Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1883, Image 2

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New Life
Is given by using BROWN'S
Winter it strengthens and
warms the system ; in the
Spring it enriches the blood
and conquers disease ; in the
Summer it gives tone to the
nerves and digestive organs ;
in the Fall it enables the
system to stand the shock
of sudden changes.
In no way can disease be
so surely prevented as by
keeping the system in per
fect condition. BROWN'S
IRON BITTERS ensures per
fect health through the
changing seasons , it disarms
the danger from impure
water and miasmatic air ,
and it prevents Consump
tion , Kidney and Liver Dis
ease , &c.
/ / 6" . Berlin , Esq. , of the
well-known firm of II. S.
Berlin & Co. , Attorneys , Lc
Droit Building , Washing
ton , D. C. , writes , Dec. 5th ,
1881 :
Gentlemen : I take pleas
ure in stating that I have used
llrown's Iron Bitters for ma
laria and nervous troubles ,
caused by overwork , with
excellent results.
Beware of imitations.
ERS , and insist on having
it. Don't be imposed on
with something recom
mended as "just as good"
The genuine is made only
by the Brown Chemical Co.
Baltimore , Md.
, Every Oorsot U iramnted Mts ! >
. factory to its wearer in ererr way ,
. ' 6r tbe money will be refunded by
\ the person trom whom It was bought.
ytfc < > nl7Oorwt 1-ronounoed by our Iwdlns ; pbyijeUn
( ta | > rt M to Ihawwnr , uidradorwdbr luilM a
K7'imoi conirortbU and pntoot Ottliig Con t tr
PRICE * , by Mall. fuUg Fall I
, Pmcrrlni , 1.00. Stlf.AajalU , 1.0 (
UsMnUBtJ ( ulra heavy ) .00. Nanlac , 1.S <
Ilk Pr 4 r l ( In * 111) .00 (
T7 klrt.B.pporUn , , el.OO.
< Irtrskl * by Udl B H UU ! ) ! . ,
'OIUOAQO OOUSCX GO , , Chlcnto , HI.
. .
Ota * „ Vloo FrH't.
W. B. Dsisiin , B e.aadTmi ,
Lincoln , Neb
Corn Planters Hrrrowa.Parm Boiler
Bulky Hay Bakea , Bucket Blevtttlni
Windmills , &o.
Wi ar prtputd to do Job work and manntai
turns ; lor othtr partlM.
Addrecsal ordsrs
Lincoln Neb.
Send 81 , S3 , S3 , 01
85 fur n wniuplo re
tnll box by KxpretiR
of the lioHt cnndl H Ii
America , put up Ii
decant boxen , niu
ntrlctly pure. Sulln
bio far iiriH ! iitn. Kx
lirrHH rlmi'iroH lleht
llcfcra to all Chlcn
DANDY . Try U once.
AdrtroMB ,
Confectioner ,
COMP ovuo now or
11101 DIOIHHNJT1M. piKirivi resell
VUfllTNI ItVIHAUg rutm KNOWN . mutt
roH o.iiwuir
Wo Drank From the Uamo Uantoon
There are bonds of all sorts In this world
of otirn ,
Ftlters ot friendship Mid tics of flowers ,
and true lovers' knot * , I wuen ;
The girl and the boy are bound by a kits.
Uut there's never a bond , old friend , like
Wo have drunk from the same canlcio !
It was * nmetlms water and nomotlraei
milk , .
And sometimes appl j ck , fine as silk ;
But , whatever the t ppls has been ,
We Mured It together In bane or bllm ,
And I warm to you , friend , when I think
of ttls-
We have drunk from the same canteenl
The rich and the great sit down to dlnr ,
And they quaf ! to each other in sparkling
wine ,
From glasses of crystal and green ;
Hut I guess In their goldor. potat'ons they
The warmth of regard to bo found In this
Wo have drunk from the same canteenl
We have rhared our blankets and tents
t nether.
