Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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A combination of J'n
toxiile ofJron , J'crtirlan
Jlark iintl J'hosjihonuitt
n ixtlatabto form , for
Debility. io. of Apnt'
tite , frustration of fitul
2'ou-rra it it inditprnsa-
KEV.A.I. HO13J33 Writes : lie.REV. . 3. I * TO WNEB ,
After n thorough trial of the PURIFIES ' '
IEON TONIO , I take pleasure rttr 'industry , says :
In Btatlnfr that I hava been i consider H
tnniij Xoneilted by its ILDDD a , most excellent remedy tot
use. ministers and Pub the debilitated vital forces.
lic Speakers will find it
of the greatest value
where a Tonlo is neces
sary. I recommend it
aa a reliable remedial
agent ) possosslnir tin-
doubted nutritive and
restorative properties.
, KjOct. . 2 , ISM.
music B ; raa DR. BARTER MEDICINE co. , 313H. vex ra. , ex. LOUIS.
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171 O
- - ,
The Oldest Wholesale and JEWELRYHOUSE
'm Omaha. Visitors can here
find all novelties in SIL-
Bicif and Stylish Jewelry ,
the Latest , Most Artistic ,
and Choicest Selections in
all descriptions of FINE
WA/POHBS at as" Low Pri
ces as is compatible with
honorable dealers. Call
and see our Elegant New
Store , Tower Building ,
corner llth and Farnham
General Agents for the
Finest and Best Pianos and I
Organs nianufg.cturort. ,
Our prices are | as Low/as /
any MeiternManufaoturer
andDraler , -
Pianos and 0 ga s sold
for cssh or installment at
Bottom Pr cs ,
A SPLENDID gt ck/of /
Steinwiy , Chickering ,
Knabe , Voee & Son's Pi
anos , and ottur makes.
Also Clough & War-en
Sterling Imperial. Smith
American Organs , &c. Do
not fail to see us before
A Large Stock always on Hand.
Have now been finished in our store , mal *
Ing iti tjhe largest and most complete >
In the West. An additional story has been
built and the five floors all connected
, with two
One Exclusively for the use of Passengers , Those immense warerooms -
rooms three stores , are 66 ieet wide are filled with the Grand
est display of all kinds of Household and Office Furniture ovoi
AJ1 are invited to call , take the Elevator on the first flee J
and go through the building and inspect the stock.
206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omoha ,
J ,
Latji , Shingles- , Pickets ,
3 V. < % , fftnC3EI2EC '
Near Union Pacific Dep iOMA.HANB'
Growth of the Cattle Business
on the Plains ,
When tbo Trade Had Its Birth
and How It Has De
The wonderful development within
the last tow years of the ranching
bnslnoes on the western plains has
attracted the attention of cattle inou
and capitalists In all parts of the civil-
Izad world. The well authenticated
reports of the marvoloasly rapid
accumulation of fortunes in the cattto
busluesn have drawn to the trans Mis
souri country hundreds of men of
largo experience in cattle raising , but
poBseoecd of limited meaca , and hun
dreds of ethers with abundant capital
but lacking the practical experience.
The unity of capital and experience Is
not indlBpoinablo , for fortunes have
been made there by men who had none
of the former and very little of the
latter , but U Is requisite to the BUG-
ctiBsfnl development ; of the bualnoes
that the two go hand In hand. This
waa not so essential a fo.w youra nqo
when oattlo In nnllmltod numbers
could bo had at from 97 to $8 per
head , and when the unclaimed graz
ing lands wuro boundleco. To uu-
gpgo In ranching at the present
day ono mnst double the
capital required five years
ago , and to conduct the business EUO-
coesfully Involves an increase In the
expense account of from 40 to CO per
cent. It Is this largo increase In or
iginal outlay and in incidental expen
ses that la so rapidly driving indivi
dual owners cut of the business and
concentrating it In thu hands of
largo corporations. Ranching as a
distinct Industry dates back scarcely
moro than a decade. In the Inter
vening time mllllono of homes and
foreign capital have been Invested
in the business , which has
now attained gigantic proportions.
