Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1883, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Thursday Morning , April 10.
The rlvor is bootnlnp and ttill on the
Three rtcn were arrested Tuesday [ or
tlteplng In a box car. They proved that
they were honeit labor * and were dis
The Woman' * Cbrlsltsn Temperance
Union meet * n the Y. M. 0 , A. rooms
Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. A ( nil
attendance la desired.
Tae "Gsnl. Terry , " one of the four
steamboats seized by the U , B. man hai at
Oovlnton la t month , ha * been relimed
upon the requisite bonds , { 3,000 , being
At ths meeting of the St. George
society Tuesd iy a resolution was passed
expressing condolence with Mr. Joseph
Dove In his recent bereavement.
It I * announced that on Sunday next ,
at 12 o'clodk , Dr , Miller will speak at the
First Congregational church to the chil
dren on behalf of the Nebraska society for
the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
Th * funeral of the late Harry Shaw
took plsco yesterdayday fjom Under
taker Jacob' * place , under Ibe auspices of
the bricklayers' union. Toe Union 1'aclGo
band attended and a large number of
friend * .
The Oregon Short Line Is now open
the Wood river branch to Siding ,
Idaho , 22 lie * north of Shosbone junction
iorpaisenger * . This reduces the distance
by rail to llaley , from 65 to 35 miles , and
cives four hours ride on the stags.
The handsomest thlop In the way ol
penmanship and artistic work i * the largo
time table which adorns the wall * of the
Metropolitan hotel ofBse. It I * done In
colon , i * very ntat and nicely planned ,
and Is the work of the genial nlgbt clerk ,
Mr. 0. H. Well * ,
The effort to have the city council put
a conple if men at work on Hanscom park
baa been made by Councilman Kaufmaon
at the urgent request of prominent cltl-
tens , but the council did not ice fit to
adoptthe resolution , probably owing to
the want of fnndV ,
The society In aid of the Horns of the
Filendle'i will meet Thursday afternoon
mt 3 o'clock In the parlor * of the First M.
E. cbnrch , corner Davenport and Seven ,
teenth street * . All member * of the so
ciety and ladis * Interested In the work or
tboee who will consent to help the friend-
lee * are urged to present. ( Mrs. J. M.
Dlntmore , president ; Mrs. Jennie E
, Gisn , secretary
-The Jollities In the "K tec trio Spark , '
aid to be the funniest play on the stage
. will ba at the opera home to.nUht.
- A meeting of the commercial travelers
doing business In Nebraska will be he'd at
tha Paxton hotel , in Omaha , Saturday
evening , May 6tb , at 7i30 , for the purpose
1 of organizing a state association for mutua
M benefit. A good attendance Is desired ,
State paptr * please copy.
Hon. A. G. Kendall , itate land com-
cntaloner. state * that the ichool land * o
the state are going off like hot cakes on a
froity morning , Dating the past month
be has made ont leaiei for 17,120 acres o
school land * -tha largest month' * tmlness
In thk line since the organisation of thi
A joint annual meeting of the Nebras
ka Bute Homeopathic aoclety and the
Northwestern Aoademy of Medicine , wil
be held at Lincoln on the 33d , 24th , and
i 35th of next month. Dr * . Dlnimore , Pr-
all , Wood , Hart , Uorglum and Burroughs
4 of this city , will participate In the pro
Coroner Jacobs I * abont to retire to
i \ give place to a near claimant upon publlo
favor , who I * destined to make ni little
i tir In the circle In which he U known , Jno.
* \ , took up a pair of Males at Boon to weigh
hi * successor , whom he expected tt kick
the beam at abont twelve pound * . The
saw arrival put Ia an appearance at 10
. o'clock Tuesday and both mother and
on are doing finely.
A petition ilgned by the north Omaha
property holder * U betas ; circulated , la
which a demand I * made upon the mayor
and city council to change the name * of
the following atreett : Sannder * to Twenty-
fourth , Wbeaton and Pierce to Twenty *
fifth , King street to Twenty-sixth , Camp-
belHo Twenty-seventh , Irene to Twenty-
eighth. All the other streets west of Irene
ran by number * .
Some time * ago the tawer between
Faruam and Douglaa became stopped up
and several of the cellar * of business
bouses along the route were flooded , For
tha past ton days the city engineer hs *
m been trying to looate the obstruction , but
without success nntll yesterday when
&ta point just east of Twelfth street ,
bear Qray'a printing office , a long gutter
tone , abont fire Inchec by four , wa * found
aid taken ont , upon which tha water at
once resumed Its natural flow. How the
tone ever got there I * a mystery. )
8. J. Burgstrom , tha popular assist
ant at Jacob's clothing store , I * letting 'em
tjp. It' * a fine girl and all are doing well.
Real Batata Transfers.
The following deeds were filed ( fir
noofjd In the county clerk's office
April il8 , report el for THE BKK by
Ames * real estate agency :
* Gnu. Liohton and wife to A. Epbnrt
w d , parcel aeotlon 13 , 10 , 0 , f 1,010.-
A. J. Hansoom and wife to 8. P.
Norberg , w d , lot 17 , block 14 , Hani-
jm Place. $450.
E. B. Chandler to U. P. railway ,
. 4j o d , lot 0 , ilock 101 , 9100.
A. J. Han worn and wife to D. L
Thomas , w dJot 3. block 3 , Hauaoom
PJato , $000.
J , A. iiurbaob and wlfo to N , L.
St mnek , w d , lot 7 , block B , Parkor'a
addition , $450.
