I'HJB .T > ATLY MONDA * APRIL 9 X rotnblnaHon of I'm tojftile of Iron , JYnirinn .If a rlt a mil 'hosphonis i n a italatablo fonn , Jh'or IMAUtv , Jjoit of Ant titfrro.itratlonof ( 'ti ' &K V.A.I.J _ After n thorough trial of the . PURIFIES IRON TON1O , I take pleasure in atatinir that I have boon. Uj ienofltod by Ita LDDD _ moat excellent remedy tot 080. Ministers and Pub the debilitated vital forces. lic Speakers will find it of the greatest valno where a Tonic Is neces sary * I recommend It * a reliable ) remedial went , possessing1 nn- doubted nutritive and restorative properties. \ tcvtmllt , XV. , Oct. J , isa. MEDICINE CO. . 213 M. MAIN ST. . CT. LOOM. I I K Z * si ° SB SuSo..u 1:3 a 13 T38 ° o- o injtatiai II o 86rf od5aa | z&-83a ! ! | p | u > o JEfi H-H ; ! H1 HENRY LEHMANN , JOBBER OF AND WINDOW SHADES . EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. 18 FAFW . - - OMAHA The Oldest Wholesale and Retail JEWELRYHOUSS in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in SIL VER - WARE. CL00KS , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the Latest , Most Artintic , and Choicest Selections in PRECIOUS STONES and all descriptions of FJ2J33 WATCHES at as Low Pri- cea as Is compatible with honorable dealers , Call fit ' " - and see our Elegant , New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farnham ) Streets THE LEADING MUSIC HOUSE IN THE WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any MeiternMamifaoturer and Dealer , Pianos and 0 ja ssold for cash or. installoieutt at Bottom Pr c'es. ' ' Ur A SPLENDID ft ck'of Steinw y Chickerinej. Knabe , Vose & Son's Pi : anos , andothrr makes. Also Clongh & Waren Sterling Imperial. Fmith American Or anf , &c. Do not fail to see us before purchasing.1 MAX MEYER & BRO. , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW GftSES. A Large Stock always on Hand. HAS TSS UEST STOOS IN OMAHi AND MAKES THE LOWEST PBIOES 8 IMPROVEMENTS Have now been finished in our store , mal' [ ng it the largest and most complete EHOUSE In the West An additional story has been built and the five floors all connected with two HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS , Ono Exclusively for the UBB of Passengers , These immense ware- roomc--throe stores , are 66 feet wide are filled with the Grand est display of alt kinds of Household and Office Furniture evai All are invited to call , take the Elevator on the first flooi and go tlirongh the building and inspect the stook- GHAS * SHIVERICK , 206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha "ff Ji ' * Wfit / J. A. WAND AND 1U7TAIL DBALKB IH Lath , Shingles , Pickets , ftOLDIXGS , LIME , GEMEK & , : . rtt-Vi yet ttawAOufca CKHEKT OOUFANT Uiiioii IHtcSflc 'DepotOMAHA THREE MINUTES TO TWELVE , On a cold December night some twenty years ngo , when the earth was bound In n black frost , nnd Iho bitter wind blow strong and shrewdly , I w a rotnrnlrg homo from upending the evening at a friend's house , situated sorno three or four miles out of town. The sky was so black , the country lanoa were BO dark , that I was truly thnttkful when the scattered lights of an outlying suburb began to twluklo in the distance , and It was with a sigh of relief that I stopped nndor the Grat lamp post I came to , and looked at uiy watch. It was no easy task , for Iho lamp glass had n pane broken , and the strong wind blow the gas in all dlrcd- tlons and almoat oxtinguiahod It. I road thu time at last three min utes to twelve and , looking up from the watoh face , 1 atnrted to see a man standing close uppoalto mo. I hnd haard nothing of hla approach. Wo looked nt t-noh other but a moment , yet it wsa nufliolont time to imprint his features indelibly on my memory. A tall , nhubby man , in a threadbare , black frock coat , and n needy , tall hat ; his face lantern jawed and nalloir , hla oyea sunken nnd luatorloaa , hla board long and ill trimmed. lu n touo of elaborate civility ho asked mothotlmo thanked mo for my answer , and , giv- lug mu good nluht , paused into the bluak darkuecB , whloh nconiod to engulf - gulf him like a giavii I turned tor a rtoinont to think of his lonely walk lu that grim obscurity , and