Pacific run up to Broadway , but they don't like to pay such a heavy prior. Let some more practi cal , tangible and equitable proposition bo made , and then Instead of trying to crowd some scheme through , let th < citizens have tlmo to consider and dls ouss it. Those who have nrged th < city to hastily throw away thousand ! of dollars worth of property , shonli take back seats or change tholi tactics. The Citizen's bank yoitorday hai tolled In a new Dlebold bnrglar-proo ate weighing 8,000 pounds. Th weight on the floor at the octagon ooi of the building strained the joist there to the utmost , and It was feato for a tlmO'that there would bo dam age done. The joists settled onoug to make it Impossible to open tb doors loading Into J. M. Palmer oflloo below and a young man wh was at work there found himself prisoner. He escaped by another oxl rather than run the risk of having foe tons come down on his Load. Justice Abbott and a jury of s ! yesterday listened to the case of Nlc Backus versus James Wiokham , whic had baon on trial before but on whlc the former jury had disagreed. Th nit grew out of the case of the mi who was hurt seriously by falllr while at work on the Fnrst & Bradlc building. The man was taken I Backus hotel , and this suit was 1 make Wiokham pay the hotel bill , being claimed that he guaranteed 1 payment , a claim which Wiokham di nies. It Is also expected that the li jored man will commence suit agalni Wkkha&a for damagea. It sewas thi the man was oa the tlerfttof and Uu by carelessness the herso used to ran the elevator acted so as to canso the man to fall. In the trial of the suit for the board bill , J. W , B lrd and John Llndt appeared for the plalntlfl and Oapt. Price for the defendant. The lawn mower has already entered upon active duty In Bayllss park , How about bwio ball for the season of 1883 ? Let the boys bo stirring themselves , Tao Reioue hose company Is prepar ing tor a May polo party when the tlmo oomei. A post mortem was hold by Dr. Bellinger In the case of BUI Clark , the colored man. who died so suddenly. It showed that congestion was the cause of death , the brain , lungs and liver being very badly affected , and the liver being enlarged to nearly twice its natural sloe , It weighing fully six and a half pounds. The remains wore burled yesterday from Oonnoll's undertaking establishment. Among the marriage licenses ap peared one yesterday leaving the sol emn injunction , "Don't publish. " The parties most concerned wore Da vid 0 , Hoyor and Miss Emma Corner. David is oonnootod with the Globe aad ought to have known that re porters don't keep things for the pub lic , but now that Justice Sohurz has tied the knot good and strong , the happy couple cannot but accept grace fully the many congratulation ? and well wishes which are theirs. Do not fall to BOO the stock of OAR * PE rS at flarkneBB1 before purchasing. The largest and clwiceit selection over offered in this vicinity. Dr , West , Dentist , 14 Pearl street. If yon are not married , write the Mar riage Fund nnd Mutual Trust Associa tion , Cottar Ilnpldi , Iowa , for clrcylan explaining the plan , f3m. . CASHMERES In all the now shades , soiling faot because - cause they are cheap , at JAMES POTEHFIELD'H. PERSONAL , . , W. J. Armstrong , New York's cele brated lecturer was yesterday a guest of Colonel L. W. Tulley's. It would be a capital Idea if arrangements could bo made by which our citizens could be given the treat of hearing one of his lectures before ho returns to the east , He left for Lincoln lost evening. M. A. Upton , recently appointed head book-keeper for the Iowa and Nebraska Insurance company , has resigned that po sition In order to enter upon a still better one. He will be succeeded by J , W. Me- Konzlo , formerly