Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1883, Image 1

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! ft
A Vivid Description of the Dub
lin Assassination by the
Crown Ooumol.
The Great Conspiracy Triala
in Earnest , With
Br dy on the Dock.
The Infotmera Unfold Their
Bloody Tales and Swear
Quite Freely.
The Irish Party in the Com
mons again Sput Upon
and Squelched ,
The German Navy Liable to
Become a Headless
The Triple Alliance Continues th *
Subject of Dlicuiilon.
Special Dispatch to Tni Bn.
DUBIIN , April 10. The trial of Joe
Brady ou the charge of murdering
Cavendish and Barko , was begun this
morning. Notwithstanding the fact
that It was known that all absentees
wonld bo fined 100 , many jurors on
the panel failed to appear. The cato
for the crown was opened by Porter.
DOIILIN , April 11. Porter , crown
counsel , In opening , described the
Phce.ilx park crlmo aa of unparaloled
atrocity a crime that had shocked
the whole clvilieod world. He re
counted with vivid imagery the well
known details of the affair , paid a
warm tribute to the character and life
of Barke and Cavendish , gave partlo-
olars of the organization of the In-
vlnclblos who , he said , doubtless look
ed upon themselves as an invincible
band , bnt the law was stronger than
all these connected with the plot and
looked upon them as guilty in the
eyes of God , as was Brady. He de
clared the object of the conspiracy
was to "remove" all whom they
regarded aa tyrants , probably with the
ultimate purpose of forming a republic ,
of which the four original leaders of the
mnrdtronn gang , Mullet , McCaffrey ,
Oarley and Carey wonld bo the loadIng -
Ing tpirltp. He referred to Sheridan's
share In the crime , hia undertaking to
provide arms when there should be a
call for them Brady and men of hlo
class vi-ora among those always ore-
pared for murder , bnt they were with
out doubt entirely Indifferent aa to the
ultimate objects of that murder.
Brady was at hand when the various
ambushes were laid for Forster.
Counsel for the defense Interposed
an earnest protest against the crown
counsel being suffered by the oonrt to
prejudice the jury against the prisoner ,
Brady , by making assertions like
these , whioh could not be proved ,
IL'he judge refused to .interfere.
Porter-conolnding , dcolared Carey
wonld be put upon the witness stand ,
There was no absolute rnlo of law
which wonld prevent the court from
accepting his evidence unaccompanied
by any other testimony , but there
certainly oonld bo no valid objection
when , as wonld happen In the present
case , there wonld bo produced con
elusive and corroborating evidence to
fortify Carey's. This case should
teach one lesson , that there conld be
tv n honor among members of such so-
iety. The men who had Instigated It
and warmed It Into life ; the men who
had supplied it with funds , which en-
conraged It to carry on Its designs ,
had Had to foreign lands. If there
was any further proof required of how
the conspirators deserted those unlawfully -
lawfully leagued with them It was fur
nished by the fact that the crown had
even in this case been compelled to
provide means for defending Brady
from ibis terrible oharge.
Tin first witness called was Farrell ,
the informer , who testified at the pre
liminary examination of tbo prisoners
In Kllmalnham court house. He
repeated the testimony given at that
Daring the examination of Parrell ,
counsel , for the prisoner again pro
tested agalns : the introdustlon of
matters foreign to the present charges
relating onlv to attempts made against
the life of Fjrstar.
Judge O'Brien said only such evidence
donco waa admissible in the present
case as tended to connect the prisoner
with conspiracy. Farrell's evidence
went to show that Brady was associated
with memborq of the Inner circle and
was secretary to Oarley.
James C rey waa the next witness ,
and his evidence was the same as before
fore given. Carey was in the nitneas
box an hoar and three qnarten. He
gave a detailed account of the forma
tion of the Invlnclbles , bat was not
allowed to go Into the plots against
the lives of Forster and Eirl Cowpor.
While Corey was testifying , Brady
followed the evidence closely and
frequently sent not'a to his solicitors.
CUrey became perfectly cool ia de
meanor. Towards the clone of his
evidence ono of the knives found in
Rlngleud basin waa produced that
Carey might identify an the ouo nup
piled by Sheridan from London. Blur
phy , crown counsel , ot.Uod thit the
authorities know who No 1 la , am
expected a photograph of thismyHtor
Ions person would ba produced Upon
the conclusion of Carey's direct exam
Inatlon the or.u-t cdjoaritd.
The Irish National Lagno Iron
nrer ncknowlndeps the receipt from
Australia of 5.003 The secretary
read a lotto/ from Rjdmond , who i
agitating the question of Iris' '
wrongs in Australia. It siys tin do
veloptnonta In the Phunlx park mar
den are doing the Laagao rnacji In
jury acd materially Interfere with hi
Special DbpUchtj to Tns HEX.