A , 1 , Hansosra nod vifn to F. Hcl-
ler , Tf d. , lot 0 , block 13. Utnaoom
P aeo , | 530
J. M. Franco to J , Ar.ihibild , w.
d. . lot 2 , block 14 , pjrkar'a addltian ,
E. O. BiUoi ot al. fo W. faoki > rel ,
Jo d. , wj lot 14 , noire' * addition ,
O. P. B/rals and iri/atoL Kofc'ner ,
w. d. , lot'10. block Mil , ! , ' Lowo'i lit
.addltloo , | 10 } ,
A Mother in Soaroli of Her Two
Which BheOlaima Were Stolen
Fourtorn Years Ago ,
She is Armed With Documents
to Prove Her Claim. .
The Two Daughters Now in
This Oity.
Donbt * a * to "Whether They Will
Reoognli ) 1 hair Mother' *
A cnrlon * coao la abont to bo do
eloped In this city In which a mother
will content for the poiaemlou of her
wo danghtora , aged roepoctlvoly 1C
nd 17 yoarf , whom she claims to
ave bcon Btolon from her over 13
oarsngo In Philadelphia.
A great many of our cUlzanc , otpo
tally members of the fire department
rill remember John Kelly , vrho win
member of Eagtno company No
p to the time of his death , which
conrrod about four year a ago , John
ally lived in a ( mall homo near No
a benne with a woman vrho wai
Iwaya auppcaad to ba his wlfo. Th ro
were throe other members of thi
lly , two glrl , noir yonng ladle
and a boy about the name ago SB th
daughter * .
On 8 itorday hat a woman claiming
o bo the trao wlfo of Kully put In an
appearance and demanded the powca
ilon of the two girls , upon the ground
.hat'they . were her own and that they
lad boon stolen from her at a very
endoraro and had never boon aeon by
icr trom that time to thla.
This woman atatoo that aho wao
married to John Kelly on the 24 .h o
faly , 1804 , at S ; . Therosa'a chnrch In
? ailadelphla , by Uev. J mea Mallon
md hai a cortlGcnto to that effdo
ilgned by Rev. H Lane , pastor. He :
maiden name was Jane 11(11. ( She
also haa the certificates of the obrla
onlng of her two daughters , J nol
now nearly aixtoen , and Alice going
on seventeen years of age.
After a time she says her husband
jegan to 111 treat her. Ho did no
drink and hence aho could not nccoun
'or hla actions , but taya h
jfton came homo nnd beat he
ilaok and blue. At length iha could
sUnd it no longer , and took IORH
stops for protection , and whil
there waa no divorce or decree of aep
aratlon whatever , ' the court awarded
tier the custody of the children , and
ordered him to pay the sum of $5 pe
week for their support.
Mrs. Kooly then wont to live with
ior mother , and being too proud tu
icaept aid trom her husband , exoopt
for the children , the wont to work In
factory , where iiho earned
nine dollar * a week Her motho
took care of the little folks and ahi
aaya that every evening aa aho came in
alght around tbo corner noareat the
house the children would bo ont on
tha front atopa and run to meet her ,
Oae evening ahe came home at thi
uaual tlmo and "no one met mo tha
night. " On entering the honao ah
found that the two little girla hai
been washed and dressed a few mln
utoa before and had sat down on th
tops to watch for her and It waa a
that time that they wore aplritet
away. Her mother took the matte
ao ti heart that aho died from grief.
Mrs. Kelly aaya that abe loaruo
that her husband had taken np wlt
another woman aomo time before ; tha
aho had borne him a aon and that for
fear of legal procnedlnga the two con
cluded to leave the city ana came
weal , selling the two children aa atatod
and taking them along. Thla waa 14
years ago next July.
Kate Hennessey , Mrs. Kelly aaya
waa a married woman at the time and
that her husband la living in Ohio.
Kelly waa a carpenter by trade and
hla wife aya the alleged cause of hla
leaving her waa that ahe kept a disor
derly house , which aho donlea in toto.
After earning to Omaha ahe aaya aho
wrote a great many times and conld
get no reply and aa thla accrued BO far
out of the world and ahe did not
know what to do ahe was compelled to
anbmlt to tha losa of her children aa
boat aho could.
Upon the death of Kelly , hla sup
posed wife made application for the
pension , and drew It for three years ,
receiving , It is said , the sum of $1,800
In all , moat of which waa loaned to
one of oar well known church organ- !
zttlona. At the end of thla time Mrs.
Kelly proper began proceedings
through W. H. Drew , an attorney of
Philadelphia , to atop the payment of
any further monlea to Kate Hennea-
toy , and having aatlaGod the commla-
sloner of penalona that the facia act
forth vrere true ; that ahe wai the legal
wlfo of the doooMrt ) , the necoiaary
papara were madu out transferring the
ponalon to her.
After her arrival In thla city , Mrs.
Kelly watted until Monday when she
went to BOO the children , and aaya
that the alleged Mre , Kelly consented
to give them up , for fear that the
might be proceeded against for
having fraudulently drawn the money
from the government. On Tuesday ,
however , aho said aho would not give
them up , and now the mother la at a
Ices what to do to enforce her rightr.
Mrs. Kelly says there are two or
three ot No. 1'e men who any that
they are willing to a if ear to the Ill-
treatment cf the olduat girl , Alice ,
aud that it wa nooosnary to interfere
several times to prevent her belog
killed. Mr * . Kelly aayt tljat the
youngest one , Jane , vrho waa but
eighteen montha old when aho
waa taken away aud was a plump and
healthy child , now look * pinched anc
had atarved , and aho la aura thai
nolt&rr of the two hive boon well
kreaUd. The great trouble I * that
bith girls werojyounglso when takca
away that they do not remember their
mother , and the youngest bollevoa the
woman who has had charge of her ao
eng to ba her mother.
