Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1883, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee.
Published erorr morning , except 8nn <
7 , Tbo enljr Monday morning dally ,
Gne Year..MO 00 I Three Monlh$3. < X
8U Monthi. . 6.00 | One Month. . . . l.W
COB WEEKLY BBE , published ercrj
One ? ear $3.00 I Three Months. M
QIzMonth LOO | OnoMonth. . . . H
Newsdealer * In the United Statoi.
-All Coromunl
, atfons relating to News i.nd Edltoria
antlers should bo addressed to the Kurroi
or Tn BKB.
Letters and Remittance ! should be nc
OMAHA. Drafts , Chocks and PoatolBw
Jrden to be made payable to the order ol
the Company.
The BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Props ,
BEVF.UAL prominent politicians arc
already having tholr measure taken
for Valentino'B shoos. Three tlmoa
and out is what they think.
Eoterpriilng papers will now keep
A "dynamite" heading standing in all
editions. It is an unusually cold day
when some plot to blow up a man
arch or n government building falls to
come through the Atlantic cablo.
TJIE troops of Arlzoca are hot ) ;
chasing the Apaches , and the Indiana
are hiding in the mountains and enjoying -
joying the fun. The cainalitii s to lu
have been a dozen or BO noldlci.ii killed
nd ono Ohihcanhan captured , | with
the Apaches still on the war patti.
As a matter of courtesy , if for nc
.other reatOD , It would boa good thin ;
if the council , acting OB a board ti
canvassers , would recount the balloti
out at the late elty election. There
baa boon snob outrageous bungling ID
every ward that it would cot bo sur
prising If the result were merely a
rough guess.
CHARLEY FOSTER is all broke up ovoi
his failure to secure the postmaster
generalship. Ho iayi ho doesn't ciro
straw about it personally , but that it
means the loss of Ohio to the repub
licans in the next presidential elec
tion. The republican party must bo
In a bad way in Ohio , if its only salva
tion Is a cabinet position for Charley
Foster. _
BOITOM Is to bo enlightened on the
Indian question by one Mr. Herbert
Welsh. It Is easier to face a Boater
audience loaded with baked beam
than a gatheiiog of Apaches cqulppec
' with breech loading * riflas and mlnli
boll catridges In an Arizona canyon ,
Mr. Welih is treating the lodlai
question from a safe distance ant
I General Crook can sflord to envy hi
1 method of dealing wltb the savages.
TflBBB need be no apprehension 01
one point In the matter of paving
Although the petition of propert ]
owners does not limit the rate a
i which paving ; shall be done , the bo r <
i of public wotki and city council al
ways reserve the right to reject any am
all bids. Of course there can be no com
petition on sheet asphalt because thi
Importation of pure Trlnidid asphal
is controlled by 1J ttber & Co. But 1
Barber and company attempt to ezac
an exorbitant price for their pavomen
their bid will be rejected and otho
materials will bo used.
BEN BUTLEK is trying to tcacl
Massachusetts that charity begins a
home , Tao evidence produced bhi
committee to investigate thocondltioi
of Tewksbnty almihouso is almost toi
horrible for belief. There Is a wol
founded suipiiim that the death o
inmates was hastened in order i
secure the profit from the Bile of the !
