THE DAlLf APKIL 9 Nebraska National Ban ! Of Omh , Kali. r'ald np Capital. - $2&0X DinEOTORS : . H. JOUNSON , Presldint.of Steals , Johnsor Co. Co.F F IOUZAL1N. Vlca Pr Uent , ot a , D * H. B. , Doston. V. MOR3K , ol W. T. Morse A Co. OHN B. COLLINS , ol 0. n. & J. 8. Collins. J. M. WOOLWOIITU , Oonnsellot nd Attorn. . kt-Law. L. 8. REBD , ol Byron Reed & do. 0. W. TATES , Cashier , late Cashier ol the Fl National Bank ol Omaha , nd connected wl the active management ol hat Dank since organization In 1863. Ors-iiD lor business April 27 , 1882 , with t test cayllil cl jbu In Nebraska. OOLLSCTIONS rocelve special attention and chi tea lowest obtalnaSle hero or elsowhert. IHTBKUT allowed on time deposit * upon tavi able terms and upon accounts ol banks and bar. II. Foanas Excnixoi , Government Bonds , a Count" and City Pectlea bought and gold. Itllprsptred to do a general banking burim all Its details , and In the treatment Ol ctuto ers In will pursue tha moit liberal policy cons teat ntth BA'O banking. J. W KUDEF R. Broker Etockf , Bond' , CommertUl Paper and all oU Qocd ecurltl sdcat In 1103m 4 , Nn. VS P. atl St , , Council niuflj , In r FINAHCE AMD FINANCIAL. i Ipeclal Dispatch to TUB Us . NEW YOBK , April 7. ; Money Loaned at 3@G per cent ; clot ! offered at 3 t er cent. Prime Mercantile Paper-5J@6 r cent. Sterling Exchange Bankers1 bills qul , aud steady at 4 83 ; sterling demand , 4 8 ; Governments strong ; 4i's J per ot 1 higher ; 44 J per cent , higher ; S'a Ion and extended 5's unchanged. Stocks opened irregular , heavy and i i per cent , below Friday'a close , but so became strong and advanced. Tee mi ket closad strong at an advance on t day's transactions of | @ 1 per cent , QOVEllNUtNTS. Yesterday. To-di 8's lOSJ HJ 5's. . . ' 102g 1C 4V * Coupons. . . . ' Ubj 11 A 119 $ 12 P tlfie ' of' * ) & 128 1 BTOOKB. Adam * Express 12 Alton & Terre Haute ( i do pfd S American Express 90i Burl. , Oedar flaplds & North. . . . 80 Canada Southern 08 J G Ool. , Cin. & Ind. Central 1C Central Pacific 772 7 Chicago * Alton 1 ! do pfd 1 ! Chi. , Burl. & Qulncy 125 15 Chi. , St L. & New Orlean 1 Denver & Rio Grande 49 J 4 Erie 37j I do pfd ! fort Wayne & Chicago II Hannibal & St. Joseph 41 4 . do pfd E . ' > Harlem It .Jy' Illinois Central < ' * - Ind. , Bloom. & Western J Kansas & Texas 32g i Late Shore & Michigan So. . . 1 lOtf ) ] Michigan Central 95 $ J Missouri Pacttio 1C Mew Jersey Central 73J ' , Northern Pacific : 60 f do pfd f Northwestern 1374 1 ! do pfd U Ifew York Central 12C { 12 Ohio & Mississippi 32 ? J do pfd. . . ' . 1 ( Feoria , Deoatnr & Bvansv ' . Pittaburg & Cleveland 1 ! Bock Island 1249 I' Ht. Louis & San Kran ! fit. Paul & 101 ? K do pfd II St. Paul , Minn , ft Muiitoba. . . . 11 8t. Paul & Omnha 4 do pfd K Texas & Pacific 414 ' Union Pacific , 97S ! Wabash , fit. L. & Pacific. . . . 31 ; do pfd. fii'i Western Union Telegraph. . . 83 ( PRODUCE St PROVISION OBIOAOO. OKIOIOO , April 7. Flour Ball a weak ; rprfng wheat , 3 50&5 00 ; Miti eat * , H 6X@J 25 ; bakers , 4 25 5 75 ; natec 6 00@7 6J ; wiuter wheat , 4 OUfeliOO. Woe&t Mark-it active but Ao lo 102i fr . .pill ; I0oa@l05j tor Mi 107(3107 ( for Juiu ; Lt02@107for .In No. a i hb go spring , 1 02i@l 0jj ; I S Chicago eptiog 8Sjc ; J Jo 2 red wiat Corn Maritt active , wrak nd low < 7i@r'li3 ' for cash : 47J@4Sa f r Ao 6a @ 53 j for May ; 531a tur Juae ; 5'4@ l for July. Oata fjiwer and demoralized ; 41o c h 38g32jfor April ; 41g3t'irMayj- for June ; -1 jo fur July. Ryu M rkct ateady at C6Je. B rleyVntlter at 75e. 1'Ux rfeod-Q ilet and uto-vdy at I 44. Timothy ; vwl Q tiet an I steady ; pc to prinu , lC7i@t UO ; bettor grades , 1 C. Pork In fair demand nnd enMer ; 17 @ 18 CO for rash nn'l Aiiril ; 18 12l8 for May ; 16 (03I8 321 for 'June ; 18 < @ 1350 f.if Jul . Lr'l Fair demand anl e iar ; 11 17i 11 20 for c h nnrt April ; 11 2r @U 274 Ma11 ; 32J@11 35 for Juoe ; 11 37@U for Jnly. Bu'k ' Meats Fair ilemaod ; shuuldc 17 70 ; short rib , 1000 ; short clear , 1)2C ( ) Batter Steady ; creamery. 18@C dairy , ISSZOs EKgi Fmr d-.nund at 16@17o. Wbiiky Stoay and unchanged. " NKW TOBK. Nw YOEK , April 7. Wheat MM ] mnsettled and i@Jo lower ; nngroded r 1.03Sl2li ( ; No. ' 3 red. 1151 ; > tenn l o. 2 red , 1 16i@l 16 ; No. 2 red , 1 1 ! DflJ. 0-rn Unsettled and f@'J lower ; t graded , EOlgSCJ : ; Ko. 2 , UJjgClio. Oatd Market he vy , imU 1@IJ3 low but closed steady ; mlied wettern , bl i3Jj ; white western , ' 53 § 56 3 , K gs-Ddmaod f .ir and firm ; 19i@l9 Pork Mai ket dull and unchained ; u nws , 10 15 ; optl'nj wholly nominal. Lird Market firm ; prime steam , 11 @U 4 $ , Butter Unsettled UILWAL'EtB. MII.WIUKEB , April 7. Wheat We nd lower ; No 2 , 1 03 ; April , 1 008 ; Ml 105JuD ; . 100JNo.3 ; , 82a. Ocrn Flrm r , with mure inau'ry ; I 2. InMrdemwH at 523. Oils LiwerjNo. 2 Hie. Rye -Qjltt anl uno'iaatied , No. 2 , K Barley Ljwcr atF43. TOUDl. TOLIUO Anrll 7. Wheat Ball a nomin * ; No 2 red winter , for April. 1 1 Corn-Dull ; No. 2 o h , 631s. Oats-Qiiet ; . 2 cssh , 45o. LivtnroOL , Livinrooi , April 7. Breadstuffj Firm Wheat-Winter , 9j 81 Cd@9j 103. Corn -New , 5s M. ar , I. ST. LOUW , ApriJ T. Flour Mart dnll and nnch ngedj Jamlly. 