The nndobted opportunities for profit
able Investment In cattle raising on the
plains began to attract attention as
far back as 1875 , but the business was
of alow growth until along in 1880 ,
when there began a veritable ' 'boom. "
It has increased in interest up to the
present time , when the demand for
cattle for stocking qow .ranches tar ex
ceeds the available supply. Daring
the last five years the I advance in
prices has been rapid and continuous
Cattle have doubled and quadrupled
In value. In 1877 from $7 to
$8 per head was the beat that
coula bo obtained for cattle on thu
ranges. To-day they am salable
at from $ UO to $30 , with
sanguine holders naming oven higher
prices. This unprecedented advance ,
It must bo understood , is not wholly
dno to the urgent demand for cattlefor
stocking now rancher. The canning
Industry , which It may bo remarked
has also grown up within the last ten
years , line famished a euro outlet tor
unlimited nnmbcro of this grade of
stock , for which formerly there was no
demand. Then the vastly Improved
facilities for getting the cattle to mar
ket , the gradual grading up with
blooded acock , and the com
parative ecirclty during the lant
two or three seasons of native
cattle have all contributed to that on-
haccomeut of values for the Just five
or more years has made the ranching
business the most certainly profitable
of any in which a man could engage.
Thai It will continue to pay a handsome -
some return on the .Investment there
are th'o'most substantial reasons for be *
lleviug , but ihe time when a man by
the outlay of a few hundred dollars
could retlro at the end of five orjton
yean th'd possessor' of hundreds"bf
thousands has unquestionably passed.
The Importance to Chicago of the
range cattle'trade can scarcely bo meas-
nred. The trade had its birth in the
summer of 1873 In July of that
year Robert S'rahoru shipped from
Pilot Point , T < tx ; fourteen loads of
the "long-horns , " four loads of which
went to St. Louis , whore $3.50 was
the belt figure that conld be realized
for them , St. Louis offering no bettor
Inducement to shippers then than now.
Thn remaining ton loads came on
to Chicago and sold at | 4 Dar
ing that season Mr. Strahon
received and sold here 800 loads ,
or abont 1,800 head. From
this small beginning the trade has in-
crcaiol until the present tlmo , when ,
Incredible ao it may appear , our re
ceipts of range cattle comprise more
than one-third of our annual beef
supply. Last yoar'n receipts were
much the largest ever known , amounting -
ing to 340,000 Texas through cattle ,
and 220,700 Northern range cattle ,
or a total of 007,000. Two circum
stances contributed to the largo increate -
create of last year. In the first place
the exceptionally mild winter and the
subsequent favorable spring and sum
mer put a much larger proportion than
usual of the range oattlo in
condition for market ; then the ex
tremely good prices prevalent drew
out many cattle that under leu en
couraging circumstances would have
remained on the ranges ,
As to this season's supply , It is
pretty generally conceded that it will
fall short of 1882 , owing to the very
close calling of the droves last year ,
and the extensive 'demands for stock
ing now ranches , With regard to the
effect upon the western herds of the
rigorous weather of last winter ,
enough is now known to enable one
to speak intelligently. A few weeks
ago all sorts of exaggerated re
ports of the mortality among
cattle ou the plains wore floatIng -
Ing about , some estimates placing
the loss as high as 25 per cent , but
from extensive contact with Texan
ranchmen , nnd from direct Informa
tion gained through trustworthy
sources concerning the losses in the
other states and territories , the writer
feels no hesltincy In asaortlng that the
losses up to date will not roach 5 per
cent. Owing to the long and severe
winter and the backwardness of the
spring , the cattle are not in as good
flesh as usual , and from present ap
pearances the season of 1883 will open
at least three weeks later than last
year. _ _ _ _ _ _
Missionary. Work.