bodies. Of seventy.three infant
born in the institution in ono yea
only ono remained at its close and
former etudont at Harvard teitlGe
that the infant bodies from Towki
bury almost invariably bore evidence
ot death from starvation. The pen c
a Dickens would fall in deooribing th
horrors of the Towksbury almhous *
and Ben Butler's determination t
probe the matter to the bottom wl
be applauded by the entire country ,
THE unterrlGed democracy of II
west hold a grand pow-wow at tt
wigwam of the Iroqaols club at Chic ;
go on April 13 , at which plates will t
laid for 300 persons. Among the dl
tlngnlihed guests who have aooeptt
invitations to be present ate Georf
H. Pendloton , Samuel Randall , Hem
Watterion , Jore Black , Ooverni
B F. Bailer , Governor Olovelan
Frank Hard , General Liwton
GjorgU , General Oirllile of Ke
tnoky , Congressman Flower of Ne
York , Samuel J. Tildun , Senator M
Donald , Oovernor PMtleou of Pen ;
rylvanU Iiyor Htrriton , JudgeTau
man , General Hancock , General M
Clellan , Senator Voorhocs , 801 nti
Lunar and many others , among who
are a dczjn presidential aiplrant
There will be on unusual feast of re
on and a fl > w of genuine Bjorboi
and the telegraph companies are 'pr
parlsg to put OB'an extra force I
transmit the prophecies of a "glorlot
victorin 1884 , " which some CM
peotors have already committed I
Strikes are beginning in sovera
ilacos in the country and there an
cdlcatlona of the rcnowal of wide
prcad labor troubles , Seine of thi
liputos have arisen fiom a refusal employers
mployors to ndvaoco wages , am
thers from the rcfurnl of employee
o accept the reduction insisted upoi
> y tholr employers.
In many instances strikes are in
vltable. They are cfton purpose ! ]
provoked by capitalists who with ti
hut down tholr works until they ox
must tholr surplus stock , find who ox
Ito dissatisfaction In ordrr to cnrtal
production. But nioro often they on
ho result of a misunderstanding be
ween the contracting parties am
might bo avoided by mutual com
iromlio and concessions ,
All experience has shown that t
triko on a falling market never pays
Vhon prices are drooping employer !
re only too glad to shut down thoii
works and wait for bolter times. /
tiiko plays directly into tholr hands
'reduction Is curtailed , the market I
oliovcd aud after several months it li
aiy to mnko a little compromiio , lo
10 men again at work and count nj
10 profits.
Of course it must bo nndcratoo <
iat employers rarely increase wagei
n'oss asked and every working
man has the right not only to domam
uch an increase but to wlthold his la
> or if it Is not granted. Oa a risin i
mirkot the chances are that the om
loyer will find it to his own tntorcs
o grant the Increase. If not a striki
may bring him to terms.
Just at the present iimo any ox-
enslve labor troubles will certain ! ;
fleet workingmen moro unfavorably
ban tholr employers. All the matkott
ro weak and drooping. There Is i
cneral tendency towards economy It
xpondltnro , and A consequent ten
enoy towards economy In production
'his is oapocUUy thooaio with on ;
argost industries. Tao best Informix
uthorltios , and among them some o
10 most prominent members of thi
Cnlghts of Labor , agree that strike
t the present time will bo injndlclou
nd unseasonable.
There is ono phaio ot the labo
aettlon which has not boon general ! ;
onslderod , and that la thi
endenoy of injudicious strlkoi
o build up industrial monopo
es. B/ closing up small am
weak factions they concentrate cap
tal and power over labor in fen
lands and narrow circles that can b
moro easily combined and brongh
nto concert to defeat pcssiblo move
mots on the part of laborers.
The only remedy agalntt the evil
f strikes for whether they succee
or fail they are always accompinle
> y distress is the establishment o
greater confidence between employer
and employed. What the Unitei
J tales needs are boards of arbitratloi
ir the settlement of disputes and th
> roteo lon of our workinpmen. I
ogland they have been in active oj
oration for more than ten yean , t
he mutual satisfsctlon of all cor
cerned , Tnelr general establiahmen
lere would , save the country a :
snnnual wastage of hundreds of thorj
sands of dollars.
TUB temperance question is to b
ought over again In Ohio this yoai
.nd . the fall campaign will once mor
> o distracted by the Issue. Tw
amendments will bo submitted to th
otersof the states , as follows :
"First The general assembly sha !
regulate the truflb in Intoxloatln
iqiiors so as to provide against evil
esulting therefrom ; and i s power t
e y taxes or assessments thereon , I
cot limited by any provision of thi
constitution , .
