Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1883, Image 1

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ir1 nut r.nj. r' ? .
The Oliaractoristlo Irish Inform
er Developed Among the
Dynamiters ,
The Whole History of the Ex
plosive Conspiracy De
tailed in Court.
"Old Mem" Rossa Supplies the
Liquid and Money in Lib
eral Quantities.
Several Societies Sworn to
Blow up England , Flourish
in New York.
Gallagher , Whitehead & Co.
Furiously Rave at the
The Clouds of War Rapidly
Thickening in the Ton-
quin District.
Another Battalion of Nihilists
Arrested. Condemned and
Exiled ,
Doings of the Day in tbo Old World.
The Dynamiters.
Special DUpatcn toTui BBB.
LONDON , April 19. The second ox- '
amlnation of the dynamiters was be
gun In Bow street court this morning.
Bernard Gallagher and Lynch alias
Norman'recently ; arrested , turned In
former. The latter was placed on the
witness stand and detailed the opera
tions cf the gang as follows :
Lynch reached London March 22 d ,
Met Gallagher in London on the 27th
or 28th. They walked past the scene
of the Westminster explosion. On
his asking Gallagher if "that's what
we are going to do , " the latter an-
werod , "yes , " Gallagher viewed the
houses of parllament and said "they
will make a great crash when they
came down. " At this Gallagher
shouted out from the dock , "yon in
famous liar. " Lynch replied with the
statements of Gallagher as to what
destruction was to be wrought.
He said he Inferred from the talk of
his co-conspirators that O'Donovan
Rossa was In the scheme. Rossa was
referred to ai "the oldlman. " Lynch
testified he went to Birmingham to
see Whitehead at Gallagher's request
for Dome material. Gallagher gave
him money to buy a presentable trunk
In which to.put the scuff he was to gbt
.from Whitehead. Whitehead put him
in the way of getting the India rubber
bags. Lynch confirmed all evidence
submitted at the hearing last Thurs
day as to Gallagher having called for
him as Fletcher. He said when White-
head'was loading the xutro-glycerine
into the rubber bags bo told Lynch that
50 pounds had been taken away.
Whitehead also told him he would
soon know what the liquid was.
Whitehead hear shouted , "Yon lie ,
yon traitor ! " Lynch further testified
that Gallagher met him when he
returned to London from Birming
ham with nltro-glyoerlne. He had
never seen any of the prisoners before ,
except Gallagher and Whitehead.
Lynch , amplyfylntr , said in October
last , while working at a coach builder's
In Brooklyn , a ahopmate , Daniel
P'Oonnor , Induced him to jeln a secret
society , a branch of the Fenian organ
ization , ; divisions which were called
"Emerald clubs. " O'Connor took him
to Odd Fellows' hall , New York , and
In an ante-room told him the object of
the society was to free Ireland by
foroe aloae. Lynch , on joining the
society , took the oath to stand by ito
watch word , to obey his superior
officers and observe the laws of the
brotherhood. Members were known
by numbers. The name of the presiding
siding officer was Thomas Barns.
Lynch attended at called mooting
of the club twice each month.
He did not know O'Djnnovan ll)3sa
personally , but heard he had been to
the club room. He was always spoken
of there as "the old mau ; " knew be
sides O'Connor two members of the
club , both named Sullivan. The num
ber of the treasurer of the club was 82
and of the secretary 13. The paas
word for admission to the meetings
v was "Providence. " There were other
/ associated clubs ic New York : Bars-
field , at Thirty-Second street ; Owen
Roe and Thomas Davis , Military hall ;
Emmet , Eighth avenue , and Davltt
and Tom Moore clubs. Thn district
members wore not known to each
other. When a member was wanted
to go on a mission the president read
out his number and told him
to send him ( the president ) his address.
In London , Gallagher and witness
passed Scotland yard , and Gallagher
said , "That Is the headquarters of the
detectives. . It will come down , too. "
Gallagher said he wan staying at
Charing Cross hotel , and gave wltnest
7 , saying , "Don't run short ; the old
man will provide for us. " Lynch
Identified the boy * he saw wltt
Whitehead In the factory of the lat
ter in Birmingham. Witness sale
when Whitehead was loading thi
nitre-glycerine Into the rubber bags
he told him a man who came In thi
morning had taken 60 pounds of thi
liquid ; had never seen any of thi
prisoners before except Gallagher am
Whltohead , Both spoke of send
Ing another man to London
but did not mention any n ame , Wl
ness spoke in a weak and indlstlnc
voice and at one time appeared aboc
to faint. At the conclusion of th
testimony and while the deposition
were being read he did faint , and wi
removed from the court room.
