Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1883, Image 6
IMEIE UAJLY BLUFFS WB'NK * nA.f APBIL 4 The Daily Bee. HOUNCIL BLUFFS. Wednesday Morning , April 4 SUBSCRIPTION BATES ! ST Cutler , - - - - - 0 cents per week 37 1111 . . . . . . 110.00 per TMI OOoo : No. 7 Pearl street , Moa roadway. Some one always in the office MINOR MENTION. SM Joseph Udter't spring styles. Additional local on seventh ps < < e , Mr , J , 0. Rhodabeck , one of the mon bo ) and Influential men that ever cartlec i ; a 'grip , " nM abandoned , fora time a . least , the practice of law pnd will return to hU Grit love "the road. " He will start from our city thin morning with Htmplet of thotho Crystal mills Hour , which , by the way , is n flue breadstuff * AS over came from porcolean rolls , We know whereof wo speak , We Interviewed a number of leading business yesterpay regarding the late Moss-1'olnta brutality , and nearly every one to a man expressed in emphatic terms the crime as one of the moat shameful and disgusting ever perpetrated In the state. They all join In declaring It to bo the duty of officers to cnfore the law in the matter , even to the extent of calling on the Rover nor If need be , John N. Plumber , an old , estimable cltlisn of this county , died at his residence , several miles east of the city , Monday , The funeral will take place Tnursdaynext. Mr. Plumber was one of the old settlers of tbh county , coming here in an early day , and his death will be mourned by many friends and admirers of his true and noble character. John Ilalsteln was trying to j ? t np Broadway with a heavy cargo of "prohlbl k tton , " and Officer Cuilck seeing his dilemma , kindly took him in. The judge assessed the damages at $7.CO , which John paid , when he had discharged the contents of his "hull. " and cooled off. The Juvenile bind will Rive a prom , eoade concert and ball at Bloom k Nlxon'i hall on Friday evening of this week for the boneflt of the band. The admission will eventy.five cents. From' the' amount' good ? piled on the pavements In front of thi various bos * mess bouses , we infer that our merchants are preparing for a heavy trade this , ieaon. Two desperate looking "cracksmen , " in charge of Officers Hatz , and Behm , passed east last night. They are wanted in Boston , and were captured In Idaho , While the " " W "pound" receiving some attention would it not be well for some of the worthlofs dogs that Infest the city to meet with common rospoct. Savoral u [ hlou8 parties wore ob served at the transfer yesterday. Wo may confidently look for un account of another confidence game shortly. Still the rush is westward , judging from the great numbers that continually throng the watting rooms and corridors of the union depot. . The expression , that lowered the facial surface , of a prominent citizen of this city , when ho dropped a sack of three dozen eggs upon the pavement , can bettor be imagined than expressed. One o ! our utterly utter mashers met his match in a hugr and glgactlo damsel of shady texture ol skin yesterday to the amusement of { many. Two table females of "qneiUonabla character"settied little dispute on toutb rifth street yesterday , by "wool ( fathering and scratching. The citizen * In tha bottom were frightened Tuesday morning by a dog sup posed to be affected with hydrophobia. The types made us say that there was 922 In the city treasury. Mora than 932,000 is tha correct figure. Tha Presbiterlan sociable at Mrs. Shugart'n residence last night was a sno- ceai , as well as a most enjoyable affair. A dead and steuchful dog li one ot the ornament * that embelllshei the sidewalk on north Baventh street. There is a quiet underground report that some changes ara likely to taka place on the police force. Business at tha Union stock parda was lair yesterday. _ There was a slight falling ol In the receip'ti. Several prominent Nebraska and Col orado stockmen stopped at the Drovers' hotel lait night , We notice that tha excavations have beqn made for a new buiineis house on lower Broadway. Martin Huetz slipped from a load of hay onjBtcond'streot yesterday morning and sprained his arm. We have noticed that all the retail meat markets have advanced tba pries