4 WX24 ( 10 ; fancy 16A5 45 , owj No. red , 1 07 ® 1 07 i for ; 1 03 , < 31 (8j I Ma ; ; 1 C9J431 ! ) i for June ; 1 l'fii ' 0 for July ; 1 Ot tor Augmtj 10,4 'a , 10 for tbe je rj No. 3 roJ , 1 0 bid. Corn Market lower * nd active for Mi 4647o for c ih | 40J4 Jo for Apr 48J@4 < Ja for May ; 501 ® 02 ° 'or ' Jut 52ja634a ( for July ; 41J ] lor the year , clt Ing at iusido figures , Oats Market lower ; 41fi@42o for ott 4 ° jt@-l3&o for May ; 414o tur June ; 38J 39j ( or July. Kye Market slow at 6r > c. B.irler-Qutet at(5@76o. Corn Meal Market steady at 2 CO , Butter -Unchanged. KgK - Quiet atl3J\ Wdhkey- Steady ut 114. Provisions dull , with only a small jc blng trade. KANSAS cm. KAMBAB CITT , Aorll 7. Wheat Market weaker ; No. 2 red fall. P3tj I cub ; 93o bid for Msyj OGJBOtJjo I June , Ojrn Market weaker ; 41Jo for cat 4Sga for May ; 44go bid lor Juno. Oils Market slow ; 35o bldf jr cub ; options. LIVE STCCJS to Tilt B l , [ For receipts and ehlpmenta o ! grain ai live steak , sea 'Traffi } " in another 01 timu. ] OH10AQO. OHIOAOO , April 7.Tho Drovers' Jd nal roprt an ( olh wst Hogs Trading necessarily light , tro and So higher ; general market bea'thv an idvjnce ; mi ed , 7 ' 0@7 60 ; hevy. 7 @ 7 8U ; llxht , 7 20@7 GO ; rklp , 4 507 1 O.ttlo Moderate y nctho and eteac ! fat pony cattle selling strong ; export c mapd very weak ; export steers , G 4C 6 85 ; good to choice shipping , 6 9P@0 I oummuu to fair , 6 15(48 0 ; mixed bute ers' steady ; common to eond , 2 50@3 i medium to goad , 4 00&5 00 ; stackers a ( eodera steady at 330 ( < j5 25 Sheep Fair , steady aud firm ; comm to fair , 3 601) 2.1 ; medium to peed , 6 6C 6 00 ; choice to extra , 0 25&0 75. KANSAS 01TY. KANSAS Oirr , April 7. The Oommi cial Indicator thU afternoon report * follows : Cattle Market steady ; good to cho steer ? , 5 80@G 40 ; stockenand feeders , 4 @ 4 75 } cows , 3 00@4 00. Hogs-Marlcet nrmer andashadehiRh Ifght , 7 05@7 15 ; medium , 7 20@7 i heavy , 7 30f < 97 CO. Sheep Unchanged. ST. Locna. ST. LOUIB , April 7. Oattlo Scai slow and weak ; only retail trade ; prli tending down ; heavy shipping steers , 0 @ 0.7o ; light , 5 506 25 ; good to b < butchers , 4 75@575 ; good cow. and helfe 4 605 25 ; common , 3 25@4 00 ; stocki and feeders , 4 l5@i ! 25. Hogg Market slow ; light shlnpl 7 35@7 60 ; mixed packintr/7 257 i butcheru" to extra , 7 C0@7 80 Bheep-MwJInni , 4 75@5 Si ; good choice , 5 50@G 25 ; lanoy , G COfeG 75 , TRAFFIC. Special DtipsilohM to Tni Bn. ILOUU AND OBAINB OBIOAQO , April 7. Receipts and ah menta of flour and grain for the pi 24 hours have been as follows : Receipts. Ship' ' Flour bbls . 7,000 Wheat bushels . 26,000 Corn " . 123.COO OaU ' . 16,000 Kye- " . 5,000 Barley- " . 20,000 NBW YOBK , April 7. Receipt * shipments of fiour and gram for tha p 24 hours have been as follows : Receipts Bhp Fionr-bbls . 18,500 Wheat bushels . 37,000 Corn " . 38,000 Oats- . ; . . . OatsKANBAO KANBAO Cm , April 7. Receipts shipments of grain for the past honn ha > e been aa follows : Reo'ts. Ship Wheat , bushels . 5.000 Com " . 9,000 LIVE BTOOK ; OaiaAOO. April 7. Heoelpta and sh menU ot live stock tor the past honn hare been M follows : Reo U. Bhlpm Hogs . 3,500 Cattle . 1,600 Sheep . 2,2v.O KANSAS Oin , A | > ri ) 7. Receipts s shipmenU of live stock for the past hours have been as follow ? : Reo'ts. Bhlpm Cattle . 700 Hog . 1,800 Sheep . . ST. Louis , Apall 7. Receipts i shipments of live stock for the past honrs have been as follows : Reo'ts. Shipm Cattle . 1,000 ; Sheep . G3 Hogs . . . . OMAHA MAKK.JUTS. Wholeutla Price * . Omo or THS OIIAUA Bw , 1 Saturday Evening , April 7. j The following are the only changes ported la the market to-day : Wheat , cash No. 2 advanced Jc ; c No 3 declined Jc. Green apples declined 50o to 75c barrel. Eggs advanced Ic. Hide ) green , butchers , advanced } o. Fiour declined 5o to IGo'per hundred , Chopped feed declined00 per ton Changes In the market during the p we.k , as noted from day to day , have I a gradual falling nff from the prices ol week previous. This is applicable , pecially to the grain and -ono or two li of dry goods ; while various products the farmr , cmch us potatoes , eggs , e fame -advanced and are in good dema Tfle priM , however , of thoao cominodtt will probably decline acaln within next ten dayv , although it is imposslbli speak with any certainty .of potatoes , planting time is at hand tnd prices very unsettled , partly on account of poor quality ot stock on hand and pai on account of the uncertainty of the s ply and denttn 1 from now until seed t ! la past. Farmers througbouUbe coun are suppoted to have stored more tl they will need far seed , and it is repor that , on examination , many of be pc toes have been more or less decayed , i large quantities are In an unenrkeU condition. Kngc are tcarcn anl In c ; < deiatnd. Butter Is plenty and lowe : and the market dull , but prices will i doubtedly go no lower until gnxss 1 grown large encugb for cattle to Hve Theto la almost an over abucdtoee orangfb and lemons , and the pilco r tna about the ssms with only a fair demai Freih oyttera are dull and will probably taken oat cf the market w'tblo n week two. Green house vegetables are j coming into market , and ridlihes , onlo lettuce , etc. , are on sale at Ihe'varii commission houses and are telling at gc prices , although the demand la not v < great. Wood and coal is dull owing to 1 warm weather. Dry goods are compa Urely unchanged , and Urge orders i coming In from U orer tbe eottnti Groe tlM averf tcnt th jobber * are doing a very satisfactory bu ness. Local Qrnln Dealing- WHEAT.Ciwh No. 2 , 86&c & ; cai > h M 8 , 71c : rejected , Mo. UARLEY.