Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1883, Image 1

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The Allied Powers Of Europe
Determined to Orusa
Franco ,
German Troops In FeadlneeB
to Cross the Border on
Three liaya * Notion
The I a capacity of Prenoh Offl-
cials Leading the Country
to War and Ruin
The Nihilists , Dynamitera and
Sociftlisto Continue Their
Elevating Exercise
t't t' '
t A Xinrge Asioitmont of Qou-rol
Foralgo Ntxvt.
| ' Spedal Dltpatch to Tui USE ,
\ NEW YORK , April 17. A cable to
i. The World from London aays : "The
, message of Enperor William to the
Reichstag , calling for legislation In
the interest of the working class ,
causes aa much uneasiness hero In offi
clal circles as at Berlin , for the reason
that it la believed it was inspired by
. the distrust existing againat the gov
ernment of France , and to cover the
military programme which will pretty
cer'alnly ' be carried out npon the firat
/ symptom of serious political disturb-
i ance In France. I have It on the
best authority that , under orders from
'v ' Berlin a fortnight ago , six divisions of
' the German Imperial cavalry and four
of the army corps have been got Into
readiness to cross the French fron-
1 tier in three days's time. Some of
the socialist leaden of Germany ap
pear inclined to begin work nearer
I home by provoking overt disturbances
among the German working classes ,
1 bat as any such attempts would be
disastrous to the people , It Is not
likely to ba made ? The real danger
of Europe this moment Is at Paris ,
where men in authority seem to bo
entirely taciptblo of understanding
the danger to which they are expos
ing not only the peaca of the continent
but the very existence of their own
Special Dtepatchei to Tni Dis.
LONDON , April 17. The affidavit of
a clerk In the postal telegraph service
says a man whom ho supposed to bo a
Fenian accented him , bandaged his
eyca , near the Broad street railway
station , and compelled him under
threats of his life to answer to ques
( ( tions aa to the whereabouts of the en
gines and the number and duties of
the persons employed in the central
telegraph offices. He waa afterwards
conveyed to Kingston and questioned
by six men , some of who were Ameri
ca as. The clerk has a brother in
America. He does not know how the
Fenians learned hlsjname , the first ex-
eos they gave for addressing him. ,
" * SVtenl Berabees ofparllbment and
others congratulated the Malagassy
envoys on the satisfactory result of
their visit to the Halted States , ex
pressing the hope it would lead tea
a good understanding. The deputa
tion also wished the envoya success In
their negotiations with France. The
chief envoy spoke in warm praise of
the kindness received in America and
cited the Intention of the Halted
States to pronnte its agent in Mada
gascar to the rank of consul.
* The Canadian Pacific railway noti
fied the Grand Trunk company it
wonld not be able to carry out tholr
arrangement because of the obj actions
raised In America.
Sir Philip Rose , legal adviser of the
tory party , ia dead.
LONDON , April 17. The queen left
Windsor this morning for Osborn.
Owing to the trouble from her sprained
knee she is unable to walk and had to
be lifted into the carriage. The route
la carefully guarded.
LONDON , April 17. First day of
the Epsom meeting ( or the great met
ropolitan stakes the handicap wai won
by Roseberry's Vista , Lord Marohe's
Alison second , Count Festetio's Bore-
enza third. Five horses ran.
LONDON , April 17. The Court Cir
cular contains the following , written
by the queen herself : "We have to
record tne death of Mr. John Brown ,
the queen's personal attendant , which
took place at Windsor Castle at a
quarter past 11 o'clock , Tneiday evenIng -
Ing , the 27th lust. , of erysipelas. Thla
melancholy event has caused the
deepest regret to the queen , the royal
family and all members of the royal
household. To her majesty the loss is
irreparable , and the death of this truly
faith fal and devoted servant has been
a grevioua ahock to the queen. In
V1849 Mr. John Brown entered the
qneon'a service as ono of the Balmoral
gillies , and by his oirefnl attention ,
steadlnes and Intelligence , he rose to
the position of the queen's personal
servant in Scotland , which In 1804
waa extended to that of constant per
sonal attendant ou her majesty on al
occasions. During the last olghteor
years and a half ho served her majeatj
constantly , and never once absentee
himself from his duty for i
single day. He has acoomprnied thi
queen in her dally walks and drives
and all her journals aud expeditions
as well as personally waiting on her a
banquets , etc lie was au honest
faithful and devoted follower , and i
trustworthy , discreet and straight
forward man , and possessed of stron '
sense. Ho filled the position of groa
and anxious responsibility the dntlu
of which he performed with such con
slant and unceasing care as to coouc
for hlmiolf the real friendship of th
Q losn "
Special Dispatch to Tui Ills.