LONDON , April 11. A simple o
nltro glycerine was solzad In Londo
a t week at the tlmb % . it ot
S'orman , Gallagher , Dillon . Wll-
on , was exploded to day at Wool-
ich In order to tent its quality. The
xplot.lon . was terrific , and the groand
oc.n distanoa of several yards from
tie Kpnt where the expiation occurred
was torn up.
Trovtlvan , chief secretary for Iro-
and , having shown a spirit of opposl *
Ion to the bill , Parnoll , who was
resent only for a brief tlmo , aa-
used him ot showing a readiness to
peak to order and turn his back
Don his former principles. He
Trpvelyan ) and many of his col-
agnfs had supported a similar bill ,
rought up by Dr , Isaac Bntt , but
'hen the torloa ware in power. Hoslu-
eroly hoped this question , whioh had
Iroady provoked sack extended con-
roversy , ironld norr be left to a re-
ormed parliament and to a very dlf
oront ministry.
At a banquotat the Mansion house
la' vening Lord Alcostor eulogized
/.lral / Nicholson and said : "Ah
bough representing a country thou-
ands of miles away ho is still very
oar the English nation in blood. I
will never forget the cheers vtith
hich the men on the gallant admiral's
bip greeted the English tailors whilst
leering around our rquadrou at the
Imo of the bombardment of Alcxnn-
rla. Ho did everything In his power ,
or whioh I am afraid ho will not re-
oivo the thanks of the Irish American
arty "
'Iho pollcQ claim to have enough
estimony to convict the dynamltn
lottora without Norman.
LONDON , April 11. A parcel con-
aluing aovcn pounds of gunpowder
WAS found yesterday near the
dice of secretary ot state for the
omo department. An Investigation
t Woolwich of the contents of the
aaes found on Monday last
a barge on the Thames shows that
icy are not explosives as it was sup-
osed , but only fireworks.
LONDON , April 11. The elective
onnoll's Ireland bill embodying
loaley's sohfmo for local solf-gov-
rnment In Ireland was rejected by
10 commons this afternoon by a vote
f 58 in favor of the bill to 231
gainst It.
pecl&l Dispatch to Tni BIB.
BEKLIN , April 11 Sandtmann ,
rogresritt member of the reichstag ,
epreeonung Hamburg , committed
ulcidy. His mind was affooted by
oversea in bnalnoar. Sandtmann re-
ently lost largo sums by the action of
bo relchstag In regird to the pro-
eotlve duty on tobacco.
It Is reported a uow church bill will
> e submitted to the diet removing ro-
triotions on the celebration of the
mass and administration of the sacra-
raoute. It is declared also that no
noh bill is contemplated , although
ilsmarck may have privately favored
ranting liberty of worship. Owing
0 the more genial weather the health
1 Bismarck is preatly improved.
Vic3-Admiral Von Batsoh was so
iltterly disappointed at the failure io
ecelve the appointment of head of the
dmiralty that ho has decided to ro
Ire from active service. Admiral
) erg r , dissatisfied with the govern
mem concerning the head .of' '
mlralty , has olio resigned , '
p citl Dtopctch ll TBI HIM.
ROME , April 11. In the senate toy -
% y the minister of foreign affairs said
ho object of the alliance of Italy ,
uitriu and Germany waa preserva-
ton of peace. He emphatically de
led the agreement of these countries
was characterized by any spirit of hos-
llity towards France. It waa useless
o seek the manner or- form of this
groemont ; the senate must bo content
o know that Italy withdrew from her
ormer position of Isolation. The
grosmant with the German powers
( lowed perfect reciprocity of rights.
Lega Dilla Damacrazlo publishes a
etter of Oavollotte , radical member
f the chamber of deputies. He says
t la perhaps a fact that the triple al
lance waa Inspired through If aia that
epublioan ideas w mid obtain deeper
oor , and spread throughout Europe.
peclal DUpatch to Till Bu.
ST PETEIISBUBO , April 11. Crowds
hrangedthe streets to-day to witness
he gorgeous ceremony of transfer
ring the regalia of the imperial family
rom the winter palace to Kremlin ,
JOB cow. A specul carriage was
allotted to each emblem. The pro
cession consisted of officials in full
uniform In state coaches. Tao mill
arv piradod.
There has been additional arrests
of nihilists owing to the revelations ot
; wn prisoners
Chief of police cf Warsaw has or
dered all places of business closed and
all houses of the city decorated with
lgs and Illuminated on the occasion
of the coronation.
