Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1883, Image 10

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    THE DAlLf tfJHifc : MONUAVf PKiL 9
The Daily Bee.
Monday Morning , April 8.
There were three oars of emlgranl
( west lost evening.
The atmosphera grow percoptlbl
warmer yesterday and a high wind prc
vailed in the afternoon and evening ,
In the district court to-day , the u
ivgalnst the city of Omaha for damage
for tha death ot Walter Lowrey will con
up , Lowrey was a member of tbo Dto di
partment , and , some thrco yc&ra ago , wo
thrown from a hosa cart at tbo corner c
Douglas and Sixteenth streeto and had hi
neck broken. It ii c IMmecl that tlis ace :
dent was occasioned by a wathout , wblc
the city ought to have filled up , sn1 th
plaintiff in tha suit is a brother of the d (
eeaiel. The defense claim tliat Lowre
had not taken the usual precautions fc
Afety by strapping hlmsalf to the carl
William J. Bosnian , the coming IrU
comedian , will appear at Boyd'a noi
ITrid y and Saturday.
Streets were crowded yesterday , an
the city were quite n biulno'a like a > i eel
Superintendent Uoldrega end And I to
Dorman , of the B. & 21. Iteturneci frtu
Danver Friday evening en a special tr.iir
An holatod plant for incaudescoD
lights in to bo put In nt the Deaf an
Dumb institute by the Electric Light com
' ponj.
> f
, y * Tha second annual ball of the Youn
Men's Social Ilonr club will be given o
Friday evenlog , April 13th , at Kesuler'
QRer , Dr. Stelllng manlfeits signs oflr
provement , according to tha statement c
his pbysiolan , which his friends will b
glad to learn.
It is authoritatively stated that Mi
John O'Connoll will contest for hh su/vt I
the council as a member .from the Thlr
word on the grounds of Irregularity In th
count ,
3ome enterprising Individual Is plckini
p all the loose cows found running a
large in the city , This saves the exponu
of 'a ponndmMter , and is a commr ndabli
There will bo a meeting of the board
of managers ot the Douglas County ) A ri
cultural society to-day , April 8tb , a
3 p. m , , at the eherUTa office in the olc
court house building ,
' Special rneetlnif of Capital lodge , No
8 , A. Y. nnd A. M. , tlilu evening
April 9tb , for work In first degree. Visit
' teg brethren cordially iuvltsd. By ordo
of the mobtor. < at-mon *
. -Omaha CouncllNo. 820 A.L , of U. wll
hold its regular meeting on this Mondaj
eronini ? at eight o'clock sharp. It Is hn
pottant that nil mcmborsbo present. O
W. Wlllmnn , Secretary.
' In the Dhtrlct Court Friday , judg
mcnts were cu'ored KB .follows : Aust vi
Woolf , e-JSS 30 for the' plaintiff ; MoCor
mlck vs Loughran , verdict for defendant
Cleveland Paper Co. vj Bnnoks , verdlcl
for defendant.
The steamer "Black Hills , " one of thi
wlHeat and best boats on the Missouri
will leave St. Louis on the 15th lost , foi
.Beaton with a load of passengers ant
freight. She will reach Omaha about thi
Marrled-On the 3J init. by the Rev
O. n. Klnsolvlug at the church of tbi
Xplphany , Philadelphia , Pa. , Fero ]
Bpragne Enstls to Eliza Russell , daughtei
ol William F. GHfflths.
The many friends ot Mr. 0. E. Illnt
wfll sympathize deeply with himself ant
, .taMily in the loss of their little girl
Ida Elveretto , who died April 4tb , at thi
age of 7 years and six months. Tbi
funeral tookplaos April 6th from the resi
deaee , No. 417 North Eighteenth street
and was very largely attended.
A mUtaVo was made In the tabu
lated statement of tbo vote of thn city ai
published. Mr. John Stool was enl :
credited with receiving 62 votes in thi
Sixth ward , when in fact ho received 311
for the long teim and 52 for the shor
term. He was one of the fix highest 01
the ticket ior the long term , but enl ]
three were to be elected. The vote WMI
very handsome one considering the olr
George W. MoCoy , of Council Bluffi
who was arrested for moving Into a houti
on Twtnty-Slxth and Douglas utreets , oc
cupied by Albert 0. Beck , wasH.turda ;
fined ( S and costs for disturbing the peace-
It appears that the house wn owned b ;
Mr. McUoy , and that Pock had promlin
to vacate it by the first. McCoy oaun
over with hU goods , and , acting under thi
adrloe ot counsel , attempted to get posses
km of his own h use. The only chare *
which could be m de out against him wa
that for which he was Qntd.
v usipesi in Jude | Benek. ' court wa
oMIvely Saturday. Tire men arreslei
Mtuiploloui characters proved the con
trary to bo I rue and were discharged. Jo
Illlllke , wbo got too much badge aboard
want to Dick Curry's saloon and teeing i
coot lying conveniently tby on a chad
picked It up , put It on and walked awa
with It. lie was arrested and ploided I
exUnnatlun that the act wascorumltte
while u der tHe Influence of liquor. II
WM sent up for fifteen days at hard labc
to prevent any more such mistakes.