Second The manufacture ot an
; ho t radio in Intoxicating Minors to b
ised as a beverage are forever pn
libited , and the general am-mll
hall provide by law for the onforci
menl of this provision. "
These amendments have passed th
eglslaturo by nearly a party voto. .
; hird amocdmont paiaod the nonal
and may possibly also bo snbmlttc
to the people :
"Third Thb general assembly ma
provide by law f > r licensing the trafl
in intoxicating liquors. "
It will be seen that the voters I
Ohio will bo given a scope of choii
which ought to satisfy the rnoit e :
aotlntr. Under the present constil
tlon the llqunr trtfllo cannot 1
licensed. Too tidal wave of last ft
was largely duo to the forcing of tl
temperance laauo by the republics
of the state , and it seems very prob
bio that the renewed agitation w
again help the democracy and pa
the way for democratic tnccess
MOUB than a year ago , a syndics
of OhloiRO capitalist ! , headed by Jol
V. Farwell , aojutod from the Tux
legislature it qrant of 3.0CO (03 sen
or about 5,000 iqasro miles of t
most fertile lands in the state. T
consideration promised for this mi
ulfuont empire was the erection of
stito house which it was sgroi
should not cost luas than a mlllii
and a half of dollars. At the time
the grant , ugly suspicions we
whispered around the capital ,
w&s publicly charged that the lai
WM worth f ally $ ltO , an acre at t
least estimate , and that oarrnpt i
fineness were used in the legtslatu
to secure the passage of the act ,
How enormous the job was is nc
at last knows. The syndicate Is
week succeeded in selling thtir property <
porty to an Engllth company fcr t
consideration which represents iti
present actual value at $10,000,000
Tn other words Mr. l'rvroll and hii
follow capitalists have pockotcd tigh
and a half millions from their ventun
twelve months after scouring a title t <
their property and the atato has beet
shamefully swindled to that extent.
There Is to bo an investigation , bn
no investigation will replace the pi !
fored millions In the state treasury
The St. Louts Pott Duptttdi says tha
the "transaction irresistibly rocalli
the fimous Yazoo land steal" In thi
early history of our country , when thi
legislature of Georgia Bold the bes
part of what Is now ( Alabama and Mis
eisBlppi for a couple of hnndrcd then
sand dollara. There was such a storm
of indignation that an Investigftllot
could not bo avoided , and it showec
that every member of the Icglslatun
who voted fos the bill hid a share It
the steal. " It will bo very enrpriainf
If iho Inevitable investigation of thll
case does not show that the modcri
statesmen of Texas are worthy o' '
their political ancestors of Gaorgia.
Dikoto Is all In n f arment over thi
now capita1. The commissioners atol
A march on the people of Yankton thi
other day by arriving at the capita
before daylight In n sleeping car am
skipping out before an injnnctloi
could bo served on them. Under thi
sat creating the commtaaion they hai
to first meet at the capital and organ
izo. Tata was done between two day
and Is to all intents and purposes JGB
as legal as If they had mot at big !
twelve. The Yanktonlans were fran
to with ragn and they danced a seal ]
anco with brandished tomahawke
ndlgnotion meetings were called am
eld not only in Yankton but In a ha !
ozan river counties. Threats ar
made sgUnst the governor and th
oglslaturo and there Is the devil t <
lay generally. Tire days ago thi
> akota commission landed In Slou :
Jlty out of harm's read
nd after mature deliberation the ;
ave decided to advertiio for pro
osals for a capital location. The ;
Imlt the location to some slto 01
ho 40th parallel which , is centra
jotwoon the north and south boun
atlea of the present territory of DJ
kota. Under the act , not leas thai
1100.000 is to bo accepted as a be
nns for the capital location , bu
here will bo no trouble in gottln
roblo that amount. As our fried
Pom Kennord would say , "There1
millions in It. "
The commissioners do not feel a
all frightened at the threatened in
They say that fhls is to be a fair an
qnare deal In the interests of th
whole territory of Dikota and not o
any particular locality. To an enl
Ider it would seem as If the roloci
tlon would be timely and eminent !
