THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. TWELFTH YEAR OMAHA NEB TUESDAY MORNING A PHIL 10 l 83 .191 DEMONS a 011 I ThoSupposiil assassins of Caven dish and Btirko on Trial in Dublin. The Court and Grown Not Only Confident but Certain of Conviction. The Indictment of the Jury and the Oharjjo of Judge O'Brien. Wholesale Arr'at of alleged Dynamitera in the Neigh borhood , of Cork. The People of England Thor- doared Though Not Seriously Hurt , Th" Harcourt Explosive Law Bkipa Tnrougo tne Com mons in Forty Seconds. Franco HurJs Deflanoo In the Tooth of the Allied Powers Adjoining. A General Variety of Foreign NOWB. THE DUBLIN TRIALS. Spiclal DlepUches tj Tui But. TUB TRIAL BECTON. DUBLIN , April 9. The court house where the trial of the Phuiniz Park awaaains is to take place was besieged this morning by crowds eager to gain admission. The authorities , however , only admitted the jurors celled in the case and fifty reporters and they were let into thu building at an early hour. Judge O'Brien , who Is to hear the case , took his seat on the bench at 11:15 : o'clock , when the work of swearIng - Ing in the grand jury was proceeded with. The prisoners , Brady , Kelly , Delaney , Oaffre , Onrloy and Fitzharrls , were brought to the court house at 9 o'clock and v ore escorted by a whole troop of dragoons. The counsel and solicitors for the prisoners who ap peared for thorn at the examination at the Ivitmalaham court house wore preaotit. JuJgo O'Brien addressed the special jurors , and elated that the crown would allege that Lard Fred erick Cavendish's murder was 1 no pirt of the crime as con- coctt > d , but ho was a victim to his presence in the park with Barko. Nevertheless all present at the tlmo of the murders wore responsible there for , i'ho grand jury then retired It IB selected from the special panel drawn from the residents of both the city and county of Dublin. There were very few claims for exemption from service. The grand jury EOjn returned with a true bill against Joe Brady , charging him with the murder of Lord Frederick Cavendish and Bnrkd and Brady were arraigned at the bar and plead not guilty. An application was then made for a pre sentment of the bill , as preparations are not complete. Tao counsel for thfa crown opposed a longer postpone ment than till to-morrow. McCano , Brady's solicitor , Htld : A. M Bulllvan would act for Brady If time was allowed him to get ready. Judge O'Brien said the trial must proceed to-morrow , If Snl ii van is not ready to take it in hand he ( Judge O'Brien ) would appoint some one to act for Brady. The case was further considered , the result be ing that the trial of Brady was set for to-morrow and Dr , Webb Adams was assigned by the court to defend the prisoner. Carley , Kelly , Thomas , Oaffrey and Fitzharrls wore next each arraigned separately and pleaded not gnilty All wore hold for trial. THE CUAUQE OF THE JUDGE. DUBLIN , April 9. Judge O'Brien Informed the grand jury that the cesa of the attack upon Juror Field would not bo called until after the ordinary business of the commission wa3 dis posed of. Addressing the special jurors , ho spoke of the importance and gravity of the Pbotulx park mur der caao. He pointed tothe exlotonoo of regularly organized stcrot societies hold together for the purpose of com mlttlog murder. Membora of such societies actually guilty of taking the lives of their fallow beingsand those gnilty of assisting and encouraging them , wro clearly guilty of murder. The latter were equally guilty with the former. But mere membership in the society , even though U might ba formed with a general object to commit murder did not necessarily make all members gnilty of that specific crime. If the Jury believed the evidence the orown would prodioo it was their duty to brlrg in a true bill against the per sons accused. He dwelt on the enor mity of the crime which had as if by magic brought a dark cloud over the bright favorable prospect that It Boomed was abjut to open for Ireland. The judge informed the jury that the crown would allege that the murder of Lord if'redoriok Cavendish waa not a part of the original design of the Pfccealxpark assassins ; that ho was o victim on account f f being at tbo tlmo In company with Barko. Tiio crown would claim , however , that all persona present at the tlmo of the murder wore responsible for the killing of Lord Frederick , and were therefore accessories beioro the fact ; that these who were not present ro responsible only for the mnrdor of Burke , which was a premedlted act on their part. Tao lives taken on ho 6th of May last were sacred and ar to the people. He had not , for his park , the least mliglviug