Wo have marched and fought In all kinds
of weather ,
And hungry and full we have been ;
Had days of battle and days of rest ;
Hut this memory I cling to and love the
Wo have drunk from the same canteenl
For when wounded I lay on the outer
slopp ,
With my blood flowing fait and but little
Upon which taint spirit could lean ,
Oh , then , I remember , you crawled to my
side ,
And , bleeding so fast It seemed both must
have died ,
We drank from the same canteenl
Private Miles O'Uellly.
Told Wltb a Kiss.
I know not how It happened ,
Or what I had to say
But olcudu hid all the sunshine
On my darling's face that day ,
I longed to a > k forgiveness
For bitter words of mine ,
But pride was fierce stubborn.
And so I g T no sign ,
I raw the swift tears falling
Upon my darling's cheek ,
And then the grievedUp quivered
Wltb wordishe did not speak ,
Then something whispered to mo :
"Whst better way thanthU ?
Go tell her that you love her.
And tell it with ft kiss ! "
"Dear hcartl" I cried , "I love you !
Forgive the words I spoke. "
Across her face the sunshine
Through summer shower * broke.
"I'm most to blame , " she whispered ,
"For what h "
s gone amiss.
And the troubloi of the morning
Were ended in a kiss.
Peter Cooper.
Give honor nnd love for evermore
To this great man gone to rest :
Peace on tha dim Plutonian shore ,
Host in tbo land of the blest.
I reckon him greater than any man
That ever drew sword In war ;
I reckon him nobler than king or khan ,
Braver and better by far ,
Ard wiiest he In this whole wide land
Ol hardloR till btnt and gray ;
For all yu can hold In your cold dead
Is what you have given away.
So. whether to wander the stars or to rest
Forever huihed and dumb ,
He gave with a test and gave his best ,
And d serves the best to come.
Shrimp pink Is another new color , It
ooks very well with boiled crab.
T'lrds of a feather make the money fly
when It comes to women's bead gear.
L t a womsn bo ever so ugly tt Is tbe
duty of the conductor to count her far * .
Some people like to sea them > elv s In
print } ladle * prefer silk. Doston Star ,
There are no femile dndes. Tha society
Idiot is always a man. New Orleans Plot-
y nn .
Fla'ds will be nied for street wear , but
not for house wear. Plaid out , to to
Dresses will be wo'n shirt durin ? the
summer months. So will tha old man's
boodle ,
A lady tourist at Jacksonville. Florida ,
took to a jeweler a live llztrd , asking that
It be mounted In gold fof a scarf pin , - "
The wife ot ex.Presldent Tyler dreises
her hair just as she did when a young
bride In the white home many years ago.
A hat seen on a pretty girl the other day
had a smill owl perched on the brim , with
his ayes peering down Into the wearer's
The New York Graphic states that
paste diamond worth (2 was picked up at
the Vanderbilt mansion after the recent
grand ball.
Tbe use of arsenic Is said tb be Increas
ing among fashionable Idiots in the west
It beautifies for awhile , but leavesa phutlj
wreck of withered cadaverousneis.
Miss Nellie Coon , of Charles City. Is ,
has pieced two qulltr , one containing
r,033 , and the other 9,680 , both of whlot
were comuleted before her 16th year.
It Is the fashion this spring to wear na
tural Uuwers in the bonnet , a fresh clustei
belngput on the hat every day. The idei
Is a charming but rather expensive one.
Younp women who are pining to palnl
"flower pieces" are reminded Unit tin
flower piece tlut Is the most attractive t <
the marrying man Is a batch of good bread
A Jeffersonvllle ( Ind. ) young lady In
ported a pair of roller skrtes from Europi
made i xpreasly to her order. The steamo
that brought them over carried no othe
ballast ,
A Michigan girl fell from a step-ladder
striking her head against a marble'toj
table with such force as to break tbe mar
ble , but the only suffered a heidtcha Ii
A girl who Is to marry a farmer has ai
engagement ring with k small turnip , pan
nip , poUto and bunch of parsley oj charm
depending from It. They are In gold , am
are very pretty and unique.
In Central American marriages th
Broom provides tbe entire trousieau of th
bride , but as It generally consists of
piece of cotton about a yard square , I
doein't cost him a deuce ot a lot ,
In New York 40,000 women and girl
support themselves by their own labor am
\000 other women maintain tbemselve
and their husbands by manual labor an
by brain work.
