m A 1 1 v u M M < * v I JBj : SATURDAY APUL : r The Daily Bee. Saturday Morning , April 7. 'Wonthor Report ( ths. following observations wore take at the same moment of time ftt the statioi mentioned. ) LOCAL. WK1 < JVITIB3 The Union Paclfio has reduced tbi tariff on emigrant mcvenblos and tocV from Mlisourl river points to the principal points In Utah , Idaho acd Moitars. frotr 25 to CO per cent , Mrr , Litonosky , n reliable clnirwrant has taken parlors tt 322 North Thliteentti street , near Chicago , Omaha. Telln patt preieot and future. Advice In business or arally troubles , Sheriff Miller took the prisoners con victed at the present term of court down to Lincoln yesterday , This evening Mr. Barrett will produce his new and powerful tragedy , "JPrancesca Da Illmlne , " The Nebraska City and Lincoln folks make an excnrilon to Omaha next Tues day. Sixty army recruits passed through Omaha Thursday for various points en the Pacific coast. They were In charge of Lieutenant Hardy , Masonic hall was filled Thursday by the guests of Engine Company No ; 1 , the occasion being their annual ball , Ir- ' vine' * fall orchestra furnished the music ad the affair passed off most pleasantly. There will b a meeting of the board r of managers of the Douglas County ) Atfrl- cultural society on Monday , April 8th , at Jp. m , , at the sheriff's office in the old court house building , A threatening Cro started about G o'clock Thursday in tha storehouse on the premises of E. A. Mills , Twonty-Qfth and Douglas , and charred a part of the inside , but was dluaovarjil Iu tlmo to be extinguished. About eight I undred unclaimed pack ages remaining in the olllca of the Ameri can and Wulls Fargo express companies In this city will bo fold under direction of Mr. U , H , Browning , agent , on May 8th. It Is tha largoit uesortment uvor loft over , and the auction will bo , as usual , very in teresting. Mr. EJ. Maurer , the genial proprietor of the popular Farnam street place , cornea to the front again , The Bis about a year ago chronicled his marriage and now it Is to be recorded that he is father of a fine girl , which put m on appearance at. his home Thursday , Ed. always was lucky in whatever be undertook and among the sub- sttntlal tokens ot his prosperity this Is not tha least , In tbo district court Thursday , before Judge Neville , the case of Perry Shotwell. who killed Eborllng on Thanksgiving night , was brought np on a motion for a MIT trial , A motion was made by Cole ael Brnythe , counsel for tha prisoner , for a new trial , but this was overruled , The court then proceeded to pats sentence upon Bhotwell for manslaughter , and consigned him to seven years in the state peniten tiary. tiary.J. J. H. Villard. president of the North. em Paolfio railway and of the [ Oregon Hallway and Navigation company , armed in the city Thnriday with a patty of friends Irom the eait la his private car , and started on to San Francisco ] by a special train. The train left this city at 11:30 a. m. , and wss expected to reach Ogden at 6 p , m. yesterday , running at abont ferty-three miles an hour. WEIUS ) VS. WEISS Tbo Lateac Dlvoroo Suit In tno Die- trlct Court. A petition was yesterday filed in the flho of the clerk of the dhtrlot oonrt by the wlfo of Judge Apgo.sk Weiss , a well known oltlzon and moghtrato of this city , General Gowiu appi'aHug as the plalntliTs attorney. The charges ogalnst the defendant are qnl'o numerous and serious , and the suit exoltos no little comment among thote acquainted with the par * ties. FOR S iLE. A -rogstoro in western Iowa , popu lation abont 3.GOD , stock from 86 000 to 168,000 , sales f 18,009 per annum , only two drng stores In the town , a largo country trade. Inquire of Frank ll'gers , Millard Hotel drug store. Hqnford'a Aoid Phosphate I * a preparation of the phosphateo of llmo , nngneslo , potash nnd Iron in such foim as to bo readily assimilated by the system. Descriptive phamplet sent free. Rumford Chemical Works , Providence. R. I. . . , OP PUNCH KS Ii "Hub Punch ' compos * ! f old , fine j(1. | non aud luicious fruIU It can be uted clear or with water , lemonade , etc , , and far tnrpaeees any punch brewed at altera tion. JOHN H. KIIOK the largest assortment of Rtnges "Sd . ° 0 < lk .Stovc Barb F < 5CC ° Wire , u of which yon can buy chespar than ! ? 