Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1883, Image 1

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The First of the Phomix Park
Assassins Convicted and Sen
tenced to Bo Hang ,
A. Motion for Arrest of Jadg-
jn nt Promptly Refuse
by the Judge.
The Dynfttnite Scare Extends
to the Bewar Gang ot
ThoProhlbl'lon of American
Offlolnlly Proolnlnml in
[ On account of the electric storm
which prevailed laat night , it was im-
poaaiblo for the telegraph company to
transmit messages of any character.
For this reason the telegraphic re
port Is nosesairily briaf. ]
Special Dispatches to Tin Um.
DUIIUN , April 12. The trial cf Joe
Brady was continued this morning ,
The defense called a clerk named
Kennedy , who aworo ho apoko to
Brady , who was accompanied by a
girl , on Dominlck street , between 5
and 7 o'clock In the evenIng -
Ing , May G. He rocognlzsd Annlo
Meagher who testified yesterday.
She with Brady that evening as the
the girl. Tao witness said also that
he met Brady the following day when
the latter declared the murderers
would ruin the cause of Ireland. Up
on the conclnsoln of Kennedy's testi
mony , the defence announced they
would call no other wltneia. The ar
gument of counsel for the defense and
prosecution follows.
The judge finished his charge at
thirteen minutes after 3 o'clock when
the jury retired and were absent but
a short time , and returning into the
court room announced they had found
Brady guilty of the murder of Cav
endish and Burke. Brady was Imme
diately sentenced to bo hanged.
Dr. Webb moved for arrest of judg
ment. Ho alleged that under the
crimes aot the jury which heard the
case was not legally formed.
The judge refused to grant Dr.
Webb's motion ( The date fixed for
the exeouthu of Bridy la Miy 14 ,
LONDON , April 13 The metropo
litan board of work his recommended ,
booauso of the dangar to be feared
from explosives , that the workmen
entering the eowora of London bo
carefully watched.
The race for the Newmarket hand
icap for three-year olds and upwards
was won by the Dike of Beaufort's
F ugh-a Ballagh , L > rd Garohe's All-
son second , Gan. Oren Williams'
Oohart third. There wore seven
The regulations forbidding Impor
tation into Garmany of American
pork products have been published.
Reports have been received that
the villager of Sllveatre , Tlolno , Tl-
clno and Salvatore in Italy are on
LONDON , April 13 A few monthc
ago largo quantities of autumn wheat
were bought for forward delivery , it
having been assumed by the pur
chasers that the continuance of bad
weather would causa a rise. On the
cgntrary there has been a decline ol
five shillings per quarter. Heavy
locses are thus caused In London and
the provinces. A number of failure !
are probable.
A telegram from Hong Kong , dated
the llth inst. , says : The French
minister to China arranged the Ton
qnln affilr satisfactorily In December
but the new French ministry have rejected
jected the arrangement. The resnll
will probably bo a locg and coatly wai
for France , China will usa Its beal
troops , which will probably bo com
manded by European leaders and per
haps have assistance by an Europeat
A committee of the Bandozrath hai
repotted favorably on the letter 01
bismarok , in which he advises the 1m
portatlon df hog products from Amor
1 lea bo prohibited.
A special committee of the Swodlel
follcothing presented a report upot
the order lusued by the Prussian government
ernmont on the Ytn of January. 'J hi
committee says the order dealt un
justly with the Diuosin Sohloswif
Holsteln , and although * ho Garmai
minister of Denmark disclaimed tha
his government were actuated by an ;
feeling of hostility tno wrong don
Denmark can not removed by any dia
Specie payments have baen roantnei
by the Italian government.
A fire at Gurdeanx completely de
stayed the military bake house and
largo quantity of provloions and mill
tary stores.
At the trial of nihilists one of th
prisoners , Borelsha , turned approver
No reporters were admitted Ono o
the accused stated the work on th
mine in Little Garden street continue
night and day.
As the resolve of Yico Admiral Vo
Batsch to retire from active service )
becomes moro fixed , despite the on :
peror'a letter asking him to remain
the deepest regret is manifested ii
naval clrclea. Admiral Von Batec
retires becauao hla endeavor to brln
the navy Into the hands of experience
snason proved unsuccessful ,
A ukase has been Issued by the Rui
slan government ordering that Inoroai
ed vigilance boobaorvodon the fronth
to prevent suspicious persona enteric >
the country. It la anpposed thla pre
caution la taken owing to the approac :
of thn tlmo fixed for the coronation <
the Csir ,
Parla papers report a terrible cat&
tropbo In a theatre at Rivel Oanow b
an exploslalon of gaa , The perforn
anco was In progress at the tlmo an
the theatre was crowded. Many ai
said to have boon killed In the panic
which cuaued.