that the jury would bo found faithful In the dis charge of their onerous duty. * Brady , In the dock , wore careless and defiant demeanor , as at the hear ing.The The grand jury found a true bill for [ il V mnrdor against Joseph and Liwronco ' "i , Win. Maroucy , Patrick Dab- ag n nnd Joseph Mullet. _ jnty-four arrests were made to day in the outskirts of Cork and L'moriok , and many Important doou- inonts Bcized , The authorities have Information there nro in the clly 2,000 Fenians who have no connection with the Inner circle. A farmer named Ilarto , In the Orusheon district , concerned In the murder conspiracy , for which eight yonng men were arroatod Friday , was captured while attempting to osoapo to America , The arroata are believed to bo for the ranrdor of Jastloo Her bert at O&stln Island. Tco man Dtasy , who was drowned at Cork Sunday evening , as supposed for political tenets , was killed in a drnnkon quarrol. CIIICAUO , April 9. A London dls- pitch from Dublin flays : Joe Brady , Timothy Kelley , Patrick Djlanoy , Thomaa Oillrey , Daniel Oarlcy , and Fitzhirris , known as "Stain Geol , " the men charged with the Phtonlx Park murdora and other crimes , who are to bo placed on trial tn dsy , were to bo conveyed from Kilmalnham prison to the Green street court house at 8 o'clock this morning , under a stroug escort of policemen. The government fools rather afraid that the fronds of the prisoners will attempt to rescue thorn. Special moaouros have been taken to insure the safety of the court building. Suspicious looking men who roaomblo Americans have hoiin scon in Phtonlx P rk and other parts of Dublin dur ing the last few days. Detectives are watching thuir movements closely. THE : DYNAMITE WAR. Special lilspitch to Tin D . MEASOKE8 OF DEFENSE. LONDON , April 9. Tne govern ment bill to be introduced in the com mons by Haiconrt relative to explo sives , provides that the maximum penalty for causing an exp'osion by which life and property la imperiled , shall bo life long servitude. An at tempt to cause an explosion , or mak ing or keeping of explosives witn in tent to cause explosion la made pun ishable by imprisonment of 20 yean , and the unlawful making of keeping of explosives under suspicions circum stances is punishable by 14 years 1m- prlsonment. All accessories to such crimes are to bo treated as principals. Provision la mttcle in the bill for the ordering of otliclal Inquiries into the Crimea specified ; for the arrest of absconding witnesses , and for searching for explosives. Penal ties are to bo inflicted Irrespective of the damage done by the explosive * . The bill also empowers the master of any vo&sol to break open any packages to search for explosives Tno act applies both to explosives proper and material for making them or to any machine or part thereof connected with them. The bill is Harconrt in introducing the bill said the nature of the danger it sought to guard against was well- known. Wo have to deal with an organized plan against all interests of society and with men who announce plans for wholesale murder and who ought to be treated an belonging tone no nation. Harconrt further ex plained the measure wonld bo a per manent one. He was convinced the danger was very Imminent. He wonld not atk the house to go further to night with the bill than the committee K ° - The speech was heartily cheered , especially by the tory members Asheton Gross said the oppoaltton was willing to assent to the bill in order that all Britlbh subjects at homo and abroad wonld know that law was no longer defiable with Impunity. He dented there had been further arrests of dynamiters. The bill was read the first time and taken up ia committee of the whole. It passed through the committee wi fa- out being altered. Progress was re ported amid cheers and the bill passed its third reading. The government IR much impressed at the prompt action taken on the bill as they expected it wonld bo considered longer in com mittee. The bill finally passed the commons and was immediately sent to the lords whore it was adopted with out delay. Royal assent will be re ceived by telegraph to-day and the act will become a law to morrow. 