resumed my lonely way , laughing at myself for the atari ho had given mo , und reflected that the strong wind had blown away the sound of his ap proach. I thought of him SB I eat nitd smoked my plpo over my fire , find fait a comfortable shudder steal upon mo as I imagined him facing the bitter blaat lu his InaulHclont clothing. In the course of a week or two the Incident trifling onouph , heaven knows faded from my memory , and I thought no more of It , In tnoso days I was actively engaged in the timber trade , nnd the oonrao of my business took mo agreat deal about the country , and brought mo largely In contact with the agents of the dif ferent noblemen and country gentle men of the district. With ono of the agents , who realded near the country town of L , I had numerous transac tions , and I used to often run , down teL L to moot ; him , for the town was ouly fifteen miles away , nnd was on a line of railroad. It was a dull little hole enough , that only warned up into life when the militia were out or the aialzea were on. Ono night I returned from L. , bar ing made a largo purchase from my friend the agent , whoso matiter , a sporting nobleman , waa reduced to cut down the family timber. WhonI feel aaleeo that night I had n verj simple but vivid dream. I though I WUH ttandlng on n lofty hill. By my sldo stood u veiled Sgnro , who , with a cnmmandlng gesture , motioned me toward the town of L. , which lay in the far distance. Then I nwoko. Of course I explained the thlngt o myself easily enough. I had bnt-u a good deal engaged in the neighbor hood of the place , and had a large ven ture more or loss remotely connected with it , Still ttio dronnf WRB an vivid that 1 could not dismiss it from my thoughts dutiog the whole of the day , and when I went to bed at night I wondered if it would again viilt mo. ' It did bomo again ; , precisely the same dream , ' In precisely the name manner. Once more I found a con vincing explanation. Doubtless I had been thinking too muohr about the first dreain , and this had given rise to the second. But my explanation did not convince me In the least. Again I waa haunted by the thing through- oct the day , and when I came homo at night my preoccupation was so evi dent that it attracted the attention of my wlfo. She questioned mo upon the cause , and , only too thvjkful to unbosom myself of whit w a nbw al most a trouble , I told her about the dream and its repetition. She had the tact not to laugh at me , but wan evi dently little impressed by the narra tive. tive.The The third night it came again , il anything more vivid and startling than before. This time I waa utterly un hinged ; the pale face that fronted me in the looking glasa was hardly reoog. uizsble for my own. I wont down tc breakfast , filled with a foreboding ; ol Bomo misfortune bad news In my letter torI know not what. The maid ° nterod with the lotto bag. "Thero , " said my wife , uasalne ; letter on which was the L. Postmark "that breads yonr dronm , John. " I cponod it hurriedly. It waa fron the agent , requesting mo to meet bin at L. that day at 1 o'clock to arrangi a difficulty that had arisen In the per formance of hla contract. I was Intensely relieved. Here wa an opportunity to go to L. , and per haps tho'very faot of going would pn mo right. There wore'two fast train to L-Tintho morning , but I decided ti go by the first , regardless of the fao that I should have some hours to wait So I found myself speeding awa toward my destination. The train waa full. Pipes exhalei their fragrance. Newspapers wer turned and flattened , and there wa that leisurely kind of morning con versatlon that prevails among mo going off by an early train to thol day's work. I soon discovered that had fallen among a party of barrister and their chief topic was a peculiar ! , , interesting case , which waa to b finished to-day at the L. assizes. "Ho must sum up against the prl oners" said a gentleman with a fa florid face and long sandy whisker who wore a light overcoat and shej herd's plaid trousers. "Tho defoni waa a complete failure and deserved be. " "It waa certainly rather audacious returned a clean shaven young mi with a double eye-glass , who eat opp site mo , "but I don't like clroumstai tlal evidence. " "All evidence Is more or lew cl cnmsUntlaV- answered he of tl florid complexion ; "and thla man It i clearly guilty to my mind as If the had been a dozen witneosea to utai by andW blm'do the deed. Thai my opinion , Hey wood. " And tl oraolo disappeared behind his news- pnonr. Feellnp plad to discover any topic that would divert my thoughts from lliolr I'looniy foiobodings , 1 addrcssud myself to lloywood. the ) ouoj { b rrl . tor , with whom I had a slight ac quaintance. "Yon seem much Interested in this trial that Is going on , " I nald. "May 1 ak if you are engaged unon il ? " "No , " ho answered. "Hut it Is a cutious else. A man , n clerk dla- mlssod from his employment , it aconeod of murdering the cashier of the firm. The evidence against him Is entirely circumstantial : but the defense broke down at the most critical point , and c so certainly looks very black tor the prisoner. " The train was now Blackening speed , and there waa a general rising. I rose , too. "Aro you going to got ent here ? ' said Mr. Uoywood , opening the door , as wo glided into the station. "Ilavo you come down so early on buslnuae ? ' < iYoB"I said , wishing to goodness I knew what the immediate business wns. "Nothing very urgent , though , " I added , half to myntjlf , RB I got out. "It you have the time to spare you hnd better turn In nnd hear the end of the trial , " aald lloywood. "Tho court will bo crowded with ladles , no doubt , but I can emcgglo jou into n corner. " ' Not knowing what to do with my Bolt the next few hours I accjpttd tlio other with gratitude. I waa soon seat ed in an obtcnro corner of n dingy , ill- lighted , ill-veutilntcd court honso , which wontd have been ill smelling , had it not boon for the scout wafted from the numerous ladles who wore present. Ono of these , a buxom fe male obstruction , who ought to have known better , was just In front of mo nnd blocked my vlow with nn onor < raous bonnet. I conld'nt ' sou the prlso HIT , his counsel , or oven the o'ock over his head , at which the people kept looking eagerly as the hour fixed for the recommencement of the trial ap preached , ' At last there was a stir and bustle , caused by poiajno invisible to mo , then a call for silence , and after a few preliminaries the summing com moncted. I listened the nioro Intently because I could sco nothing. The clear , cold , tolling sentences cut deep Into my consciousness. How distinct and con vincing it all wasl How all those mlnuto facts , the mute testimony of footmarks and the like , arranged and distributed by that powerful intellect , grouped themselves Into the damning proof of guilt. I cared nothing for tbe prisoner , hnd no peiaonal interest In the trial , but my mind waa wonderfully fascinated by his tale of horror. At length thi weighty tonea coasurl , and a murmui of relief and expectation rnu round thi assembly. At this moment the wo man with the high bonnet shifted hei scat , and I obtained n fall view of the prisoner. I started involuntarily Where bad I sonn that f.ioo before ? The jury returned after a short ab sence ; the verdict waa guilty , acooin pauied with a recommendation to mercy. Again the j udgo's solemn tones Bounded through the court ; again they ceased , There waa dead silence. I sprang to my foot as if compelled to do ao by some unseen power , and looked steadily at the prlaonor. His face was averted from me for the moment , but the looks of the people nhowod mo that ho waa about to , npunk. Slowly ho turned around , , and , ia a voice whose deep , ' earnest" toacn could bo hoard nil over the assembly , ho said "There lives but one man who can provo mo lunooout and there he stands. " With whlto faoo and outstretched arms ho pointed at mo , I gazed at him with a sudden look of recogni tion. It was the man I had seen nn dor the lamp And , by a strange co incidence , at this moment the court block struck twelve. The plea that had been got up by the defense was an alibi. But there waa a space of aomo two hours that could not bo accounted for , and the theory of the prosecution waa that the crlmo had boon committed during thie