-OashNo. 2. G3c > No , HYK-Cwh , 41)0. NEW MIXED OORN-370. OATS-37C. SEEDS-BIne KMM seed , 125If t'mo thy teed. 2 10@2 25 ; re I clover see 0 UO ; white clover seed. 13 00 ; millet see 1 00 ; Hungarian seed , 1 10 ; orchard gra seed , 2 60. Produce and Provision * , POTATOES 40@60o per Bushel. ONIONS 40@fiOc per bushel. BUTTEKChoice mohtry , 13io. KGOS-Krosb , 15@lGo. HONEY Callloraia , perlb , 31 , APPLES Per barrel , 2 25@3 25. OYS rUUS Platt'o select oysters , 45 Standard , 3T ; mediums , 30 OKANUES-Messlna. S 75@$4 25. LBMONS-84 00@4 60 per box. BKANF Navy pr bushel , 2 75@3 0 CHICKENS -13@14c per Ib. TUKKKYS-14o per pmmd. Orocera List CANNED GOODS Oyster * , 5 ( F.eld's ) , per case , 64 OU ; do 1 Ib ( Fleld'i p r ease , 3 7C | do 2 Ib ( Rtandard ) , per CM a 90 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 4 raspberries , 2 Ib , per oasa , 3 CO. DAI sons , 2 It , per case , 2 45. Bartlc pears per case , 2 40. Whortleberrl per cose,275. Egg plums , 2 Ib yercxee , ' . ! 9 Green gft % 2 Ib nor CMC , 2 90 ; do choice Ib per case i 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per ca 1 COOtS 75 , Peaches , 2 fe per CMC , 3 C do 3 ID. case , 4 004 60 ; do , ( pie ) , S tt > , p cane , " bO : doplo. G ft , per dotcu. ! i SO. FLOUR Jobbing prices , Jack Fro at. Louis winter ) $3.75 ppr U01bs.Topol ! ; Patent Kansas , 3 GO ; . Mlnnohab Minnesota Patent , S3 76 ; Shawnee fan wiutor , $3.10 ; Eagle. XXXX wi ter , 8i.7fi ; Triumph cprinir , beat , 2. 7 uhristian's superlative. 3.80 ; bran , p ton. $1G 00 ; ohoppod feed , 818 C0@25. ( Queen Bee flour , per sack , 3 25 ; Noli blve , per sack , 290. L \HD OtuatinHeGnlnlnicCo. : Tlerci 12 < i ; 40 nnd 50-lb cans , lJc ; 20-lb car l 2o ; 10-lb palls , screw top , 12&c ; 6-lb d mo ; 3 Ib do , 12jo. HIOE liouldlana prhne to choice , 73 80 ; fair , 7 < a74c ; Patma , 6Jc. FISH No. 1 maokerel.'half brls , G 3 No. 1 mackerel , kits , 1 00 ; family mac erel , half brls , 4 75 ; family mackerel , kil 85c ; No. 1 white fish , half brls , G 00 ; No .OFFB B. Itlo , talr , Hot Ulo , go lljo ; lu-itne to choice , 12 to lajo ; Old go Java 18o @ 24s. SUGAIW fowdered , lOo : Cut lei lOo ; Granulated , O c ; Confectioners' 9 q ; Standard Extra 0,8c ; Extra 3o ; mudium yellow , 74o ; dark ' yellow , T. SYUTJP Standard Com.44o , bbl Standard do , 44 gallon kegs , (2 05 ; Sti dard do. 4 gallon kegs , $1 95. SODA In Ib papers , 83.30 per case ; k oda , 21c. NEW PICKLES Medium , In barn $7 00 ; do in half bbls. 4 00 ; smalls , in bb 900 do , In half bbls , 600 ; gherkins , bbls , 1100 : do , In half bbls , 6 00. STAUCH.-Pear ) . 44o ; Sliver Gli Ola ; Com Starch , 94si ExcoldorSlo To i Corn , 74o. TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45 ® ! Choice , 60@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@4I Ohsloe , G0@75c ; Young Hyson , good , 8 ( Mo ; choice , 65c@81 00 : Japan Nat Lo B5c ; Japan , choice , G0@75c : Oolong , got 35@40 ; Oolong , oho.oe , 4056 | Souohoi good. 3540c : choice. 3515o. ROPE Sisal , i Inch and larger , 1 ginch , lUc ; iinch , 12o. WOODENWAltE Two hoop pal 1 75 ; three hoop pails , 2 00. Tubs , t 1 , 8 60 ; Pioneer washboards , 1 35 Doul Crown 2 80 ; Wellbuokets , 8 50. LEAD Bar , 81 65 VINEGAR I'uie tpple extra , li pure apple , ISci Pinitinct cure annle , 1 SALT. Dr y loads , per bbl , 1 70 ; Ai Ola , in sac ks , 8 50 ; bbl * dairy 60 , 5s , 8 SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 < Kirk's satin/it , S 60 : Kirk' * standard , 3 ' Kirk' * white Busslan , 525 : Kir Eutoca , 316 Kirk's Prairie Qnei (100 ( cakes ) . 40 ; Kirk's magnolia do POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 ca In case , 8 85 ; Babbitt' * Ball , 2 doz. In oa 190 : Anchor Ball 2 doz in case 160. PEANUTS Boasted , choice , red T < neaaee , lOopor Ib ; fancy white , lOgc per raw white Virginia raw , 10o | toast 12te. CANDLES Boxes , 40 lbslfs. 15Jc ; 16c ; bcxes 40 Ibs. , 16 oc. , 6e , iBjc. MATCHEb Per caddie , 95oj rom OSM * . X8 10) ) square , oasm , 96 40. MEATS Ham * per Ib. , 18Jo ; bai per Ib. , 13Jo ; clear side bacon per Ib. , 11 dry salt sides per Ib. , Sic ; dry salt she ders per Ib. , lOjc ; bacon shoulder * per 1 84o ; tierce Urd per Ib. ; lie. SPIOEa-Pepper , 31 ; AlliplM , 1 Java , SfriQiJlc.Z Mocha , 28tc : Arbcok ; UHEE3H Full Cream , 14 ei F Skim. lOJa. LYE American , 8 40 ; Greenwich , 8 Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lei lye , 4 6" > ; Jewell lye , 2 75. FEED Jobbing prices , Chop fe $1.50 $ per 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , 81.40 ; br 70a per 100 Ibs. , HOMINY Now 04 OOpcr bbl. Ory Qooat. BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , f Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 80 ; Be FF , 8tc ; Buckeye LL , 44 , 7o ; Cabot 71o ; Chlttenngo A , 6 0 ; Uroat Falls Sic ; Hocsior , 6Ja ; Honest Width , 80 , dlan Hend A , 8c ; Indian Standard S c ; Indian Orchard d. w , , 8c ; Lawre : LL , 6Jc ; Myutio river , 7tcjPoquot A , E cohawmct LL , Jo ; Utlca 0 , 54c ; Wach ett B , 7ic ; do A , 84c ; do E 48 , 12joV ; Sitt BB. 8ic. FINE BROWN OOTTONS-Allend 14 ; 7io ; Alligator 3-4 , Sc ; Argyle 4-4 , J Atlantic LL. fiic ; Badger State X 4-4 , Bennington 0 4-4 , 6ga ; Buckeye 8. 