Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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The Oldest Wlioiesale and
in Omaha. Visitors can here
find all novelties in SIL
Rich and Stylish Jewelry ,
the Latest , Most .Artistic ,
and Choicest Selections in
all descriptions of FINE
WATCHES at as Low Pri
ces as is compatible with
honorable dealers. Gall
and see our Elegant New
Store , Tower Building ,
corner llth .and Faraham
C&enoraJ Agents tor tbf
Finest and Best ianoa and
Orgaas manufrctoiyn- .
Our prioos are ay Low a
any MeitornMaaufaocvrer
and D * aler ,
Pianos and O-ga s sold
for cash or installment : at
Bottom Pr ces
A 8PLENDIO st ck of
Steinway. Chickering ,
Knabe , Voso & Son's Pi
anos , and otto r makes.
Also Ciough & War en
Sterling Imperial , Smith
American Organs , &c. Do
not fail 10 see us before
* AuLarge Stock always .W Hand. _
Shingles , Lath , &c.
Call and Qet My Prices Befora Buying Elsewhere ,
FM-Olass Painting and Trimming , Repairing Promptly Done ,
1319 Harnoy , Oar. 14th , Omaha.
* Have now been finished in our store , mar-
ing'it the largest and most complete
In the West An additional story has been
built and the five floors all connected
with two
One Exclusively for the uo of Passengers. These Immense ware-
l % rooms three stores , are 66 leet wide are filled with the Grand-
VX est display of all kinds of Household and Office Furniture evei
jf ehown-
M All are invited to call , take the Elevator on the first flooj
and go through the building and inspect the stock-
206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha ,
jJi On Long TimeSiprjiirPayments
A , IIOSl'E , JR. , ! 519/I'd t Omaha ,
A Muniflciont Endowment for a
Kow Academy in Now
Jersey ,
On the Baton & Rugby Plan.
New York Star.
With the fanda now at tholr com
mand the trustees of the estate of the
late John 0. Croon , the Now York
banker , nro determined to giro Prluco-
ton , N. J. , the most complete and ox *
tensive boys' school In America.
When Mr. Green dlod ho loft the
greater part of his cstato for the bone *
tit of educational Interests , and Princs-
ton has already received in glfla and
brqufBU over a million and a half dollars
lars The trustees of the estate have
decided to expend $500,000 in estab
lishing a bojs * school on the basis of
the great English public schools , and
for this purpose ) esiorday purchased
the Lawroncevlllo Academy , five
miles from Princeton , paying $25,000
for the buildinus and good will. The
trustee ! ) nro United States Jndgo
Nixon , Jndgo Green , ox-Clerk of the
Supreme Court ; Barker Gummoro , and
other prominent men , who have long
had the plan under discussion. Now
buildings trill bo begun at onco.
The main features of the plan havn
boon taken from the great echoo'o ' of
Eton nnd Rapby and the pncccesful
1'nilllpi academy at Exotar. Tno most
novel feature , perhaps , Is the adoption
for the fa'rst titno In America of the
"form" system on alarcoeoalo.andtho
aix classes of boy a will live In different
houses , bo under the Irnuio-Hfito por-
soual supervision of the dift'eront matte -
to re , and only the older boys will bo
allowed to live In dormitories No
fagging will bo allowed , no charity
scholars will bo taken , and the ex
penses of the school year will bo about
$400 for each pupil.
The trustees have more money than
they need for the purpose , and tholr
control of the trust is diecrothnary.
Whllo the now buildings are bolng
constructed the work of the old acad
emy , which has boon In operation forever
over three-quarters cf a century , will
not bo disturbed. It is not proposed
to establish college scholarships , and
the school will probably bo made one
of the largest and most important
schools of high grade in the country.
Jndgo 0. S Green , of Trenton ,
says of the school : "It is to bo ab
solutely Independent of any control
except Us own board of trustees.
Lawroncevlllo was selected as the elto
ol such a Nhool for several reasonn
It was my brother's birthplace and ho
received all his education at the old
Lawrencevillu school' ' , which ho left at
the ago of 14 to to into business In
Naw York. To put the Liwronoi-
vllln school , which has boon established -
od 85 years , on now footing wna ul
waya a favorite idea of his , and MM.
