Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1883, Page 5, Image 5

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THE DAlLtf Bj i-EJEtIf.AV : APJKIL 13 5
Nebraska National Bank
Of Omah % , Neb.
* > fu < i up capital. . . easo.oo
. It. JOHNSON , President , of Btetls , Johnson
/1V Co.a
a IOUZALIN , Vice Prcddcnt , of 0. , D ft (
U. R. , Boston.
T. MORSE , of W. V. Morse A Co.
OHN 8. COLLINS , of 0. H. A J. B. Collins.
J. U. WOOLWORTH , Counselor and Attorn * ]
L. B. REED , of Byron Reed A Co.
E. W. TATES , Cashier , late Cashier of the Fin
National Bank of Omaha , and connected wit
no active management of hat Bank since 11
organization In 1863.
Orinio for business April 27,1882 , with It
geet c rUi ! cf ajj bu * In Nebraska.
GOLLIOTIOKS receive special attention and thai
gei lowest obtalnable'here or elsewhere.
IKTUUT allowed on tlmo deposits upon faro ;
able term * and upon accounts of banks and banl
rt.Foauon EicniRas , Oovernment Bonds , an
Oount" and City Eectlcs bought and sold.
U1 * prep'red to do a general banking bnslnei
all lt > details , aad In the treatment of custon
er * In will pursue the mojt liberal policy cnnsli
tent with ta'e tuuklntr.
_ Stock * , Bondi , CoratnertUl Paper and all othe
i uocd ccurltUs clta t In
Rjom 4 , .ij. 2S IVarl St. , Council Bluff * , la.
pectal Dispatch to Tuslin.
NKW YOU'K. April 12.
Money Loaned at 3@6 ptr cent ; clube ;
and olftred at 3. ® 4 | er cent.
Prime Mercantile Paper -5J@B pe
Sterling Exchange Bankers' bills steid ;
at 4 83J ; steiHng demand , 4 85 .
Governmeata were weak and general ! ;
i < 3i per cent lower.
Railroads were irregular and feature
leu. Speculation on tbe Stock Exchaog
was active , but Irregular The marke
opened a fraotku off but , under a lead tb
Westeia Union recovered J@8 par cent
This was followed I y a decline of 4 to I
the Missouri Pacific and Canada Southeri
being the greatest sufferers. From thei
till thortly after midday the market wa
strong and an advance of S jj per cent tool
place in St. Paul and West Point , and Jc (
11 per cent la thn remainder of the list
In the eiilf afternoon the general Hat ra
ceded g per cent , after which there was on
other advance of J@L percent led by th
Denver and Rte Grande and the North
western. In the last hour ( peculation wa
quiet. There was a fractional reactioi
and rally , the market closing Irregular , bu
in the main , firm. The general list show ,
an advance of J@li per cent over thi
prices at yesterday's close ,
YeiterJjy. To-day
S's . 103J 103i
6' . 101 ioi
41's Coupons . USS 113.
4\ . 119 ? IWj
Pllfij6's of ' 95 . 127 127
Csntrol Pacific firste . . . 1141 114
rie seconds . 971 98
Lehigh & Wilkesbarre . 101 104
Louisiana consols . CIV 64) )
Missouri 6's . Ill 111'
Bt. Joseph . 109& 109i
Bt , Paul & Sioux City firsts . . 110 110
Tennessee 6's . 43 43
do new . 41 41 ;
Tnas & Pacific land grants. . 6 < g 68) )
do R. G. dlv. . . . 84k 84 1
Union Pacific 1st mortgage. . 114& 114 1
do land grants . .10ti& 106. .
do sinking fund. . 116 * lltii
Virginia 6's . S6 86
do CQnsols6'8 . 88 88
do deferred . 10 10
Adams Express . 129 129 ]
Allegheny Central . 18 18
Alton & Terre Haute . 701 .701
do pfd..l02 Iu2'
American Express . 90 } 901
Burl. , Cedar Rapids & North. 81 81'
sjOanH _ Southern . CSJ 68i
. OlnTS-lnd. Central. . . .10 4 104
Ocntral Pacific , . 79 79
Cheaapeake & Ohlo.v . 2U 21j
do lstpfd..32j 82
do 2d pfd. . . 24 24
Chicago & Alton . 135J 13.
do pfd . 137 187
OhI. , Burl. & Qnlncy . I * I 126J
Ohl. , St. L. & New Orleans. .59 79
Oln. , Bund. & Cleveland . 47& 47) )
Clove. . Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 78 7ri'
Delaware & Hudnon canal. . . .Ill 1UJ
Del. , Lak. & Western . 1291 li ! j
Denver & Rio Grande . 48 ? 48 ;
Krie . 3"J 3
do pfd . 804 > B t
E * t TeuusMJou . ( l | 10 ;
do preferred . 21j 2l <
Wort Wayne & Chicago . 131 134'
Hannibal 4 St. Joseph . 4U 4U
do pfd. . . 81 H
Harlora . 191 191J
Honnton A Texas Contrnl. . . . 77 77
Illmoii Central . -JdJ 46j
lad. , Bloom , ii Western . 314 3h
Kknsna&Texas . 3' ' | 32/
Lnko Erie & Western . 32 2i
Lake Shore & Michigan So. . .lug 1 1 ) f
Louisville i Noahville . 57 § 67 |
Loulav. , New Alb. & Chicago 12 lit
Mnrlotta ft Cincinnati 1st njllO 101
do do 2d pfd 65 e'i
Memphis & Charleston . 41 41
Michigan Central . 95 ? 951
Minneapolis & Bt. Loui . 29g 29 j
do pfd. Gi 6t
Missouri Pacific . 1061 10G1
Mobile & Ohio . 18 18
Manhattan Beach . 12 i ISO
MorrUA Essex . 67 67
New Jersey Central . 76 75
Nashville & Chattanooga . 4t 42
Northern Pacific . . . . . 6l | 61
do pfd . 88 ] 88 !
Northwestern . 1S8 | 1S8 {
do pfd. . 153 , 163 !
New York Central . , .127 i 1271
Ohio Ceatral . 13 , 13
Ohio & Mississippi. . SI 84
do pfd . 103 103
Ontario & Western . ' . . . . . 2G | 26
Oregon Transcontinental. . . . . 83 83 J
Pacifio Moll . 43 43
Panama. . 167 107
Peoria , Deeaiurft Evansv. . . 2:1 ? V ? |
Pittabnrg & Cleveland . S8f 58 j
v Reading . 23 * 23J
/ Pullman Palace Oar . 659 124
, L Rock Island . 12) 125
' Bt. Louis & Sao Fran . 3U 3U
do pfd. . . . 62 | 5i
do 1st pfd 94 | 944
8t. Paul & Milwaukee . 1041 1011
do pfd. . . . 121 121
Bt , Paul , Minn. & Manitoba. 161 Ibl
fit. Paul & Omahn . 60J 602
d ? pfd. . 108 108
Texas & Pacifio . 411 , 421
Union Pacifio . 101 ini
United States Expreos . CO 60
Wibash , Bt. L. & Pacifio. . . . 3 ; | 3 |
do pfd. 62g 6 A
Wella , Forgo & Co. Express. 123 121
Wfitorn Union Telegraph. . . 831 831
CariboH .
t <
Central Arizona .