BIr . Kally wont to Mr , W. A ,
> iuir , the attorney , to consult him in
rgird to the matter , and ho gave her
letter to BUhop O'Connor request
ing htm to nso his It flnence In straight
ening the matter up. The
d'flijnlt point ho saw TTAP thai-the
minds of the children might hisvo been
poisoned sgivlnntlliolr real mother and
being both over 14 yonra of ego they
would have a right tocbooco thulr own
guardian In any event , Judge Uanoko
aud District Attorney Godwin
have also been consulted
and It la doubtful aa
yet what steps can legally bo tikon
by the mother.
There la one thing , however , and
that Is that Mra Kelly is armed with
doonmonta proving her marriage , the
blrih and baollim ot her tw6 daugh
ters and the government papers ahow-
"ng her to have boon the legal wife of
"ohn Kelly at the tlmo of hla death.
( then her atory of the kidnapping
1 the children li true , it would seem
a If there should bo aomo remedy at
aw , against which no statute of llml-
atlona would prevail.
She further aoys that the first news
ho received direct from the children
raa through fotno of the CUrrnellte
une of this city , who vUUrd Phil-
.dolphla . and she expected to bo nliod
u her purpoto through them , but
onnd on her arrival hero eho conld
lot see them.
In reply to the question aa to
whether she would bo able to take
. roper care cf the chlldran if they
wore returned to her , olio replied that
ho would bo able to take good care of
,116m , , and thf.t she heel still living
H reo brothers and two slaters of her
The Piinela Drawn for the May Term ,
The jurora for the May term ot the
Ualtod Stales coort , hold in this city ,
haa boon drawn , and are aa f jllovro ;
Jimoa E. Uoyd , Oanha ; Ohrla ,
Hartman , Omaha ; J. 0 Homes ,
North Bend , W. H. Ojofc , Pills OUr
Josiah 8. McOorm'cV. ' Omaha ; H 0 ,
Russell , Sjhuylm ; William U. Dm
cey , Teourrnnh ; 0 W Harming
ham , Omaha ; Obarle * D. Hunting
on , Oakdale ; Juhn Meredith , Fremont
mont ; Nate MtOlnro , Bennett ; Ernes
Warner , Oiage ; J S. ilnlbert , Oma
ha ; Hicks Clark , B.tlr ; John Miller ,
Peru ; Amoa Guts , Sarpy county ; 8
S. Bautob , PapUIlon ; Eiwiu N
Qrounell , Fort Oalhono ; John M.
"orga , Omaha ; Watson Pickering.
Beatrice ; A. A. Oar man , Spring
Greek , Johnson county ; Jonathan
Gaiducr , F lla Oily , and.Both Bcala
W. L. Wilson , Nebraska City
Robert Payne , Nvbmka Oity ; D. 8
Draper. Flattstnunth ; Andruvr Gra
ham , Wilbur ; John A. Ore'ghton
Qao. H. Gay. D P. Ancell , S A. Or
ch rd , H. G. Olork , Fred. Drexel
Omah ; Isaoo Blaolc , Blootnltmton
Allen tbok , Richardson count } ; J. H
Garry , Omaha ; Wra. 0. JBodrtleson
Lincoln ; Wm. 8. Brudhle , Dakota
Oity ; Augui McKonnor , Firth ; A'ex '
Atkinson , Omahu ; Iiaaa Lycn , Rich
ardson oountr ; Phllo M. Gilbert ,
Stella ; Geo. Ojrpentor , Ralo ; 0. H ,
Norrls , Tublo Rook ; Seth ' ) ' . ODO ! ,
Omaha ; W. A Aibrl ht , Diwj
John L ° .tevonn , St. Diroin , J. B
Shorot , rioiop ; S. 8 Allen , Wilbur
QUls Miller , Omaha ; Lot Brown.
Nebraska Oltv ; John Woolaon , Elk
Greek , Johnson ; H , Welesenborp
Loyal Hill. Line etitr oinnty ; 8. 0 ,
Ayer , Gibbon , BolFilo ; Goorjo ( A
Brooks , Bfzllo Millr ; A. E. Batter
field , York county ; P. F. Barrlf ,
Belvldoro , Thayer county ; Loran
Olark , Albion. The grand jurors an
summoned for May 8b : , and the patl
jurors for May 10th.
J. O. Hard , ol RUIng ; E. N. Searlr , o
North Platte ; J. McCullccb , of Wahoo
Mj. Frnnk North , ot Colutnhns ; Mr * . G
H. Jewell , of Sidney ; Mrr. W. D. Bad
gar , of Arlington ; L , D. Vose , Joise L.
D vl , W. W. Blackman , of Fremont ; M
0. Keith , W. A. Hall , Sidney and Fran
Katie , North Piatte ; J. W. Clark , of Wi
bur ) A. II. Penlnger , of Central City
were at tha Paxton yesterday.
Lte Lore , ot Si. Pan ) ; 0. W. Thomw
of Grand Island ; J. B. Gowen , of Nort
Lonp ; Mr * . Thomas Bryan , Mr * . Cod ;
and Mr * . Tiue , of Sbuyler ; John L.
Mean * , of Grand Island ; John Baralt
and George D. Noble , of Fairmont ; Mrs
K. L. Oalklu * , ot Oikloud , and F. A
Wharton , of Springfield , are among th
Nebraskans at tha Millard.
P. 15. Ilafner. ol Plattimonlh ; J. N.
Black , Weeping Water and W , A. Hams-
burger , of Ashland , are t the Millard.
