THE DAiLip Bj K- TUES : A V A'JWKIL 10 Nebraska National Bank , I Of Om h , Nab- r > ald up Capital. - - $ afiO.OOO . R. JOHNSON , Presldentot 8teU , Johnion * / \ Co.R. . R. IOUZALIN , Vice President , ot 0. , D A Q R. R. , Boston. T. UORSE , ot W. T. Mom A Co. DON 8. COLLINS , of 0. H. & J. 8. Oolllm. J. 1L WOOLWORTH , Counsellor and Attorney at-Uw. L. B. REED , ot Byron Reed & Oo. H. W. TAXES , Ouhler , Ute Cashlei ol the Flnt National Buik ol Omaha , tad connected with the active management ot hit Bank since IU Organization la 18G3. Oruu tor btuineM April 27 , 1882 , with the KM ! cap ! ) * ! cl j ; bu la Nebraska. OOLLKTTIONS recvlre ipecUl attention and chat I ei lowest obtainable here or elsewhere. IRTIBUT allowed on time deposits upon taror able tormg and upon aocounU ol banks and bank- It. Foaiios KxciiAKQi , Qoternment Bonds , and Count" and City Eectles bought and told. It la prep red to do a general banking business all ll > details , nd In the treatment ot custom' en In ft 111 pimuo the moat liberal policy < xm lc- teat with sa'o banking. J. W KODEFER. Broker Btockf , Hond > , Commercial Paper and all other Oird ecurltl s dea t In Hoam 4 , ti28 ! IVafl St. . Council Bluffj , la. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL. peclal Dispatch to TusUsi. NEW YOBK. April 9. Money Loaned at 5@7per cent ; cloeed offered at 4 t er cent. Prime Mercantile Paper-5J@G per cent. Sterling Exchange Bankers' bills quiet and strong at 4 83J ; sterling demand , 4 86. Governments were very 'weak and i per cent lower for nil isiues. Railroads were strong. The stock market was active and strong in the forenoon. Tbeie was then a decline in pi ices followed quickly by an advance , In the last bour there was a reaction eon < tinuing tu the close , the result being a de1 clineofi ! ( ier cent , but as compared with the clculng pi ices last Saturday , the market closed generally higher , and on the whole looks more like a rising market than any time for the past two months , While the rest ot the market was declining the Itsthonr the Western Union was except ionallyfitm. It was stated on authority worthy of consideration that the dividend on tha Wei tern Union will be paid when due , notwithstanding any injunction that may be granted arainst it , and that the dl ector * of the company will buy dividends and pay money to any individual stock- holders. Just at the close the market was firmer and active. OOVJtHNMINTS. Saturday. To-day , ffs 1034 102j 6'g 10 < 4 102 44' * Coupons 114 1134 4. 120 119J P lfin8' of ' 95 128 128 BONDS. Oattral Pacific firsts 114 114 , Erie seconds 974 9j Lehigh & Wilkesbarre 1034 103 IiaulBlrtnft coEsols. ti4 67 ] Missouri 6' * 1104 111 Bt. Joseph 109 109J St. Paul & Sioux Olty firsts. .109 110 Tennessee 6's 412 42 do - new 4i * 41 Teias & Pacific land grant * . . 68 G < do K. G. dlv. . . . 871 84 Union Pacific 1st mortgage..11 ij 114 : do land grants . .1064 lUo. . do sinking fund. . 110 117 Virginia 6' . 86 35 do consols 6's 35 87 : do deferred 11 11 BTOOU. Adam * Exuress 128 129 Allegheny 'Central 15 16 Alton & Terra Haute b9 69 do pfd. . . . 98 934 American Express 90 9u Burl. , Cedar Itaplda & North.804 804 Canada Southern bbg G8i Ool. , Oin. & Ind. Central. . . . 105 10 4 Central Pacific 7d& 7 i Chesapeake & Ohio 21 * 2 < do 1st pfd. . . 3ajj S3 do 3d ptd. . . 2df 244 Chicago Alton . . . . . . . . .134 Jg , Chi. , Burl. & Quinoy 12H la , 1 Chi. , St. L. & Now Orleans. . 79 78 Gin. , Bund. & Cleveland 48 } 4'JJ. Clove. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 71 > J Vb& Delaware & Hudson canal. . . .lltg 111 Del. , Lack. & Western liG 127 Denver & Ulo Grande 49i 49 Kris 8 A 3-1 do pfd 70i bl East Tennehfce 10 104 do proterrod 1'JJ 21 Fort WayuQ & Chicago 134 131 Haunib < * lA at. Joseph 40 i > 9 do pfd. . . 82 82 Harlem 1U83 191 Houston & Texas Central. . . . tu 75 Illinois Central 4bg 40 Ind. , Bloom. & Western S4j K.atw a & Texiu 33 oij Lake Erie U Western 31 $ S2J Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . 1IIi 'AtI Louisville & Nashville 6jg 5Uj Louisv. , New Alb. & Chicago 53 17 Marietta & Cincinnati 1st uf j 10 1U > J do do 2d pfd 5 65 Memphis & Charleston 42 4L Michigan Central 95j [ 9 ! Minneapolis & tit. Louis 18. du pfd. 'CO Gil Missouri -Pacific li'tig ' 10ti | Mobile * Ohio 18i 18 Manhattan Beach U2 * 123 Morris & Ussex 18 5d New Jersey CVintral 734 74 j Nashville & C battanooga 42 4.4 Northern Caclfio 61 51 do pfd 871 87J NorthwesUea W84 138j do pfd. 163 { 151 New York Oeutral U6A Ohio Central 12j Ohio & Mlatkalppi 31J do pfd 104 lO S Ontario & Western V6j 26j Oregon Transaontlnental Slif 83 Pacific Mail 4-'J 43J Panama. M7 167 Peorla , Decaturft Evansv. . . V4J 24J Pittsburg ft Cleveland 1391 S'Ji Beading 54 J C5j Follman Palaoe Oar 12 { 123J Book Island 122 } 123J St. Louis & San Fran 3lj 3lj do pfd. . . . 