Eicelslor . . .
Homestake . 16 15
Little PltUburg . 1 1
Ontario . "I. . ; . " ! ; ; ; ; ; . : .
Quicksilver' . 8 8
° pM . 4t ! ? W
' Bobinaon . . . . .
i-v' , BUverOllfl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bouth Paclflo .
vv Standard . !
Pntro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j j
IK < U | Dtspatche * to Tns Di * .
OHIOAOO , April 12. Flour Mark j
quiet ; tprlng wheat , 3 uOg5 ( 00 ; Mlf
LUSOU , a 60@4 25 ; bakeis , 4 2 > @ 5 7C
pttentr , 6 C0@7 6U ; wiuter wheat , 4 OUi
Wheat Market npeutd strong atii
bUheJ and closed at intlde price" : 1 01 f
rtpill ; i04@l 051 for May : 1 07J@1 ' 7
for June xnd July ; No , 2 t hlc gj fpring
I Ol@l 031 ; No. 3 Chicago spring , 8U ( <
9.0 ; No 2 red winter , 1 OG@1 OR } .
Corn Marktt stea'y ; 492@o2j3 to
oath ; 49 ? ? fr April ; 4o for May ; 5 , J
for June ; tGg ] for July.
Oats Market unsettled but penersll
high ; 4lja for canht 9io for April ; 42JQ
43o for May ; 421s for June ; 4U@4'jJlo
Rye Market quiet but firm at 67ic.
B rley Market qulot aud unchauged a
Flax Seed Market moderataly nctiv
and higher at 1 45.
Pork -la fair demand and at lowe
rnte < : 17 9 ( 18 00 for cath anil April
18 07J < & 1 * 10 lor May ; 18 27i@l830 fo
June ; 1H 35 11840 for July.
Lard Ii demtnd but at Inwe
ratr ; 11 27 0)11 " ) 30 for ca h nnd Apiil
II 32@tll 35" for Ma ; ll 35 ® 11 40 fo
Ju e and July ; 113)sll37j ( for August
Uu k Moato la fttlr demand ; sb-mMon
7 76 ; s'lort rib , 10 10 ; short clear , 10 43.
Butter Mtrket quiet at 15910 ; .
E < KS Market qul-it at lfi$15&o. ( &
Wbltky Mtrkot quiet nt llh .
Freights -Coru to Buffalo 3i@lo pe
CALL BOAED. Wheat Weaker ; de
cllned | c for M .j ; IJa fur Jnno ,
Corn Ljwer ; declined Ja
Oats steady und unchaugtd.
Pork Firm ; advtictc 2 o ( or July.
Lard -Nominally uccbaiiged ,
N w YOBK , April 12 Flour XIarke
quiet and uucbauged ; super tUto western
A 25 ,8 85.
Wribat Cash t-radeo i'gjo htfher ; op
tionH opened j glj hetter. tut the uiarkei
-Uerwaraa weatitrand I meted KB
I'loMlag fiim ; uavraded red 1 06@1 20 ;
3 fprlDK , 1 15@1 10 $ ; iSn. 2 red , 1
I 19 ; certiticat s. I 17@1 l"i ; store. 1 li
ungraded while ; 1 07@13 ; Hteumer No. 3
84S8l4oj ( No 1 white , 1 lOJ ® ! 11.
Uorn 0 sh 4@lc , options l@j better
nnicraded mixed , 8) ) @ ( > 6c ; Nu. 3 , 5StS
68jjo ; steamer , 64J@64Jj ; No. 2 , C6&074o
Ui'.sMarket opentil ? § higbar oul
aft rwaies declined Jfejo , uiotlog steady
ra'xed western , 63Jo ; wnite western , 53ffi
> 7o.
7o.Egi Mukot higher and firm ; weetcri
fnsb , 20Jo.
Pork Afarket quiet but firmly held
new mess , 19 20@19 50 ; options neglectec
and n minal.
Cut Moots Market quiet but firm ; loni
clear mldd'e ' ? , 10 75.
Lud Market we k ; Drirae steam , 11 4 !
© llfi'ifor April ; 1148 1160 for May
U47@115t fr June ; 11 60@11 69 foi
July ; 11 f)3@ll 61 for August ; 11 64(3 (
II 67 for September ,
Butter Market weak at 18@2Go.
BT. LODIB , April 12. Flour Marke1
quiet and unchanged ; family , 4 50 ® 4 60
cnolce , 6 Oo@5 10 ; fancy 6 16@5 45 ,
Wheat -Market active aud opened high' '
er , but became unsettled and excited anc
closed lower with free sellers ; No. 2 red
fall , 1 09@ > 1 09J for cash ; 1 OSJO1 10 ! fni
May ; 1 091 ® ! 114 for June ; 1 07J@i 082
for July ; 1 06 § lor August ; 1 04J@1 Ot
for the year , doing at Inside prices.
Corn Market In same condition at
wheat ; 47i@47&3 for cash ; 48@491o fui
May ; 6052o for June ; i2J@54Jo foi
July : 43 j for the year ,
Oats Market opened and closed weal
and clew ; 42t@42o for cash ; 433c , cloolnt
at 32Jc bid fur May ; 42&3 for June ; S9i@
40lo tor July.
Rye Market dull ; 54 o.
Barley Morcet dull at65@76c.
Corn Meal Market quiet and unchanged
at 2 50.
Butter -Market quiet and unchanged at
Hgga Market steady and unchanged al
134 ? .
vVbiskey Market quiet and unchanged
at 114.
Provisions Market dull and unchanged
and only a job trade done.
ArroitNOON BOABO. Wheat Higher ;
1 094 for May ; 1 llj for June ; 107J foi
July ; If4 1 for the % ear.
Oats Firmer ; 48o bid for May ; 601 <
for June ; 52 Jo for July ; 4 2 $ a bid for th (
KANSAS Crrr , April 12. Wheat-
Market hlcher ; No. 2 red fall , 94Zo bid
for cash ; 96&o bid for May ; 972 3 tot June ,
Ojrn Market higher huts o ; 41Ja bid
for oath ; 4 3 Jo bid for May ; 45JJ3 bid foi
Oats Market better ; 35Jo bid 'for ' cash ;
3Cj bldfer Miy.
Special Dlipatche * to Tns Usm.
OHIOAQO , April 12 , Receipts aud ship.
nenta of flour and groin for the post
24 hours have been as follows !
Receipts. Shlp'ts.
Flour bbls . 5.EOO . . . .
Wheat bushels . 22,100 . . . .
Horn ' . 255,100
0/tb- . 60..00 .
Rye " . 5,0')0 )
Barley " . 23,000 . . . .
ST. Louis , April 12.-Recelpts and
shipments of flour and grain for the post
48 hours have been as follows :
Recelnts. Ship'ts.
Flour barrels . 2.000 7,000
Wheat bushels . 14(00 ( 7,000
Corn " . 38,000 llb.OOO
Oat " . GOOO
Rye " . : . ; ;
Barley " . 7,000
NEW YOEK , April 12. Receipts and
shipments of ( lour and grain for the past
24 bourn have been as follows :
Receipts Shp'ti
Flour bbl .