proper. Dakota has 140.000 rqnai
miles and in point of area Is nearly i
argo as California , which nei
o Texas is the largest polll
oal division In the United Statet
? he population at present I
200.0CO , aud immigration Is ponrln
n at the rate of from 5,000 to 10,00
a week. The present capital Is on th
onthern boundary of the tcrrltorj
ally 200 miles from the centro.and ovc
LOO miles from the Black Hills com
les. The relocation will develop th
railroad system and means an carl
admission of undivided Dakota int
he Union. There may bo , and probi
> ly will bo , a good deal of land speci
atlon , and perhaps jobbery , conneotc
1th the change of capita
> ut the entire territory , on1
sldo of Yankton and the immedial
neighborhood admits the benefit whlc
must result from the new departun
John Sherman will probably start i
once for Ohio , The spring eleclloi
in that state convince him that h
fences need moro mending than eve
Total Oollnpeo ot the AuRuutlnlan 8
BpecUl Dltpttch toTui Ilii.
LiWUENrE , Mats , , Apt 11 8. It w
announced to day In the Chthol
churches hero that the Angustinli
society would file a potl'lon of Insc
voncy , * i'.h the intention of abando
Ing all ellorts to reduce the indebto
neas to depositors in the Auguatlnli
Savings institution by collection
The governor of the Augnstlulan ord
stated this course was Ukun beoau
the attachments on the ohnn
property weald cot bo remove
and it was desired by the socle
that all creditors should share alik
There ure now 22 attachments , RKI
ga'lny eCO.COO , added to the liablllti
to ? C3 dupisltors , $455000 , whi
with mor nges , makvs the total 11
bllltlos (5G7 (100. ( The society olaii
assets ot f uCO 030 , which cocsUt
four ohurchra and parsonigos ai
school bulldlngf. If the property
( old by order of the court the dcpai
tor * will realize scarcely 5 per cer
Ruv. McEfoy nays the otoHltora w
bu paid in full , though It will to
many years for a final jottlomor
The Bcciety'a appeal for aid did n
meet with a generous response.
Four POTIOHI Urowa ( l.
Bp Ul Dliptlch to Tui Him.
OwENhTiLLS , Ky. , April 8. T
little stream "Prickly Ash , " ro
rapidly Yesterday. Martin Martlt
toll gate keeper , attempted to cross
with three children. The water swt
them off and drowned all four. T
bodle * wtn not recovered.
BprcUl Dttpttchei to Till Cii
The Chicago & Northwestern Issue * n
aUttmebt showing that It ban in operation
and under conjunction flve tboiKandmlltn
of road ,
The Ohloigo , Rnrlln ton & Quoncy road
han ln'ued n circular to ehlpiieri ! itatlog
that It N prepared to accept freight wltt--
outchanRo to 8 it Like City nnd pninti
In Central Utah , vl Ita own line , thn 13ur <
llnaton & Mliaourl River and tbo Denvei
& Illo Orando , It in underttood that thli
means a sharp competition for the Union
1'actGo In that territory.
Secretary Samuel Wllkeraoa , of the
Noithern PclHa railroad now In New
Y rk WJB teen In rc ird to the truth ol
the report that the Northern 1'acltlo road
bad loartid the Wlsjonnln Central rullroad.
Wl kersou said , although ncKotlatlons had
bten In prngrein with such object la view ,
nn decided action whatever had as yet
Lokin i > Uco ,
Baturdao cvenlnf at the Sonthetn ei-
pro i train on the Iron Mountain railroad
wan turning the curve tram the levee Into
Poplar Ktreet. tit. Loula the online
left the track nud pluiRed IntJ A
thiee ttory brick hulldin ? , 1 rcuklnR
a big hole In H front. The coitf
HDR between the engine and tender broke ,
the latter shot off In Iho i > pn | lta direction
and tire down the etitue fiout on the
south slda of the s'reet. Uuth btilldlngj
are dwelling houses , but no lumntea were
Injured. No datnagn waa done except to
the buildings nnd eufcine.
