Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1883, Image 1

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The P , M. 0 , Persimmons Fall
t at the Feet of a Judicial
Hoosiur ,
Judge Greeham , ot Indiana ,
Accopta the Vacant Seat in
the Cabinet ,
An Uusionxp iotioated Indian
Follows in tbe Ways of
the White Man ,
And Plaintively Appeals to the
Great Father For an Eye
and a Oane.
The Growing Importance of
India as a Wheat Rais-
ing Country.
* *
Assortment of General
Special Dispatches to Tna BII.
WASHINGTON , Apr 4. TheJJennDotte
court of Inquiry adjourned until to
morrow to await the arrival of ques
tions furnished by Dr. Collins.
The application of the king of the
Sandwich Islands , Is that he bo per
mitted to use ono of the United States
mints to coin mono y for hia kingdom ,
and the matter Is now under consider
ation. The mint director haa author
ity to do this , or at [ least , in Mmoa past
ho has exercised such authority , as n
largo amount of money was coined
\ somn years ago for Yenezala. Direct
or Barchard says that the money could
be coined nt the San Francisco mint
without Interference with the public
will leave for Jacksonville at noon to
morrow. The report that the presi
dent will vlait Yellowstone Park soon
after hia return from Florida is said at
the Wnito Honso to bo without foun
nns Rccaptod the appointment of post
master general.
The president haa designated First
Assistant Postmaster General Hatton
to net as postmaster general for the
period of ted days , beginning tomorrow
row , until the arrival of Groshaui.
The president appointed Llont. Col ,
Anderson D. Nellsou , U. S. A. ( re
turned ) deputy governor of the Sol
diers Homo , Yico Major Milton Cogs
well deceased.
The following letter srom the Slonx
Indian agency was roceired at the In
dian < lKo to-day ;
Hon. Cammlslsoner of Indian ABilrs , Wathtng-
Sin. I am n friend of the Great
.Father , nod am going in the white
man's ways. I nave noticed the white
men cutting wood and I thought I
wonld bo like the whlto man andchop
some wood for my wife. . A
piece of wood flaw up and
Jut ont my right eye. Now
would like to have
father to send mo another eye. I can
have it put in here. I have always
been a friend of the whlto man and
am bringing my children up In the
whlto man's ways. I am getting old
and wish my father wonld send me a
cane. When yon sand the eye , pleaae
send a brown ono as that Is tbe color
of my other eye. I hope the great ,
father will do as 1 ark. I ehakehands
with a good heart. Your friend ,
( Signed ) BLUE EYE.
The total amount of bonds embrac
ed In the 120th call received at the
treasury department to date In ro-
spone to the department circular au
thorizing their prepayment Is , ? 3- ,
004 650. A prominent official of the
treasury said to-day , In commenting
upon the fact that the amount of bonds
surrendered waa so much less than the
amount the department , offered to re
deem , that It indicated dither that tbn
people who complained of the scarcity
of money did not hold called bonds ,
or else the people who held the bonds
were In no great haste to exchange
them for money.
Secretary Teller rendered a decision
denying the motion for re-hearing In
the famous "El Sobranto" ease of
California. In this decision the sec
retary Bay3 ; "Tho decision In this
case upon the merits waa rendered by
my predecessor on the appeal Febru
ary 23 , 1882. On the 7th of March ,
1883 , an oral argument was made be
fore mo In behalf of the petition for
hearing. The case presented does
bring It wlihln the rules upon
which rehoarlnaa nro generally
granted , nor do I think any ground Is
disclosed that , under the rules , and
well established principled relating to
now trials would justify me In coon-
Ing the case and directing n reheating. >
I have taken occasion to examine here
brief * nnd papora used before my pre
decessor ct the time of his decision
and see no reason to dissent from , holed
general conclusion and result reached
by him. The motion for rehearing 'Is
therefore aonled. "
A telegram was received at the wai
department and forwarded to the Iu
dlan oflho to-day , which reports thai
Ohlet Sploebo and the Creek Indlani
who recantly left the reservation ; ave
gone Into camp with the Oammanches
thirty miles west of the Sao and Fox
reservatlonsr The peaceable Oroeki
will hold council with the Socedera i tomorrow
morrow and If the latter refuse to return
turn to their reservation and are sup
ported by other tribes , all avallabl
military forct at forta Reno and 811
will bo u ich fnrthor
states M j iri . 4otod Major
Bnttta , of the 20th IL. . * y , to call on
the commanding officers at forts llano
and Sills for troops If necessary.
In the Btar route trial to-day Vail
was on tno stand , lie testified to the
copartnership existing between him-
snlf , Minor , Pick nnd John Doraoy.
