1 OMAHA DAILY BEE TWliLTTII YEAE. ' * / /MAHA / NEB THURSDAY MOKNING APML 19 1883 299 THE NATIONAL CAPITAL Two Important Orders Issued by Postmaster Qeneral flresham , An Iowa Olerk from Virginia Rejected and Ohalmei'a Influence Measured. The Oolleotton of Debts b'rom Non-RoeidestB Adversely Settled by Lawrence. The Etnr Ronto Trial Ronolioi the -MahiBg Point at the Cloio. A Varied Assortment of Wellington News. CAPITOL NOT 8- 8podil Dispatches to Tui Bm. A GRAB KILLED. WABUINOTON , April 18 The com missioner of the general land cflluo to day denied the application of Peter Sherreback , of California , f jr the sur vey &n-\ patent to cartaia tracts of land within the city limits of Sin Francisco. POSTOFFICR APPJlNTMKNrS. Postmaster General Gresham to day direstoi that In miking postoffioe appointments In MlsslsalDpl iho rec ommendations of ex-Congressman Chalmers shall b ) given no greater weight than maybe properly attached to them as recommendations of a pri vate citizen. An order was issued yesterday to appoint Samuel Grlgg to a .thousand dollar clerkship In the postoffije de partment. Grlgg was endorsed by a member of o ingress from Iowa. TJ- day , when the gentleman appeared to take the oath of offiso , ho was asked if his residence was in Iowa , to which question he repllel in the negative , adding that ho lived in Virginia. The matter was referred to the postmaster general , who declined to make the appointment on the ground that Vir ginia's quota la now full and that he did not think It proper to credit a resident of Virginia to the state ol Iowa , notwithstanding that the ap plication was endorsed ban Iowa congressman. THE COUNT OF OA8H in the treasury will ba finished to- morrow. The counting committee will then examine the books and ac counts. THE STAMPS ON CHECKS. The commtcslnuor of internal rove1 nuo h" decided to redeem otarnps anc return to owners , with the word "Ra I deemed" impiinted on ecah check , al checks and drafts bearing the two can Internal revenue stamps which remali "ted on 0 nly 1 Tnese' checks am jjk can then be used in the regnlai course of business. BEALL POX AND CHOLERA. A report has been received by thi national board of health saying tha the cholera , which prevailed to ai alarming extent in China , Japan anc India some time nip , has disappeared A report has also baon received tha small-pox Is raging in Rte do Janeiro LONGEVITY TAT. Second Comptroller Upton has rendered derod a decision on the question c longevity p y allowances In the arm ; which is in effaot that these allowance are to bj computed from the dates c acceptance of appointments , and no from the ditto of appointments. THE AMOUNT OF BONUS REDEEMED nndor the circular in regard to pre payment of bonds embraced in th 120.h call Is $4 513,550. This oa was for $15,000,000 , and the treaaur circular authorized the prepayment o the entire amount ou or before to-day The call will mature May first. A TREASURY DECISION. First Comptroller Lawrence , of thi treasury department , to-day "rendere a decision noon the following ; case In 1880 John J , PallUn , a eitizin o Tennessee employed a Washlngto lawyer to prosecute a claim again ! the government The claim wa allowed and in 1882 a treasury dral was made to Pnlllan and delivered t the lawyer. The latter claimed $ l,50 ( This claim ho assigned to the Gorma American National bank , which faile and delivered Polllan's draft to th receiver of the bank. Polllan died I Tennessee. An aimlnlsttater we thjra appointed to administer hi affairs , and an administrator wi appointed In the District of Oolun bla. The bank receiver applie to the first comptroller t instruct the treasurer to pay the dra on the endorsement of the dlstrii administrator , which was refnsei because the supreme court had di elded that In such cases payment mn be made to the Tennessee administr tor , The recalver then field a croc Itor'sblll in equity In the dlstrl against the district administrator. Ti attorney , by published notice , a tempted to make the Tennessee at mialstrator party defendant. Tl decree was made that the rocelv should endorse and collect the mom on the draft , retain $1,500 and p the residue in the court for the Te nossoo administrator. The decree w presented to the first comptroller wl a request that ho Instruct t treasurer to make pyraet Judge Liwronco decides that thelej title to the draft is in the Tenneia administrator. This was dnolded the supreme court In 1 Paters , 3 Payment cannot bo made to arecelv unloja the title of the Tennessee t , mlnistrator hai been dlvostod a vested In the rooolver. Tha legal til of the Tennessee administrator b not boon divested , beoauie ho cot not ba sued in the diuriot , oven if was f jund here , and hence cannot by notlua published , This was al decided by the supreme court. T decree here conld not take away t rlcht of the Ttnnorsoo administrator or give it to the receiver here. Posset- a'on ' of the draft hero could not change the result. Jodge Liwrenco adds thfttthls conclusion is required by public interests. 