IBZLVCTFIFS , PROPRIETOR OF PALACE MUSIC HALL ! Headquarters for the justly Celebrated WEBER PIANOS , now approved and used by afl first-class Artists. WESTER COTTAGE AND BURDETTE ORCANS. Importer and dealer in MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION , such as Violin Guitars , Accordeons , Music Boxes , Italian Strings , Etc. , , Etc. Also a full line of nycTJSio BOOZERS. TTSIO ZBHESTDIEIRSAJSTID SIHIIEIIEJT DVLTTSIO 4 Fancy Goods , Ghildrens' Carriages , Velocipedes , Bycicles , Carts and Wagons. To make room for new stock will sell at EXTRA LOW FIGURES FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS. Good Organs at $50 and upward. Pianos and Organs sold for Cash and on Monthly Payments , Orders solicited Address , J. MUELLER , Council Bluffs , Iowa LANGTRY WAVES Latest styles from the cast , in Linctry Waves and Rovcniblu Lan Frizzes at MRS. , T. J. GOOD'S , 29 Main street , oppoMl o prat < flier. FOUNDRY. WINTHERLIGH BROS. , Are now ready to contract ( or small coatings ol , J + l' ever } ' description In MALLEABLE IRON , GRAY IRON , And any ALLOY OF BRASS. Special attention la called to the ( ct that the metals are me tad In CRUCIBLES which gtcs tbe very best castings , Burning Brands FOR DISTILLERS , BREWERS , PACK ERS , CIGAR and TOBACCO FACTOKIES , Etc , Etc. , As well as Cattle Brands ARE NICELY EXECUTED Works : Corner Sixth street nd Ele\enth aveuue , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. W. R. VAUGHAN. JUSTICE DF THE PEACE. Omaha and Council Bluffs Rrsl Estate & Collection Agency. o Odd Fellow B block , over Savings' iviS-ti COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE CHICAGO , BOCK ISLAND AXD FACinC. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Ext..B20pm Pacific Ex.9:15 : a m Ex and Mall.923 am Ex and Mall.6:55 : pm D. Moines ac.7:15 : a m Dee Molne9ac.4:40 p m CHICAGO , BURLINerOil AND QUINOt. Deport. Arrive. Atlantic Ext..530pm I Pacldo Ex.0:20am Mall and Ex * . .920 a m Mall and Ei * . .7:00 : p m N. Y. Ex 4:00 : p m | Neb & Has Ex..8:20 : a m CHICAGO AND KOETUWR3TKS.N. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Ext..BlBpm : Pacific Ext..9:15am : Mall and Ex'.9:20am : Mall and Ex.6:15 : pm Acoom ( Sat..EJXpm ) Accom. ( Mon..l:45 : p m T , ST. JOB AND ootnicn , BLurre. Depart. Arrive. UaIlandKx..9fi5am : I Express. 6J50 p m Kxjxrexi. . . . .8110 pa ( Mall and E.S'tSpn umon jACTTia. Dsput Arrlra. Overland Xx.1130a. m , OrrrlanlJ x..4:00 : p.m. Llnooln Kx..liaoa. n. Denver Ex..8W a. m , Denver Ex..7:00p. : m. Local Ex 6aOa.m. Local Ex 7:25 : a. m. Ex 9:05 : a. m. Emigrant..520 p. m. Ex r.-oOa.m. wABAfta , sr. LOCU AKD rAoino. Depart. Arrive. > .Holland Ex. . 9:45 : am I Moll and Ex. . 4:30 : pm Gannon Boll. . 4:80 : p m | Cannon Ball..11:05 : a m RIOUI cnr AND rAnno. Depart. rAnno.Arrive. . For Sioux Clty.7 5 a m Frm Sioux C'y.C:50 : p m For Fort Niobrara. Frm Fort Niobrara , Neb" 7:55ara Neb * 6J50pni For Bt. Paul..7:40pm : From St. Paul..8:50 : a in CII10AQO. MILWAUEBH AND 8T. FACU Leave Council Bluffs. Arrit os Council Bluffs. Mall and Ex.0:20am : I Mall and Ex.6:55pm Atlantic Ex.5:15 | : p m | Atlantic Ex..19:10 : a m CHICAGO , MILWAUKKS AND ST. PAUL. Lea > os Omaha. Arm oa at Omaha. Mall and Kx.7l5am : | Paclflc Ex 19:4 : ana Atlantic Ex.3:40 | : p m | Mall and Ex.7-25 p m Except Sundays , t Except Saturdajs. { Except Mondays. ( Dally. Council Blufta & Omaha Street B. R. Leave Council llluffs. Leave Oinalia. 