4.4 , H Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 84c : Laconli 39 , 84o ; Lehigh E 4-4 , 9Jc ; Pepperell 80 , 7c ; do 0 83 , 7jc ; do R 86 , 71o ; do E 8lo , ? ooasact 0 4-4 , 7c ; Wamoutta 13o BLEACHED COTTONS Andrea gin L 4-4.D4oBlackstonoAA Irr.perlnl ( do do half bleached 44 , 9 s Cabot 4-4. Fidelity 44 , 9lcVrnit ; of the Loom , 91 : can.brloM,12icdoWaterTwiflt,10icLr ; ; ! Falls Q , So ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , ] Lontdale , lOc ; do cambric 37 , 12 c ; N York Mills. 12Jc ; Pequot A,10o ; Peppc ; N a Twills , 12Jc ; Pocahontas 4-4 , C Pocaoset 4-4,8io , ; Utlca , lie ; Wamm O X X , 134c UuOKS Colored ) Albany IS broi 8c ; do 0 , drab , llm do XA. stripes t plaids , 12jc ; do XXX brown and dr stripes and plaids , 124c ; Arlington fan IBrDc : unawiok brown , 84o ; Chariot fan 124o ; do extra heavy , 20o ; Fall Rl brown , trtct , heavy , 114c ; Indiana brown IKni Neoonset A brown. ICe TlUJUAUo AmoskeiB A O A 19c ; do XX blue 82 , 18Jo ; Arrowam OJc ; Olaremont B B , 164ct Conestoga' tra , 17ic ; Hamilton D , flic Lewiston 104c : do 83 12c : Yeomtn's blue 20 DENIMS. Amoskeak , bine and bfo lG4c ; Andover DD blue , 15Jo ; Arllce blue Scotch , IStc ; Concord OOO , blue- brown , Utado AAA , do do 184 ; doX2 do do 14o Haymoker'a blue and brov 0c ; Mystic lUver DD Btripo , 16J0 ; PC. River , blue and brown , IGc ; Unoaavll bltas and brown , 14Jc. lining , 24 Inch double taua ' , eitjj Garner y glaztd , PJcj Manhattan glove finish , J Newport do 6c ; do gkzpd,6J0 | Pcqnot 5o : Livckwood kid 60 , CORSET JEANS Amory , Bo ; Andi oaea satteen. , 7ic ; Hallowel8o'lnjt Orchard 7Jo ; Narr. gan ottlmp overlo rfTri5ritt9n ! 940iRookport,7a PRINTS - Aliens , 64o : Americas , d Arnold , 7e ; Berwick. 4Jc ; Cochoco , j Ooncstoga. SJc ; Dunkirk , j Doanc 6J@7c ; Eddystone. 7c ; Gloucester , 1 Harmony , 6ic ; Knickerbocker , 8lo ; M n ao D. 7o ; llystle , 64o : Spraraei , ( Bouthbrldge , 6c ; do. Ginghams , 7oi Mai bore , 6Jc ; Oriental 64c , aZNGHAM8 * , U , , Argyi lOloi Atlantic , 60 ; Cumberland , 71 HfthUQa , 7Jo ; Keallworth , 8io | Pin keit , Wii BU MX , Be. II Agate , 20o ; American , lie ) Artlslan , 2 < Dalro D and T , 13lo | Olarioa D and 174 < : ! Deccnn Co.stripca DandT , lOc ) Kc stone , 13Joj Nantuokot , 19o : Nonpart LGc ; Ocean D and T. 18iqt Royal , 10 Sussex , 12o ; Tiog.i , 1'Jioj Wftobuectt ahl n < jhooks. 12)c ) : do , Nankin , 124c ; Yor ilaln N nkln. 12o ; do. checks , stripes ai fancy. 124oj do , 8 01 200. SHEETINUS-Androsocprln lM,27i ( do 9.4,23cdo 8-4 , 22o ; Continental 42 , Ho , Fruit ol the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; N York mllls9S , S5c ( do 78 , SOc ; do 68. 22J Pembrjko 10-4 , , 25c ; Pe < inot 1P-4 , 28jc , i 74 , 19o do 49 , IGc ; Pepixsroll 90. 21 do 67. 31odo ; 57,18c ; Ut'2ca 9G , SOc ; i 58 , Said do 48,17o. rurt DRUGS AND CHEMICALS- Jarbollc , 50oj Acid , TarUrlo , 660 ; Balsa Jopabla , per Ib , 70o ; Bark , Sassafras , f b , ISjj Calomel , nor Ib , 75oj Oinchonid * er ox , 8110) ) Chloroform , per Ib , IX lover's powders , per Ib , 81 23 | Epsc 3alt , per Ib , 84c : Glycerine , pure pa 1 > 0c ; Lead , Acctnto , per Ib , 2 ) I1 , Oaator , No. 1 , per gal , * 1 5 Oil , Cantor , Nc. 8 , per gnl , fllfi , ' 0 OHva , per pal. 81 60 ; Oil , Origanum , f Opium , $ r , 10 ; Quinine P. & W. * R. & f > or or , 31 85 ; Potassium , Iodide , per II76 ; Balaoiu , per ot , 40o ; Sulphate Morphine , per oz , 83 85 ; Sulpnnr Co per Ib , 4c | Btrvchnlne. Dor os , 81 45. PftlnU Oils and Varnishes OILS 110 * carbon , per gallo 12o ; 150' hondllght , per gtllc 14oi mr homllleht , per gallon. K 60l Water > Vnlte , 18c ; .llnsoe raw , per frallon , 56 ; linseed , bollc > or gallon , t8jj Urd , winter str'd , per ( ci on , f5 ; No. 1 , 860 ; No. 2 , 75c ; cast < XXX. prr gallon , 1 25 ; No. S , 116 ; swoi > er gallon. 85ct sperm , W. B. , per gallo , 76 ; fish , W. B. , per gallon , 76j ; neatefoi extrn , per gallon , 93c ; No. 1 , 65o ; lub coting , zero , per pollen , SOc ; summer , II ( olden machine. No. 1 , per gallon , 35o ; I 30 ; sperm , signal , per gallon , 80c : tt pentlne , per gallon , tJ5o ) nap tha , 74 , i gallon , ir.o : G4' , 17o PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Oma P. P. . Go ; white load , St. Louis , pure , G ! ; M rB3lllc green , 1 to G Ib cans , 2 French zinc , gteen son ! , 12o ; French tli rod seal , Ho ; French tlno , in varnish as 20o : French tincc , In oIlAost 16o ; Ri and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12oi raw lurnt Sienna , 13c : Vandyke brown , refined lampblack. 12c ( coach black at "ory black , IGo ; drop bla < k , IGoj Prnssl iluo , SOo ; ultrwnarlno bice , ISci ohm green , L. M. & D. , 14cblind ; and ( hut reon , L. M. Sc. D. , 14c ; Paris green. 