Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1883, Image 2

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That is what a great
many people arc doing.
They don't know just what
is the matter , but they have
a combination of pains and
aches , and each month they
grow worse.
The only sure remedy
yet found is BROWN'S IKON
BITTERS , and this by rapid
and thorough assimilation
with the blood purifies and
enriches it , and rich , strong
blood flowing to every part
of the system repairs the
wasted tissues , drives out
disease and gives health and
This is why BROWN'S
IRON BITTERS will cure
kidney and liver diseases ,
consumption , rheumatism ,
neuralgia , dyspepsia , mala
ria , intermittent fevers , &c.
ao ] S. Pica St. , Baltimore.
Nor. 38,1881.
I was a great sufferer from
Dyspepsia , and for several
weeks could cat nothing and
was growing weaker every
day. I tried Brown's Iron
Bitters , and am happy to say
I now have a good appetite ,
and am getting stronger ,
Jos. McC/.WLCY.
is not a drink and docs not
contain whiskey. It is the
only preparation of Iron
that causes no injurious ef
fects. Get the genuine.
Don't be imposed on with
imitations ,
President. Vlou Pit ) t
W. 0. Daiann , Ito. ai I Treas.
Lincoln * Neb
Corn Planters HnrowB.Farra Bottom
Balky Hay Rakee. Baocot HleviUlnu
WlndmlllB , Sia.
W * prepared to do Job wotk nd ounalio
taring fet other partlei ,
Addteual orderi
Lincoln Neb ;
Send 81 , 82 , 3 , or
5 for n flnutplu retail -
tail box l > y lixprcHN ,
America , put up In
decant ) boxcM. nml
Htrlctly pure. Suliti-
lilefor proHcntH. Kx-
prt > HH clmrgpH Unlit ,
liefer * to all Chlca-
. Try It once.
AddrcHH ,
Confectioner ,
KvoryiCorsot U warnuitoil satis-
Victory to Its wonror la every way ,
or tbo inonoy will bo refunded by
the poraon from -whom It wan bought.
/i only C r > rt pronounced by pur leading jihyilclj
\i ? Injurious to thnwMivr , ondtnclorMxIIiy ladle * u
! : " moit comfortaLlo awl prrfrct Cttlntf Corstt vu '
> / "
J'/ Wall , I'ottcve F ldl
Aitlth PffMrrlns$1.60 , , "clfvA.dJuillna'i
& > < > ralnal ( extra henry ) B.OO. Nunlns , ! .
Wealth 1'rMertlna ( Boa roulll ) .00 l'ara < * a
ftklrt-Hupportlne. * 1.6O.
Vjr sale by Icadlnc Itetall Uealer * eTrywho
illltKi t '
WSP Lt * .vji dF
M >
/JK.M > CIUN mute.
ReoollBot'ons ' o ! a Secret Order
That Forotd Good Men to
"Bivo Themselves
" "
Away ,
And Which FJourliibed in
Omaha in the Good Old
Loulirllle Conrl r.Jtiinal.
Jnst a qaartor of a century ago a
secret society , known na the Sons of
Malta , sprang imddenly into existence
In the city of New Orleans. The orig
inal object of the organization was the
captnro of Cabs , and many prominent
military men of the south were the
leading spirits in the movement. For
reasons which the writer is not at lib-
; y to divulge the fillibusterinp ; plans of
: ho order were abruptly squelched ,
and soon thereafter a well-known
newspaper man , who had boon initi
ated , conceived the idea of making
"somo fan for thu boys. " The whole
) aslnosB of initiation , etc. , was trans-
brmed into a serin cf the most
aiupondons sells , practical jokes , and
outrageously onmloal proceedings ever
ireamod of. The order spread rapid-
y all over tbo union. It was gener
ally believed by the outside public
that the Sons of Malta was a benev
olent society , and to foster thin belief
'reqnont lengthy notices of charitable
deeds performed by the order were
lublisred In the newspapers all over
; ho land. Meetings were hold week-
y , and there was so much solid fen to
30 enjoyed that nothing short of a
death in the family would deter a
member from attending ; therefore , in
many places the membership was so
great that the utmost difficulty was
Bxporiencod In obtaining lodgo-rooma
of sufficient capacity ,
Candidates tor initiation were ush
ered into tbo hall where those who
were already members were arranged
In rows , each covered from head to
foot with a white or black gown , in
which was out small holes for the eyes
and mouth. With this garment on
the identity of the wearer was per
fectly concealed and the candidates
who were initiated at ono tlmo did not
know whether they were la the hands
of friends or strangers.
