Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1883, Image 2

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That is what a great
many people arc doing.
They don't know just what
is the matter , but they have
a combination of pains and
aches , and each month they
grow worse.
The only sure remedy
yet found is BROWN'S IRON
BITTERS , and this by rapid
and thorough assimilation
with the blood purifies and
enriches it , and rich , strong
blood flowing to every part
of the system repairs the
wasted tissues , drives out
disease and gives health and
This is why BROWN'S
IRON BITTERS will cure
kidney and liver diseases ,
consumption , rheumatism ,
neuralgia , dyspepsia , mala
ria , intermittent fevers , &c.
303 S. Pica St. , Hilttmore.
Nov. 98,1881.
I was a great sufferer from
Dyspepsia , and for several
weeks could cat nothing and
was growing weaker every
day. I tried Brown's Iron
Hitters , and am happy to say
I now have a good appetite ,
and am Retting stronger.
Jos. McCAWLLv.
is not a drink and docs not
contain whiskey. It is the
only preparation of Iron
that causes no injurious ef
fects. Get the genuine.
Don't be imposed on with
FfMtdtnl. Vice PiM'L
W. B. Diisnu ,
Lincoln , Neb
Corn Planters Hrrrows.Parm Roller *
Bulky Hay Rattea , flnoaet Elevating
Windmills , fto.
We an prepaied to do Job wotk ted manviae
taring for other ptitloi.
Addretsal older *
Mr coin Neb ,
Send 81 , 99 , 83 , or
t& for a namplo re
tail box Ity KxiircHH ,
CANDY of the bent cnndlcH In
America , put up In
elegant boxcH. and
Mtrlctly pure. .Suita
ble for ) iroHcntn. Kx >
irenw charsrcH IlKlit.
liefer * to all Chica
go. Try It once.
CANDY Addresn ,
Confectioner ,
Chicago *
B AL L'3 '
Evtry Corset U warranted aatla
factory to Ita wearer In every way ,
or tbo money will bo refunded , by
the peraon from whom It was bought.
it > only rjortct pronounced by our Iradlni
41 fnjurlou * to the wr ivr , undrndorMxl by UdlM u
ta "moil > . comfortable and perfect Bttlutf Conet * ru
rnioEs , by Mu , r u pja i
Multh Prticrrlni. 1. 0. Bclf.A < ultln . 01.80
< ntrn Uc.Ty ) 8.00. Nunlnc , l.BO
crrlDB ( B e coulll ) .00. I'umgam
Bklrt-BiipporUitB. l.&O ,
1'ir tale by IcBdluc IttUIl Dealer * CTtrywhtr * .
C11ICA.GO GUUSUT CO. , Chicago , HI.
Arrnrccr IT IHRICHtltumCOD
U , 8 8 Cockroach.
It w gulUnt monitor ,
A veritable ( inn 61 thunder ,
A monttrouR modern mim-of-wiir.
And % ? hen they Uunchrd her 'twM a
She aid not fall to piece" ,
Amuio them i U uy going under ,
* *
Qn&th Hobhcrson ! ' 8heflo l l nenoat !
15 ened If It Icn't iftther funnyl
She iminu ju t like the other boataj
Whutdo youn v to that , now Johnny !
Said o cb : "A fellow' * t klnr ( natei }
Be juat a little quiet , onny. "
They fenced her fmm the weather' * 111 ,
No Wiggins etorra came there and
cangnt her ;
Tfcey piled the engines 'n , nntll
Oloae to the rlver'a edge they brought
her ;
They UvUhod Iron on her ; Mill
Her deck was above the water.
Her bawier then they boldly cut ,
And placed a daring crew upon her ,
And at the toltd stem they put
A fearleii Bailer man to con her ,
And iworo uhe'd be as fet ! of foot
As nny.steed that's owned by Bonner.
Three miles an hourtho navy's pride
Made then , as well ta they could tcote
her ,
And twlco as much from tide to aide ,
As hero and there the currents bore her ,
While other voMflln. terrlBed ,
Incontinently lied before ber.
