TBB DAHA BEE-OMAHA TJttUESDAY APRIL 5 The Omaha Bee Published every morning , except 801 ] r , The only Monday morning d Uy. TKRM8 BYJMAIL- One Year. . . . 810. 00 I Three Months , (3.1 BlzMonthi. . 6.00 | One Month. . . . 1,1 i.'IIE WKEXIjY UEK , published evoi TERMS POST PATD- One Year . (3.00 I Three Monthi. I 9li Month . LOO | OnoMonth. . . . 1 AUIRIOAN NEWS COMPANY , Bole Agcn NcwBilenlcrg In the United State * . CORRESPONDENCE- Oommur latfona relating to New * fend Editor ) antlers thould be addressed to the Horn Or TUB BKB , BUSINESS LETTERS-A11 Bu.ln tioUern And llcmlttnnccB ahould bo i ircRaed to THK UIE PCIILIBIIINO CoMPAr OMAHA. Draftn , Checks nnd PoctoUli Jrdera to bo made pnyable to the order the Company. The BEE PUBLISHING GO , , Prop ! E. ROSEWATER Editor TimiE are eovoral mlealng nlnco tb battle ondcd. Foit a man with a game leg , Jndg Bonoko rnns well. FRANK HATTON'H polo did not knoc the persimmons. THE old mayor's office will now h awopt oat nnd a now door knob , added THE colored troops , sensual , fongh nobly , at from fifty cents to $2 a vote WHO IB to bo oily attorney ? la I to bo Frank Walters or Waitc Bonnottl ' TiiB boys" are hnppy. They hav elected Ohasa and ho w U takocaro ( hem. OUR gturdlan Angoll will spread h ! wings and take hli flight up tfa golden atalr. ' INDIANA walks away with the oat Inot cake. Thoao debatable ntatea ar always handaomoly provided for. THP.UE will bo three lumbermen litho the next aenate , Who Bays that th Weat has not got plenty of politics timber. PJIESIDENT ARTHUR la reported t have fallen oat with Ronator Jonc and RDIOOO Conkllng , Who ho he takou to his boaom in their plaoos I not reported. The prosldont la tryin to do what no politician ever ancoeec od in accomplishing to please all fat tlons at the aamo time. SINCE the cloao of the war wo ha pent over $200,000,060 on our navj and the turrets of the Mlintonoma will have to bo built in Earopi Every now development regarding tt condition of the navy department la i r. argument in favor of a ohango of a ministration. RHODE ISLAND has pronouno < against reform as embodied in o : Governor Spriqae. The platform c which Sprague was nominated wi Bound but the citizens of Rhode lilac defeated Mr. Spragno because they di not approve his aondnot as a man at were unwilling to dlsgraco thomaelvi by honoring him with the position > chief ozeontlvu of their state. Da. McOcsu , of Princeton Oollo olalmt that college enthusiasm rni I < too much to athletic sports , and rig ! on top of the statement that at Ha vard , the other day , the terror of tl law school wai laid out by a comtm colored waiter ; while at Yale , on Ss nrday , a ant { of riotous studon wore scattered like chair by the ign bio "towulcf. " It la evident that 1 McOoah la mistaken , and that what needed in our collofcs la moro rath than loss atton ion to physical dovolo mont on the part of the students. THE caijlo la screaming loudly Ohlcigo over Carter Harrison's ol < Uon and the triumph of bummorlc over the bettor elements cf the 001 mnnlty , The proaohora preached a the papers wrote , but five thonsa closed saloons and twenty thousand 1 keepers and their frlonda were i heavy odds to bo overcome. So 01 oago la to continue for another t years , the dirtiest and moat law-do Ing city of iti population IP the cot try , while the Mike McDonalds t Garter Harrisons are glory Irg in < great vindication of "democratic pr ciplea" which waa given in Tneadi election. I IK voting for sewer bonda by ai an overwhelming majority , the pee of Omaha have declared that pnl Improvements on a comproheni Boale ahall at once bo begun and < tied on In thia city. But if the ret of the election could have boon knc beforehand ihcro would have boo much larger opposition vote to bondr. Having authorized the pendituro of largo sums of money , taxpayers are now anxious that it al be disbursed effectively and hones1 They have a vivid recollection t Omaha has suffered in times past tr a looao anpervliion of city contrai