Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee.
Fnbll'bcd ercrjr morning , except San.
if. Tbe enljr Monday morning dally.
One Year. . . . (10 00 Three Months. $3.00
Biz Months. . 6.00 One Month. . . . 1,00
' 'FIB WEEKLY BEE , published every
One Year . $2.00 I Three Monthi. fX >
< Hx Months. . . . LOO | One Month. . . . 20
Newsdealers In tbe United States.
latfons relating to News and Editorial
matters ahonld bo addressed to tbo EuiTOB
Letters and Remittance * , should be nd
OMAHA , Drafts , Cbecka and PostotQco
Jrdcrs to be made payable to tbe order of
tbo Company ,
The BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Props ,
BDHA.N B , ANTUONV la now In Italy.
Her vlowi upon the hard fate of
American women will probably bo
materially changed upon her return.
PBEBIDKNT AnTiion'fl trip to the
aonth la hailed with enthaelaam by the
onthern press which compliments the
president by assuring him that a gen
tleman la always welcome at the aonth.
whether It la a crime to bo a woman.
That depends very much. Tj bo a
woman of the kind Lilllo trains with ,
In the words of a oelebratul Eogllah
tateiman , " 1s worie than a crime ; It
Is a blunder. "
JUDGE G ERBIUM la laid to bo a
man of energy and ambition. This Is
bad news for Mr , Hatton who will no
longer rule the roost and dispense
postmi.HtcrT.hlp9 , as ho did In the day
of the defunct Mr. Howe whose loss
he 10 slnoaroly mourned.
TUK Now York senate haa killed
the bill prohibiting the issue of free
passes to atate ( ulcer * , legislators and
jadjes. The railroads worked hard to
defeat the measure , on the grout d
that It Interfered with the generous
Impulses of their general manager- .
TUB death of Surgeon General
, Birnos la pointed to ai an evidence of
the strain npon the system of all ol
Ganoral Gufield'a medical advliers.
Ai Bliss still lives with hla check as
monumental aa erer , the argument
will not be generally accepted ,
ME KmrKK , who will bo rotnom
bered as the late lamented speaker of
the house of representatives , thinks
that John Sherman la the strongest
man the Ohio republican * , could non
Inate for governor. Kelfer's endorse
ment is the worst blow Senator Sher
man's candldaov h yet received.
' HAWAII haa asked permission for the
USD of our mints for the coinage of her
money. This la another Illustration
of the natural dependence of the Sand
wloh Islands npon thii country which
U their natural protector. Any ether
u powerful a nation In as close proxl
mlty to King Ktlaktua'a kingdom
would hare swallowed long ago ao
tempting a morsol. Americans are
atlsQed with filling all the tfflooa and
disbursing the revenues of the king
dom and paternally guarding It from
foreign greed.
TUK trial of the Phcailx park assas
Ins began yesterday In Dublin before
Judge 0 lirlen and a ipecial panel.
The separate Indiotment of Brady for
the killing of Lord Frederick Caven
dish shows that the government In
tends to leave no loophole f jr the oa
oaoo of the prisoners through any
technical defect In the pleadings. All
of the prisoners entered the plea ol
not gnllty , and the work of the prose
cntlon begins * to-day , Oiroy and
KaTanangh will bo the principal wit
A PETITION ia in oiroalatlon among
property owners on Sixteenth stroe !
praying for Its paving f com Farnham
to Izird itreot. This la A good move
and ought to carry. Sixteenth atro
ii rapidly becoming the great rotal
thorooghfare of Ooiaha. Within th _
last three yean stores and business
hoaaM hare driven nearly all dwell
lagi from the "treat , until from Dodge
tiMt to the creek there U an
almost unbroken line of build
ings devoted to trade purposes.