7.P'oe ' ta town ftt ° 16 and 617 H. > treet- . - _ m27.mo-tt _ p. wfc B Uby bas pains al dt d ol nUhl. .HMfcf U a Irlghl , fattier In a pught ; fssi t m do MU , Uby mu t err , TlMf MU fa , baby BUH el * . t PAVING POINTS. An Important Demand on Property orty Ownais , Only a Day More in Wnloh t < Deeignato tbo Material , Owners cfpropertyin thopavlngdls tricts , for which contracts have boot ordered this spring , will have to tak very active steps at once to maki known tholr wishes as to what kind o pavement they want. Under the law thirty days are glvot the property owners on any street t < bo paved to designate the kind of material torial with which the streets on whicl tholr property abuts la to bo paved The ordinance ordering the paving o llth,12ih,13.hl14th,15lhHarnoyanc 1 Dodfio streets , waa paiacd on the slxtl of March and approved on the 8th Thu thirty days given to property owners will expire Sunday , which moans toally to-night , bj which tlmo they must file their poti tlons with the city clerk. Should they fall to do this , they will have no voice in the matter aud the council will act for them , choos ing whatever paving material thej may think best , Of course the council may bo fully competent but , In the first place they would bo bored to death by log-rolling contractors , and In the next place , most people who have a paving tax to pay would naturally prefer to have thoirohoico of paving material. It is all important , therefore , If the property owners de sire to do anything , for them to move at once got tholr petitions up and file them. If they do not those who want stone may find a wooden pave ment , and those who want asphalt may got A stone or micadam pave ment. LATBK. Since the above has boon written wo learn that the parties who control the asphalt pavement have boon on a itil hunt among the property owners , jotting petitions to have these streets paved with asphalt. According to our Informant , the petition requires the council to let the contract In accord- inco with the specifications and meth od of A. L. Barber & Oo. Since this 5rm controls the enliro Importation if Trinidad Asphalt and no limit Is fixed In the petition as to price of paving , this firm wonld sot the con tract at tholr own prlco and on their 3 < rn terms. This may bo something that the property owners who signed thnt petition may not have thought of ind It may bo well for them tc look ate it at once and If misled they can avoko tholr signatures by a counter otllion. WANTING A RAILROAD. fho Lincoln Folks Como Up to Con fer With the Missouri Paci fic Manager. In' our Hat of personals will bo 'onnd the names of J. J , Imhoff md party , of Lincoln , who tame np from the capital yesterday to confer with General Manager Talmage and others of the Missouri Paolfio offiolaln , who were at the Paxton , In regard to the oonneotion of their city with the Mis souri by a branch UUP. Whether the line waa to bo built up From the south or down from Papil- lion was not learned , and the confer- Bnoe was not concluded at the latest wcounta. If your watch falls to keep correct tlraa leave hat EDHOLU &ER10K- 30N'8 Jewelry store to be repaired. 0-2t 02tMrs. Mrs. Montmorenoy'a Funera * . Fanural services over the remains of the late Mrs. Alfreda Montmoronoy rrere hold at the residence on Park wenuo Thursday afternoon at 1:30 In iho presence of a largo concourse of friends of the family The boantiful bnrUl soiv'oo ' of the Episcopal church iras read. After the rendition ofaev sral touching selections by a quartette ) f male volcoa from tbe B. &bf. headquarters - quarters , the remains were convoyed o the depot and taken to Burlington , irhero the final services took place r'ostorday The grlef-strlakon husband and sons iVero accompanied by several friends 'rom ' the B & M. heac1 quarters. JLAVEN'S Y08EMITB OOLONQE Hade from the wild flmrm of the fAn FAMED YO3EMITE VALLEY t is the most fragrant. i > f porfumo. Manufactured by 1. U SUvon , San Francisco. Fomlo In Ooitha by W. ) ' . Whllehuuso and Kuunard Bros. Real Eutato Transfers. The following cuods wcro filed for -joord In the county clerk's oflioo \prll 5 , roportoi for TUB BEE by & .mea' real estate agency. W. F. Inning to A. A. Cooley , q. > . d. , n o } of s w I and lots 3 and 4 lection 7 , ID , 10 ; 8032.97. A. E , Tonzalln to A. U. Turnoll , q. \ d. , lots 33 and 34 and 120foot south : ido lot 25 , To trace addition ; ? 513 M. W. Ensign and wlfo to U M. rurnoll , > r. d. , lot 8 , block 3 , Etins- : om Place ; $000. 0. 0. Houfol and wlfo to R. Allen , 1. o. d , , lot 2 , block 221 ; $000. J. A. Oroighton , ot al , oxooutota , to D. T. Mount , o half of section 25 , 10 , 12 ; $9.005. D. T. Mount nnd wlfo to J. D. Orslc-hton , W. D. o half section 25. 