5iij 51J do 1st pfd 93 9JJ Bt. Paul & Milwaukee 102 ? 1031 do pfd..li9i 120J Bt. Paul , Minn. & Manitoba. 11,0 * 61 * Bt. P&ul & Omaha 4 > ? 4 1 dj pfd. Hfi ] 1C7 Texas ft Pacific 424 4 'J Union Pacific 99j 'JOj United States Express HJ 8 Wabaih , St. L. Pacific. . . . 3/1 3 do pfd. f > 2 { 03 WeUs. Fargo i Co. Express. 13 12J Western Union Telegraph. . . 3j | 8S- OariboH Central Arizona. . . . . . . Excelsior Homestake 15 15 Little Pittsborg 1 1 Ontario 27 27 Quicksilver ? l 8 do pfd 42 42 Boblnson , , . . BUverOlia Booth Pacific Btendard Batro , , . i IIO.TON. HOST , N , April 9. The total grots ex- channel at the twelve leading cL-Htli houtesoftho United States for the peek ending April 7th , was $1,000,155,9 9 , being n decrease of 13 4-10 per cent as compared with the exchanges | j f the o responding week of 1882. PRODOOU1 & PROVISIONS. Ipedal Dlipatche * to Tn * Bn. OHICAOO. Oiiiaao , April 9. Flour Market quiet and unchangel ; spring wheat , 3 BO ( gBOOj MlunojoU,3 60g4 ( } 25j bakers , 423 ( a 5 75 ; patent * , C 00@7 50 ; winter wheat. 4 00@ti 00. Wheat Market active Ilit lower : 09j for Apiil : I 04 for May ; 1 05J for Jims ; 1058@l 05j fnr July ; No. 2 Chicago wring , 99jgl ( Oljf ; No. 3 Chicago spring , 88d ; No 2 red winter , 1C6. Corn Market uicttled and lower : 47 } @ 60ja | for cash ; 474a fur April ; 62j@5.'jjo for May ; MJa for June ; B'JSfDjo for July. Oatj Market Irreju aruut Ulrly mtive and clusorl higher ; 40 3 forcush' 37J5o for April ; 40j@4lo lor May ; 40i@4Ufta for June ; 39Jo ; for July. Kye Market easier at ECc. lUrley Marhet weak at 75o. Pork-Irregular but closed stea-ly : 17 90 @ 179J lor cuth and Ap'il ; 18 05@18 07 for Mar ; 18 25@18 27J for June ; 18 42 ? @ 1S 45 fur July. Lard The demand active ; the market ( > [ ) euo 1 weak and Inwor but closed firm at nutsidd prices ; 11 17J@U20 for c h rtnrt April ; 11 25@ll 274 tor Ma > ; 1132i@ll 35 for Juoe ; 11 37jr ll 40 for July. Uu k Meats la Mr damand ; sbr.uldnrv , " 70 ; s'lort rib , 10 00 ; short clear , 10 35 Butter Markni : quiet ; creamery , 18@ c ; dairy , 13@20j Eegi Market 1617o. Whisky - M irket quiet aud unchanged 115 , Freights Corn to Buffalo 3 cent * per uihel. CALL BOARD. Wheat Market irreular ; ) i@98if } fur April ; lO'StorMay ; 1 05J r Juim ; 1 0' j fur July. Corn-Market irregular ; 47J@47J for uril ; 5gg52Jo for May ; 63fij for Juno ; > fj ) lor July. Uats Market declined | o for May and nlv. Pork-Market lower ; 17 85 for April ; ' 9 > for May ; 18 124 ® 18 J5 for June ; 8 SO for July. Lird Irregular ; 11 07i for May , June id July. NEW TOBZ. NBW YOBK , April 9. Flour Market eak and unchanged. Wht > t Market weak and unsettled and ojlio lower ; ungraded red , 105(3,119 ( ; To. 3 red , 115 ; ste mer iSo. 2 red , 115J ; To. 2 red , 1 ) G@1 iGJ ; certificates , 119) ) If j ; ungraded white , 1 09@1 23 ; No white , 1 00@1 01 $ ; No. 1 white , 1 10 © Corn Market for ca h i@Jc higher ; op ens untettled ard ifSJa lower ; ungraded. 4J@65c ; No. 3. 57@57Jc ; old No. 2 , 65e ; lev tor No. ? , 63jio,65o ; steamer , G2A(5 ( 3o ; No. 2 white , C o. Oats Market } @J3 lower and weak mixed western , 51g534c ( ; western , 63S ( "o. Barley Market higher and firm ; no untatlons. Eggs Market higher and firm ; western re.fa.19Jo 20 : . Pork Market dull and unsettled ; new mess , 19 15@19 25. options nominal. Beef Market quiet but firm at 10 © 2c. 2c.Cut Cut Meats Market dull and nominal. Lird Market dull and weak ; prime team , 1140@U4'4 fnr April ; U4l@ 1 43 for May ; 11 43011 47 for June ; 114b @ 11 65 for July ; 11 Cl@ll 55 tor August I C5@ll 55 for September. Butter Market quiet. Cbeete Market quiet but firm ; western lit , 8@144c. HI. LOUIS. ST. Louis. April 9. Flour Market luletand unchanged ; family , 4 50@4 CO : Dolce , 5 0'5 10 ; fancy 5 15@5 45 , Wheat Market lower and very unset- led and frea seller * , especially for Mtv ; No. 2 red fall , 105gl ( 054 for cash ; 1059 @U6J5 , cloilng at 1052 for May ; 108' < a . (81 closing at 107 j for J une ; 103 j@l 04g , ilising at 1 04g for July ; 1 031 03 lor August ; 101fel02 | for the year ; No. 3 ei fall , 101 asked. Corn Market unsettled and lower , but active 45i45g3 for cash ; 45g@v'Jo for April ; 4'473o , olosingat 4Go for M y ; " 1491s , olooiog at 49o for June ; Slf'a ) , } , closing at 62J3 for July ; 40@40 a