8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , I 8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , 11 a m , I m , 2 p m , 3 p I 11 a m , > pm , 2p m , 3 p m , 4 p m , S p m , 6 p m. | m , 4 p m , 5 p m , 6 p m. Street cars run hall hourly to the Union Padflc Depot. On Sunday the cars bcifln their trips at 9 o clock a. in. , and run reiru'arir during the day at 9,11 , 2 4 , B and 6 o'clock , and run to city time ; I. D. EDMUITDSOM , I. L. SIIUOART , A. W. 8TRIR President. Vlce-Pres't. Cashier. CITIZENS BANK Of Council Bluffs , Organlted tinder the laws of the SUte of Iowa Paid np capital f 75,000 Authorlied caplul ICO.OOC Interest paid on time deposits. Drafts issued on the principal cltlos of the United States and Europe. Special nttentlon given to collccttoci and correspondence with prompt returui. Dinr.crOBS J. D. Eiraund on , K.L. fihurt , J . W. Wallace , J. W. Rodfor , t. * W Ptr "t Hobraska Loan & Trast Companj HASTINGS , NED. Capital Stook , - - S100.000 JAS.B. HEARTWELL , President. A. L. CLARKE , Vlce-l'rcaldcnt. K. \VEBSTEH , Treasurer DIRECTORS. Samuel Alexander Oswald'OUver , A. L. Clarke , E. 0. Wcbater' Oeo. n Pratt , Jos. B. Ileartwell , D. U.McElUlnney. Firat Mortgage Loans a Speoialtj Ibis Company furnishes a permanent , horn Institution where School Bond sand other legall Israed Municipal securltU to Nebraska can b be negotiated on the moit favorable terms Loan * made on Improved farm In all well settle coonUe * of the state through i r jepcnilbU ; loa ( orrecpoajsati. S. E. MAXON , L DEC , O XX X 3s ? 3E1 < 7 W. Offlca over savings bank. OOtJNOU. HLUVFB. i . Iowa. MEB , . J , HILTON , M , D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 582 1i > njulwBw OoTH SHORT LINE OP TOE Milwankee & St , Paul RAILWAY Is now running Ita FAST EXPRESS TRAINS froro OMAHA AND GOUHOIL 'BLUFFS ' wrni Pullman's Magnificent Sleepers -AND THE- Finest Dining Oars in the World. IF YOU ARE GOING EAST TO CHICAGO * MILWAUKEE. Or to anv point beyond ; or * IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH To ST. PAUL OR MINNEAPOLIS Take the BEST ROUTE , tbe Chicago , Milwaukoo&St.PaulR'y Ticket office located In Paxtoi Ilote' , at corner Farnarn anolFourteenth streets and at U. P. De pot and at Mlllard Hotel , Omaha. tySce Time Table In another column. F. A. NASH , General Arent. O. H. FOOTE , Ticket Agent , Omaha. S. B. MEKRILL , A. V. U. CARPENTER , Qenoral Manager. General Pass. Agent. J. T. CLARK , OEO. H. UEAFFORD , General Sup't. Asa't G n nus. Agent Are acknowledged to be the best by all who have pnt them to a.praotical test. ADAPTED TO HARD & SOFT GOAL COEE OE WOOD. MANUFACTURED BY Buck's Stpve Co. , SAINT LOUIS. PIEKCY * b 'BRIDFORD ' , SOLU AQENT3 FOR OMAIIA. MAVEttlOK NATIONAL B4NK. Cor , Water and Conereis Streets. CAPITAL , - - 8400.OOO SURPLUS , - - SiOU.OOU Transacts a general Banking business. He celves tbe accounts of Banks , Bankers ant others. Draws Foreign Exchange am makes Cable Transfers In Europe and Tel egrapblo Transfers of Alone ; throughon the United State * . Buys and sells Gov eminent and other Investment Securities and executes any business for its Corre spondents In tbe line of Banking. ASA P. POTTER , President. J. J. EDDY , Cashier. J. W. WORK , Att't Caihler. mith-mt IOWA IPME3. Centorvillo U ttlklng street railroad. A fire company has been organlted at Spencer. A sorghum sugar factory is propo > od at B Ho Plalne. There It likely tu bo a stvlngs bank started at LeMirn. The machinery has been bought for a iroom factory at Onawa. Tbe elto far a $12OCO school liouie has ieen bought at Mumhalltown. A colony of Germans direct from tte old country have located near Denlton. Tbe Clinton county grand jury has con- dfmned thnjill at DaWltt as unsafe and unhealthy. , Divenport claims 300 new houses and ! 