10 , 12 ; $9,305. G. P. Bomlaand wife to G. Oaktor , W. D , lots 7 and 8 , blook "F , " Lowes 1st addition ; $225 G. Oaldor to , T. L. Lowls , W. D. , lota 7.and 8 , blook "F"Lowes' 1st ad- dttlon ; $250. O. Petoraou to A. and L. Unroll , vr. d . parent in w A lot 4 , Reagan's addition ; S325. Merchants National bank to P. L Simmons , w. d. , part lot 4 , block 91 ; $600. Geo. P. Btmls and wlfo to E. Kayaer w. d. . lot and blook In Lowe's first addition , $100. Ludwlrf Kappenbah to Mary Da- ea. w. i. lot 14 , block 4 , Kouatto'a M0r4 addlUaB , | 17G. GfM * 0. L 4bofOBgk and huUnd r n to Sarah Walker , w. d. , ) ot 1 , 2 am 3 , blook 8 , lltubcom Plum , f J 800 Law W , Hill to Ilnbt. D. Duucan w. d. , lot 2 , bhck 2 , B gg4 A ; Hill's sooonrf addition , $1,100. Andrew Tr ynor and wlfo to Alrl" Swobo , w. d. , p rt of lot 5 , block 7 Krdlck'a snb-divlsloti , $1,100. Geo.V. . Corliss untt wife to Reboa co M , Bftllotor , w , d , , lota G at.d 7 block 20 , Waterloo. $176. Rsbecct M , Baliotcr and hnabani to Thos. J. Donahoo , w. d. , lots flam 7 , block 2 ; , Waterloo , $300. Oharlos B. King and wife to Th Pobllo for a iitreot , * . o d. parcel In se , of section 17,15 , 13 , $100. Henry 0 Jones and wlfo to Goer Ginsdalo , w. d. , nel of sec 18 , 15 , 11 $3000. Alfred MoKonstry to Robt. E. Onp son , w. d. , all of lot 4 , blocn 254 ly Im ; north of north line of sec 27 , $2.- 400. THE WICKED WORLD. A Slick Individual Caught a the "Film FJamt' ' Eackefc. * The Police Report for March A man named Garroty , portly,2wel dressed and intelligent , was arrestcc on Sixteenth street Thursday foi practicing the old change racket knowr. as "film flam. " His game wan to gc to a store nad ask for a ten cent plug of tobacco , handing out a $2 bill and receiving $1.90 In change In return , Then ho would ask if they wonld give kirn a dollar bill for some of the change , as ho did not wish to carry so much abont in his pocket. The dollar bill was obligingly handad over , thu giving him $2,90. Ho now busily on- jaged them in talking , aud suddenly aking a dime from his pocket ho would soy , "WM1 , 1 guess I'll just > ay this for it and give yon back your : hange ; , " paislng back the $1 90 and laving left a dollar and his plug of to- IBCCO. Hn played this on three or our different parties before he swindle waa detected , but was finally nailed and yesterday he was fined $10 and ooatn and sentenced o 20 days on bread and water. This wilt glvo him 36 days In the county M In all. Garroty cUIras to be a allroad engineer and to have been In Oillfornia for the past two and a half years. Three women were fined $5 and oats each for prostitution , which they paid.One One case of disturbance of the toace was continued. Din Oallahan and Pat Kearney , > oth old < { Tandem wore sent ip * for ten days each at laid labor , for drunkenness. Work n the court house is to bo returned nd hereafter hard hbor will be added o the sentence -instead of broad and water. POLICE BUSINESS IK MAUCIT. The report of poliro bustnoim in larch , which ahtmn a pretty nctlvo month's work for "tho force" and ndge Bonoko , is furnished by Mr. oromo Pentzei , clerk of the court , as ollowc nuisance . 2 ntoxicstlon . 69 btalnlng goons under false pretenses. 2 Msturbauoe of the peace . , . 34 Intelty toanlmala . 1 Q rrvlng concealed weapons . 4 Assault and battery . 7 tecelving stolen property . 1 Itabblog with Intent to wound . 1 Asi&ult with Inteat to malm . 1 laspeclous chsr cters . 63 ) efrandlnj ' , hotel keepers . 2 'restitution . 28 } mbllDg . 4 jaylnf ? sewer pipe without license . 1 Icting as runner without llcens * . 1 Mscharglng firearms . 2 lobbery . 3 Aroeny. . " 0 ' Total . . . . . . . . . 241 A KelUUouti Contestant. The Interest of the gospel meetings ontinnea at the Baptist church under ho snperintondance of the evangelist tan Hogan , and U seems true also cf Omaha that it Is to bo numbered mong the cities of religions revival ame. List night the testimony of no man was very similar to that of lie ox-pugllUt. He had boon an otor and a lover of the chalice of loasure , and after looelne his money y gambling , in Danver , he went to ho saloon-keeper with whom he had ecomo acquainted on account of pat- onlzlng'bis bur , and told him his sad onditlon , but the "member of the ar" laughingly said , There uro mauy ow In the same box as you are. " | Aud when Omaha had been reached nd the gospel meeting at the Btptist huroh attended , he found thu bible was not a myth , or Christianity u mythology. His family then oamo to the city , nd although they had no resHou to oar him In the past , ho aiked his wlfo or the blblo and had family worship , nd promised ( he person to whom ho hould