To each oandldato the "master of
ceremonies , " in a most ! impressive
and pleasing manner , slated the objects
of the order and told how the brother-
iood came together with ono aim and
ono understanding. "Wo are bound
together , " ho said , "by the ties ot
love , oonGdenoo tnd charity for ono
mother , strengthened and solidified
by the cement of confession. Wo
opeu np the secrets of our hearts in
the hearing and presence of each
other. We are all sinful creatures
and confession is good for the soul.
Our good deeds speak for themselves ,
and'our bad deeds are recorded , and
in duo tlmo those records are burned
and the ashes are all that remain of a
dead and forgotten past. "
Then the candidate was asked if ho
was willing to leave the sinful world
behind and enter upon the now life.
An affirmative answer , and the initia
tion began. Ho was immediately
blindfolded , led to a atepladder , and
told to ascend and seat himself on the
top stair with arms folded , This was
the poiition each had to occupy whllo
undergoing the ordeal of B > "confes
sion" of his misdeeds. Ho would bo
led along by adroit questioning until
ho made what was regarded as a "clean
breast" of his moral shortcomings.
When a particularly rich or unex
pected admission was pumped out of
him , a deep , sepulchral voice solemnly
exclaimed :
"Ro-o-o-r-d It ! "
- - - -
And Immediately a heavy blow was
struck upon a big drum to drown the
Irrepressible laughter.
1C a candidate gave ovldonoo of a
deslro to conceal anything ho was
given to understand that the Inner
secrets of his soul were known to the
order , and to hoiltato In giving them
would bo an unpardonable crime in
the OTOI of the brotherhood. This
would snflioo for many , but the ma
jority would of course hold out and
refuse to answer some Indelicate ques
tion , liable to lead into a channel that
might involve him in a disageoable
confession , And all through this was
exactly what was aimed at.
In such eases an intimate friend of
the candidate would pass up to the
master of ceremonies on a slip of paper
a point or two In some questionable
transaction of the applicant's llfo , and
this would prove the key to unlock
the secret recesses of his hearts. This
would the master say , in a tone oi rebuke -
buke ;
"Thp recdrds of the order show that
upon inch a day , In such a year , while
yon wore in the city of Cincinnati you
did this and so/ ' Then in atone
mildly expostnlatory ho continued :
"My friend would I conld o li you
brother at I have said before , all youi
misdeeds are known to the order tc
which you are Booking admission ,
While crossing the portala which sep
arate our brotherhood from a wicked
and sinful world , and while about en-
torlng upon a now llfe'andbreathlngi
purer atmosphereJ'y&n ' > th vo'tlngrate.
fully tried to dftolfetis ' Tor this yet
are to bo punished tad throat bwk In
to the wickednoMydu' are to loath t <
leave behind. , . ,
"Blr Knight' ' , summon the oonncl
of ten and take the recreant befort
that tribunal for punishment. "
Then to the candidate , in a sad
dened tone of voice ;
"Sir , there is but ono way In whlot
you can redeem yourself in the eyes o
the brotherhood make a full am
complete confession. "
The feeling that tholr secrete mlgh
actually bo in poiseaslon of the broth
hood , and an indefinable dread of wha
that council of ton might do In tin
way of pnnlthmont , invariably un
locked the month , and toiuo of th >
moat sedate citizens raon of gooi
character and standing were forced ti
to own up to moral transgression
which they would not euro to have ap-
prnr In print.
The candidate wai then aeked if hi
conld swim. If ho answered In thi
affirmative the reply was , "Let ns sci
you. " If In the negative the answoi
was , "Wo will teach you. " Bill
blindfolded , he was marched to a fai
corner of the room , whore a stream o
water from a faucet kept up the de
Inslon of a prospective bath , and oem
minded to dlarobc fur the plunge
fear strong brothers then iclzod him ,
and with toss placed him with bii |
etomaoh on the top ft hlgh atool and
told to strike oat Tfto delation was
so great that the poor victim would
kick and paw the air , and make the
most rldlonloui exertions Imaqlnible.