The Italian minister of foreign at-
faira , speaking nf the ulllauoo of Italy ,
Austria and Garmany , expressed a
hope to bo able tc flolvo the question
of capitulations In Tunis. Sjmo cir
cumstances were calculated to arouse
unpleasant luiprrsalons in Italy , but
ho hoped some no.-cptabln arrange-
n'ont would bo effected. Italy could
not for a moment suffer nny single
power to obtain ixjlaslvo preponderance
anco In the Mediterranean , nor csuld
she admit the construction nf a great
empire on the continent if Afrlct.
THK GAMPaiu V OF ' 84.
A Talk With Senator Baynrt ! tires-
bam Appointment.
Fpe tal Dispatch to Tun Bui.
CHICAGO , April lit - Implying to In-
qniriiis to day , Senator Biyard Bald :
' Yes ; I haar oonaldorablu political
gossip , but n great deal that I hear I
don't believe. The Washington ho
tels scorn to bo the resort of a great
deal of senseless political chatter. I
live in my own house , and therefore
dou't hoar all of it. As to the presi
dential outlook , I must aay that In my
opinion everything Indicates that the
Buocoisful candidate will bo from the
rinks of the democratic party. People
ple are wearying of the republican
administration , and In 1884 will de
mand a change. Tao last election in
New York , whom the state wont dem
ocratic by 200 OCO , pretty thoronehly
proves this fact , I believe we
will elect the next president
by a larger majority than we gave
Tllden , when we elected him in 187C
As to who are to be candidates , I can
not say , and any expressed opinion in
this direction would have for its foun
dation nothing but the merest guess
work. " The senator was asked how
the appointment of Gresbam waa ro
calved In Washington , and he replied :
"I think It wltl meet with general ap
proval. Gfcaham la an upright aud
able man , and the pity is that ho was
not there earlier. Under him , I do
not think the star route jobs and
other frauds would have been possi
ble "
The Revolution In Haytl-
Special Dispatch to Tin Bit.
LEWES , Dal. , April 12. The brig
James Miller , from Mlragoane , Haytl ,
reports that on the night on March
20th the revolutionist landed at that
port , overpowered the government
troops and soizid the fort. The fol
lowing day General Basley , revolutionary
tionary cjmmandor , ordered all able
badled citizens to join him , giving
them one hour to decide. The ma
jorityjjlnod the revolutionists. A
battle followed. The revolutionists
wore again victorious. They fortified
the town , and March 31st two steam
ers arrived with government troops ,
and another battle resulted in scatter
ing * hu goverment forces , with a loss
of 85 killed and 350 wounded. Loss
revolntlnuiata slight ,
April lit. The government steam
ers left , apparently driven away by
' the arrival ot a Spanish frigate ,
Special DUptch to Tni Un.
BOSTON , April 13 A amall street
bomb waa exploded by a passing car
riage in front of the postoflica this
morning , oaualng some commotion ,
but no damatro. The incident caused
some talk in connection with the
Marquis of Lome's arrival. Lome
arrived at 8:30 : and would not take a
conveyance to the hotel , b it , acoom
panied by the Eag'ith consul and
members of his party and followed
closely by detectives , walked leisurely
to the hotel.
The Clear Maker * ' Strlk * .
Special Dlapatch to Tni Him.
CINCINNATI , April 13 At a meet-
log of the striking cigar makers to-day
a committee of manufacturers pre
sented a statement that the demand
for $1 a thousand increase of wages
, would be granted. There are still
two other demands not settled ,
namely , the right of the cigar maker's
union to send committees throngh the
workshops , to collect dues , etc. , and
relief from the charge of thirty cents
a month on each workman for gaa
consumed during the winter months ,
work not to bo resumed nntli these
matters are settled.
The Rolling Mill Riot-
Special Dlepitch to Tin UIK.
SrRiNOFiELD , 111. , April 13. There
has boon no trouble at the rolling
mill since that of last night , report
ed in thesu dispatches. The mon
remain firm in their determination
to remain at their posts and many
think the assault of laat night will
have an cffdct directly contrary to
nhat wua anticipated. The firing
party have not aa yet been identi
fied and no arrests have been made
Mulkern , the meat seriously injured
man of tha several who were wonna-
od laat night , Is alive and will prob <
ably recover.
The Wlioat Crap in Michigan-
Special Dispatch to Till llix.