W , H. MoDoel , general fteight agent of
the Hannibal and St. Joe , was in town
W. H. Stafford , rf New York city ,
returned last night fa m a trip to Ari
J , U. MoConnell and wife , of North
Plivtte , were In town yesterday ,
James Fllzjerald , of Council Bluffs , wai
kt the Metropolitan kit night.
Dr. Wm. H , Lynn , of Hastings , waa a
Cueatof the Paitrn yesterday.
Gee , P. Hall , of Tekamab , wa * at the
Metropolitan yesterday.
C. D. Shattuck , of Delaware , Ohio , is
at the Metropolitan.
Ma ] , T8. . ClatkRon , of SchnyJer , was
In the city yesterday.
K. Dickinoon , ol Rs.l Oak , Iowa , U at
the Metropolitan.
II. H. Hslbrook , of Onawo , Ia. , Is at
the Metropolitan ,
John O Chiney , of Ft. Wayne , Ind , ia
at the Paxton.
J. T. Hood , of Si. Joe , I * a guest at th *
Metropolitan ,
B. Harrison , of lodlanaiKills , Ind. , I *
at the Paxton.
Cos. K Steven * , of Kansas City , it at
the Paxton.
D. M. Cutting , of Belle Center , is at the
J. VonBletslng , of Toledo , 0. . is at the
Dr , P. Sohwcnok , of No/folk , is at the
L , J. lltedy , of Dcadwocd , Is at the
Pax ton ,
J. 0. Robert * , cf Dvlil City , I * at the
Paxton. If
It. D. Hall , of Colorado , I * at the Mil-
Thty Moot and Organize ftt the Ml >
In pnrsaanca to a call limed a few
days ago , the regular physicians oi
Omaha and Djnglas connty hold a
mooting last evening In the parlor cf
the Millard hotel to taketho prelimin
ary steps for organizing a medical
society. There were 28 gentleman
prrsont , among tht > number being the
following : Doctors Coffman , Paabody ,
Mercer , R. 0. Mocro , Garter , 8 < rot-
nam , Brown , Grow nun , Jtljdb , Gibbs ,
Graddy , Peabody , jr. , Woodbnrn ,
Merrlam , Rlph , McKenna , Lnyon ,
Bridges , Ayres , Search and Durham.
Dr. Bwotrum waa called to the
chair , aud Dr. Garter was elected sec
On motion a committee of fire was
appointed by tbo chair on conatltn-
on and by-laws , BS follows : Ayrtr ,
.n'nh ' , MertUra , Peabody , sr , , ana
Too prealdont called on those prci-
nt f r remarks , and thereupon Dr.
rlernrmn , at a member ( f ttio com
mlttoo , asked for an expression cf
pinion in regard to the constitution
nd by-laws.
Dr. Moore suggested that the com
mltteo hunt up the constitution and
jy-lans of the eld society for Informs
Dr Ltnyon remarked that the old
anstitntion and ty Inns had been revised
vised to death , and thnt n now oinsll-
ution and bv-lavru should bo drawn
up , and that they should bo liberal In
hfir Ideas.
Dr. Peabody was in favor of brevity
n tho-constitution and by-lawi , ixnd
advocated a wido-iproad stc'al inter
course among the pbysiclana.
Dr. Lslaoniing favored the organ-
uion of a society for ooiontifta pur-
JO OB , and the promotion of good fil-
D. . Ojffman stated that ho felt 'tho
need of a county society , and he said
hat the couuly ought to be repre
sented in the state society. Thi *
organlzvhn will bo the moans of
Homoiing acquaintance and good
"clloirahlp among the medical profoe-
lon , and he thought It ought to bo
ormed on a firm batlf , and that no
ono should bo admlttoi except doctors
of medicine. Above all other results
would be the advancement of scientific
Dr. RUph sutjd that ho had felt
some dlffiJonco in attempting to start-
ho society , bat fouud la canvar-
slrg that the fruit was ripe and ready
o pluck , that the physicians of Om
aha were ready for u society , and otc i
ono aaumcd to glvo it his hearty sap-
> ort and Troll whhoa
D. . Moore moved that the commit
; eo on conatitutlon and by Ir.irr , bd
nstruotcd to name the society the
Douglas County Medical society.
Oil motion the chair appointed Da.
ilnlph , Spaldlng aud Bydo as a com
mltteo to jccnro u hall for the next
A vote of thanks to the Mtllard
lotel was passed.
The moating adjourned to meet on
Tuesday evening , Hay 1 ,
The Qlee Olub Party pay a Viult to
General Mandereon.
The fine moonlight- Tuesday gave
the Glee club an opportunity they have
been long waiting. Eror since
Gen. Mandorson's election to the eon
; hey have wished to extend their con
gratulations In a mnaioal way , but
iiavo been prevented by unfavorable
weather. Tuesday night about half
past nine the ontlro club , twenty-five
troDg , silently took their placea on
the general's lawn and Bang some of
their choicest sonpn. The gonerl soon
appeared and Invited tbo party into
the house , where he andMrs. Blander
son formally received each member.
Good wishes were exohangod over re
freshments and the senator responded
to a proposed toast In ono of hit neat
speeches. He said that Omaha
was Indebted to the Glee olub
not only for good music , but for its
assistance In developing the general
muiloal tastr ; that no was glad the
club had become such a staunch organ-
Izallon , and hoped to find tt soon pos-
seating a room of ita own ; that he
wanted to prove his friendship for the
olub In a practical way aa aoon aa an
opportunity offered. After sinking
again the club withdrew.
