THE DAiLir BJ E- APKIL 7 K Nebraaka National Bank , Ot Omh , Nab. * aia np Capital. - . $250,000 DIRECTORS : . . IOHNSON , President , of 8tote , Johnson A Co. Co.E. E. IOUZALIN , Vice President , of 0. , B A Q H. K. , Boston. V. UORSK , of W. V. Moree A Co. OUK S. COLLINS , of 0. n. & J. B. Oolllns. / . 11. WOOLWORTH , Counsellor and Attorney. at-Law. L. B. REED , of Byron Reed & Co. n. W. TAXES , Cashier , lata Cashier ot the First National Bank of Omaha , and connected with the active management ot hat Bank sine * It * organization In 1863. OM.IID for business April 27,1682 , with Iht gwt c ? Hi : ct aj , b4u * la NobrMka. OoLLicnoits recclre special attention and char CM lowoet obtainable here or elsewhers. briREsr allowed on time deposit * upon farot- ible terms and upon accounts of banks and bank- is. FotnoH Eionixoi , Qorernment Bonds , and Count" and City Beetles bought and sold. It li prepired to do a general banking buslnesi all Itn deUlli , and In the treatment ol cuitom * rs In will pariuo the moit liberal policy consll- tent with sa'e bunking. J. W KDEFi.R. . Brolior Stock ? , tlond , Commercial Taper and all othir died ecurltlin dca t In Room 4 , H" . 28 INarl St , , Council HluHi ) , ta. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. 1 FINANCIAL. pedal Uliipatchto Tus U r. NEW YOBK , April 6. _ Money Loaned at 4@7iper ceot ; closed offered at 3 | er cent. Prime Mercantile Paper -1 05i@l 00. Sterling Exchange Bankera * bills strong at 4 82J ; aterliog demand , 4 85 } . Dry gooda import for the week , $2,100- 000. Governments were strong and generally per cnt higher. lUllroada were moderately active and higher. Tha day's business on the stock exchange was only slight changes from the closing prices ot yesterday , except the Missouri Paellh and Denver , which wcro per cent higher. The market closed steady and prices were irregular , GOVERNMENTS. YesterJiv. To-dar. 8' . 1039 1033 6'i . 1021 10/A 4Vs f Oonpons . 113 IT 00 KB American Exprces . 90 901 Canada Southern . 69 C8& Central Pacific . 771 77 $ Chi. , Burl. & Quincy . 125 125 Del. , Lack. & Western . . . . i .126 125 j Denver & Rio Grande . 4eij 49 * Hannibal & Ht. Joseph . 41 41 Kansas & Texas . S2S 32 § Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . liul 1 1 ( ' | Louisville & Nashville . t > 5 § 55 | Michigan Central . 96 95 * New Jersey Central . 731 73i Northern Pacific . 50 ? 50J Northwestern . 137J 1374 Ohio & MUalssippI . 33 32J Beading . 54J 641 Rook Island . 130 124 | St. Paul & Milwaulibe . 102i 101 3 Xexas & Pftoltio . 41S 4U Union Pacific . 978 97 * United States Express . bl C8 Wabaah , St. L. & Pacific. . . . 31 J 31 | Brie . 38J 37J New York Central . 127 126S Pacific Mail . 423 W Panama. . 167 167 Wells , Jargo & Co. Express. 123 123 Western Union Telegraph. . . 83 J 83 ? PRODUCE & PROVISIONS. pedal Dispatch * * lo THB DM. OHXOAOO. Cmo\oo , April 6. Flour Market spring whejt , 3 50@0 00 ; Minnesota , 3 50 M425 ; bakeis , 423@57f > ; winter wheat , 4 25@B 00 ; rye fljur , 3 60 ® @ 3 80 ' Wheat Market uniettled but generally lower ; 1 02 | f-r April ; i07J@107g for May ; I OJal ( ) 09i for JUne ; I 081@t08g for .1 uU ; No. ! i Chicago spring , 1 023 ® 1 ( Hi ; No. 3 Chicago spring , 8'Jc ; No 2 reU winter , 1 08. CornMarxrt irregular , but in the main higher ; 49g@o2o for cosh ; 49ja far April ; 541@5lj for M y ; 6(8@5r ( > 4c for June ; 67go for July ; 57Jo tor Aueuat. .Oats Mrket steady ; 42J i for casht 40Jo for" April ; 44J for MA > ; 43 3 for Juno ; Itye-Market steady at 56Jc. Birley Market quiet and unchanged at 75c.Flax Flax Seed Market Quiet but steady at Fork Market in fair demand and easier ; 18 00&18 05 for ciwh and Anril ; 18 174 ® 1H 20 fur May ; 18 35@18 S7i for June ; 18 65@1S574 fur July. Lar i doirca but tirra and steady ; 11 25 @ll 274 ( or oai-h nnd April ; 11 32@U :15 : lor Mar ; 1137i@U40 for June ; 1142J @U45for .luly. liulk Meats In fair demand ; shoulders , 7 70 ; short rib , 10 00 ; short claar , 10 40. Butter Marks' easier ; creamery , 18@ 31c ; dairy , 18s2Gj , sUck , ! C@17o. WhUky AUrket quier. at 1 Iti. Freights Corn to Bull ilo ; io per bushel. CALL BOAUD , Wheat Market easier ; decilued is fur April and June. Corn-Market Irregular ; 491 4935 for April ; 51J i for May ; 65Jj for Juno ; 57 3 for July ; 43JU for Augmt. Oats Firmer ; advauced i1 : for July , and market nnuiiunlly unch nged. L rd Nomliully unehan ed. NKW TOBK. NKW YOIIK , April 6. Flpur Market dull ; Minnesota patent process , 5 CO ® 765. 