"They say Charley Ins married. D
yon know his wile ? la oho a worn in c
unv intelligence ? Ii she well Informed !
"well , I should say so. She his belongei
to the village eewlng circle for ton ycai
and net or misted a meeting , "
Breach of promise suits against womei
are becoming so numerous that ere long n
woman will feel safe lu listening tt th
tender nothings of a lover without secui
log from him a renouncement of all clalic
against her ettato.
Pretty colored stockings and low shoe
are de reeueur with dainty ihort costume
Tbe patent-leather shoe has a plain fli
bow or a cockade over the instep. Mm
dressy shoes are of unglazed kid of tt
color ot the dress , plain or embrolderei
with op n bows across tbe Instep but r
bow or ornsment of any kind.
A stylishly-dressed woman entered
restaurant. The waiter banded her a bl
of fare and said : "Please mark cfftl
dishes you wish to order , Could a womi
In a sealskin confess that she could m
read ? Not much. Taking the pencil si
made a few dishes , and her order re *
" " "March 20 ' 83 " ve
"Dinner 60 oents , , ,
etablci , " "plcano pay at the ilosk , " "cel
ery. " The waiter brought her beefsteak
and onions tnd prune sauce , and she til J
not dare to ralso n word In protcit.
Summer and wathtng silks will bo In
high vogue this year.
Facetted pearls are much used upon np-
right collars of silk evening toilets.
New fancy grenadines are heavily bro
caded , and closely resemble brocaded silks
In straw hats and bonnets the color of
crashed rasplerry Is produced In deli
cate shades closely resembling periwinkle
pink ,
Sultan Is the name of a now dark red ;
pensee rouge an odd shape purple : nnd
vert clalr Is another peculiar tint added to
the long list of greens.
Double or single pipings of satin , In
white and colors , braided In floral designs
and deep-pointed edges , are used an head
ings to other trlmmlncs upon dinner and
carriage costumes ,
I am engaged to bo married , but sines I
B id"Ycfl. " I have dltcovered that 1 do
not enjoy having my lover klsi rco. What
rhouln I do ? Hold him elf gently hut
firmly with ono hand and seutentluualy
offer him a clove with the other. Lowell
Citizen. This is poor advice to give a
young girl. We should say cut loose from
him at once unless ho is rich.
It Is qulto the fashlcn for ladies who
have a fancy for doing their own dressmaking -
making to go to a fashionable dressmaker ,
or. better still , to an "artist , " who undertakes -
takes the construction ( f "tailor-made"
dresses , and have what Is termed a "per
manent puttern" that Is , a bodice of thick
linen cut to the exact measurmont of tbe
form and fitted perfectly. This bodice Is
then all taken opart , ready to sorye as a
pattern fJr all future corsages ,
The mania for braiding dresses , and , for
that matter , for braiding ot every de
scription , seems to be greater than ever.
It teems strange that no simple fashion
can be adopted without being carried to
extremes and hackneyed within three
months. Braiding and beading both look
well if used sparingly ; but an entire dress
running over with ornamental vines and
leayei , berries , bugs , bird * , and blossoms
put on indiscriminately from throat to
pklrt-hem Is a sight to see , and is in utterly
bad taste ,
Child's play : George F. Kyle , aged 14 ,
was married the other night in Covlngton ,
Ky. , to Lizzie Holllngsbead , aged 13. The
parents of both the children were present.
A Delaware girl married a young man
( Le same day he went to jail , the object
being to have some romance about it. The
next day after he carce out he broke her
note , aud she sighs for no more romance.
Congressman John D. White , ot Ken
tucky , the only republican member from
that state in the last oongres" , ia to be mar-
rled in April to Mies Alice Il.rrls , daugh
ter of Congressman liar r In , of Massachu
A well to do farmer living near Head
ing , Pn. , created a sensation by bringing
his three young and hand-mine daughters
Into court as the plaintiffs in three sep
arate actions for breach of promise of mar
riage ,
William Long , a 'bus driver a t Burling
ton , on a short acquaintance a few weeks
ago marrle J a lady from Barrio and settled
down. Scarcely was the hone ) moon over
when a detective arrived from liarrle and
arrested Mrs L mg on a charge of bigamy.