Yall was treasurer nnd Minor secre
tary of the combination. Witness
dauled positively the whole conversa
tion at the National hotel as described
by Rerdcr. Witness said the partners
quarreled , the routes were divided up ,
valuation was made of the routes and
straws drawn for their posses-
olyn , witness taklntr 40 per cent.
Minor 30 nnd * H. K. Djraoy . ' 10 per
conls. Nothing on earth wonld have
made him go on with Djrsoy , Wit-
noes never disliked a man so much In
his Ufa as ho did Doraoy nt that tlino.
Common prosecution had made them
again friendly. Nothing of Impor
tation elicited in the cross-oxamina-
tlon , and the court adjourned ,
The commissioner of Internal revenue -
nuo will Issue to-morrow n new circu
lar of Instructions with regard to the
collection of what nro known ni
"special tains , " that Is taxes Imposed
upon manufacturers of nnd dealers in
malt and distilled liquors and tobacco.
The circular provides that where
special taxes shall have become duo
and not paid by the first of May next
such special taxes shall bo assessed
and cDlloctod as other taxes are , the
collector , however , receipting therefor
on n form of warrant instead of punoh-
Ing special tax stamps as heretofore
provided In circular No. 251 ,
Special Dispatch to Tna Uu.
, April ,4. , As India Is
a growing rival of the Ualtod States
In the supply of wheat for the British
market , American shippers will bo In
terested In the report on Indian wheat
productions by H. Mataon , consul
general at Calcutta , In the February
Issue of consular reports , which Is just
out. Matson's conclusions are as fol
lows : That India can produce an average -
orago quality of wheat at as low cost
to producer as the most favora
bio locality In the United States ;
that eho can now cnpply the Enopeau
market with about 40,000,000 bushels
annually , nnd possesses facilities for
Increasing the supply to an almost un
limited extent , ovring to the great elas
ticity of homo consumption nnd to the
vast amount of land awaiting cultiva
tion ; that in quality , cheapness , trans
portation futilities for baudllrg , safety
against damage during transit , nnd the
stability of money exchange , American
wheat , nnd especially that from the
new northwest , haa such advan
tages that there need bo no
serious apprehension nn account
of Indian competition at legitimate
prices , but that In order to maintain
this advantage it is absolutely neces
sary that America should keep pice
with India In her efforts to reduce
nnd maintain freights at the lowest
possible minimum. On the other
hand it Is an Indisputable fact that
Indian wheat .has . already become and
viU continue to bo n very lnv otJat
factor In the grain markets of Europe ,
and a check against high prices brought
about either by speculation or
any ; other unnecessary or artificial
means ; finally , that on this basis of
fair average crop throughout the
world the American farmer will have
to prepare himself to reduce the coat
of production to the lowest minimum
and bo content with small profits or
else wheat growing In India will bo
stimulated to such an extent that sub
sequent competition may become ox-
tro'raoly formidable.
Tbe New Postmaster General Ue
Takes Hla Honors Easy.
Sptclal Dispatch to Tin Din.
EVANBVILLE , Ind. , April 4. Judge
Walter Q. Gresham , who was ap
pointed postmaster general to-day , la
In this city holding court. A reporter
vl < ited him this afternoon. In answer
to the question whether he Intended
to accept the appointment or not , ho
said ho had just notified the president
and secretary of state that ho would
nocopt , but that his duties hero
would detain him until Saturday
of this week ; that he could not >
reach Washington until the middle
of the ensuing week. Gresham said
that the appointment waa unsolicited
and as entirely unexpected. Ho re
ceived notice of his nppolhtmont early
this morning , the secretary of state
Informing him that his commission
had buen signed yesterday. The ap
pointment will give very general sat
isfaction In this state , whore Judge
Gresham Is honored and respected by
every one and stands at the very head
of the judiciary. Ho received the
congratulations from prominent people
of both parties.
Judge Gresham wna born In Hnrrl-
aon county , Indiana , In 1835 , was educated
catod In hla native state and after
graduating nt the Indiana state uni
versity in Bloomlngton , etndied law.
Ho soon afterwards began to practice
In Oorydon , the county Boat of Harri I-
son county , and was from the first sno
censful na n lawyer. Ho took nn no-
tlvo part in thii politics of the state.
Shortly before the outbreak of the
civil war howas elected representative
In the atato legislature , and in 18G1
was chairman of the house committee
on military affilra. When occupying
this poeitlon ho co-operated so skill
fully and energetically with Governor
Morton In the organization of the state
mllltla and In raising and forwarding
- troops that the latter , in 1801 , com
missioned him lieutenant colonel nof
the 38th regiment , Indiana volunteers.