765.WheatMarket Wheat-Market i@io lower ; options opened i@ljo lower , but subsequently ruled Rtrunger and recovered from the de cline : ungraded red , 1 05I 2' ' ) $ ; No. 3 red. 116 ; steamer No , 2 red , 1 lei ; No. 2 red , 119 : oertlfioitea , 1 2041301 ; dellv- Corn-Caah loU unsettled and l@2o lower ; option * opened JOIJc lower , but afterwardi recovered from tha depllni * and advanced 4@ic , clnslng steady ; nn aded. B7@63 ; : No. S , 58@GOo ; s teamer , 63 ® 3Jo ; No. 3 , 63i@65io ; untrraded white Clc. Clc.Oats Markst opened i@o lower , but afterwards recovered from iQe decline and advanced i@o. closing steady ; mixed wettern , bli@51o ; white western , 5i@57o E gs Market dull and weak ; western fresh , 19@19ic. , , Fork Maiket quiet and unsettled ; new me > s , 19 15 ; optinni wholly nomtnul. Cat Meats Market quiet and nominal li ; lontj clear mUdles , 10 fa'21 , L rd Quiet ; prime utoam. 1145 for April ; 11 4H for May ; 11 ? .0@11 44 for June ; 11 40@lt 42 for July ; 1145 /a 11 50 for Auguat. BT. LODI8. ST. IiOUiB , April C Flour Market quiet and unchintred ; family , 4 fiO@4 60 ; cnnlce , 5 00@5 10 ; fancy 5 17@5 45 , Wheat Market unsettled hut centrally higher ; No 2 red fall , 107il 07J for cash ; 108@U03 for May ; 1 Olitol 10J for June ; 1C6@1068 for July ; 1 068 'or ' August ; 103(3.1 ( 03 | for the year ; No , 3 red fall , 1 02@t 02 [ . Corn -Market btger and actlye for redft ; 47fl3'S471i for cash ; 46J@4'8a for April ; 4S8@49Jo for May ; MJ@51io for June ; 63'o 63lo for July : 4lo for th year. UitsMarket hlKber ; 43@43io for cash ; 43l@43l3 for May ; 4311 for June , flye Market dull at fSJo. Barley Qa'et ' atf > 5@75o. Butter Market quiet at ISJc , Eggs-Market quiet at ISJo. ! Corn Mtal-SInrket qutet at 2 K. Wblkey-Q ( ilet nt 1 14. I'.irk Market quiet at 18 ! 5. Hulk Marts Market dull ; long rl > r , 9 W ; hort tlb , 10 00 ; nhutt clear , 10 25 asked. lUcon-Market p lor ; long clear , 10 10 ; sho-t rib , 10 6ZJ@10 7 ; short clear , 11 00. Lard Market nominal at 11 00. KANSAS 01TT. ICANBA8 Cirr , April 0. Wheat Mrtrktt hotter ; No. 2 reil ( AI ) , Ute for cash ; 9 o bid for Mny ; BOlg'JOJc for June. 0 < rn Market ttmngtr ; 41io for cai > h ; 44@44jo for May ; 45g bid lor June. Uits Market slow but firm ; 35jo bid fjr ciusb ; no options. LIVE BTGOK Special Dltpakhes to Tus Hit. [ For receipts and shipments ot grain aud live ' stock , see "Trailij" In another col umn , ] OH10AOO. OaiOAOu , A-prll 6.The Urovem * Journal - nal repjrts as follows : Hogs Market very active and firmer ; piloea nnt q'lotably hluher ; 7 03@7 45 ; heavy. 7 507 "JO ; li ht , 7 10@7 65 ; tklp. , 4 40 7 00. C ttlo-Markot ttjadier and more ac tive ; bids ut liriuor ritcc ; export , 6 70(3 ( 6 90 ; good to choice shipping , 590@633 ; otiuiinoti to fair , 5 10 ; hutcherlni ; strady at 2 50@-1 55 ; stosliorii and feeders quiet audateatlyat330@5 10 Sheep Market fttlrly active and firm ; common to fair. .1 50@4 25 ; medium to good , 5 25@0 10 ; ch .ice to extra , 0 10 ® C75 Journal Buro.u report ? : Beeves Market had for the polling in tercut , nd closing heavy nt I f > 0@2 03 per bead lower ; extreme * 600@7 00 per cwt , , live weight , for common to prime eteera ; two car-loads extra do at " 80 per cwt. ; thfl general stlen at C 44@7 00. Sheep Dull and lower for common and ordinary stock ml extremes 5 S0@7 60 per cwt for sheep ; 6 r > 9g8 ( 374 for yearling lambs. Hog * Live hogs firmer at 7 80@H10 per cwt. KANSAS OITT. KANSAS CITT , April 6. The Commer cial Indicator thia aftemoou reports as follow * : Cattle Market firmer and a shade higher ; good to choice steer ? , 5 75@G 40 ; 8tucker < i and feeders , 4 00@4 90 ; cowi , 3 00@4 25. Hogs Market firmer and a shade better ; Ught.7 00 a 7 10 ; medium , 7 10@7 20 ; heavy , 7 25@7 40. Sheep Market quiet and unchanged. BT. LODia , Si. Looia , April 6. Cattle The de mand light and pricai gunerally lower , especially on shipping steers and heavy grade ? , including export atoers at 6 GO ® 680 ; light. C B0@6 01) ) ; good to choice butchers' steer , 4 V5@5 ! 75 ; good cow i and heifer ? , 4 60@5 25 ; common , 3 C0@4 25 ; good to ( xtru bulU. 4 25@6 OJ ; atookers and feeders , 4 'J5@5 25 ; corn fed Tezani , 4 75(25 ( 50. Sheep Scarce and good grades wanted and poor neglected ; medium to fair , 4 75 (25 ( 60 ; good to choice , 5 E0@0 CO. Hoga-Better ; light , 7 85@7 50 ; mixed packing , 7 25@7 50 : bntohera' to- extra , 980 , MISCELLANEOUS. Special Dispatch to Tus Usi. BOSTON WOOL. BOSTON , April 6 , The wool market is easier ; Ohio and Pennsylvania extras , 40@ He ; Michigan extra fheces , 39@40o ; combing Delatnefleecei , 44Mc ) ; unwashed fljeces , 25@32io ; California wool , 12(032c ( ; pulled wools , 2540s. VOBBION ORalNH , LiVKitrooL , April 6. Breadatuffs Quiot. Wheat Winter , 9i@9i 4d ; spring , 8s Gd 9a. 9a.Corn Corn New , 5s 7d. TRAFFIC. Bpedal Ditpatche * to Tm Bn. rLOTJB AMD GRAINS ST. Louis. April 6. Receipt * and shipment * of flour and grain ( or the past 48 hours have been a * follows : UccelDti. Bhip'ta. Flour-barrels 4,000 7,000 Wheat bushel * 11,000 4,000 Com- " 61,000 19,000 Oata . " 2,0,000 3,000 Rye " . . . Barley- " OniOAQO , April 6. Receipts and ship ments ot flour and grain for the past 24 houra have been as follows : Receipts. Shlp'ta. Flonr-bbh 8,000 Wheat bnshela 32,000 Corn " 129(00 OAtb " . . . : . . . 