" " " ' "rr " " * * mm mm ' * ,1 DAILY BEE-THURSDA V A Elf , 12 ' - 7 , I I OTJIsrOZ PROPRIETOR OF = PALACE MUSIC HALL ! Headquarters for the justly Celebrated WEBER PIANOS , now approved and used by afl first class Artists. WE i f i 1 COTTAGE AND BURDETTE ORGANS. Importer and dealer in'MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF EVERY DES BIPTION , such as V > , Guitars , Accordeons , Music Boxes , Italian Strings , Etc. , , Etc. Also a full line of IMITJSIEO IBOOIKIS. Ifc/LTTSlO ZBIICsTDimiRSAJCsTID SZHZEIEIT 3VCTJSIO Fancy Goods , Childrens'Carriages , Velocipedes , Sycicles , Carts and Wagons. To make room for new stock will sell at EXTRA LOW FIGURES FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS. Good Organs at $50 and upward. Pianos and Organs sold for Cash and on Monthly Payments , Orders solicited Address , J. MUELLER , Council Bluffs , Iowa 1 LANGTRY WAVES Latest sty'eH from the east , in Lanptry Waves and Reversible Lan Frlzzaa at MRS , .1. J. GOOD'S , 29 Main street , qp'poslte pest ( .fficr. MES. E J fllLTOfa M i - . , , , , . , PHYSICIAN AliD SURGEON 22 -w - ConnclllBlnJr * . OOUNOII. BLUFFS R/OIiROAD TIME TABLE. OU1CAQO , ROCK ISLAND AND FACinO. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Ext. . .520 p m I Pacific Ext..9lSa : m Ex and Mall * . .925 am Ex and Mall.6 Spm D. Uolne * &c'.7:15 : a m | Do * Molncsoc.4:40 : p m CBICABO , BURLIKQION AND QU1KOT , Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Exf. . . 5:30 : p m I Pacific Ex t . . . .920 a m Hall and Ex * . . 0:20 : a m Mall and Ex * . .7:00 : p m N.T. Ex . 4:00 : p m | Neb & Kaa Ex. . 8:20 : a m CHICAGO AND NORTUWmTBOM. Depart Arrive. Atlantic Exf. . .6:15 : p m I Pacific ExJ. . . .9:15 : a m Ilall and Ex * . .0:20 : a m Mall and Ex * . .6:15 : p m Accom ( Sat ) . .5:50 : p m | Accom. ( Mon..l:45 : p m KANSAS CIIT , 8T. JOI AND CODKCIL BLUrrS. Depart. Arrive. Ilall and Ex.,9K5am : I Express . 0 0 pm Xxpneo .SllO p m | Mall aid Eg..6't5 p reunion union ? Acino. Arrive. Oratboil Sz.IiaO a. m. Overland 5x * 4:00 : p.fm. Lincoln Ex. . liaoa. l. Denver Ex..8DO a. m , Denver Ex. . . 7 0 p.m. Local Ez 630 a. n. Local Ex . 7:25 : a. in. " Ex 9:050. : m. Emigrant. . . . 520 p. m. 11 Ex P00a.m. WABAHII , sr. wuis AND rAcmo. Depart , Arrive. Hall and Ex. . 9:45 : am I Moll and Ex. . 4SO pm Cannon Ball. . 4:50 p m | Cannon Ball. . 11:05 am 8IODX CTIT AND FACinC. Depart. Arrive. For Bloux Clty.7 6 a m Frm Sioux C"y.G:50 p m For FortNlobrara. Frm Fort Nlobrara , Neb * . 7 5 am N b * & 50pm For St. Paul. . . 7:40 p m From St. PaoL.8 0 a m OniOAOO. MILWAUKII AND ST. FAUIi. Leave Council Bluffs. Arrives Council Bluffs. Hall and Ex.920 a m I Mall and Ex. . . " 0:55 : pm Atlantic Ex.5:15pm | : | Atlantic Ex. . .19.10 a m CBICAOO , HILWAtTKII AND 8T. fAUL. Leave * Omaha. Arrive * at Omaha. Mall and Ex. . * 7l5 a m I Pacific Ex. . . . . 19:45 : a m Atlantic Ex.3:40pm ! : | Mall and Ex. . ' 7-25 pm Except Sundays. \ Except Saturday * . { Except HondaMi. ( Dolly. Council Bluftg & Omaha Street B. B. Leave Council Ulufls. Leave Omaha. 8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , I 8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , 11 a m , 1 m , 2 p m , 3 p 11 a m , < pm , 2p m , 3 p m , 4 p m , 6 p m , 6 p m. | m , 4 p m , 6 p m , 6 p m. Street cars run half hourly to the Union Pacific Depot. On Sunday the cars begin their trip * at 9 o clock a. m. , and run rciru > ariy during the day at 9 , 11 , 2 4 , 6 and 6 o'clock , and run to city time ; GOLD MEDAL , PARIS , 1878 BAKER'S BREAKFAST OOOOA , Warranted Absolutely pure Cocoa , frcm whkn theciccsi of oil b a been removed , lints three time * the trenath of Cocoa mixed nttu Sttrcb , Ar row Rooter fiugar , and Is tbnre fora fr more e onomlcal. It Is Jellclous. nourishing , strength ening , raslly digested , and ad- talranly taijited for Inva Ids M well as for persons In heilth , Sold by Orocero Everywhere W , BAKER& Co , .Dorchester. . Mass . . and Tronehnrom JeSS8 hii only life authoilzed by her and which will not be a "Blood and Thuudcr" story , such as has been and will be put lUhed , but a true life by the only person who Is In posexglon ol the facta a faithful and devoted wife. Truth Is mart ntcr. cstln ? than fiction. A cents should apply or ter ritory at once. I e 76 ct , for 8mplo book. < n * < nffr * Nebraska Loan & Trust Company HASTINGS , NEB Capital Stook , - - $100,000 JAS.B. MEARTWELL , President. A. L. CLARKE , Vice-President. B. 0. WEB3TEB , Treasurer DIRECTORS. Bumul Alexander Oiwald'Ollret. A. L. Clarke , K. 0."Web t r' ' Oeo. H Pratt , , Jaa. B.OIeartw U , D. T Firat Mortgage Loans a Spedi lt > This Company furnishes a pttrmanent , horn * Institution wbere School Bend sand other Ur > ly | Issued Municipal socorltle to Nebraska can b * be negotlatnd on tha moit favorable terms Loans made on Improved farm In all well settle * counties ot tbaitata through lrHpon lh ! | local corraapoa'isV.i. MrasiaLanrtAiency mm & SNYDER. G05 Farnam St. Omaha Nebraska. Circtully selected land In Eastern Nebraska for sale. Great Birgalos In improved farma , Omahf Citv.property. H. PHILLIPS THE LEADING NEW YORK Oall and look over my iiew ( ton and le my new good * . 12O7 Forxuua Btrat. 1CO7. Under tba nuoacement of Mr. Hal/ib / , Jt MAVERICK NATIONAL BANK. Cor , Water and Congress Street * . CAPITAL , - - 8400.0OO SURPLUS , - - OOOOu Transacts a general Banking business , Re ceives the account * of Banks , Bankers and others. Draws Foreign Exchange and makes Cable Transfers in Europe and Tel egraphic Transfers of Money throughout the United States. Buys and sells Gov ernment and other Investment Securities , nd executes any business for its Corre spondents In the line of Banking. ASA P. POTTER , Pretlden' . J. J. EDDY , Cashier. J. W. WORK , Ass'tCaihler. m&th-me SHORT LINE -OFTHB- Milwaukee & St. Paul RAILWAY I * now running Ita FAST EXPRESS TRAINS froro OMAHA AND OOUNOIL 'BLUFFS ' WITH Pullman's Magnificent Sleepers -AND THK Finest Dining Oara in the World. . IF YOU ARE GOING EAST TO CHICAGO * MILWAUKEE. Or to anv point beyond ; of IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH To ST. PAUL OR , MINNEAPOLIS Take the BEST ROUTE , the Ohicago , Milwaukee&St PaulR'y Ticket 'office located In Paxto i Note' , at come : Farnam ancFourteenth | streets and at U. P. De pot and at Mlllard Hotel , Omaha. tySoo Time Table In another column F. A. NASH , General Airent. 0. n. FOOIE , Ticket Agent , Omaha. 8. B. MERRILL , A. V. H. CARPENTER , OcneralManoKoi. General Pass. Ageni J. T. CLARK , GEO. H. HEAFFORD , General Sup't. Asa't Gen "Nas. Aseo Genius Bewarded , The S'lnry tf tnn flo Alhandiomo llttlo pxmphlet , blue and gold cDver wita numetoui eugr.vln/s , will bo GKVEN AWA ? to a y adult person cilllng for It , at any Watcher or sub-olllco ol the Singer Manufacturing Com pany , or will bo suit by mall , poK-pald to any p ron llvlag at a d stanre from our oftlce , The Singer Manufacturing Go , , Principal Office , 84 Union Square NEW YORK. Arw acknowledged to be the beat by all vho h&vo put them to a umotical test ADAPTED TO OOKE OR WOOD , MANDKAOTUUED B7 Buck's Stove Co. , 8AINT LOUIS. PIERCY & BRADFORD , BOLE xoEjrra FOB OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ADDITIONAL LOOALNEWS The therllT may be a vigilant nHbei and slurp cqough to keep prisoner * from getting out of jail , but he gut caught on the stamp trick j edcrday. A thirsty soul got a stamp of him , and offered to pay him for it , bnt the sheriff gcnorouily declined the proposqd iitckol. After the man had left the office the other * gave him the luugb , instating that the sheriff was duped and the man wanted the stamp to get a drink with. The sheriff wouldn't believe it , but when bo watched tbo man tear up the envelope an he walked off , he madi up hia mind that they were right , an'l ho was the victim. A Mlaalnw Man. The chief of polioo yesterday re ceived a telegram from Lashvillo , la. , making inquiries concerning J , A. Simonda , ono of the residents of that place , who has boon missing for the past two weeks. It was thought pos sible that ho might have been here , ' at no trace could bo secured of him. PICKED BY THE POLICE. 