BEUIIN , April 17. It is likely th
coronation of the czir will bo pos
ponod nntil the 10th of Juno. Tt
latest proclaim tlon of the nlhll's '
* * J /
iu. ' * " ttj , ' * "B r In n scornful
way , ea > . . _ ' ith criticism.
Well Informed , . in Rutala ex
press the opinion ln t there Is no
danger to bo feared to the ciar at the
coronation with the exception , per
haps , of the acts of isolated fanatics ,
an * oven that is nnliktly.
Too fultaa of Turkey has Invited
Baron VonRollz , of the general atofi1
of the Gorman army , to imtcr the
Tuiksh service aid roorganizj the
mllltnrjeduc 'iou ' t.f the troops. The
emprror will parmlt the baron to ac
cept the Invitation.
Woikinp.meu uro organizing for a
geneia' strike f ir nn Increase of wnsoi.
Tbo ornpcior will remain at Wies
baden two wecka
Parliament has voted 51,000,000
nwrka for the construction of various
branch railways lu the empire ,
At the list cabinet council the mln
istry wai unanimous against removing
the resttiitlons nfjalnst the celebration
of tuns and admlulatratlou of the
sacrament. Whether a bill ou the
subject should be introduced in a
modiQtd form is being discussed.
The idea of holding a regular debate
on the addtess lu reply to the emper
or's messtgn has been abandoned , be
cause the liberal groupi7oro unable
to agree thereon ,
Special Dl patcbc to Tui Uu.
Prinoa Thomas , dnko of Genoa ,
and Princess Isabella , of Bavaria ,
were married at Munich yesterday.
A Portuguese corvette and gunboat
have been ordered to London.
The scaffold aronnd the ceramic ex
hlbltlon building In Madrid fell , in
jnrlng seventeen persona.
Edwin Booth ended hla engagement
In Vienna last night. He was loudly
applauded and at the close of the par
formanco waa presented with floral
wreaths , the stars and stripes and
the colors of the city of Vienna.
Charles II. Louis Do Bourbon ,
former Duke of Parma , Is dead , At tne
age of 84
Three hundred and thirteen peti
tions were presented the Austrian
Relohsrath urging defeat of the reac
tionary school bill. The greater portion
tion of the German element look upon
the measure with disfavor.
The French oaouplod Porta Negro
on the Cor go after some resistance.
It Is stated should the emperor of
Annam rtf use the demands of France ,
1,000 troops and several gunboats will
be sent to occupy stragotlo points on
the Sang Kol river.
The government of Franco has ex
pelled the nihilist Ohestapaloff.
It Is reported that the troubles be
tween General Thlbeandln , Frenah
minister of war , and Prlmo Minister
Ferry have been roLowod , and that
the former Intends to resign.
Three rafts upset in a great tank at
Sonnderabab , Bombay , while loaded
with natives engaged In a religions
ceremony , and sixty-two were
DUBLIN , April 17. The trial of
Daniel Ourley was resumed this morn-
Ing. _
God Sara the Queen's Daughter
SptcUl Dlapatch to Tni Bn.
OTTAWA , April 17. The governor
general and Princess Louise had a
cordial reception to-day. On the
Arrival of , tha , trln the band nlared
"God Save the Qaeun" aVsho "passed
through the crowd on the way In the
carriage. Leaving the depot the band
played "Home , Sweet Home , " and
boqnots wora thrown in to the carriage
all along Elgin street. The party were
cheered heartily. Eight policemen
from Toronto remain here a month on
special dcty in connection with the
government house and parliament
building. An extra guard was placed
aronnd Rldeau hall to-night. Fifteen
officers from Toronto In citizen's dress
mingled with the 2,000 people assem
bled at the depot to greet the prin
cess MIDNIGHT Private detectives to
night patrol the parliament grounds
and search the parliament buildings.
They are very reticent. Many anony
mous letters have reached Rldean hall
this morning. It is reported one
detective haa a clew which may lead
to the Identification of the author of
at leaat one of the documents. The
guard to-night at the government
house waa doubled.
RoohMtar Tumbling.
Special Dbpatch to Turn liu.
RoouBsrcK , N. Y , April 17.
Thirty fest of the north wall of the
Galllger buildlne , used for manufic
tprlng purposea , coir Main street ,
fell at midnight. The racu ot the
alnloe was broken by the accident and
come manufactories stopped. Had
the fall happrned In day time there
wonld have bion loss of life. The
printers in The News office next tc
the Glliger building refused to worl
this morning and the fire marshal
ordered the walla strengthened. A
building In course of constructor
gave way in the north part of the cltj
yesterday. The fire marshal ordered
several buildings taken down or precautions
cautions tsken.
Express Oar Robbed-
HpeeUl DUpatch to Tni liii.