0 tlzjns in states wilt not deal with the government If the creditors may come from all patta of the United States and prevent them from receiving payment of money duo them , so that they may pay all credi tors alike and not permit preference to such as como Washington to bring suit. The treasurer will bo inform'd that he can only lawfully pay the drift to the Tennessee administrator. M tT ON LAItOR It was expected that Herr Most would meet delegated of the Federa tion of Labor at their hull last n'ght for iho purpose of an Interchange tf vi > wi on the labor question. This meotlpit did not t&ko plsoo. Most waited lit his hotel to bo sent fcr by a committee , but a stormy debate took pisco In the Federation , starting from the book binder'union , Bomo express ing the fear that thoqnestions of dyna mite and violence might bo brought up should such meeting take place. The diicnisinn ended in a disruption ciusod by the outspoken expressions of knownothinglstn , Herr Mott ) aupp-irtors bolng mcstly Girmnn nd the Federation cf Ltbor bolrg about equally divided between nativn born and foreigner ] . After their adjourn ment at the hall the president and eight of the delegate D visited Most at the hotel , wbero there waa itlretdy as sembled a committee fr m the "Ar- bolter Voreln. " A delgate fiom the bricklayers' union moved that the as semblage con * ider itself a meotlcg of "individual workiugmeu , not repre senting any unions or societies " This waa carried , and Herr Most waa re quested to state his views on the labor qieatlon , which ho did In a ton min utes' speech , delivered in English. A great part of Most's speech waa devoted - voted to defence of himself against the newspapers which , he said , had charged him with advising murder , robbery , the burning of granaries , destruction of labor saving machinery and the division of all capital among the poor. He said : "They call ma murderer because I said it would be Impossible for me to lament when u monster like the late Gzir of Russia waa executed by the hands of oppressed people They oill mo robbar beoanee I showed the people how they were being robbed by the capitalistic class , be came I si i 1 It was necessary to bring forward another system of production by which worklngmen could enjoy the results of their industry. The writers for thieves became very much excited and denounced ma as a robbar. They misrepresent ii the highest degree when they oaid I advised a division oi all capital among the people. All ] asked for was the abolition of the present UDjust division of the finite of the industry of workmen among capitalist ? . With regard to labor sav < Ing machinery , I claimed thai we are entitled to our shari In every new Invention. He who de < otaren tha * ; the retails , of solpnc : should belong exclusively to a few ol the privileged class talks nonsense anc Is a robber. I want to see the form ation of another system In whlcl machinery like all capital of pro dnctions should belong ; to the severa societies and not to a few rlol men. The pita for thi miners , the land for the farmers manufactories for operatives am nothing fir idlers-"That's what ] waat. " Speaking of thn condition oi the laboring classes ia Europe he said "All legal means for getting any re form or progress have been takei away from n . Nothing is left us bu force. " He advised workiagtnon li America tporganlzs as well and quick ly aa posiible so as to bring politioi power into the hands of the people The capitalists in this country , h said , would not give up their prlvl lees and their power and the "tyrane ous influences without exercise o f jrcn to compel them to do so. THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF flPIENCES to day elected Prof. O. 0. Marsh , o Yale college , president , to fill the va cancy caused by the death of Pro ! Roc-era. Toe statute of the late Prof. Henry which is to ba unveiled to-morrow was pi iced in position ia the groom ol the Smithsonian Institute this at tei noon. THE STAR BOUTE TBIAL. WASHINGTON , April 18. John A Walsh was on the