48,1)00 ) Kyo " 4filiO Barley- " 19,000 NEW YOBS , April 6 , Rocelpta and shipment * of flour and grain for the past 24 hours have been as follows : Receipta Shn'ta Flour-bbls 21,001 6.600 Wheut-buihbU 25,000 220.000 Corn " 90.IKX ) 128,000 Oats'- ' . . S8,000 ! 9jO KANSAS CITT , April -Receipts and shipments ' of grain for the past 24 hours ' have been tan follows : Reo'te , Shio'ta. Wheat , bushel 4,000 7,000 Corn " 30,000 2U.OOO LIVE BTOOK , CHICAGO , April 6 Receipt * and ship- monta of live stock for the past 24 hours have been as follows : Reots. Shipm'ts. Hoga 9,000 3200 Oattl , 4.200 2,900 Sheep 2,0.0 300 KANSAS OITT , Apr ! ) 6 itecelpta and shipments of live stock for the paat 24 hour * have been as follow * ! Reo't * . Bhlpm'ta. Cattle 1,500 Hogs 3,400 Sheep 700 NEW YOBK , April 6. ReoelpU and shipment * of live stock : for the past 24 hour * have been a * follows : IWta Bhlp'te Oattl 6.200 177 Sheep 3,000 . . . . Hog * 2,340 Quarters of beef , . . . . 3,300 Cartaases of mutton . . . . 675 ST. Louis , A pall 6. Receipt * and shipments ol live stock for the paat 21 lours have been a * follows : Reo't * . Bbipio'tn. Cattle 1,000 1,000 Sheep 400 2,000 Hogs 2.200 1,400 OMAHA Whole.nlo Prior * . OTIOS or Tua OMAHA BCE , I Friday Evening , April 0. f Tba markets throughout the city are ra ported unchanged to-day and the supply : li about equil to the demind , Local Grain Dealings. WHEAT.Caah No. 2 , 83e ; cash No. Jo.H ' ' UA'RLBY , Caah No. 2 , 63cj No. 8 , 42c. 42c.RYEOaah. . 4Jo. NEW MIXED CORN-87C. OATS-370. SEEDS-BInt Rrass'seed , 125150 ; fmothy teed. 2 10@2 25 ; rei clover seer * , 000 ; white clover seed 1300 ; millet seed , 100 ; HnngarUn seed , 1 10 ; orchard grass seed , 2 CO , oroduc * and Provisions. POTATOES 40@60o per bushel ONIONS 40@50o per bntbel. BUTTER Choloe country , l io. UQGS-Fresh , Ho. HONEY Calllorala , nerlb , 21 , APPLES Per barrel , $3 25@4 00 OYSTERS-Platt'a select oysters , 45ot Standard , SR ; mediums , 30 ORANGES-Messlna. 3 75@l 25. LKMONb-54 004 50 | * r box. BEANP Navy per bushel , 2 75@3 00. CHIOKENS-18@14o per Ib. TURKKYS-140 per pound. Orocora List CANNED GOODS Oy tors. 2 Ih ( Field's ) , per ease , 94 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) , per ease , 2 75 ; do 2 ft ( Qtandard ) , per caae , 3 90 ; strawberries , 2 ft , per case , 3 40 , raspberries , 2 ft , per ease , 8 50. Dam * sons , 2 ft , per oaro , 2 46. Bsrtlett pears per case , 240. Whortleberries per , . case , 275. Egg plums,2 Ib pcrcwio,2 90 ; Green gagcs,2 ft Bor ease , 2 90 ; do choice , , Ib per case i 50. Pine Apples , 2ft , porcase 4 00@5 76. Poaches , 2 ft per case , 8 00 ; do 3 ft , case , 4 004 60 ; do , ( pie ) , 8 ft , per case,260 : do pie , 6 ft , per docon. 2 SO. FLOUR Jobbing prices , Jack Frost St. Louis winter ) $3.90per 100 Ibs. ; Topeka Patent Kansas , 863 ; MInnohaha Minnesota Patent , 93 75 ; Shawnce fancy winter , 93.10 : Eagle , XXXX win * tor , 92.75 ; Triumph spring , best , 2. 7.1 ; Christian's unporlrvtlve , 3.80 ; bran , per ton , $16.00 ; chopped feed. 925.00 : Queen Bee flour , per sack , 325 ; Nolllo lilyo , per sank , 2 9o. L \RD-Omaha Refinlning Co. : Tierces , 12c ; 40 and 60-lb cans , 12Jo ; 20-lb cans , 12gc ; 10lb pnlla , eorew top , 12Jc ; 5-lb do , 12Ao : 3 Ib do , 12Jo. RICE Loulilana pri ime to choice , 7j © 80 ; fair , 7S)74c ( ; Patma , 69c , FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls , G 75 ; No. 1 mnckerel , kits , 1 00 ; family mack erel , half brls , 4 75 ; family mackerel , kits , 85c ; No. 1 whlto fish" , half brls , 6 00 ; No. 1 ; OFFB.B. Rio , Jair , lloi Uio , good lljc ; inlnit to choice , 12 to 12Jo ) Old gov't Java 18o @ 24o. SUaAUS Powdered , lOa : Cut loaf , lOc ; Granulated , OJo ; Confoctlonors' A , 9Jc ; Standard Extra C , 8jo ; Extra 0 , 8 c ; mudium yellow , 7jc ; dark yellow , 71c. SYRUP Standard Cora. , 44c , bbls. ; Standard do , 44 gallon kegs , 92 05 ; Stan dard do. 4 callon kegs , 91 95. SODA In Ib papers , 83.80 per case ; keg BOda , 2 o. NEW PICKLES Medium , In barrels 8700 ; do in half bills , 4 00 ; smalls , In bbls 9 00 do , In half bbls , 6 00 ; gherkins , In bbls , 11 00 ; do , In half bbls , 6 00. STARCH. Pearl. 