rut * TEE DALLY Kifillil JAIU u # v 0 The Daily Bee. Fridny IVIorninfr , April 0 , Wonthor Hoport. ( Thg ( ollowlntr observations were Ulcon t the same moment of time at the stations mentioned ) ft AR PKI-'T U , S SiatAk SSRVICH , ) OMAHA , Ap.IIS , (1:15p ( m. ) I The evangelist , lien HORSD , continues hti fight at the Baptltt church. AD j In tryIng - , Ing to draw Into the ring thoae with whom ho U not compelled to ghe or take cdds. Ho la hunting f jr the rambler , drunkard and the lovpr of the faiclnatln ? pleasure * of onr city. Mr. Frank Smith , andiiflveral other young men , who represent our bet ter musical talent were at the goapol ter- vice lut night and will give their amb iance alio to-night. Ibo proopecta fora revival are more encouraging at present th n at any other time In this city for a great while , and we hould give Ben the honor or at least M much of It as be de- cervei. ti M. Toft ban purchased of A , J. II n- coma parcel of twalve lo'.i In bloclcjj , Hanscom place , and will build a residence there thii seison to cost $7.000. The consideration ptld'fonthe lot * was 15,000. I ' In ths dram\.lo feitlval a : Cincinnati in May , six of Liwrencs Barrett'ijloom- > . pany appaar in the three principal produce tloni. Mr. Binett' * proiett support U .1. the strongest he ever had. Lost or run away , from home on Thursday last , one 'Denny ' Divli , age 11 foan. Had on when last seen a dark gray coat , complexion dark'brown ' , black pantu torn in the knee and then sewed , a blue checkered shirt , a little cishmero skull cap , Any one girlng Information that will lead to bis recovery will be rewarded by his mother , Mr * . Sophia Davis , Harney street , between 17th and 18 th street * , near ly opposite the .jail. General C. H. ( Frederick , the butter , has transferred his immense stock from the old quarters to an elegant store-room in the Paxton Hotel. Here he will soon get things in good shape aud more than ever demonstrate his right to the title universally accorded him , of "tho leading hatter. " His move Is necessitated by the fact that the Drown building is to be torn down and replaced by n subntantlal brick block at once. The contract for the grading nnd fill ing of Sixteenth street , nt the point for merly occupied by the bridge , was yesterday day let to Stephen illoblnson nt 13o per cubic yard. Itoblnson was also awarded the job of removing the old bridge to Flor ence , and putting It in shape , for which he will receive the sum of $070. Work wllj begin at once , and the change will effect reat improvement on Sixteenth street and Shenaan ami. Dolph McGregor of the U. F. hiad quarters bas received a unique and valuable - ble present from his friend , Mr , E. II. Alton , of Pine Ridge Agency. It Is In the shape of an Indian pipe , of steel and red pipe stoae and WM a personal gift from Sitting Bull to Mr. Alton who turns It ever to Dolph , The monthly entertainment cf the Union Catholic Library association take place at the library rooms this season. Th committee ot arrangements have prepared very Intereitlng programme. ( The per' fonnftnce will begin * t 8:80 sharp. There ws no ession of the police court yesterday , as Judge Beneke was on the sick list and not able to appear , There were only two Slocumbs and thre disreputable females on bands for trial Jerry Mahoney bos resigned hta posl tlon as aisetsor ol Omaha precinct No. and Joseph Lpis has been appointed to fil the vacancy , and ills bond approved. Boggs and Hill fcave filed a petition asldug- the county comitltslnners to to- move the powder house located southwe of the city , which Is unpleasantly nea ; their property. The A. O. II. band serenaded Mayor- Klect Chato it his residence Wednesday and were treated in the uiuil hoapltabl tylo by the recipient of that honor. The county clerk has curtailed tin expenses of bis office a thousand n year b ; dispensing with the > . < ervce of on txtn deputy heretofore allowed him. Lou George was assaulted Wodne day by two soldlernnoar Douglas uud iltb , ftnd llslticated hUnrtn in routing them. A drunken nun tried to raise a row at the Crolgbton House Wednesday but was quickly kicked out. Mr. Donovan's face was slightly cut In the nielee. The electric light company will soon K I add a fourth circuit of twenty lights to \ their system. County Jude Chad wick Wednesday turned 870.C5 into the general fund as fees xecelveJ In bit office. Ben Hogan is going to work earnestly to get up n revival In Omaha. Heal estate business is not so active jus It was o short time sgo. _ FOR SALE. A drugstore in western Iowa , ponn- lotion about 3.50D , stock from # , DO to $8,000 , sales $18,009 per n , only two