LouisviLLK , April IT. List Snndoj
a through Adams express car lefi
Cincinnati for Nathvllle via the Stati
line railway. The car was in gooc
condition at Lagrange , 30 miles fron
Louisville , but on inspection after thi
arrival at Eist Louisville the lock ;
were found broken and the content
of the car scattered about and broken
The amount of stolen gooda is no
loomed , owing to the retlcance of tin
it express oflioklf. Sirno of the trail
, employes are under suspicion.
t- The Lost InilUn Trail.
t'B SptcUl Dlipath to Tns Dri
'B at SAN ANTONIO , April 17. A tele
us gram to military hoadquartoro fret
the colonel commanding at For
nV Clark , convoys the following regard
10 lug recent reports of Indian deproda
tlons on the border : "Major Bjrnar
has returned ; was at Lozler six honrt
and made a thorough investigation
also wont to Myers * spring and Ling
bo try , A Mexican captain Uh five so
it- diore cimu across the tiver at Lingtr
ithe Thursday evening , and reported tin
its ho had been following the Indians 1
Mexico and lost the trail , It I *
thought the Tndlnun had goun np iho
rlvoron the Mtxlcan side. All ollior
reports have grown out of that ono. "
( Undall will wait In thp vicinity of
Lorlor for further orders from the de
partment headqjftrtcrs.
moN PKODtrcrs.
Statistics of Lnet Ycrvrb' Crop The
Tonnage of Vessels Dul t.
Dlopitch to Tun Cn.
PuiLiDEH-HiA , April 17. The an-
nunl report ul the American Iron nnd
Sttel nisuclatlnu nhows u Inrgj do-
crean" In thn production cf Iron rails
In 1882 over 1881 and a email decrease
In the production of open hearth steel
rails and crcclblo steel iugots , In all
( ilhor aiticlon there wa ? an iucrcaao in
1882 over 1881 wllh the slnglo rx
ccption cf pic Iron. However , the
iocrcaio Tins in no ioutnnco large and
oven in pig Iron was only 11 cor
cent. Iron and ttcol Imports In 1832
was 1 83D 371 tons ; value of our Iron
nnd steel exports that year , f 19,011) )
751) ) . Our pig Iron production In 1882
waa obtained lu 0 states and U nh
territory , and of the total 5,178 122
tons Pennsylvania produced2.4491'250
ton ? . The tonnage of iron veitola
built daring the year was 40,007 tons ,
the largest In our history
Thn Bt Paul & Omaha Road
BjjecUl Dl'p ' ' , ch lo Till l ) s.
NEW \ORK , April 17. It ia official
ly stated the Chicago & Northwestern
Railroad company will Issue $10,000-
000,5 per cent debenture sinking fund
bonds to provide the necessary funds
for the acquliilion of the 8t Paul &
Omaha stuck. The $10,000,000 de
benture bonds have been sold to
Kuhn , Loeb & Co. , who , It is under
stood , represent a syndicate of Ameri
can and foreign houses. The election
takes place June 7th. The books will
be closed May 5th and reopened
Jane O.h.
The agreement under which the
new bonds are Issued contains a clause
that if the company shall afterwards
Claoe a mortgage on its property , the
isue shall acquire the qualities of a
legitimate mortgage. A alnklng fund
of 2 per cent a year ia alai provided
for. It is nndeistood Kuhn , Koeb &
Co. repreaent m ny leading banking
honaea In thla city , among whom are
said to bo J. W. Sdigman & Co. ,
United States trust company , and
Winslow , Lanler & Co.
The Tribune will to-morrow publish
the above , adding that the terms un
der which the new bonds are Issued
will not be fixed nntll to-morrow.
While It is understood that they will
bo made satisfactory to the purchaser ,
the general terms have been fully
agreed upon by the company and the
representatives of the syndicato.
Too Mnok Speculation *
Bp lal DItpitch to 7m till.
rsiiUHO , April 17. The failure
yesterday of James Marshall & Co. ,
Iron pipe manufacturers , waa the all-
important topic in commercial and
financial circles to day. The liabili
ties are considerably heavier than was
reported , and will not bo leas than
$1930.000. Of thla amount , $300-
000 Is to the Marahall estate. The
assets will coverall but $300,000.
-The hsarlest losers are Mark W t oc ,
of thla city' , hrother-in law of Jame *
Marahall , $120,000 ; Hogsett , Hanna
& Co. , furnaoo men , Uuiontown , P * . ,
$95.000 ; Marahall Bros. , Philadel
phia , $32 030 , leaving $173,000 to be
divided among the Fair Chance fur
nace company , Fayetto Brown , re
ceiver of Brown , Bjnnell & Co. ,
Yonng town , Ohio ; Dunbar tt ? * ) fur
nace company , and Rick Hill furnace
company. Almost every bank In this
city held papar , bat all were secured
and will not lose a dollar. The failure
was the result purely of speculation ,
and the condition of the irontrado waa
in no way responsible.
