> TH * THE DAILY BEE-TUESDAY APKIL 10 OTJZtTOIID ZBLTJIE'IrJ'S , PROPRIETOR OF = k PALACE MUSIC HALL ! Headquarters for the justly Celebrated WEBER PIANOS , now approved and used by afl first-class Artists. WESTER COTTAGE AND BURDETTE ORGANS. Importer and dealer in'MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF EVERY DES RIPTION , such as Violin Guitars , Accordeons , Music Boxes , Italian Strings , Etc. , , Etc. Also a full line of ZMZTJSIO IBOOIKIS. IMITTSIO IBIISTDEIRS .3ST3D SHEET IMITJSIO Fancy Goods , Childrens' I Carriages , Velocipedes , Bycicles , Carts and Wagons. To make room for new stock will sell at EXTRA LOW FIGURES FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS. Good Organs at $50 and upward. Pianos and Organs sold for Cash and on Monthly Payments , Orders solicited Address , J. MUELLER , Council Bluffs , Iowa LANGIRY WAVES to. Latest styles from the oust , In Lsnctry Waves and Rcvereiblo Lan Frlzzoa at MRS. .T. J GOOD'S , 29 Mala street , opposite post ( ffice. FOU.WDBY. WINTHERLICH BROS. , Are now ready to contract for small castings ol every description In MALLEABLE IRON , GRAY IRON , And any ALLOY OF BRASS. Special attention Is called to the f ct that the metals are mo ted In CRUCIBLES which gives tbe very belt castings , Burning Brands FOR DISTILLERS , BREWERS , PACK ERS , CIGAR and TOBACCO FACTO HIES , Etc. , Eto. , As well as Cattle Brands ABB NICELY EXECUTED. Works : Corner Sixth street and Eleventh aveune , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. > s W. R. VAUQHAN. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Omaha and Council Bluffs Real Estate & Collection Agency. n Odd Follow a block , over Savings' t ] OOUNOIX , BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. ODIOAOO , MCK USL1KD AHD FACrnO. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic fact . . .B20pm I Pacific Ext..9lSam : Ex and Mall.S2Sam Ex and Mall * . .635 ptn D , Molnea ac.T:15 : a m | Dos Holneiac * . - pm OIIIOAOO , BDUmOTOI AHD QDIHOT. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Ext. . . n Op ml Padflc Ext. . . .920 am Mall and Ex * . . 920 am Mall and Ki'.7:00pm : If. T. Ex . 4mpm | Neb & Has Ex..8 0 a , m OHIOAOO AMD HOKTnWXSTIIBM. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Exf..5:15 : pm Pacific Ex.9:15am : Hall and Ex.920am Mall and Ex.6:16 : p m Accom ( Sat.5.50pm Accom. ( Mon..l:45pm : IAHSAB CTTT , ST. . " 01 AMD OOUXCHi BLUm. . . Depart. Arrive. bal ] and Ex..9.55am I Express 6.50pm Xxprcn. ,810 ! p m i Mall aid Ks..6'ifip n uinoii ? icma. Dtpait Arrlro. Overland Xr.11 0 a. m. Lincoln Ex. . 11:30a. . Denver Ex..8-00 a. m , Demer Ex..7.-00p. m. Local Ex 6 JO a. in. Local Ex 7:25 a. m. " Ex 906a.m. Emigrant..520p. m. " Ex fOOa.m. wABAJin , sr. LOUU AHD rAomo. Depart. Arrive. Mall and Ex. . 9:45 : a m I Mall and Ex. . 4:30 : p m Cannon Ball. . 4.50 p m | Cannon Ball..11:05 : a m SIOUX CTIT AMD PACIFIC. Depart. Arrive. For Sioux Clty.758 a m Frm Sioux C y.G.50 p m For Fort Niobrara. Krm Fort Nlobrara , Neb' 7:58am : Neb * 6.50pn ] For St. Paul..7:40pm : From St. l'au.8JW ! a m CHICAGO , MILWACKBI AND BT. PAUL. Leave Council Bluffs. Arrh cs Council Bluffs. Mall and Ex.920 am I Mall and Ex.G.Vi pm Atlantic Ex.5.15pm | | Atlantic hx.9.10a [ m CIIICAOO , UILWAUKKB AMD BT. PAUL. Lou ea Omaha. Arrh cs at Omaha. Mall and Kx.7l5ftm : | Pacific Ex 19:45am : Atlantic ET. . J3.40 p m | Mall and Ex.7-25 p a Except Sundays. ( Except Saturdays. ) Excepl Mondays. ( Dally. Council Blutta & Omaha Street B. H , Leave Council bluffs. Leave Omaha 8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , | 8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m { 11 a m , 1 < n , 2 p m , 3 p 11 a m , > pm , 2p m , 3 [ m , 4 p m , D p m , 6 p m. | m , 4 p m , 5 p m , 6 p m Street cars run half hourjy to the Union