Wheat bushels . 8,000 .6,001
Com " . 96.000 40,000
Oats- " . 4J.OOO 87
KANSAS Orrr , April 12. Uecelpts and
iblpmenta of gram for the past 24
lours hate been as folio we :
Rec'ts. Shlo'ts.
Wheat , boshebi . 6.000 8.000
Own " . 29,000 J.OOO
CHICAGO. April 12. Receipt * and ship.
meats of lire stock for the pact 34
boors have been M follow * !
_ Recti. Bhlpm'U.
logs . 10,000 0,000
Battle . 7,600 3,30
9heep . 3..0 1,003
NKW YORK , April 12. Receipts and
hlpmeots of live stack for the past 24
lours have been as follows :
Reo'ts Bhip'ts
3eve . 20 230
Jarcavasnf mutton . 4'\ \
Ciairten of bsef . 1,780
iaeep . /C03 ; 3SO
Hogs . 800
3 3r. Lotna. April 12. Receipts and
hlpmenta of live stock foi the paot 21
lours have been as follows :
Rfln'te. Bhipm'r .
Dattle . 1.6CO COO
heep . 2 00 900
Uog . . . . . 1,500 pro
KANSAS Clirr April 12. Jtece'fpts and
hipmsnts of live stock for the pa it 24
lours have been as follow * ;
Rec't * . Bhlpm'ts. '
I ° 8 . 3.600
" " * " . ; . . 1.3CO . . . .
pedal DUpatehe * to Tns Big.
l2-The DroT4n' Joor-
i M followii - -
Hogs -Market tery weak and packer *
doing little and closed 6a lower and ver
wotk ; mlicd , 7 00@7 60 ; heavy , 7 60 (
790 ; llxht , 7 1U@7 00 ; iklpi , 4 40 6 9 <
Cattle Market slow aud we k ntid n
demand lor choice and heavy ; btst 10 ® 11
lower , others 510o off ; export' , UfO'i
C 89 ; good to choice shipping , 6 03 ( G 4 (
OJiiuuou to fair , 6 25(36 ( 85
Sheep Market slow and very weaV
prices n t quntably different ; common t
fair , 3 76@6 CO ; good tuotuicf , 6 COgO II
NKW YORK , April 12. The Drover
Journal Bureau report * :
Beeves-Market nominally steady s
6 40f3)7 ) 76 per owt. for poor to cholc
steerrtdreis beef dull at 10@llo for cltj
91(3 ( lO o for western.
Sheep -Murket firm but cloied ea i (
for unshorn tbeep : unshorn , 6 60 ( 8 00 pe
cwt. ! 2o > rloaduf primlums do at 8 21
yeirllngf , ordinary to choice , 7 20ft 8 fit
Ilnift None tlTered llvo but normnall
stead } * ,
KANSAS Cm , April 12. The Commoi
olal Indicator this afternoou reports *
Cattle Market slow ; good to choic
Btefm. 5 00G3i ; ntookrr < and feedon
4 25@4 7o ; cowr , 3 V5@4 60.t
lli'gx- Market steady ; light to medlurt
7 10 . / 7 30 ; good to extra , 7 80&7 40
Sheep Market steady ; natlvca of Eti (
105 pound * at 5 75 ,
ST LODIB , April 12. Cattle Offorlno
liberal but prices lower and weak nu a
prndet ; o < porl8 , 6 O'fflfi 60 ; light , 560
ti 00 ; comtiicn , b C0@5 25 ; good to cholc
cow aud liei'irp ' , 4 6l/fi / ( 25 ; comnrn , 37
@l 2o ; stockerH xnd feo-iers , 4 L'5@fi (
OJnfed ' 1 ixv t , 4 75@5 60.
Sheep Market hrui for the brst gradei
common , 3 7oft4 75 ; innrllnm to fair 6 00i (
6 75 ; good , to lanoy , 6 00 ® G 8J.
Ho s Market weak and lower ; light t
good shipping , 7 30@7 45 ; mixed packluf
7 00@7 43 ; butchers' to extra , 7 4 ! > @ 7 70.
Special DUpatch to Tui ! ) ,
LiVEnrooL , April 12 , Breadstuff * -
Wheat Winter , 8 9d@9j 3J ; spring , 8
Corn New , 5s 5d.
Wholesale Price * .
Omoi or Tai OMAHA BIB , I
Thursday Evening , April 12. |
The following are the only changes n
ported la the market to-day :
Wheat , cash No. 2 advanced lo ; r <
ject.d , declined 5c.
Rye , cash , advanced Ic.
Local drain Dealings.
WHEAT.- Cash No. t , 863 ; cash No
3 , 71io ; rejected , 42o.
bARLE Y. Cosh No. 2 , 63oj No. S
RYE-Cosh , 43Jo.
SEEDS-Blue grass seed , 125@150
fmothy seed. 2 10@2 25 ; red clover seed
9 00 ; white clover seed. 13 00 ; millet seed
100 ; Hungarian seed , 1 10 ; orchard eras
seed , 2 60.Produce
Produce and Provision * .
POTATOES 40@60c per bushel.
ONIONS 10@50c per bushel.
BUTTKRChoice rountry. 13io ,
KGGS Kresb , 16@17o.
HONEY California , perlb , 31.
APPLES Per barrel , | 2 25@3 25.
OYSTERS Platt's select oysters , 46o
Standard , 35 ; mediums , SO
ORANGES Messina , 8 75XS4 25.
LEMONS -84 00@4 60 per box.
BEANS Navy per bushel , 2 76@3 00
OHIOKENS-lS@14c per Ib.
TURKEYS 14o per pound.
Grocers L.IBC
( Field's ) , per case , $4 00 ; do 1 B ( Field's )
par cose , 2 76) do 2 Ib ( Qtandard ) , per case
a 90 ; strawberries , 2 ID , per case , 2 40
raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 8 60. Dam
sons , 2 Ib , per case , 2 45. Bartlet
pears per case , 240. Whortleberrie
per caae,275. Egg plnms,2 Ib porcbse,2 90
Green gagee,2 lojper ease , 2 90 ; do choici ,
toper case i 60. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per ca
4 00@5 76. Peaches , 2 ft per case , 8 00
do 3 Ib , cose , 4 00@4 50 ; do , ( pis ) , 8 Ib , pe
case.2 60 : do pie. 6 m , per do en. 2 80.
FLOUR Jobbing price * , Jack Fros
St. Louis winter ) $3.75 per 100 Ibs. ; Topeki
Patent Kansas , 860 ; Mlnnehaha
Minnesota Patent , $875 ; Sbawnee fansi
winter , $3.10 : Eagle , XTCyX win
& ! ? r'7 ? ! TriumPh , 'Prfnfr. b812. . 75
i '
Christian's 3,80 bran '
superlative , : , pe'
ton , $1G 00 ; chopped feed , $18 00@25.00
Queen Bee flour , per sack , 8 25 ; Nellli
Blye , per sack , 290.
L RD Omaha RefinlnlngCo.t Tierces
12a ; 40 and 60-lb cans , 12 Jo ; 20-lb cans
I23c ; 10-lb palls , screw top , 12c ; 6-lb dome
mo ; S-lb do , 122c.
RtCE LouUlana prime to choice , 72 2
Bo : fair. 7aJ74c ( ; Patma , 6ic.
