Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1883, Image 1

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s $10.00 00H flI I ALL WOOL DRESS SUITS , FROM $15.00 to $30.00
01H (8 (
H fe
Youths' , Boys' and Js Suits in Proportion.
p Immense Stock of all Grades.
The Hihilist Irish'Strike for
Liberty with Dynamite
and Dagger.
And Thoroughly Infect Great
Britain with their Bloody
The Chief Towns of England
ft Practically in a State ot
; % * "Sniveling Ble p. , J , . ,
Boldiore , Police and Spies
Throng the Thoroughfares
and Public Buildings.
The Latter Actively Hatching
"the Moat Stupendous Plot
of Modern Times. "
While the Irish in America
Supply the Liquids of
Explosive War.
The Movement * , Kathode and M -
ehtmtry of the Captured
Rvln Breeder * .
A Large Aeaortment of General for
eign NAWB.
SpecUl Dlipttch to Tni DIM.
LONDON , April 9. Tracy Gjold , an
American lawyer , has applied at the
Bow street police court for permission
to see Gallagher. The magistrate on
duty referred Gjold to the visiting
Bernard Gallagher. Is a moulder by
trade , in custody at Glarg > w. A per
son residing clone to Mlilbink prison
reoolve'd a letter threatening to blow
up tire largo gasometers near the
prison with dynamite Two large j in
of nitre-glycerine reached Cork from
Glasgow , addrotsed to O'Herhhy The
police discovered a quantity of cxnlo-
alves freshly burled in a field at Kat-
nap , near Cork. Ttvo carboys of
nltro-glyoorlno are lying at the Clyde
Shipping company's stores , London ,
since the 4th lust. They are con
signed by a Glasgow firm to O'Hor-
llhy. This is the sixth consignment
within six months from the name firm
to O'Herllhy. The former con-
slgnments were all removed by Daasy ,
The exploslvua selzjd in White-
head's manufactory in Birmingham
wore removed tn the aewAijo farm al
Silthy with extraordinary caution ,
and destroyed. I : la beliavcd seventy
or eighty persons are concaincd in tin
dynamite conuplracy. The prlnclpi
leader U among thojy recently ur *
rested. The police bellovo th y have
aecarud nearly nil cnnclnrrnenta o
nltro-glycerlne HOT In London ,
In respouuo to n letter denouncing
the dynamite outracca , A. M. SMl-
van , lata mtuubur of parliament f Ji
Heath , has rocoired personal warning
from O'Donovan Ilacaa to bo onrefn
about future utterances. Annhnrgho ,
arrested on Sunday , arrived frotnNev
York a fortnight ago. The police have
boon wutohlng him.
Let tors found on GMIaylicr end Nor
man connect Ausbnrgho with the con
epiraay. Norman wil1 probsbty bi
tratiaferred from thn d' > * k to the ( ) *
nes box Thuta Ir.y. Mll'bauk prltoi
Is quarddd by noldlars. It Is believe *
Ausbnrgho IB not his trno name. Then
h rotflou to believe that Gallsghor hai
a military training. Kirton Is a mo * engineer. The documents
discovered at Salford and forwarded
to Sir Wm. Harcourt are not fonlan
Evidence has been obtained corro
borating the statement of Carey , the
informer , that Tynan and "No. 1"
are Identical , and upon other points ,
connected with the Phoenix park mur.
A man named Ansbnrgho , 21 years
of ago , was arrested to-day at a hotel
in the vicinity of Waterloo bridge.
Ho hid just arrived from America.
Ho is believed to bo a friend of the
prisoner Gallagher. This arrest is
considered the moat Importantly at. .
Clifford Lloyd hiis arrived intOjrk ,
, on , bailD6 a , connected with the dis
covery * of "the" dynamite conspiracy
fgiiuub England , A laborer named
Bessy was drowned hero last evening.
It is supposed ho wa& murdered for
political reasons.
Arrangements have been completed
for the trial of the prisoners con-
arned in the Phconix park murders.
Too Brady will be tried first. The
rown lawyers are determined to resist
any postponement of the trial.
If the bill to amend the law in re
gard to explosives which Haroonrt will
ntroduco In the commonn should not
irovo retro-active many members will
upport an amendment to that tffoot.
The police are said to posses kuowl-
dge cf what IB likely to become the
most hideous and stupendous plot of
modern times.
