v\i M. i ni I S S 2EE DA1M BEE - BLUFFS IOWA THURSDAY APKEL 19 The Daily Bee. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Thursday Morning , April 10. SUBSCRIPTION BATES : B/Oftrrlir , . - - - - SO cents pet week. yHall . . . . . . iio.00 pei Teat. Office : No. 7 Pearl Street , Hear roadway. MINOR MENTION. S e Joseph Belter's spring styles. Additional local on seventh paqe. Jailor Sohontz has thirty boarders , alx of them women , The Madison street viaduct is fast approaching completion. Work is b < ing pushed forward lively on the now opera houso. Eporetor'a galvanized iron front on Broadwsj i i showing up well. Miller's hardware store looks much Improved by its new third story. The confidence men are keeping a little oat of the way just now. Bayllss Park is putting on its spring ault of green , and begins to look at tractive. The usual number , three drunks , were dlspoied of in the police court yesterday. Wells , Fargo & Co. , sent out six Iron safes from their cftico here yester day for Nebraska roads. It IB expected ihat the waterworks bo in shape to supply water for the Fourth of July celebration , The old tower of the Bluff City en gine housols being taken down , having survived Ita days of usefulness. Shorifl Gulttar is building a neat cottage on Washington * venue be tween Seventh and Eighth streets. Prof. P. Olker , who Is now teaching both juvenile bands here , has been secured as instructor by the bsud at Hastings , Iowa. COLLIOTIONB. Promptly attended to by Pottawattamlo County Collec tion Agency. Front oflico , with N. Bohnrs , over 410 Broadway. You run no risk in buying goods at auction at 102 Mtin street , Every article exactly as represented , or money refunded. The amount of condemnations for the grading and extension of Bluff treet , in all $1.700 , was placed la the sheriff's hands yesterday , Mrs. Annie M , Fredericks , of Mln- don township , has again been taken Insane , and It his become necessary to remove her to the asylum , The Madison Square Theater com pany arrived at the Ogden yesterday , and last evening protontod "Hszal Kirko" very acceptably at Dohany'a. Theodore Bosch had a valuable Newfoundland dog fatally shot n night or two ago , and he now wants Henry Boyo arrcstsd for the offense. Mrs. Helen Snolthorn , who was arrested for having a row with an other woman , over a baby , waa yes terday discharged by Justice Sohurr , no prosecution appearing. An alarm of fire about 0 o'clock last night was caused by the burning ot a small wooden building south of the Wabash depot , and used by the com pany as a repair shop. Small loss. The Oongrefatlonallsts are to have social this evotiap , the ladies enter taining being Mrs. O'iMrs. . Nicholas las , Mrs. Clinton and Mrs. Van Brunt , the gathering to be at the home of Mm. Clinton. A change has been made In the public schools by which the recesses are limited to five minutes and the \ afternoon session made a half honi shorter , so that the mort iog hears arc now from 0 to 12 o'clock and the afternoon session from 1:30 : to 4 o'clock. i ! G. W. MoOoy U doing a thriving wind-mill business. He has just put one of the celebrated Holiday mllli on Colonel Sapp's stock farm and an other one on Horace Ererett'i farm , and they are working like i charm. If yon don't believe It asl them. them.Martin Martin Hughes has taken the eon tract for building a brick residence fo Mr. Rukett on Eighth street , anc also a contract for bnDdlog a residenci for Mr. MoHenry on Fifth avenue near Eighth , the work on both to com snence soon. William. R'zanhoff was yesterda ; arrested for assaulting a brother tallo named Anthony Weber , by hittlnj him over the head with a horse shoe causing a rather bad gash. Th accused gave f 100 bonds to appear be fore Justice Bohurz next Saturday