Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1883, Image 1

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The Discoveries of a Day Ter
rify Both Quelph aufl
Romanoff ,
The Nihilists of Two Nations
Actively Arranging Mon-
archlal Wrecks.
An Irish Dynamite Factory
Discovered aud Broken Dp
in Birmingham.
Four Expert Ruin Breodwrs
Captured in the Midas ot
Their Liquids.
The Crafty . raokstnen Thor-
ough Scholars in the Dee -
e true live Arts.
The People Greatly Alarmed
by the Enormity of tne
Disclosure ? .
The Budget ot Britain Pre
sented to Parliament aud
Properly Oheerec.
The Dregs of Nations Enaug-
urate War on the Banks of
the Isthumua Canal.
Ten Million Dollars Worth of
Property Consumed by
Fire in luique.
The Uncrowned Cair Perplexed
by the Possibility of Sud
den Death.
The NihllilB Determined to "Eolc-
vnto" Him on Corona
tion. Dav
The Irlah Invlnclblea and the Infor-
mere of Dublin.
Ipe lal Dlepatchis to OIIK OUR , >
LONDON , April -Tho excltln ?
events of the day crowded each ;
so fist that their Importance
could scarcely bo realized until the
latter hours of ni ht admitted a com
plete summing up. The surprises in
clude the unearthing of tour rum
breeders in London and one in Blrrn
Ingham ; the attempt on the govern
ment magaz'no ' at Ireland ; the rese -
tlon of an incendiary letter In London ,
and discovery cf an astounding and
audacious scheme of the nihlists to
blaw np the czar'a residence in Moa-
cow. The excitement over these affairs
was not confined to the government
officers bul waa apparent on the street
to even the most ousnal otaemr.
The prompt action of the government
officers is highly commended. The
postoftico and neighboring government
property was placed under increased
guard , and the royal residences at
Windsor given a large force of senti
nels , sent thither in a private manner.
This precaution was made neces
sary becitae vtho government
, -v.cuicorjvioarnod late last night that in
> co"nneotlon with the discovery of the ,
dynamite factory In Birmingham some
conspirators wore already ou the way
to Windsor from Birmingham. It Is
slated in official circles that there is t
reason to bellevo that the whole In
cendiary and dynamite conspiracy
here and in America will now be laid
bare and the number of arrests ahortly
Increased. ;
The man first arrested last night
near Fleet street had engaged rooms
on Southampton street , corner of
Strand , giving his name cs Ormund
and stating that he WAS a medical
student. Subsequently ho said his
correct name was Norman. The first
inquiry for rooms was made by au
elderly man. A box of explosives
waa taken to Norman's lodging by
a person of rakish appear
ance , who looked more like
a tramp or street Idler
than a porter of friend of the student.
It is believed this Individual and the
elderly man have been captured in the
person of two men arrested at Lam
beth. One of these men had in his
pockets and Bowed np in his clothing a
large sum cf money , a portion which
was in American ooins. Street rumor
made Irao nan of American's name
and connected many Itlsh-Auierlcnn's
with the plot. Ono of the Lambeth
soncrs had secured lodgings iu the
name of Wilson. His movements ex
cited ao much suspicion among his
neighbors that ho left his room yester
day saying it was his Intention to go
to Wolrorhampton. When ho return
ed at noon to-day ho was surprised to
find six detectives awaiting him.
Norman undoubtedly cnmo dlrocl
from Birmingham. Where ho was
stopping WOE jast over the cilico where
la printed the Court Glrcu'ar. ' The
proprietor of that aheot recently ro
celvod letters containing dlro throats ,
the origin of which ho has now no
difficulty In tracing to the prisoner.
The fourth crrest was Henry Dal
ton , taken Into custody to-night. Ho
came from the United States two
weeks ago. Ho waa found at thi
rooms of the American exchange. Hi
made no rocistanoe. Dalton waa
placed in jail at Scotland Yards
There was no less sensation in the
commons when the arrest wore an
nonnced than elsewhere. Sir Wm
Harcourt , homo secretary , in a brie
speech outlining the facts , confirmee
what had np to thla tlmo had been
merely rumor , that Norman had been
arrested. He added , ono bun
dred and fifty pounds of high
IF oxplo _ pJU'jiJ,01/ | /
Norman a quarto. . . . i
devised rubber bags. Uo m u . i
firmed the discover ? of n dynamite
manufactory in Birmingham and gave
particulars of the atTatr substantially as
related In those dispatches. He eatd
further a cornlderablo amount of the
same kind of explosives bad beeu dls
covered lo the rooms of the Lambath
prisoner , and a part of the money on
ono of thrso men was In American
bank notoi. That there was a con
nootlon bet Teen the arrests at Bir
mingham and London In shown by
the incident jaat como to light.