< In March , 1802 , he was promoted
, bo colonel of the 53d Indiana , and In
August. 1803 , to be brigadier general
of volunteers. Ho participated In
In the siege of Oorlnth , the siege i
- and capture ol Vloksburg , and the
- siege of Jackson , Mlsi. , and up to
Jinuary , 1864 , commanded the Third
brigade , Fourth division , of the Sov-
ontoonth army corps. Ho was bro-
vetted major general for dlotln nlshod
gallantry. After January , 1804 , ho
commanded the Fourth division of the
Seventeenth army corpi until July ,
mine year , when ho was severely
wounded In the action before Atlanta.
Ho was muitorod ont of sorvloo on the
13th of April , 1800 , and as soon ns
his strength and hrnlth wcro folly
restored , ho entered into partnership
with Judge Butler , nt New Albany ,
Ind. , and resumed the prnctlco of law
la that city.
During the war Gonrral Grosham's
rolatous with General Grant were very
friendly and cordial. When the latter
became president for the first term In
1809 , ho appointed Gresham district
judyo for Indiana This position ho
atlll holds. Iu 1881 ho strongly urged
for a place In the cabinet of President
Gufiold nnd there Is reason to believe
the roprosonatlons of his frlonda in his
behalf were regarded with much f * vor.
Jndgo Gresham was serenaded nt
tha St. George hotel nt 11o'clock , to
night , A largo crowd of cltizsns was
present. Ho was Introduced from the
b.vlcony , nnd briefly thanked the people
plo for the compliment. After speeches
an Informal reception was hold in the
parlors of thu hotel.
Tliroo Mcmtlii of Bnllruadliii-
Special Dlepatcb to Till Uu.
CHICAGO , April 4 The Hallway
Ago publishes n statement of the
railway construction for the first
quarter of the year , 1883 , showing the
htttor part of the winter extremely
unfavorable to road building on ac
count of the severity of the weather ,
heavy snow storms , floods nud the
Iron trade causing the timid hold off ,
Reports are to the effect that the
construction of main track for that
time was 7CG miloa aprhst 1,200 for
the same period of 1882 , when the
weather was very mild and all condl
lions favorable. The mileage for the
year Is estimated at 8,000. Among
the loading amounts by states nro the
following : Now York 114 , Arkansas
91 , Arizona C'2 , Pennsylvania 73 ,
Montnnn 45 , Florida 43 , Missouri 40 ,
Illinois 37 , Idaho 28 , Now Mexico 8 ,
Utah 25.
The Port PaoKorVa Play.
Special Dispatch to Tua Bun.
CINCINNATI , April 4. An auction
sale of choice season reserved seats
for the dramatic festival began this
morning. College hall place was crowd
ed nnd bidding was unusually lively.
The proscenium boxes sold for pro
mlums In addition to the regular
charge for the season tickets , as fol
lows : First choice , $500 ; second ,
5200 ; third , $225 ; fourth , § 110 ;
fifth , $50 ; Blxth , $37 ; first slnglo seat
sold for $110 ; second nnd third , $100
oach. A Inrgo number of sales were
made nt $30 and nt $47. 1'hia sale
so far exceeds nny for musical or
opera footlvala.
A Prouclior's Play.
Special Dispatch to TUB USB.
SAN ANTONIO , Texas , April 4. The
town la greatly excited ever the flight
of the Ruv. "Adirondack" Murray ,
who haa been getting deeply In debt
for some time. Hia creditors , after
having been long put off , nt la t de
manded n settlement , and Murray
agreed ti meet them and make come
proposition. A young woman with
whom Murray Is reported to have boon
intimate left town , after Mur
ray wrote his creditors , and the
ex-clergyman having packed his goods
set ont a day later. Ho haa been
traced as far as New Orleans only.
Bis Indebtedness amounts to about
Barn Burners Bagged-
Spoctal Dispatch to TUB CBB.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , April 4. Daring
the past three weeks eighteen barns in
certain portions of the city were burn
ed. The fires uniformly occurred nt
4 o'clock In the morning. The matter
has been a great mystery and n reward
of $500 waa offered by the underwrit
ers. This afternoon two boys , aged
14 , went hunting a short distance
from the city. They were refused ad
mission to the field by the farmer , nud
a few moments nf tor war da the farmer's
barn was In flames. The boys were
arrested and confessed to firing the
barn. It Is believed they are the In-
cendiarivs In the other iustancas.
A Colorado Fire.
Special Dispatch to To * Bin.
0DENVER , April 4 , Eirly this morn
ing a disastrous fire occurred nt Groe-
W , fifty miles north ot Denver. N.
W , Hall & G . , liardvtaro and furni
ture ; H. U , Jackson' , dry goods , suf
fered serious or total loass. The
wnlon bank building and the Maaonlo
and Odd Follows' halls are entirely ,
destroyed. It Is estimated the loss Is
A Disgusted JTonrnnllat
SpeclaljDItpatch to Tna Bu.