LONDON , April 8. Harcourt and
Asheton Cross , conservaties , ara ar
ranging the speedy passage of the bill
; o restrict the use of explosive. The
TluifB Bays : 'The hireling * and fa
natics who oome from , Irish-American
Blums to use the daffgor and dynamite ,
hough not directly hounded on by
Irish oratora , are encouraged by the
abjcuco of any honest attempt on the
part of Irish loaders to denounce the
outrngca committed or In contempla
tion. "
The police are convinced that a for
mer tnfllcg outrage , like the attempt
; o blow up the Mauion house , were
undertaken by Irishmen retident in
London , instigated by persons in
America. Smaller attempts are re
garded merely aa experiments.
William Djvoton Smyth , oonnool
far Norman , got a retainer and in
structions from DeTracy , an American
lawyer In Bow street.
A. Kirton wai arrested while trying
to escape from London. From papers
on the prisoner , thora Is little doubt
that Kirton was selected to commit ac
tual doodt of destruction. On Kir-
ton's arraignment It was proved ho
corresponded with Gallagher , arrested
at Lttnboth , and delivered a letter ad
dressed to Gallagher at Charing Cross
hotel. Kirton was remanded until
Tnuradsy next.
Norman , Gallagher , Wllaon and
D&Uon have boon removed from the
jail at Clorkonvvc'll to the prison.
The pollco have takou into custody
a man named Bernard Gillap.her at
Glasgow , who is charged with causing
the explosion at the gin works there ,
Gallagher Is an Irish-American , and is
a brother of the man of the sarno
nimo arrested at Liraboth Thursday ,
flo was arraigned at the police court ,
whera he declared he was Innocent of
the charge laid titmlnst him , and that
ho only left the United Sfates on tte
8 h of last February , Ho was re
minded to prison for oighl days.
Djasoy and Flanagan arrested re
cently for bringing Infernal machines
and explosives Into England from
Cork , were arraigned Saturday. The
crown announces Its Intention to ask
that the prisoners be committed on
the charge of having explosives in
their possession with felonious Intend.
The witness deposed that that the box
Daasoy had when arrested contalnec
materials for making explosives anc
also a preparation of arsenic an
dynamite and parts of an infernal
maohlne , consisting of an aparatns by
which sulphuric acid could bo allowed
to slowly soak through into the mixture -
turo , the principal clement of
which was chlorlda of pot-
auh. It was explained that
with this combination an explosion
could bo produced within a maximum
tlmo of forty minutes. The machine
was exactly similar in construction
with those used In Glasgow and In
the attempt on the office of The Lon
don Times. The police wore croos'-ox-
ainlned , but their evidence was not
shaken in , any respect , Doasoy and
Flanagan were committed for trial at
astizef , bail being refused.
1'ho ' , mah known M Flaherfy , now
under ppltco jiajvpilUnoe atf.Utrm.njSf }
hani us suspicious t-'chareoter , has
openly expressed sympathy vrlth
Whltohead. In consequence of these
expressions an angry mob attacked
his residence , smashing the windows
and doors. Flaherty fled to the police
station for protection. About a grain
of the dynamite fonnd among White-
head's stock was exploded to-day aa an
experiment. The report was deafen-
The magistrate at Ends , Ireland ,
Clifford L'oyd ' , and a stronct force of
police made a raid in Crushon district
and arrested eight young men. The
charges preferred against the prison
ers Is conspiracy to murder. More
arrests on the same charge are ex
At a banquet of the corporation
civil engineers at Kensington , United
Slates Minister Lowell replied to the
toast , "Our Visitors. ' * In the course
of bis remarks ho said ; "Tho more
important functions of diplomacy late
to maintain good humor , good will
and understanding between nations.
( Bear , hear ) In the way we look at
curtain fundamental questions there
Is very little difference between the
views of Englishmen and Americans.
Though I may not venture to allude
to dally topics , I can say no American
any more than Englishmen believe
that assassination Is war , or dynamite
the "raw material of policy. "
Lowell's remarks wore received with
The arrests in London and other
cities of England of men having ox
ilcslves In their possession cause con
ilderablo uneasiness In Paris , Feats
are entertained that attempts will bo
made to blow up buildings in Paris.
Co prevent ihe Introduction into
their houses of anything of an explo
sive nature owners of large establish'
nonta are stopping ap the openings to
the cellars aa was done in time of the
The dynamite fiends are still at
work In the vicinity of Monteau lea
Mines. Friday night a cartridge con
taining dynamite was placed In a cavity
In the tower of the Chateau Plossis
near that town. The cartridge ex
ploded but did no damage.