The homo "uorotary during Uio afternoon
tornoon sent a dispatch to Birming
ham asking the authorities to louiand
Whltoheaa for a week. The same
action will bo taken bora under the
sauio directions in the ca o of Nir
man. The magistrate at B iw stree
waited until late in the afternoon to
Instructions in regard to Norman one
i s two Litnboth nocompllcoa , oat
iiially receiving a telegram from ihe
lomu secretary announced no
formal charge would bo brought
against ' the three prisoners to-day
They were accordingly remanded.
It is learned that the promises in
LisdBnm street were taken two mouths
ago | i by a man named Whitehead , nn
Irish American , who had a sign hung
> ut in front of the place indicating his
) ualnosj , that of paper-hanger. White-
lead himself was taken into custody
when the 'police made the descent on
tln ; ho don , and Is no v in close confine
ment. A considerable quantity o !
nitro-glycerino was ( seized by the offi
cers at the same time. Information
now in the hands of the detective
ends to demonstrate that this place
Is the central manufactory of explo
sives and the most Important depot of
all infernal ointrivanoes in the king
dom. Whltehoad , who la described
aa a man about 25 years of ago , dark
complexion , and with marked Ameri
can accent. Ho haa been in the habit
) f purchasing supplies of nitro-glycer-
no and acids which are necessary to
run his business ,
The chemists at Woolwich are on-
; aged in an examination of the mate-
lal. The police regard the arrest as a
most Impprtant one. This la cvi-
denod by the fact that slnco it was
nade , precautionary meaanrcs have
> eeu renewed. Eipecial attention is
tow being given to the protection of
mlldings In which are located the
offiscs of the ministry and all public
fficlals. Extra sentinels arc posted
at Windsor cwtlo and the postcftijo.
'olicjruen and detectives are keeping
close watch on suspicious localities.
ound in Norman's quarters contained
ittro glycerine in euQiclont quantity
o bljvv up any town in the klugdom.
Iho police believe Norm&n was on-
aged In a plan to cany out the dyua-
uite doctrinen which uro particularly
ostered by O'Donavon Rosaa. Henry
j alton is n man cf shore
tatnro and pock-marked. Ho was
n occasional caller at Bowies'
American reading room , 14 Strand ,
'his arrest .was elicited owing to In-
ormatlon derived from papers fcund
in other prisoners. It is believed by
he authorities that Dillon is an orals-
ary of the dynamite faction in Amer-
oa. The man arreated with Wilson
at Lambath la named Gallagher. The
lapess found upon him prove his con
nection with Whitehead. Woolwich
uthoritiea pronounce the compound
ound at Limboth nltro-glyoerine and
dentlcal with that found in Norman's
quarters. Gallagher's portmanteau
was pa'oked with explosives.
Dillon is suspected of balng the
perpetrator of the outrages in theoffico
if toe local Government board , West
minster. The prisoners were not or-
algnod , because In view of the docu
ments seized , the police have decided
o make other arrests , which they
t ought might bo frustrated If the
evidence In their possession was made
inblic. Norman detorlbea himself as
coachman , Wilson claims to bo
clerk , a Gallagher a physician.
POLICE auproemoNB.
The police believe the Birmingham
aotory one of a aeries which exists in
roat towns. Evidence Is accnmulat-
ng that the persons arrested are con
nected with the luvlnclbles. Dyna
mite mod in the Westminister explo
sion was undoubtedly made at one of
the factories of the society. Nor
man's boxes wore barred ou thooateldo
with wood for the better prottctlon of
the contents and fitted with handles.
After the contents had been tested at
Woolwich , the b x was taken to
the inijjazino at Plumstoad
marshes , where It will bo kept
n .water until the tfthlals can
lafely disposed oi the commits. It is
bellovod the name Whltehoad iu an
alias r.nd that the police know the
proper name , but wioh to keep it DO-
sret for the present. Thousands vis
ited the house In Ljclsani street dar
ing the day. The Block in the home
consisted of fourteen carboys holding
ten gallons each o ! sulphuric and
nitrio acid , a great nnmbsr cf caua of
glycerine and mixed scida , ten gallons
of nitro-glycerino , a cooling machine ,
hydrometers and a variety of chemical
appliance * .
It is believed the government in
tends to introduce bill In accordance
with Hnroonrt's opinion , expressed in
the commons , that the present state
of law in regard to the possession of
explosives Is unsatisfactory.
