TEfc DAiL * APJKIL 20 National Bank , Ot Omah , Nab- J aia up Capital , - . $260,000 ' ' 'JOHNSON , President , ot Steslt , Johnson & t'o. t'o.E. E. IOUZALIN , Vie * Tittldenl , ol 0. , B ft Q K. IU , Doeton. V. UORSE , ot W. V. Horn A Co. OnN 8. COLLINS , of 0. H. & J. B. Oolllni. J. M. WOOLWORtU , Counsellor nd Attoinij. U-Law. L. 8. REED , ot Byron Reed & Oo. H. W. VATE3 , Cashier , Ute CMhlei ol tbt Ftnl National Bank ot Onuh , tad connected with no active management ot bat Bank ilnce Its organization tn 18G3. OriNiD lor bnslnsas April 21 , 1882 , with tht test ci' C cl aubiu& Ln Nebraska. OotwcnoHS receive special attention and char re * lowest obtalnabb here or elaowbere. IHTUIBRT allowed on time depoelu upon laver > ble termi and upon account ! ot bankg and bank' ri. FOUND KICTUKQI , Oovernment Bondi , and Count" ' and City Beetles bought and sold. It Is tirepirod to do a general banking business all ttf detail ! , and In the treatment ot custom ers In will pursue the moat liberal policy coniU- t nl wlthfra'o banking , J. WKODEFER. . Broker Stock ? , Bonds , Commercial Paper and all other Good securities dea't In. Room 4 , No. 28 Pearl St , , Council BluCts , la. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL. 8p clal Dispatch to Tn Hsu. . NKW Yonu. April 10. Money Loaned at 5@8 per cent ; closed and oileied at 0 i or cent. Prime Mercantile 1'apcr 5i@6V per cent. Sterling Eichongo Bankers' bills firtr ; ot 4 82J ; sterling exchange demand , 4 85 } ; Governments arc unchanged , Railroad Blocks are 'generally steady. The net result of the day's business on the stock exchange la a decline from last night's prices of \ to Sg per cent. Union Pajttic la i oer cent higner than laat night. The market closed firm. Rumors of a rate cutting at the west and a possibility of a railroad war were circulated , though it is believed there is no foundation for them. GOVJCBNUXNTS , YetterJay. To-day. 3' 1033 103i B'a : 1 < M 103 ' Coupons 113 } 1131 4,1 , . 1194 HO * Pmlfis i's of ' 95 127 127 BONDS , Central Pacific firsts 1141 114 | Srlo seconds 98J 98 Lehigh & Witkesbarre 104 101 Louisiana consols. . . . . 61J 64 } Missouri 6'a Ill lluj Bt. Joaoph H0i 110 St. Paul & Sioux City firsts , . 110 * 110 Tennessee 6'a 42 -12J do new 41 41 Texas & P&olfto land grants. . G7 07 do R. G. div. . . . 83i 831 Union Pacific let mortgage. . 1UJ 114 * do ' land grants . .107 107J do sinking fund..116 } 116 $ Virginia G's 35 35 do consols G'u 371 37 do deferred 10 10 MOO Kb. Adams Kxmesa 128 129 Allegheny 'Central 20 1 J Alton & Terre Haute 90i 095 do pfd. . . . 91j 101 American Express 90 9 2 Burl. , Oodar Raplda & North. 81 81 Canada Southern 683 674 Ohl. , St. L. & Burlinyten 22 do preferred 55 Central Pacific 77 76g Chesapeake & Ohio 21 21 Vdo lstpfd..32i 31J do 3d pfd. . . 23 23 Chicago & Alton. . . . 134 134 * do pfd 150 145 Chi. , Burl. & Qulnoy 12G § 1264 Chi. St. L. & New Orleans. . 70 79 Gin. , Sand. & Cleveland 48 48 Cleve. . Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 70 76 Delaware & Hudson canal. . . .1104 1101 Del. , Lack. & Western 1298 li81 ! Denver & Rio Grande 434 49i Erie 3ft 37 | do pfd. . . 81 81 Bast Tennessee 104 101 do preferred 2l | 21j Fort Wayne & Chicago 135 135 Hannibal & Bt. Joseph 4u4 401 do Pfd. 0i 92 Harlem 195 195 Houaton & Texas Central. . . . 714 731 Illinois Central H6g 141 $ Ind. , Bloom. & Western 83 82. . Kwisas & Texas 32 81 | Lake Erie & Western 31 } 31 Lake Shore & Michigan Bo. . .112J 112 Louisville & Nashville BG | 53 touiav. , New Alb. & Chicago 54 64 Marietta & Cincinnati 1st pf i 10 110 do do . 2d pfd 55 55 Memphis & Charleston 43 42 Michigan Central 91S 911 Minneapolis ft St. Louis. . . . 29 ? 28j do pfd On ! 60 Missouri Pacific 105 * 105 Mobile * Ohio 174 174 Manhattan Beach 123 | 124 Morris t Essex. . . . . 67 | 561 New Jersey Central 784 77 Nashville & Chattanooga 43J 41 Northern Pacific. 5l | 50 , do P'd ° ° $ ° 'i Northwestern 135 134J do pfd 1494 150 New York Central 127 126 Ohio Central 131 12 Ohio & Mississippi 351 ' S5J do pfd..108 108 Ontario & Western 28 i 28 J Oregon Transcontinental 83 * 83 Pacific Mail 4 , | 41 } Panama 167 167 Peoria , Deoatnr & Evanav. . . 1224 W Pittaburg & Cleveland 134 132 Pullman Palace Oar 1249 124\ \ Reading 66 ? 55 Sock Island 124S 124J Bt. Lonla & San Jfran 331 S3 do pfd 53 52j do 1st pfd 98 97 St. Paul & Milwaukee 103 ? 103J do pfd..1194 120 3t. Paul , Minn , ft Manitoba.167 167 Bt. Paul & Omaha , . . . . 50J 49j do pfd. 1074 106 ; Texaa & Pacific 4l | 40 ; "Union Pacific 97 | 98 United States Express GOJ 60 Wabasb , St. L. & Pacific. . . . 311 31 , do pfd. 51 ? 50 Wells , Fargo & Co. Express.128i 123 Western Union Telegraph. . . 