0 0 new Inhabitants within the past wolve months. The government building at Dos Moines i to ba made four stories high and other- wlte bettered $85OJO wortb. The state agr cultural collegn at Ames iiv bought a $100 Jersey calf. Fred Bolt , of BOOUB , was the lucky seller. Tin city engineer of Duhuqua s ys that 'ewers on tbe Warring system can be put in for $1 to $1.25 per lineal foot. Tbe Ottumwa police ore arresting men and boys who get on and i tl moving traios , It Is proposed to break up the practice. The city library building at Creston will cost about $15,000. Toe Burlington rail road company assists the city to put up the edIGce. An elevator with a capacity of a quarter if a million bushels U to be built at Uur- llngton. It will load grain directly on to Mississippi barges The big grist mill at Independence , the best in the state wben it was built , has been fitted up with new machinery and started up again. Not only the signal servlco office but the Internal revenue office at Davenport is to be abolished. The democrat of that city wants to know if the poitoffice aho Is to be taken. The administrator of the estate of Biihop Lee brings suit against Griiwold college to enforce a claim for $10,000 , money advanced by the biibop to the col lege , "iho court * a lien. It his been decided to remove all femilo prisoners from the Fort Madison peniten tiary to Anamosa , and the first Install ment of three were taken there by Chief Clerk Kutterfield this morning. The Hudson 1'reis manufacturing com pany of Fort 'Uodgn his sent a man to Chicago t' > buy machinery. A site for tbe works will be bought , and contracts let for the buildings at once. A firm in Dei Moines sought to get out an injunction restraining the telephone oompauy from putting up a pole in front of their place of buslneis. The circuit court declined to grant tbe injunction , Creston's saloon license Is SIGOO , Ottum. wft $1,000 , Oikalooi * $000 , Burlington $100 , Stoux City $300 , Keoknk $300 , Cedai Uapids $250 , Davenport $200 Council Bluff * $500 Maracgo $180 , Dubuque $75 , and Marshalltowa nothing. llock Rapids needs a tow mill , a paper mill , a fire department , a liberal club or- ganizUlon , a brickyard , a coal mine , an nrUsIan well for invalids , a pub.Io ball , marble works , etc. , and by yon pale moon she will have them , too. Tbe Dubuque Motor company has been reorganized , and promises a vigorous cam. palgD. This is the company tint built n railway from Dubuque to the bluffs back of the nuslne < s p&rt f the town , tbe same to be operated by dummy engines. Vhe German Methodists of LeMars wor ship in the second story of a building , During tbe services. last Sunday evening th : fhflh of a i rairie fire outside raised the alarm of fire , and only tbo prompt action of a few cool-headed worshipers preyentsd a disastrous panic. The Wall Like ma thai arrested some boys who were fighting. The mother ol one of tbe youngsters and an attorney In tercepted the marshal and his prisoners en route t < the ogoler. The attorney wai so emphatic In his a guments of a hat e s cor- pjis motion that the marshal conducted him before the mayor to answer of carrying concealed weapons. A syndicate of tbe Cedar fUplds capi talists nan bought an interest in the Golden Summit mine in the B'ack ' Hills. The mice Is stocked for $2,000,000. The He- publican of that town says : ' 'The shares were put on the market at CO cents each , with a prospect of being brought to par value within a year. " Hon. John N. DIzon , of New Sharon , Mahanka county , says that 10.COO aiiplo trees