Bernard Gallagher states he is a m
tire of Scotland and returned froi
America to work as an iron mould *
.Hli biotkMtDf. GalUgh , paid h
passage , Bernard was ignorant of the
doctor's business. Bernard says ho is
not a Fenian or member of any secret
society and declares ho was in Sing ,
Slog , N. Y. , at the the time of the
explosion in Glasgow. )
The clerk in the postal telegraph
office seized near the railway station
by Fenians and forced to answer ques
tions relating lo the position of the
engines and number and duties of em
ployes of the central telegraph offioe ,
has been suspended. The story was
concocted to supply an excuse for ab
In the commons the homo secretary
asked that the question bo not pressed
whether Peter Tynan , "No. 1 , " was
in Now York and whether his extra
dition < ronld be demanded , as it might
bo prejudicial to the public interests.
The London Times says , if Lynoh's
evidence can bo satisfactorily proved
and It can bo shown that 0 Donovan
Rosso furnished the largo sum of
money found on Doctor Gallagher , it
will be a question for consideration
whether O'Donovan Rossa cannot , by
some sort of international procooduro ,
be made amenable to the laws of the
empire as an Irish conspirator.
A box containing powder was found
to-day in the rear of the Times office.
The train was laid for an explosion ,
DUBLIN , April 19 , It is stated
that Eageno Kingston , who was ar
rested at Liverpool yesterday on sus
picion of being' connected with tbo
Phooaix park mnrders , was for some
time the head monk of the inner circle
of the Invluclblos.
Special Dispatch to TUB Dxi.
LONDON , April 19 At the banquet
of the conservative committee , Salts-
bury and Northoote expressed mutual
unity and deprecated attempts to
snatch victory by moans of ehady tac
tics and make mischief by statements
relative to imaginary jealousies among
conservative loaders.
Northcote nnvleled the statue of
Beaoonsfield in Parliament square to
day before a great crowd.
The agreement of Germany , Aus
tria and Italy , to last six years , the
respective territories and maritime
rights of the throe countries la guar
anteed against aggression.
i p cUl Dispatch to THB Bn.
PARIS , April 19. It li stated that
the Chinese sqnadro n has been or
dered to cruise in the Tonquin river.
The weekly statement of the Bank
of France shown an increase of 40-
325,000 francs gold , and 2,800,000
francs silver.
The minister of foreign affairs pre
sented the chamber of deputies to
day a draft of the convention con
cluded bat ween France and the
United States , fixing the Indemlty of
French subjects for losses during the
civil war In America.
The minister of finance introduced
a bill providing for the conversion of
5 per cone rentes into 4isr . He ox-
rvlalned that 3 ,000,000 'ir&nc * would
be saved if the bill passed ,
Special Dlipatchei to Tni BBB.
ST. PETEBSBUBO , April 19. The
trial of eighteen prominent nihilists
resulted in the conviction of all. Six
were condemned to death , two for life
servitude and the remainder to impris
onment of fifteen to twenty years.
T D.OBO sentenced to death are Bogano-
vltch , who laid the mine in Little Gar
den street for the purpose of killing
the czar ; Savell Zlatopolsky , impli
cated In the Hartmann attack on the
late emperor la 1879 ; Mlchal Gratoh-
efaky , one of the assassins of
the czar ; Telaloff , participator
in the attempt to blow up
the imperial train at Alexandrofsky in
1881 ; Kllmenko , an escaped political
criminal , subsequently arrested with
Gratohefsky , and a retired naval
officer named Bontsevltoh. To life
imprisonment , Stefanovltcb , who es
caped from prison ajb Kleff , where he
had been confined on the charge of an
organized revolt of peasants at Tohlg-
rln , and Smlrnltskaya , a priest's
An explosion of fireworks at Bin-
stetten killed four persons.
Another trial of nihilists will be
held at Odessa before the coronation.
Twenty persons will be arraigned on
the charge of propagating nihilistic
Ideas among the worklngmon. Fifty
parsons wore arrested for nihilism last
week. Thay Include military officers ,
young women , , teachers , students ,
worklngmon and soldiers.
ST PETERSBURG ; April 19 Sev
eral more nihilist loaders have been
nrrested. It is stated among them is
Verra Baa sail tch.
Special Dlipatchei to Tni Um.