The Selfish Knights.
Special Dlipktch to Tus ! ) .
CHICAGO , April 17 One of the
morning papers to-day in commenting
editorially on the Apollo Gotrmanderj
Inquires : "Why should the European
trip have boon proposed Instead cf that
across the rock'es In company with
brothers from other oommanderlei'
The public knows that the Oallfornlo
commandery was not pleased with iti
treatment In 1880 , and that
Cassette , rightly or wrongly wai
blamed therefor. It has booc
said that there is no humiliation equal
to that of accepting hospitality from t
party one haa wronged. Was this a (
the bottom of Gassott's determinatiot
to out California accordiag to the let
ters of Dr. Oolllster. who was sent
out to vietr the land ? The Californ
lana have forgotten and forgiven thi
Inconvenience they suffered In Ohloaw
aud were prepared to heap coals o
earthly comforts on the heads of the
Apollo commsndery. "
ReorcniilxiK tb Party.
< JPOCU1 DUpUm to Tui liii ,
NEW YORK , April 17. The ropab ,
lican central committee hia adopted
resolutions Inviting suggestions Iron
all parties desirous of forming oni
harmonious and earnest organlzitloi
of the republican party lu the city
The committee to recaiyo the supgaa
tions and report B plan of reorganlza
tton Includes : Sohn J. O'Brien , Col ]
n Charles Spencer , Wm Djwd , Lloyi
16s Asplnwnll , Ohauncey M. Dapew , Theodore
odoro Dwlght , Whltolaw Reid , Gao
Jones and Hugh Hastings.
Mrzloan Blatters-
Special Dtipatch to Tin Bm ,
CITY or MEXICO , April 1C It ha
been determined hero to have the pot
tal service keep paoa with that of th
United States , It is hoped an intoi
national money order aystom will b
established ,
The Mexican laborers on Iho Max
can Central railroad have struck for $
rd Shipping New * .
Special Dlipatcb to Tui BII.
NEW YOBK , April 17. Arrlvec
Bnhnla from Liverpool , Perelro froi
Havre ,
LONDON , April 17. The Woslphn
at I Ha , Helvetia and Grecian Monsrc
In | from New York arrived out.
The "jiesourcos of Civilization"
as Applied to the Rogon-
erationofAfrioa ,
The Black Republic Luxuriat
ing on Pure American
"Pawnee Weed. "
Architect Hill's Profitable Rein-
tionu With Oontraotoro
Publicly Explained.
Salt of Maoh Importance to
Millar * ArRuod In the SB-
pr ma Conrt.
The Star Route Trial Near the Oloeo.
Special Dltpatchts to Tut Dai.
WASHIKOTON , April 17. Ooninl
jwii , of Sierra Laono , writes the
department of atato that importers of
leaf tobacco from the United Sates
claim that It la dishonestly packed ;
that the hogsheads on being opened
are found to contain a great deal of
refuse tobacco ; that from 25 to CO
per cent of all imported is not aoeord
Ing to sample and this is particularly
the case with Kentucky tobacco.t Ow
ing to the difficulties of inspeotlaB of
inferior character tobacoo , acoordlag to
Consul Lewis , it Is rarely diseojecejel
until It has found Its way tsV the
retailer's shop and the result Uf the
Impottor U obliged to make allowance
to the consumer which In sosae cases
averages 2 per hogshead oa the whole
cargo. Ho urges more oaretvl In
spection of tobacoo before shlfifeent.
The board of managers of tk % Na
tional homo for disabled volunteer sol.
dlers met at noon to-day at' the
Arlington hotel. The folio wing officers
were elected for the ensuing'year ' :
President , General W. B. Franklin ;
first vice president , Colonel L. A.
Harris , of Ohio ; second vice presi
dent , General John A. Martin , of
Kansas ; secretary , General M , T ,
MaoMahon , of New York. Tha resig
nation cf General W. S. Tllton"'gov
ern or of the home at Togas , Mat no ,
waa accepted , and General Lather
Stevenson , Jr. , of Mascaohnsetts , waa
elected. Dr. S. K. Towel , of Con
cord , waa elected aurgoon of the
southern homo at Hampton , Virginia.
Othur buslnea of the board was of o
routine character. The board leaves
hero to morrow to visit the soldiers1
homo at Hampton.
mot this Afternoon in the national
museum ; 26 members wora present ,
Including some of the best known
scientific men of the country. ( Prof.
O. 0. Marsh , vlo president , waa in'
the chair , and Prcf AdolphrHaU
acted as secretary. The ao 'de y will
remain Is aesilon nntll Friday.