'he Calaboose Crowded with UUBOD. national Lodgers Ono of the newly appointed officers , Leonard , entered actively upon hla titles by arresting a herd of vagrantb , rho were found sleeping in box cars intheO. , . & Q. yard. Ho drove hem np to the calaboose and there eglstered them as John Maloy , John Lstwler , Joe Kenney , John Wllliamo , nd Ed Gast. There wore four free odgors in the calaboose also , who lavint ; no other place to stay at night > nd having committed no offense gainst the law , so far as known , were allowed to sleep there , so that with the ordinary customers ' the city's hostelry waa packed , and the little rooms looked like well-Glled herring boxes. In the morning the simple lodgers were turned loose , while those who had asplrod to the 'nxnry of sleeping in box cars were ound guilty of vagrancy and fined $50 each and costs. Being unable to pay the costs , much leas the fine they were given a chance to work ou the indebtedness on the streets , with a probability of getting a chance to skip out , to the rulluf of the authori ties and of citizen * before balancing the account. Patrick \Vard was another of Office Leonard's arrest * . He stood churned with assaulting Qoorgo Wesley , He owned np , aud was given ono day lu jail.A A , Schroeder was brought before the bar on the charge oE assaulting Pdter Hanson , Vint there was u lack of evidence aud the accused was dis charged. Ed. Lincoln , the colored man ar rested for assaulting another follow of his shade with a poker , wna iiuua enough to use np a ton dollar note , and not having the note was allowed to got it. it.A A Llfo BaYing Service Mr. M. E. Alllaon , Hutchison , Kan , : Saved bis life by a simple Trial Mottle of Dr. King's New Discovery , for Consump tion , which caused him to procure a larao bottle that completely cured him , when Doctors , change of climate and everything else had failed. Asthma , Bronchitis , Se vere Coughs , and all Throat and Lung dis eases. It 1 * guiranteed to cure. Trial bottles free at 0 F. Goodman's drug store. Large size , $1 , aprl 2-eod4w Iw THE IiEGAIi LOTTERY. Tbe Names Drawn for the Juries ot tbe District Court Among the preparations made for the coming term of the dlatilot court , which opens next month , Is the draw- lug of the grand and petit jury. ' / ho grand jury is to meet en the 14 h of May , and the following will oompoeo tlmt body : W E B lr. Avocuj Wm , Wilson , Council Bioff. ; F T. 0. John- Ron , Neola ; If. D Hardm , Council Blutt > ; J F. Purdy , Council IJ'uffi , ; A. VV Ojtfirmn , Avoca ; Peter Bech tolp , CouDcll Bluff. ; D. Hoist , 0 mncil Blullaj John Evtra , Council Bluff. ; A , C Uorcmnn , Avoca ; Wm Beezlpy , Macedonia ; Bazll Fox , Honey Creek ; A. W. Wyman , Council Bluff * ; Eo > t'ono SlcuppeJ , Council Bluffs ; \V , H. ATcglnhlsB , Council Bluff * Tbo following am to eurvo aa potlt juror , to moot May 10th ; llobort Curry , Nflola ; W. L. Mercer - cer , Grlswold ; V B Perry , city ; A. McDinlold , Walnut ; Ribort Miller , Taylor station ; John Page , Honey rreok ; II. Rickets , Council Bluff * ; Q. H. Jones , Council BlnQi ; H. P. Nlles , Council Blnffr ; Reuben MorrU , Oakland ; E. S Knntnor , Avooa ; It , Morford , Cirson ; 7 0 Strong , dak- hnd ; Robert Baot , Walnut , Hans llolinors , Mdiden ; Sooll Mlllard , Council Blnff < ; B. F. Ojmbs. Honey rjok ; 0 Riborts , Walnut ; Fred Limb , Sr. . Council Bluffs : W. R. Wlthnroll , Ojuncll Blnffa ; O L. Bar- ratt , Council Bluffs ; W. 0. Uuthank , Council Bluff. ; E. O. Sears , Council Bluff * ; -Albert Forties , Council Bluffs. The best preparation of iron a doc tor can prescribe is Brown's Iron Bit- turs , because it aoos not injure the teeth as other Iron medicines will. IOWA BOILED DOWN. llaccoons come into Creston to raid un tbo ben roost * . MuBcatlno Is to have a new hotel with seventy bedrooms. The Wabash road is ready to build a Uulon depot at Kookuk. A large acreage of prairie will be broken up around Fonda thl * season. Of