'J racy Gould , an American lawyer , applied to-day at the Millbank prison for an interview with Gillaghor , whom he wishes to defend. Gould's name not being on the roll of English law- yora , the governor refused him admis sion. Gallagher then asked Wm. Djvoton Smyth to defend him. Gal- lasher has made a statement to the effect that ho came to England on a tour and met Wilson accidentally. He accompanied Wilson to the latter's lodgings , Nolton square , being glad to meet a follow countryman , and had not been there fire minutes when ar rested. Wilson declares Gallagher was innocent of the contents of the box found at Wilson's lodgings. Ho says ho first mot Gallagher In Brook lyn , where the latter attended him in too capacity of a physician. Norman has again expressed a de sire to enter the witness box. The foot guards were ordered to guard Millbank prison. It la rumored at the Bow staoet po lice court that four more arrests have been made In connection with the re cent dynamite disclosures , The Pall Mall Gazette says there are six pris oners now confined in the Bow street station who are concerned In the dyna mite conspiracy. Charges will proba bly bo preferred against them to-day. Owing to the receipt of letters con taining threats to blownptho Liverpool postdlioe , great precautions have been taken to prevent the carrying out of such a project. All the steamers arriving at London from Cork are being searched for ex plosives , but thus far none have been discovered. It Is stated Norman has been acting some time in the service of the police. A police steamer was ordered to cruise In the vicinity of Woolwich arsenal day and night. A peculiar key was found on Whltehead , of African make , and is believed to belong to some tuagvzlno. A. M Sullivan , who received a warning fromO'Dono van Hoisa , writes that ho does not attach much Import- anoo to Ilosaa's threats. The Timot , in on editorial article , exprotses the belief that the prisoners arrested Thursday had arranged a plot to place quantities of nltro-glycertno in various parts of London and to ox * plodo it simultaneously. Ansbnrghp , who was arrested yes terday near Waterloo bridge , London , was arralngod In Daw street police court to-day. Ho Is charged with .bo- ing concerned in a conspiracy with Norman , Gallagher , Wilson and Dai- ton , already apprehended , and was re manded until Thursday. Thirty additional detectives have boon appointed for extra duty in Liverpool. The fire brigade has been warned to bo In readiness for any emergency which miy arise. The landlady at the hotel where Norman boarded has identified Galla gher as the man who called to her house and inquired about rooms for Nirni3U LONDON , April 9 A letter from Michael Davltt In published to-day in which ho further expresses hla nppoel tlon to the dynatnlto policy on the part of Irishmen , lie declares that such a policy is insane , idiotic and criminal. FRANCE- Special Dkpatcbca to Tin Dm. PARIS , April 9. Too Republlquo Francalso , replying tn the ivrticln In The Nerd Dautsobo Zaltung , of Ber lin , on the subject of the defensive alliance of Germany , Anstiii and Italy against Franco , boliovca that Bismarck iusplred . the article , and adds : "Tho republic will atlaok no one , but will mike Itself respected by all. To recommend the republic to the kind feeling of Europe aa the eolo safeguard against the supposed belli cose Instincts of Frenchmen is an outrage against the nation , and every Frenchman , whether monarchist or republican , resents the Insult. Watch u , form defensive leagues against us , but for God's sake spare us advice om- earning the constitution best suited to us , republic or monarchy. " The article is attributed to Ohal- learol Laconr , minister of foreign af fairs. * Too house of the mining engineer at Montceau Lea mines was damaged Saturday by an explosion tf a dyim mite cartridge placed near the build- fire last night. The Gimbotta monument fund lies reached $12 COO. Morton , American minister ( subscribed 5200. The police are keeping a cloao watch over a number of Russian refugees hero , who they suspect are connected with the alleged plot to take the Ufa of the czar at the time of hla corona tion. It la reported that some of the French detectives will proceed to Moscow on that occasion to assist the Russian poilco In watching suspected persons. _ _ _ _ _ RUSSIA. . Special Dispatch to Tus BII ST. PETERSBURG , April 9. The cz r , accompanied by the czarina , visited the city Friday , and passed through the streets in an open carriage. They were unaccompanied by an escort. The . czar Boomed unusually thought ful , and made scarcely any response to the loyal salutes of the public. The great trial of nihilists his be- gun. Throe of the accused are their own counsel ; the others retain law- yen. Inquiries into the accounts of the different ministries of the last decade disclosed facts of serious frauds per petrated. Several persons of distinc tion are implicated. It is expected the matter will be hushed. GENERA ! * FOREIGN NEWS. Sp cll p l Datcbet to Tni BII. Conrad , the murderer of his wife and four children , whose sentence of death Emperor William refused to commute , was beheaded In the prison court yard In Berlin. Bismarck has written to the Prus sian mlalstry asking an expression of their opinion In regard to the revival of the state council. The Ultramontanes are preparing for an imposing celebration , the twenty fifth anniversary of the con secration of the exiled arch bishop of Cologne. Bishop Horzog , of the old Catholic church , confirmed six young ladles of the American Episcopal church In Rome. Many prominent citizens of the United States were present at the Impressive ceremony , Including the American minister. Betting against Lorlllard's Iroquols for olty and suburban handicap is 25 to 1 Koeno's Foxhall is not quoted. Queen Victoria is making favorable progress toward recovery , She took a drive as usual yeiterday. Two active socialist were arrested In Vienna. A socialist manifesto was distributed throughout to city. Hugh Gladstone , partner in the firm of J. M. Gladstone Sons , of Liv erpool , committed suicide by taking strychnine. The deceased WAS cousin of Prime Minister Gladstone. Parnoll is confined to his house. It ii probably ho will not bo able to actively participate In politics for some tlmo. In the socialist congress in Copen hagen , a motion approving the pro ceedings Instituted by the nihilists of Russia and Fenians of Ireland and England , was defeated by a very large majority. In consequence of the success of Booth in Vienna , his engagement was renewed. LIVERPOOL , April 0 , Receipts of wheat the past week , Atlantio ports , 00,000 quarters ; Pacific , 19,000 ; other sources , 31,000. Receipts of corn , 58,000. April 9 , It Is feared that the fact that the socialist congress was held here will add to the dlffi- cnltles already existing between Prus sia and Denmark. The Prussian gov ernment blame the Danish ministry for their want of vigor In suppressing the gathering. GIHIVA , April 9. A fire which promises to assume extensive proper tions has broken out at Bourne near this city Twenty houses are already destroyed. TELEQKAl'H NOTES. Special IH i tchM to Tin B . Carver detente 1 HngarduiatNew Haven by n score of DC to 8'J Postmaster Gpnural Or. > sham lcf In. dlanapolls yesterday for Washington. Kx-Unl ed RUtea Marshal lUimell hi been placed In the county J ll at San Antonio - tonio , Texas. Nathan Barne'.t , democrat , was elected mayor ol Pnter otu Now Jersey , over Oil. more , republican , i-y C > 00 nnjorlty. Iho Utltlmotft colloo exchange was for mally opened -Mordaj-awl the first rocti * lar mil nmilo , 0. Morton Stewart to the president. Th i Flrmcntfh Grape Rar works nt Ik'lTalo clo ed down ) ottoiday. Three hundred and tilty hands are thrown out of employment. President Arthur anil party have reached Jacksonville , Flu. , on their way to Gariliur'a Island , where it ( a proposed to camp for n weak. The llnymond excursion party constat ing of 150 Ho tonl u , left Chicago ye tpr- dny via the K ok Island for Son Franciico and the 1cltio coast. The issue of nUmhrd silver dollars from thu inlntr , for thn week ending April 7. WAS $1GJ,4IX ) ; for the corroapondliiK pariuil hut year , $161,000. The American 15r ke company , of New lluvon , stopped n 228 ton train golui : nt a speed of 23 t1 30 miles nn li'iur on n level grndo in forty neound , or i25 ! yards. A terrlblo cyolouo swept over the coun try Houth nnd east of Hot Springs , Ark , Sunday night. Scarcely n tree was left. Farm houjof , loucoa and bridges were demolished. In the pap r Imoijo cnco of Ltzz'o ' G n- non v . Archbishop Williams nnd lY thcr Klf niliiK , In Boston , the suit ngi.lnat the urchh'HUop was withdrawn and tbo latter Ct lltlllllHll. The dominion government baa rejected ttu liUMt proposition ma.lo with reference to ttdrnfmlon of American whlakiaa. The ueoreUry of thu American Distiller's asso ciation lub left Ottawa in disgust. In the New England conference of tha Methodist Episcopal church , in Boston , It was recommended that the advocacy of temperance boknpt from entailing alliance with woman suffrage or othet sublecta. Dr. G. U. Manhal , 6f PltUburg , charged with attempting to blackmail Mar/ Anderson , the actress , was lastovenlmr and lodged In jtil in default of ball , for the bearing next Wednesday. Harry Me ett , a laborer , was killed In Elmlra. NY. . by the falling walls of a tbreo story brick building , burned a week ago. Alderman L'e'i , the owner , was liadly hurt. Six workmen were slightly in jured. Of the 37 cases of violation of the excise law on the calender of the court of general ( tensions in New Yorlr , 25 pleaded Rullty , 21 of whom wore find $10 oacb , three s-jnt to the city prison for 23 da ) e , ami the others plescl < ! lint gailty. The cisnrrnakers