BIUMINOHAM , April 4 The city
police have made a raid upon the
suspected localities in Latsam street ,
Lidywood , and discovered a Fiiulau
nitro-glycerino factory in full opera
BIRMINGHAM , April B. In accord
ance with the request of the homo
office , Whitehead was remanded for a
week , The cnargo agalnat him is
having In his possession explosive
compounds and material In violation
of law. At the examination evidence
waa given showing the police detec
tives had followed Norman , who was
arrested In London , fromWhltehead's
honso to. this city. Ho took away
from Whltehoad a box. Among other
material seized at the paper banger's
were eight gallons of mysterous liquid
In tint , some sulphuric acid , and
quantity of nitroglycerine. The pris
oner when arraigned Dusnmoil au air
of indifference and also refused to
answer questions.
The apparatus for preparing and
mixing the explosive compound were
constructed on scientific principles ,
and with all the cunning and CM ft
which clearly showed KB Inventor to
bo not only a thorough scholar iu
chemistry and machinery , bat also an
adept lor expedients for avoiding no
toriety and preventing discovery.
Among the noteworthy features of the
factory waa a shromllydovisnd method
fur c my ing the fumon up the chimney
and consuming the cdor * .
LONDON , April 5. There is renew
ed excitement in government clrc'ia
this afternoon because of a report
which COUIDS irom Newry , Irolond ,
where are oltuitcd largo government
infantry barracks , that a aoutinol
standing guard ovtr the powder mag
azine , last night , challenged n man who
waa discovered scaling the wall , The
sentry fired a ahot and gave the
alarm. The search for the Intruder
waa fruitless , but the guard was
doubled and orders Issued to take
every precaution to prevent a surprise.
LONDON , Aptil 5. A semi-weekly
newspaper called the City Press'in an
edition published yesterday evening
announced it had received a letter
without any signature , wherein the
writer threatened to blow up the gov
ernment office * . The affair was refer
red to the police and late laat night
detectives assisted by members of the
Irish secret service succeeded In ar
resting a man who had possession of a
quantity of stuff supposed to bo dyna
mite. The arrest caused a decided
sensation. The detectives had fol
lowed the prisoner from Manchester
as he appeared a suspicions character
and when the letter appeared he was
at once arrested , being then In the
vicinity of Fleet street. He la now at
the Bow street prison to await the re
port of army officials.
LONDON , April 5 The Irish police
tare have made two further arrests in
the suburbs of Lambeth in cinmction
with the man arrested last night. The
latter is now said to bo an American.
Noarjy half a ton of uitro glycerine
bos been seized in London already.
Special Dispatches to TUB USB.
DUBLIN , April C At the trial of
; ho nrlioncra charged with the Phcu
nix Park murder the photograph of
a man named Tyiian , recently alluded
; o by the name cf "Tynor , " will bo
jroducsd. Thin photograph h&a beau
dentiu'ed by James Carey , the In-
: ormor , aud three others as that of
"No 1 " It la stated B portion of
; ho mouey with which Tynnn was on-
.rutted tor distribution can bo be
raced to the invinclblea. The gov
ernment is in possession of en affidavit
to the effect that Tynan and "No. 1"
are Identical. The crown solicitor
wll ! strongly oppose the request to bo
made by the accused for the postpone
ment of the trial. Peter Carey ,
> roth r of James , was accepted aa an
.Evidence will bo adduced showing
that' 'the Dublin directorate consisted
of Tynan , known aa "No. 1 ; " James
Mnllett , known aa "No. 2 ; " James
Gurry , "Na. 3 ; " Daniel Carley , "No.
4. " and Edward McOoffery , "No. 5. "
Damson , lord mayor of Dublin , la
orming n national committee to raise
b fund to present to Purnell. The
committee is composed of bishops ,
) rlcats , members of parliament ,
nayors and other officers. The fund
roaches 800.
It has been definitely decided that
neither FamoU nor any other member
of the Irish parliamentary party will
attend the convention In Philadelphia ,
Special Dls. atchea to Tin BM.
LONDON , April G The remains of
Prof Palmer , who wna murdered , with
his cimpanlons , by Bedouins In No *
Vembor last , npar Oalro , waa bnrrlod
to-day in St. Paul's cathedral.
Bettlnc on the city and suburban
handicap ia eleven to one ogilnat
Koone'a Foxball , twenty to ono
against lorlllurd'a Sachem , nnd twenty-
two to 0110 atgalnst Pacaaic.
LONDON , April 5 In the commons
Ohildera , choucclior of the exchequer ,
explained the budgnt of the financial
year ending March 31. Total revenue
of the year , ' 80-004,003. This PX-
ceoded the vuiimato by 1 0 < MCOD , ,
The cxpeiieca of ths war in E ypt , in
cluding the amount contributed to defray
fray the eont of the Indian contingent ,
3,890,000 Thpro fell to thoprcBuot
administration of ( ho t/uvirnnnmt an
inhoritancocf 7.850,003 warcharges
which had boon paid out of the taxes
i f 10 900,000 frr war charter. He
had no arrears whatever to report , on
account of war iixpmdlturoa Incurred
by the present government. For the
coming year ho natlrnntnd thn oxpon-
ditares to be 85,789 000. National
dobtrcdno imttiopastyfar 7 1CO.OOO.