NEW YORK , April 4 Nathan 8.ho
Morse , the business manager of The
Daily News , shot himself through the
head this moraine ; In his office , nnd
dlod Instantly. His health had been
Injured by overwork and for some time
ho had been very tick.
A Murderer's Madness.
WHITE PLAINS , N. Y. , April 4.
The murdororof Oornotto was brought !
In court thin morning nnd rosentoncod
is bo Imaged May ] 1. On his way
back to hla cell ho took off his hat and
bid the sheriff good-byo and then
made n spring to escape. Ho was
caught by the sheriff nnd assistants
and waa carried to his cell fighting
llko n tiger and biting his custodians.
Senator IThurmnn Badly Hart.
Special DUpatch to Tua li n.
COLUMBUS/.O. , April 4. Er Ssnatoi
Thurman fell on the steps of his resl
donee last evening and broke his nrn
between tbo elbow nnd shoulder. The
result Is thought not to bo serious ,
Anti-Monopoly In Indiana ,
Bpedal DUpatch to Tua Uu.
INDIANAPOLIS , April 4 A confer
enoe of antl-monopollats this mornin
decided to Issue a call for a mass ionone
ventlon to bo held In this city Jam
C. The object Is to start an nntl
monopoly movement In Indiana. Ibe
- conference to-day vaa well attended
The Fronoh Bepublio Menaced
by the Allied Powers of Qer-
many , iustrh and Italy.
The Editorial Blood Guzzlers
ot Italy Snap tbeir Soie-
sors in Defiance ,
Meantime the Alleged Repub
lic Continue Shaking with
Internal titrife ,
Arrest of Socialist Deputies in
the German Reichstag.
A Lnrco Variety of Uoneral For
eign News.
Special Dispatch to Tin Hn.
lit MB , April 4 Tiio atory of the
trlpla nllunco of Gormnny , Austria
nnd Italy against France has boon
made the occasion by the press of
Italy for many null-French articles.
The Liberia sots forth that if the republic -
public assumes arrogant airs in her
dealings with other countries of
Europe , she will find herself con
fronted with the unpleasant spectacle
of aevoral powers united for mutual
The Journal do Rome ( clerical ) goes
atill fnrthor , and says : From the
Baltic to Sicily , the French republic
has uono but enemies , who nro ready
to attack her If she but moves a finger.
She la nt the mercy of of her enemies ,
If there is the slightest ccttui belli , and
and Italy will not fall , when the chief
of the alliance gives the smallest sign ,
to furnish cause on a few minutes' no
tice. " '
Special Dlspatcbei to Tin Bra.
PARIS , April 4 At a cabinet conni
oil Waldook Rousseau , minister of the
Interior , made n strong argument In
favor of the expediency of retaining
Gen , Digalllfot as director of cavalry
manuuvros. Geii. Thlobindla , mlnI
later of war , said on military matters
Waldook Rousseau was illy qual
ified to plvo an opinion. President
Grovy Interposed nnd the matter waa
The P-wis ( newspaper ) says Parry
and Thltbaaudin hnvo come to an
ngrenmant that the great cavalry
mat ( rvors on the eastern frontier
should bo nbiudouod , on account of
the heavy expenditure Involved. Da-
gnlllfet haa command of the usual
cavalry mnr ( avers.
Henri Roahofort , in an article-
hla Journal Intransogonnt , says the
nation relies on the firmness and layI
alty of Thleboaudln to save the r pub
Ho from the misfortune of falling Into
the hauda of Djgalllfet.
Gdiural Degallifol , In &u buorview ,
doclarea nil heads of departmjnts and
nnbdireotors of war t flico are ay sophanto
and communists , and that * JjC decree
In regard to the Autumn cavnirv man
oeuvres was prepared with the assist
ance of radical jonrnallstr , Gen ,
Thlobeaudin , ho said , ' , had.rooontly
given him his word of honor that ho
should not bo deprived of any dignity.
Gen. Miller has arrived hero. It is
stated the purpose of his mission Is to
direct from this point Irish revolu
PARIS , April,4. Simon Phllllppart ,
the famous speculator , was arrested
hero yesterday , upon representations
made by the Belgian public prosecu i-
tor. The charge against him la that
ho falsified accounts at his bank ,
Special DUnatches to Tun Bu.
BERLIN , April 4 Four other BO-
clallats were arrested the nmo time
with Yollmar and Frohmo.
The entire loft of tha rolohstag will
vote as a body against the bill pro
posed by the ministry to Increase the
duties on wood. The bill Increasing
the duties on wood was referred to n
committee , I'M to 135
The resistance of the Danes in
Sohloswig to the demands of Prussia
that they nerve in the army Is as
strong as ever. Thirty of them just
were expelled from the country for
refusing to liuciibo their names for
such service ,
BERLIN- , April 4 At this hour , 15
p , in. , the National theatre is on fire ,
and tno ( limes are rapidly spreading.