Green is only carrying out his expressed
pressed intentions in the present piano ,
An Anuwer Wanted.
Can any one bring ua a casa o
Kidney or Liver Complaint that Klectrii
Bitters will not rpeodlly cure ? We nay
they can uot , as thousands of cases nlroady
permanently cured , and who are dally reo
ommendlng Klrctrlc Bitters , will provi >
B right's Dlseate , Diabete ? , Weak Back , ni
any urinary complaint quickly cured ,
They purify the blood , regulate the bow ,
el * , and act directly on the diseased partx ,
Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at 50a
bottle by C. F. Goodman. "
' A Dissipated Dos-
Chief Olork Bailer , of the building
Inspection office , in this city , possesses
a dog which gives promise of becom
ing a thoroughly depraved member of
the canine community. He is a brown
pup , nine months old , is a cross ba-
tween a Newfoundland and a spaniel ,
and at this early , stage of his career
has become addicted to the use of to
bacco and drink. Ever since he was
a mewing puppy Rovar ( cho dissipated
dog's name is Rover ) has evinced a
strong liking for tobacco , and will
worry and fret if ho is in the company
of any ope with a clear nntil.hogeto
possession of the coveted weed , oven
going so far as to make high leaps in is held aloft. If
a lighted cigar is tossed to him ho will
worry it as ho'would a rat until ho
succeeds In putting it out , and then
proceed to chew it up with all gusto
shown by the ordinary moral dug in
masticating a bit of raw beef. Ho will
indulge in loose tobacco , snah as Is
found In cigarettes , but prefers cigar
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , \
May 15 , 1880. /
GENTLEMEN Having been n suffer
er for a long tlmo from nervonn pros
tration and general debility , I WHO
advised to try Hop Bitters. I have
taken one bottle , and 1 have been
rapidly getting batter ever sluoi , and
I thluk it the best medicine I over
used. I am now gaining strength and
appetite , which was all gone , and I
was in despair until I tried your Bit
ters. I am now well , able to go about
arid do my own work. Before taking
it , I waa completely prostrated
Priae Fighters' Hands.
Billy EdvmJa la Now York Sun.
The champion light weight , Mr.
Billy Edwards , said : "It is not the
big hand that deals a hard blow , but
what is behind it. Sullivan has a big ,
strong hand on him , and Blade's Is , I
understand , largo ; but that 'fact ' la
worth nothing in calculating their
chaucoH in a fight. A big , soft hand
is too much like a boxing glove to beef
of much account. My baud is porhapt
a little larger than most men of my
weight have , but that comes from the
work I did shoveling sand and hand'
ling heavy weights In a foundry when
I was young , and afterward In riveting
boilers. The third and fourth fingen
are the ones that do the most work IE
a fight , not the knuckle of the second I ,
as many imeglnu. They are conso'
qnontly the ones that suffer moat. Bid ]
broke these fingers on my right ham
on Gollyor , May 2. 1870 , in the thlrc
round of the fight , but hardly notlooc )
it , and wont on through the figh btm
using them as if they had not boei
harmed. But when I broke that bom
In tho. middle of my left hand on Tin
Collins , in the second round , on Ma'
25 , 1871 , It efleotnaUy settled my us
of that hand during the rest of th
finht. I could hardly hare killed h iy
with It , arid had to do all my work wit th !
the right band. Pete McCoy ha
a rmiJUsh. hand yea , J. ma
s y , VPIT small nnd hols a very good
man. Professor MoOlollan has a large
hind fur n man of his size , but that no
doubt conies from his having formerly
been a sailor , Handling the ropes of
a vessel Is certain to develop thu hands ,
and thoaalt water toughen and hard
ens them Arthur Ohunbcrs has a
smallish hand uot much of a cutting
hand , so far as I can BOO , but a good ,
solid hand. Maoo has n middle slead
hand , and no hns Joe Oobnrn. Porhups
Ooburn's hands are n llttlo larwo for
his size , but ho is a big man. Styors
had uot a vcrr largo hand , uot as largo
as this now man , Mitchell , has. I
think Mitchell's hands are of qnlto
good tizo. What A man requires in
the ring is solidity , uot the slza of
hand. The pioklo I have used has
boon composed of vlnrqar , alnui ,
lemon juice , horse radish , and some
times tarturlo acid and rock salt.