tlino. My evidence supplied the mlss ing link , fir the place in which I had seen the man waa so far distant from the aoeno of the murder that it wai impossible for him to havn been any where near at the time of Ita oommla slon. slon.And And the dream ? Only a coinci dence , yon will say , perhaps , or a of indigestion , or my timber contract Nevertheless.B I have told you , so 1 . happened. Explain It away who can Doctor' * Endorsement- Ur. W. D. v/rlxht , Clnclnnntl , O. ) end * the nubjolnod professional endorse or : merit : "I have pretcrlbed DK. WM HALL'S BALSAM tfOU THK LUNG In a great numbeJ if caaos and nlway a i with success. Oue cate In particular wa , given uu by several pbyilcUus who bai been called In ( or consultation with my self. The patient had nil the symptom of confirmed consumption cold nigh sweats , hectic fever , harassing cough , etc He commenced Immediately to get bette and was soon restored to his usual hoilth I alii found DR. WM. HALL'S UAI BALI FOR THK LUNGS the most vale as able expectorant for breaking up dlstrest ir- log coughs and colds that I have eve irnt oted" 81-dweodlw nt us to A MODE3N BONO OF HOME ct . How It la a BloselnaandHowItla No It.y y ; BurJett * ID the Uawkoje. ed I talk about homo because I ai re. rarely there and men llko to tnl 'as most of what they know least abou n- "There Is no place llko home. " Eire non : those who live In boarding house olr tonchlngly warble that song. Hou tl Is more to a woman than to a mai , A man who has no homo Is a socl rly tramp. With a woman it Is dlflbren boIs she wants a homo , bat does not n ways h vo a chance to got It.V < Is- man foods npon afFdctlon. She , never happy until she gets her Ide rs , man , and then she Is cast down op- find another woman's photograph at ISO love letter in bis overcoat pocket. Lto Bat a man gets his homo la house mortgage , mechanic's lien at " all. Be has all but the mortgage , ar urn the mortgage baa him. All of a man , po- life , except what he upends at tl an- store , olab , caucus , lodge or pray meeting , la spent In hla homo. Mi la great in his own boose ; if ho b a the a king , he Is at least a prince conaoi a i * Many are llko the man who , on bell ere nominated for lieutenant overnc ind said ; ftt'B "You Have nominated the right mi the for the place. I hvvo boon * . Ueute ant governor over since I was mar * rlod.7' It Is said that every homo has a skeleton ; but I don't ballovo it. It Is only n thing of the imagination. Some regard a poor relation as n skel eton ; bat that fs wrong. No man is pjor for fun ; ho can't help It , and Is entitled to yonr sympathy. Homos are brighter and bolter than they used to bo. Our wives make thorn so. When a wlfo buys her husband a diamond mend pin for Christmas , It brightens homo and the husband la made happy by receiving the bill ton days before Christmas , Did She Diet "No ; Rho lingered and suffered alonp , pining away all the tlrno for years , the doctors doing her no good ; and at last was cured by this llop Bit ters the papers say 10 much about. Indeed ! Indeed ! how thankful wo should bo for that medicine. " Bow the Vandorbtlt Bull Looked to the Now York Qrnphtc. .Americana nro not given to envy , but they nro sympathetic. They do not worship wealth , but they have cousldorablo respect for It. They do dote on parties , however , and there is no Vanderbllt ball which they would not llko to attend. "I guess wo had bettor go , " said Charles to Maria. "Um , " said Maria , laying asldo her knitting noodles. "Well , perhaps on the wholu wo had. Wo don't want to spoil the party by remaining away. But I must still Insist that Mrs. Wil- Ham is the stuckuposted thing I over BOO. " When thcso distinguished guests reached the mansion of Mr ; and Mrs. William it waa about 10:30 : o'clock. Thu night was clear and cold. The sky was ornamented with a delicately ornamented moon and a few stars , the stars extremely expensive and out with thu utmost dexterity. An aristocratic ulr of sombronesH prevaaod the vault of heaven , which wan composed more or less of moire antlq'io , with slight suggestions of old old In the lower end moro atmospheric portion of the horizon. In the