The onrblng and gnttering of the stree
last year greatly Improved Its appear
ance and Inereaaed the value of prop
erty along the line , while substantia
brick block * and solid stores attcat Ih
growing importance of ita trade. Six
teenth street ia certain to be the anp
ply depot for a largo section of th
residence portion of onr ci'.y. It i
Ir I already drawing trade from portions t
r Omaha , which , until recently , were
compelled to deal with down tow
business men. In addition i
is the great country thorougfu
from the north and west. For thei
reaiona it should bi paved aa quickly
as poulble , The nita who have Im
proved it are the men who nro petl.
tionlng for paving and their request
will receive due consideration. It ia
mush more Important that Sixteenth
street ahonld be paved at once Ihtn
that a pavement should be laid on
Ninth street within the next\threo ,
To-morrow the city government
changes hands. Mayor Boy d w 111 lay
down the ofllco which he has admin *
istorod for the past two years , and
hand over his duties to Mayor ChaaO.
In the other executive departments of
the city there will bo no change.
Durlrg the past year wo have had ,
for the mcst part , an excellent admin
istration , so far as the business affairs
of the city have been concerned ,
There has boon no jobbery , The city
officials have been clean handed ; the
contracts bavo been well lot , and , ao
fir as wo can learn , honestly carried
out. The general business has been
well administered and the financial in
terests df the city cart folly guarded.
The only place where there has boon
fanlt to find Is in the police depart *
It will bo hoped that the change
ll bo for the bolter , and that the
good work which Mr. Boyd has done ,
ao far as it relates to the business man
agement of onr city sffilr- , will bo
continued. Under his administration
pnbllo Improvements were inaugurated
in Omaha , and the people have pro
vided for their continuance. We want
all the Improvements that can bo had
with the means at hand , but we want
to pay for them only what they are
worth. Wo want honest measure
ments of contracts , tquaro work and
substantial materials. And to oniuro
all these wo want a city government
that will exercise a watchful supervis
ion over the expenditure of every dollar
lar disbursed from the treasury.
The finances cf Omaha are now In a
first class condition. Our taxation per
capita is lesa than in any city of onr
slz ) in the country. Daring the last
two years oar bonds have been placed
at unusually favorable terms in the
eastern markets , and there la every
reason to believe that these conditions
an bo improved on in the future. Our
rodit la now high , Wo want to main-
aln tt.
The ohangea in the council are more
weeping than in any ether deptrt-
mont of the oily government. The
omlng council promises to be a good
working body. The newly elected
members are , with scarcely an oxcop-
Ion , able and roipected citizens and
radical men. Six of the
) Bst members of the old body
hold over and the president of
he old council haa secured an
lection to the now. Wo can con-
dontly expect earnest and solid woik
rom the now body , and wo believe
hat the interests of the city will not
offer at tbolr hands.
The coming two years of the now
dmlnlatratlon are llkoly to bo of nn-
omrnon Importance to our city.
) maha gives every promise of being a
argo'and substantial metropolis , the
utnro distributing point c f the tram
atisonrl country. All onr public Im
provements must be made upon thia
lasts , There must bo no more tern-
> orary tinkering with onr atreots.
iVo want no more wooden sidewalks
aid down in the business portions ol
Jmaha. The fire limits ought at once
, o be further extended , and the bold
ng of frame stores and honsea
topped in the contra ! section of onr
city. With cities aa with men noth-
ng succeeds ao well aa anccotr. And
the rapidity of the future growth ol
Omaha will bo largely dependent nbon
; ho manner in which her present de
velopment la handled.
TUB now council ahonld order the
Immediate paving of alloys in the bus
iness portion of the city. That would
include all the alleys between Howard
and Djdgo and Ninth and Sixteenth
streets. There will bo no use In at
tempting to keep our bnilnota atreots
clean as long as the alleys rtmain the
sloughs which they now aro. Erory
oad teamed from the alloys will drag
out more mud than a well organ-
sod street cloanlug brigade could
take care of. B aiac > , there
s continued complaint from
onr business men of the damsgo to
tarses and wagons canted by the
filthy and boggy condition of the
It will not cait the city a cent to
have the alloys thoroughly and anb *
atantlally paved. The coat will fall
entirely upon the abutting property.