M. W. Ileenan , of Glenooe , la. , who It
supposed to have a wlfa living near Grand
Forks , married , or pri tended to marry'a '
daughter of Mr. / 1 toeand In consequence
was treated to a coat of tar and feathers by
the boys of the town.
Ann Brnoker , aged twenty-four , of a re
spect able Tor ring ton , Conn. , family , eloped
with and married a full-blooded negro
named Joe Bradley , coachman of her
father. The couple are living In a shanty
at Ashley Falls , Mass. She refuses to
leave Bradley.
The other day , as a Utlca clergyman
and his wife were admit Ing the site and
' eanty of a 920 gold piece , whloh the for-
Der had just received as a marriage fee ,
and exchanging confidences as to the beat
way of Investing It , a messenger arrived
'ireathleas from the bridegroom to say that
in unfortunate mistake bad bean made ,
.bat . $20 was out ol all proportion to his
neons , and that he wai under the painfnl
eoesslty of asking the mlMater to accept
much smaller sum.
Mine Majeronl has gone to Australia to
oln her husband.
Mme. Nllsson Intends to tall by the
Gallla for Europe on tbe 18h inst.
.Fanny''iDaveijtj.ort Is to produce ! 'Je- ,
lora" at Ilaverly't , Philadelphia October
Mary Anderson is to open September
st In Henry Irving's Lyceum Theatre ,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weston ( Effie Ells-
er ) sal ) for England in the Spain , of the
National Line , April 31.
The New York Post refers to Capoul's
'absurd ' habit of turning bis face upward
, nd sending up falsetto notes like a series
f soap bubbles. "
It is estimated that the legitimate drama
in America gives honorable employment
ind support to fifty thousand persons of
arious grades and posltlunr.
When Mr. Henry Irving ii presented at
lonrr , it Is rumored that no will be
knighted. It would make an admirable
prelude to his American engagement.
Salvlnl and Clara Morris are to begin a
two weeks' season In Booth's theatre , April
16 , playing tbe first week In "Tho Outlaw'
hree nlghta and a matinee , and In
'Othello' ono night.
In response to an advertisement for
twenty young men to appear a * peasants
and courtiers In anew piece at the Madison
Square theater , 750 people of every age ,
alze , and compitxlon , preientedthemselves
as applicants.
Beethoven's "Fliello , " with English
wordr , has juit been brought out in Lon
don , The event poaseised rare Interest , ai
It was the first appearance ot Marie Hoic
In English opera , and the example is te
garded au Important precedent.
M. J. Weber , tbe musical critic of thi
Paris Temps , says be counted more than
twenty-five distinct leading motives IE
"Henri VIII. , " the new opera by Saint
Saens. Tbe treatment of the melody , am
tbe declamation too , l < often Wngnerlan
A complete cyclus of all Wagner's works
with tbe exception of "Paul a ] , " Is to b <
given In Munich In historical order , be
ginning with "Hlenzl. " and ending or
\prll 13 wllh "Die Gotterdammerung. '
In Vienna a similar cv'clut will be River
next October , when "Tristan and Uolde'
will be aung for the first time. Vieuui
has the best opera in the world.
TerealnaTua.tbe young Italian vlolmla
wh } cteated such a lonsatlon In Berlin i
few months ago , has since appeared In 1U (
cnucerts , the receipts of which amount tc
3.10,0 0. She gava sixteen concerts Ir
Vienna , eleven In Leipzig , nlno In I'eath
eto. Her first two concerts In Vlenni
were given In the opera homo a dlstino
tlon accorded no violinist since Mlanolla.