The authorities of Odessa are taking
most complete precautions to prevent
any interference with the trial ol
wenty-one nihilists ,
SpecUl Difpatchen to Tni Uii. v
It is announced seml-cfBslally thai
on account of the hostile attitude o :
ihe Mandarln's forces French troops
wore compelled to take possession o"
he citadel at Nacnandlua In' Annaui
French representatives had on accoun
of the insults of the people , permittee
by the officials , to quit the capital o
There was a dlsastnrons fire yes tor
day at Mandalay , Ilirman. Om
thousand baildings were destroyed
Including the residences of several ol
tbo cabinet ministers. Two prisoner ,
were burned to death In tholr colls.
A delegation has waltod'on the do
minion government regarding ro
striding Chinese immigration In
British Columbia. Sir John McDon
aid replied that no measures would b
taken to restrict such Immigration
until the completion of the Canadian
PciQo railroad.
Giptore of Hone Tuievei ,
BpoclM DUpitch to Tui HER.
WELLINGTON , Kas. , April 11. A
posse led by Depnty United State
Marshal Holllater this morning sur
oundcd a party of Texas homo thieve *
oven iniloa touth of the state line ,
> olow Hunnowell. On demanding
heir surrender they worn fired on.
? ho oilicera returned the fire , killing
Sauiuol lloss outright and wounding
Tames Ross , after which the father of
ho boys , old man Ross , surrendered.
? ho two prisoners and the dead man
were brought to this city. The party
onslsted of six men , bat throe of
liotn were out of camp and not cnp-
urod. The horses ( n tholr possession
ore stolen from Clay county , Texas.
pccUl Dl , atcbcg to Tin Dxi.
The European ntotmora Helvetia and
rUtol have arrive. ! ia Now York.
Goorga Trinkrrp , of PhlUHclphln , ago
r ) , timrtied latt Sunday and killed hlmiolf
Coin-litn Vuiulerbilt has Riven $5.003
3 tlio Aniurlcan church building fuua of
bo I'rntoitnnt Episcopal church.
A Bile of hnrri. " ( Ht Eminence , Kv , as *
legated over $12,000 fur tifty.oun utiiuult.
lllhe : < t price , $710 for Hello of tttu Weot.
Dr. O. U. Marshall , of Vittsbnrjr , Maoi-
nnlUr of Murv Auderdou , wan rclunaed
n SI-00 bull for appearance before the
JnltoJ States commissioner on the I'.Uh
The Mormon conference ntKrk1andO ( , ,
ontmuoil joiterdAy. 'Ilia ne cHoj con-
Uted uf rullgioua eorvlccn , roulino huiI-
cm and dincussloua of deuo luutloual
Lists liftvo been opened at Ibo French
egation in Waahlngtou for contribution *
o a putilic subscription opened in Franca
or the erection of a statue to the Into
JenornI i.hauzey.
The Indians who ctossoil from Mlnne-
ota into ( J nuU are belnit decluiatod hy
luall-poic. Three hundred aru reportoJ
'ead Tha lomalnder are on tbo way to
'ortngo Li Prattle.
TheOmmeotlcut bouse of representative
jassed , 150 to 21 , a bill forbidding t. . o r ll-
oadti of the stnto from discriminating in
te/ghti / ) by charging more for a short haul
tian for a long ono.
The Greenwood Rolling Mill company ,
f Philadelphia , Charles F. Shoouer
ireiident , tuipanded. The works at Tu
rns qua were ehut do wo. The company
roluaea to make a statement.
Isaac H. Burch , who , years ago , w s
no of Chicvo'd principal merchants and
wealthiest cltizms , hut who has renlded
most of the time In Europe for the past
Igbteeu yean , died at Nice yesterday.
Extensive buildings of the Knicker
becker company at Booth Bav , Me. , and
II tuns , engines and cngli.e house' , hay
nd store houses were totally detroyed by
re and CO 000 ton's of Ice ruined. The
whnrve < weie also destroyed. Bnnts loving
ng at the whir'm were Imu'od In'o the
Iver. Lo s , 8150.000 ; insurance , S33.0VO.
More About tbo Benevolence 01 tbo
Dean Eaters.
pcclal Dispatch to Tui Uii.
BOSTON , April U. In the Towkoc-
ury ulrrin house investigation to-day
frank Barker , formerly in charge uf
he inaano building , said the beds
wore in u filthy condition in the male
wards. Ho had charge of the bathing
f the male patients in n tank ton by
ifteon feet and ono foot deep. At
many as 84 bathed in the same wntur ,
yhich WHS rarely changed. The ;
tatients wonld objast to going
n and had to bo put
n by force. The governor at
emoted to-have the testimony of what
he insane female Inmate had told the
vitneta introduced , bat after a warm
lisonssion It waa suppressed.
Mark Heathoote , a policeman , who
ook a foundling to the alms house ,
aw a nurse filling It's mouth with
oap.Dr. . Daan , a graduate of the Har-
ard college school , testified that when
IB was a student that perhaps fifty
lodles were used during the winter
Frightful Explotloa of Powder
Special DlipatctiM to Tni Bu.