862 83 Caribou 15 15 Central Arizona 1 1 Excelsior 27 27 Homeatake 81 8 Little Pittsburg 1 Ontario . Quicksilver ) 81 do pfd 42 42 Robinson 64 6 Silver Cliff 20 20 Sonth Pacific Standard . . . . . Bntro i PRODUCE & PROVISIONS pedal Dltpatchea to Tns Bis. OUIOAQO. OmoAQo , April 10 Wheat Market eat ier ; 1 084(31 ( OSJ for April ; 1 10 } for Ma ] 1 12J for Jnnej 1 138 for July : No. 2 Ch cage sprincc , 1 02 j No. 3 Chicago spring 93ai No. 2 red wlnter.U 11J@ 1 12. Flour Market quiet and unchanged spring wheat , 3 oO@5 00 : Mlnnesoti 3 50@4 25 ; bakers , 4 25@5 75 ; patent fi 00@7 50 ; winter wheat , 4 00 ® ( J 00 , Com Active , firm and. hlgUerj 54 ( . . U . J . ) * . 54 Jo for CMbj 54a for April ; 65Jo for May ; 674o for Jnne ; 58o for July. Oats-Market easier ; 41 ? for cash ; 42 ® 42 > Q for April ; 43o for Ally and June : 42jc for Jnl7 , Itye Market firm at COo. Barley Market dull and unchanged at 75@78c. FUx Seed M rket film at 1 50 , Pork M rket active , firm and hlghw ; 18 4 @ 18 CO for cash nnd Arill ; 18 67i@ 18 00 for May ; 18 774@18 80 for .June ; 18 95@18 974 for July ; 19 0510 10 for August. L rd DemAnd asttve and prices ad > Vanced ; 11 474@1UO for each nnd April ; 11 524@11 55 for Mayt 11 62i@U 65 for Jure ; 11 70@11 724 for July and August. BuikMeats In fair demand ; ahoulciers , 7 70 ; short rib , 10 35 ; short clear , 10 65. Butter Quiet ami unchanged ; creamery , 18Ca25o ; da ry , 13@225. KKKR Market qulot and unchanged at 154@10i. Whliky- Market quiet and unchanged at 1 16 , . -Wheat-Easier at 1 09 ® 1091 for April ; 1 11 for May ; 1 I3i for June ; 1 18J for July. Corn Demand active and prlcet have advanced ! 55o for May ; 57jl@C7J for June ; tffij for July. Oiia Firmer , and advanced Jo for May and July. Pork DemAtid Rctlve and prices have advanced ; 18 CO for April ; IS 62 } for My ; 1885 fjr June ; 19024 lor July ; 19 174 for August , L rd Demand active ( and prlcus have advanced ; 11 50 for Aprilll [ 574 for May ; 11 674 'or ' June ; 11 75 for July ; 11 72 11 75 tor August. NEW YOU * . NEW YOIK , April -Flour-Market firm ; eupor etata woitem , 3 67@4 15 ; com. tnon to Rood extrn , 4 10@4 65 ; Rood t'i ohlie , 4 70@7 25 : extra Ohio , 4 10@7 25 ; St. Louis , 4 1C@7 25. Wheat Oash lots J@14 < s higher ; op. ttone , 2@3Jc hlghsr ; ungraded sprlop , 9 > e ; uuKradtd red , 1 10@1 2.4 ; tteaaier No. 3 red sprlnc , 1 Oi ; No , 3 red , 1 174 ; stumer No. 2 red. 1 17 ; No 2 reil. I 204@1 21 ; cortifioates 1 214 ® I 224 , delivered ; mixed winter 1 09 ; uu graded white , 85@1 244 ; Kaainer No. 3 wlilte 8)4c ; steamer No. 2 white , 93 ® 103 : No. 2 whlto , 1 00 ; No. 1 white. 113. Corn Cash lots , i@lo higherj options opened i2c blgher , oloslnp urm ; un. Br dert. 57 t 68 : ; No. 3. 61V2G5c ; No. 2 , CGJgCSJo ; ungraded white , G'Jc. OAtB Market l@Jj higher ; mixed we tero , 51@54c ; wnlte western , 53@GOc. E fis Market unsettled and lower ; western fresh M 174@17Ji. Pork Market qulot but strongly held ; new mon , 19 15@19 25 ; options neglected. Cut Meats Market quiet but firm at 1075. ' LarJ Market strong ; prime steam , 11 55WH674 fnrAp'lls 1172@1174 for May ; 11 6 @ 11 72 tor June : 11 C9@ll 78 for July ; 11 72@ll 82 for August ; 11 7J 82 for September. BT. LOUIS. St. LOUIB , April 19. Flour Market st-rmger ; family , 4 50@4 GOj choice , 6 03@ 5 10 ; fancy 5 15@6 45. Wheat Market unsettled but generally hiabor nnd fairly active : No. 2 red full , 110J@l 108 for cash ; 1 11J@1 121 for May ; 112i@l 131 for June ; 111J@1102 , closing at 112 or July ; 1 09J@110 for August ; 108i@L 09J for the year ; No. 2 rod fall , 1 041 Md. Corn H-sher nnd active ; 48J@4lo for caih ; 4850o for May ; 51 | @ & c lor Jnae ; f > 'brqtiifa for Julj ; 64Jo for Au nt ; 45 jo bid tor the year. \ Oats Hlcher but slow : 431@-43Jo for cash ; 4SJ@43o for May. llyo fllft'ket quiet ; 54Jo bid. Barley-Qulot ; 55@75o Corn Meal -Firm at 2 50. Butter-Market quiet ; dairy , 20@25c ; creamery , 2C@30c. Eegs Quie' ; 13o. Whiskey Quiet and steady at 114. Pork-Higher ; 18 Co@18 75 for cash ; 18 52J for May ; 18 70 bid for Juno. Bulk Meats Firm and held higher ; long clear , 0 05 ; short rib , 10 12 $ ; short clear , 10 50 naked. Bacon Held higher ; long clear , 10 75 ; short rib , 10 75310 62 } ; abort clear , 1100@11124. li rd Market nominally firm at 1112) , AFTKIINOON BOAHD. wheat Higher at 110 } bid for April ; 1121 for May ; 114J for June ; 112 } for July ; 112 for August ; 1 091 for the year. Corn Strong nnd higher at 49Jc bid for April ; 50j.s for May ; 53s for June ; 5K8a for July ; SSJs for August ; 4Gio for the year. _ Oats Excited and higher ; 43Jo bid for April ; 43. } a for May ; 45o for July , KANSAB 01TT. KANSAS CITT , April 19. Wheat- Market higher ; No. 2 red fall , SOo for cash ; 99Jo bid for May ; 1 01 for June , Cam Market higher ; 42o for cash ; 43o bid for May : 44jo bid for June. Oats Market higher ; 37Jo bid for cash no options. LIVEKPOOL. LIVERPOOL , April 19. Breadstuff a Firmer. Wheat