Since then it is true that our chai baa been amended , but the chan have only Increised the power of . mayor and oonncll. On thia 'tcooi there U a good deal of anxiety alra xpr Med over the new deal THE BDSINESH SITUATION. A slight Improvement in trade ha boon noted during the past week , bu the markets generally nro atill uneal itfictory , when compared with ihoi of the corresponding psriod of lat year. The latoneos of the xunon an the alow development of the consnmf tivo rcqulromonta of trade eoom to b chiefly responsible for the altnatloc Nevertheless there has boon a sat stantlal Improvement in the gonort jobbing trade at Chicago , St. Louii St. Paul , Kansas City and Omaha , an at other distributing points through out the went , local houses re port an easier feoellng amen country buyers and increased order from Interior palnta are anticipate ! during the coming week , A favorabl feature of the general oltuation in th fact that the enlargement noted in th volume of trade is duo to the frequon duplication of small orders , and gradual widening of the range of dls trlbutlon , rather than an excoptlona activity or speculative feeling In an ; particular line , List week's report o failures show a decrease of l.'t over th preceding week , although the nnmbe Is largely in excesa of thoao recorded litho the fourth week of March , laat year Manufactures are still greatly depressed pressed , The iron trade has beoi moderately active , buyers confinln ] their orders to nearest wants. Com petition la depressing prices In all di reotiona rand the piyof laborers hai been reduced from 10 per cent In thi east to 33 per cent in some of on western mllla. There Is a good dca cf idle machinery among the mllli that have boon running on low grade ; of cotton and woollen goods and lex tllo production aa a rnlo la not active The stock market Is still doprossoi and all the frantic efforts of the bnlli to force an advance in prices havi failed to.malfo . any snbitantlal rlao 01 the board. Tuesday's list recorded i fractional advanca which was no maintained , and speculative stock contlnno weak and drooping. The money market , which for several oral weeks paat has been nnnauall ; atrlngont , call loans ruling at fror fifteen to eighteen per cent , la stil tight , offerings being noted yosterda ; at from eight to fifteen per cent. Th anticipation by the treasury of fntnr Interest will help the market. In the grain trade a alight Improvement mont la noted and prices will nndoubl oily rule higher. The foreign deman baa been a little bettor and the visibl inpply of wheat decreased olove nndrod thousand buahola within th ook. Thia la duo more to the ger iral falling off in domestic recolpl ban to any marked increaao In foi Ign clearances. The season is bad ard and farmers nro becoming moi Indifferent about selling until they ca assured of something like average > vorage yield in the coming harvea Oorn la moving rapidly toward tt oaboard and a largo gain is noted i ntorlor receiving points. There IB ontinnod complaint throughout ot itato of the difficulty experlonced I roouring cars and the railroads ai rotsod to their utmost to supply f illitloa for transportation. Mn. JOHN MCELROY contrlbutea n .rtlolo to the laat Popular Scien Monthly upon the valno of vlco I locloty. Ho argnea that vlco scrvi bo same purpose among human bolnj , hat natural selection does among an mala and plants. It Insures the an ival of the fittoat and weeds out fro ; looloty the elements which If permi od to exlsc would bo Us greatest weal nose. The weak moral specimens of hi mauity fall victims to it and die muc oonor in consequence than those c who are strong enough to resist I The result IB that the progeny of U 'ormor are loss in number than the f the latter. Ylco , according to tl writer , exerts an eliminating Iniluou n what ought to bo eliminated ni hus drains mankind of Its bad bloo Ho aaya the policeman on the no : corner will boar decided teatlmoi -hat the number of scoundrels wl survive