Ho oxpuutod to make a further nidus-
tion this year of about 8.000,000 nnd
expected to sac the dob' roduand the
nexl20yeaT by 172,000,000 Ho
proposed the tax on railway earnings ,
where the fares wore very amall in
amount , bo abolished ; that provision
bo made looking toward reduction of
the rate for telegrams sent anywhere
inland to six ponce each , that throe
hilf ponce of the Income tax bo ro
moved. Thin last measure would ac
cording to the speaker's estimates , ro-
duoa the rovonno of the government ,
2,135,000. This is the first report
ol the now chancellor. It was received
with much fever and at ita conclusion
was loudly cheered ,
LONDON , April G. The weekly
statement of the bank of England
shows a decrease of bullion of 378 ,
000. The proportion of the bank ta-
servo to the liabilities ls31J percent ,
LONDON , April 4 The Qaeon took
a drive to-day.
SpecU' IKjpatch to Tui lln.
ST. PETBHHBUUO , April f > . Davol
opmonts of the utmost Importance
are expected in connection with the
forthcoming great trial cf nihilist
In this city. Originally It waa be
lieved that this trial would bo the
last of the kind on the Hat. The
recent arrests , however , made other
nihilists trial ; probable , and It ii the
present Intention to arraign the
newly discovered plotters either be
fore the coronation of the czar or di
rectly after. The accused have , with
three exceptions , already pleaded
guilty of belonging to a party which
they assort la in fact as well aa In
name "Tho will of the People. "
Sr PETEKSBUHO , April u. It la
semi-cfficlally announced that there la
not the slightest warrant for the report
of a largo mine being discovered cot -
noctiug with Kremltu pnlaco. The
local chief of police , and nil others
who contributed to the comfort of the
crows of the Jeannette * and llgcra
las boon decorated by the czar.
Bpcclal.Dltpatch to Tun b .
PANAMA , M roh 27. Severe and
continuous rioting has taken place
along the line of the canal works , or-
nlnatlug in race hatred between Jam-
means and Carthoganlans. Some
, wonty of the fdrmer have boon mas
sacred , and the governments finds It
self unable to restore order. Arms
are being Indisoritnauatelp purchased ,
nnd aa no work is going on and about
3,000 men are drinking freely , serious
trouble is anticipated in the Isthmus ,
which is being rapidlv overrun by the
dregs of all nation * . DoLaesops leaves
, ho Isthmus to day for Now York. Ho
nulata the canal will bo Ginlshod in
Too Stai and Herald has the fpl-
owing dispatch frotr Iqulqnd : A fire
on the 10 ; h destroyed ten blooka and
and part of four others. The railway
cffises were burned but the workshops
were saved. The club escaped but the
churches were destroyed. The fire
did not extend west of the churches.
About one thousand houses were de
stroyed , doing a damage estimated at
at 2,000,000. Jaraleson'a , DAWBOU'B ,
Glldemoistor'fl , Blair's and Lester's
stores were destroyed. Oablo , com
munication with Iquiquo waa cut of
at ono time.
Bpoclal Dispatches to Tui Bn.
OrrAWA , AprlJ ; G , The merquls o !
Lome expresses a desire that hin term
} o extended another Tear.
MONTREAL , April 5 The Canada
Pacific railway syndicate has com-
> lotod arrangements to take over the
Thunder Biy branch of the Canada
Pacific railway by May 1st , Instead of
Tuly 1st. The syndicate will at once
dispatch n largo force of men to put
ho entire line Irotn Thunder B.iy to
Winuepog in first-class order , and now
laanenger coachee , including oloepera
ir.d dining euro , are being constructed.
Arch Bmliop Taschoroau has informed
the faculty of the Montreal .nodical
school they must never connection with
Victoria colleg ) or coma under the
anathenm of the church. The euper-
or of Hotel Dleu hospital haa au or
der from his grace dlteotlng medical
students of protestant collegia be not
admitted. It Is alleged somu members
of the faculty of the Montreal have
expressed to B'uhop ' Fabro their ao-
imeaence In the pope's mandate' ,
Fomaaiv NEWS.
Special Dlipatcbes toTai Du.
ROME , April 5. The p3wder depot
at Posao , Oorrese , for the use of on-
liners conducting operations there ,
ixploded to-day. Forty persona were
tilled and many Injured , some fatally.
BERLIN , April 5. The government
will justify the arrest of deputies to
he Reichstag , pending the session , by
loolarlng the men arrested were under
suspicion of havlntr brought contra-
> and writings Into Qjrmpny.