Bed wlnted No. 2 nnd Califor nia advanced 3 ; No. 2 California , 9a U @ 9j 3d ; No. 1 California , 9i 4d@9j 7d. Corn New 5s 8Jd ; old , Gi 9d. LIVE STOCK Special Dispatches to Tai Bii. OBIOAOO. CHICAGO , April 19. TheDrovin * Jcar- nal reports aa follows ; Hogs Market fair but uneven prioei and not quotably different ; mixed , 6 65@ 7 35 ; heavy , 7 80@7.75 ; light , C 95@7 55 ] skips , 4 00@G 75. Cattle Market slow and weak bnl steady ; exports , 6 25@6 70 ; good to choice shipping , 590@G10 ; common to fair , 50 ( @ 5CO. Sheep Market weak and alow auc prices easier ; a large number unsold ; com mon to fair , 2 7C@4 75 ; good to choice 5 7 @p 00. ST. LOUIS , ST. LOOTS , April 19. Cattle Supplj liberal but demand light and prices weal and irregular ; heavy shipping steers , 5 81 @G 40 ; light shipping , 6 75@5 80 ; com mon , 4 50@5 00 ; good cows and heifer * 4 25@b 00 ; common , 8 50 ® J 25 ; bulls , 3 51 @ 4 50. . . Bheep Market steady for good grade and prices range from 3 75@6 25 for com mon to fancy , HORS Higher and active ; good light ; 7 10@7 30 ; mixed to good packing , 7 00e ( 7 30 ; butchers to extra , 7 30@7 50 , NEW OHK. NEW YOBK , April 19. The Drovere Journal Bureau reports : Beeves llecelpts , 4 carloads ; 20 car loads were in tun pens from yesterday nothing doing in beef cattle ; dressed bo dull at 9@llo for city ; 8@10.to for .west orn. orn.Sheep Dull and lower ; extremes , G 7 © 725 percwt ; unehorn. 600@G25 ; clipped 5 CO ; spring lambs sold at 4 00@G 50 pe head Hoga None offered alive and nominal ! duiljat 7 70@8 20 percwt. KANSAS OUT. CITT , April 19. The Cominei clal Indicator this afternoon reports s follows : Cattle Market weak and slow ; uativ eteen ) , 1,110 to l-180lbs. , sold at 5 GCr S 9 ; stackers and feeders , 4 E0@ 1 75 ; cows , 3 @ 450. HoggMarket a shade higher ; light t heavy , 7 00@7 25 , but moatly at 7 10 ( 7 15. Sheep Market steady ; natives avernj ing 87 Iba at 4 25. TRAFFIC. Special Dlipatches to Tni lilt rLOOB AND OBAINS CHIOAQO , April 16. Keoelpts and shi | menU of flour and grain for the pa , 24 bvara have been as lollowo : Becelpta. Shlp't Flonr bbla 7,500 \Vheat-bnshels 10,000 , . , Cora- " 44.COO g 0 U- " 2,000 ST. LOJ . April 19.-R oelpU and smpmoridi of flour and grain for the past 48 ho'or * h tvi been as followat UecoiDts. Ohlp'ts. Dour barrels 3,000 3,000 Wheat bnshel 11,000 8,000 Corn- " 31,000 28.000 Oata- " 21,000 1,000 Kye- " I. . . ! . . . Barley- " NEW YOBK , April 19. Receipts and shipments of flour and grain for the past 24 hours have been as follows : Receipts Shp'ts Flour-bbla 9,000 3,200 Wbcat-bnshf.lt. i 10,600 33.530 Corn- " 13,000 88,000 OaU- " . . . . 38,000 20 KANSAS CITT , April 19. Kecelpts and shipment * of gram for the past 24 hours hate been as follows : Reo'te. Shlp'ts. Wheat , bushels 5,000 6,000 Corn " 8,000 15,000 LIVE STOCK , CHICAGO. April 19. UcocIpU and ship ments of live stock for the past U-t hours have been as followai Reo tn. Bhlpm'ta. Hoga 12,000 3600 Oattle 6BtO 2,700 Sheep b.OOO 2,100 ST. Louis , April 19 , Receipts and ohipmenta of live stock for.tho past 21 bourn have been as followai Roo'ts. Bhlpm'ta. Oattle 1,800 600 Sheep . . .1,000 500 Hogs 4,100 2,700 NEW YORK , April 19. Receipts and shipments of Hvo stock for the past 24 hours have been as follows : Reo'ta Ship'ts Bjevoa 11C Quarters of beef 800 Oarca. nas of mutton 100 Sheep 5,900 . . . . Hoga 1,500 KANSAS CITT , April 19 , Kecolpts and shipments of live stock for the past 21 bourn have bean as follow * : Roo'ta. Bhlpm'ta. Cattle 600 Uogs 3,301 Sheep 800 OMAHA MAKK.U1TS. Wholooala Prlooa. OMICK or Tm OUAUA B m , t Thursday Evening , April 19 , J The following are the only changes re ported in the market to-day : Lemons advanced 50@75o. Oranges advanced 50o. Liocal Qraln.Doallnffa. / WHEAT.-Cash No. 2 , 880 ; cash No. 8 , 734o ; rejected , 50o. BARLEY. Cash No. 2 , G3o ; No , 8 , 880.- 880.RYE RYE Cash , 45o , CORN New mixed , 37o. OATS-37C. SEEDS Blue grass seed , 125@150 ; t'mothy seed , 2 102 25 ; rod clover seed , 9 00 ; white clover seed. 13 00 ; millet seed , 1 00 ; Hungarian seed , 1 10 ; orchard grass sead , 2 50. Live Btock. OATTLE-Fat ateers , 4-75@5 75. FAT COWS-S4 00@4 50. HOGJS-G50@7 < 10. SHEEP-34 50@5 00. Produce. POTATOES iO@rj6o per bushel , ONIONS 40@50o per bushel. BUTTER ' -Choice country , 134c. KGGS frosb , 14o. HONEY Califoralft. per lb , 31. APPLES Per barrel , 82 25@3 25. ORANGES Messina , 400@$5 ; 00. LEMONS-55 00@5 60 per box. BEANS Navy per bushel , 2 7E@3 00. Poultry. CHICKENS Live per doz. , $400 ® 450. 450.CHICKENS CHICKENS Dressed , per lb. , lc. DUCKS Dressed , per lb. , 17c. oEESK Dresaed , per lb. , 15o. Horses and Mules. Extra draft horaoa , 8175. to 225 , { Con- mou drr.H horses , 3100. to 150. j Extra farm htiiraoa , 8110. to 125 , ; Common to good farm horaou. 