Paclfli Depot. On Sunday the cars begin their trips al 0 o clock a. in , and run rogu'arly during the da ] at 0,11 , 2 4 , D and 6 o'clock , and run to dtvtlme f. D. EHHU DSOS. . L. SHHOIBT. A. W. milt President. Tlce-Pre1 ! . , , Cashier. CITIZENS BANK Of Council Blob. Organlied under ths laws oi the Slats of Iowa Paid np capital I 15,00 Authorised capital. . . . . . KM.OO Interest paid on time depodte. Draft * Issuw on the principal cities ot the Cnlted States am Europe. Special attention given to collecttoo and oorroipondence with prompt returns. DIBBOTOU \ J. D. EJmnndson , K. L. Shnnrt , t WaUacs J. W. Itodler , W. , , 1 A W. Street. 1i i Nebraska Loan & Trust Compan ; \ HASTINOS , NED. Capital Stook , - - SIOO.OOC JAS.B. nKAUTWELL , President. A. L. CLAHKE , Vice President. K. 0. WKB3TEU , Treasurer DIRECTORS. ' Samuel Alexander Oiwald'Ollvrr , A. L. Clarke , E. 0. Webster' Oeo. H Pratt , Jas. B. Heartwell , D. U.McElUlnner. Firat Mortgage Loans a Speoialt This Company furnishes a permanent , hon bool Bend sind other legal Institution where 8 < * - w. w. * , secoritls to Nebraska can I Issued Municipal WJ UIII ) * * W * ww ww w * i be negotiated on ths mott farorabls term Loans mads on ImprorM farm In all well Mttl counties of the stats thn ( h Lr ponslbl * | tot 8. E. MAXON , A.jE&ascx'ac1 aacr * * ? . Office over savlngt bank. OOUNOlLi BLUFFS. Iowa MRS , R. J , HILTON , M , D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON SX2 Brondwk * CoaBrillBlaiY * . NATIONAL B&NK. Cor , Water and Congress Streets. BOSTON. CAPITAL , - - 400.0OO SURPLUS , - - OUOOu Transacts a general Banking business. Re- oelvea tbe accounts of Banks , Bankers and others. Draws Foreign Exchange and makes Cable Trantfen in. Europe and Tel egraphtc Transfers of Money throughout the United States. Buys and sells GOT ernment and other Investment Securities , and executes any business for its Corre spondentB in the line of Banking. ASA P. POTTER , Preslden' . J. J. EDDY , Cashier. J. W. WORK , Ass't Cashier. ' m&th-me SHORT LINE OF TUB Milwaukee & St. Paul RAILWAY It now running lu FAST EXPRESS TRAINS horn OMAHA AND COUNCIL WITH Pullman's Magnificent Sleepers -AND THK- Finest Dining Oars in the World. IF YOU ARE GOING EAST TO OHIO A GO1 MILWAUKEE. Or to any point beyond ; or IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH To T. PAUL OR MINNEAPOLIS Take the BEST ROUTE , ths Chicago , Milwaukee&St.PanlR'y Ticket office located In Paxtoi Hole1 , at cornel Fnruani auolFourteentb streets and at U. P. De pot and al Mlllard Hotel , Omaha. jCT"See Time Table In another column. F. A. NASH , General Arent. 0. H. FOOTE , Ticket Agent , Omaha. S. S. MERRILL , A. V. II. CARPENTER , General Manager. General Pass. Agent J. T. CLARK , GEO. U. IIEAFFORD , General Sup't. AsstOep "ws. Ae n FALLEY & HOES , - Western Agent * , Lafayette , Indiana. REVERSIBLEHEELS HEELS FOR Rubber Boots and Boots and Shoes OF ALL KINDS. The center pieces are Interchangeable and tt verilble It prcven's the counter from runalni eve > , requiring no heel stlfleners. The Agmcy for lh < se goods In this town ha been pli > ? Others cinnot procure them , ( all nd xamlne a full line of Leather an . .Canilfe" Kuiber BootiandShvs with the Id ersltlelleel. UttU. M 1'fcTE SOV. 31-jm LouUvlll > , Neb. WANTED. 100,000 POUNDS OP Dlzhest 0 < sh Hrioi paid. Shipments from oounlr11 ] be paid lot by rsti rn mill K. UOTZ tl CO. , 14coA-lm Uli Douflu UIM COUNCIL BLUFFS ADDITIONALIiOOALNBWS Board of quparvlaors , Pottawattomlo County. Thursday ana Friday The treasurer was Instructed to re fund to A. B. Wnlkor certain taxes heretofore erronoonily paid. Alao a like petition of J. D. Eimnndaon was granted , and Horace Everett aocnrcd the grant of a like request. The claim of J. H. Burroughs , over seer of the poor , for balance atlll an- paid of (610. B. F. Bryant was then elected over seer of the poor with a salary of $50 per month. The auditor was authorized to IBSUO Mr. Bryant an order for $300 to pay cash items until Jane session of the board. W. 0. James was upon his petition relieved from further responsibility on the bond of W. B. Yanghan as justice of the peace. On motion resolved that Thos Bowman - man bo allowed to pay tax of 1881 on aw. 1 sec. 18. aw sec. 19 , and o. nw. jBOO. . 