or fifty largo bnslnes * houses are now under contract In De * Moines. The coal struck at Fontanelle Is five feet six inches thick and SCO foot deep , The new city building In Des Moine * has cost $25,637 70 , and the end 1 * not y t. Bouno will employ an engineer to take evela and make estimates for waterworks. A four days' mooting of the trotting Ircult will benin at Cedar Kaplda on 'uno 13. Boring for cool was to begin Tuesday on ho fur in of 0,1' . Woodard , just east of Le .Inra. Petersen claim * a Bethsada of a mineral priag , and anticipates a rush of invalids 0 the healing waters. Lumbering on tbe Mlssinippi opens dull. The river is low and many of the sloughs re still closed by ice. Hoyt Sherman , of Dei Moines stopped .he . norae car track that was being built on Sixth street , by an injunction. There have been 115 new members ad- mitte 4 to the Methodist church at Mar- iballtowD , a fruit of tbe late revival there , A special train will run from Dakota City and Humboldt to Fort Dodge on the 2Uh ! Inst. , with au Odd Fellows' ezour. bn , t At Uarlon , on the afternoon of Mon day , a fire destroyed $1,200 worth of In tured building * , tbe property of John Coeman. The city council of Slgnurnoy have fixed , helr saloon license at $200 for saloons In he original plat of SIgourney , and $5J fo ; aloonsoutoiJe , under their jurisdiction. Tbo Miquoketa city council has adver Used for bid * on the water works' which will be put in. The water will be pumped Into an 80-foot stand pipe situated on a hill. hill.The The new gas oor pany which applies fo a franchise In DJ Motuea offers to mak the outslda limit 32 per thousand feet , am 31 25 for cooking KJ , and $1.53 for thai burned by the city , The Injunction that blocked the putting in of waterworks nt Webster City has boon outfUnkbd nntl work will begin at once. The contract haa been let for the well that will supply th water. Twenty.five buyer * of egg * Resembled In Coilnr Rapids on the C'li to adopt n const ! ' tutluu unU by-laws for a state organization , 1 pur.11 uot < ot the plin of thu latu meet- log held in that city. Hotter at Mnuain , Calhoun county , I * quoted at only eight cent * and n number of her inerchnntH are out In a card t > the tiled thnt they will no longer handle that article , ; i there id no money In It. The Waahhurn & Mesa barbed wire moncv ely ban brought auit against Hodges & Andrews , hardware iLBrchantH of Uoone , claiming 95,000 damages beoiute the Baone men sold Grlnnell barbed wire. The teacher * of Harrhon county will hold an editoutionnl meeting In Dunlup , Saturday April 14 , On Friday evening proceeding , Kx-8upotlntendont VonOoella will lecture in behalf of education , without charge. Alex , Darden , arrested for burglarizing Blxford' * store , at Selma , Lee county , has confessed. He rays that hi * brother , Sim and brother.In-law , Jcbn W. Johnson , as- olsted Officers are , In pursuit of the two last named. 'The ' state board of health report shows that durlnt ; 1882 there were 670 marriage * 707 births ana 356 deaths inl'olk county. Arrongthe babies were 13 pair ot twins. One Ucly'addtd three boys t6 the pop'nla/ tlon within the year. ' The Ulenwood Canning Company have commenced the manufacture of cans. They get them out pretty rapidly and will work tauter Htlll when they get Into their own building , We understand that they ex pect to make 800.000 for this fall's can- n ng. ng.On On the morning of the lit ( Sunday ) P. 0. Molten nnd I'eior Janeen , of llarlsn Sh'lby county , started out duuk hunting. They tiud not goiio a milo when In sou.o manner unknown the gun carried by Jensen sen was dlrchaieed , the contents of the barrel lodging in Mollon'd bead , producing Inututit c.'etttb. ' 'ihe Spirit Lftko hotel nnd Improvement com ) ) toy of Cedar K plils ban vent an order to the Iowa iron works of Dubuque for the construction of au Iron lake steamer , to be built entirely of Iron and to be used aa a pleneure craft by the vleltorn to the lake. It I * to bo 72 feet loug and fitted up with Ml