090 to 8100. ) Extra plugn , 460 , to 75. } Common pings , 820. to * 40. MULES. ( Extra ) . W2J. to 160. ; good , S1CO. to 140. ; fair , C7S. to 100. ; common , C60. to 75. Qrocors Uot CANNED GOODS Oynters , ( Stand ard ) , per case , 3 70@390 ; strawber ries , 2 lb , per ctuje , 2 40 , rasp berries , 2 It ) , per case , 8 50. Dam sons , 2 ID , per coae , 2 45 , Bartlett pears per case , 240 , Whortleberries per caoe,275. Egg plums,2 lb percbee,2 DO ; Green gages,2 lb per case , 2 90 : do choice , , tb per case 4 50. Pine Apples , 2 lb , per case 4 00@5 75 , Peaches , 2 ID per case , 8 00 ; do 8 lb , case , 4 00@4 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , pet ooae.260 ; do pie , 6 lb , per dozen , 3 SO. FLOUl.Jobbing pricen , Jack Frost Bt. Loulb winter ) 93,75 per 100 Iba. ; Topeki Patent Kansas , 3.60 ; Minnehaha , Minnesota Patent , 93.75 ; Shawnee fanov winter , 93.10 : Eagle , -XTfXTC win ter , 92.75 ; Triumph spring , beat , 2. 75 ; Christian's cnperlative , 3.80 : bran , pei ton , 016.00 ; chopped feed , 918 00@25.00 ] Queen Bee flour , per sack , 3 25 ; Nellie Blyeper/Back 290. LARD Omaha Retaining Co. : Tierces , 12c ; 40 and 60-lb cans , 12jc ; 20-lb cans , 123c ; 10-lb palls , screw top , 124o ; 6-lb do , 12jcj 3-lb doTlZio. RICE Louisiana prime to choice , 7jg 80 : fair , 7 < a74c ; Patma , 6Jo. FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls , 7 CO No. 1 mackerel , kit * , 1 OOf family mack erel , half brls , 5 25 ; family mackerel , kits , 85c ; No. 1 white fish , half brio , 7 00 ; No. J kits , 1 05. UOVKfiX. Rio , fair , lloi Rio , gooc lllc ; iirine to choice , 12 to 124oj Old gov'i Java 18o @ 24o. SUGARS Powdered , lOo : Cut loaf lOc ; Granulated. 94o ; Confectioners' A 91o ; Standard Tlxtra O , 84c ; Extra 0 8c ; mudinm yellow , 7ic ; dark yellow , 71c SYRUP Standard Com.44c , bbls. Standard do , 44 gallon kegs , 92 05 ; Stan dard do. 4 gallon kegs , 91 95 , SODA In lb papers , 83.30 per case ; kci soda , 21c. NEW PIOKLES-Medium , In barrel 87 00 ; do in half bbls , 4 00 ; ainalls , in bblt I 900 do , in halfbbla , 600 ; gherkins , ( i bbla , 11 00 ; do , In half bbla , G 00. STARCH. Pearl , 44c ; Silver Glos 94o ; Corn Starch , 94a ; EicelelcrQloK 7o t Corn , 7Jo. TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 46@5 Choice , C0@75c ; Imperial , good , 40I5 < Chslos , 60@75c ; Young Hyson , good , 8Ci ( 50o ; choice , 65o@51 00 ; Japan Nat Leal SCc : Japan , choice , 60@76o ; Oolong , gooc S5@40 ; Oolong , cho.ue , 40@55j Sonchom good , S5@40c : choice. S5O45o. ROPE Sisal , i Inch and larger , Hi i Inch , llic ; i inch , 12o. WOODKNWARE Two hoop palli 1 76 ; three hoop palU , 3 00 , Tnbf. N ( 1 , 8 50 ; Pioneer washboards , 1 65 Donbl Crown 2 \Vellbucket ; , DO. LEAD Bar , 81 65 VINEGAR Pure rpplo extra , Id pure apple , 13c ; Piuanns ; cure aonle , ICi SALT. Dr y loads , per bbl , 1 70 ; Asl , in sao ka , 8 50 ; bbla dairy 60 , 5s , 3 C SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 84 ! Klrk'a satinet , 3 60 ; Kirk's standard. 3 71 Kirk's white Russian , 525 : Kirk Eutocn , 315 Kirk's Prairie Queei (100 ( cakeO. 40 ; Kirk's magnolia dot POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 ens in case , 3 35 ; Babbltt'n Ball 2 doz. in cati 1 90 : Anchor Ball 'i doz in CIBO 1 60 , PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Tei nossee , lOopor lb ; faney white , lOio peril raw white Virginia raw , 10c ; roastei 12se. 12se.CANDLES CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , 16s. 16Vc ; 8 15fo ; btxea 40 Iba. , 16 ot. , 6s , IKfc. MATCUES-Per caddie , S5o | fount oases. 83 10 ; snnare , caaoa , o5 40. MEATS Hams per lb. , 13Jc ; baoc per lb. , 131c ; clear side bacon per lb , , 11J dry salt sides per lb , , 94c : dry salt ahou ders per lb. , 10c ; bacon shoulders per ) b 840 ; tierce lard per lb , ; Ho. BPIpES.-.Fepper , 21 ; Allsplw , 18 Java , 2Ci lio,2 ! Mocha , 281oi Arbnokle's OIIEESH Fnll Cream , 14o | Part Skim , 104s. LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich. 8 40 : Western , 3 76 ; North Star , 3 00 > Lewis' lye. 4 6ft ; Jewell lye , 2 76. . , FEEU-Jobblng prices , Chop feed 81.60 per 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , $1.40 ; bran , 70o per 100 Ibs. UOMINY-Now 94 OOpor bbl , OryOooot. BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 84c ; Appleton XX , 7cj Atlanta A , 8o | Boot , FF , 8 c ; Buckeye LL. 4-4 , 7o > Cabot V , 5p ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 81oj Iiawrence LL , Ole ; Myatlo river , 74oPeqnot A , 8Jc ; cohawmut LL , 4o ; Utloa O. 6jci Wachua- ett B , 74ot do A , 8o | do K 48,134 Wai- SItt BB. Bio. FINE aTftOWN OOTTONS-Allendali ) -4 8-4 So Argyle 4-4 , 7Jc - : 71c ; Alligator - , ; ; Atlantic LL,64c ; Badger State X 4-4 , 7c ; ) Jcnnington O 4-4 , GJoj Bnokoyo 8.4-4 , BJoo Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 84ct Iaooni 0 89 , 84c ; Lehlch E 4-4 , 9jo ; Popporell N 80 , 7o ; do 0 32 , 71o ; do JVS6.7io } do E 39. 