Copporns 1 do not me , as it in poison
ous , and , In my opinion , dangerous.
Simple salt water IR very goou. The
'main thirg , however , is rubbing. If
you want to harden your hands kopp
rubbing them frequently and hard , It
may toke n llttlo longer than pickling
would , but will bo u much loan un
pleasant process. "
Monrty far the Unmnrriod
One of the most colld nnd substi-\tUl
Institutions in this country h the jtnr-
rlr > go Fund and Mutual Trust Aewctatlon ,
of Cedar Kapids , lown. They are organ
ized under the laws of Iowa , and heir of
ficers and dlrootoni are among the leading
and moat prominent business men o Cudar
llaulda. Every unmarried person should
have n certificate In this iwBochtion.
It IB n splendid investment , an safe as
government bond. You can juntas well
nave n Rood sum of money to commence
married life on as not. A largo number ol
members ha\o been paid off , receiving over
800 per cent on their Investment. U'rito
for circulars fully detailing the plan , which
IB tlie finest known. Do not postpone it.
Good agentn wanted. Mention where you
saw this no ) top. 15-Hm.
The Wagoa of the Qlnnr , Midget ,
Boarded Lady , Klrc-EAtur and
Et. Louis l'03t-lUp tch.
' 'There are probably a dozan first
class giants in the business , " said J.
E Sackott , in answer to a question ,
"and they gut all the way from $50 to
$500 a week. Got. Goshen gets $75 ;
Brnstad , the Norwegian , gets $75 ;
Chang , the Chinaman , now In London ,
is paid 70 a week and traveling ex
penses. Murphy , who Is also over
there , and who Is the smallest man in
the world , gets about the same salary.
Cooper , who was with Foropaugh last
season , got $200 Midgets are more
numerous thnn giants. There are
over a 100 of them now on exhibition
Tom Thumb in , of course , a h ! h
priced curiosity. Obo M > th gnts Sl'Ji
a week. Jeunio Q ilgloy receives $5 (
n week , and LUtlo JWoll is paid $35
Gen. Mite and Lucia Zirata , n ho travi *
together , got $500 a week and 1 (
per cent cf thu profits of thb mnnngo
went ; Gnn. Totimnie paid $30 , Muj
Atom , ? 75 , and Maj. Dot , $50 Ai
ormlcoa wonder , like Olmrlra E. Tripp
who wtltoB and otherwise neon his feu
I > B othiir people use their hands , i
worth-$40 a week. The only loglosn
man in oxistoncu , outside cf W-thc
Stuart , is Ell Bowen , who IUIH only
( oet and ankles growing out from hi
body. Ho commonda $00 a woslc
and is Independent , owning two largo
and valuable farms in Michigan. Fitt
women are unmerouu , and with one or
two exceptions , do nut get inoro tbnti
$15 or $20 Mllo. Myers , the
bearded lady receives $50 u week.
Thev average about that figure.
"Ventriloquist * rooelvo u weekly
salary of from $20 to $00. Oaisenovia ,
the chap who cuts men to plcois on
the stage , got $125 , Other jugglers
range as low as $15. Firo-oators ro-
ovlvo from $35 to $40. Patti , the
trained monkey-man , got 915 ; Gio
vanni , the bird trainer , $60 ; Anolll
and his trained birds , $20. "
A Iilfe Savins Service
Mr. M. . Allison , Hutchison , Kan. :
Saved bU life by a simple Trial Bottle of
Dr. KDR'U | New Dlaoivery , ( or Consump
tion , which caused him to procure a lane
bottla { hat completely cured him , when
Doctors , change of climate and everything
etia had failed. Atthma , Bronchitis , So-
rore doughs , and all Throat and Lang dis
eases , It ia guaranteed to cure.
Trial bottles free at O F. Goodman's
drug store. Large size , $1.nprl
nprl 2-eod&w Iw
Marketing In High Ufa.
Washington Letter la Philadelphia I'icta.
Rtmbllng through the market yes
terday mornln I met among ether
irood housewives Mra. Chief Juatlce
Walte , Mia. Justice Matthews and
Mrs. OX' Senator Bruce , each walking
among thu stalls intent on preparations
for Sunday's oatlng fur their families.