FISH No. I macfterel , half brl * , 6 76
No. 1 mackerel , kits , 1 00 ; family mack
erel , half brb , 4/76 / ; famllv mackerel , kits
B5c ; No. 1 white fish , half brls , 6 00 ; No. ]
OOFFE K.-Ulo , ralr , llo. Rio , rfoot
lllo ; ntltito choice , 12 to 124c ; Old gov'l
Java 18o ( Q 24c
SUGARS Powdered , lOo : Cut loaf
I0c ; Granulated , 9 0 ; Confectioners' A
Die ; Standard Extra 0 , 8Jc ; Extra C
Sic ; mtdlurn yellow , 74o ; dark yellow , 7ic
SYRUP Standard Com. , 44o , bbls.
Standard do , 44 gallon kegs , $2 05 ; Star
lard do. 4 gallon kegs , (1 95.
SODA In Ib papers , $3.30 per canekof ;
> od , 21.0.
NEW PICKLES Me Hum , In barrolo
B7 00 ; do in half bbls , 401 ; emails , la bhU
100 do , in half bbls , 600 ; gherkini , it
bbls , 11 00 ; do , in half bbls , 6 00.
STARCH. Pearl , 440 ; Silver Glow
JJc ; Com Starch , 9ia ; ExcelsJcrQloes
lo t Corn , 7c.
TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 450G5
Dholoe , 60@76c ; Imperial , good , 4045o
Oholae , 30@75c ; Young Hyson , goDd , 6S (
50c ; choice , C5c@ l 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf
! 5e : Japan , choice , 60@76c ; Oolong , rood
J640 ; Oolong , , 40@65j Souchong
rood. 85(340o ( : choice , 3545a.
. ROPK-S V i'xh ' * nd Iar er' ll °
I Inch , llitj Jlnch , 123.
WOODENWARK-Tsro hoop pall. ,
L B 60 ; Pioneer waibboards , 1 86 Donbli
Drown 2 90 ; WellbuokeU , 860.
LEAD Bar , $1 66
VINEGAR Pnie tppla extra , I6c
we apple , ISc ; Fiuadntr cure annle , 16a
SALT. Dry loads , per bbL 1 70i Ash
Hn , In aao ka , 8 60 ; bbls darry t50 , 6s8K
SOAPS-Klrk's Saron Imperial , 8 4
Ztrk-i tatliMt , 8 VOtKltVt sUndard , 8 75
Kirk1 ! white Rnislut , 625t Kirk'
Bitoca , 216 Klrk's ralrle QnewL
[ 100 cakes47 ; Kirk's magnoUa derv
' ow
L 90 : Anchor Ball 2 dot In ease 160.
PEANUTS-Roasted , choice , red Ten.
lessee , lOoper Ib ; fancy white , 104o perlb ]
w white Virginia raw , lOoi roosted
CANDLES-Boxes , 40 Ibs.M. , 16J0j 81 ,
5S ! ! * % Z3 ° lbl" 16 ot6 . lls 0-
MATOHEfa-Per caddie , 96o , round ,
S 40.
, * ml1 , Ber , ' 8 ° 5 b
> Ib , , 131o clear side
er ; bacon per Ib , oi
ry salt Mdes p r Ib. , 9Jo ; drr salt houl'
lew perlb , JOjfc ; bacon shoulders per Ib. ,
I4c : tierce lard per Ib , ; lie.
SPIOES.-PepDer , 21 ; Allsploa , 18a ;
raw , MKfHtal Mo8h , 284oi Arbuokle' .
4Jc.OHBE3HFnU Cream , 14o | ' Part
Iklm , 1040 ,
LYE American , 8 40 ; Greenwich. 8 40 ;
Vestorn , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 OOj LcwV
ye. 4 e' . ; Jewell lye , 2 76.
FEED-Jobhlng prica , Chop feed
* ' P
HOMIWY-Now 4 OOper bbl.
, j-J . , . * T J * f M * Xrf * IJW > (
Ic ; Ohlttynaiwo A , djci Oreat Falla B ,
Jcj Hoosler , Blot Honest Width , 8c , In'
llan Head A , 8oj Indian Standard A ,
Jc ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8i ; Lavresca
LL , Olcj Myotln river , 7jo | Toquot A , SJi
cohawmut LL , Jo ; Utlca 0 , 6 01 W chui
ott U , "ic | do A , 8Jo | do K 48,12i < jJ Wa
Sltt 1)1) , Bio.
Mi 74 < > ! Allljjator M , Soj Argyle 4-4 , 7J <
Atlantic LL,6ioj Badger State X 4-4 , y. .
Bennlngton 0 4-4 , GJoj Buokoyo 8.44,6 | <
Indian Orchard AA 9-8 , 8Joi Laconin i
89 , 8Jc ; Lohlgh K 4-4 , Diet PoppcroU 3
80 , 7cj do O 83 , 7ic | do K 80 , 7Jo ; do K 8 !
ft 0 | Vocaisot 0 4-4 , 7 oj Wamsutta 4-
gin L 4-4,9iciBlaokstoneAA Imperial 8i
do do half bleached 4-4,9o | Oahot 4-4,8 ;
Fidelity 4-4 , OJcjVrult of the Loom. Oh d
ean.brlc4-4,12icdoWaterTwi ; t,10icUrc ;
Falls Q , 9o ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12 <
Lonndnie , lOo ; do cambric 37 , 12Jo : No'
York Mills. 12Jo ; PoquotV,10o | L < eppero
N G Twills , lajoi Pooahontai 4-4 , 9J (
Focauot 4-4 , 8io | Utlcft , llc | Wamintt
UuUKa Colored ) Albany K browt
8a ; do 0 , drab. Hot do i i. stripes au
plaids , 12io ; do XXX brown and drat
stripe * aud plaid * , 13icj Arlington fonoj
IBrJo : nnawlck brown , SJos Chariot fane ]
12ioj do extra heavy , 20o | Fall Klvt
brown , extra heavy , 11 ic ) Indiana i
br.iwn IKnt Nouonsot A brown. 15o
TlOKiiNUB Amoskean A U A S
19o ; do XX blue 32 , 18Jo | Arrowannr
9Jo ; Claremont B U. 15io : Conostogai [ ;
tra , 171c ; Ilamlltun D , llio Lewiston
SO , lOo ; Mlnnehaha 4-4 , UOo ; Omega supo
extra 4-4 , 28o : Pearl lllvor 82 , lOio : Put
nam XX blue stripe , 12o ) Shetuokot I
lOJc ; do SB 12o : Yeoman's blno 29 , 9
DKNIMS. AmoBkenk , blue and bron
Ifilcj Andover DD blue , 154o | Arllng2
blue Scotch , IS o ; Concord OOO , blue n\
brown , 12io : do AAA , do do 13i ; doXXt
do do 14 0 Haymaker's blue and browt
94o ; Mystic Klvor DD stripe , 164o | Peai
iuvor , blue and brawn , IGcj Uncavlll (
blue and brown , 14Jp.
OAMBIUC3 Barnard , 50) ) Eddyston
lining. 24 Inch double tnue , 830 ; Garner J
glazed , Pic ; Manhattan glove finish , 69
Newport do 6cj do glazed , BJc | Poquot d
60 : Lockwood kid finish Go.