1 Indian rod , 15o : Venetian red. 9o ; Tns ( dre , 22o ; American Vermlllod , LAP , , 1 chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D O , , 1 yellow ochre , 9o ; golden ochre , 19 ; pati dryer , 8c ; graining colors : light oak , di oak. walnut , chestnut and ash lEo. Dry ° lnts White lead , So ; French lino. 10c | PC slan blue , 55c ; ultramarine , 18c ; vandy brtiwn , 8o | umber , burnt , 4s ; umber , r 4oslenna ; , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , Paris green genuine , 25c ) Paris green cc 20c ; chrome green , N , Y. ' 20o ; chn green K. , 12c ; vonnllllon , Eng. , 70o ; million , America , 18c ; IndiJau red , ' . rose pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Coku * 21c : Venetian red Am. , Ijta ; red lead , 7 onrome yellow , genuine , 20o brome 5 low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochella So ; ocl French. 2Jc ; ochre , American , Winter's mmeral. 24oj lehlgn brown. 2 Spanish brown , 2&c | IMnce's mineral VARNISHES Barrel * per nil Furniture , extra , $1 10 : furniture , No. SI ; coach , extra , SI 40) ) oaoh , No. 8120 ; Damar , extra , 81 76 | apan , 70c ; phaltnm , extra , 85o | sholU $3 60 | hi oil finish , ( ISO. HldM fun , Kte. HIDES < * reon butcher1 * hide * , 6 7o cured Gi@74o ; hides , green n dry flint , kouno , 12ai3o ) dry c and kip , 12@14c : dry salt hide * , * oui 10llo ; green calf. wt. 8 o 16 D * . , 111 green calf , wt , under 8 Ibs , per skin. E green pelts , 6CK981 25 | green lamb ski 81 25@160) ) damaged hides , two-third n out scored and one grub , classed ti tLIrds rate , ) branded hide * 10 per eent. Coon skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , SOo ; No , 20jj No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No.SOoj No 16o ; No. 8,15o ; No. 4 , 60. Fox , No , 60o ; No , 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , b ! 660j short stripe , 40cj narrow strlpeo , broad stripe. lOc. Tallow 7o , - / ; Lstatncr Oak sole , 880 to 42o ; hemlock sole , JS < 85o ; hemlock kip , 80o to 100 ; rune 65o to 80c ; hemlock calf , 85o to 130 ; hi lock npper , 28o to 26o ; oak npper , S alligator. 4 00 to B 60 ; calf kid , 82J Grelsen kid , 2 50 to 3 76 ; oak Up , SOo 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 SO ; French 1 110 to 1 6C ; French calf , 1 25 to 3 00 ; i setts. 5 60 to 7 60 ; linings , 600 to 10 toppings , 9 00 to 10 GO ; B. L. Morocco , to 35c ; pebble O. D. Morocco , 86ci dm STOtoSOO. HARNESS No I B ar oak , 42o ; N do , 89o ; Nc. 1 Ohio oak , 880 ; No. 2 S5c ; No. 1 Milwaukee , S7o ; No , 3 do ' Lumber. WHO'-ISALX We quote lumber , latn and shingle * cars at Omaha at the following prices : JOIST AND BOANTLINO-16 ft. i on lor , $22 00 ; 18 ft. , 823 50. TIMBERS 16 ft. and under , t22 Ot TIMBER AND JOIST-18 ft. , 23 2C ft 323 SO , 33 ft. , 826 50 ; 34 ft. 826 FENCING-NO , i , 4 and B in. , 824 No. 2 , 822 00. SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( ocmn boards ) . SCO 00 ; No. 2 , 81800. LIME Per barrel , 81 25 ; bulk per t S5g ; Cement , bbl , 82 26 Iowa plas bbl , 1P3 60. Hair per bu , 60o. Tai felt 100 Iba. 3 50. Straw board , 83 51 Heavy Hardware Ust. Iron , rates , 8300 ; plow otael , sp caat , 7o ; crucible , 80 ; special or German t" tool do. 1C@20 wRRon pokej , . i © 3 00 ; hubs , poreot , 125 ; felloes , sa < dry. 1 ' 10 ; tongues , each , 70B5o ; AX each , 75o ; aquare nuts , per Ib , 7@ : waBhors. per Ib. 8@18o ; rivet * , per Ib , : poll chain , per Ib , 6@12o ; malleable , Iron wedges , 60 ; crowbars , Co bur teeth , 4c ; sprinp teel , 7@8c ; Bnrdi her Mhonn. B ait Burden'a mulcshoes. 6 BARBED WIRE In car lots , 7 B 8 50 PPF 100. NAILS Rates. 10 to GOtf , 8 75. SHOT.-Bhot , 81.86 ; Buck .not , C2 , Oriental Powder , kcge , 30.40 : do. . keg > . 83.48 : do. , quarter kngs , 81.88 ; Bl Inff. kozs. 84.85 : Fuse , per 100 feet 60o COAL Cumberland , hlaokcmlth , I Morris Run BloMbn , 812) ) Whitebre lump , ff4 frf ) ; JVWtebreust nut , t4 60 ; Ic lumn , 84 50 ; Iowa nut 14 50 ; Rook Sprl J7 00 : Anthracite , 811 60@12 00 ; Oai City , $7 03 per ton. LJquors ALCOHOL 188 proof. 325 per w gillon ; extra California spirits , 187 pr ( 3 60 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@7 00 ; K kuK ? and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 BRANDIES-Importcd , 00 16 domestic 1 404 00. In } | > orted * M8 ° ° ' < JomM RUlIslmnorted , 4 60rJ OOj W nKland. 2 004 00 ; domestic , I 603 ? AND APPLB N" 764 0 CHAMPAGNES-Imported per on O'Amirlua , eas r 120 1GOO T " ° e' 4 B ° ® 18 ° ° WTWUd T WINES Rh no vrlne , per auto , G W 2 00 ; Ottawhu. per case , 4 00(5)7 ( ) 00. Olvftrc And TotnocoB * * " ! , ? 0111 I > aHs.-liard to Ke l . ! .5oldeAThr < ' 1 , 70 < : i. * ' ' intaIn , 8 Favorite , 65c ; Rocky Mountain , 6 Fancy , 65oj Daisy , 60c. In tin fol 8MOK1 . p'v' ' - w-i.u * v > w W * * A 14lillUU | 0146 : ; Dukes Durham , 16 or , 40oi Seal North Carolina , 16 o * . 46 ; Seal of Nehr ka , 16 oz , 88c ; Lone Jack , 4 ot , linen bs , Pf'lb , 8L85 ; Marbure'Pock 3 or , i oil , 65o ; Do f T aU 660. . . . . AJfrino nawM ed , light. 1491801 Laavjr ® 1816cj medlaai unwaihid , Ujbt,18@2 washed , eholM , J2 i fair , SOeitab-dlr Horse * and Mule * . The market 1 * brisk and all ( Trades oiling well at slight advanoo In pric The demand for good horses exceeds t ! upply oonsWoraoly. } 'ric p recgr as f < owsi Fine slnglo drivers , 8160. to S00. | Krt Iraft howM , $176. to 22B.J Common drn lorsas , 81W. to 160.J Eitrn form horn 110. to 125. ; Common to Rend fmtj hotnr ! 