Edwin Booth haa taken Germany b ]
storm. Tbe adulation he receives almos
amounts to an idolatrous craze. Tbe en
tbuilasm he aroused In Berlin has beet
surpassed by the excitement at Hamburg
The most eminent critics say they bav
never seen Hamlet , Lear or Othello be
fore , and that his scholarship is as peer
less as bis acting. His engagements ar
rich harvests for ticket speculators
Crowds surround his carriage and chee
him as he leaves tbe theater. Frcm man
agers down to "supes , " the theatrics
people have gone wild over him , and In
slit on klsslp him on both cheeks
behind the scene * , after each act
The male actors , according te the oont
nental custom , fall on him with beard &
osculation , and bevies of actresses wayla
him with floral contributions and beg th
privilege of killing the great "Melster" i
the dramatic profession. This Is the fin
Ime any American artist has eyer ob-
alncd abroad such popular and profes-
lonal recognition as wo are In the habit of
avishlng on all foreign art colobrltlei' , and
1 Is Indeed a great national triumph for an
Vmerican ta bo thus crowned in Germany
s the matter dellnoatot of Shtketpearo's
reitlnns. For In no other country has
ihakoipoaro been so critically studied and
o intelligently admired as In Germany.
A stove made in 1828 in York , Pa , , waa
econtly sold forSl.OOO.
Joseph Thompson , of Simmons' Gap ,
( ! . , has hnd nlno wives and fifty-three
A Italelgb , N 0. , youth of 18 Is sir feet
light inches in height. An a ham bangor
n a country grocery store he has no eqeal.
Tbe old wagon in which John Brown
used to carry runaway negroes from Hit-
our ) , and which carried aims f > r his men
t Harper's Ferry , belongs to U. S. Fair.
11 , of Iowa City.
A big oak tree was felled the other day
n the Dr. Wilklns ranch , twelve miles
west of Jlarjavlllo , Cal. The trunk of the
reo measured cluht feet in diameter and
7oa about twenty-four feet in clrcum-
o.enco. It male twenty-three cords of
A London magazine for 1794 contains
bo following almost unique death an-
ouncemeut : "In childbed of her thlr-
eth child , the wife of Mr. Joseph Sim * ,
t the Hell Inn , Cambridge county , Glou-
ester. "
Ihe first night on which Simuel Soitt ,
t Wartburg. Tenn. , went into a bed to
leep he died. He weighed 350 pou ds ,
, nd by a physician's advice used to sleep
y kneeling upon the floor , with his head
eating upon a chair. , k
Seven Inches from the outside of a log
n a Penniylyanla mill , the saw pasted
irough a walnut which was imbedded In
ia solid wood. The shell and kernel of
he nut were sound. The growth oi the
rre shows that the nut is at least fifty
ears old.
A man living near Like Louise. In
Manitoba , picked up an armful of stick * ,
nd carrying them home threw them un-
er the stove. In a few mjments two of
ie sticks began crawling away , having
eveloped Into good-alied moccasin
A dog owned in Portland. Me. , has quite
fancy for traveling. When the freak
akes him he goes aboard the Boston boat
nd makes a quiet trip ol 160 miles by tea ,
Vheu the boat reaches Boston he dlsaf-
> ears in the crowd , but never fails to re-
urn and make the homeward trip at night ,
fo one knows where ho spends the clay
fter leaving the boat , nor how ho manages
o keep posted on tbe boat's departure ,
which is two. Lours earlier in winter than
n nuinmer , but he never gets left.
Tbe Augusta ( Ga. ) News reports that
Ir. T. J Pittman , who has betn a pro-
easional fi.her.i an on the Savannah river
or thlrty-hve years , brought into tcwn a
ay or two since , along with a number < f
nagntficent shad , a specimen which Is
mown to naturalists as tbe "cavalla. " It
s tbe first of this fish ever found in these
waters , and waa viewed by a number of
entlemen. Its natural home Is the waters
f the Mediterranean sea and others of tbe
'i ' lent , whete It is highly prized as an
rtloleof food.
A medical school for women is to be es-
abllshed at Toronto , Canada.
A West Point csdet begins with the
ame pay which a Prussian captain re-
elves after twenty year of service.
Columbia college makes the modest re-
ueit for an endowment of Sl.OCO.OCO and
ver , to enable It to become a gre t unlver-
Miss Emma P. wing , superintendent of
le training ; school of cookery at Chicago ,
will visit Des Motnesittnetlme dating this
month and organize one or more classes la
ookery. .