ot Pittsburg h vo de- elded to Kttlko May 1st lulexa thu mniut. ftioturors concede to their demand fo : nj Incrensa of 81 per thousand. Manufac turers say they will not grunt the ndvnncf. There are5CO clgarmakers In that city. ( Iljv Charlen Stick , pastor ol the Mes siah Evangelical Lutheran church , ol ban in contemplation thn vacation of tha. pulpit for the stage. Ho will probably make bin first appo .ranca there noine tlm * In Mav Steck U said tn possess consider , able histrionic ability. Sliadca of Mllnl Negotiations with Canada for the admis sion of whiskey In American packautti having failed , the Loui-vlllo & Nunhvilli nnd Ueorgla Southern railroads nre mak ing arrangement * to put on a line of vet- sols from t-t.macolrv to Bermuda no that It. can transport whiskey via PcnsacoU to Louisville at a minimum of cost. The Grand Army of the Kopnblio , de partment of Maryland and Washington , decided to participate In the annual re union of the society of the Army of the Potomac to bo held in Washington May 1C and 17 , and baa tendered the society an escort upon the occasion of Its parade , which has been accepted. The Atlantic Milling company , of St. Louis , Gonrge Biln , president , has sus pended. The embarrassment is caused by dull European mark ts , tha expense of In troducing new brands of flour In Eurnoe , and being overstocked with wheat. Lla- bilities , $50,000 ; asrets. two mills of 2 300 barrels capacity , valued at $400,000. They expect to resume at on early day. Thn buckle and button house of Wnllls- ton , Knight & Co. , 74 and 70 Worth street , New York , has made an > slgn- rnent. The firm rated aa having a capital of Sli 0,000. The failure it caused by heavy losses in epecuUtion by a young Junior partner , who was forced to withdraw tome time ao. An Englishman , named Wm. Menefy , believed to be a crank , called ut the Cen tral police station in Pittsbuw , and stated that he was one of the murderers of Lord li'ltram , and wanted to yivo himself up. He claims to bo a member of the Land Laigue , a nihilist and socialist , Washington and Henry Toblaa , two brothers , aged 30 and.20 , residents of New York , ere defaulter * to the extent of ? 50- 000 , the monev belonged to their late father's estate , They speculated some , but it Is said the money was principally pent in fast living , It Uthought they may be in Kurop . Five steamers fillfl'l with passengers ar rived last week at Victoria , J ) . 0. So far the immigrants bad no difficulty In finding employment. Two thousand Chinese will shortly arrive from Hong Kong , engaged to work on the railway before the con tractors knew white labor was available. No more Chinese labor will be accepted for railway works. The Striking Mnioni Spoclil Dlipttch to Tui Un. CHICAGO , April 9. There Is little change In the situation of the brick layers' strike in this city. Most of the master masons have a few men at work , and new men are beginning to come In from other cities. Strikers have begun the Intimidation of workIng - Ing non-union men. Bavenl houses have been visited and the occupants threatened with death if they go to work. Some of the men employed on the now board of trade building were threatened to-day , and a squad of po lice were sent to guard them. The Apaoha Campaign. SpocUl Dispatch to Tin 11 , TUCSON , April 9. General Crook has gone to Mexico to moot General Topeta. The Tombstone people have secured 100 Papagco Indians to go on the irar path against the Apaches. New Orleans Note * . Special DUpatch to Tui Uii. NTW ORLEANS , April 9. It is stated that a new jury will be drawn and an other batch of election fraud cases be called Thursday In the United States circuit court. The roar portion of the Third dis trict Is still overflowed from rain and thu high tide. The flow of water through Goldaboro crerauo is reduced and will bo entirely ohookod soon , The river to-day reached ilood height , 74 foot , and the water ran over the levee at several points Bund bugs were used to prevent the water from ( lowing Into the clly , The rainfall for tlm 50 hours ending at - p. m , was 1115 ICO Inches. Of the lOli deaths the past week 80 were from small pox. THE TEWK8BURY HORRORS , Starving Ineano Women to Sell Their Bodies. SptcUl Dlopitch to Tin linn. BOSTON , April 9 In the Towks- bury alms houeo huarlng to-day Mrc. Fanny II Dudley , formerly night watch in the asylum , declared that when she vltitod the fonndlliiRdepart- inont ho found insane vrom'Mi at tended by an odiot girl , who gave the women only ono a day , and this i'ilat girl otrriud It , but Instead of Hiving it to the patients threw it away. She took thn wnmon out , and they soon tla hod up aud became