Thi rumor that the Wl eon ln Centra ]
road la to be landed to the Northern Pacific
U denied by an tfTicir of the Wire nutu
Centra ) . Prcaldenl Colby , of the 1 ttei
road , when last In Milwaukee , tatd he had
completed arranger ) entu with the North
ern Pacllio by which tha latter were tc
build rnnd from Superior City to Ash
laud. Work bis teen pushed and track
lajlng will bn completed in Septemhei
next ; that traffic arrangement ) ) had r > eot
c rp pie ted but that tha Wl.coneln Cen <
tral was Independent ot the Nortben
A number ot ihlpoera of dressed beel
met In the Chicago oific * of the joint g n
of the enit bound pool Saturday , nd fur
nlthfd Btatlntlcs frtm which tha join1
agent will make ut > statfinent to forwari
to Commissioner Fink , to bo used by bin
In deter Iniog whether the ratei or
dresied beef khall bo fnrtber advanced
Tee grain receivers ar d ihlppen also me
Sitmdar , and consldsred the Jiroposltloi
ot tbe east bound freight lines , shippers t
bo allowfdto appjlnt their own welghuina
terr , snbj-ct to the approval of the join
agent , and decided it advl ahle to have i
wtlgbmaetcr subject to removal by thi
roitd * , and the proposition was not ac
cepted , pending further conference to b
held next Monday.
Bp Ul Dispatches to Tni Us *
Louis Venlllot , tha celebrated Fteccl
author and journalist Is dead.
Herr Most ba * arrived in Philadelphia
He was met by radical soclalliti.
The remain * of the late Judge H. 0
McComas and wile , recently killed by In
dian , have arrived at Foit Ssolt , Ka * .
The Now York bank statement show * ;
reserve decrease of $390,430. The bank
now hold $ .1,701,000 below legal require
The Dei Moinea agricultural college ba
been temporarily cloned owing to th
breaking out of scarlet fever among th
student * .
Tbe steamer Brooklyn ran ashore a
Hog I laud Friday night. Tbe pusenget
were taken off ; she i * badly gruund an
full of water.
The agricultural Implement bouse c
Geo. V7. Uuuso & Son at PeorU , III , wa
otslly destroyed by tiro. Lou $45.000 , li
inraijce f 27.5UO.
The loese * by the fire in Hotel Berklej
Boston , aggregated $170CCO , of wnicl
$160,000 was penenal property and $20 ,
000 on the building.
Rumor * of receiving a letter threat entn
the life of tha Maquis of Lome and reoen
nsplolou * occnrreuce * at Rldeau hai
auira some alarm at Ottawa.
A fire Saturday morning at Sioux Citj
! . , gutted Heaver & Stephen * ' fnrntmn
j u on ( took , $ , .5 000 ; tn-uranco , UOCO (
T in on building. 82,000 ; Insured.
Tha trial of Mr * . Jane Vermer at Wei
3end , Wl * , , for the alleged poitonlog t
ter mother with dotored soup , endt
Satniday in a verdict of not guilty.
Itii reported that horses are lufTerta
a a few localities la Minnci ita from pint
ye , glanden and a kind of nervct
disease termed by come iplcal menlng
tl * .
A wrestling match between Joe Acto
and Tom Ounnnm In Philadelphia ft
! lf 00 , wa * won by Acton In two stralgl
brow * . Two thousand people weie pro
Tbe American schooner Eitella and th
ilixlcan pl'ot ' boat Teodorllo were lost o
.he . bar at Tauoo , Golf of Mexico , dai
ng a northern gale. All hand * wei
drowned ,
Near Clinton , Jones county , Ga. , Cftec
mile * from Atlauti , tbe nine ye r old nc
Uu.k Jordnn , while playing wiih an u
gun , killed Mrs. Whieter , an old lady , at
voundtd her daughter , Air * . Allen at
> aby.