their 30th year Is aatonlshin y small , and ho can point out ai number of very troublesome mombc of the community who are ondli their lives In the penitentiary or po house hospitals at an ago when wi behaved men are just entering npi the aorlona bnalneai ot life. " 1 ! MoElroy aoouta the Idea that intei peranoo U the prime cause of t deatha which are Bald to resi from drinking. Ha calls "auproi nonsense" the cry of the tompem reformer that the "demon alcohol yearly dragging down to dlahonoral graves hundreds and thousands of t brlgheat and falroat of the land. " Wi rare exceptions every one who goea ruin through alcohol would "go thi eventually if there were no ajcohol existence , In his view the aclomi proportion la that alcohol renders t world a valuable service by hurryl Its victims out of the way ; that it I apccles of buzzard that removes ci rlon ; and the same argument ho good with prostitution , gluttony id nosa , luxury and other thing of a 1 nature. Thia ia a startling theory but a v amount of confirmatory statistics coi bo produced to pro volt. The Now York Bun haa thia to about the rumor that Robwon 1 been offered the poatmaator genei hip : "Seoor Robeton haa bear cabinet officer. Grant took him froi an attorney's office in Oamden and ic him over tbo nnv l establishment. I c'lpht vp ra under hta admlnlatratio $18t ! 490033 of appropriations b congress wore spent , iqinndorod , an otolan. In that time Hecor Roboac built eight now ships , tinkered other and condemned seventy , The uevent condemned veaaels were broken up b Robeflon's friends. Too material tht obtained , together with the onormot quantity of government provorty o hand in the workshops and navy yarc at the end of thn civil w r , ylolde Roboion about $50.000,000 in add tlon to the $182,000,000 appropriate by congress. What became of all th money of the people's haa never bee legally afoortalnod , Ilobenon fonn a navy and loft no navy. His salai waa $8,000 a year. In a few montl alter ho went from Camden to Wasl Ington , a poor man , his personal a connts nt several banks amounted t $107,640 01 . THE ELECTION. The result of the election la ju what might have boon expected. Tt party tnachino ai it waa run by'packe primaries and conventions failed in tl main to voice the sentiment of tl boat elements of both parties. Tl democrats nominated a solid ticket f < the city offices which was wolgbtc down by very inferior selections fi the council. The republicans hoi their nominations back until the la minute. No man ontsido cf pol tica could bo found to re against Judge Savago. That gai the unanimous nomination I Colonel Chase , The contest for polli judge In the convention degenerate Into a fight between Rodney Dutch * and Pat llawos with the latter tv lengths ahead , The rest of the tioki varied from good to indifferent ar bad. At the last minute conventioi were held purporting to repress : workingmen. The prime movers wo ; Idiots who make a business at ovoi election of bleeding candidates at trading In votes , which they can'td liver. The outcome is satisfactory main to thcso who were chosen. Colon Ohaeo is elected mayor by loss thi 100 majority , while the democrats r elect Buck and Baneko by mnjorlti ranging from GOO to 1,500 Too ne council aa predicted by TUB BEE w bo republican by moro than two-third The board of education will bo mai up of as fair representation as the ay torn of partisan nominations w sllow. The most remarkable feature of th election waa that the republican war wont heavily for the democratic tlckc and the democratic wards ccavo majc Itlca for the republican mayor. Th nly shows that party principles hi lothing whatever to do with the ele 'on. 