MCNCIK , Ind. , April 11 To-day
Jharlus Rhodes , ageu 18 and Beach
'Insloy , aged 35 , started into the
country , carrying a can of Hercules
lowdor. , Half a mlle from the city
he powder exploded , Instantly killing
Ihodcs and tearing him to atoms ,
ils head was blown entirely from tbo
> ody and found fifty yarda from the
ilaco of the explosion. Hla logo and
other fragments nf the body were
scattered in all directions Ono arm
cannot be found. Tlnsley had oner
irm badly crushed. His face and
load were horrible cnt. Ho is unp1
posed to bo seriously injured inter
nally , acd there is little hopes of his
Boston JJriefi.
SpecUl Dispatch to THI UK.
BOLTON , April 11 Spinners of the
Merchant woolen mill striking , forced
out the weavers. The proprietors will
not give the advance asked.
The governor made the followln
nominations to his council : J. B
D had nick , railroad commissioner ; J.
EC. Tarbox , insurance commissioner
Miss Olara Barton , superintendent ol
the woman's prison at Sherborn , The
last nomination was confirmed at once.
The Nallmalcer * ' Meeting ; .
BpocUJ Dlipatcb to Tui Bu.
PITTSBUBO , April 11 , The Western
Nail association hold Its annual meetIng -
Ing to-day and re-elected the old offi
cers , Reports from all sections of the
west Indicate very little improvement
In trade ; stocks still light and not wel
assorted. In view of this It waa do
elded to postpone the contomplatec
nhut down of tire weeks until May
7th , or a fortnight later than had been
agrnfld upon. The present card rate
of $3 40 wan ror ( tinned.
Dnmu of Kama * Lawjer-
Special Dlt { > atch to TIIR UIH ,
THOY , Kaunas , April 11 , Jndg
Nathan Price was found dead in his
oflico thU afternoon , apparently as 1
ho had died whllo asleep , but tbor
are circumstances which load toth
suspicion that ho committed auloldo
Ho was ono of the oldest residents o
Danlphan county and a lawyer o
high standing.
Donation ! to Indium.
Special Dlipctch to Tin But.
KIBHIMMEK , Fla , April 11. Th
president and party mot by appoint
raeut some Semlnoles. The presldan
gave n papoose a quarter and Tom
Tlgertall a cigar. Chandler gav
Tlgertall his pocket knife.
Progress of the Count of the
Dash Stored inths'Unitod
Status Treasury * .
ho Pub.lo Printer Preeaed
With Work \ > y the Obanyo
in the Re von tie * Laws.
* 7
Miner's Bhattored Memory Re >
fuses to Improve While on
the Witness Stand.
t > '
, ' *
The MuTibtil Cutanmon cf Georgia
Kilter a t laim for
poulM Dispatches to Tim D B. .
WASHINGTON , April ll ; The com-
ntttuu appointed o cxamlno Into the
oiidillonof the Unltoil Statca troas
ry oxpiot to flolsh the paunt of nil
ho rain on hand in ftbaut'olght days ,
'ho ' count of subsidiary Bllvor oolti
loacd today. Thoro'temaitis to bo
oanted I 5 0,000 standard sllvtr dol-
ars and § 3,200 000 la ' legal tender
lotea. Thu coruimttoo &ro oleo on-
nied ; in verifying the accounts of the
( Hoe , Including the accounts of all
Isburalng cfHaors , No'dleorepanclob
hns far have been discovered in either
money or accounts. - >
The Inrgcot order for'printing blank
orma over given the public prlutor IB
bat of the oommiaaionor tf intornul
ovonuo fur blanks and labels relative
o the rebate on tob coo and cigars.
This order was fcr BO'COO.COO laboln
nd 760,000 blanks for neo of mwm
aoturora and dealoraAThere is a great
otnand for thcaa blanks , ono St.
jiuln manufacturer alone having sent
or 760,000 labels. The demand la
olng inot aa rapidly as 'ciicnmatances '
will permit. * '
General Now , assistant secretary of
io treasury , Uaaod an Border to-day
ranting leave of abaenoo on the 1C , h
not. , to colored employes of the treas-
ry who deslro to participate In the
mancipation celebration.
Jndgo Ltlloy to-dsjr""entered onlt
ainst ox-Senator Dorsdy for $10-
00 alleged to have been onaUinod by
ilm as a result of lhot aaaault made
pou him by Doraoy at the huuso of
ho latter.