They towed her up the stream at last ,
While she was yet In good condition ;
There now , ber day of glory past ,
And In a soft and safe position ,
The war ship Cockroach , unug and fast ,
Ilemalng , no longer "in commission. "
Only a Tramp
'Only a tramp , sir , " tne flagman said ,
"Struck at the Forks by the night
expresi ,
Body sent on to Jamestown. Dead ?
Well , be won't steal .no more rides , I
guess. "
"Only a tramp" flithod across the wire ;
Killed In the night , as the papers say ;
Btit.tbe news kept flashing by bouse and
Till it fell on a hearthstone far away.
Children and wife there were to weep
And gnash their teeth for the absent one ;
Cruel their agony , strong and deep.
Cruel the work the cold wheels had done !
Only a tramp , poor devil ! "Ho
Could get no work" the widow raves ,
"To keep theia little ones. " So think we
The place for such is in their graveit
Thus does humanity care for its slave ,
As much as the spider'fnr the fly.
Done with your work , then Into your grave
You're only a tramp , poor devil , dlel
" Formerly of Kansas. "
Is it yon , old pard , with your whitened
An1 your nigged heard laid on your
breast ,
An' your pale eyes cot In a deathly stare ,
That's takln' your last and lonely rest ,
Mid the snow-capped Rockiest
I knowned him , sir , when bis eyes was
When his face was smooth aa a smilln1
Whrn his limbs was as fleet as the fright
ened deer
When his head was covered with nut.
brown curls
'Twas along , long time ago.
He was with Jim Lane a han'ome lad
An' we done our likeliest him and me
An' Its many a narrer chancs we had
Along the border but what oared we
In them days down In Kansas !
When the war came on , then me an1 Jim
Saddled our horses an' rode away
An1 fit for the union me an' hlm--
Till all unsullied onto' the fray
Wo come with Kansas.
I1 it yon , old pard , with your frosted
An * your scrawny beard swep' down
your breant ,
An' your brave eyes fixed In a Rhastlj
stare ,
That has laid down here on the Icy cretl
O * the snowcapped Rocklet ?
S'posln * we hide his furrowed face
Under that yonder moanln' pine.
And on the stone that marks the puce
We'll carve uanght elte but the simple
line :
"Formerly of Kansas. "
Denver Tribune.
Dreas bonnets are of medium elie.
The new foulo cloth comesj in all the
rich stioat shades.
Flowers are uied in greet profusion ot
'he bonnets Imported for rprlnf ,
Nona but tall and slender women cat
'ear ' large iquare and laige plaid fabrics ,
Heavy sllki , woven in small matelasac
latternp , will replace to some extent thi
lain ottomans of the pait season.
At a wood-cutting contest in MoKear
: eunty , Pa , a few diyii ago , two wumei
won the Brat prlzs for cross-cut sawing.
A man in Connecticut has succeeded IE
making a perfect artificial egg. We woulc
"ko to see the woman who can beat it.
Gall Hamilton says that a Motmon is i
husband who harnisies hi * wives abreast
md a man who has been a widower tbio
luiea is one who drives them tandem ,
It Is said that when a man wants t
lompllment a ftew K a gland woman h
inuat call her bright ; but when he wlshe
to please a Southern woman he must sa
ihe it aweet.
Fencing has become a favorite postim
Ith the ladles of Vienna , having been ic
troduoed by the Kmpreas of Austria , wh
Is said to bo an expert In the use of the fo
and very partial to the exercise ,
A Paris woman advertises for sale
monkey , a cat and two parrotr , on tb
ground that she will soon be married an
will have no use for them. Shehaadlfle
ent Heas of matrimony than some womt
outside of Paris ,
Wood brown , several improved ehadi
of terra outta and crushed , strawberry
Presbyterian blue , intense , pa ) * , and lea <
en-look greens , and porphyry , shot wil
gold , are the leading shades in spring at
summer costumes * *
Fans of tinted ostrich feathers , mounit
on tortoise shell , are still the height
sty le for evening dress. They are oval
shape , and uiually have u brilliant
plumsged bird or a clutter ot lilies orroa
set In the ctntre of the fan.