All music lovers should haar the irran
concerts to be given by MUsLydlal
Harris , the celebrated pianist , oi Chicago
at Max Meyer'd Hall next weok. Mil
Harris will be assisted by Mrs , 0. 1
Squires , soprano ) Mlzs LItilo A. 1'ennel
eootralto ; Mr. Tboi. J. Pecnell , barltoc
sod Miss Mtggle Boulter , accoaip&ulsl
The first concert will be on Tuesday evei
luff , second on Thursday evening and tl
third on Friday evening. Season tlckel
good for the three concerts $1.00 etch fc
ale by Max Meyer & Bro. , D. W. Saxi
aad J. 0. Presoott & Co. The programs
li gives la fall fa another column.
Made from tha wild floweis of th
kUthemoet fragrent of perfume
MwitfMisnd by EL B. Slaveu , SMI
- JTraaeiwo. - Fowalo la Omaha by
The Union Pacific Snod Fo
230,000 ,
A. Bait For Personal Injurio
A heavy damage suit was begun 1 :
the United States conrt Friday , th
plaintiff being I ra. Painter , wife c
the proprietor of the Occidontn
It will bo remembered that som
months ago Mrs. Pixlntor was n passen
gcr on one of the caet-bonnd frolg
trains of the Union Pacific , rotnrnln
with her children from a vlcit t
Before reaching Omaha the o <
boose was run into by the locomottv
of a second section of the train , an
took lire. Most of the pasunngei
made their escape , but Mrs. P.iltitc
w > 8 caught in the car and badly hnri
betides being burned by the flinu
and steam. All her baggngo wasburno
and Mra. Painter was brought toOmf [
ha aud confined to her bed for a lot )
time. She now sues the company fc
30,000 damages. Her attorneys ar
Gen , Cowln and Col , Smythc.
Commluslonora Proceedings.
FitiDAY , April 0 , 1883. Board" mi
pursuant to adjournment. Presont-
Oommlssloncrs Corliss , Knight an
Road No , 212 B waa this day sub
milled to the board of county com
mlsslonera and it being shown to th
satisfaction of the board that the pub
lie good required said road thorofon
it is ordered that the above describe
road , commencing at the southwes
corner of section 3 , township 10
range 11 , and running thence sent ]
two miles on section line to aouthwei
corner of section 15 , township in
range 11 , aud there intersecting wltl
a road running thenoo south , be am
the same is hereby established an
located as a county road , and the olerl
is hereby instructed to advertise th
same according to law as per soctloi
18 of Chapter on Roads.
The following acoounts were ai
[ owed :
John F. Qjots , estimate No. 13
material and work , $5,0 < 19.77.
Patrick JJ'ord , witness fae$4.00.
Adjourned to 7th Inst.
County Oloik.
SAIUUDAY , April 7. Bnard me
pursuant to adjournment. IVuseut-
Dommlsaioners Oorlise , Knight am
O'Kcoflo. Minutes of the prcooodlni
meeting road and i approved ,
B. Van Soyoo was appointed over
seer of highways in Platte Vallo ;
precinct for district No. 3 and boni
E B. Chandler and others file <
; holr petition for a county roai
trough the nw | of nn of sectloi
35 , 15 , 13 , and it being aatlefaatorll ;
shown that the public good require
natd road , it is therefore ordered tha
( he said road be , and is hereby ustab
Ishod , aud the clerk ordered to rccon
and plat the same according to law.
The following aooonnta were a !
lowed from the
" HOAD 1TDNI ) .
II. R. Avary , work on road . 9 16 B
B. VanSooye , " " SO 0
Dharles Splltt , wltneis fee . $ 12 0
L ) . N. Miller , J llor and guard. . . . 03 0
rt , Grace , tales juror , . . , . GO
Q. W. Tibbals , witness fee . 13 5
II. O. M ore , " " 00
lied field Bros. , printing . 17
0. J. Taylor , tale * juror . 20
A. l.lchardson , tales juror . 40
A. J. Potter , 60
J. Knight , ' 1,0
J. CtlUban , " " 40
3. M. WMty , " ' 40
Omaha Itepubllcan , book , blinkr ,
cto . . . . . 270 0
[ I. O'Kcpfe , lervicei as county com
missioner . 81 c
J. H. Bpotman , groceries for poor. 2 0
L'erkln * & Lear , dishes tor poor
bouin . 4 gi
Theo. Grebe , balHH'a fees . 70 0
K1I Johnson , petit juror . 16 E
Wesley Greer , work at poor farm. 4 5 <
D. Peterson , worlcat poor farm. . . 20 0
J , McGuolcin , Rrocerles for poor. . ' 1 51
J. N. Pierce , salary as superinten
dent of poor farm. . . . 633
D. P. Knight , service ! a * county
commlsiioner for March . 104 0
Bliss &I aao < , good * forpoor , . . . . 4 3
Mrs , J , N. Pierce , matron at poor
form . 20 0
J. N. Pierce , cash expended . 8 i )
[ da Cohen , work at poor bouic. . . 16 0
Anna Farmer , wurk at poor huuse 1C 0
D , L. Shane , superintendent new
court house . , , . ' . . 150 0
MUrv Uall , work at lioor hou e. . , . 10 0
F. W. CorlUn , services as county
commlscloner . . . . . . 108 o
Omar Whitney , constable fost. , . . 18 B
imiiKiK FUND ,
Peter Hjler , work on road and
brldRO . . ? 252
O , A. Moore , work uu toad . 4G
J. U. Gilbert , work on road . 22
F.W. Gray , cement. . . * . . 4 6
M.Tex , lumber . 28 0
Wm , Dowllug , work on bridge. . . . 14 0
Adjourned to moot the Oth ln t.