and explain his doings , If possible. The board of trade , at a meotln last night , took action to indnco rail ways to build bettor local dopotshere also decided to issue circulars advei tiling the advantages of Oounc ! fluffs asadtstrlbnting , manufaoturln and mercantile center , Bill Clark , the colored man who ha been a sort of janitor at the Phcenl aloon , died yesterday , after an Illnci of only a dsy or so. He hai no roll tlves here , they living In Missour He was well known by many hen having lived here three years or menThe The University Jubilee Slngei were greeted by a large audience t Dohany'a hall , and they sustaino the reputation they have earned c beta ? the best jubilee singers In th country. Mr. Jenkins , the bostc waa enthusiastically applauded whet : aver ho appeared and the other men ; bers of the company won much mo ; ited approbation from the oharme listeners. In the capture of George Davis an Barbara Basoia the other night , Di H , W nPayno took a aotlvo parl Besides the ckaslng and shootln which i)3puty Msnhal White did DJO Payne , oeing deputiztd , chase D.vls a half mile firlnjr with a 43 call bro sun , and rent ono bnllet over hi head , the uextooo struck batweon hi feet , and the third ball took him 01 the sldo grsztag his fikln , At thl Davis threw up his hands and Payn took him b oJc to the ofibers. Tuer was a.big crowd of .excited neighbor who were aroused by the shooting am running , and who quickly gathered to see what was up , The Juvenile band's donco will bo at Bloom & Nixon's hall thin ovoning. Admlsilon fifty cents , The gamblers are now dropping into the police court and paylcg their monthly assessment of $39.10 osch , The committee who conducted the competitive examination of aspirants for a cadotihip at Annapolis will meet to day to iintsh their report. Utss Mary Durgan gave a very pleas ant birthday party at her homo last night. Prof. Oiker's orchestra far nlshed the mnslo for those who de sired to dance. A sumptuous repast was iproad. All present left with the opinion that as a hostess Miss Dorgan can not bo excelled , The presents wore numerous and some very costly , as well as useful. Postmaster Armour is especially do- nlrouB that residents here Instruct their sorrespondonts to direct totters to the number and street , so an to fao- llltatn prompt and satisfactory deliv ery of mall. Also that msrrlad ladles in having their lottois directed , would use the Initial of their husbandn In stead of their own. In many cases the lack of observance of this suggestion , canseo delay and vexatious mistakes. The citlzons can , by following these suggestions , help much in the prompt and proper delivery of letters. M. Ilottcs , the brilliant youngortlst who is connected with George R Beard's wall paper house , is at work on some fine scones for the opera house , and if the others are to bo as roll executed aa the street acono which ho is just finishing , the now opera honso will , in this respect ut least , ba all that can bo desired , Mr. Dottes has displayed at Board's estab lishment some rosily wonderful paint ings from life , which well merit the praise they receive from all who see them. A young girl named Ltvilla Fulor , who was sent here to jil from Ba ) . knap , Iowa , by Justice B Igor , sought release yesterday by habeas 'corpus proceedings , through her attorney , J , W. Bsird. The girl was accused of stealing an (8 broast-pln from the residence of J. A. Groff , and was sent to jail here to await the action of the grand jury , which seemed a little strange , it being for petit larceny. Another loophole was that no ball was fixed. Judge Aylesworth , after hear * ing the matter , discharged her from commitment to await the action of the Brand jary , and Bent her to Justice Sahara's for tiitl on the charge of petty la'ceny. He found her guilty and let her off with two days in jail. Dr. West , Dentist , 14 Pearl street. If yon are not married , write the Mar. age Funl and Mutual Trnnt Asaocta. on , Cedar Itapids , Iowa , for circulars explaining the plan. 15.8m. Do not fall to see the stock of OAR. 