dreg stores In the town , a large country trade , inquire of Frank lingers , Millard Herol drng store. .JOHN H. EROK Has the largest assortment of Ranges and Cook Stove , Barb Fence Wire , all of which yon can buy cheaper than any place in to tin at G15 and 617 N. 10th street , m27-mo-tf _ Young man or woman , If you want big money for a small amount. Insure In the It tff Marriage Fund and Mutusl Trust Astoci- Ation , Oedar llapld * , Iowa , f6-3m , i NO ARSENIC. The Result of tlio Investigation Concerning Mathlas Rypacolr. The Coroner's Jury Find That it Was Prom Natural CauBoo. On the ncconddayof December lust , Mathlaa Rypacok , ft well know cnrpou- ter la Sooth Omaha nnd president of the BohomUn Bccloty , tllfld very sad- donly and under auspicious clroam- atancoi , the chief of which was hU somewhat Incoherent statement to a friend lu his dying momenta that ho had bcon poisoned , coupled with a ro- rjac3t ( or au itinstiiraUon. Too watohcra who hoard the dylnjj man's words said nothing cf it to the author ities for fear of involving themselves trouble and oiponso , nnd the matter rested thaa for three months while the romalao of poor llypacek slept in the lonely and anew shronded comotry. The Rocioty to which iho deceased belonged , the "Sokol , " wore , Itsocms , obligated to p y a policy of some mx hundred dcllara to the widow , bat the bad rumors stated above led thorn to hold back the money and bog I a steps for an invostigation. Suspicion was heightened by the faot that within two weeks from her husbands demise the widow married again , and charges were pretty openly made implicating her in the supposed tragedy. At length , In March , the rnattir oamo to a crisis , a coroner's jury was impannoled , and with thorn the cor oner and others proceeded to the cemetery and there the body was ro- snrroctod and Djotors Grossmann and Frlsonl took out the stomach and vis cera which wore committed to the care of Coroner Jacobs for the purposes of chemical analysis by some competent and reliable export , the county and ( ho members of the "Sjkol" dividing the ezponso. The analysis was made by Prof. Outer of the Omaha Medical college , who at last reported his work com plete , and yesterday the jury resumed its investigations. Prof. Carter tes tified that the analysis had revealed no trace whatever nf arsonlo- ether mineral poison , and upon his testimony us an export the jury found a verdict that the deceased caino to lib death by natural c uses , etc. , thai practically settling the wholn imtccr In favor of these , who , according to this finding , have boon BO wrongfully accused , al though Ultra is somu dlnnatlsfactlon at the choice of the export fur making the analysis. GENERAL , HANDY. The Now Quartermaster General of ino Department. Gen. Uoorgo Jt , Dindy , the now thief Q lartormastcr of the Department mont of the Platte , entered the eorvlco as lit Sergeant of company A , 1st artillery , Nov. 14-h , 1854 ; was promoted meted Hi Lieut. Ill artillery Fob. 21st 1857 , and lit Lieut. March 3d 1801. Promoted to Ojptala and Assistant Quartermaster , March 25th , 18G2 , and to Msjor and Quartermaster March 3d 1875 , In the volnnteer service he waa Colonel of the 100th N. Y. In fantry A'ug l9ih ! , 1BG2 , and brevet Brig. General March 13th , 1805. Ho received the following brevets in the regular army : Major , for gallant and meritorious services at the slego ok Fort Wagner. Lieut-Colonel , August 14th , 1804 , for gallant , and meritorious services a Deep Bottom , Virtjlnin , March 13th , 1865. Oolonol for gallant and morl- toriouB Bervloea In Via capture of For ! Gregg , Virginia. Brigadier General March 13th , 1805 , for gallant and meritorious rerviooa In the field , dnr Ing the war. DEPARTMENT MOTES. Gen , 0. 0. Howard , accompanied by Oapt Sladon , of his staff , loft yea tnrday for the Omaha reservation They will return to-day. Lieut. Guy Howard , A. D. 0 , lof Wednesday for the west on pnbll business. County Oommluaioners. WEDNESDAY , April 4 , 1883. The board met pursuant to adjourn mont. Present , Oomniisslouors Cor His , Knight nnd O'KeoCo. The resignation of J. Mahoney , a DS3CBaorof , Omaha proolnot No. 2 , accepted , and Joseph Lala was thl day appointed aisoosor for Omaha pro 18clnct No. 2 , to fill the vacancy. Th bond wna approved , and hlmse ! sworn In. Boggs & Hill Gird their petition fo the removal cf the powder house lo cstod on s. w. I of s. o. } of 128,15 , II A. M , Ohadwlck , county judge filed his quarterly report , Thu . following resolutions wer adopted ; RESOLVED , That the county trean- uror bo and is hereby instructed to carry to corrections of thn tax list the n. w. J of lot G , blook 11)2 ) , and assess the sauio nt $200 , and also n. of lot 7. blook I- ! * , and arsnss the aumo at 50 for thu year IBS' ' , and collect taxes acoordlnuly. RESOLVED , That the treasurer of i Douglas county be and ia hereby In- fj titructed to cancel the personal tax of .Citrer & C } . , cf $000 assessment for > the year 1881 , on account of double assoesuient. Also to cancel the personal ami-an- mont of H. B. Bnruham for the year 1882 not being asscosable. The bids for grading Sixteenth street , where thopresontbridge staudf , wore this day opened , and Stephen Robinson being the lowest bidder his bid beliiR 13 cents per cable yard - was awarded the contract to com plete the came within 40 days. All papers pertaining to the aamo were re ferred to J. 0 Cowln , county attor ney , with instructions to draw up the contract. The bid of Stephen Roblnion fo * removing Sixteenth street bridge 'Q Florence for $673 accepted , aid the olork ordered to draw np the con tract. The board of county commissioners this day took under consideration the matter of the location of section line roads of public necessity , and by au thority rested in the board cf commit- loners nco section 4G cf the road law made the following order : Commencing nt the quarter sooilnn corner , bntneon suctions 1 and 12 , t. H , r. 11 , running thence east by section line one and throe-fourth mlloi to the south-out nonrnor cf aw. of s ] of section 5 , t. 10 , r , 12 ; thence to connect with a county road pasting through nald point. Also to locate the following to connect the above do- scrlbad line with the county line north : Commencing nt the southwest corner of section 0 , t. ] 1 , r. 12 , rnuning thence north by range line one mile to the northwest corner of section G , there to connect with Iho Washington and Douglas county line road. Thh nbnvo described line Is declared opnr. , and the county clerk is hereby directed to proceed as per section 18 , of chapter and roada , to give noticu to land oirners , The following account was allowed from thn general fund : John liturner , enlary as clerk , first quarter , 8'00. ' Adjourned to 7 < h inst. JOHN BAUMKB , County Olork. FOUL PLAY. A BillstUlo Man Disappears in Omaha , Other Mysterious Happenings of Recent Occurrence. The number of mysterious disap pearances of both adults and children seems to boon crease all over the country , and Omaha furnishes Ita quota. TUB BEE yesterday noted the faot that a little colored boy was missing from the family rctidonco on Harney atreot , and now it ia reported that a colored woman named Mary Magrn- dor is not to bo found , having been absent from her homo on Harney and Eighteenth. slnco G o'clock Tuesday evening Search haa been made and Htill continues for her but BO far with out Buccoas. She is of small stature , drossbd in black , with dark blue cir cular , trimmed with dark blue silk , wore a straw hat , had three rings on fingers and ono ring in her oar ; had poor tooth. Any Information concerning - corning her will be thankfully received. THE HILLSDALK MAN. Yesterday Marshal Angoll received a communication from E. E Kelly , of Hlllodalo , Iowa , elating that "on the 28'li of March a man by the nntno of T. A , Nonvillo , loft that place for Omaha , expecting to sell his tnnru and return in a few days. Nothing has boon heaid from him nlnca. Ho was at the Blue barn and Jake Bhrelner states that ho Bold his toira and started homo. Ho htid cniinidorablo money on his poraon besldca the proceeds of his toam. Ho subject to appopiexy. Will you ploaao have the caea Investi gated as his wife fears foul play. Ho waa of medium hoipht with black burnildea. " The police here know nothing that throws light on this caeo and no un known person haa died in this locality of late from appoplnxy. Among the half dozen insane men picked np ro cently. ono or two of whom are not identified , the miislog mnn might ba fonnd bnt it la not probable. TbsoloBtloal Endorsement. The Baltimore ( Md. ) Day publishes the magical euro of Mr. John Onsack , Catholic seminarian , Sy . Mary's Theological logical Seminar- , Baltimore , Md.wh had suffered for months with pleura dlnia ( rheumatism of the chest ) , and had tried all that the best medical talent could suggest , without relief , Ho finally trio * St. Jacobs Oil , and was entirely cured. He gives thla to th public In the hope of relievin suffering humanity , nud believes th great pain cure to bo the "unlvorsa reliever , " THK riUNCK OF PUNCHES I "Hnb Punch. " couipoitid nf old , fine Hq uori and luicfona fruits It can be usec clear or with water , lemonade , etc , , nudfai surpaises any punch brewed at dlecre tlon. _ Homo For thu Friendless. The ladles of the city are oarnoatl requested to meet In the Firat M. E church Friday afternoon nt half pas 2 o'clock , to talk ever matters per talnlng to the support of the Horn Nor the Friendless , in L'ucoln ' , Mrs W. B , Slaughter , superintendent the institution , and M . 