far north the aurora bjrealls was Invisibly ozhlbitod , and the Imagination ot the thousand guests was permitted to feast upon the songs of the angels an they will pres ently bo hoard. The hum of the slightly distant street oars and of the elevated roads on either side came to the oar In undulated muilo , and mln gled pleasantly with the monotone of the carriages that wont cuuaHy by , the same being engineered by drivers of exceptionable dignity nnd sldc- whiskur , and drawn by horses which must hnvo cost $1,000 nplcco. "Why don't they ntrolko up tin lolghts ? " suddenly Inquired a Vonc tlan prlnoaos In a silvery voice , at thi same time Inadvertently swinging ho fiklrta and thereby exhibiting fair bro gana and undordress of the most expensive pensive factory fancifully onnmollod in what appeared to bo very old gold. 'That's thj use of a houeo wld no candles in il ? " "An' that , " Bald Mr. Patrick O'Jr/laharty , of Canal street , who waa attired In knoobroooheo , the continua tions thereof being in Scotch without Iho Blockings , nnd whp were a high hat in thu style of ono of the English kings iftir lua tntijfsty had lost his huad ; "ait * Uittt'n that I WHS about to atl.im'piilf. . It's thu quaar thing , la this. A house in the uolghtvldout a otndle , nn' this a nolght for a ball. : Did yi u Ivor hoar of a wako that was dismal llko IhoU ' " Perhaps , sir , " aald Miss McPhor- son , who officiates with the utmost elegance In a millinery store in Eighth avenue , and whoso bright oyea and brilliant complexion have been the admiration of all beholders who waa attired In bombazlno out bias , arid whosp'bonnot ' , slightly tipped over the , loft oar , was evidently made for , Eu- ter , and.has boon generally admired > ' 'perhaps , air , H' the custom of the " ' enno' "Py shimlnotty , dot vos so , " spoke : up Mr. Israel , of Chatham street whose gold earrings were the envy < all beholders , and whose hands spark' led with diamonds. "But I shposo del Inslto vas covered mlt curlings to shul der light end , and dor gas vas bloom' In' poantlfnlly. But you valt and sec 'em blue von she's turned on achmart 1- Votyou dink o'dot hoj ? " 13t The carriage came and wont. Thi men on the box sat straight and looked > t.It , nhead as If there waa something there It The adjoining and the opposite man n. slons hoked brown and cold. Thi lavender sky oontlnnod to bo econom icul in btars. The noise of the rail . , roads was subdued nnd respectable , 18- "Maria " said Charles , "have VI. , yet ) 13 ! on yonr green plush with the satii ja trimmings ? And are yonr diamond as and rubles qntto safe ? Be caution * my dear. When ono gets among mil iy llonaires ono znnat bo ointiouo. Am bt ho ir are thu bilk stockings with thel to. diamond bracelets ? ' to.er er " comfortable dear " sad h. "Quito , my , L. Mam , but I do wish you had won yonr hat with a plume In It and gel gs- lace for a band. Whore Is that seven rer cluster ring I gave you ? " "All safe , " oald Charles , > nd yo will likewise notlco that I have in swallow-tail on ; or rather tbe iwalloi with the tall omitted. Yon remombei Ot. dear , the little arpnment I bad wit Thompson of the Ninth precinct , an how ho pulled until I got away. m There was presently a crash of me ilk sic that split the leaden sky. The cm nt. rlages had deposited much of tbol nt.on precious freight , but the pavlllon- i JOS therotumior aa the ntal wart pollcenu mo politely called It could not receive , in. all. It foamed outside like good boa slal and spilled Itself over the near an nt ; further sidewalk and the intorvonln al- pavement. Mary Queen of Scott , Jo- attired lu a sowing girl's dross cf an Joit porior fit , hobnobbed with George tl oal Fourth , who were tight pants , carrlc .to 1 a cane and said in elegant English h ind wanted a glass of beur. EUzibctt In a diminutive collar that stood uj lot , winked to Sir Walter lUlelgh , whoi ind cloak wan a dress coat , and who ca md rled his hands lu his pookctn wllh n's nonchalance delightful to behold , Tl the sleeping princess cf fairy land , aui ycr denly awakonad by Prluco \Vha''o-th \ an Matter of Sixth avenue , si * 1 la Urn not tones tint what who Wv ( cl