'on.Tho The liquor element conceived i dea that Judge Savage would onfor he high license law. The gamblli ratornlty had grave donbts as to he heir business would flourish and Colonel Savage's rulo. Theao two I oreata worked in perfect harmony i ho republican candidate. On t > ther hand , a majority of tbo'repc ' loans , who live iu the Fourth a ; ho Sixth Words , wore afraid tr Chtso would not enforce the lai nd had mlsglvlnga whether the poli emulations would bo aa looao as th ire now If the republicans olooti 'heir ' mayor. Mr. Booh was supported by a lar umber of republicans who wanted ndoraehis administration. Jud Bonoko had a walk away. Mr. Haacall returns to his c tamping grounds tn the city count Ho was all right with the liquor o mont and the First and Second wai where ho haa made big Improvomoi wore bound to put him where ho cot do them the moat good. TUE gallant Blue Uorso sends message to the great father to reml him that ho once was a heap big ] dlati. STATE JOITINQS. A now hotel will soon ba opened at Ft mont. A now flouring mill will soon bo bull I Stel a. Wahoo will have a soda water fact1 Ilia year. There Is s"mo talk of organizing brnea band nt Stella. Burglars ara making It lively for ildeuta ot OASB county. The Itnd tffl-o at Grand Island a $ -1,600 worth of land on laat Monday. Tbo Antelope county teachers' aatuc tlon will meet at Nellgh on the 14th of month. The subject of water works and a engine ate the topics of publlo Interest Weeping Water. A new lank has been started at No PUtte , which li said to be backed br solid men of the place. It Iiettimated there will be 159.00C 17A.COO sheep brought from the weit Dodge county men thli season. Qulta a number of Baunden con fanners are disposing of their farms ] paratory to engaging In other buelneu , The tower ot tba Catholic chnrcb Fairmont haa b en completed and bnlldlog will soon bo ready ( or occnpai The docket tor the * mil term of cc In O toe county has 120 civil cues. ' criminal part of U Is light and not Im ] tant , Arapahoe n'edi more dw lllngi. ome enterprising man c n do well erectlcg a number of tenement hoi there. The people of Donlphan have a > * l keeper who has beoouio n nuUanon. T are trying to get rid of htm by refuilo lloenie. Several ttrownvllla men Inve exprei n dtIretn build a figuring mill at t place. The work will probably soon commenced. The little town of Louisville U I prosperout condition. A number of i etautlil Improvements are oontoicpli for thli Beuon. The state papers are cautioning farmers agaiait ths Itinerant venden intent articles who are now thick as I through the country. The Pint National Bank at Cen City received lt national currency tek from Waihlngton. The amount $56,000 and la all In $5 bills. The merchants ot Nlobrara are til lag a g'xxl trade this iprlng , and.on authority of the local paper the tow ; laid to bo Improvlof rapidly , A now aocloty pap r eallod the "Bos Homing Optlo"hm made Its appearanc < at Lincoln. The ownera and managers ar young and Indtutrloui and may succeed. The cltlzeni of NellRh met latt weel for the purpoie of organizing a hook ant ladder company. They failed , however to accomplish the purpose for which the ] met. Already 51r > H5 has been inbicrihod ( o he purpose of aiding the Staters of Merc ; J build a hospital at Grand Island. Th' uildlng will probably be elected wlthou lelay , The grain elevator at Clark's waa burn d last Thursday night. A quantity c ; rain wai all dcttroyed There was no In inrance and the origin of the fire is ur uown. The water works at Grand lalan or some time put have been out o forking order. They are all rfgh gain and the citizens are receiving the ! gnlar supply. lYonng ladlea of Falls City flirt with th ommerclal drummers who visit that town The practice may prove a bitter experlenc or the young ladies for the average drmr ier is a very bad egg. The boys of Sheldon have organized ioet after the fashion of the G. A. H. In lead of relating to each other wondetft var records , the youngsters brag abou heir powers as pugUIttr. Otao is building moro farm housoi thi ipring than at any time before In IU hit ory. Some of It Is being done by nei ifittlerf , but moat of it the Improvomoc f old retldenten. Tom Remhart , a frlendleos and homelei agabond of Syracuse , was found dead in ay loft In the rear of a saloon which h iftd frequented In thi ' -o. Death r < mltod from exposure arilquor. . The Grand Island Anti-Monopolist ! writing up Sath Mobely's record. Asld * rom hla hair , which some one cnt for hit t year or two ago , the opposition pap < cannot find much to write about. Tbo real estate ngentn at Wahoo ai laving a very heavy bntinesa thia spring jind In Siundera county is soiling as big s $35 per ac'o , and one agent sold ? 