Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1883, Image 6

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The Omaha Bee.
Fabllhed every morning , except Ban *
7 , The enly Monday morning drily.
One Year.$10 00 I Three Monthi.f3.00
Six Monthi. . 6.00 | One Month. . . . 1.00
CHE WEEKLY BEE , published every
One Year 82.00 I Throe Months. M )
gu Month LOO | One Month. . . . 20
Newsdealers In the United Btatoi.
.atfoni relating to News und Editorial
matters nhould bo addressed to the Eurron
or Tin BEE.
Letters and Remittances should bo ad
JMAHA. Draft * , Checks and Poatolh'co
Jrden to be made payable to the order of
the Company.
SEVERAL prominent politicians nro
already having tholr measure taken
for Valentino's shoos. Three times
and out is what they think.
Entcrpriilng pipers will now keep
a "dynnmlto" heading standing in all
editions. It la an unusually cold day
when some plot to blow up a mon
aroh or a government building falls to
como through the Atlantic cablo.
TJIE troops of Arlzoca arc hotly
chasing the Apaches , and the Indiana
are hiding in the mountains and enjoying -
joying the fan. The cainalltits 10 fur
have been a dozen or BO soldlciii killed
and ono Ohihcanhan captured , | with
the Apaches still on the war path.
As a matter of conrteay , If for no
.other rcwOD , it would boa good thing
if the council , acting aa a board tf
cauvaiiera , would rcoount the ballots
out at the late city election. There
baa been inch outrageous bungling In
every ward that it would cot bo sur
prising If the reaultwero merely a
rough guess.
OIIARLKT FOSTER Is all brokonp over
his failure to secure the postmaster
qeneralshlp , He saya ho doesn't c ro
a straw about it personally , but that it
means the Iota of Ohio to the repub >
llcana in the next proiidential elec
tion. The republican party must bo
in a bad way in Ohio , if ita only salva
tion ia a cabinet position for Charley
Foster. _ _ _ _ _
BOITOH is to bo enlightened on the
Indian question by one Mr. Herbert
Welsh. It is easier to face a Boston
audience loaded with baked beans
than a gatbeiiog of Apaches equipped
with breech loading * riftaa and minle
ball oatrldgei in an Arizona canyon.
Mr. Welih is treating the Indian
question from a aafa distance and
General Orook can afford to envy hli
method of dealing with the savages ,
THBBB need be no apprehension on
one point in the matter of paving ,
Although the petition of property
owners does not limit the rate at
which paving shall be done , the board
of public works and city council al
ways reserve the right to j eot any and
all bids. Of conne there can be no com
petition on sheet asphalt because the
importation of pure Trinidad asphalt
is controlled by Uubsr & On. But II
Barber and company attempt to exact
an exorbitant price for their pavement
their bid will be rejected and othoi
materials will bo used.
BEN BUTLEB Is trying to tcact
MMieohnittta that charity begins a1
home. Tae evidence produced bbli
committee to Investigate thocondllioc
of Tewksbuiy almthouso ia almost toe
horrible for belief. There la a wol
founded suipliim that the death ol
inmates WAS hastened in order tc
secure the profit from the silo of theii
bodies. Of soventy.threo infant !