A small boy , who wai playing truant the
tber day , when asked If he wouldn't get
i whipping whence got home , replied ;
What is five minutes' licking to five noun
t fun ? " There Is foodX > r reflection in
bis ,
At Hartford , Conn. , the public hl h
chool is to have a new equatorial tele-
cope with an object glass of 912lnchei
perture. This will be the most powerfnl
Usi In any high school in the country ,
nd few colleges have any more powerfnl
The number of medical sin lend officially
exhtered In Great Urluln during the
ear 1882 was. we find. 1,862 Of these
,034 were registered in .England , 585 In
Scotland , and 424 In Ireland. These num-
> ers are considerably less than those rrgls-
eredas in course of study during either ol
he three preceding year- , the falling ofl
icing exclusively In England and Ireland.
By order of the secretary of war two In
truotors from West Point will visit Dart
mouth to examine their methods of Instruo-
Ion. Y.le , Harvard and Princeton will
klso be visited. The secretary' * order con *
iludes thus : "It is desirable that West
? olnt should avail Itself of everything
which Is commended a d endorsed by the
Ipe experience of our leading institution !
if learning. "
Within the past three yean a great 1m
provement in the manner of choosing th <
irlze speakers at Dartmouth college. For
merly two men were elected by the re.
spective classes for the position , and nat
urally personal and society feeling con
rolled the electiops , and as a consequent
rnpmper representatives were chosen. Th <
ippolutments are now made the result o
competitive ipeakiog , open to the wholi
class ,
Tbe Indian institute to be opened at Ox
ford May 2 , Is to be supported by a func
of 8105,000 , subscribed fay a large Htt. be
ginning wltb the queen. The chief object :
of tbe Institution are "to give effective anc
tiustworthv teaching to all subjects tha
relate to India and Its Inhabitant * , tt
promote anil encourage Indian researches
: o concentrate and disseminate correc
dean on Indian matters by united etfor
and comblced action ,
The whipping of rtudmts in Harvart
college prevailed uctll 1731 , and the in
struotors were privileged to box the ear
of offending ones for several , years after
Corporal punishment was succeeded by i
peculiar and extemlve system of fines
Absence from prayer * was punished by i
fine of 2d. ; absence from public worshlj
by a fine of 9 J. ; tardiness , 2d. ; for golm
to church before the ringing of the bell
51. ; for "profane cursing" a fine of 2 *
OJ. WM imposed ; for graduates playlni
caids 5i. ; for under-graduites laylni
cardr , ii. ! 61 , ; lying , Is. 6d ; going on to ;
of the cellege. Is. GJ. ; sending for beer
3d. ; fetching beer , 1 . 01. ; for going lnt <
the college yard ( without the prope
garb , lJ ) ,
Bumax's DISEASE of the Kldnovo ,
Diabetes aud other Diseases of tin
Kidneys and Llvor , whloh yon are bo
lug ao frightened about , Hop Bittur
Is the only thing that will auruly am
permanently prevent and euro. Al
othur pretended cnroa only relieve fo
a time and then makd you many ttmo
Money for the Unmarried.
One of the moat solid and subatlltlo
institutions In this country ia the -ilai
rlage Fund and Mutual Trust Association
of Cedar Hapids , Iowa. They are onan
ized under the laws of Iowa , and heir ol
ficers and directors are among the leadlu ,
and most prominent business men o Ceda
Kaulds. Every unmarried person shoul
have a certificate in this association ,
It Is a splendid Investment , as safe as
government bond. You can just as we !
have a good sum of money to oommeno
married life on as not. A large number c
members have been paid off , receiving-
300 per cent on their investment. Writ
for circulars fully detailing the plan , whlc
is the finest known. Do not postpone 11
Good agents wanted. Mention where yo
saw this notice , f5-Sm.
Revised : "Take time by the bang. "
Owing to the cold spring , Apill flowers
rill wear overcoats this year.
If this dynamite badness goes on the
Englishman will be more ' 'blarsted" than
i ver ,
The most important "Number One" In
his country is the No. 1 mackerel. It
ays along way over the Irish suspect.