_ County Olork.
\VhRt 1 * Troth ?
Was the subject of the' sermon dollv
ored by the Rav. W. Harsha , at th
Presbyterian church , yesterday morn
ing , his text being : John , 18 , 28
"Pilate Bilth Untb Hln , What I
Truth ? "
The first question that occurs to c
when reading this inquiry is : Is i
reasonable ? The agnostics tells us thi
no caunot know anything , that it I
impossible for tn to discover or reoog
ulto truth. In that case Pilate's qnea
tlou would be foolish. In answer I
the agnostics U'mty bo said that w
uro certain that there is such a thiiij
ea truth ; if BO wo may know it , o
leant In part. We are like children
wo msy not be able to understand th
meaning of a mostao , but wo can ad
mire the beauty and lustre of the ID
dividual stones of which it ii composed
We may not be able to put troths 10
gether In their proper relations ; bn
wo can understand and bo benefittei
by tha several bits of truth.
But the grand fact , showing th
reasonableness of PilaU'i Inquiry , i
that the truth stood against him
Christ U truth. On * of the OhtbUai
fathers ' ok the latin of PPalo's quit
" verlU " "what i
lion , "Qdd est ,
truth , " and by tnvnspotinc the letter
invented this anagram , "Vir cat qu
adoat , " "it Is tha man who stands be
fore theo. " This Is the most btilllan
anagram on record , but it Is cot mor
brilliant than Hue , fur the Ohrfstiat
Onrlat is true. What do wo moan b'
this ? Wo moan that Christ's pcisoi
furnishes us with our ideas of truth
For example : Do wo want to knoi
about God ? Christ is the "brlghtnos
of HB ! glory and the express imago o
his person. " If wo want ta knoi
the attributes of God wo study Ohrlsl'
characteristics , aud there we bar
them. Do wo want to know abou
man , or sin , or heaven , or lalvatloi
wo a'.udy Christ's words and so w
learn all abont these things. And on
foundation for tbo truth of the Bibl
Is that Christ said the Old Tcstamen
war trno and that ho wan Inspired !
wrlto the Now Testament ,
Although Pilate's question was rea
oonable , ho asks it In a very inconslt
font manner. Ho waa insincere ; h
did not wait for the answer. Many o
UH do the same thing , When wo com
plain agalnnt providence , or grumbl
because cflllotlons cotno to no , wo ar
asking God questions , and vro do no
wait for the answer. The future wouli
Rive as the answer , and wo should wnl
for it patiently. I wo don't got th
explanation of mysteries and provl
denco la this life , wo will got it 1
otornity. So lot ua wait patient )
and with faith in Christ.
Pilate also was unwilling to hoar th
truth. Christ preached to him an
his wife preached to him , but ho woul
not listen. The truth may cress on
pride or wound our egotism , or pierc
our sinful hearts ; but wo should b
willing to hear it. And not only B
WO should be willing to do the trutr.
Wo should obey it and follow It , m
matter what our past creeds hav
been. Christ Is truth , and lot as tak
Him for our guide , friend and n
And Battle Scenoa.
Another lecture by Major Stowai
at tbo South Omaha M. E. church o
Tuesday night , April 10. The forme
lecture gave such satisfaction and wee
o enthusiastically received that , b
unanimous request , a second lector
will be given. This will be a contiuc
atlon of the most interesting part c
the former lecture Pictures of th
battlefield after the storm , scenes i :
the hospital daring and after the bal
tie , foraging , cavalry raids , with man
laughable incidents , will make this
very'enjoyable evening. Tickets ar
being sold very rapidly. Bo sure am
hoar this lecture.
Grand Ooncma nt Max Meyer's Ha :
TUIBtlAY EVENING , Al'ltlL 10.
1. Bach CSromatlo Fantaelo and Fugiu
Schumann Nachtsuck In F , op. 2J
No. 4.
Chopin Scherzo in Btlat minor , op. 31
2. Sons ; Impatience Schubei
Mr. Ponnell.
3. Schumann Carnival Pranks fror
Vienna , op. 28 ( AlleRro ) ,
4. Scharwenka Barcarolle in E mlnoi
op. 14.
luff-Juliet Valse.
D. Song -Some Day Welling
Mrs. Squires.
0 , Chopin Andante Splanato and Polr
nalse in E flat , op. 22.
7. Trio-When Shall. Wo Three Mee
Awto Horsle
Mrs. Squires , MlssPennell , Mr. Penne !