84o , Vooasset 0 4-4 , 7 c ; Wamsutta 4-4 13o BLEACHED COTTONS Androccog ein L 4-4,94oBlackstoneAA imperial 8o ; do do half bleached 4-4.9o | Cabot 4-4,81 ; Fldellty4-4 , 9icFnilt ; of thoLoom.9h do oan.brio4 ,12JcdoWBterTwlst,104cGreat ; Falls Q , 9o ; Indian Head shrank 4-4 , 12o ; LonBdaio. lOc ; do cambric 87 , ISJo ; New York Mills. 134o ; Poquot A,10o ; Pepperel N G TwilLj , 124oi PocahonU * 4-4 , 94o ; Pocasaet 4-4 , Sic ; Utloa , lie ) Wamsutta O X X , 124o. DUOKS Colored ) Albany K brown. 8c ; do 0 , drab , llw do XX rtripoa and plaids , 1 % ; do XXX brown and drab , stripes and plaids , 12io ) Arlington fancy , IBrOo : unowiok brown , 8Jo ; Chariot fanoy 124o ; do extra heavy , 20o ; Fall River brown , extra heavy , H4o ; Indlawl A browtj I8nj Nouonsot A brown. 16o TlOKlWUB Ainosksos A O A 83 19o ; do XX blue 82 , 184o ; Arrowanna , 9ic ; Claremont B B , 154o : Oonestogau ; tra , 174c ; Hamilton D , lljo Lewtston A 30 , lOo ; Minnehaha 4-4. 30o ; Omega super extra 4-4 , 2So ; Pearl River 82,16jo ; Putnam - nam XX blue stripe , 12o ; Shotuckel S 104c : do SS 12o : Yooman'a blue 29 , 9o DENIMS. Amonkeak , blnoandbronn IGJc ; Andover DD blue , ICJo ; ArllngX blue Scotch , 184o ; Concord 000 , blue aw brown , 124c ; do AAA , do do 134 ; do XXto do do 144o Haymaker * bine and brown. 9ic ; Mystlo River DD stripe , IBJoj Pearl River , blue and brown , 10o | Uneasvllle , blue and brown , 14Jr. CAMBRICS Barnard , Wo Eddyatono lining , 24 Inch double taoe , 840 ; Garner A0 - - - - - -0 0o CORSET JEANS Amory , 80Andron ; coggln aattocn 8jjo ; Clarendc n , 6Jc ; Cones o a satteens , 71cj Hallowoli , 80 ; Injdl Orchard 74o ; NarrAgansettlmprovcdo Pepperlll sattnon 94c ; Rockport , 7Jo. PRINTS Aliens , 64o ; American , 84c ; Arnold , 7o ; Berwick. 4 o ; Oocheco , 7o ; Oonestoga. 64o ; Dunkirk , ; Dnnnoll , 6j@7o ; Eddyatone , 7o ; Gloucester , 60 ; Harmony , 54o ; Knickerbocker , 6Jc ; Mor ri oo D. 7c ; Mystic , 64o ; BpraTuee. 60 ; Sonthbridge , 60 ; do. Ginghams , 7o ; Marlboro bore , 5Jc : Oriental 64c , GINGHAMS Am-xikoag , 8Jo ; Argyle , lOio ; Atlantic , 9c ; Cumberland , 74o ; Hfghlana , 74c ; Kenllwortb , 84c ; Finn kett. Slot SUSBOI , 8c. OOTTONADES Abber villa lS4o Agate , 20c ; American , lie ; Artlalan , 20c : Cairo D and T , ISJcj Olarioa D and T' 174o ; Doocon Co. stripes DandT.lOo | Key stone , 134o ; Nantnokot , 19o : Nonpareil IGo ; Ocean D and T , 134o ; Royal , 164 \ Sussex , 12o ; Tioga , laic ; waohusott shirt In ; ] heoks , lajc : do , Nankin , 134o ; York , plain N nkla > 124o ; do.ohooks , stripes and fancy , 124o ; do , 8 oz 30o. SHEETINGS-AndrosooRpin 10-4,374o ! do 9.4 , 23c ; do 8-4 , 22o ; Continental 0 42 , lie , Fruitjof the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; New York milla98 , S5o ; do 78 , SOc ; do 68. 224o , Pembrjko 10-4 , , 25o ; PequotlO-4 , 284o , do 74 , 19o do 49 , 16o ; Pepperell 96. 29o do 67. 31odo ; 67,18c ; Ut2ca 90 , 36o ; do 58 , S2io ; do 48.17n. Drugs. DRUGS AND CHEMIOA L - fVold , Carbolic , 50o ; Acid , Tartario , 55c ; B kam Oopnbla , per lb , 70c ; Bark. Uanjafrss , per lb , 13) } Calomel , per Ib.'JCcj Oinchanldin , per oz , 8110 ; Chloroform , per lb , 90o ; Dovor'a powders , per lb , 81 25 ; Epaorn Salt * , per lb , SJo ; Glycerine , pure pq i bl , SOc ; Lead , Acetate , p r lb , 22o Oil , Castor , No. 1 , pot ul , PI 26 ; Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , 8116 , Oil , Olive , per gal. 31 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 60 ; Opium , 8510 ; 0 ulnine P. & W. A R. 4 S. , per oz , 31 85 ; Potassium , Iodide , per lb 3176 ; Balacin , per oz , 40o ; Snlphate o Morphine , tier or , 83 85 ; Bnlptmr fionr per lb , 4c ; Qtrrchnine , nor oz , $1 65. PaInU Oil * and VarnlshM , OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon , 12o ; 160 * headlight , per gallon , 14c : : 175 * headlight , per gallon. 19o ; 160 Water White , 18c ; .linseed , raw , per pallon , 66 ; linseed , boiled , per gallon. 69o ; lard , winter ntr'd , perital , Ion , 96 ; No. 1 , 85o ; No. 2 , 76o ; caator , XXX. p gallon , 1 25 ; No. 3,115 ; iweot , per gallon , 85ot sperm , W. B. , per gallon- 1 75 ; fish , w , B. , per gallon , 75o ; neatsfoot , extra , per gallon , 90c ; No. 1 , 65o ; lubri cating , zero , per gallon , SOo ; summer , IBo , golden machine , No , 1 , per gallon , 35o ; No , 2 SO : sperm , signal , per gallon , 80o : tnr. pentlne , per gallon , 660 ; naptha , 74 , poi Ballon , 18s : 64r. 17o PAINTS IN OIL-WhlU lead , Omahi P. P. . 