30OC worth of farming lands during the mont f March. The Wallace Windmill company of Otc onnty has incorporated , and fa now read 0 place Its stock. The director * orn Ja Jdgers , Lev ! Ktme , W. 0. Bloason , E. C Deyand D. T. Cornell. The compan will rnnnufactnre and aell the Wallai windm'll , THE STAR ROUTE TRIAL. A JUDGE TALKING VERY FREELY. ' WABUIMOTDN , D. 0. , March 31.- Ono of the judges of ono of the Waal 'ngton courts to-day expressed tl iplnion that there would bo no ve [ lot In the star-route oases , and thi f there was a vordlot it would not I .ullty of conspiracy. "They ha\ irovod , " ho said , ' 'unquestionably : rlmo gross maladministration an ho corrupt nso of money and the have boon for a year trying to fit thi xlmo into a conspiracy. They do ni oem to hare been successful. It tar-roulo knavery was unqnostionabl L plcco of thieving without any di iborato concert of action , but thei was no organized conspiracy oac man stole on his own account. " "Why , " the qnoatlon waa asked i .he Judge , "did not the Governmon 1 it had evidence of crime , procoe .hen against the guilty persons indiv dually for malfeasance , or bribery , < mbezzlemont , and not attempt I make out a conspiracy ) " "That is what would have boon tl wiser courao unquestionably , and understand aomo cf the later Indlc monts are on that basis. Probabl ome of those will hold , but thn coi piracy In the present case does ni eom to bo made out. " WHAT THE LAWYKHS SAY OF KELLOQi A gentleman who has had Intei lews with Attorney-General Browati and Star Route Counael Morrlck ai Ker gives the following aa an autho 'zed statement of the clronmatanc which led to the recent prosentmon The only testimony placed before tl 'ormor grand jury did not think th ovldenoe sufficient , and aakod for tl additional testimony just now give which the government at that tli waa nnable to furnish. Prloo was fugitive from justice , secreting hit self in Canada , and refused to appoa Since that tlmo arrangements we made by which hla presence was i cured. Ho appeared before the grai jury , corroborated the statompn of Walsh , and personally Idontifi the drafts npon which the charg against Kellogg were based. Wi this evidence before thorn the grai j dry had no difficulty lu finding a bl and had it been accessible the form grand jury would , it is believed , ha found a bill. The statement that the now indictments are in the nature a political move , in which Morilok pi sonal'y interested hlmeolf la equal incorrect and unjustifiable. Myrri has never boon before the grand jur and haa never taken the least poraoc Interest In the caao whatever. AI consultation with the Attorney-Go era ) , iu which B lea , Morrlck , and K were present , the Attornoy-Gjnoi himself positively directed that t caao bo again laid before the gra : jury , and Ker by his direction o neared before that body. BJ B ItS and Morrlck were the court-room where Brn and Dorsey were to bo on t witness stand during the whole tli of the grand jury deliberations , is utterly absurd to glvo the Indl mont of Kellogg any political sign ! oanco. It waa asked tor because t Attorney-General thought the o denco sufficient to prove that a crli had boon committed and it waa i delayed until after Kollogg'a term senator bad expired , but only becau the government did not , within a f weeks obtain the requisite evldoni Kellogg may have boon dealt unjua with , aa ho aaya , but his own polltli and party friend , the Attornoy-Ueni al , Is alone responsible for the Indi mont. " WHAT KBLLOOO BAYS. Senator Kolloqg does not