44c ; Sliver Gloss 9&o ; Corn Starch , 9&3 | KxoolsIorUlosa , 7o | Corn. 71o. TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@65 ; VUU , UUU1UV , wvv * # VA vv , u o uu & ! AJUC.I , SCe : Japan , choice , 60@75o ; Oolong , good , B5@40 ; Oolong , ohn.oe , 4055 ; Sonofiong , ( ood. 3540o ; choice , 5&45c. ROPE Sisal , i Inch and larger , lie ; ft inch , lUt ; i Inch , 12o. WOODENWARK Two hoop palli , 1 75 ; three hoop palls , 2 00. Tubs , No. 1 , 8 50 ; Pioneer washboards , 1 65 Double Crown 2 90 : Well buckets , S 50. LEAD Bar , 81 65 VINEGAR Puie tpplo extra , 16o : pure apple , J13c : Piniauia nure annle , 16o. SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 70 ; Ash- ojn , in eno Ice , 8 50 ; bbls dairy 60 , 6s , 1) ) 50 SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 845 ; Klrk'n satlrwt , 3 60 ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's white Russian , 525 : Kirk's Eutoca , 316 Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cahes ) . 40 ; Kirk's magnolia doz. , POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , In case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. In ease , 1 90 : Anchor Ball 2 doz In case 1 60. PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten. nessee , lOo per Ib ; fancy white , lOio perlb ; raw white Virginia raw , lOo ; toasted me. me.OANDLESBoxes OANDLES-Boxes , 40 Ibs , 16s , 16jjc ; 8s , 159c ; bcxes 40 Ibs. , 10 or. , 6s , 15jo. MATCHES Per caddie , 96o ; round , oases. OR TO ; square , OOSAS. vo 40. MEATS Hams per Ib. , ISJo ; bacon per Ib. , 13 3 ; clear side bacon per Ib. , lljjo ; dry salt sides per Ib. , 9Jc : dry salt shoul ders per Ib. , lOJc ; bacon shoulden per Ib. , 8ic ; tierce lard per Ib. ; lie. SPICES. Pepper , 21 ; Allsptoo , 18c ; Java , 26i Uta2 Mooba , 2SJc : Arbnokle's 141o.CHEESH CHEESH Full Cream , 14o | Part Skim. lOJo , LYE American , 8 40 ; Greenwich. 3 40 ; Western , 2 76 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' ' lye. 4 6fi ; Jewell lye , 2 76. FEED Jobbing prices , Chop feed 91.50 per 100 Ibs. ; chop com , $1.40 ; bran , 70o per 100 lb . HOMINY Hew $4 OOper bbl. DryOooda. " BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 8Jc ; Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 80 ; Boot , FF , 8Jo ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7o ; Cabot W , 7io ; Chittenango A , 6 0 ; Ureat Falls E , 8jc ; Hoosier , 6Jc ; Honest Width , 80 , Indian - dian Head A , 80 ; Indian Standard A , I 8c ; Indian Orchard d. w , , 8Jo ; Lawrence LL , 61c ; Mystio river , 7Jo ; Peqnot A , 8Jo ; cohawmut LL , &o ; Utloa 0 , 5Jo ; Wachus- ett i B , 74o ; do A , SJo ; do E 48 , UJo ; Wai' Sitt I BB. 8jc. | FINK BROWN COTTONS-Allendale M : 74c ; Alligator 3-4 , 8c ; Argyle 4-4 , 7jc ; Atlontlo LL , 6c ; Badger State X 4-4 , 7c ; Bennington 0 4-4,6Jo ; Buckeye S. 4-4,6Joo Indian Orchard AA 9-8. SJc : Laconla 10D 39 , 81c ; Lehigh E 4-4 , 940 ; Pepperell N 80 , 7c ; do O 82 , 7Jo ; do R S6,7io > do B 89 | , 8io , ? ooajsot 0 4-4 , 7 c ; Wamautta 44 ISoBLEACHED BLEACHED ' COTTONS Androsoog gin L4-49iojBlaokatoneAA Imperial 8o ; do do half bleached 4-4,9o ; Cabot 4-4,82 B ; Fidelity4-1 , 9 > icFrnlt ; of theLoom.94 ; do con.brio4-.12iodoWaterTwl8tI104oGreat ; ; Falls Q , 9c ; Indian Head shrunk-4-4 , 12c ; Lonwlale. 10c ; do cambric 37 , 12Jc ; New York Mills. 12io ; Pequot A,10o ; Popperel N G Twills. 12ic : PocahontaB 4-4 , 9io ; Pocaaost 4-4 , SJo ; Utloa , lie ; Wamsntta O X X. 12Jlc. JDuOKS Colored ) Albuny IS teA 80 ; do 0 , drab , llw do X..A. stripes ana plaids , 124e ; do XXX brown and drab , stripea and plaids , 12c ; Arlington fancy , ! Br9c : unswick brown , 8o ; Chariotfancy 124c ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall River brown , extra heavy , llc ; Indiana erA. brnwn IHn : Nenonset A brown. 16o TlOK-lJNUn Amoskeag A U A 82 19c ; do XX blue 32 , 18c ; Arrowanna . , 9Jc ; Olaremont B B,15Jo : ' Ooneatoga' tra , 17ic ; Hamilton D , lljo Lewiston A 30,15o ; Minnehaha 4-4 , SOc ; Omega auper extra 4-4. 23c ; Pearl River 82.16jo ; Putnam - nam XX blue stripe , 12o ; Shetucket itS 'Oki ; do SS 12o : Yeoman's blue 29 , 9o DENIMS. Ainoakeak , blue and bronn 16 Jc ; Andover DD blue , 15Jo ; ArllngX blue Scotch , 18c ; Concord OOO , bine aw brown. 