Eleven loft &
charges < n <
Supervising Architect Hill by ex\Rjp-
resentative Mnrch have been referred
to a special committee. Those
charges allege general mismanagement
on the part of Hill in connection with
the poatoffioo of Philadelphia and the
custom honso of Oaloago ; also that
Hill corrupted the administration < f
his office agilnst the interests of the
United States , and that contractors
known to be guilty of fraud are
specially favored by the supervising
architect. Another specification Is
that employes In the office have used
government time and material in the
designs and construction of private
dwellings. Among the witnesses
named are Secretary Folgcr , Senator
Djiwea and A. B. Mnllett.
Ei-Postmastor General James was
called to the stand in the star route
trial to day. The examination was
brief. The prosecution put on the
stand for the purpose of contradicting
john W. Dorsey three hotel clerks
who showed by registers that Rardell
was In Nebraska and Colorado on
April 9 , although Dorsey had sworn
. he was in Washington.
1 Judge Julius B. Blssell , of Leid-
ville waa the next called and was ex
amlnod wlh regard to the so called
"Belford Check. " In iho argument
aa to the admlailblllty of thla testi
mony , Bliss said the books showed a
cheek draft to "J. B B " Ho would
not say who "J. B. B. " represented ,
bat would admit that he did not now
believe It meant Belford. Wltnets
said in June , 1870 he saw Djr'sey
draw a check or draft in Leadvlllo to
order of "J. B. B , " ; did not remem
ber its exact amount , but thought it
. was for about $2 000 ; It was to bo
divided among fonr gentlemen ;
n Judge Bowen , afterwards Senator
0 Bowen , waa one of the party.
„ In reply to Ingorsoll witness said
fthis ( witness1) ) Initials were placed on
the check , and Dorsoy suggested that
k. Charles W. Tankersloy , one of the
_ party , collect It ; did dot know on who !
j bink the check was drawn. It had
B. bsen given to Tankeraloy because the
< latter was Darsty'o attorney , and the
chock bad to bo collected out of town. .
Rerdoll wan recalled , and contra
dicted John W. Dorsoy where ho sale
that ho ( Rnrdoll ) waa In Washlngtor
In April , 1870
Bliss then raid that , with thoexoop
10 tlon of proof of the contents of th <
rGlendonuln letter , the prosecution hue <
o concluded.
Court then adjourned ,
Argument was begun in the Unltci
States supreme conrt to-day in i
case which may prove to bo ono (
ranch Interest und Importance to ul
millers who make what Is known a
m "patent process" flour. The case i
that of Robert L. Downton , appellate
- against the Yeager Milling company
h which comes here upon appeal froc
the circuit court of the United State
of the Eistoru district of Mir It
Is a salt brought far , * to In
fringement of a patent qnuitod
April 20. 1875 , npon an\ltnprovod
process for manufacturing mjadlinca
Hour by ctuihlng gratu between roll'
era. Among the doforaes sot .up by
the Yoigcr milling company is that
Djwnton's patent Is void for wjut of
novelty in tin Invention If the de
cision of the conrt should turn upon
this point rather than upon ono of
many other points of law involved ,
and thus settle the question of validity
of the patent , the case would bn ono
) t much Importance , since most of the
largo mills of the country have sub
stituted rollers for atones nnd ate now
manufacturing patent procois flour
The Boniwaa. Iitgal Fee-
Special Dlipittch to Tin Uiit
WASUINQTON , April 17. Oondd-
erlng the unfavorable circumstances ,
the close , dirk , Illy ventilated court
room and the unusually largo , tedious
irocoedlngs , the beginning of the
Kth month of the second
star route trial found the court ,
inry and counsel looking well and lu
remarkably good health. AU of the
defendants were present , a rather un-
utual occurrence.
Bpeclal Dlfpatchti to Tni Bis.
The New York senate , 10 to 8 , rejected
the motion to pay $15,000 to Mr . Martha
WathlDRton , widow of Dr. Lawrence A.
Waiblogton , of Dsnlton City , Texas , for
h purchase of certain relfos of George
The Scott bill , which became a law In
3hlo yesterday , taxes each liquor dealer In
.he. stata 1200 p r year ; those lalllnij only
3 er and wine $100.
At Minneapolis , the lloensa upon saloons
iai heretofore beta $300 , bat the council
lut * night raised it to $1,60 > . To * saloon
man are using everr effort to Induce Mayor
Ames t veto the bl 1 ,
Ths death seatcno * of Silas Gray , of
( Vettmortlaed county , Pa , was commuted
lo llfs Isaprisoament.
CattlBg Rat * * asa Grain. <
IptcUl DUpatch to Tui Bis.