MADRID , April 19 , At the cabinet
mooting , during the consideration of
the budget , the ministers discussed
the expediency of submitting to the
United States government the proprl.
ety of reducing its duties on sugar
from the Antilles. In the senate it
was suggested that the government
earnestly endeavor to oocolndo e
treaty of commerce with the United
ANTWERP , April 19. The munici
pal authorities have refused to gram
concessions to a company wishing t (
erect grain olevatora for unloadlnf
grain. Previous to the annouccamen' '
of the decision , a mob attacked thi
town hall , smashing the windows ant
injuring several persons. The pollci
charged the crowd and arrested i
Quebec's Blnzo.
Special Dispatch to TUB liif.
QoEBEor April 19. The parllamen
buildings are on fire and will bo a tc
tal loss. When the fire waa first dli
covered half the structure was 1
flames. The firemen were quick s
work , but the flames had the mat
tery and were soon bursting froi
every windows In the main blocl
The whole city was lit up and thoui
anda of people thronged tl
streets. The Quebec oavali
ware drllllne at the time and abattei
from the citadel marched to the scat
and sired perhaps half the llbrar ;
The west wing of the building oi
taining the committee rooms alone
wore saved but much damaged. All
the walls of the burnt portion are
standing. The building is insured.
A now stone parliament house will bo
roared , contracts for which were glvon
ont a few weeks ago. The government
pays In perpetuity , however , to the
archbishop , ground rent of 4,000
The Prospective Crop ol Winter and
Sprlnr Wheat.
Special DUpatch to TUB In.
CHICAGO , April 19. The Inter
Ocean's Milwaukee ( Wfr. ) special says :
Edward F. Smith , secretary of the
agricultural department of the state
of California , in a private telegram
sent to 8. W. Talmadge , of the Mil-
wankoo chamber of commerce , In
reply to a telegraphic inquiry concern
ing the wheat outlook , says : "From
the latest and best information re
ceived the state will prodnco a full
crop this year , or about 30,000,000
bnsnels. The average is increased
fully 10 per cent over last year ,
which increase fully compensates
for the damage done by
drouth and I estimate that w will
have at least 20,000,000 bushels for
export. An early estimate of 22,000-
000 was made some four weeks ago.
Since that the state has had bountiful
rain and the change in the ontlook of
onr crops Is simply wonderful. Farm-
era are looking jubilant over the favor
able change of affairs and are looking
forward to an abundant harvest now ,
whoroaa but a few weeks since every
thing wan looking dark for thorn. "
In Wisconsin , letters received by
Mr. Talmago from treasurers of cities
and counties In Wisconsin , report the
report the winter wheat crop in ex
cellent condition.
Letters from the agricultural de
partments of Minnesota , Nebraska ,
Iowa and Dakota , received here ,
report spring seeding fairly under
way In these states. The conditions
were never known to be bettor at
seeding time , and work will probably
bo completed within ton days. As
near as can be estimated at the
present time , the acreage throughout
will be Increased somewhat , and there
is every indication that the spring
wheat states will be favored with a
bountiful crop. .
Special Dtipatcbes lo TUB UBB.
Three shocks of earthquake wore in Aca-
pnlcotTueaday morning. The shake was
Clubs have been organized in Vera Cruz
to promote the election of General Diaz as
president In 188 1.
New York revenue officers , finding irreg
ularities ID the liquor import ng house of
Spiegel & Co. , began legal proceedings.
The Connecticut house passed a bill for
bidding employment of women and chil
dren In factories more than ten hours any
one _
Ex-President Grant , In introducing Vice
President Oolfax to lecture upon the late
President Lincoln in New York said that
he bad heard Abraham Lincoln tell innu
merable stones but never beard one from
his lips that might not be repeated .from
that very platform.
Dr. Geo. H. Marshall , of PIttsburg ,
charged with an attempt to blackmail the
actress Mary Anderson , bad a preliminary
hearing before United States Commission
er McCandles
held for trial in the United States court
May 7. He was afterwards released on
$1,000 ball.
A Colored Murderer Dies-
Special Dlipatch to THI Bn.
LOUISVILLE , April 19 A special
from Munfordvllle , Hart county , says :
Booth Edwards ( colored ) , sentenced
to be hanged May 18 , for the murder
of Arch Long , last December , at
tempted to break jail this morning.