At a mooting of colored men hold
n this city Monday , for the pnrpoio
f imdoralng the course of Black , the
olnrod messenger recently dlaminecd
com the navy department , ono of
ho speakers inado a atatemont to the
fTjct that Hamilton Flab , when DEO-
etary of the state , Inaugurated thu
irec'.lcu of employing colored mciu''ti-
; ers in hit department , to perform
jersonal services ut hi jew re ldonci\
Chl8aifttomoat U du.yj-ubjvtho web.
engors of the state department , who
tavo prepared a card fur publication ,
n which they assert that Fish never
mployod a department employe at
ita houio daring the department honra ,
and never at any time without paying
iberally from bis own pocket for their
Secretary Folgor , it la Bald , will
loon appoint a commission to examine
he charges against Supervising Arch-
toot Hill , which wore placed in the
eorotary'a handa just before he was
prostrated by his recent lllnets.
The oath.of oflico waa administered
o Judge Oroaham to-day , and ho
assumed the formal charge of the
postoffioo department. The suite of
oems occupied by the postmaster
general were then thrown open and
ho employes notified that ho WIB
ready to receive them. The reception
whioh followed occupied about throe
Barters of an hour.
The oomtntaslonor of the general
and cflho has rendered a decision cp
irovlng the survey of the Ilarnon-
Vecll grant , in New Mexico , made In
1877 by Deputy Surveyors Sawyer
and MoElroy. Tao grant , aoaordlni ;
; o the approved survey , contains 31-
X acres.
W. Lee Chung & Co. , Ohlnoso merchants
chants at Waynoebaro , Georgia , have
petitioned the Ohlnoso minister here ,
through tholr attorney , for rodroai
[ rom the Ualted States government
For wronga done them and grievances
committed by n mob at that place
They claim that the latter clause o
the twenty-fourth article of the treat ] ,
between the United States and China
of 1844 is applicable to tholr case
and they are entitled to damages. In
idditlon to being treated with vjo
lonco and driven out of town , all tholi
property was destroyed.
Minor's crots examination waa re
earned this morning , bnt his memory
was no better than yesterday. Wit
ncna denied ho had over held any con
venation with Jackson ( Rordell1
father-in-law ) wherein ho told tht
latter , "Ho would seohlralntophot bo
fora ho would pi dad guilty. " Mcrrlcl
aiked If ho had ui&do the atatcmon
to any ono connected with the govern
mout. Witness aneeringly ropllo
that "the assistant counsel" had approached
preached him and endeavored to go
information. Immediately a livttl ;
breeze prevailed. Merrlck savage ) ,
asked , "Who do yon mean by osaii
tant counsel ! "
Answer Rndell.
Merriok ( fiercely ) He Is not an as
alstant counsel ; ho is ono of your fol
low conspirators , and will .bo
The court cautioned witness not t
nso impertinent oxprooslons. Afte
further unimportant testimony wltnos
was dismissed.
Oonlract Olerk Oloott was ncx
called to testify regarding cfliohl
Ingorscll naked permission to show
t this reform administration had
otout off the aorvloo upon routes
aid to bo worthier a. The oonrt , alter
oviowing the Jowolllan pollloy , and
icutlonhiR Ita views regarding the
oliey of the present administration ,
onclnded that IngorsoH'fl ciflor to
rove the policy of the present admin-
itratlon "wonld not advanoo the case
no stop. " Adjourned.
Of National Intercut.
> c'al Dip ! tch to Tui linn.
WASHINGTON , April 11. Uooontdls-
atchoa convoy an Impression that
ommtssionei Lorlng , ol the ngtloul-
irnl department , had sot up his optn > .
'tloa to watch tno law providing
ainst the spread of plonro-pncu-
mil * and kindred diseases ol oitttlo
ho coumilsmnor , from the time of
10 inception of thu law , was the most
.sruost nnd enthusiastic odvooato and
upportur of it , nud was desirous that
inlt ht bo provided whereby
Uoasca of cattle mnht ; bo examined
ito and rt spreading bo prevented
irough it proper analysis nnd knowl *
; lgo of the ftubjccts. The commit-
loner has already witr.blUhod n farm
L Uonttinga Station , located botwoou
his city and Htlltmoro , whioh has
eon proviiloil with all necessary
coouiruwontn and accommodations to
iako a llrst-clnm cattle hospital , and
lore thu disease will undergo an ox-
initiation and Inquiry whioh ho Is
onfidunt will result in great good to
10 country.
Preventing Land Fraud * .
perUI Impntch to Till Ilm.
WABIIINCITPH , April 11. The Inter-
or department has already sent ont
ovonteon apodal ugouts , twelve of
rhom are now i > ppoiiih > ea to Invoitl-
atofraudulent entrlca of public lauds ,
ad the department will sent ont
thors from tlmo to tlmoao the service
may require. Some of these agents
ave reported a number of fraudulent
utrlcs , but It Is to soon to expect full
eparls from all of them.
Among the agents 'nont ont are
lendersnn H. Eddy , of New Mexico ,
3 oo. D. Ornoy , of Los Angeles , and
Wilson 8. Smith , of Oala.