NEW YORK , April 17. In cotlolng
the talk ct reducing grain rates , the
Tribune Wednesday will publish the
following : "No action has boon
taken yet by the trunk lines to stop
the catting of east bound grain rates
by western railroads. The receipts of
grain at New York are showing a
steady Increase from the amount re
ceived a few weeks ago , but the Erie
continues to carry more grain into the
city than the Now York Oantral
brltgs. Tixe Now York , Ltokawanna
and Western road also maintains its
advantages over the Pennsylvania
rllroad In Its Now York deliveries.
A vote la now being taken by mall
and telegraph among the roads form
ing the joint executive committee on
the question of reducing rates from 30
to 25 cents per 100 pounds on Chicago
and Now York basis. The reduction
is opposed by the New York Central
and Erie roads , but warmly advooatec
by the Pennsylvania railroad. Many
well Informed railway men believe
the reduction will bo mado. "
Special DUpatch to Tni B i.
i ALBANY , April 17. Mayor Edson
. \ade an argument to-day before the
g&nmlttee on cities , ot the legislature ,
M Vvor of his bill clothing the mayor
with power to appoint Chiefs of do-
artmonts and commissioners , and
oprlving the board of aldermen of
bo right to o infirm nominations ,
lo said that the present system is de
moralizing and dangerous to publio
ntorosts , because an agreement bo-
ween the mayor and the present con-
rralng power must necessarily 'bo
itsod npon compromlso and oonces-
Ion. This has boon the ease for the
> ast ten or twelve years , and during
his period very few appointments
wora made except such as were the
esnlt of political combinations and
> argans ! such as demoralize the public
orvloo and deteriorate the character
if public servants.
Wheat Proipeot * .
Special Dliratch to Tui U .
TOLEOO , April 17. 0. A. King &
) o. , of this city , have received over
hlrteen hncdred reports , covering
every Important wheat growing county
n Ohio , Indiana , Illinois , Michigan
Kansas and Missouri. One-quarter
of the reports present the condition
as very favorable ; ono quarter fair ;
one-third poor ; one-sixth very poor.
Dno-quarter reporta the present con
dition as much bettor than two weeks
ago ; one-half reports It slightly bat-
.er ; one-sixth about the same ; one-
; wolf th worse. Ono sixth lay bettet
than a year ago ; one-quarter say ai
[ oed ; nearly half report It worse.
The season is backward ; acreage and
reiervos about the same as at the cor.
responding time last year ,
A Strike.
Bpeclal Dispatch to Till Uu.
PmuuuBO , April 17. To hundred >
drod tanners , or about half the force
mployod at the Allegheny tcnnorbs ,
struck thla morning against the ro
ductlon of a dollar par week. The
iannerlea are running with reduced
forces , and It Is thought the inattoi
111 bo amicably settled within thi
next twenty-four boors. Nine con
mines along the Pan Handle rallroai
resumed operations this morning at i
reduced mining rate of throe conti
per bushel ,
The Urimntlo Festival.
Special Dlipatch to Tui Il .
CINCINNATI , 0. , April 17. Thi
Dramatic Festival association Is find
Ing a serious dlfibulty In provldlni
for the proas. Taey say they hav
already over 2,500 applications fo
press tickets from all parts of th
country. The snlo of slnglo seats 1
now progressing and shows a prefer
uico for the Julius Cmiarand Hamlc
Flour Mills linrnlnu-
Special DUpatch to Tui L'n.
MINNEAPOLIS , April 17 A fir
broke out In the "Model" fburln
mill In this city , owned by 11 P. Rui
soil & Cb , valued at ft 0.000 , at nln
o'clock thla evening , destroying thi
structure. It la certain that the "D.
kota" mill adjoining , valued at
000 , owned by H. B. Brown & Co. ,
will go , and other more valuable mills
In the proximity may follow. The
Model and Dakota mills 'each had a
capacity of 250 barrels o'day.
LATKU. The Dakota mill was saved ,
Total loss , $ GOOOOj total Insurance on
nuoSlnory and stock , (54,000 , all In
the Mutual company ,
ll I !
The Ronthein Ezpiiitioa.
Special Dlr.ktch to Tui Him.
April 17. The aug-
Rcstlon has been made to convert the
Loulsvlllo industrial exposition building -
ing into n hotel for the accommodation
of Iho Loulsvlllo southern exposition
this year. The building la n largo
brick , substantial and imposing In on
pearanoo. The structure can rcaduy
bo nrrAngod to comfortably accommo
date 'J 030 guests. The ground on
which the building atandi has boon
purchased by the government as n site
for the now custom house , and the re
quest has been forwarded to the sec
retary of the troasnr } to permit the
building to remain until after the
close of the southern exposition.
Bt. I < onts Official * .
Special Dlipatch to In * Ilia.
ST. Louis , April 17. Mayor Ewlng
aont hla appointments for the next
fonr years to the city oovnoll to-night.