well \ woman named Mutjarot llonnossy , lu ono of the cnllr , said she had noth ing but water in ninoilayr. The Kr formed. Mormons SpccUl Dispatch to Tim llm. KniTLANi ) , ( ) , April 9 The fourth day of the Mormon reunion conference - once , Elder Herman Iloblnsou , of Iowa , conducted the prayer and re vival meeting in the forenoon in the tf mplo. At the afternoon seeslon of conference , President Smith in the chair , IVahop John Taylor , of London , Kngland , made a report of the work of the church In England , Wales and Continental E'iropu. The report showed about 8 000 members of the Uoorjanlzod ( Ohutoh nf Latter Day Saints In Europe , and 'J COO In Wales. The mlislons are prospering tinoly with prospects of the erection of sev eral uioro churches soon. Other re ports were road after which the con ference adjourned. To morrow night Joseph Smith lec tures on temperance. Tno conference will continue for five days. Guarding- Hanxeateail- Special IM'fttch to Tun llm. Sr Louis , April 9. A dispatch from Wichita , KB. , says that the recent appointment < if n government special agent to InvoAltgAto fraudulent land entries in K IIR O nnd the west pro- duooa a good deal of uneasiness among pro-ompuira in ihat section of the stuto. Many fraudulent entries are ruported tn Kinsman , Sumner , Har per nnd It irbanr counties , nnd cattle mun have acquired largo tracts of land for herding purposes which prob ably will not boar cloto aorutlny. High Llo mn la Jtrsnjr. Special DUpatcli to Tin Ilxn. NKWAUK , N. J. , April 9. All saloon nnd tavern llconsco granted Tuesday are void , as they do not com ply with f ho ) a < 7 in giving the location of tha real ustatu of the signers of the pt-tttlonn , nnd no Keen BPB can bo grontui until September next , OB the huv roquirni all applica tloofl shall bo made the first day ( .f the term. A rumbor of leading hotels rf the o U"'ry are thus without 11 oenio aud liable to Indictment If they toll. Fearing Innndatloa. SpocUl Dispatch to Tui lilt. ST. LtpiR , April 9. Private dis patches from Now Orleans say the city is liable to bo inundated if any of the front levees glvo way. The river Is now on a level with the crown o" the levee along the city front. The crevasse at G jlduboro on the right bank nf the river directly opposite Now Orleans will bo closed by this evening. Burned to Death- Special Dlsp tch to Tui Dm. MuiiFiiYBBono , 111. , April 9 The Logan house , the oldest hotel in th < city , owned by Mrs. Rogers , sister to General Logan , burned last night Mrs Rogers and two girls narrowj ! otcaplng with their lives. RV. . Swopa , a traveler for a St. Louis house , who is a Chicago man , was burned to death , Judge awrenoe Dead Special Dlapttcb to Tin Un OmoAcn , April ! ) . A private tele pram announces thu death of Jndg Ohas. B. Liwronco , at Docatnr , Ala . this morning. Do was nlno years a member of the Illinois Snprom Bench , and the latter portion of hi t rm Chief Justice. lie retired in 1873. A MOGUL'S MAHUIAGE. Tbo Genial General Ticket Agent of the 13 & M.Tlod forLifo. On the third of the present month , Mr. P. 8. Enstls , the well known and popular general passenger agent of the B. & M. was united in marriage to Miss Eliza Russell , daughter of Wil liam T. Griffiths , in Philadelphia. It was expected that the bride and groom would arrlvo homo yesterday , and accordingly their comfortable sulto of roams In the Mlllsrd hotel was put In shape for their reception. A HKB reporter caught a glimpse ofU seine of the presents which awaited : the brldo , and they were beautiful In deed. An exqiislto bouquet , of n30 hortio-Blioo design , occupied the spnco on the center table. It was of the most dvlicato and fragrant rosebuds with a lovely calla lllly In the center and on each side. This was an cffdr- ing from Mr. Eastis * admirers in helot headquarters building. Then there was a beautiful toilet sot of embroidered blue silk from Miss Eva L. Ives and a very handsome bovolltd plate glass mirror in a hand- painted velvet frame from Mrs. Syd ney K. Locke. dny Unfortunately the bridal company did not arrive as was expected , but > they will find the evidences of goodwill will and remembrance when they dc move into their quarters In the Millard [ - lard , which cannot but be plowing. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL The Otoo Indian Lands to bo Open for Sale About tbo First of May. Indian Agent Wiloox Baveo His Bacon by Qualifying a Recent Telegram. Important Postal , Revenue'and Customs Regulations Promulgated. A Minor Stnr Threntons to "Mn h Noio all Over His Fnoo. i > CAPITOL NOTES. Special Dlgpiktchta to Tin ! ! . TO1IACOO TAX UKOULATIiJiH. K , April 11. 