agent of the Chicago & Northwestern here , Mr , and Mrs. M. J. Leonard , who have been In Macedonia for the past year , have returned to Council Bluffs with the Intnn. tlon of remaining here. G. A , Tyson , a prominent reftran- rauntenr , of Avoco , came down yesterday on business and to look over the thr'ving metropolis of Fottawattlo. Herbert Simmons , formerly of Qulnoy III , , and who Is a nephew of V , M , Cir * baley , has taken a position in'the homo of Rodda & Co , hero. J. M. Phillips , the well known Urclo John of boot and shoo fame , ezpecto to seek rest and recuperation at Cherokee Springs , , 0. M. Crlppon the Neola hotel irmn , was among yesterday's welcome callern at Tin BEE office. Joe Conslgny , the Irrepressible mayor Defiance , Is In the city a guest of the i'a- clfio house. P. P. Mock , of Rochester , New York , Is In the city on a visit to D. S , Mack , of the court house , who Is a relative. Charles Adolph , representing L tz & * ng , has returned from another of ills ucoessfnl business trips. Mrs. W. 0. Perkins , of Burlingtor , ( s siting Mrs. Horace Everett and otLor d friends here. Lena Klnkead , of KnoxvIlU , Iowa , v s Islble here yesterday , F , E , Robinson , of Waterloo , Iowa , was L the Bluffs yesterday. A. L. Walcott , of Detroit , Michv u t the Oeden yesterday , A , J , Tullock , of Leavenworth , KAI. , rrlved at the Ogden yesterday. George A , Dickey , of Boston , Is at the > gden. W. 0 , 12rb has returnei from an exten't d visit to frl.ndsand relatlxes In the es * R. T. Bryant now goes to Colorado f i two weeks' trip , mainly on business. Judge Reed has gone to Carroll to h"l. ourt there , the term opening yoitorday A. B. Keith , of the Denlson Bulletb was In the city yesterday. Mr , and Mrs. L. McGrew , and Mrs , V A. Norris , of Neola , were in the city yt erday. George Barr , wile and child , of Buffalo ire at the Pacific. J. G. Wolf , of Atchison , Kan. , WM n he Pacific yesterday- Ed. Mitchell , of St. LouU , was amor yesterday' * arrivals at the Pacific. P , M , Pryor yesterday left for Chic _ on a brief business trip. New attractions In carpets at Hrnk now Brothers' . Mueller has not only the finest , H also the nicest and cheapest baby c * : rlagos in the city , Elegant now curtain goods and ci tain fixtures window shades etc , , , , t Harknesa Brothers' . Happily Wedded. There was a happy llttlo gather ! o at the residence of A. S , Olongh j' torday afternoon , the occasion be ! the giving in marriage of M i dough's Bister , Miss Carrie 0. Ham ; to S. H. Walters. Rev. Mr. Hamlli pastor of the Congregational churct performed the ceremony , which mai1 the twain one , and if the wishes < friends are realized but in part of tV newly wedded ones will bo bright li deed. They will go cart on a she : tripand will then settle in their hoa in Marian , whore the happy man engaged In the drag business. PARASOLS In great variety , rnd very cheap , at JAHU POTUUUUD'O. SEIZED BY THE STARS. A Gang of Fellows Arrested as Tramps Have a Banquet in the Calaboose. Other Matters Which Olaiimd the Attention of the Authorities , Judge Aylesworth's court yesterday morning was well thronged , there beIng - Ing inside the rail , besides attorneys and officials eleven husky young fel lows who had boon arrested as va grants , while outside the roll was an unusually large audience of Bight seekers. The jndgo interviewed the eleven accused , one by one , Inquiring where they came from , how they got there and whither they wore bound , It appears they came from all points , but chanced to be together on an in coming freight train on the Kansas City road , and were sleoplnc tbo box oars when arrested. Their storioa varied In many details but agreed in thla , that they were all hunting work , and being short of funds were travel ing as economical as possible. Their statements led to the conclusion that it IB not an unusual thing for broke- men on freight trains to glvo aomo of this olaes of travelers a chance to rldo in a boxcar , for a more pittance , a quar ter or a half a dollar , which amount it is naturally supposed goes into the pocket , rather than Into the company's vaults. 