The manager of the National thca-
ro believes the fire was Incendolary.
Germany and Spain have signed a
commercial treaty.
BELGRADE , April 5. A violent
> opul r demonstration agalnat the au-
iborltiea of Qrljeo took place to-day.
The people were ordered to disperse
-o their homes , but refused. The
mounted police were finally called up
on to suppress the disturbance. The
jollco with drawn sabres charged the
irowd of men , women and ohlldrer.
Many persons wore cut down and
> thors trampled under the horses
PARIS , April 5. Madame Oharlon-
on was murdered to-day by her huj-
inud The Chnrlontou family bacimti
notorious through a recent sensational
bductlon trial. The story of the
crio was that Madame Oharlenton gave
ihbltcr and crotectian to a young
adr , Fidelia Da Monastcrlon , against
: ho Attempts of her mother to confine
icr in a mad housn. The young lady
waa taken by force from thn Oharlon.
ton mnmion by Carlos L < i Fit , natural
eon of Madame Da Monaetorio , who is
the widowof Francois Uonmlgntre ,
Dae DJ Aumale and Comto Do
Paris go to Italy the ! > kh hint. , return
lup May.
ROMK , April 5 Cjpt. Irscisao
at&tea that the govcrnnionta of Italy
and Austria have given aasont and
affixed their signalmen to a treaty , by
which each omplro guarantees to the
other complete integrity of territory.
Although Germany U not directly and
by signature a party to the treaty , the
dccument contains a clanto In which
it is mentioned therein and approval
ha * been given
PARIS , April 4. The weekly state
ment of the bank of Franco shows n
drcroase of 1,850,000 francs , BBQ
500 000 frnca of silver.
FRANKFORT , April 5. ThoJGazetto's
special from Moscow , states that a
Iur20 mine has been discovered con
necting with Tromlln whore the coronation
nation of the czir la tojtako place. The
diagram also states that a request
has baen wired to St. Petersburg for
a hundred sappora to bo sent at once
to Moscow to destroy the mine.
New Cantata-
SpecUl Dlipatcb to Tui ! ) .
NKW YORK , April 5. The Critic to
morrow will say Charles Gounod , president
idont of the French Choral society ,
Lesporanco , New York , will produce n
now cantata entitled "Ladtabua do
La Llborte , " coinpoaed by male voices
accompanied by the military bind. It
Is aald to bo largo In style , \ /ory ef
fective , and of the name sjyFu aa the
Famous "Soldiers' March" In "Faust. "
DoncortB will bo given exclusively by
Frenoh artists for the benefit of the
pedestal fund of the Bartholdl statue
of liberty.
Billiard Tournament-
Special IHipatch to Tui llm.
OUIOAOO , April 5 , The afternoon
; amo In the Brnnatvok-B ! lko tourna
ment proved to bo the greatest garno
fet played. Schaefer had for his op
ponentloo Dion , who had wngerod
some money that Shoofor would not
average t routy agalnat him , nnd who
hccordiugly otudled safety throughout ,
DUt It made no difference. Neither
badibroaks nor the faot that Dion him
self was piaying bettor than ho had
srovluunly done conld still j Sohncfor's
splendid execution and great command
of the rail for nursing. Ho made
icarly fivo-eixthn of the total game In
ivo separate Inning * , and put on re
cord , the boat average aud quickest
game overplayed.
Score : Sohaofor ( iOO , average 40 ,
ilghoitruu , (50 ( ; Dion 248 , avor&go
17 0-7 , highest run 58 , time , ono hour
aud 45 minutes.
The night came was between Dly
md Sexton , the latter bolne the favor-
to at odds of 100 to 70. The charac
ter of the game showed this to bo
erroneous , as Daly from the first
played In strong form , whllo Sexton
was away below par. Daly took a
commanding lead In the early part of
.ho game , and was never headed onco.
3aore : Djly 000 , average 13 2 40 ,
hlchest run 89 ; Sexton 337 , average
" 15-40 , hlghoat run 73. .
The Death of Peter Cooper.
Bpedkl Dispatch to Tni BIB.
NKW YORK , April C. ThoWoman'a
suffrage aocioty adopted a resolution
ot "Joying { .jrot for the death of
Peter Cooper , the philanthropist who
ias done so much for our sex. "
At the funeral of Peter Cooper Sat
urday the church , with the exception
of the center aisle , will bo open to the
public. After the services the body
wlllbo ( loft in the church till 4 p. m.
and an opportunity given the public
to vow the remains. In the funeral
precession all will bo permitted to
join. It IB thought a largo number of
people will take this means of showing
their respect.
Tho'board of aldermen has taken
action on the death of Cooper by re
questing the close of places of busi
ness the day of the funeral and ship
masters to half-mast lligs.