Police Sereeint William Becker , o
judlufr , P. . . waa probably fitally hc :
jy Mirtlu Wenrlok whim he wt takla
n a carriage to Jill , Wonrlck was sfc'ei
wnid nirreted.
In D enpirt , Inwn , Satniday at tl
city election ihe democrat * elected tivo 01
of eevtn aldermen , city clerk , R&BJBBH
treft-urtr and police ungistr te. The r
iblioant elect tbe mayor.
Amell , Arnold & 0' . , flour and fei
store at Williamnn'ic , Conu , was enter *
Friday nlnht ncd the Rafe bluwu open at
robbed of n < nall uraoaut of money ai
: JOf 00 to $30,000 In bonds.
There wat a gccoral display of fligi n
hilt masc throughout New York 3 lu
d y In honor of tbe memory of Pet
( J oper , Hbo-e lunenl took place In tl
nf ernnon. The funeral was largely ul
tend'd ,
A negro in J ll at Charleston , W. V
l reported to h vo confessed to tbe mu
d r uf the Gibbon children , for wh ! <
Neal and ( ! nft are now in j til in Lezln
too , and whom numerous attempt * ha'
been made to lynch.
James P. Snow dM In Mer'den , Coon
Saturday night. la 1868 bo wa * chalrm
If the Alabama delegation to the republ
cn national omventloo , and was tba fir
vote ever cast for Gtneral irant for a ca
dldate for president ,
A pauenger Ualn on the Gulf. Colors
& MsnU Fe railway \vu wrecke d ne
Ce-lar Hill , Tens Most of the or * we
badly damaged. Two expreai meten e
had llmbt broken and the baggage mast
was icrlourly bnit internally.
A pslte fUht took place Saturday mnr
ing near Na < trcoke , Pa. , between T > i
SUvIu and Mike Oavanaugh. The Gg
wj * Ion ? and bloul .of 2Jround" . Rlv
WB ] LnnoVed down 21 time * . Gavanvi
w n tha winner. Ujthnxou w re tCnlt
To Uoiton Jnnrntl notes that cell
wa * takrn from the alms home grave yn
Friday , and n : "Onn cau Imagine t
m-nrftttim whth would be produced by t
intro'luotiim ' i to tha coinuiittee room ol
penulre Tiffin , reekini ; with the mould
th TdLe * urygra a yard. "
Freeman YiunzK vc , treasurer nml bu
neti m nafer f tha Cohort , N. Y. Stra
board Co. , h > left that city , bavin ? , It
alleged , forced the name of Nhhnl
Clnte , hii f tLcr-ln-law , to notea for S2i
0 0. HI * acoounti are In snph conditl
that thb company has iuf pended.
HA circular * fan been i s ed by prcn
nent mannftoturert of American win
and ch mp gne Cklllog upon otb r man
factnrers of wines to suggest some meaau
to be presented lo congress to oppose t
adulteration of native wine * , andamea * !
will b < called. It U suggested that th <
kail b BO tax en puw itaUve wUss ; tfi
is ra'e ot native still or iparkllnff wloei
nder any fictitious for 'gn label fhkll be
irohlbltcd , n d that the adulteration ol
vlnen ha1l bs foffelUd nd the produieri
10 tnbj ct to heavy 6ne ,
Ju lus Marcnf , whlsVy broker , accused
Fde'rnodioi ' ; the customs , arrived in New
York frr m Portland , Ore.
H v. Dr. Alfred W. PMttHpo , foi
* eritv tey n yean rector of Chiist church ,
rnoklyn , died of pneumonia.
The 'econd election m Cumherlanil and
? Mt Greenwich , It I , , resulted in i
Humph fur tbe republicans.
Dr. SimeonlK < nny Furney , aged 33
crgeon of tbe iteam hlp Monarch , ( or
rarrly surgeon to the khedh e , was drown
lln New York.