of meat about20 per cent , Some of tha "dark hnad" brethren wera engaged in a general old time row last night. M t A widow wlh seven small children * , was one o ! tha attractions at tha transfer yojterday , The party .who roughly handled bb team of horses yesterday should be severe * ly dealt with. Tha street commissioners' attention Is called to tha condition of some of the highways. Real estate agents are driving a good trade. Property Is changing hands very rapidly. Quite a number of new business build ings are about completed and ready for oo- cupanoy. , Tha population of Council Bluffs hai bean Increased by seven-ninths in the last few days. Yesterday's sunshine was enjoyed bj our fair one * , who put In tha tlina in ban * back exarcli a. A great number of old buildings arc being removed to makeplaoa for new ones , Tha city prison Is not one of tha most healthy places In the world. A harmless runaway occurred on Sooth Ninth street yesterday morals ? , DeGay & OaMlhava locuredtho ocn- traet for tha traction of a bandtoma eaw dwelling to cost about 10,000. ( o ba ended on the corner of Ktght nnd Braadwo And are also icmodelling Mr. Kmpkli dwelling , of the Kmpk'e Hiudw ro coi The man O'Lesrjr who telnteil Offic Tyson , will have his trial Saturday. One "lonesome" drunk hove upbefo the judge yesterday morning , Thos. McCun , a harmless unfortunal got lodging at the station last night. -Considerable horse trading was Indul , ed in yesterday. Several parlies are contemplatltg tt erection of a number of tenement bounci A large delegation of members of th G. A. K. left yesterday for Des Molnes. One of our bulchers lost some mea by his horse running away yesterday. The ladles of St. Paul' * church are t have a featlval Friday evenicg , Two wagons loaded w th fish wer upon the streets yesterday. The market Is now ( luih with veget ables from southern climes. Our city la now favored with a nigh ichool. ichool.The The health of this city Is unuiuallj jood , KATIE LEIPERV , NIB Remains of the Unfortunate Girl Taken Home , by the Aged Father for Bnrial , All that was mortal ot Katie Lolport , ho unfortunate girl who committed nlcldo , aa narrated In these columns estorday , waa oonvoyod to the depot I the Chicago , Burlington & Qalnoy allroad yesterday by Mr. Connell , the indortakor , last evening , for shipment o Corning , Iowa. They wore acoom- ianlod by the aged father , Mr. Joseph jolpert , a highly respected farmer of Ldama county , who came in answer to he telegram notifying him of her oath. From Mr. , Loopcrt wo learned that hecauso of her departure from homo , nd no donbt her death , la traceable Irootly ; to" the door of a certain young ian-wb.080 name ho refused to dl- rilgo , and whdm aho loved with a Billon , bordering on Idolatry. The orfidy and lnponstanp > ( ot thla tobacco ' - [ disappointment t udmelttnotiojy , . | to or young a'onl that only aelf dostiao- on couldi destroy. 8ho Bought , out i the bney , aotivo world , aolaoo for or , sorrows and . balm" for . - her onnda , 'but the great world of a time to waste in the charity of ind words , the Bunehlno cf enconr- ? omont and the affection o * Chris- an smiles. Tired of her burden * , oary of life's flitting uconoo uho took or life , and while the bloodless lips ro glued in death , the destroyer of or happiness la no doubt using lib idnolvd Influences upon the plautio lections of some other girl. What in bo the moral status of such a east. Whore can he , who murders oth body and soul look for hopo. Thus has ended the life of a too onfidinjr and boautifnl girl , and wo Indly cover with the mantle of charity 10 pitiful aoono. There la but Httlo bnalness in jus- Ice court * . _ _ Brown's Bronchial Troches will relieve Ironchltl" . Asthma , Catarrh , Consume Ive and Throat diseases. They are used Iways with good success. Mrs. 8. W. Groom , Sixth avenue , To. 1730 bet. 16th and IGth street , as a room and will give board. Hate o other boarders aolf nd daughter , FOR BALE At a bargain , two choose ata and fixtures. Address ' 2,304 , louncll Bluffs , Iowa. fob27-tl PBBWONAL. Robert Jonei , Ogdentburg , Is visiting It be city. Daniel Waldo , fine stock breeder of Ken uckjr , is now in tha city. Dennis