It Is feared the structure Itsulf will
bo completely destroyed and other
buildings go with It. The fire depart
ment seem wholly unable to cope with
the flames.
BEHLIN , April 4. The theatre is
completely destroyed and the contents
Including the wardrobes of the thea
tre proprietors and the scenery. Noth
ing wus saved but there was no loss of
life. The damage to the surrounding
buildings Is comparatively small.
When the engines arrived the fire
had spread to the auditorium. hem
Iron curtain separating the stage from
the auditorium was not proof against
the heat , and the proccontnrn boxes
quickly Ignited. Tno royal box was
first to catch firo. The report of the
disaster was promptly sent to the
palace and the emperor dispatched an
uldo do-camp to ascertain the partita *
, Investigation leads to the conclus
ion that the fire originated under the
. stage. The proprietor of the theatre
only arrived "when the structure vas
nearly consumed.
. Spoclil PlipatchM to Tin U" .
LONDON , April 3. Arrived out the :
Samarttan , the Baltimore- and State
of Indiana from Now York.
LONDON , April 3 Tbo recovery fOf
the Queen Is less rapid than the
physicians had reason to oxpoot ,
< LONDON , April 4. Germany xnd
Spain have come to a final RRreomon
- In regard to the conclusion of a treat ]
of commerce , Each made ooncos
- slons.
The Standard says : On account of
, the threatened division of the Irlsl
party ' It Is probable Pamoll will not to
The steamships Nevada nnd W , A.
Schalton , of Now York , hnvo arrived.
LONDON , April 4 , A dispatch from
Windsor Castle dated tlia afternoon ,
says , that the queen's t-onoral health
continues excellent despite the pre
cautionary : safe-guard ni to oxorclso
which the physicians Imposed , and
although j not permitted to walk yet
she tooka drlvo during the forenoon ,
LONDON , April 4. A dispatch from
Pittis says Prime Minister Ferry in
formed President Grovy the govern
ment had decided to tnko onergotlo
notion In Tonqulr with n view of es
tablishing n protectorate.
The race for the great Northamp
tonshire stakcn to-day , wnvon by J ,
Haubury's Glonluco , P II. Ooovor
Son of York second , Lefnres , the
Glider third. There wcro six starters.
The chances of P.irnoll visiting
America arc becoming inoro remote.
Special Dupatcbcs to Tim Um.
Di'itLiN , April 4 , The trial of the
prisoners charged with the Phwnlx
park murders nnd other crimes , which
was oxpiictod to begin Tuesday next ,
has to bo pcstponcd for n few days
owing to the fact that snlliolont funds
Imvo not boeti raised for the oonduot
of tbo defence of the prisoners , It
waa the Intention of the accused men
when nikcd on their arraignment If
they are ready for trial to request that
they bo furnished with counsel. The
trial la said to bo delayed until their
counsel has boon
COUK , April 4. The pollco attach
milch importance to the fact that
O'Hcrlipy arrested on the chnrgo of
conspiracy to murder , received an or
der for 20 from America. It was
stopped at the bank , however , owing
it Is thought to the notion of the gov
CorKNiiAOEN , April 4. The Gor
man socialists have just concluded n
throe t days. ' secret session of their con
gress. Sixty members were present ,
including i Uobol , Llobknooht and
Hasonolovor 1 , all members of the
Reichstag ] , together with delegates
from I Paris and London. It was de
cided to strongly oppose nt the oloo-
tlonn I in 1881 Biemurok'a policy Is
ohiclly in rtjgard to hla social pro
gramme &ml to force the fight against
capital , The German police believed
the I congress waa being hold In Switzer
land. 1
A I'oon rjuov.
DUBLIN , April 4. Michael Davitt
has 1 written a vigorous letter to Young
of the Ireland society nt Glascow , In
which ho tnys the dynamite policy can
only have the cIToot of exnupoiatlug
the I English democracy. Ho declares
It I would be far bettor work to wait for
another twenty years than to play Into
the I hands of Ireland's enemies by giv
ing I rtiu to despair and rovengo.
LIMERICK , April 4 At n public
mi.'t'tit'g ' trhichvn ; held here yester
day for the p'irpjso ot giving to Par-
neil a nub it AH tl til testimonial of the
ea'iinattnn In which ho Is held , proved
to bj A ( Uaoo , and only forty persons
aubscnbud to the projected fund for
raising the encumbrance on his farm ,
and the eohomo was temporarily
The principal pier at Nice burned.
Loss , $1,000,000.
Bjoth'a "Othello" was loudly ap
plauded In Vienna. The closing
scones , although marked by certain
beautiful passages , were not satisfac
tory to critics.