tor ha year. Oiti Market lower ; 4041o for cash ; 040 for April ; 401@41o for May ; 4043 fcr Tune ; 378 J 'or July. Rye-Market dull ; 53 0 bid. Btrlep Q'liet and Bteadv at75c. Butter -Market quiet at 18@25c. lsgtt Market quiet atlSJ ) . Corn Meal Market easier ; no quota Jons. Whiskey Market steady at 114. Provisions Market very slow und only a small j ib trade , KANSAS OITT. KANSAS Crrr , Aoril 9. Wheat Market slower ; No. 2 red fall , 924c bid C4 b ; 91 0 for Mty ; 95o bid for June. O /in Market lower ndvolt ; 4 > § 3 for cwh ; 43j@424c for May ; 43jc biu for June. O its Market slow ; 344o bidfjrcath ; no option * . AFCKENOON TOABD Wheat Artlve hut lo er : IflSbi-l fnr April ; 1 053 f'r May ; 11 f i for June. 104 for July ; 1(23 Aueu3llUl4 ; fortbavear. Cjrn Active and Jo higher for May and June. < 'R B Market e ie' ; 4Ulo for April ; 403 @ 40Ja for May ; ! 9Jj bid for June. LIVE ETCC Special Dispatches to Till Bit [ I'or receipts ? nd shlamenti of grain and live stock , see "Tratfio" in another , col umn. ] OHIOAOO. OaiOAOu , April 9The Drovers' Jour nal rep : rts aa follows ! Hogs Market active and lOo hleherj mi ed , 7 1 07 CB ; heavy. 7 G0@7 80 iMht , 7 25@7 70 ; skip * , 450&7 00 , and clorei wealc. Cattle-Market better , except for export blob cnntlnuet dull and weak ; export * 650a6 80 ; good to choice shipping , 6 W ' @ 6 15 ; common to fair , 6 10@5 90. Sheep Market ( air and largely local eastern buyer * oneratlnp sparingly ; com' mnn to fair , 375500 ; good to choice 550@676. The Drovers' Journal Liverpool ipecia' otble reports are very discouraging to thi Amerlo-vn shippers ; the market has de cliuod'2) on cattle etnce latt weak ; the cut rant r t > ii for peed to choice Ameri cansia 14@15o ner Ib , for ettlmated dead welgbt ; best sheep , Iflj , and caarkel wealter. NEW TSBK. N w YOBK , April 9. The Drovers Journal Bure.u reports : BeevOxen are at an advance am etrunit at 2 > o upr cwt , Hvii weight fur ex tremei ; 6 lii@7 83 per cwt. fur ptor t ( prime Btrem ; me Ham to go-H > leers wlc at6.ri1@700 , exporter * uce-l - ctr.lovis Sneep Ma'ket firmer and higher wl I an early cearance ; sh ii ; 575a7COpei ct , ; veifllu-t 1-itnbrt at 7 OU A 23 per owl : a carload of clipped uieep cold sk n U per owt , , au < nno carload at5702f 75 ; i carlo id uf un h ra sheep V/M gold to ei po'tore at 8 00 per owt Hogj Uvubogg tteadyat 7 7S@860 pei cwt. BT. LOUI8 , 8r Louts , April 9. Cattle Al grades below the beat ahlppiug are firrr and active , some rale ) helng a shade blKher ; e per I uterra. 6 f < 0@r ,0 ; good tc chnli" .hipplnif , 6 00@S CO ; lght , deB B 6010 00 ; common , 5 0)5 ) 2P > : good U cbolcs butchers steer * , ft 001GOO ; do , cow4 aud helfer , 3 25@5 25 ; corum n , 3 f ( @ 4 25 ; stockers nd leo nti , 4 V5@5 25 corn fed frxa'i * , 3 T5@S 50. Bhe p Th * cfferlng was light , but prc ! * firm ; common , 3 75 ; medium , 4 C0@5 21 ; good to choice , 6 40@G 00 ; lanoy , 6 I0g ( ) 0 75. Ilogi-Gooil light shipping , 7 35@7 CO ; mixed packing , 7 25@7 CO ; butchers' tu extra , 7 60@7 SOKANSAS KANSAS OITT. KANSAS CITT. April 9. The Commor. clal Indicator this aftornoou rei > orts as folio wit Cattle Market aottve to the extent ot the supply which are still poor , the re * ceipts uelng stock heifers for shipment wo t ; the prices are unchanged ; gnod to choice steem. 6 80@6 40 ; stockers and feeders , 4 00 @ 4 76 ; cowf , 3 00@4 00. Hops-M ruet aoiivo ami tirui ; light , 710a720 ; medium , 7 20@7 SO ; heavy , 7 30@7 60 Sheep Unchanged , "TRAFFIC. Bpectat Dl > vatehes to Tus Ills. rLODB AND ORAINB OUIOAOO , April 9. Kcoelpts and ship , meats of flour and grain for the past 24 hours have been as follows : Receipts. Shlp'ts Flour-bbl 7,000 Wheat bushels S'J.COO Corn " 185,100 Oati " 63.000 Kye ' 3,600 Barley " 18,000 KANSAS Cm , April 9. lleoelpts and shipments of grain fet the past 21 hours have been M follows : Ueo'ta. Shlii'ts. Wheat , bnshels 4.000 6.000 Cora " 10.000 14,000 ST. LODIS , April -Kooelpts and shipments of flour and grain for the post 48 hours have bean as tollowa : Ueceluts , Ohip'ts. Flour barrel 6,000 7,000 Wheat-bushels 14,000 12,000 Corn- " 79,000 11,000 Oats " 37,000 4,000 Rye " 13,000 Barley- " Nsw YOBK , April 9. Receipts and shipments of flour and grain for the past i hours have been as follows : Receipts flho'ts j'lour-bbls 28,001 8000 "heat bushels 38.900 79000 lorn " 109000 109,100 ata- " . . . 