7 heao follows aru thus slipped Into a boxcar when the conductor is not looking , and the door is looked , " "hero IB a natural query arises from hlu elate of facts , and that is , how ould it bo in C8BO of an accident , by hlch ono or moro of these men shall hurt ? What would bo the com- y's.liability Inanoh a case , its own imployoea having boon patties to thla eoullar mode of carrying human llvo ook ? The court hid no occasion to ass upon this question , however. nho eleven men gave their names and ailing places as follows : Mike Snlll- an , Kansas ; Thomas Young , Wleoon- "n ; M. McGotrlch , Yermont ; John 'aiming , Missouri ; Wm. Wllaon , 1111- ols ; James MoOabo , Massachusetts ; ohn Stephen , Now York ; 8. Stewart , llssourl ; M. Myers , Dennis Darrln , 3d. Madden , Ohio. Most of them ad no money. The liberated land- oldar of the party having f 3 , while ho smallest capitalist had a dime , "no , of the party , a Vermonter , aimed to have had between $200 nd $300 abont three weeks ago , but penitently confessed to having spent ' In riotous living. The court con- uded that they were men hunting or work and that the fact of their eonllar method of traveling was not ufiiclont to cause conviction as va grants. Rov. Mr. Fisk , who has radioed at the bar and who was for- orly district attorney at Now Orleans > ppoarod in their behalf , and .rguod to the same effect. Hla clients ore accordingly discharged , and as hey had not had their breakfast , the onrt ordered that they bo fed , They ; ratefnlly applauded him , and gave ho judge an encore , after which they 'opairou to the calaboose , where they ndulgod in a banquet consisting of eef , bread and coffee , served with tin ilates and cups , with fingers for forks , nd newspapers for napkins , and after iulshlng their meal started off In high ; lee.Then Then were two drunks disposed of police oonrt yesterday. One was lharles Robertson , who settled by 2. BO In cash and $7 in work. The thor was B. McOlano , who had to ettlo all by work. Thomas O'Loary ' who , while drunk , . 'ell ' down some stairs at Lower's hatch , was so badly injured that it seemed ruol to punish him further for his proo , and the court accordingly dis- inargcd him. Dr. Bellinger attended o his dislocated shoulder and put him n as comfortable condition as possl- ilo. ilo.A. A. T. Wallace , the young man who tands on the street corner and sells ho unwary a little bit of soap for fifty cents with the tempting prospect if drawing an elegant gold watch or omo other big prize , was yesterday in lourt. He showed that he had a loenso for the city and the court held hat this debarred the city from prosecuting him. Of course he oonld bo brought up undei he state law forbidding such schemes , but that was not this case. It eoems hat the city fathers , in framing the present license ordinanoo , had an eye out for making every kind of business contrlbuto to the finances of the city , without so much regard as to whether the business was otherwise helpful 01 hurtful to the morals and prosperity of the city. Hereford's Acid Phosphate is an appetiser ; it stimulates the atom- aoh to renewed activity ; and in manj ways tones up and invigorates the whole system , fCall and see the choice selection ii carpets , oil cloths , mats , etc , , a Harkness Brothers' . A choice stock of parasols jus opened at Harkness Brothers' , Our New tioau nuu