"They say Cha lie has married. Do yi
know bis wife ? Is the a woman of any I
tolllgenot ? Is she well Informedt"Vi
Informed ! Wall. I should say so. 8
has belonged to the village sewing clrc
for ten years and never mimed a meeting
Yellow , in a score of tints , ranging frc
daffodil and primrose to citron yellow of
greenish tint ; is a color that la now otci e
Ingly fashionable in every sort of dn
fantic , bonnit mateilM , and garnltui
and in house ndomlug in drapery , pan
Ing * , poitlerca , latnbrequlna , ami cuttili
"Bocaure u" young Udy in New Yo
piiutid Boino sath rib ion for the gucats
her birthday patty some one excUIme
' 'Heaven bit en the society girl who can
Bomothlog bealdediuce. " That's so. N <
what a help to a poor mtn thli aiilwou
bel by bokey , Just think of 111"
Tlitro li an Indian woman 120 yesrs c
living in Fitzpatriot , Ala , who was oc
a cook on Andrew Jackson's staff when
was cutting a , road from Alabama to Fl
Ida , She still has some ot the pots a
kettles in which ske was in the habit
o.oklngtbe General' * food.
Ex-Secretary Evarta has thirteen dam
tert. It is reported that he never lethe <
the front door on Bandar nights until
ter 13 o'clock , and erea then ho UM awi
an hour for fear there may be a itray
couple ID the dining room which ho h a
overlooked , We.would break down under
the rcipoonlhlllty of thirteen daughter * .
Tallor-m dt dreams grow In popular ff
vor , 1 bry will bo worn for lawn tennla
anrt croquet paitlei for the bouietbn ; aeu.
aide , and mountain uie , and In all colors ,
light and dark , whttr , black and tinted ,
according to the occasion , time nnd place ,
The prevailing colors this spring lead one
to suiipiae that Ihe color at lists who de
signed them probably pild a visit to the
kitchen and watched Ihe cooks as they
prepared ciuthed atrawberr cs and raspberries -
berries , cbo > ped carrots and beets , 01
mashei pumpkins an i f quashes.
L ce bonnets In black and cream white ,
In modified poke shaprs , are among the
attractive fancies in new French millinery.
Lace pleating * are laid over the brims ,
which are firat covered with colored rilk 01
ratln of either bright or pale shade * .
Flowers matching the hue tf the silk
foundation are wreathed around thp crown
or massed at one aide , mingled usually
with caacides of the lace
Society glrla have little fht aatohels ol
silk or satin , delicately scented , and de
corated with a bit of their own hand paint ,
log , either floral or comical. These they
suspend from the waltt by n knot and endi
of narrow ribbon , Into this caae they slip
the card on which Is printed the order ot
lUnclng. Down the back of the case art
fastened small loops of ribbon , which serve
to hold a tiny pencil.
Fine woollen dresses in dark monoch' '
rorae colorn , ind tweeds , aerger , and
cheviots , with deep flouncei edged with
cross-way band * of velveteen of the beat
quality , are very fashionable , The
flounces are put on with several rows ol
'grooved" nhlrrlngs. The back drapery in
a blending cf the two materia a , and the
jacket is of the woollen material , rounding
iii front over a jaunty waistcoat made ol
the velveteen , and laced np to the throat
with fine silk cord , twined around a double
row of tiny enamel buttons.
The flowers are [ about ready for spring
The engagement ring of the period : A
twenty-four foot fncloaure.
A young married lady of New York ate
ao much terrapin that the couldn't get
home. He now calls her his turtle dove.