CORSET JEANS Amory , 8cAndro |
ooggin sattoon Cloj Clarendon , 6JojCone
oSen tuktteons , 71cj Hollowel > , 80 ; Inidl
Orchard 74o ; Nr\rrigan ott , Improvedc
JfRyJlL1 ! 6. ? flJos Kookport , 7Jo ,
PlUNTS-Allens , 6Jc : American , CA <
Arnold , 7o ; Berwick. 4 Jo ; Cocheoo , 7i
Oonestoga. Go ; Dunkirk , I DnnneL
6J@7oj Eddystone. 7o ; Qloncester , 6 <
Harmony , 5 Jc ; Knickerbocker , 6Jo ; Me
rl ao D. 7c ; Myttlo , BJo ; Bprftmes , ( k
Southbrldge , 60 ; do. Ginghams , 7c ; Marlboro
bore , 5Sc ; Oriental 6ic.
GINGHAMS Amoskeag , 8o ; Argl <
10)oj ) Atlantic , Oo ; Cumberland , 74 (
Highland , 7ftc ; Kenllworth , 8&o ; Pine
kett , 8io | Bnisex , Be.
Agate , 20a ; American , Hot Artlslan ,
Cnlro D and T , 13Jo ; Olarlca D and 1
17ic ; Decoan Co.Btrlpea DandT , ICe ; Koj
stuue , ISio ; Nantuokot , 19o ; Nonparoi
ICe ; Ocean D and T , ISjoi Royal , 10 *
SusBex , 12o ; Tloga , laic ; Waohnsett shir
In ? shocks. 12Jo ; do , Nankin , 12ic ; York
plalb Nankin , me ; do , checks , strlpea an
fancy , X2to ; do , 8 oz 30o ,
SHEETINGS Androsoogjdn KW,274c
do 0.4 , 23odo 8-4 , 22o ; ContinentaH
42 , lie , Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; No\
York mllls98 , 85o ; do 78 , 80o : do 68. 22k
Pembrjke 10.4 , , 25o ; PeqnotlC-4 , 28Jo , d
74 , 19c do 49 , 16o ; Peppercll 90. 39c
do 67 , 21odo ; 67 , 18o ; UtSca' 66. 860 ; d
58 , 22.01 do 48. 17c.
Carbolic , 60c ; Acid , Tartario , 65o | Bolsai
Oopablo , per Ib , 70o ; Bark , Sassafras , pe
Ib , ISi ; Calomel , per Ib , 76oj Olnohonlrtu
per oz , SI 10 ; Chloroform , per Ib. 90 ;
Dover's powders , per Ib , 91 23 ; Epsoi
Salts , per Ib , S ci Glycerine , pure pe i b
SOc ? Lead , Acetate , per Ib , 22
Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal , fcl 2
Oil , Castor , No. 8 , per gal , 8115 ; OH
Olive , per gal. 81 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 6C
Opium , $5 1 0 ; Quinine P. & W. & R. & 8 ,
per oz , 91 85 ; Potassium. Iodide , per 1
91 76 ; Salocin , per oz 40c ; Sulphate
Morphine , per oz , $3 85 ; Sulpnnr flea
per Ib , 4ct Htrvobnlne. oer or. SI < t6.
Paint * Oil * and V rnlshM
OILS UO * carbon , per gallon
12o ; 160 * headlight , per gallon
14oj ( ln * headlight , per gelleD , 19c
160 Water White , 18 } uinseed
raw , per pallon , 66 ; Unseed , boiled
gallon , 68c ; lard , winUr tr'd , per al
C . P5j No. 1 , 860 ; No. 2 , 76c ; oostoi
XXX. prr gallon , 1 26 ; No. 8 , 1 16 ; sweet
per gallon. 85cj sperm , W. B. , per gallon
1 76 ; Bah , W. B.per gallon , 75o ; noaUfoot
extra , per gallon , 90c ; No. 1 , 660 ; lubrl
eating , zero , per gallon , 80o | summer , 16c
golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 860 ; Na
2 80 : sperm , signal , per gallon , 80o ; tur
pentlne , per gallon , 65c ; naptha , 74 , pe
gallon. 18o ; 64 , 17o
PAINTS IN Olb-Whlto lead , Omahi
red seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish asst
20c ; French sinoe , in oil anot 16o ; Rai
and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12oi raw oni
burnt Sienna , 18ot Vandyke brown , t
refined lampbUok. ISo : oonch block and
Kory black , 16o ; drop blax k , 16o ; Prossbu
blue , SOo ; ultramarine blae , 18o ; chrxtn
green , L. M. & D. , 14cblind ; and shntte :
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D 0 , , 18o
yellow ochre , 9o ; golden ochre , 18 ; paten
dryer , So ; graining colon i light oak , darl
oaV. walnnt. * hostnat and ash 15c.
Dry atnU
vVhlta load , 8a ; French sine. lOci Par
whltDing 2jc ; whitiug gilders , lie
> .bitlng com1 ! , llo ; lampblack German
town , 14c ; Umpblack , ordinary , 10o ; Pnu
atan blue , 55cj ultramarine , 18c ; vaudyki
brown , 80 ; umber , burnt , 4s ; nmbor , rav
loaienna ; , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4i
Paris green genuine , 25c ; Paris grean com
'Met ohromo green , N. Y. ' 20o ; chron
green K. , 12c ; veraiilUon , Eng. , 70c ; vc
million , America. 18c ; Indiau rod , 10
rme pink , 14c ; Venetian road , Ookaaosi
? Jc : Venetian red Am. , IJc ; rel lead , 7Jc
chrome yellow , genuine , 20o hrome yel
low , K. , 12o ; oohre , rochelle 8c ; ochn
French. 2Jc ; ochre , American , 2o
Winter1 * mineraL 2lc ; lehlgn brown. 2io
spanith brown. 24c ; Prince s mineral Bo
VARNISHEB-BarreU per gallon
Furniture , extra , 91 10 : furniture , No. 1
1 > coach , extra , 1 40 ; oooh , No. 1
81 20 ; Dornar , extra , 91 76j apan , 70o ; as
phAJtum , extra , 860 ; sheila | 3 60 ; ban
oil finish , SI 80.
HldM furs. Kto.
HIDES < reen bntohort bides. 6i1
7o cured C7io ; bides , green salt
dry flint , aound , 1218c ; dry col
nd kip , 1201401 dry salt hld < , sound
10lloireenoaltfwt.8 ol5tt7llil3 ( <
green call , wt- under B DM , per skin. 60o
rreenpeltj , 60@S1 36 ; green lambskins
U 2601 60i damaged bides , two-third rate
put scored and on grub , classed two-
IJrds rate , ) branded hides 10 per e tU. ofi
Coon skins , No. 1 , 46o ; No. 2 , 80c ; No. 1
f ° / J No. 4 , lOo , Mink , No , 1 , SOoj No. J
60 ; No. 8 , 16o ; No. 4 , 6c. Fox ,
Woj No. 2 , 26o. Skunk , No. 1 , b28 l
o ; short stripe , 40oj narrow stripe *
broad stripe. lOo. Tallow 7c.