Pierre , of Toronto , accompanie < y several friend , Is In the city. Justice Vaugh returned .home Monda ] Ight , and Is now full ot business , John OirletoD , Carlisle , Pa. , Is recupet ting his health with Council Bluffs pea lo. Morrison Ford and faintly are visitln datives here. They are enroute to Ore on. on.J. J. J. Ouisie , Chicago , at II. B Wallace loine , New York , are stopping at the Met opollUn. J. J , White , landlord ot tbe pound , ha even cows registered at tba Hotel do Coi resterday afternoon , A. W. Wheeler , who has been In Arkai as for his health , returned home this we * treatly Inproved In health , Miss Mamie Craig has Juat , returne From Boston , where she bus been comple Ing her course In painting and the fine art Smith Omare , Ohai/Gnshor , Boona , la Tames Kills , St. Paul ) Geo. Itinyart Waihlngtenj E. O ondlt , Kansas Cltj ind Chas. Box , St , Lauls , are stopping i tbe Revere. , F. 0. Mitchell , Dos Moines ; J. I Clapp , Boone ; E. J. Flsk , Tabor ; 0. i Chapman , Missouri Valley ; J. II. Brook Boone ; Mr. L. T. Dorr , of Brattlebon Yt. , Is stopping In tba city , Mrs. Lang , a poor widow In her weed came to the pound yesterday to get hi cow , Alderman Slodentopf paid tt charges , The scilptural Injunction to cat for tbe widow and tha fatherless reach ) even to two cows. When Milton Nobles wrote bis "Intel views , " he must have enjoyed an Intlmal acquaintance with Ant loiu > Dick , for t ! hero of that play Is certainly tha self-sate Dlok In all that goes to make up an Ind viduallty. W. T. Truman , New York ; 8 , Hlnlj Chicago ; John II , Uemlen , L. P. Prui yer , Bt. Lonls ; Mr. and Mrs. L. T. RheJi hart , Philadelphia ; Dr. K. S..B. Spanoe Omaha ; J. ' L. Mlllford , Mlnneapoll Qefe. KtallngtV , Fort Madison ; J , ' & ' Orotalle , Detroit ; W. R , : Crawford , Y SanfVd and A. P. OlavaUnd , OUoagi V \ Gei. D. Carroll , wife and daughter , 8 Luls ; K. 11. Rubins m , Toledo , K. ] H xon , llannlli.l , ind O. W. Hazard , Di Molntf , are abiding at tba Oden house. 0. Amdr , of Missouri Valley , wna In tl city yesterday en route for Des Molne where he will tell ahe old soldiers atteni Ing tbe encampment what ho thinks i Senator Allison and his pension bureau B | pointocs. Arndt Is after the senator scalp there is no doubt about that. T. M. Miller , Louisiana ; Isaac 131 act San Franclico ; T. M. Oemunt , DunUj W. K. Kith and wife , Marshalltown ; W , Danson , St. Louis ; Wm. Orr , Hai dlnsdale , N , II , ; J. W. Garden , Oirsori D. K. Alrams , Burlington ; W. Colllni Lincoln , Neb ; E. W. Colllnn , Essex , la , are Kuesta at the Paolfio house. Mr , F , M , Melllngcr , whose car load o nules was shaken up hy a collision on th Cansss City road , and who sustained serl ouainjurler , has so for recovered that he I able to be around on crutches , HI mules , for the lant thliteen days , have beet entertained at W. 0. Holland's Hotel d loree , and they fared much better thhi holr owner , who has been In the horpita t St , Joe sinoo tbe accident. BY-LAWS Of tbe Council Ulufla Hospital Aeeo elation. First The board of trustees shall to organlzod by the appointment of u iroaldont , secretary and treasurer. ? ho first mooting of the board in each 'ear shall bo hold immediately after ho annual election of trustees on the ceotid Monday in January , and said fliccra shall hold their respective flicos ono year from that day , and until tholr successors are elected. Second The board of trustees shall noot monthly on the second Tuesday n each month at four o'clock in the .ftornoon , und special meetings may > o hold when doomed necessary on the all of the president or three trustees. Third -It shall bo the duty of the ( resident to preside at all meetings of bo board , to sign all orders on the reasnrer for the payment of money , 0 call special meetings of the board when ho dooms necessary , to appoint II committees unless otherwise order- d , and to have a general sopervi- ion ot the affilrs of the corporation. n his absence a temporary chairman may be elootod by the trustees. Fourth -The secretary shall keep B coord of the proceeding * of the board raw and sign all orders for money n thu treasurer , notify all meetings f the commltl'eo , and