Althongh It was a dry bath , the
new fledged brother had to bo pat
through the drying machine. This
was a high , narrow box jnst high
enough and wldo enough for a man to
stand upright In , when ho was In
; hrco slats wore Inserted to keep him
n position while ho was going through
; ho drying process , The box was
iang on pivots between two upright
} r § , and had attached to the side a
crank , by which it could bo readily
and qnlto rapidly revolved. And this
was only ono of the little trials which
ho ambitions seeker after the mys-
orlcs of Malta had to undergo. Ho
was whirled round and round perpon *
dlcnlarly , head over heels and heels
over head , first qaito slow and then
with gradually Increasing speed , until
ho breath of the human propeller
rave out. The frightened follow was
hen removed to an easy chair to take
a rest , whllo further questions were
impounded to him , and the sonorous
'Ra-c-o-r-d 111" resounded
- - - - through
the hall after oioh of his an-
iwera. Ho was then told to prepare
or the "rough and rugged road , " Ho
was placed an all fours , and , by prod
ding from the roar , forced to crawl
hrough n lorg Iron boiler , on which
; ho men were hammering ; thence up a
rough incline to the top af a pedestal
; welvo or Cftaen feet high , from which
10 was shoved Into a largo blanket
nado of sail cloth , with hand holes
for ten men on a side , Then ho was
sent flying to the colling. Dawn ho
would come and up ho would go at the
rate of thirty times in sixty soaonds ,
ind snoh a shaking up as the poor fcl
ow experienced cannot bo realized by
: heso who have not boon slmillarly
And thus the "initiation" continued
until the resources of the ledge were
exhausted , ono grand soil following
another in rapid succession , each one
more stupnndnua than the ono pre
ceding. Finally , as a grand wlud-up ,
iho candidate was informed that , in
vlow of the fact that ho hod suffered
so many Indignities and passed through
such a trying ordeal , the ledge had
decided to confer upon him the honor-
arv title of O. R. J. A. , judge , or
colonel , or general so nnd-uo having
rcMenod the position In his favor.
With a lengtnly and florid speech
From the muter of ceremonies , and a
deal of adulation and mock tokens of
respect from the now unmasked mem
bers cf the order , the candidate was
nrosonted with bis credentials , which
It was made obligatory upon him
should bo Immediately opened and ex
amined. Hastily the "great seal" of
the order would bo broken , the cor-
tlficnto taken from the envelope and
opened , when the victim would dis
cover the picture of a jackass In bold
relief , with various acconntormonts
and accomplishments , and would
pocket his credentials and his chagrin
imld the roar of the frollcksomo gang
that surrounded him.
This expose could bo greatly ex
tended , but enough baa been given to
lot those In Lonlsvlllo , who weromom
bers of the "noblo order , " know that
one of the G R. J. A.'s has been
"giving away" their onsnednoa.
Did She. DieT
"No ; she lingered and suffered
alone , pining away all the time for
years , the doctors doing her no good ;
and at last was cured by this Hop Bit
ten the papers say so much about.
Indeed ! Indeed ! how thankful wo
should be for that modlclno. "
Emigration ana the Servant Question
In Feudal Germany.
Berlin Correspondence of the Evening Post.
Some tlmo ago business called mete
to the eastern provinces , and , on my
arrival , I found the little town , the
place of my destination , in a regular
turmoil of excitement , because a
newly appointed minister had dared
to preach open rebellion of servants
against their masters. Upon inquiry ,
it turned out that all this reyoroud
gentleman had advocated was kind
treatment , enough to oat and a warm
bed to sleep in , for which unreasona
ble demands ho was hauled over the
coals and lorn to pieces by the evil
tongues of all the old women of both
sexes the little town-conld boast of.
Their number was not email by any
moans , I can assure you. Ono gen
tleman especially , a high government
rfilolal , In receipt of a 'comfortable
salary of 4,000 thalors a year , woa
loud , nbuvo all others. In his donmi *
olotlons of the unlucky parson whs ,
in his zeal to do right , had made such
an unpropltlous cutty in the zaal for
popular favor.