8. Wagnet Liszt -Splnnerlied.
Tannhauser March.
A Ghlia Falls Three Stories In tb
Millard Hotel.
A terrible accident occurred at th
Millard yesterday afternoon , the fa
extent ot which cannot yet bo stated
A little Ban of Mr. A. B. Dafronc
the architect , was playing in the thin
atory of the building , probabl ;
on the stairs , when he slipped and fel
through the spvse between th
rails to the ground floor. In the tei
rlblo descent he struck his het
against the tailing on the second floor
and when picked up and carried to th
parlors ho was insensible
Dr. H. W. Hyde waa summoned
and It wai found that no bones hai
been broken , but it was Impossible t
say what the results of the fall wool'
bo. The boy was sleeping quietly a
at latest accounts in the evening.
Proebytertan Paragraphs.
The regular spring meeting of th
Presbytery of Nebraska City asautn
bled In Blue Springs on Thnrsda ;
evening , the 5th lust , and was oponei
by a sermon from the retiring Modot
otor , Rov. Gjodale. The tffortjra
ouo that claimed the attention of th
largo audience which had gathered i
hoar him. At the close of tbo sormbi
the Presbytery wai formally -qonstl
tutod and proceeded to vote for a nov
corps of oflloors. Rsv. Thos L Sexton
ton , of Seward , was choaonModerate
and Kivs. B. F. Sharp of York am
Chestnut of Pawned City were ohosei
temporary clerks. The body is full'
organised and teady for the wori
which baa called them together
The attendance is very lirgi
and much interest is felt hi the vari
ons interests of the church throuchou
the state , and stops are taken to f toll
lUte us much as possible the labors o
the state synodic * ! missionary , Rev
Gio , T. Crlisnian , who is horelookln
after the important work entrusted ti
his care In all parts of the state. Th
utmost sympathy and co-operation ar
expressed iu its state nyp.odlscl mis
siouary'a plans acd efforts to mor
fully systomaUza the work. Oao ini
portant feature of this spring meatlti |
is the election cf oomtulBcioucrn to tk
general assembly , and there Is like ) ;
to be some lively voting. The Indies
Missionary society of the Presbyto
rlan church is In session also ii
this city , in connection wltl
the meeting of the Prbeabytary
and occupy the EynngHlloal church
A popular mass mooting Is on th <
tapis 0,9 part of their programme am
membpra of thoPfos ytfty are expect
ed tp addrean tbo raeotlnt ; . It mukt
It lively for the city of Blue Spring
to have so many strangers in ( hoi
midst , bat they reflect yroat credit 01
themselves In the ability displayed li
th * a
A Word in Eoply to Beoen
Charges Mado.
What it is.That Makes th
Thing Binding.
Articles have appeared In TUB BE
and The Republican to the ofToot tha
A. L. Harbor , the asphalt pavomen
coutractor , haa no specifications o
record , and that if the council uhonl
order , any tttreol laid frith aaphal
pavement Buber would bo bound b
no agreement and subject to no con
petition , and would bo nblo to sot hi
own price. Those artlclco have don
Injustlco to Mr. Barber , acjidlng t
the statement made to a reporter thl
morning by City Engineer Andrei
II sac water , who was Interviewed npo
this Important matter.
Mr. llosowalor stated that the spac
iGcitlonu for Ponglas street are on fil
in the otty engineer's offioo , an
proved his statement by producing
copy of thorn. The specification
were especially prepared for Omaha a
a sesilon of the board of public worki
With reference tc the intimations s
to prices , Mr. Rise water said tha
ntidor the law no petitions for pavln
Is presumed to fix the prices , but I
states the wishes of the petitioners I
regard to the kind of niatcrit
to be uaod , and the board ot publl
works , and the council and mayo
finally decide from the natuio of th
bids whether it la advisable to pave
and they are supposed to take int
consideration the wishes of the cone
munlty. If the prices are too big
they have the power to reject th
bids , as was the case with the fin
bids for the paving of Tenth etroi
with granite , those bids being 30 p <
cent above the subsequent bids , whlc
were accepted.
There is a distinct nndorstandln
between the board of public works an
Mr. Barber , that any .asphalt pavi
mont is not to cost any more , in an
part of the city , under the same spec
fioationa , than the pavement on Dou
glas street , which Is $2.90 per yarc
This includes grading , canettnotion c
the foundation , and a covering of 2
inches of asphalt , all complete , and !
addition to this Mr. Barber is t
maintain the roadway for five yeai
aud has given bonds to do so and t
tnrn the pavement over to the city i
good repair nt the end of that porloi
Hon , Edmund Bartlett , of Monro
Wisconsin , father of Hen. K. M. Bar
lettof this city , arrived Friday. ' 13
baa some thought of making his home I
Omaha , and if ha BO concludes , will 1
warmly welcomed. lie is a lawyer of fit
abilities and has for a long time he :
the office of clerk of the Monroe dl
trict court
V. Stubbondorf , of Stubbendorf & Co
the liquor house , la } gone tolj Bawling c
business. We know Fritz will meet mac
old timer ? , and they may capture him.