72.000 170 LIVE HTOOK. CmOAQO , April 9. Receipts and ship- ents of live stock for the past 31 ours have been aa follows : Reo ts. Bhlpm'ts. Hogs 6,500 3.900 Mtle 4,000 1 ICO iboep 4,2cO 2,100 NEW YORK , April 9. Receipts and ihlpments of live stock for the past 24 ours have ) been as follows : Rec'ts Bhlp'ts lattle 4,200 1,400 heep 15,000 2CO Hogs 29000 ST. Loms , April 9. Receipts and ihipmenta of live stock fet the past 21 .ours have been aa follows : Roo'ts. Bhlpm'tH. Cattle 1,000 200 Sheep 1,200 . . . . Hogs 2.300 1 , < 00 KANSAS OITT , April 9. Receipts and ihlpments of live stock for the past 24 lours hava been as followm Rec'ts. Bhlpm'tB Cattle 700 Hogs 1,400 Sheep 421 MISCELLANEOUS. pedal Dispatch to TUB llu. _ BRITISH GRAIN TRADE. LONDON , April 9. The Mark Lane Ex press , In a review of the British graft if the past week says. "Tho tupply is re strlctod , although it exceeded the demand Prices everywhere are falling. Foreign Is stagnant and prices 15d lower. Cargoes in large supply , 28 arrivals and 2 sales. Forward trade is neglecttd. Flour de clined Is ; foreign fljnr depretsed and 6d@ la lower. Maize cheaper ; mixed Ameil- can Bland lower. Bar lev In good de mand and prices nominally unchanged ; foreign barley slow and Bales steady. Oats generally unaltered ; foreign oats dull throughout. S lei of English wheat dur. Ing the week , 57,733 quarters at 45s against 31,325 quarters at 45s fid the corresponding period of last year. OMAHA MAKKHITB. Wholesale Prlcx * . OvnoB or Tni OMAHA BH , t Monday Evening , April 9 , J The following are the only changes re * ported in the market to-day : Wheat , cash No. 2 advanced lo ; cash No. S declined Ic ; rejected declined So. Barley , No. 3 declined 3c. Rye , cash declined } c. Corn , new mixed declined Ic , Ojtts declined lo. liocal Grain Dealings. WHEAT.- Cash No. 2 , 85o ; cash No. 8 , 70c : rejected , 47o. BARLEY. OashNc , 2 , G3cj No. 8 , S9o. S9o.RYEOaah. RYE-Oaah. 42c. NEW MIXED CORN-860. OATS I6j. BEEDS-Blnn RDS * seed , 125@150 ; t'tnothy reed , 2 10@2 25 ; red clover seed , 9 00 ; wlilto clover seed. 13 00 ; millet seed , I 00 ; Hung irUn seed , 1 10 ; orchard grass need , 2 50. Produce and Provisions. POTATOES-40@BOo per trashel. ONIONS 40@5Uo per bushel. BUTTER -Choice Country , 13o. EGGS-e'resb , 15@16o. HONEY Oallioraift , perlb , 21. APPLES Per barrel , 2 253 25. OYSTEllS Plait's select oysters , 45o Standard , 3 ; mediums , 30 ORANOES-Meiulna. 3 75@$4 25. LEMONa-84 00@4 50 per box. BEANS Navy per bushel , 2 75@3 00 CHICKENS -13@14o per Ib. TURKEYS 14o per pound. Qrooora : CANNED OOODS Oysters , 2 Ib ( Field's ) , per ease , 94 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) par case , 2 75 ; do 2 Ib ( Qtandard ) , par eaae 390 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 40 , raspberries , 2 Ib , per ease , 8 60. Danv ions , 2 Ib , per case , 2 45. Bartletl peart per ease , 240. Wbortleberrlei per case , 275. Egg plnnu,2 Ib perchM,2 90 ' Urwm gages,2 Ib per ease , 2 90 : do choice , , , Ib p r case 1 60. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per case 4 00@5 76. Peixhes , 2 Ib per ease , 8 00 do 3 to. case , 4 00@4 60 ; do , ( pie ) , 8 tb , pei ' oa ; .2 0 ; do pie. 6 a , per down , 9 80. FLOUR Jobbing prices , Jack Frosl Bt. Lonls winter ) $3.75 per 100 lbs.Topek ; Patent Kansas , 3 60 ; Minnehaba Mlnnatwta Patent , 83 75 ; Sbawn * fan \ winter , 93.10 ; Eagle , XXXX winter tor , $ J.76 ; Triumph spring , best , 2. 75 Christian's superlative , 3,80 : bran , pei ton , glG 00 ; chopped feed , 918 C0@25.00 ; Queen E e flour , pee sack , 3 25 ; Nellie Ulve , iwr nark , 290. L \RD Omaha RefiuInlnsrOo. : Tierces , 12 ; 40 and 60-lb cans , 12Jo ; 20-lb cans I2flo ; 10-lb nails , screw top , 12o ; C-lb do , 1'JAo ; 3 Ib do , 12jo. RICE Louisiana prime to choice. 732 8c : fair. 7. . < flric ; Patina , { 3. FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls , B 75 ] No. 1 mackerel , kits , I 00 ; family mack. erel , half brls , 4 76 ; family mackerel , kits , 85ciN,9l ; ? hlUj fisu1" " bris , 6 00 ; No. i ( MifVE C.-Rlo , lair , HB7 IClo , good lljc ; iirln * to choice , 12 to 124s : Old eov'l Java 18o 2tc. SUdAlW fowdered , lOc : Cut loaf JOe ; Granulated , flo ; Confectioners' A 91o ; Standard Extra O , 8c ; Extra O i , , , , . " 8- 8- ! aJ Standard do , 4 } gallon kegs. 83 05 ; Btan. dard do. 4 gallon kegs , 81 95. SODA In Ib papers , J3.30 per case ; keg sod ft * SjC * NEW PICKLES Mdium , In barrels 1700 ; do in half bbU , 4 00 ; i malls , In bbU 900 do , In halfbbls , 600 ; gherkins. In bbU , 11 00 ; do , to half bbb , fl OO. BTARCa-Pwl , 40 | fjflver Glow 9 } : ; Corn Starch , 9j | KxcclslorQIoas , Jo l Corn , 7c , TEAS .Uunpowdor , good , 45@55 ; Obclce , C0@75o ; Imperial , cooil , 40 450 ! ObMcie , 60@75c ; Young Hyson , good , 86 © 60c ; choice , G5c@81 00 ; Japan hat Loaf , SCi Japan , choice , 60@7Co ; Oolong , good , 85@40 ; Oolong , chnjte , 40@6K | Bonobong , ( rood. 3 , " ® 10o : choice. 