19 , 74 43 on an assoaoua vacation of $1,77G RJB lived that J. M. Phillips bo In structed to build a fence around the lot purchased by the county for jail lot to be used by the overseer of the poor for woodyard If he saw fit. Raymond & Campbell were awarded the contract for building all bridges that may be ordered built by the board for one year from April lit , 1883 , they being the lowest bidders. BtsoLTCD , That Dr. Parish bo awarded the contract for attending all pacpars and f ami thing medialnes that may be ordered by the trustees of Macedonia , Silver Greek and Grove townships. Dr. Taomai was awarded contract in like manner for same snrvice In Oaraon and Washington townehips. The petition of N. B. Taylor for an abatement of taxes was referred to city council. Mr. Phillips and Underwood were appointed a committee on the matter of bridg ) on ViOghan ave. Also throe bridges on Bucohard'o farm in Hard in township. Tne resignation of E. Buikman , j us'ho ' of the peace , in Lewis town ship , was aooopied. Messrs 0 ayton and Underwood were reported having viittod the In sane hospital at Mt. Pleasant and tueray hospital at Davenport. They found everything in a very satisfact ory condition at Mt. P.eataut , and our patients doiog an well as possible uudor ehH olroamstanco , but tbo hos pital waa crowded to itn utmost capa city , and they were reminded that at an early day the txpouac of transport ing patients across the state would be saved , if the Additional boapltal soon to become necessary should ba located In the western part of the state. Tne euperlntocdant ban ordered throe pa- tiuma from M * . P.easant to Mjroy hospital at Davenport , in addition to thirteen already there. Wm Boohun and Albert Halo have boon ordered returned to their families. P < ttlentt nt Mercy hospital are well cared for , bat the charges are too high foi board. This report was accepted. It vrai resolved that the county attorney be Instructed , provided the facts o m be satisfactorily agreed upon with the at torney of the Council Bloffi Klevato ; company , upon an agreid case , anc submlto It to the district court , to do termlne whether the elovatorbelpnglnf to said company shall be subject tc assessment and taxttlon on the sami basis as the property of Individuals IE said county , or b cjrtifijd to the ex ecutive council for atseasment wltt other property of the railroad compa I tiles. Raymond & Campbell were awardoc the contract tor bulMIng a brldgi across Indian creek on Union avenue , aa they were the lowest bidders , a' ' $3,100 , and the petition of P. n Wind and others for change of roac in Hardln township , granted , pro Vided the petitioners pay the 03 < ita be fore the Juno seialon of the baard. A valuable and tlrmily report wa made by Mr. BV. . flight , count : attorney , of which the following is i eynnpiU ; Upon oxamln'tlon Ihu ball bom matter ogaluat Cjriit Nymp has beei Buttled. On collecting the expenses for keep Ins ; Frinola Drake in the hospital fu the insane , found ho had a guardlai IP Clinton county and hoped to cfteo a settlement for the amount expended Have commenced action to forecloi school fand rnor'gtgo by Mary BOM man and 0. ti. Burman ; also com menced a proceedings In bastardy i : district court. Ha e examined the bills filed b ; the different iustioea of the peace , I find that