Special Dlattthei to Til a I ) .
BE.ILIK , April 8. The Nerd Dsut-
BobeXaltung , reverting to the subject
of the defensive alliance ot Germany ,
Austria and Italy against France , sayt
tbo only r eason for the formation oi
such an alliance would bo fear ol
French aggression , and such a fear
would only bo justified If a military
adventurer seized power In Franco.
It would be natural then for pacific
powers to interfere to preserve the
peace , If one of then was threatened ,
but such Intervention would require
no treaty ,
The Nerd DeuUcho Zeltuntt s ys
the bnndesrath will soon consider the
question Increasing the duties on
Herbert Bismarck , ion of the chan
cellor , had an audience with the em-
paror. Ho will return to London
The German Economical cougrein
will meet at Koulgborg the third of
of September , and remain In aiaslon
three daya.
Special LHspttchcs to Till Oil.
ST. PETKRSHUHQ , April o The cor
onation ot thu czar will probably bb
postponed. The police bollavo , unless
liberal reforms ureranted ( , the ulhll-
tsta have determined to prevent the
Mnkoff'a and Paslioff 't suicidal at
tempts have thrown the recently ro-
organlzsd bureau of , gens d'nruuu nud
third eectlon of pululoRl'polko inU >
rogardingmtvlntcinnnoa of oriUr during
tlio ceremonies of coronation have
locked out andltlsaaldbdon , communi
cated to outside parties who ohould
not have known anything about them.
The date for the grand ceremony fct
Moscow , which was at first represented
as having been set for April or May
at the latest , may now be pat off until
Jane. One thing Is certain , the date
has been left blank in the Invitations
forwarded to foreign poWers. Procaa-
tiona of all kinds are continually in
vented , In the hope of thwarting the
Spucileiial IJctctof to Tni li" .
The Brussoll Li Chrouiquo states
the police liavo tosrohud the house of
the Frenchman who ( lid from that
city after thu dyuamlta explosion at
Gnnnhorton , the 23d ot February laot ,
and have found a cypher letter which
contains nroc-fa uf a plot against the
cz r.
The sentence of Baron Pawal Ram-
mlngler , convicted of fraud was com.
mated from seven to five years Im
It Is probable that two judges will
accompany Lord Chief Juattoo Col
ridge on the lattor'a forthcoming visit
to America ,
The Spanish chamber of doputtosTiaa
passed a bill permitting the substitu
tion of an affirmation for an oath
when desired
A conflagration at Yallorber , Swit
zerland , destroyed 145 houses , to
gether with the postoflho. Twelve
hundred persons are undo homeless.
The Hnnt for Apoohci
Special Dbpttch to Tui U
ST. Louis , April 8 , A dispatch
rora Now Moxioo says the Indians
lave been aeon on the plains between
"jordsbury and the Gils , and tracks
> ro reported in several places , but no
depredations heard of. Ospt. Erdrldgo
with company K , Twenty-third In-
"antry , from Fort Biyard , just re-
; urned from an unanccossful anarch of
; he Gila after the Indians. Gin. Mo-
IConr.lo is at Lordsbury directing
movemonto. Thera are no hoatllo
Indians In New Mexico. The trail re
ported two dayo ago was < nado by
Mexican Buineglors. Col. loraytho's
two companies will go in
to temporary camp , at Richmond
mend on the Glla rlvor , Oapt ,
Black with Shakespeare gnarda re
turned to Shttkcapearo and the com
pany have been relieved from duty ,
Jnh and Lco , with a baud of 200 re
negades and remnants of all the differ
ent bands of Apxchea , are atlll In
Sonora and Chihuahua , doing much
damage down there , Mexican troopi
are out after them and It Is now un
derstood Gan. McKenzIe and Crook
aim to guard the frontier and prevent
the hbstlles from recrosHlog into Ari
zona and New Mexico.
Harsford'a Add Phosphate
la a preparation of the phosphates o
lime , magnesia , potash ana iron li
such form as to be readily osslmllatoi
by the system. Descriptive phamplo
ent free , Rumford Chemical Works
Providence. R. I.
TIio OomiDg Celebration of the
Anniversary of tlio Sur
render of Leo.