in his orchard have been killed. Only the Willow Twig variety lived through This ho nay , was occasioned by the warm , wet rpell last fill , which started tbo sip in October , and which WAS frezon between the wood and bark early In December. Mr , Dlznn rays he has vleited several ol the lent orchard * in tbo ntatc , Dnd found them in the tame deplorable condition. Dr. ShattucU , a clairnvoyant of Inde pendence , was consulted by a Jtsup mm nbout soriio money which the latter had lost. The doctor dperilled the ponon who stole the money. Tha description fitto't o girl who was inspected of the theft. The man wbo consulted told what tbo claira. voyant said , nnd the girl brought suit foi elacder. On trial evidence of the clalra < yoyant'a power was tuled out. and the girl got a verdict for damages. The law doe ! not roc3gntz3 the occult science. From Denver to Salt Lake. ' Denver Tribune. About eighteen months ago the Denver & Rio Qrandb purchased the Utah & Pleasant Valley road , a smal Una of only 108 miles , and of whlol only 83 mllea wore available for th < purposes of a through lino. It rani from Salt Lake Oily In a soathoutorl ; direction to Ploaeant Valley , noa which are located valuable coal mines The work of construction from Gun- rJaou Oily to Pleasant Valloy. which hai received the name of the Utah i > x- toaslon , has occupied about nine m mths. The dlstauco fromQannleon City to Silt L ko Is 4-iti miles , but as & ! mlles of the Pleasant Valley road wore used , there remained 1)03 ) miles tor construction. This has been ac complished in the face of great dlfll cullies. All the troubles of construc tion through an unsettled country wore mot , m a matter of coursa. The heaviest work was In OOINO TlinOUOII TUB BLACK CANYON on tho'Qannison rlrer , west of Gun- uison City. Tills rook-bound chasm is wilder , more plcturetqoo nud grander than even the Grand Canyon. Too cliffs are fully ni higb , but thilr tides era broken into narrow ahulvcs , where shrubs , trees and ollaelng vines have formed a foothold. In many places mlniaturo cataracts leap from dizzy heights into the sea gioon waters of the river , or , broken by projecting edges , roach the bottom of the canyon n silvery tpray. Hero a nolitnry pin- uaolo tears upward like a delicately- formed cathedral tower , and again the nclonloK walla hug th > road for mllun .a unbroken matses. Tao ojntour of the PALISAUKS ON TUB HUDHOK s almost reproduced hero. Half way through the canyon the Gannison turns into a atill deeper gorge to the right , and the road continues by the side of Olmarron creek , which leads to where the cliffs are more rugged still , and whoso aides are filled with clinging vines and stunted plnoi and cedars. Tae region becomes darker and gloomier , whllo the creek flaws over Its rooky bed and among pranlto bowldora with a rumble that fills the gorge with deafening echoes. The natural difficulties in the way of construction wore lighter there after. The Cidar Divide Is crossed by a series of'steep grades , and thence the line dei ojnds to Montrose , In the Uucomoabgre Valley , the richest part of the Ute Reservation. The Ouray oztonslon will be built from this point , Following the Uncompabgro , aftei leaving Montrose , the road traversal a valley tilled with rich f Arm land tc Dalta. Hero again the Gunnisor Rlvor is encountered , and the roac follows it through Ita yellow llnoc canyon to Grand Junction , the < x tromo western city of the State , bull1 at the head of Grand Valley. A wldi neck of land runs westward from i1 between two long lines of cliff ) , anc watered by the River Grand , la cap able of producing EVEUY VAHIETY OK FKUIT AND OEUEAI , Tno valley Is as level as a floor , the climate is exceptionally fine nnd thi vlow of distant mountain range la ono of the finest which any part o the State affords. " " "After Grand Junction the railron < enters upon a. veritable desert. Low treeless , dry and neglected wtstra extend tend before ono for nearly 150 miles The traveler is on an iul&ndaaawhfri the winds have formed billows of sane and the earth is caked by the .heat ol summer. Under the iffects of irriga tion much of it will bo reclaimed Finally Green river , a broad , elugciel stream , is reached and crossed. Tat maximum grade from Grand Junction to here is 5 82 feet to the mile. Tarn ing now to the northwest the road ap preaches the Waaatch mountains , Soon Price river Is crossed , a trlbutarj to tbe Green , and later Castle vallej is entered , where there is more vegetation tation found. At its extreme end and reached after long twlstlngs and turnings among the foothills of the raugo , stands Castle Gate , loadingIntc the very HEART OF THE WAHATCll mountains , and formed by two Immense < monso tnwora of red sandstone which have a sheer descent of nearly f > 0 ( foot , and are several offshoots from tin ollffj behind thorn. They are so close to each other as barely to allow tlu passage of the read and the atrcain Onoo through the narrow way , ant cliinblnt * the steep gradca of Pric < Rlvor Canyon , the road follown firm ono otroniu and then another , and ul the -nhllo there nra unbroken foroatn vari-coiorcd rocka , olcur watora , groci meadows , tangled bruoh and vhtas o distant , snowy peaks. At Solillci divide , on the very top of the range the road takes its oaglo-llko plunge down the western slope , and nfto emerging from the various gorgoa on oonntorod , enters Utah Valley and i almost WITHIN SIGHT OF HALT LAKE CITY. The view from this side of the rang is ono of Incomparable loveliness Eastward are the high peaks which th traveler has just crossed , and whos grandeur is now more thanevorbefor apparent. At one's feet lies Utal basin , and beyond it , to the north.Sal Like valley , girded by high mount alns. As far as the eye can see then are rich meadows. Towns nestle In th midst c f grocn groves , the Rlvor Jor- an is displayed its ontlro length , and holnko llsolf , with mountains rising torn tto very shores rt Hoots la the iloar depth the flttccy clouds , the tree- iv.orcd slants nud the distant peaks > t snow. Everything Is fresh , green , oft nnd boautiful. Cattle food in the valleys , thcro are waving Gelds of ; oldi'ii produce , and the Waaatch ango on thn onst and the Oqoirrh on ho west send forth tall spires which are capped with whlto , or have their Ides covered with plnos , maples , ash lud willows. By the sides of the lake lands Pro vo , WATEUINO 1'LAC'K A FAV01UTE , md ono with many attractions. At Jlngham Junction brAnoh.es of the road extend to Alta nud Blnghsmtwo mportant mining towns of the torrl- ory , but the main Hue continues up the vnlloy and soon reaches the famous tlormon molropolii. of packages of the Diamond mend dyes have been sold without a single complaint Everywhere they are the favorite Dyes. AMERICA'S TALLEST MAN. A Tcxaa Knrmor Who Stands Nearly BUht Foot algh In Mo. 1G Dootu. White O.k Letter In the New Orletni Deroooat. Being nt the house of Mr. Franklin , in Titus county , mention was made of the Texas giant , and I learned that ho was a near neighbor of my host. Mr. F. kindly consented to accompany mete to his house. After entering I observ ed windows as well as doors were as low or lower