DETUOIT , April 13Fjr April the
secretary of stain has received official
returns from COS townships In the
southern four tlora of counties ,
where 85 per cant of the wheat crop
is grown. Fifteen per cant of the
acreage IB rioortod killed. The re
mainder is 17 per cant below the con'
S ditlon of one year ago ,
Kteamshlp Ashore
Jin Special Dispatch to TUB Una.
lc steamship Venezuela , from Llvorpoo
- via Mexico , went ashore four hundrec
yards to the westward of the montl
of South Pass this morning In toi
feet of water. She draws fonrtooi
aor feot.
g Bnilneis Failures
Bh Special DUpatch to Till lliv.
h NEW YOKK , April 13. Bualnea
of failuroa thn psat seven days as reported
od to Dunn's agency number 189 a
against 107 last week and 182 thi
week previous ; New England state
n > 14 , western 54 , middle 20 , southen
id 41 , Pacific states and territories 10
re Now York city 12 and Canada 32 ,
The Noted Irish Loader Justifies
the Explo.'ivo ' War.
The Irish in England , and the
English in Egypt.
Spccl&l IMipatch to TUB t < .
CHICAGO , April 15 John F. Fin-
orty , cougrctstnan olecc and Irlih-
Amcrlcan leader and dynntnito advo-
cite , in hla paper , The Oiljn ) , this
morning , renews at lecgththo wrongs
of Ireland and justifies tbo use of dj-
amlto , as follows : "What hope ,
lien , has Ireland from Ejgllsh legls-
tlon. What wonder if nho Is driven
fury nnd desperation ? 'What won-
or if she ohonld seek to imitate Sim
on among the temples of modern
'hlllstlnesJ ' No matter what the
agllah may say about their indifFjr-
nco to dynamite terrors , the recent
iiploslons and alleged discoveries
ave sot them to thinking. They
ave also act millions of Americans
hinklng. What is the difference , for
xamplo , between the explosion of a
ilghty boomsholl , fired by uniformed
nglish butchers into the atreota of
loxandria , killing men , women and
hlldron , and the dynamite cartridge
ixploded In the heart of Inndon ?
) ely this : that the English attack
n the wretched Egyptians was with-
ut justification , while the Irish dom-
nstratlona against the British
uotropolls are the natural result of
onturles of unmitigated fraud , planer -
or and murder. "
An Attempt to Buy a Witness.
Special Dlipatch to Tni DIE ,
MILWAUKEE , April 13 A sensa-
on was caused at the Soheller trial
, hla morning , by the testimony of D
Llnahan , chief engineer in the
Sowhall honae at the time of the fire ,
who aald ho was recsntly approached
' > y J. 0. MoKlnney , attorney for
fohollor , and a saloon keeper named
Adam Roth , who asked him to sweat
hat the fire waa caused by a gas jot
n the bottom of the elevator shaft ,
that teatlmony would clear the ao-
used. It waa shown that Soholler
was In debt over $4,000. It was also
roved ho attempted to borrow f COO
rotn Dr. Crocker before the fire.
. Iowa Fdthor Kills Hla Wife and
Two Bonn and Then Himself.
pcclal Dispatch to Tui Bui.
DDBUVUE , April 13 Ohas. Smith ,
well to do farmer living four milei
north of Eirlvillo , Iowa , went to his
barn this morning where his two sons ,
aged 9 and 13 , were engaged at work
, nd killed them with an axe. Re
aming to hia honae with the same
weapon ho killed hla wife. She stood
by the steve preparing breakfast. He
hen attempted to si * ? his two dangkv
.on . , the only remaining membera ol
the family , but they succeeded it
oaohlrg a neighbor's houao in aafetj
and gave the alarm. When they re
urned it waa found that Smith hat
killed himself by putting hla throa
with a butcher knife , These meagei
details only are known and no cause li
aaalgned for the deed.
Tha Bourbm Banquet
Special Dispatch to Tni Bit.
CuioA03 , April 13. The Iroqnoli
club nf thla city gave a banquet thi
evening to slgnallza the birthday o
Thomas Jeffurson. This has beoomi
an annual custom of the club and th
occasion has boon made one of 'expres
sion of party principles by the leadln
democrats of the country. Invitation
were extended to prominent member
of the aoototy throughout the nnloi
and a number of notable gentlemei
responded to toasts , though the attend
ance this year of people of nations
repute was more limited than forme
occasions owing to various caused
Among those named for speeches wor
Senator Biyard of Delaware , Jame
0. Broadhead of Missouri , Lyina
Trumbnll of Illinois , Col. W. P. C
Breckenrldgo of Kentucky , E. F
Wheeler and William H. Hnrlhort o
New York , and Gen , John M. Palme ,
of Illinois.