Wheeling Better , * ,
"la yonrlinsband at home ? " "No ;
he Is 'coon hunting. Ha killed two
whooping big 'coons last Sunday. "
h/ > fear the LordJ" "I gneu
he does ; 'canso ho always takes his gun
with him. " "Have you any Proaby.
turlans around hen. ? " "I don't know
ifbe ho killed any cr not. Yon can go
behind the houftn and look nt the pile
of hides to son if yon can find any of
thin tklns. " "I see that you are liv
ing iti the dark " "Yes , but my hus
band Is going to out ont a winder
May 15 , 1880.
GBNTLEMKX Having boon a autfcr *
or for a long tlmo from nervous proa-
tratlon and general debility , I was
advi-od to try Hop Bitters. I have
taken ono bottle , and 1 have boon
rapidly polling hotter ever since , and
I think it the best medicine I ever
naed. I am now gaining strength and
appatlto , which was all gone , and I
WAS in despair nntll I tried yonr Bit-
tera. 1 am now well , able to go about
and do my own work. Before taking
it , I was completely prostrated
AMammoth Tobacco factory-Span-
lab Courting A. Visit to tno Die-
trlot Where Sherry la Mndo
-Uad z and lUi Beggara.
Correspondence St. louls Republican ,
CADIZ , Spain , February , 1883 The
tobacco laolury ia ono of thu sights of
Sovlllo. The gOTornment tu.uiopo-
Hzas the tobacco baslnoia , and the
factory ia an extensive , structure
gtutded by aoldiora. Five thousand
five hnndrod women arc employed In
the building , and there are 3,000 cf
them In ono room , ' making cluara and
cigarettes. The room is lowwith hngo
column * of masonry and arched over-
he rxd , and is said to bo oxcceslvoly hot
in summer. The women all change
their clothes when they commence
work , and the display of bright colored
garments hanging all about the place
is a cartons feature. Many of the
olgarrcrss are very haudsouio nud
Bomowbac Impertinent. Those who
have "olive brunches" have cradles for
their accommodation , and rock their
children to sleep while busy making
clgatots. The women all work by
the piece , and tboeo who make cigars
earn about 40 or CO cents a day , while
those who make olgarots earn only
about 30 cents a day by steady work.
The Indolent onoi and many wore
Bleeping at their tables do not earn
half as much. The'use cf tobacco Is
almost universal in Spain , and' little
boys in pinafores may bo coon puffing
at clgaroU. The railroad conductor
mokes as ho collects the faros , and I
have teen a tine looking olork , apparently -
ently . a gentleman , while waiting on a
lady f iti a first-class store In Sovlllo ,
deliberately stop and light a cigaret ,
and indirectly puff the smoke in her
face , and the lady seemed to think It
no broach of good behavior. The
Spaniards even emoke between thu
courses at dinner , laying down their
clcarots to help themselves to muata or
vegotabloH , and putting away again as
soon as tholr portion is dltposod of.
Thu dwelling houses of Seville are
admirably adapted to the cllnmto , und
mnuy of them were erected by the
Moors , several hundred yearn ago ,
who wisely planned them to keep out
the heat. The narrow atroets cxoludo | I
the sun , and every honso of nny pro-1
tension has nn interior 6onrt called a
"patio , " around which is n corridor ,
and rooms opnnlng from U. Tbu
patios are generally paved with alter
nato blocks of polished blusk and
irblto marblu , ona have banana plants
shrubs and florrers Krowlnt ? in large
tabs or jars , and thtro is sometimes n
founttln In the canter. This court Is
covered with an awning in summer.
The hall or entrance to the patio is
paved the same way , and the street
doors are always kept open daring the
day and evening. At the inner end
, "of the hall are - ( Ight , open work Iron
'door's , often of artistic and admirable
workmanship , , which are , of course ,
kept locked , bat permit the pnsaer-by
to look into tbo oool and charming
patios with peifaot freedom. The
lower windows opening upon the street
are guarded by iron bars or gratings ,
and these , with the Iron doors to the
patios , play an Important part in the
lives of the young people. The Span
ish maiden la not permitted to meet
her gentlemen friends In private , aa
the doubtful custom la in America , but
they can come to the grated windows
or doors and whisper soft nothings to
their heart's content. It occasions iiu
remark and attracts no attention for u
cloaked cabolloro to stand by the hour
at an iron-barred window , during tbo
evoutap , talking to an invioiblo portion
Insldf. This delightful pastlmo Is
facetiously termed corner hiorro cat-
Ins " iron , and Is the prevailing mode
of "courtship in Spain. Notwlthstand
Ing Ihete restrictions , the statistics
prove that there ii moro immorality
among the Spanish people than there
Is In F/OCCJ or Italy ,
There la a factory at Bnvillo , man
aged by n Scotchman , for making
marmalade from the bitter orangno ,
and from four to six tons of marmalade
Is the dally product They p.y $1 37
per box of 122J pounds of the bitter .