'Iho crm- mlseiouur uf Interim ! revenue says the allowance of ixport drawback , under provisions t f section 3,1)8(1 ) ( of the re vised otntutis , on all tobicco , snuff , clears and cigarettes entered tor nx port on and alter the lit of May , 1883 , will bo limited to tax on the articles at this class In foroo on that day as fol lows : On manufactured tobacco , in cluding snulF , Scents per pound ; on cigars and olgurs and cigarettes weigh ing over tliroo pounds per 1 POO , $3 per 1 OCO ; on cigarettes weighing not over three pounds per 1,000 , 60 cents per 1,000. TUB OTOE KK9EUVAT10N , Senator Van Wyok has bean urging the interior department to order the immediate sale of the Otoo Indian lauds in Kansas and Nebraska , notwithstanding - withstanding the house of representa tives neglected to pass the eonalo bill , which was doomed necessary for a complete sale , The appraisers have finished their task , and valno the lands at from f 4 to $10 an aoro. Secretary Teller is satisfied that ho can protect all interests , and the sale will bemad * about May 1. EXI'LAININO A TELEdllAM , Indian Agent Wilcox , of the San Carlos agoucy , telegraphed Oommls sloner Price to-day that a telegram sent by him ( Wiloox ) March 27th , had been in souiu parts of the country mis- conutrucd ; that ho has boon made to say that the white men killed near the Upper Glla river were depredating , while in fact ho did Bay the Indiana who did the killing were depredating. The misconstruction of the dispatch , Wilcox says , does him great Injustice , and created intense excitement In Arizona. Hllll1 niJIUUNO MATKKIAL. The troutury department to-day mndoa ruling that the provlslona of tlm now tarilf act amending section 2,010 of the revised statutes took dleat from the date of the passage of the act. This section of the revised statutes , as amended by the now tariff act , provides for the free importation of ship building material to bo used in the construction of vessels built in the United States for foreign account. I A L1WYBU RKJ9IQNB. Il'ohard Orowloy ( of New York , re signed the position of special assistant counsel for the United States In tht prosecution of alleged election fraud cases In South Carolina. POSTAL KKOULATJONH. The following general order was is sued to day by the postoffioo depart ment , signed by Frank Hatton , assUt- ant postmaster general : Ordered , That order No. 403 of January 12'h , 1883 , is hereby revoked. Section 371 of the postal laws and regulations of 1879 , Is amended so as to road as follows ; Postal cards and prepaid letters to bo forwarded If re quested ; prepaid letters shall bo forwarded from ono postoflio to another at the request of the party addressed without additional charge for postage. All letters upon which ono full r to postage has been prepaid , and ( all postal cards , shall bo forwarded from the office to which they are addressed to any other oflioc , at the request of the person addressed , or of the party whoso card may bo npon the onvolipo or whoio name may bo signed tothe postal card , without additional chirgo of postage. Such forwarding muit bo continued until the party addreaied is reached. UINKK AKHEHTIONH In the star ronto trial to-day witness John R. Miner , ono of the defend ants , said : Senator Dorsoy ara mem ber of the railroad oommlttro and in the course of his Inspection of the Northern PaclGd railroad , iad boon impressed with glowing notbns of the possibilities of eastern Oregon , and thought bids npon the rortoa In that country had been workoi too high , Ono of them was reduced $3,000 by his suggestion , and the contractors lost more than that sun from their reliance npon his judgment. Specific denials wore made of nearly every thing of Importance included in Ror- doll's testimony affecting witness. Witness said ho fond Rordoll quar reled on thn avenue ono day , In the spring of 1873. Witness told Rerdoll that If ho over spoke to him again ho would "mash his nose all over his taco. " Ho had nothing to do with him after that titno until the trial be gan. Without concluding the exami nation the court adjourned. A LEGAL CONTEIT FOH A H1IAWL. Iii the supreme court to-day a de cision was rendered In an interesting custom case , involving less than four dollars , brought hero upon a writ of error from the circuit court of Wis consin. The o&so Is entitled "Maqda- lone VonCoUhausen against John , collector , and Henry 3It Payne , postmaster of Milwaukee. " Itn arises out of the following faott. In [ 1877 , Mrs , VonOotthauson received by mall through the Milwaukee post- office a sealed envelope containing itby small knit shawl sent her by her daughter-in-law in Germany , as 11a token of affection , The envelope | was duly registered and bore n n1 doisotnont statincr the nature , of tho- oo n tents. Mrs. VonOolzhauson open , 0 j the envelope in the collector of customs' presence. No attempt was made to evade payment of the proper dutyjor conoaal the contents. The collector refuted the preferred duty aud seized the shawl and confiscated U aa smujjulod goods , aud informed Von Odlzhanson she could petition the secretary of the treasury for leave to pay the duty and take the shawl , and that the extreme penally of the law would probably bo remitted. She , however , declined to pursue the conrte sigqostod , and brought suit against the collector and postmaster for unlaw ful conversion of property. In the first trial the jury found the above foots nnd judgment was entered for the defendants on the ground that they acted strictly within the lluo of their cfliolol duty. An ippoal was taken to the U.iltod States supreme court , and Justice Miller ren dered the decision as follows : It Is a violation of law to Introduce dntiablo articled at alj In this manner , ( by mall ) and thoartlcUsso Introduced urn liable to solauro for * uoh violation. Wo think that in making the nrlzuro the de- londants only did their duty , and whatever the hardships to the plaintiff they are not linblo In thin action on the facts found In the verdict of the jury. " I'lior. II. A. WILRY , of Purdue nnlvorelty , L frtyolto , Ind. , has been appointed chief chemist of the dopartmuut of agriculture. the Council. Special Dlnpatch to Tin llm. CHICAGO , April 9. Judge Moron , in the circuit court thin morning , granted ta temporary Injunction re straining the socialists from erecting a building on the lake front in this city under n grant voted by the olty coun cil. The injunction is aikod by owners of property facing the Like Front park on the theory that the city had no authority over the tract. The socialists , had laid the foundation fora largo ] assembly building. A Frofwior' * Deooni * . 8p \ cl l Dlipttch to Tui liii. ANN Annon , April O. Rsv. B. F. Crocker , author of numerous works on moral science , and a professor in Ann Arbor university , died last evening of nervous prostration. K. L. Crowell , of Philadelphia , father of Deputy SheHir Orowell , Is in the city , representing the Dunn EdRe Tool manu- fttctnrlng < company , of West VVaterville , Maine. Onlonol V. V. Ireland , H. II. Wodo- house . . , and O. W. Phillips , of Nebraska City , are at the I'axton. Willis Howe , wife and child , of the Palmer ilouso , Chicago , are at the Mil- Innl. Innl.J. J. W. llodefor and Frank Kodofor , of Council IMultj , were in the city yesterday. W. 0. Henry , F lrmont ; S. S. Starln and wife , Auburn , are at the Mlllard. A. T. Soammon , agent for Baker and Farrou , Ii % t the Millard. Will A. Gallap , of Plattsmoutb , was at the Mlllard yesterday. , F , J. Jl pp l , Jr. , of Lincoln , w s at , I th MUUrd yesterday. . J Dr. Elwood and lady , of North Brad. ara at tba rxton. " V. W. Oftumkn and wift , of Ogden , art ) at tha Poxton. Hon. O. J , DUworth , of Hastings , is at the Mlllard. II. A. 0 dy , of Lincoln , is a guest of the Millard. J. H. Pynchon , of Silt Like , Is at tha Paxton. H. W. Nioraan , of Sohnyler , is at the Mlllard. M. 21. Towne , of Ltromle , Js In town. J. N. Edwards , of Howard , la at the Mlllard. D. SwarU , of Crete , Is at the Mlllard. . J. C. Blackman , of Fremott , Is at tbo Paxton. Llbble Barnes , of Bennett , is at tht Paxton. A. French , of Blair , Is In the city. Hon. Tberon Nye , of Fremont , Ii at the Paxton. 8 , A. Osborno , of Brownville , Is at tha Paxton. Dr. K. H. Makk , of Denver , is at the Mlllard. G. H. Black , of Plattimoutb , is at the Mlllard. W. J. Hancock was ia the city yester day. day.P. P. D. Smith , of Nebraska Olty , U In town. F. W. Brostrom , of Wahoo , Is in the city. city.John John Hetb , of Lincoln , is at the Paxton. 8 , 8. Lowe , of Fremont , Is In the city. W. B , Lorlng Is In from Green River. J. W. Hitchcock , of Friend , is at the Paxton , II. G , Rand , of Cheyenne , Is at the Paxton. N. F , Donaldson , of North Platte , is In" town. N , Sweetland , of Cheyenne , Is at the Paxton. F. J. McShane and wife have gone to * St. Louis. C. C. Keeling , of Fort Leavenwortb , is In tbo city. D. Cash and wife , of North Platte , are In the city. Hon. John D , Seaman and wife , of Kearney , are at the Paxton. O , L. Dunham and wife and Mrs. L. D.Wilson , of Kansas City , are at the Pax- ton. . Ocas. 8. Puts , of the B. & M. engineer corps , has returned from a three monUv1- trip through Colorado. Wanted A man to work a few days In a fruit garden. Apply at HICKMAS'H QaAHD BAZAS , 130 % 1 nam street ,