' 'Why , " erica this worthy fnnc-
tlonary , "it is ( imply absurd ; servants
have Bettered themselves fully CO per
cent since I was a boy , and It seems
there la no end to their pretensions.
Formerly a cook used to got twenty-
four thalora a yew , now It la thirty-
six. "
"Lat mo see ; how much la that In
American money ! "
"I don't know. "
Ho was qnlto right. Fashionable
society bore is profoundly Ignorant on
American subjects , They know tha
the United States Is a. good place to
end their bad boys to ; but beyoni
this all la darkneis and blissful Igno
nrnso. Having gone through n severe
process of mental arithmetic by com
pacing every one of thcao proclou
thalors Into grosohen pfenning * , am
theeo again Into Undo Sam's money
I came to the conclusion that th
wages of n Gorman cook were f 25.74
a year. ;
'Of course , " continued 'my au'hor
t ity , "those nro cooks who know the !
business as well as our tastes. Houeo
maids get leas , and nurses , who tak
care of our children , loast. "
"May I aik , please , what you pa
snoh n nurse ? '
"About eighteen thalors a year , "
"That moans a llttlo over three cent
a day ? "
"I am ignorant of the value o
American money. "
"In Helena , Montana , in Portland
Oregon , and , In fact , throughout th
entire golden Northwest , they pay an
ordinary servant girl 930 n month , be
sldos board and lodging. "
"One ) hundred and twenty-Cv
marks a month. "
A BMtUy-drMied servant girl ap
reached us , all smiles , with a tray , on
which she carried somn caps of tea , a
ugar-bowl , several fhgona of cut
lass containing cbolco brand Irs to
tvor the tea with , and an aisortment
f cakes. When wo had helped oar-
elves the girl proceeded to the next
roup , lor It Is the custom at all oven *
ng partloi In Germany that tea pro-
edes supper , which la partaken of by
be gentlemen hat in hand and stand-
ng , We resumed our conversation ,
"Yon don't say sol"
"I cim asaure yon ' ,
"Thirty dollars a month I That Is
"Those are only ordinary wagei ; a
ook gets fifty. "
"Fifty 1"
"Yet ; and so does a cowboy and a
aundross , or , what la pretty much the
amo , a Chinaman. "
"I am perfectly amazed. "
"Well you may bo , "
Ho stood silent for a moment , then
aid In a whlaper :
"My dear sir , will yon do mo a
cry great favorl"
"With all my heart , "
"Yon will not bo offended by my
" "
"By no moans'
"Well , then , don't toll na anything
more about America , "
Hero Is the whole emigration ques-
Ion In a nutshell. The Gorman "up-
> or ten" want to keep their cheap
abor. Moreover , they want to keep
belr labor cheap , and for this reason
hey are deaf to all reasonable do-
lands , and do not want to know any-
blog about the home of the bravo
, nd the land of the free , whore labor
nds Its true reward and honoat
absrora are respected by everybody ,
A family in tolerably easy olrcnm-
tances In New York will get along
with one girl , and pay her decent
w gos. A family , surely not bettor
ff , in this country , want six , and
lay them what Amerlcrns would call
lothlng at all ; but they are bound to
lave them all the samoj a cook , a
lurso , a maid , a washer-woman , an
ronor , a coachman , perhaps ,
I will not slander the noble Gor
man nation , whose many boaatlfnl
raits of character I fully appreciate ;
mt nowhere , except In Germany , have
found ao many gentlemen to ? proud
von to take a brush In their hands ,
mt not too proud to pay next to noth-
ng for services rendered thorn. Such
Gorman paterfamilias , especially
when ho belongs to a class of horodit-
ry officeholders , is the Incarnation of
olfishnosa. H'll go , all slick and
rim , to his club in the afternoon , to
play a rubber of whist , to enjoy a
; amo of nine-plus , and to eat a pat-
Id go , a qaal ) , or a fried steak In
act , something ho does not provide
for his family ; and when ho peruses
tls BO called newspaper In the mornIng -
Ing , ho does not want to road any thing
unpleasant to himself. If ho docs ,
IB will threaten to stop his subscrip
tion at once. This the editors know
nd act upon.