Telegraph Compnnlei
Sped * . Dl ( patch to tie ( llot > e-Demoia\
SPRINGFIELD , II ) . , April 11 Th
telegraph bill , which has attracted a
much attention and called out t
much discussion In the tonato , is a
follows :
Section 11 of the "Act to revise th
law In relation to telegraph companies
is arnnnded to read ai follows :
No telegraph companies Inooi
poratod or doing business In thi
state shall have power to contrac
with any ownnr ot land , or with an I
railroad company for the right t
erect or its lands , or eve
the right of way of any sue
railroads , to the exclusion of the line
of other telegraph companies organ '
lzd or doing business under tbo law
ot thla state ; nor shall any such rail
road company have power to mak :
such contract with any such telegrap
company , and every such contrac
shall be void and of no effect.
Section 12 is made to road as fo !
lows : If any company , corporatlo
or person owning or operating an
telegraph line within this state , oran
railroad company , shall unlawful ! )
directly or indirectly , interfere t
prevent or delay the constructor
erection malntonanco or oport
tlon of any telegraph line i
the course of being constrni
ted , orostod or operated with !
this Btato by any person , co
portatlon or telegraph company or
ganlzed under the laws of thla atati
or shall h/ any aot prevent , hinder c
delay the procurement of the right i
way for the same by any dovli
whatsoever , such person or corpon '
tlon BO offending as aforesaid sha .
bo deemed guilty of a mlsdomeano
and shall npon conviction thereof , t
fiued In any sum not loss than $1,0 (
nor more than $5,000 for the first
offjnso , and for the second offense
not less than $5,000 nor more than
810,000 , and for the third oflonso
not leas than 910,000 nor moro than
$22,000 , and for every subsequent
otTonao and conviction thnroon ahall
bo liable to a fine f S25.0CO ; laid
offending company or poraon shall alao
bo liable for any damages which may
accrue , by reason of such Interfer
ence , to the person or corporation ao
Interfered with , to bo recovered by ac
tion on the case or othorwiio , pro
vided that In all casoo under thla aot
either party shall have the right of
trial by jury.
The bill now gooa td the home , and
Iho indications are that It will pass.
Tbo Buffalo Democrats Swearing at
Tbelr Ohlof.
New Yoik Times ,
BuFfALO , April 10. Gov. Clove-
land's veto of the bill reorganizing the
fire department of thla olty has
created a great hubbub among demo
crats. The "spoils" man In to party
are all swearing mad. Saoh promi
nent democrats as ox Congressman
D. N. L > okwood , who made the
speech plnclng Cleveland In nomina
tion at the Syracuse convontlon ,
and Mr. Chaa. McOuno , mana
ger of the democratic organ , are not
saying much , but are known to
bo very indlguant. The organ
thla morning gave the veto a quail
Bed indorsement , but the local depart
ment of its evening edition ibowa the
general dlacontont. It says"Tho :
democrats of Buffalo are considerably
stirred up to day , boonuse of the gov
ernor's veto of the Fire bill. The
party Is quite unanimous in declaring
It a shame. The feeling among those
who hold t ffi08 at the city hall is very
warm indeed , for every one of them
waa a strong supporter of his excel
lency during the campaign , aud be
lieved that he would ba glad of an op
portunlty to change the'political as
peot of the fire dopartment. Little
knobs of party adherents , with long
faces , are to be soon , talking in the
corridors of the olty building
throughout the business streets.
They seem to bo of the opinion thai
that the other two bills relating to
the aolloe and the water will share the
same fate. Eho democrats as a rule
cannot reconcile themselves to the
veto , and express their disapproba
tion very freely. Thla Is the first
serious break In the party since Mr.
Cleveland was elected to the mayoralty
two yours ago. " Pjoplo of all parties
who do not dealre to BOO the Gro do *
partmont made a democratic polltin&l
machine hosrtlly Indorse the gover
nor's veto. His friends say It la just
what should have been expected from
hla course as mayor , and just what
may bo oxpcc'.od every tlmo such a
bill Is proaentod for hia signature , He
Is In the governor's oftalr to do bis
Tbo Mew Paasonger Bates in Kansas.
Kunss Cty Time * .
A meeting of the goneraLpassenger
and ticket agents , of 'J o Kansas railway -
way * was 'htVd yes'J&uUy at iht office
of General Paasonger and Ticket
Agent J. E Lock wood , of the Kan
sas Olty , Port Scott & Gulf railway ,
In this city. Those present were Mr.