There are beautiful Christmas cards ,
New Year cards , birthday cards and E e-
ter cardf , but none of them can beat four
aces ,
"Dwo TOB ahooat enough , bndt dree waa
too Mendty , " remarked Hans , when his
girl aaked falm to take her mother along
with him to the ( Unco.
The waiter Inferred that the gueat hod
taken a little something before aupper ,
from the mere fact of bin ordering ' 'tied
f raters nnd chork popa , "
"Take-Notice , " is the name of a new
town in Idaho If it waan't for the name
aome people might not tee the single aa.
loon which constitutes tbe place ,
A Texan country paper lost more than
half It * advertising patronage by putting
the advertltetneiit ot a marble yard imme <
dlately after a doctor's card. The doctoi
ordered hia card out ,
"la the howling of a dog alwaya followed
bv death ? " ashed a little girl of her father ,
' Not always , my dear ; sometimes the
man that ahoota at the dog mitaea him , '
waa the parent's reply.
The New Bedford man who fainted
away out in Montana wai only brought
out of tbe fit by placing a detd fiah to hit
noie. Aa be Mowly begau to revive he
murmured , ' How good , it amells just like
home ! '
A book ju t published IB entitled "How
to Make 3500 Yearly Profit with Twelve
Uena. " We have not read the book , bul
we Buppoie the author's recipe is to aell the
corn they wnuld annually eat and then kll
the hens. - New England Farmer. >
Western miners are atampedlng t <
Alaaka and Alaakan gold mloea may bi
looked for In the near future. The beaut ]
of a gold mine In that country it in thi
fact that stockholdcra are not liktly t <
take a trip up there to look at It. Lead
vllle Herald.
It Is said that the Indiana who have re
ctntly been playlully destroying onrcltl
zem near Silver City were reservatlnn la
dlana. That means that they are fed t > ;
the Oovernment during the winter and pu
in rood condition to go on the war-patl
during the aprlng.
It it figured that there Is twice aa mncl
profit in bens that theie la in cows , and i
la juit as easy to keep patching a plcke
fence around a ben-yard and light you
neighbors who own gardens aa it is to b :
up pasture walls and hunt over the countr ;
for ttray animals and settle foj : the dam
age they have done.
Clarence Fitr.-Herbert sends us a beaut I
ful poem , beginning , "I will wait for m ;
love at Heuvven'a gate. " We thlnl
you are about right , Clarence. People whi
wrltr that kind of poetry seldom get an ;
further than the gate. You'll probabl ;
continue to waft there long after th
rert of us have paaaed on inalde unleaa yoi
reform and quit writing poetry and lean
to spell heaven with one v , Burllngtoi
Hawkeye ,
How The Cincinnati Enquirer iouni
this out IB a myater ) : "And what in 'th
nama nf goodness la thlt ? " aaked Mrs. Da
vluDivl , as the senator lugged some
thing into the room and dropped it be
feet. "Ihla Is my shirt , darling , ana I'l
be greatly obliged if you will sew on abut
ton for me. " "D vld Uavla , " said th
ladv , aternly , "when you bring me you
shirt I will aew on a button for you wit !
pleasure , as bee mea a fond and dutlfi
wife ; but juntnow , ir , I snuit Insist upo
your removing this circus onvas from m
apartment. "
A Chicago paper gives the followlo
story concerning the recent registration c
female voters In lloston. Euter old lad
of a certain age : 'I wish to reglater , air ,
"Your name , please ? " "Almlra Jan
SlmpBon. " "Your BRI ? " "Beg pardon !
"Your " "Uo I
ant ? understand that
must glv.e my age ? " "Ye- , miss , tbe la
nquires' it.11 "World * , air , would n <
tempt me to give III Not that I care. Ni
I had aa leave wear it on my bonnet as
hackman does his number ; but I'm a twli
and if my slater has a weakness It is thi
aht djsllkes any reference made to her ag
not'I could not give my own because I c
not' wish to offand her.1
The story la again afloat that a danvht
1 of Victoria Woodhnll Is to marry an Kn
Uah nobleman.