stand in the sta route trial. All the testimony for the proaocu tion and defensn in the star route trial is now in and the arguments wl ! probably begin to-morrow. Oa reassembling time was ooonploc by discussion as to what should b the order of argument tn tbo jnrj The court said it would see that a fit division wcs had , The court wool allow the government to npeu an close. The court did not know tha the government desired more than enclosing closing argu-nent , bat had heard inti matlons that the attorney genon might wish to speak. > I don't know that I would call tbi too arguments , " said logarsoll , sneei Ingly , ' bat I object to the precedon If the attorney general wants to say word in this case let him have tt courage to make his argumant whoi ho can be answered , not that I thin ho would do any particular harm ; hot over , if he wants to make the cloak argumant I should ba delighted , bite to tire closing arguments I object. " Ingersoll insisted ho would refui to make an address if the govornmoi \voro allowed two closing argument NEW INDICTMENTS. The grand jury came in dnring tl diiousslon and returned the foltowh Indictments : One against Wm. Pi Kellogg , for receiving money whll United States noua'.or for servlc rendered in relation to n contnot wl the United States ; ono tgaiaat Tao J , Brady , for receiving money whll second assistant postmaster gonoi for services rendered in rotation to contract with the United States Ti IndlotmentH are very volumtnou there being five connU n oaoh indie ment charging payments of money u lawfully received. The court reserved until to-raorn ho aottlemont of the order of argn- nnt to the jury , and then listened o an argument from Davldgo regard- ng the statute of limitations as affecting certain counts in the Indict- msnts charging the existence of con spiracy. Adjourned. BX SENATOR ICKLLCOO said to-night that ho hsd little to add o what ho h s already said about ? rice and Wnlih'a evidence and Brady's Indictments eicjpt that ho was surprised when an Indictment was found and pro'cntlment made on ho 27th of Match last it specified hit the allipod office ) WAS commit- ed on the 17.h of April 18SO , Although whatever evidence there was n the case showed the offenee , if any , was really committed on the 16h ; of Lprll 1870 and as yesterday was the .7th of April when even by terms irescntmeut of the alleged offonao It > eoamo barred , he was nitnrally sur- irlsod at the Indictment. HH could lot now understand why to-diy an ndlotmont should have been brought n. Ho said ho believed this proceed- ng was Instituted mainly with n vliw of afTcctlng the pending trial , and vhlle ho felt aggrlvod that a prccaad- ng of this kind should have boon in s ituted upon suoh cvidcuc > , given by man who ho said was personally icstllo to him , and bad boon pursuing ilm for more thin a year , and that the proceeding should have been con ducted acd urged by a bitter polltlaal opponent , still , as the evidence upon which this Indictment Is brought was considered by two previous grand urles , composed of some of the most > rominont citizens of the district , who unanimously ignored it , and was : assed over by a third grand jury , lomposed of men of equally high standing , he had no f oar of. the ulti mate result. Ready tv Proceed. Special Dlipatch to Till Bti. WASHINGTON , 'April 18. A special committee to investigate the charges against supervising architect Hall met mot to-day and road over the charges and notified ex Congressman Murch of Mo. , that they were ready to proceed an soon w he appeared and then ad journed nntil to morrow. Oapt. Caarlea 0 McDonnell , of the artillery , was retired to day because of disability Incurred in the service. . TOO SWEEf TO SPILL. So the Firemen Took It In and tbe Town Burned. Special DIsp tch to Tin Uii. CUICAOO , April -AToronto special says : A fire thin morning destroyed the vlllpfp of Oikvllle , on the Lake Shore , twenty mi en from hero. The firn brig&de from here went out by special train , but got there too late to savn tbo village. The loss will amount to $100,000 or moro. The Inhabitant ! are flocking to thh ii-y by hundred ! for shelter , many on Lot , The pro h.tt i'ion act was in forae In the count ] where the \ i lago Is situated , but whet the fire reached the drug store twc IjjrrelMor wtuVy trerarolled Jjj6at ot the street and the members of thi villapo fire brlgide all got drunk ant helpless , otherwise the fire niijht havi been cmtrolled in Its first stages Insurance small. Corn in St. Lonii. Special Dispatch to Tni