than usual , but the loft was qnlto high , being laid cross- wlso with the floor , the ends of the planks resting upon the sldo plates of the room and two joists , which rested on the end plates , the house having the gables weather- boarded The plant sat smoking his pipe. Whllo I ruminated on the mode of approaching him I took notice that ho did not appear very tall as ho sat , yet my friend , who sat next to him , a man of usual height , seemed only as a half-grown boy. Pencil in hand , I said to him : "Mr. Ftanklln said you would be willing to glvo m < items of interest in regard to yonrsoll in which the public will take an inter- "Oh , certainly ; I was born in South Carolina , Greenville district , May C , 1830. My father rmovud to Mis souri , Morgan county , in 1833 In 1850 1 wont to California by the over land route. I returned from Califor nia by water - Ohngros io Now Orloani on the Falcon. From Now Orleans ] returned to Mlsoouri and was busy farming mostly till the war broke out. March 8 , 1853 , I married Mlas Mary T. Thurston , oiy first cousin , bho has berne mo fourchildren , all boys. Only one i living Ono lived to bo over U I. Ho was C feet. 7 inahrs high. My father wasooly ( ! fofl t ! inches. Mother was. a little over average height. My father wns twice married. 11 In fifteen children were ton boys and five girls. Tno boys were all ever 0 feet. I had ono cousin who was 0 foot G Inches. " "What number Is your bool ? " I In- quired. "It is a 15 ; my foot Is 13 Inches long end 1 wear u No , 15 " "WhabMzoia your hut ? ' ' "It Is 7i " "I have been measured , "ho replied , 7 foot 7 $ Inches tn ordinary boots. " A friend to the rich and poor. A mediclno that strengthens and heals , is Brown's Iron Bitters. Xba Doctor's ) Endorsement- Dr. W. D. Wrlfiht , Clnclnnttl. O. , sends the subjoined profeulnnnl eudorie. ment : "I huve proicrlhod DR. WM. HALL'S HAL3AM FOH TIIK LUNGS in n great tiumhea cf cases and always with success , Oae caeo In partlcuhr wan given un by saveral [ ihyalcliun who hod L > c n called In for consultation with my o'.f. ' Tno patient had all the symptnini of csnfirm'd oonqumptlun cold night sweats , hectic favor , harastln , ; cough , etc , lie commenced Imm dUtoly to got hotter nnd was soon ro < t"rml 1" hit unmt hoiltli. lalsi Inund Bit WM HALL'S UAL- S'XII FOH Till : LUNU8 the moat vulu- able cxpoctorunt fur hroi'dui ; up distress- IDX cauuhd nud coUt ) thU I imyo ever utod" SLdweodlw "V1"- > , t/ > l Amenta lor tbo Life , Tlmei , VAlUCa nj Tronolioroni DwUTruNnYHi9wiFK. JOSBO JamOS. ho nuly IKoauthoilzod by her and which will not bo "lllood and Thunder" story , such u liu been and will bo | > u1 lleheil , but a trua life by the only person wbo Is In poucwlon ot the ( acts * faithful and devntod wife. Truth Is moro liter. rstlng than flstlon , A k-enta should apply 01 ter ritory at once. Oo 7G cts. for Sample book , J Chamber * & OoV WANJED. 100,000 POUNDS OF Xt.tm.Gt-E * Ax ZiXXlOC' sOC Highest Oisb Pilot paid. Shipment * ( rom country 111 be paid for by return mail. K. WOTZSCO. , ISmkt-lm 1119 DougUi Ltre nejolc.e , rejoice , "He Is alive Again , " "Was Lost , but It Found. " Under date of July U , 1882 , Mr , 12. B iriglit of Wlndnor Locks Conn * , writes n , ilaln modest narrative , which , from Its very simplicity , has the true ring of fine gold. Ho stir * : "My father Is uslni ; Hunt's Hemody and scorns to bo improving , in f.ct , ho isery much bettor tliau ho has bcuu for n lone Imo. Ho had been tapped tbrco times. The tirst time they fet from him sixteen quarts of water , the second time thirteen Itmts , and fully