Hon , Lew May , of the Nebraska boat
of fish commissioners , was in the city ye
terpay , and left far home on the noc
II. D. Holden , of Boston , a wholcsa
liquor dealer of Boston , is in the city <
route to Colorado to look after a ullv
Misses Bertha and Tilly Praescnt ar
Mill and Master Praeient , of Los Ai
gelej , California , are guests of the Mi
Hon. J. E. North , of Columbus , was i
the city yesterday and left in the afte
nocn tot New V. ork.
Jeff. L. Stone , R. O'Neill , H. M. Bu
neil and W. 3. Cashing , of f Uttsmont
are at the Paiton.
0. K. Cralle , the blonde basso of tl
Omaha Glee club has returned from t )
Samuel 0. Smith , and W. A. MoAllI
ter , of Columbui , are at tha Millaid.
Gov. Potts , of Montana , passed tbrouf
the city Ftiday evening east bound.
A. Troynor , general luggage agent <
the U. P. left tor Ogdcn yesterday.
lion , J. H , Wicterbotham , of Micbigo
City , Ind. , ii at the P-txton.
Mr * . John Helnrichs has gone to Stai
ton oa a visit to her parents.
E. G. Godfrey and V. Abrahamsen , i
Mindeo , are at the Paxton.
0. M. Hubbatd , of The St. Joe Herali
was in the city yesterday.
Mrs. A. R. Dufreue nn < \ child have r
turned from California.
B. C. Stephens , of South Bend , Ind
Ip r t the Metropolitan.
' Mr , and Mrs. R. Ni Withnell hate n
turned from the south.
Jus. W , SluiHi JjSiLjnoaln , is gue ;
of the Metropolitan. * * > ! >
M. Cumlng left for Chicago yeiterda
by the Northwestern.
B. L. Crow , of Nebraska City , is regl
teredatthe Millard.
J. W. Outright , of Plattsmouth , was i
the city yesterday.
Col. B , H. W.ilbsr ratarned to For
Brfdger Friday. ' X.
Frank II. 0\rleton'cf Boston , is guei
at the Millard"
A. II. McGree , of Urownvillo , is a gua
of the Millard.
Juint's F. MorrUeTi Joliet , 111 , , is at th
Metropolitan ,
J. L. Kills , of Fort Dodco , is at tl
Metropolitan *
Jama * B. lugeraoH , of Bafoe , is at tl
tfo.i. York , ot Cheyenne , is at tha Me
J , S. Craus , of Etatlng * , fs at the Mel
Samuel LeJeruiaun , ot St. Joe , U at tt
A , Mention , of Osden , Utah , li at tl
Mn. E. M , Pcrkoy , of Lincoln , isat tt
S. P. G ine , cf North 1'Utte , Isat tl
M , G , McKoon bat returned from Col
A ; Booth , the great ojsUrman , wi
among the San Franclioo passengers yes
terday. ' '
Tobias Oistor , of Wither , ti at the Pax
Prof. Haul Aughey , rif Lincoln , Is In th
J. E , Bium , ot Ltnsoln , Is at the Mil
M , A. Kurtz hM returned from the fa
west ,
J. U. Arthnr , ot Burlington , is In th
Hon. J , M , Wool worth has gone east.
Army Ordera.
The following named men enllstoi
at Forts Omaha , Nebraska and D A
Russell , Wyo. , are aulgaed ai follow *
Samuel Pearce to the Fourth Infantry
John J. Podaln to company D , 0,1
In fin try.
Official nollficati'in having beei
received from the headquarters of th
arny , of the promotion of Seooui
Lieutenant Edwin P. Andrus , 5.1
cavalry , ( troop E ) to bo First Ltan
onant ( troop 1) ) vies Eitou resigned ,
he will proceed to jolu hl troop.
Flr tLloutonaut | John'.Oirlandjll.'gi
mental quartermaster , ( ih Infantry i
relieved as mortibir of the genera
court martial convened at Fort Doug
las , Utah , by paragraph 5 , spocia
orders Mo. 115 , eorlos of 1882 , fror
these headquarters.
Oiptain JiwmlahP. Sohlndol , Gtl
infantry , is detailed as member of th
general conrt martial convened a
Fort Douglas , Utah , by paragraph G
special orders No. 115 , series of 1882
from these headquarters.
The Other Side of the Alleged _ Poison
log Case.
The alleged poisoning case InSoat !
Omaha has been pretty well wrlttei
rjp from time to tlmo since the charge
were first made , ' and the public is fa
mlllar with the details and also wit !
the finding of the coroner's jury o
Thursday evening , which shows tha
the parties suspected of this grea
crime were entirely innocent ,
Those people have undergone a tei
rlblo ordeal for months. They hav
been bounded llko wild beasts and ot
tracleod from all social Intercourse b ,
their neighbors and pointed out whore
ever they were known as coward !