12&cdo AAA , do do 13 } ; do XX to do do 14o Haymakeri blue and brown , pic ; Mystic River DD stripe , 16Jo ; Pearl River , blue and brown , 16o | Unoaivllle , blue and brown , 14r. OAMBUICS Barnard , 6iej Eddystone lining , 24 Inch double taoe , 8Jo ; Garner nA glazed , Picj Manhattan ftlove .finUh , nSo Newport do 60 ; do glazecL 5Jo | Pequot do 6c : Lock wood kid finiih Bo , CORSET JKANB Amory , 8eAndron | ooggin utteen 8J ; Clarendco , 5JoCon s o8 a iatteena , 7Joj HalloweU 80 ; Indl Orchard 74" ! NarraganMttlmprovedo Pepperill uttaen flio ; Rookport , 7o. PRINTS-Aliens , 61o : American , die ; Arnold , 7o ; Berwick , 4jo ; Cocheoo , 7c ; Oonestoga. 6c ; Dunkirk , ; Dnnnell , 6l@7c ) Eddystone. 7o ; Qloucestef , 6c ; Harmony , 5Jo ; Knickerbocker , 6Jc ; Mer - ri ao D. 7c ; Myatio , 5Jo ; Sprarues , 60 Si Sontbbrtdge , 60 ; do , Ginghams , 7oi Marl- boro. 59c : Oriental CJc. GINGHAMS Ajn keig , 8 ? ; ; Argyle , lOLu ; Atlantic , Ocj Onmbvriand , 7ic Highland , 74o ; Kenllwortb , SJc ; Flnc > kcU. 8\c | Rnrsez , 8c COTTONAtK Abbervllle ISJo Agate , 20o ; American , Ilo ; Artlolan , 20c ; Cairo D and T , 13i ; Olarlou D and T' I7jc ; Deccaa Co.stripca DandT , 16o ; ey. stone , l Jo ; Htntuckot , 1'Joj ' Nonpareil 16o ; Oo 5n D and T , 13J3 : Uoyal , 51 1 nstez , 2o ; oga , 12o ; V7 ohn 9tt "hlrt In ? jbecke. 12Jo ; do , Nankin , 13os ( York. pUIn tonkin. 12ic ; do.oheoki , stripts anl fancy. 124c ; do. 6 oz 2Co. BI1KKTINGS AndroaooRKin 10,27ie do 9.4 , 23o ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental 10 42 , lie , Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; New York mlll > 98 , 35o do 78 SOc do , * ui > vwwf tfWf uu I 1lV ; UU t-HJ ( 4 n\J. . Pembrjke 10-4 , , 25c ; Pequot 1C-4 , 28io , do 74,19o do 49 , 16c ; Pepperell i96. 29o ! do 07. 21cdo ; 67 , 18o ; Ut2ca 96 , 860 ; 9odo 58 , 23i ; do 48.17c. run DRUGS AND OHEMIOA LB - sxld OarboUo , 60c ; Add , Tarttrie , 660 ; Balaas J Oopabl * , ft * Ib , 70t | BarkTuftairai. Ib , IS'l Calomel , per lb75o Clnchon 'a ' , Jr ci , (110) ) Chloroform , per Ib. 90j , U over's powders , per Ib , 81 V > \ Epson Salts , per Ib , SJoi Glycerine , purs po bl , SOo ; Load , Acetate , per Ib , Wo Oil , Cantor , No. 1 , per gal , < M 25 ; Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , 8116 , Oil , Olive , per gal 31 50 ; Oil. Origanum , 50 ; Ophun , & 5 (0 ( ? Quinine P. k W. A R. a 8. , per oz , 91 83 ; Potassium , Iodide , per Ib 8176 ; Salacin , per or , 40cj Bnlphatn o Morphine , j er o , $3 86j Sulpnur flont per Ib , 4ot Strychnine , oer os. ! 45. Paints Old and VarnlshM OILS 110' carbon , per gallon , 12o ; 150 * headlight , per gallon , 14c : 175' headlight , per gallon. 19a ; 1501 Water White , 18o ; 1 nuced , raw , per fallen , 55 ; llnsood , boiled , per gallon. 683 ; lard , winter ttr'd , perns1. , Ion , t5 ; No. 1 , 85c ; No. 2 , 76cj castor , XXX. per gallon , 1 25 ; No. 3,116 ; iweet , gallon. 85c : sperm , W , B. , per gallon- nr ; fish , W. B.per gallon , 75s ; noatafpot , extra , per gallon , 9Dc ; No. 1 , 65c ; lubrl- eating , zero , per gallon , SOo : summer , 15c , golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , S5c ; No. 2 80 : sperm , signal , rcr gallon , 80o : tur- pontloe , per rrnllon , t5c ! | naptha , 74 , per gallon. 18o : 6417o PAINTS IN OIL White load , Omaha P. P. . Go ; white load , St. J ouls , pure , Gjn ; MartwtllM creon , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20o French zinc , gioen seal. 12o | French tine , red seal , lie ; French tine , In varnish asst , 20c : French zlnoc , In oil awt 15o ; Raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c { raw and burnt Sienna , 13c : Vandyke brown , .g refined lampblack. 12oi coach black and ; I'ory black , 16c ; drop blw k , IBo ; Prussian blue , SOo ; ultramarine bloc , ISc ) chruie green , L. M. & D , , 14cbllnd ; and shutter green , L. M. & D. , 14c ; Paris green. 18o : Indian red , 16o : Venetian rod. Uo ; Tuscar drt > , 22c ; American Vormlllod , I , & P. , 18c ; chroma yellow , L. , M. , O. & D O , , 18o ; yellow ochre , Oo ; golden' ochre , IB ; patent dryer , 8c ; graining colon : light oak , darky oat. walnut , beatnnt and ash 15o. Dry ° alnU White lead , 80 ; French ilnc. lOol Par whitelng 2Ac ; whiting gilders. IJc ; tehltlng com7 ! , lie ; lampblask German , town , 14c ; It mpblack , ordinary , lOc ; Pros- aian blue , 55o ; ultramarine , 18o ; Vandyke brown , , 8cj nmbor , burnt , 4s > umber , raw 4cRleuna ; , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4o Paris green genuine , 25c ; Paris green com' 20o ; chrome green , N , Y. ' 20o ; chrom green K. , 12c ; vermllllon , Eng. , 70cj ver million , America , 18c ; Indian red , lOc roue pink , 14c ; Venetian road , Coktteoeo 2Jo ; : yenetlan red Ant. , Ifoj rei lead , 7Jcj chrome yellow , genuine , 20o hromo yel low , K. , 12o ; ochre , rochelle Be ; ochre French , 2Jc ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winter's mineral , 2&c ; lehlgn brown. 