have been more devoted , that n the future by the help of the ono who made the world and who upholds t by his infinite power , that he will icncoforth bo a fathfnl father and a ovlng husband. There were several who confessed hat they found the potrl of great irloo the Saviour nnd it cauies use o ask the question , Is this a reaction f IngoreoUiimt Thcro will bo a meeting in the study f the Baptist church at 8 o'clock this vonlng for those who have been con- ortod during the past r/sck and on Sjtbbath evening there will bi a nniou mooting in tkn audlonco room of the hurch ; at which a Inrgo choir la rx icctod to bo prespnt. Card of Thanks. Mis. Henry Siort dcnlroa to return icr thanks for the token of respect liown her late hutbind , Hemy Siort , > y the committee and members of ? lanot Lodge No , 4 , K. of P. , and others , In the publication of the reeo- ntions of condolence , and aho to all who showed their sympathy by various act * of kindness during her rrcent bo reavemont. MBS. HENHY SIERT. If yon an not married , write tbe Mar. riga Fanl and Mutual Trust Assocl * . IOB , Oedtr Rapids , Iowa , foe circulars explaining the pltn. fS-Sm. A tree tonic medicine , a blowing In every household , U Brown's Iron Bit ten. CHOKED TO DEATH. Sadden Demise of an Oman ; Special Polioaman , A Sad Case Beported fron ; South Omaha. Thos. L , Illll , who reside * on Slxtl and Msrcy streets , wag for aomo tlmi past a special policeman appointed b ) the mayor to do duty on South Tent ! atreot. Mr. Dill had a family con listing of a wlfo and tire children , ADC they have Buffered a Rood deal tor tw ( years back from illness , and recent ) ] Mr. Hill himself was taken with eon throat , bat wonld not giro np to It , and remained on duly as uanal. Abont , 6:30 : ycatatday after IK had gone homo from his night watch , ho was sitting with his foot in a bnckei ol hoi water , when ho was sudden ) ) taken with a choking spell nnd died almost instantly and before medical aid conld bo summoned. The doctor , who came afterward , thought the de < osascd hud had a boil In his neck and that its bursting had choked him tc death. Hill was about 31 years of nge , and leaves his family in very destitute cir cumstances. A nnmbor of kind friends were busy yesterday cir culating a papar and obtaining sub scriptions for the relief of the wife and children , In which they were fortun ately quite successful. The funeral vrill probably tako. place to-day sometime. The Doctor' * Endorsement- Dr. W. D. Wright , Cinclmutl , 0. , Bonds the subjoined professional endorie- ment : "I have prescribed DR. WM. SALL'S BALSAM FOK THK LUNGS n a great nwnb&i of cases and always with success. Quo case in particular was [ ivon up by several physicians who had > een called in for consultation with my self. The patient had all the symptoms of confirmed consumption cold night weats , hectio favor , harassing cough , etc. le commenced immediately to get better md WAS soon restored to his uiual health , I also found DR. WM. HALL'S BAL. 8AII FOR THE LUNGS the most valu- , ble expectorant for breaking up distress * OR coughs and colds that I haye ever uted" 31-dweodlw U. O. L. A. The Union Catholic Library associ ation held a very interesting enter- lalnment Thursday evening. ' The rooms were crowded , which proves hat the entortainmants of this popu- ar society are highly appreciated , and hat a larger hall is necessary for the numbers that attend. That evening the proformancoopen- ] od with a piano solo by Mies Lou Ar nold , which was beautifully preformed. A reading by Mrs. M. J. E gen showed sarefnlly ulccatlonary training in that ady. An essay on O'Connell by John lush was loudly applauded. Reading by Miss Sherll kept the audience's closest attention and was highly ( leasing. Mlaa Fannlo Arnold's sweet Inglng earned for her an oncore. Miss Mary McNamnra sang "Whnn , he Tide Uomes Flowing In" in such a creditable manner that she com- ilotoly captivated the audience Mr. 1. Blair closed the programme with a Great credit la dno Miss Maggie McCarthy and Miss Lizzie M. Cart- ney for the success of the entertain * ment. Did She Die ? "No ; she lingered and suffered ilon ? , pining away all the time for years , the doctors doing her no good ; , nd at last waa cured by this Hop Bit * era the papers s y so much abont. indeed 1 Indeed ! how thankful we should be for that medicine. " It. J , Johnson , Lincoln ; Mrs. K. A. Colllni , Fremont ; W. D. Matthewp , VNelll ; Mrs. Sheldon , Grand Island ; Mrs. J. 0. Fool , Columbus ; A. 8. Baldwin - win , Dawson Co , and . C. Bartlett , lumphreys , were among the Nebraska iruests at the Billiard yesterday. A. B. Smith , Lincoln ; W. M. Leonard , itncoln ; E. H , Warren and John Hamlin , Nebraska City ; T. 0. Matteson , Sntto , nd W. W. Me Henry , of Tekasaab , are at be I'axton. Miss L A. Piper , of Fairmonnt , siiter f Mr. J. B. Piper , book-keeper of the Millard , and Mm. F. M. Hall , of Lin. oln , are meat * of the Millard. J. W. Eggleston and Hen. P. Wlckes , f Chicago , are at the Metropolitan , 8. H. H. ChvrVr , of the Union Pacific , aturned from California yesterday. James Harrison and J. Donily , of De ] ance , are at the Millard. 