perform all thor datlt's appertaining to his office r which may bo devolved upon1 him > y the board of trustees. Fifth The treasurer shall , bofdro nterlng upon the duties of his oflico , ; lve bond to the board of trustees in uch sums as the board may from time 3 tlrno' diroot for the faithful dls- hargo of the duties of his office. It tiall bo his duty to take charge of nil nonoys belonging to the corporation com whatever aonrco derived , to keep correct account of the name , to pay nem out only upon the written order f the president and occretary. He ball keep his books open to the in < pectlonof the finance committee , and ball make a full report to the board n the - day of - , in eaol oar. Sixth The order of business at the tatod meetings of the board shall bi 1 follows : 1 Reading proceedings of las' mooting. 2 Reports from committees. 3 11 sports 'from superintendent and other officer * ; 4 Allowance ot bills. G .Uofiolpbod.aud new business. Seventh ' , 'i' roe committees shal > e appolnted-at the beginning of eaol fear , as follows ; pro . charge of al matters blativd to'Hho InCa'tion , ' pur- ohaso arid.irent' l pronnds'bnlldlngs [ rooini , and'fixtarys ' petfalnlhg to thi * ' same. ' ) - A A commltteoion management whiol shall have supervision of the hospital and all persons employed therein am the admission of persons to tbo same subject to snob rules and regulation as may bo established by the board. Eighth The superintendent and al employees shall bo appointed froi time to time by the board which shal 5x their salaried and define their do ties , and delegate such power to an of the committees. Ninth -It shall bo the duty of th Superintendent to takeperaonaloharg of the hospital and care and provld for its inmates subject to such rnle and regulations na may bo establhho by the board , llo shall pay over a money's received by him from inmate or other sources and purchase su [ piles for the hospital , under the dl reotlnns of the committee or inanagi ment. Tenth In the admission of lumatc to the hospital no distinction o nationality , sex or color will bo mudi Those who first apply will bo firs received , , but cases of great need c Buffering will in all oasea have tt preference. Those who have the pri cnnlary ability will ba expected ar required to pay for the aid and cai extended to them as far aa able to d BO , but the destitute and needy wl always be admitted as far aa the meat at the disposal of the trustees wl permit , Eleventh Additional by-laws , ml and regulations , may be adopted b the board of trustees from time < time , and all by-laws may ba amende at any regular meeting of the boari provided notice of such amondmei has boon given at a previous mootlc nd entered on the the books of tt secretary. * Ten years ago the name of Lyd E. Plnkham waa scarcely known on slde of her native state. To-day It a household word all over the oont nont and many who read the soouli and religions journal * be beoos familiar with the face that shines c them with a modest confidence , i which wo road tbo truth that "Not ! Ing 111 can dwell In snob a temple. " For Cortgka ami Thijo , t nsa BROWN'S BBOKOijUt ' . "Have never changed my mind raspeotl ) them from } ba first , exo pt I tbfpk 7 better of that whlah I bagaa by toUbli well of. " AtUairy Ward Buchtr. Bo ! only la box Frioeas. W caat * . &ORGUTT Will open on April 1st an elegant and com plete IT 502 BROADWAY , HFXT TO OFFIOER & PUSH'S ' BANK They will carry a very and will keep a full line ot House Furnisihng Goods. OASADY & ORCUTT , 502 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. NEW GOODS. NEW FIRM ! Nugent & Smith. MERCHANT TAILOR NOB. 7 AND 9 MAIN STREET , FIRST DOOR SOUTH OF AMERI CAN EXPRFSS OFFICE. ALL THE LATEST STYLES. AETISTIO WORKMANSHIP. DIRECTORY. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. 