improvement Oo Investigation into the matter con vlnoes us that ono of the most eqnita bio , reasonable and feasible plans o building honeoa is that proposed one In operation by the Mercantile Loan Trust and Improvement company o ihls city. By Investing in shares ii this institution , which is backed bj BOmo of our boat and moat rollnbl business men , it becomes possible am comparatively easy for a man of mod erato moans to secure a coru/ortabli homo for himself and family , In tak ing a certain number of shares , at i certain monthly payment , in a fov years a man can own a hous of his own for abont the sams a ho pays monthly for rent , W believe the Mercantile Loan and Trns company , by organizing and oponln up for business , having filled a Ion felt want In Council Bluffs. Thel plans and system of loans will boa the most careful scrutiny and exam inatlon , and we have no hesitancy li pronouncing them reasonable an < equitable , and backed by gentlemei of honor imd Integrity , As the com pny exjsa it becomes at onoe an In stltiUon of ratal and mdlt to ou GASADY&ORGUTT Will open on April 1st an elegant and com plete STORES. IT 502 BROADWAY , NPXT TO OFIIOER & PUSEY'S ' BANK , They will carry a very and will keep a full line of House Furnisihng Goods. OASADY & ORCUTT , 502 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. DIRECTORY. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , GENERAL MERCHANDISE. 18 Main Street and 17 Pearl Street. MAXMOHN , J. M BABSTOW. M. D. Cor. 5th OFFICE St. and : 5tb Avo. 1R IF WHITF OFFICE : Oor. Malnand _ 5th , np-staltB. Residence , C09 Willow Avenue. J QPUIID7 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , Office after February 15th , over American Express. S. S. WAGNER , for funerals at reasonable rates , No. 22 4th St. J. M. ST. JOHN & GO , GASH BUYERS , Vrbo'esale batter , egfji , poultry unt frnlt. Ship to us. Draft by return mall. 148 Bro dw y. NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE , S. A. PIERCE , Cor , Main and First avenue. PETHYBRIDCE& HERBERTZ. * C QMITU CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , Oor. 7th and I Fa Olfflliris Broadway. Plans and specifications furnished ? WUI QU CD MA II In FINE HARNESS I have the variety III that brings patronage. 124 Main street. JAMES FRANEY ME ° HANBAILOR , Artistic Work and Reasonable Charges. 872 Broadway UflUfC P Onil FURNITURE , STOVES and lUlYL 06 Household Supplies , 303 Broadway. ATTORNEYS AT LAW , Jamea Block. LINDT HART , Practices in state and fodcral courts. OTnOs/CDT P flfl Mann'f Fine Furnlture.Upholstery goods Li O B UuL\En I OC If U | Ourtalns and Window Shades.309 BVay O Ay IT A Dill II And bath house , 421 and 423 Broadway. L. Sov- OMNI IfHnlUlfl erelgn , Prop. , P.J.Montgomery , M. D. , Phy. I A M D BOOT AND SHOE SHOP , No. 808 Broadway , opposite A lUHillDj Union Avenue , second door above Metropolitan. OADV VETERINARY SURGEON , Office Uniff ' Bray's stable , No. 12 Scott street. HARRY LELAND , Cor. Eighth and Broadway. UCUIICGGV Manuf of HORSE COLLARS , Trade sup PI nbllNkDOIy piled , 8th St. , between Gth and7th Avenue. 11 fl 11C C SMITH & NORTON , Broadway , opp. New nUUOCy Opera House. Refitted. 91 , $1.50 per day. I MA lint I FURNITURE , STOVES , and GENERAL A Ui lYIHNUtLj HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES , 325 Broadway. DE GAY & CASSEL , CONTRACTORS Corner Sixth street and and BUILDERS Avenue G. Al MV NEW AND SECOND HAND HOUSEHOLD WLJ nLIYlTi GOODS BOUGHT AND SOLD , 212 Broadway. city and those who desire homes. Their president is T. A. Kirkland , vice president , Judge Peake ; sec retary , I. R. Beery ; treasurer , Col. Boebo , and their office is In the base ment of Shugart'o and MoMahon's low block , corner First avenue and Pearl street. jan27'ly The Maverick National Btnk of Boston draws foreign exchange , buys and sells Government and other in- vettmont securities , and transacts any business for its correspondents in the line of banking. m&th-mo Young man or woman , If you want big mtuey for a small amount. Insure In the Marriage Fund and Mutual Trust Auocl. ation , Cedar Rapids , Iowa. f5-8m. COHHERCI&I. . COUNCIL BLOTTO MABKKT. WHEAT-No. 3 spring , 70o ; No. 8,63 ; rejected 50c ; good doomed. CORN Dealer * paying 32o : rejected com Chicago , 60e ; new mixed. 