The Ginidlan privy connell ha * dectdci
nt to allow the Importation of Arneiicai
hi sky In bond , even under the teventy
wo hours limitation.
Tbe funeral of Matt Grace , the Net
Torktpoit , was made the occislon Sun
ay for a gathering t'gether of notabli
lUfcllUts and wrestlers of the conntry.
In a quarrel belwecn Sergeant Wllloi
aolored ) and Private Boyd , at Fort Hale
) alcot , yotterday , tbe forrmr shot thi
alter wltb an aimy rifle , killlnt ; him In
A Bpecial passenger train on the Ken
ucky Central ditched the eog'ne ' ueai
utter , Kv , , tunning into a land nlfp
Iglitly li.jurlng the engineer. Tbe tire
mnn was killed ,
Tbe Linden Daily Teleeraph Bays it un
lands the pruldentu of the Grand Trunl
, ad Cauaohn Pacific railway companlei
lave held a conference which termlnatet
atlnfactorlly , nnd there IB good prospect o
an agreement between the two companle
being nrtived et-
The trustees of the Park Avenue Meth
odUt Episcopal church , of Philadelphia
seceded became the bUhop rtfueil to is
! gu a certain minister to tbe church , am
rganlzd another congregation. One o
tig trustees bought the mortgage on th
hurch building.
Ylgnaux and Schaefer announce tbo ;
will go tr ) St. Louis and Cincinnati ani
[ jlay exhibition garroi this week , remain
ng in the latter city three days. Tn
unont St. Louii will be the regular thre
ill , fifteen hundred point * . Sexton
) lon cnl Duly go to Now York at one. :
At Oikalcojn. Iowa , ' yesterday Mrs
fancy Braden , ju > t returned from a Call
ornla j mrney , was fuffoc&ted in ho
oem at the hotel by gas escaping from th
mrner. She had turned ( t off , but , an th
op bad no catch , the turned it parti ;
n tgain. Sno was quite dead when f li
Five hundred boyn and girls gathered 1
root of the hall in Syracuse , New York
n which i he sulratiou nrmv Deld a meet
ng , list night. SpecUl tfficers at the er
ranee were pelted with mud. Tha crow
ing "Koll the Oarl t Along" and "Pc
ly Dudj'dCiit" The police disperse
be mob alter three arretta.
The govercment gauge at the head c
Canal street , New Orleans , shows therm
o be even with the great flood of J87-1
md five inches hixher than last yem
tlost of the plating in front of the levee I
: < ivered ( with w-ter. Steamers in man
ases have landed freight 100 feet funhe
ml than nsn l.
Henry Bergb , the defender of all an
malp , hai written a letter to Birnum , th
circus man , condemning the killing of th
lephant Pilot. His argument was tha
clidaeffl , Instead of c > uelty , would hav
nbdued the animal. Barnnm'i reason fc
killing Pilot waa that he considered it safe
not to subject bis patrons to danger.
An accident on the Central Pacific rail
way between Emerson and Winnipeg , h
which EngineerRobin'onwaa killed Tb
express from the south ran into a freigb
it Nlnerville. The fireman of the exprei
nmp d , hut the driver stood at hit po
and WM killed. One pass * nger waa revei
y wounded and several more slightly.
Charl s G , Jackson , James Dever an
D. P. Duncan have been indicted by th
itrand jury for connection with the allege
"rands in the street department under tb
ate municipal government of San Frai
: ico. The allegation * are forgery , pe
nry , obtaining money under false pretet
es by a si stem ot filsa warrants , an
lummy pay rolls. Tbe allegation is thi
( LOO 000 a year was stolen In thb rainnei
P. H. Bnrcb , advertising himself a th
Union Manufacturing company , of Gall
ua , Illinois , an1 recently posted us a awlr
dler by the postofitce authorities , hai dii
appeared. He succieded in swindling It
nocent people , mtstly Swedes , by proa
sing to send article * through tbe malli
to the extent of $35,000. Since pubI )
xposnre , three hundred money order * an
regUtired letters have been returned t
tbe senders.