6c ; white lead , St. Lonla , pure , 6fpi TOarseillos green , 1 to 5 fit cans , 20c French ilno , g ocn seal. 12o | French tine , red seal , lie ; French zinc , In varnish asst , 20c : French zinoe , In oil aast 16o ; Ran and burnt umber , 1 R > cans 12o ; raw and burnt Sienna , 13o : vandyke brown , refined lampblack , 12o ; coach black and ] l"ory black , lOo ; drop black , 16o ; Prnaalat blue , SOc | nltramarino blue , 18ot ehntni green , L. M. 4. D. , 14cbllnd ; and ihnttoi green , L. M. & D. , 14c ; Paris green , 18c Indian red , 15o : Venetian red. Bo ; Tnsooi drt > , 22c ; American Vermiliod , 1,4 P. , Iflo chrome yellow , L. , M. , 0. & D O. , 18c yellow ochre , Do ; golden ochre , 18 ; paten dryer , 8c ; graining colora : light oak , darl oak. walnut , tboatuut nnd ash 16o. Dry Paints Whlta load , 80 ; French sine , lOot Par whitolng 240 ; whiting gilders , IJo * biting com'I , lie ; lampblack German town. I4c ; h mpblock , ordinary , 10c ; Proa aian bine , 55o ; ultramarine , 16o ; vandyki brown , 80 ; umber , burnt , ta ; umber , rav 4csienna ; , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4 < Paris green genuine , 2oc ; Paris green com 20o ; chrome green , N , Y , ' 20o ; cbron green K. , 12 ; vermllllon , Eng. , 70o ; ve million , America , 18c ; Indlau red , 10 roea pink , 14c ; Venetian road , Coknsoai 2 "o : Venetian rod Am. , 15o ; rel lead , 74c iromo yellow , genuine , 20o hromo yel low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle So ; ochn French. SJc ; ochre , American , 2c Wiutor'B mineral. 2Jc ; lehlgh brown. 2Jc spanUh brown , lite ; Prince's mineral 3c VARNISHES Barrels per pvllor Furniture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. ] 81 ; coach , extra , $140 ; each , No. 1 81 20 ; Domar , extra , Cl 76) ) anan , 70o ; ai phaltnm , extra , BCo ; f.hella 83 60 ; har < oil finish , 81 SO. Hides , Furs , Etc HIDES < reon butcher's bldB , 510 7c cured 64@74o ; hides , green sail dry flint , Bound , 12@13o ; dry eel and kip , 12@14o ; dry salt bides , sound 10@llc ; erecn oalf , wt. 8 o 16 DM. . 1112 < green calf , wt , under 8 do , per skin , 60 < D > green pelts , 60@81 25 ; green lamb skliu 8126160i damaged bides , two-tlilrd raU cut scored nnd one grub , classed twt tLlrda rate , ) branded hides 10 per cent , o : Coon skins , No , 1 , 45o ; No , 2 , SOo ; No , 20jj No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No , 1 , SOo ; No. 16o ; No. 8,15o ; No. 4 , 60. Fox , No. 11 60o ; No. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , b26c 65c ; short stripe , 40e : narrow atrlpej broad stripe , 10o , Tallow 7o. Leather. Oak dole , 880 to 43o ; hemlock sole , 18o t ; 85 J hemlock kip. 80o to 100 ; mnnei 660 to SOo ; hemlock calf , 85o to 120 ; hen lock upper , 23o to 26c ; oak upper , 24i alligator. 400 to6 60 ; oalf kid , 83@35 < Greliea kid , 2 60 to 2 76 ; oak kip , SOo t o ; 100 ; oak calf , 120 to 1 SO ; French ki [ 110 to 1 6C | French oalf , 1 25 to 9 00 : rue IPOtoSOO. HARNESS No 1 ar oak , 42c ; No 3 do , 89c ; Nc. 1 Ohio oak. 880 ; No. 2 do , 85ot No. 1 Mllwankcfl , 37o ; No , 3do 54c. Lumber. WHOLMAU. We qnote lumbar , latn and shingles on cars at Omaha at the folio wing prices ) JOIST AND BOANTLINO-ieft. and nndor , 822 00 ; 18 ft , , 823 60. TIMBERS 16 ft. and under , 922 00. TIMBER-AND JOI8T-18 k , 823 60 ; K ft ,823 Wi 33 ft. , 826 60 ; 34 ft. 826 60. . FBNOING-No , 1 , 4 and 6 In. , 824 00 ; No. 2,82200. SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common boards ) , 820 00 ; No. 3 , 918 00. LIME Pec barrel , 91 25 ; bulk per DOS- 35o ; Cement , bbl , 93 25 Iowa plaster bbl , 83 60. Hair per bn , 60o. Tarred felt 100 Ibs , 83 60. Straw board , 93 60. Heavy Hardware List. Iron , rates. $3 00 ; plow steel , special east , 7o ; crucible , 80 ; special or Uerman,6c ; cant tool do. 1520 wagon Rpokos , sot , 2 2S3 00 ; hubs , per set , 125 ; felloes , lawetl dry. 1 40 ; tonguoo , each , 7086o ; axles , each , 76o ; snuaro nuts , per lb , 7@llo | washers , per lb. 8@18o : rivota , per lb , lie ; cell chain , per lb , C@12oj malleable , 80 ; Iron wcdgor , 60 ; crowbars , 60 harrow teeth , 4c ; spring tool , 78o ; Burden's honeshrxts. R 2V Burden's muleshoes , 6 25 , BARBED WIRE In car lots , 7 60 © 8 60 per 100. NAILS Rates. 10 to 60tf , 3 75. SHOT , Shot , 91.85 ; Buck shot , 92.10. Oriental Powder , kegs , 96.40 ! do. , hal kegs. 83.48 : do. , quarter k gs , 91.83 ; Blast Ing , keio , 53.35s Fuse , per 100 feet 60o. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 912 ; Morris Run Bloraburg , 912 ; Whltobreaat lump , 84 60 ; Whltebroast nut , 84 60 ; Iowa lump , 81 50) ) Iowa nut 84 60 ; Rook Spring , (700 ; Anthracite. 811 60@13 00 ; Canon City , 87 00 per ton. Liquor * , ALCOHOL 183 proof. 125 per wine gallon ; extra California spirits. 