born ia the institution in ono yoai
only ono remained at Us close and i
former student at Harvard tostlQec
that the infant bodies from Towks
bury almost invariably bore ovldenoei
ot death from starvation. The pen o
a Dickens would fall in describing thi
horrors of the Towksbnry almhouse
and Ben Butler's determination ti
probe the matter to the bottom \rll
be applauded by the entlro country ,
THE unterriGed democracy of th
west hold a grand poir-wow at th
aylgwsm of the Iroqaola club at Chlca
go on April 13 , at which plates will b
laid for 300 persons. Among the dig
tingnlshod guests who have scoeptei
invitations to be present are Georg
H. Pandloton , Samuel RindallHonr ;
Wattenon , Jore Black , Governo
B P. Bailer , Governor Cleveland
Frank Hard , General Liwton c
OiorgU , General Oirllilo of Ken
tuoVy , 0 mgressman Flower of Not
York , Simnel J. Tildan , Senator He
Donald , Governor Pattison of Pine
iylvanUHtyor Htrriion , Judge Taut
man , Gtnoral Hancock , General Me
Olelltn , Senator Voorhees , 801 ate
Lunar and many others , among when
are a dczm presidential aiplrants
There will be an nouiusl feast of re a
son ac d a fi > w of genuine Bjnrbon
and the telegraph companies aro'pre
paris'g to put oa'aa extra force t <
transmit the prophecies of a "gtorloni
victory ia 1884 , " which some fiflj
pealten have already committed tc
Strlkoi are 'beginning in several
ilacon in the country and there are
ndlcatlons of the renewal of wide-
prcad labor troubles , Sotno of the
Ispntos have arisen fiom a refusal of
mployors to advaccu wages , and
thers from the rcfural of employes
o accept the reduction insisted upon
> y their employers.
In many Instances strikes nro In-
vltable. They are often purposely
irovokod by capitalists who TtUh to
hut down tholr works until they ex >
must tholr surplus stock , and who ex >
itodissalltfaation in erdrr to curtail
production , But nioro often they are
ho resnlt of a misunderstanding bo-
ween the contracting parties and
might bo avoided by mutual com-
iromtso and conceailons ,
All oxporlonoo has shown that a
ttiko on a falling market never pays.
Vhon prices are drooping employers
ro only too glad to shut down tholr
works and wait for better times. A
ttiko plays directly into tholr hands ,
'redaction is curtailed , the market ia
ollovcd and after several months it is
aiy to make a little compromise , lethe
ho mon again at work and count up
ho profits ,
Of course it must ba understood
hat employers rarely increase wages
nn'esa asked and every workingman -
man has the right not only to demand
uoh an increase but to wlthold his Ia <
> or if it Is not granted. On a rlsin p
market the chances are that the em
ployer will find it to his own Interest
o grant the increase. If not a strike
may bring him to terms ,
Just at the present time any ox-
enalve labor troubles will certainly
iffeot worklngmon more unfavorably
ban their employers. All the markets
are weak and drooping. There Is s
general tendency towards economy In
expenditure , and a consequent ten
dency towards economy In production.
This Is ospcoUlly thofoMO with oni
argoat industries. Tae beat informed
authorities , and among them some ol
ho most prominent members of the
Knights of Labor , agree that strlkei
at the present time will bo Injndloloui
, nd unseasonable.
There is ono photo ot the laboi
qaeitlon which ban not baengenorallj
tonslderod , and that Is the
endenoy of injudicious strikes
o build up industrial monopo
les. By closing up small anc
weak factions they conoentrato cap
tal antf power over labor in fe.v
lands and narrow circles that can be
more easily combined and bronghl
into conceit to defeat possible move
mots on the part of laborers.
The only remedy against the evlli
of strikes for whether they sncceec
or fall they are always aooompanlec
by distress is the establishment o :
greater confidence between employer !
and employed. What the Unitec
States needs are boards of arbitratlot
t ir the settlement of disputes and thi
protection of our workinpmen. Ii
England they have been in active op
eratlon for more than ten years , ti
the mutual satisfaction of all con
oerned , Tnelr general establishmen
iere would , save the country at
nnnual wastage of hundreds of then
sands of dollars ,
TUB temperance question is to b <
Fought over again in Ohio this year
and the fall campaign will once mon
bo distracted by the Issue. T.w <
amendments will bo submitted .to thi
voters of the states , as follows :
"First The general assembly shal
regulate the traflb in intoztcatlnj
liquors so as to provide against evili
resulting therefrom ; snd is power t <
lo y taxes or aiaossmonts thereon , I
cot limited by any provision of thi
constitution. .