Aa onr alleys are only 20 feet wide
and onr lots 22 feet long , the cost wll
be trifling. Each property cwnerwll
be compelled to pay for something
lesa than 25 yards of paving
and ho will have five years In whjcl
to pay for the improvement
Stone la the only material which
ahonld bo uied for paving our alleys
In the first place the sewer sjatem
which will require oooislonal repairs
runs dawn them , and a block pave
ment Is the most cosily torn up and
replaced. In the second plaae there
Is more heavy teaming done in the al
liyithan on any one portion of on
buiinesi streets. Stone is the only ma
terlal that will fill the reqnlromeUi
THE fight of the Illindi Oantral for
a 'mlsilon ' into the Iowa pool has been
coessful , and after Mi ; lit Its line
b way of Sioux Olty will be accorded
its proportion of prtfi a and tr , ffij. In
railroading competition does not long
TUB new o't/ council will be com
posed of the following members.
First ward , Thrane and Kaufman
Bwond ward , Bjhm and Uaacall ;
Third ward , McOackln and Il-dfiold ;
Fourth ward , Dunham and Murphy ;
Fifth ward , Loedor and Wood worth ;
Sixth ward , Biker and Anderson.
The first named conncllmen in each
ward hold over frnm the last council.
THB practical consolidation of the
Wnbtsh Pacific with the Missouri Pa
cific ia a significant fact to the history
of railroad development , and it de
serves the careful consideration of
these who think that state control is
able to distato the conditions of rail
road management. Wo take it for
granted that all deslro to see the rail
roads succeed , and any state legislation
which would prevent the ancceiefnl
managements of the roads in this
state would bo an injury both
to the corporations and to the
commonwealth. Yet here Is n
Klgantlo railroad fljatem , with 3.G03
miles of road , running through fertile
districts in four rich and growing
states , which no management has been
able to tnako a success of , simply bo
canto , big as it Is , it is not big enough
to hold ltn own In its location against
the rivalry of larger and better equipp
ed corporations , andlhro was absolu
tely no cholon between merging it into
the Mlosonri Pacifies ; stem or running
iK Into the hands of a receiver. Foil
There is a oreot deal of practical
bosh In these comments upon the con
solidation cf the Wabash road with the
Missouri Pacific , Every railroad
manager knowa why the Wj-
bash Pacific has not paid. The
road has been worked by gigantic
stock jobbing operations , its capital
eaten np by constructions rltti , its
stock morcolessly watered and ita
earnings weighed down by snob nn
neceiaary leasing of worthless feeders
that all the poollnp and consoliditing
over devised cannot redeem It , or
make it pay a decent income on Its
took. There haa been no lack of
money made out of the Wabish sys
em. Tao trouble is that it has gone
nto the jeans of stock jobbers and
not Into the pockets of its stock holders.
.1 the minority of the stockholders oi
ho road could toil their story through
the press it would very soon show how
ho most profitable properties can be
landicapped by fraud and bled by
iharpora. It is the silliest nonsense
or any journal to pretend that the
Allure of the road to pay on its prea
ent basis is an argument against rail
road legislation. Tao same principle
would condemn all mining as
unprofitable because wild cat
companies fall to return hand-
aome dividends wh'lo ' building up
.ho . ptivnto fortunea of their dlshoneal
managers. It Is such instances rather
which furnish the strongest of argu
ments In favor of the legal restriction
of railroad management by the passage
of laws that will forever forbid the
reckless stock joggling which la at
onoo the ruin of "Innocent Investors' '
and a burden upon the people , who
are taxed to pay for the crimes of the
railroad kingr.
THE Hon. Ft ink Hatton haa achiev
ed distinction a an early age. Ho haa
been appointee postmaster general of
the Uatted Btatti to act aa such f jr
ten days. His term of tflhe will ex
pire April 15 , but before that time he
may startle the whole nation. Chicago
Neics ,
T jo man of mlgty cheek at the head
of the poattffio may startle Ohicago
and all the rest of the nation by an
other proclamation , but wo will wager
a silver dollar against a brass button
ho will not startle the country by re
Judge Howe was a Unitarian.