187 proof , 1.25 per proof gallon ; triple re fined uplrlts 187 proof , 133 per proof gallon ; ro-dlstlllod whiskies , 1 00@1 60 ; fine blondcd 1 60 ® 3 60 ; Kentucky bourbons , 2 007 00 ; Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00(37 00. BRANDIES-Importod , 80 00 ® 10 00 ; domostlo 1 404 00 , GINS Imported , 4 6096 00 ; domestic , 1 40(3)3 ( ) 00. RUMS Imported , 4 6096 OOl New England. 2 00ra)4 ) 00 ; domestic , 1 60(33 ( 60 PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY- 1 764 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported per use , S300 9i OtAmirliaa , CMS , 1300 ® 1600 , CLARETS 'er case , 4 6010 00 WINES Rh no wine , per cose , 6 00 ® 2 00 ; Oatavba , per case , 4 007 00 , Cicrara and Tobaccos. FINE CUT In pails. Common , 60 ® 65o ; good , C075o. In tin foil Col lins 0. B. , 5 lb boxes , per lb 63o ; Lori' Ulard's Tieer , COo ; Diamond Crown , 660. SMOKING AU ( Trades Common , 25 to 33c. Granulated Blackwells Durham , 16 oz 46c ; Dnkea Durham , 16 or , 46o ; Seal of North Carolina , 16 oz , 46 ; Beal of Nebras ka , 16 oz , 38o ; Lone Jack , 4 OK , linen bags perlb , 81.85 ; Marbnrps' Puck 2 oz , tin oil , 65o ; DOK Tall 66c. Wool. Merino nnvras ed , light. 1416o ; heavyo ® 1315oj medium unwaahed , light , 18 © ' . $ washed , choice , S2a ; fair , SOo ; tnb-dlng and w. , 28c ; burry , blitckand oottod woo 2@6o las * _ _ _ _ | _ > _ _ _ NO OO 1 MatUlaa Zimmerman Gota a New Leaeo of Llfo. Saturday waa the day not for the hanging of Mathlaa Xlintnorman , the Minden murderer , nnd a araall party from Omnhn , in common with nearly all the sheriff * of the state , had made proparatloun to attend , even going BO far as to telegraph for couvoyaucoa across to Mlndon. The anticipated oxonrolon Is knocked into "pi , " how ever , us la explained hi the following from the S'atu Journal of Thrnday : Mr , Erlckoon , sheriff of Kearney county nrrlvod In the olty yesterday for the ptirpono of taking with him to Mlndon MathlaoXlmmormita.tho man Bunk-need to bo hanged in tliat town last Saturday. Upon his arrival ho was aorvcd with a mandafb ordering a stay of oiecu. tlon , from the supreme court , The CMO will come baforo the court on a writ of error on July 3d. Until ohat tirno Slmmorman will roman in the ponltontiary. Mr. Erlokion In termed a Journal reporter yes- fterdoy that ho had visited the governor nor and Zimmerman daring the day. Ho also stated that the people about Minden for miles away wore making preparations to attend the hanging , and the stay of execution would prove a disappointment to them. The aoaffold , with a high board enclosure < closure 12xlG was already finished , and the rope to hang Zimmermen hac been procured. The sheriff leave * foi homo to-day. This would have been the first hang' log In Nebraska ( legal ) since May , 1879. HEALTH OF W IS THE HOPE 0 .YDiA E. PINKHAM'i COMPOUND. Sure Cure fur nil I'K.IIAtK WHAT ! NKHHIIH , Inclmlliiff Icucorrlnra , Jr. regular nnd Painful Ulenntrunllon , Indaniniatlari mill Ulccratlnn of tbo Womb , nodding , 1'UO- LAl'SUH IJTIIUI , &c. ( VTleiuiuittotliotaite , cfflcaclous and Immedli Itjcrtoct , Kliaerotttliclpln iirccnancr , and \ , TCI pain during labor ana at regular iwrloili. niuunNsiBEiT AMirnuciiinc IT nartr. CrrFon juWzinmiS oC tlio gencratlre orga eltliiri > e , lt UKCon-ltono rimcilytlmthu * ei sn before the publloi and for all iLscaios of I wrrrs It U the Qreatttt UemeJ\i \ in tht World. VUIDNKY COMPLAINTS of wilier s. . rindCJrcnt Ufllrfln Ii U e. LYIIIA K.WNKIIAMM IIWMIU VVllT ni enullrato cviirr YMtlKB ft Humor , f roc juod.at the iu > mo tlmo wlilKlTO lone ami JTijitom. AJ ipju-rellomlarcoultj as tbo tyB ththeConipoanland Blood IMriflcr are ji > d at S3J and iS5 WwUm A enu , I-Tnn , III rlceof lthrrl. HI * bottles for $3. Tin CoDip. ( o sent IT mall la too form of plllJ , or of loztngfJi t , /c lpt of prlco , 1l er boi for eltlier. Mr . PlnU\ i8 - eely on w r all letters of Inqalry. Endow 8 c ( 8 amp. Band for pamphlet. Xtntkm tM > I\ijT. nta nrtTBU B. Pmnu1. unm ntu ear * Conu a fKatouiHM and Torpidity of th llrsr. Cft e ? , taraolA bi all I > rui l.u.-S * , , IVJEDiGAL DISPENSARY i Offices and parlors over the new Omaha National Bank , 13th , between Farnam and Douglas Streets. A. S. FISHBLATT , M. D. , - PROPRIETOB. Dr. Fishblatt can be Consulted Every Day EXOP pt Fridays and and Saturdays , these two Days being .devoted to His Dianensary at Des JMoines , Iowa * Special attention given to diseases of the Special attention given to Diseases of the THROAT AND LUNGS , CATARRH , KIDNEY AND BLADDER And Female Diseases , as well as All Ohronio and Norms Diseases IDIR. Ilasdltcomed thegr ateet cure In the world for weakness ot the bock and limbs. Involuntary discharges. Impotency , general debility , nerrousncss , languor , contusion ol Ideas , palpitation of the heart , timidity , trembling , dminets ot sight or giddiness , diseased ol the head , throat , lose or skla sffoctioni ol U > e liver , lungs , stomach or bowels thosoterrlble