90. to 8100. j Extra plu r. COO. to 71 Common t > lng , 020. to CIO. MULES. 15 to 154 hands ( enraV P1I o 160.1 : 14i to 15 bands , OiCO. to 14 ( 4 to 14J hands , $76. to 100.J 184 to hands , 860. to 76. COMIMC CROPS , The Aspect of Winter Wheat Changed for the Bettor , Review of the Grain Market f ( the Paat Week , OUIOAOO , April 7 [ Herald npr a1-The week juit olosed hi > ut a much more fnvorablo ospc on the condition of the \vlntor who rep , nud materially changed the vlov of leRlmato dealers und speculators i iTcnls. It la now conceded that U iroipcc'.s are favorable for n harvo not nearly 00 muoh below the vor8 | ,3 has been calculated on , and vnlu lave changed accordingly. Some nt Ions have undoubtedly Buffered Bovor y. In the southern holt the lo hronflh the extreme winter nnd tl Irouth Bnocoedlng , Is now reckoned 20 to 25 per cent. Seorotaiy Smith of the California state board of sgrloi ' nro oatlraatoa a yield of 80 per out 'or the Pacific slopo. In all parts of the country a mo encouraging idea of the situation jarront than was a week ago. Ti 'act co operative clrcu-natancen ha r.ducod a sharp in prices on "ohan here , starting on Wednesday with ; umblo of two cents abuihol , follow by a fooling of weakness and oontinn easiness , until at last it scorns to oellovod that for the present , at low the bottom has boon reached. T weather ban also favored the fcai while thn English market has be rroak and depressed under heavy i rivals , cf which , it 1 * Incldontly me llonod , only about 14 per cent , American wheat , showing that Wi torn Europe Is comparatively indopt dent of the United States on the to question. When prices weakened millions bushels ot lone wheat were thrown the market. Lester & C ; . , Rumi Uros. , andothora of the staunch bulls , began unloading. This atari the crowd , and many who had hold for a long time , hoping for a roaotli booamo discouraged and closed i their deals before their losses wi greater. Margins on hundreds small lots were exhausted and I trades cleared out , thus adding to I offerings and increasing the downwi tendency. Shorts who were aatUf with thojwlnning * already accrued them woio the principal buyo the ontsldo orders being smi It has been rumored tl Truman B. Htndy , the ki manipulator , had ooneluded tl prices wore now low enough to w rant a corner in May wheat , and v working with that end in view. A Handy states that ho still belle' ' wheat too high ; that there Is no c < sumption at present prices and can none. It will have to go yet low he says , for the Earopeon oonnti have ample supplies , and them is 01 limited demand for the imme : stores of grain now in sight. A ollqua which attempts to manlpul wheat must buy at the outset sei and a half million bushels in st iero , and that la bat the first st When the January corner was i ; here was but three and a half mill bushels in Ooloago elevators. Nothing is doing in the ( bur trainer nor will there bo while prices hero they aro. Eren when oonc slona of 50 cents were granted I purchasers were to bo found. 1 market la over supplied , and the mand must bo allowed to catch which must bo the ease soon if mills oontinuo their present low r production. Stocks are kept Il | here , notwithstanding the absence business , the roceipta littleozcoadl thu local consumption. With wheat hnvo followed thoot ! food market u. Gnu hns had uspm cause for weakness in the nnu-ual oroaoo in the acnninnlailou hero , which was added 700,000 buaho'a ' I week , and probably nt muoh moro t weok. Ljrqo arrivals fromS : , Louis n ld to bu part of a consignment 503000 bushels ordered hero fr elevators nhero there nro thron n linn bushels ready to cotno. Nin per cent of this Is grading No. 2 , i the pprcantago of nil rc iptB 11 graded has increasrd to tiO. 801 and McOormtck and Nichols & i have unloaded largo amounts HOB torn parties and the panel brokers have been si'llnro. Tno bn in prices ha ? boon siffijlont to h oansod b panto In tha old days cllqios and corners , May , herotof thu favorlto option , has been drop ] and is aolllcg three cants under Ji VVheu it touched 6'lji , hotravor , found a good many buyers who ia\ profit In it at that figure. The ontli for higher prices is not Rood , th belDR little ohlppleg demand , fore markets ruling easiorv and Kansos , well an Missouri holders prescing s : boycnd the demand. Oits have boon cheaper owing Information that the principal lei have sold out and abandoned the o ) rner yet shows moro strength ti other grains. Rye and barley are dull with vi little demand , the former belop shac to suit buyers , bat barley holdl rather firm. Provisions are Buffering from I depression in the hog market a have been on a doollno all the wei The demand VTAB only fairly aotl and a farther brokk is feared , though strong parties are long lard and onr stocks of ixpi moats are small for this season of t year. year.Balls are acaico on 'change aud sac need a leader. The bears had ovei thing their own'way lait week , FOR SiLK. A drugstore in western Iowa , pop atlon about 3 601. stink from $0,0 to tS.OCO , sales f 18,009 per auuoi > nly two drug