wa to \ rt. home , nnd ImmediVuly wtnt. Tl Ing old woman who lived In a uhoo gat , erod her children togeUiorj and Ing her chin tfrioo aa long ui . nan Mrs. Jndy , wont slowly down towur en I Third avenue , dragging her ho'ols In meat delightful manner. BIu'o Board and hit many wives were there , none of the latter in n state of murder , and sev eral blasts from a largo bugle were fol lowed In quick order by Stonewall Jackton and Kibln llood and their inorry mon. A Xilfo Saving Sorvioo. Mr. M. K , Allison , Hutchison , Kan.i Saved hi * Ufa by n simple Trial Bottle of Dr. KDR'II | New Dliojvory , ( or Consump tion , which caused him to procure n larvo liottlo that completely cured him , when Doctom , change of climate and everything else had failed. Asthma , Bronchitis , Se vere Coughs , and all Throat and Lung dis eases. It Is KU rant cod to euro , Trial bottles free at 0. F. Goodman' * dtug store , Largo size , SI. SI.Bprl2ood&w lw The Onlof of the Kuatlora. Santa Fo Now Mtilcan. John Klnuoy , leader ot all the Now Mexico ruitlora nnd the man who hes proven such a terror to the cattle In terests of the territory , Is about 32 yearn o ngo , five foot , seven Inches in height , stout , rather bloated , weighs 105 pounds , florid complexion , light brown hair , blue eyes , full , round facn and light inonstaoho. lie Is a braggart , talks loud , drinks hard , lacks prudence , has killed two mon , brags of killing others , Is bold , but lacks norvo. lie Is believed to bo nn Irishman. Ktnnoy has boon operating in Southern Now Mexico , Texas and Old Moxloo for three yearn , lie waa formerly a soldier In the Eighth Uni ted States cavalry , lie has a ranch In n cottonwood grove u.iuth cf ll'ncoo , whore ho has spent most of hie tlmo since leaving the army , butchering and shipping stolen cnttlo. Ktnnoy is a sort of major general , having com maud ever all the rustic * , s , WASHINGTON , D. 0. , \ May 15 , 1880. J OKNTLKMKN Having boon n sutler- or for a long tlmo from nervous pros tratlon and general debility , I waa advised to try Hop Bitters. I have taken ouo bottle , and 1 have boon rapidly getting bettor ever since , and I think It the oost modlolno I ever used. I am now gaining strength and appetite , which was all gone , nnd I was in despair until I tried yonr Bit ters. I Cm now well , able to go about and do my own work. Before taking It. I was completely prostrated MRS. MARY STUART , r HEALTH OF WO THE HOPE 0 RACE .YDIA E. PINKHAM'S COMPOUND. 'gar * Onr for all BE3IAI.lt WBA1V. NliHSKH , Inclndlna LcucorTtorn , Ir * . rccular nnd I'lilnfal nien tro tlon , Inflammation nnil tllccrntlon of the Womb , Floadlni , 1M O. - ! J.AI'HUS UT1III , &o. it ( VrTlraiuittothetiuito.efflracIoui nl ( ImmodUK itd ith IU effect HUftgroithelpln rronnancy , nd n net rln daring Ubor and at rrrular periods. d rorsicms rs * ij ixDrntsinins IT IHKIIT. ie CTTo * AiiWlAnressni of theiffntratlM ontaol isd Ithf r 101 , It U second to nra remedy that li- r d tn before the publloj and for all dscM of tN pnrri It U the artatut Rmtdy in tin Worlit , - r-KHlNKY COM W < AWTH of Either S sd Find Grea Itellcf In In Uie. 10 tTDIA E. riNKIIAM'S III.IIOT > FCIinlKli IU Srmdlca& err rcstlge of lluniom fnnn , Ul bed at tlMHuno tlmn wllftrtTO tnno and rtrrnitth o oj tem. 5j arTeUousl result as the Cunn-ouud , t rBoththeOomj > oiindiuid Blood mtifler are pn ol r d at 133 and 35 WMttrn Arenuo , I rnn , Ma > rice of either , $1. Six bottles for $5. The Comp < ! c- c3t sent by mall In the fonn of pills , or of lotcngei 3t jcelpt of prioo , $1 per box for f Ithrr. Mrs. rink It ely answer * all letter * of Inquiry. Enclose Sq a- amp. Bend for pamphlet. Vtntion thlt a10 10 . PrmmAii's I trra tltii COT * and Torpidity of tbo Uv r. t. 10d 0. n- nie n- II- U in da , : id sir rn ild in- Are aoknowlodged to bo thi on best by all who have put ihon nyW to a practical test. W ADAPTED TO ih' nd HARD ' & SOFT 80AI OOEE OR WOOD. olr MANUFACTURED 11Y 3D Buck's Stove Go. It I SAINT LOUIS. tor nd tig HOLE roil OMAHA. ta , an.he .he : led ho , JP. "Dr a thnrnuili kno < vle j ; o at the natural Ui ISO irhlcn goTeru the oporotloiie of Jlpttlcn si nuliltlon , ind'by a caMfal uppHcihon ol 