murderers. It la but just , now tha
they are proven guiltless , that w
should make a brief statement in thoi
It was charged in the first plac
that Matthias Rypacek died very and
donly , whllo bn a matter of fact bo hai
been alck for nearly a your , and before
fore his death was prostrate and un
der modlcal treatment for about ;
week. After employing Dr. HolFmai
for six days , his wife called In Dr
Grossman , and the latter treated bin
two days before ho died. The ver ;
party , Joseph Rosp.k , who waa th
chief instigator of the charge otpoleon
ing , advised Rypacak not to tak
Huffman's medicine , claiming that h
would ba poisoned. Whim the patien
became dellrlos , he may have talkoi
about this , but his wife tested th
medicine to satisfy him , and th
whole thing waa a pleco of mallciou
persecution , with the deaign to prevent
vent the widow from getting the $3d
Insurance to _ which ehe WAS entitled
To this end a otrong otory was clrou
lated that she was not legally married
but she produced a marrtnge certificat
issnod in Prcguo iu 1871 and the so
clety has paid her her money ,
has paid her her money.
The only foundation for any blam
was the foot that shore.marriedwlthii
throe weeks after her Lusband'a death
This waa a breach i f common usage
but aha says that when her hnabani
died oho had only $10. She had t
moet the expense cf the funeral am
doctors bills aud a family to anppor
in mid winter. She chose to marr
rather than to apply for charity fron
the county or do worse.
Viewed from this standpoint , th
course pursued by Rousek , Nerad am
othoro vaa an outrage , cannot bo to
severely oonsuroc.
Real Eatata Transfers ,
The following list of transfers c
of real catato were filed in the count
clerk's office , April 6 :
0. F. Taggart and wife to S. II
MercBi ; TT d Jok. 17 And part lot IS
GodfnVu odd. , § 3Ui'0
W. S aith * ni deed to W. A. Rod
iok ; lots 1 , 2 nud 7 , blk 8 , Myerj
Rlnhardn & Tlldun'a add. , 88-1 0i.
BJRR & Hill to G. O. RlDtiey ; w '
paroal see 11 , 1C , 11 , $3,308 75 ,
E Mi"nrd nd wife to A. Hanson
w d lor 19 blk 2 , Milled place , $500
M. L Darwin and w f j to0 J
Hussio ; wd part lot 10 , sec 10. 1G
E Kuolpln and wift to M. Dort
wdpiHloi4 Ri ) g ' , 's add , $87C
A E Touzallu to D. Harney ; w i
lots 21 and 22 , Tiaco add. , $050.
the back part , Pain under
the SUouldor blade , fullness after
eatinevltli a dlalnollnatlon to ex
ertion of body or mind , Irritability
_ . . . . _
f\f Tnm\n > T n r * rr * Jl 4 a. 4.1. A T
Wosirlnoss , Dizziness , Fluttering at
the boart , Dots before the ayea , Yellow -
low Skin , Headache generally over
thp risht eye/ Restlessness , with flt-
lal . areaioB , iiljfhly colored Urlno.
TTITT'S ! 11,1,8 KTB cspeclallr
Oaptcd to MicU citiei. one < lo e vf-
- *
OBAT lUra \Vmntrns change to a GUKHT
M'atrlbutlon ot the Prizes Vlqnauz
Tnil4 Warm.
Sp cl l Dispatch toTus EM.
OHIOAUO , April 8. The prizes ol
fored to the winuers of the bllllai
toaniRinent were avurdcd last over
ing. The pnrae cf (1,200 and a go !
miniature billiard table , unblemati
of tha world's championship waa pl ?
to Jacob Schteftr ; eceond prize , EC
to blauncn Vignanx ; third prlzi , § 5Ji
to Morris Daly ; fourth prls(310 , t
Wm. Sexton ; fifth prize , to Alonz
Morris. The great Frenchman take
his defeat much too heart , and to a
aasoclatcd press * reporter declared th
honors were not fairly bestowed , il
ivssurtod that Scbaefer wus allowed t
make a push shot along the rail n
peatudly , but wai particularly ungr
at the referee iu ullowli g Hcanoft
during his big run to pKy ibeu tl.
balls wore-frozen , the tatn na tbttug
there VT8S no oout.nct. Tola claim c
Vignaux appparH tohavobacn nukuovi
i ad , ; d to b j'jnt by dialutoreit : d pni
tliH cloacly iJfiililiod Wittithu conlu : )
Vi nainx hdH u p'nr opinion ' f tl'
ill , ) pUudicx ul tUo AiauriLituitudieiici
In uproar , he declares it exceeded th <
tumult at n Spjulsh bull.fiLjht , an
though it might not ailcct the neve
of an Ametioau , particularly if it wti
showered upon him , it is likely to die
concert a foreign antagonist , a it di
him , Vigueaux illustrated how coi
tain individuals tikod up chairs au
pounded with them when Schaofa
started out on a run , The features c
the contest cauaod certeiu nowspapci
hero to quote opinions of varloc
sporting authciltlca In outlining th
belief that the lssv. game was nc
squarely contustec' , at d intimated tht
Yigneaux corild easily have defeate
Bchaefer at two or three points in th
game had he desired.