Mine. Hlatorl It 65 and utterly broken
down lo health.
Cockling * ' curl haa been clipped , as well
as his poll. leal wings ,
Mr * . William K. Vanderbilt used to do
fancy work tor a living.
Jenny Llnd it not afraid to tell her age.
Shoaokuowledgra being 00.
llevlvallat llmlson cleared $100 a week
iutbe DeoUur , III. , vineyard ,
Mm D.tvH Davis starts married Ufa
with twelve dozen pair ol ( ilk
Osier , of Vermor , twalbwed leadtn ih t
tn cuie him ol bolls , lie now tleepj under
the wllluw.
Genrge Fracclilram called the Van-
dei bill maiqiterad r * "Bogut cbromo *
dancing * JU. "
Mr' . I'realdent Tyler dresses her hair
prcclitly as she did when a young bride in
the White House.
8 ven yean ago Mr. Bel ) , of telephone
famr. WM a pocr mm. Nuw he Is said to
bewoith O.OOJ,0.0.
El-Secretary ( 'olumbtu Delano Is ipend-
log hit nld age In luxurv on hU Utgsaheep
farm In Koox county , O.
Tabor says the people art ) getting along
very well under tbo operation of the new
tantl. Ii COM Into elleot July 1.
Americana who have icen Pope Leo
XIII. uy that there I. quite striatog N.
xmunUnoa between him and Mr. William
M Ev.rU.
Toe wlitow of the late Capt , De Long , of
arollo fame , Ii 18 jeara old , petite , baa
light brown hair , hazel ejes , and Is a very
pietty w mm.
It U not gnr llv known that the Cans.
dUa I'rophot WiKKin * , before he let up in
t * < e ptvpnecy buiioeuWM a groier la East
Oranvr , N. J.
Ex Tr aaurtr Spinner , at the hale old
ge ul 81 , U enjoying life In Florida. Hn
fools the fiitt eveiy time by using bit auto
graph to bait bis book.
MO. Dingier , the new chief of worVi on
the P n m canal , whu ba arrived at
Mstit | , Ii > aid t < > he receiving a salary of
200,1 0) fran r , ur fMU.COO.
Mr * . E la K , Trader , who ipent 6100 .
000 of her own mo. ey In killing the
wounded soldier * durlagihe war , uowllvei
In poverty at Ashtvillo , N. O.
D. O. O. Urn junta , of rh rlotte vlll ,
Virginia , U the 6r.t person of color to apP -
P y for llc nie to practice at tbe bar ia
Virginia. The hc ne bun been granted
Mr. Smith , of Kncsai , fan been ineo si >
ful In ft ut agaltut deacon who bid
a Id : "brothen and ilstsis , Jet us pray for
O M. Smith and make a better roan of
Herbert Bpeneer Is a very punotoalmin.
ID bli boarding house the lidlts set their
wiitrhe * by hla comings and rolfifs. OBM
n a great while Mr. Spencer smokes a part
of a cigarette ,
Prince Leopold , of Hohen llern , broth
er o ! tbe Duchei * of Connaught. bait been
apprenticed to learn tbe tr.dn of a lock *
em I tb , In acenrdanLe with tbe custom of
tbe roy/1 family of PnuiU.
Matt Carpenter's son 1'anl , who once
dan ) , when B boy In Washington , that
when he grew up he would like to be a
coachman but supposed he'd Rot to bo a
'niter , Is now grown up and will be a
Mr. Berdard H'rnert August Adolth
Btrwlch wants 810.0CO cf Mis Kebec.a
McL-an , a Staten Island helresn. Ilede-
o'arni ' that she asked htm to marry her ,
: h t he consented , and that she alterwardi
lilted him.