in manOAIM where tw or moro persons were Implicated in the same transaction soparoto inform ations were filed against oaoh person. This in my judgement is not in aooordanco with the cplrlt of the law , for the policy of the law is to prevent a multiplicity of suits , bath In civil and criminal oases. All persons Im plicated and arrested with reference to the same offence should bo Included in the one Information , ono warrant , etc. , and not donblo or triple the expenses - penses In the investigation of ono sot of facts by commencing two or thrao casoa instead of ono. I find that the number of days charged for trial attendance , etc. , in some instances Is evidently made under a mistake of the law , as I understand It trial means an actual investigation into the merits of the case , and not the tlmo consumed In granting continuances There are too many continuances. Cases should be promptly tried , Justices should exercise great care In setting the machinery of the law In operation and guard as far as possible gainst such proceedings being Insti nted through spite , or in retaliation or previous proceedings. Such affilrs , ro abases of the criminal law , and a astloo may In bis discretion refuse to lo an information in such ewes. The various Items of charges In the different bills are mainly correct ox- opt where there is a misunderstand- ng of what constitutes trial attend ance , etc. Dr. Jefferies elegant residence on Sixth ayonuo , for sale. Dr. Woat , Dentist , 14 Pearl street. It la moro economical to buy BrjRKG's SALAD DRESSING than it Is to make a dressing ; besides this , It Is made of better materials than yon can buy at the stores. Everybody likes It. North Western Texas. The prairies of the west ate attract ing much immigration this spring , and the passenger trains are crowded with land seekers. Many of our workingmen are lookIng - Ing with longing eyes toward the rcckles , and some even to the Pacific. An Incipient movement Is on foot to organize a colony to settle in north western Texas. Simo of the best workingmen of Ouunoll B uffj and Omaha nro agitating the matter , and if the affiir is proceeded with It will bo on a solid basis. Tne South. Mr. J. D. E Imondoon , theprosidonl of the OitizsDs' bank , has boon mak ing an extended tour through th ( south , and in conversation with bin the reporter received much iuforma tion of the whereabouts and surround ings of old friends of bvgono days ID that country. Mr. Elmoudson reports ports the evidences everywhere of th ( need of northern capital , energy anc tenacity of purpose to develop tholi reoourcee. Tailing a freight. Two prominent citizens of Ojnncl B'uffr atartod to Omaha the othoi night to hoar Burott. They mlsaoc the dummy and the next beat thinf wag a freight train , so thinking thoj could make It that way , one introduc ed the other to the conductor as t loading ; official , thinking to bluff. Th < "con. " called the pair and finding I only "aco high" they didn't hear Bar rott. rott.For For further particulars Inquire o the mayor or ox-ohlef of the tire do partment. They were not the one of course , but they may know some thing about It. The Union Pacific. A petition la In circulation deslgnoi to secure for the Union Pacific rallwa ; ten feet extending the entire length o Union avonne. Now this la a gooi deal of land and In a valuable portloi of the city. It will change the character actor cf the avenue materially , mskln it valueless for the purpose to whlol It was devoted , namely , a drlvo am promonado. Nevertheless rapid tran sit between the cities will bo fallitatei and we are ice iiod to thluk that I our Interests are properly guarded th proposal should carry. Sunday at the D af and Dumb lc Btltuto. The being over CO of the 270 pupil at the Institution for the ( loaf an dumb