Kerosene oil Is again coining into
tshlon as an Illuminatrr , This proves the
aying that a whistle cannot bo made from
i pig tall ,
It Is said that much of the recent pros
perity In the couth Is due to the slip-shod
nanner In which all northern drummers
ilay poker ,
A New York chemist makes applesauo
iut of chemlctls , A surpassing triuuipb ,
mwever , awaits the man wh' > can vtark
rer old Derby hats into Charlotte rueao ,
The new discovery that kissing cures
rockles may bo all right , but the dlltlculty
with a youth who his thecomplexion of au
African leopard ia that liecau't get anyglrl
o kiss him ,
Just as an Indlnna clergyman pronounc
ed a couple man and wife , he fell to the
leer and expired. It snapped the heart *
tilngs to-thlnk that he might be summon
ed as a witness In a divorce caas.
A Lexington , Ky , , doctor hangs out the
allowing sfcn : "Dr. Tooles , iclantltio
orver of toes and limbs , specialist and exert -
> ert in removing rheumatism , corns and
cramps extracted according to nature. "
A man at a hotel fell the whole length
of a flight of etilrs. Servants ruthed to
pick hlin up , They asked htm If ho was
hurt "No , " he replied , "not at all. I'm
iaed to coming down that way. I'm a life
nsurance agent. "
At Irkutsk , Siberia , they sell milk by
> lock , each block hiving a stick frozen
nto it for convenience In carrying. Vou
can get milk with a stick in it In this
country , but the stick does not always
make It easier ta carry.
According to the Cincinnati Knqnirer , a
ramp refused to saw.wood for his dinner ,
giving as a reason that he was bitterly op-
msed to the destruction nt our American
orests. and would do nothing to encourage
hat kind of business.
We have read several articles on the
intjecttf German legislation against the
American hog , hut fall to see that Bis
marck proposes to do anything to the man
vho wears muddy boots and sits cross
egged on the crowded horse car.
"He's not just what you call handsome' "
laid the msjur , beaming through his glasses
in an utterly hideous baby , as it lay peace-
ully howling in its mother's arms. "But
t'g the kind if face that grows on you. "
'It's not the kind if face that ever grow
on you , " was the Indignant reply ot tha
maternal being , "you'd be better looking
f it had , "
MOB ? ichusetts has 290 Baptist churchec ,
227 pastors and 48,324 members.
There are about 20,000,0 0 Methodists
oattered over different parts of the globe.
Among1 the Urge number of converts
rota tbe Catholic churches In the eastern
> art of Connecticut many have become
The Presbyterian board has purchased a
arge and valuable bullulug in San Fran *
clscc , at a cost of 322,500 , for a Chinese
The minutes of the Alabama Conference ,
Methodist Episcopal Oourch , show a total
membership of 30,677 , an iuorease during
the i ear of 1,467.
It is said thtt the Mormon missionaries
i the South , with all their tucces * in re-
rutting deluded victims , have never
secured a negro convert.
There were 19,777 Quakers In Great
Britain and Ireland , besides 0,190 regular
attendants at the Friends' meetings who
ire not in full membership ,
Bishop Whlpple administered the ritt
> f confirmation upon 247 Indians during
ill ucent vlslts'to the Chippewa mission ,
here there are now eight churches.
There are 850 pastors in charge of 658 , .
100 Protestants in FranceIn tbe Ke-
formed church there are 060.000. The
church if the Augsburg Confession hai
80,00J members , and there are connected
with tbe Wesleyn Methodists in the same
country 128 pastnrs and 18 evr ngellstg.
They hare a theological seminary and 175
preaching stations.
Tbe Moody and Sankey meeting at Bel-
sst , Ireland , closed very successfully , tbe
rowds being much greater than at their
former visit. It Is climated that 12,000
persons were at the several meetings each
day. It was found necessary to adj mm
on the second day to tit. Enoch't ) , tbe larg
est church in the place , In order to accom
modate tbe crowd.
Leo XII. seeks relaxation in the compo
sition of Latin poems , all of which are
printed under his ctreful supervision.