stores In the town , arge country trade. Inquire of i B jgers , KUIard Hotel drag store. OHVLA.BLA. : MEDICAL DISPENSARY Offices and parlors over the new Omaha National Bank , 13th , between Farnam and Douglas Streets , A , S , FISHBLATf , M , D. , - PEOPBETOE. Dr , Fishblatt can bs Consulted Every Day Exoept Fridays an find t nturdnys , these vwo Buys bciiitr devoted to flis Dispensary fit Dos Jfloioes , Iowa. ttpeowl attention given to diseases of th THROAT AND LUNGS , CATARRH , KIDNEY AND BLADDER And Female Diseases , as well as All Olironio and Hervous Diseases llaiilicov rod the greatest euro Inlhe worM lor wetknof * ol Ihc back nd llmht. Involuntary Kcnargts , lmx | > tmcyK niri\dobl \ Ity , ncrvousncm , Ian juor , contusion ell < lo i , r Jplt ttonof tht art , timidity , trembling , Hlmnom ot l ht or g'tUlnoM , disown or the hi ad , throat , ICM or tkln Ooctiont ol tt liver , IU-IRS , stomach on bowels thmn trnlble disorders art ( tig from to lUry b b. tsityou.h. . injBocritnricU 01 mote ( Hnl to the yletlmi Uantho sonrscf Sirens to the marln- rn tt ubses , bllghtlnc their inoit ridlant hope < or titlU > tlom , rendering mtrrlate ImnOMlOle. Those tlut ne tulortng from too vul practices which deitroy their mentaland pnriioal lytteml NERVOUS DEBILITY. The symptoms o which ro a ilull.dlstrossod mind , which unllts thorn from performing tholr bnsl- rMS and social diitlw , makes happy irukirlogo I mi 01 * bio , dlitresios the act on ol the hf art , causing ln htiot heat , do r.'Bilonol | > lrl' . cv > l Ijrobvllii ? . . cowardice l > n , dmmi , ros'lcai nights , dluljMi , forget u'neM , unnatural dlschirttcs , pala In the back nJ | hips , hort breathing , raelaa- choir , tire nailly ol company and ruvj crot. rcnw to ba alooo , foollntc ai tlrad In tbe m irnlng a * when retiring : , simlnil wi < * kms' , loat nuntrol , white bono deposit In the urine , uerroutaesa. con fusion ol thousht ircailillng , watery and weak eyes , drFpepsIs.leonttlpitlon , paleneM , pUn am ? weakness In the limbs , eto. . should consult ino immmlUtel ; and bo restore J to poilooi health. YOUNG MEN Vhohare become victim * ol solitary tlco , that drcadlul ami detractive hab't whlchVinnatllj wropatoan untimely glare thnuuncljrf young msn of oxilteJ taUnt and briilUnl Intellect who inljht otherwise cnlranoo listening senators wltn the thunders ol their loquonce 01 wake toecsia- cy the living lyre , may call with lull confidence. MARRIAGE. Married person or young men contemplating tutrr'ags bo aware ot physical weaknen , lout procroatlve power , Imprtency , 01 any othi r dlsquallflca'lon speedily rtllovad. lie who placet him til u der Ine care ol Dr. Plan > la t may roll jioudy oonflde In his honor aa a gentleman , and conS- dontly rely upon Wt silll as a phyilclan. ORGANAL WEAKNESS Immedlstely cured and full vigor roitored. Tcla dliSnsslnff affllc lo which renders llle a burdea and mairlage Impo's'ble , Is tno pontlty paid by the victim lor improper tnd ilgtnce. Young people . areap to commit oxo ssti ( torn nit hf Ine awart ot the drevlfui consoquoieei lhal may e < su * . > ow wto that under * ands tMs subject will deny that procrrat'on li lost uoner by the o falllnf nla Into Iniprop r habits than by prudantl Betides being denrlr d ol the plruiure ol nialthy oS. spring' , them ntsorliui and d'fttruoltvo symptoms ol bHhbouy aniinlnJ arise. The system to- comes derang d , thiphtslcal and moot a' mno'.lons wotkon ; Loisol procrcatlvo powers , nerroua nibliltydspepaU , palpltat'oa ' ol the heart , Indigestion , ( constitutional debility , watting oltb fiamo , cough , consumption ana death. A CURE WARRANTED. Persons rulnsd In hralth by unleainod pre'cnders who keep them trlfl'ng month after monl Itklngpoljoncuiand Injurious couipounJB , should apply Immediately. DR. FISHBLATT graduate ot one ol the mott eminent college * ol the tm'tel Status , hiaefl < ct dtimo olth mott astonishing euros that were eveikniwn ; many tioublod with ringing In tht rart and head , whoa asleep , great norrousno < t beli'g alarmed at certain sounds , with Inquent bloihlng , attended omt times with derangement ol the mind wore cared Immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. F. addresses alt tbote wha have Injured thtmselvM by Improper Indu'gsno * 'and solttAfj habits hleh nil i both bidy ard mind , unfitting them lor builno'S , study , so-loty or marrlago. Ihtse are some ol the melanch lyeBicU produced by the tirly hablUol touth , vli : Weak * nem ot the b k and llmbu , pains In tfi > head an I dimness ol sight ln < * ol muscular piwer. patpl- tat Ion ot 'he heart , dyspepsia , nerroui Irritability , dorangomeul of digestive functions , debility , consumption , etc. PRIVATE OFFICES , OVER THE OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , OMAHA , NEB. CONSULTATION FREE. Charges moderate and within the reach ol all who need idenrlfk Medical treatment. Tbo > o who res do at a distance and cannot call , will receive prompt attention through nail by tlmp'y tending th or symptom wlih po.tage. Audr tt Lock Box 34 , Uaaha , Nib- HOME FOR THE FRIENDLESS , in Important Meeting in Omaha Friday , An Institution of Importance to tne State. The meeting called by Mra. W , B. Slaughter and Mrs. 0. B. Parker