oranges , which la m ire than the sweet
oranges sell for , and many oracgu
growers are budding tholr sweet trees
with tbo bitter variety for the sake
of the greater profit doing exactly , I
the reverse of what is being done In
Oomlng southward from Sovlllo , we
stopped at Jerez , from which name
and place the world gets its sherry.
The "bodegas , " or wine collars , are ref
vast slza , some of them holding two
million gallons of wine. It is u Bug-
goatlvo fact that while only abont 20-
000 butts of real sherry are produced :
every year , 40,000 aro' shipped an-
nnally to England ulone , and oonsld-
orablo to other countries , A largo
part of the dilforonoo botvrcon pro ' *
aduction and sains in made up 'Oof
inferior wines from other dlatrlctn , of
which ia added a small proportion of
real sherry to glvo It name and flavor ,
and there is something done , probably )
in the way of out-and-out ' 'mannfac-
tnrlng" with chemicals and spirits 10of
wino , Visitors are courteously shown
through the bodegas , and invited to
ptasto the winn in its various stages of
development , from one year to six ,
and also that still older up to 120
years. None of the real sherry Is Bold
ntil six years old , when it becomes
marketable , and it keeps'Improving upI
' " " ' ' " '
to 20 or perhaps , 40 years. Jnpnoof I
the bodegas' Is a butt of wlno that
been shipped to the East Indies and
back for the sole purpose'of improving
1U quality by the sea voyage. Thoie
old wines are worth $20 a gallon by the
quantity ,
Taking the c rs for Cadiz , and np-
pronohlng the const , the road runs
thiough salt marshes for several mile * ,
where the manufacture nt salt Is car
rlod on extensively. The marshes
have boon made Into narrow canals in
all directions ; the sea water is lot In
and thu hot sun of the long summer
pvaporatrs it and leaves the salt , which
ia piled up in hugo pyramids all about
the marshes , looking like the white
tents of n military encampment.
Thoao pyramids are from -0 to 40 foot
square and half as high , without any
covering , tbo rains only serving to
make them moro solid and compact.
Cadiz Is eituatod ou an lalaud-llko
peninsula , a long and narrow sandy
isthmus alone connecting it with thn
main land. It contains nearly 70,000
Inhabitants ! ; tbo sticota are narrow
and well paved , the houses clean and
whlto , and there are evidences of com
fort and prosperity , but there docs nut
appear to bo business enough In the
city to keep the puoplo from going to
sloop In the daytime If they fool in
clltiod. Bnt the beggars have rather
moro "business" In them than
the pooplo. They approach the
stranger ' and lay their bunds upon hh
arm in such it portlunoiuus manner as
to demand attention , nnd 'JO donlnU
will not abate tholr
pc-rolatont plead
ings. Many of thorn appear to bo
healthy nnd able b > dtcd , and the way
they will follow a visitor Into n store
and continue tn beg while ho Is look
ing at anything , without a word of
Interference from the merchant , Is
decidedly nrncslng o well as annoying.
It la Intonating to remember that
the philosophers of old , llvii g on the
shores of the tldolesi Mediterranean ,
came hero to Cadiz to Investigate the
marvels of the plaoo the tldoa and
the dlnappoaranoo of the sun beneath
the western waters. Oao thought the
waters wore sucked in by subma
rine winds , and another con
cluded it was the work of living
monsters of the deep , aud it was
generally bollovod that the iun
went into the water and returned to
the earth by eorao snbtoranoan passage
for a fresh atari the next morning.