'El8 ut Harkness' before purchasing. 'ho ' largest and dioicttt selection ever ifferod In this vicinity. ' Wanted Ia Butler County. Sheriff G. Hazlot , of Butler county , 'as hero yesterday after a man named . A , Joslyn , the qrond jary having found an Indictment against him-for imberrlemont. Ho found his man and the latter gtve security for ippearanoo in court when the case mall come up. A Xilfei Having Barrio * . Mr. M. , Alllion , Hutchison , Ksn.i Saved his Ufa by simple Trial Bottle ol Dr. King's New Dlsorery , for Consump tion , which caused him to procure laree bottle that completely cured him , when Doctors , change of climate and everything ilsehad failed. Asthma , Bronchitis , So- rero Coughs , and all Throat and Lung dia- ! ases. It is itutranteed to cure. Trial bottles frea at 0 F. Goodman'i drug store. Largo size , $1 , prl Z-eod&w lw Oill and sco the choice selection ID isrpets , oil cloths , mats , etc. , at Harkness Brothers' . Now attractions in carpets at Hark ness Brothers' . Pointer * on Point * . Sherlfl Dan Farrell was here yes terday , having in custoey Zab Points whom ho arrested at Honey Creel for burglary committed In Mllli county. He left with his prisone for Glonwood last night. The bur glary was not a voiy heavy ono , i saddle being the only plunder that wa taken. Hertford * * Acid Phosphate is an appetiser ; it stimulates the stem aoh to renewed activity ; and In man1 waya tones up and invigorates th' whole system. A choloo stock of parasols jni opouod at Harkness Brothers' . For Onarlty'a Hako. Judge Palgor has consented to d ( liver a lecture next Sunday afternoo for the benefit of the Homo for th Friendless , the entire proceeds to b devoted to that worthy enterprise Arrangements havn been completed b which the lecture -III be delivered 1 Dohany's hall at a o'clock p. m. , an the subject will bo "The Sonttfi ( Aspect of Spiritualism , " a matter 1 whloo there Is at present much loci Interest. The tickets are to bo oul twenty-five cents. There should be packed house in view nf the charaoti of the lecture and the worthiness < the cause. Why bo weak ? Why not 1 healthy , robust , and strong , by nslc Brown's Iron Bitters ! Loat Hla noil. A farmer , living in the vicinity . Rod Oak , came over from Omaha c the dummy train on route for horn On arriving at the transfer he four that his roll of $3CO was missing. I was unable to say whether his pock had boon picked or not , though t was of the opinion that it must hai been. Ho had no clues to give tl ofiloors , and ho went on his w y , wit ! oat stopping to indulge iu wh promlwi to bo a vain hunt. Why suffer from a state of 111 heal t Why bo troubled with dyspepal Brown's Iron Bitters will cure you. Mueller has not only the finest , bi nhotho nicest and cheapest baby ot tlsgos in the oily , IT WON'T WORK. The Sohemo to Give thg Union Pacific All the loaf But One End Orast , The Oltizina Not Disposed to Endorse I * . There is ttlll mnoh dlscnislon about the proposition to h ro the Union PA- cifio ran KB track up to Broadway. AH agree that it would bo desirable if this could bo done , bat all do not agree that in order to soouro thli the city should giro up anything and everything that the Uuion Pacific or ita servants and toola ask. It would ba very convenient to bj oblo to taku a dummy at Broadway and make no chnngo until Omaha IH roachcd , and those coming Ifom Omaha would doubtless find it the rumo , bat this convenience la hardly worth the prioo of Union