Secretary Folger Bnpidly Re
covering and Diapatoh-
Dynamite Detectives and. Bul
lion Ptenrefc " Betty
Mlioell.-kutoni Washington New .
ptcUl Dltpttchei to Tni Bll
WASHINGTON , April 8. General
Sherman , Secretary Lincoln , Oommo-
lore Walker , Senator Hawley , Colonel
" ) adloy and many others leave hero to-
/aterans of Maryland , at Baltimore ,
n celebration of the anniversary of
ho surrender of General Leo at Ap-
) omatoz.
iai almost entirely recovered. He
wont rldllng on horaobaok this after-
noon. He appears benefited by the
exorcise. It is expected the secretary
ill bo able to resume his duties at
ho treasury department on Monday
morning. Ho has given his personal
attention to moat all important mat
ers that have been presented to the
department the past week or two.
The atato department has received
no Information that the government
of England will ask this government
o lend a force of skilled detectives
o assist In tracking the dynamite
The statement of thu United States
roanaror show gold , silver and United
Status notes In the treasury are as
ollows : Gold coin and bullion , § 185-
153,148 ; silver dollars and bullion ,
$107 000,901 ; fractional silver coin ,
527,883,178 ; United States notos$43-
788,070 ; total , $304,285,357. Oorti-
icates outstanding : Gold , $43,606-
800 ; silver , $71,071,411 ; currency ,
Consul Turpln at Panama reports
to thn state department that ho has
employed an attorney to defend the
seven Americans arrested on suspicion
of having stolen from the express
company a keg of gold containing
$50,000 In tranoft to the paymaster of
the United States stoamerLaokawana.
The consul says tbo railroad company
Is doing all they can to delay the
trial. The consul's action Is ap
An evening paper publishes a letter
from 13otty Mason , wife of Sorgoanl
Majon , Imprisoned for an attempt on
Gaitoau'a life , whoroln she denies hav
ing employed J. G. Higeloir as her at
torney to obtain the release of her
husband and says that Blgelow ( who
Is suing for legal service ) cannot have
any ot the money given her by the
generous public with her consent.
Indlanlans resident hero have ap
committee pointed a arrange for eer
onade and reception to Gen. Gaesham
The fnneral of the Ute Gen. Joseph
K. Barnaa , ex-surgeon general , oo
cured yesterday with military honor.
The escort consisted of one battery of
.rtlllory , two companies of heavy or-
Illory , two companies of marines and
tie Union veteran corps.
A Change In the Prayerc.
pecl l Ulrpttch to Tui Bn.
NEW YOBK , April 8. The commit-
oo on the Episcopal book of common
irayer , appointed by a gouoral con
vention of the Protestant Episcopal
ihurch in thin city during October ,
880 , has been in session at the Grace
louse slnco Wednesday , and has at
ast completed Its deliberations. The
ommUtee conthted of seven blshopi ,
even prests | and seven Isymon ,
and the meetings have boon hold at
various tliuna and places during the
ait three years. Tao committee has
nado various alterations In the
Iturgy of the church to comply with
requirements of the present gen
eration and the advancement of the
needs and work of the ohuroh. For
ho last few yean many changes In
he liturgy have been suggested at
various conventions , but none wore
adopted , and at the last convention a
Jgorous effort was made to have
ho litany altered In ono par-
icnlar and to allow priests
ho privilege of nslng prayers not In
ho prayo'r books , to suit special oc
casions , but both plans wore defeated.
Fho present oommltten was appointed
o make such changes in the liturgy
as will remove the objections In the
irosont one , which were becoming
almost universal. The deliberations
of the committee have been kept a
profound secret and will not bo dl-
nlged to the public nntll Bishop
Williams , of Cincinnati ! , the chair
man , sees fit to make a public state
ment of the proposed changes.
Horrible Catastrophe la Texas.
peclal DUpttch to Xui Un.
GRBEMNIU.E , Texas. , April 8
About two o'clock yesterday morning
he Eado house , a throe-story brick
iotolfollbuiying the Inmates between
ho walls. Fifteen persons are known
o have been killed , A few othots
neaped unhurt. The ruin took fire
and many were roasted in the flames.
Jp to 1:30 : o'clock five bodies were
aken from thornlns , but were charred
> oyoud recognition. The building
vas erected within the past year and
las been for some time considered nn-
afe , the walls being very light , The
ilteons walls of the imprisoned and
turning victims to whom no hand
could render assistance , were heart
rending. A number of business firms
adjoining were burned out. The
remains that have boon taken
com the ruins are simply burnt chunks
> f flesh , unrecognizable. Business
louses have been closed ,
Crop Products of Ohio ,
SpecUl DtopUch to Till Bi ,
COLUMUUH , April 8. The April re
port of the board of agriculture , based
on returns from over 700 townships ,
ives the following percentage com
pared with April lit , 1883 : Wheat 03 ,
rid wheat In producers' hands 28 , old
corn , ditto , 32 ; rye , condition , til ) ;
barley CO The wheat outlook Is the
most gloomy lot eiyht yeara in Ohio.