Lookwood , Mr. F. W. White , of the
Atohlson , Topeka & Santa Fo ; Mr.
Stebblns , of the Union Pacific , Mr-
Hynes of the Kansas Olty , Lawrence
& Southern Kansas , and Mr. Wish-
art of the St. Louis & San Francis-
oo , and Mr. Qalnton Oampboll of
the St. Louis , Fort Scott & Wichita ,
and Mr. F. Chandler of the Missouri
Pacific. The object of the mooting waste
to perfect the passenger tariffs under
the new Kansas law , which fixes a
maximum rate of three cents per
mile. The principal business waa to
arrange rates to junction points , and
the railroad men were * busily engaged
most of the day. kites to points
reached by moro than one road were
made conform to the rates -of the
shortest line , so far as the faro Is
concerned. Ia other cases the
agents did not t ko action , as it It
merely a matter of multiplying the
three cent rate btho nnmboi
of miles. Toe now tariffs will take
ofloot Juno 1 , and the representative !
of the railroads declare the law will
bo strictly adhered to. To these
roads whoco lines extend Into Kansas
sas a considerable distance the change
is of material Importance.
Tbo OlRar Manufacturers Give tb <
Ulgar Makers a Benefit.
By a recant change In the revonci
laws , the manufacturers of cigars an
saved $3 per thousand en all manu
fioturod goods the reduction
r- , taklnj
rIs place on the first of May ,
3t The Omiha mauufisturora , follow
? Ing the example of their follows It
jr some of the largo oistorn oltios , havi
ih detormlnod toglvo their men a benefit
38 fit by dividing the profits of the nev
! law with them. Accordingly , on am
rs after the first of May they will In
creaao the price paid per thousand oni
dollar ,
'h Thla will provo quite a practical aor
Bt of good from the change effected al
A Now and Pleasant Resort to bi
Mr. Victor Drohor , who was foremen
mon for five years of Krug's brewery
la about to go into business for him
ino self by openlcK "P first-class salooi
o * on Twenty-fourth street , ono bloc !
Inr oouth of L nvenworth , which will b
r- known as "Victor Park. "
r- The opening will take place to
day , day and evening , and will b
or aftrr the most approved style , th
of entire stock of wines , liquors , cigars I
CO etc. , being of the best quality and th
'a- houio now , neat and clean , havlnj
'a.11 been bnlH last fall.
Mr. Dreher Is a E10 gentleman am
bo will conduct the butlnoss with sncces
DO and to the satisfaction of all.
As It Will Appear Upon the Wild
Roaring Tide ,
The Strange Lftnda It Will
Visit find the Gallant Company -
pany It Will Onrry.
It Batls-As It Balls.
Now York Journal.
It has coino to this that Mr. Gould
looki npou his projected trip around
Iho world as a llto-aavlng meaaurc.
Ho Is rnu down. IIo no longer fools
the Inspirations that hftvo made him
king of the market for BO long. Ills
hand grown feebler and hofoclithat |
the scoptro of speculation is slipping
from his grasp. During the past few
months ho has bccu endeavoring to
realize as qulotly bat as promptly as
possible. The results have hardly
answered his expectations , for his
opponents had anticipated hla plan
and have thrown every obstaolo in
his way. Ho has had a hard job with
the Western Union , and now bitterly
regrets that ho throw himself Into It
so rooklouly , for ho roalleos that what
ever may bo done with railroads it is
an impossibility to keep a monopoly of
the telegraph ,
Despite thoio difficulties of dlspos-
Ing of his securities for hard cash at
anything like a reasonable price , Mr.
Qoald is still as intent as over npon
hla trip around the world. On the
one aide li money and the other his
life. Providence plays the highway
Therefore , amid all hla cares and
worries , seldom a weak pasiea that
either himself or hii aon George doe *
not go to the shipyard of Messrs.
Gramp & Bono , on the Delaware , near
Philadelphia , to BOO how the itoam
yacht Atalanta progreuei. A both
of them will apond In this vessel thn
beat part of two yean of their lives ,
they naturally feel the deepest Interest
in following her construction.
Truth to aay aho will be a noble
boat. She will resemble a full-rigged
ocean steamer. Indeed , there wore
many ocean steamers twenty years
ago that did not equal her in tonnage ,
while she surpasses any of them to
day In beauty and perfection of Unlsh.