nvonuo. Tno Nonpareil will have the people bollovo that by filvlrg the Union Pa- otflo the right of way ovur Union avenuolt would result in the "Union Pacific coming up into the city with ita trains and depot. " It would have citizens bollovo that all the crowd and business now at the transfer would bo on Broadway. The Nonpareil knowa bettor. All that the city would have hero would be u station house for tbo convenience of passengers , and posilbly h freight hoom for local use. Tno passengers who are going through the city would not como up to Broadway any more than they do now , , but would change oars at tne transfer jusl as at present , so that the enterprise , If secured , would be a mere local convenience , and would simply bo s side track. As such it would bo worth something , but hardly bo worth the thousands ot dollars which Uuion uvonuo cost. These are some Important facts which oar cilizsiis should bear In mind. The Union PaciGj has never showed any disposition tu favor Ojunoll Bluff * , but , on the contrary , hu op posed it , except when its own interests forced it to do differently. It has not reformed or been suddenly converted. The Union Pacific is very anxbus to kill any t-roject for securing a wagon and foot bridge between the two cities. It is predicted confidently that If it can secure a right of way to Broadway , and run ita dummy train there , it will be one of the shrewd moves towards checking try bridge ontetprlso. The Union Pacific would gladly pay a round sum for a right of way to Broadway. If it can got this right of way for nothing cannot it afford to pay some men well for working up the scheme , and far getting others to Innocently support it ? There crops oat qulto plainly a dis position to kill the street car buslnesr , which Is qalto consistent with the splto shown by Ool. Chapman towards John T. Baldwin. Admitting that the street carls a monopoly , hovr much less of a monopoly Is tbo Union Pacl- fie , and shall oltizans join In giving valuable rights and property to the Union Pacific to gratify the splto of private parties ? , oiThe Nonpareil flipantly said ia Us leading editorial yesterday , that 00 per cent , of the people would willingly say io the Union Pacific , "Coma up Union Avenue because it was opened to connect the interest of oor olty with your own. " The Nonpareil knows that this is the veriest bosh. It knows that a committee of seven were appointed to oonsldoi the matter , the mayor , three alderman and throe clUtans. Their report shows simply that five of the seven were in favoi oi the road coming up to Broadway , bat did not say they were in favor of giv ing up Union Avenue for that pur pose. Mayor Bowman and J. M , Palmer declined to sign it. Five to two is hardly 00 per cent. , and oven the "five to two" was not expressed SB in favor of say ing "Gome up Union avenue. " Chi. Chapman proceeds to vent his wrath on the two who formed this minority. He says they are bat two grains ol sand on the beach. It is evident that percentage was torn oat of the oolonel'i arithmetic when ha went to school , os ho was out of school when the cltsi went over it. TUB BM is in favor of everything that otn possibly help Council Bluffs , but It Is not In favor of the olty giving away a whole loaf on the promise thai tbo Union Pacific will glvo back oni of the end crusts. BUIQUT'H DJHBABK of the Klduovs , Diabetes and other Diseases of thi Kidneys and litvcr , which you are beIng Ing so frightened about , Hop Bitter IB the only thing that will sorely am permanently prevent and euro. Al other pretended cures only re ! love fen n time and then make you mauy time worse. Elegant new curtain goods and cui tain fixtures , window shades , etc. , s Harkuosa Brothers' . A BELIEV R Tno Experience of u Lady Wno utl od