Vignanx , In an interview , stoutl ;
denied this , and declared that he gav
the best possible exhibition nndor a
circumstancesand if any ohioinor
was employed it was without thl
knowledge , and was in the nature c
attempting to organize it victory fc
Schaefer before the gamoop ned :
The movements of the players la at
oart&in Pending the tournament i
New York In May it Is declare
Schaefer will not place his trophy 1
immediate jeoptrdy , and that he wl !
not consent to meet Vignaux , eve
though the latter should so select , be
fore the expiration of the sixty dayi
tlmo allotted to him. Vignaux state
ho will certainly enter the contest o
the New York tournament.
CHICAGO , AprilS , Jacob Schaeft
in a published card denies , as far as I :
la concerned or knows that there ws
anything crooked in the closing gam
of the late billiard tournament bi
himself and Maurice Vignoaux.
How to Receive Par-noil-
Special Dispatch to TUB llii.
NEW YOKE , April 8. About IE
delegates of the various Irish organl
zatlons gathered in Germania hall tc
day to moot Dr. William B. Wallac
and committee , with the view to ai
range for the reception of Parnel
Wallace and commlttoeremalued awa ]
Tho.aoaomblod delegates organized th
meeting to suit themselves. It was
noisy and angry one. Wallace w
denounced and Parnoil's peace polio
repudiated and 'dynamite declared t
be the only policy of the future. I
great confusion the moo ting adjonrnec
PHILADELPHIA , April 8. The Cen
tral Union Land League , In arranglu
for the convention on the 26th <
April , Instructed the central com
mittee to tender a banquet to Farnel
A dispatch from James Mooney , in1
timatmg that Parnell would attend th
convention , was greeted with pplaus <
Governor P < ttlson will ba asked t
preside at the P irnoll reception at th
Academy Music.
Tha Oithollo total abstinence unlo
declined the invitation of the Lnn
League to send delegates to th
national convention , stating It i
under the protection of the Oatholi
oharoh and deiired to keep aloof froi
politico. Resolutions were adopte
expressing the hope that the convet
tlon would ba a success.
T wlt Tjnry' Empty Cofflua
Special Dispatch to Tin URI.
BOSTON , April 8. It la stated b
those present at the "grave robbing ,
at Tewksbnry alma honae , Fjida ;
when the coffin was taken np , are wl
nesses that there was not deseoratlot
the coffins having long been ernptj
Go verner Butler will show just whe
the grave was robbed , and by whoe
authority an cffijer of the state , arme
with the proper pormlnion of the ai
thoritles of the town of Tewksburj
entered the grounds in broad daj
light Friday , in plain sight of thealn
house and dug up and removed th
empty coffin , which waa forwarded t
Boston , together with the croi
marking the grave , without any at
tempt at concealment The ccflin w ;
wrapped in a eanny cloth , and carrle
to the state house for safe kooploj
While the state authorities were ri
moving the ooftin from the ground , n
attempt was made by any of the aim
house people to prevent action or eve
ascertain what was going on.
Diaa at the Hub.
Specltl Dls ; tch to Tai His.
BOSTON , April 8. Gen. Dlaa an
party arrived this evening. They wei
met at the depot by representatives <
the city and escorted to the Hoti
Vaqdomo. They will bo the guest a <
the city until Thursday. An informi
reception and dinner was given t <
nicht. Mayor Palmer , Alderma
O'Brien , President Flynn , of th
common council , Thomas Nlokersot
Senor Tarraja and others , with ladlei
wore present.
Gen. Diaz says the statement thi
ho came to this country on oflicti
or business matters Is entire !
erroneous. It la a trip for pleasni
only. Ho says the so-callod Gorma
land schema In Mexico Is wholly In
A Petrified Stiff
Spec ! * ] DUpttch toTniBu.
BBDFOQD , Ind. , April 8. In an ac
joining county last week the relative
disinterred the body of Jno. Bryan
buried two years , with a view to n
moval to another graveyard. Th
body WM found to be rapidly petrlfj
ing and weighed 700 pounds.
TheBtridM off EUrol
IpKUlDbptlcfe to IBB Bn.
PHILADUBIA , April 8. Herr Mas
spoke at a meeting of workingmoi
this afternoon la the German theater
He advocated communLua , and sal
the time was rlpo for revolution ,
which ho thought would teen itweip
over Europe aud America. He d. ,
c I bred the czir would not be ornwnpd ,
Hiid nppruvod the course of thu lit h
terrorists and the dynamiters
Alto-opted Blackmail' 1
SpocUl Ih-patch to Till Halt. |
PiiTsuuno April 8 An Attempt S
by \ > H , Miration , of this city , \o J
bUckmatl thofioiioa , Mary Anderaon.
has jnat come to h hl. M rthnll
wrote two letturs to Miss Andersou'a
step fothtrr Di' . Grlffio , In which ho
stated he had letters of Mlsi A'ndor-
son's written to certain parties , which
if published Mould create a rciisatlon
and offering Ihnncll fur $4,000 The
postaf nnthorlfles are iiow working up
the oaso.
A KowFrnno'h Church.
Special D.epitch to Tils Bm.
NEW YMIK , April 8 The now
French Riform churob , Rev. P. 'A.
Squln , ( orinorly a Ootbollu print ,
who took in Morsn's llra rlt'u
P/.iy . , " was iuViiguratcd ratior to-dty.