It was feared in Ohioago that tha prei
ent strike of ravens would Interfere wit
the construction of the new board of trod
and other large public structures , but tt
contractors assert that It wilt not. Tn
building committeeof , the board of trad
aisert that they will make concessions t
the contractor * In tbe present emergency
A meeting of bricklayers list nleht d
elded to continue tbo Btiike anddeclaie
thit the threat of the contractor ! to in
port workmen would not succeed ,
As an incident to the ceremony i
dnrnrattng tha confederate deid in Ne
Orleani Saturday , and' the lay ! g of tt
cornet itona ot a monument to be BU
mounted by ancqueatrUn lUlus of Albe ;
Sidney Johnton , was an oration deliver !
by Jtfferton Davis , In wbhb ho eulogiz' '
the characteristics of the dead leader. ]
Johnon he recogtlzed n strong pillar '
the confederacy , and when bo fell in tl
field ol Shlloh the mightiest column whli
sustained the cau-e had fallen. Ha dii
in the moment of victory , and had he Hvi
half an hour longer would have mai
Urant u prisoner or n fnzitive. The co
fedcraoy had three great leaderf , Jobmo
Le aui JaoVson , who would compa
with any loaders ef ancient or mode :
XUluMi and euici
Neuralgia ,
ScUlici , LumbsQo
tcrineu , Catt , Iruliu ,
Anl all ethnb 4llul
ndfilfl * .
nm con i semi
Soil 7 mil Dnntliti.
D i ) 71. DlrMtl.u U
UD . . ! *
i U A. TM W 4 C
lUltUi.ra. Bt , C. B.
Wirnnted Absolutely pi
Cocoa , from whlo the eic
ol eli h I b n n iuo cd. It !
three time * theitrenalh
Cocoa mlxid * Un fit rcE , ,
tow Itooior Sugtr.tnd u tater
tor * t'r nor * e ommlc l. 1
Je'lclom. nourUhlDf , itrtrr
enlrB.f.illj dlro > UJ , K'di
rulriblj 4 > ptcd lor lnr Idi
well M ( or pei ions In beilth
Bold by Qroc r ! Cv niwrM
W , BAIIEt OoDorcli8Ster. , Ma
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb.
And Window Glass.
O \IAHA - . . - _ . NEBRASKA.
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
Ground Oil Cake.
It is the beat and cheapest food for stock of any kind. Ono pound Is eqnal
to three pounds of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Oako in the fall and winter -
tor , instead of running down , will increase in weight and bo in good market
able condition in the spring. Dairymen as well an others who nso it can tes
tify to its merits. Try it and judge for yourselves. Price $25.00 per ton ; no
charge for sacks. Address
o4.eod-mo WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL CO. , Omaha , Neb.
. Hellman & Co *
1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor. 13th
Druggists ,
* * '
WhiskieS !
in Eond or Free. Also direot Importers of
Jobbers and Manufacturers of Fine
Agents for Jos. Schlitz' Milwaukee Beer , *
Bottled and in Kegs.
214 & 218 S , 14TH STREET , - - - OMAHA , NEB ,
Carpenter's Materials
Stair Railings , Balusters , Window
and Door Frames , Etc.
First-dnsj facilities for the Manufacture of all kind * of Mouldings , Planing aud
matching a Specialty , Order * from the country will b promptly executed ,
addreas&lloommnnlcatt A. MOVER. Priori1
Frederic , Monroe Oo , Iowa ,
0. E. MAYNE , - - Proprietor.
Ha * constantly on hand a larga number
of Hcraea.
Hatched Teams & Single Drivers
reo Irtlcn cl Horse * and other In forma-
ttinunt br ma'lon ' appllcilloa.
First-Olass PaiDting and Trimming , Repairing Promptly Done.
8 1310 Harney , 0 .r. lith , Omth * ,