on Lr. Blade. Tlh * Editor ol Tui Du : In year issao of to-day I road th an called eiposa of Df. Blade. Baa a spiritualist and medium I thought would go and test it far the credit < spliitualUm. Wore he n charlatan b could coin more money by profesMu sleight of hand tricks than under tb gciio of spiritualism , for the publ mind is predetermined on that poln and many make great efforts to kec up the ontagonlim , for it moans living to souio. One person has i much right to lire by his religion i another and that It ia certainly i considered by true spiritualists. I did not not start to defend , hi state fio's. A lady went with me ar can testify. I utked questions ar and they were answered to my sati faoUon , and as I was A stranger il dcctorconld not know my buslnes I could hear the peucll write. I all took my own slate and washed perfectly clean. I hold it with my right band ovi my left arm M I was sitting at tb GASADY&OROUTT Will open on April 1st an elegant and com plete STOZRJE. . IT 502 liKOADWAY , HPXT TO OFFICER & PUSEY'S ' BANK , They will carry a very and will keep a full line of House Furnisihng Goods. CASADY & ORCUTT , 502 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. DIRECTORY. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. JOHN BENO & CO. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. . , , Main Street and 17 Pearl Street. MAX MOHN. } " " " " BOTOE- { Us III BARSTuWf ilii Pit Oor. 5th St. and 6tb Ave. RR I F WHITF OFFIOK : . Oor-Mainland 5th , up-atalrs. Residence , 609 Willow Avenue. JUSTICE OF THE PEA.OE , MQOUIID7 Office after February 15th , over American Express. S. S. WAGNER , for funerals at reasonable rates , No. 22 4th St. J. M. ST. JOHN & CO , GASH BUYERS , Who nale DLl'evieti , poultry wd fruit Ship to us. Drift by return mill. 141 Broadway " " /i nirnnr NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. l\- I ILliUUi Oor. Main and First avcnno. PETHYBRIDCE& HERBERT ! , HA ITU CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , Oor. 7th and CKT Olwll I Ms Broadway. Plans and specifications furninhed' " " * " * * ' - * W. W. SHERMAN. that brings patronage. 124 Main street. MERCHANT TAILOR , Artiatiu Wort imd Reasonable Ot-argoa. 872 Broadnay. P OITOIJ FURNIFURE , STOVES and 01 OUR ) Household Supplies , 303 Broadway. ATTORNEYS AT LAW , James Block. LINDT HART , Practices in state end federal oourts. O V C DT O O n Manu'f Fine Fnrnlture.Upholatary goodi EOTfi I Ot U U. | Curtains and Window Shadea , 309 BVay. O AII IT A DI 11 AM And bath house , 421 and 423 Broadway. L. Sov- OsHNM AnlUlfl erclKn , Prop. , P.J.Montgomery , M. D. , Phy. I A Ml R BOOT AND SHOE SHOP , No. 808 Broadway , opposite A s l MlflD ] Union Avenue , second door above Mettopolitan. UfAflC OADV VETERINARY SURGEON , Office If All H Until j Bray'a Btablo , No. 12 Soott street. ICIAUn BROOKLYN MARKET , LtLnilU , Oor. Eighth and Broadway. Mann ! ' of HORSE COLLARS , Trade sup- f plied , 8th St. , between 6th and 7th Avenue. D Elf C n C U n 110 C SMITH & NORTON , Broadway , OPP. NOW IHLffCnEs llUUOkp Opera House. Refitted. $1 , $1.50 per day. I MA lint I FURNITURE , STOVER , and GENERAL A Ui mnnULLj HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES , 325 Broadway. DE CAY & CASSEL , CONTRACTORS Corner Sixth street and and BUILDERS Avenue G , A I ftl\f NEW AND SECOND HAND HOUSEHOLD WU nLlflYi GOODS BOUGHT A'ND SOLD , 212 Broadway , table The doctor held the other eud if the closed slate with his left hand , the right being on the table. I could hear and feel the pencil move on the slate. It waa an anbwer from one of my controls , also , that he could not know about only through what he professes unseen help. It Is sim plicity Itselt to those who oan un derstand. Those who oaro to tsko this up will find my addrets