The moat notable of these ia that of
Ohauooy I. Fllley , known In politics
hero aa Bias Filloy , and abroad as an
aspirant for a plaoo in both GarQeld's
and Arthur's cabinets , to bo assessor
and collector of water routs ; H. Clay
Sexton , reappolnted ohief of the fire
department , and Gen. John D. Stev
enson 1s named for health commis
IkP les Trippad Up.
Special DUpatch to Tni BII ,
NiwYoBK , April 17. The police
made the discovery that the seizure
of trambllng implements last night ia
not justified In law. The penal code
authorises the selxare of the para
phernalia if the owner 1s arrested , and
the destruction of the articles U the
owner Is convicted. Action for tres
pass and damages will be brought.
Ships Acker * .
Bpeclal DUpakh lo Tni Him.
VICTORIA , B. C , April 17. A ship
ping disaster , unparalleled at this ,
port , occurred yesterday. Fonr ships
were blown ashore by a hurricane
which lasted fifteen hours. Vessel
after vesaol parted anchors and wora
driven ashoro. Ono sailor was killed
by a falling spar. On shore little erne
no damage was done except to trees
and fences.
Mooney and Pavrnall-
Spcc'al Dlip&t.h to Tin DEI.
BUFFALO , April 17. The president
ot the American land league cables
Parnoll : "Philadelphia convention
can not bo postponed. Wo regret yon
can not bo with us , but everything
Indicates the convention will bo the
largest and most Important over hold
by Irish Americans. '
GOBO to Work.
Special Dlfpatoh 13 Tni liii
NEW Yens , April 17. The striking
carpenters , ic is reported , are meeting
with success In tholr demands for $3
per day.
RKADINO , Pa , , April 17. The strik
ing moulders of the Manhattan hard
ware company oturaod lo i.W V „ & ' ;
morning , their committee having re
oolved satisfactory terms from the
With Opin Doors *
Bpeclal DUpatch to Tin UM.
WASHINGTON , April 17. The ses
lions of the commlttoo to Investigate
the charges against Supervising Arohl
teot Hill , of the treasury department
will bo hold with open doors. News
paper men and other interested partioi
are invited to attend. The charger
will bo heard to-morrow , and the in
voslgatlon proper will bo begun or
Monday ,
Gen. Mead is at home from the east.
P. 8. Euitli and wife went east Mon
Thos. Falconer was a weit bound pasien
ger yeiterdny.
Vic Dlerbower has taken up his perma
neut abode in Omaha ,
lion. J. M. Wool worth bai re'.urnec
from Waahington City.
Andy HI ley , of Klley & Dellone , left fo
Salt Lake City yeiteiday.
COM. Klove , the undertaker , went wei
on the noon train jeaterday.
Leavltt Uurnham , U. If. land commls
iloner left yeiterday for Ilalloy , Idaho.
Chief [ Engineer Bllokemderfer'of thi
Oregon Short Line , went weit jeiterday.
Mri. Hllea D. Hauck and little son let
for the eut Monday to vitlt her old bom
In Detroit.
Stipt , Congdon , Mr. Wilson and Supt
Line , of the U , P , , left for the weit a
noon yesterday it special car O. 0 ,
Her. W. J. Haraba and lion. Otis II
Ballou , left on the noon train yesterday fo
Madlion to attend the preibytery , whicl
meet * there this week.
Mr. Ben DeClroat returned Monda
from atrip to Lincoln where he vlalted bl
brother Charlie , whom ho report i s lool
ing quite well.
Jno. A. Holnaon , ' Into with Pnxton i
Gallftqher , and Hairy A. Owen , o ! Kami
City , are In town , and about to start f <
Ilalley , Idaho , where they will engage I
a general merchandise bualnets.
William Dullau , K I. , general agent ft
II. K. Bucklln & Co. , Chicago , Is in U
city on bualneta. Ho in a pleaaant gcntl
man as well aa ono of the boat huilnc
tner on the road ,
W. L. Hiking , ! ' . A. 11. Wldener.ond ]
J. Matthews , of Philadelphia , returned
Omaha from Denver Monday , In 001 >
pany with U CIreoii , u San Francisco c& ]
a- Has the largest assortment of Rang
a10 and Cook Stove , Barb Fence Wit
at all of which yon can buy cheaper th
\-1 any place In town at 015 and C17 3
i-110th , street. m27-ood Itno
The Shadow of the Gallows
Relieves His Bloody
Conscience ,
A Jersey Murderer Oonfeoaoa
His Crime the Day Before -
fore His Deatb.
The Newhall Saloon Keeper
Acquitted of the Charge
of Firing the Hotel.
Two Prominent Nobrialcann Ford-
b'y Reminded ufBordon's
A General Variety of Ortmo.
A Mnrderar's Xiast
Bpeclal Dispatch to Till Bir.