11 ar- flne propeitlnn ol well. n > looted Cocoa , Ur a pi DM biarlded our brc&IJiwt Ubka wllli . Niu lellcaUly Itavorod beverage which tuty save c-noy bcvry doctom' bllla Ui \ by tbe JaJIcIo ud- P8 ol eiich ndlclfu ol diet tbat a oouatltotli ho- may bo xiwlimlly built up until itianv enonj ko iDuli ; ovfry tenJonoy to dlicaaa. llundre ul.l Cf ntbtle rnaUdluttro floating uound at leai fie 10 utlncl win ruvor Uicru la a w < ik polut , V Pho mny cfc\\'o m ny a latil Bhalt by keeping mr Illvtivrell furtlf ed vuh core blood and a pia thV lily nonrUhed Irnuio. " Civil L rvlco Uuetto , V VUda tlraply with boiling water or odlk 8c of h tlni ) only \\-lti \ and III ) , by Otoocri , labeled .TAMES KPPH St CO. , irdn HotnCBOViatblo OtiomlaM , & uiKiu > fly London , A PEW BARGAINS X3XT I Houses LOTS , Farms , Lands- BV BEM1S 15th&Douglas St. HOUSES AND LOTS , . ID Full ot anil new houio , t3Vroom > , two RNo. and ono up-main. Right ( oat celling below ami raven alKiro. Ilclck foundation , cellar , etc. A bargain , gCOO. No. 18 LarKo two story house , 10 rooms , two lartfo collars , irnoj well and cistern , bain , etc. , on Wibstor and ! Ud struct , $0,000. No 17 Lot 60xlR5 ( cot , now house Of two rooms brick ( emulation 100 barrel cistern .on Hamilton street near 1'oor UlaroConvcnt ) ' 0. No. IB House and lot on 17th near CVi k St. IIOUBO 0 roometc. . $1200 , No. IB House of 3 rooms nil to on Plorco SL near 10th $1000 No. 21--Nowhousoof 7 ro corner lot , half mtlo wiet of Turntable troet can on Bat. tiers Bt. 81000. No. f > House of eight earn etc. lot Vacant Lots. Mo. 253 Two lull loti on 10th Street near Ltkej Bt. I1COO. No. Sil Twenty flve lota In Parkers addition Just north of the end of red street car Una 1400 each easy terms. , No.SiO Four lotion Delaware St. nearHan * . com | < ark , 1650 , No. 831 One half lot on South avenue , neat Bt. Mary's avenue , 650. No. WO Elifhteon (18) ( ) lot * on Slst , 22nd , 23rd andSaundersstreet , near Oiacc , 1500 each , and on cosy terms. l NO. 340 Six beautiful residence lota on Oalhtf Ine street , near Ilanscom park , $4,600. Twelve beautiful residence Iota on Hamilton itreet , near end of old streetcar track } high and' J lrhtly , S60to700. . _ Sevttal acre and hall acre corn oil on Cum- log , Hurt and California street * Lowe's i o- end addition and Park PlaceAcademy ot Sacred Ilcart. II Lots in "Prospect Place * on Hamilton and Charles street , Juit west ol tbe end ot Bed Street Cartiack and Convent ol the Bisters ol Poor ' Clare , ono and one half mil * from poetofflce , and ' ono mlle from U. P. shops , flSO to 1500 each , only B per cent down and B per cent per month. Lots la Lowe's addition one-half mile wstt ol endot Red Street Car track near Convent of Poor Clare Sisters tn Shlnn's addition , 1125 to (300 each , and on very easy terms. Lots In Ilorbach'i 1st and Snd addition * , Bblnn's , Park Place , Lowe's 2nd addition. Btnuri Lake's , Nelson's , Ilanscom Place , Bsdlck'i ad dition etc. , ere. Loti In "Credit Fonder addition" lust on - quarter mile south-fast of Union Pacific and B. and U. B. B. depot * , 1260 to 11,600ech , very ewy term * . n Business Lots. Three good business lot * on DodgeTnear12th | | Street , 2-2x120 lent each , 11,500 each , or § 4,800 for all , easy terms. Two good business lots on Farnara struct , 33x 66 feet each , with frame building * theronrouting ( or about (600 per year each ; price f-i.260 each. 44x132 feet on Varnam near 10thstreet , corner 112,000 Hplendld Warehouse lot on Union Pacific right ot way , north of track and east of Nail Works- being 132 feet north 1-onUae on Maaon street , by about 100 fed neat frontace on 18th st. Farms a'd wild land * In Douglas. Sarpy , Dodge , Washington , Hurt , Warne , Btanton , and other good counties In eastern Nebn&kafoi sale. 10 Taxe * paid , rent * collected , ani money loaned 10m ou Improved city and country > proi.ertj at klow m rate * ol Interest. BEMIS' NEWIIOTTT MAP , FOUB FEET , WIDE AND SEVEN FEET LONG , WITH EVERY ADDI TION RECORDED OR OONTEM- PLATED DP TO DATE. "OFFI CIAL MAP OF THE CITY. " EACH. $6.OO ' GEO. P BEMIS , Beal nd tbi tai , Estate Inui llct Wl ) > Agency , led 115th and Douglas