r A. . THE JDAlL ? i5Kfc : THCJKSDAVPHIL 12 . The Daily Bee. Thuradny Morning , April 12. Weathar Report. ( The following observations were taken at tbe sarno moment o ! time at the stations Linen dniters and winter uhtera on alternate das nro now the r no. "Johnathkn Hoiebladc , or Ltfoin Kn- land. " will be played April 231h by St. U Barge's society. A wagon laid of lumber broke down In front of Nave , McUoid and Drad ) ' * Tiled- day. It waa not very nrriont. There Is a good deal of trouble rst present with tho-Waring fewer system , tlie pipes not being targe enough to do their work , The Cczzeni house property has been flooded with water for a day or two by A broken main , and Ninth ttreet is being dug up to repair the leak , Reserved seats for Wm. J. Scanlan gen n silo this morning. Mr. Scanlan presents "Friend and Foe" at Iloyd'n Fri day and Saturday. The little son of Architect Dufrcno , who fell down the stal rs of the Mlllard on Sunday , is doing better nd will probably escape permanent Injury , Hon. W , I * . P. St. Clair has been ftp- 'pointed acting superintendent of the Utah k Northern railway , with headquarters at K glo Rock , The street railway company is build ing a double track on Ninth street , and the portion near tha Tank Line company's DOUM has been stralgter.ed. There Is an elegant opening for dam age suits agalnit the city nt the s .uthoast corner of Thirteenth and CalifoniU strcotr. The ildowalk h broken und the culvert beneath yearns for the reception of broken lunba. lunba.A A birthday party wn < | . ; lvea Tuendny on Twelfth htrooi , Kotwctn Furnara and Uarney , and 1'hlllp Houck raleed a din- tnrbance during which he broke the stove and fctruck the liont and hcatcis. His hearing was tot foryoitcrday afternoon. Marvin tyid Laura Jenklni respectful ly thank their friends for their kindness during their sail bereavement , and espec ially Mrs. J. M. Tbunton for wreath of fbwers. ' Mil. & MRS , L. JENKINS. "Baby" Darnel , "the Nebraska Giant,1' who left Omaha some months MO with Paddy Ryan , to become tbo cham pion pugilist of the country , returned from tha est yesterday looking well , lie did not come alone cither , Invitation ) are ont for the marriage of Mr. John 8. Miller and Miss Nellie M. Munton , danghter of Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Muwon , of this city , which will take placs on Thursday , April 10th , at 8 p. m. , at tbe North Presbyterian church. A re ception at tbe family reiidenee , on North Eighteenth street , will follow the wed ding , Col. C. S. Chaw , Omaha's new mayor , who has been quits tick for sere al dayi , since tha election , 1s reported much better to-day and is expected to be able to appear on tha streets to-morrow or next day. He Is said to here been already iworn in by Walter Dennett , Eiq , , notarypubllo , some ol his anxious friends feeling alarmed and looking to tha Interests of Mr. Baker's succession. In Judge Beneko'a oouit two diiturbors of tha peace paid | 3 and ousts each , one Blocumb paid $10 and costs , and four tramps were fired out of town , A colored waiter employed at the transfer was arrested for carrying concealed weap- ont , but provad that the weapon belonged toafilend , and that ho brought It acrou the rlrer to purchoio oirtrldfies.He was thereupon diicharRed , The lecture given at the South Omaha M. K. church Tuesday entitled "Army Incidents and Battle Bcenei" wai quito well attended by an appreclattvoaudienu , who lUttutd with breathleea attention to the iptaker , the Rer. J. W. Stewart , who went Into the war from one cf the leading Method lit churches of Peoria , Ills. , hav- In * gotten op a volunteer company , made up Ur tly oi members nf bis church , and joined the Sixty-fcurth Illinois regiment , known as Yates' ihirp ihooters , of which the r rertnd fighter became major and was know a by his men , a crrat puny of whom were Irlih , as the "fiphtin'praycher , Capt. Stewart. " For.an hour and half tbe aucll. ence llitened to the way In which tbe men fought blel and died to aave the Union , and on the whole ererybody went away well latii&ed and left the coffers of the church much the larger and they hope to bear him soon again , With DUUKEE'S BALAU Dnr stxo there is'no waste or dliappolntmont yon are certain to produce a Rood sal ad. It costs ICES than home-made , and. ia , besides , a nuperb table sauce , JOHN II. BUCK Has the largest assortment of Riugc-s and Cook Stove , Barb Feoco Wire , all of which yon can buy cheepor than any place in town at G15 and C17 X 10th atroot. m27-mo-tf BLAVEN'S YOSEMITE OOLONOK Mnde from the wild flowora of the FAB WMJSD YOBEMITE VALLEY it la the most fragrant of perfume. Manufactured by II. B. Slaven , Sin Francisco. Fonalo in Omaha by W , ) . WhltenouBB and Konnard Broa. Ve