Calling the jailer to bring him a tub
of water for a bath he rushed ont on
that officer with pistol in hand and
would have escaped had not the jailer's
wife locked the outer door. Finding
escape cut off Edwards returned to
his cell and shot himself through the
head , dying instantly. It has not been
learned how the pistol was obtained.
Cowboy * ' Strike-
Special DUpatch to TUB BBS.
CmoAoo , April 19 A Fort Worth ,
Texas , special says : Between 200 and
300 cowboys on ranches in the "Pan-
Handle" are on a strike for an Increase
from $30 to $50 per month and board.
The men are well armed and threaten
to kill and fire the ranches and work
general trouble. Sjme of the largest
companies have signified their unwill
ingness to meet * the demands and are
now taking steps to secure United
States troops or Texas rangers to pro
tect thelrproporty. _
A Notable Centennial-
Special Dlipatch to Tni UBB
NEWBDBQH , New York , April 19.
Flags were universally displayed on
land and water here , to-day being the
centennial of the celebration by
Washington's arrny at Newburgh ,
over the declaration of the cessation
of hostilities between the United
States and Great Brittan. At noon a
salnto of 13 gnus were fired ai Wash
ington's hoac quarter ? , and was an-
Hwored by a salute of 13 guns at West
Point , by order cf the secretary of
Thitve * and Money.
Special DUpatch to TUB ! ! .
HAVANA , April 19 An exainlna.
tlon showe that the thieves who broke
Into the vault where the government
deposits Ha stamps , secured the pont
age and tek-graph stamps , stamped
papers to the valqo of $280,000 ,
Owing to the excessive amount o !
Mexican silver dollars circulating hen
the tradesmen have agreed not to re
colve them for more than 90 cents or
the dollar.
Re d notion of Wages ) .
Special Dlipatcb to TUB IJii.
PITTSBCRO , April 19. The rallroai
coal operators met this morning am
unanimously decided to reduce thi
minimum rate on April 23d fron
three and a half centi to three cent
per boshtl , The miners will meet nex
Tneuday to take action In regard i
the redaction. It b thought a strlk
will b oidtred.
The Ventilation of Hill's Mam
moth Steal * Slowly
Begin ! ,
1 t
Eleven Explicit Charges of
Fraud and Corruption
Made by Mullett ,
The Argument la the Star-
Route Trial Liable to Last
Till the Dog
Wisconsin .Railroad Lands
Open to.Homestead and
Pre-emption ,
Unveiling a Statue to Prof , Henry
Special DUpatch to Tni UBB.
WASHINGTON , April 10 The Arch
itect Hill Investigating committee at
to-day's mooting road all the charges
and Issued a letter asking further
testimony and proofs. The sessions
were open to all and protection prom
ised all deportment employes dis
closing frauds. t ,
Accompanying the charges filed by
A. B. Mullott is a letter addressed by
htm to Secretary Folder "from Now
Yprk , November 28 , 1881 , iu which ,
ether he "I bo-
among things , says ; -
llovo that I keep strictly within the
bounds of truth , when I say that the
government has lost through incapac
ity and dishonesty of Hill and his as
sociates not less than $10,000.000 , and
this can be proved to your entire sat
isfaction and so clearly that it cannot
bo denied. " The specifications to
Mnllott'a charges allege miimanage-
mont or corruption in the following
particulars :
First. la the matter of the sale of
old material at Dlx Island and its re
purchase at aa enormous price.
Second. In the matter of L. E.
Qannon , who , Mullett lays , was
proved to be corrupt and guilty of
peual offense , yet permitted to re
sign and practice aa agentand attorney
in the office of the supervising archi
Third. Expenditures made on the
postoffice department building under
the direction of Supervising Architect
Hill by A. J. Thompson.
Fourth. Unnecessary and collnalve
expenditures for reconstruction of
heating apparatus of the treasury
Fifth. Changes in the tfUus of the
basement of the H > "
ae '
ractors for granite.
Sixth. Forgery of pay rolls In the
iffice of the supervising architect by
'harles Williams , foreman.
Seventh. Offer of the suporlnton-
ent of construction of the bureau of
ngravlng and printing building , to
the contract for brick for a con-
deration , said superintendent being
inder the Immediate control and su
pervision of the supervising architect.
Eighth. Removal of the inperlnton-
"ont of repair at Plttaburg on false
harges by the supervising architect.
Ninth. Substitution of a proposal at
noreased prices by consent of the su
pervising architect.
Tenth. Attempt to destroy the ens-
om honse at Chicago.