0. B. Parker kor , of.Llnooln , will bj at the moot lug to explain the workings of the in stitutiou , nnd they niih to moot nil th ladles who take im interest in its we ! fare. The legblnturo appropriated th money to put up the building , but i it aupportod by contributions , an every city and village can send thol friendless to HcrnforcVn . &oid Phcuphato is a preparation of the phnaphatoJ o lime , magnesia , pot&th and Iron i ouch form as to bn readily assimilate by the system D.'iorlptivo phamplo sent freo. llnmford Chemical Works Providence. II. I. On a Bridal Tour. Mr. nnd Mrs. S. N. Meallo , of thl city , are nt present entertaining young married couple from the ona the groom being a nephew of Mr , M The happy couple consists of Mr , Stephen H. Hurd and Miss Hilda M , Andrews , who wore married on Tues day evening , April 3 , at the resldouoi of the bride's parents in Chicago , b ; Rev. Dr. Lawrence , v tor of th Second Baptist of that city. Th presents \rer * autnorons and coatlj and sftor 'do usual wedding cen monies 'ad congratulations wore eve the hrjpy pair started for Omaha o theji wedding tour , 'ir. Ilnrd la A train dispatcher o t'o Plttsbnrg , Cincinnati & St. Louis railway at Lop.tnsport , having won that position by olotio application to his bnilnogs , and hla bride la a lovely and Accomplished lady. , A MUSICAL EVENT. 'ho ' Philomathean Concert at Meyer's ' Hall , n 'Entertainment Well At tended and Highly Enjoyed. Wednesday the Philomatboan club old the tocond of the third terlos ot oncorts which It haa hold since its rgnnizitlon. The hall in the second tory of Max Meyer & Oo.'t musical arc-rooms was about .two hlrda fi led with the most intelligent lass of the city's pcpnlatlon. The rogrammo comprehended eight num > trs , all of whlcb wore cf the most tfiicnlt cf instrumental and vocal elections in both concert and solo loom. The concert waa rather more ban usually Inturealing in Ita charnc- er , particularly In view cf the fast that 'lofessor Fulix Blaukonfold appeared eforo au Omaha ftudlonco for the first mo aft or an absence o'f over four oars. Tao professor Is well and fav- rably known as a eklllful pianist , nnd s a person who thoroughly undnr- tauus music in all iti brauohcs , rat number , a string qiartotto in O , iy Hayden , wan exceedingly well one , and elicited a merited applause rom the audience. lo the second umber , a trio in E OD. 14 No. by Mczut , Mr. Blankonfeld ado hla sppoarauco befoio he nudlonco and was greeted by a term of opplauir. This selection , rhllo being classic , still has a thread f harmonious alra which being in the manner of jingllrg and every day mn- c , caught the ears of the ignorant as ell as the c-iltorod mnalcal portions in ho hall. professor acquit ed Imself in a nlghly sstlsfaotory man or , his manipulation of the key oard being simply beyond criticltm. The serenade , by Sahnbert , render- id by a quartette from the Glee Club , as woil received. The gentlemen ere all In excellent voice and the annotation as well as the vocallsm , raa good. All in all the en- ertalnment waa satisfactory , not only o these whotistpnad to it but also to the management. The efforts of Mr. ulins Meyer In making these concerts leading feature in Omaha entertain ments shows a commendable spirit and pgard for the pleasant side of life on Is part , and he cannot bo too highly rafsod for it. It Is probable that hrongh his indefatigable effjrts the hllomuthoan concerts have reached hulr proeent nUudard. .The next egular concert will bo given dnribg ho early part of May , aud la sura to 10 looked forsrard to as the event of lore than ordinary pleasure. PERSONAL , . H. D. Like , H. II. Cowen and wlfo and Ire. M. C. and H. B. Slinpion , of W.lber , ro gueats of the Metropolitan , llov. John Gallagher and Rev. M. Slat- ary , of Australia , are stopping nt the 'Alton. ' KdwaH J. Abraham , ngent of the Klra fy Bros. "Black Orook" ia In town. J. D. Clarke , of Fapllllon , and C. B. 3urrowg , of Norfolk , are at the Paxton. James Reed and Henry Metz , of Ne- iraska City , are guests of the Paxton. D. E. Dewey and A. B. Fuller , of Decatur - catur , are registered at the Millard. David Pey ter , agent of the "Frlem and Foe" Co. , Is at the Millard. John 8 , Moaby , Jr. , of Washington , D C. , Is a guest at the Millard. Mrs. J , Swan , of Lincoln , registered a the Millard yesterday. M. Wasserman , of Cheyenne , is regis tered at the Paxton. John A , McLean , of Bismarck , is a icit of tha Paxton. W. G. Stretch and wife , of Fulls City are at the Millard , Gee , F. Wright , of Council Binds , wa in town over Light. W. A. Sargent , Red Cloud , is a guest o the Metropolitan. W. A. Pratt , Jr. , of PAW Paw , III. , is the Metropolitan. Frank Pusey , of Council BlutTs , was I : the city last night. W. M. Oonrtwright , of Cheyenne , is a the Metropolitan. Stunrt Rogers , of Providence , R. I , , I at the P xton. S. Rice and wife , Dea Molnec , are at th Metropolitan. W. H. B. Stout , of Lincoln , was in th city yesterday. A part of Barrett'ii company registers a theMlllard. Hon. J. K. Nurtb , of Columbus , Is the Paxtun. Julius Kisaltr , of Colorado , h at th Millard. F. A. Wallcratedt , of Oakdale , Is at the Millard. Jno. F. Harris , Lincoln , U nttho Metro politan. S. P. Murphy , of Sioux City , is in town. J. A. Bowen , of Lincoln , Is at the Mil- lard. Hiram Sapp , of Kent , O. , is it the Mil lard. lard.J J , H , Conrad , of Wyoming , Is in town , J , H. Hungate , 'of Blair , Is in town , Oscar A. Mullen , of Lincoln , is in town. LevI Carter has returned from Obey enne , Lawrence Barrett is a guest of the Paxton. ' F. B , Sanford , of St. Joe , at the Paxton. Mayor Boyd has gone to Chicago on a visit- visitMrs. Mrs. Maxwalland daughter , of Fremont , are In the city , J. P. Evant , of Ft , Wayne , Indiana , Is at the Pax ton. Mrs , F. M. Orr has gone to Buffalo , N. Y , , to visit her parents. Mrs. H. M. Whltmoro bas gone to Lit tle Rock on a visit to her daughter Hattle. J. N. Reynold ? , of the firm of Reynolds & Motter , has returned from the west , Hon. Alex. McGavock and Conductor Davis , of the U , P , returned from Chap- man yesterday , with several carloads of geese and ducks killed In a suoccisful hunt. hunt.W W , M , Rumel hasgoneeast to Klrtland , Ohio , to be absent two or three wcekf , _ _ G. F. Brown , chief operator of the telegraph - graph cilice at 0den , arrived In tbisrlty Wednepdny oveninr , General Agent Uambltn , of the C. , B , k Q , railway , lewes on Saturday for his new post at lias Vegas , New Mexico , with the A. , T , & a. F. railway. Mr. A. B , Wett , fcrten years past agent of the rotd at Sheuandoth , will succeed Mr. H.mblln. W , H , Alexander , who recently remov ed from Lincoln to Omaha , to accept ft po sition In Dewey & StoneV , bas brought hlS family to Omaha , and they are living In the northwest corner of Twentieth and and Davenport street * . Their Omaha frienda will call and welcome them to Omahs. THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE , A Brilliant Entertainment and a Grand Success , A. Notable Event and One Long to ba Remembered by the Feople of Omah\ , Never before ia the history of Omaha waa a spring opening BO largely attended as thatof S P. Moise & Co. , the popular and welt known dry gooda merohantr. Although the evening was chilly and threatened rain , It appears but few ladles wore deterred by the weather , for upwards of 3,000 visited the store , many accompanied by gentlemen From half past G until 10 the store was thronged , and at 8 o'clock there was snoh a ornth that no ono could move through the spacious double store. No one waa disappointed though all were agreeably surprised as the vast throng did not expect an exhibition on so grand a scale , although the reputation of .this enterprising firm ior keeping the largest and best select ed stock tf dry goods west of Chicago has been established for years , atid their grand openings at various sea- sonr of the year have always been un- snrpamd. Bnt the affair last evening eclipsed anything previous , as their purchase In this and foreign countries has been larger this season than the addition of several artlata in the dif ferent departments helped to lender their opening to bo ouo of the most nnlqno and artistic exhibitions of dry goods and notions our faber has ever been called on to describe. Offing to the want of epioo and time It is im possible to go into details as it would take half a page of the BEI : to do the oubject justice. NAILED AT LAST. A Man Captured For Obtaining Money Under Falao fretencte. About 10 o'clock Wednesday a man was brought in to the county jail by Officer Hitter on a warrant charging him with obtaining money under false pretences. The prisoner's name appeared on the warrant as Jaojb .Dintheer , and tne complaint waa made by Chris Wnet- terloh , In business near Tenth ace Douglas streets It seems that early in September last the prisoner sole Wnetterich a tract of land , homestead , lying near Albion , in Bione county. He also sold some other property