notice the Marriage Fund , Mutual Truit AatociaUon , of Ovdar lUpids , Iowa , highly spoken of in tneny of the leading paper * of the state. "Mcney for the Un married" heads tholr advertisement In another column ot this piper , f J-Sra IMPORTANT ENTERPRISE , The Omaha Loan and Building Association , Its Organization and Election of Officers. An Important organization was ef fected In Omaha Tuesday , which will bo known aa the Omana loan and building association. This stop has boon taken in furtherance pf a deslro for an institution whoso * counterpart is to bo found in all the leading cities of the oast. Tire hundred and thirty-eight shares wore subscribed latt night , the par value being $200 per sharo. The initiation fee is 25 cents on each fharo and a monthly Installment of $1 per share is paid. No stock holder can hold more than ton shares. Directors were elected for the first year ao follows : W. F. IJeohel , M. H. Gjble , John II Butler , 0. II. Turnoy , L , H. Korty , G.'Andreon , E. K. Long , John Wilson and J. Roslcky. The association will loan money to its members npon real osUto nccurlty to bo invested in building homes and improving property. It Is a most Im portant and praiseworthy enterprise. PLEASANT PRESENTATION , A Farewell Send Off to Mr. Win ; Fawcett , A Banquet to tbe Same Gen tleman Last Night. Tnoiday the employes of the Union Pacific presented Mr. Wm. Fawcott , for sixteen years pait super intendent of the U. P. foundry in this city , with a splendid gold watch , purchased of A. B. Hnbormann & Co. Ontho face of the watch is a wheel within a laurel wreath , and on the re verse the monogram "W. F. " On the Inside of the cue is engraved the fol lowing : "Presented to William Paw- Bott by the employes of the Union Pacific foundry , April 10 , 1883. " The presentation was made at Fconey and Connolly's hall by Mr. Qalnn , who aald MR. FAWCETT Sir : We , the em ployes of the Union Pacific foundry , have requested your presoncD hero In order that wo might hivvo the oppor tunity of presenting you with some trifling token of our respect and es teem , npon thoovoof your withdrawal from amongst us. Wo feel it would bo n disgrace to ourselves did wo per mit you to depart without our testi fying to the many worthy qualities both of head and heart that you have exhibited to those under your charge during n period of almost sixteen years , and wo are proud to ac knowledge that while fulfilling your onerous duties towards the railroad company , In exacting the full duties of employes under your supervision , yen have done so in a spirit of fair ness , holding the rights and feelings of the humblest laborer as stored aa that of the most conceited mechanics Impartiality has been your rule. Fa vorilium found no plaoa and sey- cophanoy no reward. It ia for these reasons wo request you to accept this small token of our regard , knowing that you who are well provided with this world's wealth will not valoo It at Its intrinsic worth , but for the golden opinions which accompany It. It will aorvo to remind you that there are pleasures in life , chief amongst them that of having done one's duty so fully as to command the respect of all. While we deeply regret grot your departure wo are consoled by the thocght that our loss ia your gain , and Wo feel confident that your carver in the future will be , as in the past , one of profit to your employers , credit to yourself and pleasure to those working under your superin tendence. We congratulate the workmen - men of Grifliu & Co. , whose labors you are about to conduct , in the fact that though yon may tread the quarter deck , the identity of the sailor will not bo lost In the rank of the captain. Assuring you of our earnest wishes for your future tuccoes , and that your course may bo onward and upward , wo now bid you it hearty good-bye , Mr. Fawcott responded in a fitting manner , and the presentation ended in the usual social 01 jarmonts. Mr. Fawcott > , oes to Buffalo to takn thn partition of i < enural manager of Gfitlin & Co.'a uu * car wht < ol works , nud lui to nlcsht will bo tendered n banq'iat at thu Mllmrd by his friends. HUB PUNClli clear or with waff , lnuon dc , etc. , "top * " every punch for fltTor. It Is uted clear or mixed to suit th taste. FOR SALE. A drugstore in western Iowa , popu lation about 3.COO , stock from $6.000 to ? 