MOURISTOWN , N , J. , April 17.
James Trlgtown , sentenced to bo oio-
ontod to-morrow for the murder of
Minnie Ohlgwin , confesses that his
statements at the time of the trial
against the girl were false. He never
know anything detrimental to her
character. Ho confessed having fol
lowed Minnie and Harry James , his
rival , along the tow path and attemptIng -
Ing to ahoot James , but hit revolver
missed fire the first time , and Minnie ,
stopping between himself and James ,
roomed the second shot. In the
straggle both rolled into the canal ,
and when ho disengaged her arms
from his neek she was dead Ho then
made two attempts at self-destruction ,
one ballet passing into his head back
of his ear. The iherlff thinks thla Is a
true statement. Trlgtowd bailed him
self to-day writing letters .to hU
mother , bidding his brother good
bye , and conversing with his spiritual
adviser * .
8pcfl DteptUh to THI MSB. '
Niw You. April 17. T corner I
ot Vandorbllt and Park avenges ,
Brooklyn , waa the scene of a horrible
murder this afternoon The murderer
Is Dlodrloh Mahukon , who has a
grocery at the corner where the shoot
ing occurred , and the victim Is
Dlodrloh Sttfllns , a lager beer dealer
at 108 Wyth street. Stiffln has for a
long time boon paying attentions to
Anna Dosohor , Mahuken's niece , and
who resided with him and family over
the store. Hero Steffi us visited Mils
D jiohor , to whom ho was engaged to be
married. Mahukon waa very suspi
cious of him , aud believed ho was un-1
duly Intimate with his wife. His
wife , knowing his jealousy , got Miss
Dosoher iol move to a friend's honso
and requested 8tiffins to stay away.
The murdered man was delivering
goods opposite Mahuken's store this
afternoon and crossed the street In
answer to % call from a friend. He
had hardly reached the sidewalk when
Mahukon approached , holding In his
hand a revolver. Without a word he
fired five shots at Bteffins , fonr balls
entering his head , the fifth la hb left
breast BUfllns dropped dead aad
8p cUI DUpatch to Tns bu.
MILWAUKEE , April 17. George
Boholler , accused ( f setting fire to the
Nowhall homo ou the morning cf
< January 10th last , was to-day acquit
ted by the jury. Five ballots were
taken , and only one of the jurors was
for conviction all that time , and he
finally gave In became Judge Mailory
instructed that if there was any doubt
In his mind ho mmt give the prisoner
the benefit of the doubt The court
room re * echoed with cheers when the
verdict was announced.
Gaptnraofa Mnrdarar.
SpclU DUp tch ( o Tni BII.
EWTORIA , Kas. , April 17. Albert
Baylor , the man arrested near this
city last week , has been fully Identi
fied aa the man who , with his broth
ers , murdered Sheriff Onto and Dap-
uty Sheriff Oonway , of Hamilton
county , Tennessee , last winter. Offi
cers are here with a roqnltltlon from
( he governor of Tennessee to get the
man , but he Is held here under $3-
000 bonds for aaaault with Intent to
: kill. n
Santaaoa of Mnrdarar * * : ,
Special DUpatch to Tni liu.
MirwtUKKB. April 17. A Jefferson
( Wls ) dispatch saya Judge Binnett
aentencod John Kodlah and hla wife ,
Barbara , who were both convicted of
the murder of Kodlsh'a mother In that
city on the night of December 0 , to
the state prison for life , the first oay
and ono day of each year , corresponding -
ing with the day cf the month on
which they committed the murder , to
be passed In solitary confinement.
A Desperado's ) Victory.
Special Dupatcb to Tui Uii ,
LITTLE ROBK , April 17. The Ga
zette's Fort Smith special says
that at Annona , Texas , United
ilsk States Djpnty Marshal Layman , of
k- the Western Arkansas district , was
killed by James 8 , Lennox , the Texas
& desperado , f ir whom ho had a writ
as for the murder of two men. Lennox
erIn attacked the marshal's camp in the
In southern Chootaw nation with a band
of outlaws aud shot and killed Lay
'or man , and released the prisoners lu
tholr possession.
na Prominent Nebraskaus Arra sttd
Special Dlipatch to Tui Uu.
15. LINCOLN , April 17. Depuly Sheriff
Ito Abbott , of Haotinga , and Brown , who
owns a grist mill there , were taken
nv through Lincoln to-day , In charge of
of c libers , to Nobra&ba Oily , where an
Indictniont4 been found against
them for afresting Hamilton without
cause , as the abductor of Maggie Hen-
ncko. This Is the remnant of Bor-
ro , den'a work. Au attempt was made
tan hero to release them on A writ of
N. I habeas corpus , bat Judge Parker do-
| oldocl against It.