8. L. Ellis , of Fort Dodge , la. , is a nest at the Metropolitan. W. L. Cook and wife , of Chicago , are registered at the Paxton. 0. B. Wilson , of Denver , was a gnest of 18 Millard yesterday. 8 , Newhoff , of St. Luls , Is registered t the Metropolitan. E. M. Baths , of York , was at the Met ropolitan yesterday. Geo. L. Draper , ot Burlington , Vt. , Is t the Millard. Go. W. Bedgwlck , of Kaunas City , Is at ho Millard. J. N. Cornitb , of Hamburg , la. , Is at he Paxton. Oscar Andrccn , of St. Louie , is at the Millard. Morris Mayer , of Norfolk , is at the 'axton. John Martin , of Sioux City , Is at the 'axton. M Cohen , of Chic IRQ , Is at the Metro , politan. L. M. Jono.i , of Crete , Is at the Metro , polltau. H. 0. Hathaway , of Chicago , is at the 'axton. It. B. Conger , ot Rawllns , Is at the Pax. on. on.Ora Ora Haley , of Wyoming , Is at the Pax. ton , A. A. Talmagvs , General Transportation Manager of the Gould Southwestern sy tern ; J , 8. Talmage ; M j. K. L. Wentz retldaat earfiiow .Missouri Pacific ; 0. L Dunham , Superintendent Nebraska Dlrl. lon Missouri Pacific ; F. Tufts , tuprtia , teendent of bridged and buildings , and ( . , H. T.iltn Kf , civil imclnccr , of the sam < line , weru ( ; ufft ut , MiI'jxton yesterday , J. J , Imbotl , A. Humphrey , J , L , Me Connell end 0 M. Leigbtoo , of Lincoln , are at the Paxton. Gee , L. Shonp , Mrs. J. Shoup and child and Mrs. McCaleb and two children , ol Idaho , are at the Paxton , Edward Limhofer , of Hchuyler , Is at thi Paxton. G , 0. Brmim , of Columbnt , is at the Paxton. 8. W. Powers , of Kearney , is In town , 0. W. White , of Cheyenne , Is at th < Paxton , Mrs. J. M. Evani , of Kvanstoa , Wyo. , Is a guest of the Paxton. BRIDAL BELLS. They fiing the Ohimes for Twc Happy Cellos , The Latest Newa in the Mat rimoniol World. A very pleasant wedding was that celobratcd by Rov. Father ShnefTel a the chnrch of the Holy Family yes terday morning. The happy couple were Mr. E. J. O'Haren , for the past throe years with Mr. Wm. Gentleman , the Sixteenth street grocer , and Miss Nellie Doan , a Deautiful and accomplished yonng lady of North Omaha. Miss Marie Dean , the brldo'a sister , aatod as her attendant , while Mr'John 0. Roltomeycr performed a similar service for the groom. After the cervices at the church the party repaired to tholr cosy residence on Eighteenth street , near Clark , whtrj a reception was held , which was argely attended , and was maiked by all the delightful features Incident to such occasions. The presents were very numerous and were costly , usefcl and ornamental. Mr. Guntleman was especially liberal .in his offerings to the young conplo , and this waa probably not less owing to his fa- ror for the groom and his winsome Slide than to the fact that it hisn't > een so very long since Billy was there ilmself , and ho therefore knows what < ught to bo done on snch occasions. THE BEE jilns the host of friends in offering Its congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. O'Haren. MDDNAID-BYAN. Invitations are out for the marriage of Mr. Ohas McDjuald and Mies NHII Xynn , nelco of Mr. and Mrs James ? . Farrel , on Tuesday evening , April LOth , at 8 o'clock at St. Patrick's Cathedral , Fifth avenue , New Yoik City. A Iiifo Saving Sorvloo Mr. M. E. Alllatm , Hutchison , Kin. : Saved bli HfH by a simple Trial Bott'e ' of 3r. King's Now Discvery , for Oonsump- ion , which caused him to procure , a laree lottlo that completely cured him , when Doctors , change of climate and everything etsa had failed. Asthma , Bronchitis , Se vere Coughs , and all Throat and Lung dis eases , U is guiranteed to cure. Trial bottles free at O. F. Goodman's drug store. Large size , 31. 