Eleventh. Cancellation of percent-
go contracts for granite cutting by
ecrolary Sherman , and substitution
herefor of special contracts atfrandu-
ont rates.
ipedal Dif patch to TUB Baa
WASHINGTON , April 19. Mr. Ker
inmmed np for the government.
He referred to the voluminous record ,
vor 4,400 pages , and said that it was
is duty to bring the saldnt points-to
; he attention of the jury. Beginning
with the Indictment ho explained the
"aw npon which it was ftonded. At
irst , ho said , it had included eight
lersons , but that number had been re-
.need to five. Pock was dead , Rer-
lell had pleaded guilty and the jury
had nothing to do with him , and Tar
nor had been dropped for good rea
ons. Ho wished the jury to bear in
mind , that If they found the defend
ants guilty , and there was any error ,
he court oonld set aside the verdict ,
but if they returned a verdict of not
guilty , no power on earth conld recall
.he action. The court adjourned with
Kor still on the'floor. It Is likely
; hat he will occupy several days.
Special Dlspatchta to TUB BIB.
WASHINGTON , April 19. Secretary
Frolinghnysen to-day exchanged with
the Spanish minister ratifications of
the trade mark and extradition
treaties between the United States
and Spain ,
to verify the treasury cash and ac
counts In the transfer from Gllfillan
to-day finished the examination of the
money and securities. Thocommlttoo
found an excess of three cents In favor
of GUQIlan.
It Is said at the postofllco depart
ment that the report referred to in a
recent dispatch from the city of Mexico
ice In regard to postal arrangements
between that country and the United
States nrgod the necessity of dally
Instead of trl-weekly mall service in
Mexico , At present the United States
malls for Mexico reached the frontlei
dally and are delayed there on account
of the slow mall service of that
government. The change proposed ic
which the Mexican authorities appeal
to have acquiesced will obvlato thi
delay and malls will be forwarded ai
far as possible on the day they read
the Mexican border.
Tbt ooBsaiMloM * of * ik gwm
frnd office to-day decided a contested
oasO Involving lands within the limits
of thO originally located line of the
route D\ the road In Michigan from
the Marqiietto to the Wisconsin state
line. The commissioner holds that
lands previously certified for this
line , and whlV > h was 'relinquished
under a joint revolution of congress ,
were by operation of this statute and
by sucn rellnqnlahment restored to
the public domain , and that the same
are subject to pre-emptlou and home
stead entry aa other public lauds of the
United States. In the ease decided
to-day the lands arc also within the
limits originally fixed for the Indoa *
ity selections by the Ontonagon lino.
The commissioner says that no indem-
ity or other withdrawal exists cover
ing the land In controversy , and ho
therefore awards the same to the settler
tlor first In time.
Postmaster General Groshaaa to
dsy approved the specification for the
now postal notes , and advertisements
will bo Issued at once , Inviting pro
posals for printing the notes.
The National academy of science
hold only a business session to-day.
ro on their way to strengthen the reg
iments in the departments of Colum
bia , Arlzoula and Now Mexico , with a
view to the possible necessities of In
dian compalgns.
The money withhold from railroads
by the postoifice dnpnrtmont In pur-
snauco of the act cf 1870 , and to which
the postmaster general decides thn
rotds aru entitled , amounts In the ag
gregate to about $300,000 :
General Hazeu to-day telegraphed
to the weather observer In the . .West
Indies that after the thirtieth instant
no mcro reports on cyclones can bo
made owing to the failure of congress
to make an appropriation for the pur
pose. The station there will bo aban
The statue of the late Professor
Henry , first secretary and director of
the Smithsonian institute , which has
been erected on the Smithsonian
grounds , was Invelled to-day with
appropriate ceremonies. The exercises
began with a rendition of a grand
march by the Marine band , during
the performance of which the invited
guests took their places npon the plat
form about the statue. Throe daugh
ters of the late Professor Henry oc
cupied seats directly in front of the
statue , AfterprayorbyRev.Dr.HodgcB ,
of Princeton , Chief Justice Walto ,
as chancellor of the Smithsonian In-
otltnto , formally unveiled the statue
with a few well chosen remarks , in
which ho congratulated the friends of
the Institute on the good fortune of
having made Prof , fionry its first
director , As Justice Walto pulled the
ropes to unveil the atatuoandtho can *
'Vu loll'to'tliogroand the band and
choristers rendered Haydn'j grand
chorus , "Tho hcavons arc telling , "
with fine effect. President Porter
then delivered his oration on-the life
and character and services of the sub
ject of the statue.