2io : Spanish brown , 24t ; Trince' * mineral So , VARNISHES Barrels per gallon. Furniture , extra , $1 10 : furniture , No. 1 , 91 ; coach , extra , $140 ; each , No. 1 , il 20 ; Damar , extra , $1 75 ; apan , 70caa- ; phaltum , extra , 8601 sheila 83 60 | hard oil finiab , 91 80. Hide * fun , Eto. HIDES C reen botcher' * hides , 548 7o cured CJ@7c ; hldeo , green unit , dry flint , sound , 12@13c ; dry calf and kip , 1214o : dry salt hides , sound , 10@llo ; green oalf , wt. 8 o 16 Its. . 11@12 < ; green call , wt , under 8 Ibs , per skin , 50o | green pelts , 6091 25 ; green lamb skins , 91 25@160 : damaged hides , two-third rate , cut scored and one grab , classed two- tUrda rate , ) branded hides 10 per cent , off Coon skins , No. 1 , 45o : No. 9 , EOo ; No. 1 20 > ; No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , SOo ; No. 2 16o ; No. 8,15oNo. 4 , 60 , Fox , No.Ik , 60o ) No. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , b26oj 660 ; short stripe , 40pj narrow strlpeo broad stripe. lOo. Tallow 7o , Leatner Oak sole , 880 to 42c ; hemlock sole , 28c to 85c ) hemlock kip , SOo to 100 ; runner , 65o to SOo ; hemlock oalf , 860 to 120 ; hem lock upper , 23o to 26o ; oak upper , 24c ; alligator. 4 00 to 6 60 ; oalf kid , 82@35o ; Greiaen kid , 2 50 to 276 ; oak kip , SOo to 100 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 80 ; French kip , 110 to I 6C ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 : run- setts. 6 50 to 7 50 ; linings , 6 00 to 10 50 ; toppings , 9 00 to 10 60 ; B. L , Morocco , SOc to 35o ; pebbla O. D. Morocco , 85o ; simon ; 2 60 to SOO. HARNESS No 1 ar oak , 42o | No 3 do , 39o ; Nc. 1 Ohio oak. 880 ; No. 2 do , 85o ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 87o : No , 2do 34c. Lumber. WHOLS8ALB. We quote lumber , lain and shingle * on cars at Omaha at the following prices : JOIST AND 80ANTLINO-16 ft. aad under. S22 00 ; 18 ft. , $23 60. TIMBERS 16 ft. and under. 122 00. TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft , 923 EO ; 2C ft , 23 60j 22 ft , 926 60 } 34 ft. 926 60. FENCING-NO , i , 4 and e in. , 924 oo ; No. 2. 822 00. SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common boards ) , 920 00 ; No. 2 , 918 00. LIME Per barrel , 91 25 ; bulk per ous- 35a ; Cement , bbl , 92 25 Iowa ' ' bbl , 92 60. Hair per bo , 50o , felt 100 Ibs , 93 50. Straw board , 93 60. Heavy Hardware List. Iron , rates , $300 ; plow steel , special oaat , 7o ; crucible , 80 ; special orUermanCc ; tut tool do. 1520 wagon spokes , set. _ - fi@3 00 ; hubs , per sot , 125 ; felloes , sawed dry. 140 ; tonrjuoa , each , 70@85o ; axles , each , 75o ; square nnta , per Ib , 7@llo ; WCMUOlUa per 1U . 818c : rivets , per Ib , lie ; cell chain , per Ib , G@12c ; malleable , 80 ; Iron wedges , 60 ; crowbars , 60 harrow teetb , 4o ; spring toel , 7 < § 8c ; Burden's horse hniiB.6 _ 2S : Burdcn'o muleshooa. 625. BARBED WIRE Incar lots , 7 60@ 8 60 pur 100. NATL8 Raton. 10 to 6W , 3 75. SHOT. Shot , $1.85 ; Back ibot , 92.10. Oriental Powder , kegs , $6.40 : do , , hal ke-a. [ 68.48 ; do. , quarter kwyn , $1.88 ; Blast hi ? , kea , 83.35 : Fuse , per 100 feet SOo. ( JOAIr Cumberland blaokEmlth , 912 ; Morris Run Bloraburg , 912 ; W ) > ltebreant lump , 84 50 ; Whltobroast nut , 84 50 : Iowa lump , $4 50 ; Iowa nnt 1 50 ; Uook Spring , J700 ; Anthracite , 811 60@12 00 ; Canon City , $7 00 per ton.Liquors. Liquors. ALCOHOL 188 proof. 225 M ? wine gallon ; extra California spirits , 187 proof , 125 per proof gallon ; triple refined aplrltn 1B7 proof , 123per proof gallon ; re-dlatillcd whiskies , 1 00@1 CO ; fine blended 1 50 ® 2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 2 00@7 00 ; Kentucky - tucky and Penagylranla ryes , 2 00@7 00. BEANDIEa-Importod , 86 0031600 ; domeatio 1 404 ( X ) . GINS Import-id , 4 50 6 00iomastlo , 14Ka300. RUMS Imported , 4 M6 ) 00 ; New England. 2 00@4 00 ; domeatio. 1 60&3 60 PEACH AND APPLB BRANDY 1 75 ( 4 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported per oaae , OjAmitlwa , cas , 12009 1600. CLARETS er ease , 4 6018 00 WINES Rh na wine , per case , 0 OOQ 2 00 ; Oatavba , per case , 4 0007 00. Clear * and Tobacco * . TINE OUT In palls. Hard to Beat ! 