85(9400. ( ROPE Sisal. A Ineh and larger , lie ; S Inch , Hit ; i Inch , 12o , WOODENWARK Two hoop palli , 1 76 ; throe hoop palls , 3 00. Tnbi. No , 1 , 8 50 ; Pioneer waihboards , 1 55 Double Crown 2 90 ; Wellbuokets , 860. LEAD Bar , 81 66 VINEGAR Puie tpple extra , 18o : pure npple , ISci Piutung pure aunle , ICo. SALT , Dray loads , per bbl , 1 70 ; Ash- o n , In sac ks , S 60 ; bbls dairy 60 , 5s , II f.O SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 345 ; Kirk's latlnot , 3 60 ; Kirk's standard , 8 75 ; Kirk's white Russian. 525 : Klrk'a Eutoca , 216 Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes ) , 40 ; Kirk's magnolia doz. , POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 1 cano , In case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 dot. In case , 1 90 : Anchor Ball 2 doz in case 1 60 , PEANUTS Roatted , choice , rod Ten- nessco , lOo per Ib ; fancy white , lOJc perlb ; raw white Virginia raw , 10c ; roasted 12e. CANDLES Boxes , 40 lbs,16s. 16c ; Bn , 15Jo ! txxos 40 IDS. , 16 or. , 60 , ICjr. MATOHEb Per caddie , 95c ; round , oaios. 8 10 ; sauaro , OMM , co 4d. MKATS-Hams per Ib. , ISJe ; bacon per Ib. , 131 < j ; clear side bacon per Ib , , 11 jc ; dry salt fines per Ib. , 9o : drv salt lioul- dors per Ib. , lOJc ; bacon shoulders per Ib , , 8o : tierce lard per Ib. ; lie. SPICES. Pepper , 21 ; Alhplca , 18o ; Java , 261ilb,2 ! Mocha , 28o : Arbucklo'i 14o. 14o.OHEE3H Fnll Cream , 14o ; Part Bklm , 10o. LYE American , S 40 ; Greenwich , 8 40 ; Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' ' lye , 4 6S ; Jewell lye , 276. FEED Jobbing prloas , Chop feed 81.60 per 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , 81.10 ; bran , 70c per 100 Ibs. HOMINY-New 84 OOper bbl. Dry Qoodi. BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 8c ; Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Ho ; Boot , FF , 8c ; Buckeye LL , 4.4 , 7o ; Cabot W. 7io ; Chlttonango A , 6Joj Ureat Falls K , 8jo ; Hooslor , 6o ; Honest Width , 80 , In dian Head A , 80 ; Indian Standard A , Indian Orchard d. w. , 8Jo ; Iiawrenco ejo ; Mystic river , 7io ; Pequot A , 8 Jo ; cohawmnt LL , 4c ; Utloa 0 , 6lc ; Wachns- ett B , 7Jo ; do A , 8c ; do E 48 , 12c ; Wai- Sitt BB ! 8Jc. FINE BROWN COTTONS Allendale M ; 7o ; Alligator 8-4 , So ; Argyle 4-4 , 7Je ; Atlantic LL , 6o ; Badger State X 4 , 7c ; Bennlngton 0 4-4 , 6Jo ; Buckeye B. 4.4 , 6icc Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 8oj Laoonla O 89 , 8c ; Lehigh E 4-4 , 9c ; Pepperell N SO , 7c ; do O 82 , 7ic ; do R 86 , 7 c ; do E 39 , 8o , Vooassot 0 4-4 , 7 c ; Wamsntta 4-4 ISo BLEACHED COTTONS Androioog rin L4-4,9oBh ; okstoneAA Imperial 8 Jo ; do do half bleached 4-4 , 9o ; Cabot 4-4 , 8J ; Fldellty4.4 , 94oVruit ; of theLoom.91 ; do ean.brlo4 ,12jodoWatorTwist,10cGreal ; ; N Q Twills , 1340 ; Pocahonta * 4-4 , 9Jo Pocasset 4-4 , 8Joj Utloa , tic ; Wamsntta O X X , 124c. DUCKS Colored ) Albany B brown. 8c ; do O. drab , Urn do XX stripes anc plaids , 1240 ; do X"K brown and drab stripes and plaids , 13&c ; Arlington fancy IBrOo : nnswlck brown , 840 ; Chariot fancy 124o ; do extra heavy , 20o ; Fall Rive brown , extra heavy , llic ) Indiana ' brown IRni Neoonset A brown. 15o TIOKliNUa Aiuoskeag A O A 8 19o ; do XX blue 82 , 1840 ; Arrowanna 9ic ; Claremont B B,164oi Conestoga ra tra , 174ci Hamilton D , llio Lewiston A 80,15o ; MInnehaha 4-4. 20c ; Omega rape extra 4.4 , 28o ; Pearl Blver 82,16fc ; Put nam XX blue stripe , 12o ; Bhetucket E 104o ; do 88 12o : Yeoman' * blue 29 , 9o DENIM8. Amoskoak , blue and bronn lC4c ; Andover DD blue , ISJcj ArllngX bine Scotch , ISJc ; Concord 000 , blue aw brown. MJcido AAA , do do 134 ; do XX to do do 1440 Haymaker1 * blue and brown , "icj Mystic River DD atrip * , 16Jo ; Pearl iver , blue and brown , 16o | Unoasf IUe , blue and brown. 144c. „ OAMBRIO8 Bamard , > Wo ; Eddystone lining , 24 inch double lace , 840 ; Garner A glazed , 5Jo [ Manhattan glove finish , BJo Newport do 60 ; do glazed , BJo ) Pequot do 60 : Lockwood kid finish 60. a. CORSET JEANS Amory , 8oAndroa | coggin utteen 8Jo ; Clarendon , 6Jo ; Cones oSca satteens , 71o ; Halloweli , 80 ; Injdl Orchard 74o ; Narr > gan ett1lmprovedo Pepperill * attfien 94o ; Rookport , 7Jo , PRINTS Aliens , 64o : American , Bio ; Arnold , 7o ; Berwick. 4lc ; Cooheco , To ; Oonestoga. 64o ; Dunkirk , ; Dunnell , 6J@7c ; Eddystone. 