The club later in the evening serenaded
nadod Will Nash and also Mrs. Pat-
Taere seems to be some dispute as to
the alleged "overlap" of forty thousand
dollar * mentioned by Mayor Cbaie in bis
message to the council Tuesday. While
it is true that there may be ieyir l then-
ana dollars itlll In tie treasury , the statt-
ment of an overlap I * based en the report
hat the city haa Incurred liabilities beyond
what can at present be met and which are
merely held orer until after July 1st.
These liabilities , It U said , will exceed the
amount which the city council wa * author-
l } d to expend by 115,000.
A Pleasant Party
Lwt Saturday evening a few guests
assembled , by invitation , at the resi
dence of Mr. and Mrs. U. Oirloton ,
on Howard street , to astiit them to
celebrate their Bon's , George L Ba
ton's , majotlty.
Supper was the principal feature of
the entertainment , and Mra. Oarloton
aud Mra. Spencer , the young man'a
mother and slater , spared no effort to
make It an elegant offilr.
The choicest cut fbTrers decorated
the table in rich profusion and min
gled their sweet odor with that of the
coffee , meats , fcults and other edibles.
food the "blrlh-
Among the artlolea of -
day cake" deserves special mention.
Thla waa a largo , white , delicate cake
and tbo Inltlala "G. L B. , " and
" 1802-1883 , " wcro ntt'aUoally ' arranged -
ranged cu the whlto froatlui ? with
In the center w a an exquUIte
bcqu tof white natural Ibvreta , the
central onn balng a largo whlto Illy of
a rare apeoloa and very fragrant , which
waa procured at ( treat palna. The
' 'watermelon cako" WM unique and
l'c'to-3 ' romarV , It was a bachelor
L > tty and the following named nontle-
innn roipnmlcd to the Invitation :
Mtisrs. Grant , Maxwell , 0 mrke
Qjgir , Gay Bittmqer , Fred Joiner ,
frank Fretwell , Patrick MoNamtra
aud Will Gainings. Several others
wcro Invited , but , owing to sickness
and other unavoidable cauies , conld
not attend.
The presents were : A beautiful
locket f torn the nbovo named gentle
men ; two books , a locket and ten dollars
lars from Mr. and Mra. Spancer ; a
beautiful motto , with the woidi
"Good luck , " a horseshoe , an eagle
and "forgot mo-notB1'worked In ap
propriate > lors ana elegantly framed ,
from Mrs Oarleton ; a very pretty
napkin ring from Miss Trane , and
nno hundred dollars from Mr. and
Mr * . Oarleton.
Two New School Houeoa to bo Built
Anderson's Resignation , hito.
A special meeting of the board ol
education was hold last evening at the
oflioo of President Long , In the Mil
lard block.
There were present President Ling ,
Secretary 0 mnoycr nnd Messrs. For
gUBOti , MsSa&no and Points
The reiignation of Mr. Wm. An
derson aa member of the board was
received nnd iccspUd
The special committee appointed by
the board to attend the meeting o
the council atd see the vote of there
cent election canvassed made ita ro
Tno committee on baildirgs an
property reported that a contract ha
boun made with Mr. Matt Hoover fo
school furuliuto.
The secretary was anthariod to advertise
vortiso forp'ansand api'cificalions fo
tironuw eight room school houses , on
to bo erected , ou Ktai ; and Dalavrar
atroeti , and ono ou Seventeenth anc
The president and secretary wor
authorized to draw a warrant forth
money necessary to pay for the Iota o :
Delaware and King streets , the otho
site being owned by the oily
Mr. Mi S lane moved that the c
mltcee bo auihoiizad to inveatlgat
the title to said lota. Carried ,
The hoard adjourned anbject to th
call of the president.
A Visit to Beatty'a Organ Factory
Nsw York San , March 13.
Washington , N. J. , boasta of an
organ manufactory where a complet
Instrument ia turned ont every twelv
minutes. It la owned by the Hon
Daniel F. Bealty , mayor of the city
The works and yards occupy thirteen
acres. It contains 180 wood and Iron
working machluor , 420 feet of linn
shafting , over two miles of leather
baiting , over seven miles of steam and
water nlptng , three miles of electric
wires , 320 Eilaon lights. 400 feet ot
speaking tubes , and a 600 horse po < * nr
engine , and It employs ever CO )
hands. A'l ' the scroll and fancy
woodwork Is m do by rnschlu-
ery. The shrieking Lf the
aws and p'cncra connd as though a
drove of pigs was owing batohorod
Thtvdnst from the siws and placers ia
sucked np through tin fuuneh , carried
to the engine room and used as fuel
for the boiler * . The water for the
boilers is heated by the exhaust steam
before it Is turned into the boilers.
Everything ti done to preserve the
Itvea and health of the employes. Toe
hatchways operand close by machin
ery while the elevators are In motion.
Even the tuning of the reeds ia done
by steam. Fifty-five tuners are em
ployed. Eicb la shut In a email cell
by himself , where he listens to hla
monotonous mnaio and nothing else
dnrlng working hoars.
Mr. Baatty asserts that ho his the
largest organ manufactory In exist
ence. He claims that his Instruments
are of superior m'ako and durability ,
and he challengea a trial with any
other organ. Hi * sound boards are of
cedar , so constructed that a leak is
impossible , and his reed * are dove
tailed and aa firm as though ont from
a solid block ot brass. While visiting
Washington last week Mr. Beatty
opened his book * for the inspection of
the writer. They showed the follow
ing receipts from the sale of organs
and pianos In Febrnarj :
Week ending Feb. 3 $25,039
Week endlog Feb. 10 V0.039
Weekending F.b. 17 21.769
Weekinding Feb. 24 20.181
The total for the shortest month of
the year Is $93,921 , Indicating ; a bnsi-
neis returning neatly $1200,000 a
year. The books ahow that it is triple
the builness done in any previous
February. In the twenty-four work
ing days of last month Mr. Beatty
shipped 1152 organs. He shut down
for a week In January , to put in a new
boiler ; yet he shipped in that month
1,102 instruments. In the twenty aix
working dajs in December he ahlpped
1,410 organr , 980 In November , 1 303
in October , and 1,151 In September.