The entomologist of the Smithso
nian institute has reported that no
sign of phylloxera Is discoverable npon
the vines from Madeira submitted to
him by the JNow York customs house
officers , and adds that it la extremely
donbtfnl whether phylloxera oonld be
discovered npon any outlines now hold
in Now York , and the chance of the
introduction of the pest by these cut
tings is BO slight as not to bo worth
The IrUb CuaveatloB.
Special Dlipatch to TUB liiB.
CHICAGO , April 19. Over 150 del
egates from this city alone will attend
the coming Irish convention iu Phila
delphia next Thursday and it Is ex
pected the total representation In the
convention will not fall short of 1,000 ,
It has not yet been determined who
will call the convention to ordet.
Alexander Sullivan , of Chicago , Is
In receipt of a telegram from Judge
Mooney of Sin Francisco asking him
to represent that city in the conven
Tlio Striking ; Maiono.
Special Dlipatch to TUB OBB.
CHICAGO , April 19. A mau moot-
ng of the various building trades for
he purpose of expressing sympathy
' 1th the bricklayers in their strike ,
as hold to-day In Bittory D armory ,
'ho ' attendance waa largo. Speeches
rore made by representatives of the
IfTdront unions. Resolutions were
. assod tendering sympathy and" assis
tance to the bricklayers In their
nilai Abroad
Ipedal DUpatch to TUB UBS ,
BBATTLEBOBO , Yt. , April 19 , Silas
M. Walte , defaulting president and
cashier of the Brattloboro National
bank , arrived home to-night from the
house of correction accompanied by
his counsel. The visit is said to bo
'or ' the purpose of allowing Walto and
his oonnsol'an opportunity to examine
the books and receipts ( preparatory to
Tgnments relative to an appeal from
the judgments secured by the bank
against Walto'a estate.
Court Iu Arknnsaw.
Special Dlipatcb to TUB lin.
LITTLE ROCK , April 19. In the
United States court to-day judgment )
wore taken for various sumn , aggregating
ting $70,000 against the Memphis &
Little Rook railroad company as rear
ganlzed , for Interest on mortcagi
bonds hold by cltlrea of Now Yorl
and New Hampshire.
Argument in the case of the Phil
brook heirs , who claim most of thi
land on which Little Rook was built
closed to-day in the Untied States be
fore Judge MoOrary.
Ziaad Thieves In Court ,
Special DUpatch toiToB BBB.
NASHVILLE , April 19. The Amerl
can's Hnntsvllle special says : "Th
trial of the Birmingham land salt b <
nn hen to-day , against Thos. Peten
Tnuaaa J4drioh , Hanry Dtborda
Us , Mi Axtkrar SatlUi , wealthy oil
eons of Birmingham. The indictment
covers 140 pages , and charges the de
fendants with having agents to enter
valuable coal lands aa agricultural
lands , and after tbo entry to bo tram
forrod to Peters and others. The
governor has brought suit for the re
covery of the land.
The President at Savannah.
Special DUpatch to TUB BBB ,
SAVANNAH , April 19. The Talla-
pooia came np to the city this
morning , and the president landed.
After lunch with Captain Mercer tbo
president visited the Sohuotzen park ,
as the guest of the Savannah Rifle as
sociation. A drive through Thunder
bolt cemetery followed. Thb president
then returned to the city and held a
reception at the city exchange ,
shaking hands with whites and blacks.
The president and party leave Savan
nah Friday afternoon for Fortress
Monroe , and will arrive in Washing
ton Wednesday ,
Soft Soaping- the
Special DUpatch to TUB UBB.
BOSTON , April 19. Mrs. Catherine
Powerr , employed at Towknbury , tostl-
fiod oho took her six children with
her. Her baby was taken from her
and thrown into the bath tab where
diseased children had bathed and was
wiped with the same towel. It was
the most horrible plaoo she was over
( n. She reiterated the abuses of fe
males in the bath. One woman was
beaten with a stick. All women had
their hair ont short and soft soap
deluged over them.
Recovering on the < Bond.
Special Ulipatch to TUB UBB.
NEW ORLEANS , April 19. The gov
ernment has obtained judgment
against F. J , JEIorron , surety on the
bond of 'General James Stead man , now
chlof of police of Toledo , Ohio , who
waa Internal revenue collector of this
district In 1807-8 , for $100,000 ; with
interest from date of the judicial
demand. Stodman's shortage was
olacod at f 359,000. Counsel oxooptod
to Judge Billings' charge.