A Piute princes has just married h
twentieth husband , and the rest of tl
D braves are trembling in their moccasins.
A IC-year-old boy has applied for a i
vorce In the superior court In New Yo
city. That boy will make bis way throui
the world ,
Miss Brown married Mr. Sorrow tether
other day. Hence Willlamsport Grit su
poiea that their children will be all twli
as aorrows never come singly.
Miis Florence A. Sinitb , a Phtl&delpt
hello , is to be married t ) B iron G tsbert v
Frleseu , a young German nobleman , w
owns two castlei on the Rhine.
They are raising a row with a you
man iu Now Jersey who WIB engaged
tuarry thirteen different girls. It's gettl
ao u tnau CHu'thavaauy fun at all In tl
A London youth wanted to marry
nretly actress uttll ber mother demand
550,0 0 of him for the liis she would Inc
by her daughter's withdrawal from t
It waa "Darling George" when a brie
couple left Omaha ; It was "Dear Geoff
at Chicago ; at Detroit It was ' Georg' '
and wheu they reached Niagara Falli
was "Say you ! "
A Georgia maiden became so Interest
In a recent church wedding at that pis
that ] list as the ilergyman had finished !
- - Hat of questions to the bride , she nnc <
f1 ' 1 soionaly took up the reaponae and anaw
u ed , "I will , " in place of the bride. Tl
unexpecte \ nvnt paralyzed the mlnt'ter
and caused at painful alienee In the audi
ence. '
"You wonld't take me for n married
man , would youl" asked a student of a
Cortland girl lart Sunday night. "I rath ,
er think I would If you ahould ask me,1'
was the reaponae , He bought a ring the
next day ,
Nellie OuUon , daughter of a Cincinna
ti dry Roods merchant , could not get along
confottftbly with her new stepmother , nnd
ao went alone to Milwaukee , taking along
n grot deal nf money and valuable cloth *
Ing and jewelry. Foraweakabe kept to
her room In a uahlonable boarding hon e ,
killing time with novels and a piano. One
afternoon abe went out for a walk. She
met George W. Bxoy , whom she bad
known very slightly * and be hid on bear
ing of her lonely position proposed mar-
rlage. This struck her as a kindly offer ,
and the went imicedltely to a'justice ,
who united them. When iho awoke next
morning her husband and portable valua
bles were gone.
NEW YORK , April 3. The marrUgo of
Ml" Flora Carleton to the Ilev. Uhnrlea
P. F < tgnanl , wh'ch was intended f ( r some
day In May , but which took place la t Saturday
' death-bed of the
urday afternoon at 'the -
brl le's mother , was moat solemn. While
attending service * in the church of Dr.
Howard Oroaby , last Tuesday , Mrs. Carleton -
ton was suddenly aelze"d with pneumnnla
and compelled to take to her bod. When
Dr. Croshj called on Mrs. Cirleton list
Saturday afternoon , ahe toU him aho real
ized that her recovery was hopelosa and
that her one ( treat wish remained unful
filled , which was to wltnesi her daughter's
marriage. Mr. Fagnanl was theu In the
homo and quickly summoning the friends
to act as wltneiaea , Dr. Croaby gratified
the dying woman by uniting her daughter
to him at her death-bed. Mrs. Carleton
only lived long enough to bid them God
speed In their life's journey , which was
closing for her. Tne Itev. Mr. Fagnanl is
a graduate of Union Theological Seminary
of the class of ' 82 He was ordained last
Nil and is pastor of Grace Mission , on
East Twenty-Second street , a branch of
the Rev. Dr. Crosby' * church.
Ssya He Would Uml o.
'Well , I ahould smile In rapture gay
If she would only delpn to say ,
* 'I like you as a friend , " and Blip
Within my palm the flnger-tip
She snaps In her coquettish way.
And If ber eyes of azure gray
Grew tender as the blooms of May ,
In warmth of my companionship
Well , I should smile !