of the Catholic faith , Mi RogoiH , the superintendent , Invite t llsv. Father MjMonomy to vltlt ther which he did on Sunday , in compao with Rav , Father Mulholland. A the inmates of the Instntlon were as semb'od In the spaoloui chapel hall t | hear ( t ) the reverend gentlemen s j * they addressed appropriate remarks t , the assembly. * o Father Mulholland spoke tat , hit remarks being Interpreted in the man ual slim language to the audlenco by Mr. Kennedy , while Superintendent Rogers performed the like oflioo for Either MoMouomy , who next ad dressed them. Both speeches were replete with good counsel to all , cm- boding a grateful numeration of the advantages of ouch a well managed Institution In assisting them to overcome , so far as possible , the disadvantage of pri vation of speech and hearing. The moral and religious obligations were treated in n pleating and Instructive manner. Upon dispersing the pupils were , at tholr request , afforded an op portunity of shaking hands with the reverend fathers , and evinced by tholr smiles and signs tholr lively appro elation of the Interest shown In tholr welfare. Superintendent Rogers invited the reverend gentlemen to make stated visits oaoh month to the Institution , and they will probably to do so. Erory possible moans should bo used by these Inclined to philanthropic , to encourage these young men to en deavor to rlso superior to misfortune and to become useful , happy citizens , desplto physical defects. If You Can , You Can-Can. Conceive It If yon can The prime and nice young man Taking In the Crook can-Gin. Conceive It If yon can And think how It will pan. Thn scenic show and a can-can Upon Dohany'i one-horse itage , With scenery of uncertain age. Fllty men at the Florence cnt off , WANTED rth ol Omahi , w K < $ ] r d ly. board II per Wt tk. Apply at Usi t Sloe , Bi .uncil Bluffs , Iowa. tA16 PAL" HinumenU of marble and granlU FOR No. 31 north Mala street. CURIOUS GAMBLING BUBNEB. Stacks or Stiver Chanced Away at at Indian Tournament in Nevada. The Flutes are having a crand gamb ling tournament , says the Winnomuc- oa Silver State of rooent date. In the day time they meet on the sunny side ot ono of their wloklnps. from whlol : they extend wings by tying blankoti on poles to break the wind. The gamblers who engage In the tourna ment place two poles on the ground , about ton foot apart and parallel with each other , and Beat themselves on the ground , cress legged , outside the polos. There are generally six or olghl bucks on each side , and the stakoi which range from $2 to f20 in ailvoi are staked on the open ground be tweou the parallel polos. Etch aide ii furnished with six or eight shorl sticks and four long oner. Two string ) of small shells tlod In the form ol rings are then procuredand when It Ii decided by chance which side shall take those sheila , the game boglnc. A low , monotonous chant , nccom paniod by striking the poles with tin long atlcko and the arraying of thol bodies to and fro , as if keeping tlm with the chant and noise made by th sticks , is commencad by rho aldo win won the shells , and the two buck who have poescaalon of the shell move their hands and arras and chang the shells from ono hand to the other and finally conceal both hands undo tholr blankets and cease moving them This seems lo bo the signal for ono o the bucks on the other side to gnoc which hand the shells are ooncoalo in. If ho gneitci right the shells ar thrown to his side and two of'th short atlckr. Then the chant and 11 accompaniments Is taken up by tha side and continued until the shells ar won back by the other side. When all the short sticks aroron on aide the game is decided , the sld having the sticks being the vloton The chant and beating the poles an swaying to and fro ceases until th stakes for