76c ; Golden Thread , 70cj fountain , BOo , Favorite , 66c ; Rocky Mountain , 60ci Fancy , 660 ; Daisy , Me. In tin ( oQ Oatllni O. 8. , 6 Ib boies , per Ib 83c | Lori- Ulard'a Tiger , 60c ; Diamond Crown , 680. SMOKING AU grades Common , 26 to 83o. Granulated Blackwell * Durham , 10 oz 4Gs ; Dukea Durham , 16 oz , 46ot Seal ol North Carolina , 16 oz. 46 ; Seal of Nebraa ka , 16 oz , 88c ; Lone Jack. 4 oz , linen baga perlb , 91.85 ; Marbarn'Pock 2 oz , tin oil , 65o ; Dog .T all 65c. Wool. ; Merino unwad ed , light , U$16o ) beavy.c , @ 13IBcj medium nnwaihed , light , 18320 waxhed , choice , 32c ) fair , SOc ; und VT , , QJ hurry , blaokand oottod woo ; 2@6o less Horaas and Mulss. The market ia bri/ik / and all grades arc selling well nl p. illgbt advance in pticea : The demand for Rood horstts excaedo tbo ' supply considerably. Prices range as Jcl- ( . Iowa ; Fine cloglo driven , S150. to SOO.j Kstrs draft horses , 8176. to 225 , ; Common drall horses , 8100 , to 150 , ; Extra farm hornce 8110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horses 890. to 9100,1 Extra plugn , SCO. to 76. Common plugs , 920. to $40 , ! MT7LES. 15 to 154 bauds ( extra ) , 8125 to 160.5 144 to 15 hands , 8100. to 140.1 14 to 144 bauds , 976 , to 100.J 18i to li . . bands , 900. tn 75 Ed. B. Williams , merchant tailor , Millard hotel block , haa now in a tool a fall and elegant line of imported , prlng lultlngi. The lateit and but fJirttji in hand. Oall and look throagt pr4-3t KIDNEY" WORT HAS BEEN PROVED Vhf SUREST CURB for KIDNEY DISEASES. Doe 11 lame back or ndliordrrod urine Indicate -hat you are a vlctlmf THEM DO NOTHEmTATHi u.o KIDNET.WOn.Tnt once ( dniTcUU recommend It ) and It will pwdlly OTrroom * Uiodlifineandrwtort hralthj action to all theorcana. I"orooniplalnti peculiar am ] wMknrwc * . KIDNEY-WO HT li uniur- PM dultwil ) act promptly and ufely. Ether Box. Inoontuitnoe. retention of urine , brlok dtut or ropy deposit * , anddull ara lng t tni , all speedily yield to It * our- atlvo power , mi -DBYALIiDIlUOOIBTB. MaeII. IDNEY-WJDRT "Mr. Ktlian Laxvtrnc. , my towninnn. " MJI Dr I'/llilp 0 I'allou 1-1 Monktoa , Vt. , > KM bl atrd ( rcm Kidney dliftiio. The > kln o ( hit logs ih no like glut. KlJLcy-WottcurcJ him. Anr. 20 82 -WORT IS A SURE CURE > for nil diseases of tro Kidneys and ! LIVER It haa erfolCo aotlnn on thUmoit Important | organ , enabling It to throw off torpidity and , Inaction , stimulating the healthy Mcretlon . of the Bllr.Mnd by keeping the bowel * In tret ' rondlUon'eOtounj ; Ita rrculardlschart * * , " If you art utTcring from malaria , have the chllU , KroMUoui. dyvpeptlo , or Pen Upat d. Kid- ncy-Wort will surely rellev * & qulokly our * . ' In tiilanfaaon to clotnM ) the fiyitam. very ona eliould tAke a thorough courto or It. ( II ) SOLD DY DRUOCI8T8. Price $ I. T'll mrurrther soldiers , " nrlt's J. C. Power , ot Trenton , 111 , and all cifieM , too that KMnty Wort cuitilmr 20 yrais ll er dlord rs. fubllih It , plaixe , in St. Louli Ulobe-Uemocrat. " rJFORTHE PERMANENTCURE 0 CONSTIPATION. No otlter d"t e li 10 prevalent In th country ai ConiUpntlon , and no remod , in * jvor equalled the celebrated KIDNEY WOET M a euro. Whatever the oount however obetinate Uio cue , thla remedy will overcome It. no I ETC THIS dlatrewlng co : r Dl l O * plaint la very apt to b mpllcatrd vtllh coniUpatlon. Kliluey n Wort > trenirthena the weakened parU an J qulokly cure * all klnda of TUn even whe j phyttalani and medlriuea hftTO before CiU od. rtriryouhavooltherofUieiotronblei Another Btnk Cvihter fctpAS. Oeoreo n HorttOishler ot Mfintiwn ( Pa ) Bank , raid , recently : "KidneyWoiteutcdmyblecdliBpllos. . HECREATCURE T son Ai It t for lOl the painful dlaeaM * of th KIGNEYO , LIVER AND DOWELS It oloanan the ijilcm of tne acrid pulon ILat oausci Uie droadtal nffkrlnx which only the victim * of rheumatiim oun raaliM. THOUSANDS OF OASES of the wont form * of tola terrtblo < U * aM have been quiokly rcliOTd , andlni * < wtji | PERFECTLY CURED. . Uqt'ID < r DBT , BOLD kf UBtOOISTB. Pryesnboxmt bymail , . Kiel r AUDSON * ( X.llurUnirton.Tt "Kidney-Wort haa fveImme \ Ut < relief , In many CMM nf rhentuatlvm , falling under my no- lloi. " Dr. Philip 0. Dallou , Monkton , Vt. Apr. 20-81. "I neverfound even relief ( rom Rheumatism and Kilney troubles till I used Kldn y Wort. Now I'm well.-DatIdM. Miller , Hutlord , Wla. DR HENDERSON A rfrulur gradua'e , , m'rnedKlnn. Over tfi 60 ] & 60S Wya itoitt St. , ears' practlon 12 KA KA301Tr , MO. In Chicago. Authorlwxi by the ttite t5 lro t Chroule.Nervoui and Pri rats dli caaos. Aihma. Epl'rpiy ' , Rheu- imatlim. fK't , Taoe W < tm , Urin ary a d Bkln Dleeis-s , UIMINAL 'WnmyMii ' ( nl h lo K ) SKOAL DKBIUTT , ( Usa olstxuai power ) Etc. Cures iiuai- ante'd or money tetuided. 