Wnon philosophers investigated thoio
things and formed such opinions , is It
to bo wondered at that Columbus was
accounted a orank when endeavoring
to Investigate hla grand conceptions ,
which were pronouucou "vain and Im
practicable M. H. II.
Money for thn Unmarried-
One of the mout rolld and aubatotlal
Institutions In this country la the Mar
riage 1'uml nnd Mutual Trust Aear-ciatlon ,
of Cedar Kaplda , Iowa. They are organ
ized under the laws of Iowa , nnd holr of-
floors and directors are among the leading
aud moat prominent bunlncea men o Cedar
Ratrfds. Every unmarried perann should
have H cenilioato in thin uxaoclatlon.
It la n eplomtld invectment , ns uafo us
government bond. You cnn Justus well
nave a Rood turn of money to commence
married life on aa not. A largo number oi
membora have been paid oil , rocoiviug ever
800 per cunt on their investment , Write
for circulara fully iletnlllug tbo plnu , which
ia tbe fluent known. D not poatpono It.
Good agonta wanted. Montinu wboro you
saw thin notice. IC-Sm.
Peculiar Growtli of TrooB ,
lit. SturlliiK ) ) . ) Democrat.
Mr , Samuel Ilovrurd relates a curi
ous story about uno tree growing on
the insldo of nncthor , which ho dis-
ouvorua on his farm BOUIO tlmo ago ,
Qu nays ho hnd occasion to out down
a litiuo' bUtk locust trco , which was
found to ho hollow , nnd in the hollow
tin ) htciiHt. Uc'i > urour another tree i ,
ot ii dilliiMiit kind , which was ton
in \ oil us in cliiinutir mid about twenty
lout | , high , nnd It had put forth aovoral
'F , though they were inoom-
m a very small space Ho
the Inside tree was alive and
sooiuod quite thrifty , and how It grow
and flourished In BO small a apace
without air or light was a mystery to
him ; and ho would like to have some
scientist explain the matter.
An Answer Wanted.
Can nnr one bring us a case of
Kidney or Liver CorupUlnt that Klectrio
bitters will not speedily cure ? We nay
they can not , as thousands of canes already
permanently cured , and who are dally rec
ommending Klcctrlo Bitter ? , will prove.
Height's Dlsoaio , Dlabetei , Weak Back , or
any urinary complaint quickly cured.
They purify the blood , regulate the bow-
eli , and act directly on the diseased parts ,
Every bottle guaranteed. For nalo at 50o
bottle by C , 1. Goodman.
The Roman c a of a Button.
llciton Herald.
The button cut by a confederate
Roldlor , on the battle field of Boll Run ,
frem the coat of Col. Fletcher Web
ster , 12'h MoBsaohnsota volunteers
( Webster's rcglmout ) , waa presented
10 the Webster Grand Army post ,
Brockton , this evening , at Grand
Army hall. The presentation s ech
WAS made by Comrade Gaorgu Kimball ,
of Boston , the button being received
by Ciuimandor George A. Grant on
behaif of the post. After further re-
uiarkn by Joseph W. Thayer , ot Choi-
son , nud a reading by Miss Clara A.
Marry , the andionco wuro treated to
oollatlon by the ladles cf the post.
Tnu button , which is elegantly framed ,
is accompanied by the following In
scription : "This button was taken
from the breast of Ool , Fletcher Webster -
ster , 12th Massachusetts volunteers
( Webster regiment ) , as ho lay dead
upon tbo battle field of second Bull
Run. August 31,1802. Ool. Webster
waa found dying by Jesao Bnrloy , of
company fl , 10th Virginia , 0.