with THE BEE oflico. Undorntand , I wont and paid my fee the same us nt.ynne , and th < j doctor does not know of this MBS ItiuDDimY. Council Bluffs , April 17. * < Cur NewLioan turn improvement ( Jo t Investigation into the matter con * vlncos us that one of the most eqnita ble , reasonable and feasible plana of building houses is that proposed and In operation by the Mercantile Loan , Trust and Improvement company of ibis city. By in vesting in shares in this institution , which U baokod by some of our best and most reliable business men , it becomes possible and comparatively easy for a man of mod- T orate moans to secure a comfortable home for himself and family. In tak if ing a certain number of shares , at a certain monthly payment , In a few years a man can own a house of his own for about the sams ns ho paya monthly for rent. We bollovo the Mercantile Loan und Trust company , by organizing and opening up for business , having filled n long felt want In Council Bluffa. Their plans and system of loans will bear the most careful scrutiny and exam ination , and wo have no hesitancy in pronouncing thorn reasonable and equitable , and backed by gentlemen or honor and Integrity. AB the com puny exists It booomca at once an in stitution of value and credit to our city and tho.ia who de lro home a. Their president is T. A. Krklnd ! , vice president , Jndgo Peoke ; secretary - rotary , I. R. Beery ; treasurer , Ool. Boobo , and their office la in the buc > ment of Bhugart's and MoMahon'a now block , corner First avenue and Pearl street , fan27-ly COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAI NOTICES. NOTICE. Special advertisement * , sue Lost , Found , To Lean , For Sale , To Renl Wants , Boarding , etc. , will ba Inserted In thl column at the ow rata ot TEN CKNT8 FKI LINE for the flnt Insertion and FIVE CENT PER LINE ( or aach subsequent Insartloi Leara adr ertliem * at oar office , No. Pearl Street , ncr P.I jxltvay. Wants. OUSKWAnTKU nyonoha\lnr a ima h'Uie torn't , wthcut lot , ca . findapu : chuerat A. H. llayue't , 84 1'earl itreet. Ertnrbodr b Council Bluffs 1 WANTED Tui fill , 80 cents per week , di llrered by carriers. Offica , Ko I Paarl Btre * near Broadway. For Bale and. Bent 17011 KKN Honte on Fourth itreet , ccmplel JL ; cu'flt otnaw ( u'nllu'e lor i l . Inquire ( II. 0. Barnes , offlcj baugait Implctneit Co. AprtllT-tf BEES In pacMgaa 01 a hundred at Zl OLD packa.a at Tui Bu office , No. T Pea itreet tl I OH CALK M nuraents ot marble and granll J ? at No. 31 north Male itreet. . HUNT A lane pacdne he use , rcry ( i\ FOP. looted within If mllei ol coo home , Council Itiudi , capacity 30 > hogs d II , sir.am ol wa er close bylcehouse filial wllh Io tcnm very renonable and Ion ; Ifaie , wou'd t a rrry favorable property Ira glucoie ( actoi or other iiuuulacturlnppunwjoj. Apply to AM-i . L. WILLIAMS , ESS office. W. R. VAUGHAN. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE 'Ornuha r.nd Conncll Blulln Kcal Estate & Collection Agency , n Odd Fellow B block , over Saving ; NOTICE TO CATTLE MEN. 1,000 , HEAD OF YOUNG OATTL1 FOR SiLE. COO HcaJof Vnrllic Stoa tnllleidn , (0 He d ol T o-ycar-cll St r , icd 100 Head ol 1w > j ear-old Iltlfor Tbe'e catMa ara all coed , straight , thilttj cattl mottly graded cattlo. For sale alt iPEtther or I lot * to ult the piirchiMM. For further rtrtl n'an call on or addteai Ia. F , Fetter , Wafrrl ; Blown couLty , Iowa. Al-lm HANAN Z. T. LINDSBY & GO. 412 Brvadwftv , Council BluffjTnWA West Sldo Square , Olarlndo JIWYYa' DUQUETTE , GUIBERI & CO ( Succowon to ERB & DUQUETTE ) Conlect 10 and 18 Pearl-st. , Council Bin ? s , la. R. S. COLE & CO. , MANOTAOTUBE11H AND DEALEHS IN ALL THE HOST IMPEOVID KINDS OT LIGHTNING RODS & ORNAMENTS. Alio Wood and I on PUMPS , Wood Tubing id OftsPIpo and Pump fixtures , for both Wood ( ad Iron Pump * . Order * will recolre prompt . . attention. . Mo. . 