WASAINQTON , April C. A a mooting
of the Woman's National Industrial
eagoo to-night , Mrr. Charlotte Smith ,
) ioiidont of the association , offered
CDolutlona , which wore adopted , la
menting the death of Peter Cooper ,
expressing the high respect und ad
miration of the members for Ttii pure
jcDoficont life and character. ' 'No
man , " the resolutions say , "over quos-
li > ned his integrity or envied him his
B access In'llfo. Ho used his wealth
as a lacrod trust , and thousands daily
) lessed him. History has no record of
bettor , braver or more generous
l Mexican Railroad * .
RptdU Dllpitch to Tni Uu.
Uxico , April 5.The annual ro-
> ort of the Mexican Central road to
jovernment states the company Intend
julldlng the main line from hero to
the United States and complete Itnext
roar. The net profit of the Mexican
livlslon lost year was $343,785. Ono
inndred and seventy mlloa are opened
on this division ; 325 are In operation
on the Chihuahua division ; 201) ) miles
ot track wore laid during the year on
the Tamploo division ; forty-two miles
of track completed , the grading on
'orty-ono finished and the route
ilearod one hundred miles ahead.
5an Bias is chosen as the Pacific terminus -
minus , with Topic , an Intermediate
A Ssn Blaa dispatch says the Mexi
can Central began the construction of
bo Pacific division with GOO laborers ,
The company's workmen removed the
track on the street road , causing asmo
disturbance. No < ono seriously In-
"X.noby" Baldwin' . Victim
Special Dlapatcb to TUB Hit" .
SAN FRANUISCO , April 5. In the
case of Verona Baldwin , ou trial for
ohootlug "Lucky" Baldwin , the jury
retired at noon , and after a brlet do-
ay asked aomo further InatructlouH re
garding the question nf insanity. They
igaln rotirdd and at 2 o'clock returned
a verdict of not guilty on the ground
of Insanity. The verdict wan received
with apphuao by the crowded court.
The judge ordered the court cleared ,
A number of Misa Baldwin's friends
and many strangers porzonally con
grntulntod her , and the hdlos got up
quite ( m til'ailvo scene over her. She
received her acquittal smilingly and
much us n matter of course.
Dins flmontr ik Moroltnuta.
Special Dispatch to Tilt MBS
NEW YORK , April 5. The rccep
tion given Gen. to-day by the
produce exchange was lur ely attend-
ad. The exchange was draped with
Mexican and American colora aud the
Seventh regiment band was engaged
For the cciaalon. L. F. ilolmnn ,
president of the exchange , read an ad
dreus of welcome , to which Diaz ro
plied. After the reception Diaz and
party , accompanied by a number ol
members of the exchange visited the
grain elevators and other points of In
tereat on the biv and rlvore.
The KuluhtR of Dei Molnos.
Bf eclal Uiepttch to Tin Uu
DEB MOINES , April 5. Over two
hundred of the most prominent
Kulghta Templar of this state have
already announced their Intention ol
going to California accompanied by
their ladles. Secretary Parvln has
gene to Sin Francisco to secure dor
mttorlos ,
California Grain Trade.
Special Dlipitch to Tux U ,
BAN FRANCISCO , April 5. A largo
mooting of influential grain dealers
was hold hero to-day , and the Call for
nia Grain Trade association organized
A committee was appointed to draw
up a uniform gnln charter for use
icro , subject to approval at a future
mooting. Another committee was ap
pointed to draw np and submit a cargo
lontraot form for sales In Europe
i'ho recent unjust and oxcocalvo arm-
ration allowances on cargoes of Call *
ornla wheat In Liverpool waa d a
nssod and a firm roaolvo manifested
o have , If possible , some fair remedy
ir change. With this view the chair
man was requested to cable the pro-
codings to the Liverpool corn trade
The Hnut for Apaohei- Dispatch to lux llxi.
CHICAOD , April 5. The News'
> anta Fo special says a courier arrived
rom Capt. Black's command asking
or supplies and men , The command
s encamped at Alamahucs , eight
Ight miles from Forsytho , The pros-
icct Is that the troops may encounter
a marauding band from the Sonora.
TUCSON , April 5. A special to the
3ltl7.onf rom Agent Wilcox says : The
Whlto mountain Chihuahua Indian
captured by Yuma acdnta donloa the
losttlca wore joined by any roserva-
ion Indiana. Ho loft Jnh'a band after
ho killing of Judge McOomaato loarp
ho fooliug of the agency Indiana }
Should hoatllca seek the reservation ,
ho says ho will toll Gen. Crook all.
LiTKK-Gdn. Crook and party
arrived at Wilcox this evening.
Ccolloi for Hawaii ,
Ipcclal Dltpatch to Till DKK.