Sicond The mannfaotnro ot am
the trailio in intoxicating Minors to bi
ised as a beverage are forever pro
hiblted , and the general atsemll
shall provide by law for the enforce
ment of this ptovlslon. "
These amendments have passed thi
legislature by nearly a party vote , 1
third amendment pauod the sonat
and may possibly also bo submltte
to the people :
"Third Thb general assembly ma
provide by law f > r licensing the traftl
in intoxicating liquors. "
It will bo seen that the voters I
Ohio will bo given a scope of choio
which ought to satisfy the moit ca
aotlnp. Under the present oonstltc
tlon the liquor tnffio cannot b
licensed. Too tidal wave of last fa
was largely duo to the forcing of th
temperance lesuo by the ropnbllcat
of the state , and it seems very probi
bio that the renewed agitation wi
again help the democracy and pav
the way for democratic success 1
MOUB than a year ago , a syndlcat
of Chicago capitalist ! , headed by Job
Y. Frwell , aoaarod from the Tun
legislature n grant of 3.0CO (03 acrei
or about 0,000 tqnaro miles of tti
most fertile lands In the state. 11
consideration promised for this mi (
ulfijont etnplro was the erection of
shto honso which it was agree
should not cost lots than a millie
and a half of dollars. At the time <
the grant , ugly suspicions wet
whispered around the capital. ]
was' publicly charged that the Ian
was worth folly $1CO an aero at th
least estimate , and that corrupt it
finances were nsed in the leglslatut
to secure the passage of the act.
How enormous the job was is noi
at last knows. The syndloite lai
week succeeded ia selling thiir pro.
porty to sn English company for a
consideration which represents its
present actual value at $10,000,000.
In other words Mr. Far well and his
follow capitalists have pockotcd tight
and a half millions from their venture
ttrolvo months after scouring a title to
their property and the state has been
shamefully swindled to that extent.
There Is to bo an Investigation , but
no investigation will replace the pil
fered millions In the state treasury
The St. Louis 1'oit Dupaldi says that
the "transaction irresistibly recalls
the fimous 'Yazao land steal" in the
early history of oar country , when the
legislature of Georgia Bold the best
part of what is now Alabama and Mis
sissippi for a oonplo of hnndrcd thou
sand dollar. ) . There was snob a storm
of indignation that an Investigation
could not bo avoided , and it showed
that every member of the legislature
who voted fos the bill hid a share In
the steal. " It will bo very surprising
If the Inevitable investigation of this
case does not show that the modern
statesmen of Texas nro worthy of
their political ancestors of Georgia.
Dakota is all in n farmont over the
now capital. The commissioners stole
a march on the people of Yankton the
other day by arriving at the capital
before daylight In a sleeping car and
skipping out before an Injunction
could bo served on them. Under the
sot creating the commission they had
to first moot at the capital and organ
ize. Tals was done between two days
and is to all Intents and purposes jest
as legal aa If they had mot at high
twelve. The Yanktonlans were fran *
lo with rage and they danced a scalp
dance with brandished tomahawks ,
indignation meetings were called and
icld not only in Yankton but In a hall
lozan rlvor counties , Throats are
made igilnst the governor and the
cglslatnro and ibcro Is the devil to
play generally. Tire days ago the
Dakota commission landed in Sioux
3lty out of harm's reach
and after mature deliberation they
isvo decided to advortiio for pro
posals for a capital location. They
Imlt the location to some slto on
the 40 ' .h parallel which.IE . centra
Detwoon the north and south boun
daries of the present territory of Da
cota. Under the act , not leas than
$100,000 la to be accepted as a bo
nus for the capital location , but
there will bo no trouble In getting
treble that amount. As our frienc
Tom Kennnrd would say , "Thoro'c
millions ia It. "
The commissioners do not feel at