0""rr slow. Thou sands of cues cured. No Injurious medicines ned No dete tlon from builnete. All pe1l- clnes furnlsbel eren to pitlenU at a dlilance. Co suliatton free abd co .ddentlal-ca'l ' or wnta. AR ndeiperlencoare Import it A B-OK for both sei > s-Ulustrat-d and elrc-lars of oih.r thlnirisent sealed for two 3o stamps. FREE ULSKUM. OOL. L. T. FOSTER. IToantitown , Ohio , May 10,1881. D . B. J. Knroau. ft Co. I bad a .Tery rain * bloHambletonlan colt that Ipriud rer > blfbly , be bad larg * bone rparln on one Joint aad i Bnall one on the other which made him T IJ lame ; I bad him under the charge ol two Tetei Inary rorgeoru which tailed to cure him. I w one day reading the ndrertlMment of Kendall1) ) Spavin Cure tn the Chicago Kxpren , ! detennlnri atoncolotry II and got ourimgfliiU beitli lend forlt , and they ordered three botUt * ; I tool all and I thought I would give II a thereof I Irlal , I used II according to direction ! and tb > fourth day the colt ceued to be lame and thi tempi hive disappeared. I used bat one botkli and the colt's limbs are a > free of lomnsandi imootU M any borce In the state He Is enlln ly curort. The cure wan so remarkable thai haie lettwool my noluhbora hnve Ibe < ng two boitltl wh sicidiot lllDSlnwd cltcultr ilrlr ? . , piool. Sricejl. Ail Drn lsU havn It nr c > 'ou. . H.J KuoAiII ft re. , Pn in rr tff ' ' 'Ml' VlilM Ol < HOP Birt"L " vii oi"dWr | ' | i > i' ' ' > " a V rSttMin SWMffi ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ? , ? 'rtiV'oDU''H'o'pBnit i ' : ( : ' . , form of Ktsjn * > i difraM that aiit i ave teni > rtt o > i > Ul it may avl/our life , ft hna saved him- DR. WHITTIER. 817 St ChtrlM ( tt. BT. LOTJIB Mo KEOULAK 01UDOATJ5 of two m dloi aollrzea.baii been lonjer encase J In the trt at meuf of OIIUOWIO , NKHVOUa. . SKIN ANt BLOOD Dl oa < t thun any other physlcUn In HI LouU as city piper * chow and Ml old rnaldenli know. Consultation free anil Invltod. When II Is Inconvenient to vlt't ' the city for treatment : , modlclnse caa be twnt l-y ratll or expraa ever ? where. Curable tutco uurantced ; nlicredouLI . KlstK It Is fr n ly stated. Call Of * rite. Nervouii prostration. Debility , Mentt. aad I'tiynlcal Weaknoo * , RIerciuial , other atlectiont of Thront , tlitlo and Honea Blood Impurities anci Ulnod | Bkln Atfootlonn , Old Bore i pnd UlcefT Marriage Ithamnatlsrn. , , Impedimenta to , PDesT Bpeclul nttontlon to oaneg frorc ovar. 0rke < l brain. BU1UUOAL OASKB receive tpeoial attention. Dlseasea arliloj from Imiiru'lenctiT Kioeajea , InJulgenaeii Tl 260 page * ths wheT " itorr well told. Manj rooelpt ; who may mai t ry , who may not , why cause * , ooni qn aeM tad aen. feaUd fo * SS portage or stamp NEW SAMPLE BOOKS. COMPRISING THE LATEST PATTERNS OF Wall Paper ! FOR 1883 NOW READY AND FORWARDED TO TIHIIEJ FREE OF EXPENSE. OUR NEW LOCATION. Change having been rendered - dered necessary by continued increase in business , is NOS. 106 , 108 , IIP 112 WABASH AVE. John J. McGrath , Chicago. Wo hate resumed the handling of WINDOW SHADES , and offer the only entire now line of those goods now in this markot. Price list upon rcqnoat. GEORGE HEIMROD , 4 The Leading 16th Street : Sells at Bottom Prices. Fresh Lettuce , Fresh Radishes , Pie Plant , Green Peas , Cucumbers , Oranges , Bananas , Lemons , Apples. LANDRETH'S GARDEN & FIELD SEEDS. I GEO. HEIMROD , 613 North Sixteenth Street. DAVIS BROTHERS , BLANK BOOKS Printing Inks , Qrn kD A rpr \ _ JLN " " TT1 i JrO " \ JL. / . P Largest and most complete assortment of blank books and office stationery in the city. Bookkeepers are invited to examine ourStock BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE , DAVIS BROS' , IGth Btroot Opp Post ( Mice N. B. Onr stock of Fancy Stationary la complete In ovoryroapoot. H.M.&M.Peavy . . . , AND Gents1 Furnishing Goods , 1309 Farnam Street , Dooher Broa. , Mathuehok , Simpson , Hayuos'Broi. , Btory & Camp. Enlay , Storyl and Camp. I have sold thrao initramonta for the past 11 yearn , and alwayi gava oz- oellont eatlefactlon. J. 8. WUIQIIT. 'J.218 B. IGth St. Oily Hall BuUdlng. . I EASERN MARKET. Fresh , Salt , Smoked and Dried , at 0 , ODWNEfiS , - - - 1716 Bart Streo Choice . Cuts competition la price aad a thorough undeittandlog ol the buslnesi PatroDfrgt elicited. Di6-m-wl- GIISSON it 1ULEY , ' CORNER TWELFTH AND HOWARD STREETS , . Particular attention glvcu to Ropairlnj ; , Satlefaotlon Guaranteed. CT. O BUGGY AMD SPRING-WAGON MANUFACTURED , HORSE HOEING GENERAL BLAOE8MITHINO 11 315 Fifteenths toot , between Harney wid FBHUUB.