Friday , to talk over matters per taining to the support of the Home for the friendless In Lincoln was well attended by Iho ladle * . The mooting was called to order by Drs. D. P. Burr. Mrs. I. flowVor was chosen chairman , and Mrs. dish secretary. Mrs. Fuller led in prayer. Mrs. Howvorthen Introduced Mrs. Faiker who gave the history of the Home. She slid R lady cnmo to Lincoln in 1876 from Lcftvonworth , Kaneao , and formed n society auxiliary to a looloty in Kansas , and they sent their friend- lets and homeless ones ( women and children ) to Kineaa. In 1670 the ladies of Lincoln fonnd they had great need of a homo In this ntntp , BO they withdrew from the KIUBSB society and formed a sncluty of. their own. Two yrnrs PRO the Icglulataru appropriated $5,000 for the gronnda and building , The ladles cent on agent to Oniahi } and several other cities to try and have a bid put In for the losation of the Hoinn. No bid cama from any oily but Lincoln. They gavb f2050. This year the legislature gave $2COO tmjro to complete the building. It Is a two story btick with stone base ment. It Is partly furnished. It Is to bo supported by contributions , as there Is no appropriation for running expontos The ladles wanted to form a anolety hero to help snpprrt the State. Homo in Lincoln , and Bociuly hoto fonnd , cnn sand th < ir homlcHi women and ohildon them till permanent homes are provided for them. Mrs. W , 0. Slaughter , of Omaha , the superintendent of Iho Institution , nixt addressed the mooting. She said she entered thn homo as superintend ent thu lit of June. Bho gave a do- scrlptinuof the different Inmates who entered the homo since oho had been there. , and told of the great good already done. They have now twelve iomites. Suveral have heun helped n few days , then homua provided for them , nnd several children have been adopted into iood homes. A srolety was then formedof which Mrs. Dieismoro was elected president ; Mrs. Glsh , secretary. Mrs. D. P Burr , cnrro pn"dlug coorotary , and MrH M. L MiK.on , treasurer , The laditB agreed to furnish ono of the rooms in the II nine and have it callnd "Tho Omaha Room. " Fifteen ladloi enrolled their names ss members , and several ladles agreed to contribute to the f arnlshlng of the room who wore not prepared tc join , This is a work that has long been needed and many feel that it U a grand opportunity. Now that the state has provided the Homo , all the people have to do Is to support it. Several donations have been sent to Omaha. A fine chair from Dewey & Stone , sixteen pounds of seeds from John Evans to plant their garden of two acres , and nine teen ohlckons have been col lected by Mrs. A. M. Olark from residents of West Omaha Mrs. B > lemon - mon sent a parbr lamp , and Mr. B.-n- nett has also sent a donation from his store. A mooting will bo called next week , and all ladles interested In helping the friendless and homeless are urged to attend. A homolcrs woman from Omaha is to bo received in the Homo next week. She has been supported by kind ladles Iioio ell tvluUr. JOHN H. KROK- Has the largoot assortment of Hinges and Cook Slovo , Barb F noa Wlro , all of which you can hny cheaper than ' any place in toira at G15 and 617 N. 10th street. m27-mo-tt OVER THE HILL. Perry Bbotwoll Ooea to the Pen ITor a Term or Savon Yeara. HUto Journal. Perry Shotwoll , n former well < known ollizon of Lincoln , who killed > a hatohor in Oimha some time last ' winter , and who was tried and fonnd * guilty of manslaughter and. sen tenced to the penitentiary for a term ' o ! seven yoir , arrived in the city last , , ovonlcg , In the custody of Sheriff D. \ < N. Miller , of Djnglas county , and waa at ouco taken out to the prison. A few 4 years ago Shotwoll was an in dustrious young man , working ; on his > brother's farm , near Wavorly. The drnci ry of farm work became too monotonous for him , aud in an evil hour ho removed to Lincoln , leaving a young wife on his brother's farm , lu Lincoln ho became acquainted with n oliss of ynnng men , and spent , night after night in dobacnhery , neglecting his wife < aud children ard taking up with utrurnpota. His nlfo procured - > od a divorce from him , and then he loft Lincoln ai.a .vent . to Om aha , where ho was employed in ono of the hotels ef that ci y Ono night while nltempUng to put a drunken man out of the hotel , a row ensued , which resulted in chooting and killing thn man. For this crlmo ho was tried and sentenced , as above stated. His brother who rotldea near Waverly is highly spoken of by his neighbors , but hu refutes In any manner to beoomo instrumental in saving him from what he deomn a just puniehrnent. Ed. B. Williams , merchant tailor , Millnrd ho'ol block , has now in stock a full aud d ( > gant line of Imported pprlngtultlngt. The latest and best nlwayii til himd. Call and look through the otuolc. spi4-3t Why Net ! Qliango the "Young Metis * Christian Association" of this city into "Youcg Pttoplm Literary Soolotj ? " Lad i OB and gentlemen of OmahV , > pleaio ftivo tha question a thought , ' ' fcnd oblige yours truly , X. ' If you are not married , write the Mar. rltge Fnnl and Mutual Tnut Aasooia- lion , Oedar Itapld * , Iowa , for drouUr * , uplainlng tha pkn. IMax. " .1