31.aprl 2-eod&w Iw * Whea People exchange Molal greetings , oouvivialty is oromoted by a glass of "Hub Punch. " This admirably prepared punch , Impromptu , is delightful either with water or lemonade. Replenish your sideboard with it. .jar-Millions of packages of the Diamond mend dyes have been sold without a single complaint. Everywhere they are the favorite Dyes. A FiendUh Attempt- Special Dispatch to TUB Bss. ST. Locis , April 5 An attempt waa made to wreck a train on the Mis souri Pacific railroad , sixteen miles north of Daiton , Texas , yesterday morning , bat no harm was done. It A thought it wan not the design to wreck the passenger train * but to stop a train en ronte to Mexico having on board $100,000 to pay the construction hands on the Mexican Central road. A negro waa discovered near the ob struction nnd jailod. This is tbo second end time the track has been obstructed at the same placo. A P/iz Fight. Special Dispatch to TUB Him NEW YOHK , April ( i A prlza fight ocurred on Long Island at day break ; hla mornir g , between Harry Wetson , commonly known on th * "Black Diamond mend , " and James M Ltnghlin. Sev en rounds were fought in seventeen mlnntos , when the "Diamond" was declared the wlnnor. Wotson hails irom ( J.Dotnrm'i Burned to Deatb. Special Dispatch to Tin Bin ALBANY , April 6. John A. Wilson , wile and two daughters were buruuo , o death ir. their house , three miles Tom Hnrtwlok , Otsego county , this morning. PILLS SYMPTOMS OF A I TORPID LIVER Loss of Apnotlto , Bowels costive , Fain In the Head , with n dull sen sation In the back part , Fain under the Shouldar blade , fullness after cutintrwith a disinclination to ex ertion of body or mind , Irritability of temper , Low spirits , with a feel- Intr of flavins : neglected name duty , Wearineos , Dizzinosa , Kluttcrin at the heart , Dots before the eyes , Yel low Skin , Headache [ renoraily over the ripht eye. Itostlessnoss , with flt- fal droamii , highly oolored Urine , - C ° NSTI1 > A'rlOH- T'M I'IX < Z < 8 ro especlallr natitcil ta surli CAseS.one dose ef fect * ucli a , clinwae of fcclluu ( to tuiiUU tlie uffurer. They Iitcrc e the Appetite , and caaia the body to Take oa I'lMli.tlus theeyi. torn la i ourl hfa , miii t > t their Tonlo Action on the l TUH'SHftlRDYE. Ooir HATB OK Vfmtffta ecunga to a OLOSST Iluicrby lnKlpanpllLtIonof ttiUDtt. It lmparts natural color. Ac u Init antanpon- ly. BoU byDru atcor cn bjrupruM a rcoelptof. . . ! . ! . f ICE. SB MVltKAY BT. . K. T. MM THE j Admiration OPTUS WORLD. Mrs.S.A.Allen's . . . WORLDS HairRestorer IS PERFECTIONI Public Boncfaotross. MS , - A. ALLKN ban justly earned lhn title , and thnuvind * are thU day rejolcmc ever a fine bead of hair produced by htr tmeqiial J | ir paration for restor ing , inviBonting , nnil beautif ) inu the Hair Her World's Hair Restorer quickly cleansct the scalp , removing ItatuimfT and arrests the ( Ml the luir , if Kr y'n clianRctl to in natural cr.lor , inine it the B.imeitiHty and luxtmom qmntily a * in jouth. COMPLIMEKTAEY. " hair is now restored to its youthful color ; I have not a 'jr.iy hair left. I am sat isfied that the preparation is not a dye , but acts on the .secretions. My hair ceases to fall , which is cer tainly an advantage to me , who was in danger of be coming bald. " This is the testimony of all who use Mrs. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR RESTORER. "Ono Bottle < Hil tt. " That is the expression of ninny who have had tlicir gray Incr restored toils natural color , and tlicir bild pot covered with 'nir ' , after usme one bottle of MKS. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR KKSTUVEK. It is not a dye. SPECIAL NOTICES. " \TrANTFD A girl to dj fren ral housework , VV Must be a good cook , wither atd Ironer , References required. Apply cj. K c r. Oilifor nlaand L'O'h etrnt. 19J-68 i ED A fuinls ed houteurtwj nke' ' > WA fur 1 bed rooms In good locatlo , S'ate pries. Ado reea Y B. office. 8J1-7J A BlrFto wash st ver at ratal tlm. WANTKt bond at ( the St. Chines flote1 Ilaimy St. s 3 8 W A good gir for general houre. uorknortbne t corner tf 2rd & Hurt St. 31912 WANTED-GU1 In f mt y of two , 1223 north 19th street. 8l6-9f - ' t haroomhop 1413 Far WANTEO-I'ortef lltliand 15th Sin. A Good Lurseglrl wanted Imm dla'.elv Reel J wanes given , at Nor'hwist ' c r. Ilamlltor atd I'.er strait , Salnn'd aldltlon , 778 6 } W ANTED 1 dining room klrl , 1 chambei mild Apply at f Jant > r's Ilouae , cornel ISih. 802-1CJ WAN I ED Good Laundry girl at Omahi Houo. 811-7S _ _ yk aiNNFKWANTED-Theundcr I r * ai.oodman tuiuaa tin chop. Orod uage : nnd siouy work tbo tear atouuil. Address JOHN ZIMMERhR , 781-71 _ Ssward , hob. 'ANTED Dining ro'-m girl at CielKhtoc W ilonso. 788 0 WWANTED WANTED 0 lit ( or general housework. Dine orSwolo preferred 8. E. cjr. 16th Ciil [ ornli street : 783-01 YXrANTED A dlntn ? room lrl at Ktlneke't VV Restaurant e038. 