His shipments of pianos are not In
cluded. They average about 100 a
Mr. Beatty is the largest taxpayer ia
Warren county. He seems to be a
wealthy man aside from his organ and
piano business. Ho 1 * the largest
stockholder In the Washington water
works , and he owns the most ot the
atook In the First National Back
of that cry. HI * manufactory
coat him aa tt stands over 1300.-
000. About eighteen montha ago U
was burned to the ground. In
120 days the present structure
aroao on the ruins of the old ono. It
Is a third larger ; yet Ita owner aaya that
he la frequently driven night and day
to fill hla order * . The fire wa a a dis
astrous blow to his bualuess , but by
his Indomitable energy and pluck he
haa overcome every obstacle and to
day no man In New Jeraey aeems to
stand higher in the business com
munity. The most complete safe
guards against fire are found In the
manufactory. Tno building can bo
fl > oded ct a moment's notice by water
from the city and from private malue.
Mr B ) tty's buslnesj success seems
to be due to three causes. Ho makes
a firat clws organ , Bells It cheaper than
others , and he lota the public know it.
As he is his own agent hit customers
get the percentage ! usually paid to
sgonta. Ho ia one of the heaviest ad-
vtrtUersln theocnntry.
Has the largeat tsaorlmont of Ranges
and Cook Stove , Barb Fence Wire ,
all of which you can buy cheaper than
any place In town at G15 and 617 N.
10th street. m27 eod Imo
Flaif Entertainment
Maionio Hull , Thursday <
Atlm silon 10 tru ccnlt ; supper , 25
1. FUg M rch and too ? , " 3l r Signaled
Unnnei" . . .By 41 Children
2. D clatrmlii > n Rev U. W SavH e
3. Male Choiui , ' American Emien" . . . .
4. Hicltttliin v > ! Helen Glbton
5. Ittcl'atloi MlM Jennie Skylee
6 Male Chorus , "Soldier1 * Fare/toll" / . . . .
7. Address General ILiwarri
' 8. Solo."Marching Throuoh Georzla"
10 Sjng "America"
10. Grand Much "Yankee Dood'e" '
Army Oroere.
Private Rifns My , re-snl'sted ' at
Fort D A Rasieli , Wyo , and R omit
James Jj * . 0 Conncll , onllstod at I\rt
Ojiaha , Neb. , are assigned na follows :
Privuto Miy to company F , 9 h In
R ir.rnit O'Connell to the 4 .h I.if an
IVot Chaplain OeortcoV. . Slmpi'on ' ,
U. M. A , IB relieved frntn duty ni
' 'ort Liremlp , Wyn , , atd till take
post at Fort McICmnfy , Wjo , re
) ortitii ; to the cjiumanuing cfll.or
hereof for duly.
Loss of Appetite , Bowels costive.
Pain in the Head , with a dull Ben-
cation in the back part , Fain under
the Shoulder blade , fullness after
eating- , with a disinclination to ex
ertion of body or mind. Irritability
of tamper , Low spirits , with a feel-
in ? of bavins- neglected aomeduty.
WPnriness , Dizziness , Fluttering at
the heart , Dots before the ayes , Yel
low Skin , Headache generally over
the right eye. Restlessness , with fit
ful dream * , highly colored Urine ,
TTJTT'S PI 111 , 8 are especially
adapted to men cases , one < loie ef
fect * Midi a cliniiue of fcelliur as to
astoulsH the anflerer.
Tlioy Increase the Ar > petiteand can §
the body to Take on JPleslt , thus the sys
tem Is nourished , and by their Tonic
Action on the l > lRetlv Or ai , lte r-
nlar Stnoln nro produced. Price iUceuu.
5 Murray M. , HT. Y.
GRIT IUra on WHISKERS change to a OLOSST
BLACK by a single application of thl < DTK. It
Imparts a rmtural color. Act8ln taiitinr jin-
ly. Sold by Dru ( rclsts , or eeut by oxnrt m on
OFFICE , 35 MtJUHAT ST. , N. V .
Dr. ICTT'S BlXCilierTnluiiliVlironiiilloi u4X
CMNI U.wlpU wilt IH M > U 1 HI Ui mi aoplluU M. J
erted unless paid In advance.
Tlie Umaba Savins flank
Isnowproparid ( ornate cans on Omaha Cl'
or Dougl.s Coui ty
. X-J -X OEJ * * * . - .
At Current U'tes ol Interest.
MONEY TO LOAN-C 1I at Law ollie c ( D. L
Thomisrwip SCtelgnto' < k.