Fancy a private ateam yacht that
measures 225 feet over all and a beam
of forty foot , and which registers
1,000 tons. There will bo nothing
peculiar in her build except Ing the ab
solute perfection with which oho is
constructed throughout. Her depth
will bo H feet with a draught ot 11
feet BO as to enable her to enter any
harbor that la worthy of the name at
all lidos. The oxooislvo length
compared with depth can only be
accounted for on thla hypothesis.
She would be next to useless for any
other purpose than pleasure , especially
when we consider that she will bo
given a double'iet of englnea of 1,000
horse power aoh. Should one set
got out of order the other may be
used a useful precaution In the com
paratively barbaric latitudes which.
Mr. Gould will visit , where meana ol
repair are not at hand. But to guard
against any such eventuality the
stokers and engineers will be skilled
machinists , and a double sot of ovorj
bolt and every piece of the maohinorj
will bo placed aboard ao that In case
of anything going wrong a couple ol
daya of dry docking can repair all.
Tno interior arrangements will b <
most sumptuous. The saloon will be
the main room , of course , and wll
stretch the entire width of the vessel
Mr. Gould's cabin will , however , bi
be almost as largo , and beside it wll
bo that of his favorite son. The
staterooms will be furnished in ma
hogany , and the style will be Queoi
Anno. In every cibln , besides a fnl
siza bedstead , there will be a sill
( twinging hammock as some sort of i
preventive against sea sickness. Thi
furniture will be elaborate and rich
and will bo secured to the iron floon
which will bo all covered with Persist
1 rags , Bath rooms , electric bolls , al
that va dans dlro.
The probability is that Mrs. Goulc
will not go on this trip. She fools i
to bo best that she should remain hen
to look after the other children
When the yacht reaohea Europe ahi
will probably join the party am
make the remainder of the voyagi
with them But she does not fane ;
the more haztrdons portion of thi
trip at all and Mr. Gould has doforroi
to her wishes.
Who the invited guests will bo ha
not been decided npon. But it i
g quite certain that they will not nuin
ber over olx or eight. The gentle
men whom Mr. Gould has hinted i
trip to are apparently averse to It-
not because they would not like jus
such a trip bat because they oanno
Hparo BO largo a portion of their tlrni
to make It. Mr. Russell fijge am
Mr. Washington E. Connor have boll
been asked. The first declines bocaua
he does not care to leave his family
and the other because ho cannot leavi
his buslneas. Mr. Moroslnl , Mr
Gould'a private and particular bench
men , will go. Beyond him nothln
has boon decided upon. Mr. Goul
wants peace and quiet so that ho wil
make no promiscuous selection. Several
oral well known journalists have ar.
plied to bo permitted to go , with a :
Idea of becoming the chroniclers c
the voyage , bat Mr. Gould has decide
not to take any such Indiscreet coir
The provisions will naturally I
plentiful. A special ice room ht
been constructed on boird in whlo
are a half a dozjn refrigerators. On
will contain moats , another game , at
, other fish , a fourth wine , a fift
liquors , and the six h will cental
whatever can bo obtained moat readil
at the pertH visited. Bjaldea thi
there will bo a collar oontalnln
champagnes , Bargundlos , besides ever
known sort of spirit and cordial , Be
no approximate idea can bo reached of
the qnanlitlos'of each. Thla depart
ment has boon Intrusted to Mr. George
Gould. Mr. Gould's private chef will
acoonipany , besides an ordinary En
glish cook who will bo employed on
plain dishes which Mr , Gould moat
affootionatcs ,
The coat of the trip Is an item which
Mr. Gould has Inquired into particu
larly. Ho calculates that ho will save
money by it , for It will out oft moat of
the personal expenses to which ho is
subjected here. The ordinary cost of
running the vessel , Including coal ,
will bo In the neighborhood of § 450 a
day. But thla la not excessive , con
sidering that with the crow , officers ,
engineers , cooks , stowarta , aorvanta
and guests , thorn will bo seventy-five
people aboard , Ia addition must bo
calculated the original Investment for
the vessel , which will bo about f 100 , .
OCO. Hat considering that Mr. Gould
calculates that ho saves $7,000 a week
by making the trip , ho la still In the
position of making a profit. On this
basis the two yours' trip around the
world will foot up to $328.000after
all a moro bagatelle to a thirty times'
The proolao direction of the trip haa
not yet boon fully decided upon. The
first idea was to visit Europe , taking
England , Franco and Italy on route ,
but this has boon pretty well aban
doned. Mr. Gonld'a physician , who
will accompany him , has proscribed
abaolnto roat from any sort of excite
ment , and this can best bo obtained
at the start by golne to the too least
frequented spots Ono of Mr. Gould's
wishes , however , Is as far as possible
not to remain away from communica
tion with America for more than two
weeks at a time. This ho can hardly
succeed in doing. But the vessel will
have an electrician on board , with two
telegraph operators , who can work a
private cipher. With these Mr.