_ . Leather
. ° k i o' ' j 8o to 42e ; hemlock sole , S8o tc
„ 6cj hemlock kfp. SOo to 100 ; runner ,
16c i to 80c ; hemlock calf , 860 to 1 20 ; hem-
oak upper , 23o to 26c ; oak upper. 24ci
( dllgator. 4 00 to 6 60 ; calf kid , 82@35o |
Irehenkid , 2 60 to 2 76 ; oak kip , SOo to
.00 ; oak call , 120 to 1 80 ; French kip ,
1 10 to 1 6C ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rus-
etts. 6 60 to 7 60 ; linings , 6 00 to 10 GO ;
opplngs , 9 00 to 10 60 ; B. L. Morocco , 30o
l ° MtoaP00 ° ' D < Moroooo 85 ° J * imonJ
RNKB3-No I „ r oak , 42 , No 2
i l ° is i Nel Ohio oak , 880 ; No. 2 do ,
We ; No. 1 Milwaukee. 87o ; No , 2 do Slo.
We quote lumber , lain and shingles on
a * "nwlia at the following prlce i
mder , 822 00 ; 18 ft. , 823 60.
-No. 1 (2nd ( Common
N ° ' 3't1800'
25 | bulk per 6ns-
bbl , 92 60. Hair iKr ) bn , 60o. Tarre
felt 100 Ibs , 83 60 , Straw board , 93 60.
Heavy Hardware List.
Iron , rates , 9300 ; plow steel , ipeoh
east , 7c ) crucible , Has epeciitlurJerman,6 <
( Uit tool do. 16 20 waron fpokes , e <
' . - < C3 OOj hubs , per set , 1 25 ; f elbos , sawo
dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70Wc ( ; axlci
each , 75c > snnaro nnU , per fl > , 7@lh
wanhon. per Ib , 8@lbo : rlvctn , per Ib , lie
cell chain , ( xir Ib , 6l2c ; mollonblo , B <
Iron wedges , Co ; crowbars , Co harrow
tooth , 4o ; spring ted , 7@8c ; Burden' '
horteshoM. 6 2 ; Burden's muleshoes. 6 2 !
BAUBKD WIRK-In car lots , 760fj
8 60 per 100.
NAILS-llatos. 10 to 60 > , 3 76.
SHOT.-Shot , 91.86 ; Buck shot , 92.H
Oriental Powilor , kegs , 86.40i do. , hi
kegs. 83.48 ; do. , quarter kngs , 81.88 ; Bla
Ing. kc ? , 83.851 Fuse , per 100 feet 60o.
COAIr-Cnmberland blaoktmlth , 81 !
Morris Run Blonaburg , 812 ; Vhltebrca (
lump , 84 M ) ; Whltobreast nut. 84 60 ; low
lump , 81 50 ; Iowa nut (4 50 ; Rock Sprlui
9700 ; Anthracite , 811 60@12 00 ; Cano
City , 87 00 per ton.
ALCOHOL 188 proof. 9 25 per win
gallon ; extra California spirits , 187 prool
1 25 per proof gallon ; triple rofiuod spirit
187 proof , 1 23 per proof gallon ; ro-dlntlllo
whiskies , 1 00@1 6U ; fine blended 1 50 (
2 60 ; Kentucky bourbon ? , 200@7 00 ; Ket
tuckv and Pennsylvania ryon , 2 00@7 00
BUANDIEB-Importcd , (6 00016 ( X
domcstlo 1 40ffl4 00 ,
GINS Imp orted , 4 6000 OOj domcstli
ROMS Importetl , 4 606 00 ; Noi
Eagland. 2 00@4 00 ; domentio , 1 603 5
1 76@4 00.
OUAMPAGNKS-Importecl per oasi
S3 00 ® 81 OlAmitlwa , ease , U 00 (
1600 ,
CLARETS 'or OMB , 4 60910 00
WINKS Rh no wine , per case , 6 OOC
2 00 ; Oatavba , per cose , 4 0007 00.
Clears and Tooaecos.
FINK OUT In palla. Hard to Beal
76o ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , 80x
Favorite , r > 5c | Rocky Mountain , 60 <
Fancy , 660 ; Daisy , 60c. In tin foll-
Catltns O. B. , 6 Ib boxes , per Ib 03c | Lor !
Ulard's Tiger , 60c ; Diamond Crown , 660.
SMOKING All grades Common , 25 1
33o. Granulated lUackwells Durham , 1
oz 46 j ; Dukes Durham , 16 oz , 46o ; Seal c
North Carolina. 16 oz , 46 ; Seal of Nobrai
ka , 16 oz , 880 ; Lone Jack. 4 OK. linen bagi
perlb , 81.86 ; Marburps' Puot 2 os , U
oil , 65c ; Dog T all 65c.
Merino unwa * ed , light. 14016e ; beavy.c
@ 1816o ; mBdlum unwashed , light , 18(320 (
washed , ohoioe , 82o ; fair , SOo ; tub-ding
and w , , 28o ; burry , blaokand ootted woo
26o less
Horses and Mules.
The market Is brisk and all grades ai
selling well at slight advance In piiooi
The demand for good horses exceeds tb
supply considerably. Prices range osfo
lows ;
Fine single drivers , 8160. to 800. ; Kxti
draft horses , 9175. to 225. ; Common droJ
horses , 8100. to 160 , t Extra farm horsoi
9110. to 125.J Common to good farm horsei
890. to 9100. ) Extra plugn , 960. to 76
Common plugs. 920. to 840.
MULES. 16 to 1BJ hands ( extra ) , 9121
to 160. ; 141 to 16 hands , 9100. to 140
14 to 14l hands , 976. to 100 , | 181 to 1
bands , 960 , to 75.
c The fcURElVf OUR ! for
F * w. i uio U OK or B auKiniona urine
- Indicate Jiat you arc a vletlmf THEN BO
c oncacdru.'nrUU recommend U ) and It will
J- speedily overcome the dlseaie and rector *
H healthy aotion to all theorean * .
c IsarfiACS Toreomplalntapscnilar
c * * MSo toyoumor.iuohaapaln
and wcakneasee , KLDNEY-WOUT Uunsnr-
paaaod.Mltwll ) aet promptly and safely.
, JUthrr Bez. Inoontmenoe , retention of
r urine , brlokdut or ropy deposlU , and doll
lvo power. ( in
PT AI.I. PBTOQIBTB. frfea 1.
A woll-known clerirrmaD , lliv. N. Coort <
Trompelean , WU , say * : ' I find Kldne ) Wort ,
sure lure lor kldnoy and 1 ver troubles. '
I for nil diseases of the Kidneys and (
It has' speelflo action on tal * moet ImporUut
| organ , enabling It to throw off torpidity and t
. Inaotlon , stimulating tha healthy leenUon ]
.of the Bile , nd by keeping the bowela In TM. i
loondiUoncflecungiUregnlardlacharirs. <
HJi > I > * ] > Iryou are sufrbrlnt from
IWIalOl Ida malaria , lure the ohllU , t
. are Mlion * . drtpepUo. or oonstlpated , Kid-
. nej-Wort will surely rellsrej tc tjuloUy our * . ]
' In this season to olmBMthBnt m , smyl
one should Uk * a thorough ooone of It. ( ll ) <
"Last year , I went w turope , iavi Uenr ;
Ward , late Col. 69th Reg N. O. B. N. Y. , noi
lMni { at )73 W. Side Avo. , J. 0. High to , N. J.