Men Burled Allvo by tbo Caving
iu of a Mino.
piollipitl I lutrh in Tin ] 1
QOINNESEO , Mich. , April 11. The
Coleridge mine , owned by the Kiumot
mining company , cavnd in Tuesday
( tcruooti at ono o'clock , burying nlno
ion whu were working on thoeurfsco ,
Hin mlno oommeuatd cavini ; last Fri-
lity in the rcoorid level , whan about
vro huudrod tons foil in. The dnm-
go Vriis ropAlrod by the company at
inuo , and all work below ground ana-
tondod. There waa no ono bulow at
ho tlmo of the catastrophe. Thu
> urlbd men's iiamni ore Dick Wil-
lams , tlmckcopor ; El. Wycks , Wm.
'ifl'rov , Win Henderson , John Mor-
, Thotnuo JAincs , Wm. Pollack , A.
Uetmcr , IV. Ejin , All are mar
ried m ; n moept Die' ' ; Williams and
Wm. Jifftry. At D o'clock cries
wot. ) hoard at the month o ( the main
abaft , and Kd Wicks waa finally found
u the drift down ICO feet with a
) ; oktm tlb and thigb. Ho spoke In-
olllgoatly on being taken ont , bnt
soon wandered In his mind. The
oompany is using every exortlon to
got at the others and put np hoisting
nachlnca ts fast as men could put
them op. Throe large boilora and ono
small ono were also swallowed ap in
ho awfal pit. There la no hope of
the other men being alive. The
doctora have hopes of Wicks' recov
Circumstantial Evidence Against the
Newball Fire Bug.
Special Dtipatcn to Tui Do.
( MILWAUKEE , April 11. At the
naming session of the Uohellor trial
.ho prosecution opened the case by
calling 0 D. Nash , the president of
the Nnwhall honse oompany , and
questioned him regarding the plan of
toe houHo and Us safety.
MILVAUKKK , April 11. The prose
cution in the Soholler case opened
with Nash , president of the Nowhall
[ louse oompany , who described the
lionse and its exits. He was followed
by John F. Antisdol , proprietor , who
corroborated his statement and told
of meeting Bchellor on Michigan street
the moment ho ( Antisdol ) ran from
the burning building. Haoald Sohol
[ or's actions for some time previous to
the fire had boon bad , ho having drank
a great deal and gambled. It came
out that Bohollor iras oflendod with
Antlsdel for sending his ( Sohollor't )
wife from the hotel.
Johnny Antisdol , son of the pro
prietor , said when ho and his fsthor
met Schollcr the latter exclaimed ,
"My God , Johnny , do you know how
the fire caught ? The firemen and
shopkeepers oosupylng the basement
were examinedJIB what was there
of an luiliiumablo natnro. It was developed -
voloped that once before there wasan ,
Incendiary fire in the basement near
Schollur'a coal bin and Soheller's fath
er-in-law , Hour , who recently died
under circumstances pointing to aul-
oldo , had refused Antisdol nnd others
Ho Took Them III.
Special DUpatcli to Till His.
LKXIWITON , Ky. , April 11. Twelve
armed tramps captured a freight train
on the Ohosapoako & Ohio railroad at
Olympla , and ordered the conductor
to take thorn to Laxlngton. The con
ductor started the train , having first
telegraphed the sitnatton to Mt. Ster
ling where cflicers arreetod the train pa.
A Btato of Sle-jo.
Special Dtop&tch to Tin U .
NEW YOKK , April 11. The brig
Sotltla vthlch arrived from Mlragoane
to-day reports that on March 27th at
3 a. in. , a revolution party headed by
15 > yer liizelais and General Barlow
with 103 uion well cq&lppod with
\Vlnoheatnrs , twelve ahooterr , tooktbo [
town without opposltlcn. On land-
Ing the general assured the people
thi < y bad nothing to fear. To all who
joliiod him ho gave Remington rifles ,
mid wet the able bodied men joined
him , Ho began Immediately to fortify
the ( own In such a wny as to show the
people ho inoaut * o hold It against
any attack The roada loading to the
town wnro barricaded with barrels ,
two or throe tiers high and filled with
sand. Most of the women and chil
dren , sick and lame who wore afraid
of the burning of the town wore put
on board of four vessels lying in the
port. Up to to the morning of the
"Oth no attack waa made by govern
ment forces , but no ono was allowed
to leave the town on any protext.
bocrotary Teller Tnlnka nn Explana
tion Necessary.
BoccUl DUpatch to Tin II .
WASHINGTON , April 11. Secretary
Teller Indignantly denies the trnth of
t.ho paragraph which appeared in a
Philadelphia paper this morning , to
the clTdOt that ci-Soimtor Goukllng
had been trading upon his Influence at
the Interior Department. The story
was that Omikling had for the consid
eration of $5,000 unucl hla personal
Influence to secure the secretary's
signature to an important paper , whioh
would not hove -otherwise boonalgnod.