all frightened at the threatened In
junctions ,
They say that Jhls is to be a fair and
square deal in the interests of the
whole territory of Dakota and not ol
any particular locality. To an out
slder it would seem as If the roloca
tlon would be timely and eminent ) ]
proper. Dakota has 140.000 rquan
miles and in point of area Is nearly at
largo as California , which nexl
to Texas Is the largest polit
leal division In the United States
The population at present ii
200,000 , and immigration is pourlnf
In at the rate of from 5,000 to 10,00 (
a wetk. The present capital Is on thi
southern boundary of the territory ,
[ ally 200 miles from the centroand ovci
400 miles from the Black Hills conn
ties. The relocation will develop thi
railroad system and means an carl ]
admission of undivided Dakota lnt <
Iho Union. There may bo , and proba
bly will bo , a good deal of land specu
latlon , and perhaps jobbery , conneotcc
with the change of capital
but the entire territory , out
aldo of Yankton and the immedlati
neighborhood admits the benefit whlcl
must result from the new departure
John Sherman will probably start a
onoa for Ohio. The spring election
in that state convince him that hi
fences need moro mending than ever
Total Collapeo of the AuRuatinlan Ba
Bpeckl DUp tch to Tin
LiWUENCE , Mats , , Aptil 8. It wa
announced to day In the Oithoh
churches hero that the Augustintai
society would file a pitl'lon of Insol
ronoy , jti'.h the intention of abandon
ing all etlorts to reduce the indebted
nets to depositors in the Augustlulai
Savings institution by collection !
The governor of the Angntllulan ordo
stated this oourso was taken beoans
the attachments on the churol
property would not bo removed
and it was desired by the soclet
that all creditors should share alike
There nre now 22 attachments , BKK
gaMnp gGOCOO , added to the liabilllie
to 7(3 dopisltors , $405000 , whlcl
with ninrtffngeB , makes the total 1U
bllltlus { 507 (100. ( The society claim
assets ot fDCO 030 , which consist c
four churches and parsonsgos an
schorl bulldliigp. If the property i
told by order of the court the depoal
ton will reallzo scarcely 5 per cent
Rav. McEroy says the creditors wll
bo paid in full , though it will tak
many years for a filial tottlomont
The Bcclety'a appeal for aid did nc
meet with a generous response.
Fonr PKTIOUI Drowned.
Bpcl l Dliplch to Tin Uu.
OWJENSVILLB , Ky. , April 8. Th
little stream "Prickly Ash , " ros
rapidly yesterday , Msrtln Martlnc
toll gate keeper , attempted to cross I
with three children. The water swcp
them off and drowned all four , ' Th
bodlN were not recovered ,
IptcUl Dlp tche to Tin Bsi
The ChlcAgo k Northwestern lasuen a
BUtunet.t thowlnv that It hs in oper tlon
and under c nstiuotlon five tboutand miles
of road ,
The ClitoiRO , ttnrllnRton & Qoencyroad
ia ln ued a circular to shlppern stating
that It In prepared to accept Irtlfjbt with-
iut change tn Skit Lilto City and points
In Central Utah , vl iti own line , thn liur-
baton & Missouri River And the Djnver
& Hlo Grande , It In understood that this
means a sharp competition for the Union
I'AclGo In that territory.
Secretary Samuel Wllkenon , of the
Notthern Pnclfls railroad now In Now
Y rk Wis teen In regard to the truth of
the report that the Northern Pjcltio road
lad loafed the Wissoniln Central tutlrnad.
VVI kersoa salrt , although negotiation ! ) had
btea ID progre with such object la view ,
no decided action whatever had as yet
Ink-m place.
Saturdao cvenln ? an the Southern ex-
pres ? train on ( he Iron Mountain rallroid
wan turning the curve from the levee into
Poplar utreet. Ht. Loula the onlae
left the track and plingod lota n
threa story brick ImllJln ? , Irculitng
a IIff hole ID ltd front. The coup
ling between the engine and tender broke ,
the latter shot off In tbei'ppvlto direction
and trre down the eniue front on the
south Bldo of tba street. Uoth building *
tro dwelling houses , but no inmates wern
Injured. No datnigA wan done except to
the buildings and engine.