Mra. Walto and Mrs. Matthews , no
leas than Mrs. Bruoo , looked as iuno-
cent of pomp and circumstances as the
thrifty mechanics' wlvca around thorn
moving ubont with gentle courtesj
and a mnllo for the friends they mot.
Mrs. Brace is an notcroon lady el
marked penonal bonuty , and haa one
of the awooteat of voices in convorsa
tlon. She was a praduato of the
Cleveland high school , and a teochei
in that city when Senator Bruc <
sought bor in marriage. Ho is now
register of thn treasury. Tholr four
yoar-old son , Riacoe Cjnkllng Bruce
a bright llttlo follow , tugged at hli
mother's aklrts this morning , brand
lahlng a big tin dipper , as he walkoc
along , which she had just purohaaec
at a bazar In the matkot , and in whiol
ho contemplatnd his infant foatnrci
with satiafaotion. When ox-Sonato
Oonkllng comes to Washington
whether "too bnsy" to call ut thi
whlto houeo or not , he la never tot
busy to call on the parents of his littli
namesake , and ho ha * made the boj
some handsome preaonta.
The boat preparation of iron n doc
tor can prer.crlbo ia Brown's Iron Bit
tern , because it docs not Injure thi
tooth aa other iron mtullclncn will.
Half a Million for a Chicken.
- Oortrnor Ell L'urray , la a War Story.
I I shall never forget the amount o
moroy it coat us to keep an old womai
from crying horaolf to death. 0
d course , we were obliged to subsist 3re
the country as wo went along , and re
naturally took about the best In sight
One day wo took possession of
chicken rancho kept by an old lad ;
y who atood at the front gate with
broom and threatened to lick all o
Sherman's forces if they did not mov
on. Now , chickona were consldero
. cfllcor * ' meat , and , as we were infoi
as I nally hungry , wo went for these hen
y 'pretty lively. When aho uw that he
avorito fowls were being caught and
tilled she keeled right over and began
0 cry. 1'reeontly cho began to scream ,
nd finally you oonld hear that
woman's voice clear to Atlanta. I
out the surgeons in to quiet her , but
hey failed ; and then thu officers took
urns , but the more attention paid her
ho more she howlod. I then got
irotly nervous over the Infernaluolso ,
> ocanso the whole army would hear it ,
tnd they might suppose snmobodv was
orturing the woman. Finally Sher
man rode up and asked what it nasall
about. When wo told him ho said :
Glvo her a bushel of Confederate
) ends lor her hens , and BOO if that
won't stop hor. " Acting on this hint ,
1 proceeded to business. Wo had cap
tured a Confederate ) train the day be-
ere with $4OOCCOO of Confederate
money , and 1 hunted up the train at
onoo , The money was worth about
wo cents on the dollnr. Well , I
slulfod about half a million dollars In
an old carpet-sack and marched Into
ho house. "Madam , " said I , opnn-
ng the sack , "I'll give you 500,000
o quit this noise. " It was its still as
dt-iitli In a minute , nnd then her facu
expanded In n broad smile. I laid the
> aokago of notes on the table , and I
luvor saw so doliahtod n WOUIRU.
V fighting editor out In Ssattlo ,
iVna badly cut up In n battle ;
Id's again In repaiir ,
And I'lnphatnally awcars ,
"St. JaoobsOil miiktn tnliiokodnddlo. "
A Tenderfeet t Tombatono.
itldilletown Transcript.
Afowdajs agon Huh young nun
torn an eastern college arrived at
Tombatono , Arizona , and registered
its name at the principal hotel. A
socially Inclined person in n blue shirt
ind wldo-rhnmed hat , who chanced to
bo In the office , good uatnredly an
swered every question and volun
teered a vast amount cf interesting
ID formation about Arizona in general
and Tombstone in particular.