as much moro the third line , and ho would constantly fill up again every time after ho had boon tapped , until 10 commenced using Hunt's Ilomcdy , which acted llko magic in hit casp , as ho } egun to Improve at once , ani now his watery accumulation passoi away through .ho rccretions naturally , and ho has none of ; hnt swelling or filling up which was sq frequent - quent before the functions of the kidneys were restored by the use of Hunt's Ilom cdy. Ho fj n' well-known citizen of this l > lace and has always been in buslneis here , " Again ho writes , Nov. U7 , 1882 , - "I beg most cheerfully and truthfully testate state , in regard to Hunt's Ilcmedy , that Its use wai the saving of my father's life. I spoke tu you In my previous loiter in re gard to his being tapped tbrco times , is the moat remarkable pane that bas ever been heard of In this section. Far n man of his Bf o ( sixty years ) it is a most remark able cure He bad been unable to attend to his bntincss more than a jear , and was given up by the doctors , "The first bottle of Hunt's Kemody that he use 1 gave Instant relief. Ho has used lo all seven bottle' , and continues to use It whenever he feels drowsy or sluggish , and it affords Instant relief. He Is now atten ding to bis regular business , and hss been several months. I am perfectly willing that you should publish this letter , as we thoroughly bellrve that father's life was saved by using Hunt's Uemedy ; and these facts given above may ba a benefit to oth ers suffering In likn manner from diseases or inaction of the Kidneys and Liver. " People exobsmga loolal greetings , cnuvivialty is uromoted by a gloss of "Hub Punch. " This admirably prepared punch , impromptu , Is delightful either with water or lemonade. Keplenlsh your sideboard with it. PERSONAIi "Parts ol the huTan body enlarged , developed and strengthened , " etoli an Interesting kdiertsemont long run In out piper. In reply to inqu'rlos ' we will say that thcro no evidence f ! humbug about this On the contrary , the advertisers arv very highly In dorsed Interes'od persons nay get sealed cir culars giving all particulars , giving all particu lar ! ! , by addressing ; Krla Medical Co. , P. O. Itoi 613 , Duflalo , H. Y. Toledo lflni { Bee. nll-lr DR. WHITTIER. S17 Bt. CIutrlcM Bt. ST. LOUIS Mo A REGULAR GRADUATE of two medlca oollrgesbas been longer engaged In the treat men ? of CHRONIC , NERVOUS. SKIN AND DLOOD Diseases than any other physician In Bt Louis as city papers show and all old resident ! know. Consultation free and Invited. When II I * Inconvenient to vlnlt the city for treatment , medicines can be sent by mall or eiprcn every , where. Curable cases fcuarnntood ; wuoro doabl exist * It lo frankly stated. Call or wiltt. Nervous prostration , Debility , Mental and Physical Weaknoan , Mercurial anil other affoctlonu of Throat , Slcln and Bones Ulood Impurltlca anil Blood Potaonlm ; , akin AUeotionn , Old Bores i > nd Ulcer * , ImpodlmeuU to Marriage ) , Rheumatism , I'llca. Special ntteutlon tu casea ( toic over-worked brain. SUHUIOAL OASKH reoolvc epoclal attention. Ulscanea nrltln from Impru'lcnoo. EICOSBOB , Indultfuncu 200 pages thTwhoi MAEBIA&E" well told. Man ) receipts ; who may mat ry , who may not , why , causoa , consequencti and cure. Sealed for 25a pottaee or stamps. a 22Uwlt BTAULiaUKl ) IB&il. SIDKHIMUS ! AiTACIIMKNT-NOT PATENS ED. A. J. SJMPSON. LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY U09 and 1411 Dodio ttro ! < ) l. nng 1-mn lim OMAHA. Nun Genius- Rewarded , on , The Stnry oT tun Sawing Maclilr t Alhandioms llttlo pimphtet , blue anl goli