"Of all the silly stories that got Into
tbo uowsp&pors , " sard Teller to-day ,
"this is the most foolloh. Yon follows
usually have lomothlttg to start with
and then enlarge upon It to the extent
of your fancy , In this case , however ,
'hero la not even a ground work.
Chore has been no such oaao before
mo. 1 have never boon asked by
ankling to sign anything , and have
over eixncd anything for Oonkllng.
t la simply a cold falsehood from the
> oglnnlng to end. It la not worth
while to deny it , for It presupposes
'hat Oonkllug is an unmitigated ran-
al and mo an unmitigated fool. Oonk-
Idg has appeared before mo aa an at
om oy to argno CMOS , as ho has ap-
eared to-day , and In no oapao-
ty. "
Naw Orleans
p dal Dlipatcb to Tui 1)11.
NEW OiiLBaNH , April 11. Sixth
ay of the raooa ; irack heavy. The
ardlo raoo , ono mlle and ono quarter ,
'loacow ' won , Gharloy Bush second ,
Ton Molkc , third ; tlmo 2'J7J. :
Prodnoo exohango handicap , ono
nd ono quarter mlle , Ballast easily
ofcatod Sannteror ; time 2:22L :
The Oottrill stakes , for th"roo year
ilds , ono mlle and one. half , Drake
Carter lirat , Gampaninl second , lijcch-
ubrook third ; tlmo 2:612. :
Oonaolatlou purse , ouo mlle , lllck-
ry Jim first , Oillon second , Atcha-
blsya third ; tlmo 1:50J. :
Handicap , all iigon , tour miles , was
on by Joe Ooopor , Anulo G ton
ougths behind ; Olara Bush quit nftrr
ho third mlle ; the rldor of Eulallo
oil ; time 8:18.
pedal DlipatcU to Til I Um.
FIUNTFOUD , Ont. , April 11. Grand
iver h s risen eight foot the past
'orty-olght ' hours. The north and
lonth Bides of tho'ctty ire flooded.
Residents are moving out In boats or
jcoupying the arcana story ,
GODXBIUII , Oat , April 11 Floods
and Ice gained the Malt land river and
carried away Hart' * , mill 'and dam.
The hands were saved by jumping
"rom the windows. The banks of the-
troam were undermined and several
and slides occurred , Hart's house ,
fifty feet from the stream , is endan
gered , The mill was valued at $20-
T xa >
BpelU Dlfpttch to Tni Ilia.
WAXAHAIUIIIE , Tax. , April 11. A
yonng Hebrew named Bloom at
tempted to outrage a 19 year old
daughter of Dr. N. D Floial , of this
city , and the jail in which he was
placed had to be guarded with a strong
armed force to prevent the exasperated
citizens from lycchlng him.
The negro who obstrnotod the Mis
sour ! Pioifia track last week to wreck
a passenger train has pleaded guilty
In the Denton onnty , Tdxas oonrt ,
and was sentenced to thirty-nine years
'n the penitentiary.
H avy Damagci
Sptdal Dtipatcb to Tui DIE ,
BOSTON , April 11 In 'tho suit o :
Lizzie Gannon versus Father Fleming
which waa brought to recover $5,000
damages because the latter , a Oatho
lio-prlost , had taken away aomo papoi
images to whioh the child became at
taohed and causing an' alleged sorloui
lujary to her health and mental con
dition , the jqry brought in a verdio
of one cent damagoM.
Special Dlipatcb to Tui 1JM.
LITTLE ROOK. Ark , April 11. With
the aid of Sheriff Fletcher and a poss
of fifty armed men and the nao o
some vigorous measures of hla own
Ool. Frey , the superintendent of tb
Iron Mountain railroad was able tc
move freight trains yesterday , an
practically broke tno strike among th
brakesmen on that road.
An Amloublo Understanding
Special Dlipatch to Tui IIii.
PJTTHIIUUO , April 11. The coal op
orators' and miners' arbitration boar
mot again this morning and after
discussion of the ecaloa presented by
both sides yesterday a aammlttco ot
four , consisting of two operators and
two minors , were appointed to average
ago a soalo.
A Horlaun Lois.
Special Dlipatch to Tui Un
WINONA , Minn. , April 11. Too
rouna house and machine ahopa of the
Northwestern railway were burned
hero at tt o'clock this morning. Eleven'
locomotives were badly damaged.
Loss $35,000 with no insurance.
Gold in Ohio.
Special DUpatch to Tui lln.
UBBANA , April 11. Wm. Harper
last fall dlucoverod gold ore on his
farm in the western part of the county.
Ho kept the matter quiet and is now
prepared and will begin mining ,
The WiU of the Late Peter
Ooopor Filed For Probate.