Ii . ST L uis , April 18 Rsports hav ing been circulated hora and senl abroad that corn In store was out o ! ondltlon and liable to become hot he elevator owners and managers of .cially announce they have had i borough examination made of con n the elevators , and report No. 2 con iow In store folly as good , and prob bly in bettor condition than for sov rai years. This statement is en Inrsed by the president of the bean f grain inspectors. Butler's Veto R a stained. pecltl Dlapatch to TBI Un BOSTON , April 18 Upon the qies Ion of passing over the governor's vet he bill appropriating money for thi ixpenses of the various state onaritabl , nd reformatory institutions the hens oted 128 to 83 , not the nooesiar ; wo-thirds In the affirmative , and th v to was sustained. Five republican voted In the negative with the dome orals , one democrat voted In th affirmative. The executive council oonfirme 5ov. Bailer's appointment of Jno. K farbox , insurance commissioner , an T , H. Ohadwick , railroad commit loner. Suit f jr SpojUl Dlipntch to Tui Bu. WACO , Texas , April 18Suit wa i ed In the district court of this count to-day by 0. B. S.uart against th Wdsturn Union telegraph compao 'or 825,000 damages. The suit ! sed upon the alleged failure of th ; elegraph company to deliver prompl y a message from the plaintiff's dyin Brother at Maruball , Tdxas , dosirin ilm to come to htm , alleging that tb message was given tn the operator i Marshall February 31. and was n < delivered to him at W.IOQ until tr morning cf the 5th. A. Thievlnn Emigrant Agtnt , SpecUl Dispatch to Till Uii. NEW YORK , April 18. James Ros daloagont oft ho Philadelphia Chad ! able society , and a party of Aral quarreled on the steamer City < Richmond , about to sill. All woi taken to tbo Tombs. Here an Are woman e ld 115 sovereigns belongic to her had boon given to Rosedalo t tha Organized Charities of Phihdo phla to ongaga their passage to EC rope. They agreed to give Rosada $50 fir his trouble. When the sh was about to sail ho handed them on CO sovereign * , hence the outcry. A Broknu Trust. Bpeci&l Dlipxtch to Tui liii. BOSTON , April 18 Both Kenned a trusted clerk of M. S. P u & Oc pawnbrokers , was to-day arrested i ho aharzo of the embezzlement $15,000. A friend to the rich and poor , medicine that strengthens and heal Is Brown's Iron Bit rs GURLEY CONDEMNED , Another Dublin Assassin Oivon Thirty Days For Prayork Tha Programme of the In- formera Effectively Ere- cuted By the Jury. The Relations of Franco and China Stretched to a Fighting Pitch. BUmnrok Anxiously "Watching fjr Belligiiront Sjmptpms in Paris. IRELAND- SpecUl Dispatch to Tiu Bis. Duuux , April 17. In the Curly trial this morning the ctoslng orgu luonta were mado. The jndgo then charged the jury and the latter re tired , and noon returned and rendered a vordlot of guilty of murder , and Curly wns sentenced to bo hanged May 18. Attorney Oaneral Porter , on behalf ot the crown , declared the evidence In support of an alibi worthless end conflicting. The judgethon delivered the charge to the jary. He ipoko strongly agi i ist the reliability of the ovldonoo to prove an alibi , He pointed oat there conld not bo the slightest doubt that the mnrders were perpe trated at the i litigation of secret societies with which the prisoner was Indisputably 'connected , The charge was completed athalf put two Tbo jary retired immediately and after a abort absence re entered the coutt room , finding Onrley gallty as charged in the indictment. 'The prlioner was aiked if he bad anything to say why sentence should not be pronounced. He said he had not ex pected any mercy from the oonrt. It was very unfortunate that the Irish bench was never without s Norbnry or n Keogh. He was a member of the Invincible * , but was not In Phcealx park on thn even lag the murders were committed Ho loved his country and could suffer for her. The witnessei r the crown perjured themselves , urlcy also eald he was a Fenian. Af tei he prisoner finished ho was sentenced o bo hanged ou the 18 .h of May. Ai he o fibers were taking the prloouoi rom the dock ho cried out in a lon > : olce , "God Save Ireland. " ENGLAND. pocUl Dlipatch to Tun BM. LONDON , April 18 Andrew J. Kot la , ex suspect , acceded from the Par olllto parly The homo cflho has issued a circa ar directing the attention of local au horltijs to the importance of vlgtlin ibserv&tion to prevent persons got .ing possession c f explosives and mi omlj frori tthiflh ' . -fxolotJvQ' / jp mado.A reward of 100 Is cftre < 'or information leading to the