M' ONEY ' Loa-ed on iha'tel ' pro eity by
WY Boatty.No 21t iUh 14th tticet
] ONEY TO LOAN At 8 per cent. Bhilver
HoilEaUte and Loan Agency , oppotlf
poit office 787-tf
\\J ANTED-Agenti totcll teas , o e , p elY
lY nd groctrj tu-dlof , br i ample , tj faic
lit * . We do31 pay salary , but < li first cla
go ds at low prlc . and on tberal t-ims to go .
men > athfa tlcn given Of money refunded
Home bu Ino'S , ezjluslve sjcercyvtrcd profl
no rlik. Wilie ( or our new n | ago cl'ca a
wl'h test mental ) a'to o ( old agents nnd oihe a.
lien Jon thin paper
- Olrl vho underntandi coklr
WANTED- * oik. 0 > odw Toi to
good glil. Appy at th i residence o ( O. JI. liir
Sltt a Dodge. 100 20
W A5flED i good ij'rl at 1621 Capital v
WANTED GUI n famly ol two , 1221 1 ort
19th street 'JJ8-Mt
A girl to do lltchm wi r * . App
W N. E. cor. 20th and Calif ore la S s. 105-2
ANTitD V good grl ( or gjncral hou <
W w.rk at 1516 Jonei street. 10I-11
WANIED-A girl for Ktncrtl housework , 7
ITthitraet , loir L-ftVctw ith.
103-19 ] VIRS WR GtlT.
ANTED \ Relabl ) mm tor gen r
W work. E. ESTABROCK 1018 IhlcamS
A girl to do frineral houtewcrk
WANTED No. 003 California St. 030-i"
" ' " "
WANT * D Mlddir"og d wonra'rrtT"do"llg
homework. WagesII per week. Ap
at 9 S Uougla * street
ANTED A goxl nur e girt 11 north corn
W Ham'lton and Pier St ehlnn't addltt n.
ANTED-Book-kecpar , lady prefrrred. 8
W J. Bee office. 09IS *
TI/ANTEP Three good s llc't rs totateo
YV den and sell ( roods. Our m n to wnik I
Council Blufti C 'l, lo.h St 9319'
\T7ANTED-Immfdlately , a too lrl 'or irf
VV enl lioimwor , t71l ! > uth 18th tmt.
ATKD A ( food steady ba nets nakt
W Enquire ol E. Helnie'llDU , Blair , N h.
ETA 1EAUS Hid UOmon wanted.
J16-18t lllh Street , near F.rnain.
M BJt.1 LAt-E 'Ub WAN'lb
GEN L U Na d wife wUh part ft hoes un-
luro'iheiJ , about Uay 1 , b tow 16ta , not far
from > arntm. Terusm.dtrito. AdJie s " 11 , "
Bee office. 997-2lt
ANIED-TwnboirJeriani room ri at 1810
W Davenport St. l85-3t
- roolitib'e In iccomnvdate 8
WANTED-A Jos. G rjsan Cracker
( Xmpany. 977 J8 (
Some ore to artcpt a taby boy , 3
WANTED ol I. Addiens Sitter 8 > rah * Child' *
toipltal. IHdio strict. b < t. 17th and 18th.
78-18 ]
WAITED Tf sell one New Ancrlcan B wing
lla-hlnr , one y uig cow , be icsb nex :
m.inlh , ind aiet of heavy ttnp'o harness at lilO
coith isthsireo : , niaroll waiki. C6G1.05
T ADin8 lshInganulotrilacoiluilne confine
Ljmcnt , with nurae will address W , B. He
otlico. 8SO-18 |
"ITTANTED BOO privy vaults , sinks , and cesi.
VV pools U > c'eai with siDltnty eleanrr Bit-
l fctliu Kuarastatd. J. II. 8U1TI1 ,
771-lmot Lofk Boi4M. Omaha.
ANTED-H. en b Kir sutlerlnj with tooth
W and hialacbe. ti cill at 14 ? 1 Farnam street
and bo cur.d deeot ctar e by Homo' * K'ectrlo
Kelt . 613-ltn
T Hsuie el * ' r OTS , c ll r well n all In goi r < p * r , Ittl North JO'.n.
181Zl |
TTTA TKD To rert , ioimedl > tl/ , a small
W b u e an1 alew acres In nr neir tbec ty.
Ca'i 01 Wocdwatd , S > . Jamoi Hotel. 111-19
" > tl nRNr-riemnl front rocra fum'shcd ,
F" COJN. 18th street , bet. CalllornUsixl cb-
ster. tOl l t
-riUllNISHKIlrtomisnlboa d. Modern con-
JU vulioM * , IS'O Vo'K * siret. liOOlmt
HIN" Ihr e nctljr far Is'ie.l rcotm ,
FOR or without boa da 118Jaiktoa ! itrctt.
17011 nENT-l' CIF,0 HOU < K ; 82 UOOJH ;
ljT nth nil DRvenporl ttre n. Apply tn Q.
W. Gray , Sll Twa'ith stfcet , 10C-f < |
UK\T-Nlcsy lur.if'heJ rooiis. 1418
Foil e.t. IK. licAUSLlN.
10 ! ) Qt .
irOKUENr LiritefurauheJ ro > ai with hoard.
r App y 003 N. ioh : Si. J5 ! < ! ; 23L
HE' T One room lurn'shcd oiu-.fuinl b-
E3II ni38. ITihBt. 9tQ18l
tf OK futulibed rooms with
r b.ttd at.b ebiarJ.rj , nor > h-west comer
19th a m California. 988 tf
PIORREHrO * SltE Corn * ' stirs Cumin ?
Jj & 21st. rail A. HUOW.v adjonlnir. Uitlt >
TTllVEor lU rconj to rent , H.W. cor. loth
JD and Clatkstrteti. PCI8
TJOll HNT A furnished r'em fo tnor two
Jliiutl mm aDOI9Fr. am > t toJ 18 |
HA OE F.-r lent , ri m ci t-
Uelth'nourb'o-kiilro' , ' ( 1' . O. \V1 3'to
> > i furniture , ilu est utw. Aildrtis D ' feu
tiko. 074-18 }
fruhB ( i . 213d Punvpcrl
r ct house , ojutnlna * e\en roort.n with
irodern convcnltnit' , ana afl'ii * birn ttTtol-
P3MU 0. K. D , < S
F' R RENT liMit and pleva t front > oem
l'h h y wlndi" . Modtri Imprsv m nts ,
Ithboifi. 1718 Pod e. _ 9l9t
F OR I ENT Thrio rlcely furnl li il rooa ,
Ithnr without loirJ , at 1318 Jukaons'.re t.