8.0CO , sales $18,009 per annum , only two drug stores in the town , a largo country trade. Inquire of Frank Rogers , Mlllard Hotel dro ? store. Piano Reolta'B. ' Lovers of piano mucio were given a riro treat Tueedi\y at the concert given by Miss Harris at Max Moyor'i hall. hall.Tho The programme was such a one aa haa never beioro been given to an Omaha audience , and from the first number In the programme , the Bach Chromatic Funtatlo and Fugue to thu WagnopLtat Splunerlird and Taun- htnser March , at the close was played with an exactness , and at the same time a depth of fooling and conscienti ous interpretation that at once places Mura Harris In the front rank of Amer ican pianists. The vocal numbers were Schubert's "Impatience , " sung by Mr. Pennoll with his usual good twte ; WellluR'a "Some Day , " which wai hloftjysunc by Mrs. Squires , and for which she was encored , and Hartley's beautiful setting of the llnci , "When shall we three meet again , " which wai sung by Mrs. ? q'ilr ? , Ml s Pemiell nnd Mr. I'otinoil , n.id it wai ru "u'l emit ; that ttin audimin * Insisted on having the Intt verso repeated. Thn UPXC uuo of this delightful torlis cf concert * will bo to d y evening , and h is hoped that is will bo cDJuyod by ovun n larger number of people than attended the concert Tuesday evening. GUESTS FROM BA TIUOKE- Preparations for Tnotr Reception Tc- Might. General Manager Potter , of the 0 B. & Q. railway , telegraphed the mayor of this city yesterday that a party of about twenty prominent business men of Baltimore would arrive in the city this morning on a special train. Upon the receipt of this information Mayor Chasp , being Indisposed , consulted with L'ronldont Baker of the city council , who took steps to provide for n proper reception to the visitors in conjunction with President Goodman ot tha board of trade. The visitors will arrive at 10 o'clock this morning , aud will bo mot at the depot by Acting Mayor Baker , Presi dent Goodman , a delegation from the board of trade and other cltlzans , who will take them into carriages nnd drive about the city. An informal ro < copllon will probably take placs In the Paxton hotel rotunda at noon , tc which all merchants and bueincss men are Invited to attend. It Is expected that the dinner will take place an hour or tw > later , al though the time of both dinner nnd reception depends upon the stay thai the visitors can make In the city , which is not now known. AN IMPORTANT DECISION The Supreme Court of the Unltet Statoa Decides a Lancaster County Land Case. The United States supreme cour has within a week decided the case ol Edgar A. Baldwin , plaintiff in erroi vs. Francis G. Starks , defendant ir error The case , which Involves 12 ( acres of land near Lincoln , haa beei in litigation about ton yoara. In 1882 Starka took the land aa a preemption , and In 1882 one Van Pelt filed a claim on the land aa a homestead. Aftoi years of contest In the land depart ment of the United States , the land department decided that Van Poll should have the land and Issued a patent to him. Van Pelt sold to Baldwin , who brought judgment against Starka. Cobb , Marqnott & Moore filed a bill in equity in the dis trict court of Lancaster county to re cover the Innd and compel Baldwin to convey to him. The district court , Hon. S B. Bond , presiding , dismissed the bill and decided , following the decision of the commissioner of the general land cilice , that the laud belonged to Baldwin , Van Pelt's grantee. Starka then appealed the case to the supreme court of Nebraska , where the decision of the districtconrt of Lancaster was reversed , and the land was adjudged to belong to Sparks Baldwin and Van Pelt then carried the case to the supreme court of the United States , where the decision of the supreme court of Nebraska la re versed nnd the decision of Judge Pound is reinstated , finally Bottling the title in Baldwin and Van Pelt. The case haa been in litigation for over Ion years , and the property has become very val uable. I ha land lies between tie Agricultural college farm and Lincoln , opposite and south of the farm owned by Levl Bnell. There la 120 acres of the land highly Improved. The case waa appealed from the atato suoremo court and w'on by Limb , Bllllngsloy & Lsmbertaon and Messrs. Mason & Whedon , who have become largely in tereated tn the land. The property la said to be worth $20,000. DECLINE OP MAN. Nervous Weakness , Dyapepiia , Im potence , Soxtual debility cured by "Well's Health Ren ewer. " f 1. ttohool Affairs. President Long and Secretary Con- noyer , ot the board of eduoatlonTuos- day oauvaased the votes cast on the school bond proposition , and found that there wore 2,410 votoa fcr the proposition , and only 11 against. The school census of all children between the agea of 5 and 21 years was completed recently , and the fol lowing are the figures as obtained from Secretary Oonnoyor : Italei , I'ctrilM. First Wnrd . 760 -00 Second Ward . 850 802 Third Ward . 38C 616 Fourth Ward . fi'22. 680 Filth W rd . 9TU 1,031 Sixth Ward . 859 831 4,301 4.C60 ' Total . . . ,8,931 Comas of 1882 . 