62Jc ; white corn , 85o. The receipts of corn are light. OATS Scarce and In good demand ; S3 HAT i OOCrtG 00 per ton. 30 per bale. KYK lOoj light supply. COIIN MEAL 1 25per 100 ponnda. WOOD Good Bupplyi prices at ; yards , 600@600. COAL Delivered , hard , 1100 per ton ; soft. 5 50 per ton. UDITKB Plenty nnd In fair demand ; 25c ; creamery , SOo. Koos-Heady sale and plenty at 12J@14oper dozen. LARD Falrbank's. wholesaling at ISo. POULTRY Firm ; dealers paying 13c per pound for turkeys and lOo for chicken * . VKQETABLKS Potatoes , BOo ; onions , 60o ; cabbages , S0@40o per dozen ; apples , 2 60 @ 3 50 per barrel , City flour from 1 CO to 3 40. BROOMS 3 00@3 00 per dozen. STOCK. CATTL-300@3&0clves ; 5 007 60. Boas Market for hoga quiet , M the packing houjea are closing ; shippers are paying C 75 to 0 76. ' Wenotloe the Mar Trust Anoebtloa. of Cedar lUp highly spoken o ! la many of t _ paper * of th tUU. "Mosey tor the Up. married" heads their adwtUoneet la MMtfcsf olu&a o ! tUs COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES , -NOTICE. Special advertisement * , sue Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Bent Wants , Boarding , etc. , will be Inserted In this column at the ow rate of TEN CENTS FOB LINE for the first Insertion and FIVE CENTS PEB LINE tor each subsequent Insertion Leave adv ertlsem * at oui office , No. \ Pearl Street , near Broadway. Wanta. WANTED Anyone having a smal HOUSE for sale , without lot , can find a pur chaser at A. II. Mayne's , 34 Fearl street. Ersrybod/ Council Blnffl tote WANTED Tui fill , 20 cent * per week , dc llrered by carriers. Office , No T Pearl Street For Bale and Bent HEN I Ilouie on Fourth itreet , complet outfit ot newfutnltute for sale. Inquire o II. C. Barnes , office bhugait Implement Co. AprlllT-tf BEES In pacxsges 01 a hundred at 2 < OLD package at Tui Bu office , No. T Pear street U 1710B 8 ALH Monuments of marble and granlt JD at No. 34 north Main street. " 171011 HENT A lanje packing house , very fav C vorably located within U miles of cour house , Council lllutfi , capacity 30' hogs dally striam of water close bylco house flllel with Ice termi very reasonable and Ion ; leaie , wou'd ' b a very faorable property fir a glucoie factory or other manufacturing puiposes. Apply to A14-1 11. L. WILLIAMB , Bu Office. W. R. VAUGHAN : JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Omaha and Council Bluffs Real Eatato & Collection Agency. n Odd Fellow B block , over Savings BoV , iviS-t FRESH FISH. WILLIAM RAPP , 1041 Main Stoat , Next Block Math ol P. 0. , Oouuoll Bloflj , low * . HAM AN & REDDISH Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. , 412 Bryadway , Council Bluffs , \TrkTOA West Sldo Square , OIarlndn/luWA < DUQUETTE , GUIBERT & CO. , ( Successors to EU13 & DUQUETTE ) and 18 Pearl-st. , Council Blurts , la. M. GALLAGHER , G-ZROOE IRXIES Now Store , Froah Goods , Low Prices , Polite Attendants. i * y , JtCf jlu J S&9 first /eb3lT.sa-tu-th. Door East of the Metropolitan Hotel , Lower Broadway PETER O. MILLER , WHOLESALE AND &ETA1L AND WINDOW SHADES , -PAINTING IN ALL ITS BBANOHES , FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLES * , North Main. Street DEVOL & WEIGHT , HARDWARE , STOVES , TINWARE 604 Broadway , 