"only to icturn worse ( ram chronic liver corn
plaint. Kidney-Wort , a * a last resort , has Rive
me better hca th than I hae hitherto e > ijoy
lor many , many yi an. " He's cured now an
ooDieiLiiitlhippy. | ) .
yo other dl'iMf la eo prevalent In thlt
. country ai Coaoti ton , and no remedy C9
C has rfvor i qunlloj tltr celebrated KIDMITV-
WOIIT M a OHM. Whatever the cause ,
a however obeUnatu the OIUHI , thla rnruocly
will ovorooao U ,
* dl tre elnc com.
i very opt to be j
oompllcatod nltU ooiutlpatlon. JUdncy.
t ! WortatrciiffthenathowenkcnedparU nnd
" quickly ciu-ce nil klndu of rtlw even when
physicians end modlctocn hove before tttl-
tvlt you hn vo el tntr o f these troubles
"I will recommend It everywhere , " wrl'ei Jai
U. Mover , Oarrl gi Maoufa-turer , Mtentow
Pa , "bocausi It" Klilney.\Voit-cured my pl' '
I son
tt-H-E-C-M-A-T-I-fc W
- - - - - - - -
AattUforaUthpalnraldle ae * ftei .
It eleeoiM * Uie tyaVea of MM acrl4
thai moM i dnadfol smflbrtu ,
only the vletlaM of rtwomoaUa out rwUs * .
of Utf wont formal ot thU Unible
liavs ) b n 4 l kXr nllrred , aodla * >
raid i. uqnn M mr , sou / BKtsfiHTs.
"O DrToanbaxntbyinall.
KLIJI. RICH A UDSOS A CO. , IlarUnirton.Tt
JjfflSrEY-WORt. ;
"Mr. Walter Croti , my customer , was pro * , rs
td with iheuma'lsm for two yean ; tried In vain
all remedies ; Kidney. Wort alone cured him
have triea l ayielr , and know ( hat It I * good.
-Portion of a letter from J. Wlllett , druiglsl
Removed from 1222 Farnam 8t to IOO Po
Fifteenth 8t. opppslte PostofHce.
Will opeu nn March loth , a flee lot of pattcri
nnnets andhats , ri' bins , Mo , Also I r < re addl
lonsto tliestoci of Hair Ooo * . comprUlnir al
he noveitlrs of the s awn. * lhe ohlilo ttl
Ignt mil Iniry store In Omaha
JOHN D , PEABODY , M , D , ,
OFFICE nOOM8. 3 & B 1607 KARNAU 8T.
IteUdcpco 1714 Couglas fltrtet , Omaha , Neb ,
Undertakers ,
Offices and parlors over the new Omaha
National Bank , 13th , between Farnam
and Douglas Streets.
. . , . . , ,
Dr , Fishblntt can bo Consulted Every Day Exo > pv. Fridays and
and haturdnys , these two Days being devoted to flia Disnensary
at Dos Monies , Iowatipooml attention given to diseases of the
There nro a Kroat many people throughout the State whose circumstances will not
permit thorn to visit the Dispensary personally. There nro other * who are unable to
travel , nml fur various reasons cannot leave ho no. For the accommodation of those
thus Mtuated , and by the rcrmont ol many patrons all over the state , Dr. Fishblatt will
Visit the following elite * on the day * and dates mentl nodt
Nebraska City , Friday and Satutdnv , March 10th and 17th ; Fremont , Saturday ,
March Slit ; Full * City. Friday. April Gth } Tecum eh , Saturday. April 7th ; Sahuvlor ,
eriday , Aptll 13th ; Cohunbiui , Stturdav. April Mtht Bo tt Ice , Friday noon , April 20th
to Saturday noon , April 21tt | Lincoln , Saturday. Aurll 23th ; Council Bluff * . ( Iowa )
Saturday. May 5th ; Kearney , Thursday. Mar 10 h ; Htitln.'R , Friday. May llth )
Grand liland , Saturday , May 12th ; Crete , Friday , May 18th ; LMattimnntn , Saturday.
May 19th ; North I'lalto , Saturday , May 20th ; Norfolk , Friday , Jnno 1 ; David City ,
Saturday , < Tune Oth.
* a"For further particulars and other appointments , tee your county papers ,
Special attention given to Diseases of the
And Female Diseases , as well as All Ohronio and Nervous Diseases
HM JIicov red the greatest cure In the worM ( or weakness of the back and limb * . Involuntary
dlicharircs. linpo'oocv , g tur l dobl Hy , ncrvousncM , laniuor , confusion ol Idea * . palplutlonof th '
hrari , timidity , trembling , dlmnets of sljht or g ddlncas , alsetso * of th * hf ad , throat , re 01 ikla
flections o ( It o liver , lungi , stomach or bo ei thosettnlblo disorder * art Ing Ircm so Itary hah-
III c ( you b , s nd scent tin ctl es more fatal to the victims ttaa the sonts of Bj rent to tbe marlo- I
era of ulyiei , blighting their moit ridlant hopei or nil jluatltnu. rendering ramlaje Impossible. ,
Thee thit are suffering from ttio evil practice * which doitro/ their moauland pnrilcal systems.
The symptoms of which are a tlull , distressed mind , which undti them from performing their boil- i '
neti and ocl l duties , makes hippy tntirlage loipots b'e , dUtreuei the act on of the heart , causing
flmbtsot heal , de nailonof splrl'.ev < l Ijrebjdlnf. ojwanlioa feiri , dntmt. ro * loa nights ,
dluluess , forgot ulneis , unnatural dlichirRos , palj In the back and ) hlp * . hort breathing , melan
choly , tire easily of company and havj tired rcnco to be alone , feeling ai tired In the m irnlng M
when retiring , * imln l wrakm * > , loitmantrcxl , white bone deposit In the urine , rervouinom. coa ;
fuilon of thouiht trembling , watery and weak eye * , dvrpepila , conitlp Uoa , piteneas , mluand
woakneu In the limbs , etc. . should consult mo immoul ttoly and bo restored to petftot health.
Who have become victims of solitary vice , that dreadful and destructive haVt whlch > nnaally
sweep * to n untimely grave thousands rf young mm of emlted Uljnl and brl ll nl Intellect who
mUhtotherwlio entrance listening senators with the thunder * of thulr eloquence or wake toecsta-
ey the living lyre , may call with full confidence. J
Harried penons or voung men contemplating marriage be aware of physical weakness , loss *
prrcreatlv * power , Impotency , or any othir disqualification ipee'llly relieved , lie who plac- shim '
Mlf u dertnecaroot Dr. Flshila tmay rell iouily conQde ID his houor M agffntloman. and cvnfl-
dently rely upon hi * Hill a * a puy.lclan.
Immediately cured and full vigor reitorsd. TL I * dismissing atnlo lo- which renders life a burdea
and uiairlago Iropori'blo , U the penally paid by the victim lor improper Indulgence. Tonne peopj *
aresp to comtrlt xc SIM fion not being awart o < the dreidfn consequence i rha < may e sue.
w wbo that undirs and * this inbjtct will deny that procrrat Ion Is lost e , oner by these falling
'nia ' Into Imprcp r habit * than by prudent ? Betide * being deprlv d of the pi' aure of o , althy ofl <
spring * , the nustserbus and dritructlve symptoms of btthbody an i mind arise. The syitem be
comes dcrangtd , thuphtitcal and mental functions weiken ; Lois of procrcatlvt powers , nervous
Inability , dpep Ia , palpitation of the heart , Indigestion , [ constitutional debility , waiting ol the
bame , cough , coninmpllon and d < ath.