Mm. lUbecca B rni , c lored , of Gam-
den , N .T. , claims to bo a granddaughter
of the queen i > f Guinea , stolen by slave-
traders eighty years aqo , helre-a to the
title , and entitled tn a large amount of
valuahli * lift wi h a firm of coast traders
in Africa. The state department haa
been consulted.
MrlUe Matcbe * , wbo.e ( kill ai a burplar
Ii known all oer the United State- , and
whose faces has graced several peniten
tiaries , Is handling a mallet and chisel In
the marble works of the Juliet ('on ) '
Matches In bookid for fifteen yean fjr a
bank robbery , In which she was the lesd-
ing figure , at Qa'iwhorg. ' about a year ago.
A British Diplomat on the Dynamite
Bp'.cM to the Chicago Uersld.
WABUINOTON , April 0 "Things
are gutting pretty hot in England , "
suggested the Herald correspondent so
bin friend , the diplomat , to-night.
"Yes , " was the response , "the sitna
tion is becoming decidedly Interesting.
It Is taking the shape I expected. 1
told you several weeks ago that this
Irish conspiracy was aa dangerous to
England as Nihlllim Is to Russia. Yon
thought I was an alarmist. Look at
Great Bltaln to-day. London is
most In a atato of slogo. The Q leen la
afraid to leave Windsor. Snipping
wharves and railroad depots swarm
with detectives. Guards are being
doubled at all public places. The
police for 03 Is being strengthened
throughout the kingdom. Strangers
are followed to their hotels and their
luggage ransacked. Dynamite facto
ries are being discovered on all sld s.
The people are thoroughly-scared. la
Russia in any worse condition ? I re
celved a private cablegram to-day. It
contains but few words , but thtir im-
pirt Is seriona. It sayi : 'Situation
frightful. Ao'.lvo preparations at
Horse Guards. Tough times coming '
That mrssago Is from a cool-headed
rran. I am disposed to think that the
situation is worse than the newspapers
Indicate. "
"How do yon think it will end ? '
asked your correspondent.
"Too Lord only knowa. Arrests
will be made until every British prison
is filled with suspects. That will not
stop the reign of terror. There are
desperate men at the head of this
movement. They will not turn back.
They will scruple at no bloody deed
This plot Is not of late origin. It hat
been developing for years. There
was comparative quiet in the Islands
after the passage of the Irish church
bill. The Home Rule movement , and
and the apparently peaceful agitation
of the Land League lulled the -ample
iona of the B itlsh government
Biaconsfield and Gladstone both mil-
understood the temper of the people
they were dealing with. They trifled
with sharp edged awcrda. English
rule in Ireland his never been secure
ilnco the Irish obtained a strong foot' '
tng in this country Here they are
free to plot against their hereditary
foe. They can Issue orders from this
point of vantage and find daring hands
on the other aide to excoate them.
A good supply cf money i at their
command here. The wild utte rances
of the Irish-American prea'i encourage
courage the ignorant peasantry
of the old country. Enplane
may manage to keep down the spirit
of lawlessness and rapine for a time ,
bat it will keep breaking out aa leas
as conspirators can meet safely in tht
United States and plan mlaohie !