T7\UnNI JIIED ROOMS Wry doa r-ble 1 cation
J.1 I'.cV , real estate , i-pp. 1' . . _ 001-lf
10KUKNT Uous anJ lots at phtlverand
Hell' * . Kent turaau , oppisite Poetiffice.
i 703 If
FOR RENT Kl le upr ght piano , flog Kim-
ball orgun , 1519 Dodge ctreet.
661. ( A. H08PB , Jr.
F I OH SVI.E A. BO d uptight p ano I r rale
cheap. Ovl atSOIB UMJ. 104-24
17 > 0tt S&LU O"0 iiici ur viinc maw , h roeit
E and buggr. Two fresh milch cnwa.
107-2IJ THCS. BW FT.
| 70K BALK UHE 1' ! ny and"
r nulr * a Grand Unlo. Tea Store , 15 ti itreoc.
FOR S iLE A ( to-d p y'n < bu men * , N. W.
corner IGth and Volga. 975-211
SALE -ItrlcV , Rjod lurd burned brick
dellverel In a'l pirti of to n c'cap.sdies *
S. K. JOHNSON ft LO. ea t ildt of Shirraa
avtnue. or 211 8. 13th St. 9 > G-2w
ART and hirness ( or tala at tha Bel Barn on
\J 16thi : > ert , 9iiM9 |
. TUBES roomedhouie ( or sain onlra eilot
* leatep Id ( or two jreara. Pries $231) 00.
2310 Chi.ago itrctt 943-191
riOU SALE A flnt-slafs second hind top bug-
! gy. Gill at 1319 Hainej street. 3 > 7-tt
LE TdEBEST YET-Suburban flv
acre hime one mile fi\m city. One
hundnd dol'arB an acre. teribs.
This oourrl It hoiutlfi.l y iltoa'ed aril txcclleit
for Ea de i and mall frul' . Ficnh rprlni ; water
Inab-indmci Prnpeitritachol by tbe ben rcAd
Icad'ng ' out do . the city. I'rctxrry shown on
appilo tkn ALLOU BROS ,
1421 faronnsticet.
" 1701 SALK-.Cottiuro and corner lot In ficobca-
IJ tlon $2650. Bargain must be sold retore
May 1 t. Mcr-AOUB opprsl o P O. 8 4 t (
F RAIi' Lot on Sfl h trce rn r Fainam ,
rnli S 00. Mc.'AOUS opposite P. 0.
FORSALE Housoand lot on Douglis
onlyfuOO. . McCAQUGopposite P.O. 828 tf
T710K RENT Ten bosses In good Iccitbn" .
JD M CAQUKoptOjIUl1. O 823-lf
FOR 8tLE-lot 44x32 ( ect and grocery otore
with HvlEg room a < eve loth street near
Hiecall's $1400 McCAQUE opposite P. . 0. g-21-U
"KiOR8LE On tape an-1 teroer lo In North
r Omah * ( (1350 ( Bargain , . McCAQUE cppcaite
P.O. 822-tf
paper. In a yonni ; > nd groKlrg town In Eas
tern Nebratka. Address U II. Bee Office.
528-1 ( 0. J. CAN AN.
t , OR 8 LK CHEAP Choice unimproved bat-
Inn. lots on Farnam Barney , Douglig
and D dge streets. DtVISASNYDEli ,
Real Eat.te Agi > nM ,
110-w > IMS Parnam St
JTOK hALE Foc.ots inapt at MeoruUa zoo
each. For bargains In on aha City Improved
and unimpnved property , call on Wra. V , Shrl-
vw , e l Estate Agent , opposite postofflce.
011 dALK A Aril clMD econd hand pbaetoa
J ? CallatlBlBnarneySf. 8P7f
CJTKAYEO OK SrOLEH-TarRO rid and white
O spotted cow , wllh white 'ar In ( orehesd.
small piece out t ( one f ' , bell on. brass cnabi
en homv In nth-r poor. A saltanla reward
l'l bRiven toind r WM. PENCIL
103-18 } B'2 Ncrth 24 h Slreit.
NOT1CB The public rre hereby nctlfltd that
my wlrI oulia Baatee , h left my bed and
b ard wl bout Jutt tauir , idl will n'.t be re
sponsible lor any debti contr o td hy her
MUH. HA > HN , Mldtvlfp. his r > moved from
9th and Jactson to IG h and Harcr St * .
( laO-lml
TIONAL18T , 498 Tenth street , between Farnam
nJ H rney. Will , with ihe aid ol guardian
iplrlta , obtain ( or any one ft glance ol the pad
and preaent , and on certain conditions la tb fu
ture. BooU and Shoe * made to order. P tleo (
' fartlon
N. B-ln talilrp SELTZER APERIENT | i hot
water , wait until the tffeivisccnceha * entirely
erased. The water tbould le bit not Mpld
cr lukewarm.
- m m ma f * * * )
Absolutely Pure.
Thl * powder nc\cr varlw. A mnnel of rntlt
trcnxtound > , hol ( oiiiiiitw. i-ore
ban the orplnary k'nd ' * . and cannot bo .old In