another game are deposited when the performance is repeated All day long and far Into the night b the light of a sago brush fire thl gambling continues , and oonaldorabl money changes hands. The iqnaws an children arrange themselves outside th gamblers and look In for hours , nppai ontly as mush interested in the gam as 'ho players. A true tonic medicine , a blessing i every household , is Brown's Iron Bll tors , McKOON & STURGES Successor to M. 0 , HcKOON CO. , Boom 1 , Croigliton Block , Roproaont the Following Companlo 0 n InenUI ot New York . I 1,200,000 Connerilal Union of London . 1 , 00DOv ttr Awocat'onol l > hllsdelpula. . . . 4 , 00,000 German American ot New York. . . , 8iuO,000 Imp. rUl and Northern o ( England , S,0 O.CWO f-atlon.l ot Hartford . 1,700,000 I Orient o Uartlord . 1,100,000 Brooklyn . 1,600,000 o Pennsylranla of Philadelphia 1 too , M Boral of LUerpool M.400,000 tUld of aaasachustU. . . . t , X ) 000 IT tat IT Rejoice , rejolct , "He Is alive Again , " "Was Lost , but Is Found. " Under date of July 0,1882 , Mr , E. U Bright of Windsor Looks Conn' , writes , plain modest narrative , which , from It * very simplicity , has the true ring of fine gold , He says : "My father Is using Hunt's Remedy and seomi to be Improving , in hot , ho Is very muoh bettor than ho has been for a long time , lie had Itoon tapped three times. The first time they got from him nlxtoon quarts of water , the second time thirteen quarts , and fully as muoh moro the third tlmo. and ho would constantly All up again every time after ho had been tapped , until he commenced uilnir. Hunt's Itcmcdy , which acted like magic In his case , as he begun to Improve at once , and now h ! watery accumulation passes away through the secretions naturally , and ho has none of that swelling or filling up which was BO fro- qneut before the functions of the kidneys were restored by the use of Hunt's Item- edy. Ho tt a well-known citizen of this place anil has always been In business here , " Agate he writes , Nov. 27 , 1882- "I beg most cheerfully and truthfully testate state , In regard to llonVa Remedy , that Its use was the saving of my father life , I apoke to you In my previous letter In ro- Karu to his being tapped tbrto times , is the most reioarkvble cano that has ever bem heard of In , this neotlpn. For a man of his ape ( sixty jean ) It Is > most remark able cure He bad been unable to attend to his business more than a year , and was given up by the doctors "The first bottle of Hunt's Remedy that ho use ] gave Instant relief. He has used In all seven bottle ) , and continue ! to use It whenevbr ho feels drowsy or sluggish , and It affords instant relief. He Is now atten ding to bis regular dullness , and'his ' been several months. I am perfectly willing that you should publish this letter , as we thoroughly beli've that fatbei'i life wai saved by uolng Hull's Remedy ; and these facts plvtn above may be a benefit to o hers - ers suffering In Illtn manner frntn diseasei or Inaction of the Kidney * and Liver. " A Okln or Beauty I * Joy Forever. DR. T , FELIX GOURADD'S Oriental Dream or Magioal Bean- tifler , ii Tan , Pimples Freokloi Uothpttcl esan'ever ; blemish 01 beauty am deflts dc lection. I has st'o < the test o BOyeartan Is so harm less w Usle It t be sure th prep a r alien lion 11 p > c perly mac' ' Acrept n count'rfel of similar name. The dl-tlnRUlBhid Ur. L , f 8are , e ld to a ) a < * y of the n vt ON ( patient "As you laules Hill u o them , I lecommen 'U ur"Uil' Cream' as the least harmful of all th Skin prcparatl.ns. " One bottle will Uat si months , usl % it every day. Also I'oudro Jut tile riruoviB kupcrfluous h li wl bout Injury t the skin. & MS. M B. T. GOUUAUD , So'e prop. , 43 Don 81. . N. Y. Fur a lo by all Urueid'ta and Fancy flood Dealers throughout