But , O , If she her head should lay
Against my buttonhole boutjuet ,
And lift the luahneaa of her ilp
To mine my giddy heart would ( kip
Thetra-la-lee till judgment day-
Well , I should amlle I
Chicago has 60 Roman Cathollo
churches ; fifty years ago it had none , St ,
Louis haa 45 churches of the same denonv
{ nation.
The Presbyterian churches cf New Or.
leans are all out of debt , the First .church
having paid off ita indebtedness of $39 , <
000 in two yean.
Dr. Nicholson , of St. Mark's Episcopal
church , Philadelphia , has declined the
office of bishop ot Indiana , to which hi
was elected a few weeks since.
The Protestant Episcopal Chapel of thi
Holy Cross , Baltimore , recently recelvec
forty-one members by confirmation , and it
in a fl uriablng condition. It has now 18 (
communicants and a guild actively engager.
in religions work.
A case of prayer-cure is reported fron
Indianapolis , where a lady , the slater o :
the private secretary of Gov. Porter , wai
annointed and prayed with by the Rev. R
H. Ramsey , the evangelist , and cured of i
compliootlon'of diseasas which had render
ed her a total wreck and had baiihd thi
skill of the beat physicians for years ,
The Methodists of a New Jersey towi
were on a recent Sunday astonished al
most ont of their wits by the oontiibntioi
of 95 gold piece which some nnknowi
stranger dropped into the collection box
But In Pftwtncket , R. I. , last Sanda ;
morning , Bomebodx DUt $ ICO gold bit
on the contrlbulRa plate of St. Paul *
church. The Pawtucket were Dot over
whelmed with astonishment , but took tb
bonanza aa II it were an every day thing
The doors of fifty-nine Baltimore church
es swing open the wrong way. Instead o
opening toward the street so aa to preaen
no Impediment to the escape of a panic
stricken congregation , they open inwardly
so M to pen tbo would-be fagltives inti
the vestibules , and there let them smotbe
or'barn to death , The Baltimore build
lug inspectors have wisely ordered that al
these doors shall be altered and hinged s
as to swing outwardly.
Denominations , moitly small and quee
nnea , are rapidly multiplying In England
Every new aect has to be registered at tb
Government office at Somerset Home
London , During the last twelve month
thirteen new sects have been added to th
lifts , ranking a present total ol about 18C
Several of tbe latest are in the line c
agpiosalve domestic missionary effort , an
are evidently following up ideas and prac
tices originated by tbe Salvation Army
Among them are such belligerent names a
" ' Own " "Ohrlatla
"Army of the King's ,
" " " "Hoaann
Pioneers , "Holinera Army.
Army , " Redeemed Army , " "Royal Goap
Army'1 ' and Salvation Navy.'r Whil
some of tbeae Beets are engineered b
devoutly tlncera and earnest people , othei
are set on foot by cranks , who fenl coir
to work off their surplus energy b
Selled something odd.
At a church in Yorkshire , Englanc
two ohelvoj ore filled on Sunday wit
loaves of bread for the poor. Tbe pen
folks take these loaves away when tb
servlca is over. It U understood that I
order to entitle a pavarty-ttricken perso
to n loaf of bread such person must t
present during tbo whole of the religloc
exercises of tbe morning. The dlffeieuc
between tbe poor in England and those I
this country IB Be n in such benlficences i
thli. There people will sit on bench )
known as ' 'poor seato , " and they will taV
"poorbread , " which la known to be pn
vlded for those who cannot pay for It. 1
tbla country if any church pews a :
labeled "poor. seatsor even known i
auch , tbe poor cannot be induced i
occupy them. As fnr "poor bread , " i
except the hungriest tramps will itarve I
death before tb'ey will touch It.
A Cincinnati woman knocked her her
r band reneelevs with a copy of the blbl
e The old version is good and strong yet.
At a recent donation party the preach
received a large quantity of half-cook
hr ad , and he says now be doein t wa
any mote "donghnation parties" in bis.