8,10 1 Increase If you are not married , write the Mar. Mage Fund and Mutual Tnut Associa tion , O dar Ilaplds , Iowa , for circular ! explaining the plan. . Real Estate Transfers. The following deodo were filed foi ricord In tha rrm i'Vrk's rflioc April 10 , ' reported for THE BEE b > Ames' real estate agency : Chan. Stonier , w. d. , to Dora F , Bonott , lot C block 10. Wilcox's 2c E V. Smith and wife , w. d. , tr Frank Winer , r * lot 2 , block 20 , E , V. Smith's add -r:75 William F. Lorenzen and wife , w , d. , to Robert B RMdwIo , u 52 fcotol lot 1 , block G7523.000. . Nicholas Wolf and wife , w d. , tc JohnKuhl , v ] of lot 4 nndci nf lol ' 5. bkok 5 , BaggsA Uill'a'add.- $200. Joseph Lut and wife , w d. , to Jane lagn. n 25 feet of lot 5 , block 2 < J3. $1,000. _ THE rillNOK OF PUNCHES li "Ilnb Punch , " ooiupnend of old , fine ltcj uon and lunclous fruIU It can be wee clear or with water , lemonide. etc. , nmlfai lurpaitea any punch brewed at dltcre tlon. _ That Huadana of Ulna. Ia three tlmoa the man he WM be > ore' he began using "Wells' Health Renewer | 1. Druggists. A GOOD DEAL OF GAS. A Reported Business Transac tion Denied. Tno New Gas Company and Its Advent in Omaha. Tbo report that thoUnltod Qua Im provement ccmpviy of Philadelphia had consummated the purchase of the Omaha gas company's works has caaaod considerable talk. It was stated thnt the pnrchaso price wan $250,000 and the pnrohasora wcro named aa Meaars Eiklns , Wld * oner , Matthown , and other stockhold- era of the United G is Improvement company of Philadelphia ; Mr. J. B. MlHnrd , Mr. Wallace , und others cf the Omaba National bank ; Mr. Gay 0. Barter , preoidtmt of the Omaha Smelting Worka company ; Mr. N fh , of the earau company ; and Mr. Ei- ward Eddy , the owner ot the Denver Gas Works , ar.d of a newly discovered coal mine of Colorado. A little locbl party at the Mlllard Tuesday was also said to bo in honor cf this important business transaction. Mr. J.io. H. Mlllard , one of the nl leged purchascri ) , siys positively that the Omaha gas works have bo < m bought ont , but the idea that $250- 000 were paid for them is propoaterouo in view of the fact that the capital otock is only $100,000. The Philadelphia capitalists named in connection with the affair uro , in faot , vary wealthy , owning among other things a valuable street railway property , and one of them being ox- toutively Interested In the Grand omoltor , in Colorado. This latter gen tleman ia , however , not at all Inter ested In ( he gas business , whatever the others may bo. Mr. Frank Mnrpny , president of the Omaha Gas company , denies point blank that there has been any such sale as that announced and says that no such regulations its those reported havs been in progress , or anything preliminary to a future sale. Ho claims that the Omaha company man ufactures aa good a gas as any com pany In the country and that there would be no object In making any such sale. The little banquet at the Mlllard Tuesday was not In any way connect ed with the gas business , but was a private social affair. PKRSONAli. Hon. D. G. Hull , of Lincoln , is la the city. city.Mrs Mrs , A. K. Kieth has returned from the cant. ' T.0. . Roberta , cf Kearney , ia in the city. city.John John F. ( Jond , of Cheyenne , is in the city. city.H. H. B. Uearce , of Denver , ia at the 1'ai- ton. ton.1C. 1C. R. French , of Denver , ia at the Faxton. City , la at the Faxton. George S. Smith , of Plattsmouth , is at the Faxton. W. D. Womaofr , of Kansas City , is at tbe Faxton. Ben. Reynold * , of Wymore , Neb. , is at tn P Alton. Judge Dundy arrived in the city Tues day. day.Hon. Hon. Lewis A. Kent , the Mlnden back. er , Is in town. , J. H. Scott , the architect , haa returned From Montana , Mrs. 0. HIckman returned from New York Tuesday. Hon. B F. Finnoo , sheriff of.Grceler , OoL , is at the Faxton. . L. Mills Levy and wife , of BInghamp ton , N. Y. , are at the Pitcn. H. O. Beatty , editor of the Saunders County Tribune , o tiled Tueiday , Charles Martton and biide spent part of last week in Omaha visiting relatives. J. H. Pratt , of the well known cattle firm ot Pratt & Ferris , It at the Faxton. H. D. Ferky , of Denver , and Mrs. E. M. Ferky , of Lincoln , are nt tbe Paxton. L. M. Femhertoo , 0. S. Parrotte and W , S. Hughe ? , of Beotrlce , are at the Paxton. Mr. Walter Bird and Mr. Cook , of Milwaukee - waukee , are stopping in Omaha on their way west. Charles Robinson , representing J. M. liar ioson& Co. , of the Chicago stockyards , Is at the Faxton. Mrt. R. L. G'Reillr , forelady at Atkin- ton' * millinery ttore , has ; returned from a vittt to thee&tt. Mrs. Jobh F. Daley left for Chicago yesterday In answer to a telegram oall > it > K her to her mother's death bed. Mr. T. J. McSbane and wife have re turned from St , Louis , where they wen called by the death of Mrs , McShane'i sister , Gov. Irvln , of Idaho , a citizen of Keo kuk , Ills. , was a west bound patseoger to day , He was accompanied by CoL Cur tis , of Idaho , and one or two others of hie suite. The Maverick Na tonal Bink ol Boston draws foreign exchange , buyi uud aollo Government and other iu < vestment securities , aud transacto any business for its correepondonts In the line of banking. m&th-mo ; T2rFdat , brllliaut and fashionable are the Diamond Dye colors. One package colors I to 4 Ibs. of goods , Only 10 cento for any color. Army Orders. First Lieutenant W , D. Peace , Ninth cavalry , is hereby relieved from duty as recruiting cllioeratFt , D A Russell , Wyo. Laavo of absence for one month , tc take effect when a permanent com mander of the post joins , and tc apply for an extension of one month , la granted Captain J , M. .Hamilton , Fifth cnvplry. Laavo of absence for one month , with permission to apply tor an extension < sion of one mouth is granted First Lieutenant IVibort London , Fifth cav alry. alry.The The Isavo of ntnonenfor tcndb.t granted M jir H I Ludlngto. curtiimiNliir I" tf A. , to take n1"nt JSovuuii-t- ) , 1882 , ia can- armed. Kccrnlt Wra. T Morris , enlisted at Fort Omaha , Ntb , H nialgnod to the Fourth Infantry. The verbal instructions of the do- p irtrnent to Jo J. A. Sladon , Fonrttenth Infantry , A. D. 0. , to proceed to Drutghton , Nob. , and return , on pub lic service , are hernby cor.tirtuod. DIED. MURPHY-Aprll lO.b , Alice , 'Infant daughter ol WillUru end Honor * Mur phy , aged one rear. Funeral took place yesterday , April llth [ rotn the residence , Hnratoga precinct nt 1 . /clock p. in , , to Holy Sepnlcher cemetery. Army and Navy. Special to St. Louis Republican. JUNK FOR SALE. WARHINQTON , April 7. Advertise ments for the culo of old nnteri > in the navy will bo ready about the 20th of this month. T.icro is a large n , ja-n- tity of ouchntoris at Hourly ah tLc navy yards , which have been accumu lating for many years. VACAHOlfH. There will by Juno bo about sixty vacancies in the grade of Second lieu tenant in the army. Over fifty of these will bu filled by the members of the next graduating claaa nt West Point. There will probably be half a of noncommissioned dozen appointments - sioned officers and two from civil life. CLAIMS. The officers of tbo army and navy and enlisted men havlngclairns against the government which accrued in years for which the appropriations are exhausted , would do well to 51o thorn at once. The act of Juno 14 , 1878 , which authorizes the accounting offi cers to consider and adjust such claims and report them to congress for appropriation , extends only for five years from Its date and the authority of thooe cfficera to consider claims of this class will therefore expire on the 14th of next Juno. Of course , this does not apply to claims less than six years old , of which the court of claims has jurisdiction. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES. Adjutant General Drum xis propar lug the new detail for assistance in structors at West Point. They have all been selected except a surgeon , aud the detail will be announced early next week. There is some talk about exchange of stations of the Tenth and Twenty first Infantry , but no action has yet been taken. Leave of ab sence for four months , from May , is granted to First Lieutenant John W. Martin , Fonrth cavalry. Lieutenant Colonel Edwin F. Townsend , Eleventh Infantry , now on duty in the depart ment of Dakota , will proceed to Columbus barracks , Ohio , and relieve Col. John B. Mason , Ninth Infantry , of the command of that department. Col. Mason will proceed to Omaha , Nob. , and report in person to the commanding general of the depart ment of the Platte. The resignation of Second Lieut. Lorenzo L 0. Brooks , Fifth cavalry , has boon accepted by the president , to take effect Juno 30. The leave of absence sonco granted Second Lieut. Lorenzo L. 0. Brooks , Fifth cavalry , is ex tended to June 30. Oapt. William A. Elder kin , commissary of subsistence , will proceed from Pueblo , Cjl. , to Vancouver barracks , Washington Ter ritory , and report to the commanding general of trie Department of the Columbia to relieve Cipt. Samuel T. Cashing , commlsary of subsistence of that department , aud as purchasing and depot oommitsary of subsistence at Vancouver barracks. Capt Gushing , on being relieved , will repair to this city and report in person to the com- mianary general of subsistence for spe cial duty. Leave of absence of First Lieut. David J. Gibson , Ninth cavalry , is further extended six months on sur geon's certificate of disability. The extension of leave of absence of First Lieut. Gao. Smith , Fifteenth in fantry , IB further extended six months on surgeon's certificate of. disability. By