conveniences , Fiio caught in the oil room at the Pacific Junction lound.houso Tuo day night of lost week and before it wai discovered had made such headway that It was beyond control , The round house wa * burned to the ground. Two enginethat were In the building bad sufficient iteatn up to remove them to a pUca ot safety. D night T , Edmundf. a well known but- lues * man of Coirectlonrilb , shot Andy Hose , of the grocery firm of Goss A Hrwe , In thei snmo city , on Saturday nlfht. Tbo shooting occurred at the bnuso of U serge A , Edmunds , brother ot Dwlc-bt T , at about 11 o'clock , Two wounds were iu- dieted , one of which wlll'probably prnvo fatal. Ihe war between the Des Moines city council and the water works company still goes on , The latest move Is n resolution adopted at a meeting of the water works company to make no further test of their works. The citizens claim that the works are not up to the contract standard , George Carr , a coal miner in a mine at Relay , a junction on the W abash road near Centervlllo , Appanoose county , shot and Instantly a fellow workman named George Venal , on the fourth. They had quarreled the day previous , and mooting on the railroad - road track Carr renewed the quarrel Fenal tried to avoid having any dlmoulty , and while leaving CUrr shot him in the back , the bMl entering the heart. Carr gave himself up to the authorities. Tbo ex citement among the miners ran high , and serious throats wore made , Donavan , itato veterinary surgeon , has Investigated the Texas itch in Grundv and neighborhood counties , Ue reports that It was brought in by Texas ponies sold there last year ; that of 200 bones thathavo "iren attacked 20 have died ; that but few attle have had the diseaie , and those In a mild form , that in three or tour instances > he disease has been communicated to lembers of tbe human family. A * a cure e recommends cleaning the diseased parts rith soap and water ami applying sulphur nd full oil. Hn further reports that some if the infected animals have been sent to ither parts of the state for sale or trade. Morale of Uouthorn Nosroea. Dr. Tucker's address on the oondi- ion of the negroes at a rooont aouth- rn church congress has just been rlntad and contains some astonishing itatomouts as to the morality In the orst sections. Ho ] says : ( In the midst of prayer I have known them to iteal from each other ; and on the way rom prayer meeting they will rob any hen roost tbat lies conveniently at hand , and this without any thought of In against God and oven without any perception of an incongruity. The most pious negro I know is ono COIN fined in a penitentiary for atrocious murder , who can see no especial sin against God In hia crime , though hi acknowledges an offense against man Ho cannot bo made to see tha God must bo angry with him and thinks all intimations to that effect in prayer or exhortation fonnded in per aanal dlsllko or prejudice , or because ho Is not well dressed and has a sere on his log. Absolutely ho cannot conceive ceivo of any other reason or motlvo for 'taking part against him" and impnt ug sin against God to his crlmo , I have known a negro protche guilty of incest ; another of habitual theft ; a third with two wives , boiug married to neither ; a fonrth who was a constant and moat andaclono liar , yet wno wun > earnest and snoocstful preachers. I could glvo names , dates aud witnesses fur theeo and 20 other similar CUSCB and it would bu oaoy to find nny required number more. Yet , the four niuu of whom I speak were not oonechus of hypocrisy , and their ki.own ulnn did not dimin ish their Influence with their raco. It was Impossible to hoar tlunn proaoh or pray and doubt tholr absolute sin cerity. Aa to the tnnrringo relation , Dr. Tucker eays : "In one county in Mississippi there were dnrlng twelve wouths 300 marrla n Hocuses takeu ont in the county clerk's oflice for whlto people. According to the pro portion of population , there wonld have been in the same time 1,200 or more for negroes. There can bo no legal marriage