The pen maybe mightier than tbe swot
but when a religious editor has a riv
fitted to a couple ol swords be can beat
dozen pens in getting up original rratter.
A compMitnr who was puzzling overo
of Horice Greeley'a manuscript- * , sage
and savagely observed : "If Belshizz rh
scenth B handwriting on the wall ha wou
have been more terrified than he was. "
"My brethren , " said ft clergyman , (
will now pais "and before bo could pi
ceed a sleepy bearer lu tbe Iront pew BU
denly started Into Ufa knd cried ot
Then I make it spades nnd play it alnni
"Yo , " Bald the descon , "the organ
certainly did play opera boulT * air * ai
tbe cao-oin in bis voluntary yeUerd-
But , dear me , I can't kick up o row ab :
it without giving mytelf away by ahowl
that I r cognize tbe rnuelo. "
A weatern colporteur was once conve
Ing with an Illinois man on his rellglc
duties. Baldhn "Do you attend chur
regularljt" "O no ; I never go to cbur (
but I alters make It p'mt to 'tend all t
funerala. They be jest M solemn , a
thar itn't no kerleotiooa. "
The Rev , John W , Batterfield waa se
at Brownsville , P . , wltft n empty bet
protruding from hi * pocket , and I
whisky which It hid contained was mant *
foit in bin itaggerlng gait. Such Is tbo
accusation that is made by the deacon ot
his ch rcb , and his wife charges that he
frequently whips ber ,
In Miles City , Montana , the Methcdlits
believe In receiving contributions from
anybo > y , whether goud or bad , who la dis
posed to give. They1 place contribution
boxrn In the Htlnktog saloons , and some of
the patrons of those establishments drop a
coin or two in whenever they take a drink.
Tbe boxes become as full of money as the
customers do of drink.
"Where do the wicked men gowhodrlnk
liquoi ? ' ' asked a temperance lecturer of a
small boy at an Austin Sunday school.
"Well , lomo of them go to bornfeld'ii sa
loon and aome go to the Iron Front ; but
tbe wickedeat ones tbe legislators al
ways go to tbo nearest saloon. If you ask
pa , he will show you where you can get the
best beer. Texaa Slftloga.
This was tbo way his ipouse encouraged
him when he fell frbin a Memphis ferry
boat Into the Mlaslsiippl and was strug
gling In the water for dear life : ' 'Now ,
Samuel , didn't I tell you BO ? Now , then ,
work your legs , flip your arras , bold your
breath and repeat the Lord's Prayer , for
It'n mighty uncertain , Samuel , whether
you land In New Orleans or in eternity , "
One of the best sermons over proiched
by atones that WA knnw of , waa delivered
the other day through tbo feeble Instru
mentality of a Toledo woman , who , in
throwing one which weighed abontapound
at a refractory hen , struck a i-ook agent
who waa just coining through the gate
iquarely between the eyes. When the
agent's remains were borne away , and con
gratulations were pouring in , tbe woman
tried to make believe that she waa not
throwing at the hen , but everybody knew
Oh , She IB Handy I
"She can work a fancy screen ,
Just the nicest ever seen.
In a style that all her 'culchawed * let enchants -
chants ;
But my friend , twixt you and me ,
It would chill a man to see
How she stitched a patch on the old man'H
pants. "
lllle. Rbea was a grert financial success
In Milwaukee.
Agnes Herndon has joined Roland
Reed a company In Cheek.
Next season Miss Mary Anderson will
add to her repertoire "The Winter's Tale. "
Barry Sullivan will probably play In this
country next fall on his way to Australia.
The once luiciona Lydla Thompson has
quitted the stage forever. She Las grown
Fanny Davenport will produce "Fedora"
at Haverly's Foniteenth Street Theatre ,
New York , Ojt. 1.
Wagner's "Parsifal" w a aort ol "Pas-
slop Play. " Ita production has been forbidden -
bidden In London.