SAN FIUNOISUO , April 6. It Is
itatod that the Hawaiian law prohibit-
ng the direct Importation of Chinese
rom Hong Kong to Honolulu has
> eon repealed , and preparations are
> olng made for a Chinese hoglra from
Asia to the Hawaiian Islands. The
regular steamer Oceanic , on her next
voyage , will go to Honolnlr " ' ,
and carry nearly ono Chi-
teso laborers. Over throe thousand
lave already contracted for passage ,
and the next five steamers will take
hem to the Islands. T
Salt far Attorney' * F i
paclal Dlipatch toTm lixi.
CHICAGO , April 5. The trial of the
ult of ox-Senator Doollttlo against
Jacob Forsytho and wlfo for $75,000
kttornoy's foes in negotiating the tale
o a syndicate of a tract ollnnd known
nn east Chicago , on the lake shore ,
croBB the Indiana line for $1,000,000
was begun in the United States circuit
court to-day. It seems after the pay
ment of $31)3,000 ) thosyudioato defaulted -
od on the remainder purchase monny ,
and the enlo wont for naught. The
defendant/I therefore , refuse to pay the
attorney's feea ,
Small Pox in Kansni ,
Ipoclal Dispatch to Tun lira.
TOI-EKA , Ki. , April 5. Imforma-
Ion from the towns of Empire City
and Gilonn , which are only sopar
tied by an Imaginary line , la to the
( foot that there is no abatement in the
mall pox scourago thoro. Business
if all kinds Is entirely suspended. The
coal authorities have exhausted all the
unds at their command. In Galena
ilono there has been fifty deaths. The
lopnlation Is mostly people of slender
Folirer'B Mlitok * .
CBIOACIO , April 5. The United
States sub-treasury of Chicago to-day
refused to exchange a 910,000 gold
certificate Into smaller denominations.
A prominent banl" > says ho baa It
from the beat authority that Secretary
Polgor la convinced ho made a mistake
In limiting Interchange to Now York
and that ho will soon arrange for like
facilities for western banks.
7he Wnbtih Uobblcd-
Special Dlipatch to Tui liii.
NEW YORK , April 5 The now
board of directors of the Wabash , St.
Louis & Pacific organized to-day.
They elected Jay Gould president.
The board authorized the executive
committee to arrange with the St.
Lonln , Iron Mountain it Southern
for lease to it ot the W/ybash road.
A Gomplio l Ion.
Special Dispatch to Till B > . ' . '
MILWAUKEE , March 5. The esti
mated labor bill , which passed the log' '
Islature , Imposing a fine ) nd imprison' '
mout In the case of employment ol
oHlldron under fourteen yearn of , ago ,
will throw nearly 3COO , ont o' ' , ' em
ployment In tills city. The largo
cigar manufactories employ a consid
erable number , and several hundred
are employed as sorters of rigs In junk
Prtveutini : Faxlan Playg-
Special Dlipatch to Tin Dm.
ALII ANY , April 0 A bill was Intro
duced In the flonata and Immediately
ordered to a third reading , to prevent
any attempt to personate or represent
Jesus Christ by any show , play or
dramatic representation , whether the
free or by admission fee , and declares
the violation ot Itn provisions a mis
demeanor punishable by a fine of not
less than 8100 and imprisonment not t
loss than elx monlho.
Murder ! d for Money-
Special Dlipatch to Tux Il
WEST UNION , W. Va. , April 5.
Barney Doyle and daughter wore
murdered last night by robbors. It
was known that Doyle kept money in
the houso. The second daughter was
beaten with a poker and loft for dead.
She recovered to-day and told the
btpry of the crime. Konnor , James
Harper and con wore arrested and
The Cincinnati Dramatic Festival.
Special Dispatch to Tux Dm.
CINCINNATI , April 5. The action
sale of Reason tickets for the dramatic
festival continued to-day with un
abated interest. Total number of
seats now sold , 1(100 ( ; total receipts ,
$51,011. Of this $27,771 Is for pro-
mlnrns. Mile. Rhea paid $225 pre
mium for seats to-day. The aalo la
entirely unprecedented , The auction
will bo contlnaed.
The Maverick National Bank of Bos
ton draws foreign exchange , buys and
Bella Government and other Invest
ment securities , and transacts any bus-
inesa for Its correspondents In the line
of banking , m&th-mo
Death of the Distinguished Snr-
fioon Oonoral of the Army ,
Joseph E , Barnes ,
Biographical Sketch of
Services in the Field
and Hospital.
The Starry Vail and Brother
John Disclose as Little
as Possible.
The Presidential Party Start for
Florida Some Appointment * .
Bp cl l Dt i tch to Tut D .