12 and 14 Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. STOCK COMPLETE. PRICES LOW. iVe solicit your patronoce and will make It pay you to trade with as. Mall orders a _ specialty. Prompt attention and cloae prices. TITLE ABSTRACT 0 FFIGE. j. TOT. as acr x OR , la .as o o. Lands and Lots Bought and Sold , MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. NOTARIES .PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS. PUNCH BLUFFS . - iOWA MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , THE LEADING DEALER IN c * o o r > 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. For Engines , Boilers , Castings , Repairs and MACHINERY. M Orders to JOHN GILBERT , Manufacturer , Corner a Street and 8th Avenue , Council Binds. Prompt attention to orders. The b Workmanship and Reasonable charges feb 10 tnos. omonu w. n. x. rctir OFFICER & PUSEY , Coocil Bluffs , la. Established , - - 1856 Dealers In Foreign and DomeitU Exchangt nd borne leourltlea. Highly-Brei Trotting Stallions , Owned by Dr. 0. W. Archibald. 1883 SEASON 1883 NORMONT D 'k chestnut hone. IS hands high , foaled 1879 ; bred by Oen. W. T- Withers , Loxlnrton Ky ; by Almont , dam Nor man Maid by Alexander's Norman , the sire of Julu , record 2:15 : ; Almont by Alexander's Abdal- ah , sire of Goldsmith Maid , r cord 2:14. : Al- nont his slrod ! 0 horses with records la 2:30 : and letter , and 3 vtth records In Z20 and bitter. GJjENWQQD Chestnut torrel hone. IB unus high , foaUd 1876 , bred by FUny Nicholas , Esq. , West Liberty , Iowa , by Wtpgle , dam a flne Kentucky bred mire , Olenwood Is a large pow erful hone , weighs 1,160 pounds , hat great style and speed , and hu { .roten himself a most excel lent sire. Those hones possess rare IndMdu.excellence , and choice breeding. Those highly bred stol- I oni will make the njirlng season of 1883 at the Oounoil Bluffs Driving Park At 935 Each , to Insure. For further Information apply to SAMUEL COLBUKN , Trainer , Council Bluffs Driving Park. mnrl3-dlm I. D. IHMURDSON. I. L. SUD01RT. A. W. ITBSI1 President. Vlce-Fres't. Cashier. CITIZENS BANK Of Council Bluff * . Organized under the laws of th State of Iowa Fold up capital . t 76.00C Authorised capital. > . . _ . 200,000 Internet paid on time deposits. Draft * Issued on the principal cities of the United States and Europe. Special attention ( rlren to collectloni and correspondence with prompt returns , J. D. Edmandson , K. L. Shuzart , . W. Wallac * . J. W. Roofer , ' A. W. Blreel. MORGAN , tended to at all hours. We defr competlHoii n quality of oous or price * . Our Mr itorgrn. hai nrreaaauoneitakerfof lortr ) ears and thor- oiiehlv unoecuasdi tl * busmeWamoomi , I wrTur-BOUrmiWa ta all It * brinchoSDromDUyatUndod to ata carpet- * toe and lamDrequtns. f tl jraphla ana uta ot- dn Ul d vttbool delay. MBS , B , J , HARDIN& , M , D , , Medical Electrician AND GYNECOLOGIST. Oradoate o ! Eleotropathla Initiation , Phlla delpbla , Fenna. Office Dor , Broadway & Glenn Ave. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment oi all dtoeaaei and painful Bcnltlei peculiar to females a ipeclalir FOUNDRY. WINTHERLICH BROS. , Are now ready to contract for small castings every description In MALLEABLE IRON , GRAY IRON , And any ALLOY OF BRASS. Special attention Is called to the ftct that the metals are melted In OKDCISLU which gives the very boat castings , Burning Brands FOB- DISTILLERS , BREWERS , PACKERS - ERS , CIGAR and TOBACCO FACTORIES , Etc. , Etc. , AB well as Cattle Brands ABE NICELY EXECUTED. Works : Corner Sixth street and Eleventh avenue , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. S. E. MAXON , Office over savings back. OODNOIlj BLUFFS. Iowa. EDWIN J. ABBOTT , Justice oi the Peace and Notary Public. tlSBroftdway , Council Bluffs.