Including a plow and cultivator. A part of the purchase money was paid down up there a the time and part was retained nntl Dintheer came down to Omaha. When the latter arrived hero Wnetterich de cllned to pay the balance until he was satisfied that the agricultural imple ments had been turned over to. a par ty whom ho 'had named to receive them. Ho wrote a let ter to thii party bnt Dlnthoo : managed in some way to got np ti Albion In time to get hold of the let ter and write a satisfactory reply , upon the receipt of which the money waa paid over. Dintheer then went west ] and dli not return until a day or so when h was at once recognized and arrested It Is stated that , while ho donle the charge at first , he weakened thl morning and admitted the facts to b as stated. Real Estate Transfers The following deeds were filed fo record in the county clerk's oilic April 4 , reported for TUB BEK b Amott' real estate agency. A. Ivountzo and wife to J Birker w. d. , Ji > i 12 , block 0 , Koun'.z's 3d ad dltlnn ; $300 W. F. L n ng to A. A. Cooley , f c. d. , n * | i'f B w | and lots 3 ai.d section 7 , ifl , 10 ; § 032 97. A. E. Toiziliu to A. U. Turnell , q c. d. , lot * 33 and 34 and 120feet. RUut side lot 25 Tjtraco addition ; 513 M W , E Bin { and wife ro H Tnrnoll , w. d. , lot 8 , block it , IIAim com Tine. ; $600. C , 0. Housol and wlfo to K. Allen q. o. d , lot 2 , block 221 ; $ (5 ( JO J. A. Ofoighton , ot al , txacutots tn D. T. Mount , o half of soctlou 25 10 , 12 ; $9 005. D. T. Mount and wife to J. U Oreighton. W. D. e half section 25 10. 12 ; $9,305. G. P. Boiuls and wife to O Cildor W. D , lots 7 and 8 , block "F , LOWCB lit addition ; S225 G. Oaldcr to J. L Lewis , W. D lots 7 and 8 , block "F"Lowes' 1st ad dltlon ; $250. O. Peterson to A. and L. liarel w. d , parcel tn w lot 4 , llsagau addition ; $325. Merchants National bank to P. L Simmons , w. d. , part lot 4 , block 01 $500. Frank Hirers and wife to M. V. Ish , w. d. , s lot 10 , Grlfilln v Isaac's addition ; $1,800. SLAVBN'S YOSEMITE OOLONGE Made from the wild floweis of th KAK FAMED YOSEMITE VALLEY It is the most fragrant of perfume Manufactured by II. B. Slavon , Su Francisco. Forsale in Omaha by W J , Whltehouso and Kennard Bros TELEPHONE TALK Whore to be Had and at What Price The telephone company is still at work adding to thr- facilities It offers its patrons for quick and ; salisfactory communication between the various cities of Nobraika. The Utost ollices opened and thn rates thereto from Omahn are as follows : PapllHon. Rite fnr five minutes1 talk , 30c " " " < 30a Springfield , l ulstlllr , " 35c South Bern ! , " " " " SSc Greenwofd , " " " " 40s " " " " -10o Waverlj , KlkbnrnO'r , " " " 83 : SPECIAL NuTICES , fT8PECIAL8 wl POSITIVELY not beln lerted unless paid In advance. There nre lottern at thin oflic > lor the ful 11 G . A M. T. , A. L. U , C. M. , Assort- nent , 0 , F. , G. . G. R , F. R. , H. W. , llii' , J. If. U. , J. G. F. , L. M. , P. T. ,4 Co , P. T. , S. M. R. S. T. , S. T. , . W. L. , T. M. . Wife of Tr v. Aijt. , V , F. P. , G. H. , W. M. T. , X 1 , X 2. T 1 LOAH-MOrXET- ONEV TO LOAN Call at Law oflice ol D. 1. M1 Thomas room HCrclghton Block. L.TONEY Loa-cd on iha'tel ' pro city by J. VJL.T lcaltjNo ) 211. BiUili 14th street UtO-lmot ' N BY TO LO AN At 8 per cent. Shrlver's MO lUkl Eat .to and Loan Agency , opposite oetofflce. 787-tf LOANEU-On chattel inortfagoroom | MON4Y Block , cor. jSth and Farn.m. 421-ftpr 16 ; HELP WANTED. W ANT D A girl to d ' ( 'enernt homework . . Must bo a good cook , uohit aid ironer efcrenc s required. Api'ly a. K c r. Ctlilor la and'JO h mm t. iOB3 AOool i.urseultl antl Imm dla'.clv Des wttK'CJKivfn. at Nor hwist c r. Uamllloi d s'.re t , Salun'j aiditlon , 7781 ; W 'ANTED 10,003 young coltonwocd Ireet 808-51 I DOUGLAS ? . 1116 Ilarney Street Young man to letrn book-Xecp In ? . Uood tltuithn. 1212 Harnev ft 8C3-6J J. B. : TTAMKD 1 dining room tlrl , 1 cbambc YV mtld Apply a' l'i ct r's Houii , ccr < " 16 h. 802-1 OJ AN I ED Good Laundry Kir ! at Omaha W llouo. 8l1'75 _ _ _ _ _ ' ' lINNfRWANTED'ThTundcT Ig'edwint AkOOdman toiuu a tin shop. Oiod wage nd ie jwcrk tbejcar atoumi AddroM JOdN XIUMKIUK , 781-7 } Uiward , > eb. 1WA1TEH waited at 112 FajnamSt Ecg'au- Lra-t. 783 5 § IAVlKO-Dlnlnj ro ru girl at C.el hton W House. 78 6 ED Ac-mrctcnt i'1 lat once. Good WAN WKOJ given pply 8.V , corner 20lh a. d Bt. M iys kvenue 783-5 } WANTED Gill for general hcueeork. Dane or S oie jnclcrrea a. E. c.r. 15 h Cul- ornU street : 739 (1 W AN1ED Adlrlni ; rrotnlil at Rilneko'd Heat in nnl lOjS. iUlSt : 7'OC ! ' [ WANVEC Triutw rthy and o mpet nt woman to ISM tt In dairy work. Oi c wltn a small family pretend , go d home for thr'ght ' icr-ion. rdircsjM L-ciCtllce. 