set greatly disturbed over hla indlctmei but maintains a confidential air , a aaya that ho will have no difficulty refuting the crlmo laid to him wh the case reaches a trial. He ent ualns no doubt but that back of t transaction Is a sohemo concocted aomo of his political enemies to bre him down. He insists that his case a clear one , and that ho will ha nothing to fear by a trial The 01 bid features about it to him are tl his reputation will for a tlmo snff and ho Trill ba forced to considoral expense to pay lawyers' fees. A Big boliomo. Special to the St. Louts lltpubllc&n. MKXIOiN ViLLEY DRAINAGE COMPAK WASHINGTON , March 31. Sci months ago what la called the Moxl Valley Drainage company waaorgan od here. It haa obtained posactal of a conceislon granted by the Me : oin Roverament for the drainage the Valley of Mexico. The oonci aion carrie * a subsidy of $9,000,000 be paid in inntalmenti of $25,000 pel month and running 30 years , and alsc the grant of a largo part of the land ) redeemed by dralnsgo. The proaiden of the American company la Dr Lorlog , coromiisionor of agriculture and Bomo of the atockholdera nnd dl rcctora nro S.viatrrs Jones of Loulsl ana , Call of Florida , Ilarrio of Ten ncsseo , Dntler of 8 mth Carolina Sibin of Minnesota ( Windom's sue cotsor ) , ex Cjngressman Ames , Town send of Ohio and Mr. Lawory , i Minnesota capitalist. Ono of th terms of the concession required th deposit of $200,000 laat February aa i forfeit In case of a non-fulfilment o the contract. The company , aa thn constituted , were unable to ralso th forfeit fund , and secured. AN EXTENSION OF TIME , to the liO'.hof April. In the mom tlmo they have admitted to the compr ny Senators Sabln and Lowiy , c Minnesota , who , it is understood , wll furnish most of the capital in the on t uprise. Ameetlngof iiomoof the gontlome concerned was hold hero to-day , a which it was concluded to confer wit Gen. Diaz and aorno members cf hi party , who reachedhrro thia morning The conference took place thia aftei noon and two propositions were dlacne ed. The first was whether the term of the conccsaaion would admit c the deposit of the forfeit fund c $200,000 In aomo national bank i this country rather than in a bank i the City of Mexico. It Is undorstoo that Gen , Diaz expressed the oplnlo the deposit should bo made la thi country , The second proposition wai whether , if the drainage of the val ley could bo completed within tt ? roars , the company would be able t ibtaln the nlno millions subsidy an ; ho land grant , Gon. Diaz waa nnabl : o make any assnrancas on this polm Members of the company say the fool confident of being able to mak the deposit of forfeit money and I proceed with the enterprise. B at Opera in New Ycrli , Special Dispatch to Tut UKE. EwYoBK , March 4 Theacadorn of music contained a large audience i the concert given for the benefit < the endowment of the Woshlngto and Lee university by the Maplpsc company. Tao third act of "II Tro' atoro" was given with Sahalch llivelll and Oalo l and Leonora froi the chorus. Tao first scene c "Norma" ( with Signer Mont ) ) gav Albanl an opportunity for single "Oasta Diva" In admlrabl style. ScahlchI , as the goathen In which character her nppcaranc action and vccillsm were equal ! chrrming. Pattl , in the Shadow son ] waa , of course , irresistible and arouse tremendous onthnaiasm. In responi to persistent applanso she at laat ai iwered with two verses of "Homi Swiot Homo , " sung in front of tt curtain. Madame Oavallazzi appoare in an entirely new Hungarian ballac composed by SIgnor Franceses , whla is extremely graceful and pretty i costumes and figures. THK IltVINO OENTENNAUY. Nature smiled on the hills of Tarrj town aa Its Inhabitants revived tb memories of "tho pioneer of America literature. " It waa the centennial < the birth of Washington Irving , wi was born on William street In th city and who spent the last yeara * his life at Snnnyside near Tarry to" where he died November 28th , 185 ! The house at that