disorders arlnlng from so Itary hab its of youth , and secrtt iirictl es more fatal to the victims than the soncs of Syrens to the marin ers of Ulj s s , blighting their moit r.vllant honfli or ntlalpatlons , rendering marriage Impossible. Those th it are suffering from the evil practices which dettroy their menial and physical system I causing NEUVOUS DEBILITY. The symptoms ol which are a dulldUtres ed mind , which unflts them Irom performing their basl- nees and nodal duties , makes hapny marriage Impots ble , dlitroMes the action of the heart , causing flushes ot htat , dei rcailonol spin's , evil torob3dlng < . cowardice , lean , dreams , realloai nights , dluluosi , forKettulnon , unnatural discharges , pala In the back and | hips , short breathing , melan- choir , tire easily ol company and have prctirence to bo alone , feeling ai tired In the morning M when retiring , seminal wrakncs * , lost manhood , white bone deposit In the urine , nervousness , con- [ union ot thoasht. trembling , watery and weak eyes , dyfpcp laloonitlp Uon , paleness , pala and weakness In the limbs , etc. . should consult me immediately and bo restored to perlect health. YOUNG MEN Who have become victims ol solitary vice , that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of exalted talent and brilliant Intellect who might otherwlio entrance listening senators vtlth the thunders ol their eloquence or waks to testa * cy the living lyre , may call with lull confidence. MARRIAGE. Married persons or young men contemplating marriage bo aware ol physical weakness , loss , procreattv * power , hnnotency , or any other disqualification speedily relieved. lie who places him sell ucdcr the care ol Ir. FWioIa tmay relljiouily conflde In his houor as a gentleman , and oonB * dently rely upon his skill as a phyjlclan. ORGANAL WEAKNESS Immedlatoly cured and lull vigor roitored. This dlilrnslng aflltctloc which rtnders lite a burden and marriage Iroporslble , Is the penalty paid by the victim lor Improper Indulgence , Young people areap to commit exo ss liom not belra await ol the dreadful consequence ! that may eotue. Now who that understands this subject will deny that procreation Is lost sooner ky those tailing Into Into Improper habits than by prudent ! Besides being deprlv d ol the plraiure ol bialthy oH < spring * , the most serious and destructive symptoms ol both body an 1 mind arlie. The system be comes deranged , the physical and mental functions weaken ; Loss ol procreatlve powers , nervous Inability , dyspepsia , palpitation ol the heart , Indigestion , ( constitutional debility , wasting otibt flame , cough , consumption and death. A CURE WARRANTED. Persons ruined In health by unlearned pretenders who keen them trifling month alter monl taking polionous and Injurious compounds , should apply Immediately. DR. F1SHBLATT graduate ol one of the moit eminent colleges of the llnlted. States , has effected some ol th * molt astonishing cures that were over known ; many troubled with ringing In the ears and head , when asleep , great nenousnois being alarmed at certain sounds , with Irequent blushing , attended soms tlmos with derangement of the mind were cured Immediately , TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. F. addresses alt those who have Inlnrod themselves by Improper Indulgence'and salltary habits which ruin both body and mind , unfitting them lor buslnora , study , society or marriage. These are some ol the molanchdy eDicts produced by the early bablu of youth , vis : Weak , ness of the back and limbs , pains In the head and dimness ot sight , loss of muscular power , palpi tation ol the heart , dysi > epsla , nervous Irritability , derangement ol digestive functions , debility , consumption , etc. PRIVATE OFFICES , OVER TI1E OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , OMAHA , NEB. CONSULTATION FREE. Charges moderate and wlthlu the reach ol all who need sMentlBa Medical treatment. Thoie who res do at a distance and cannot call , will receive prompt attention through mall by simply sending thlor symptoms with pottage. Address Lock llox 34 , Omaha , Neb- CARPETSEASON. SEASON. J. invites .the attention of the public to his LARCE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK New Carpets I Embracing ath e late pat terns in everything in the Carpet Line. Mattings , Oil Cloths and window Shades In large quantities and always T Bottom Prices. . LACE CURTAINS A SPECIALTY. J , B. DETWILER ! 1313 Farnam Street. OMAHA , - - NEBRASKA. Decker Bros. , Mathnshok , Slmpaon , Ilnyncs'.Broa. , Btory & Camp. ' 7 * Eitay , , f V Btory.l i\.S\ \ ' and Camp. , , vV - U < * > 9 Ab t > t t t ? I have Bold theio Instruments for fitV' B , ' . 'the past 11 years , and always gave ox ? t , , oelleht satisfaction. J. S. WEIGHT , o I * . 'a M i * } ' / *