the United Statou , Canad and Kuroiv. | J3THowaro of base Imitations , f 1,000 rewar for arrrot and proof of any one selling the sami 14-woow me 2t nwdm A r'suhr grtouat DR HENDERMJN , n tnedl Inn Ovtr 1 Wja dJitnfit ; i earn * ptacllci 1 KA BA3t'ITV , MO In Uilc.iKo. Authcrltod bj theitite ti trei Chroi.lcNorvouiand I'rlvata Uli ( asm , Aiihina EpUriiiy , Khll tnatliin , 1 > in > , Taie W ira , Urlt art a d Skin Dlvuises , HSI > IK > I WIUKMBH ( nithi lessen ) BSIUA , ( iits ot sexual powci ) Etc. Cures uua anteid or money leluiilod. U" > rg > slov. Thoi sands ot c es cured. Mo Injuilous merllclne i led No I'eUbtlon ' from builnets. All n ed dnes lurnlihei evtn to pitients at a dlslanci Co > > ulatlon | free aid co Ldenlil call or writi Ageandeirerlcnoeare lroiort > ut A Il-OK ( i both lexis-lllustrat.d and clrculais ol oih < tblng < rent sealed ( or two Sc stamps. FRE MUbKUll. DR. WHITTIER ITBt OharlMBt. ST. LOUIS Mi A REGULAR QUADUATK of two medic ooUges.hM been longer engaged In the trea ment of CHKONIO , NERVOUS , SKIN AN DLOOD Diseases than any other physician In S Louis as city papers show and all old reslden know. Consultation free and Invited. When U Inconvenient to visit the city for treatmsn medicines can be sent by mall or express ever where. Curable cases guaranteed ; where don exlstn It Is frankly slated. Call or write. Nervous prostration , Debility , Ment and Physical Weakness , Mercurial at other affections of Throat , Hklu and lionc Uluod Impurltlug and blood I'oLionlni Skin Alfeotlong , Old Korea and Ulcer Impediments to Mnrmi'u. Rheumatic Pllon. Bpeclul Bttentlun to C&KCH fro ovor.worlted brain. dUlUlIUAL OAHK receive f [ > cl l attention. iJUnuHen nrlil/ from Iiiiprirluncb. bliowihm , ludultieoc storv wull told. Uai ry , who may not , wh - cauacx ) , consequent ind curs. Sealed for ZSc postage or stamp * v ? I * . . ! 18M A"lUl * lul " ' tiilu lluv 18DO Tr. oher fc VMUUOt < u DOM _ . . „ Jesse Jamoi XI he ouly life authoi lied by her and which w DOJ not be a "Dlood and 1 bunder" story , such as b DOM been and will be pul llshed , but a trui life by U M onlr person who Is In possession of the fact * M ) faithful and doroted nils. Truth Is more nU DJ Mtlng than notion. A rsnU should apply 01 te 00 rttorr at one * . I 70 cts. for Bampls bool JT Hiduual > r * & Oot * tZTixiiiiiTMo REMARKABLE ! KAXIUH CITT , Ma , Sept. zo , 1M2. I think It a iluty I ewe to humanity to Mr what j out remedy na/i done ( r mo. Ore yew Ko I contracted k bad cane ot Blood 1)1 CMC. a d not knowing the nsull of luch 'roubles , I allow- ol It to run to tomt t mo , but finally aprlled to the best phys dan In t Is city , who treated DM for six month * . IN THAT TIUI i TOOK ovia 000 riLLii or rnoTOiomtm or MHICUKT I R'aln fach. anil had run down In weight from 210 to 157 poii1 d * . and wan conflnod to my bed with Mer curial lihevmatltm , scarcely able to turn myMll over. llolng a traveling ra n. tome ot the hm- ternlty fount mo In IhU dcploiallo condition , CMC * thai B i ' " 1 ip < ) flc.a hkd been cured by 1U me. I oommenu i the M Itwltivoiy IHtlo faith ann la low that th > t weclii WM able to tafcomv place on the road The sort * and copper collorcd spot * gradually dlsap- pcaied , and to dav I have not a to eor spot on my person , and mv olg > t I * 217pounds , belnsmon lhan Itevcr as. 1 do not wl h you to publUh my name , but you may > how this letter to any who doubt the merit of a. S. 8. for I know It U a lure cure. Tours Truly , J. R. 0. ROT o thirty years ago there Hred In Monteo mery , Ala , , a young man who WM terribly affllo- ted After bo'ng ' trotted for a long tlmo l > y the mod'cal pro'omlan of thli town with no benefit , he commenced taking 8 8 8. After persistently taking It t o monthi ho wai curol. Being ao qualntcd with him for the disease never