8 , A. Burley tenderly cared
for Ool. Webster's immediate
wants , and , in return for his kindness ,
the wounded ofllcer gave him a ring
from his finger nn old family keep
sake. ( This ring has s nco the war
been returned to the widow of Ool ,
Webster. ) When Burley returned tote
his regiment , ho gave the ring to
Qnartermaater George J. Jonoa , actIng -
Ing brigade quartermaster of Gir- '
nett's irlgode , to keep for him , at lio' ,
tame tlmo requesting Jones to go and
see If anything moro could bo done
for the wounded ( nicer. Quartermaster -
master Jones nucccoded in finding
Ool. Webator , but death had relieved
him from his sufferings , and , aa ho
ays in his letter , 'in the kindest of
fooling and on account of his great
reverence for the Webster name , ' ho
took this button from his breast , and
and has over sluco tenderly preserved
it. It was received through thn mall
by Oomrado George Kimball of the
Webster regiment from George T.
Jones , Fort Valley , Oa. , January 10 ,
1883 , and by Oomr do Kimball pre
sented to Fletcher Webster Post 13 ,
G. A. R. , March 29 , 1883.
The best Spring medicine known it
that wonderful tonic , Brown's Iron
| Bitten ,
Eleven Mon Ueprosontlncr. Two Uun-
Ured Million Dollnru.
That llttlo mstt with a pnlo , thin
f ACO , dark eyes and large hand , who
looks about him no ho walka with a
nervous stop , who restlessly twists a
ploco of paper In his small , womanish
hand , and who Is always silent , Is Mr ,
Jay Gould. His fortune Is estimated
at $76,000,000 , but to look nt him ho
might tradily bo taken for a put-ami-
call broker.
There Is the Hon. Russell Sago tip
ping bapk In his easy chair at n square
tnhlo covered with letters nud papers.
lie much rosombloa John G. Whlttlor
und has n domestic , homespun look ,
lie has a mild blue eye , n high fora-
head nnd n firm Hot month. Ills rul
ing passion ia niouoy and horses. Ills
manner U most engaging nnd his
kindly face lights up from bn y care as
ho diaouisos the moritn of hii respec
tive horses. Ills wealth ia estimated
nt $50,000,000 , a greater portion In
rouly oish ,
That gentleman with n fnr-llnod
overcoat and long hair , sharp features
and aquiline nose , and nn eye like a
hnwk , la Oyrns Fluid. Ho talks quick
ly nnd nervously , as though ho wanted
to take the knob oil. lie Is very
luquacioua , and JB credited with talk
ing too much. Withal , they say h's
heart Is in the right plaao. Ills wealth
Is put at $10,000,000.
That gentleman there , an American
Domboy , is Mr. Sidney Dillon. Ho
has an iron faoo , a month of resolution
nud a terrible will power shown In the
lines of his countenance. Ilia figure
is a Goliath of physical strength. Ilia
hair is as whlto aa snow , and ho wears
n llttlo side whisker. Ills largo head
Is always protected by a black silk tile
hat. Ha is sedate und active , nnd
talks with resorvo. His wealth is
placed at $10,000,000
Joseph Navarro Inspects the ticker
nnd laughs with his ftionds ever it
while the current goaslp of the day la
going the rounds. Ho is jolly , gray
nnd fat , nud prefers to talk of raid
ostnto nnd the clFoot of the uptown
movement on French flats , Hla pro
perty and bank account are sot down
nt $5,000,000.
That gentleman with a small
month , blue eyes , chin whiakora nnd
no mnstaoho , who walks slowly and
contentedly by , is Mr. George Pull
man. Ho Is never in a harry. Hia
pleasant faoo shows that ho Is at peace
with the world , and his stately figure
euataiuB with comfort the multiplied
duties of the vast railroad car interests.
IIu is a good family man , devoted to
his wife and children , nnd la always
considerate to oven the smallest r.fllco
boy. Ho ia reputed to bo wurlh $16-
J. B. Houston , sauntering nlong
there , is a young looking man for the
position ho holds in the financial
world. His drcao la perfection , nnd
his blonde Imperial nnd mustnoho glvo
him n military ulr Ho la good natured -
turod , nnd is always on thu mumy
side of the market with Pacific Mall ,
first , last and nt nil times. IIIn per-
aorml pllo id sot down nt $0,000,000
The gentleman there with thu refined -
fined uppoarnnco of a stately Indian
chief is Vice Pronldent Galloway , of
the elevated roadu. Ho ia n handsome
man in every seuso of the wcrd. His
hair Is coal blnok , hla eye dark nnd
hla fiaurn towering His face beams
with good nature nnd his universal
popularity Is well deserved. Ilia noa't
egg ia estimated nt | D 000,000 and
hla good lack IB proverbial.