Thi ) rumor that the Wl con ln Ceatral
road la to bo letsed to the Northern Fadfla
in denied by on ofHcir of the Wi o n tn
Central. 1'rcnldent Colby , of the 1 tier
road , when last ID Milwaukee , tald he had
completed arringen ents with the North
ern Pacln'0 by which the latter were to
build road from Superior City to Ash
land. Work hn't.cen'pwshed and track-
la ] Ing will bn conmleted in September
nexc ; that traffic arrangements had heen
c rrpleted but that the \VI < oocsiu Cen
tral was independent ot the Northern
A number of ihtpners of dressed beef
mot in the Chicago offica of the joint 'Rent
of I ha east bound pool Silurday , * nd fur-
nlthid Btatlstlca frtm which the joint
agent will make uo a scatemcut to forward
to Commlstloner Fink , to ba used by him
In deter Ining whether the ratoj on
dresied beef khall be further advanced.
Toe grain receivers at d rhlpperi also met
Saturday , and considered the propoeitiot
ot the cast bound freight lines , shippers tc
be allowed to appoint their own welgbmns <
terr , enbj-otto the approval of the join !
agent , and decided It advisable to have i
wdgbmatter subject to removal by the
road * , snd the proposition was not ac
cepted , poadlng further conference to be
held next Monday.
Bp Ul Dispatches to Tn Dii.
Louis VeniUot , the celebrated Frencl
author and jitnrnalist Is dead.
Herr Most has arrived in Philadelphia ,
He was met by radical socialist.
The remains of the late Judge H. O
McCjmaa and wile , recently killed by In
diant , have arrived at Foit 8ott , Kas.
The Now York bank statement shows i
reserve decrease of $390,450. The banki
now hold 8.1,701,000 below legal require
The Des Moines agricultural college hai
been temporarily cloaed owing to tin
breaking out of scarlet fever among thi
student * .
The steamer Brooklyn ran aibore a
Hog Itlaud Friday night. The ptsungeri
were taken off ; she U badly aground anc
fall of water ,
The agricultural implement bouse o
Goo. Vf. Ituuso & Son at PeorU , III , wai
otally deetmyed by fire. Lou 245,000 , In
surauca 927DUO.
The losses by the fire in Hotel Berkley
Boston , aggregated 9170,000 , of whict
8160,000 WM persenal property and 820 , <
000 on the bnlldlng.
Rumors of receiving a letter threat entni
the life of the M > rquls of Lorna and reoen
inspiolous ooourreaces at llldean hall
causrs some alarm at Ottawa.
A fire Sitnrday morning at Sioux City
[ . , gutted Heaver & Stephana' furniture
L. M on itooV , 8 .5 000 ; la-urance , 810.UOC
Lin on building. 82,100 ; insured.
The trial ot Mrs. Jane Vermer at Wei
Bend , WU. , for the alleged polionlog o
ier mother with dotored soup , endu
Satntday in a verdict of not guilty.
It Is reported that horses are tnfferfo )
, n a few localities Is Mlnnca < ta from pink
eye , glanders and a kind of nervcu
disease termed by come apical menlngi
A wrestling match between Joe Actoi
and Tom Ounnnra In Philadelphia fo
51 , COO , was won by Acton in two stratgh
throws. Two thousand people were prej
The American tohooner E it ell a and th
Mtxlcan pl'ot ' boat Toodorlto were lost o
tbo bar at Ta < tyon , Culf of Mexico , dur
Ing tv northern gale. All haoda wer
drowned ,
Near Clinton , Jones county , Qa. , Cftee
mites from AtlauU , the nine year old BO
Bu.k Jordnn , while playing wlih an ol
gun. killed Mrs. Wheeler , an old lady , an
woundtd her daughter , Al . Allen an
Police Sercotnt William Ceoker , ol
ihdlujr , P . . . was probably fitally ahn
by M.rtiu Wenrlok whim he VTM taklnt
in a carriage to j ill. Wonrlclc wai after
wnid nrrrsted ,
In Dtveopirt , lawn , Saturday at 'th
city election the drmoorats elected five ou
of seven aldermen , city clerk , a st8 < > ]
treo'urtr and police magistrate. The n
publloani elect the mayor.