direction of tbe preiideut Col. Frank Wheaten , Second infantry , it auicned to the temporary command ol the department cf the Columbia dnr lug the temporary absence of Brig. Gnn. Nelson A. Miles , U. S. army , on leave of absence. Georgia Democrat * Special Dispatch to us DIE. ATLANLA , April 11 - Tao conven tion mot. this ir ore ing. At noon and the ninth ballot was taken , resulting as follows : Boynton 147 , Bacon 141 In the afternoon five ballots were taken with no material change. Last ballot , Bacon 155. Boynton 148 , Mo- Danleld 31 , Cook 15. Two Important Bill * SpecUl Dispatch to Tni lisa. HAUULSBURQ , April 11 In the sen < ate a bill was Introduced to prohibit the manufacture ana sale of infernal machines and devices to destroy lift and injure property. A bill was also introduced prevent' ' Ing any attempt to personate or ropro ent a being recognized as a , divlnltj in the now or old testament In an ) show or other theatrical performance , Dlai In Bostoni Special Dispatch toTns BII. BOSTON , April 11. Covers were laic for 209 at the Diaz banquet to-night , The ex-president in a speech said "Hereafter wo will work together ai good slaters In our common interests working together to develope our re sources , having each of us our own In tercets running in parallel Hues whlcl will never cress each other no matte : how far they may bo drawn. " The Recent Election in Miohl | > an SpecUl Dlapatcn to Tu Bin. DETUOIT , April 11. The effiela canvass of the recent state eleotiot wa madf yesterday. It is rondercc certain that the fusion nominees foi jidgea of the enpromo court and re cents of the university are all elected , One judge , Sherwood , U not llktly tc have over 1 000 majority. The othoi majorities range from 4,000 to 8,000 , A Good Thine. Sptdil DUpaich to Tni His , LAWRENCE tvausaa Apri11. . . Margaret or "Bla" Vinegar , was to < day convicted of murder in the first degree , for complicity in the kllllns of David Bwman In Jane last. "Sis" la a negro prostitute and had enticed to a lonely spot on the bank of the Kaw river , vrhoto ho was sn i 'a hy two oit'orcd ' aaeinii pilot ) * , 1 i.j King and Gj < .n < Riber'so ' * , who bb t n.d cut his h ad w.thclnVa and a hntchot until ho was dr d. Ho trai tHnii robboti ncd ills body thrown nto the river. King and Robortsru irora coriiiiitd in j\ll , from which ihoy * Pole ViuipAr1 , the father of "Si " Vinegar , fern token by HU irmed mob and > U"g from a brldgn ken days nUnr thn miir or. Do th of RedUlotd's hun- Bpectkl Dispatch to Tun Dm. CuiC'Ado , April 11 A yttnnf ? In dian of 15 yeara died on the west bound train of the Chlcigo , Fott Wuynn & Pittshun * ra'Iroad , wur Vtilpnritito , Iudthli afternoon. Ho was * ion nf the celebrated Indian chtrf , It d Olnr.d , mid win on hie wsy to j an the tribe from Carlisle , P , where ho hnd botn to cclmol , His ailment wan omturnptlon. His re- mainn were brought to this city. nt There Spec'al ' Dlvntch to Tim Hun. LAFAYKITK I"rt , Ap-il 11 Thn i"ty in urn niAUf1"1 nnii i f M" H Ien jloogar v . Oattf Police Maodler , ren dered rt vnrdlot in favor i f thu plain. tiff for $50'0 darners. FILLS SYMPTOMS OF A TORPQD LIVER 1.003 of Appotltn , Bovrols costive , Pain in the Head , with a dull en- cation In the back port , Pain under the Shoulder blade , fullness after eating1 , with a disinclination to ex ertion , of body or mind , Irritability of temper , Low spirits , with a feel- In r of navintr neglected some duty , "Weariness , Dizziness , Fluttering at the heart , Dota before the oyea , Yel low Skin , Headache generally over the right eye. Restlessness , with fit ful , dreams , highly colored Urine , CONSTIPATION. TUTT'S PIIitiB are eipecUUr ndnptcil to BUCII caae * . one loje ef fects micH n change of feelliur to nstanluli tlie ( itiTerer. They lucrenie the AtipetUe.and cnnia the body to Tnke on I'leiili , thus tha * ; - torn la nourltlied , and by their Tonlo Action on the I > l c tlveOricaii , ] teir- alarNtnnl * ore produced. Price 25 oeiut. : t.t Mnrrny Kt. . W. Y. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Orur IlAin on Wmsxens change to a GLOSST BLACK by a slnRlo application of this DTK. It Imparts a natural color. Acts Instantaneous ly. Sold by DrupKlsU , or sent by eipn ssoa ' Ol'l-ICE , 35 MCnRAT ST. , K. Y. f Dr.TCTr-81IlNCAL fV.lij.lllnrom , llon a.dN VCuM lUwlpU will Ix tlltd FUCK o > .ppUt.U tm.J SPECIAL NOTICES. J3T8PECIAL8 wl POSITIVELY , notbeln sorted unless paid In advance. There are letters at this office for the following advertisers : B. G. A. M.T. , A. L K. . 