dla lovery of any person engaged in th llegal manufacture cf explosives. In the commons the motion b ; Pell , conservative , in favor of Imme ditto reform cf local taxation , wa nly negatived by a vote of 217 ti 220 An amendment wan accepted b ; he government to postpone the con' ilderatton of reform measured null ; ho whole question of local govern ment is examined. The closeness o the division on Poll's motion wa oud'y cheered by the torles. Lord O'Neill Is dead. Tha Dilly News says that in tb event ot the Annam affai * Involvln France " % rlth Ohlna It Is undoratoo France will confiae herself to block adlng Chinese ports , very well awar of the difficulties of au expedition t Pekln. The News adds : It woul ba a very serljns matter to stop th trade between China and America o England and Germany. It la wort while for France to consider whothe Bismarck will submit. The story about the blowing up o Salisbury cathedral is a hoax The appointment of Pong Tilling a Chinese minister of war denote * the China la determined to resist Fronc aggression in Annam LONDON. April 17. The E.JSOI City and suburban handicap wan wo bi Riystorer , Lowland Chief sooonc Swnot bread third. LIVEBFOOL , Apiil 18. A ma named Eugauo Kingston , eald to bo n Invincible and connected with tl PL oa ilx P < rk murders , has been a ; rested. LONDON , April 18. Arrived out tt steamersSilesia , Kinsis , and State i Pennsylvania. A box said to cental explosives was found alongside of tl Cathedral of Salisbury last night. Tt cathedral is now guarded by tha polio LONDON , April 18. Arrived oattt steamers England and O.roasla froi Now York. Livenr ML , April 18. Tao steami Sardinia , which arrived to day , roper that on the 12th she spokothostoam < Brooklyn City from Bristol for No York with an engine disordered. LONDON , April 18. The race f or tl Stamford stakes at the York sprit meeting to-day was won by So wan Moonstone second , Lenontlno thlr J. II. Keene's Crown Prlnoa came last. GERMANY. pectl Dispatch to Tin BM. BEULIN , April 18. The Noi Djutsoho Zjltung , answering the cot monts of the French proos on a pro * ous article , saye ; "Ifa monaiohyl restored in Franco , it Is not vo likely that Germany would decla wer forthwith. She would probab await an attack fforn Franco , whli would coon ba mdo , an , under cc ttin coodltioua , the restored mono ohy could probably bo induced to d clare war on Germany without war lnK. " It Is reported that the liberals ha abtndondod the Intention o ( inovli on address in reply to the ompero : meseago. The conservatives ui ultramontanos are determined to d cms the budget for 1884 85 , A coi 4- mlttoo of the fortiohtltts party In the rolchatog his Iisnod a circular con testing tha assertion In the moisigo ol the cmporor that the rolohstag Is dilatory In transacting bnsinoes , QENERAL FOREIGN NEWS. 8pcl ! IMnwtchti to Tiu ti . Five hundred dwellings , the tele * graph stations , postoffioo , a number of stores and a largo quantity of coal nd wood and mining property wore bnrncdln | the village of Kttovr , Iwan- oskol. Au explosion of dynamite in a corn * merolal establishment in 0rballca province , Spain , killed two poisons and wounded several. Three houses were burned. Two hundred Warsaw university stndontH called upon the rector and demanded an explanation for the ar- roat of comrades. The rector sum moned the pollcj and military , who dispersed the students and occupied the college building. It having been discovered that a certain nro of central Asia is sulta- bio for the production of cotton , Orenburg Russians are preparing to make the expoiimont. PAULS , April 17.--Louisa Miohaol bos bnoa committed for trial at the nex * . Pirls asslaes. She is charged withlnoltlng to riot. Sha will con duct her own defense. THESCAHEIN CANADA Ottawa Agltatod by Platol Suoto. Eptc 1 Dl p uh to Tin Di . f OTTAWA , April 18. The reported shooting last night caused uneasiness in some quarters , In others the affair is regarded as a hoax. In the vie 3 regal residence there is some alarm. The cabinet oonncll considered the matter. The policemen thus toll the atcry : Shortly after midnight the attention of Ofthcr Geddca was at tracted by the report of a pistol shot proceeding from the grove , about midway between the govern * mont house and the reiidenco of Lieu tenant Colonel Djwinion , Following In quick Kuooesslon were throe other shots. Qjddco made a rnth in the direction of the grove and observed the form of a tall man retreating. Re membering ho had implicit instruc tions from the superintendent if