made It return. J , W. Ilumor , J. P. , Hot Spring ! Ark. If you doubt , come to ice us , and we will UORK YOU , or cliarfe nothing ! Write for particular * and a copy of the little book , " Memago to UM Unfortunate Buffering ' Ask any Druggist ai I our standing. ra. lOOO Ritword will he paid to any Chemist who Will find , on analysis of 100 bottle * of 8. B. 8. , on * particle of Ue'cury , Iodide of To aaslum , or olher Mineral substance. BWIR SPECIFIC CO. , Proprietors , Atlanta. Oft. Price of Small BUe I 1,0 * Large Slu , > LIB BOLD BY ALL DUUQOlflTfl. DOCTOR BTEINHARTB SUPPOSITORIE i The Oreat Popular RemcJy for PllM Bore cure for Blind , Bleeding & Iiohlns- And ail forma of1 Hemorrholdal Tumor j. Thece BcrrearroitU act directly upon the ooati of the Blood Vessels , and by their astringent effect * gently force the blood from the iwollto tumon , andby making the coat * of the vein * strong , prevent their refilling , and hence a radi cal cure ti lure to follow their uio. Price , TO cento a box. For sale by all druggists , or sent by mall on receipt of price , by En ll h Mndloa ] luitltnte 118 Olive Bt ft I-onto IS j. DOCTOR STEINHARTS ESSENCE OF LIFE. FOB OLD AND YODHO , MALI ADD FIMALB. It Is a sure , prompt and effectual remeds or digestion , DJHpvpila , Intermittent Fo ere. Waal of Appotlte , Ncrvoui Dclillltj In all It * SUgei Weak Memory , IX > KS of Drain I'ower , Proatratlon , Weaknera and general Loan of Power. It rvpaln nervous waite , rejuvenates the faded Intellect , itrenijhthens the enfeehlod brain and restore * lurprls no ; t < ine and vigor to the exhausted or gans. The experience of thousands proves It tj bean Invaluable remedy , Price , tt 00 a bottle , or six ortfi. For nalobj all druggl-ts , or sent secure from observation on receipt of price by Dr. Steluha" P. O. Box 246O Bt. Loal * . Mo. PERSONAI-"Parfs of the huTan body il&rKwi , developed and strengthened , " ctoll an Intoroatlng a'l ' > ert oiiont long run In oat paper. In reply to i * qu rlon wo will say that there no cvllen ni ! humbug ab ur this On the contrary , the advertliirs arv very highly la- dorned Interea ed persons n ay get sualtid cir culars giving all particulars , giving all particu lar * , by addrinslni ; Krie Mudlcal Co. , P. O. Box 613 , Muffalo , M. Y. Toledo K' bg Bee nlt-lr OOL. L. T. Ifonngrtovrn , Ohio , May 10,188 * . . D. J. KIXDILL * Go. I bad a very vain * . ble Hambletonlan colt that Iprlted Tory bljtlf , no had a large bone spavin on one Joint and B nnall one on ths other which made him vet ? lame ) I bad him under the charge ol two vetes- Inary inrgeons which ( ailed to cure him. I WM one day reading the advertisement o ! Kendall's Spavin Care In the Chicago Express , ! determined , it ones to try , It and cot ourcrugglsts harsM tend for II , and they ordered three bottles ; I too * all and I thought I would give It a tfaoroofh trial. I used It according to direction * and UM fourth day the colt ceased to be lama and ISM lamps have disappeared. I used but one bottls and the colt's limbs are as tree ol lumps andtl imooth as any horse In the rtats He Is enttftv ly cured. The euro was so remarkable thai have let two of toy'neighbors have ths Ing two bottles nho ann" nslng.lt jTeiy ( loUtuiy , L. T. TOBTKK ind (01 lllnstm * I c'rralai pOltllTI proof. Price 11. All DtniRlili or carl islllforyou. Dr. B. J Kendall prletors , Ecoibnrgh Falla , Vt. SOLD BY ALL rl hr ttin Mr ln or f i ur < lutlrr vurk I * rw * ionbr lin ri trt Hop BittfcfH irute uii H" | If ji.u ry : tu.ni If TO c 01 ilavU , old 01 " Inir > a . t . rilr on Hop Bltturiii * li n'c r sou fill rom vdui 3-en i gjitrtn rorui ll-c ie ilit lit01 Ktltll'llltl'R lllDU'.i Hop blecurt foi droi'iuuitsi. Too inrtolf HOD Bitter * r\l \ weak aiul o rlrUtOtrj in it may nvcyour Ufa. It hn aved hun dreds ) *