* Mri. Lydla E. Pmkham'a Yegeta-
) lo Compound Is a most valuable mod
olno for ladies of all ages who may bo
filleted with any form of disease po
ullar to the sex. Her remedies are
not only put up in liquid forma but in
'ills and Lozenges In which forms
hey are securely aont through the
Women's lallor Made Waleta.
Olara Belle : I hold that the put
ing together of women's wear should
> o as secret as Freemasonry , BO far ns
.he . admission of men to any know-
edge of the business IB concerned.
That Is why I hate a man-milliner ,
and cannot mourn when he dips.
Speaking of men In connection with
womon'a olothoa , tallora are being en
couraged to meddle with these affiira.
There Is a notion that they can make
a waist fit better than any ordinary
dressmaker ; but the real superiority oi
; holr work lies In the preailng and
inlsh. Tailor made suits of cloth
invo a distinctive look , ana are ex-
rely popular. Objection ia aome-
; lmea made by sensitive women to
solng measured by men. The male
dressmaker haa introduced a machine
; o obviate this difficulty. It consists
) f a sectional jacket , with more tabs ,
look and eyes , numbered tapes ,
slotted openings , and other adjustable
devices than I could undertake to de-
sctlbo. He pnta It on you , lets It out
lore , taken It In there , and finally gets
t fastened quite anugly all over. Then
10 consulta the figures on the tapes ,
coords thorn in his book , and you
iavo been thoroughly measured for
ho wMst of your dross. I took a friend
with mo on the occasion this machine
was applied to m.c , just no though ]
was going to a dentist or soruo other
dlflngrooablo operator. Bat there was
nothing unpleasant about my experi
ence. I was sent Into a dresalug room
to remove my drcsa waist and put ot
the patent one. Then I emerged
fully incased in the latter , and had to
submit to no handling whatever.
Hop Bitter * are tha Purest and Deit Bitters
Ever Made.
They are compounded from Hops
Malt , Buohn , Mandrake and Dandelion
lion , the oldest , best , and most vain
able medicines In the world and con
tain all the best and most curative
properties of all other remedies , being
the greatest Blood Purifier , Llv9
Regulator and Life and Health Rea
oring Agent on earth. jNo disease o
11-health can possibly long oxUt where
these Bitters ore nsed , so varied and
perfect are their operations.
'They give now Wo and vigor to th
aged and Infirm. To all whoso em
ployments cause Irregularities of the
bowels or urinary organa , or who re
qulro an Vpotlier , Tonic and mild
mimulant , Hop Bitters are invaluable
being highly curative , tonlo and atlm
ulatlng , without Intoxicating.
No nuttor what your feollnga o
symptoms ore , what the disease or nil
ment Is , use Hop Bitters. Don'i wai
until you are sick , but if yon only
feel bad or miserable , use Hop Bitter
at once. It tray save your hfo. Hun
drrds have been saved by BO doing
$50 will bo pMd for a .caso they wll
not euro or help.
Do not sufferer let your friends suf
fer , but use and urge them to use Ho
Remember , Hop Bitters la no vile
drugged , drunken nostrum , but th
Purest and Best Medicine ever made
the "Invalid's Friend and Hope , " am
uhouldbo wlthou
no person or
them Try the Bitter * to-day.
A true tonlo medicine , a blewlng 1
every household , U Brown'i Iron Bit
Farms ,
! 5th&DouglasSt.
| No. 19 Full ot ad new house , | 3Troom , two
> olow and one up-tulrs. Eight foot celling below
ndieren above. Brick foundation , cellar , etc.
A bargain , ( 00.
No. 18 Large two story house , 10 rooma , two
uge cellars , good well and cistern , barn , eta , on
Wtbtter and 22d street , 86,000.
No. 17 Lot 60x185 feet , new house of two
rooms brick foundation 100 barrel cistern on
Hamilton street near Poor ClareConventl- .
No. ID House and lot on 17th near CU k 8k
touie D room * etc. $1200.
No. 15 House of 3 rooma nil lo on Pierce 8t
near leth $1600
No. 21 New honseof 7 ro corner lot ,
isJf mile west of Turntable treet can on
Sau dersSt. $1000.