pa- lice not to leave his poit on any ac count , ho return > d tn his boat and the party oncapod. Officer Farron , on the adjoining boat , mot Geddos re turning from the buob , and also Jhcard the shots. The superintendent \ol police attaoheu little Importance to the occurrence , and implies that the cflloors who reported the matter wore drawing on their Imaginations for the foots. In the vicinity of the grove In a small iakn , and it Is assorted the shots were fired by a Frenchman , whc ononslonnlly shoots muikrats which Ulton.nd thoro. A Toronto dotcoUvc I stated one man is under surveillance , 'i'and his arrest might be effected wlthii ! .lio next U4 hours , which would throv * i light on some myatorlons movements pecUl IHjtch to Tdi liu. BoaoX , April 18. At the Tewks mry examination a former inmati > ve some startling and dlagustini estlmony concerning the treatmen ) f inmates. MUs Bowen refused to give th ( nwno by which she waa known In Ne\ fork , and counsel demanded it to In julre Into her character for voracity n the course of the controversy th < governor said this Investigation woulc nterest the ontlrn country when hero were institutions like Tewks- ) ury , and ought to go before it. Al ready It had aroused examinations li other states , He had never had i lollUoikl thought In connection wit ] t , The only questions to ba decide * were law , propriety and humanity rat the oppoting counsel took tha natrow vtaw of it , cf which ho wa capable. The chairman said the governor * remark that another 5 to 4 votewonli land this committee down as anothe committee was handed down to th country by Us 8 to 7 vote , was hlghl mproper , and ho hoped no mor political allusions would ba made b ; tny of counsel. The governor sal IB had aa little respect for the ohaii man's opinion as the latter had to ill , and ho had no respect for th chairman's decisions. Bjlng asked if MissB > wman wnnl be present to morrow , G > vernor BJ Icr said that If she was not hero he testimony could bo stricken from th record. Adjourned. let the Nome of Charity- Bpocf.il DbpMch to Tni Uii. BOTFALO , April 18. The commc council committee Inquiring into tt county alms home , find Keeper Fro Butch guilty of most recklois rail management , bringing about the wi fnl waste of $50OCO of the publ fund * . The report includes ohargi of pet j iry before the committee. Tt district attorney was asked to preset the case to the grand jury , Thei U much Indignation felt agalni Bisoh. The End of a Bproe Special Dlipttch to Tni DII. Ciuciao , April 28 Dintel I Donahue , the man arrested Mondi night by Datootlvcs Elliott and Wile on ousplclr.n of having robbed Nich las Stanton , a recent arrival from tl Ariama mines , of a watch and cha worth about (180 , a diamond stt valued at $100 , and ? 37COO In certl catcB of m.nlng stock , whllo the coup were on a oproo together , was brong before Justice Wallace this mornli fpr trial , but the cieo was oantlnui until April 20 , under bonds of $2,00 which Donahue failed to furnish , Arkansas Justice. Special IMspitch to Tin llii LITTLK ROCK , April 18 To-day the United Status court , ox-Unit States Mtnhal J , T , Brown , jr. , w convicted of perjury , having bei previously convicted ef forgery. Under the act pawed by the lojrli uro dnring reoonetructlon , Ph Up * , Monroe , St. Francis , Ji forson , Chioot and other counties auod bonds for various purposes , BOI for $100,000 , others for $300,000 , aaklog a very heavy aggregate. Tao counties mentioned several years later resisted payment , dcolating the Uw unconstitutional. Ropontly the supreme court of the state , in the Jefferson county case , declared the act constitutional and to-day the United Slates district court delivered an opin ion that the counties owe the debt and must pay the bonds. PERKINS1 PURCHASE , The Hannibal & Sfc , Joe Taken In By tlio Burlington , Terms of the Bale Outlined , ThoQ GobUtitliaHaiiiiilial. BpocUl Dlipttch to Tni Dai. BO&TON , April 18. The Transcript arc O.mrlesE. Parkins , protidont ot the Chicago , Burlington & Qalnoy railroad has been In conference most of the day with Fred. L Ames , repre senting the Hannibal < b St. Joe rail road , At ono time word oamo that the purchase had actually been effect ed , and probably has boon , save ar ranging of papers and some minor da- tills , though not olliolally announced- The Chicago , Burlington it Qalncy will guarantee all bonds of the Han nibal & St. Joseph railroad company and purchase the preferred stock at par with its 3 per cont. debenture bonds and common stock at 42 , the prloo paid Jno. II. DafT , with six per cont. interest since the date of that purchase. Payment for this also will bo m do In C per cent , bonds. President Perking , of the Chicago , Burlington < fc Q ilnoy railroad Informs the Advertiser that the proposed pur chase by his road of the Hannibal & St. Joseph road was consummated this evening In a conference between himself and Amos , The terms as given above are correct and are thoao oflerod and insisted upon by his pee ple. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 ha Big Pool. Bptcltl D'ljMtch to Tui I ! 11. , OiiKuao , April 18 , A ronrosonta- tivo of the Pennsylvania nilway was In the city for the purpose of estab lishing a ticket office for the now Chicago , St. Louis & Plttsbnrg rail way , formerly the Oolnmbui , Chicago & Indiana Central. The Intention it said to bo to make a competing trunk line between Chicago & Niw York vie Pittsburg , to be operated outside the pool. Oommiisloraor Fink hai Isiucc a call for a mooting of general man BRCO and general paosongor agouti ci the trunk lines to bo hold in NOT York April 25th , to tsRo final aotlot In regard to the differential rate agreement mont and for the establishment of at eastern passenger pee ! , At the sami raeotlhg the general manager will eon aider questions In freight tnflb , cover or log dpad and lire frtijht , and , rcor ganlralijn of pools , eto. and Wklssy- Cpa bl Dbpktob so TurBs * . PHILADELPHIA , April 18. At thi pas trust examination to-day , Caihle Whlto testified his predecessor , Bonj S. Rilpy , embezz'ed $23,013. Rile was discharged. Ho began to rolm burse the trust , and after ho died hi admlnlstratora continued payment/ They ranged from f4OCO to $15,41 In slcglo payments. When Craig wa trustee ho furnished all the whisk ; consumed at the office and Wm. I Hirst and Richard Leldlow attendo to the legal business of the trni whllo members , and wore pal therefor. Bale of Short Hora * BpecUlDltptch to Tni Usi. CIIIOAOO , April 18 An Importao sale of short horn cattle occurred s Dexter Park to-day. The attendanc of breeders from the cattle raisin districts of the west waa largo aa bidding spirited. The animals sol were drafts from the herds of Riohsr Gibson of Ilderton. Indiana , an Rlgdon Houston & Son of Blandlni vlllo , Illinois. Thirty.-five head wei disposed of for f 37,500 ; 25 cows an hellers averaged $1,210 ; 10 bull averaged $702. Among the ImporUt sales were the Daohess ot Hillsdali 1st , 2 years , sire Duke of Alrdrii 2nd , dam Duchess of Htllhnrst , Gtl to Charles DigraQ of Wiuona , Minn for $0,000 , Klrklovlngton , Duohei of Hillsdale 21 , yearling , olroDake < Alrdrlo , dam imported Klrklovlngtoi Duchess 18 : h , to Strothos G loons , c Ablnijton , III. , for $1,900 , Wll Dnohesa of Gjneva , 10 years , sli Duke of Gannva Oih , dam Wild Ox ford , to N P Clark , of St. Clout Minn. , for $2 , ICO. Lilly Barrlugtc Oth , 2 years , sire Duke of Oxfoi Mat , dam Lilly Birrlngton , to A. . Alexander , Spring Station , Ky , , f < $3,000. Duke of Hlllsdale lat , years , sire Duke of Alrdro 22d , da Duchess of Hlllhurst 7th , to G. Alle & Son , Palermo , 111. , for $3,600. Fifty Thousand in Aahos. S'ocl | l DUpatch to Tin ! ) . WHEELING , W. Va. . April 18. special to the Intelligencer fro Hnntlngtoo , W. Va. , says the large fire in the history of the town o onrrod this afternoon , doatroyli $50,000 In property , with small 1 snranco , rendering homeless fiftei or twenty families 'and lea ing but four buildings standing In block 420 feet square. A roof f < In , burying five firemen , but th were extricated with only a f < bruises , except one man , who was i rlonsly Injured , The fire Is euppos to have originated from the oarelt handling of matches in Kounot'a II cry stable. The Continental ho has boon thrown open to thoao w lost their all. Nnlxnwlin , Safe. Bpedil DUpitrn to Till U . d NEW YonK , April 18 Arrived State of Nebraska from G'asgow , A. V. s A. M. St. John's lodge No. 25 will m In special sommnnioation to-c ( Thnrtday ) evening for work In I F , C. degree , Yiiltlog brethren i fraternally Invited. JAMKB B , BBUNBB , Master A RUN ON BANKS. Jin Imnionso Number Suspend Fajment and Oloso Ilioir Doors. Panicky Feeling in the Stacks of Chips Which the ( Jopa Cneh In. Millions of New Union Pacific Bonds Listed by the Stock Exchange. Reduction of Grain Rate * From Chicago to New Yorlr , Eto. Special Dispatch to Tim B , NEW YonK , April 18 The polio raided seven policy shops and arrested the owners. The pollca hlrod men to buy slips , The gamblers