An < el ) , Arnold k C > . , fliur and fee
( tore at WillumunUc , Conu , was cntere
Kilday nl ht nrd the stte bluwu open an
robbed of n utiall smount of money an
SJO.COO to & 0.000 ia binds.
There wai a gftoral display of fligi n
hMf mast throughout New York Salnr
d > y ia honor of the memory of P < t
U'opervhoo funeral took place in th
nf ernnon. Tha funeral was largely ut
A negro in Jill at Chsrlciton , W. Va
i * reported to h vo confessed to the mui
d'r of the Gibbon children , for whlo
Neal nud ( Jratt are now In j ill in Lexlni
ton , and whom numerous attempts hav
been made to lynch ,
James P. Snow died lo Mer'deD , Coon ,
Saturday night. In 18E8 he wan chatrm *
If the AUharua delegation to the repnbl :
ovi national cmventlon , and was tha fir :
vote ever cast for Gtneral cront for a cai
dldate for president ,
A paiienger Ualn on the Gulf , Colorai
ft UanU Fe railway WM wrecke d no :
Cedar Hill , Tens Moat of the cars wei
badly damaged. Two exprasi ineBien ei
bail limbs' broken and the baggage masti
was serlouoly hurt IntornsJly.
A prize < Uht took place Saturday mnri
Ing near Na > tecoVe , Pa. , between T.n
SUvln and Mike C v n ugh. The figl
wjs loni ; and bl.n d . of 2J round * . RUvl
wiu knocked down 21 times. OavanitiH
was tha winner , . 1) Ah men w re tCrilbi
Toe Boiton Jonrnil notrs that a coffl
wai taken from the alms houie grave yai
1'rtday , nud B'jt : "Onn cau Imagine tl
unnmtuin whiih would be produced by tt
Intr-'luotlim ' { to the committee room of
renii're ' cifBu , reeklni ; with the mould i
thal'ewkea ury grave yard , "
Freeman Yiun ) i v * > , treasurer and bu
nets m ua ? er f f the Cohort , N. Y. Btrav
board Co. . hi * left that city , bavin ? , it
alleged , forced the name of Nicboli
Cluto , his fattie.r-In-Iaw , to notei for 825
0 0 , Hi * account ! are in snph a conditlc
that thu company has su pended.
ft A circular * has been Us ed by prcffl
nent ruauuf cturer of American wlni
and champagne c lilog upon oth r maat
factnrers of wines to suggest some measm
to b pre > -ented In congress to oppoie tt
adulteration of native wines , anda mce'h
will be called. It U snggeated thai tbei
okall be BO tax c-a par * aatlve wlawj ttu
is i > ae ot native still or sparkling wines
nder any fictitious fore'gn label ntull be
iruhibltex ] , n d that the adulteration of
vine * tbali bn fotfeltrd nd the producers
10 tnbj ct to a heavy 6ne ,
, ) u lus Marcnv , whtsVy broker , accused
[ de'rnndint ' : the cust m > , arrived In New
York fn m Portland , Ore.
U v. Dr. Alfred U. Purtildpc , for
* entv toy n years rector of Chi 1st church ,
Jrooklyn , died of pneumonia.
The tec'ind election in Cumrierland and
'vit Greenwich , K L , re ml ted in , B >
riumpb fur the republican * .
Dr. Simeon JKfnny Furney , aged 33 ,
nurgeon of tbe steamthlp Monarch , tor *
uif rly nutgw.n to tbe khedh e , wa * drown
ed In New York.