No. 6 House of eight earn etc. lot
jOxlfi feet $2300.
Vacant Lots.
No. 282 Two full lota on 19th direct new Lake
St. $1600.
No. 351 Twenty five lota In Parkers addition
ust north of the endot red street car line $400
ch easy terms.
No.SJO Four lota on DelawartBt. neuHant >
com park , IC50.
No. 831 One half lot on South arenue , neat
Bt. Uary'a avenue , $5(0.
No. & 0-EJghteen 08) ) lot * on Slat , S2nd , 23rd
andSaunderaatieet , near Grace , $600 each , and
on easy terms.
No , 348 Six beautiful residence lot * on Gather *
ne atreot , near Uanacom park. $4,600.
Twelve beautiful residence lota on Hamilton
street , near end of old streetcar track ; high and
lightly , | 3M to 8700.
Sereral acre end half acre corn ota on Cum
ng , Hurt and California street * Lowe's second
end addition and Park PlaceAcademy ot
Bacied Heart.
Lota In "Prospect Place" an Hamilton and
Charles street , Jui t west of the end of Red Street
: arttack and Convent of the Bisters of Pool
Clare , one and one half mile from postofflce and
one mllefromU. P. shops , $1(0 to $500 tach ,
only 5 per cent down and S per cent per month
Lots I a Lcwe's addition one-halt mile we-it of
end of Red Street Car track near Conrent of
Poor Clare Sisters In Shlnn's addition , $125 to
(300 ( each , and on very easy terms.
Lota In Horbach'i 1st and 2nd additions ,
Jhlnn's , Park Place , Lowe's 2nd addition , IU ? n'
Lake's , Nelson's , Hanscom Place , Redlck'a ad
dlttona , etc. , eto.
Lot * In "Ore < ! lt Fonder addition" lust one-
quarter mile south-cast of Union Pacific and U.
andM , R.R. depot * , $260 to Jl,600ech , very easy
Business Lots.
Three peed business lot * on
street , 22il20 ftctcach , $1,500 each , orW.WO'0'
all , easy terms. , ,
Two good business lots on Farnam street , S3i
ea feet each , with frame buildings theron.renting
tor about $600 per year each ; price $4,260 each.
41x132 feet on Farnam near 10th street , corner
Splendid Warehouse lot on Union Paclffo right
of way , north of track and east ot Nail Works-
being : 131 feet north frontage on Uason street ,
by about 100 fe t west frontara on 10th sL
Farms aid wild lands In Douglas. Sarpy ,
Dodge , Washington-Hurt , Wayne , Stanton , and
other good countle * In eastern Nebraakafor sale.
faxes paid , renta collected , anl money loaned
on Improved city and country proi erty at low
rates of Interest.
EACH. $6.00
15th and Douglas Sts
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies ,
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
Fire and Burglar \
vm ,
1020 Far n ham Street ,
Association ,
Orders from any part of the State or the
Entire West will be promptly shipped :
All Our Goods arc Made to the Standard of our
Sole Agent for Omaha and the West.
Office Oorner 13fcb and Barney
la only attained by nalng
Stoves and Ranges.1
For sale by
lull.nikt ]
213 Farriam St. . Omaha. N h
1609 Duutfaa Stroot. | Cor. 10th and California St.
Htve brought to this city fiom Hie firms rf Ludredth k Son's , Philadelphia , and James M. Thur-
burn * & > . , New Yorif , the Urge t stock of Qardci nd Field Seeds evtr Imported before to this
city , atlcf which are guaranteed to bo fresh and tiue to tbe namt.
Prices will also be as low as nny Eesponsible Dealer can Make ,
mar 16-eod-tf HENRY BOLLN & CO.
Frederic , Moproo Oo , , Iowa ,
0. E. MAYNE/ T T Proprietor ,
Hai constantly on hand a large number
of Horses.
Matched Teams & Single Drivers ;
Description of Horses and other luforma
tlxisent bf mall on appllcitloo.
oasaes ,
First-Class Painting anfl Trimming , Repairing Promptly Done ,
1319 Hcrney , Cor. 14th , Omaha.
Window Caps , Finials , Skylights , &c.