'l ' fi U Hi R C Itl ft JP. OH ' .GENERAL MERCHANDISE. UUnn DEilU < X UUii IB Main Street and 17 Pearl Street. MAX MOHN JORESTON HOUSE. { .Hotol,217&219MolnSt Grocery , 216Majn Street , J. M BABSTOW. M. D. Cor. 5th OFFICE St. and : 5tb Are , [ ID I IT UIUITC OFFICE : Cor. Main and 5th , up-staira , Jil U. P. If nil Ci , Residence , 609 Willow Avenue. | | JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , NQPyR7 ) Office oftor February 15th , over American Express. S. S. WAGNER , for funerals at reasonable rates , No. 22 4th St. J. M. ST. JOHN & GO , GASH BUYERS , Who'csola butter , egcs , poultry acd Irult. Ship to us. Draft by return mall. J40 Broadway. NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE , S. A. PIERCE , Cor. Main and First avenue , \ ; PETHYBRIDCE& HERBERTS. CM ITU CONTR ACTOR. AND BUILDER , Cor. 7th anc CC Oifllilli Broadway. Plana and apeoificUlona fn'rniahedj CUCDMAy In FINE HARNESS I have the varletj WUf OnCllitlnili that brings patrouage. 124 Main street I AM CO CDAUCV MERCHANT TAILOR , Artistio Wori Unlfll-O rUHRtlj and Reasonable Onarges. 872 Broadway Q On 13 FURNITURE , STOVES and OC OUIlj Household Supplies , 303 Broadway ATTORNEYS AT LAW , James Block LINDT & HART , Practices In state and federal courts. Mann'f Fine Farnlturo.UpholBtory good ( Curtains and Window Shades , 309.B way. f ) D C D y C UnClf'a/P. ' On Hides , Pelt * , Tallow and Grease U lit II sit ) nUulUlV < X UUs | Ohlo go&15N Main St. 0. Blnff O A M IT A D111 & 1 And bath house , 421 aud 423 Broadway. L. Sov OANIIAmUM orelgn , Prop. , P.J.Montgomery , M. D. , Phy I A Ml D BOOT AND SHOE SHOP , No. 522 , A l nlflD | Cor. Broadway and Soott streets Uf ARC PADV VETERINARY SURGEON , Office VlMllCi llHtlTy Bray's atable , No. 12 Scott street I CI AMR BROOKLYN MARKET , LtLAIlU ; Cor. E'ghth ' and Broadway j UJCIiyCOCV Mannf of HORSE COLLARS , Trade sup Us II UN N COOT | plied , 8th St. , between Gth und 7th Avenno SMITH & NORTON , Broadway , opp. Opera House. Refuted. $1 , 81.60 per day I MA linC I FURNITURE , STOVES , and GENERA ] A Ui mMKULL , HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES , 325 Broadway nr OA\I D HACOCI CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS UL UAY Ot UnuOtL , Corner Sixth and Haskell streets Our New ixxvu BUU improvement.Oo Investigation Into the matter .con vinces us that ono of the most equita ble , reasonable and feasible plans of building houses is that proposed and In operation by the Mercantile Loan , Trust and Improvement company of ihla city. By lnvr lcg In shares In this Institution , which la backed by some of our boat and most reliable business men , It beconrs possible and comparatively easy for a man of mod erate moans to secure a comfortable homo for himself and family. In tak ing a certain number of shares , at a certain monthly payment , In a few years a man can own a house of his pwn for about the sams as ho pays monthly for rent. We bellovo the Mercantile Loan and Trust company , by organising and opening up for business , having filled a long felt want In Council Bluff * . Tholr plaua and system of loans will boar the most careful scrutiny and exam ination , and we have no hesitancy In pronouncing them rwinonsblo sad equitable , and backed by gentlemen of honor and Integrity. As the com pany exists It becomes at once an In stitution of value and credit to our city and those who deslro homes. Their president Is T. A. Klrkland , vice president , Judge P * Ve ; .sec retary , L RBwryj twarorw , CoL Beebe. and their office U In the hue- ' ' * ' . new block , cornwt Tim P ulitre i. 1 n2T-ly COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIA1 NOTICES. NOTICE. flp cl l kdrertlsemtnts , sue Lost , found , To IiOan , For Salt , To Ren Wants , Uo rdlnjr-eta , will bo Inserted In th column at the ow rate ol TEN CENTS PR LINE for the first Insertion and FIVE CEN1 PER LINK for uch subsequent Insertlo Learo adr citliements at our office , No. Pearl Street , near Broadway. Wanta. Board aid rrom tor wife and l' ( WANTED am on tbe road Addrcei , w'.l particulars , ' 'Board " Dm Office. W nts a situation In a wholes , APOKTKB AddreisO. U. , U office , Count Ulufli- MASON by trulf , and wllllnfr to work i 4 almott anything , Is seeking a job Addrc ison , " this office. ITTANTED Situation by baker ol 10 yea YY experience. Call or address Omaha hou > Umana Nebnuka. 430-1'JK - / L Council Blnlfs I to taktTni Dim , 40 cents per week , d UTtred by carrier * . Office , No T Pearl Btiee near BroMway. For Sole ana Bent mo KEHT-From April 1st , k pleasantly la L clthed suit ol rooini , ta gentlemen. 