The Cinidlan privy council ha * decided
nnt to allow tbe Importation of American
whisky in bend , even under the teventy-
wo hours limitation.
The funeral of Matt Grace , ( he New
Torkspoit , WAS made the occasion Sun *
day for a gathering t'getber of notable
pujjIIUts and wrestlers of the country ,
In a quarrel between Sergeant Wlllos
colored ) and Private Boyd , at Fort Hale ,
Jakotv , yeiterdny , tbe former thot the
niter with an army rifle , klllint : him In
stantly ,
A special passenger train on the Koo-
ucky Ontrnl ditched the engine near
utler , Ky. , tunning inta a Und nllp ,
Ightly li.jutlng the engineer. The tire-
mnn was klllod.
Tbe London Daily Teleeraph savs it un-
tands the presidents of the Grand Trunk
ad Canaolin Pacific r&ilwny companies
avc held a conference which terminated
atinfttctorlly , and there is good prospect of
n agreement between the two companion
} eing Arrived at.
The trustees of the Park Avenue Meth-
dUt Episcopal church , of Pblladelpbla ,
eceded became the biahop rifu ed to is-
Ign a certnln minister to the church , and
rganlz d another congregation. One of
bs trustees bought the mortgage on the
hnrch building.
Vignanx and Schaefer announce they
will go t' > St. Lonls and Cincinnati and
> lay exhibition gairoi thin week , remain-
ng In the latter city three days. Tne
[ tmeat St. Louit will be the regular three
nil , fifteen hundred point * . Sexton ,
) lon end Daly go to Now York at onca.
At Ojkalcoia. lows , ' yesterday Mrs.
ancy Braden , ju t returned from a Call-
ornla j turney , wan fuffocated in her
oem at the hotel by gss escaping from the
mrnor. She bad turned It off , bnt , aa the
top had no c tch , the turned it partly
nn sgaln. Sne was quite dead when
Five hundred boyn and girls gathered In
rout of the hall in Syracuse , New York ,
n which i ho salratiou nriuy neld a meet-
nf , list night. Special cificers at the en
trance were peltfld with tuu.l. The crowc
s ng "Koll the C arl t Along" and "P. d
ly DuffyVCait" The police dispersed
the mob after three arreits.
Tbe govetrinent gauge at the head of
3anal street , New Orleans , shows thermr
to bo even with the great flood of 1874 ,
md five inches higher than last year
Moot of the plating in front of the levee Is
covered | wlth w-ter. Steamers ID many
caeca have landed freight 100 feet fnnher
out than usual.
Henry Bergb , tbe defender of all ani
mali > , hai written a letter to Barnum , the
circus man , condemning the killing of the
elephant Pilot. His argument was that
tit dnets , Instead of C'uelty , would have
subdued the animal. Barnum'a reason for
killing Pilot WM that he considered It safer
not to subject bis patrons to danger.
An accident on the Central Pacific rail
way between Emerson and Winnipeg , hy
which Engineer Rubimonwas killed. The
express fiom the south ran into a freighl
at Nlnerville. The fireman of tbe express
lumped , hut the driver stood at hit po i
tnd was killed. One p s8 < nger was fever-
y wounded and several more allghtlv.
Charl G. Jackson , James Dever anc
D. P. Duncan have been indioted by the
grand jury for connection with the allegec
Fraud * In the street department under tbe
late municipal government of Sin Fran
: i oo. The allegations are forgery , per
| urr , obtaining money nnder false preten
ses by a si stem of f < klse warrants , anc
dummy pay rolls. The allegation ls that
8100 000 a year was stolen ia this manner1
P. H. Unrcb , advertising himself aa the
Union Manufacturing company , of Gale
ua , Illinoiian1 recently posted naaawin
dler by the pottofiice anthotitles , has dls
appeared. He sucoieded ID swindling In
nocent people , mtatly Swedes , by prom
ising to send article * through tbe mallr ,
to the extent of 835,000. Since public
izposure , three hundred money order * anc
reglf tired letters have been returned to
tbe senders ,
It was feared in Chicago that the pres
ent strike of rations would Interfere with
i he construction of the new board of trade
and other largo public structures , but the
contractors assert that it will not. Toe
building committee of the board of trade
assert that they will make concessions to
the contractors ia the present emergency
A. meeting cf bricklayers last nirht >
elded to contlnuo tbo strike and declatet
tht the threat of the contractors to im
port workmen would not succeed.