of any sort In Missis sippi wlthont a license. There were actually taken ont by colored people , jnst throe * * * I know of - whole neighborhoods , including hun dreds of negro families , where there is not ono slngWlegally married oonple or ooup'o not married. ) who stay . , faithful to each other'beyond a few . months , or a few years at most , often . bnt a few weeks. And1 , If oat of every 600 negro families onof excepts a few dozen who are legally married , this statement will hold true for millions of the colored people ; and tboto things that I toll yon to-night are bnt hints. - I dare not , I cannot toll the full truth before a mixed audience. . Tbo Southern Churchman publishes , letters from five colored preachers in . Mississippi nnd Liuiulana folly Indors ing tbo truth of Dr. Tuokor's account , - aud declaring that the half cannot bo told and that moral character Is not hold the utandurd for church member ship. Then inlHtlons In the south need to bo carried on itHh desperate enrnontncas. A Gloomy Outlook. Do MolnosLcalcr , April Dili. The general fooling of the farrnorn at present la very blue. The tlmo for sowing is hero and already largely past , yet practically nothing has boon done. Iu a month more com should bo planted , yet not any of the soil bat boon tilled. If present weather continues much longer the oat- look will be decidedly gloomy. A Drove anil Fultliful Quardlnnof our homes and Property Res.uad from Imminent Peril. A very popular and well known member of our police force , who has performed duty twelve jcarn at the Union It H. depot , ou Kichangoi Place , > In Providence , II. I. , Klvei his unsolicited testimony. Hear him : "I have boon dreadfully troubled with disease of the Kidneys and Liver during the past nit months ; at times I was BO se verely allllctcd that I was unable to stand on my feet , as my feet and lower parts of my legs were very badly swollen ; my urin ary organs were in a dreadful oondltlon.my blood was In a wretched state , and it had become so impoverished and oirculatod so poorly that my hands and feet would bo cold and numb and ] so white a * to appear lifeless , I could not rest nights , but was so dlitressed nil over that I could not lie still In bed ; but would keep turning and rolling from ono side to the other all night , so that I would feel moro tlrod and exhaus. ted In the morning than when I went to bed. Mr condition became so serious tbat I was ( .bilged . to stop work , and for thirty days I was unable to bo on duty , I con sulted the best doctors , and tried the nu merous medicines and so-o llod cures , but rapidly grow worse , and was In a sad con * dltlon every way when alone ; time valued friend of mine , prominent In this city In a lar e exnrot * company , urged me to try Hunt's llemody , as ho had known of won derful cures t fleeted by It. Upon his rep- 'Mentation I obtained two bottles of tbo omody and commenced taking It as dl- ected , and greatly to my surprise In lots ban twenty.fc.ur hour * I commenced to. eel relieved , I was In aa awful condition rben I began to take the Remedy , andbad jo faith In It ; therefore , when I found al most Immediate relief , oven In one day's use of It , my heart was made glad , nd I assure you I continued to take the Remedy nd improve constantly from dav to day , took it with mo oumy trip to Mains , for was bound to have it with me all the time > nd the result Is that I improved speedily ill the tlmo I was away ; and everslnoa my rrlval tomewhich was soversl week * ago , I .jiivo been ou duty every day. I feel first- ratn , and the swelling of hand , feet , and legs have dliappearod , and tbo terrible laokache which used to bother me moro han all the rest , troubles mo no more , and " sleep splendidly at nightf , and surely RVO > xcellent and forcible reasons for ipeaktng Inpralaaof Hunt's Homcdy , for it has made a new man of me. I don't know what I should havu done without Hunt'i Remedy : It Is tbo best medicine that I eve took , and I very gladly recommend it ti all who are afflicted