601 Booth Main Street COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. HS-eod-tfll Broadway Steam Laundry ! WEST BROADWAY , A. C. LARSON , Proprietor. LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY , L. C. BRACKET ! , 224 and 226 Broadway. * BOOKS , TOYS AND NOVELTIES , Greatest Variety In the City. No strsnger should fail to viett my store rooms. TITLE ABSTRACT 0 FF1CE. JT. "M/1. Cjg IT X R XI As O O- Lands and Lots Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS. PUNCH BLUFFS IOWA MRS. 0. A. BENEDICT , THE LEADING DEALER IN 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. For Engines , Boilers , Castings , Repairs and MACHINERY. Fend Ordera to JOHN GILBERT , Manufacturer , Comer i hlrcet and 8th Avenue , Council DluHi. Piompt attention to orJera. The h hlp nd Reuonable charges fob 10 raos , ornouu w. B. M. rnssr Gonncil Bluffs , Ia. Established , - - 1856 Dealers In Foreign and DomaatU Excbangi nd bema Mcnrltlet. 1 Highly-Bred Trotting Stallions , Owned by Dr. O. W. Archibald. 1883 SEASON 1883 NORMONT D 'k chea'nut ' hone is hands high , foaled 1879 ; bicJ by Gen. W. T- Withers , LexingtonKy ; by Almonc , dam Norman - man ilala by Alexanders Nrrman , the tire of Lulu , record 2:15 : ; Alrcont by Alexander's Ahdal- lah , sire ol Oi Idsml h Maid , r cord 2:14 : Al- moot h 8 sired VO horses with records 11 : SO and bct'cr , and 3 with records In 8:20 : and b tter , GLEN WOODhestnut torrol horse. 15 ham s high , loaT.d 1876 , bred by I'llny Nlcbolan , El. , West Liberty , Iowa , by Wtpsle , damn flno K. mucky bred m re. O cnwood is a large pow erful horse , weighs l.UUp unds. ha < gr.at style and speed , and hu ( .men himself a moa cicoi- tent lire. These hor.es pnseai rare Indirldua excellence , snd choice breeding. * ihese highly bred etil- 1 ons will make the iprtng season ol 1&83 at the Oounoil Bluffs Driving Park At S35 Each , to Insure For further Information apply to SAMUEL COLBUHN , Trainer , Council Bluffs Driving Park. mnrlS'dlm I B UMUXMOM. S. U. aUDQAKT , a. W. STIin President Vlcu-Preat. Cashier , CITIZENS BANK Of ConuoU BlnfT * . Organized under the law * of the State of Iowa Paid up capital I 76,005 authorliad capital tOObOO Interest paid on tlma deposits. Drafts luced 3a the principal cities of tba Unttod State * and Europe. Special attention given to collection ! 1 tnd corroapondane with prompt returns. DISKCTOSS / . 0. Kdrnnndaon , B. L. Shugart , . W. Wallace , J. W. Rodfer , .W VfM . MORGAN , KELLER & 00. , . Ttio niifat , qualltr a d largest stock wait ol hlrcuo of r uoden and JleUllo Cao . Cells fit- tvnilcd to t all hours. We defy competition D quality of needs or prices. Our ilr .ilorean hai senea ns uaueraker for forty Juors and thor oughly tiactwiktabds his nusini * * . ' Waterooms 311 llrcaaviay. UPUCUiTEBRiO In all ttt brancbm oromotly attended to a'ao carpetla Ing ana tauiorequlni. I'elegraphle aua uia or- den filled without oelajr. MRS , E , J , HARDIHB , H , D , . Medical Electrician AND GYNECOLOGIST. Qradnale c ( Electropathlo Institution , Phlla delphla , Penna. Offloe Oor , Broadway & Glenn Ave. COUNCIL BLOTFS. IOWA. Iba treatment ot all diseases and patntal lenities peculiar to trmalrs a specially FOTODRYT WINTHERLICH BROS. , Arc naw ready to contract ( or small caatlngt every description In MALLEABLE IRON , GRAY IRON , And any ALLOY OP BRASS. Special attention Is called to the l < ct that th Burning Brands FOB- DISTILLERS , BREWERS , PACK. ERS , CIGAR and TOBACCO FACTORIES , Etc. , Etc. , As well as Cattle Brands AUK NICELY EXECUTED , , NiAXON , oiaacrw. aaarr OBca orer itilnji banV. EDW1M J , ABBOTT. Justice ol the Peace and Notary Public , HBBroadway , Council Bluffs.