7o ; Gloucester , 60 Harmony , Bio ; Knickerbocker , 640 ; Mer ri ao D. 7c ; Mystic , Bioi Birarues. 60 Southbrldge , 6c ; do. Gingham * , 7o | Marl boru , 65o ; Oriental 64c. GINGHAMS An keag , 8Jj | Argyle lOioj Atlantic , 9o ; Cumberland , 74oj Highland , 74c ; Kenllworth , 8c | Plun- kett , 8\o < Humx , 8c COTTONADE8 Abbervllle ISJc Agate , 20o ; American , llo ; Artlsian , 30o Cairo D and T , 184c ; Olarlcu D and T' 17io ; Deocan Oo. stripes DandT , lOo ; Keystone stone , 1343 ; Nantucket , 19c : Nonpareil ICe ; Ocean D and T , 1340 : Royal , 1641 Sussex , 12o ; Tloga , 12ic ; Wachusett shirt in shocks , 12Jc ; do , Nankin , 134o ; York plaii * Nankin. 12Jc ; dochecks , stripes and fancy , 12Ao ; do. 8 oz SOc. SHEETINGS-Androscoraln 10-4,374o do 9.4 , 23o ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental C 12 , lie , Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; New York milU98 , 35o ; do 78 , 80o ; do 68. 224o Pembrjke 10-4 , , 2Te ; Pequot 1C-4 , 28io , dc 74 , ISo do 49 , IGc ; Pepperell 96 , 29o do 67. 21cdo ; 67 , 18c ; Ut'ica 96 , 860 ; dc 58 , aaic ; do 48. 17n.Dru Dru s. DRUGS AND OiKMIOA LB - ft.cld Carbolic , 50c ; Acid , Tartarlo. 55o ; Balsan Oopnbia , per Ib , 70o ; Bark. Sassafras , pe Ib , IS ) ; Calomel , per Ib , 75 ; ; Clncbonlriia per oz , $110) ) Chloroform , per Ib , 90j Dover's powders , per Ib , 81 25 ; Epson ; Salts , per Ib , SJc : Glycerine , pure pe' bl 80c > Lead , Acetate , per Ib , 22 Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal , PL 25 Oil , Castor , No. 8 , per gal , 8115 , Oil , Olive , per gaL 81 50 ; Oil. Origanum. 60 Opium , $5 < 0 ; Quinine P. & W. & R. & B. per oz , 81 85 ; Potassium , Iodide , per 11 II76 ; Balacin , per or. 40o ; Sulphate Morphine , per oz , 83 85) ) Bnlpnnr flon , per Ib , 4o ; Strvchnlne. oer oz. H tS. , Paint * Oil * and VarnUhM , OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon 12o ; 160 * headlight , per gallon 14o : 175 * headlleht , per gallon. 19c S 160 ( Water White , IBo ; linseed , raw , per jrallon , (5 ; llnieed , boiled per gallon , 680 ; lard , winter str'd , per al Ion , 95 ; No. 1 , 85o ; No. 2 , 76c ; castor XXX. pr gallon , 1 25 ; No. S , 115 ; sweet per gallon , 860 ; iporm , W , B. , per gallon 1 76 ; fish , W. B. , per gallon , 76i ; neatsfoot extra , per gallon , 90o ; No. 1 , 65o ; lubri eating , zero , per gallon , 80c ; summer , 16c golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 85o ; No a 10 : sperm , signal , per gallon , BOot tni pent itlne , per gallon , 65c | naptha , 74 , pe ] gall Ion , 18c : 64 , 17o PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omah P. P. . 60 ; white lead , St. Louis , pare , 6 ? ! < K rsellles green , 1 to 6 Ib can * , 20 Kroiicb zhio , gioen seal. 12o ; French zinc red seal , llo ; French zinc , In varnish ossi 20o : French zluoe , In oil wst 16o ; Ra\ and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12cj raw an burnt Sienna , 13ot Vandyke brown , -ft refined lampblack. 12c ; onacb black and I'ory black , 16o ; drop blw k , 16o ; Prussia blue , SOa ; ultramarine blue , 18cj chrra green , L. M , Ic D , , 14obllnd ; and shutte xreen , L. M. & D. , 14c ; Paris green , 18c Indian red , 15c : Venetian red. So ; Tiuca drtr , 22c ; American Vermlllod , I , & P. , 1H iC chrome yellow , L. , M , , 0 , & D O , , 18c yellow ochre , 9o ; golden ochre , 18 ; paten dryer , 80 ; Draining colors ) light oak , dar one. walnut , chestnut and uh 16c. Dry ° lnti Whlta lead , 8c ; French ( Inc. lOci Par whltelog 2ic ; wblUng gUders , 1J to > biting com1 ! , lie ; lampblack German town , lie ; 1/mpblack , ordinary , lOo ; Prm ilan blue , 56c ; ultramarine , 18o ; vaudyk b/own , 8o | amber , burnt , 43 ( amber , rai 4oslenna ; , born t , 4ci ri nna , raw , jj Pari * green gennine , 25o ; Paris green com 20o ] chrome green , N. Y. ' 20c ; ohron green K. , 12c ; vsnoUlloo , Kng. . 70ot ve ' 18cj Indlni wd , 10 rose pink , 14o | Venetian read , Ookuaoso UJci Venetian rod Am. , IJc ; rod load , 74 ° ) chrome yellow , genuine , 2Uo hrome yel low , K , , 12c ; ochre , rochelle 8c | ochre French. 2ic | ochre , American , 2c | Winter s mineral. 2ic ! lehlgb brown. 24oi ipnntAh brown , 24ct Prince's mineral So , VAltNISHES Barrels per gnllon. Furniture , extra , 81 10 : furniture , No , 1 , 81) ) coach , extra , 8140 : oaoh , No , 1 , 81 20 ; Dauiar , extra , 81 7A | atinn , 70o ; as- phaltnm , extra , 85o | shelln 93 CO ; bard oil finish , 81 80. Hide * futt , tts. HIDES < reen butcher' * hldts , 64 ' 7o cured G4@74o ; hides , green salt , dry flint , .ouno , 12.ai3oi dry calf and kip , 12@14c ; dry salt hides , sound , 10@llc ; green calf. wt. 8 o 16 Ib * . . 