with Kidney or Llvoi disease , or disease * of tbe Urinary organs. Respectfully. ISAAU W. FAIUBUOTHER. " FALLEY&HOtIS , Western Agents , Lafajotto , Indiana. REVERSIBLE HF1LS -FOR- llubber Boots and Boois and Shoes OIC ALL KINDS. To Tholr 50PEKCT , Wear. The center pieces ara Interchangeable and re. rcrtlble. It prnvcnts the counter from runulng ove' , requiring no heel stllTenors. The Agency for thueo goods In thl * town ha been pUi rrw Otliois cannot procure them. Call nd xamlno a lull line of Leather and . .Candco" Rubber Hoot , and Hhots with the Ho orslblo Heol. HUB. M. I'F.TKhSON , 31-3m Louisville , Nob. A Skin of Deauty Is Joy Forever. DB. T FELIX GOURAUD'S Oriental Oroam or Magical Bean- tifler , Tan. Pimples i. Freckles i.h' MotbpUcb * an'arerj blemlsh'oi beauty and defies de tectlon. tl bas itaod tha tet ol SOyaanan1 I * so harm' less wi Uste It fe ba sura tbi prepara I.D. ilonU pro perly madi ) of ilmllar name. The dUttngulshrd Dr. L. IIt. Bavre , laid to a My of the IUUT OM ( a patient ) "As you ladle * will u e them , I recoromenc 'Ocuraud'i Cream' as tbe least harmful of all thi Bkln preparation * . " Ono bottle will Ust slj months , using It every day. Also I'oudro Jub tllo remove * mperlliious lulr wl.hotit Injury t tha skin. UMI. M. B. T. OOUItAUD.SoIo pro,4S Bom 8t * . N. Y. Vori'lo hy all Dnurglita and Fancy Goodi Dealers throughout the United States , Canadi 1 and Kuropv. C -liewaro of U Imitation * . (1,000 rewari forarrrst aud proof of anyona selling the ttaait 14-\vcow Itio 2t nwim Authcrlzod by thu etito to tre t'liroalcN r > 'om and 1'rlvato ilU roses. A ilmm Epllepiy , Hlnu jmatlini , Pile * , Tope W rm , Urin arya-il Skin UUeisto , HRHINAI 'W ' AKNKSH ( tll h lOtJCD ) HllIUAt i ) mLiTY , ( itm of sexual power ) Eto. CurcBuum antetd or money rclutded. Qntrgi * low , Thou studs of casou cured. No Injurious moillclnei uiod No detention from butlueas. All iroal cine * furnlshei even to pitlenta at a distance Consultation free abd couddcntlal-callor write Age and experience are Importtat. A BOOK fai both lexci Illustrated and circular * of oihn thlngi tent teiled for two lo ttamp * . met REMARKABLE ! _ _ . M * BWa w. KANSAH Cm , Ma , Sept. EO , 1882. I think It a duty I ewe to humanity to nj what your remedy has done ( r me. Ona jta airo I contracted ft biul CMC of Blood Dl ease. Bid not knowing tha result ot such troubles , I allow- a I It to run fo tome time , but finally applied to the best physician In fit * city , who treated ma for fix months , 1 * THAT TIUR t TOOK OTIR 809 ram or rnoroioDipa or MR * cunt } grain each. ftndhivl run down In weight from 210 to 157 poui.ds. and wa conflned to my bed * lth Mer curial Ithe > matlimi , scarcely able to turn myself over. Being a traveling man. some ot the fra ternity founl mo In Una deplorable condition , , „ aura that - " pec flcos a had been cured by It * wo. I commended the w * Itttltavory llltlo faith nnn In ICM that thrco weeks was able to tike myjimoo on the road Tha ( Ores and copper-collorcd spot * gradually disap peared , and to-day ibavonotasoicor spot onmy person , and my Weight Is 217 pounds , bcln\r more than It ever wan. I do not wish you to publish tj my name , but jou may show this letter to any " who doubt the merit of 8. 3. 8. for I tnow It Is sure cure. . , < Your * Truly , J. II. B. ' Some thirty years ago there lived In llontjo mcry , Ala. , a young man who was terribly aOUo * tcil. Aftorbclngtretlcd for a long tlmo hy tha mcd'cal profession of this town with no benefit , ho commenced taking S B , B. Alter persistently taking It two months ho was cured. Being ao qualnicd with htm for the disease never mode It return. J.V. . Dinner , J. P. , Hot Sprlnga Ark. If you doubt , come to see us , and wo will CURK YOU , or c'.iarxo nothing ! Write for particular * and ft copy of Iho llttlo book , " Message to the Unfortunate Suffering ' Ask any Druggist a * t our standing , r&lOOO Reward will he paid to any Chemist who will find , on analysis of 100 bottle * of 8. 8. 