Clan. Yon Hobo Pasha , an officer of
the Gorman army , who In 1882 wont
to reform the Turkish army , has boon
appointed aldo do camp to the sultan
and his master of horse.
Baron Wortholm , the wealthiest
manufacturer of Austria , nnd a cele
brated f abrioant of Iron safes , Is dead ,
During the socialist congress In Co
penhagen , telegraphic communications
were exchanged with loading members
of the Irish party in Now York.
It is stated China has agreed to
rccogbiza the Fronoh protectorate
ever 1'onquin upon condition that
France continues to psy tribute to
A Powerful Monopoly-
Special Dispatch to Tua Il .
NKW YCIIK , April 4. The struggle
which has continued many years for
control of the traffic of New York bay >
terminated yooterday In a resolution
la the administration of Slaton Island
railway company , of which Jacob
Vandorbllr. formerly president , and
Erastus WJman , president of the
Staten Island Rapid Transit railroad
company , were elected president ofm
the former company , and has chosen
his own board of directors. President
Wlman also made an alliance with the :
Iron Steamboat company by which al
most the ontlte passenger and excur ;
sion traflio of Now York bay Is con
Barnam'a Only.
Special Dispatch to Tin Um ,
NEW YOUK , April 4. Barnum } ,
being acquitted of the charge of cruel
ty to children In hiving the Elliott
family perform , offered ? 200 to Jenkins - -
ins , superintendent of the necloty oren
the prevention of cruelty to children
If ho wonld permit him to exhibit him
( Jonklnf ) through the country aa a
man who would prevent children mak ,
ing an honest livelihood.
Billiard Toarnntuont-
Ppocial DUpatch to Till H .
CHICAGO , April 4 The game be-
twcou Sexton and Wallace iu the balk
line tournament this afternoon was
one-Hided and uninteresting. Score :
Sexton COO , average 10 20 B8 , highest
run 52 : Wallace , 407 , average 7 8 57 ,
highest rnn 73. Time 250. ;
Ylgnanx and Morrla pltyed the
< great event of the evening and of the
tournament. In the llth ) Inning Ylg
nanx ran the gauo ont with 240 ,
boating the best record over made and
the highest average. He soeraod to
- have little notion of accomplishing the
big result when he began the Inning ,
and until he had reached 100 played ;
a rather reokleu and quite open game ,
Ho had the balls on the rail twice , bat
did not osro to kcop them long , Bat
as ho pasiod 100 ho took the
Intention of making a great rnn and
ho did It In magnificent fashion. From
this time forth every shot was made
with extreme care and while ho did a
small proportion of the oloso running
his long driven for position were pho-
nomlnally accurate , and as a consequence
quence ho had very few difficult shots
to make , Whenever the balls were
depurated ho collected them
quickly with ono or two well
judged strokes and completed the
run which made him the gatno with
perfect eflso. Ho closed with the
balls still In position for many more.
Score : Yfgnaux COO , nveraso
3111-1K , highest run 240 ; Morris 197
average 10 7 10 , highest rnn CO
To-morrow Schaefer and Dion play
In the afternoon and Sexton and Daly
In the evening.
A 'ntnl lMght Dotwoon Two Mon.
PiTTstiyno , April 4. Advlcos from
Dnbors give the following particulars
of the fatal prlzo fight briefly men-
tlonod In those dlspatchoa last night.
Mlko Mclaughlin nnd Martin Llnksy ,
two boys not inoro than eighteen years
of ago nnd employes of the Rochester
coal company , quarreled yesterday and
agreed to aottlo the trouble according
to ptizo ring rules. The fight oaino
off by lamp light laat night and was
witnessed by n largo number
of spectators , mostly mlnora. The
fir at two rounds were poaaeaaod of very
llttlo lutorcat , the antagonists bolntf
pretty evenly mntohod. Too third
round waa a spirited ono nnd heavy
odda wore In favor of Lluksy , but
MaLaughllu aoomod to bo bettor
aoloncod. The fourth round brought
the claret from both but with no Ad
vantage to olthor. In the fifth round
both caino to the scratch with no
llttlo vim nnd the punishment
waa about evenly divided. In the
sixth round both foil somewhat worse
for wonr , and blowod llko porpoises.
Considerable sparring waa Indulged
In , when Llnksy accidentally foil , his
chin striking n root. His nock was
broken , and ho dlod almost In
stantly. The tragic termination
of the mill canaed great excitement ,
and it waa all a few cool-headed men
could do to prevent n row between the
rival factloua. Mclaughlin gave him
self up to the authorities. The
Coroner hold an Inquest this evening
returning a verdict that Llnksy'a
death woo caused by Mclaughlin.
Ho waa hold on the charge of mnrdor.