ca > or wltn numoioui eogravlngs , will bo GIVEN AWAY to aiy adult person calling for It. at any braic or sub-otllco ol the Hlngor Manufactur ng Con panyor will be sent by mall , poit-pald. to an , penon IMou at a d itanct from our office. The Singer Manufacturing Oo. , Principal Office , 84 Union Square NEW YORK , H CURES SCROFULA , do. SORES , do. ULCERS , do. BOILS , do. ERUPTIONS , do. CATARRH , do. ECZEMA , do. RHEUMATISM , do. SKIN DISEASES , do. BLOOD DISEASES , SWIFT'S SPECIFIC REMOVES ALL TAINT , HEREDITARY OH O7HF.nWI.SK. SWIFT'S SPECIFIC IS THE UltGATliLOODREUEDT OP THE AQR. iViltalcr fu'l patt'cu'ar , and little li-ok "Mc - MfC * to the Unfortunate Suffering. " tfl.81.OOU R ward will ha paid to any Hicmlst who Will find , on analysis of 100 bottlw 18. 8. B. , ono particle of Mercury , lodlda ot Vamlum , or other Mineral mbaUnce. SWI1T PFXJIFIO CO. , Proprietor * , Atlanta. Qv 'rlw of Small BUe , „ . „ f lot ) Slie , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.78 SOLD 11Y ALL DRUQQiaTS. imr duties I TP | ( | nltflit work , la rev- Jllm'il nt Mift us * to rr braK nr rv * at Hop BittMlK InaM * 'Jit H r/Nnc Ifi.u r ynn aiir I euITM ti .rtiL u * .v I turn i It TOUU ; i r- rlfl ol toKlft , old ui i route , uffrrlctca IMxirlwaltn or U-iuul ; li [ Inir 3J t. b J ? < bu n M , iflj oo Hop 1 Bitten. . , HlOUJUlJ _ AD- t h nnvcr J ou ( eel I miKllj frusn 100 * that your ij tcm . ' ' ( form .it K lo * \J 'je ! % claiuirit.tor ' tenlirnenled' .lit * Of itlmulnUnK , > ? tlmolr 'Jio' " ' ' ' ? ? . { Hcp5n ! r ( Pit . . DM. O 1 * ' a Atxclnte Mm , ( ii I anA IrrMlrt * iitth o bio cure (01 , HOP Hood rnuvfa. dructtnnasi. I Hvtr of iutv * ati o' opium , You will be tftbaoeo , if cured If you use narostlo * . Hop Bltt r jfYoa * fim rf weak anil ftnti. Bau NEVER Ctrcclu- . row r > lriUdtrj .Iti It may OFBITTMC avs. your FAIL life. It hnk overt hurt * dred , DOCTOR BTEINHARm SUPPOSITORIES I Zhe Great Popular llcmoJy ( or Pile * . Jnrooure for Blind , IJloedlng&ItchlngP And all forms of Hemorrholdal Tumors. These SDPPOSITORIIUI act directly upon th * coats of the Blood Vessels , and by their astringent effocta gently force tha blood from the swollen tumors , and uy making the coats of the vein * ) strong , prevent their refilling , and hence a radi cal cure Is sure to follow their use. Price , 78 conUaboi. For sale by all druggists , or sent b ; mall on receipt of price , by En llili M In.titnte TI8 6liv fitSt Mo- DOCTOR BTEINHARTV ESSENCE OF LIFE. FOR OLD AND YOUNO , MALB AND FIXALI. It Is a sure , prompt and effectual rcmeds or digestion. Dyspeptla , Intermittent Fevers. Waal of Appetite , Nervous Debility In all ItsSUget rVeak Memory , Loss of Brain Power , Prostration , Weakness and general Loss of Power. It repaln nervous waste , rejuvenates the faded Intellect , itrenohthens the enfeebled brain and restores surprising tone and vigor to the exhausted 01- rans. The experience of thousands proves It to bean Invaluable remedy. Price , Jt.oo a bottle , or six or 15. For sale by all druggltta , or lent secure from observation on receipt ot prfce bj Dr. Stolnhn.P. . O. Box 2460 Bt- LoaU.Mo- PALLET & HOES , I Western Agenta , Lafayette , Indiana. HEELS FOR Rubber Boots and Boots and Shoes OF ALL KINDS. The center pieces ara Interchangeable and re versible. It prevents the counter from runoloc OYO > , requiring no heel stlffeners. The Agency ( or these goods In this town ha. boenplti t-rw Others cannot procure them. Calltnd ix&mlne a full line of Leather ami , , Candte" Rubber Boots and Bh-ws with the Bo , enlblelleel. MllB. M. VKTEbBOrJ , 81-3m LouisrUle , Neb.