Gould can always operate npon the
ocean cables , particularly as instruc
tions have already gone forth to every
part of the world In which there Is
moans of telegraphic transmission to
give him every facility.
From Now York , whence the Ata-
lanta will sail about Juno 1 , the party
will go direct to Havana , remaining
only a day. Then cutting about the
West India Isles she will make her
way to the month of the Amazon ,
probibly going up the course of that
great stream a couple of hundred
miles. Then descending again and
paying a visit to the Orinoco , the yacht
will steam on to Para , and thonoa to
Rio do Janeiro , where a week
or moro will bo passed. Passing
down the coast of South America ,
both Buenos Ayres and Montovldoo
will bo visited , and then down to the
Straits of Magellan , Thence up the
woatorn ooaat of South America to
Santiago do ChillOallio and a possible
stop at Lima if the country is quiet.
Then to Panama , Mszttlam and per
haps an inland trip to the City of
Moxioo. Thence bank to San Diego ,
the terminus of the Southern Pacific ,
where the yacht will meet them. Ban
Frauolsoo will only be visited in case
Mr. Gould's presence should be
necessary in the United States.
If not , strataht over to Honolulu
. lulu , where King Kalakaua will
extend a special welcome'to the party.
Thenoo to the Fiji Islands , Now Zea
land and Australia. A stay of some
duration will bo made In Melbourne
and Sidney. When that is done with ,
a boo line will bo made for Japan and
subsequently China. After visiting
Canton , Hong * Kong , and later Po
nang and Siam , the yacht will make
for India. There no doubt a month
will bo spent. Thence to Aden and
up the Rod Sea , throngh the Isth
mus of Suez , visiting Egypt
then over to Constantinople
and the Grecian Archlpel
ago. Up the Adriatic to Venice
where the party will leave the yaohi
to rejoin them at Naples. They wll
visit Italy and possibly Austria ant
Germany. If so the yacht will joh
them , perhaps at Genoa , perhaps a
London. But from Venice no deold
ed route is mado.
The trip from Now York to Venlci
will take ono year and a month. Thi
remainder of the ttmo will bo spent li
Europe , but of this no programm
has been made ent , for hero some o
Mr. Gould's guests will leave him , o
rather ho will leave thorn , putting th
yacht at their disposal to do as the ;
Wnicn Prevented a Breach of Promisi
A day or two ago a gentleman callei
at the Millard hotel with his wifj am
daughter , having came from Noi
they wont out without registering am
returned soon again , this time accom
panied by a blushing young nun , fo
whom they had evidently boon on thi
The old gentleman walked up to th
register , and wrote down the name
of himself and wife. '
"Isn't that your daughter ? " quorlo
the clerk.
"Yes , sir.1
Well , don't you want to roglsto
her ? "
"Oh , aho will be registered a
right. "
"Well , but you want to put he
name down. "
At this juncture the young ma
stopped up and registered hlshame.
" Are you alone Mr. - ?
With BOIUO hesitation the yonn
man took up the pen and added to hi
own signature , "and wife. "
The quartette wont away again an
that evening returned In good splrll
and wore assigned a suit of roon
oponlng together.
T 10 straugo actions of all conoorne ;
led to the supposition that the yonngi
of the two men had left homo wltl
out keeping his plighted word to tli
young lady , that her parents ha
aided her to find him and that the
were made man and wlfo and ovorj
body satisfied during the day. Hone
the embarrassment on both sldi
before the ceremony.
A Lively Spring Btard Strikes
Omaha ,
Hailstonep , Bam and Wind in
Abundance ,
The liveliest wind of the season waa
that which began yesterday morning ,
and iaoroascd in strength all day
long. The dust blow in clouds , nnd
filled the stores and oflbos. In the
afternoon Fainamstreot was sprinkled ,
which helped matters a little , and
about 5 o'clock the clouds began rising
in the west and threatening rain ,
which fell a little later , accompanied
by hailstones as largo as a hickory
nut. There was considerable of thin
hall , and It drove everything to take
shelter under awnings and In the
stores. The wind continnod all even
ing and blow most fiercely after dark ,
when the sky cleared off and the moon
and stars came out bright.