7 : Vrst Avenue , BtWlnpacJtagKM a hundred at t a package M'Tn BM'oaoMo. ' t Pea HANAN & REDDISH Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. , 412 Bryadway , Council Bluffs , \TnTOA West Sldo Square , Clorinda JIUWA < DUQUETTE , GUIBERT & CO. , ( Successors to ERB St DUQUETTE ) , B 16 and 18 Pearl-st. , Council BluTs , la. B. S. COLE & CO. , MANOTAOTUnEIlS.ANn.DEALERS IN ALL THE MOST IMPROVED KINDS OF LIGHTNING RODS & ORNAMENTS. Also WooJ and I'nnpTJMPSi Wood Tubing a d On Pipe and Pumn/ixturcn. for both Wood and Iron Pumps , Order , will recclvo prompt attention. No. CO * H > nth Main Street. COUNCIL- BLUFFS , IOWA. 115-eod-tSl Broadway Steam Laundry ! WEST-BllOAUWAY , A. O. LARSON , - - Proprietor. LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY. ra. y. LE ABSTRACT 0 FFIGE. J.VCT. . SlOTTXJECEi teCJO. : , a n d s and Lots Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS. OUHCIL BLUFFS M. T. DAVIS , President. N. B. EASTON , Secy. J , 0. HOFFMAN , Vice Prea. 0. HULBURT , Adjuster. MUTUAL IOWA STOCK INSURANCE CO. Insures Live Ftook Against Loss by THEFT OR DEATH. Offlop , 1O3 Pearl Btreot , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. i1 * The only company in Iowa that will Insure year stock agalnnt loco from any cause whatever. 'Owners ot Stotkuill consult their own tntcroit If , when insuringtheir Stock , tney an- that the policy IrcluJea All I the losses they may have , nd be sa'tsfica with nothing less. For further Informatltn call on or address - - - - nfflce , No 9 Main Street. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , THE LEADING DEALER IN 337 Broadway , Oounoil Bluffs , ' Iowa. DEVOL & WRIGHT , HARDWARE STOVES , TINWARE 504 Broadway , 12 and 14 Main Street , - * , ' . COUNCIL BLUFFS. STOCK COMPLETE. PRICES LOW. We noHctt your patronape and will make It pay ynu to trnde with UP. Mall orders a pppcUlty. Prompt attention and elope prices. For Engines , Boilera , OantiQCB , Repairs and MACHINERY. Fend Orflera to JOHN , Manufacturer , Corner Street and 8th Avenue , Council Bluff ) . I'lomp" attention to orJers. The i Wfltkmonthlp nd Hea nnable chartea _ ( eb 10 Highly-Biotl Trotting Stallions , Owned by Dr. 0. W. Archibald. 1883 SEASON 1883 NORMOHT Dark' chestnut horse. 15 haVdshlgb7"ealed IffB : hied by Ocn.W.T- Withers , LexInRtonKy f by Almont , dam Norman - man Maid by Alexander's Norman , the sir * ot Lulu , record 2JB ; Almont by Alexander's Abdal- lah , sir * ol Ooldsmi'h ' Maid , r cord 2:11. : Al mont his sired 50 hones with records 11 * 30 and better , and 3 with records In 2:20 and b. tUr. GIJSN'WOOD Ihestnutiorrel horse. 15 hanashTgh , loaUdlSTC , bred by Pliny Nicholas , Esq. , West Liberty. Iowa , by Wipsle , dam a flno K' mucky bred Glenwood Is a large powerful - erful horse , weighs 1,160 p-.unds , hai great iityla . g and speed , and his proven hlnuoll a moa , excel. ' Thcsa hones possess rare Individual excellence , T nd choice brcoJlnjr. Ihcso highly bred stal. 1031 will make the tprln ? season ot 1683 at the Oounoil Bluffs Driving Park At S35 Eaoli , to Ininro. ' For further Information apply to SAMUEL OOLBU11N , Trainer , Council Blnils Driving 1'srk. mnrI3-dlm EDWIN J. ABBOH. Justice ot the Peace and Notary Public. MBBroadway , Council Bluffs. S. E. MAXON , A. xc ci Ottt OODNOIL BLTJIT8 , Iowa. MORGAN , KELLER & 00. , The ttncst quality and Unrest stock west ol Chicago ol V * ooden and Metallc Cases. Calls at tended to tt all hours. We iltlv competition n quality ol roods or prices. Our' ' Mr .Morgan has serroa as uDQertaker lor forty jmrs and thor oughly uooontand * his buamoes. Warerooms , 311 Broadway. UPHOLUTERI'NQ In all Its branches Dromotly attended toalso carpet-la log ana laniorequlns. I'dcgraphlo auti uia or ders filled without delay. MBS , E , J , EAEDINO , H , D , , Medical Electrician AND GYNECOLOGIST. Oradaate ol Electropathlo Inatltutlon , Fhlla delphia , Fenna. Office Oor , Broadway & Olonn Avo. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment ol all dlu > * $ t-i p.lsfai acuities peculiar to lemalea a spedaliy raos. ornoM. . B. it. rosir. OfflCEEr & FUSE , OMs , k " Established , . - - 1866 Dtaltrs In'rorelca tad Domtstls KitsA " 4 boas KcQriUs * .