Person * ruined In health by unleained pre'enders wbo keep them trifling month after man !
Uklngpolioncuiand Injurious compound * , should apply Immediately.
graduate of one of the most eminent colleges of thelm'ted ' States , has etfcted some of th most
aitonliblng cure * that weroevoi known ; many ttoubled with ringing In the ear * and head , when
asleep , great nervousnots. belpg alarmed at certain sounds , with fnquent blushing , attended some
times with derangement of the mind were cored Immediately.
Dr. V. addresses all tboee who have Injured themselves by Improper Indulgence andio'lUij
habltsvhlch ruin both body and mind , unfitting them for buslne-i , study , so-lety or marriage.
Ihtse are some of the melanch I y edict * produced by tbe otrly habits of touth , vis : Weak *
ness of the back and llmtM , pains la the head and dlmnea * of sight , lo s of muscular piwei , palpi.
tatlon of the heart , dyspepsia , nervou * Irritability , derangement of digestive function * , debility ,
consumption , etc.
CONSULTATION rRKK. Charges moderate and within the reach of all who nee-t s-t-ntlflfl
Medical treatment. ThOie who res de at a distance and cannot call , will prompt attention
through mall by tlonply sending th er symptoms with po.tajjo.
Audress Lock DOS Si , Omaha , Neb.
The Farewell Send-Off to William
Fawoett ,
An Elegant Testimonial of
Friend ship and Good
The Bpaoiona Mlllard hotel dining
room was the iceno of a brilliant and
Bncceanfnl banqnot Wednesday the
honored guest on this oocasbn bcinp
Mr. William Fawcott , Into tupoiiaten-
dent of the Uaton Paolfio foundry ,
who , after sixteen yearn service with
thin company goes to Boflfilo , Ndw
York , to accept a similar position wtih
Gn'flin & Go , the car wheel raannfso
tnrera ,
Ao uannl the table was eploudldly
I ft Id and pmsontod a totnptlnf ; ulRht.
Mr. T. J S nicy prenidcd , Me. Fair-
oott rcionvlng the o 'ut at his right
end Mr. Wm. Andcrsou at hla left.
After .an hour npont in dlaposlnt ;
of the fine lay-out , the com
pany , which numbered about
fifty , was called to order
by the chairman , who announced the
first toast of the evening , ' 'Tho Union
Pacific Rillrond the best equipped
and beat managed railroad in Amer
ica , " urging the guests In this farewell
race1 lap ; to their old and roapected
follow employe , to obey the scriptural
Injunction to "Eat drink and ba
merry. "
Mr. Andorion responded to this
toast , and a Jd the Union Picifio WM
not , to his knowledge , mentioned in
the bible , but ho would nevortheleas
comply heartily to Mr. Btaley'a re
quest. He then road the following
original poem composed for the ocoa-
( ion.
"Bill , " our U. P. foundry Pawcett.
Leavens leave us-never I nevtrll
You and myself In Prospect illil
Will rest forever , ever , ever ,
On the great , tbe western roadway ,
Pride of our heart * and mutual song ,
we will work , as work we have done ,
In tbe days to cotne as Rone.
May there never be a worse one ,
For tbe cotnpinr and their help ,
Tb n our U. P. foundry I'iwcott ,
Who wa a' sal laog bal kent.
The next toast was , "The Motive
Power and Oar Dpjrtment of the U.
P. K R , the brawn and musolo that
makes It possible to maintain the ror-
utatlon of the Union Pacific over all
snmpotilora. ' Roiponao , Mr. David
Mr. Knox apoka of the skill to bo
'ound In all departmentaof the U P. ,
whoso workmen wore as dlatlngnlseud
as any in the United States. Do al'
nded particularly to the work of Mr.
? Awoott , and expressed the aincereat
regret at hia contemplated departure
"Oar Honored Guest-may bia
shadow never grow less , and may all
hla ffforla in llfo be crowned with suc
cess. " Response , Mr. Tom Orr.
"Tho Offloora of the Union Pacl6o
may they llvo lone ; ard prosper. " Uo-
aponco. Mr. O'Kocffe ,
"Iho Preen , the power that rales
the universe of the nation. " Response.
W. H. K nt. nf THE HKE.
"Tho U. P f undry , unaurpaiaed
in the world ' . ' Hoapunao. Mr. John
Mr. Qalnn , whn Is known as ono of
the boat nxtrmporAijroaa Kpfaktrs in
the city , uiado u very happy pddrcta
allcdlDR to the faon that whllo ho had
orked in the fuundrlen of both
Eaopo and Amprlcu , hu had never
worked with more sincere pride than
In the fonndry department of the Uu-
ion Paolfio , which he WHS roariy to
assert turned nut car wheelu that could
not bo matched in the con "try. Ho
apokn of the c flhnlty nl fi lirg Mr.
Fawcott'a place and of ihn value of
his eervicta to thn coinpmy.
Is a Positive Cur *
Vor all U * * * PaUful Complaint , art Wcafasss
M ooameia U OUT keet female p p UU n.
A Medicine for TToman7 InTtnted by a Worna *
i Prepared by a Woman.
n * OrMlMl ST 4I 1 DlMot.rBlaM ta * Dawa el Bltlm
tVIt rorlret tha drooping * plrlts , Inrlgoratei au <
aormonlun the orvanlo fanctloni , glres elasticity aiii
Ormnex * to tht step , restores the natural lustre .o b <
ye , and plant * on the p..e chock of woman the ( rest
row * of life's sprlnK and earl1 summer time.
tVPhrslclans Use It and Prcscrlbo It Freeljr.V |
It remores falntncai , flatulency , Je troy all crarlnj
for stimulant , and rcllorci wtakncsa of the stomaeh ,
Tliat fueling of buorlng down , cnuilnff pain , nelgW
and luickoche , U always permanently cured by IU uia.
For the euro ofKIJncy Complalnte of cither * i
till * t'ompouuj Is unsurpassed.
. r pivKiiAMni.onn
will crudlrnio un-ry ve.llRe or Uumara fro in th <
jilootl , and nlve tonu and fttrvntrth ( u the system , u
luouwouiou or child. Innlit ou havlne It. .
I Both the Compound and Ulood furlBer ara prr r * <
atC3andt9i Wtwtorn Avenue , Lynn , Uasa. lric o (
either , | L 81z battles for 15. Scut by mall In the fora
of pills , or of loionjrcj , on rvcclpt of price , flperrxa
forclttter. Hr . Plnkhani freci , answers all letter * o <
Inquiry. Encloee 8ct stamp. Bend for pamphlet.
rfSf.n5fiT , > ! ! oul.dl > 8 without LTDIA K.riNKnA
. '
UVEU. I'fUA.TUer cur oonntlpatton. bUl
uul torpidity of the Uw. U ceuUp r box.
all I > rmr ; Uu.v5 m
. . J. .