793-6t Qlrl lor hue worl I < amill fani- WANTED llf , Call ut No. 1 Ir.'K'ht ' n birch la morniai ; . 7C99 IANTfD A flrtt-claw w liter a I he Ilarney w slices Rcstaurai.t. 7tj-i [ wWANTED WANTED Two men o' < rod mldr < 8" to can- MWi and eell gnoos. Standy employment OKOOdmon U ll-121 8. lOlh St. 72511 WAW1K1I A ne t plrl for geo' r l hnu ework Mu't be tord cook , washer a'd Ironer. Mr > . R. Pur > is , i(3d ( atdSt. JUrj'a neiiuc. 747-7 WANTED A hotel cook , woman ir > fer > od Apply or > ddresi Central C.ty Ho el Cen tral City Nebraska , 70-fi W IANTRD A girl to wa < t on th. ub'e ' , and eow , at the Occldecttl Hotel , CW-tf WANTED An cxpcrle ccj laVir. IVrmi neit empbymeit and eoodvi g" . Ad < dress D. LOWJIAN , Halting * , Neb. 575 SJ SITUATIONS WANTED , WANt'U Situation nyllistc'ai cook il vrivate famt y or boa-ding biuie. Apply 1318 Jac'i on street. . 798 6 $ TT/AN ED-SItua'Ion st an. kind of woik. VV Address Henry Price , dee office , Council Bluffs , IOAO. 805t WANTKD-'iy country or rl situation In pr | . pate family want lo attend college in c'ty ' and w II nrk b i'a te of h > r time for her b ard. Addrew "Ne llo" the office d h-t ) M WANTtt WANTED ao dres makinc in prliate family in Omaha. Addrisd Drc Maker , Unoffice , Council Bluffs , Iowa , AO-4C Within two i.'ocof ' Horse car WANTED line , two cr ttree rtom" , eu'inble for li housokieplnp. Address K , IIco ctllce. 8 9-Ot MR. A. J. RwartB , will you ple io lea\o yaur addreis f rme. Chat , B shop at the hotel Uarni , 914 Tenth street. blu-5 { WANTKU Srmei'ood f.mlly loaTpta hey baby two cka old. Uquirjat No. IWn 0 h StiotOimhaNcli. . ! 91-5tl ] " \T17"ANTED-500 ptlvtu ts sinks , and cc - VV poolslo ccai wlths.iiltaty clcsii r Sit J , M HhllH , ni-lmo ) Lock lox4J2 ! , Orna a. ' \TTASlEl-B enbiny BiitTcrln wi'h looth VV und hialaehe , ticill at 1121 I'irunin tro-t and bocir d ticeof ila go by Ilornc's Eectrlo FOR bENT HOUSES AND LOTS. [ 710 * : KE.\T Triiee nicely fund hfd looaii' , L1 wi'h o : without bouo , aUig J.ckson St. 874 111 FOR 11I > T llnuHi und itabli ru i , ba , l thtnd iron Appl ) t ) Ji.hnwlit , cer. 13 hs r t. .62 Ct IJlOli R T Mce Iuri.1 lie lith aid C'ils. ' II'USB FOR P'CIFIO llK-1-Temh and Da tnpoit street , 3'J ro ins. * ppj tiil. W. Oiay , ail T e.flh etreit. 7al 101 T71UIIMSIIED ROOMS FOR RENT-Dne poit J. i tree ) , jubt abjvn lotli , outb slae , loll. 737-tf KIOK KENT- homed with all ron- JjCL | I ecs , n trtet car line. Irqulro 1140 nor.h l ih street , ! ) t Nicholisand Pau. 791-B ! | 7 > OR RENT A new 5 rocm ccttago ou Don l.e Jl street PEC , opposite P. C' . 7kO-7 TTlUtlNISHED PARLOR And boarJ. Modern JJ coov nlenccs , 1810 Codgo t < rt t ibO-lot I710II HUNT Furnlihiii rromisuitable forrrn- 1J iltinan , at 1U1U I'aroam Street iCU 5t BEST-Hcu eon N.W corcei cf S0th ! and FOH . Apply next door. T5J-5f > nicely furnished front pulor a d bed room / ) , and w f J w tb no children , kO.d board uittlj a block 1713 Chicago St , 7300 } - , 10th and II ckory EORRENT-Newcotlagis iputh 5th. ! OU9t rnt ) LKt A nice furnlghed room with piano. JL alio ether looms 1015l > edge St. f5l-9f TTIORIinNT AetoroSOxM in Balcombe blok Jj ou ICth street. 73 BT. A D. DALCOMBE. RENT iwo rooms acd kitchen , 3 cloicts FOR , at corner 13th and CUifornU siroit Inquire at COS N. 13th streiU 738 7 | \ \ RtNT > urnlthed room with bay wi. H\0l\ and board , ilcdern Improxmenti , 1718 71S-7J roil BENT FuraMinl room 1011 W H ter8t between 10th and 17th St. 700-Ot 011 P.ENT Houses and lots at philmand ] J Hell1 * , lltnl Hurtau , oppwlte I'osl tBeo. nOUKENT-Furn'shed ' ni unlurn'shtd room. 1 J1 imdirn cci.vcnlcmM , gfjod location , 1810 ' "T" DidgjSt. 5 10 LhT-One roooi with bo rd , l 03Co'lfornl ttteet. & * 71m OR RENT Fh tiprght pUt-o , Hne Kim- F - BKNT 25 hou w. 2 to 111 roorru , t to FOK ] per month 8hrlrer' lltnt bure u , op- po it ooel office. 768-U HUNT Two double ( tore * , lult.ble lot FOR house , gt wry , butcher , or wvlnon mtuated to as to command K" ' mer trude. cqulrsof Mn. F. Unite , 8. W Cor. )3tb and Jackxn St * . 800-1 mt FOR BALE , SALE S room h'tii' , good order , cUtcrn FOU Uou e. Inrn , full let , mlle I rom po t- otfl e Vorj Ka y Tcr J a , H.fOO. 801 If AMtS , Farnam St. i OK SALE 6 rf om hou s , callar. clitini , etc. r anil 3 room homo , 'o' rCx 3J ft In lln hade trees , bloct liom Bt M rj's a > cnu cart tali allu fr m joitoHUo , | 3.3 0 . . . . . AME3 , Kainam iticit. I OK Si' E 7ro > m house , lot 04x143 , JJ IroiB.KO d cellar aadcU-rn , tins lootbn , .11 ttriclear line Pa > meats to suit , f3,6CO t-Ob tf AMKs , Farnam St , ' ' ALE F w chile * aero lots , wcsiOniaha , F'OIl ly loci ten , cam tcnni K. a ft ro and trp aero lo c , hni ca and l'\s \ In all l.calaos , ft'- pit * co and terms to null mirchaacri1. SoMf AM c8 , Karnatn street. Oil S-LF Good Ion cr.v ftirlly rony , 7 F 3 cars old II qJre I21J DofgoEt. 