That FrtUtslllm form coming in
there slowly Is laadoro Wormser , the
genial , tjood natnrcd nud solid. Ho Is
always smoking , and keen eyes look
scatohlngly out from beneath a pair of
soldi spectacled. Hla wealth Is down
There comes President Hart , of the
Third Avenno Surface railroad. He
is a llttlo thick man with an active
manner , who hides himself away be
neath a cope overcoat and a whlto
sugar loaf hat. His money , stocks ,
bonds nud property foot up $5,000-
' That gentleman there with dark
hair , mustache nnd Imperial , with a
Bolf-potscsaod manner , a keen eye and
a slight ntoop on his shoulders , is Mr.
Horace Porter , the best after-dinner
speaker In Wall street , witty , brilliant
and popular. His bank account and
property are entered at $5,000,000.
A Cough , Cold or Bora Throat
should not be neglected. BnowN'fl IJlioN-
CIIIAL Tnooilia are a simple remedy , aud
will give Imimdlate relief. Price 25 cents.
o ?
ftl M wore to Hi
If you f/3nn p iMl § iitf l > a > , reiJ , 1 ,
tn.u , it : rou o : fnt.r
01 nue. . W , our riuff.irln-t
/ ( raitlj or II
irir on H o p
O , . I. O
U -n Mclt >
* nc frreiUu *
oui. Hood.
titiroin rv'Mi ' ,
oit a' opluci
rod wltt ti * tcbtoou , 3.7
cnrcdirr auM n&roatloc.
Hop Bitt rs
lit It mnjf
vnved hun
Consulting and Oivil Engineer :
attention to Surveying Town
tlons ami tot ) . Furnishing KUIuiatei cf Kxca-
vatlon * , MaklrgMapa , I'lam , &c.
Removed from 1222 Farnam St. to 100 Co.
Fifteenth St. , opppilte PoitofTlce.
Will opeu on Match loth , a Dno lot ot pattern
innneti nJh ti , ri < bnn , eta. Alia Urite JdI-
, ion to the itocli ol Halt UooJs , couiprltlDi ; kddlall
the noveltlra of the tioton. The olily cl .trio
light military itore In Omaha.
Cor. BUtMnth and Cunilr > i8treeU-
Ia n VarIllvo Cura
* for nil thole 1'nlnful Complaint * anil WttknMMl
o common to our beat female population.
A Medicine for Womnn. Inicntpd by a Worni * .
Prepared lijr a Woman.
SMlral Dliroff rj 8ln * th PAWB of UUtrn , *
ro.i tint drooping uplrlt * , InrlfroratM and
tarnioiilsni the oriranlo functions , clie * elasticity an <
9i tn the uti'p , rc toro.i the natural lustra so the
tff , and | > Unta on the p. .0 check of vt oman tbo
oi of Ufa' * fi'rlnu anil onrljnummrr time.
.VPhj.lclans U o It and Proscribe It T
It romorcs folntnca-t , rtituloncjJrstroyj all crarun
[ or rtlmulnnt aiHln.'lloTMweikncMof the ttomaolv
Tlmt fiH'lln otbo.arlnguovfn , rauilnBuiln | , weigh )
anil luickachp , in ntway/i pcrmancntlr cured ty H n
For the curoorKWnpr Complolnt * of either M4
this Compound I * uniurpniicil. ,
T.TI IA i 1'ixKiiAM's ni.oon roninr.n
will crnillcnto every v.wlltr or lluinon fnmi tb
Illixxl. nnd Klva tone anil Mn-nsth to the ijtlfm , ot
luaitHonmiiurchllil. InMstou InivliiRlt. |
Ikith the Compounil ntul nlcnxl Turlflor are prcpare <
taianiiaiWestcrn Arcnuo , Lynn , Sta ii. Price at
elthertlt. Blx iHittlcs for 8X Sent l > y mall In the foru
otiilllii , or ( ifloionptcs , onrrcrlptof | irlco , | t pcrboj
forcltner. Jlra. I'luUiaiu freely nn wBrsalllcU r ol
Incjulry. Enclono 3 .t. stamp. Bend for pamphlet , i
N fnmlly rhnuM 1' without I.TD1 A K. riKKnAJTI
UVEH I'lI.IA ITIit-v euro cou tlvitloii | , liUlousnoM
ana torpidity oftlio llvsr. S3 ci'iita | wr tot.