Tno uorr church propAto to orRar.fz , a
school , library naA bureau of ulttoV
m n\t for thn bi < n 'fi5 nf the Fdiuch
oniony. .Tniw was the parjusti to
which the prntito of the pjeai-ntu ion
of "P&eslon Play" recently prohibited
were dovotod.
Zho Reformed Salnti.
BpccUl Eloplkfcli Ni TUB t ) i
KIJITLAKD , 0. , April 8 At the
third day of the Mormon reunion the
attendance increased five hundred.
ThoiBOrnliU ! ocimon was by Joseph
Smith , Jr. Subject : "Reason for Be
lieving the' Mormon .Faith. " In the
afternoon Rev. Joseph R. Lambert
uavo a history of the Mormon church
from its Inception , and endeavored to
prove that Joseph Smith waa notja
polygamlst. Elder W. W. Blair
preached a sermon to-night. The
conference business will be toanmed
A Noted Thief flung.
Special Dispatch to Tns Bn.
DESOTO , Mo. , April 8-Mack
Marsdon , leader of a gang of cattle
thieves , who made himself B terror to
the neighboring country , who is eus-
peotedof killing two men and com
mitting arson within the past two
years , was overtaken on the road near
Victoria , three miles fromtDjSoo ,
about dark last night , by a mob of 30
men and hanged to a tree.
SALE A rare chince , a ni w store 22x < e
foot and lot cinttlnlnga complete stock ol
genera1 metchandtar , nd enjoying thn bentflt of
abealibyand etradtiy IDCIc s at business , loca
ted iu centre of one ol the boat Kriculturul dts-
trctsln wfstein Ioii. lerms liber * ) , write P.
0bpx tc , Imogene.Ja 7l3-12t
"piINTINO OFFICE FOK94LE A flourishing
JT r P r , In a youns nd gMvilrg townlu Eas
tern Nebraska. Address U II. Bee Office.
( 628-11 0. J. CAN AN. .
' New Map of Omaha , Just completed and
EEMIS' for delivery at $5 each. Is 4 feet .wide
byl 7 'oct long. Largest and most completemap
0 if Omaha ever published. Official map of tht
0cits. . See column.
J On SALK CHEAP Choice unimproved bus-
tt1 Incss lota on Farnam , Barrcy. Douclre ,
and Dodge streets. DAVIS & SNYDEK ,
Real Eattto Agents ,
110-eod-tf 1606 Farnam St.
1J10R tiALE A Bret class second hand phaeton
JD Call at 1819 Harney St. _ E97-U
T710H HALE Pockets maps of Nebraska 20c
JD each. For bargains In Urr aha City Improved
and unimproved property , call on Wm. F , Shrl-
ver , Heal Estate Agent , opposite postolflce.
At Lakeihore racch. Rat C
yeullng colts , 603 per month , 2 Tear old ,
TficDer mo. , hortes Sl.fQpermo. Summer pa
ti-rajo from March COth to November 30th In-
qntrucfMr Jceejhor D vld Ue-lman 16th and
Irardt grocoiystore. DAVID NKALK.
< . n Monday last a cow , 8 ye\rs old
STRAYED and blue with right ear spilt. Fin-
ditrwlli be Wfll renar'ed by tbe owner. B
KULLNK > 1515 Howru S * . 820-12 }
AT 7 ILL , UVe children of ny age give them a
VV mothers care for a liberal compensation.
Address Y. Z. Bee office. 368-1 mo'
T ADIKS Suffering with CCTJB cm bo cu ed by
JJ calling on Mis Spencer Hours from 9 to 11
a. m , and 2 to 5 p. m. fvo. 707 Aorth 18th street.
Omaha , l > eb. 777-7f
R8 HANSEN , Mldwlfn , hts r morcd from
Oth aud Jackson to I6th aqd lUrcy HU.
6s8-lm | |
ADIR3 wishing a quiet place during confine
ment , with nurse will address W , B. Be
° . 869-lmot
rpo EXCHANGE for cltv property In Diana ,
J ten Uret-cla * Improved farms. Also 1600
head 01 6heopf > r nale Cotrenpond v > Uh N. 0.
Chrttlana n , btciameato , Neb. m-9-lm
TIONALIST , 498 Tenth street , kotwoen Farnam
" u11".11' ? ' Wlll > wlth lheald * ' ( ruardlau
spirits , obtain for any one a glance of the CM )
and present , nd on certain conditions In tbr fu
ture. Boota and Shoes inido to order. Ptifeol
latlnfactlon maranteed
JV'i'R ' * ' 'eHH'f An rl TitIS AN INVAL-
N. B In taking SELTXEH APERIENT li hot
water , wait until the effervescence has entirely
j > a. The water ihould be bet-not Mpld
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varit * . A marvel of porltj.
itrengthand wholeaoraenoM. lloio economical
than the ori'Inary k'nds. and cannot ba sowS
competition with the multitude ol low Uit * her |
welfht , alum or phntphaU powder 3old only hi
cans. fejTAi.Biijaa VOWBUI Co. , Wall t.i ( ( J
N w Totk.