8. G. Perry , of FlatUmouth ; W. IU.
Anthony ; Comanohe ; M. D. Hoile , of
Grand Iilandj F. Gt KUne and wife , Al
bion ; Mrs. Van Alitlne , Lincoln ; W. M.
Leonard , Lincoln ; 8 , Morrli , Emenon ; J. .
8 , Johnion and Mlai Ida St. Johnt Snpo-
rlor , and W. L. Wilton , Nebraska City ,
were guests of the Paxton yeiterday.
Geo. K. Cheney , Orelghtoo ; Jamea E.
Phllpott , Lincoln ; Goo. W. Pott , York ;
O. 8. Bryan and Eitella Bryan , Aihland ;
T.M. Marque tt , Lincoln ; . II , A. Heaton ,
Western , are among the Nebraska people
who put up at the Millard yesterday ,
Sheriff Dan A , Farrell , of Mills county ,
Iowa , tbo man who captured Polk Wells ,
la In the city , a gueat of the Paxton ,
Frank Shlnn , Matilda Shlnn and Sarah
Shlnn , of Emerion , registered at the Met
ropolitan 'last night.
0 , B. Bond , of Buffalo and Dr. 0. 0.
Rugg , of Jamestown , N , Y , , are at the
JM. Marsh , of Beatrice and Ol E , Haz
ard and wife , of Hubbell , are guests at the
P. P. Shelby , general frelfht afent of
the Union PacIBo , returned1 yesterday
from the eaat ,
Frank Daniels and Mlis Jennie Yoo-
mans , ot New York city , are at the Mil-
W. D. Holler and Mlts Wallace , of
Blair , were guests of the Millard yester
day ,
J , 8 , Kellogg , J. L. Bliss and F. B.
Pierce , of Atohlson , are at the Paxton ,
Thos. F. Shea , business manager for
"Kobson and Crane" Is at the Millard.
W. A. P. McDonald and Mtsa M. Mo.
Donald , of St. Joe , are at the Paxton.
8. 0. Black , of Stromibnrg , la registered
at the Metropolitan.
H. W. Nieman and wife , of Schnyler , .
are at the Millard.
0. 0. White , ol Valparaiso , waa at the
Millard yesterday.
George N. Clayton , of Kansas City , was
In town yesterday.
H , M. Buslmell , of Plattamoath , was In
town yesterday.
Carl Hamor and wife , of Norfolk , are
at the Millard.
Mrs. E. L. Steele , of San Francisco , la
at the Millard. v
0. 0. Deweose , of Chicago , is at the
Metropolitan ,
J , F , Johnston , of Racine , Is a gueat at
the Pax ton ,
Charles S. Clark , of the Genoa Leader ,
la in town ,
H. S. Manvllle , of Cheyenne , la at thi
Paxton ,
T. W. Sharp , of St. Louli , la at the Mil
Marshal Blerbower went eaat yesterday
Colonel W. E , Kldder , who presentee
the Fiist Nebraska regiment , but apring
during the rlota at Omaha. , with thol :
beautiful stand of colon , la In town anc
stopping at tbe Paxton ,
V. H. Ztchockelt , of Sohuyler ; 0. D
Tattle and II. G. Wiley , of Kearney , wer
at tbe Paxton yesterday.
Louis Miller , of Laramle , la In town ,
J , C. Buck , of Denver , la in the city ,
M. D , Welch , of Lincoln , la at the Pai
ton ,
W. II. Noake , of Cleveland , reglstere
at the Paxton yesterday ,
Ewd. Eddy , of Denver , la iu town ,
Henry Head , of Leadvllle , la at tt
Paxton ,
General Paul Van Dervoort , Rrandcon
tnander of tne O. A. R. of tbe U , S. , lei
for Utah yesterday.
S. P. Johnson waa ticketed through I
Ogden on yesterdiy'a U. P. train.
Ylo Blerbower and Fred Crew left fi
tht woat yesterday.
Mlaa Evilya Allen la homo for a fe
doys , from Iowa , state college , at Am *
Iowa , GaaUa hir-aUi i a very
The Proposed Suit Against the
Union Pacific to Define
"Hot "
Earnings ,
The Big Pool Forced to Re-
duoe Grain Bates to'
New York ,
The "Sunset Route" Seriously
Cutting the Profits of
the Overland ,
A- TofiBalla Elected
dent of the Santa FeRo4.