13lhSt 7906 ! Girl for hcusa work li small ( am- WANTED at No. 1 Crelghton block ID morning. 769 9 TTTANTEU A neit girl ( or RCDfril houseworl VV Mu't bo ko-d cook , waster aril Ironer Ur > . It. I'utvlj , 23d ' d St Mtry'i avenue. WANTED A hitol cook , womai rrtferrert Apply or Kldresi Central City Ho'el Cen < tral rit Nebra-ka , A girl to wa't on th > table , a-d W sew , at tbe CccIdonUl Hotel , 6)0 tf SITUATIONS WANTED , WAMKD Situation hy flistclat cook , In private faml y or boa-ding house. Apob ISlSJackroa street. 73365 MIS3ELLAMEOUB WANTS -To ao dress maklaf In prlvuti WANTED . Address Dress Maker , B office , Council Bluffs , Iowa , AB-4t ANTED Within two blocks of Horse cai line , two or tnree rooms , suitable for light housekeeping. Address K , Bee office. 8'06J - pilvy vaults , sinks , and ces' . WANTED-600 with sinitary cleanrr S > t isfuctlon guaranty d. J. M. HUITH , 771-lmot Lock Box 422 , Omaia. TTTANTED-Efonbjdy sutTcrlni wl'h tooth YV "id hiadocbe , ti call at 1421 Farnam ttreel aud bo cund fieecf ciaige by Homo's E ectrlo Uelt. 613-liu FOR t ENT HOUSES AND LOTS. I7OR HEST IIou u of Or joins , r aril and i oft JP water , goo ! c il r In ) wncliw. ill Iu rood renlr. Reaton b o rent. 12 > 3 north 19t i at. 817-12 ! T710IIUKNT On cr t o ro mi In brst floor JTJ furnlihed or unlurnieha . Aptly at 2412 barney St. 818 12 fTIOR RENT Furnlabtd rcom tulUbli for MIu JD 1718 California St. 8U7 * RENT Furnlihsd rronueultable forreu- FOR , at 1019 Farnam Street .CO fit TJV5R RENT Sfra-r om and futures complete Jj fine opening for dry goods or clothing home , 010 N. 16th St. Iiqu'ri ' nixtdo r. r T. An drew sbcot acd ihoe houe b2'-I BEftT Thiee nicely furnlihed looms. EOR o : without board , at 1318 Jackson St. 7M1 | _ _ _ FOR RENT Front room en louth 18th 8t , near Lta > enwartn E30-05 HBST Housj and ttabls nn Chicago , FOR , llth tnd 15tb. Apply ta John Swift. cor. 15h ! s nit. 782 Ct J710K IttNT Mco furutthwl room H. H coner litb and CMS. j c 9 } TACIFIO IIOUSK FOR RK T-Tenlh and 1. Da.inport street. 32 ro ms.piili to U. \V.Giay , 211 twelfth atrect. 7Bl 101 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR UK3T Daionpoit itrcet , JuBi above 19th , south side , 1911. 787-t > 1 * E10KRENT Ahouioof crojma with all con- \eclerces , rn ttreetcu Hue. Inquire 1140 nor Ji 18th struct , b t Nlcholisand Paul. 701-98 RENT A new 5 room cctttgo on Dou.Us FOR . 1'EO. , oppoetta 1 * . U. 7VO-7 TnURKISHED PARLOR And boarJ. Modern Jj coav.Dlencca , 1B10 Bodjet'ro t. nicely futnlahed front pulor a d bed room A tigentlaxtn and \ fa w In no c llJ ked li" rd wlthla a block 1713Chk jo St. RENT Newcottajis , 10th and Hickory FOR Apply J. 1' . Ro * 1512 touth 6th. 7C09t _ TtO LET A nice furnished room with piano , JL alio other rooms 1015 l > edge St. C5l-0t RENT A itoro SOxM In Bolcombe blo-Jt FOR 1 6th street. 73 _ ST. A P. BALCOMBE. RENT ro rooms acd kitchen , 3 cloiets FOR llir , at comer 13th and CililornU street. Inquire at 60S N. 13th ttretU 733 71 n\OR \ HUNT f utnl he < l room with" bay win. dowandbowJ. Htde/nlmprorcmenti , 1T18 748-71 RKOT Furnl h d room 1811V * "t rai FOR twern 10th at d 17th n. 700 PI HUNT HouMsand lots at philterand Foil ' . Rent tureau , oppislto l'itifllei. 703 * tf I.lOIinENT Furn'dhed and tmfarn s'Hd rnnni , I1 inidirn c Lvetiicntef. gicd loiatlon , 1H8 t. 7-7-ti1 MAO [ jHT One room wlthbotrd , UUSCo I fort U J ttKct. tU7 Im rOK RENT Mir m > rght pltto , fine Klui- JU ballurgtn , 1M Do lge Mreet. 641I A. HOSPK , Jr. I'KNT ' Two double itores , sult.ble lo. FOR ; bouse , grocery , butcher , cr saloon , sltua'ixl to as to command a good farmer trade. Inquire of Mr * . F. Lange , 8. W , Cor. 13th and Jack'on Sis , SCO-lmt FOR SALE. TTJ01SlECott io and corner lot In fine lca- P tlon J2C50 Hsritaln n ust be sn.d "efnio May 1 t. McCAOUK opp si H I' U. S 4 tf T.1011 SALK Two sto y home N , W. corn r 12th JD and CMiMKO bv llildwin fc i til n. t-2f ) t' ' { S ME S room h'Uj ) , good order , cistern EOll , lur" , lull lot , mile Irom jot oUl e Very l-iisy Tcru B , $ lf 00. 804 tf A411S , Farnam &t , LototiZO'httrco * n t lainani , FORBAU . JIcSAGUK oppoelto I1 O S23-H t/Urt SALE & r out huu e , tnllar. ( .lit rn , ito ( and 3 rocm nctlfo , lo ( Cxi3J ails Hue haJi trots , b'cci tiom bt M rj's a\tmu cars talt mlle from | ojtofiliu , (3,3 0 fc05 tt AMI ; ? , Farnntn ( ttect. SAllK lloaeo and lot on Itouglis rtteet FOR ( iW. . McCAOUK cpl > o ito 1' . 