place , celebrated I his story , still retains the came a ] poaranco as it did twenty-four yea ago. Ono Wallhouao , built It in 165 being part of the well known Walter Rioat. In the library are writli table , arm chair , books , and picture remaining aa they have been f nearly quarter century. There was a memorial meeting ! the evening at the Tarry town Be coi Reformed church , which was ban somely decorated , At the left of tl platform was an oil painting of Was ington Irwlntf , painted when ho w 24 years of ageby Jorvls , sot In a pe foot neat of varlagated foliage , plan and forna. There were many pron nont persons present. Justice Noi Davis , President. Letters ot recjr were road from John G. Whittle Governor Cleveland , T. B. Aldrlc George William Curtis , President B nardof Columbia College. Ah. " % f Vp-j i/fl' 'l/'H- ' * a -i Mlfc l.THE GREAT ftf btRMAN REMED CURES RheumatismNeuralgiaSciatic Lumbago , Backache , HeadacheToothache , Bar * Tbroat , Bwelllna * , Hpralni , BruU Iliinii. Buldt. Pmt llltM , iXD ILL OTUUl BODILY MISS 1XD ADI IS. SU fcr DrvciliU ui DMlfn Ttryvhtn. FinCtai . bollK. DlrwlUBl la U UD | < < > THE CHAHLEB A. VOQELEU CO. inWl.TOvl tU * tOOi ) < UU Mn , > 4r FRANK D. MEAD. CARPENTER AND CABINE Repairing of all Kinds Fromp ly Done. 1605 Douglas Street , Omaha , Ne irirtT-Sm DR , M.J.GAHAN , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Offlco over Omalm Savings Ban COU. 1STI1 AND POUOr. < B. m8- MCCARTHY & BURKE 318 14TH ST. , BET. FARNAM Al nonor.AS PEABODY I D , , , , PHYSICIAN AND SURGED OFFICE HOOM3. 3 & 5 1(07 FARMAM ST Kuldtnet KM touzlu Street , Omab > , K DR , M. A , REBER1 OFFICE : St. Omaha He 1308 Farnam . , , Day and Night 01 la Promptly tended POWER AND BAND "fOpw f TWW * " uJRtT tart ? aJUW Jfcsi iiJiuMi Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , MiaiHO UAOnWERT. BKLTIKO , HOSE , BRAES AND IRON imiNQB FU > fiT3AJf PACKING , AT WHOLESALE AMD RKTAIU HALLADAY WIND-MILLS CHURCH AHQ SCHOOL BELLS Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , .Neb. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR Ground Oil Cake. It la the boat and cheapest food for Block of any kind. Ono pound la equal1 to throe pounds of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Cake in the fall and win * tor , instead of running down , will increase in weight nnd bo in good market * able condition in the spring. Dairymen aa well aa others who nso it can tes tify to ita merits. Try it and judge for yourselves. Prlco $25.00 per ton ; no chcrgo for tmcks. Address oi-ood-mo WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL CO. , Omaha , Nob. M. Hellman & Co. WHOLESALE THIERS , 301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor. 13th OMAHA , NEB. McMAHON , ABERT & CO , , Wholesale Druggists , 1315 DOUGLAS STREET - - OMAHA NEB McNAMARA & DUNCAN. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN KENTUCKY AND PENNSYLVANIA WhiskieS ! in Bond or Free , Also diraot Importers of WINES , BRANDIES AND ALES , .Jobbers and Manufacturers of Fine Agents for Jos. Schlitz' Milwaukee Beer , Bottled and in Kegs. 214 & 218 S , 14TH STREET , - - - OMAHA , NEB , C. F. GOODMAN. "Wi/ElIO2 : .3EB GS DRUGGIST AND DEALER IN PAXNTSOILSVARNISHES And Window Glass. OMAHA , . . . _ _ . NEBRASKA. TjE GIT'S PLANING Ml a MANUFACTURERS OF Carpenter's Materials ALSO SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , STAIRS , Stair Railings , Balusters , Windpw and Door Frames , Etc. First-daw UdllUes for the Manufacture of all kind * of Mouldings , Fltnlog and matching a Specialty. Order * from tha country will b promptly executed. luMrwull cnmmnnlfitU A. MnVRU. Pnift. BROOM AND BRUSH WORKS. Cor , of Fifteenth an 3 Pacific Streets. ; R E. OOPSON & 00. , Proprietors. Will commence operations ahout Apr ! I. mSG-mfej Im A. M. CLARK , Painter&PaperHanger SIDHWBim&DBDnBATaB. WHOLESALE & RETAIL WALL PAPER Window S.MBB audOurtalnn , CORNICES CURTAIN POLES AND FIXTURES. Paint * , Oils & Brashes. lOTSovthlUtkBtNtt OMAHA NEBRASKA