Special DttpaUh to Tni UBB.
WAMHNOTON , April 19. The pub-
llshod report that the Union Kiolfio"
lliilway company will bo debarred
from paying dividends on its stoobor
interest on Its bonds pending the con
templated government suit against It
to dntorralno the true moaning of the
term "not earnings , " in the Thurmcnv
act , Is anthorltlvely and explicitly
denied at the department'of justice/
It Is alee officially stated that
suit will probabsbly nol. bo *
luitltntod as the question at'issue
between the government and the com
pany may very possibly bo dotormlnod
as an Incident to the pending suit ot
the company against the government
In the court of claims for the ascer
tainment of an amount not judicially
fixed , but estimated at about a half
million of dollars duo to the company
nndor the supreme conrt decision of
last year for transporting malls : bnt
In any event the payment of dividends
and of interest on the company's
bonds will not bo interfered with.
1m the Boat * Fe-
Bpedal Ddpatch to TUB BBS.
TOPEKA. April 10. At the annual
meeting of the Santa Fe to-day , 449-
000 shares voted ont of the whole
number of 500,000. W. B. Strong
voted 430,000. The whole board waa
ro-eleoted. Oliver Ames at once re
signed and A. E. Tonzalln waa oleotod
to the vacancy. The directors met
and ro-oleoted o fibers. A. E. Touza-
lln Is vice president.
Grain Rate * Rednoed.
6pdal DUpatch to TUB lisa.
CHICAGO , April 19 , The general
freight agents of the east bound roads
at a meeting to-day , in accordance
with Instructions from Commissioner
Fink , adopted the now tariff on eighth
class freight , making a reduction of 5
cents per 100 pounds. This class of
freight covers grain , flour , malt , hay ,
oto. , bnt excludes provisions la which
there is no change. This sudden re-
duotlou Is said to bo made because It
was found some roads In the pool
wore taking this olaia of freight at re
duced rates.
The Pacific Nat Pacific.
8pdal Dlipatch to TUB UEI.
CHICAGO , April 19. The competi
tion between the so-called "Sunset
route , " which consists of the Morgan
line of steamers between New York
and Now Orleans and Qalveston , the
Harrisburg and Ban Antonio system ,
and the Southern Pacific railroad to
the Pacific coast , and the overland
routh via the trunk linen from the
eastern seaboard points in connection
with the Iowa line and Union and
Central Pacific railroads , is said to be
getting very active , the latter claiming
that the former route is making large
cuts In the agreed rates on Pacific
coast business , and taking travel away
from it. It is also stated the line oat
of Chicago , not in the Iowa trunk line
association , is taking a hand In the
business. The matter has been of
such serious consideration that a meet
ing will probably be held at Chicago
at an early day , at which the parties
interested will be represented and an
effort will bo made to effect a recon
The Automatic Freight Oar Braked
Special Dispatch to Tna BBB.
ST. LOUIB , April 19 Some very
Interesting tests of the automatic
freight car brake waa made on the *
Oirondolot branch of the Missouri'
Pacific railway this afternoon. The
trials were for the benefit of the
several railroad commissioners for >
Wisconsin , Illinois , Iowa and Mis
souri. Seven tests were made withi
an engine and twenty empty box and\
flit can , all differing in character andi
speed , and with satisfactory results.
The commissioners will make detalledi
reports of the trials In advance , of *
which they make the following official
statement ' ' rate of
: 'Average speedy
was 25 miles , average time stopping
58 seconds , average distance llttle ovec
ono and a half train lengths. "
A Good Bhowiag-
Bptclal DUpatch to TUB UBB
1 MILWAUKEE , April It ) , The annual
report of the Chicago and St. Paul
rallrald was issued to day. The gross
earnings for 1882 show an Increase of
88.000,000 over the preceding year
and the not earnings show nearly
$2,000,000 increase. The total earn
ings are about $20,000,000.
Tne Firemen's Weekly Social at Their
The weekly social given by the firemen - .
men took place at Firemen's kail hut
night and waa nnniually Interesting.
The attendance waa l&rpe , the muolo ,
Grst class and a delightful time waa
to enjoyed by oil.
In th * absence of Jack Roach , Iff *
Carry , of the government oorjral ,
called for the dancers , and In th In
terval between the numbers "tWNe-
braaka Olamt" and oth jo\ty boy *
nllveued the ooattlon with tfctlr hut.
It WM on * of tht pUiiiiyi mHujya.
rrw tfv * by tki feoyi.