Tlio Iron Mnkora Gloomy.
Special Dlnpatch to Tllit Usx.
riTTsnuno , April 4 The Western
Iron association hold Ita annual moot
ing here to-day nud oleotod the old
ofllcors. llcporla from all aootlona In-
dlcato on unsatisfactory condition of
trade with the future ontlobk unprom
ising. The card rate was roaflirmod.
Aftnr adlonrnmont of the mooting
of thowoatorn Iron association , which
doala with prices , an exclusively secret -
crot contoronoo of the Iron manufac
turers was hold to consider the wage
question. The committee appointed
some time ago to rovlao the scale ot
wages paid In the mill * tiuoo lut Jane ,
ropbrtod In favor of making substan
tial reductions In allbranchosof trade ,
the exact figures are withold , but
It la .said to range from
10 to 20 per cent. The unanimous
opinion was expressed that there
would have to be a reduction , but the
conference adjourned without finally
deciding upon a scale. Tbo agtlon of
the manufacturers 'a ' a surprise to the
workers , as In previous years they al
ways moved first. The Amalgamated
association will hold their scale con
vention Saturday. It in understood
they will not Insist upon any radical
changes from the present scale , but
will fight against reduction.
The Capital Fight in Dakota.
Special DUpateh to Till liai.
YANKTON , Dak. , April 4 The ter
ritorial legislative committee , com
posed of MoKonzlo , Holding , Myora
and Thompson , to locatn the capital ,
arrived on the midnight train , or-
ganlzod their oommlttco at Yankton
( s the law directed ) , and Immediately
departed on the early train. The
committee are unfavorable to locating
the capital at Yankton. To-day the [
sheriff of Yonkton served quo warranto
papera on the commission , having
found thorn on a train between Elk
Folnt and Sioux Olty.
Dlood.d Uattlo Bale.
Special Dltpatcn to Tin Un.
CHICAGO. April -I There waa a
largo gathering of stock men nt Dex
ter park to-day , to participate In the
aalo of polled ( Angus , Galloway , Hereford -
ford , abort horn , Devonshire road
West Highland cattle , the property of
the Leary Brothers , of Canada , Goo. )
Whltofiold and others. Forty-two
head were disposed of for an aggre
gate of $10,350 , the prlcoa running
with remarkable evenness ; only two
reached $1,000.
The WaliMh and Gould.
Bp elal Dispatch to Till Il .
ST. LOUIH , April -1. Reports have
boon received that the Wabash rail
way will Boon pass under the manage
ment of the Gould Southwestern ayn-
tern. This time 11 S. Hayes himself
In given as authority foreoying on the
day before ho left for Few York to at
tend the meeting of the directors of
the Wabash that ho oxpccted very
BOCIJ to have the Wabaahoyatcm undei
hla control. The now bosrd nf direct
era hold a mooting in Now York his
The Liquor Qaeatlon in Ohio-
SpecUl Dltpattn to Till Uu.
COLUMBUH , O. , April 4. The gUof
latnro to-day agreed on the report of
the conference committee for sdbmls
slon of two propositions for amendments
monts to the constltutlonon the llquo
question. Ono provides for prohl
bltlon and the other for loglalatlvi
* Bmoll Vex HCATC.
ST. Louis , April 4. There la n
truth lo the stories of the great preys
lonoe of small pox In the city ,
Doalli of the Venerable PMlan-
thropist , Fetor Uoopor , in
Hew York ,
One of the Noblest Americana
Passes Away Peace-
Preparation * for the Funeral The
TJontU of Potrr Coop r.
Special Dlipttch to Tun Hi a.
NEW YORK , April 4. Peter Ooopor
dlod of pneumonia at 3:30 : this morn
ing , aged 94.
Color Ooopor celebrated his ninety
second birthday on February 12. Ho
had boon ailing some time with a
slight cold , and laat Sunday waa com
pelled to remain In bud. The family
physician waa summoned and ho at
onca discovered that the patient was
aulljrltifj n eovoro attack of
pneumonia. Cooper's advanced years
was a great drawback to his recovery.
About - o'clock this morning ho called
his son , ex-Mayor Ooopor , and Mrs.
Abram S. Hewitt , his daughter , and
her family to the bedside , saying to
them that ho know he had not long to
live , and they must become reconciled
to the fact of his death , which ce
nt exactly 3 n. m. lie remained con
scious up to the time of his demise ,
and made several ramarks in regard to
family affalrci. Many frlcnda of the
family and prominent cltlzons called
at the house this morning to express
their sympathy with the bereaved family
NBW YORK , April 4 The funeral
of Peter Ooopor will take place from
All Souls church Saturday. Rev , Dr.