As an incident to the ceremony o
dnrnratlng tha confederate detd in New
Orleans Saturday , and' the lay ! g of tb
cornel ( tone ot a monument to be sur
mounted by an cquedlrUn ttatua of Alber
Sldnev ilohn on , waa an oration dehvcrec
by Jefferson Dftvlj , in whbh he euloglzx
the characteristics of the dead leader. I
Johnson he recogtifzsd n strong pillar t
the confederacy , and when bo fell ia th
field of Shlloh tbe mightiest column whlc
suttnlned the cau < e had fallen. He diet
In the moment uf victory , and had he live <
half .an hour longer would have mad
( Jrant a prisoner or a fugitive. The con
federaoy had three great leader * , Jobnion ,
Le an'l JacVson , who would compan
with any loaders of ancient or moderr
Iltlimi ani earu
Neuralgia ,
8c ! lici , Lumbigo ,
milieu women ,
quLfsr.swiLLixas ,
Comcti , CaU , Bniui ,
lad til uhtr bodllufcu
t > 4 ftlu.
nm con i somi.
Soli br ill Dniiliuut
D.i ) it. DtrMlUu U II
Ua'ti ,
| * i
T.t Cbir'.H A.V ; ilH Co. .
( BMMMttl UA.TM.toAC * . )
IUlUB > r * . B4C. . B. 1
GOLD UEDAT , , PAR'S , 1371
WarrtcUd Abtotutely pur
Cocoa , from nhlo theeicw
olulih i b < o n raovetl. lib.
three time * tha strength c
Coco * mlxid Un 8t ten , Ai
row Rooior Sogir , nd Ii ta > r <
for > tir irore e cnimlcal. It I
dlra-UJ , a1 dad
tclriDly adtplca tor lnr Id * >
well M ( or peitoni In biilth.
Sold by Qrocr ! Evrywh n
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
Oor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb.
And Window Glass.
OMAHA . . . - - . NEBRASKA.
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
Ground Oil Cake.
It la the best and cheapest food for stock of any kind. Ono ponnd Is equal
to three pounds of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Oako in the fall and win
ter , Instead of running down , will Increase in weight and bo in good marketable -
able condition in the spring. Dairymen as well as others who use it can tes
tify to ita merits. Try it and judge for yourselves. Price $25.00 per ton ; no
charge for sacks. Address
04-eod-mo WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL CO. , Omaha , Neb.
M. Hellman & Co.
1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor. 13th
Druggists ,
' ? > v tt
WhiskieS !
in Bond or Free , Also direot Importers of
Jobbers and Manufacturers of Fine
Agents for Jos. Schlitz' Milwaukee Beer , .
Bottled and in Kegs.
214 & 218 S. 14TH STREET. - - - OMAHA , NEB ,
Carpenter's Materials
Stair Railings , Balusters , Window
and Door Frames , Etc.
Flnt-clau facilities ( or the Manufacture of all Unda of Mouldings , Planing and
matching n Specialty. Orderi from the country will b promptly executed ,
addrecsalloomtntmlcntl Al MOVER. Priori.
Frederic , Monroe Oo , Iowa ,
0. E. MAYNB. . . Propiiotor.
Haa constantly on hand a large number
of Ilcrjoa.
Matched Teams & Single Drivers
rc'o-lntlcn r ( Horasn and other Inform-
thnsjni by m 'lon appllcitloa.
.Fainting and Trimming , Repairing Promptly Done ,
1319 Harney , O.r , lath , Omaha ,