WASHINGTON , April 5. Bdg.-Gon.
losoph K. Barnes , retired , late sur
geon general of the ' United States
army , died at his residence in this city
this morning of Bright's disease.
Adjutant-General R , 0. Drum thia
kftornoon issued , by order of Ganoral
Sherman , an order announcing the
death and reviewing the services of
Brevet Major-General Joseph K.
liarnos , brigadier-general of the
[ Inked States army , retired , late snr-
; eon general of the army , wherein It
s stated ho entered the service as as
sistant surgeon , Juno , 1840 , waa pio-
meted surgeon in August , 1850 ; medi
cal inspector , with rank of Hen-
ant-colonel , February , 1863 ;
medical Inspector general with
rank of colonel , August , 1803 ;
and surgeon general with rank of brig
adier general , August , 18G4 Ho waa
retired from active service by opera
tion of the law , Juno 30 , 1882. Ho
was an eminent and skillful surgeon
and physician , and distinguished for
; reat administrative ability aa head of
, ho medical department. Ho Inaucr-
irattd the medical history of the war } ,
founded the medical museum and
brought tho' medical department to
the highest state of efficiency. At the
time of the assassination of President
Lincoln and the attempted assassina
tion of Secretary Sovrard ho attended at
the death bed of the ono and ministered
with untiring ouorgy and skill to the
anccotsfnl restoration of the other.
Daring the long illness of President
Garficld ho waa ono of the distinguish
ed surgeons of the land who for days
and nights attended the dying presi
dent. Durlnp these long protracted
hours of anxiety and care his own
health gave way. From that moment
to the tlmo of bin death ho was an in
valid. The order oloeoe : "His career
Is ono of honor to himself and great
service to his country. "
The funeral of General Birnos will
take plaoo Saturday. Ho will bo
burled with military honors In Capitol
Hill cemetery. The troops at the ar
senal , the Marino band and marines
of the navy yard have boon ordered to
act as an escort , together with such of
the district militia oa may deiiro to
take part The .folloTrJnRcffioeri nre
appolnt"jclpall bo'arers : Generals W.
T. Sherman , Edmund Schrlever , D.
H. Rocker , W. H , Emory , A. Balrd ,
M. 0. Molgs. R 0. Drum , R , Mao-
feoly , N. W. Brown , 0. H. Crane , 0.
M. Wllooxand Joseph E. Johniton.
In the report that the foreman of the
grand jury refused to aim the Indict
ments against Senator Kellogg.
In the star route trial Vail was on
the stand undergoing orosa-examina-
tlon. Ho said ho loaned Rordoll
money before ho learned the latter '
was going over to the government.
Rardoll afterwards told witness he waa
In communication with the govern
ment. Witness asked Rordoll what
ho know. Rordell laid at first ho
know nothing , but afterwards said :
"I am full ; I am full" that the gov
ernment did want him ( RerdoD ) to go
upon the stand to give the "pointers. "
John W. Dorsey waa called. He
Bald his brother had endeavored to
dicsuado him from embarking In star
route buslnois. He denied a con-
aplraoy ; said ho had spoken to Brady
but once In his life , Witnesu con
sulted a memorandum and promptly
informed his counsel where ho might
find the disputed point in evidence ,
lugjrsnll remarked that the witness
aonmcd to know more than the "wholo
outfit , " The court said ho seemed to
know what questions would bo
naked him. Witness remem
bered no conversation such as
| detailed by MoLallan , in which ho
said the route would bo Increased
.hrough Hi brother's influence. "It
,1 the most infamous lie In the world , "
said witness , "as If I would toll a
onnplo of mnlo whackers such stuff as
that the first tlmo I over saw them. "
Further rximlnatlon.waa umlm part-
ant. Adjourned.
S , W. Djrsey was present In
.ho court room to-day , with her sister ,
Mra. Peck.
The president made the following
appointments : A. W , Sheldon , of
Maryland , associate justice of the supreme
premo court of the territory of Arl-
zanan , vice W. W. Hoover , suspend
ed ; B. E Synder , agent of Indians at
Fort Peck agency , Montana , vlco
Nathan S Porter , resigned ; Wm. W.
Outer , collector of Internal revenue ,
7th district , Indiana ; David B. Russell ,
United States marshal of the eastern
district of Arkansas ; Henry Ward ,
Indian inspector , vlco Wm , Pollack
The Jeannette court of Inquiry ,
without transacting any business , ad
journed until to morrow.
President Arthur , Secretary Chand
ler and Mr. Miller , of Now York , left
hero this morning for Jacksonville ,
Fla. Representatives of the Chicago
Tribune , Now York Sun and New
York Times accompanied the party.
The final order affirming the decision of
Judge Gardner In the July wheat deals in
Chicago , was filed In the superior court of
Illinois yesterday ,