Oollyor , assisted by Roy , Howard
Crosby , will conduct the aorviccs. The
following are the pall bearers : Ham
ilton Fish , Wilson G. Hunt , Chief
Justice Daly , John T. Agnew , Gon.
Alrx , 8. SVobb , Postmaster Pierson ,
Jackson 8. Sohultz , W. II. Appleton ,
A. A , Low , Cyrus W. Field , John E.
PariouB and H. M. ShleiFolln.
Tno fnnornl will bo aa private as
possible under the clrcnmstancs.
Many learned nnd charitable societies
nnd the various exchanges have signi
fied their Intention of sanding dele
gations. Too Interment will bo In
Greenwood cemetery , where the ro-
malna of the phllanthopUt'a wlfo rest.
Muny callers oxproiscd sympathy and
many telegrams of condolence were
received , ono from England.
Dr. Hull has Issued n corrected
statement of OJopor's illness. ' Ho
says Ooopor has boon troubled with
sere throat some weeks , but otherwise
was in fair health , Sunday revealed
pneumonia and yesterday the's'ymfT ?
toms became worse , leaving no hope
of recovery. -
. i. . ; ' , „ e
The Princess Louise will l aye Bermuda , ' ,
the 10th Inat. and arrive about tbe 17th. -1
David Torchelmer & GJ. , batten , New 1
York , have aaelgced ; lUbllltlei (100,000. v , ,
Goo. W. Da fid * , of the firm of Tbad ' <
deus Davldi & Co. , Ink manufacturers
New York , killed himself la tba Grand
Union hotel yesterday , '
At the fire at 10-1 Greene street , Jersey
Olty , an unknown man was burned to
death and John Cully latally Injured in
leaping from n window.
A cable meisage announces tbe discov
ery of Darroit's comet by Dr. E. Hartwig ,
of Strasbourg observatory. Ho predicted
the discovery about April 23.
The official gazette of Havana publishes
a decree ordering the examination by the
board of health of all American lard pack
ed In kegs or other wooden packages.
The Tewkeabury alma bouse Investlga- '
tion continued yesterday. Butler aald he
expected to prove that the bodloa had been
delivered to be skinned , and tbe skins
TfcA. negro cabin at She'byvllle , Tenn. ,
burned yesterday , and two colored chil
dren , agep five and two years , burned to
death. The mother had left them leaked
In the cabin ,
A. J. Crawford , deputy United States
marshal under Langstreet , was arrested In
Atlanta , Ga , on the charge of making
false and fraudulent returns , but escaped '
from thoolllcer.
QKdward Kvorelt Halo presided laat night
at a largely attended meqtlnp , in Boston ,
of persons interested In tbe elevation and
education of American Indians , under the
aiupicej of the New Knpland Wnman'a oa-
toclatlon and National Indiana Illghts at-
A boy threw a lighted match Into the
man hole of a eower In Baltimore , and an
explosion followed damaging the street
and houses $30,000 worth. While remov
ing the debris the bodies of Obaa. McCar
thy and Andrew Hintenacb , children ,
were found In tbe tewer ,
* - In on altercation between W. T. San-
rtden , broker , and E , A. Leeiener , pub
lisher of The Capitalian Advocate , at
Baton llouge. La , , the latter waa shot
through the head , and died in two hours.
Both were well connected , but tbe latter's
connection waa severed. .
GovernorPoUIsoD , of Pennsylvania , has
Issued a proclamation declaring forfeited
tbe charters of corporations and companies
falling to make a return to the auditor
general within three yearn. It la said tbe
- Hat will include 775 corporations of such
character aa to cause general surprise ,
Gen , Grant gave n dinner to ex-l'rnai-
dent llaz ) In the Union League club , New
York , la t ntglit. Among the guoaU were
Mayor Edson , IV , M. Kvarts , Hascoe
Conkllng , Jay Gould , Mat las Homers ,
Hussel Bago , Clarence A. Seward , Gen.
- Lloyd ABjilnwall , T. Ma-no. Col. G. D.
Grunt , U. 8 Gran * . Jr , William Henry
Hurlburt , and numbers of Gen , Diaz suit.
Saturday afternoon , in the suburbs of
Eldorado , Ark. , a white girl , aged 8 years ,
daughter of tbe late Col. Jno. Haskins ,
- waa rtvished by a colored boy named Al
bert Williams. Ho waa Ide t Hied by the
girl , and In the n aglstrato'iolHee confessed
- the crime. While going to jail a mob of
- citizens seized Williams and bung him to a
- Tbe reception of Senator John J. Ker-
nan , at Albany , last night was tbe social
sensation of the season. The governor
nd lieutenant governor and all Albany
society were present. Many distinguished
people went wp from New York and
Brooklyn , the latter Senator Keman's
- home. ' BUhop Langblln , Henry Word
Beecher and Mayor Low cent regrets.