8. , ono particle of Mercury , Iodide ot ro'asalum , or other Mineral subsUnce , SWIFT SPECIFIC 00. , Proprietor * , Atlanta. Go. Price of Small Site . . . f 1,00 Large Size . - . 1.78 SOLD DY ALL DRUGGISTS. DOCTOR STEINHARTH SUPPOSITORIES The Qreat Popular ItomoJy (01 Pile * . Suroouro for Blind , BleedlnR&ItchiDKr And all forms of llemorrholdal Tumor * These SurroarroRiM act directly upon th * coats ot the Illood Vessels , and by their astringent effect * gently force the blood from the swolltn tumon , anduy making the coat * of the rein * strong , prevent tholr refilling , and hence a radi cal euro I * sure to follow their uw . Price , 75 f cent * a box. For sale by alldrugirista , or sent b f mall on receipt of price , by n luhMedioa ] Institute 718t6llvi St. ft ? . . .nln . DOCTOR STEINHARfS ESSENCE OF LIFE. FonOLDANn YOUHO , HALS AHD FSHALI. It Is lure , prompt and effectual remed * or digestion. Ujapepila , Intermittent Fevers. Want of Appetite , Nervous 'Debility ' In all It * Stage * WcaV Memory , I/oos of Ilr ln 1'nwer , Prostration , Weakness Bin ] general Fxws of Power. It repair * nerrous waste , rejuvenate * tha faded Intellect , strenchthens tbo enfeebled brain and restorN lurprlmnp tone and vigor to the exhausted of pans. The experience of thousands proved It to bean Invaluable remedy. Price , $1.00 a bottle , or six or 15. For sale by all druggists , or sent secure from observation on receipt of price by Er. Steinbar P. O. Box 2460 St. anil. Mo. it. T , . _ . . . mn.Ohlc , M.ylO , IBkt. . IS. J. KnHDALi & Go , I had A my rile * ale IIimblutODlan nolt that Iprlind verydhly ) | ; , an had a large bone opavlu ou one Joint and a pmftll ono en tli * other whlcL made him vilj lamel ; had bin- under thg charge of two Tetei- tnaty tnrgconatthlch failed to c.nr ? him. Ira | one day reading the udvcrttseinont ol KcndaUl Spavin Cure In Vnc Chicago Kir > rtiaI determined uoiicii to try II and got oureruggleta liertU lend for It , and they ordered tlircu bottlci ; I tack Ml and I thought I would give It a thorough trial. I used It according to directions and It * fourth day the colt ccueJ to be lame and tb * lumps have disappeared. I Died hot one bollU > nd the colt' * limn * are ai tie * ol lump * and 11 imootb a * any borse In the state Hols entlf ly cured. Tbe euro waa 10 remarkable tbal hav i lettwo of my neighbor * hare tb * Kraal * Ing two bottlci wno are now uslnglt Very ropectfuUy , L. T. KBTKn , Cind lot Illuilrattd circular giving peililTl , proof. Price II. All DraggUti have It or oai git It for yon. Dr. B. J. Kendall ft Co ! . Vi - h'1 , KntMbnigh ITalli , VI. n BOLD DY ALL DRUGGISTS -1 I' id' Dl ' DR. WHITTIER. . J.to ' 178t.OiiarlwKc. T , X.OUIB Me to A'ilKQTJIjAR OUlil ilK of two medic * IS coU gM.Iiaa'been longer rugaged In th treat. ' ? ; . S5V01 CHRONIC , tiMIVOUH SKIN I AND t D. BLOOD Disease * than auj other phyiiclan In 8t Louis as city paper * show and all old resident ! 10 know. Consultation fret , and Invited. When II II I * Inconvenient to visit tha city for treatment , . medicine * can b * lant by mall or express every , where. Curable case * guaranteed ; where donbl eitits It I * frankly stated. 011 or writ. . Nervona prostration. Debility. McnUI and 1'byaloal Weaknean , Mercurial and ( other alfeottona ot Throat. Skin and Honw Hlood Impuritlea and Blood . Skin AffcoUona , Old Sorea and Olocr * . > ImpedlnienU to .Marriage , Itheum&UsinT j'ilea. tjpeclM attention to casej from overworked litaln. BUltOIOAIi CJASEH iccfllva > [ Hiclrtl uttoiitlon. Dlseasea Impra It'ccn. JizcoasoH , lodulcenoa * pages thi wbor SifUUABi story ! well told. Idany receiptswho ; maymnr- ry , who may not , i " tnd cur * . Scaled for i5o postage or stamps. PERSONAI. "Parts of the human body enlarged , developed and strengthened. " eto.Ji an Interesting advert sooient long run In our paper. In reply to inquiries we will say tbat there aoe\ldencecf humbugabaul thl * Oo , the contrary , tbe advertUr * arir very blgMy In. , dorsed Interred pereon * uay get * caf l dr. ffWMS ' ' 'aiffi'K TSS 'luffalo ' N. - - ' " ' ' * - , . y , T-1-