A. Troy Editor Turns hla Bralna
to Account in the Bleeping -
ing Oar Line ,
Jay Gonld Fata Up a Million nnd
Half to "iunioont" W. U.
BtooVholilftrr ,
8p cnt ! DUutch to Tun list.
NEST YoitK , April 11. The will of
I'otor 0 mpcr wns lilod to H y. Ho
leaves 5100,000 to Ojopor Ualon and
divides the rest of the estate , except
$200000 In special bequests , be
tween his son and daughter , Edward
Cooper and Mrs. Abrnm S. Honltt.
The estate la valued at $2,000,000.
has begun a broach of promise suit
apalnst David W , Brace , the typo
The deficit of the dead city bond
clerk , John Carroll , la thought to bo
loss than $ ' . . ' 5,000. The police are
looking for the persons concerned with
Carroll In tbo fraud ,
The Tribune has a long description
of a now sleeping oar , the invention
of John A. Slolohor , of The Troy
Times , which It is'claimed will revo
lutionize that branch cf railroad
business. The scats extend across the
width of the car , and are all changed
into private state rooms at night.
At Professor McOlollan'a benefit to-
ght , Joe Prendorgaat , Brooklyn's
knocked out , " and Florry Bennett ,
ad a savage sot to. In the last round
toy clinched and fell , Bsnnott hav
ng his knee pan broken.
The decision In the lower oonrt as
o the dividends on the fifteen mil-
ons ot Western Union telegraph
took being calculated' to embarrass
iDocont otoakholderi , Jay Gould do-
ormiiud to assume personal rosponsl-
Ility , paying the dividends on all
ook out of his own f undi , amounting
o over $1,400,000.
lllnrd'd Continental Railroad Plan
A 111 r mod and Dttnlod- General
pcclat Dlipatchoi to Tin DIB.
NEW YORK , April 11. President
Colby , of the Wisconsin Central is
ow in Now York closing negotiation !
ortho Bttlo of the Wisconsin Central
p the Ylllard syndicate , being a pro-
'mlnary stop to the establishment of
trana-ooutlnontal line .from New
York to Portland , Oregon. With the
onstructlou of the Northern Pacific
Ink ooonootlng Suoerlor Oily and
Ashland , Wisconsin , the Central gains
intrance to Milwaukee , whioh with
nether link to Chicago will complete
. throosh line to New York via the
Grand Trunk and West Shore road.
flowover , the entire read will not be
mder a single management , Vlllard
ontentlng himself at least for the
resent with a traffic agreement east
f Chicago. It U thought the whole
Ino will bo in operation by August
Thomai F. O tkei. vice president of
ho Northern Pacific railroad , denies
.hero 1s any trnth la the rumored pur
chase or lease by the Northern Pacific
f the Central Wisconsin railroad. The
nly business transaction that baa
lately taken plaoo between them Is a
rifiio contract , the same as exlsti
between all other railways. The con-
'raot is on the mileage rate or on the
pro rata system.
ST. JOUNB , N. B. , April 11 , Thos.
Gallant , on the Rogerville Intercolo
nial railway , Is accused of appropriat
ng 921,000 to hla own use.
KNCXVILLE , April 11. The last
spike was driven to-day at the Ten
nessee and Kentucky state line con
necting the Enoxvillo branch "of the
Louisville and Nashville railroad with
the east Toonoaico road. This makes
a direct line from Knoxvlllo to Louis
ville of 2GO miles. Within six weeks )
Knoxvllle will have direct connec
tion with Cincinnati over the Ken
tucky Central.
BUFFALO , April 11. A joint meetIng -
Ing of the master car builders , master
mechanics and every other branch of
railroad work , to-day diaonuod mat-
ten relative to the betterment of the
conatrnotlon of trucks and can and
Improvement in the arrangement of
accessories ot railway systems.
The Cigar Trade in Chicago
Special Dlipatch to Tui Un.
CUIOAQO , April 11. A canvass by a
reporter among the cigar manufactor
ies of the city shows that most of
them are Inclined to grant the em
ployees an advance of $1 per thousand
utter the first of May as demanded.
Some are inclined to await the action'
of manufacturers In New York. Tnoy
aay Now York houses have largo
stocks on hand and have promised
jobbers the full reduction of (3 per
thousand after the now tariff law goea
Into effect. It this is done and they
refdRO the advsuco to workmen , Chicago
cage manufacturers cannot pay the
advanoo and compete with Now York
A Withered LillleT
fipe la ] Dltpatch to 7 III Hit
OUIOAQO , April 11.-Miss Lilllo 0.
engrossing clerk of the Ohio
fiunato , editor ot the Oiroloville ( Ohio )
Herald , and a vroll known newspaper
writer , tiled htrn ouddouly this eve * :
nlng , having dome for medicalitreit-i