The two nights for which Edwin Booth
is engaged atjCologne will be devoted to
"Hamlet" and "Lear. "
Mme Modjeaka will produce her new
play , ' Thora , " at tbe Grand Opera house ,
Chicago , September 3 ,
E. Komenyi Is doing well In the west
with bia concert company , being tbe beat
season he has bad in America.
0. A , Chlzzola desires Signer Salvini to
return to America next season. Salvini
haa RO far declined , but he may change his
The great tragedienne , Rlatori , played
"Marie Antoinette" lately at tha Apollo ,
Rome , for the benefit of the family of Bel-
Miaa Agnes Huntington , a young Ameri
can lady , sang with much applause at tbe
fourth popular concert of the Stuttgart
Annie Rna ell , the original Esmeralda ,
is only 17. She is under engagement to
tbe Madiion Square Theatre .management
for three years.
John Stetson is reported to have said
that a certain playrlght had agreed to fur
nish him with a acquel to "Monte Cbrlato"
entitled "Three-Card "
- Monte.
Minnie Hauk returns to Berlin in Au
gust , to resume ber position at the Im
perial opera house September 1. She bos
nod two years' leave of absence.
Nell Burgess has dropped his "Widow
Bedott" and produced a new play by tbe
sime author called "Vim ; or , A Vlait to
Putfy Farm. " Ids said to admirably suit
the comedian's peculiarities.
At Berlin telephonic stations are to be
established for the express purpose [ of en.
abling the performances at the Royal
opera house to be heard at ft distance. The
necessary microphone is now being placed
upon toe stage at the opera.
Boetel , the new tenor over whom Euro
pean opera goers are in ecstasies , was for
merly , like Watchte ) , a cab-driver. His
old companions in that trade iu Hamburg ,
where he was discovered , have juat pre
sented him with a silver ' 'Whip ' of honor"
which cost $120.
Myron W. Whitney did not sing "Eli
jah" In Botton Sunday with his old-time
vigor. Has comic opera had a deteriorat
ing effect on this moat distinguished oratorio
torio singer ? Mr. Adam * , the tenor , aa
usual showed that hla voice waa a thing of
the past. But AlbanI was glorioua , The
Transcript hopes "Elijah" won't be aung
again for ten years.
Juat as Mrs Langtry , iu the character
of Rosalind , hnd pronounced the worda ol
the epilogue , "I would kiaa aa many of you
as had beards that pleased me , complexions -
ions that liked me , " and was exhibiting
her most comprehensive smile to a'Cleve
land nudlence , n gallery garni a ehouted.
"Ob , Freddie ! " with a gusto which spoiled
the effect , but aent tbe people home in
good humor.
Her Slender Walet.
Now no one conld tee
And ber waist was ao blender
What wonder that we ,
As no one onuld sec ,
Sat so long 'oaath tbe tree
In on attitude tender.
Really no one could aee
And her waist w s so slender.
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) I them Try the Bitten to-day.
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Orders from any part of the State or the
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Office Corner 13th and Barney _
BUEMPING & BOLTE , Proprietors.
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Window Caps , Finials , Skylights , &c.
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Hive brought to this city fiom the f rmi cl Htdredlh & Son'e. Philadelphia , aod'jatneVH Thnr.
bu'nC-1iiWv.Yor ; * > thtlrKr.l'i0 ofKGafiel "d1' " 6eed. . ? r oport.d betoMtotSi
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tlty alUf wilch r guaranteed to be fresh and tiue to the n mi.
Prices will also tie as low aa any BeaponBibJe'I ealer can' ' Make.
mar 16.e > d-tf ' HENRY BOLtN1 & 00.
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0. E. MA.YNE. . - Proprietor.
Has constantly on hand a large number
of Hones ,
3 HatoM Teams & Single Drivers
Poscilntlon ft Horses and other Inforraa-
tl'nti'nt h > mall enID
All Goods Perfectly Pare. ' Largest assortment in town.
Orders by Mail Solicited Opera House Block. 15th St. ,