against a friendly power. Ejg and Is
anxious for thia government to take
a decided atand on thia question. There
are some plain notes in ( Secretary Fro
llnghnysen'a handa now. He hardly
knowa how to reply to them. One
question is whether contributions for
ending dynamite to England for the
destruction ct public buildings are no
violations tf the neutrality law. This
Is cf more importance jjst now than
the extradition of men like Sheridan
and E an. 1 nnderatand there are
eminent lawyers in this country , who
are of the opinion that the receipt o
subscriptions of money f jr anch pur
poaoi SB llasa and Fm-rty rave abou
render them liable to the neutrally
lawj. England realizes that she can
never rest easy until there is some
way of mczzling Irish Amerlotns. She
will exercise every devise of diploma
oy to attain this result. "
"D > you think there is muohchano
tf net succeeding ? "
"I am afraid not. Your govern
ment haa nn decided policy on aucl
questionFrellnghuysen is timor
oua. Arthur hesitates on questions o
home policy , and can scarcely be ex
ptc'ed to take a firm grasp of Inter
national qiestlona. It would be dif
ferent if flic. BUI no were still aeoro
taiy of stale. He would hare an
opinion , and will enon-h to exprosi
U , and ca-ry the president and thi
cabinet with him. That opinion mlgh
not be favorable to Eigland , bur I
would force a settlement of the matte
one way or the othtr It must be
settled aome day. Other European
powira are Interested In It. None o
them feel aaf e while bloodthirsty con
splratora can obtain safe refuse on
these shores. Your atato departmen
will have aa much work aa it can ban
die before long. There sr
rumors in ImiJo clrclea that tb
Foniana are In Ie gno with the anarch
Ma of other nations. It is rather Bin
that ( hero should be disturb
ancei In other oiuntrloj at this par
ttcalar time. I have no doubt ther
Is a close alliance between the in
vluclbles of Ireland and Amerfci , th
communists of France , the socialist
of Germany , the nihilists tf Rn-ii
and the blackhanda nf Spain. Tiey
are all active now. T 10 proposed In
tornatlonal police system would bo an
inmenso thing for the crowned head
if Europe "
"In a previous interview you appro
bended uprisings In the Urge mann
factoring towns cf England ? ' '
"That danger U greater to-day than
ever before. Eogllah people are
worked np to it fretzy of excitement
A few more daye may wllneaa scene
of bloodshed in the manufactutlng
ittrlcts. Watch the cable dispatches.
Svonts are exciting now , but there
re worse to follow. "
The bono of contention among the
medical fraternity can no longer bo
onriderf d St. Jacobs Oil , slnco drug-
ists whoso voracity ia not to bo
oubttd , and eminent physicians like
A. A. Walte , of Pittafield , Mass.glvo
nd cnrroborato their testimony cheer-
nlly and without solicitation. This
peaks volumes. Providence ( R. I. )
Sherman' * Trip-
pedal Dlspatcn to Tui 11.
WAHaiNOTOH , April 'J. Ganoral
Sherman , when in Jane ho starts
pen his last tour aa commander oi
ho army , will not take ladles with
ilm , M he has almost Invariably done
hitherto , for bla proposed trip will be
Itogothor too rough a one for ladles ,
iomotlmea the party will travel oo
lorses , sometimes on mnloa , and
omotlmes in rough road wagons ,
/hlef Joatlca Walte , Jcstico Gray
and General Tidbull , and Oolonol Ba
con , of the penoral's staff , will be cf
he party. They will go first to De *
rolt , and thence through the north
ern portions of all the territories , In
cluding the outposts in Alaska. Re-
nrnlng , they will visit California and
ho Yellowstone park , They will not
start until after Sherman has attended
he graduating exercises at West
i and nm
Neuralgia ,
Sclstlcs , Lumbago ,
BPBAIN ! ! ,
torineu , Call , Braixs ,
Ani til olh-r bodll' uttM
and ptjoi.
nm cnn i BOTTU.
Sold t > 7 til Dncititl tad
Dei ! xi. lUrtctloDi In 11
Tui Chulii A.Vo 8lor Ce.
( B. . . . .n to i. Vx-I-r 4 Ct. )
Btltln , B * , C. 8. 1.
GOLD MEDAX , , PAR 8 , 1878
Warranted Absolutely pure
Cocoa , ( rom wble i the exceee
ol oil b > l been rrmored. Ithti
three times thestrenoth o
Cocoa mixed uleb Stircn , Ar
row Root or Sogtr , and Is tft-re
for * fr rcore e onomlcaj. It li
delicious , nourishing , strenrth
enloir , eully dlge-ted , ard ad. .
mlrsbly adtptcd for Inra Ids at
well aa for persons ID health.
Sold by Qrocer [ Everywher
W , BAKER&Oo. , Dor chaster. Mass
"By a thorough knowledge of tbe natural lawi
hloh govern the operations of digestion and
nutrition , and by a careful application of thi
Ine properties ol well-s. looted Cocoa , Mr.