The dense clouds In the horizon
sent forth a continual olootrlo blaza
and the wind and electricity inter
fered seriously with the telegraph re
ports from all parts of the country
and bat little came In during the
night. While no sooner danger was
reported from about town it la likely
that more or leas occurred , About
half past 8 o'clock , the largo plate
glass window In the front of PeavyV
tore on Farnham street wai blown
out and fell on the sidewalk with
crash , breaking all to piece * . Luckily
no one wu in iti way or they must
have boon seriously out by the large
The telegraph oflijo reported that
the storm extended aa far east u Chi-
ohago and to a considerable distance
in all direction * . Only about 150
messages were transmitted during the
day , while 300 la the usual average ,
and replies oamo back very slowly.
The gale gave signs of lulling about
midnight and the boated atmosphere
promised more rain.
* -Fast , brilliant and fashionable-
are the Diamond Dye colora. One
package colon 1 to 4 IDS. of goods.
Only 10 cents for any color.
Ono of Now York's Fairest.Daughters
Captured by a Merchant
from Omaha.
The music of Mendelssohn's famous
wedding march reverberated beneath ,
the fretted naves and arches of St.
Patrick's cathedral , New York ,
Wednesday evening , and thrilled .the
hearts ot a thousand maidens and mat
rons. MkM Nan Ryan was made Ifai' Lt.
Chas. McDonald , The bride k a > nit * * * '
of the well known Broadway merchant , . .
Mr. James P. Farrell , and the brido'- >
groom is a young and prosperous-
merchant of Omaha. The Interior cf
the cathedral was bathed In a flood oL
light. The indissoluble knot was tied
by the Right Rev. Bishop O'Connor
of Omaha , assisted by the Rsv. Fath
ers Lavalle , McDowell , McMillan , and
Hurley. Misses Mary E. Farrell anch
Kato Fitzgerald wore bridesmaids , ,
, and Mr. John Goodman acted !
best man. The ushers
wore Messrs. P , H. Keenan ,
, W. Paul Moore , Henry Barlow , Daniel
, O'Connell , M. P. Ryan and John
Foley. The bride is an exquisite
blonde. She wore a cream white satin
en brocade , with a sweeping train ,
thn back bouffant. The corsage waa
out iquare and the collar was studded
with pearls , A wreath of orange
blossoms was twined in her hair , and
a rich lace veil fell over her shoulders-
Her jewels were diamonds , and her-
feet were encased in white satin slip
pers small enough for the feet of
After the wedding a reception was-
hold at the residence of the bride's-
uncle , 03 Eaat Fifty.sixth street. Tho.
wedding presents were rich and cost
ly. Mr , John Fonry , wife and dangh- .
tor , Dr. W , B. Wallace and wife , Drs.
Conway , Br. and Jr. , the Hon. John.
Mullaly , Bryan G McSwyny , Mecsra.
E. D. Farrell , Richard Walters ,
John and Gdorgo O'Sulllvan ,
Thomas Kelly , George B. Coleman -
man , Frank Hlgglns , Andrew
"Barr , John Morris , and J. W. O'Brien
and Mr. and Mrs. Miles M. O'Brien ,
Mr , and Mrs. Miles MoNamara. Mr.
and Mrs. O'Shanghnessy , Mr. Healy
and wife , and Messrs. MoAtoenan ,
Babcock , Smith , Bannln , Onmmlngs , ,
O'Gaary , O'Toolo , aud Oirrlck were
among those who paid their respects
to the now couple. Wino flowed
like water , an exquisite lunch waa
served , and at midnight a score of
dancora was floating throngh the par
lors to the music of Waldtenfel'a
waltze * . The wedding arrangements
were under the charge of Mr. Hart ,
of thn cathedral , "who ia very tony ,
although no relative of Tony , " ob
serves the Hon. John Mnllaly. Mr.
and Mrs. McDjnnld loft the tame day
for Omaha.
An Ohio man named Major Stocy ,
With toothache wont nearly crazy ,
Ho la happy again ,
And says that for pain
\K \ St. Jacobs Oil is just a daisy.
id Baby's Wurnlnjr '
ts Yfbtn t by haa paint it dead ot eight.
Mother In a ( right , lather la ft plight ; J
as When wormido bite , babynnut cry , ,
asd II fever lets to , baby inusl do. _
II croupy pales kill Leonora ,
or In that homo there'i no OA3TOIU A ;
h10 For a ; other i learn without delay ,
10 CiSTOKIA. cures by nlxht and day.
DO "Well's Health Renower" restores
es health and vigor , cures Dyspepsia ,
Impotence , Sexual Debility. $1.