"Do you sou them hills,1)1 ) asked the
Tombntinitr , pointing through ono of
the uflioo windows , ' 'Wtll , . them
hills is chock full of pay dirt. "
The young man from the east looked
"My dear Mr , " ho said , proudly ,
but kindly , "you should nay those
hills aro-uot , 'them hills ! "
The Tombitonor was silent for a mo
mont. Hu looked the youn ? man
from the east critically over as if ho
was estimating the size of coffin ho
would wear. Then drawing out an
ivory stocked seven shooter of elaborate
rate style and finish , ho said in a soft
mild , musical tone of voice thai
sounded like a wild wood brook
counting o'er its pcbblo bed
"My gentle tunderfiot from
thu Uud of th'i rUini ;
tun , this heiu'd u pint that jouaud
mo disagrees on and wo might as wol'
have it settled right now. I havon'
looked in n gr\mniHC lately , bntJI'm
uoltig to ntar.d by that opinion whll
I'vou ohot loft. I'll ' give you jos
thrcu miuuteu to think calmly eve :
the tubjeot , for you probably spok
inhastotho first tlmo , and then I'l
hoar your decision. "
The young man from the onet look
cd down the di 1'catoly chased birro
of the rovolvnr in the placid depth a
the eyes nf the Toombstonor and began
gan to feel that many polntd in gram
nar C.TO unnortain and liable to grow
not * ii' . Tion ho thought of the cor
n in' trqutHr , nnd nf the vordlot
ckino 1o Irw , .im\h \ M' standing i
runt ot GMoiatfoToin'ii suveu sboot
and i f thu long ulu box Roln _
by cap-cuB with $09 charge"
u it , and before half th
hroo minutes wa * up
waa ready to aoknowledgi
ia error , ' S'nco he though
; over calmly , " ho said , "he bellevoi
hat 'them hills Ir , ' ia right. Ho ha
pokon on the spur of the moment ,
oadded , "and begged a thnuian
lardoni for his presumptuous effort i
nbstltnte bad grammar for good. "
The Tombstoner forgave him frool
, nd , gratplng his hand , said :
"I knoff'd you'd s y yon waa wren
ftcr you thought a upmont. 1 ac
mire a m n who gives rl ht in witl
out arguing when ho knows he's
wrong. Oomo along and irrigate. "
And they irrigated. '
The best Spring medicine known la
hat wonderful tonic , Brown's Iron
, Who want glossy , luxuriant
. and wavy tresses of abundant ,
beautiful Hair must use
elegant , cheap article always
makes the Hair grow freely
and fast , keeps it from falling
out , arrests nhd cures grayness -
ness , removes dandruff and
, itching , makes the IIair
strong , giving it a curling
tendency and keeping it in
any desired position. Beau
tiful , healthy Hair is the euro
result of using Kathairon.
Omaha National Bank Balding ,
COO Head cf Yc Ucg Bteeri nJ Ileiftn ,
800 Heid ol Two-year-old SUcn , and
100 neftd ot Two-year-old Helferi
Tbe > cattle ue all mod. itralght , thrlftr ealtli
mo tly graded cattle. rot tale all I0t ( th l or l <
loUtowlttha FurchiM . For further p rtlo
man oJt OD or addrew M. . Potter , Warwlj
Btown , low * . At-lm
J. RDetwiler
nvites the attention of the public
to his
New Carpets I
Embracing all the. late pat
terns in everything in
the Carpet Line.
Mattings , Oil Cloths and window Shades
In large quantities and always
The Bottom Prices.
1313 Farnam Street. .
inplo Brooch Loading Shot Guns , from 85 to
Double Brooch Loading Shot Duns , from 318 to 875 ,
Muzzle Loading Shot Buns , From $6 to $25 , '
Fishing Taokol , Base Balls and all kinds of Fanoy Qoods ,
Fall Stock of Show Oases Always on hand ,
Imported and Key West Cigars a large line of
Meerschaum and Wood Pipes and ev < rything re
quired in a first class Cigar , Tobacco and. Notion
Store , Cigars from $15 per 1.000 upwards Sender
or Price List and Samples
H. M. &
. . M.Peavy ,
Gents' Furnishing Goods ,
1309 Farnam Street ,
Printing Inks ,
Largest and most complete assortment of
blank books and office stationery in the city.
Bookkeepers are invited to examine onrStock
15th Street Opp Post Otliloa
N. B , Onr a took of Fancy Stationary la complete In ovorvronpoot.
The Leading 16th Street
: Sells at Bottom Prices.
Fresh Lettuce , Fresh Radishes *
Pie Planv , Green Peas ,
Cucumbers ,
Oranges , Bananas , Lemons , Apples.
613 North Sixteenth Street.