1112 < ; green call , wt. under 8 Ibs , per akin , 60c | green pelts , 60(0)81 ) 25 ; green lamb sklnr , 81 25@1 60j damaged hides , two-third rat * , cut scored and one grub , olaiued two. tLlrds rate , ) branded hides 10 per eent. aft Coon skins , No. 1 , 4Bo : No , 7 , 30o ; No , 1 20. ) No. 4 , lOc Mink , No. 1 , SOc ) No. 2 lf > o ; No. 8,15o ; No. 4 , 60 , Fox , , GOc ) No. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , b2fic | 6f > c ; short stripe , 40oi narrow itrlpeo broad stripe , lOo. Tallow 7o , Leatner Oak sole , 880 to 42o ; hemlock sole , ISo to 85c ; hemlock kip , 80o to lOOi runner , 65o to 60o ; hemlock calf , 860 to 120 ; hem lock upper , 23c to 2Co ; oak upper , 24c ; alligator , 4 00 to 6 50 ; oalf kid , 82@36c ; Grelson kid , 2 60 to 2 76 ; oak kip , 80c to 1 00 ; oak calf. 1 20 to 1 80 ; French kip , 110 to 1 6G ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 : rus- setts. 6 50 to 7 60 ; linings , 6 00 to 10 50 ; toppings , 9 00 to 10 60 ; 13. L. Morocco , 80o to 35c ; pebble O , D. Morocco , 85c ; slmon ; U TO to 3 00. HARNESS No I ar oak , 42c ; No S do , 89o ; Nc. 1 Ohio oak. 38o ; No. 2 do , 85c | No. 1 Milwaukee , 37o ; No. 3do S4o. Lumotr. WHOV.MALB. Wo quote lumber , latn and shingles on cars nt Omaha at the following prices i JOIST AND SOANTLING-10 ft. and under , 822 00 ; 18 ft. , 823 60. TIMBERS 16 ft. and under. 822 00. TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. , 823 60 ; 2C ft ,823 50 , 22 ft. , 826 60 ; 24 ft. 828 50. FENCING No , 1 , 4 and G In , , 824 00 ; No. 2T 822 00. SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common boards ) . 820 00 ; No. a , 818 00. LIME Per barrel , 81 23 ; bulk per ons .153 ; Cement , bbl , $2 25 Iowa plaster. bbl , 82 60. Hair per bu. 50o. Tarred felt 100 Ibs. 83 60. Straw board , 83 60. Heavy Hardware List. Iron , rate * . 8300 ; plow tteel , ipeola cast , 7o ; crucible , 80 ; special or.Uerman,6c ; Lkt tool do. 15@20 wagon spokes , set , Ji3 00 ; hub * , per sot , 125 ; felloe * , tawei dry. 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@86o ; axles , each , 75o ; eouare nuts , per Ib , 7@llc washers , per Ib. 8@18o : rivets , per Ib , lie ; cell chain , per Ib , 6@12o ; malleable , 80. Iron wedges , Cc ; crowbars , 60 barrow teeth , 4o ; spring tool , 7@8o ; Burden's R 3" : Burden's muleshoes. .625 BAUBED WIRE In car lots , 7 60 © 8 fid per 100. NAILS Rates. 10 to 60tf , 3 76. SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck shot , 82.10. Oriental Powder , keg * , 86.40 ; do. , ha kegs. 83.48 : do. , quarter keg * . 81.88 ; Blast Ing , kegs , $3.85 : Fuse , per 100 feet 60o. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812 Morri * Run Bloraburg , 812) ) Whltebrea * lump , 14 50 ; Whltebreast nut. 84 60 ; low lump , 84 50 ; Iowa nut f 4 50 ; Rook Bprlnjr 1700 ; Anthracite , 811 6012 00 ; Canon City , $7,00 per ton. Liquor * . ALCOHOL 188 proof. 1 25 per win gallon ; extra California spirits , 187 prool 125 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirit 187 proof , 123 per proof gallon ; re-dlntlllcK whiskies , 1 00@1 60 ; fine blended 1 60 © 3 60 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@7 00 ; Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 007 00 BRANDIES-Imported , 86 0016 00 domestic 1 404 00 , GINS Imported , 4 60W 00 ; domeitl 1 40@3 00 , RUMS Imported , 4 60 8 00 | New England. 2 00@4 00 ; domestic. 1 60(83 ( 50 PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY 1 76@4 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported per eas 1800081 OlAmirlMfl , oas * , 13000 1600 , CLARETS 'w ease , 4 6010 00 WINES Rh ne wine , per case , 6 00 ® 2 00 ; Oatavha , per case , 4 0097 00 , Olcara and Tobacco * . FINE ODT-In Beixtt - palls.-Hard to 75o ; Golden Thread , 70o ; Fountain , BOc , Favorite , 660 ; Rocky Mountain , 60ci Fancy , 65c ; Daisy , 60c. In tin foil Oatlln * O. 8. , 5 Ib boxes , per Ib 63o ; Lori- Ulard'i Tiger , 60c ; Diamond Crown , 660. SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to 33c. Granulated Blackwella Durham , 16 oz 46 j ; Duke * Durham , 16 oz , 46ci Seal of North Carolina , 16 or , 46 ; Seal of Nebra * ; ka , 16 ot , 88c ; Lone Jack. 4 oz , linen bag * perlb , 81.86 ; Marburg'Pock 2 oz , tin ; oll,65o ; Dog Tall 65o. , Wool. Merino unwa * ed , light. 