0. M. . F. G , , > . II , , V. 11. , H.V. . Him. J H , D. , J. G. V. , John A. , P. T. S. 4 Co. , P. T. , Printer , S. M , K. S. T. . S. T. . T. M. , \Vlfe of Tr-vv. Agt. , W. F. P. , W. M. T. . TO LOAN-MONEY _ _ MONEY TO LOAN-Call at Law office ol D. L. Thomaa r.iocn 8 Crelghtoit Ulock. MONEY Loaned ou chuttel proreity by J. T Beatty , No 21S South 14th troot 620-lmot VJ J ONEY TO LOAN-At 8 percent. Shrlvert J.1 He > lEfltito nd Loan Agency , oppotlte icst offlco 767-tf LOANED On chattelmoitpue , room MONEY 7 Union mock , c.r. ICtnaudFftrnim. 421 ipr 169 HtLP WANTED. WANTBD Girl Mrs. PraytoVa , 2112 Gal. iturnl * . street 007-12t WANTED-G.rl lor light work lu a res aur- ant , 3U south 13th ttrett. 89o-12 mAiLOR WANTBD-To do general woik. Stea- J _ dv empbjn.cnt. Adiress h J. , Box 26 , ' un- lap , Iowa. 697-llt BOY WANTEU-As Ireys Cigar Store , corner 16th and Farn matreeta. Must understand how to run a sod i fountain. 906.11 * \I7 ANTED Itnmedla'ely , a good nurie girl , VV his- wages , at nirthwtst cor. Hamilton & Pier ( tieet , Hbinn's addition. 879-llf ANTED A grod girl lor general housework all7OC.sa ttrect. 831-125 WAITED A QiBl-claa dfcsa ma er. lall at Mrs. M. nold < liloe& CD. , 3 38. Tenth atrcct , betweeu F.rnl am and Harney. S77-l ? ( WA TED Twog-o < \ Bol'clton to l ko o-cleri and .ell goo > . Steady cmploymo . ra'l 421 South loth itreet. 8'6-lS } WANTED At Meichaits' DloUg U li , HOC Piruatn btroetgojj illnlcg rocm girl. WA V1 ED HO flrrt e sMiciloia Inquire at ortlco of Nebra ka rnd Iowa Insurant company , Mlllarp Hotel Uulld nx. WAITED Man ti work -n gardtn. II. W , Ball , north o d green street car llnr. (53-111 WANTET > A Jew diy hoa dors at Mr. O. Nela n'ib anlln ; house. No , 1111 OapM artnne , Lctweon llth and 12th tt cet. 8)8 1 | | TT7ANTED Boardofs by th day or week , 47 ! VV tthitieit , bet. Howaid and llarcey. SITUATIONS WANTED , WANTED-Situation to do sewing and help a1 up-stalri work. S E. cor. 22d .t5 liucn itreet. 882-111 MI80ELLANEOU3 WANTb T ADIE8 wishing a quiet place during conttne LJ m nt , with DUTM will address W , B. Ree office l | , ' 890-181 WANTED-PafUSi to adopt a boy baby , ten weeks old. "Cora lox , alO T nta strttt. 888-121 \TITAN I ED Table Vard In private larrlly , bj VV gent. AddremJjjy A , Beeotflce. 83Ul ITTANTEDt-eoO privy vaults , sinks , and ces ! . > T tx > ol8ta $ ' timlthsioltaryrleanrr Sit Itif ctlun giurahUit d. J. M. 8111TII , ,7Mrnot Lock Box-1Z2 , Great a. WANlEU-E.trjbjuy sullerin * with tooth and biadache. to call at 1431 Farnam ttreel and bocur.d lieoclctatge by Home's E'ectrlc Belt. 013-lm OTS. I UK RtN i Pleasant Iroi.t room , 605N. 18th street , bet. California rind cb fltcr. tOl-Kt F OR CENT Thrte nicely furnished roorts , -Itli or without Lo.rJ , at 1318 J ckson ! re t TMRNIJIlEDROOM3-V.ry dej rMo 1-catlon JJ Ptck , real e tata , opp. 1' . o. I90MI FOR HEM Five roomed cottage , centra' ' , * 20.0V. 4 roomed Hit on Jickion street. $10 DALLOUniOH , 901-13 1421 Farnam stroll. J Oll RKNT Front rom , No. OS1 Pacinc St ccr 10th , furnished oruulurol.tHxJ. 70-S ! FOR HKN'T Two roorci Inqulro US south lTlb streit. gn-lSI EOIl REST Good homo and lot on 18ih St. . Ut rei CaMtllar and Bellevus read t-ood girden ground. AdJrcs Sarah Sliaffer , Oaatia , "eb- - B78-J2J J Ot SALE 1 olianlio-r > etU rj btd room I ( U'n.tu e. A bargain of any onj wanting 1 1 ooil lurnltuie. loa N. Itti ttreit. roili I71iiKSAUI ! IUniiom i'ia5Blotf. Vcrj cutUu. JL ( . .VI at office for pricjai U term . . UALL01 , < " -l3 Hoi y Atwo'irsepowfr na tir n'oim t.Kln , In if oi o d r , ch p. Samuel Reca , bol > n't i Joh ptlnlcr at.d Milder , On aht. 8"7 14 _ FOB SALE-On t if , rooms , el , well It movtdl t , Kxir.u ! b eui llin anl 20th. on Dorcai ftieo * TcrmB issr. A Iluril , Pck. oppoilte poilclTlc . _ 853-12 POR8AIKAV A GREAT PAUOAIN-I will R 11 my store building en ( he sooth side it snuirr , bu Idlftf toby 50lett , two stories , with living roomi a'o\e , good cellar , lull ike ol bull liif and an additional ro3 < u li ( tct rnuire a Rfod * ellot watcron tlie pr.m > e > . AUtmy stcck if mlillnen , fincy dry goods and no-Ions. Iwlllii'l ihelulldlnx without lit utoek If de sire , or the .tccv without the Imllrtlrg Any par'v wlsliln to cni { > m n butt IPS ol this ( lid \vlll flnaltn r.i'o Wgiln , and ( host .lohis asvoodatra oasMiytt rootihekiti liuonth- wcstir Iiw. reason. Ivn for ncl Inon ac- court of sickness. Ca I on or i > ildres C. R. MELD > " , 803-K-AlC.3t _ Vjillca , Iowa j Ott SALE A flr t-j'a'BBScot.d h nltoo him- 1'py Onl at 1319 Hatney tictt 3 7-t TjiORS'LE-lMKIIEST YET-Suhnrb.n Hio 1 aero hvi'o. one mile fr m city One hundred . ] del ixr in acre. K sv tern B. ' This , cund l > hotuMf 1 y flttm'nl II txielioit lorta Ou unnil u l frul' . FicMi uprln * tjr liiabindMc. \icitrrcaclie ! b > tiia lici- ai lca < llnj , ' out fie u tru city ercoer-y shown on optlo | tltn AULOU BK , 8U-1H 14" ! FrtroMnHttcet. _ FO't SAlK-Uottaire and tornor lot In nuol-c.v ton ! 