Ipps has provided our breakfast tables with >
lellcately flavored beverage which may save at
many heavy doctors' bills It Is by the Jndlclom
isa of such articles of diet that a oonstlrnWor
may be gradually built np until strong enongr
lo resist every tendency to disease. Handredl
3f subtle maladies are floating around rureadj
to attack wherever there Is a weak point. We
may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping onr
wlvfswell fortified with pure blood and a prop
iriy nourished frame. " Civil Service Oaaeite.
Made simply with boiling water or milk Be d
n tins only ( | -lb and Ib ) , by Grocers , labeled
Homceopatblo Onemlatr ,
nt > ' Tjontlon. Plntrlnrd.
liOD and 1111 Dodge Street ,
anir 7-tne 6ro OMAHA. N B
Genius Rewarded ,
Oil ,
The Story of tan Sawing H anhlr-e
A'handumt lltt'e pimphtet , blua anil gold
covet will nume out ejgntlntt , will be
to a-y adult ponon cilllng ( or It. at any braveb
or lub-otfloe o' the Singer Mainfictar nCom. .
paajr , or will be Mil t > /mali , poit-paid , to aa/
p > r on llrlng at a d lUnee from our offlee.
The Singer Manufacturing Go. ,
Principal Office , 84 Union Square
Consulting and Civil Engineer
Breda ! attention to Snrvrilrg Town Addt-
t'oos ml LoU. Furn'sh'Dg E tlntatei cf Kxca-
Tail' n , Uskl' g M p > , Plaus , In ,
Removed from 1222 Farnam 8t to IOO Eo.
Fifteenth St. , opppllte PottofTlce.
Will op-o nn Uarc < 10th , a floe lot of pattern
b uuetsanilhiis , r b nt , rtc. Also I rgetddt-
tlonilo thjsioci of Hair Ooo s. C'tnprl.lnr all
th * rove tl'sof tr.e s * > on. 'Ihoohljr ile tile
lltfhi mil 1m ry i-cro In Omaha.
Repairing of all K nda Prompt
ly Done.
1C05 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
o ar IT'Bm
Office over Omaha Savings Bank.
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb.
And'Window Glass.
MAHA . . . _ _ . NEBRASKA.
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
Ground Oil Cake.
It la the best and cheapest food for clock of any kind. Ono pound IB equal
to throe pounds of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Oake in the fall and winter -
tor , instead of running down , will Increase in weight and be in good market *
able condition in the spring. Dairymen ao well aa others who use it can tea *
tify to its merits. Try it and judge for yourselves. Price $25.00 per ton ; no
charge for sacks. Address
o4-eod-me WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL 00. , Omaha , Neb.
M. Hellman & Co.
1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor. 13th
Druggists ,
W sij
in Pond or Free , Also direct Importers-of
Jobbers and Manufacturers of Fine
3E& S.
Agents for Jos. Schlitz' Milwaukee Beer.
Bottled and in Kegs.
214 & 216 S. 14TH STREET. - - OMAHA , FKB ,
Carpenter's Materials
Stair Railings , Balusters , Window
and Door Frames , Etc.
M1"'S 'V'ufor ' . e Mw J W0' U kinds of Mouldings , PUnlng a. ]
matching addrWloommnnlQAtl * Specialty. Orden from the country will b promptly efecWd
MOYKn ! Pr.orh
Frederio , Monroe Co , Iowa ,
0. E. MAYNE. * . Proprietor.
Has constantly on h td , a large number
of Horte * .
% Matched Teams & Single Drivers
re'C'Irtlon M II .
irsw and other Inlorm *
tlmsnt br mall on a/pllctiloj.
UsVJWX * IROJsVJD "Wj * . OMB. 1
FJrat-OlasB Painting and Trimming , Repairing Promptly Done.
1319 Harney , Oct. 14th , Omaha ,