7 2-H' § OK SA E A eel of hca\y alngle ar ' < f at F 1110 N 18ih etre t. 771-75 710R S LK A pair of hoary driujht mules. ! inquire at 1 Oj South lit i atrott. H2-l r IpOH 8 ALE -A rare o it nee. & m w store 22x10 X ? feet and lot ccnttlnlnira complo e itjck ol Kenera moichardhi , nd enjoying th beat flt of a heal by and tteadny Incieai ni buelncef , loca ted In coil re ot one uflhe bott iKr.cultU'Bl dl - tr ct.slu wfRt-in lo a. ' 1'erms llbcrtl , wrlti I' . O , liox > ( ! , Inrgene , Ik 713-12t OLSr.o ! : ) rooms ( or "lo vny cheap Ap- H p'V at ilalJw.n Hid 11 Inn corner IVh and O'i street. 768 St pt 1NIINO OFFICU FORS4LE A flourishing I raper In a > onn < nd gro l g town In Eas tern NcbrKka. AddretsU II. Dee Office. 021-1 mo FOR 8ALF One quarter atctlcn land la SUn- < on county. Also ono of th ) best itcck farms In Durt county , one mile frrm Uerman HI Alton. Also lot and st. re building ; 1119 Firnam street. Also for sale or trade fcr Douglas county proper ty , 40 aciej In Mason county , Illinois. Inquire of U. O. CLARK. 578-fi TTIOn SALE New house , 12 rooms. 8 closets , r cellar , rin * HO per mnr th , one-lhtrd corner lot gtGOO. New liouj' , B rooms , garret12x40 , cellar , cluttrn and well , lot C xOG for 2,700. 2 houiei , 4 tonmo each , celNr , c ( tern , well and stable , Ut 38x132 , 82,700. Xli within G bl cka It po < lofflce. Inquire s\v. 08 North 13ih Street. C79- & ; IOR BALK OK RENT Vose Piano. F 628f C. J CAifAN. T > EMI9'New Map ot Omaha , Just completed and X > ready for delivery at K each. Is 4 feet wide by 7 'eet long. Largest and most complete map of Omaha ever published. Official map of the- clt > . S 30 column F IOIl SALE One horse , iliifrlo wagon and har nets. 1 Cooper "waxon. CIIAKLTON BRrS. , 317-tt 301 N. Ifitb at. . OK HALE , uiiGAf Choice uolinpioved bun- 1 Inrs * lots on Farnam. Hariey , Douj'lre , and Djdgo strceia. D > VIS & SN YDEU , Heal ERt-te ARents , 110-eod-tf 1505 Fainani St I710U dALE A Orat clnm ( ccond hand phselon L1 Call at 1819 Harncy 8t 8fl7-U [ 71 OK MALE 1'uchGts maps of NoBraaku 100 Jj each. For bargains in i " aba City improved and ontmpr vcd property , call on Wm. K , Shrl- vcr , ne l Kiitate Agent , opposite postofflco. 7GS-tf AW ETO STUAYEDOR STOLES Dirk r-an cow , mo- i him azcii , groi lirer fery gentle , about 7 i r 8 ycata ol > . Hops ar ud eck when last seen. L'berat ' rewarj for i y Informathn loid- Inetohpr recu\cry , J. E. HONEWI17 , 80 ] til 1CJ3 Dodg Btieot. STOLEN OR BT.RAYED-F < om the ndhbr- hoodof i Uhorn l ity , o i Tuisday l < si , one- brown , o e bay and ont roirrl coloicd inare , Ahibayhoiee 1 nformatton as to thi i t whero- aboi.ti to be aCdres 04 to 0 E. Vandlver , Valley S tlon , Nob. 812 Of T AP1E3 Suffciligwl'hc r fi cinbecu ed bv Jj calling on Mrs Spencer Hours irom 9 to 11 a ID , and 2 to 0 p. m. ho. 707 . > orth ISth S'ri ct , Omaha , hcb. 777-6t- 3t MRS JI 'v Olsen mldwifa irraiuated t Stock- ho m Instlluti of midwifery. Mealdtnce 24 Leavenw r'hS r-tt. Tfil- ! § MOB. IIAVSSN , Midwife , his n moved Irom Oth aud Jaclson to IG.h nd lUrcy Sta. WILL take ch'ldren ' ol > ny age git e them a mothers care far a liberal compensation. Address Y. Z. Bee office 368-1 mo * f ADIES wishing a qule'nlace during confine Ij mcnt , with nurse will address W , B. Bc office. 309-lraoJ TO EXCHANGE for city prrperty In Oaaha , ten Hrat-clas Improved faims. Also H00 > brad ol sheep f r sale Correspond with N. 0. ihr stlann'n , btciameito , Neb. m'9-lm EDWARD KUBHL MAO1STER OF PALMYSTERY AND C0NDT TIONALI3T , 498 Tenth street , between Farnam. and Ilarney. Will , with the aid of gnardlan spirits , obtain for any one a glance of the pa > and present , and on certain conditions In tl > fa. ture. Boots and Shoos made to order. Ptifrcl eatUfaclInn tmirantred IN HOT WATER U'iNT BE 6KKITICAL. HEASOX TtfACURB AND ' GXfbIlb ( Cn CONf IKM8 HIAT'rAr. , ; V.t's7o1tz.'r Ai p ntlS K VAL- . UAJtb | Ki ( ANY AN' . ALL IJldORDKUS OF Till : REMEDY lOMAtll. LlVtR AND 1 OW- SJ1 / IK8M > " MlIN A GLASS f HOT WATER F.V HY OUKINQ bKbOhE EATING ' 8 NOT OSLY EX IllIMEhY BENEFICIAL. SJ , , Awpl1' ' TION AOMNST DISEASE N HIUU N 0\K ( JAN APFORD TO DISRE- GAUi . F > R t'ALK UY AL , DKUGGISTS. N. B-ln taklns SELTJCUH APERIENT li hot water , wait unt'l ' the tffoniaccnce his entirely c'ts d. Iho water ihould lo h t not 'inld ' cr lukewarm. Absolutely Pure. Thta n/tn.ilA * ( * > _ . . . _ _ „ . " ' "mojphrBphatepow-Jer Sold Bni.1 New York. , J