3-8oIil br nil I > ruHHl9ta.-C " >
"By a thoronsh knowledge o ) Uio natural lawt
hlch ( fovorn the operatloni ol dleontlon and'
nutrition , and by a cafolul' application ot th *
One proportlei of woll-B'locied Oocoa , Ut ,
Eppa boa provided our broakfoit tablet with
lollcatcly flavored boTorago which may lave M
many heavy doctor * ' bllla It Ii by the Jnifcloai
n * of > uch article * of diet that a constitution
may be gradually built up until tlronr enoufh
lo reelit every tendency to dlacaio. Ilnnaredf
ol inbtlo maladloa are flouting around til ready
Id attack wherever there la a weak point , W *
may eicape many a fatal shaft by keeping our.
lolvriwell fortified with pure blood and a prop *
lily nourished frame. " Civil Ciorvlce Oaiette.
Mada ( Imply with bolllnirwater nr milk flc a
n tlni only ( H'1 ' " ' ' 'UV ' by Qroceri , labeled
JAMEH iflHfs a > ui/ . .
DomcpopiUIila ObomiBti ,
U09 nd Ull DodtfO Htreol ,
utif ? 7-mo 6m OMAIIA , NIB.
Iron and Slate Hoofing ,
0. SPEOHT , Proprietor.
1111 Douglas St. - Omaha , Neb
Iron Cornices I
Tin , Iron and Slate Roofing ,
Specht's Patent MetaUoSkyllght ( ] Patent ,
Adjuntod Katcbet liar and Bracket
Bbelvlne. I am the coneral a ont
for the nbovo line of goods.
Crnitlnw , Ualuatrddcs , Verandas , Iron
lUnk lulling ) , Window Blinds , Gel-
lar Guards ; nl n
600 Head ol Yearllrg Bteeri and Hcilen , '
800 Ilcitl ot Two-year-old Stein , and
100 Head ol Two-year-old Hclfcra ,
Tbce catUe are all good , straight , thrllty cattle ,
moetly K dtHl cattlo. For Bain an lOKether or In
lota to ault the piirchtHrs. For further partle *
Ulan call on or address M. F. Potter , Waverj ! ,
Brown county , Iowa. ' * Al-lm
100,000 POUNDS OF
Highest Cash Piles p&ld. Shlpmentalfrom
lountry will bo paid for by return mill
E. MOTZ & CO. ,
ISmio-lm 1110 UougUi Ltroo
Omaha National Bank Building.
Matter of Application of Connelly & Duffy
lor Liquor License.
Notice la hereby given that Connelly & Duffy
did upon the 27tb day ol lUich A. I ) . 18XiflIe his
implication to the Jlaj or and City Council ol Oma
ha for llcvnto to sell Molt , Bulritoua and Vinous
llauora at N B car , 14th and boagbK fit , aJ tranl ,
Onuam , Nob. , from the llib day of April 1883 , to
Ithe llth day ot July , 1BS3.
II there bo no objuctlon , remonstrance or protest -
test fileil within t o vttwki from ua > ch 'il , A. D , ,
1883 , the sold UcciibQ will bo Knuitw )
The Omaha He * nowipaper will puulUh the
above notice oura each week lor two weeks at the
expenw ot the applicant. The city ol Omaha L %
1 not to bo charged there-vi'b
8l)5-2t11 ) J. J. L. 3 Jiwm , City Ckrk.
* r