820iO. llariralii mist be sod I cfoio Mayl t. HcfAOUBoip B | e 1' O. 8 4 tf ' . EOll SALE S room h'.uv . , KOO' order , clt rn ccalhourc , b rp , lull lot , mile Irom tie t < offlie VeryEisy Tor'ta , Sl.COO. 8U tt AMfcS , Farnam St , _ EOR SALi Lot on Jfl'ii etreet nsir Farnra. fnly 8.00. McCAOUa oppotlto P. 0. I7OR HALE 5 rrom house , cellar , cistern , etc. r and 3 room houje , lot tCxl33walka One hadi trees , bockrlrom ! tit M-ry's avenue can hall mlle Irom postoffleo , { 3.3 ; 0 605-tl AME3 , Farnam itroct. _ TT OR SALE Mouse and lot on DouglrB street , JT only { 900. . McCAGUE opposite P.O. 823-tt FOR SALE 7 roim house , lot 68x142 , Bhade troeB , good cellar and cii i rn , flno location , un ttrret car line. Payments to suit , 13,500 J'Obtl _ AME3 , Farnam St , FOR RENT Ten houses In good location * . M'.CAOUE opposite V. O. 825-tl POR SALE F.w choice acrol"ls , wen" Omaha , fin-ly located , easy terms Five are and ti o acre lor , hou'caand Ills In all bca lans , at pri ce * and terms to suit purchaser ! * . 07-tf _ AMtS.j'arnaniitrcct. T OR S 4LE - ' ot 44x32 feet anil grocery f tote " with liting room a'jove 15th s.not near MpCAOUE op sleP0M ( b21-tl l tORS LE CoiUgeanl lamer lot In Ncrth C Oroah * 01350 Bargain , McCAGUE rpposit * P.O. 822-tt _ _ _ SALE A rarn clpncc. a ni w store 22x40 FOR feet and let c nt Inlniro coraplote Jtck of irenern rnerchar dl'i , rd enjoying th beat-fit of a healthy and sttadhy Inc eai n < business , loca ted in coilre of ono of the be-t sgncultural dU- trctsin wfst'rn Io a. I erma liberal , write P. O , box 6 , Imogene , la _ 713-12J pbINTINO OFFICE FOR9ALE flourishing J taper , in a > oimK > nd grontrg townlu Eas- trm Nehraika. Addrefs G II. Bee Office. 621-1 mo _ LU'R dALK OR KENT Voso Piano. JD 528-1 1 C. J. OANAN. _ "DEMIS'New Map of Omaha , Just completed and JL > ready for dolh cry at $0 each. Is 4 feet wide by 7 'eet long. Largest and most complete map ol Omaha aver published. Official map ol tha city. Sae column. _ FOR SALE CHEAP Choice unimproved bus iness lota ou Farnam. Ilarney , Doughs , and Dodge streets. DAVIS & SNYDER , Real Estate Agents , 110-eod-tt _ 1605 Farnam St. | 7\OR \ dALE A aral claes second band tiniwion 1 ? CallatlSlBnirneySt. _ H97-H T710K aALErocuets maps ol Nebraska 20c JU each. For bargains In Omaha City Improved and unimproved property , call on Wm. F , Bhrl- ver , Heal Estate Agent , opposite postofflce. 769-tl REWARD-The above reward will b p ld by P. O. Donnell to iny one giving BU.h information at will > ead to the Id ntlty of the pirty or parties who , on Ihe night cf April 9-h , pic. d ar"l > oal car door agtlnst hU dwell * lrgh'iu"on tli street , let. Lcavenworlh and Mercer st.c la 891-llt . . rTOnESTOV. Trance Medium and MR9.E. C alrvn ] att , will diagnose d sea'ei and de- tc Ibe spl'it 'rlendi , aud alaa give test on mtn * enxls. Hi 1 be for a few dijs at 279 Douulai street , ret. 16th and ICth. 892-13) ) STRAYED A lvg red anl white row , two weeks ago. Kelura I r reward to Henry Pundt , 893-12 mEN DOLLAI1S III WAttD Andnj quoiiltna J. atkedlrr th < riturn ol ray -allse > nd over- co tiken frsmt'at U. P. D.pol Monday even Ing. April 9th. J. A. < LARK 8'0-llt Paxttn QTRAYED From the subscribeonMatca 26 , IO cur re'l na white Knotted o w , about S yoara old. Expe.ted tj call soon. U. Anders. 1312 north 18th Btre-.t. 878-131 H -i n Monday last a cow , 3 yetrs old STRAYED blue with right ear split. Fin der will be well rewar'ed ' by the owner. B KELLNEn 1515 llow.ru St. 820-12 } TT7 ILL take children of ny age give them a VV uiothcra care for a liberal comrensatlon. A diem Y. Z. HH nfllce 8fiK.lmo * bH. HA > SiN , Midwlf" . h > 8 rune I irora M Dtli a > id JacVajn to 16 h and Murcy Sis. MAO'STEK f'K PALMY8TEIIY AND OONDT TIONALIST , 49S Tenth street , between Farnam and Ilarney. Will , Hh ihoald of xuardlao anlrlta , obtain ( or any one a glance nt the part and present , uid on certain conditions In tbr In- ture. Boots aud Shoe * mtvl to onler. IN ROT TVATEK DONT BE SKEPTICAL. RFASOSTKACnES AND EXPKRIEt CK CONriRJia TIlATT r. rent's'cHz r At ) rl 't IS N ItVAf. . UAIli FO- ANY AN" ALL CHORDSHB OF 1I1EKFMEDY .TOMACH , LlVfR ANDtOW- EI.S A'JKASTM FUI. INA QL/BSif HOT WATElltV HYAOKNING UEFOBE EATING ' 8 NOT ONLY EXTHEUKLY BENEFICIAL , B .T A i'BOIECTION AQAIN8T DISEASE WUIOn N ONE OAN AFFOUD TO DI8KE- OAUIF m SALE IIY ALt. DBUGOISTS. N. B-ln taklr.p 8EWZEH APERIENT In hot water , walk until tbe effervescence hai entirely erased. Tbe water should be bit not ' < pld or lukewarm. Absolutely Pui-e. This pow Jtr never varies A marvel of purity ilrcngtbaud holetomcnens. More oconomlcil than tha orplnary k'nds. and cannot be said lu competition with the multitude of low test ihorl weight , alum or ph'sphate powiter Sold only In S cans. ROTAJ. B wo Powesa 00. , Wall l. (4i ( * " New York.