14B16c ( | heavy.o , @ 181Bo | medium unwashed , light , 18@20 , rashed , choice , 82c ; fair , SOc ; tub-d - and w. , 28oi bnrry , blaokand ootted woo 2Coleu Horac * and Mult * . ; The market I * brisk and all grades are ' selling well at a slight advance In piicos. - The demand ( or good hone * axoeeds the supply conslderaoly. Price * range a * fol. lows : Fine single drivers , 8160. to SOO. ) Extra , draft horaas , 8175. ti 225. ) Common draft horses , 8100. to 160.j Extra farm hcrsoo , R110. to 125 , ; Common to good farm horses ! 890. to 8100. ) Extrn plnga , 860. to 76. Common plnga , 820. to 840. MULES. 15 to 154 hands ( extra ) , 8128. , to 150. ; 144 to 1C handt , ( ICC. to 140.1 14 to 144 hands , 1)76. to 100. ) 13) to 14 bands , 8W. to 75. TUTT'S : PILLS < SYMPTOMS OF A i TORPID LIVER Loss of Appetite , Bowel * costive , Fain In the lload , with a dull son- i nation in the back part , Fain under the Shoulder blade , fullneM after eating' , with a dlainolination to x- ertlon of body or mind. IrrltablUtr of temper , Low aplrlU , with a feel- l injr of navlnHT neglected aomaduty. , Wearlnea * , Dlizlne * * , FlutUrlni at ! the heart , uota before the ay * * , Tel- low Skin , Headacha ffoneraily over tha right eye , ReitleMnes * , with flt- ful dreams , uyhly oolonid UtiiM , , and andCONSTIPATION. . - TTJTT'S PIIjLiS KT * eipvrUUIr mdapted to such cniei. one iloie ef- fects aiiclt clmiiue or feslluK to atonUli tlin lufTerrr. , Tncy I ucrenae the A np tlt , anil can 0. the body to Take on Flesh , tliui Iho iy - . tein li nourUiiert , and by their Tniilo Action n the lIlKestlveOrKitiis. ICeir * er Blmr Htaalf are produrod , 1'rlco 'a c uu. ; I5 Murrny Xt. , IV. Y. Oo iia ! TUTTS HAIR DYE. OBAT ! Um on Wiimicrns change to a Quxunr , Diane by a iilnulo ap [ > llcatlun of tlili DrE. It , linporlnunAturnlcoldr. ArHln tnntsni'Oii - Ir. Bald by DniKirliU , ortuul | jy eiuriKoa kW ri-celi.tcf..81. < Kt. adft OfVICK , : i5 MITHItAT ST. , N. Y. : Cllr.TI"Tr > mtAI , Mili lil l hri illM u4\ dj V r | ll.t. Ipd .III U uilltil I U Ifc u > ii | > IUUJ u. J an ne or H. PHILLIPS TDK LEADING NEW YORK ) ; nt Oull and look over my new store and se rk my new goods. 12O7 Farnam Street. 12O1 Under thn manavemnnt nf Mr. Kallah. ; . DR. AMELIA BURROUGHS > OFFICE AND RESIDENCE , 0 > 1617 Dodge 8tf - Omaha , Neb ) OOlM hours Irom e to 10 a. m. , I to t p. m. TtUpboo * Wo. lit ajIn Dry Goods and Carpets. Just received , latest Novelties in SPRING DRESS GOODS , Jersey Cloths , Gorderette Suitings , Penzance Sackings , COLORS Electrique , Ox Blood. Navy Balck , Olive and Bronze Mixtures. New Sateens , 50c per Yard. OTJIR stock is now more complete than ever , It will certainly be well for you to seeour black and colored silks before purchasing , Hamilton Mixtures , at 18 o , ( ormor prloo , 25o , Hamilton Onthtnorea , at lli'jo , former prloo 22o. Atlantic Armonra , at 15 o , former prloo 20o. Nun's Veiling , 24 in , Wide , all new Shades , only 25 Cents per yard , TO-DAY , Wo plaoo upon our front Oontor Counter , 1 oa o , 60 pieces } SPRING DRESS GOODS , Stripes , Chooka , and Fancy Mixture * , at 10)0 ) per yard. They 'are good value ai 2Go Remember the Price , lOjjs. A variety of Fancy Goods , 26o per yard. Cost ? 5a to Import. Come now , if you want the best Bargains ever offered. L L IA. . IMI S , CORKER FIFTEENTH AND DODCE. STENCIL CUTTING , Lflcksmitiring , Bell Hanging , Saw filing , UMBRELLA. AND PARASOL REPAIRING. XV JTrueirjJOac. . 6h Btrcot. 2d Donr Nnrth of Didttc. . . . . Omaha. Npb. W. F. CLRK , " \X7" A T.T. T * A "PB1R. PAINTER , PAPER HANGER & DECORATOR Kalsomining , Glazing , AND WORK OF THIS CHARACTER WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. B. K. Oor. 10th and Douglas Street * . OMAHA. H.M. & M.Peavy . . . , AND Gents' Furnishing Goods , 1309 Farnam Street , ) . DAVIS BROTHERS , BLANK BOOKS Printing Inks , S T-A-TI O USriE : e. 5T. Largest and most complete assortment of blank books and office stationery in tie ! city. Bookkeepers are invited to examine ourStock BEFORE FIJRCIIASINti ELSEWHERE , DAVIS BROS1 , 16th Street Opp PoctOtfilM N. B. Oar Block of Fancy Stationary IB complete In ovoryrospact. EASTERN MARKET. Fresh , Salt , Smoked and Pried , at 0. CnWNEfcg , - - - 1716 Bnrt Stree Ch'IceCutj . ccmpetlt'on In prlcoanda thoroogh undcjatandloir ol ths busloesi elicited. mB-m-wMm GIBSON A UILEY , CARR1AOE AND WAGON FACTORY , CORNER TWELFTH AND IIOWARD STREETS , 3X73333. Particular attention given to Reppirlnp , Sttlifiotlon Guaranteed. . HORRIBLE ACCIDENT AVERTED. No Floods in the Missouri. And Every one Bnys of i JT. T H. T iTTr Tr S j 711 THIRTEENTH ST. . HEW & SECOND HAND FURNITURE , STOVESCROCKERY Tin , BlaBBware , Carpets and Household Sopplles ,