of the city Are dis mayed. Acting ou the ndvlco of Re corder Smith that ho conld confiscate the gambling apparatus , and under warrants Issued by that magistrate , Inapoctor Byrnes made another raid on seven gambling houses. From , five of thorn all gaming paraphernalia had boon removed. In two the f ornlturo was seized , At 159 Fulton street the faro table lay-outs , roulette whoolo and tables and stacks of ohlpi were captured. The reputed owner of this game is Charles Road , who Is In Europe. At the game said to bo conductcd'by "Al" Tompklns , at 147 Falton street , moro furniture was ' selzid. AH were taken to the polloo headquarters. At 818 Broadway , 5 Park Place , and 100 West Twenty-Third street , not the slightest trtoa that the places had over boon nssod for gambling1 pur poses was found , No arrests were mado. Inspector Byrnes says ho intends - - . tends to follow the gamblers until \ they are cleaned out. Ho guaranteed there was not a game open In the city to-night. In most of them the furnl- tnro was spirited away , and the places loft bare. The captured property , valued at $1,500 , will bo broken up. f > Walton , who retires from the St. . James hotel this week , promises to build within a block thereof thn finest hotel In the world. William M. Con nor , manager of the John MoOul- lough combination , and well known v In relation with race courses , suc ceeds Walton In possession of thov ' St. James. , * Tao executive committee of the * . ; stock exchange listed $5,000,000 collateral - . > lateral trust bonds of the Union Pool- fis railroad , $3 000,000 Oregon Short Line and about $22,000,000 common and preferred stook and bonds of the Chicago , St. Louis and Pittsburg rail road , Railroad Commissioner Fink an nounces that as some of the railroads insist upon a reduction In grain rates on and alter to-morrow , the rate on , eighth' class will be on a basis of 25 " cents per 100 pounds from Chicago to . Mew York The rates on all other , classes are uncharged. The supreme oonrt grants the wife , of Ojmond Teaslo , the actor , $2 000 < alimony and $200 counsel feoa. Her man RufI , suffering from delirium , tremens , ran through Bleeoker street , screaming "I want to kill President Arthur. " The crow of the schooner Mary JL Russell , with which the steamer City of Morldan was In collision , arrived * , to-day. The Russell , four hours af ter- the oslllalon , sunk to the top of the cabin house , whereon all found refuge until rescued. Patrick Egan says after the Phila delphia convention he will look Into . the flour mill interest and then return to Ireland. ANEW LEASE. A Stay ot Execution in tbe Owe o tbe MInden Butcher. BpocUl Dlipatch to Tui lin. LINCOLN , April 18. The superior court granted a stay of execution In the case cf Matt Zimmerman , the desperado who figured In tha notori ous murder of three men In MInden , this state , and whose capture , when his parter , Dick Bjlmont , was killed , created such a sensation. Z'tnmer- ' man was to have been hanged Satur day. When the stay becomes known In Kearney county the excitement and Indignation will bo Intonso. It Is the adjoining county to Adams , where the Millet m uiders were lynched. The Appolunlana Special DUpatch to Till Uii. V CHICAGO , April 18 Tno Appolo commandory has asked the grand commander of Illinois for a dispensa tion to leave the state and also the grand master of the United States to leave the United States In con templation of the European trip in place of attending the conclave at L San Francisco Their decision in this a matter was caused by the action taken it by San Francisco hotel keepars as published In a Ban Francisco paper , g March 28th , relative to hotel rates. i- Upon receiving this published Inn - n formation the commandory at once - arrived at the decision to abandon tbo contemplated western trip without waiting for the report of Dr. Oolllstor , thnlr representative. The Oallnpaod Iron Mlno. Special Dlip&tcb to lui liu. MILWAUKEE , April 18 An Iron Mountain ( tfloh. ) dUpatoh soys : No bodies have boon found vet , but a coat and mittens were picked up recently. Theeo worn probably hanging in tbo boilorhouso to dry at the tlmo of the eave In. Some of the burled machin ery is balng roooyeaod. Eleotrlo lights from the Qalnnctco mlno nre balng used to facilitate the work at night. Pumps from the Ohapln ( nine et are being placed In position for use in case the rescuing party meoU with , Jy water. re Tweaty-ctx hundred German lamt- grant * lauded at BaltUaoti jfiterdty , \ Most of them have geM wet.