After a few copies have been taken the
type is distributed. He is fond of display
ing his mastery of the Latin tongue in the
presence of toholars , to whom he occasion ,
illy presents elegantly bound copies of bii
poems as a particular mark of favor.
Great preparations are making through
out Germany for the clebratlon of tbe 40(1 (
anniversary of Martin Luther , Several
statues of the gieat reformer are to be
erected , and the publication ia | to be
made on a grand scale of % complete edl <
Lion of his works. At Kislebeu , Luther'i
birthplace , the day is to be commemorated
by the Inauguration of a statue , nt which
ceremony Kmperor William nnri the Crowe
Prince have both , it is understood , pronv
lied to be present. The nvolllnjj U to bi
done by the venerable chief of Unltec
Germany , the moat prominent represents
tive of continental Protettanlhm. It wil
be a great day In Germany , and in i ver ]
land where the North German people havi
found a home. Luther' * work marked i
new period in the hlitnry of human pro
gresp , and Protestant Christendom every
where will duly honor his memory on thi
coming 10th of November.
Sunday school boy who , when asked b ;
his teacher what made the tower of Pisi
lean , replied : "On account of the f ami a
in the land. "
Cities in want of preachers should oppl ;
to Chicago. In view of tbe pending de
structitm of the Sodom of wickedness
nearly all tbe Chlcigo clergymen or
anxious to receive calls elsewhere.
' Yet , " said the deacon , ' 'the orxanls
certainly did play opera bouffe airs and tb
can can In bis voluntary jesterday ; but
dear me , I can't kick up a row about i
without giving mvielf away by thowlni
that I recognized the mnalc. "
The woman at LcuUvIlle , Ky. , wh >
nimed her twin babies "Jesus Christ" am
'George O. 15 rnea , " and wts made fun o
by one of tbe local newspapers for doini
gf , baa broucht Bult ugalnst the ptuer fu
damages. Sim considers liercelf Injured ti
the extent of $10.0(0. (
The Kev. 0. A. Skinner , of Saugus , Mas
sachutettr. read the governor's fast da ;
proclamation from his pulpit , and , refer
ring to tbe passage about the clergy , said
"It Is asserted that the paragraph wi
written by the author after attendance a
a Jollification , and that he was drank a
the time " liutler touched the preicber
on a tender spot when he Ihtly suggests
that they bad better preach more goape
and leas politics.
A letter published in the Indian Specta
tor rays that there is a numnrou tribe ii
Orlssa who worihlp Omen Victoria as i
goddeis. A goddess falling down a fllzh
of stairs and knocking a piece out of he
knee. We wonder what these peopl
Imagine the Princa of Wales to be , The ;
might warship him as an "Idle. "
The IHonford Almanac and Cool
mailed f roe on application to the Ham
ford Chemical Works , 'Providence
R , I.
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
Fire and .Burglar Prn :
1020 Farn ham Street ,
- " _ - TSSfSSt
Association ,
Orders from any part of the State or the
Entire West will be promptly shipped.
All Our < 'o < xls are Made to the Standard of oar
Sole Agent for Omaha and the West.
Office Corner 13th and Barney Streets.
IB only attained by naing
Stoves and Bang2s. '
For ualo by
lalt-mkt )
i23 ! Farnam St. . Omaha.
1509 Dout-lan Street. | Cor. 16th and California St ,
H < ro brought to this city from Ihe firms r ( Lirdredlh & Son's. Philadelphia , and James U. Tbur-
burn GJ. , NewYorn , the Hrgeit stock otCJuri'en mU Field Seeds ovtr Imported before to this
city , allot which are guaranteed to bo fresh and true to the nttmi.
P rices will also be as low as any Responsible Dealer can Make.
mar IC-eod-tf HENRY BOLLN & 00.
RUEMPING & BOLTE , Proprietors.
Tin , Iron and Slate Roofers
Ornamental Oalvanized Iron Oornicos , Iron Sky Lights , Eto ,
310 South Twelfth Street , OMAHA , NEB.
mar 7-mnn-vred'f rl-me.
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
SASH , DOORS , BUS , & 10HGS ,
Near Union Pacific DenotOMAHA ,
Window Caps , Fimals , Skylights , &c.