Severe cold with bare ground Ir'Dcd
the tops to thu surface in January and
February. Worm rains nnd good
weather till May may improve tlio
Official toll grams received April 7
from other states glvo the following
percentages for the condition of win
ter wheat compared with the tame
time last year : Indiana 72 , Illinois
88. Kintai 01 , Kentucky about 70 ,
Michigan 70 , WUo.-ntin about 75 ,
California about G5 , Minnesota sprit
wheat will probably acreage 08. Ilo
duoed to bushels the Ice * In there 8
tiates will be 90COOOCO , or 30 per
cent , and they g vo 281,000,000 of the
500,000,000 bushels railed In the Unl-
134 BUt9 a last your ,
Jay Qoulfl'B Gorgeous Taoht
Liuncliod on the Delaware.
The A-talnnta Takes Water as-
Gracefully as Railroad -
Stock , ' . { j " |
, * J
seriptloa ef the rio&tlns PIe * .
BpcoUl Dispatch to Tni llil.
, April 8. A special ,
train from Nuw York arrived "at I
Cramp's ship yard yesterday , to- wit
ness the launching of Gould's steam
yacht , Atalauta. Among those on
board the train were Mr. and Mrs.
Gould , Misses Nolllo and Annie-
Gould , George Gould , Mr. and Mrs- .
A. L Hoffman , R L. Baldwin , Cyrus
W Field , Jr. , Wm. Henry Hnrlbnt
of The New York World , Miss Annie
Hondricks , E. 8. Jeffrey , Howard
Jeffrey , Wm. H. Blngham , John T.
Terry , and E. O. Harris. The yacht
was successfully launched at 1:30 : p.
m , The vessel WM christened Ata-
lanta by MUs Nellie Gould in the
usual way ,
A largo crowd witnessed the launch.
In addition to the party from New-
York there were many prominent
Phlladelpbiuii present. It waa ex
pected General Grant and General
Di H would be present , but they were
absent owing to a delay of the train.
Only workmen were permitted on
board the craft , the launch being - witnessed
nessed from a spacious platform con
structed around the yacht , from which ,
floated the stars and stripes. The '
owner of the yacht and parly occupied
positions on the platform at the bow
of the vessel. Shortly after one
o'clock a long file of workmen ,
arranged on either sldo of the keel
of thu Atalanta , began drlvng In the
wodgea preparatory to cutting away
the last fastening which held her on
the ways , In a few minutes she
glided smoothly and gracefully into
the Delaware amid the cheers of the
assembled multitude and the whistles
of boats in the rlvor. As the bow
left the ways Mlns Nellie Kould chrla-
oned her Atalanta by breaking the
radltloual bottle of wlno. The launch
wan a complete success and Mr. Gould
waa warmly congratulated. After
nncheon at the office of the builders
3onld and party returned to New
York by special train.
Competent judges say Gould's yacht
Atalanta Is the moat perfect specimen
of steam craft construction. As aa
to seaworthiness nho Is considered su
perior to Bennett's Namonna. Upon
deck her length Is 225 feet and on the
water line 213 feet. The yacht Is
fitted up in the most magnificent
style , the cabin being furnished with
all that can bo suggested for comfort
and convenience. The whole ship's
company will number 52 men. BQ-
aldoB her engine propelling power , the
Atntanta will bo able to spread as njuch
cauvata en the average as a three
masted schooner. She will bo prc-
pellcd by compound , Instead of direct
acting , surface condensing engines
with two cylinders , one of thirty and
ono of elxty inches in diameter , with
thirty Inches stroke if piston. The
engines ere fitted with tool reverting
gear , patented by Cramps , by means
of which it can bo Immediately re
versed from full speed ahead to full
npeed astern , Tbo Atlanta will bo
ready for service by the middle ot
"Huh I'uuoh. " compos * } of old , fine llq. <
uori and lurclous frulta. It can ba utea . i
clour or with water , lemonade , etc , , and far t
Biirpaiaea. any punch brewed ak dlia