0. H28 tf POttSAIE-7roimhoti-.p , lot Cl'xU2 ' , 1 ode trees , go tl cellar aul clj < rn , Una location , unit net car line PnjiuiutH tosult , $3,5CO FObtf AMKS , Farnam 8t , "niOR RENT Ion hous > s In gocd location * JD M CAQUhopiojiter. O. 825-tf EOR 8 ALE-F. w c > > ( Ice acre lots , west Omaha , flndy located , cany terms Five n re and ttn acre lot ; , hcu esand l.isln all locations , at pri ces and terms to suit purchaser * . E07-U t.r AUhS , Farnam street. "WOB 84LE-1 ot 44x32 feet and grocery store I * with llvlcg roomt above 15th strtet near HiBcall'BtHOO. McCAOUE opposite P. . O. 821-tf T710R \LK-Oood lion grey family rony , T JU years old It quire 1214 Dodge St. 792-10J SAT.E A set of heavy single hirntia at FOR N 18th stre t. 774-7 ! TJiOR SALE Cottage and erner loIn North r Omaha 11350 Bargain , McOAQUE rpooslte P.O. / S22-H FOR SALE A rare chcnce , a ni w ntrre 22x10 feet and Tot ccntdnluga ccmple o ititk ot genera merchardix , nd enjoying thhea > fit of abukltbyaad sttartuj Inc.tM n/buslntee , loca ted In ceraro of one uf tha bo't igriculiU'tl dls > trcta In wiBtnn Ioft. letms liberal , writs P. O , box < 6 , ? m'Ki > iie , la 713-121 POINTING OFFICE FORS4LE-A floutl hln ? J paper , In a > OM \ < > nd pro * It g town In Eua- tern Nebraska. Address U II. Bee Office. 623-lmo FOR SALE Nev/houso , 12 rooms. 8 cloaeti , cellar , nntH tbO per moi th , one-third corcer lot $ < COO. Aew hotU'Grooaia , itarrtt12x40 , cellar , cMirnund well , lot C x66 for 12,700. 3 houiei. 4 room , each , telUr. ciettrn , well and stable , lJt 36x132 , S2,7fO. Xll within 6 blocks Of po ioffice. Inquire iiu. 60S North 13lh Street. 579 { > { BALK Oil KENT Vose Piano. FOH S23-i ( C. J OANAN. T > EMIS'New Map of Omaha , lust completed and J > ready ( or delh cry at . $0 each. . . Is 4 ( eet wide by7 eet long. Largest and most complete map 31 Omaht ever published. Official trap of thi city. See column. TOU 8iLE CHEAP Choice unimproved bus- r Inrai lots on Farnam Ilariey , Doucl'S , andD dgeitroels. DAVIS&BNYDER , Real Est.to Agrnts , UO-eod-K 1605 Famam St IJlOn dALE A first CU93 second band r.baeton E CttllatiaiOlTarneySt. < :97-t : < * T7IOK aALK I'ocicta maps of Nebraska VOc JD each. For bargains In Uir aha City Improved and untmnravcd property , cell on Wm. t , Shrt- ver , Keal Estate Agent , opposite poatofflce. 769-tf BCIUCEI ANETDS -On Monday last a cow , 3 vein old STRAYED blue with right ear split. Fin der wilt be well rewarded by the owner. B KELLNEtt 1515 HOWMM St. 620-125 WILt. toke children of ny age glvo th 5--- iriothcra care for a liberal aompensatlon. Arfdiees Y. Z. Bee office 3C8-lmo * SfOLEN-mrk rein cow , me- STUAYEDOn good f liter very gentle , about 7 cr 8jcam olrt. Kopj ar. urd reck when last seen. L beral reward for a-y Informntl n laid- Inirloh r recovery. J. E. BONEWI1Z , 1623 DodK Htieot. QTOLBN OR STRAYED-F om the nelghbir- O hood ot i Ik horn < Ity , o i Tursday ! . * ( , one brown , o > e bay and on oirel coloied mare , Aluo bay hotae Information as to thtlf where abouts to be * cdrw eJ to C E.VandIver , Valley Btatlon , Neb. 812 Ct T AT1K3 SuflttIng with cores etnbecu ed br JU calling on Mia Spencer Hours Irom 9 to 11 a in , ana 2 to 6 P. m. { to. 707 Aorth 18th 8'rtet , Omaha , Neb. _ _ 777-71 MRS. HANSEN , Mldwlf his moved from 9th and Jackson to I6h : and Marcy Sis. 689-1 ml T ADIK3 Uhlng a qule- place during confine U ment , with nure will address W , B. Ree office. 369-lmo ) mo EXCHANGE for city prrperty In Oaaha , L ten Hrst-daa Improved futma A'so 1500 head o > she4)i f r Mle Cotrotpond wlihN , . O. t hr tlan n , huciameoto , Neb. m 9-lra EDWAKDKUKHL MAQ1STER rtF PALMYSTKRY AND COND' TIONALIST , 498 Tenth street , between Farnam and Harney. Will , with iho aid of Riurdtaa spirits , obtain for any one a glance ot the pan and present , and on certain conditions In tbr fu ture. Boots and Shoe * made to order. satisfaction niarantned. IN HOT WATER DONT BE SKEPTICAL. BFA80N TKACBES AND EXPfcRlKltGK CONFIRMS IHATTar- - .nt'B-1oltB-r An ri ntIS * N If VAL- UAIll.iv FO ANY ANP ALL LI30RDEK8 OF IHEREMEDV-TOMACH. LIVFR A DlOW. El. " IKA8l Ou fUMNAQL/SS'fH > T WATER KV HY OKNINO BEKOREKATINO ' 8 NOT ONLY EX'REMELY BENEFICIAL. B T A PROTECTION AGAINST DISEASED WDIOU N ONK OAft AFFORD TO DISUB. OARJ > . FOR SALE BY ALLDHUOOISTS. N. B-ln taklre SELTZER APERIENT I hot water , wait until the effeivcscence has entirely erased. Tbe water ihould be h.t not 'tpld or lukewarm. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies A marvel of purlti Jtrengtn and wholesomeness. ilore econoScil than the orplnknr kinds , and cannot b jSS compeUtlon with the multitude of low teil .hnS welit , alum or phr phaU S > w4er Sold on i cans. _ BqTH DiKUfft Pom is. On. . Wall J i.tir